Quantum Success Secrets

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Quantum Success Secrets...


Quantum Success Secrets Reveal Your Secret Destiny With The Power Of The Universe

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Copyright © 2011 Success Vantage Pte Ltd All rights reserved. Published by Greg & Alvin No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopied, recorded, scanned, or otherwise, except as permitted under Canadian copyright law, without the prior written permission of the author. Notes to the Reader: While the author and publisher of this book have made reasonable efforts to ensure the accuracy and timeliness of the information contained herein, the author and publisher assume no liability with respect to losses or damages caused, or alleged to be caused, by any reliance on any information contained herein and disclaim any and all warranties, expressed or implied, as to the accuracy or reliability of said information. The publisher and the author make no representations or warranties with respect to the accuracy or completeness of the contents of this work and specifically disclaim all warranties. The advice and strategies contained herein may not be suitable for every situation. It is the complete responsibility of the reader to ensure they are adhering to all local, regional and national laws. This publication is designed to provide accurate and authoritative information in regard to the subject matter covered. It is sold with the understanding that neither the author nor the publisher is engaged in rendering professional services. If legal, accounting, medical, psychological, or any other expert assistance is required, the services of a competent professional should be sought. The words contained in this text which are believed to be trademarked, service marked, or to otherwise hold proprietary rights have been designated as such by the use of initial capitalization. Inclusion, exclusion, or definition of a word or term is not intended to affect, or to express judgment upon the validity of legal status of any proprietary right which may be claimed for a specific word or term. The fact that an organization or website is referred to in this work as a citation and/or potential source of further information does not mean that the author or publisher endorses the information the organization or website may provide or the recommendations it may make. Further, readers should be aware that the websites listed in this work may have changed or disappeared between the timethis work was written and when it is read. Individual results may vary.

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Table of Contents Introduction .................................................................................................. 7 Understanding The “Law of Attraction” & Its Principles .................... 9 What is Quantum Success? .................................................................. 14 The Human Mind Versus The Quantum Mind ....................................... 16 How Your Mind Works ............................................................................ 17 Active/Passive Thought As Opposed To The Conscious/Subconscious Mind ............................................................ 19 The Quantum Success Philosophy ...................................................... 25 The Power of Quantum Will ..................................................................... 29 The Miracle Of “Will” .............................................................................. 30 Positive Affirmations & Exercises .......................................................... 35 Control the Universe‟s Forces .................................................................. 42 How To Use The Quantum Mind To Tap Into The Forces Around You ............................................................................................................ 45 Changes To Your State Of Being ......................................................... 50 Achieving Quantum Wealth ................................................................... 53 Applying The Quantum Philosophy To Your Daily Life: What Is Quantum Wealth? ................................................................................. 54 How Quantum Success Will Lead To Unlimited Wealth ................... 61 Exercising Your Mind Toward Making Money ................................... 64 Live Long And Prosper .............................................................................. 66 Health & Happiness Is Achieved Through The Power Of Quantum Success ..................................................................................................... 67 In Conclusion… .......................................................................................... 76 Your Life Can Be A Quantum Success Story...................................... 77

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About Greg Frost

Greg Frost is a bestselling author and self improvement coach who has helped thousands of people worldwide achieve their dreams. Born into a middle‐income family, he has struck out on his own and achieved great success in his relationships, career, health and life. His dream is to touch and improve the lives of at least 10 million people worldwide. You can find out more about him and his other products at: http://www.SuccessMasteryX.com http://www.MindVIP.com http://www.LifetimeOfHappiness.com/ http://www.BreakthroughPrinciple.com http://www.ChargedAudio.com http://www.MindMaximus.com http://www.MindSecretsExposed.com http://www.SmallTalkBigSuccess.com http://www.Photographic‐Memory.org http://www.JumpStartNLP.com http://www.LivingWithoutStress.com http://www.HealthMiracleSecrets.com http://www.EnergyBoosterSecrets.com

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About Alvin Huang

Alvin Huang is the CEO of the leading personal development technology firm; Success Vantage, where he strives to create value and make a positive difference in the world. Together with various leading authors, Success Vantage has managed to touch and improve the lives of people all round the world. Alvin has a “Just Do It” mentality and doesn‟t stop at anything until he attains his goals. He believes that, similarly, anyone whether young or old, rich or poor…can achieve their dreams; just as long as they set their mind to it. Hence his favorite quote, “Choice, not chance determines destiny.” He also regularly blogs at the SelfHelpStation.com, where he dishes out advice on personal development, wealth attainment and achieving massive success fast. Below are his websites: http://www.SuccessVantage.com http://www.SelfHelpStation.com

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Introduction “Find thoughts that feel good, because it is inevitable that you are going to always be moving toward something. So why not be moving toward something that is pleasing?” ~ Abraham-Hicks Group

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You are a force in the universe. That may sound like hyperbole, but it isn‟t. The simple truth is that every object—be it plant or animal, organic or rock—is a force in our universe. Interestingly, we often go through our lives feeling that we have little to no control over what happens to us. We drift in and out of consciousness, frequently just hoping to get lucky or—at the very least—to avoid bad luck. The actual truth is that there exists in the world a basic science of physical properties that act on us and everything around us.

Why do some people struggle, while others succeed? How is it that two people, with very similar backgrounds and characteristics, may end up on divergent paths: one finding wealth, health and happiness, while the other garners nothing but sorrow and pain? How is it that bad people can succeed, while good people fail? Why do you seek to improve yourself, while those you love struggle in denial of help that is there for them if only they would ask? While there is no magic wand that will wave good things your way, you can attract all the goodness in the world. You simply need to follow a few easy steps that are within the realm of your control and implement them into your daily life to fundamentally change your level of success. How much energy do you devote to avoidance? You dread going to work. You worry about disappointing your spouse. You are too tired to go to the © QuantumSuccessSecrets.com


gym. Your best times are when you are distracted (e.g. watching television or heading to the bar for a drink). This is no way to live your life, yet most of us feel that this is “as good as it gets.” Chances are you‟ve heard about the power of positive thinking. The world is made up of optimists (“the glass is half full”) and pessimists (“the glass is half empty”). These attitudes are short changing you from your true potential. If you only see 50 percent as a good or bad thing, it‟s no wonder you cannot keep a positive attitude day in and day out for all the days of your life! What would you do to have a full glass? Changing your life is about more than having a bright outlook. Being only half successful should never be the goal! You want your life to be an overwhelming success. You want your life to be a Quantum Success.

Understanding The “Law of Attraction” & Its Principles What do you want? It‟s the most basic of questions, but very few of us are able to answer from a positive viewpoint. Chances are you spend more time worrying about what you don‟t want than what you do. Do you find yourself thinking, “I want a better job”? This is basically a negation of the job you currently have. Even if you say, “I want to be a millionaire,” do you truly see yourself as a millionaire, or simply as someone no longer burdened by your bills?

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These distinctions may be small, but they are significant. They are at the root of a theory known as the “Law of Attraction.” The Law of Attraction has been discussed for more than 100 years, and many authors have touched upon it as a divine secret that allows us to manifest our heart‟s most hidden desires, be they positive or negative. In fact, the Law of Attraction is much more grounded in physical science than is often understood. As early as the turn of the 20th century, science was examining evidence pertaining to the Law of Attraction. It was around this time that Einstein was beginning his work on relativity, and discussion of magnetism and invisible waves, which have an effect on everything in the universe, became the topic of the day in the scientific community. With the theories under discussion, came more hypotheses regarding all the unseen forces that were exerting themselves on each living (and non-living) entity. While few of us doubt that invisible sound waves exist, many people have trouble comprehending that there are thought waves. Our ideas can be projected. In rare occurrences, telekinesis and extra-sensory perception have been achieved as a result of these thought waves. Unfortunately, some people still believe that the Law of Attraction is a madeup philosophy; created by successful people to make those of us who have yet to find our success feel we have only ourselves to blame. This is wrong on all counts. First off, you are not to blame for your problems. Blame only makes victims. Responsibility empowers. If you take responsibility for your life and circumstances, then you can hoist yourself up and take control of your own reality. No matter how bleak or difficult that reality may, in fact, be.

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As for whether the Law of Attraction exists, of course it does; it is there even if you cannot see or feel it. There are many people who need proof to believe in something. Of course, these people are usually lying to themselves on some level, because they arbitrarily decide what cannot be proven. For example, they do not believe in “God”, but they do believe in love. Neither can be proven to exist, but that is not the point. Whether or not you see evidence of a divine creator or believe you love your children, is neither proof nor a reproof of the existence of things we cannot see. When it comes to the Law of Attraction, there are simple scientific facts that compel us to accept that this law affects us every day of our lives. You probably remember studying Sir Isaac Newton‟s laws of motion. The quotation most of us remember is, “For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction.” No one doubts this physical property. Even if you cannot feel a wall pushing you back, chances are, you aren‟t able to move it! You accept that if you have a force going in one direction, there is an equal force—possibly unseen—in the other direction. If you project negativity, whether consciously or subconsciously, what do you think will come back at you? More negativity, of course. Which brings us to where you are standing (or sitting), at this particular moment in time. Chances are pretty good that you are not presently floating; you do not have the physical capacity to levitate. Why is this so? Because you are affected by gravity. Even if you were out in space, you would be pulled towards some object in the universe.

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If gravity exists (which it does), you have to accept that you can pull things towards you, just as you are pulled towards other things. In short, the Law of Gravity is a physical manifestation of the Law of Attraction. And, just as the Law of Gravity can cause a tree to fall on your house, so the Law of Attraction can drag negativity into your life. The Law of Gravity can also give you balance and strength, as can the Law of Attraction.

The Law of Attraction recognizes that you are an emotional being with desires; both conscious and subconscious. Just as gravity is always exerting its physical laws, so is attraction. You are always influencing what you attract; something— be it good or bad—is always being drawn toward you, just as you are drawn toward the Earth itself. What about things beyond our control? Catastrophic “acts of God,” for example? Surely, no one is attracting an earthquake! In fact, there are many people who believe that everything that happens to us is a direct result of what we do or what someone else does. Many major religions and philosophies are built on this belief. Thus, at this point, science cannot predict an earthquake (as opposed to a volcanic eruption or a tsunami, for which there now exist tools that can anticipate such events), but the quality of the construction where we live and work is a manifestation of our efforts.

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You need look no farther than the third world to see the difference in the impact of natural disaster. There is more likely to be greater destruction and devastation where construction is shoddy, for example. In this regard, the Law of Attraction becomes an issue that moves beyond the single person and can be seen in a global light. Societies that work for positive change will have more resources to weather calamity. You do not attract the calamity itself, but you attract the tools— spiritual or physical—to recover from it. The Law of Attraction is not about “luck.” It is about acknowledging that the invisible forces around you can be directed positively and in a way that is beneficial to yourself and those immediately around you.

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What is Quantum Success? In her book, Optimal Thinking: How To Be Your Best Self, author Rosalene Glickman argues it is not enough simply to think positively. You have to think optimally. Optimal Thinking is exactly how you answer the half-full/half-empty conundrum. If you cannot see the optimal (in this metaphor, that the glass is full or even overflowing), you are doomed to a life of “making lemonade.” The saying is, “When life gives you lemons, make lemonade.” Optimal Thinking is more along the lines of, “Forget lemonade! I want chocolate!” How do you define success? Is success a good job, a decent income, a happy home life? Americans, in particular, are very bad at projecting success. Yes, the country is one of the most successful on the planet, but we measure our successes by other people‟s failures. “Eat everything on your plate; there are children starving in Africa!” Perhaps you, too, have fallen into the trap of thinking about how much worse other people have it, and you have decided that you‟re okay, just because you are doing better than the average. In his book Illusions, Richard Bach describes a visit from a reluctant Messiah. As the people follow him from place to place and hound him for information about God, he asks them would they be willing to suffer if God commanded them to do so. They answer, “With pleasure.” The Messiah asks if they would be willing to die if God commanded them to do so. They answer, “Of course we would.” Then the Messiah says, “And if God told you to go forth from this day on and be supremely happy every day for the rest of your life, would you do as God commanded?” The Messiah is faced with stunned and confused silence.

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As a species, we humans seem to be more static in our pain than common sense would deem wise. We are predisposed to thinking that there is something honorable or noble in suffering. It is not so much that success is bad; it‟s more that we do not even begin to know how to approach the most fundamental notions of choosing to be happy each and every day of our lives. That is no way to live a successful life. Success should be about both quality and quantity of the good things within us and that surround us. This is where Quantum Success comes into play. Quantum Success is significant success on a grand scope. It takes the Law of Attraction to the next level, allowing your positive thoughts not only to attract optimal results, but also to incorporate these results into an overall significantly successful life. Quantum Success Secrets will help you find your way to a life beyond fantasy. With the techniques described herein, you can find Quantum Success in your way of thinking, in your daily living, as a part of your daily interactions with the people and world around you, in building wealth, and finally in living a healthy, long, and prosperous life.

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The Human Mind Versus The Quantum Mind “The whole of science is nothing more than a refinement of everyday thinking.” ~ Albert Einstein

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How Your Mind Works In his book, How The Mind Works, Pulitzer Prize finalist Steven Pinker claims, “The two deepest questions about the mind are „What makes intelligence possible?‟ and „What makes consciousness possible?‟”1Pinker argues that, while modern psychology and science has allowed us to set some parameters on what defines intelligence, consciousness is still fairly amorphous. How the mind works ends up being a combination of intelligence and consciousness, but, while the former is more or less fixed (i.e. you can generally become more educated but not more intelligent and, barring illness or injury, your intelligence remains more or less constant through life), the latter is still very much a work in progress. Your brain is made up of synapses that connect neurons and generate thoughts and perceptions. Much is known about the human brain and how it functions, yet there is still a great deal that is not understood and the limitations of the human mind are unknown. This much is certain, of the areas of the brain that have been mapped, only a percentage is being used constantly. In addition, different minds (e.g. the male versus female brain) function differently. The odds are very good that most of us have never used our brains to the fullest extent possible. This means that scientific discover has a ways to go before we should limit our understanding to the basics that are presently known.


Pinker, How the Mind Works (New York: W.W. Norton & Company, 1997) 60.

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How does consciousness work in our brain? Modern psychology defines consciousness as your individual awareness. This awareness is made up of memories, feelings, thoughts and perceptions. It can be part of your evolutionary/genetic make-up or it can be learned. It can even be altered through meditation, dietary changes, medication or alcohol. Dreams are a part of your consciousness. Repressed memories are, too. You have probably heard the term, “stream of consciousness.” What this implies is that your consciousness is always present: Hence the terms unconscious or subconscious. Even when you are not capable of “thinking,” your brain‟s consciousness is still engaged in some form of activity. While the science of psychology is mainly concerned with intelligence, the science of philosophy is concerned with consciousness. Beginning with Socrates, through modern times, the nature of the human mind has been fertile territory for philosophic debate. Until recently, philosophy or metaphysics was the only way to address the meaning of consciousness (as opposed to intelligence and brain function, which is the realm of pure scientists). However, today, more and more scientists are trying to determine how the conscious brain functions. This is very much a human (or at least higher animal) question. No one will ask, “Does a chicken have a conscious awareness of all it does?” A chicken doesn‟t manipulate its surroundings or have an identity of “self.”

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There‟s a reason why a chicken can run around with its head cut off! It thinks, it feels, but it does not make observations about itself and the world around it in any way that does not pertain to its evolutionary drive for survival. Thus the chicken is capable of thinking on some rudimentary level, but it does not have perceptions, nor can it think abstractly or in terms of identity. These are questions for the human mind alone. Only humans have the potential to use their minds to foment a greater good.

Active/Passive Thought As Opposed To The Conscious/Subconscious Mind There is another way of looking at consciousness: That of active thought and passive thought. William Walker Atkinson, the father of the New Thought movement, explains that active thoughts stem from a direct effort to form the thought that comes to us, whereas passive thoughts can be of four varieties: Those that are evolutionary based, those that are our own, formerly active thoughts, whichare now habitual, those that are based on suggestion, or those that are “thought vibrations” from another person‟s mind.2 While it would be easy to compare active thought to conscious thinking, and passive thought to subconscious thinking, this is not exactly accurate, as they do not directly match up to each other. The Law of Attraction can only be fully understood by examining the active and passive thought processes. Consider how active and passive thought work in terms of the life cycle. When you are born, you possess only passive thought; essentially you are aware only of what


Walker Atkinson, Thought Vibration or the Law of Attraction in the Thought World (Public Domain: 1906).

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is in your DNA. You know instinctively how to get food (you cry) or to get your diaper changed (you cry) or to be comforted (you cry). In a matter of days, however, you figure out that if you want to be picked up for comfort, you receive a more direct result if you change the stimulus from crying to an alternate behavior. If you maintain eye contact and coo, for example, you garner attention and the result is being picked up and held, instead of having your dry diaper prodded. Suddenly, you have formed your first active thought. You have learned that if you behave in a certain way that is different from your evolutionary passive thought (i.e. you have learned to do something other than cry), you can better elicit the response you desire from your environment. This is the most rudimentary of examples, but active thought becomes a part of our existence from the earliest moments of our lives. Of course, active and passive thinking frame our entire consciousness. We receive an impulse, and we create an active thought. This thought either stays active or, when the thought becomes familiar or automatic, it becomes habitual and moves from being an active thought to being a passive thought. For the most part, thus far, you have been exposed to passive thoughts that are largely positive in nature. In the case of evolutionary passive thoughts, you need these for basic survival and, obviously, they extend far beyond the needs of an infant. Many of these evolutionary passive thoughts dictate our actions throughout our lives. Anything that has been handed down through the millennia, which helps the human species survive, is something you need to remember. It‟s literally in your DNA.

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In the case of formerly active thoughts which are now passive thoughts, you have learned what works well enough that it is now habitual. Again, this is a good thing: If you weren‟t capable of learning from new impulses, you would be back in the barnyard laying eggs. You are constantly framing new thoughts, learning them, habitualizing them, and relegating them to passive thoughts. Not all passive thoughts work in your favor, however. Just as habitual behavior can benefit you, bad habits can undermine your general wellbeing. Negative passive thoughts can come from active thoughts that become bad habits, but, more often, negative passive thoughts are a result of conditioning and inaction. Frequently, they stem from fear or irrational ideas that may come from the suggestions of others or from our own subconscious. These thoughts may have been imprinted on you from a very early age, making them extraordinarily difficult to isolate and eradicate from your consciousness.

•Inactivated Thoughts ("Bad Habits") •Fear and Reactionary Thinking

Passive Thought Working Against You

Active Thought •New Subject Matter •Manifesting the Strength of Your Will

•Genetic/Evolutionary Behavior •Learned Active Thoughts ("Good Habits") Passive Thought Working For You

Understanding how active and passive thoughts are formed will help you learn how to develop your mind to practice Quantum Success. Note that active © QuantumSuccessSecrets.com


thoughts can be external (from stimuli that present new information) or internal (from you summoning your will). When active thoughts become habitualized, they turn into passive thoughts that may work for you or against you. Passive thoughts can also be endogenous or evolutionary in nature, meaning you have carried this knowledge with you since birth.

A key part of how Quantum Success works is in understanding another aspect of active thought. For want of a better word, you could call it your “will.” However, do not confuse “will power” with Quantum Success. As Atkinson explains, your will is neutral; it exists in you, much the way your blood does. However, if your heart is not functioning properly, your blood stagnates and you become sick and die. In some ways, your will works like this. If your mind does not manifest your will into active thoughts, you cannot achieve any progress with the Law of Attraction or in taking yourself to the higher level of Quantum Success. You must activate your will and integrate it into your active thoughts, to enable yourself to succeed. In addition, you want to manifest your will into creating positive active thoughts, as opposed to your will kicking in only when it is forced to do so by negative action against you. Finally, let us consider Atkinson‟s last theory regarding passive thought, which is that “thought vibrations” from another person‟s mind, could create passive

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thoughts (either those that work for or against you). Even if the Law of Attraction can be proven through concrete scientific discovery, the notion of thought vibrations may be more difficult to accept. But why should that be? We may make light of “women‟s intuition,” but the truth is sometimes you just know someone is thinking at you. It is not merely that you are being thought about; you sense another person‟s thoughts aimed in your direction. As you attune yourself to the Law of Attraction, you will become more and more aware of the thought vibrations of others and how your own thought vibrations will emanate from you in an increasingly concrete fashion. While this may not appear to be sound science, it is not particularly far removed from the consciousness issue that brilliant minds have been discussing for more than 3, 000 years. How your mind functions, whether in a conscious, subconscious or unconscious state has been at the crux of philosophical and scientific debate since the dawn of intellectual investigation. Thought vibration is just another term that attempts to explain how consciousness—or active thoughts from others that create passive thoughts in us—works. Consider all we know today, and compare it with what we thought we knew just a few years ago. A few years ago, we thought alcoholism was a disease; now we know it is a predisposition encoded in our DNA. The mere fact that we can decode DNA and clone living creatures is the science fiction of 40 years ago. It was only within the last couple of generations that space travel has been possible. We continue to learn more and more about the universe through research and rocket ships. Who knows what we will discover tomorrow.

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And this brings us to quantum physics. Without getting sidetracked, understanding the most basic science behind quantum physics will further help you embrace the notions behind Quantum Success. Quantum physics deals with notions of energy (i.e. something that may be measured, but cannot be seen); specifically, how the atomic world functions and is fundamental to the nature of the universe. It turns out, when observed at the atomic or subatomic level, matter and energy behave differently. In fact, quantum physics shows that energy—although appearing continuous—can be broken down into individual particles or waves. That means, even the slightest change to the most miniscule particle can have dramatic and far-reaching effects on the universe. Perhaps you have heard of the butterfly effect: A butterfly flutters its wings in Japan and the motion is carried across the Pacific resulting in a colossal wind storm, which produces tornados and wreaks havoc on the US Midwest. The slightest energy change can produce profound results. This further illustrates how Quantum Success goes beyond simple consciousness. You can learn to pinpoint your active and passive thoughts, meaning you can control and change them. While quantum physics is concerned with the physical make-up of the universe, Quantum Success is concerned with the unseen world around each of us and how our thoughts are transferred within it. If you can accept the truth that even a small change in your perception can net a dramatic change in your life, then you are on your way to embracing the Quantum Success philosophy.

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The Quantum Success Philosophy What defines success? If you listen to Mozart, you may hear some of the most beautiful music ever written, particularly if you are a classical music aficionado. However, you probably know that Mozart struggled financially his whole life, was a disappointment to his father and patron, and was buried in a pauper‟s grave. Yet few would argue that his music made him immortal. When it comes to consciousness, Mozart was superior in every way imaginable. However, when it came to his thoughts, Mozart suffered greatly. Are you distracted? Do you live in the moment? Are you ever wishing you were somewhere else? If you answered “yes, no, yes,” then you are working against your potential Quantum Success. Staying in the here and now is a huge part of the Quantum Success philosophy. However, this is just step one. Paying attention to your own thoughts is almost too obvious to point out. Yet most of us are oblivious to our immediate life. Worse yet, we dream, but we do not act; we plan, but never do. We “try.” Or, worst of all, we simply “can‟t.” “Can‟t” is your enemy. “Try” is a close second. These notions will undermine everything at which you hope to succeed. Look at the novelist. Many people ask him, “How do I write a great book?” The answer he gives: “Write.” You cannot do anything well—let alone at the level of greatness—without actually doing it! You might call this the “lottery mentality.” Instead of actualizing your dreams today, you are fantasizing or, worse yet, putting your faith in luck to improve your lot in life.

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People can behave like the chicken and sheep of the barnyard. They can resort to doing nothing that they aren‟t told to do. It is not simply a lack of initiative. Many extraordinarily hard working people seem to be mired in poverty and despair. They just can‟t “catch a break.” When you see people like this, it may make you wonder why they can‟t get ahead when they are willing to work as hard as they do. Although this may sound quite harsh, it may turn out that they are physical beasts, but mental blips.

Have you ever noticed how many people crave a leader? Most people are inert. They are happy to be passive thinkers, who act instinctively or react to what another person thinks or does. These people do not want to pursue active thoughts; they are not interested in changing their lives; their level of what they deem success is “good enough.” You are not that kind of person, and you can learn to be an active thinker, and an active participant in your life. Quantum Success is all about control: the control you have over all the forces within and outside you. You will learn to activate your will. You will tap into the powers of the universe. You will embrace positive thoughts from others, while

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defeating negative energy that would limit you. You will attract wealth and prosperity. This is the philosophy of Quantum Success. It will be your philosophy of living a more abundant, rich and healthy life. Start with a list (you may want to use a journal-style notebook, but the goals of Quantum Success are not about journaling). Take 10 minutes, and write down everything you want to accomplish. Let it be free association of all you hope to have in your life, from personal to professional, or specific to broad. Keep your sentences simple and have only one goal per sentence. Don‟t go back and review; just write. Once you have spent 10 minutes writing down your goals, look at your list. Check for repeated ideas (perhaps you started with “I want to lose weight,” and ended with “I want to get in shape and eat better,” for example). Now, look for the axis of evil words: can‟t, won‟t, try. Any negativity in your list? If you are being redundant or negative, these are the first goals to address. Take your list and clean it up; get rid of your redundant goals and rephrase any negative comments. With your new list in hand; look once again at your phrasing. Chances are, there are a lot of “wants”. Change your sentences to reflect intention: Instead of “I want to find a person to spend the rest of my life with,” write “I will find a person to spend the rest of my life with.” Next, create affirmations from each sentence. With the aforementioned goal and intention, you would write, “I am happily married to the spouse of my dreams.” Simply by changing your list to affirmations, you will be altering how you perceive your goals and attracting them to you. Do this three-step (no negativity, changing to an intention, writing an affirmation) exercise for each of the goals on your list.

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Next, take a second piece of paper and write your obituary. Perhaps you have heard of this exercise before. You write your own obituary for the life you want to have lived. Make record of your many accomplishments. You lived a full life, having met all your goals. You died in your sleep at 104, surrounded by your many children, grandchildren and great grandchildren. You divided your estate equally among them, your favorite charities and the university where you created your own endowment. Your obituary should detail a life of Quantum Success. You have two very important documents before you: A list of intentions/affirmations and a summary, which indicates that you did, in fact, achieve all you set out to accomplish in life. With the Quantum Success philosophy, you will soon be checking off your present goals and adding even loftier ones.

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The Power of Quantum Will “I stand for freedom of expression, doing what you believe in, and going after your dreams.” ~ Madonna

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In the previous chapter, we touched a bit on using your will to create active thoughts. Now, we will put this into more concrete terms of Quantum Success. What exactly is willpower? By definition, willpower is “energetic determination.”3 However, when you think about the “will” that is inside you, this is a terribly limiting definition. Think about the will to survive, the will to provide for your family, the will to excel. You are more than merely energetic. Your will is more than just determined. It will carry you to the next dimension.

The Miracle Of “Will” Within this book, you see some quotations. These are not simply there to inspire; they are evidential. Take, for example, Madonna. She began with a simple goal: To make a record and have it recorded. However, somewhere along the way, she found a power of thinking that allowed her to take control of her business, her music and her very persona. Madonna is the quintessential example of a Quantum Success story. Few will argue that she has a prodigious talent, but she recognized that talent alone would not make her a superstar multi-millionaire. If you doubt that Madonna has embraced the principles of Quantum Success, you need look no further than her passion for yoga and her deep interest in Kabala. While Madonna is certainly no Deepak Chopra, she may have tapped into a universal truth when she noted that “we are living in a material world.” In short, she discovered how the Laws of Attraction could enable her to become rich, famous and successful in very concrete terms. She literally willed her own empire.


Merriam-Webster Dictionary.

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The word “will” is interesting. In English, it can be both a verb and a noun. There is future intent: “I will be a famous movie star.” There is internal drive: “The will to be a Quantum Success is driving me.” There is even the sum of all you‟ve left behind: “Your last will and testament.” While, in the previous chapter, your “will” was one of intent—and it certainly plays into the miracle of “will”—now you will want to discover the internal “will” that you must harness and exercise through the power of your mind in order to be a Quantum Success. How do we tap into our Quantum Will? By our very nature, we tend to be distracted and restless creatures. In any given situation, you must will yourself back into the task at hand. Perhaps you are reading this and thinking about what you need to buy at the grocery store; suddenly you realize you have missed a paragraph and must go back to re-read it. It is your will that gets you back on track. Are you ever still? Do you allow yourself to be enveloped in quiet? Some people so fear the silence that they leave the television on all day long just for background noise. You will never be able to activate your Quantum Will if you cannot allow stillness into your life. Only when your world is still, will you begin to perceive and even sense (as in your five senses) the thought vibrations and quantum forces that surround you. The inability to be still and focus is not our only shortcoming. Sadly, we‟ve also become a society of scapegoats and blamers. Few people feel responsible for their own actions. We expect the government to tell us what to eat or to legislate away our bad habits. We sue other people at the drop of a cup of coffee (yet complain when our coffee is served lukewarm). Then we raise our

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children to be just like us when we defend “little Johnny” if his teacher says he‟s behaving inappropriately in school. We throw around “blame,” but we rarely take up the charge to do anything about the deficits we see in ourselves and, especially, in others. In short, we have become extraordinary in only one sense: our laziness.

While you may argue the physical nature of thought vibration and the Law of Attraction, here is a truth that few of us ever like to accept: If you fully desire something, it will be yours. Read that sentence again. And again. Chances are, you are already trying to attack the verity of this statement. The more intellectual among us will immediately jump to hyperbolic sensationalism to discount the truism. They will turn to psychosis to prove that this statement; connecting desire with attraction, is erroneous. They say, “If I desire to marry George Clooney and work to make him mine, I‟ll be arrested for stalking!” Yes, there are mentally ill people in the world who engage in dangerous pursuits. However, what those mentally ill people truly desire is to be free of their delusions. This is why the overwhelming majority of people with mental health issues seeks help and improves the quality of their lives. They do not stalk celebrities, or become the Unibomber. Citing extreme

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examples is one way to avoid acknowledging the truth of: If you fully desire something, it will be yours. The more common way to avoid accepting this fact is via excuses. People say they don‟t have money or time enough to accomplish anything. “There simply aren‟t enough hours in the day,” is probably the most popular excuse. When it is pointed out that you spend your evenings drinking wine and playing computer solitaire, your response is something along the lines of, “I work hard; this is how I unwind; don‟t take away my only source of relaxation.” If you study the biographies of highly successful people, you will note they rarely embrace drugs or alcohol. Nearly all of them take care of their bodies via exercise and healthy eating habits. Despite sleeping fewer hours of the day than the average person, highly successful people have more energy than most everyone else. There is a pattern here that you may choose to ignore but it is obvious: Successful people take care of themselves. Of course, we project our own shortcomings onto the success of others: They aren‟t out having fun. Really? Why do you assume that Oprah Winfrey isn‟t having fun making billions? She recently admitted that for the first time in her life she is afraid; she said this in reference to launching her own television network; for which she took almost 20 years to muster the courage (during those two decades, she became one of the richest, most famous, and most powerful people on the planet, in case you weren‟t paying attention). If Oprah‟s never afraid, do you honestly believe she‟s not having a good time being successful?

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Most of us only use our will if we are forced to do so. If our life is threatened, we can use extraordinary will to survive. If we are forced to work harder because a colleague was laid off, we will ourselves to put in longer days to keep employed. Atkinson calls this a “helpful obstacle” or “kindly pain.”4 If you can accept the simple truth that the only thing in your life holding you back is your lack of will, you can exercise your mind and tap into the unlimited power of the Quantum Will to propel you to whatever level you want to be.

Most philosophers believe that although the mind is limited, the will is not. This is why the smartest person is not always the one who comes up with the best ideas. While some debate the permanence of the soul, no one argues that, during your time on earth, your will is what gets you up and going each and every day. Most of us scratch only at the surface of our will, allowing it to control us only in so far as our basic needs are met. In truth, your will is capable of creating miracles in your life, but you have to allow your will to control your thoughts and, chances are, you have long resisted doing this.


Walker Atkinson, Thought Vibration or the Law of Attraction in the Thought World (Public Domain: 1906).

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Perhaps you doubt the power of the Quantum Will because you only rarely see it in action. In fact, there are examples of people both famous and common, from history and alive today, who exemplify Quantum Success. They didn‟t get where they are from purchasing a scratch ticket or sitting around waiting for someone to discover them at a soda shop. They tapped their Quantum Will to enhance the Quantum Mind to be a Quantum Success. Your will gives you great power. It is the energy that drives you to succeed. Your will may be aimed at short or long-term efforts, but it is ever present. The only question is: How much do you allow your will to propel these efforts? Should you decide to tap into your will to the fullest extent, the sum of your successes can lead you to Quantum Success. You need only to exercise your mind to experience the miracle of your own will.

Positive Affirmations & Exercises

Channeling your will into active thought takes practice. There are things you must do daily to maximize your active thinking and allow your will to guide you through challenges and setbacks. It is vital that you remember, success is something you choose each and every day. If you do not exercise your will daily, your active thoughts atrophy and you are back to passive, will-free, instinctual and reactionary thinking.

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There are several daily exercises that will help you use your Quantum Will to activate your Quantum Mind into creating positive force in your life. These exercises take time to build up, and must be performed with intent and seriousness. If you cannot discipline yourself to do these simple daily exercises, you really are not ready for Quantum Success. A.M. Meditation

When you rise each morning, your first intention should be to meditate. Meditation is easy to do. There is nothing mystical about it or even a “right way” to meditate. This is not prayer or channeling some higher truth. If it is anything, it is attention to the moment. It is finding the stillness to allow you to free your will. The only thing you will need is a timer or clock that doesn‟t have a ticking sound. Begin with five minutes and work your way up to 20 minutes (which you should be able to achieve within a month, adding five additional minutes to your practice each week). Sit comfortably. Do not close your eyes completely, but allow your focus to fade; your eyelids may droop.

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For the first minute of your practice, concentrate on your breathing. Hear yourself exhale. Feel how the breath fills you when you inhale. Do not count your breaths, but be “in” your breath. Focus only on your breathing. Now, relax and take in everything. Clear your mind of errant thoughts. When you begin to drift from the moment, rein yourself back in. You are not blocking anything; you have no focus. You hear the birdsong from outside; you are aware of the newspaper being delivered; you sense the cat circling around you. You are in this moment and everything is a part of you. This is meditation. After you have done your practice, you can go for your run, have your cup of coffee, or do whatever is your typical morning routine; but always begin each day with daily meditation. You are heightening your awareness of the “now” and your will is free to command you. This time, each day, will be when no thought gets in your way. As you practice, you will find it becomes easier and easier to let go of distraction and focus on what is immediately around you.

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Love What You Loathe

You need to perform additional exercises each day to train your mind and take the fullest advantage of your will. However, this next exercise may make you want to go back to meditation. At some point, during each day, you must do an activity you dislike or even loathe, and you must perform said activity with a joyous disposition. Yes, you must will yourself to like what you don‟t want to do. Some religious people call this “doing work for the glory of God.” You may choose any task you would rather avoid, but you must accomplish it regardless of your antipathy. For example, perhaps you need to work out, but you don‟t enjoy going to the gym. So, each day, you force yourself not only to exercise, but also to be happy while exercising. By requiring yourself to be happy doing an unpleasant task, you are training your mind to be guided by your will. Remember: We are inherently lazy when it comes to using our will. You must rouse yourself from laziness and requiring yourself to be happy is the prod that will keep you channeling your will.

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Do not discount happiness. In truth, it is the ultimate goal. If you can be happy all the time, you will have found Quantum Success. In the Quantum Success philosophy, you are continually willing yourself to be happy, even though your active thoughts may be focusing on making money or improving your health.

Thou Shalt Not… I’ll Tell You Tomorrow… Or The Next Day… The final exercise you must undertake daily is to not procrastinate. Frequently, we put off for as long as possible those tasks we don‟t enjoy. Postponing the inevitable does not create magic fairies, who descend from on high to do the task for you. Worse yet is that, in fact, procrastination is the dire enemy of your will. When one is present, the other is conspicuously absent. Eschew procrastination and your will shall manifest itself. Embrace procrastination and your will shall disappear from your mind‟s eye entirely. Every time you think of some activity that you want to put off, make it your mission to accomplish it right then and there. Get it out of your way and your will shall reward you.

Other Physical Activity To Aid Your Will If you are looking for more exercises, consider taking up tai chi or any of the Asian physical arts. There is a reason yogis are considered wise. These eastern societies have traditionally embraced the power of will more readily than western societies.

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Next in your daily routine of exercising your will, you must consider affirmations. You have already dabbled in affirmations with the list of goals you created in the previous chapter. Let‟s face it; affirmations make most people a little uncomfortable at first. Staring at yourself in a mirror and saying, “I am beautiful, I am wealthy, I am happy,” just doesn‟t feel natural. Even if you change to second person, telling yourself, “You are beautiful,” etc., you may still feel awkward. Well, no surprise, practice makes perfect. Besides, no one is going to be taping you performing affirmations and publishing the video on YouTube! The first time you speak your affirmations, you may feel awkward. Chances are, by the thousandth time, not only will you not feel awkward, but you will truly believe what you are saying (and others will believe it, as well, without you even having to say your affirmations aloud). So, what should your affirmations be? The best affirmation is one that is tailored to you, so ideally you will want to create your own. According to DailyAffirmations.com, your affirmation should be positive (no negative words, including the evil “try”), be of a length that makes it easy to memorize, and stretch your belief system enough to expand your mind a bit. If you are struggling with finding a lover, for example, you don‟t stop with, “I am in love.”

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Rather, consider all the relationships in your life: “I am surrounded by kindhearted people, who love me and support me in all that I do.” Chances are, this statement will stretch your imagination (can you contemplate a work environment where you are surrounded by love?), but that is the point of a good affirmation. You are exercising your will through these affirmations, so you want them to push your belief system just enough to give it a good workout. Your affirmation is a bit of a mantra. You can return to it whenever you are distracted from the “here and now.” Especially if you are entertaining negative thoughts, you will want to attend to the moment and repeat your affirmation. Before you head out each day, create an affirmation. Keep a written list that you can return to from time to time, adding in new affirmations and rotating them throughout the days, until they become your reality and necessitate being replaced by different affirmations. Remember your affirmations can be anything pertaining to your goals. They can be based on physical, spiritual or material needs. They should address what taxes you the most, so that you can create a Quantum Will to actualize what you are saying each and every day.

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Control the Universe’s Forces “We are just an advanced breed of monkeys on a minor planet of a very average star. But we can understand the Universe. That makes us something very special.” ~ Stephen Hawking

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What is “God”? What is “evil”? Why do unseen forces whip us about and alter us so profoundly? Whatever your religious beliefs, there can be no doubt that you are affected by forces you cannot see. Much as invisible electricity powers your lamp, you are empowered by the universe‟s invisible forces. And, just as good electricity is useful and faulty electricity can blow a fuse or burn down your home, the forces of the universe can be to your advantage or your detriment. You want to channel the forces that are beneficial and protect yourself from those that mean you harm. When it comes to thinking about universal forces, invariably the conversation comes around to great evil and how to rationalize the Law of Attraction in terms of cataclysmic events. Thus, is it hard to imagine Quantum Success if you are languishing under a terrorist regime in constant fear for your life? In some respects, the hope of Quantum Success (much as the hope with Buddhism and some other religious beliefs) is that every being on our planet will have Quantum Success. While this notion is no doubt idealistic, it is not impossible. Yes, we actually do have the resources to allow everyone in the world to have a Quantum Success story. Were we to come together on this planet as a common species (i.e. human) and work for a common good, the inevitable

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state of our society would be one of nirvana. Sadly, we humans seem to gravitate towards darkness. We go to war. We lie or cheat or steal or kill. Thus, it can be that a community or nation taps into negative universal forces, resulting in totalitarianism and genocide. This does not mean the victims are attracting their own reign of terror; it simply means that they have been caught up in the worst kind of negative universal forces imaginable. Quantum Success Secrets cannot convert anyone who refuses to accept the Quantum Success Philosophy into channeling only positive thoughts in order to control the universe‟s forces. However, the reality is that the potential remains for great good and happiness, even on a global scale.

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How To Use The Quantum Mind To Tap Into The Forces Around You

As noted previously, the quotations at the beginnings of each chapter are illustrative. Consider Stephen Hawking. Here is a man who has been unable to speak for 25 years. He has been completely paralyzed for over a year, after being mostly paralyzed for decades. He has exceeded his doctor‟s life expectancy prediction by 45 years. And he has used his brilliance to forever change how we perceive the universe. Literally. His work on black holes has altered our view of everything in our solar system and beyond. Here is a man who has used the power of his will to alter forces of life and death around him. If there were one brain to symbolize the Quantum Mind, it would be the brain of Stephen Hawking. Have you ever met a person of great faith, who seems always to be happy and at peace? It seems invariably that this person is suffering something that would crush an ordinary person, such as Stage-3 cancer. In fact, this happy, peaceful person is ordinary. However, her faith carries her through every aspect of her life, allowing her to feel blessed even when most of us would say she suffers horribly. Faith in a Higher Power is just one way of explaining the universal force of good.

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Quantum Success is not about belief in God, but it is not about disbelief in God either. Quantum Success works with or without a Higher Power. For Stephen Hawking, the Higher Power is physics. For a Christian, it is God, the Father. Some would argue that the only true atheism is to succumb to hatred and despair. The point is to have faith in some positive force outside yourself. Without faith, life can be pretty difficult to endure, no matter how well off you may be. Without faith in universal forces, you can have no Quantum Success story of your own. If you contemplate what faith is, you will realize that faith is more than merely believing. In the famous Christmas movie, A Miracle on 34th Street, the little girl Susan is told, “Faith is believing in something when common sense tells you not to.” In other words, faith is belief backed up by conviction. You must first believe in the universal forces around you, and then you must be convinced that you can tap into them. The goal should be to exist always in a place of peace and harmony. You can establish this within yourself and have faith that you will find it externally, as well. Whenever you find yourself in a negative environment, focus even more greatly on your internal world. Especially when you first begin to develop your Quantum Mind, you may struggle with reconciling the two worlds: The external pain and the internal peace. However, as you perfect your mind, using your will to project positivity, you will learn to be calm in adversity and good things will come to you, as bad things literally get out of your way. Consider the Dali Lama. Despite the fact that he has seriously powerful enemies, he is still allowed to travel the world. He has no material wealth, yet

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people line up on the street for days to meet him and hear his wisdom. There are entire countries that would like to see him dead, yet he lives peacefully. He is completely in synch with the universal forces that surround him. Have you ever noticed that some people actually seem to exude confidence? We aren‟t talking about fear or intimidation. Confidence attracts, while intimidation repels. Consider social interaction, such as any party situation. There is always someone at the center of attention. Chances are, he‟s standing there with a drink in his hand from which he rarely sips. He looks like he‟s part of the crowd, but he‟s actually above the crowd. This person influences everyone and everything around him without even trying. Of course, he isn‟t trying; he has faith in himself and conviction in all that he does. He can win friends and influence people, because all the effort he exerts is in improving himself. He is at peace, he is calm, and his strength is both palpable and effortless.

Now, consider leadership. The worst leaders are dictators. People may do as they‟re told, but only because they fear these leaders. Great leaders do not use coercion. Perhaps you have been in the room with a particularly effective boss. He always seems to be a team player, who considers everyone‟s opinion

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and frequently implements the recommendations of his senior staff members. After a couple years with this company, your boss takes you golfing with him and, while walking the course, talking about nothing in particular; he brings up a smaller company he thinks might be worth researching as an acquisition. You‟re curious and you want to please your boss, so you start looking into the company and realize that it would make a great addition to your company‟s holdings. You also note that your co-worker, Jane, had lunch with the boss on Tuesday and heard that Suzanne—whose daughter plays on the same soccer team as the boss‟ son—was sitting next to the boss when her daughter scored the winning goal. At the next board meeting, you bring up the idea of acquiring the other company; Jane and Suzanne echo your recommendations. Your boss sits back, thoughtful, and declares the three of you “forward-thinking” and agrees that this will make an excellent addition to the company. You may not have noticed, but your boss managed to get exactly what he wanted through subtle manipulation (not coercion) of his senior staff. The best part is: You were given the credit. So, what has this to do with tapping into universal forces to achieve Quantum Success? In the case of the popular party person, you see an illustration of how belief and conviction are attractive features (Law of Attraction), bringing positive people and energy your way. In the case of the boss, you see how you can use the forces around you (in this example, those forces are concrete in that they are workers) to get what you desire, simply by sharing the leadership and allowing others to feel good about a decision-making process.

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Perhaps you are thinking, “Yes, but you are talking about universal forces and giving examples with flesh and blood people.” Do not make the mistake of thinking that people are easier to control than the universal forces around you.

First off, if you are using optimal thinking, you are likely to be distancing yourself from negative energy in general. And, unlike human beings, universal forces have no hidden agenda. In fact, by now, you should understand that these forces are not even controlling themselves. They are not directing themselves at you. If anything, you are controlling these forces through the Law of Attraction. Unlike universal forces, on the other hand, a person can aim to hurt another person. The universal force of goodness is not thought-driven, unless it is coming at you from another person. This, again, is why it is so vital to Quantum Success that you have your affirmations and positive thoughts to guide you. You don‟t want to put yourself in a negative place where malcontents are more likely to set their sights on you. If positive thoughts and negative thoughts exist and positive actions and negative actions are evident, there can be no doubt that positive energy and negative energy surround us. If you could ever fully embrace only the positive, you would never fail. Failure and disappointment stem from negative energy. Understand that a major component to Quantum Success is faith that you will have Quantum Success. If you cannot see yourself in this capacity, you

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cannot believe it; if you cannot believe it, you will never see it. This is not circular logic, and if you move beyond the phrasing, you will sense the truth. It‟s the simplicity of the Beatles‟ tune, “All You Need Is Love”: There‟s nothing you can do that can‟t be done.

Changes To Your State Of Being Do you understand what it is to be selfish? Because society sends very mixed messages about selfishness (not to mention selflessness), you probably confuse selfishness with being self-concerned. For example, if you are getting drunk, you are behaving selfishly. On the other hand, if you take three hours each week away from family and friends (not to mention your Blackberry) and do various spa treatments (using the money you earn from a side job of pet sitting), this is not acting selfishly. In fact, your concern for yourself is exactly the opposite of being selfish. You are taking care of you first, so that you are better fit to take care of everyone and everything else throughout the rest of your week. Similarly, there once was a single, childless woman who, having reached her fortieth birthday, declared she never wanted to get married and have kids. Some would see this as an act of selfishness. Actually, it is only selfish to make a decision like this after you are married with children. Being good to yourself and knowing yourself have nothing to do with the act of being selfish. Have you ever noticed that when you feel stressed or sad or upset you have physical pain? Anxiety, depression, and negativity of all sorts have physical manifestations in our bodies. The next time you are in a negative state, take note of your physical state. Keep a notebook of how you are feeling physically

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and what you are feeling emotionally. Perhaps you feel tension between your shoulder blades whenever you have an altercation with an angry co-worker, for example. You note a pattern that whenever you feel under attack, you carry this tension in your upper back. What you need to learn to do is control these physical effects. They are not the cause of your problem, which may be something beyond your immediate control, at least for the moment. However, you can control your response to the stimuli. That is, you can teach yourself to relax your upper back whenever the co-worker approaches you or if you sense you are about to go on the defensive.

As you work on changing your heightened physical state and on learning to control your autonomic responses, you will gradually find your emotional state is changing likewise. When both your physical and emotional reactions are back under your control, you may discover that things that once upset you no longer do. As a natural extension of your new state of being, the people and circumstances will be different. Your angry co-worker may suddenly stop attacking you or approach you in a calmer mood. The goal, of course, is not physical alterations to your body. However, taking time to become aware of your physical self and addressing weakness in you is another way of allowing the Quantum Mind to function at its fullest. We attend

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to what we sense before we are able to attend to what we perceive. If your hands get sweaty every time you are stressed, you learn to control the sweaty palms through breathing exercises and focusing on this particular physical issue. Then you can address the perception of fear or stress. If you make changes to your body while under duress, that duress lessens or, perhaps, goes away entirely. The bigger issue here is not that you are controlling anxiety and negative feelings; in fact, what you are doing is stopping negative feelings from controlling you. You cannot exercise sound judgment nor make good choices when you don‟t feel your best. You can only control the universal forces around you if your state of being is in peak form.

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Achieving Quantum Wealth “If you believe you can, you probably can. If you believe you won‟t, you most assuredly won‟t. Belief is the ignition switch that gets you off the launching pad.” ~ Denis Waitley

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Applying The Quantum Philosophy To Your Daily Life: What Is Quantum Wealth? What is it about money? Why can we see ourselves happy, but struggle to see ourselves rich? If you have learned anything by now, it is that if you cannot see it, you cannot be it. When you say your affirmation, “I am financially independent,” what do you see in your mind‟s eye? Are you lounging on a beach, basking both in the rays of the sun and the freedom your Quantum Wealth has afforded you? What is Quantum Wealth? Much as with Quantum Success, Quantum Wealth is your financial status optimized. You are going to have money. You are going to have all the money you require to do all you desire. However, your wealth will not be measured in mere currency, although the tool of money is a large part of Quantum Wealth. Physical money is only one piece of the puzzle when the rest of your life is a success. Haven‟t we all heard of multi-millionaires forced into bankruptcy? Money was not the issue for these people; the misuse of money was the problem. Quantum Wealth is spiritual, material and financial. Quantum Wealth is also about freedom. Freedom from debt. Freedom from worry. Freedom from excessive things that do not contribute to your happiness. In the United States, we frequently claim to live in a “free” country. How free can you be if you are a slave to a job you hate? How free are you when you cannot put a roof over your head or food in your belly? Happily, starvation is not widespread in western society, and most people do have some form of a home. However, the constant struggle to keep the basic necessities may be tethering you to a life of want and neediness. There is no Quantum Wealth if you are not free to live the life you lead.

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As you contemplate how to achieve wealth, begin by determining your worth. How much are you worth? Don‟t simply think like a capitalist or an entrepreneur. Neither should you think from a strictly spiritual plane. The capitalist will consider your salary. From a spiritual perspective, most of us cannot fathom putting a dollar (or euro) amount on ourselves. We think in terms of “priceless” and “worthless.” However, to achieve Quantum Wealth, you need to move fluidly between the spiritual and material realms. That means you need to quantify your own worth in ways that have nothing to do with how much you currently own or your earning potential. Can you visualize your life of riches? Can you project yourself into a life where you have $10,000,000 in the bank, for example? If not, why not? This goes beyond positive thinking, to core beliefs about your own self-worth. If you do not deem yourself worthy of limitless wealth, how on earth do you plan on finding wealth, let alone allowing wealth to find you? Remember our active and passive thoughts? You must actively pursue wealth, but this is not about schemes. It is about your mental and physical state. Frequently, our ideas about money are deeply rooted, and these prejudices can be terribly difficult to eradicate. How you were brought up to perceive

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people with money and how your parents themselves behaved with money, are probably key factors in how you perceive and deal with money yourself. What to make from people who succeed in obtaining wealth and those who don‟t? Sometimes, even people in very similar circumstances end up on very different ends of the wealth continuum. However, where we land on that continuum has a lot to do with choices we make along the way and how we perceive the results of those choices. Consider the story of three poor boys from the third world. All the boys grew up hungry. Perhaps they had no running water or only access to cold water from a well. They were frequently left to raise themselves, because their parents had to toil so hard just to scrape out a subsistence to survive. Yet these boys were clever and hard working. Through perseverance, they excelled at school and landed a coveted spot in an American university, where they each studied business. Up until now, their histories are interchangeable. It is at this point where the three stories diverge. The first boy grew up to be a man who was determined never to be impoverished ever again. He is hired right out of college to work for an investment bank, where he becomes rabidly devoted to his work. In fact, he often puts in as many as 80 hours a week between office and home. At the end of his first year of work, the man—whose salary is reasonable, but not high—receives a bonus of $2,000,000. The boy who starved has morphed into the man who is a multimillionaire. The second boy has the opportunity to work for an investment bank, but he is immediately out of sorts with the company. He does not thrive in the high-

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paced world of finance and soon loses his job. He drifts from one job to another, eventually going back to school to get his graduate degree in English. He becomes an instructor at a community college where he earns $35,000 annually. The third boy has yet a different tale. He, too, is offered the 80-hour work week with the incentive of a possible bonus at the end of the year. Instead, he decides to launch his own Internet company. He partners with a man who has graduated with a degree in computer science. With a few thousand dollars of seed money thrown in from working various jobs while in college, they manage to put together a small, barely profitable online store. Together, the two entrepreneurs make less than $50,000 in their first two years of business. They work long hours and share an apartment to cut down on expenses. Who is the wealthy man from these descriptions? Of course, the first man. However, let‟s look at them five years later and see if our perceptions of their worth have changed. The investment banker took his bonuses from the first two years of work and purchased a large condominium in Manhattan, for which he pays monthly maintenance fees in excess of $4,000. Although he has no mortgage, he must pay taxes on his condo in addition to the maintenance fees. In total, his home is costing him more than $8,000 each month. He also feels so stressed out from his job that he rewards his own hard work with various trinkets: a gold watch here, a pair of Italian leather shoes there, expensive wine and cigars. With the two weeks‟ vacation he gets each year, he jets to exotic locales costing him tens of thousands of dollars.

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When the economy turns bad, his bonus disappears, leaving him with his modest salary (a salary that could sustain him if he didn‟t have the huge housing expense and was moderate in his purchases). He is forced to take a mortgage to fund his own lifestyle. He quickly burns through the first mortgage and is unable to get a second. He is charging his credit cards to their maximum limit each month. He has panic attacks, because he‟s in debt and the value of his property has dropped well below what he originally paid for it. Even if he wanted to sell it, he would probably lose money on the deal. His coworkers are getting laid off, so he‟s working more of his 80-hour work week from the office than by telecommuting from home. He‟s exhausted and on the verge of total collapse. The professor has a tough time of it, as well. He recently married and has a baby due. He would like for his wife to be able to stay home with the baby, but this means he will have to pick up additional classes to augment his income. Fortunately, his job is flexible enough that he still has time to spend with his family. They live very frugally with only one credit card, which they use in an emergency. They have one used car and have managed to save up enough money that they will probably have the down payment for a house soon. The man worries about money, but mostly he feels that he cannot take advantage of opportunities, because he is too poor; for example, he knows he could get a great deal on a house, because there are several foreclosures in a nice neighborhood and the banks are looking to make a deal. Yet he‟s not comfortable going too deep into debt or taking too many risks with his hard earned savings. He‟s equal measures fearful and hopeful about

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his future. He would describe himself as a happy person, despite his obvious short-comings. He definitely feels that he has done better than his parents, and he has confidence that his child will do better than he has. The third man‟s Internet business is thriving five years out. He‟s not making millions, but he and his partner are both making over $100,000 per year. There are rumblings that a major corporation may be interested in buying their company, and the pair is currently undertaking negotiations to sell. The man has decided to go solo on his next venture and is launching a second business that also looks like it will be profitable. He works from his own home, where he is helping to raise his twin boys. He has already started saving for their college. He rarely fights with his wife and never about money, since they share similar values towards their finances. Their only debt is a reasonable mortgage. He is confident that he and his partner will make several million dollars on the sale of the first company, the proceeds from which he will split equally between trust funds for his kids, paying off the mortgage, establishing a decent amount of savings, and investing in his new company. He has plenty of money, time and happiness in his life and feels truly blessed. Which of these men has achieved Quantum Wealth? Not the investment banker, who is on the verge of a mental breakdown. Even the poor professor is

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doing better than the first man. Of course, the third man who didn‟t chase after money but, rather, has built a life on the Law of Attraction is truly wealthy in every sense of the word.

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How Quantum Success Will Lead To Unlimited Wealth

Quantum Success and Quantum Wealth are about abundant living. Look around you. Are you using the Law of Attraction to bring money to you? Does your home attract wealth? Remember those prejudices about money that were instilled with you early on will be the toughest to escape. Do you associate wealth with having more things? What do these things mean to you? Are shabby things in your life (your furniture, your clothes, etc.) making you feel poorer than you actually are, thereby inviting negative thoughts about wealth into your consciousness? As an example, when you were young, perhaps you were taught that you buy margarine, because butter is too expensive. As an adult shopping for your own groceries, do you continue to purchase margarine despite preferring butter? It sounds silly, but, in fact, small things like this are where you reveal your selfworth. If you think you do not deserve to spend an extra 25 cents per week in order to have your toast taste better, how will you summon the effort to gather wealth beyond mere pennies? Being a spendthrift is not superior to rewarding yourself with things you cannot afford, although the former will cause you far less stress and pain than the latter.

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These are the symptoms of the two men from the previous illustration, who could not attain Quantum Wealth. Not because they lacked opportunity, but because, their own lack of will (in the case of the investment banker) and lack of self-worth (in the case of the professor), kept them from realizing their Quantum Success. Ultimately, how you save and how you spend is a reflection on how you feel about yourself and how you measure your self-worth. Your attitude should optimize your financial success, but, as the illustration of the three men shows, financial success is not simply more money, more toys, more burdens, more responsibility. Consider a man who lived the life of the investment banker minus the indulgence. He saved his millions, but when 9/11 happened, he couldn‟t take remaining in New York City, so he set off and explored the world a bit, finally landing in the Midwest, where he built a brewery and pub from scratch. He didn‟t know anything about making beer; he just liked to drink it. He had the money to launch his business, and he turned his small company into a livingwage, truly fun place to work and commune. He‟s never been happier. He is living his dream, and the money he made as an investment banker was only the tool that allowed him to go from having money to having Quantum Wealth. Quantum Success will generate Quantum Wealth if you subscribe to the philosophy and follow its tenants. Remember in the last chapter about physical manifestations of negative feelings? Well, guess what? There are physical manifestations of positive feelings, too. The most obvious example is the smile.

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We smile when we feel good. Try the following: Once you are engaging in daily meditation for 20 full minutes, take a few of those minutes to experiment. During a meditative session, imagine yourself wealthy. How does this make you feel? Do not simply answer “good.” Do your hands and feet relax? Do the wrinkles on your forehead disappear? Do you breathe more deeply and with less effort? Truly focus on your physicality in your visualized wealth. Now bring that physicality into the present and allow yourself to feel that good. You are a wealthy person. You have unlimited wealth. You are worth limitless amounts of money. You are doing right by yourself and all those around you, and the results are beginning to show. Each and every day, your wealth is growing and will continue to grow.

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Exercising Your Mind Toward Making Money Dreamcatching Wealth

Do you have trouble falling asleep at night? Are your problems making you toss and turn? Are you wondering if you should be counting sleep to get your mind off your worries and into a blissful slumber? Instead of counting sheep, count dollars. Not precisely, but one exercise you should do every night before you drift off to sleep is to contemplate your wealth. Simply by impressing upon your troubled psyche, each and every night before falling asleep, that you will be wealthy is one of the easiest routes to Quantum Wealth. Think it and then dream it. Wealth Is All Around You Every day, at least three times per day, stop whatever it is you are doing and look around you to assess the wealth that surrounds you. Where do you have wealth in this particular moment in time? Attend to what you have, rather than dwelling on what you do not have. Be appreciative, be grateful. Give thanks to the universe for what it has provided you at this moment. You can only gain

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Quantum Wealth by optimizing your thinking. Allow your Quantum Mind to expand and realize that wealth manifests itself in many areas. You can have wealth of mind, wealth of spirit, wealth of body, and wealth of wallet. Remember earlier in this chapter when we considered the possibility of everyone on Earth achieving Quantum Success? There are enough resources on this planet for everyone to live an abundant life. It may be beyond the capacity of many to choose to live in abundance, but if you activate your Quantum Mind, even Quantum Wealth will find its way to you, and you to it.

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Live Long And Prosper “A man is not rightly conditioned until he is a happy, healthy, and prosperous being; and happiness, health, and prosperity are the result of a harmonious adjustment of the inner with the outer of the man with his surroundings.” ~ James Allen

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Health & Happiness Is Achieved Through The Power Of Quantum Success Why are people so reluctant to change? It is not simply a matter of laziness or because change is difficult. Many of us have a defensive strategy when it comes to new information or anything that would disrupt our way of viewing our world. Yet we do change, for better and, oftentimes, for worse. Change happens, in a manner of speaking. When it comes to resisting change, even the most basic information is viewed as suspect. Perhaps this is a symptom of the Internet age; we‟re all experts thanks to Google. No one debates or has philosophical conversations anymore. You just ask your computer to prove what you already “know” to be true. This is a major reason that so many people are unhealthy and unhappy. Finding a choir to preach to does not increase your will or add to a healthy Quantum Mind. As an example, what if you were told that eliminating gluten from your diet would make you rich beyond your wildest dreams? Say a billionaire gives you an iron clad contract to that effect. Chances are—despite the fact that you would be forced to make major changes to your diet—you would eschew gluten and live happily (and bread free) ever after, never missing this particular protein. Money is a tangible reward for making adjustments—even major adjustments—to how we live. However, let‟s say you find out that you have an autoimmune disease, and your doctor tells you the effects will be greatly lessened if you remove gluten from your diet. Suddenly, you don‟t think it‟s really worth the trouble just to avoid getting sick somewhere down the road. It‟s too big a sacrifice.

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We may be willing to change for quick and easy cash, but we resist change that can have a long-term benefit for our quality of life. Somewhere along the line, we seem to have lost the central truth that money cannot buy health. It may make it easier to see the best doctors when you are ill, but it will not cure you if you cannot be treated. Health trumps money in every regard, yet we frequently take abysmally poor care of ourselves.

Why do people get sick? This will seem controversial or, possibly, mean spirited, but most sickness is “invited.” You may argue about people with a genetic predisposition for illness, such as cancer that runs in the family. If a person gets cancer through no fault of her own, how is that inviting illness into her body? Again, this isn‟t about blame, it is about responsibility. Yes, occasionally someone gets a horrible illness at a very young age and there was no real cause for it. However, in the case of most people, especially those with a genetic history, illness is just the end result of a life lived in negativity. If you know you were born with a heart condition, for example, and you smoke, eat fatty foods, and never exercise, you are not dying at the age of 60 from a bad heart. You are dying from poorly tending to your own wellbeing. Do you drink alcohol? Smoke? Eat processed foods? Avoid eating vegetables? Do you postpone going to the doctor or dentist for regular check-

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ups? Chances are, you said “yes” to at least one of these, and you‟re thinking, “What‟s the harm? I drink only in moderation and scientists say that wine is good for my heart!” In fact, it is this way of thinking that will keep you from being a Quantum Success story. This is not a manual of sobriety, but there is something to be said for being proactive, rather than reactive about your health. There are some women, for example, who have a difficult genetic history with breast cancer, who will opt for a full mastectomy even before cancer forms in their breasts. Some people would think this is radical and unnecessary, but many doctors agree that such extreme measures can extend the lives of these women. While many women will undergo elective surgery that radically alters their appearance, few women (or men, for that matter) would do this to protect their health. The same goes for diet and exercise. We eat improperly our entire adult lives, and, as seniors, our doctors put us on a drug cocktail to “treat” the myriad of problems that result. Then, they put us on more drugs to treat the side effects from the first set of drugs we were taking. There is no mystery here. It is not even open to question-if you eat badly, your body will perform badly. High blood pressure is almost never the result of a healthy and well-maintained body. Studies have shown that an hour a day of

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strenuous exercise treats many illnesses as well, or better, than pharmaceuticals. It probably goes without saying, but if you are not taking care of your body and are unconcerned about your health, you will not be even a moderate success, let alone a Quantum Success. So, why do we treat ourselves so badly to begin with? Again, there‟s no mystery involved. We do not treat our bodies like temples, because we do not have the will to do so. Most of us talk about taking better care of ourselves, but few of us ever make the lifestyle changes necessary for doing so. And that‟s what you must do: Make changes that will last you for your entire life. If you have read thus far, you obviously have decided you want to embrace the Quantum Success philosophy. You have read the details, perhaps you‟ve written a few affirmations, you may even have started your day with meditation. Will you give up smoking for Quantum Success? Will you lose 20 pounds, eat right and exercise daily for Quantum Success? Will you stop over scheduling yourself and adding stress into your life for Quantum Success? Up until now, mostly, you‟ve been told you need to make changes, but you have not actually had to change. It may turn out that it is far easier for you to go a week without negative thinking than it is to go a week without caffeine and sugar! No, you don‟t have to give up your morning joe to be a Quantum Success. However, you know your weakness. If you drink two glasses of wine in the evening to fall asleep and need four cups of coffee in the morning to get yourself up and going, well, you can do the math for yourself.

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On a piece of paper, draw two columns. In the first column, make a list of your worst habits. Now add to that list your bad habits. In the second column, write all the good habits you would like to add into your life (e.g. get a good night‟s sleep). Chances are, your column of bad habits is quite a bit longer than the good habits with which you‟d like to replace them.

The good news is that will make it easier to take on good habits. Just as it is fairly easy to create positive affirmations (although less easy to remember them when chaos is going on around you, of course), you will probably be able to move some positive habits into your life, at least on a partial basis. So, how to rid yourself of your bad habits? You have your list in front of you. Your goal is to remove one bad habit a month, until they are all gone. The good habits should take care of themselves, but, if not, try to add in one good habit a month. You do not need to tackle your most difficult bad habit first. In fact, until you are feeling the power of your Quantum Mind and begin to see tangible change in your life, you probably will not be able to master the worst of your bad habits. Permanent change is your goal. If you take on the worst first and suffer a relapse, you are much more likely to abandon all your efforts, owing to one large problem you are not yet ready to address.

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Pick something from your list that is manageable and will have a quick turnaround in the results department. Let‟s say one bad habit you have is you love cheese. Now, cheese in moderation is fine, but you like to eat cheese every day and you know all the fat and calories are doing more harm than good. Thus, with difficulty, but no great pain, you decide to bid adieu to the brie and camembert (not to mention the cheddar and Swiss). The first week will probably be really difficult, particularly as you drive right on by your favorite pizza shop. However, by week two, you‟ll notice that your digestion has improved and, without even trying, you‟ve dropped three pounds. Oh, yes, that‟s right: “Lose weight” is in the good habit column. By the end of the month, you no longer crave cheese and you feel better, too. After a while, you may even discover you don‟t particularly like cheese anymore. Getting rid of bad habits is difficult, so the key is to work for life changes. Think of it in terms of “once a bad habit, always a bad habit.” If you rid your body of something that is bad for you, you must relegate that bad thing to your past. You cannot let it encroach upon you and sneak its way back into your body and your life. This is why addicts go to Alcoholics Anonymous for decades after they have quit drinking. In their case, a bad habit was ruining their lives (one of the 12 Steps is admitting not having control over alcohol). And this brings up the issue of asking for help. Human beings are really bad at asking for help. Maybe you pray and ask God to help you. Do you ever ask your neighbor? What about another mom at school? The guys you bowl with? We may ask someone to help us assemble a shed out back, but, when it comes to our personal stuff, most of us are very reluctant to seek help.

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Consider your doctor‟s office. Chances are, you have lied to your doctor (most people do) or at the very least fibbed (you only drink alcohol “moderately” whereas, in fact, you drink every single day). Even when you do tell the truth, unless you press the issue with your physician, chances are, he‟ll look in your ears and your mouth, but be completely oblivious to larger issues you should address. Studies have shown that most doctors will not even recommend weight loss to an obese patient. Plus, if you‟re lucky, your doctor will spend all of 10 minutes examining you.

A huge part of taking care of yourself is knowing when to ask for help, actually asking for that help and then not feeling guilty or beholden afterwards. Part of the reluctance to ask for assistance probably stems from knowing people who are users, meaning they use other people and never give back. However, those people are not you. Of course, you desire to be independent and strong, but you will probably need a lot of help along the way. Consider what you would do if you lost your job. Would you sit holed up in your house, never venturing out, waiting for the bill collectors to come pounding at your door? Probably you will retrench, but it will be of short duration. Then, you‟d be devising plans and asking friends and family to help you. Help is a little bit like will in the Quantum Success sense. Just as many of us only exert will when forced by external factors, so do we only seek out help when

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we are in extreme need. Here‟s a great secret: More people want to help you than you realize. All you need to do is ask with humility, and be thankful afterward. The worst thing that could possibly happen is that the person refuses to help you. If you are not to the point of desperation, you will not find this a major setback. In fact, you will probably just ask someone else to help you. Even something as simple as a jogging buddy is a way you get help for what you need. The best part is that, as you move along your path of Quantum Success, you will be able to return help (either to someone who helped you or in a “pay it forward” fashion). Once you have abandoned your bad habits and incorporated the good ones, which is no small task, you will find yourself in a completely altered physical and mental state. Suddenly, all the other goals you have will be in your immediate grasp. You may still have the occasional health flare up or even end up with an incurable disease. This does not mean you will not be a Quantum Success. We all have a limited number of days on this planet. The point is to live a rich, full life and to allow great things to be attracted to you. Even if you wind up back where you began, everything will have changed.

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Consider the Mobius strip:

If you start on the outside of the Mobius strip and make one complete rotation, you end up on the inside. You do not have to understand why this is so, but you will lose your mind if you don‟t believe it, because, no matter where you begin on a Mobius strip, you will never end up in the same spot on a single revolution. If you live the Quantum Success philosophy, your life will be like a Mobius strip: You may come back to where you started, but you will be in a totally different place.

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In Conclusion… “If we wish to make a new world we have the material ready. The first one, too, was made out of chaos.” ~ Robert Quillen

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Your Life Can Be A Quantum Success Story You should now possess all the tools to create your own Quantum Success. The power to do so has always lain within you. Perhaps you were unaware of your own strength. Perhaps you sabotaged yourself through negative thoughts or even positive thinking that was aimed merely at “good enough.” Perhaps you have been lazy in your desire to be successful. Possibly you have been a passive thinker, exhibiting your will only when provoked by outside forces. Possibly you let those outside forces limit the powers of your mind. You haven‟t wanted to be rich. You haven‟t wanted to be healthy. You haven‟t wanted to be happy. This is all about to change for you. From voicing your goals, to forming your intent; from daily meditation and mental exercises, to channeling your will to guide your thoughts and actions; from loving what you don‟t like to do, to living a prosperous life, this book is your bible for success. You have before you the manual that will unlock Quantum Success for your entire life. Don‟t begin small. That is where you have failed before! Think big, sure, but work to actually achieve those dreams. It is not enough to fantasize or “try” to do something. You must actively live your own life! No matter where you are or your particular circumstances, you can get everything you desire: Be it fame, fortune, stability, love, power, health, prosperity, security or all of the above.

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The reason others have succeeded, is not because you have failed. Far from it. You are limited only by your thoughts. Even if you spend your life in a wheelchair, you can be a Stephen Hawking. Even if you were abused as a child, you can become an Oprah Winfrey. Even if your dad was born in Africa and you were raised by a single mom, you can be elected President of the United States. You can write your own Quantum Success story. There will always be obstacles. Perhaps you have heard the phrase, “The journey is the destination.” Your Quantum Success is a process, not an end in and of itself. That said, you will find your positive thoughts will lead to less negativity in your life. Your affirmations will be realized and you will continue to grow and succeed in ways that stretch your mind even further. You will create opportunities that you probably have yet to even imagine. Whatever obstacles you encounter, you will conquer with creativity and strength of purpose. It is important to choose Quantum Success as a lifestyle choice. This is not a “Get Rich Quick” scheme. You cannot employ the techniques and exercises in this book for a month and expect to receive a lifetime‟s worth of benefit. Those who failed at achieving Quantum Success invariably gave up following their own plan of action or implemented it haphazardly to begin with.

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If you have read this book and absorbed its teachings, you should not have to be reminded that Quantum Success will only be realized through discipline and patience. If you are focusing on the endgame, you really have missed the point. Nor is Quantum Success Secrets strictly about achieving measurable goals. That‟s why your affirmations are not concrete. You affirm that you will be “financially independent,” for example, as opposed to having a billion dollars. You never know if a billion will be enough. There was a rather silly movie some years ago called Bedazzled. In this retelling of the Faust tale, Elizabeth Hurley plays the devil and Brendan Fraser plays the hapless lover who bargains away his soul for seven wishes. He attempts to use each wish to win over the girl of his dreams (who, of course, really isn‟t). The devil, however, is quite cunning. She tweaks each wish in such a fashion to make the man‟s dream turn into a nightmare. For example, when he wishes to be President of the United States, because the girl would certainly want to be his wife, the devil turns him into Abraham Lincoln minutes before being seated at Ford‟s Theatre. This illustration points out the folly of making wishes. Wishes are not goals. A dream is no good to you if you cannot act to make it reality. Quantum Success is about real progress and genuine success that will work for your entire life, but it must be a part of all you do every minute of every day.

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The best part about Quantum Success is that it tends to be its own reward. While you may be challenged when incorporating the exercises outlined in this book into your daily life, as soon as you start to feel success coming your way, you will be reinvigorated. You will “double down,” so to speak, on the Quantum Success philosophy, applying it even more rigorously, with even greater discipline and self-awareness. As they say, nothing succeeds like success.

To Your Success,

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