Qdoc - Tips Interchange 4th Ed Intro Grammar Plus Answer Key

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Grammarplusanswerkey Unit1


1 My,your,his,her

1 Negativestatementsandyes/noquestions with be

yourlastname? 1. B: Hi, Hi,Carlos. Carlos.What’ What’s your What’s A: It’sGonzales. It’sGonzales. B: How Howdo do doyou youspell you spell your lastname? IsitG-O-N-Z-A-L Isit G-O-N-Z-A-L-E-Z? G-O-N-Z-A-L -E-Z? your A: No, No,it’s it’s it’sG-O-NG-O-N-Z-A-L-E-S. G-O-NZ-A-L-E-S.And Z-A-L-E-S. Andwhat’s And what’s your name? B:   My nameisBillPowers.Nicetomeetyou. 2. A: What’s What’sMs. Ms.Robinson’s Ms. Robinson’sfirst Robinson’s firstname? first name?  Her nicknameis B:   Her firstnameisKatherine. Her Katie. A: I’ I’m msorry. msorry. sorry.What’s What’s her firstnameagain? B: It’sKatheri It’sKatheri Katherine. ne.And ne. Andwhat’s And what’sMr. what’s Mr.Weber’s Mr. Weber’s firstname?

A:   His firstnameisPeter. B: That’ That’s sright. sright. right.And Andhis And hisnickname hisnickname nicknameis is isPete. Pete.

2 Theverb be 1. A: B: A: 2. A: C: A:

Excuseme. Excuse me. Are youPattyWilson? No, I’mnot. She’s overthere. OK.Thanks. OK. Thanks. Hi.Are youPattyWilson? Hi.Are Yes, Iam. You’re inmy Oh,good. Oh, good. I’m SergioBaez. You’re Englishclass. C: Yes,I es,I am. It’snicetomeetyou,Sergio.

A 2. We’re We’renot notfrom not fromLondon. from London. 3. You Youand andTimare and Timarenotin Timare notinmyclass. notin myclass. 4. Spanishi Spanishisnot snotmyfirs snot myfirstlanguage./ myfirs tlanguage./Myfirst tlanguage./ Myfirstlanguage Myfirst language isnotSpanish. 5. Mymo Mymother therisno ther isnotfr isno tfr tfrom omSeoul. om Seoul. 6. They Theyare arenot are notmy not mykeys. my keys.

B 1. B: No, we’re not. We’re fromGuatemala. 2. A:   Is yourfirstlanguageEnglish? are fromAustralia. B: Yes,it es,it is.Myparents  are 3. A:   Are KenjiandhisfriendJapanese? B: Yes, they are.But they’re/theyare intheU.S. now. 4. A:   AremymotherandIlate? B: No, you’re not. You’reearly!

2 Wh-questionswith be 2.   What isher ishername? name? c 3.   What isshe isshelike? like? f 4.   How oldis oldisshe? she? b 5.   Where isyour isyourfamilyfrom? familyfrom? a 6.   What isBangko isBangkoklike? klike? e



This/these;it/they;plurals 1 1. A:   Whatare these?

1 1. Possessives A:   Whosejacketisthis?Isit yours,Phil?

B:   They’re my earrings. 2. A:   What’sthis? B:   It’sa cellphone. 3. A: What’s this? B:   It’sanaddressbook.

mine.AskNick.I thinkit’s his. B: No, No,it’s it’s it’snot not mine yours? 2. A: These Thesearen’t aren’t our books.Arethey  yours B: No, No,they’re they’renot they’re not ours.Maybethey’re Young-min’s. 3. A:   Whose sweatersarethese?AretheyJulie’s? B: No, No,they’re they’renot they’re not her sweaters.Buttheseshorts are hers.

2 Yes/Noand Yes/Noand wherequestionswith be A 2. e

3. a

4. b

5. d

B B: IIdon’t don’tknow. don’t know.Is know. Is it inyourbookbag? A: No, it’snot. B: Is thisyourpen? where aremykeys? A: Yes, A: es, itis.Thanks!Now, where B:   Aretheyonyourdesk? A: Yes, A: es, theyare.Thankyou!

2 Presentcontinuousstatements; conjunctions 2. 3. 4. 5.

It’sraining. It’s raining. I’mnot I’m notwearing not wearingsunglasses. wearing sunglasses. You’renot/ renot/You renot/You Youaren’twearinga aren’twearinganewsuit. aren’twearinga newsuit. Michikois Michiko is iswearing wearinggloves. wearing gloves.


3 Presentcontinuousyes/noquestions 1. B: No,he’snot /he isn’t. 2. A: Are Areyo you uwea wearin ring gbro brown wnb boot oots? s? B: No No,,we’renot/we aren’t. 3. A: Are Areyo you uwea wearin ring gsun sungla glasse sses? s? B: B: Yes, es,II am. 4. 4. A: A: Is Isi it tra rain inin ing? g? B: B: Yes, es,it it is.


evening,andwehavea evening,andwe haveabiglunchtogether biglunchtogether on Sundays.Weeat at noon.Then in theafternoon, weplaytennisorgotothemovies.

Unit7 1 Simplepresentshortanswers A: B: A: B: B:

1 Whattimeisit?/Isit  A .M.or P.M.? 3. 4. 4. 5. 6. 7. 7. 8. 8.

It’sa It’saqua quarter rterafter aftersix. six. It’s It’s10 10:0 :00 0  P.M. It’sfi It’sfivea veafter fterthree three.. It’se It’seleven leventhir thirty-fi ty-five ve It’s It’sone one  A.M. It’s It’s12 12:0 :00 0  A.M.

2 Presentco PresentcontinuousWh ntinuousWh-questions(p -questions(page33) age33) 2. A: B: 3. 3. A: A: B: 4. 4. A: A: B: 5. A: B: 6. 6. A: A: B: 7. A: B: 8. A: B:

Wha What tare areJo Jon nand andM Mega egan ndoi doing? ng? They’re They’retakin takingaw gawalk. alk. What Whata are rey you oud doin oing? g? I’mwrit I’mwriting ingconve conversa rsation tions. s. What What’s ’sC Chr hris isdoi doing ng?? He’ He’s scal callin lingAshl gAshley. ey. Whatar Whatareyou eyouand andTa Taylo ylord rdoin oing? g? We’res e’reshop hoppin ping. g. What What’s ’sS Sar arad adoin oing? g? She’s She’shav having ingdinn dinner er Wha What tare areVic Victor tora and ndSa Samd mdoin oing? g? They’re They’rerunn running inginth inthepar epark. k. Wha What tare areyo you uand andPa Paul ulo odoi doing? ng? We’ We’rech rechatt atting ingonlin online. e.

A: B: B: A: B: A: A:

Does yourfamily live inanapartment? No No, ,we we don’t.We have ahouse. Tha That’s t’snic nice. e. Doesyourhousehavetwofloors? Yes, Yes,it does.It has fourroomsonthefirstfloor. Andwe have threebedroomsandabathroomon thesecondfloor. And do youandyourfamily have ayard? Yes, Yes,we do.Andhowaboutyou,Tim? Do you live inahouse,too? No No, ,II don’t.MywifeandI have asmallapartment inthecity. Oh. Do you likethecity? Yes, Yes,I do.Butmywife doesn’t.

2 Thereis,thereare 2. There There’s ’snodiningroom. nodiningroom./T /Thereisn’ hereisn’tadining tadiningroom. room. 3. There There’s ’snodishwa nodishwasher sherinthekitchen inthekitchen./Thereisn’ ./Thereisn’ta ta dishwasherinthekitchen. 4. The There’ re’s sata atable ble inthe inthekitc kitchen. hen. 5. Thereare Therearesomecurtainson somecurtainsonthewindows. thewindows. 6. There Thereareno/T areno/Therearen’ herearen’tany tanyrugsontheflo rugsonthefloors. ors. 7. There Therear arecl eclosets osetsinthe intheb bedroom edrooms. s. 8. There Thereareno/T areno/Therearen’ herearen’tan tanybookcases ybookcases in thebedroom.

Unit8 1 SimplepresentWh-questions

Unit6 1 Simplepresentstatements;Simplepresent statementswithirregularverbs

MyfamilyandI live inthecity.We have an apartmentonFirstAvenue.Mysister goes to schoolnearourapartment,soshe walks toschool. Myfather works inthesuburbs,sohe drives tohis job.Mymother uses publictransportation–she takes thebustoherofficedowntown.She has a newjob,butshe doesn’tlike itverymuch.And me?Well,I don’twork  farfromourapartment,so I don’tneed acarorpublictransportation.I ride mybiketowork!

2 Simplepresentquestions A 2. A: Doesyour Doesyourfamil familyea yeatdin tdinner nerat5 at5:00? :00? 3. A: Doesyour Doesyourbroth brother ertake taketheb thebust ustowo owork? rk? 4. A: Do Doyou youg get etup uplat late eon onwee weeken kends? ds?

B B: Well Well,,we weeatt eattogeth ogether er on weekends,but on weekdayswe’reallbusy.Myparentsgotowork  early– at 6:30.Butweeatdinnertogether in the

1. 1. A: A: Re Real ally ly? ?Wh Wher ere e doeshework? 2. A: Where doyouwork? B: Iwor Iworkin kinar arestau estaurant. rant. Nice! Nice!Wha Whatt doyoudo ? I’m I’macook acook.. How doyoulikeyourjob ? Myjob?Idon’trreallylikeitverymuch. eallylikeitverymuch. That That’stoo ’stoobad. bad.What What doyoudo ? I’ma I’mamanag manager.Iwork er.Iworkatacloth ataclothingstore. ingstore. doyourbrotherandsisterdo What ? Mybrotheris Mybrotherisadoctor adoctor,andmysis ,andmysisteris teris alawyer. A: How dotheylikethey’rejobs ?

A: B: 3. A: B: A: B: 4. A: B:

2 Placementofadjectives 2. Asale Asalesper sperson’s son’sjobisstr jobisstressfu essful.l. Asalespersonhasastressfuljob. 3. Asecu Asecurityguard’ rityguard’sjob sjobisdange isdangerous. rous. Asecurityguardhasadangerousjob. 4. Anu Anurse rse’s ’sjob jobise isexcit xciting ing.. Anursehasanexcitingjob. 5. Ataxidriver’s Ataxidriver’sjo jobisinter bisinteresting. esting. Ataxidriverhasaninterestingjob. 6. Anelectr Anelectricia ician’ n’sjo sjobis bisdiffi difficult. cult. Anelectricianhasadifficultjob.




1 Countandnoncountnouns;some Countandnoncountnouns;someand and any

1 Thefuturewith begoingto

1. A: B: B: A: B:

A: B: A: B: 2. A: B: A: B: A: B: B: A: B:

Wha What tdo doyou youw want antf for orlu lunch nch?? Let’ Let’ssmak make e some sandwiches. Goodidea Goodidea!Do !Dowe wehave have any bread? someintherefrigerator.Letme Ithink Ithinkther there’s e’ssome intherefrigerator.Letme any.. see....No,Idon’tsee any somemilk, Well,let’sg Well,let’sgotothestor otothestore.We e.Weneed need some milk, any too.Anddowehave cheese? some cheesehere,and Yes,wedo. Yes,wedo.Th There’s ere’ssome thereare some tomatoes,too. Dow Dowe ehav have e any mayonnaise?Ilove some mayonnaiseonmysandwiches. Me,too. Me,too.But Butthe thereis reisn’t n’t any here.Let’s some.. buy some Let’s Let’smak makeabi eabigbre gbreakf akfast asttomorr tomorrowmo owmorni rning. ng. OK.What OK.Whatdow dowenee eneed?A d?Aret rethere here any eggs? some,butIthinkweneedtobuy The There reare are some ,butIthinkweneedtobuy some more. OK.Andl OK.Andlet’s et’sg get et some yogurt,too.Wedon’t any,andIloveyogurtforbreakfast. have any ,andIloveyogurtforbreakfast. anybreadinthe Me,too. Me,too.Doy Doyou ousee see any breadinthe refrigerator? Yesth esther ere’ e’ss some intherefrigerator. Great!Sowedon’t Great!Sowedon’tneedtobu needtobuyy any at thestore. That’sright.Just That’sright.Justeggsandyogurt! eggsandyogurt!

2 Adverbsoffrequency B: A: A: B: A: B: A:

oftengotoarestaurantnearwork. I often gotoarestaurantnearwork. Doy Doyou ou ever eatatyourdesk? No,I hardlyever stayinforlunch. usuallyhave? Andwhat Andwhatdo doyou you usually have? alwayshavesoupandasandwich. I always havesoupandasandwich. neverhaveabiglunch. Me, Me,to too. o.I never haveabiglunch.




5. 6.

2 Wh-questionswith begoingto areyou A: Wh Wha at are you goingtodo thisweekend? ’mgoingtohaveaverybusyweekend.Myfriend B: I’mgoingtohave averybusyweekend.Myfriend isgoingtovisitme,andwe ’regoingtospend Ali isgoingtovisit me,andwe’regoingtospend theweekendinthecity. A: Tha That’s t’snic nice. e. Are you goingtostay inahotel? ’regoingtostay withourfriendDonna. B: No No, ,we we’regoingtostay AndDonna isgoingtohave abigpartyon Saturdaynight. ’sgoingtobe attheparty?Do A: Real Really?A ly?Andw ndwho ho’sgoingtobe youknowanyofDonna’sfriends? B: No, No,Idon Idon’t.But ’t.ButAliand AliandI aregoingtomeet everyoneonSaturdaynight.

1 SimplepresentWh-questions 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Whodo yougotogameswith?a Whodoyougotogameswith? a How often does doesyourteamplay? yourteamplay? d Whendo theyplay?e Wheredo theyplay?f What time do dothe thegames gamesstart?b start?b

Unit12 1 Have +noun; feel  +adjective Have+noun; feel +adjective

2 Can Canforability forability A 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Johncanpla Johncanplay ythepia thepianoand noandtheviolin. theviolin. BradandGeorgecanact, BradandGeorgecanact,buttheycan’t buttheycan’tssing. ing. Mariacansnowboard Mariacansnowboard,butshecan ,butshecan’ticeskate. ’ticeskate. Justincan’tup Justincan’tupload load photos photosordow ordownload nload avideo. avideo. Lisacan’twritepoems Lisacan’twritepoemsbutshecant butshecantellgoodjokes. ellgoodjokes.

B 2. Lisacan. 3. Yes,shec ca an.

4. Yes,hecan. 5. Maria iac ca an.

isgoingtobeaveryexcitingday.It’s Tomorrow isgoingtobe averyexcitingday.It’s mybirthday,andmyfriendsandI aregoingto celebrate.Inthemorning,ScottandI celebrate aregoing .Inthemorning,ScottandIaregoing todrive tothebeach.OurfriendSara isgoingto meet usthere.We ’regoingtostay atthebeach usthere.We’regoingtostay ’regoingtohave lunchat forafewhours.Thenwe’regoingtohave forafewhours.Thenwe myfavoriterestaurant.Afterlunch,Scott isgoing togo towork,andSaraandI aregoingtosee a movie.Afterthemovie,we ’regoingtogo toour friendCharlie’shouse.He isgoingtocook  dinner forSaraandme. Q: Are AreScott Scottand andRober Robertgoi tgoingt ngtotak otakethe ethebus busto to thebeach? A: No,th No,they’regoingtod ey’regoingtodrivetothe rivetothebeach. beach. Q: Are Arethefr thefriends iendsgoi goingt ngtoha ohavel velunch unchat at arestaurant? A: Yes Yes,th ,theyar eyare. e. Q: Are AreSara Saraan andRo dRobertgoi bertgoingto ngtogot gotoamu oamuseum? seum? A: No,th No,they’renot.(T ey’renot.(They’regoingtose hey’regoingtoseeamovie.) eamovie.) Q: Are AreSara Saraan andRo dRobertgoi bertgoingto ngtohave havedi dinner nnerat at arestaurant? A: No,th No,they’renot.(T ey’renot.(They’regoingtoha hey’regoingtohavedinner vedinner atCharlie’shouse.)

6. Hecanact.

A: B: A: B: A: B: A: B: A:

Hi,Chris.Howareyou? I’mterrific,tthanks.Howabouty hanks.Howaboutyou? ou? Ifeelawful,actually. Oh,no! Oh,no!What’ What’sthe sthematter? matter? IthinkIhaveafever. That’ That’stoobad. stoobad.Doyouha Doyouhaveahea veaheadach dache? e? Yes,Ido.AndIhaveastomachache,too. Arey Areyougo ougoingto ingtoseea seeadoctor doctor?? Yes.I’mgoingtocallmydoctorinafew minutes.

B: Well, Well,f feel eelbette bettersoo rsoon. n. A: Thanks.


2 Impera Imperativ tives es 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Taket Taketwoa woaspi spirin rins. s. Don’t Don’twor worktoo ktoohar hard. d. Don’texerc Don’texercise isetoday todayortom ortomorrow orrow.. Don’t Don’teat eatany anycol coldfoo dfood. d. Takea Takeanan nantac tacid. id.

Unit13 1 Prepositionsofplace A: B: A: B: A: A: B: A: B:

Excuseme.Isthereagas Excuseme.Isthereagasstationar stationaroundher oundhere? e?  onThirdAvenue. Yes Yes,,the thereis reis.It .It’s ’s on ThirdAvenue. WhereonThir WhereonThirdAvenu dAvenue? e? It’s on thecorner thecornerofCenterStreeta ofCenterStreetandThird ndThird Avenue.  fromStacy’sDepartmentStore? Ac Acro ross ss from Stacy’sDepartmentStore?  to thepark. Yes,tha Yes,that’sri t’sright.It’sn ght.It’snext ext to Thanks.Oh,and Thanks.Oh,andwhereisthepost whereisthepostoffice? office?  betweenthehospitaland It’so It’sonCe nCenter nterStree Street– t– between thehospitaland thebank.

2 Directions 2. You: You: onMainStreet. No,d No,don’ttu on’tturnrightonMain rnrightonMain Stree Street.Tu t.Turnle rnleft ft 3. You: You: No,d No,don’tgo on’tgodownFir downFirstAvenue. stAvenue.GoupF GoupFirst irst Avenue You: No,it’snoton No,it’snotontheleft. theleft. It’sontheright.

Unit14 1 Simplepaststatements:regularverbsand irregularverbs Hi! didn’tdoanythingspecialthisweekend,butI I didn’tdo anythingspecialthisweekend,butI had alotoffun.I  didn’tgooutonFridaynight.I alotoffun.I didn’tgo outonFridaynight.I stayed home.I cleaned myroomand did laundry. I helped mysisterwithherhomework,andthen watchedTV.OnSaturday,myfriendTaylor watched we TV.OnSaturday,myfriendTaylor came  neededsomenewshoes,sowe over.She needed over.She somenewshoes,sowe tookthebusdowntowntoHarry’sShoeStore. thebusdowntowntoHarry’sShoeStore.  didn’t We shopped foralongtime,butTaylor foralongtime,butTaylor didn’t like anyoftheshoesatHarry’s.She  bought some purplesocks,butshe  didn’tbuy anyshoes.On ourwaybacktomyhouse,we stopped atthe exercised.We gymand exercised .We didn’texercise veryhard. invitedTaylorfordinner,andmydad I invited Taylorfordinner,andmydad cooked hamburgersintheyard.Afterdinner,TaylorandI talkedand talked  played videogames.She  didn’tstay and played  droveherhomeataroundten.On toolate–Mom  drove herhomeataroundten.On  visitedmymother’sbest Sunday,mywholefamily  visited mymother’sbest friendandherfamily.Theyhaveaswimmingpool, somysisterandI  went swimmingallafternoon.

2 Simplepastyes/noquestions  enjoy yourvacation? A:   Did you you enjoy did.MybrotherandI B: B: Yes, es,I did .MybrotherandI  had agreattime.   Did  take A: you take alotofpictures? you didn’t.Butwe  bought alotofpostcards. B: B: No No,,w we e didn’t .Butwe bought  Did you  seealotofinteresting A: That’s That’sgoo good. d. Did you see alotofinteresting

did.Andwe  ate alotofnewfoods. B: B: Yes, Yes,we did .Andwe ate Didyou A: How Howa abou bout tyou you?? Did you have agoodsummer? didn’tgoanywhere,butI  read alotofgood B: B: We Well ll,,II didn’tgo anywhere,butI read  saw somegreatmovies. booksand saw booksand

Unit15 1 Pastof be 1. A:   Were youhereyesterday?  was homeinbed. B: B: No, No,I wasn’t I wasn’t.I .I was A: Oh, were yousick? B: B: No. No.I was I wasjustreallytired. justreallytired. 2. A: Where were youborn? wasbornhereinNewYork. B: I was bornhereinNewYork. A: Really? Really?Whatabout Whataboutyourparents yourparents?? Were they bornhere,too? weren’t.They B: B: No No,,th they ey weren’t .They were borninBrazil–in Salvador. Washeon 3. A: Where was Yuseflastweek? Was heon vacation? was.Heandhisbestfriend B: B: Yes, es,he he was .Heandhisbestfriend  were in  were Spain.They were inBarcelona. Spain.They Wasitagoodtrip? A:   Wasitagoodtrip?  was aterrifictrip! B: Yes, Yes,itwas itwas.Yus .Yusefsai efsaidit dit was

2 Wh-questionswith did, was,and were 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

A: A: A: A: A: A: A:

Where How owol old d When Who What Why

Unit16 1 Subjectandobjectpronouns 1. A: Hel Hello. lo.I IsM sMr. r.C Chin hinthe there? re? B: No, he’s nothererightnow.Can  I Itakea takea message?  him tocallRobTaylor. A: Yes Yes.P .Plea leasete setell ll him hehaveyournumber? B: Does he haveyournumber? him.It’s555-0987. A: No, No,butp butpleas leasegi egiveit veitto to him .It’s555-0987. 2. A: Hi.This Hi.ThisisEl isEliza. iza.IsMa IsMariah riahome? ome? B: No, she’s atthemallwithherbrother.Their  themtherethismorning. daddrove them daddrove therethismorning. her amessage? A: Oh.W Well,ca ell,canIl nIleave eaveher B: B: Sure Sure.. A: Soniaand SoniaandIaregoingtosee Iaregoingtoseeamovietomorrow amovietomorrow.. us.. MaybeMariacangowithus MaybeMariacangowith her.Andshecancall B: B: Ica Ican nas ask  k her .Andshecancall  you tonight.

2 Invitations;verb+ to 1. 1. B: B: Oh, Oh,I Ica can’ n’t. t.I have towork. Wouldyoulike toplaytennisonSaturday? 2. A:   WouldyouliketoplaytennisonSaturday? B:   I’dlike to,butI need tohelpmyparents. I’dlike ajobatMike’sstore. 3. A:   I’dlikeajobatMike’sstore. B: You have tospeaktohim. 4. A:   Doyouwant togotoapartywithme?  need tostudy. B:   I’dlike to,butIcan’t.I to,butIcan’t.I need

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