Quality Of Work life

March 17, 2017 | Author: parsh4u | Category: N/A
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DECLARATION I here by declare that this project report titled “QUALITY OF WORK LIFE” submitted by me to the department of Business Management, Osmania University, Hyderabad , is a bonafide work undertaken by me. It is not submitted to any other university or institution for the award of any degree, diploma/certificate or published any time before.

Name and address of the student

Signature of the student


It gives me pleasure to present this report. This report is out come of the study on “QUALITY OF WORK LIFE”. I got support from many people without their help I would not have got success. I wish to record sincere appreciation and thanks to them. First of all I would like to thanks Mr. SRINIVASA SASTRY garu, principal, MALLA REDDY INSTITUTE OF MANAGEMENT for undertaking this project work. I am also thankful to N.V.SHARMA, MBA faculty for Human Resource, Malla Reddy Institute of Management. Who helped me throughout my study and helped me in analysis and interpretation of data preparing the final draft. I am thankful to Mr. J.RAVI KUMAR, head of the department of master of business administration for his encouragement and help throughout the M.B.A course. I am very grateful to Mr. V.V.NAIDU, Senior HR Manager for helping me in various steps and encouraging me for having me an opportunity to work in their organization on a project. Finally, I am very thankful to all of my friends whose cooperation and suggestions have helped me in successful complete of this project.

ABSTRACT In the era of Globalization of market economy, hyper competition and uncertainty of rapidly changing environment the success of an Organization depends on the strategies adopted to improve the Quality of Working life of employees. A growing number of todays Oranizations recognized that Quality of Work Life is one o the human resource strategies to promote and maintain an orderly atmosphere for employees to work effectively. Quality of Working Life refers to the quality of relationship between employees and total work environment of an organization. QWL is a collective responsibility of the management, employees, leaders of the union, Government and behavioral scientists. Quality of Working life in an Organization is a function of management practices that are valued by customers. Quality of Work Life programs when implemented lead to greater growth and development of the individual as a person as a productive employee of an Organization, develop trust between managers and employees, attract and keep talented staff, build strong employee commitment, strengthen work place learning and improve overall effectiveness of an Organization.

CONTENTS Chapter -

Chapter -






Need, Scope and importance of the study




Research Design


Data Source





Chapter -




Chapter -




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Chapter -




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CHAPTER – I -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

INTRODUCTION Quality of work life denotes all the organizational inputs which aim at the employee’ satisfaction and enhancing organizational effectiveness. By the globalization the modern employees are experiencing distress. To meet the challenges posed by present standards, organizational must focus their attention in bringing a balance between work life and personal life. The underlying assumption is that work life balance will ultimately ensure Quality of work life. Sigmund Freud is considered to be the father figure of Psycho analysis. His prescription for a healthy person is a combination of “Lieben und Arbeiten” that is Love and Work. In present working environment the workers are looking for quality of life as a superior human endeavor. Such endeavor calls for a trade off between work life and family life. Today an employee desires work to be more meaningful and challenging because quality is the acid test. A Quality of work life gives an opportunity for deep sense of fulfillment. Employees seek a supportive work environment that will enable them to balance work with personal interests. Such balance contributes to superior human existence in ample measure. Quality of work life provides a more humanized work environment. It attempts to serve the higher order needs of workers as well as their basic needs. Quality of Work Life indicates that the work should not have excessively negative conditions. It should not put workers

under undue stress. It should not damage or degrade their humanness. It should not be threatening or unduly dangerous. Finally it should contribute to, or at least leave un paired,

workers abilities to perform in other life roles. Such as citizen, spouse and parent. That is work should contribute to general social advancement. Employees in several companies that instituted Quality of work life experienced better health and greater safety on the job. Other benefits included improved employee satisfaction, morale, job interest, commitment and involvement ; increased opportunity for individual growth ; greater sense of ownership and control of the work environment development of managerial ability for circle leaders, improved communication in the organization and greater understanding and respect between management and workers. The term Quality of work life has been applied to a wide variety of organizational improvement efforts. The common elements seem to be,has good man indicates, an “attempt to restructure multiple dimensions of the organizational and to institute a mechanism which introduces and sustains changes overtime . Aspects of the change mechanism are usually an increase in problem solving between the union and management Responsiveness to employee concerns. In every organization, people and their behaviour assumes vital role in determining the performance and effectiveness . while many studies concentrated on physical and financial performance of organization. Studies on behavioural aspects seems to be inadequate. So, the attempts must to understand the human side of the enterprise.

In the present scenario, where the world is moving from traditionalisation to modernization, computerization and globalization there is an intense competition. The situations are becoming more complex and the modern employees are experiencing distress. To meet the challenges posed by present standards organization must focus their attention in bringing a balance between work and family life. The Quality of work life movement provides a value frame work and a philosophy which has a long term implication for the human development and enrichment. It tries to balance both the work and family life. Hence integrated approach with regard to Quality of work life is required for the success of an individual and an organization. This underlines the necessity of searching studies on the nature of human relations and the problems of human relations and the problems of human behaviour in the organization and suggest measures to cope with the problems. Hence, an in depth on aspects like Quality of work life can throw light on many non-identified aspects of human behaviour which may help in understanding the issues involved and improving the overall performance of these organizations. There it is found that there is need to study in greater detail about the topic.

NEED AND IMPORTANCE OF THE STUDY Quality of work life includes the following features:  Voluntary involvement on the part of employees.  Assurance of no loss of jobs as a result of the programs  Training of employees in team problem solving.  The use of Quality circles where employees discuss problems affecting the Performance of the work and job environment.  Encouragement of skill development.  Skill training  Responsiveness to employee concerns. APPROACH TO QUALITY OF WORK LIFE The Quality of work life involvement traditionally has been closely identified with the job redesign efforts based on socio-technical systems approach. However during the 1980’s the concept of Quality of work life has been broadened to include a number of approaches aimed at join decision making. Collaboration and mutual respect between management and

employees, increased autonomy at work place, and self management. Thus the Quality Circles adopted by Japanese and Indian industries as well as democratization of work process though self-regulating autonomous groups in the Scandinavian countries and USA are all considered part of this movement.

OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDY 1. To evaluate and analyse the Quality of work life in ECIL. 2. To study the factors/determinants of Quality of work life. 3. To examine the impact of welfare measures on Quality of work life. 4. To evaluate the aspects of quality of work life and suggest measures in improving quality of work life.

SCOPE OF THE STUDY The term Quality of work life in its broader sense covers various aspects of employment and non-employment conditions of work. The present study will aim at studying various factors which influence Quality of work life in ECIL. Although the important components of Quality of work life were comprehensively discussed. The study is dependent on the opinion expressed by the managers and staff of all the departments of the Components Division that are working at Electronic Corporation of India Limited(ECIL).

Quality of work life Quality of work life refers to favorable or ungovernableness of the job environment for people .The basic purpose is to develop jobs and working conditions that are excellent for people as well as for the organization.

Quality of work life includes Walton proposed eight conceptual categories that together make up the quality of work life  Adequate and fair compensation  Safe and healthy working conditions  Immediate opportunity to use and develop human capacities  Social integration in the work organization  Constitutionalisation  Work and total life space  Social relevance of work life  Promotion and career planning

Adequate and fair compensation This refers to against to just and fair balance between efforts and reward. The compensation helps in manufacturing helps in maintaining a socially desirable standard of

life.In India such labour legislations are payment of wages act, 1936 and minimum wages act, 1948 ensure adequate and fair compensation to the employees.

Safe and healthy working conditions In order to improve quality of work life the work environment should be free from hazards or other factors determined to healthy and safety of the employees in the work place in India is ensured in the factories act, 1948, which lies down minimum standards of protection from machine and other hazards (noise, pollution, gases etc..) at the place of work.

Immediate Opportunities to use and Develop Human Capacities The work today has become repetitive and fragmented. Quality of work life can be improved if the job allows sufficient autonomy and control, uses a wide range of skills and abilities, provides immediate feed back to workers to take corrective action is seen as a total activity and provides opportunity to plan, implement by himself.

Social integration in the work organization

One of the effectiveness of quality of work life is to generate satisfying identity with the organization and develop a feeling as self esteem. The variables that inculcate these are absence of hierarchical status, opportunity for upward mobility, openness and trust, a sense of community feeling on the job and freedom from prejudice based on sex, caste, race, creed and religion.

Constitutionalisation in the work organization Constitution guarantees as right to personnel privacy, free speech, equitable treatment and governance by the “Rule of Law” are necessary to upload to improve quality of work life

Work and the Total life Space The demand of the work, like late hours, frequent travel, quick transfer are both psychologically and socially very costly to the employee and his family such phenomena Accruing o a regular basis necessarily depress the quality of work life.

Social relevance of work life The organization lack of concern for social causes like waste disposal, low quality product, over-aggressive marketing. Employment practices make workers depreciate the value of their work and career, which in turn affects their self-esteem. The social responsibility of the organization is an important determinant of quality of work life. The basic concept underlying the quality of work life is “Humanization of Work”. It involves basically the

development of an environment of work that stimulates the creative abilities of the workers ,generate co operation and interest in self growth.

Promotion and Career Planning Promotion A promotion takes place when an employee moves to a position higher than the one firmly occupied .His/Her responsibility, status and pay also increases. Promotions are of two types. 1. Vertical promotions:- under which the employees are promoted from one rank to the next higher rank in the same department. 2. Horizontal promotions:- under which employees may be promoted to higher ranks on the other departments. The advantages of having promotion schemes  They provide an opportunity to the present employees to move into jobs that provide greater satisfaction and prestige.

 They generate within on organization motivational, conditions for better work performance and desired behaviour of all its members.  Finally, they save as an orderly, logical and prompt source of recruitment for management to fill vacancies as they arise.

Career Planning If an organization wants to retain its employees it must satisfy their aspirations for growth and development of advancement in their career .A career plan is a blue print in which the entire career of employees is mapped out from the point of their entry in to the point of their retirement from the organization. Career planning is mostly done for supervisory and managerial positions. Career planning is an integral part of manpower planning. ADVANTAGES OF CAREER PLANNING 1. It motivates employees to avail of the training & development facilities. They are convinced that promotions will not fall in their laps merely by luck or through connection. 2. It increases employees loyalty to the organization. By this they can easily integrate their goals with organization goals. 3. It encourages employees to remain in the organization. By this the labour turnover is reduced. 4. It creates organizations better image in the employment market which helps organization to attract competent people.

5. It contributes to manpower planning as well as to organizational development and effective achievements of corporate goal. The basic concept underlying the Quality of work life is what has come to be known as “humanization of work”. It involves basically the development of an environment of work that simulates the creative abilities of the workers generates co-operation and interest in self growth.”

HERRICK AND MACCOBY (1975) have identified four basic principles which Summaries humanization of work. These principles are 1.

The principle of security:-

Humanization of work implies freedom from anxiety, fear and the loss of future employment. The working conditions should be safe and there should be no fear of economic want. These pre-conditions will guarantee at most development of skills and ideas.

2. The principle of Quality:The equity principle requires that there is a just way of revaluating the conditions of an employee. Another aspect of quality refers to paying for knowledge and skills to carry out the task. If work has to be humanized equity would also require sharing in the profits of the organization according to the individual or group contribution.

3. The principle of individual:-

Individual refers to the work environment in which employees are encouraged to develop

themselves to their almost competence , a system of work that facilitates

blossoming of individual potential. A basic precondition for this is the availability of freedom and autonomy in deciding their own pace as activity and design of operations.

4. The principle of democracy:Meaningful participation in decision-making also guarantees the ‘Right of citizenship.’ Quality of work life is a complex and multifaced concept implying a concern for the members of an organization irrespective of the level the belong to. It includes job factors like wages and hours of work and also the nature of work itself. With the encouragement of international labour organization & achieve lead taken by National of labour, Delhi, the Quality of work life as a movement has started attracting the attention of both academicians as well as practioners in India. In India, the concept of Quality of work life seems to manifest itself in a variety of operational Systems like workers participation, job enrichment, Quality Circle etc. Quality of work life is a broader concept. By time to time that Quality of work life includes Some other factors in it.

JOB DESIGN Job design include job enlargement, job rotation & job enrichment

a. Job enlargement:Job enlargement as a concept deals with expansion of the job contents by

allowing Employees inspect their work , affect minor repairs on the work and equipment and select their own work methods or ‘set-ups’. These refers as to vertical enlargement.’ Another is ‘horizontal enlargement’ under this scheme one simply adds a larger numbers of some what similar tasks to the present job.

b. Job rotation:It refers to systematically moving employee from one job to another. From the point of view of an organization job rotation helps develop a comman culture because of wide and common exposure and at the same time infuses “fresh-blood” in the task. c. Job enrichment:It refers to the process of making jobs more interesting and satisfying, adding to that sense of achievement, increasing responsibility and providing opportunities for advancement and growth.

JOB SATISFACTION The attitude of an individual is his general back ground by feeling against which he views many factual events, men and things. A ‘specific subset’ of this general back ground feeling against which the individual appraises the various dimensions of his job is called job satisfaction. Some dimensions are nature of work ,supervisor, pay, promotion and coworkers.

There are Three major theories of job satisfaction a) Hertzberg’s motivation:- hygiene theory b) Need –fulfillment theory and c) Social reference-group theory

In summary the three theories respectively tell us that:•

Job satisfaction is a function of or is positively related to the degree to which one’s personnel needs fulfilled in the job satisfaction; and

Job satisfaction is a function or is positively related to the degree which the characteristics of the job meet with approval and the desires of the group to which the individual looks for guidance in evaluating the world and defining social reality.

AUTONOMOUS WORK TEAMS An autonomous work team is one which can plan, regulate and control its own work world. The management only specifies the goals that too in collaboration with the team. The team organizes the contents and structure of its job, evaluates its own performance, establishes its speed and chooses its production method. It makes its own internal distribution of tasks and decides its own membership.Autonomous team approach increases satisfaction and reduces turnover and absenteeism.




RESEARCH METHODOLOGY RESEARCH DESIGN Research methodology, which is followed by researcher,is Descriptive study .

RESEARCH METHODS PRIMARY DATA:The primary data has been collected through the Questionnaire.The Questionnaire has been properly prepared in order to cover all the Information required for the study.The primary data has been obtained by interaction with the officials and staff in the division in the organization and also obtained through the Questionnaire distributed to the persons in different departments in that particular division SECONDARY DATA:1. Through the Annual reports of the corporation, from the Manuals and also from records available in the organization. Some other data also collected from the reports ,registers and books and from the files available in the organization.

2. Information collected from various HRM books.

SAMPLING PLAN SAMPLE DESIGN:The method of sampling used was Random sampling.Random sampling from a finite population refers to that method of sample selection which gives each possible sample combination an equal probability of being picked up and each item in the entire population to have equal chance of being included in the sample SAMPLE SIZE:The researcher has allowed to do the project in particular division in the organisation.The study is limited to only that particular division. TOTAL SIZE : 200 SAMPLE SIZE: 50 Keeping in view of the above objectives of the study,an objective type Questionnaire is prepared and distributed to 50 persons for the sample and collected opinions.

LIMITATIONS Though adequate care has been taken while doing the project.This Project still suffers from certain limitations.They are •

The Quality of work life involves a wider range.The present study examines it from identified and selected dimensions only. However it is possible that there may be other factors which might not have been covered in this study.

Some respondents did not properly respond to the Questionnaire; thus to eliminate this aspect the researcher has also conducted some personal interviews.

The Management allowed the researcher to collect the data from the limited respondents only.





Electronic corporation of India limited (ECIL) is one of the premier institutions ,actively engaged in the field of electronics in the country. The ECIL is born out of the intense research that was carried out in the Baba Atomic Research Center (BARC). The countries prestigious nuclear establishment during late 60’s.At that point of time the necessity of producing electronic goods to carry out India’s nuclear programs was felt and hence an exclusive Electronics Division was started at BARC,Mumbai . Dr.A.S. Rao was its head during 60’s. when the research intensified further in the fields of electronics it was proposed to convert all the outcomes of research into manufacture of electronic goods. So that country could be self reliant with this objective the Electronics corporation of India limited came in to being as an undertaking of Department of Atomic energy on 11th April 1961 in Moulali area, secunderabad. The corporation in the intial years laid emphasis on import substitution, self reliance and commercial viability of indigenously developed know-how, taking foreign know-how selectively in a few years. It started with an

authorized developed. It started with an authorized capital of Rs.10 crores , and about 200 employees who came to Hyderabad from BARC formed the staff .the corporation which started with a modest production of Rs.20 lakhs during the first year of its operation has been steadily growing and achieved a 750 crores turnover for the year 2006-2007.

ECIL Manufactures electronic equipment confirming to the International standards and is certified with ISO 9001. “Padma Bhushan” Dr.A.S Rao, who was the founder and first managing director of this corporation,and same he also continued as Head for Electronic division. He played a key role in expanding this unit for International standards.He was honoured as the “Man of the century in Indian Electronics. The company when started initially located at the industrial area Blanagar,Hyderabad and later shifted to the DAE complex at Cherlapalli,Hyderabad.the company started with an odd 300 personnel (included scientists technologists and service personnel).mostly drown from the parent organization that is the Baba Atomic Research Center, Mumbai . The company progressed well there after both in its business activities and also the growth on Human Resource. From a meer 300 members of Human Resource in the year 1967.The performance of the organization considerably increased increased from 15 crores to 1100

crores as of 2004. The company has all along been making profits except for 6 to 7 years on and off during the last 37 years. Today the company has become a well known hitech company in the field of electronics attracting its customers both private and also the government departments. The company gave its first indigenous computer (1st generation computer in the year 1972 with this India became the 4th country in the world to manufacture a computer indigenously.

Since over 30 years the corporation is developing in to a big organization. It stands top among the few big organizations in the country. The sailent feature of the corporation is the wide product range and it is playing a key role in the Indian electronic industry. This corporation was having successfully circuited the electronic industry in India in 1980 and 1990. And it is now optimistic to globalization the activities in international market. This corporation has received accolade for its excellence in the field of electronics. The awards were “Excellence in R&D Electronics in 1997” , “Excellence in electronics in 1998” and “Excellence in 2002-2003” this is obtained for the 3 rd year and also from the ministry of labour, Govt of India. To meet the competition this corporation has started “Vision-2001” in a huge planning and research in being done to get information science ,electronics communication,planning and controlling systems requiring latest equipments. For past three years this corporation is supplying equipments worth rs 692 crores required for electronic and communication field.

VISION OF THE COMPANY “To help the country achieve self reliance in Strategic Electronics” MISSION OF THE COMPANY “To strengthen its status as a valued technological asset to the nation in the area of strategic electronics meeting the requirements of atomic energy, defence, space, civil aviation, security and other sectors of strategic importance.”

VALUES In line with the Vision and Mission the following values are espoused by the company while dealing with all HR related issues.  Respect for the Individual.  Equity and Fairness in policies and procedures.  Continuous development of competencies to ensure that HR of the company is able to meet the challenges of fast rate of obsolescence in the technological front.  Foster a culture of performance and commitment to ensure high morale among the human resources of the company.  Ensure compensation and conveniences with any other comparable Industry.  Attract and retain the best talent suitable for company’s operations.  Provide continuous, error free and supportive services to the HR in the company.

 Comply in letter and spirit all the guidelines and directives of the government in relation to Human Resources.

QUALITY POLICY “ To produce Quality Components and Products, Meeting National, International, or Customer Standards at Competitive prices leading to Customer Satisfaction.”


To orient the activities of ECIL towards fulfilling the needs of strategic sectors outlined in the mission.

To strengthen the technology base aimed at realizing the business goals.

To explore new avenues of business and work growth in strategic sectors in addition to working for realizing technological solutions for the benefit of society in areas like security, agriculture, education, health, power, transportation, food, disaster management etc…

To progressively improve share holder value of the company.

To enhance skill base and ensure succession planning in the company.

To re-engineer the company to become nationally and internationally competitive by paying particular attention to delivery, cost and quality in all its activities.

To consciously work for finding export markets for the company’s products.

PRODUCTS OF ECIL The current product range of ECIL may be categorized broadly under three sectors. NUCLEAR SECTOR:  Control and instrumentation products for nuclear power plants.  Integrated security systems to nuclear installations.  Radiation monitoring instruments to support the radiation safety programme of the DAE and  Secured networking of all DAE units via satellite DEFENCE SECTOR ⋕

Various types of fuzes

V/UHF radio communication equipment

Electronics warfare systems and derivatives

Thermal batteries and special components for missile projects.

Precision servo components like gyros.

Missile support control and command systems.

Detection and pre-detonation of explosive devices

Jammers with direction finding abilities, and

Projects connected with defense intelligence.

COMMERCIAL SECTOR  Electronic voting machines to election commission.  Wireless in local loop(WLL) for telecom sector.  Antenna products for I &B and telecom sectors.  Integrated security systems and security equipment including X-ray baggage inspection systems for airports, customs and VVIP residences/offices.  X-ray cargo scanning systems.  Computer hardware, software and services to various agencies in the government domain and computer education services.

STRUCTURE OF THE COMPANY The company is organized in to following business divisions .It has been divided in to 14 Divisions. COMMUNICATION DIVISION (CND) Radio communications comprising of HF/UHF/VHF trans receiver carting to the needs


army, Air force and Air traffic control, satellite TV receiver only systems for B and 1sector,special MVV components and electronics welfare, system for armed forces. ANTENNA PRODUCTS DIVISION(APD) Design, manufacture and commissioning of various types of antenna system a and turn key, SATCOM NETWORK PROJECTS.

SERVO SYSTEMS DIVISION (SSD) Precision servo system for application in defense and railways. SUPERVISION CONTROL AND DATA ACQUISITION DIVISION (SCADA) Tele supervisory systems, supervisory control and automation projects and industrial controls for refineries, LPG plants, Delhi Jal Board STRATEGIC ELECTRONICS DIVISION (SED) Special products .For defence and paracuilitary forces SOFTWARE CONSULTANCY DIVISION (SCD) Software consultancy service

BUSINESS SYSTEM DIVISION (BSD) Computer hardware products and large networking systems TELECOM DIVISION (TCD) Tele communication equipment like switching products, transmission products, lacers products and telecom administration products CUSTOMER SUPPORT DIVISION (CSD) Spares and maintenance service for computers sold by ECIL, maintenance of computer system, instruments of other vendors.

COMPONENTS DIVISION (CD) Hybrid microcircuits, tantalum capacitors, semi conductor components, printed circuit boards, ceramic components, potentiometers and thermal batteries microwave components amplifiers, Jammus etc. SPECIAL PRODUCTS DIVISION (SPD) Variable time fuses, universal fuses and other type of fuses for Indian Armed Forces. CONTROL AND AUTOMATION DIVISION (CAD)

Simulator for thermal and nuclear power plants. Operator information systems, data Acquisition system control and instrumentation equipment for nuclear and thermal power plants LPG gas plants, refineries etc. INDUSTRIAL AND CONSUMER ELECTRONIC GROUP (ICE) Color and black and white TV’s satellite TV systems, projection TVs, VCR’s and VCP’s COMPUTER EDUCATION DIVISION (CED) These business groups are supported by corporate facilities like standards and quality assurance, corporate research and development engineering services, corporate planning corporate business development, personal and finance and accounts over the years

The company has acquired maintained the following infrastructure facilities:  Standard collaboration laboratory  Antenna spinning facility  Antenna test range  ASCI/VL/design facility.  Wide variety of computing environment  Country wide networking for service support.

ISO REGESTRATION The company possesses excellent infrastructure facilities . The following Groups / divisions have received ISO certification.



Customer support division

ISO 9002

Telecom service

ISO 9001

Tantalum capacitors

ISO 9002

Thick film resistors and hybrid

ISO 9001

Software and consultancy division

ISO 9001

Antenna product division

ISO 9001

PRODUCTION FACILITY The production equipment installed by the company include  EDX reference systems  Computer super 32 systems  HMT numerical control system  SPC tele exchange equipment  In circuit computer testing machine

 Automatic laser trimming  UNI-30 testing system  Electronic impregnating equipment fix capacitors  Automatic sorter  Discrete component testing system  Functional tenser with programming system  Z-80 Based, micro processor 332 system  TV satellite signal transmitter  Surface accuracy measuring equipment  Photo plotter switch controller




QUALITY OF WORK LIFE IN ECIL Electronics Corporation of India limited is one of the largest public sector companies in the electronics world. It has succeeded in crossing a major milestone of Rs.1000 crores turn over, winning a national award ,ECIL stood as an ideal in the corporate world. ECIL is popularly known for it. The achievements made by ECIL are only possible

because of its human resource. The management of ECIL believes that the productivity of both the employees and organizations is improved only when the employees are satisfied in every respect. Therefore ECIL provides its employees a better quality of work life .The various aspects that ECIL considers as the factors influencing Quality of work life are as follows. FACTOR INFLUENCING QUALITY OF WORK LIFE

ADEQUATE AND FAIR COMPENSATION ECIL provides adequate and fair compensation to its employees .The pay scales are revised by the government regulations. The income from fulltime work meets socially determined standards of sufficiency or the subjective standards of the recipient. And also, the employees are fairly compensated for the overtime and the extra hours worked, and the additional work done is urgency . As ECIL provides both adequate and fair compensation to its employees, it motivates hem and reduces retention . The pay scales of ECIL also attract the potential people in to it. Adequate and fair compensation given by ECIL to its employees boosts their morale and inturn increases both organization and employees productivity.

FACILITIES AT THE WORK PLACE ECIL provides every facility, which is necessary for the well being of its employees. It provides the well being of its employees with breakfast, lunch, tea and dinner

and cool drinking water facilities that are hygienic. The rates are subsidized reasonably so that every one can afford for them. The subsidized rates are as follows: Breakfast








The service of food to the employees is also very good. Employees are served with food in the spacious lunchrooms. There are three lunch rooms/canteens in ECIL, which can comfortably accommodate all of its employees. Music is also played for the employees to relax while eating. The employees are also facilitated with restrooms to reduce their fatigue and tiredness during their working hours. Washing and drying facilities are also provided according to the satisfactory rules to those working in shop floors and assembly workshops. All the offices, workshops and assembly rooms are properly ventilated and lighting facilities are provided so that employees can feel comfortable while they are working.

SAFE AND HEALTHY WORKING CONDITIONS The aim of ECIL is that the employees should be provided with a healthy environment conducive to both productivity and personal well being .it also provides safety equipment and safety wear while working in hazardous jobs. They are also given training about the safety aspects of the job.

It provides excellent working conditions conducive for carrying out the work effectively and efficiently. The working conditions motivate the employees to work hard with ease. OPPORTUNITY FOR IMPROVEMENT OF SKILLS Many employees in ECIL have taken advantage of the facilities provided by it to improve their skills and acquire additional qualifications. It encourages its employees by rewarding the employees who improve their skills and gain additional qualifications by promoting them and socially recognizing or by giving incentives .It also encourages and facilitates the potential employees to avail the benefit of study leave ECIL has an internal training department known as “Corporate learning center (CLC)”, which trains the employees on various job and non job related issues .It consists of a team of specialized trainers. If needed, it also arranges seminars by inviting eminent personalities from other corporations. It even sends the employees to other countries to get acquainted with their technology.

The CLC gives on the job in house and classroom training to the employees about how the work is done .the employees trained by ECIL have become professionals in their fields along with their experience and made the company as the “Company of firsts”. WELFARE FACILITIES

ECIL has three categories of welfare facilities statutory welfare facilities, Intra moral facilities and entra mural facilities.it provides the following intra mural welfare aminities to its employees under section 42 to52 according to factories act Washing Facilities  Storing &drying facilities  Sitting facilities  First aid appliances  Canteens  Shelters, Restrooms & Lunchrooms  Baby crèche Other statutory welfare activities are as follows  Provident fund  Gratuity  Employee state insurance scheme  AP labour welfare fund act.

The welfare measures in ECIL are far superior to other standards laid down statutorily. It is said that human resource plays a very vital role in the existence of any organization.

therefore to maintain this resource the company must take all necessary steps to keep them and their family members safe from unforeseen risks. ECIL in order to provide risk coverage to employees in the event of accident /death/job and is distributed areas etc. has implemented various insurance policies>

The company pays the premium for these policies the policies are as follows: Janata personal accident policy Group personal accident policy Workmen compensation policy

The insurance schemes planned by co-operative effort of employees and employers are: Group insurance cum retirement benefit scheme (GIRBS) Group savings linked insurance scheme (GSLISS) These benefits vary across all levels of the organization.The employees are given a chance to avail the facility of leave travel concession (LTC),so that they can happily have a pleasure trip with their family members .The company reimburses the travel charges of the employees.This relieves them from the stress of the workload.

For any organization to function smoothly its employees should be active in their work.

Therefore to keep its employees healthy and active the company must provide source medical facilities to them. ECIL is also very much concerned about the health of its employees, so it provides various medical benefits to its employes. It is purely a voluntary service provided by ECIL. The medical facilities provided by ECIL to its employees and their family has proved to be the best practice in the public sectors .It recognized source of the best hospitals in the twin cities where the employees are given medical treatment and the company will pay. It even has an in house dispensary and medical facilities, which takes care of the minor accidents at the workplace. It has the facility of ambulance service to meet emergencies. The dispensary has all the needed medicines on hand whenever required. It has also appointed 3 full time doctors to take care of the dispensary. ECIL extends its arms by providing advances to help its employees to buy various necessities like vehicles and other home appliances. These advances are granted based on eligibility and destination. it recovers the amounts in easy equal monthly installments. Subsidized transport facility is provided to all the employees of the corporation from all parts of the twin cities to the place of work. Those who do not want to avail transport facility they are being reimbursed with conveyance expenditure depending up on the eligibility and the mode of transport used. There are nearly 50 buses-which are at the service to pick and drop the employees at their respective destination.

ECIL under the department of atomic energy has provided a sprawling well maintained township with modern amenities such as shopping complex, running the co-operative societies, schools, parks, playgrounds, nursery, auditorium, medical and preventive facilities.The quarters are alloted on security basis and also certain percentage of houses are reserved for essential services and employees belonging to SC/ST communities. In order to encourage the employees to build their own houses ECIL has been extending all possible assistance to the following housing schemes. A.S.RAO NagarHousing Society E.C.Nagar Housing Society Prabhakar enclave near kondapur village. The engineers provide technical know how, plans and surveys, It provides interest subsidy to its employees with the loan assistance from recognized financial institutions like LIC, HDFC etc… Keeping in view the welfare of the women employees, ECIL has provided the facility of baby creche, where the women employees can keep their children of age below 6 years during their working hours. They are nursed well by the ayah. The nursing mothers can feed their babies twice a day. The environment in the creche is very hygienic and the surroundings are cleaned everyday.

The management and the employees union have collectively funded the welfare activates by co-operation. consumer co-operative society. This was established with an aim to provide all the essential items like rice, sugar, wheat and other items, to the employees of the society at subsidized rates. A part from general items on cash or credit scooters, refrigerators etc are made available to the members of society, under hire purchase scheme by arrangement of loans through public sector banks at less interest rates. The credit society was started in 1969 with an objective to provide financial assistance recoverable on easy installments. It extends emergency and regular loan facilities for various purposes with reasonably less rates of interest. IMMEDIATE OPPORTUNITIES TO USE AND DEVELOP HUMAN CAPACITIES The employees are given freedom to work as they like in accordance with the achievement of the organizational goals. Autonomy of implementation along with planning is given to the employees so that the work is done effectively. The employees are given freedom to improve their skills while working on the job. The environment encouraging the employees to build work groups and teams to accomplish the task collectively. The flow of communication is also flexible as that are given reasonable autonomy. The employees also have freedom to express their grievance through proper channel. They have the autonomy to arrange their work place in a conductive manner so that they feel comfortable to work.

FUTURE OPPORTUNITIES FOR CONTINUED GROWTH AND SECURITY ECIL provides an excellent career growth to its employees .The employees have the scope and opportunity for continues growth through promotions .The potential candidates are even out placed as part of their career development .By and large the promotion system is based on merit cum seniority basis. It follows a policy of permanent employment for its employees with various growth aspects. The promotion policy in ECIL is considered to be the best practice in the public sector. The employees are also given opportunity of growth on acquiring additional qualifications. It gives a chance to the employees to develop, expand and maintains one’s capabilities rather than leading to obsolescence. They are also allowed to apply their newly acquired knowledge and skills in future work assignments .The job security provided by it is satisfied the employees to maximum extent. If we notice the statistics, we can see that on an average every employee has rendered a service of over 20 years with very negligible employee turnover. From this we can conclude that the job security in ECIL is excellent.


Every human being is asocial being. Every social being is in the need of the social recognitions and established a cultural environment that induces social integration in its employees. It encourages the formation of teams and formal work groups, where the employees can work collectively. Therefore, it tries to instill the feeling of oneness / unity, which is only possible through proper flow of communication, integration and cooperation. It established both formal and informal channels of communication through which the information is passed effectively to all levels in the organization. The barriers to effective communication are also are removed through empathetic approach of the management. It shows them a path to relate to one another their ideas and feelings CONSTITUTIONALISM IN THE WORKPLACE

ECIL has tenant of equity i.e the right to equitable treatment in all matters including the employee compensation scheme, appreciation, rewards and job security. They also have the right to personal privacy like personalizing their workplace and environment. WORK AND TOTAL LIFE SPACE In ECIL, the relationship of work to the total life space is best expressed by the concept of balance. The balanced role of work is defined by work schedules, career demands and travel equipments that do not take up leisure and family time on a regular basis.

It also tries to reduce the stress and strain of the work-load, which affects the employees personal life by organizing various recreational and cultural activities. OTHER PARAMETERS OF QWL CONSIDERED BY ECIL One of the parameters, which are relevant to QWL, in ECIL is leave facility. The employees are provided with various kinds of leave arrangements like: earned leave, sick leave, casual leave, vacation leave etc. The employees can also encash the unveiled leave. The statutory standing orders followed by ECIL are flexible and influence the QWL of employee. They are easy to understand and follow. ECIL has appointed a chief welfare officer (CWO) who takes care of all the welfare activities and satisfies the employees and employers. The employees approach the grievance committee or unions/associations to solve their problems. The chief welfare officer pacifies, emphasizes and counsels the employees to keep up the morale of the employees. The climate (Political, Social and Economical) acts as a vital parameter that affects the QWL of an employee. ECIL has established a very conducive work culture and atmosphere that helps the employees to socially integrate and make ECIL as a HOME OF

PROFSSIONALS ECIL has also relieved the employees from the tension of education of their children. It provides a school facility up to secondary education with minimal educational fee. The above parameters that are considered to influence the QWL of employees in ECIL are the basic factors. These basic factors play a vital role in enhancing the morale and their quality of working life. This in turn, increases their productivity and helps them to achieve organizational and individual goals effectively. Better QWL in ECIL has led to employee motivation and satisfaction. Along with the strong determination of ECIL ,the moral and ethical values practiced and maintained have helped the company to pioneer in many new areas and provided excellent Quality of work life to its employees.

ANALYSIS OF THE DATA The collected data has been tabulated , analysed and percentages are used for analysis of the questionnaire. This data analysis can be found out by the opinions of the samples.while presenting data charts and tables are used at relevant places.

CHAPTER –V -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------



Variables Excellent Good Average Poor

No of respondents 30 15 5 0

No of respondents in % 60% 30% 10% 0%


Job environment and Working conditions

Average Poor 0% 10% Excellent Good 30%

Good Excellent 60%

Average Poor

INTERPRETATION The above graph reveals that 60% of the employees feel that job environment and working conditions are excellent ( i.e they are absolutely satisfied).30% of the employees feel that job environment and working conditions are good (i.e they are satisfied).10% of the employees feel that job environment and working conditions are average(i.e they are partially satisfied). 0%( i.e none of the employees feel job environment and working conditions are poor).


Variables Excellent Good Average Poor

No of respondents 25 10 15 0

No of respondents in % 50% 20% 30% 0%

CHART-2 GrowthandSecurityOpportunities

Average 30%

Poor 0% Excellent Excellent 50%

Good Average Poor

Good 20%

INTERPRETATION The above graph reveals that50% of the employees feel that the growth and security opportunities are Excellent that is they are absolutely satisfied.20% of the employees feel that the growth and security opportunities are Good that is they are satisfied.30% of the employees feel that the growth and security opportunities are Average that is they are partially satisfied.0% i.e none of the employees feel that the growth and security opportunities are Poor.


Variables Excellent Good Average Poor

No of respondents 20 20 10 0

No of respondents in % 40% 40% 20% 0%

CHART-3 Career-planning program

Average 20%

Poor 0% Excellent 40%

Excellent Good Average

Good 40%


INTERPRETATION The above graph reveals that40% of the employees feel that the growth and security opportunities are Excellent that is they are absolutely satisfied.40% of the employees feel that the growth and security opportunities are Good that is they are satisfied.20% of the employees feel that the growth and security opportunities are Average that is they are partially satisfied.0% i.e none of the employees feel that the growth and security opportunities are Poor.


Variables Excellent Good Average Poor

No of respondents 25 10 15 0

No of respondents in % 50% 20% 30% 0%

CHART-4 Pay Structure

Average 30%

Poor 0% Excellent Excellent 50%

Good Average Poor

Good 20%

INTERPRETATION The above graph reveals that50% of the employees feel that the growth and security opportunities are Excellent that is they are absolutely satisfied.20% of the employees feel that the growth and security opportunities are Good that is they are satisfied.30% of the employees feel that the growth and security opportunities are Average that is they are partially satisfied. 0% i.e none of the employees feel that the growth and security opportunities are Poor.


Variables Excellent Good Average Poor

No of respondents 10 25 10 5

No of respondents in % 20% 50% 20% 10%

CHART-5 Promotion System

Poor 10%

Excellent 20% Excellent

Average 20%

Good Average Poor Good 50%

INTERPRETATION The above graph reveals that20% of the employees feel that the growth and security opportunities are Excellent that is they are absolutely satisfied.50% of the employees feel that the growth and security opportunities are Good that is they are satisfied.20% of the employees feel that the growth and security opportunities are Average that is they are partially satisfied. 10% i.e none of the employees feel that the growth and security opportunities are Poor.


Variables Excellent Good Average Poor

No of respondents 25 15 10 0

No of respondents in % 50% 30% 20% 0%

CHART-6 Able to Learn and acquire new Skills

Average 20%

Poor 0% Excellent Excellent 50%

Good 30%

Good Average Poor

INTERPRETATION The above graph reveals that50% of the employees feel that the growth and security opportunities are Excellent that is they are absolutely satisfied.30% of the employees feel that the growth and security opportunities are Good that is they are satisfied.20% of the employees feel that the growth and security opportunities are Average that is they are partially satisfied. 0% i.e none of the employees feel that the growth and security opportunities are Poor.



No of respondents 10

Deliberate upgrading of responsibility Widening the scope of activities 14 Setting the challenges in work 20 Giving exposure to variety of jobs 6

No of respondents in % 20% 28% 40% 12%

CHART-7 Job Enrichm e nt for Em ploye e s Giving Deliberate exposure to upgrading of variety of Deliberate upgrading res ponsibility jobs of respons ibility 20% 12% Widening the scope of activities Setting the Widening the Setting the challenges challenges in in w ork s cope of w ork activ ities Giving exposure to 40% 28% variety of jobs

INTERPRETATION The above graph reveals that 20% of the employees feel that Job Enrichment will lead to deliberate upgrading of responsibility. 28% of the employees feel that Job enrichment will widen the scope of activities.40% of the employees feel that Job Enrichment will set challenges in work.12% of the employees feel that Job Enrichment will give exposure to variety of jobs.


Variables It facilitates work flow Effective co-ordination and integration Positive impact on employee satisfaction All the above

No of respondents 7 18 5 20

No of respondents in % 14% 36% 10% 40%

CHART-8 Job Design and Goal Setting

All the above 40%

Positive impact on employee satisfaction 10%

It facilitates work flow 14%

Effective coordination and Integration 36%

It facilitates work flow Effective coordination and Integration Positive impact on employee satisfaction All the above

INTERPRETATION The above graph reveals that14% of the employees feel that Job Design and Goal setting will facilitate work flow. 36% of the employees feel that Job Design and Goal setting will lead to effective co-ordination and integration.10% of the employees feel that Job Design and Goal setting will lead to positive impact on employee satisfaction.40% of the employees feel that all the above three factors are important for Job Design and Goal setting.


Variables Excellent Good Average Poor

No of respondents 20 25 5 0

No of respondents in % 40% 50% 10% 0%

CHART-9 Integration of Job, Career, Family Life and Leisure time

Average 10%

Poor 0% Excellent 40%

Excellent Good Average

Good 50%


INTERPRETATION The above graph reveals that 40% of the employees feel that the integration of job, career, family life and leisure time are excellent that is they are absolutely satisfied.50% of the employees feel that the integration of job, career, family life and leisure time are good that is they are satisfied.10% of the employees feel that the integration of job, career, family life and leisure time are average that is they are partially satisfied.0% i.e none of the employees feel that the integration of job, career, family life and leisure time are poor.


Variables Excellent Good Average Poor

No of respondents 10 35 5 0

No of respondents in % 20% 70% 10% 0%

CHART-10 Leaves provided by the Organization Poor 0% Average 10%

Excellent 20%

Excellent Good Average

Good 70%


INTERPRETATION The above graph reveals that20% of the employees feel that the leaves provided by the organization are excellent that is they are absolutely satisfied.70% of the employees feel that the leaves provided by the organization are good that is they are satisfied.10% of the employees feel that the leaves provided by the organization are average that is they are partially satisfied.0% i.e none of the employees feel that the leaves provided by the organization are poor.


Variables Excellent Good Average Poor

No of respondents 14 20 6 10

No of respondents in % 28% 40% 12% 20%

CHART-11 Leave Travel Concession that is provided by the Organization

Poor 20%

Excellent 28%

Excellent Good

Average 12%

Average Poor Good 40%

INTERPRETATION The above graph reveals that28% of the employees feel that the leave travel concession provided by the organization are excellent that is they are absolutely satisfied.40% of the employees feel that the leave travel concession provided by the organization are good that is they are satisfied.12% of the employees feel that the leave travel concession provided by the organization are average that is they are partially satisfied.20% i.e none of the employees feel that the leave travel concession provided by the organization are poor.


Variables Excellent Good Average Poor

No of respondents 10 30 10 0

No of respondents in % 20% 60% 20% 0%

CHART-12 Canteen facilities in the Organization

Average 20%

Poor 0%

Excellent 20% Excellent Good Average Poor

Good 60%

INTERPRETATION The above graph reveals that20% of the employees feel that the canteen facilities provided by the organization are excellent that is they are absolutely satisfied.60% of the employees feel that the canteen facilities provided by the organization are good that is they are satisfied.20% of the employees feel that the canteen facilities provided by the organization are average that is they are partially satisfied.0% i.e none of the employees feel that the canteen facilities provided by the organization are poor.


Variables Excellent Good Average Poor

No of respondents 12 33 5 0

No of respondents in % 24% 66% 10% 0%

CHART-13 Transport facilities Poor 0% Average 10%

Excellent 24%

Excellent Good Average Poor

Good 66%

INTERPRETATION The above graph reveals that 24% of the employees feel that the transport facilities provided by the organization are excellent that is they are absolutely satisfied.66% of the employees feel that the transport facilities provided by the organization are good that is they are satisfied.10% of the employees feel that the transport facilities provided by the organization are average that is they are partially satisfied.0% i.e none of the employees feel that the transport facilities provided by the organization are poor.


Variables Excellent Good Average Poor

No of respondents 15 20 10 5

No of respondents in % 30% 40% 20% 10%

CHART-14 Sanitation and Cleanly M easures

Poor 10% Average 20%

Excellent 30%

Excellent Good Average Poor

Good 40%

INTERPRETATION The above graph reveals that 30% of the employees feel that the sanitation and cleanly measures in organization are excellent that is they are absolutely satisfied.40% of the employees feel that the sanitation and cleanly measures in organization are good that is they are satisfied.20% of the employees feel that the sanitation and cleanly measures in organization are average that is they are partially satisfied.10% of the employees feel that the sanitation and cleanly measures in organization are poor.



Variables Excellent Good Average Poor

No of respondents 26 20 4 0

No of respondents in % 52% 40% 8% 0%

CHART-15 Training in the Organization

Average 8% Good 40%

Poor 0%

Excellent Excellent 52%

Good Average Poor

INTERPRETATION The above graph reveals that 52% of the employees feel that the training in organization is excellent that is they are absolutely satisfied.40% of the employees feel that the training in organization is good that is they are satisfied.8% of the employees feel that the training in organization is average that is they are partially satisfied.0% that is none of the employees feel that the training in organization is poor.



Variables Excellent Good Average Poor

No of respondents 10 20 5 15

No of respondents in % 20% 40% 10% 30%

CHART-16 Management Liaise between the Employees and the Union

Poor 30%

Excellent 20% Excellent Good Average

Average 10%

Poor Good 40%

INTERPRETATION The above graph reveals that 20% of the employees feel that the management liaise between the employees and union in organization are excellent that is they are absolutely satisfied.40% of the employees feel that the management liaise between the employees and union in organization are good that is they are satisfied.10% of the employees feel that the management liaise between the employees and union in organization are average that is they are partially satisfied.30% of the employees feel that the management liaise between the employees and union in organization are poor. TABLE -17


Variables Excellent Good Average Poor

No of respondents 15 20 10 5

No of respondents in % 30% 40% 20% 10%

CHART-17 Management have adequate Communication with the Employees

Poor 10%

Excellent 30%

Average 20%

Excellent Good Average Poor

Good 40%

INTERPRETATION The above graph reveals that 30% of the employees feel that the management have adequate communication with the employees in the organization are excellent that is they are absolutely satisfied.40% of the employees feel that the management have adequate communication with the employees in the organization are good that is they are satisfied.20% of the employees feel that the management have adequate communication with the employees in the organization are average that is they are partially satisfied.10% of the employees feel that the management have adequate communication with the employees in the organization are poor.


Variables Excellent Good Average Poor

No of respondents 15 20 5 10

No of respondents in % 30% 40% 10% 20%

CHART-18 Work Autonomy in the Organization

Poor 20%

Excellent 30%

Excellent Good

Average 10%

Average Poor Good 40%

INTERPRETATION The above graph reveals that 30% of the employees feel that work autonomy in the organization are excellent that is they are absolutely satisfied.40% of the employees feel that work autonomy in the organization are good that is they are satisfied.10% of the employees feel that work autonomy in the organization are average that is they are partially satisfied.20% of the employees feel that work autonomy in the organization are poor.



No of respondents 25 10 10 5

No of respondents in % 50% 20% 20% 10%

CHART-19 Awareness about the Quality of Work Life in the Organization

Poor 10% Average 20%

Excellent Excellent 50%

Good Average Poor

Good 20%

INTERPRETATION The above graph reveals that 50% of the employees feel that awareness about the quality of work life in the organization are excellent that is they are absolutely satisfied.20% of the employees feel that awareness about the quality of work life work in the organization are good that is they are satisfied.20% of the employees feel that awareness about the quality of work life in the organization are average that is they are partially satisfied.10% of the employees feel that awareness about the quality of work life in the organization are poor. TABLE-20


Variables Excellent Good Average Poor

No of respondents 30 15 5 0

No of respondents in % 60% 30% 10% 0%

CHART-20 Perception about the Job Satisfaction

Average 10% Good 30%

Poor 0%

Excellent Good Excellent 60%

Average Poor

INTERPRETATION The above graph reveals that 60% of the employees feel that job satisfaction in the organization are excellent that is they are absolutely satisfied.30% of the employees feel that job satisfaction in the organization are good that is they are satisfied.10% of the employees feel that job satisfaction in the organization are average that is they are partially satisfied. 0% i.e that is none of the employees feel that job satisfaction is poor.

CHAPTER – VI -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


FINDINGS • In ECIL almost all the employees are satisfied with the job environment and working conditions. • Some of the employees are partially satisfied with the pay structure in the Organization. • Some of the employees are partially satisfied with the promotion system in the Organization. • Almost all the employees are satisfied with the leaves provided in the Organization. • Almost all the employees are satisfied with the canteen facilities in the Organization. • Almost all the employees are satisfied with the transport facilities provided by the Organization. • Almost all the employees are having job security in the Organization. • Almost all the employees are having job satisfaction.

CONCLUSIONS Every organization to sustain in the industry has to satisfy some of the basic needs and demands of its employees. Satisfied and motivated employees are the source of achieving the organizational goals and objectives. In order to use the maximum potential of the human resource, the organization has to provide them with the best quality of their working life. Therefore every organization needs to update and improve the quality of work life of the employees who make better contribution to production, quality and productivity. ECIL has proved itself to be the number one in the electronics industry. It has pioneered in many new areas because of its inventory of professional and skilled employees. And this was only possible by providing its employees, good working conditions and welfare facilities. ECIL is recognized as the organization with negligible employee turnover. This is because it gives its employees adequate and fair compensation and the employees have no reason to quit the company. This can be supported by the fact that the employees in ECIL have a service more than 20 years on an average. There is a cordial atmosphere of co-operation and co-ordination between the employees and employers. The flow of communication is flexible and clear the career prospects of ECIL are considered to be the best in the public sector. They plan for the career development of the employees since they join.

Therefore they give the potential employees permanent employment and give them enhance to grow both internally and externally. The employees are given reasonable autonomy for their job. This makes them feel more responsible and challenging and work hard for achieving it. There exists a strong bond among the employees, which helps them to work as team and make group accomplishments. Though there are some limitations like office layout, seating arrangements and lack of seriousness of workers, it has sustained in the industry and is challenging the competition. ECIL is striving hard to reduce the limitations by practicing better QWL interventions and make it even better place to work .It is in the process of updating and modernizing the working conditions in tune with the private organizations. Finally, we can conclude that ECIL is providing its employees best Quality of Work Life, which influence their performance and productivity

CHAPTER – VII -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------



Based on the analysis conducted in the organization the following are the recommendations made to the organization. •

Some of the employees are not satisfied with the job environment and working conditions. Job environment and working conditions play a very important role in motivating the employees. so, the organization has to take some more steps to improve the job environment and working conditions.

Some of the employees are not satisfied with the career-planning programme. If an organization wants to retain its employees it must satisfy their innovate aspirations for growth and development of advancement in their career

Some of the employees are not satisfied with scope of creativity. If the job is creative then only the employees get more interest on their job. They can innovate new things in their job. Their creativity will be improved.

Some of the employees are not satisfied with the labour welfare measures provided by the company. Labour welfare measures will improve the morale and increases the feeling of security that will in turn affect the personnel effectiveness in an organization. So the organization should take measures to improve the labour welfare measures.
















QUESTIONNAIRE NAME: DEPARTMENT: 1. What is your opinion about the job environment and working conditions? a. Excellent

b. Good

c. Average

d. Poor

2. What is your perception about the growth and security opportunities? a. Excellent

b. Good

c. Average

d. Poor

3. What is your perception about the career-planning program in the organization? a. Excellent

b. Good

c. Average

d. Poor

4. What is your perception about the pay structure in the organization? a. Excellent

b. Good

c. Average

d. Poor

5. What is your opinion about the promotion system? a. Excellent

b. Good

c. Average

d. Poor

6. What is your opinion about that you are able to learn and new skills in this Organization?

a. Excellent

b. Good

c. Average

d. Poor

7. What are the steps taken for the job enrichment for employees? a. Deliberate upgrading of responsibility b. Widening the scope of activities c. Setting the challenges in work d. Giving exposure to variety of jobs 8. What is the purpose of job design and goal setting in the organization? a. It facilitates work flow b. Effective co-ordination and integration c. Positive impact on employee satisfaction d. All the above 9. What is your perception about the sensible integration of job, career, family life and leisure time? a. Excellent

b. Good

c. Average

d. Poor

10. What is your perception with the leaves provided by the organization? a. Excellent

b. Good

c. Average

d. Poor

11. What is your perception about the leave travel concession that is provided by the Organization? a. Excellent

b. Good

c. Average

d. Poor

12. What is your opinion about the Canteen facilities? a. Excellent

b. Good

c. Average

d. Poor

13. What is your perception about the transport facilities? a. Excellent

b. Good

c. Average

d. Poor

14. What is your opinion about the sanitation and cleanly measures? a. Excellent

b. Good

c. Average

d. Poor

15. What is your opinion about the training given by the organization? a. Excellent

b. Good

c. Average

d. Poor

16. What is your opinion about the management liaise between the employees and the union? a. Excellent

b. Good

c. Average

d. Poor

17. What is your opinion that the management have adequate communication with the employees? a. Excellent

b. Good

c. Average

d. Poor

18. What is your opinion about the Work Autonomy in the organization? a. Excellent

b. Good

c. Average

d. Poor

19. What is your opinion about that the awareness of Quality of Work Life in the organization ?

a. Excellent

b. Good

c. Average

d. Poor

20. What is your perception about the job satisfaction? a. Excellent

b. Good

c. Average

d. Poor




1. “Human Resource Management”

Biswajeet Patnaik

2. “Personnel and Human Resource Management”

P. Subba Rao

3. “Human Resource Management”

Mirza Saiyadain

4. “Human Resource Development”



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