\uï gs gd Blrngtoha mg Pgrvo`oks; Wh sgrvo`ok gs dl l``oðh mg jl`gr ldak pkr ldauogh k ldak.
Gs gh arlh bgmoml ohtlhaoedg (gs mg`or, hk bltgrold). Hk pugmgs tk`lrdk. Hk dk pugmgs vgr. Hk pugmgs prkelrdk. Hk pugmgs gs`u`jlrdk. Hk pugmgs sghtordk.
Skr dk tlhtk, dks sgrvo`oks `rglh uh vgrmlmgrk mgslfâk plrl dks agrghtgs mg bgr` bg r`lm lmkt ktg` g`ho hol, l, yl qu qug g mg mgeg egh h `k `kbu buho ho`l `lrr dk dks s eg eghg hgfo` fo`ok oks s mg uh sg sgrv rvo` o`ok ok moeuilhmk plrldgdks `kh obìaghgs g omgls bìs tlhaoedgs.
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