Mandamus is the !"e! !emed# t" $"me% the e!&"!man$e "& a ministe!ia% dut# im"sed '# %a( u"n the !es"ndent. )n matte!s matte!s in*"%*in+ in*"%*in+ the ee!$ise ee!$ise "& -ud+ment -ud+ment and dis$!eti"n dis$!eti"n,, mand mandam amus us ma# ma# "n%# "n%# 'e !es"! es"!te ted d t", t", t" $"m $"me% e% the the !es"ndent t" tae a$ti"n/ it $ann"t 'e used t" di!e$t the manne! "! the a!ti$u%a! (a# dis$!eti"n is t" 'e ee!$ised Facts:
The 3 e$!eta!# $!eated a $"mmittee t" in*esti+ate a%%e+ed an"ma%"us t!ansa$ti"ns in*"%*in+ the !eai!s and"! u!$hase "& sa!e a!ts "& 3 se!*i$e *ehi$%es (ith the 3 3 )nte )nte!n !na% a% udi uditt e!* e!*i$ i$e e t" $"nd $"ndu$ u$tt the the a$tu a$tua% a% in*esti+ati"n. The 37) dis$"*e!ed that &!"m Ma!$h t" e$em'e! 2001, se*e!a% eme!+en$# !eai!s and"! u!$hase "& sa!e a!ts "& hund!eds hund!eds "& 3 se!*i$e *ehi$%es, *ehi$%es, (hi$h (e!e a!"*ed and aid '# the +"*e!nment, did n"t a$tua%%# tae %a$e, !esu%tin+ in +"*e!nment %"sses "& a!"imate%# 148 mi%%i"n &"! this ten7m"nth e!i"d a%"ne. The $"mmittee then %ed 'e&"!e the O:$e "& the Om'udsman $"m%aints $ha!+in+ $ha!+in+ the etiti"ne! etiti"ne!,, the !es"nde !es"ndents, nts, (h" a!e ":$ia%s and em%"#ees "& the 3, and "the! !i*ate indi*idua%s (h" u!"!ted%# 'enetted &!"m the an"ma%"us t!ansa$ti"ns.
The Om'udsman %ed (ith the andi+an'a#an se*e!a% in&"!mati"n $ha!+in+ the said 3 ":$ia%s and em%"#ees (ith %unde!, esta&a th!"u+h &a%si$ati"n "& ":$ia%$"mme!$ia% d"$uments and *i"%ati"n "& e$ti"n 8;e
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