Quality Assurance Plan For Building Construction
July 27, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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Construction of Administrative Office Building, Landscaping, Parking, Boundary wall etc at Rainas Municipality-05, Lamjung
(QAP )
Submitted By: M/S Kanchanjunga Nirman Sewa
1. PROJECT INFORMATION................................. INFORMATION....................................................... ............................................ ............................................1 ......................1 1.1 The Project.......................................... Project................................................................ ............................................ ........................................................1 ..................................1 1.2 Location.................................... Location.......................................................... ............................................ .................................................................. ............................................ 1 1.3 Topography.......................... Topography................................................ ............................................ ............................................ ................................................. ...........................1 1 1.4 Climate............................................ Climate.................................................................. ............................................ ............................................ ...................................... ................1 1 2. QUALITY............................... QUALITY...................................................... ............................................. ............................................ ...................................................2 .............................2 2.1 General............................................ General.................................................................. ............................................ ............................................ ...................................... ................2 2 2.2 Objectives of this Plan........................................ Plan.............................................................. .............................................................. ........................................2 2 2.3 Quality Control System........................................ System.............................................................. ............................................ .......................................2 .................2 3. ORGANIZATION........................... ORGANIZATION................................................. ............................................ ............................................. ...................................... ....................3 .....3 3.1Organization for Quality Assurance..................................................... Assurance....................................................................... ............................. ...........3 3 3.2 Duties of the Contractor’s Key Personnel........................................................................3 3.3Role and Responsibilities......................................... Responsibilities............................................................... ............................................ ....................................5 ..............5 4.SCHEDULES...................... 4.SCHEDULES ............................................ ............................................ ............................................ ........................................... .................................. .............8 8 4.1 Project Work Schedule...................................... Schedule............................................................ ........................................................ ......................................... .......8 8 4.2 Short Time Work Programme..................................... Programme........................................................... ............................................ ................................8 ..........8 4.3 Material Management Schedule.......................................................................................8 4.4 Material Testing Schedule...................................... Schedule............................................................ ..................................................... ....................................8 .....8 5.QUALITY ASSURANCE............................... ASSURANCE..................................................... ............................................ ..................................................9 ............................9 5.1 Details of Site Laboratory...................................... Laboratory............................................................ ............................................ ..................................... ...............9 9 5.2 Formats to be used for Testing........................................ Testing.............................................................. ............................................ ............................9 ......9 5.3 Working Procedure for Quality Control of different item of works.................................9 5.4 Non-Compliance Reporting and Corrective Measures...................................................12 5.5 Sources of Construction Materials................................................... Materials..................................................................................12 ...............................12 5.6 Spoil Dumping Sites...................................................... Sites............................................................................ ........................................... ...........................12 ......12 APPENDIX
1.1 The Project This project IFB no. 05/075/76/W/MAOB/RAN/LAMJUNG includes Construction of Rainas Municipality Administrative Office Building in Lamjung District. The contrac contractt has been awarded awarded to the M/s The Kanchanjunga Nirman SewaJV under NCB contract for the construction of this Project
1.2 Location This project is located at Lamjung District. The sections includes the mostly hilly terrain.
1.3 Topography The section alignment follows hilly terrain of various altitudes varying from 1225 m to 1075 m elevation.
1.4 Climate The climate of Nepal ranges for hot tropical in the Terai to moderate subtropical in the midlands (hills) and to very cold in the high mountains. The project area has subtropical to temperate climate complexion thus monsoon rain generally starts in June and ends in September. May & June are the hottest months with temperature reaching upto 35 0 C and the minimum temperature is about 1 0 C in the month of December–January.
2. QUALITY 2.1 General The quality of constructed work is the satisfaction of the employer and the Engineer towards the work meeting the contractual requirements and standards defined by the contract documents and specifications. There The re are three three basic basic elemen elements ts of qu qualit ality: y: (1) Qualit Quality y Charac Characteri teristic stics, s, (2) Qualit Quality y of Design, and (3) Quality of Conformance. Quality Characteristics defines one or more properties of a product for quality control purposes. It includes dimension, color, c olor, strength, etc. Quality of Design specifies the desired standards for the characteristics together with the tolerance for acceptable variations from the standards. Quality of Conformance is the degree to which the physical work produced conforms to the standards specified by the quality of design.
2.2 Objectives of this Plan The main objectives of this Quality Assurance plan are: a) To assure assure that that all the steps steps of Quality Quality control control have have been been proper properly ly planned planned and implemented during execution and completion of each activity. b) To assure that the completed items of work meet or exceed desired performance criteria/quality standards as specified in Drawings & Technical Specification which are part of the Contract Documents.
2.3 Quality Control System Quality Control system includes methods, procedures and organization for the quality control of works in the following sequences:
Testing of materials including laboratory trials.
Testing for methods and equipment prior to the commencement of works including site trials.
Control testing during construction.
Accept tests on completion of the works.
3. ORGANIZATION 3.1Organization for Quality Assurance It is difficult to standardize the organizational structure for quality assurance requirements, since many variations are possible. There are two parties involved in this project viz., the client Rainas Municipality, Lamjung and the Contractor (M/s The Kanchanjunga Nirman Sewa), the responsibility for different activities of a project falls on each of these parties. For some activities, the client has the sole responsibility, for some others the engineer and the contractor. Responsibilities overlap for some activities.
3.2 Duties of the Contractor’s Key Personnel The organi organizat zation ion chart chart of the contra contracto ctor’s r’s per person sonnel nel is presen presented ted in Appendix 1. Thus the job descriptions of the key personnel are as follows.
Contract Manager:
Overall planning, Scheduling, monitoring and controlling.
Dealing with change orders, delays, variation orders etc.
Advising procurement officer for different procurement works.
Recruiting and allocating qualified personals for different works.
Maintaining Mainta ining proper co-ordination co-ordination (Internal-among (Internal-among site staff, store staff and lab staff and external-with other parties)
Timely instruction and decisions.
Conducting weekly site meeting.
Site Engineer and and Quality Control Engineer: Engineer:
Day to day planning of site works.
Planning and allocating right people to right place
Control of workmanship through subordinates.
Field measurements.
Receiving instructions from the engineer and taking action on time.
Immediate information to the engineer for any obstruction to the progress of the work.
Quality control of material from source to stockyard/store.
Monitoring major testing and process control activated in all sites.
Seeking approval of sources of material from the Engineer.
Fully accountable to Contract Manager in quality aspect.
Documentation control.
Preparing quality assurance manual, sampling plans and taking their approval from the Engineer
Quality auditing and reporting to all project participants.
Coordination between lab staff and site staff.
Procurementt Officer: Procuremen
Procuring reliable suppliers/vendors for supplying quality materials in consultation with the Project Manager/Planning Engineer.
Preparing required quality standards of materials for suppliers/vendors.
Inspection of site manufacturing.
Procuring labour contactors for quality works in consultation with PM.
Carryout joint survey and all other survey works (line, levels, cut slopes etc.).
Documenting survey data and updating if any change.
Sr. Lab. Technician: Technician:
Material testing and process control.
Documentation of lab reports systematically.
Fully accountable to QC Engineer.
Lab Technician: Technician:
Daily material testing and process control.
Maintaining up to date lab records.
3.3Role and Responsibiliti Responsibilities es Role and responsibilities of various key personnel shall be as under. e r e Legend: g a r a g h n PRIMARY RESPONSIBILITY a C M n I t JOINT RESPONSIBILITY c / a r r e t APPROVAL RESPONSIBILITY e n n i o g MUST BE CONSULTED C n E e MAY Y BE CONSULTED CONSULTED MA t i S AUDIT OR REVIEWS S.N 1
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2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Define ac activities ies aff affeecting qu quali ality Establish de design criteria Specify qu quality st standards Prepare Quali ality Ass ssu urance Manual Prepare Qu Quali ality Co Control Pr Procedure Select Equipment Prep Prepar aree co cons nstr tru uctio ction n met metho hod d sta state tem ments ents Setting out work Sele Select ctio ion n of mate materi rial alss to be inco incorp rpor orat ated ed in
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4.SCHEDULES 4.1 Project Work Schedule Initially it will be baseline schedule and for the time being it will be the latest revised sched sch edul ulee if any. It is in incl clud uded ed in the Appendix 2. This will be used in planning the procurement of materials, equipments and services in advance so that we can make necessary testing with sufficient time float before the work begins.
4.2 Short Time Work Programme This will be prepared based on the main project schedule and submitted as per the provision of the contract. It will be used for regular planning of different lab tests, field tests, manpower planning etc.
4.3 Material Management Schedule It will be prepared based on the project schedule. Its use will be for planning the major tests required for testing the material quality.
4.4 Material Testing Schedule Based on the detailed work Program the material testing Schedule has been prepared and included in the Appendix 3. 3. The testing of materials is arranged such that each test will be conducted and approved 20 days prior to the commencement of Works.
5.QUALITY ASSURANCE The first level of assurance assurance will be provided provided by well equipped equipped laboratories laboratories and qualified testing personnel. This assures that equipment and personnel are capable of performing the tests properly. The second level of assurance will be provided by an independent assurance as surance program which whi ch assures assures that that testing testing person personnel nel and equipm equipment ent remain remain capabl capablee of perfor performin ming g the test properly. The third level of assurance will be provided by verification, sampling and testing. This level assures the quality of completed work.
5.1 Details of Site Laboratory The site laboratory will be constructed in the site. All the required Tests for Laboratory shall be conducted on contractor's Lab. For Laboratory setup at site, the test will be carried out at the site laboratory established at aforementioned location under Engineer’s supervision. The roles and responsibilities of each personnel responsible for quality control are described above in Chapter -3.
5.2 Formats to be used for Testing The testing formats to be used will be as approved / provided by the Engineer to keep records of each test. The test records records will be signed, recorded recorded and filed in the office. The Original Original copy of test results will be kept at Engineer’s Office.
5.3 Working Procedure for Quality Control of different item of works Cutting works:
Detail survey of the section.
Preparation and approval of the working drawings.
Layout in the field.
Check and verify the layout by the Engineer.
Proceed excavation of cutting works to the line, levels, and slopes.
Check cut line, levels and slopes as per drawings.
If ok, work is completed otherwise make correction.
Joint measurement.
Filling works:
Detail survey of the section.
Preparation and approval of the working drawings. Layout in the field. 9
Check and verify the layout by the Engineer.
Proceed filling works up to the line, levels, and slopes by compacting each 15cm layer wise.
Check line, levels and slopes as per drawings.
If ok, work is completed otherwise make correction.
Joint measurement.
General Excavation:
Detail survey of the section.
Preparation and approval of the working drawings.
Layout in the field.
Check and verify the layout by the Engineer.
Proceed excavation to the line, levels, and slopes.
Check cut line, levels and slopes as per drawings.
If ok, excavation is completed otherwise make correction.
Joint measurement.
Box Culvert:
Obtain approval of the working drawing for the culverts.
Layout in the site.
Approval of the layout.
Approval of the materials.
Transportation of the units to the site.
Excavation to the line and level.
Approval of the finished foundation. f oundation.
Constructions as specified in the Technical Specification. Approval of the completed section.
Joint measurement of each individual component.
Masonry Works: Works:
Obtain approval of working drawings for the masonry structure to suit as per site condition.
Layout of the structure in the site.
Approv App roval al of the materia materials ls to be used used (sand, (sand, cement cement,, stones stones,, aggreg aggregate ates,fi s,filli lling ng materia materials, ls, bedding material etc.).
Foundation excavation as per the approved drawing.
Construction of the structure as described in the Technical Specification.
Sampling of mortar for cube testing. 10
Curing 7 days.
Backfilling in layers with suitable approval material with required compaction.
Approval of the completed section.
Joint measurement.
Gabions Work:
Testing and approval of the G.I. wires to be used for the work. Obtaining approval of Machine made Gabion cages.
Stock the approved cages.
Approval of the working Drawings for the structure.
Layout in the site.
Foundation excavation.
Preparation of the foundation bed.
Checking the foundation for approval.
Construction of gabions a specified in Technical Specification.
Joint measurement of the completed section.
Concreting Work:
Testing and approval of the stock of the ingredients of the specified grade of concrete.
Proportioning of the ingredients (Wt Basis/Volumetric Basis) as determined from the design mix of the concrete in the lab & as instructed by the engineer.
Checking centering and shuttering before pouring the concrete if any.
Checking of Reinforcement as per Bar Bending Schedule.
Preparation, transportation, pouring in place and compaction as specified in the TS section.
Making cubes for testing. Curing of the completed section as described in Technical Specification.
Joint measurement of the completed section.
Obtain approval of the working drawing of false work and form work for the said work.
Approval of the type, grade and condition of the material used for the work.
Construction of false work and formwork as described in Technical Specification.
Removal of false work and formwork as per Technical Specification.
Joint measurement of the completed section.
5.4 Non-Compliance Reporting and Corrective Measures All All the the test test resu result ltss wi will ll be comp compar ared ed to th thee stan standa dard rdss sp spec ecif ifie ied d by th thee Draw Drawin ings gs an and d specifications. Any non-complying result will be immediately informed to the corresponding site staff and consulting engineer with the approved corrective measures if any. Any suggestion or instruction from the engineer will be strictly honored. A detail list of the possible areas of non-compliance of the test results and possible corrective measures will be prepared and seek the approval of the Engineer. When any non-compliance occurs, correction will be done according to the approved measures. Any process or result that is not as per specifications will be rejected.
5.5 Sources of Construction Materials The main sources (Quarry Sites) of the construction materials (Stone and filling materials) are presented in a linear diagram included in the Appendix 5 . Sources and brand of other materials materials like cement, sand, aggregate, steel and gabion will be selected from different sources and tested before use and approved by the Engineer. The approval of quarry sites will be taken from the Engineer before its operation following the guidelines stated in the Contract Documents.
5.6 Spoil Dumping Sites The unsuitable / surplus materials shall be properly managed and dumped at the approved locations. locati ons. The Contractor Contractor will propose propose the Spoil Spoil dumping dumping sites and after getting getting approval from the Engineer, these sites will be used for dumping unsuitable / unused materials. Location of these sites is shown in the linear Diagram and enclosed in the Appendix 5.
APPENDIX 1: Organization
APPENDIX 2 Project work schedule
APPENDIX 3 Material Testing Schedule
APPENDIX 4 Quality Control Flow Chart
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