Question 13 BEM Professional Engineer Examination

November 8, 2021 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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Essay 13: Ethical behaviour (project awards)

Assuming that you are the principal partner of a reputable engineering-based firm in a small state in the country. Your family is very well reputed, respected and influential, having lived and worked in the state for decades. Leaders of certain political party approach you seeking your assistance to campaign for them in the forthcoming state by-elections, they have promised to award your company with all the major projects awarded by the state government. It is desirable for your firm to secure new  projects. iscuss critically on your actions, taking account of the I!"#s regulations on $rofessional %onduct. (The following write-up was prepared (written) by Mr. BAY BAY prior to his  sitting for PI on Feb !"#. It is shared shared here for referen$e of other other $andidates.)

Introduction !ngineer, when called upon to give opinion, shall give opinion that is reliable. $rior to any statement made, he shall ensure his &ualification to make such statement. 'o one shall benefit from his statement with prospect and fair treatment deserved by others being scarified. (or the scenario, which I were principal partner of a reputable engineering-based firm and my family was well reputed, respected and influential in the small state, I believe the respect and credits to our family are due to genuine and honest contribution from all family members since since decade decades. s. As an engine engineer, er, I presum presumee the respect respect earned earned from from genuin genuinee effort effortss and contribution to public services, design, buildings of public amenities to the small state.  )ence, I shall continue to take the interest and benefit of community as the priority. In the same time, I shall not scarify the dignity of the engineering profession and company.

In other words, I will reject the invitation of errant leaders of political parties to assist them in campaigning in the coming state by-election in order to secure major projects after election.

*phold the dignity of profession +he dignity of the profession of engineer shall be upholded. e shall not campaign for the any political party with the name of well-known engineer and his reputable firm. !ngineers are to provide professional services and accept remuneration for services rendered by them. All engineers shall not echange the dignity of the profession for his own benefits but harming the image of the profession.

"aintain company image and interest of fellow partners (or the scenario, which I were the principal partner of reputable engineering-based firm, I have duty and responsibility to safeguard interest of fellow partners and all staffs too. +hough the firm desires to secure new projects, the project shall be obtained via ethical appropriate channel such as via open bidding process. +his should be the successful secret of the firm todate. All fellow partners also have high standard of ethical behavior and competent. +hey are definitely not supporting to secure new project via supporting errant leaders of political party. If I choose to support the errant political leaders, the company image and interest of fellow  partners could be jeopardied because voters definitely reject errant political leaders and unethical approaches.

o not jeopardie the prospect of other fellow engineers All projects, especially government initiated for the benefits of nation and people, shall only awarded via competitive and open bidding process. (or the scenario, which I were already  principal partner of a reputable engineering firm, I presume I should already an elder  engineer in the industry. +herefore, it is reasonably that both my firm and I do not jeopardie fair opportunity to other fellow engineers. All engineer with appropriate competency and skills shall be given chances to secure the  projects. In the long run, all engineers will become more competent and it is definitely good for the industry, profession and public.

%ontribute to sustainable development of the profession All benefits obtained via inappropriate and unethical approaches are short term and not sustainable. /oth inappropriate and unethical approaches, may in short period, make oneself  gain. )owever, it is damaging both the individual and others in the industry because there could be many to follow unethical approaches. If this situation happens, the profession will  become unattractive and not sustainable.

/e integrity and competent !ngineers# works often involve millions of ringgits. +he works are often related to benefits of   public, nation and clients. )ence, we shall be integrity and transparent in both implementation of project and efforts to secure projects. ith integrity, only public will  perceive engineers are competent and not errant.

Accept remuneration from employer for services rendered !ngineers accept remuneration for professional services, for their competency and  professional services, rendered to clients. +hey only take responsibility that they are confident to discharge. +he errant leaders of political party, though make promise to award major projects upon winning the by-election, are not client to engineers. +he administrator of the major projects is government, which are elected representatives by people. +he clients are the government and  people. 0hould my firm was chosen for the major projects, it is remuneration for services rendered.

"ake reliable public statement and relevant with &ualification !ngineers are professional people with technical &ualification and competency. )e shall not make public statement which he is not deemed the &ualified and suitable person to make. )e shall not wrongfully make statement that resulted public perception that his fellows, company and all association memberships that he may have linked to backup and support of his statement. If he does otherwise, no one indeed will benefit but creation of bad image to his own and others.

o not improperly solicit work 

/y assisting the errant leaders of political party and in return for award of major project, in my opinion, is improper act to solicit works too. It is because there is no ethical method to secure jobs and it can be considered benefits accepted other than employers. /oth the government and the people indeed, are the employers and clients, if the projects awarded to engineers.

%onclusion +hough it is desirable for a firm to secure projects, the process shall be transparent and via competitive bidding process. 1obs awarded with hidden secrets and unethical method will not  be sustainable for the firm. It is because the firm could have lost his competency. (urthermore, as an elder reputable engineer, he has greater responsibility to show good sample to his peers for advancement of the profession. In other words, I will reject the re&uest of the errant leaders of political party. If he is willing to listen, I will further advise them to listen to people and sincerely to provide services to  people. ith that, only will they gain victory in the by-election and supports from people. 2eference3 http344b-cafeconstruction.blogspot.my456784694iem-pi-section-b-&uestion-79.html

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