Quantum Vacuum (2).doc

May 21, 2018 | Author: felamendo | Category: Field (Physics), Quantum Mechanics, Photon, Coherence (Physics), Quantum Field Theory
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 International Institute Institute of Biophysics, Biophysics, Kapellener Str., Str., D-41472 Neuss, Germany  uture  uture Science ! "e#icine, Gotlan#str Gotlan#str.7, .7, D-1$4%& Berlin, Germany Germany

© 1998 by B.F.Zeiger and M.Bis!"#  Paper read at the 3rd International Hombroich Symposium on Biophysics, International Institute of Biophysics (IIB), Neuss, Germany, 2th to 2! th "u#ust, $$%&

ABSTRACT In $!e $!e %as$ %as$ #e& deade deades' s' $!e (a)) (a))* * !as #")nd #")nd inrea inreasin singg a+n"& a+n"&,ed ,edge* ge*en$ en$ as the  en$ra, #)nda*en$a, en$i$y "n &!i! $!e %!ysia, desri%$i"n "# rea,i$y *)s$ be based. A"rding $" s"*e  %!ysiis$s' i$ *ay *ay e(en be"*e $!e (ery #")nda$i"n #")nda$i"n "# $!e ne-$ era "# "# $!e %!ysia, &"r,d %i$)re. %i$)re. e %resen$ an "(er(ie& "# $!e !is$"ria, de(e,"%*en$ "# $!e "ne%$ "# $!e (a))* in %!ysis and s!"& $!a$ $!ere are $&" *ain s$ages in $!is de(e,"%*en$ "rres%"nding $" $&" /)a,i$a$i(e,y di##er di##eren$ en$ as%e$ as%e$ss "# $!e (a))* (a))*'' $!e s$a$i s$a$i %re0/) %re0/)an$ an$)* )* as%e$ as%e$ "# *ir"s *ir"s"% "%i i /)an$ /)an$)* )* #,)$)a$i"ns' and $!e ge"*e$ri0$"%","gia, as%e$ re,a$ed $" *ar"s"%i "!eren$ %!en"*ena. e !"%e $" *a+e ,ear $!a$ $!ere is signi#ian$,y *"re $" $!e /)an$)* (a))* $!an )s$ $!e e,e$r"*agne$i (a))* 2$!e 3er"0%"in$ #,)$)a$i"ns4. F)r$!er !a%$ers are de("$ed $" s!"&ing $!e signi#iane "# $!e (a))* $" /)an$)* bi","gy and bi"%!ysis' es%eia,,y bi"%!"$"n resear!' and $" $!e "ne%$ "# a s)%er#,)id (a))* as ),$i*a$e #")nda$i"n "# $!e (a))* and i$s signi#iane in bi","gy and bi"%!"$"n resear!. 5!e need #"r ass)*ing a %re0%!ysia, di*ensi"n "# %"$en$ia,i$y #"r $!e )nders$anding "# "rganis*s' and #"r $!e rea$i"n "# $!e ne& disi%,ine "#  (a))* bi"%!ysis as a basis "# bi"%!ysia, )nders$anding is %"s$),a$ed. 5!e a)$!"rs *ain$ain $!a$ $!e essen$ia, ingredien$ and #")nda$i"n "# a !",is$i /)an$)* bi"%!ysis *)s$ be $!e (a))*. 5!e #)nda* #)nda*en$ en$a, a, /)an$) /)an$)* * *e!a *e!ani nia, a, na$)re na$)re "# bi","g bi","gia ia,, %!en"* %!en"*ena ena &i,, &i,, "n,y "n,y be #),,y #),,y )nders$""d i# $!e (a))* is $a+en in$" #),, and e-%,ii$ "nsidera$i"n as $!e essene and gr")nd "# $!ese %!en"*ena. 5!e /)an$)* (a))* *ay ser(e as a #ra*e&"r+ #"r a )ni#ia$i"n %r"gra* in bi","gy ai*ed a$ in"r%"ra$ing a,, re,e(an$ as%e$s "# ,i#e in$" a %!ysia, %i$)re "# $!e "rganis*. 6ar$i),ar,y' $!e )nders$anding "# $!e #)n$i"n and *e!anis*s "# e,e$r"*agne$i


#ie, #ie,ds ds'' and and %ar$ %ar$i i), ),ar ar,y ,y bi"% bi"%!" !"$" $"ns ns'' in ,i(i ,i(ing ng "rga "rgani nis* s*ss *ay *ay grea grea$, $,yy %r"# %r"#i$ i$ #r"* #r"* $!e $!e a+n"&,edge*en$ "# $!e essen$ia, r",e "# $!e $"%","gy "# $!e (a))* 5!e %a%er is "n,)ded by a !a%$er "n $!e %"ssib,e re,a$i"n be$&een $!e $"%","gy "# $!e (a))* and $!e *"r%!","gia, de(e,"%*en$ and e(",)$i"n in bi","gy' and #ina,,y by s"*e re*ar+s "n $!e r",e "# $!e "bser(er  and "# "nsi")sness in /)an$)* *e!anis. .

INTRODUCTION On $!e a+e$ "# SA7NDERS AND BRONs b""+ 5!e 6!i,"s"%!y "# $!e :a))*; &e an read $!e s$a$e*en$ $!a$ 'the (acuum is fast emer)in) as the central structure of mo#ern physics* 2Sa)nders and Br"&n' 19914. S$i,, "nsidered by *any $" be n"$ *)! *"re $!an a *a$!e*a$ia, "n(eniene &i$!")$ %!ysia, rea,i$y' in $!e %as$ deades $!e (a))* !as #")nd inreasing a+n"&,edge*en$ as the en$ra, #)nda*en$a, en$i$y "n &!i! $!e %!ysia, desri%$i"n "# rea,i$y *)s$ be based. A"rding $" 6A7< DA:IES 'the (acuum hol#s the +ey to a full un#erstan#in) of the forces of nature*  2Da(ies' 198=4. 5!e %r"%er$ies "# $!e )ni(erse are g"(erned $" a s)bs$an$ia, degree by $!e %r"%er$ies "# $!e (a))*. As S5E:EN EINBERG &ri$es> 'If the (acuum oul# e only  sli)htly #ifferent #ifferent from hat it is thou)ht to e, the real orl# oul# loo+ completely completely #ifferent an#  oul# e )o(erne# y (ery #ifferent physical las*  2einberg'  2einberg' 19?@4. 5!e "bser(ab,e be!a(i")r  "# *a$$er is n"$ "n,y $!e res),$ "# $!e in$era$i"n "# %ar$i,es and #ie,ds &i$! "ne an"$!er' b)$ a,s" &i$! $!e (a))*. 5!e rea, %!ysia, &"r,d i$se,# is e(en n"$!ing $!an an e-i$ed #"r* "# $!e (a))* s$a$e 2Fa!r' 19894. A"rding $" $!e Es$"nian %!ysiis$ and *e*ber "# $!e Es$"nian Aade*y "# Sienes' G.I.NAAN' $!e (a))* *ay e(en be"*e $!e #")nda$i"n "# $!e ne-$ era "# $!e %!ysia, &"r,d electroma)netic one/ the latter   %i$)re> 'he mechanical picture of the orl# as replace# y the electroma)netic y the picture e no ha(e, the relati(istic fiel# picture. It seems hi)hly proaly to me that the ne0t one ill e the (acuum picture picture of the orl#*  2Naan' 194.

F"r $!e 19=? N"be, %ri3e &inner in %!ysis' 5S7NG DAO
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