Qdoc - Tips Interchange 4th Ed Intro Grammar Plus Answer Key
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Grammarplusanswerkey Unit1
1 My,your,his,her
1 Negativestatementsandyes/noquestions with be
yourlastname? 1. B: Hi, Hi,Carlos. Carlos.What’ What’s your What’s A: It’sGonzales. It’sGonzales. B: How Howdo do doyou youspell you spell your lastname? IsitG-O-N-Z-A-L Isit G-O-N-Z-A-L-E-Z? G-O-N-Z-A-L -E-Z? your A: No, No,it’s it’s it’sG-O-NG-O-N-Z-A-L-E-S. G-O-NZ-A-L-E-S.And Z-A-L-E-S. Andwhat’s And what’s your name? B: My nameisBillPowers.Nicetomeetyou. 2. A: What’s What’sMs. Ms.Robinson’s Ms. Robinson’sfirst Robinson’s firstname? first name? Her nicknameis B: Her firstnameisKatherine. Her Katie. A: I’ I’m msorry. msorry. sorry.What’s What’s her firstnameagain? B: It’sKatheri It’sKatheri Katherine. ne.And ne. Andwhat’s And what’sMr. what’s Mr.Weber’s Mr. Weber’s firstname?
A: His firstnameisPeter. B: That’ That’s sright. sright. right.And Andhis And hisnickname hisnickname nicknameis is isPete. Pete.
2 Theverb be 1. A: B: A: 2. A: C: A:
Excuseme. Excuse me. Are youPattyWilson? No, I’mnot. She’s overthere. OK.Thanks. OK. Thanks. Hi.Are youPattyWilson? Hi.Are Yes, Iam. You’re inmy Oh,good. Oh, good. I’m SergioBaez. You’re Englishclass. C: Yes,I es,I am. It’snicetomeetyou,Sergio.
A 2. We’re We’renot notfrom not fromLondon. from London. 3. You Youand andTimare and Timarenotin Timare notinmyclass. notin myclass. 4. Spanishi Spanishisnot snotmyfirs snot myfirstlanguage./ myfirs tlanguage./Myfirst tlanguage./ Myfirstlanguage Myfirst language isnotSpanish. 5. Mymo Mymother therisno ther isnotfr isno tfr tfrom omSeoul. om Seoul. 6. They Theyare arenot are notmy not mykeys. my keys.
B 1. B: No, we’re not. We’re fromGuatemala. 2. A: Is yourfirstlanguageEnglish? are fromAustralia. B: Yes,it es,it is.Myparents are 3. A: Are KenjiandhisfriendJapanese? B: Yes, they are.But they’re/theyare intheU.S. now. 4. A: AremymotherandIlate? B: No, you’re not. You’reearly!
2 Wh-questionswith be 2. What isher ishername? name? c 3. What isshe isshelike? like? f 4. How oldis oldisshe? she? b 5. Where isyour isyourfamilyfrom? familyfrom? a 6. What isBangko isBangkoklike? klike? e
This/these;it/they;plurals 1 1. A: Whatare these?
1 1. Possessives A: Whosejacketisthis?Isit yours,Phil?
B: They’re my earrings. 2. A: What’sthis? B: It’sa cellphone. 3. A: What’s this? B: It’sanaddressbook.
mine.AskNick.I thinkit’s his. B: No, No,it’s it’s it’snot not mine yours? 2. A: These Thesearen’t aren’t our books.Arethey yours B: No, No,they’re they’renot they’re not ours.Maybethey’re Young-min’s. 3. A: Whose sweatersarethese?AretheyJulie’s? B: No, No,they’re they’renot they’re not her sweaters.Buttheseshorts are hers.
2 Yes/Noand Yes/Noand wherequestionswith be A 2. e
3. a
4. b
5. d
B B: IIdon’t don’tknow. don’t know.Is know. Is it inyourbookbag? A: No, it’snot. B: Is thisyourpen? where aremykeys? A: Yes, A: es, itis.Thanks!Now, where B: Aretheyonyourdesk? A: Yes, A: es, theyare.Thankyou!
2 Presentcontinuousstatements; conjunctions 2. 3. 4. 5.
It’sraining. It’s raining. I’mnot I’m notwearing not wearingsunglasses. wearing sunglasses. You’renot/ renot/You renot/You Youaren’twearinga aren’twearinganewsuit. aren’twearinga newsuit. Michikois Michiko is iswearing wearinggloves. wearing gloves.
3 Presentcontinuousyes/noquestions 1. B: No,he’snot /he isn’t. 2. A: Are Areyo you uwea wearin ring gbro brown wnb boot oots? s? B: No No,,we’renot/we aren’t. 3. A: Are Areyo you uwea wearin ring gsun sungla glasse sses? s? B: B: Yes, es,II am. 4. 4. A: A: Is Isi it tra rain inin ing? g? B: B: Yes, es,it it is.
evening,andwehavea evening,andwe haveabiglunchtogether biglunchtogether on Sundays.Weeat at noon.Then in theafternoon, weplaytennisorgotothemovies.
Unit7 1 Simplepresentshortanswers A: B: A: B: B:
1 Whattimeisit?/Isit A .M.or P.M.? 3. 4. 4. 5. 6. 7. 7. 8. 8.
It’sa It’saqua quarter rterafter aftersix. six. It’s It’s10 10:0 :00 0 P.M. It’sfi It’sfivea veafter fterthree three.. It’se It’seleven leventhir thirty-fi ty-five ve It’s It’sone one A.M. It’s It’s12 12:0 :00 0 A.M.
2 Presentco PresentcontinuousWh ntinuousWh-questions(p -questions(page33) age33) 2. A: B: 3. 3. A: A: B: 4. 4. A: A: B: 5. A: B: 6. 6. A: A: B: 7. A: B: 8. A: B:
Wha What tare areJo Jon nand andM Mega egan ndoi doing? ng? They’re They’retakin takingaw gawalk. alk. What Whata are rey you oud doin oing? g? I’mwrit I’mwriting ingconve conversa rsation tions. s. What What’s ’sC Chr hris isdoi doing ng?? He’ He’s scal callin lingAshl gAshley. ey. Whatar Whatareyou eyouand andTa Taylo ylord rdoin oing? g? We’res e’reshop hoppin ping. g. What What’s ’sS Sar arad adoin oing? g? She’s She’shav having ingdinn dinner er Wha What tare areVic Victor tora and ndSa Samd mdoin oing? g? They’re They’rerunn running inginth inthepar epark. k. Wha What tare areyo you uand andPa Paul ulo odoi doing? ng? We’ We’rech rechatt atting ingonlin online. e.
A: B: B: A: B: A: A:
Does yourfamily live inanapartment? No No, ,we we don’t.We have ahouse. Tha That’s t’snic nice. e. Doesyourhousehavetwofloors? Yes, Yes,it does.It has fourroomsonthefirstfloor. Andwe have threebedroomsandabathroomon thesecondfloor. And do youandyourfamily have ayard? Yes, Yes,we do.Andhowaboutyou,Tim? Do you live inahouse,too? No No, ,II don’t.MywifeandI have asmallapartment inthecity. Oh. Do you likethecity? Yes, Yes,I do.Butmywife doesn’t.
2 Thereis,thereare 2. There There’s ’snodiningroom. nodiningroom./T /Thereisn’ hereisn’tadining tadiningroom. room. 3. There There’s ’snodishwa nodishwasher sherinthekitchen inthekitchen./Thereisn’ ./Thereisn’ta ta dishwasherinthekitchen. 4. The There’ re’s sata atable ble inthe inthekitc kitchen. hen. 5. Thereare Therearesomecurtainson somecurtainsonthewindows. thewindows. 6. There Thereareno/T areno/Therearen’ herearen’tany tanyrugsontheflo rugsonthefloors. ors. 7. There Therear arecl eclosets osetsinthe intheb bedroom edrooms. s. 8. There Thereareno/T areno/Therearen’ herearen’tan tanybookcases ybookcases in thebedroom.
Unit8 1 SimplepresentWh-questions
Unit6 1 Simplepresentstatements;Simplepresent statementswithirregularverbs
MyfamilyandI live inthecity.We have an apartmentonFirstAvenue.Mysister goes to schoolnearourapartment,soshe walks toschool. Myfather works inthesuburbs,sohe drives tohis job.Mymother uses publictransportation–she takes thebustoherofficedowntown.She has a newjob,butshe doesn’tlike itverymuch.And me?Well,I don’twork farfromourapartment,so I don’tneed acarorpublictransportation.I ride mybiketowork!
2 Simplepresentquestions A 2. A: Doesyour Doesyourfamil familyea yeatdin tdinner nerat5 at5:00? :00? 3. A: Doesyour Doesyourbroth brother ertake taketheb thebust ustowo owork? rk? 4. A: Do Doyou youg get etup uplat late eon onwee weeken kends? ds?
B B: Well Well,,we weeatt eattogeth ogether er on weekends,but on weekdayswe’reallbusy.Myparentsgotowork early– at 6:30.Butweeatdinnertogether in the
1. 1. A: A: Re Real ally ly? ?Wh Wher ere e doeshework? 2. A: Where doyouwork? B: Iwor Iworkin kinar arestau estaurant. rant. Nice! Nice!Wha Whatt doyoudo ? I’m I’macook acook.. How doyoulikeyourjob ? Myjob?Idon’trreallylikeitverymuch. eallylikeitverymuch. That That’stoo ’stoobad. bad.What What doyoudo ? I’ma I’mamanag manager.Iwork er.Iworkatacloth ataclothingstore. ingstore. doyourbrotherandsisterdo What ? Mybrotheris Mybrotherisadoctor adoctor,andmysis ,andmysisteris teris alawyer. A: How dotheylikethey’rejobs ?
A: B: 3. A: B: A: B: 4. A: B:
2 Placementofadjectives 2. Asale Asalesper sperson’s son’sjobisstr jobisstressfu essful.l. Asalespersonhasastressfuljob. 3. Asecu Asecurityguard’ rityguard’sjob sjobisdange isdangerous. rous. Asecurityguardhasadangerousjob. 4. Anu Anurse rse’s ’sjob jobise isexcit xciting ing.. Anursehasanexcitingjob. 5. Ataxidriver’s Ataxidriver’sjo jobisinter bisinteresting. esting. Ataxidriverhasaninterestingjob. 6. Anelectr Anelectricia ician’ n’sjo sjobis bisdiffi difficult. cult. Anelectricianhasadifficultjob.
1 Countandnoncountnouns;some Countandnoncountnouns;someand and any
1 Thefuturewith begoingto
1. A: B: B: A: B:
A: B: A: B: 2. A: B: A: B: A: B: B: A: B:
Wha What tdo doyou youw want antf for orlu lunch nch?? Let’ Let’ssmak make e some sandwiches. Goodidea Goodidea!Do !Dowe wehave have any bread? someintherefrigerator.Letme Ithink Ithinkther there’s e’ssome intherefrigerator.Letme any.. see....No,Idon’tsee any somemilk, Well,let’sg Well,let’sgotothestor otothestore.We e.Weneed need some milk, any too.Anddowehave cheese? some cheesehere,and Yes,wedo. Yes,wedo.Th There’s ere’ssome thereare some tomatoes,too. Dow Dowe ehav have e any mayonnaise?Ilove some mayonnaiseonmysandwiches. Me,too. Me,too.But Butthe thereis reisn’t n’t any here.Let’s some.. buy some Let’s Let’smak makeabi eabigbre gbreakf akfast asttomorr tomorrowmo owmorni rning. ng. OK.What OK.Whatdow dowenee eneed?A d?Aret rethere here any eggs? some,butIthinkweneedtobuy The There reare are some ,butIthinkweneedtobuy some more. OK.Andl OK.Andlet’s et’sg get et some yogurt,too.Wedon’t any,andIloveyogurtforbreakfast. have any ,andIloveyogurtforbreakfast. anybreadinthe Me,too. Me,too.Doy Doyou ousee see any breadinthe refrigerator? Yesth esther ere’ e’ss some intherefrigerator. Great!Sowedon’t Great!Sowedon’tneedtobu needtobuyy any at thestore. That’sright.Just That’sright.Justeggsandyogurt! eggsandyogurt!
2 Adverbsoffrequency B: A: A: B: A: B: A:
oftengotoarestaurantnearwork. I often gotoarestaurantnearwork. Doy Doyou ou ever eatatyourdesk? No,I hardlyever stayinforlunch. usuallyhave? Andwhat Andwhatdo doyou you usually have? alwayshavesoupandasandwich. I always havesoupandasandwich. neverhaveabiglunch. Me, Me,to too. o.I never haveabiglunch.
5. 6.
2 Wh-questionswith begoingto areyou A: Wh Wha at are you goingtodo thisweekend? ’mgoingtohaveaverybusyweekend.Myfriend B: I’mgoingtohave averybusyweekend.Myfriend isgoingtovisitme,andwe ’regoingtospend Ali isgoingtovisit me,andwe’regoingtospend theweekendinthecity. A: Tha That’s t’snic nice. e. Are you goingtostay inahotel? ’regoingtostay withourfriendDonna. B: No No, ,we we’regoingtostay AndDonna isgoingtohave abigpartyon Saturdaynight. ’sgoingtobe attheparty?Do A: Real Really?A ly?Andw ndwho ho’sgoingtobe youknowanyofDonna’sfriends? B: No, No,Idon Idon’t.But ’t.ButAliand AliandI aregoingtomeet everyoneonSaturdaynight.
1 SimplepresentWh-questions 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
Whodo yougotogameswith?a Whodoyougotogameswith? a How often does doesyourteamplay? yourteamplay? d Whendo theyplay?e Wheredo theyplay?f What time do dothe thegames gamesstart?b start?b
Unit12 1 Have +noun; feel +adjective Have+noun; feel +adjective
2 Can Canforability forability A 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
Johncanpla Johncanplay ythepia thepianoand noandtheviolin. theviolin. BradandGeorgecanact, BradandGeorgecanact,buttheycan’t buttheycan’tssing. ing. Mariacansnowboard Mariacansnowboard,butshecan ,butshecan’ticeskate. ’ticeskate. Justincan’tup Justincan’tupload load photos photosordow ordownload nload avideo. avideo. Lisacan’twritepoems Lisacan’twritepoemsbutshecant butshecantellgoodjokes. ellgoodjokes.
B 2. Lisacan. 3. Yes,shec ca an.
4. Yes,hecan. 5. Maria iac ca an.
isgoingtobeaveryexcitingday.It’s Tomorrow isgoingtobe averyexcitingday.It’s mybirthday,andmyfriendsandI aregoingto celebrate.Inthemorning,ScottandI celebrate aregoing .Inthemorning,ScottandIaregoing todrive tothebeach.OurfriendSara isgoingto meet usthere.We ’regoingtostay atthebeach usthere.We’regoingtostay ’regoingtohave lunchat forafewhours.Thenwe’regoingtohave forafewhours.Thenwe myfavoriterestaurant.Afterlunch,Scott isgoing togo towork,andSaraandI aregoingtosee a movie.Afterthemovie,we ’regoingtogo toour friendCharlie’shouse.He isgoingtocook dinner forSaraandme. Q: Are AreScott Scottand andRober Robertgoi tgoingt ngtotak otakethe ethebus busto to thebeach? A: No,th No,they’regoingtod ey’regoingtodrivetothe rivetothebeach. beach. Q: Are Arethefr thefriends iendsgoi goingt ngtoha ohavel velunch unchat at arestaurant? A: Yes Yes,th ,theyar eyare. e. Q: Are AreSara Saraan andRo dRobertgoi bertgoingto ngtogot gotoamu oamuseum? seum? A: No,th No,they’renot.(T ey’renot.(They’regoingtose hey’regoingtoseeamovie.) eamovie.) Q: Are AreSara Saraan andRo dRobertgoi bertgoingto ngtohave havedi dinner nnerat at arestaurant? A: No,th No,they’renot.(T ey’renot.(They’regoingtoha hey’regoingtohavedinner vedinner atCharlie’shouse.)
6. Hecanact.
A: B: A: B: A: B: A: B: A:
Hi,Chris.Howareyou? I’mterrific,tthanks.Howabouty hanks.Howaboutyou? ou? Ifeelawful,actually. Oh,no! Oh,no!What’ What’sthe sthematter? matter? IthinkIhaveafever. That’ That’stoobad. stoobad.Doyouha Doyouhaveahea veaheadach dache? e? Yes,Ido.AndIhaveastomachache,too. Arey Areyougo ougoingto ingtoseea seeadoctor doctor?? Yes.I’mgoingtocallmydoctorinafew minutes.
B: Well, Well,f feel eelbette bettersoo rsoon. n. A: Thanks.
2 Impera Imperativ tives es 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
Taket Taketwoa woaspi spirin rins. s. Don’t Don’twor worktoo ktoohar hard. d. Don’texerc Don’texercise isetoday todayortom ortomorrow orrow.. Don’t Don’teat eatany anycol coldfoo dfood. d. Takea Takeanan nantac tacid. id.
Unit13 1 Prepositionsofplace A: B: A: B: A: A: B: A: B:
Excuseme.Isthereagas Excuseme.Isthereagasstationar stationaroundher oundhere? e? onThirdAvenue. Yes Yes,,the thereis reis.It .It’s ’s on ThirdAvenue. WhereonThir WhereonThirdAvenu dAvenue? e? It’s on thecorner thecornerofCenterStreeta ofCenterStreetandThird ndThird Avenue. fromStacy’sDepartmentStore? Ac Acro ross ss from Stacy’sDepartmentStore? to thepark. Yes,tha Yes,that’sri t’sright.It’sn ght.It’snext ext to Thanks.Oh,and Thanks.Oh,andwhereisthepost whereisthepostoffice? office? betweenthehospitaland It’so It’sonCe nCenter nterStree Street– t– between thehospitaland thebank.
2 Directions 2. You: You: onMainStreet. No,d No,don’ttu on’tturnrightonMain rnrightonMain Stree Street.Tu t.Turnle rnleft ft 3. You: You: No,d No,don’tgo on’tgodownFir downFirstAvenue. stAvenue.GoupF GoupFirst irst Avenue You: No,it’snoton No,it’snotontheleft. theleft. It’sontheright.
Unit14 1 Simplepaststatements:regularverbsand irregularverbs Hi! didn’tdoanythingspecialthisweekend,butI I didn’tdo anythingspecialthisweekend,butI had alotoffun.I didn’tgooutonFridaynight.I alotoffun.I didn’tgo outonFridaynight.I stayed home.I cleaned myroomand did laundry. I helped mysisterwithherhomework,andthen watchedTV.OnSaturday,myfriendTaylor watched we TV.OnSaturday,myfriendTaylor came neededsomenewshoes,sowe over.She needed over.She somenewshoes,sowe tookthebusdowntowntoHarry’sShoeStore. thebusdowntowntoHarry’sShoeStore. didn’t We shopped foralongtime,butTaylor foralongtime,butTaylor didn’t like anyoftheshoesatHarry’s.She bought some purplesocks,butshe didn’tbuy anyshoes.On ourwaybacktomyhouse,we stopped atthe exercised.We gymand exercised .We didn’texercise veryhard. invitedTaylorfordinner,andmydad I invited Taylorfordinner,andmydad cooked hamburgersintheyard.Afterdinner,TaylorandI talkedand talked played videogames.She didn’tstay and played droveherhomeataroundten.On toolate–Mom drove herhomeataroundten.On visitedmymother’sbest Sunday,mywholefamily visited mymother’sbest friendandherfamily.Theyhaveaswimmingpool, somysisterandI went swimmingallafternoon.
2 Simplepastyes/noquestions enjoy yourvacation? A: Did you you enjoy did.MybrotherandI B: B: Yes, es,I did .MybrotherandI had agreattime. Did take A: you take alotofpictures? you didn’t.Butwe bought alotofpostcards. B: B: No No,,w we e didn’t .Butwe bought Did you seealotofinteresting A: That’s That’sgoo good. d. Did you see alotofinteresting
did.Andwe ate alotofnewfoods. B: B: Yes, Yes,we did .Andwe ate Didyou A: How Howa abou bout tyou you?? Did you have agoodsummer? didn’tgoanywhere,butI read alotofgood B: B: We Well ll,,II didn’tgo anywhere,butI read saw somegreatmovies. booksand saw booksand
Unit15 1 Pastof be 1. A: Were youhereyesterday? was homeinbed. B: B: No, No,I wasn’t I wasn’t.I .I was A: Oh, were yousick? B: B: No. No.I was I wasjustreallytired. justreallytired. 2. A: Where were youborn? wasbornhereinNewYork. B: I was bornhereinNewYork. A: Really? Really?Whatabout Whataboutyourparents yourparents?? Were they bornhere,too? weren’t.They B: B: No No,,th they ey weren’t .They were borninBrazil–in Salvador. Washeon 3. A: Where was Yuseflastweek? Was heon vacation? was.Heandhisbestfriend B: B: Yes, es,he he was .Heandhisbestfriend were in were Spain.They were inBarcelona. Spain.They Wasitagoodtrip? A: Wasitagoodtrip? was aterrifictrip! B: Yes, Yes,itwas itwas.Yus .Yusefsai efsaidit dit was
2 Wh-questionswith did, was,and were 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.
A: A: A: A: A: A: A:
Where How owol old d When Who What Why
Unit16 1 Subjectandobjectpronouns 1. A: Hel Hello. lo.I IsM sMr. r.C Chin hinthe there? re? B: No, he’s nothererightnow.Can I Itakea takea message? him tocallRobTaylor. A: Yes Yes.P .Plea leasete setell ll him hehaveyournumber? B: Does he haveyournumber? him.It’s555-0987. A: No, No,butp butpleas leasegi egiveit veitto to him .It’s555-0987. 2. A: Hi.This Hi.ThisisEl isEliza. iza.IsMa IsMariah riahome? ome? B: No, she’s atthemallwithherbrother.Their themtherethismorning. daddrove them daddrove therethismorning. her amessage? A: Oh.W Well,ca ell,canIl nIleave eaveher B: B: Sure Sure.. A: Soniaand SoniaandIaregoingtosee Iaregoingtoseeamovietomorrow amovietomorrow.. us.. MaybeMariacangowithus MaybeMariacangowith her.Andshecancall B: B: Ica Ican nas ask k her .Andshecancall you tonight.
2 Invitations;verb+ to 1. 1. B: B: Oh, Oh,I Ica can’ n’t. t.I have towork. Wouldyoulike toplaytennisonSaturday? 2. A: WouldyouliketoplaytennisonSaturday? B: I’dlike to,butI need tohelpmyparents. I’dlike ajobatMike’sstore. 3. A: I’dlikeajobatMike’sstore. B: You have tospeaktohim. 4. A: Doyouwant togotoapartywithme? need tostudy. B: I’dlike to,butIcan’t.I to,butIcan’t.I need
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