Question and Answer

September 3, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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Part A and Part A2 Candi Ca ndidates dates are requi required red to ti tick, ck, or o r otherwi otherwise se indi ndicate, cate, the corrective corrective answer in the the section provi pro vided ded.. Th There ere is onl only y one correct answer answer for each question. question. 1 

App lying Apply ing prehea p reheatt when welding welding carb c arbon on mang manganese anese stee steell is normal normally ly do done ne to avoid: a)  Slag inclusions  b)  Hydrogen cracking c)  Lack of side sidewall wall fu fusion sion d)  Porosity


Which of foll Which ollow owin ing g mechanica echanicall prop properti erties es of a wel weld d in carbo carbon n mangane s e steell is most aff stee a ffecte ected d if the heat input input pe perr uni unitt leng length th of weld is is exces excessive sive l y high? a)  b)   c)  d) 


You obse observe rve centerl centerline ine crackin cra cking g a wel weld d that as bee been n made one of five work stations eac each h mak akin ing g sim similar ilar co components. mponents. The first first action a ction to tak takee is: a)   b)  c)  d) 


Impound al a ll weldin welding g co consum nsumab ables les Report Repo rt the oc occurrence currence to hi high gh authority Stop Sto p all all wel we lding Call Ca ll for fu full ll N DT chec checks ks

Which of the fol Which followin lowing g defects is unl unliike ly to be foun found d by vi visua suall in inspe spect ctio io n.   a)   b)  c)  d) 


Elongation Tensile strength Hardness Toughness

Linear misalignment Undercut Overlap Linear slag inclusion

Which of the fol Which followin lowing g weldi welding ng pro proces cesses ses uses a resisitive heating syste m to ac achi hieve eve weld metal metal de depo positi sition. on. a)   b)  c)  d) 

Manual metal arc welding Submerged-arc welding Electro slag welding Resistance spo spott welding Page 1 of 32



Which Whi ch of the fol folllow owing ing units units co coul uld d Charp Charpy y V notch energy be mea easured sured in in ? a)   b)  c)  d) 


The usual method of asse assessin ssing g the the sensitivit sensitivity y of rad radiiograp ograph h is by means of a: a)   b)  c)  d) 


Bend test Macro examination Impact tests Fracture tests

Hydrogen controll controlled ed electrod electrodes es were developed prin principally cipally for: a)   b)  c)  d) 


Mandatory Depend upon site and weather conditions Dependent upon upo n the contractor’s conf co nfiidenc dencee in hi his proced p rocedures ures   Only required required when CO2 C O2 wel welding ding is to be used.

Which of the foll Which follow owin ing g de destructive structive tests is not normally req requi uired red for welde welderr appro ap proval val test for m miild stee steell? a)   b)  c)  d) 


Dosimeter Fluoroscope IQI ( Penetrameter) Clinometer

Under norm normal al contract conditi conditions, ons, weld weld proce procedure dure app approval roval tests for pipe work are: a)   b)  c)  d) 


Pounds per square inch Joules  Newtonss per square  Newton square mill llime imeter ter  None of the the above

The pre preventi vention on of po porosity rosity The pre preventi vention on of crac cracking king The enhance enhancement ment of arc voltage Theirr eas Thei easee of arc starting starting

Forr whi Fo which ch of the fol followin lowin g is is pre pre-- heating most li likel kely y to be req requi uired red?? a)   b)  c)  d) 

Austenitic stainless steels High strength alloy steels Low and medium strength steels st eels Low carbon steels

Page 2 of 32



Manual metal arc welding of low all alloy oy steels is more likely to be pe performe rformed d with: a)   b)  c)  d) 


which of the fol which followin lowing g defects de fects is more co com mmon to weld de depo posited sited by the CO-2 CO -2 wel weldin ding g proce process ss than than weld deposited by manual manual metal arc? a)   b)  c)  d) 


Weld metal cracks HAZ cracks Lamellar tearing Porosity

Which of themeta follow foll like kely ly to gi give ve the hi highest ghest impact impac t stre strength ngth in ferritic ferri tic weld metal lowing ? ing is li a)   b)  c)  d) 


Under cut Porosity Tungsten inclusions Linear misalignment

Which of the fol Which folllow owing ing can ca n arise from co copp pper er inclu ncluss io ns is a ferri ferrite te stee st eell weld? a)   b)  c)  d) 


Slag inclusion Excess penetration Lack of side fusion Tungsten inclusions

Which defect woul Which would d you you expect to obtain in TIG wel welds ds in in non-d non-deoxi eoxid d iz izee d steel? a)   b)  c)  d) 


Rutile electrodes Cellulosic Electrodes Iron powder electrodes Basic hydrogen controlled electrodes

Cellulosic electrodes Submerged arc wi with th acid flux flux Spray transfer Co-2-welding Basicc coa Basi coated ted norm normal al metal arc electrod electrodes es

Which of the fol Which followin lowing g methods method s of NDT would be most likely to de detec tectt lack of side fusion fusion in ferritic ste steel el welds welds?? Page 3 of 32


a)   b)  c)  d)  18

Penetrants Magnetic particles Radiography Ultrasonic flaw detector

You suspected that ferrit erritiic steel ste el plates, whi which ch have been edge, prep prepared ared contain crack c rack in the prepared prepa red edges. Whi Which ch NDT method method woul would d you use use to check this? a)   b)  c)  d) 


Which of the foll Which ollow owing ing defects do you not expect to find by visua l examiinat exam natiio n of compl completed eted wel welds? ds? a)   b)  c)  d) 


In improv proving ing resistan resistance ce to stress corrosion crack crackiing In dim dimens ensiio na nall stab stabiili litt y after a fter machining im impro provin ving g In lowering the peak residual stres stresss In softening the stee steell

What is the maxi maximum mum hardness usually usually recomm reco mmende ended d for the HAZ of a medium strength ferritic steel weld? a)   b)  c)  d) 


Linear slag inclusions Under cuts Overlap Linear misalignment

Stress Stre ss reli relief ef is not helpf helpful ul in one of the fol followin lowing g cases. cas es. Whi Which ch one? a)   b)  c)  d) 


Radiography Magnetic particle Penetrants Ultrasonic flaw detector

100 DP Hv 350 DP HV 500 DP Hv 750 DP Hv

What eff effect ect to midthi idthick ck ess lamina laminatt io n in stee steell plate normaly have when the they y are loc located ated with within in a weld HAZ? a)   b)  c)  d) 

Ca use lamellar tear Cause teariing Fuse together to form a bond Affect the weld metal composition Cause Ca use interna nternall tea tearin ring g on o n a mi micro cro-- sca scale le

Page 4 of 32



When hydrogen co control ntrol is spe specif cified ied for for a manu manual al metal arc arc-- weldin welding g project projec t the electro electrode de would would normally be be:: a)   b)  c)  d) 


You would wi with th cer certainty tainty rec recognize ognize a hydrogen contro controllled fl flux ux co covered vered electrode from its: a)   b)  c)  d) 


It is The The The

too expensive wire would would be too thick thick weld metal compos weld c omposiition may be wrong wire is too short

When op open en site work workiing, serious porosity poro sity in manu manual al meta metall arc weldi welding ng is  brough  brou ghtt to your your att atten enti tion. on. Wh What at woul would you inv nvestig estigate? ate? a)   b)  c)  d) 


Concrete shuttering welding team Pipe welders Plater welders Plant maintenance welders

You noticed manual manual metal arc welding electro electrode des, s, stripe stripe of fl flux, ux, are be being ing used as fi fill llee r wi wire, re, for TIG welding welding.. You would would ob objec jectt be beca cause: use: a)   b)  c)  d) 


Color Length Trade name AWS/BS639 Code Letter

When manual meta metall arc welding is is be beiing car carried ried out on an op open en constructi co nstructio o n site, whi which groups of welder are most li like kely ly to require requir e continuous monitoring? a)   b)  c)  d) 


Cellulosic Iron oxide Acid Basic

Electrode type Power plant type Electrode storage Day temperature

Thee steel compositi Th compositio o n in in structu structura rall contract is chang changed ed form 0.1 0.15% 5% carbo carbon, n, 0.6 % mangan 0.6% anganese, ese, to 0.2 0.2% % carbo carbon, n, 1.2% mangan anganese. ese. Mi Migh ghtt thi thiss inf nflue lue nc ncee the in incide cidence nce of: Page 5 of 32


a)   b)  c)  d)  29


One of the fol followin lowing g all alloys oys is nonnon-magn magnet etic, ic, Which? Which? a)  4.0% 4.0 % Chromi Chromium um moly olybde bdenum num  b)  12.0% Chromium c)  Austenitic Stainless Steel d)  9.0% Nickel Steel When the TIG wel welding ding Austen Austeniitic Stai S tainl nless ess Steel pipe. Argon gas bac backing king is called for. This is to: a)   b)  c)  d) 



Scattered porosity Worm hole porosity Parent metal cracking Lack of penetration

IN UK practice, BS BS 499 Part2 spec speciifies that the drawin drawing g dimensi dimensio o n quoted for a fi fillet llet weld is the: a) 

Leg length

 b) c) 

Actual throat thickness Weld width

Fo r op For open en site manual metal metal arc welding the the foll follow owing ing equi eq uipment pment is availab avail able. le. Whi Which ch would you choose for safe workin work ing? g? a)   b)  c)  d) 


Prevent oxidation Prevent under bead cracking Prevent porosity Control Co ntrol the penetration bead shape

Pre - heating a car Precarbo bon n stee steell manu manual al meta metall arc weldin welding g is car carried ried out to minimize mi nimize the risk risk of a)   b)  c)  d) 


Porosity Crack Cr ackin ing g in the weld weld area Under cut c ut for for fi fillet welds Lack of root fusi fusion on defects

Singlee ope Singl operator rator transf transformer ormer Multi Mul ti ope operator rator transform transformee rs AC/DC composite power uni unit Diesel engine driven motor generator

If submerged weldi we lding ng to be used to make butt welds, whi which ch would you be most critica criticall of: of: a) 

The root gap tolerance Page 6 of 32


 b)  c)  d)  35


During Duri ng COCO - 2 weldin welding, g, the arc leng length th is most li likel kely y to be aff affect ected ed by: b y: a) 

The wire diameter

 b)  c)  d) 

The current return connections The gas fl flow ow rate The torch to work angle

Pre heating for arc weldin welding g app appllies to: a)   b)  c)  d) 



The weld coul co uld d be hard hard and brittle brittle The weld meta metall could be too soft There will will be no no effect effect on the the weld The weld have under cut

A wel welder der qual qualiifica fication tion test is o veri veriffy: a)   b) 

The skill of the welde welderr The quality quality of the materials

c)  d)

The non-destructive procedures The manuf anufact actur uring ing methods

A fabricating proce procedure dure call callss for fi fillet wel welds ds to be blen blended ded in in by gri grindi ndin n g. This is to influence: a)   b)  c)  d) 


Assembly welding only Assembly and tack welding welding Joint over o ver 25 mm mm thi thick only Crucif Cr ucifor orm m wel we lds only only

You see a welder usi using ng oxy-ace oxy- acetyl tylee ne flame flame with with along feathered inn innee r cone. What would be the effect of this on carbon steel? a)   b)  c)  d) 


The angle angle of pe penetration netration The root face width The gas cut finish

HAZ cracking Fatigue life Residual stresses Yield strength

Bend test spec speciimens have bee been n taken from a 25 mm thi thick ck carbon carbo n steel butt weld. Which woul wo uld d show lac lack k of internter-run run fu fusion: sion: a) 

Side bend Page 7 of 32


 b)  c)  d)  40

Lamellaa r tearing Lamell tearing has has been occurred in steel fabricati abricatio o n. BEFORE weld welding ing could it have been found by: a)   b)  c)  d) 


Permit it to proc Permit proceed eed Permi Pe rmitt it to pro procee ceed d with with fume fume extrac extraction tion Stop the operation at once Advise the welde welderr to drink milk milk and a nd pro procee ceed d

What two fu functions nctions in arc weldi welding ng must must be in eq equi uillibri ibrium um to enab enable le a stab stable le arc to be established? a)   b)  c)  d) 


X-ray examination Dye penetrant Ultrasonic inspection It would not have have been be en found found by any inspec inspection tion method

You are to over see arc weldi welding ng of some mac achi hine ne fitting fittingss and fi find nd they are cadmi cad mium um plated plated.. What you: a)   b)  c)  d) 


Root bend Face bend Guided bend

Arc voltage Current Wire/electrode feed rate Metall burnMeta burn-off off rate

In MMA wel welding, ding, what parameter is is used for the control penetration int into o the base material? a)   b)  c)  d) 


Voltage Welding speed Iron powders in the coating Current

In the weldi welding ng of o f butt joint from one side, whi which ch of the fol followin lowing g contro c ontrols ls the profil profile of the the root bead? bead ? a)   b) 

Root Face Bevel Angle Page 8 of 32


c)  d)  45

What type of power source characteristic is requi required red for manual weldi welding? ng? a)   b)  c)  d) 



Cause corrosion Problems Give off Phosgene Gas Leave Residues All of the Above

Which of the followin Which following g chemi chemica call elements elements has the greate greaterr eff effect ect on the harden harde n abi ab ili lity ty of a steel stee l plate? a)   b)  c) 

Molybdenum Chromium Titanium



In MAG/C MAG/CO2 O2 weldi welding, ng, which pa parameters rameters gi give ve the greate greatest st co control ntrol of weld appearance app earance during during dip transf transfers ers or shortshort-circu circuiting iting wel welding? ding? a)   b)  c)  d) 


Macro  Nick  Ni ck break Hardness Charpy vee notch

Degrea sing co Degreasing components mponents are esse essenti ntial al for q ual uality ity welding but some agen agentt s may: a)   b)  c)  d) 


Constant voltage Flat Characteristic Drooping Characteristic Motor Generator

Which of the fol Which folllow owii ng destructive tests would in indicate dicate the toughn toughness ess of of weld metal/pare metal/parent nt metal  –  HAZ.  HAZ. a)   b)  c)  d) 


Root Gap One of the above

Wire sick-out length Amperage Wire feed speed Inductance

In MMA wel welding, ding, the sl slag ag produced can be vari varied ed to sui suitt the the weld welding ing  positi  posi tion on;; wh whiich ty type pe of sl slag ag wou woulld be requ requiired for wel weldi ding ng in th thee HV  positi  posi tion on?? a) 

Fluid Page 9 of 32


 b)  c)  d)  51


The weld metal de depo posits sits of manu manual al metal arc electro electrode de achieves achieves itit s mechanical strength through? a)  The core wire  b)  The flu flux x co coating ating c)  Iron powde po wderr wi with th the flux flux coa c oati ting ng What consti constituent tuent is needed in coa coati ting ng of electrode of an electrode to preve prevent nt formatio form ation n of po porosity rosity in welding of rim rimming ming stee steel? l? a)   b)  c)  d) 



Ductility Toughness Fatigue strength Mechanical strength

In the weldin welding g of Austeni Austenitic tic pipe work work,, the bo borer rer is usual usually ly purged with with Ar to? a)   b)  c) 

Pre vent form Prevent formatio ation n of po porosity rosity in the the weld Prevent Pre vent burn-through burn-thro ugh in the roo roott run Prevent oxidation oxidation of tthe he rood bead


Eliimi El minate nate the form formatio ation n of H2

In X-ray the qual qualiity of the radiograph negati negative ve is assessed by the? a)   b)  c)  d) 


Iron powder Calcium fluoride Silicon Calcium carbonate

Welds made wi with th high high heat in inputs puts show a red reduction uction in in one of the fol follow low i n g  propertiies?  propert a)   b)  c)  d) 


Viscous  None of the the above Semi fluid

Density of the Film Density IQI indi ndicator cator KVA available Stand-off distance

A stee steell de described scribed,, as QT wi will ll have improved tensile tensile proper pro perties ties it has? a) 

Had control of chemi chemica call co compositi mpositio on

 b)  c) 

Been heat treated Been quali quality ty tested te sted Page 10 of 32


d)  57

Which one o the fol Which followi lowing ng steels ste els would giv givee rise to the form formatio ation n of  porosity  porosi ty wh when en aut autoge ogenou nousl sly y wel welded ded wi with th an arc process? a)   b)  c)  d) 



Hydrogen control is needed Iron powder in the electrode High Hi gher er arc voltage voltage can be obtained Shorter arc a rc lengt length h can be achi achieved eved

In the weldi welding ng of Austeni Austenitic tic stain sta inless less steels, stee ls, the electro electrode de and plate mate materr ia iall can be purchas purchased ed with low ca carbo rbon n contents. The reason reaso n for thi thiss is to  preven  prev ent? t? a)   b) 

Cr ackin Crack ing g I the HAZ The form formatio ation n of chromium car carbides bides

c)  d) 

Cr ackin Crack ing g in the weld metal Distortion

Submerged Submerg ed arc flux uxee s can c an be suppli supplied ed in two forms; thses are? a)   b)  c)  d) 


Insufficient flux melting Excessive flux melting Slag removal dif difficu ficulties lties Spatter

The use of cell cellulos ulosiic electro electrode de is is often made when welding the the roo roott pa pass ss of  pipes  pi pes in th thee fiel eld. d. Th Thiis is because? a)   b)  c)  d) 


Fully killed steel Semi killed steel Rimming steel Fine grained steel

In submerged arc weldi welding, ng, the use of exce excessiv ssivee ly high high voltage would resu result lt in? a)   b)  c)  d) 


Been vac vacuum uum melted melted

Sintered and agitated Agitate Agi tated d and fu fused sed Crushed and agglomerated Fused and agglomerated

In a steel, whi which ch has has improved creep cree p prop properti erties es at elev elevated ated temperature temperatur e , which whi ch one of the fol followin lowing g elem elements ents hel helps ps in thi this impro improveme vement? nt? a)   b) 

Tungsten Manganese Page 11 of 32


c)  d)  63

Welding Weldi ng a steel plate of CE of 0.4 0.45 5 woul would d require require preheating preheating to? to ? a)   b)  c)  d) 



the the

“keyholin “keyhol in g ”  

Friction welding Diffusion bonding Electron beam welding Autogenous TIG welding

Liquid state Solid state Plastic state Elastic state

Have poor profile Have larger grain size Have high high hardness in the HAZ Have low low elongati elongatio o n prop properti erties es

In a tensil tensilee test, a brittl brittlee material would would be indicated if the fracture surface surfac e ? a)   b)  c)  d) 


processes proce sses

Welding procedures Welding proc edures may requi require re welds welds to be dep deposited osited at a controll controlled ed rate heat input. High heat inputs would? a)   b)  c)  d) 


follow foll owin ing g

In fri frictio ction n welding, welding, is the metal at the in interface terface in the? a)   b)  c)  d) 


Pre vent the form Prevent format ation ion of sul sulphides phides Prevent Pre vent hardeni harde ning ng in the HAZ Prevent the formation formation of carb carbiides To im impro prove ve mec echani hanicc a l pro prope perties rties in in the weld

Which Which of the system of fusion? a)   b)  c)  d) 


Molybdenum Carbon

Shows reduction in size Is flat and featureless Breaks in the weld metal Breaks in the parent material

What destructive test woul would d be requi required red to ascertain the the likelihood of crack cra ckiing in the HAZ of a weld? a)   b) 

 Nick break  Nick Side bend test

c)  d) 

Charpy input Macro test Page 12 of 32



In subm submerged erged arc wel welding ding,, excessive excessive arc vol voltage tage may cause? a)   b)  c)  d) 


The Bri British tish co code de for vi visua suall inspec nspection tion req requi uireme rements nts is: is: a)   b)  c)  d) 


Excessive roo roott face width Excessive roo roott gap siz sizee Low current setting Both A & C

Incomplete roo roott fu fusion sion weld ce certainly rtainly be cause caused d by: a)  b)   c)  d) 


Before, durin during g and a nd after welding welding activi activiti ties es Before welding activities only After welding activities only  None of the the above

Incomplete penetration pe netration in in a butt joint co coul uld d be cause caused d by: a)   b)  c)  d) 


BS4872 BS499 BS4870  None of the the above

A co code de of pra practice ctice for vi visua suall in inspe spection ction should should cover the fol folllow owin ing: g: a)   b)  c)  d) 


Excessive penetration Change in weld metal composition  Narrow weld weld wi width dth Excessive be bead ad pro profi fille

Linear misalignment Incorrect tilt angle Differi Dif fering ng roo roott face widths widths All of the above

When vi visually sually inspe inspectin cting g a co compl mplete eted d singl singlee vee butt weld cap you wou would ld certainly assess: a)   b)  c) 

Cap height Toe blend Weld width


A, B & C Page 13 of 32



You notice notice a very “veed “veed”” ripple shape. shap e. This This is most likely likely ca caused used by: b y:   a)   b)  c)  d) 


“Toe blending” is important important as it may aff a ffec ect: t:   a)   b)  c)  d) 


Poo r consum Poor consumab ablle choi choice ce Welding position Excessive travel speed All of the above

Corrosion Fatigue life Overlap type defects All of the above

Slag in inclus clusiio n would oc occur cur wi with: th: a)   b)  c) 

Manual metal arc Metal inert gas Submerged Submerg ed arc welding welding



d) Both A & C Undercut prin principally cipally caused by: a)   b)  c)  d) 



amps volts travel speed above

Undercut norm normally ally assesse assessed d by: a)   b) 

Its depth Its length

c)  d) 

Its blending All of the above

A weldin welding g pro proced cedure ure is usefu usefull to: a)   b)  c)  d) 


Excessive Excessive Excessive All of the

Give infor Give informatio matio n to the welde welderr Givee infor Giv informatio matio n to the in inspe spector ctor Give Gi ve “Conf “Co nfiide dence nce”” to a prod product uct   All of the above

An esse essenti ntial al variable may: Page 14 of 32


a)   b)  c)  d)  82

A magnifyin agnifying g glass may be used durin during g visual visual inspec inspection tion but BS 52 5289 89 state statess that its magn magnifica ifica tio tion n shoul should d be be:: a)   b)  c)  d) 


a)   b)  c) 

The leg lengths The actual throat thickness The design throat thickness


Both A & C

The planar de defect fect is: a)   b)  c)  d) 



Up to 5    2 –  2.5  2.5    5 –  10  10     None of the the above

When vi visuall sually y inspec nspecting ting a fi filllet weld, it it would would normally no rmally be “si “sized” zed” by: by:  



Change the properties of the weld Influence the visual acceptability Require Requi re rere-app approval roval of a wel weld d procedure pro cedure All of the above

Incomplete fusion defects Slag inclusion Incomplete penetration Both A & C

Penetrant and Magneti Magneticc particle particle inspection are mainly used to: a)   b) 

Aid vi visual sual inspectio inspe ction n Because application application standard says sa ys so

c)  d) 

To co conf nfiirm “visua “visuall uncertaint uncertaintiie s ”  All of the above

Defects outside of the limi imits ts specifi sp ecified ed in a standa standard rd shoul should d always be be:: a)   b)  c)  d) 

Repaired Reported to “a senior person”  person”  Assessed along with other defects All of the above

Page 15 of 32



MIG welding tends to be susce susceptible ptible to lac ack k of fu fusion sion problems. pro blems. Thi Thiss is  because  becau se of of:: a)   b)  c)  d) 


Manual metal arc electrodes can be grouped into three main types. Th Thse sess are: a)   b)  c)  d) 



Poor access

 b) c)  d) 

Loss of gas shield  “Dirty” materials materials  All of the above

“Weave techni te chnique que”” may gi give ve rise to: to:   a)   b)  c)  d) 


Better profiles Improved toe blending Improved ripple shape All of the above

Cracks Crac ks in wel welds ds may be due to: a)  b)   c)  d) 


Basic cel ce llu lulosic losic and ruti rutile le  Neutral  Neut ral cel celllul ulosic osic and ruti rutille Basic cel ce llu lulosic losic and neutral  None of the the above

The mai main n cause causess of po porosity rosity in welded joints are are::



Poo r main Poor ainte tenance nance of equi equipment pment Incorrect setting Poor Po or in inter ter run cleaning cleaning All of the above

Solidification problems Hydrogen problems Excessive stresses All of the above

With Wi th reference to a root penetration bead, you coul could d certainly certainly assess: a)   b)  c)  d) 

Roo t fu Root fusion sion and pe penetration netration Root concavity Burn-through All of the above Page 16 of 32



A fati fatigue gue fail failure charac c haracteristic teristic by the ap appe pearanc arancee of the fracture surface. It would be: a)  Rough and a nd torn  b)  “Cheveron” –  like  like c)  Smooth d)   None of the the above


“Stray arcing a rcing”” may be regard regarded ed as a serious defect. d efect. Thi Thiss is because: beca use:   a)   b)  c)  d) 


Overllap in welds could be in Over influ fluee nce nced d by: a)   b)  c) 

Po or welding technique Poor Welding process Welding position


All of t he above abo ve



Flame cut pre prepar parations ations may, durin during g weldi welding, ng, increa increase se the likelihood of: o f: a)   b)  c)  d) 


It may red reduce uce the thickne thickness ss dim dimens ensiio n of a co component mponent It may cause liliquatio quation n crack crackss It may cause hard zones All of the above

Cracking Misalignment problems Inclusions All of the above

Macroscop Macros copiic exam examiinatio nation n requi requires res any spec speciimen to be inspected nspected:: a)   b) 

Once, after etching Twice, before and after etching

c)  d) 

Using Usin g a mi micro crosco scope pe  None of the the above


Which Whi ch of the foll follow owing ing may be classes as a “m “more ore serious de defect”: fect”:  


a)  Slag inclusions  b)  Fusion defects (interun) c)  Fusion defects (surface) Code Co de of practice is: a)   b)  c)  d) 

A standard standard for workmanship workmanship onl only y A set of rul rules for manuf anufaa ct cturi uring ng a specif specifiic prod product uct Levels of acc accep eptab tabiility of a weldment  None of the the above Page 17 of 32



Movement of the arc by magn magnetic etic forces inin-MMA MMA welding is is termed: a)   b)  c)  d) 

100 10 0

A metallu metallurr gic gicaa l pro problem blem most asso associated ciated with with submerged arc weldin welding g is: is: a)   b)  c)  d) 

101 10 1

a)   b)  c) 

The temperature required for cut initiation The ability ability to cut stain stainlless stee steells The depth of cut obtainable


 None of the the above

Thee main uses of arc cutti Th cutting/go ng/gougi uging ng proce processes sses is in: a)   b)  c) 

103 10 3

Hydrogen cracking in HAZ Soli So lidifica dificatio tion n cra crack ckiing in the weld meta metall Hydrogen cracking in the weld metal Lamellaa r tea Lamell tearing ring in in the weld meta metall

Oxy pre pressure ssure and nozzl nozzlee siz sizee would would inf influe luence nce what in fl flame ame cutting cutting::



Arc deviation Arc misalignment Arc blow Arc eye

The cutting cutting of sin singl glee be bevel vel pre prepar parations ations The removal removal of o f de depo posited sited welds welds The cutting cutting of sin singl glee UU-type type pre prepa parations rations

Which Whi ch of the fol folllow owing ing processe proc essess joins metal metalss plasticall plastically: y: a)   b)  c) 

Friction welding Resistance welding Plasma welding


All of the above


Which Whi ch electrod electrodee classi classificat ficatio ion n would would be relev relevant ant AWS AWS A 5.1 -8 -81: 1:

105 10 5

a)   b)  c)  d)  Which Whi ch

E 6013 E 5133 E 7018 –  7018 –  G  G Fleet weld 5 of the fol followin lowing g co coating ating is is associated assoc iated with with “Stove” “Sto ve” welding;  welding; 

a)   b)  c)  d) 

Rutile Cellulosic Basic Oxidizing Page 18 of 32


10 106 6

A co com mmon gas mix ixture ture used in MIG weldi welding ng nickel alloys alloys to combine goo good d levels of o f pe penetration netration wi with th good arc stab stabil ility ity would be: a)   b)  c)  d) 

107 10 7

The type of SAW fl flux ux is more resistance to moi moisture sture abs absorp orpti tion: on: a)   b)  c)  d) 

108 10 8

109 10 9

111 11 1

Fused Agglomerated Basic All of about the same resistance

The fl flame ame tempe temperature rature of o f oxy/ace oxy/acetyle tylene ne mixture mixture gas is gi given ven as: a)   b) 

3200  C 3200 2300  C 2300

c)  d) 

5000  C 5000  None of the the above

A large grain structure in stee steels ls is said to pro produce duce:: a)   b)  c)  d) 

110 11 0

100% CO CO   100% argon 80% argon argon 20% CO2 98% argon 2% oxygen oxygen

Low ductility valu values es Low fracture tough to ughness ness valu values es High fracture toughness values High tensile strength

The likelihood of brittl brittlee fracture in in stee steels ls wi will ll in incre crease ase with: with: a) 

A large grain formation

 b)  c)  d) 

A red reduction uction of o f in service service tempera temperature ture to sub zero zero levels Ferriti Fe rriticc rather ra ther than austenitic stee steels ls All of the above

Repaiir weldin Repa welding g is is often more dif diffi ficc ult than tha n pro production duction due to: a)   b)  c)  d) 

The material being ingrained with in-service contaminates Restricted Restri cted acce access ss wi with th the repair area The possible positi p osition on of the weld Any of the above Page 19 of 32


11 112 2

Hydrogen cracking crac king in the weld metal is li like kely ly when: a)   b)  c)  d) 


EN standard 288 28 8 woul would d refer to whi which ch of the foll ollow owin ing: g: a)   b)  c)  d) 


a)   b)  c) 

Entrapp ed sslag Entrapped lag in in the soli solidifyi difying ng weld Entrapped Entrapp ed gas iin n the soli solidif difyin yin g weld Entrapped metallic inclusions in the solidifying weld


 None of the the above

In be bend nd test, the the fac facee of the specimen specimen is in tension and roo roott is in com co mpre pression; ssion; the type of test bein being g carried c arried out woul would d be: b e: a)   b)  c)  d) 

116 11 6

A root bend test A side bend test A face bend test  None of the the above

Ultrasonic Ultraso nic testi tes ting ng is is of ad advantage vantage in in de detecting tecting whi which ch of the fol followin lowing g weld imperfect perfectio ions ns over other other NDT N DT methods: a)  b)   c)  d) 


Welder approval testing Welding equipment Welding Weldi ng proced p rocedure ure app approval roval Consum Co nsumables ables for submerged arc weldi welding ng

Porosi Poro sity ty is caused by:


115 11 5

Ca rbon mangan Carbon anganese ese steels Stainless steels Micro alloyed steels (HSLA) Low carbon steels

Lack of o f side wall wa ll fusion fusion Surface undercut Incompletely filled groove Overlap

The process of tem The tempering pering is often carried out out to regai regain n toughness toughness after which whi ch of o f the foll follow owing ing pro proces cesses: ses: a)   b)  c)  d) 

Annealing  Normal  Norm aliizing Hardening Stress relieving Page 20 of 32


11 118 8

The pre presence sence of iron sulphide sulphide in the weld metal is is most likely to pro produce duce which whi ch of the foll follow owing ing upon contraction contra ction of the weld: a)   b)  c)  d) 

119 11 9

Genera lly the most sui General suitab tablle method of de detect tectiing lack lack of sidewall fusio n would be: a)   b)  c)  d) 



Lamellar tearing

 b) c)  d) 

Solidification cracking Hydrogen cracking  None of the the above

Thee use Th use of cob cobalt alt as an isotop sotopee woul would generally be used on: a)   b)  c)  d) 

122 12 2

Thin materials Tee joints Plate thick thickness ness greate greaterr than 25mm  None of the the above

In weldi welding ng proc p rocedure edure term, a change in in esse essenti ntial al variab variablle means a)  b)   c)  d) 


Ultrasonic MPI Radiography Penetrants

Hot shortness term is used to indi ndicate cate::



Solidification cracking Hydrogen cracking Intergranular corrosion Stress corrosion cracking c racking

Re- qualiifica Re-qual fication tion of the wel weldin ding g proc procedure edure Possible change in the weld’s microstructure  microstructure   Possible Po ssible change in t he mechani mechanica call pro prope perties rties All of the above

Weld sym symbol bol placed on a dotted lin inee in acco accordance rdance wi with th ISO requi requireme reme nt ntss means: a)   b)  c)  d) 

Weld on “arrow” side  side  Weld on “other” “other” side side   Weld on site Full penetration required Page 21 of 32



A weldin welding g inspec nspector’s tor’s mai main n attri attr ibute in inclu clude dess :  a)   b)  c)  d) 


Thee correct term for a join Th jointt prepare p repared d on one component only only is: is: a)   b)  c)  d) 


a)   b)  c) 

A standard A “set of rules” rules” for the manuf anufac actt ure of a pro product duct   Related to welder and weld procedure approval


All of the above

The co correc rrectt term for cap heig height ht is: is: a)   b)  c)  d) 

128 12 8

129 12 9

Reinforcement Cap Ca p profil profile heig height ht Excessive weld metal All of the above

A tensil tensilee test wi willl asse assess ss a)   b) 

Impact values Stress

c)  d) 

Strain Both a) & c)

The important point p oint if hi high gh tempera temperature ture steel ste el is that: a)   b)  c)  d) 

130 13 0

A bevel butt A J butt A “K” butt  butt  All of the above

Techniica Techn cally lly a cod codee of practice is:


127 12 7

Knowledge and experien experience ce Literacy Honesty and integrity All of the above

They can with withstand stand cre creep ep fail failure ure They may may suff suffer er re- heat cra crack ckin ing g prob p roblem lemss They may suffer suffer loss of toughnes toughnesss All of the above

An austenitic stainl stainless ess steel stee l may suf suffer: fer: Page 22 of 32


a)   b)  c)  d)  131

Carbon Carb on equi equival valee nt values values are usef useful ul to determi determine: ne: a)   b)  c)  d) 


Have superi superior or mechanica mechanicall prop properti erties es Require baking before use  Not be used used on o n low low carbon steels steels Both a) and b)

When referring to TIG weldi welding, ng, the shi shield elding ing gas co coul uld d be be:: a)   b)  c)  d) 

134 13 4

Weld ability aspects Crack Crac k sensi sensitivity tivity aspe aspects cts Typical mechanical properties All of the above

A basic electrode woul would d norm normally: ally: a)   b)  c)  d) 

133 13 3

Weld decay Sensitization Solidification cracking All of the above

Argon + Hydro Hydrogen gen Argon Argo n + Helium Helium Argon + Nitrogen All of the above

When referring to MIG weldi welding, ng, the shi shield elding ing gas co coul uld d be be:: a)   b)  c) 

Argon Argon + 1% Oxygen Argon + 20% CO 2  


 None of the the above


Submerged Submerg ed arc uti utilities: lities:


a)  Deep penetration penetration characteristic  b)  High Hig h dep d epositi osition on rate on DC+ c)  Flat (P.A.) (P.A. ) welding only Ultrasonic Ul trasonic would be prefer over radiography due to: a)   b)  c)  d) 


Abilit y to fin Abili find d more defects de fects Lowestt skil Lowes skilll requirem re quiremee nts Abiliit y to de Abil detect tect lami amina natt io ns Both a) and c)

Thee most seriou Th seriouss defects Page 23 of 32


a)   b)  c)  d)  138 13 8

The weldab weldabiilit lity y of a material may be aff affecte ected d by: a)   b)  c)  d) 



Must be appl app lied to welds welds if a crack free weld is requi req uired1 red1 Should never exceed 300 dg C May stress relieve Must always be b e ap appli plied ed usi using ng gas flames flames

Which of the foll Which ollow owing ing wel weldin ding g proc processes esses may may be desc descri ribed bed,, as a lo w hydrogen proc p rocess ess in co comparison mparison wi with th general MMA welding: a)   b)  c)  d)  e) 

141 14 1

Temperature of the component Temperature The C.E. % of the material The elements in the mate material rial All of the above

Post heat treatmen treatment: t: a)   b)  c)  d) 


Planar Cracks Lack of fusion All of the above

TIG MIG MAG  None of the the above All f the above

Which Whi ch form of NDT co coul uld d be used on a fi fillet llet weld on alum aluminu inum? m? a) 

Dye penetrant testing

 b)  c)  d)  e)  f)  g)  

Ultrasonic testing Radiography MPI a, b and c D only All of the above

Which Whi ch of the fol folllow owing ing NDT N DT methods woul would not not detec detectt subsub-surf surface ace defects? d efects? a)   b)  c)  d)  e) 

MPI Dye penetrant testing Ultrasonic testing Radiography Alll of the Al the above would would detec detectt subsub-surf surface ace defects Page 24 of 32


14 143 3

Why have a hi high gh O.C. O. C.V. V. wi with th MMA welding a)   b)  c)  d) 


What is the purpose purpo se of o f a ‘rec ‘rectifi tifier’ er’ in relation relation to welding plant? plant?   a)   b)  c)  d) 



adjust the voltage adjust the amperage convert A.C to D.C. convert prevent arc strikes strikes

a)   b)  c) 

 Not associated associated wi with th wel weldi ding ng Types of cracks Only encountered in MMA welds


Hydrogen related problems

Pre heati heating ng prior to wel welding: ding: a)   b)  c)  d)  e) 


To To To To

Fish  –  eyes, chevron crack crackss and fissures fissures are:



To in initiate itiate the arc To obtain penetration To avoid lack of fusion MMA wel welding ding doe doess not have a hi high gh O.C O .C.V. .V.

Must always be carried out  Need not be carri carried out if if post heat treatm treatmen entt is to fol olllow wel weldi ding ng Is always always car carried ried out using using gas flam flamee  None of the the above All of the above

What doe doess pre heat prior to wel weldin ding g have an aff affect ect on: a) 


 b)  c)  d)  e) 

Weldability Cooling rate All of the above  None of the the above

Thee toes of the cap on a butt wel Th weld: d: a)   b)  c)  d) 

Must overlap overlap on the external surface surface of a pipe or plate by b y at leas leastt 1.5mm Must be grounded Must never be grounded  None of the the above

Page 25 of 32



Which of the fol Which folllow owin ing g butt-weld preparations is general generally ly most suscept susceptib ible le to ‘lack of o f side wall fusion’ fusion’ during MMA welding?  welding?  a)   b)  c)  d) 

150 15 0

What is the leg leng length th of o f a fi fill llet et weld? a)   b)  c)  d) 


from from from from

the the the toe

toe to the face root and to the face center root to the toe to toe

The distance from toe to the face The distance from the root to face center

c) d) 

The The distance distance from from the toe root to toeto the toe

Quality Quali ty assura assurance nce is:

c)  d) 

The inspection inspection of a prod product uct or servi service A management system designed designed onl only y to compatibility  Not solel solely y rel related ated to plann planning ing an and d inspecti spectio on The impl mplee me ntat ion of quali quality ty control c ontrol


mater ia iall

Which Whi ch weldi welding ng pro proce cess ss is co consi nside dered red the most versatil versatile? e? a)  b)   c)  d) 

154 15 4

distance distance distance distance

a)   b) 

a)   b) 

153 15 3

The The The The

What is ‘throat’ thi thick ckness ness of the fi fillet weld? weld?  


152 15 2

A ‘U’ preparation  preparation  A ‘V’ preparation  preparation  A ‘double V’ preparation  preparation  Lack of side wall fusion fusion do does es not exist with MMA


Quality Quali ty assura assurance: nce: a)   b)  c)  d) 

Is an other term for inspection Related Rel ated to all activ activiities and fun functi ctio o ns conce concerned rned with with the attainme attainme nt of quality Is the activi activity ty of ensuri ensuring ng do documents cuments relati re lating ng to spe specif cifiic contrac c ontrac t s are in order Is the activi activity ty of car carryi rying ng out quali qualitt y co control ntrol Page 26 of 32



Which Whi ch NDT method method would never be b e use on a 6” alum aluminu inum m pipe weld?  weld?   a)   b)  c)  d) 

156 15 6

Why is hot hot –   –  pass  pass so-called? a)   b)  c)  d) 

157 15 7

is appli ap plied ed at a hi high gh am a mpe perage rage is appli ap plied ed when the root is is still still hot could cause ‘hot –  shortness’ shortness’   heat treats the root

Must have at a thorough knowledge of NDT Must know h how ow to interpret interpret radiographs

c) d)  e) 

Must have hof ave thorough knowledge of weldin welding g meta etalllur lurgy gy  None thea above the All of the above

Which Whi ch of the fol followin lowing g is not an in inert ert gas? gas? Argon Xenon Carbon dioxide Helium

Why is weldin welding g is shi shielded elded?? a)  b)   c)  d) 

160 16 0

it it it it

a)   b) 

a)   b)  c)  d)  159 15 9

Beca use Because Because Beca use Because Because

Generallly speaking Genera spea king a welding inspec inspector, tor, as a mi minimu nimum m req requi uireme rement: nt:


158 15 8

Radiography Magnetic particle inspection Ultrasonic testing Dye penetrant testing

To To To To

eliminate hydrogen eliminate retard the cool coo lin ing g rate of the weld eliminate eli minate the atmosphe atmosphere re ensure maxi ensure maximum mum heat input input

The prim primary ary duty of welding in inspe specto ctor: r: a)   b)  c)  d) 

Is ensure welds are defect free Is to ensure the weld is is free from residual stres stresses ses Is to write write job specifi specifica catio tions ns Is to ensure all a ll weldi welding ng and associated asso ciated acti ac tivi vitie tiess are carried out in accordance with the procedure(s) Page 27 of 32


16 161 1

Which of the fol Which followin lowing g wel we lding proc p rocesse essess is most susce susceptible ptible to lac ack k of fusion? a)   b)  c)  d) 

162 16 2

Filllet welds are Fil a)   b)  c)  d)  e) 


Voltage Amperage Polarity  None of the the above

Lap join joints ts contain: a)   b)  c)  d) 


Associated Pipeline Industries American Ameri can Pipe Institute Institute American Pipeline Institute American Petroleum Institute

When weldin welding g using the MMA pro proces cess, s, varyi varying ng the arc length will will gi give the most variation variation of: a)   b)  c)  d) 


Pre ferable to butt welds due to hi Preferable high gh strength Difficu Dif ficult lt to asse assess ss wi with th Non No n Destructive Testing in comparison with wit h  buttt (g  but (grov rove) e) wel welds ds Used only for ‘appearance’ purposes  purposes  O nl nly y fea feasibl siblee on stee steels ls All of the above

API stands for a)   b)  c)  d) 

164 16 4

Submerged arc CO 2 (metal active gas) Manual metal arc Tungsten inert gas

Fillet welds Corner joints Butt welds Single Sing le be bevel vel butt welds

Which Whi ch arc wel welding ding process uti utiliz lizes es a non-co non-consu nsum mab able le electrode? Page 28 of 32


a)   b)  c)  d)  e)  167 16 7

A weldin welding g Inspec Inspector: tor: a)   b)  c)  d)  e) 




 b) c)  d) 

Cellulosic Rutile  None of the the above

What do you underst understand and by the term ‘minimu ‘minimum m interpa nterpass ss tempera temperature ture””  a)   b)  c)  d) 


Minimum pre heat temperature Minimum Minimum stress relieve temperature The lowest lowest tem temperature perature to be used used when normaliz normalizing ing The lowest temperature tempera ture all a llowed owed durin during g welding welding and be between tween pa passes sses

Is itit pe permi rmiss ssiib le to allow allow a sin single gle ‘V’ butt weld weld to cool down do wn pa passes sses??   a)  b)   c)  d) 


Must know how how to interpret interpret radiographs May be requi required red to interpret radiographs on certain contracts c ontracts Should Shoul d be able able to weld weld Both b and c All of the above

Which electrod Which electrodes es are very susceptibl susceptiblee to causi causing ng porosity in the dep deposited osited welds if long long arc employed? employed?



MIG TIG MMA SAW All of the above

It is is solely solely the de decisi cision on of the welder It depends on the the requirement requirement of the procedure proce dure and specif specifiicat catio ions ns It is solely the de decisi cision on of the welding welding inspec nspector tor  No, all all wel welds ds sh shoul ould d be compl completed eted bef before ore droppi dropping ng th thee tem temperature perature to ambient

What is the problem prob lem with with ‘restr ‘restraint’ aint’ durin during g welding? a)   b)  c)  d) 

It does not cause a problem It may lea lead d to cra crack ckiing, esp espec eciially with smal smalll welds between be tween lar large ge components It causes distortion Restraiint is term not used Restra used in relation to welding

Page 29 of 32



Which mechanica Which mechanicall test (s) can b e used to make an assessment of surf surfaa c in ing g  breakin  breaki ng def defects? ects? a)   b)  c)  d)  e) 


What is the purpose of a tensi tensille test? a)   b)  c)  d) 



Stress Load divi divided by cross  –  sectional area Extension Extensio n of o f gauge length divi d ivide ded d by b y or orig igin inaa l gauge length Toughness

Straiin is eq Stra equal ual to: a)   b)  c)  d) 


Tensile failure Yield failure Fatigue failure Shear failure

Stress is equal to: a)   b)  c)  d) 

177 17 7

Plasticity Ductility Elasticity Malleability

Fluctuating load is: Fluctuating is: cycli cyclicc stresses, stresses , below the UTS on a wel weld d compone nt may lead to: a)   b)  c)  d) 


To asse assess ss tensil tensilee strength To assess ductility To assess yield yield strength All of the above could be assessed

When a metal returns returns to its orig original inal shape after an app appllied load has has been removed, the metal is said to have: a)    b) c)  d) 


Bend test  Nick  Ni ck –   –  break  break test Macro test  None of the the above All of the above

Stress Load divi divide by cross  –  sectional are Extensio Extensi o n of gauge length divi divide ded d by the origi origina na l gauge length length Toughness

Stress can be measured in: Page 30 of 32


a)   b)  c)  d)  179

What is a crater pipe? a)   b)  c)  d) 

180 18 0



639 638 18 499

How coul could d you accurately measure the the root radiu radiuss of a charpy or Izod specimen? a)   b)  c)  d) 

182 18 2

An oval tube Another term for burn through A type of porosity A shri shrinkage nkage de defect fect

Which Whi ch British British standa standard rd relates to weldin welding g term and sym symbo bolls a)   b)  c)  d) 


 N/mm²  N/mm PSI mm Both a and b

With With With With

a machi machine ne ca callled shado shadowgraph wgraph a rule a verni vernier er cali calipe perr a de densi nsitomet tometrr y

Herringbo Herring bo ne po porosity rosity is: a)   b) 

A pa particul rticular ar pa pattern ttern of po porosity rosity Made up of wormholes

c)  d)  e) 

Made up of piping All the above are correct  None of the the above

A crack is a wel weld d zone: a)   b)  c)  d) 

Is repairable Always res results ults in s cut  –  out and com co mplete reweld Is accep acc eptab tablle up to 2mm in in length May be repaired or cut  –   out dependi depending ng on specif specifica t io n requirements. Page 31 of 32



If the amperage were too low during during the wel welding ding of a root bead the possib possible le result would be: a)   b)  c)  d) 

185 18 5

Stress Stre ss acting in the op oppo posite site direction of o f compre compressiv ssivee stress is known as: a)   b)  c)  d) 

186 18 6

Residual stress Shear stress Hoop stress Tensile stress

Distortio Di stortion n may be aff affec ected ted by: a)   b) 

Restraint Heat –  Heat  –  input  input

c) d)  e) 

Material properties Material thickness All of the above



Lack of penetration Lack of fusion The free freezi zing ng of the electro electrode de All of the above

Distortion: a)   b)  c)  d)  e) 

Is plastic deformation Is elastic deformation Is another term for stress May be elasti elasticc or plastic plastic deform deformat atiio n All of the above

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