Quantum Medicine

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Introduction Medicine Introduction to Quantum Medicine Dr. Maddalena Frau



Summary Introduction to Quantum Medicine .................................................................................................................... ....................................................................... ............................................. 1 Quantum Medicine ............................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................................... .................................. 3 Vision of global health .......................................................................................................................................... ........................................................................................................ .................................. 4 Information as Medicine ............................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................................... ....................... 5 Quantum Physics and Quantum Medicine ............................................................ ......................................................................................................... ............................................. 6 How does Quantum Physics relate to t o Bioenergetic Medicine? ............................................................. ......................................................................... ............ 7 Types of Quantum Medicine Diagnosis & Treatment ....................................................................................... ................................................................ ....................... 9 Homeopathy ....................................................... ........................................................................................................................ ................................................................................................. ................................ 10 Holistic Medicine ................................................................................................................................................ 11 Other Terms Associated with Holistic Medicine .............................................................. .............................................................................................. ................................ 12 EDS  –  Electro  Electro dermal Screening Electro dermal screening............................................................................ screening................................................................ ............ 13 Random Event Generators ................................................................................................................................ ................................................................................................ ................................ 13 About the SCIO Device……………………………………………………………………………………………………………14 Quantum Scanning - Matching - Body Field Scanning .............................................................. ................................................................................... ..................... 15 Bio-Resonance ................................................................................................................................ ............................................................... ...................................................................................... ..................... 16 Vibrational Frequency ....................................................................................................................................... 17 Radionics ............................................................................................................................................................. 17 The Bovis Biometer -- - A Detecting Method ...................................................................................................... ........................................................... ........................................... 18 Informational Medicine - Infoceuticals............................................................................................................. Infoceuticals............................................................................................................. 19 Biophysics ............................................................................................................................ ........................................................... ................................................................................................. ................................ 20 Quantum Biology ........................................................................................................................... .......................................................... ...................................................................................... ..................... 21 Quantum Biochemistry ...................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................................... ................................ 22 Orgonomy............................................................................................................................ ........................................................... ................................................................................................. ................................ 22



Quantum Medicine Quantum Medicine has Medicine has brought together multidisciplinary research with the insights of quantum physics to show that the t he human body is controlled and regulated by the human energy system. An integration of naturopathic medicine with Oriental Medicine, TMC, Ayurveda, European & Native American Herbology, homeopathy, clinical nutrition &  biochemistry, applied kinesiology, chiropractic chiropractic and others to provide a clinical protocol far more potent that any one alternative method taken alone. Today, with the modern technology based on sophisticated systems and instrumentations, we are in a position to producing and measuring ―quantum‖ variations of energy (according to the Plank physicist, physicist, 1930, a ―total‖ of energy is equivalent to 10-23 10-23 Watt/cm), integrated from the millenarian experience of the CTM, in a position to interacting, through micro frequencies, with these thin energies modifying and correcting the energetic flows to the aim to restore the just relationships and therefore the compromised health. According to the modern vision, this energy joins the man in its Psycho-physical truth, SpiritBody (Psycho Soma). Present the vital energy e' in every manifested thing, and during the life of all the living beings, the delicate energetic relationships that constitute the state of health. If the flow of the vital energy comes disturbed, for whichever reason (Psycho-physical), the  just relationships between the several energies alter and they are begun to perceive symptomdisturbs, and consequently the diseases take to shape with wit h pain and suffering, this happen for the Ethical Errors of the subject (wrong behaviours, regarding the specific laws of the living  beings) generating the Conflicts, than if not resolved, they prevented to the vital energy to flow and to flow back from IO/Ego (Psyche) to cute (the periphery of the Load Body) and vice versa, in optimal way, way, in order to be in Perfect Health. The health is the more active and creative cre ative field of the new planetary culture ,the Holistic model of human beans –  like  like unity and mind, spirit- develop as a synthesis s ynthesis amongst old and modern medical tradition, in the midst of neuroscience, psychology and spirituality.



Vision of global health Speaking whit the vision of global health is not only the absence of sickness, but we mast think about the global health (body, mind, society, environmental) and at the psycho physic concept of evolution-transformation. In a word devastated from stress , transgenic t ransgenic foods, environment degrade and and the human aggressiveness, aggressiveness, the concept of global health implicate of curse a new awareness in foods choice and self cure, and of course the transformation of life , love, work, relationships and specially the environment. The quantum level possesses the highest level of coherence within the human organism. Sick individuals with weak immune systems or cancer have poor and chaotic coherence with disturbed bio-photon cellular communication. Therefore, disease can be seen as the result of disturbances on the cellular level that act to distort the cell's quantum perspective. This causes electrons to become misplaced in i n protein molecules and metabolic processes  become derailed as a result. Once cellular metabolism is compromised the cell becomes isolated from the regulated  process of natural growth control. The quantum therapist and naturopaths recognizes that quantum coherence provides the fundamental resonance communication system of the body. All quantum therapist therapies must, therefore, be aimed at re-establishing cellular resonance. Quantum Medicine also work‘s in the bio-energetic the bio-energetic nutrition with an emphasis on providing adequate defences for free radical damage and re-establishing the body's bio-electric communication system by detoxifying the connective tissue matrix.



Information as Medicine Quantum Medicine is a science that re-establishes the proper flow of information to the  body‘s energetic fields to promote health, health, Quantum Medicine presents a new integrative model of the energetic physiology of the human body (the human body-field) and its influence on health. Research shows that a root cause of disease is due to information blockages in the body-field After decades of research, a system has been formulated that unites the meridian system of traditional Chinese medicine with Quantum wave theory to provide the first comprehensive link between the human body‘s biochemistry and bioenergetics, this bioenergetics, this explains that we each have a body-field based on twelve meridian-like channels that process and coordinate information throughout the body and that our health heal th depends on the proper fl flow ow and communication of information through these channels. The quantum quantum electrodynamics information show the distortions and blockages in the information flow of the body-field. The imprinted information acts as a magnetic signpost to engage the body‘s self -healing -healing ability. Information is as important as energy in the universe, and it is as important in the human  body as well. As a cosmic field the directs natur al processes inisthe so iin n-the living that organism theinformation bio-field directs bio-field waynatural the body works: it theuniverse, ―information software‖ directs the organism‘s ―energy―energy-hardware.‖ How information directs organic processes makes the difference between sickness and health. Researchers have succeeded in translating this basic insight into effective health-preserving and -conserving tools: the information-based diagnosis and information-coded remedies that will be the basis of medical science in the future.   The studies and measure dynamics of the energies -information (frequencies) transmitted or  produced from atoms, molecules, substances, cells, materials, organs and systems, etc… etc…  Quantum medicine explores deeply the energetic anatomy of the human body: it studies the vital energy, essential element of transmission and cohesion of the right informationfrequencies, from which the manifested life depends all.


Quantum Physics and Quantum Medicine

Quantum physics is a branch of science science that deals with disc discrete, rete, indivisible units of energy called quanta as described by the Quantum Q uantum Theories. Quantum physics involves the study study of the realm of the ver y small, at the atomic and subatomic level, such as electrons, photons electrons, photons and quarks. The Therefore, refore, it‘s operating at the below below-cell level of the body. Quantum also theelectromagnetism, studyomagnetism, of the forcesthe thatstrong act onforce atomic andparticles subatomic entities . There are Physics 4 forces:isgravity, electr (binds in entities. the atom‘s nucleus) and the weak force (responsible for radioactive/beta decay). Quantum Physics also studies the fields through which forces move. Example of fields are the gravitational field and electromagnetic field. A field can extend throughout a large region of space so that its influence is all-pervading. Standard quantum physics has three primary areas of focus:  

Quantum mechanics: The study of the structure and behaviour of subatomic  particles.   Quantum electrodynamics: QED - A ―field‖ theory of the interaction primarily of electrons and the electromagnetic field; a theory of light (photons).


Quantum chromo dynamics: A theory of the strong force, and the interactions interac tions of quarks and gluons.

Quantum Physics Models: There is not one quantum theory, but many theories, each interpreting the same body of experimental facts:            

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The Standard Model (the most widely accepted theory) String Theory Many Worlds Theory Super Symmetry Theory Transactional Interpretation (wave-dominant theory) Space Resonance Theory (Wave Structure of Matter) (wave- dominant theory)



How does Quantum Physics relate to Bioenergetic Medicine?   Medicine? The quantum world is an abstract, mathematical world. It has been called a ―shadow‖ world,  because we can never know it directly, as through observation. observation. When we measure a Quantum system or entity, the act of measuring changes the system. Many of the ―truths‖ of the quantum world are very different from the ―truths‖ of the classical, macroscopic world. The quantum world can be paradoxical and counterintuitive. not shocked when they first come across quantum theory cannot possibly understood it.” -- Physicist Neils Bohr 

“Those who are have

The body-field as a quantum structure —  structure —  a  a network of space resonances — can can only be probed indirectly. It cannot be seen or measured directly. direct ly. Probing it changes it slightly. - Superposition of States A quantum entity is said to be in every possible state st ate at the same time, called a ―superposition.‖ Upon measurement, it ―chooses‖ one state, one state, the state that best conforms to the experimental conditions/context at that time. - Copenhagen Interpretation  A quantum entity has both wave and particle attributes at the same time. It is detected as one or the other according to the experiment that is being conducted.

When its ―wave―wave-function‖ is collapsed, it goes from being everything it can be to taking on specific characteristics. Somehow, quantum entities ―know‖ what questions we are asking of them, and they appear in a way that best answers those questions. The human body-field is a dynamic network of energy and information. It is rather like a superposition of information about the state of the entire body-field system and its many subsystems. A scanoforthe indirect measurement th emoment the body field captures ―snapshot‖ of state certain parameters body-field system atofone in time and aaccording to the of the person being scanned at that time. Influences include emotions, beliefs, memories, diet, the environment, lifestyle, etc. All of this information is encoded in the client‘s body-field body -field in its many, many layers. Each scan extracts the information most relevant for that client at that time You can‘t know everything there is to know about a particle with absolute certainty. certaint y. When you know about one aspect of a particle, you lose information about other aspects of it. The Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle Probability rules the quantum realm. If you know the momentum (mass x velocity) of a particle, you can‘t know its location with absolute certainty. If you know where the particle is located, locat ed, you can‘ can‘tt know its momentum with certainty.


Analogy: When driving a ―quantum car,‖ if you look to see how fast you are going, you can‘t know exactly where you are, and if i f you know exactly where you are, you can‘t know your exact speed! One could say that the ―uncertainty‖ of the body-field body -field is not due only to inherent quantum features but also to the complexity of environmental influences and the client‘s state of consciousness, which is always in flux. A scan is always about that individual dynamic body-field only. You cannot compare that person‘s field to anyone else‘s. There is no ―optimal‖ bodybody-field against which the client‘s field is compared, although there is research to show a data set to establish what could be thought of as a baseline template. That template is always changing, as more research is done. It is not a ―given‖ that will be found once and set in stone forever. Researchers are seeking to determine the ―functional integrity‖ of the body -field system and subsystems, not absolute baseline measures. The word ―quanta‖ refers to ―packets‖ of energy. Quantum entities can take on only specific allowable energies. When they ―jump‖ from one level to another, they do not travel in between! They just appear at the next higher or lower allowable energy level. level . The quantum realm is ―nonlocal,‖ meaning that everything is connected. This quantum interconnectedness is called ―Quantum ―Quantum entanglement.”  If two quantum entities were ever in contact, they the y are forever connected, no matter how far apart they may eventually be. In terms of information informati on exchange, entangled particles act as a single system, not two separate entities. But no ―signal‖ is being sent sen t between them. The information i nformation is not exchanged by an any y known force, but is shared or correlated instantaneously inst antaneously through the nonlocal field. In Bioenergetic Medicine, the field created by the computer ―entangles‖ with the client‘s  body-field, so information can be exchanged. However, in the macroscopic world, ―noise‖ appears to interfere interfer e with the measurement of the exchange, so research suggests that the client be present for the scan. When entanglement occurs between the computer and the client‘s body-field, When body -field, information is exchanged about the functional integrity of the person‘s the person‘s body-field:  body-field:  

Quality of match to body-field is strong, meaning there is little lit tle disturbance = clear reading on report for that item   Quality of match to body-field is weak because there is a lot of disturbance = highlighted reading on report for that item


Types of Quantum Medicine Diagnosis & Treatment            

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Homeopathy Holistic methods EDS  –  Electro-dermal  Electro-dermal Screening Devices & Computer Electro Dermal Screening (CEDS) Generators/Scio/ Quantum Matching - Body Scanning Bio-Resonance Radionics Body Field Aligners - Informational Medicine Bio-psychology  –  biology  biology -biochemistry Energetic Medicine Orgonomy MTC Nutrition Vibrational Frequency



Homeopathy extends at least as far back as the Ancient Greeks, the modern "father of homeopathy" was the German physician Samuel Hahnemann, who began outlining his theories of "medical "medical similar " in a series of articles and monographs in 1796.

Homeopathic remedies are "successes," or shaken s haken vigorously with each dilution to increase their vibratory field. They are thought to work by stimulating the body's own healing energy, rather like a tuning fork that sets disharmonious chords back on track. Homeopathic remedies consist of minute does of natural substances - mineral, plant or animal, that if given to healthy people in large does would cause the symptoms the  patient is experiencing. The principle is similar to that of pharmaceutical vaccination, but vaccines are macromolecules that can induce unwanted side effects. Homeopathic remedies are without side effects (but not reactions) because they are extremely dilute - at some strengths str engths they are so dilute that no molecule of the original substance is likely to be left in solution. It is thought that only the original substance's vibration remains.



Holistic Medicine

Holistic Medicine is defined by the Canadian Holistic Medical Association as follows. Holistic medicine is a system of health care which fosters a cooperative relationship among all those involved, leading towards optimal attainment of the physical, mental emotional, social and spiritual aspects of health. It emphasizes the need to look at the whole person, including analysis of physical, nutritional, environmental, emotional, social, spiritual and lifestyle values. It encompasses all stated modalities modaliti es of diagnosis and treatment including drugs and surgery if no safe alternative exists. Holistic medicine focuses on education and responsibility for personal efforts effo rts to achieve balance and wellbeing. Suzan Walter, President of the American Holistic Health Association (AHHA), put together an excellent summary of the principals of Holistic Health.



Other Terms Associated with Holistic Medicine  

Alternative Medicine is often used by the general public and some healthcare  practitioners to refer to medical techniques which are not known or accepted by the majority "conventional" or "allopathic" medical practitioners (usually (usuall y M.D.'s). Such techniques could include non-invasive, non-pharmaceutical techniques such as Medical Herbalism, Acupunture, Homeopathy, Reiki, and many man y others. However, the term Alternative Medicine can also refer ref er to any experimental drug or non-drug technique that is not currently accepted by "conventional" medical practitioners. practit ioners. As non-invasive, non-pharmaceutical techniques become popular and accepted by large number of "conventional" practitioners, these techniques will no longer be considered Alternative Medicine.

Alternative Medicine refers to techniques that are not currently accepted by "conventional" practitioners, but what is currently accepted is quickly changing. Even the definition of "conventional practitioners" is quickly changing. Therefore, techniques that are now considered part of Alternative Medicine will soon be considered part of "conventional" medicine. The terms Holistic Healing and Holistic Holisti c Medicine are slightly more stable than Alternative Medicine and are therefore  preferable.  

Complementary Medicine is often used by "conventional" medical practitioners to Complementary refer to non-invasive, non-pharmaceutical techniques used as a complement to to "conventional" medical treatments such as drugs and surgery. The term implies that "conventional" medicine is used as a primary tool and the non-invasive, non pharmaceutical techniques are used as a supplement when needed.

In many cases, properly chosen non-invasive and non-pharmaceutical healing techniques plus properly chosen lifestyle changes can completely and safely heal both acute and chronic illnesses. In other cases, cases , "conventional" medicine is only needed in emergencies or when the safer non-invasive, non-pharmaceutical methods fail. fail . In some cases "conventional" medicine will be a major part of a Holistic Healing Plan,  but in some cases it is not needed at all.  

Natural Healing usually refers to the use of non-invasive and non-pharmaceuticals techniques to help heal the patient. When most people use the term Natural Healing, they are usually referring to physical healing techniques only.


  EDS  –  Electro   Electro dermal Screening  Screening  Electro dermal screening was founded by Dr. Reinhold Voll in the 1950's who developed a system called Electro Acupuncture by Voll  –  EAV.  EAV. 

In EDS screening acupuncture points on the meridians are used to assess asse ss the energetic health of organs & body system. The assessments are performed pe rformed by measuring variations in skin characteristics with a probe as the client is energetically stimulated. The stimulation is  provided by small test ampoules containing physical substances. Computerised Electro Dermal screening (CEDS) is based on the same biofeedback principle as Electro Dermal Screening where changes in acupuncture point electrical characteristics are monitored to gain information aboutare a client's CEDS differs in that digital test ampoules stored on a computer used asenergetic opposed balance. to physical test ampoules to perform a screening. Random Event Generators 

The Princeto Princeton n Engineering Anomalies Research (PEAR ) program was established at Princeton University in 1979 by Robert G. Jahn. J ahn. For most of its history PEAR has pursued two parallel experimental programs, in "human-machine interaction" and in "remote  perception." The PEAR Laboratory Laboratory closed in February 2007. Th This is work now continues with International Consciousness Research Laboratories (ICRL). Also of relevance is the Global Consciousness Project (GCP), also called the EGG Project, this is based on the PEAR Project Research. Since August 1998 GCP started collecting data to study interactions of consciousness with physical systems. The Pear projects and research have shown that Human minds can affect random physical  processes, to a minor but statistically detectable degree. Through the use of Random Event Generators it has been used as a bridge to communicate on a quantum level with a patients consciousness, thus giving a diagnosis when computed for various tests.


  About the SCIO Device 

The SCIO is a universal electrophysiological biofeedback system that can safely measure over the skin (transcutaneous) electro-potential oscillations down to the micro-volt range. Then the system can input a medically safe micro-current voltametric oscillation to provoke a reaction or stimulate a measure. Virtual and mathematical calculations of the attained data can provide CNS (Central Nervous System) biofeedback data, so as to include simple EEG [electroencephalography], 3-pole ECG [simple stress electrocardiography], and global transcutaneous EMG [electromyography]. The system can measure the transcutaneous skin resistance resis tance by application of a medical safe microcurrent microcurr ent voltametric pulse, so as to meas measure ure GSR [galvanic skin response] and TVEP [transcutaneous voltammetric evoked potential]. The system is designed for the detection of stress str ess and reduction of stress through CNS  biofeedback data or stress lifestyle questionnaires. The stress and lifestyle questionnaires  provide educational feedback through library referenced functions. Furthermore, Furthermore, the device can be used for the treatment of muscular re-education from injury, muscle weakness, sport muscular enhancement or various dystonia. The applied voltametric pulse can be used to detect and affect through established modalities such as pain (TENS [transcutaneous electro nerval stimulation]), trauma/wound healing, charge stability imbalance, redox potential and electrophysiological reactivity. In less than four minutes, the QXCI SCIO records the body's reactivity to 10 000 frequencies and distributes the test information to over 300 programs. Unlike any other therapy device on the market,  the QXCI SCIO has a built-in mechanism that monitors the client during the session. This ensures the individuality of each test and therapeutic session.


  Quantum Scanning - Matching - Body Field Scanning

A Physicist called Milo Wolf (Prof. Of MIT) came up with what is now know known n as the Space Resonance Theory. This proposes that in fact reality realit y is made up of not matter but space and that space can have different properties. He goes onto explain that space (and any property of reality that you care to think about) behaves rather like a spherical wave with particles particle s appearing in reality where both an out wave and an in wave interfere constructively. When it is destructive you have the appearance of nothing or just space as we know it. Let‘s apply apply this idea to the photon –  photon –  the  the interference pattern created by high-frequency electrons –  electrons  –  and  and how, when these patterns are propagated in space, objects become visible to our eyes as the patterns are reflected. re flected. The photons are part of an out wave, explorin exploring g the universe. Then, the eye picks up an in wave and interprets that to mean that there is an object there in space. In the case of hearing, because of the in wave and the out wave, the sounds, s ounds, when it is heard, actually seems to be outside the body, instead of where we must expect it –  it –   inside the ear! Having an understanding of Space Resonance theory, the computer (or in some cases white noise diode) generates an Out wave. Then by connecting this data to what most people would class as random events –  events –  the  the computer is able to pick up its corresponding in wave that is simply matched to the already existing data in the software. Different device companies do this in different ways but most use a very simple random event generator and just display the results. In studying Matching over the years what has become apparent is that nature seems to seek out the best possible answer  from  from the many possibilities that are presented to it. This is different from the statistical probability that rules the quantum world. This is not about chance or randomness. It is more about emergence, ordering, pattern-forming. pattern-for ming. But most importantly you can only get an answer as good as the question! In other words both what you are testing and the order that they are tested test ed in are crucial. Both from a clinical application




Bio Resonance covers a wide range of technologies that in some cases evolved from EDS. Bio-resonance includes the work of Rife, Hulda Clark  and  and SCENAR  type  type technologies. The underlying theory is based on all matter having resonant frequencies and every ever y cell in the  body resonates at a particular frequency. Groups of cells which together make bodily systems, organs and structures have particular resonant frequencies and patterns. At times of illness the bodies complex frequency and electromagnetic field can change or become distorted. The body is helped to heal and rebalance itself by being connected to healthy frequencies. The application of frequencies to the body can be done through water, electromagnetic fields, vibration or light. use of bio-resonance is done by applying frequencies to the body to destroy Hulda Clark   use  parasites and disease, in a similar way that a wine glass can be broken when it hits it's resonant frequency.



Vibrational Frequenc Frequency y 

The human body is comprised of cells also known as a cellular structure and/or memory. Within each cell there is a light containing information and that light contains a vibrational frequency also known as a living light code. Vibrational frequency has a relationship rel ationship in communication‘s communica tion‘s and feelings. The words and thoughts that a person chooses to use to convey his or her intension assists in either raising or lowering their vibrational frequency.


Radionics was founded by Dr Albert Abrams (1863-1924), a native of San Francisco, under the original name of ERA - Electronic Reactions of Abrams. This was in the same er eraa as the discovery of radio transmission and many related electric phenomena. Therefore Dr. Albert Abrams naturally assumed that those effects he was observing when dealing with his patients were also electromagnetic in nature, and he therefore named them radionic. Radionics is a method of sending precisely defined healing energy to people, animals or  plants, no matter where they are in the world. The The name reflects the view of early  practitioners that they were ‗broadcasting‘ healing. Practitioners Practitioners use an instrument to both analyse and treat the physical and emotional weaknesses evident in the patient‘s subtle energy field. Understanding this field requires extensive study. The instrument serves to focus the thoughts of the practitioner and many types are in use, varying in complexity from computerised machines to quite simple devices. Once the weaknesses in the subtle energy field have been identified specific healing treatments, usually coded in the form of numbers called ‗rates‘ which represent repres ent the ideal energy states to be induced, are conveyed to the  patient with the aid of the instrument.


  The Bovis Biometer -- A Detecting Method

The ―vibrational‖ level of a place, of an object, of a person or of a situation can be measured with many different instruments. On a physical ground a healthy person will have a frequency of about 6500 Bovis units (or Angrstrom); this is a wave length colored in orange that is present in the original Bovis  biometer, close to the infrared radiation. On the contrary the frequency of a very ill person can go down to less than 4000 units. The vibrational rate of an environment will immediately give an indication about the energetic quality of that place. In a religious building we can find values of 8000/9000 Bovis units. This values can reach a score of 13,000/19,000 or even more, in some particularly privileged religious sites.? ?A Hartmann knot and an underground water stream, that emit negative frequencies usually have a vibration of about 3,000 Bovis units. Every contact or closeness to levels below 6500 bovis units will be negative for man; this rule is true also for food. What really matters is not the kind of material but the vitality that it contains. The real organic products and all natural materials mater ials have a great level le vel of energy and therefore a high vibrational quality. Pork meat, even if very tasty, has a very low vibrational energy, from 2,000 to 4,500 Bovis units, like many other refined foods like white pasta or white sugar. This difference of values is determined by the way pigs are raised, what they t hey eat, where they live etc... If a pig is raised outside and well fed the vibration of its meat will be higher than that of a pig which is rraised aised inside and badly fed. This is true for all kinds of meat, eggs and of course for fruit and vegetables, if they are organic they will have a higher vibrational rate. Another example of low vibration is that of cellular phones and computers which vibrate at about 2,000/3,000 Bovis units and it‘s necessary necessar y to be very careful while using these equipments, so widely used and so negative for our health.. health..


  Informational Infoceuticals ls Informational Medicine - Infoceutica

Body Field research and body field aligners (Infoceuticals) was pioneered by Peter Fraser and continues today to lead the frontier of discovery and development of this relatively new mode of health care.

The imprinting technology developed encodes the subatomic structure of the substance with information - a complex blend of electromagnetic, magnetic and gravitational vectors. This information is designed to directly interact with the body field and remove blockages caused by shocks, traumas, toxins, emotional issues and other factors. By clearing these blockages, blockages, the integrity of the body‘s information field is restored and our inherent healing ability is returned.




Biophysics is an interdisciplinary science that uses the methods of physical science to study biological systems.  Studies included under the branches of biophysics span all levels of biological organization, from the molecular scale to whole organisms and ecosystems. ecos ystems. Biophysical research shares significant overlap with biochemistry, nanotechnology, bioengineering, agrophysics and systems biology. Molecular biophysics typically biology, addressesbut biological questions that are similar to those in biochemistry and molecular the questions are approached quantitatively. Scientists in this field conduct research concerned with understanding the interactions  between the various systems of a cell, including the interactions between DNA, RNA and  protein biosynthesis, as well as how these interactions are regulated. A great variety of techniques is used to answer these questions. Fluorescent imaging techniques, as well as electron microscopy, x-ray crystallography, NMR spectroscopy and atomic force microscopy (AFM) are often used to visualize structures of  biological significance. Conformational significance. Conformational change in structure can be measured using techniques such as dual polarisation interferometry and circular cir cular dichroism. Direct manipulation of molecules using optical tweezers or AFM can also al so be used to monitor  biological events where forces and distances are at the nanoscale. Molecular biophysicists often consider complex biological events as systems of interacting units which can be understood through statisticaltechniques mechanics,from thermodynamics and kinetics. By drawing knowledge and experimental a wide variety of chemical disciplines, biophysicists are often able to directly observe, model or even manipulate the structures st ructures and interactions of individual molecules or complexes of molecules. In addition to traditional (i.e. molecular and cellular) biophysical topics like structural  biology or enzyme kinetics, enzyme kinetics, modern  modern biophysics encompasses an extraordinarily broad range of research, from bioelectronics to quantum biology. It is becoming increasingly common for  biophysicists to apply the models and experimental techniques techniques derived from physics, as well as mathematics and statistics(see biomathematics), to larger systems such as tissues, organs, populations and ecosystems.



―In accordance with the thoughts of Stuart Hall, it is by our use of things, and what we say, think and feel about them –  them –  how  how we represent them –  them  –  that  that we give them a meaning." Meaning is important and extremely necessary to communicate the understanding of general terms, and is hence important to symbolize the complete understanding of ‗biopsychology‘ in order to investigate its origin. Biopsychology –  A Biopsychology –   A Combination of the Physiological and the Psychological Biopsychology represents the bond between the nervous system of humans and their behaviours. The research in this field is based on the responses produced as a product of a ccertain ertain emotion, or simply put : the chemical composition of a subject‘s behaviour" or  a biological reaction in a human being that triggers specific behaviour in humans. 

Quantum Biology

Quantum biology refers to applications of quantum mechanics and theoretical chemistry to  biological objects and problems. Many biological biological processes involve the conversion of energy into forms that are usable for chemical transformations and are quantum mechanical in nature. Such processes involve chemical reactions, light absorption, formation of excited electronic states, transfer of excitation energy, and the transfer of electrons and protons (hydrogen ions) in chemical processes such as photosynthesis and cellular respiration. res piration. Quantum biology uses mathematical computation to model biological interactions in light of QM effects.. The need for a quantum theoretical study st udy of nucleic acids has been pointed out  by Erwin Schrödinger in 1946. 1946. Some examples of the biolog biological ical phenomena that have been studied in terms of quantum processes are the absorbance of frequency-specific radiation (i.e., photosynthesis and vision); the conversion of chemical energy into motion; magneto reception in animals and brownian motors in many cellular processes.



Quantum Biochemistry 

Quantum chemistry is a branch of theoretical chemistry which applies quantum mechanics and quantum field theory to address problems in chemistry. One application of quantum chemistry is the electronic behaviour of atoms and molecules relative to their chemical reactivity. Quantum chemistry lies on the border between chemistry and physics. Thus, significant contributions have been made by scientists from both fields. It has a strong and active overlap with the field of atomic physics and molecular physics, as well as physical chemistry.


Medical orgone and bio-energy therapy is a unique mind-body method of treating emotional illnesses, and it has also proven valuable in relieving certain physical conditions. The treatment incorporates a verbal aspect, character analysis, corporeal therapy combined with a  physical approach, one that facilitates the release of repressed emotions. Sadness and anger are two examples of emotions that can surface in the course of a sessi session. on. Feelings that arise are allowed expression, and they are always alwa ys under the control of the treating psychiatrist. The emotions that come up may be the result of current stressful life situations, but more often they lie deeper, having been trapped in the body since childhood, out of any conscious awareness.

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