Kl Skrvmcme hk Iham`mstricmó` Xrmfutirmi ks u` órbi`e hksce`ck`trihe hk li Iham`mstricmó` ^ôflmci Gkhkril skctermzihe i li Skcrktirái hk Jicmk`hi y Críhmte ^ôflmce k` Aíxmce, tmk`k ceae prm`cmpil gu`cmó` rkciuhir mapukstes isá ceae llkvir icife preckhmamk`tes preckhmamk` tes hk ciréctkr ciréctkr iham`mstritmve iham`mstritmve piri li bkstmó` hkl cuaplmamk`te h hkk ksti gu`cmó`. gu`cmó`. Gu`hihe kl 9; hk Hmcmkafrk Hmcmkafrk hk 9==2. Ceae akxmci`es tk`kaes li eflmbicmó` hk ce`trmfumr ce` kl biste pôflmce, hk icukrhe il ai`hite ce`stmtucme`il. Irtácule Irtácule 39 Griccmó` MW. MW. Xehi pkrse`i quk pkrcmfk ilbô` m`brkse tmk`k li eflmbicmó` hk hkclirirle y rkilmzir kl pibe cerrkspe`hmk`tk cerrkspe`hmk`tk hk les mapukstes. Kxmstk` m`brkses quk qukhi` qukhi` kxk`tes hk tehe mapukste. Irtácule =3 LMSV. •
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Lis hk ciréctkr liferil, tilks ceae prksticme`ks, cuetis hk skburmhih secmil, rk`hmamk`tes hk li sufcuk`ti hk ge`he hk ijerre piri kl rktmre y lis rkau`kricme`ks, hk ce`geramhih i les uafrilks quk kstiflkzci li LK]. K`idk`icmó` hk cisi jifmticmó`4 2>>,>>> [HMS $8¸=83,>>>.>> Li k`idk`icmó` hk vkjácules smkaprk y cui`he `e sk eftk`bi u`i utmlmhih Cefre hk skbures hk vmhi Les quk sk rkcmfi` per jkrk`cmi e lkbihe
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He`itmves hkl có`yubk, isck`hk`tks e hksck`hmk`tks isck`hk`tks hksck`hmk`tks k` lá`ki rkcti Etres he`itmves $9;;,>>>.>> Ilmak`tes (hkpósmtes rkilmzihes per kl e li có`yubk) cui`he sk tk`bi kl ciréctkr hk icrkkher (pk`sme`ks). Ipeyes bufkr`iak`tilks.
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