QBall2 User Manual

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USER MANUAL QBall 2 for QUARC Set Up and Configuration



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QBALL 2 - User Manual




1 1.1 1. 1

Pre rese sent nta ati tion on Intr In trod oduc ucti tion on

The Quanser QBall 2 (Figure 2.1) is an innovative rotary wing vehicle platform suitable for a wide variety of UAV research researc h application applications. s. The QBall 2 is a quadro quadrotor tor helicopter design propelled propelled by four brushles brushless s motors fitted with 10-inch 10-inc h propellers [3, 4, 5]. The entire quadrotor is enclosed within a protective protective carbon fiber cage (Patent Pending). The QBall 2’s proprietary design ensures safe operation as well as opens the possibilities for a variety of novel applications. The protective cage is amany crucial feature since this unmanned was designed for use in an laboratory, where there are typically close-range hazards (including vehicle other vehicles). The cage gives theindoor  QBall 2 a deci decisi sive ve ad adva vant ntag age e ov over er othe otherr vehic vehicle les s th that at wo woul uld d suff suffer er sign signifi ifica cant nt dama damage ge if cont contac actt occu occurs rs betw betwee een n th the e vehi vehicl cle e and an obstacle. To measur measure e onon-boa board rd sen sensor sors s and dri drive ve the mot motors ors,, the QBall QBall 2 uti utiliz lizes es Quanse Quanser’s r’s onon-boa board rd avi avioni onics cs dat data a acquisition card (DAQ) and a wireless Gumstix DuoV acquisition DuoVero ero embedded compu computer ter [1]. The DAQ is a high-resolu high-resolution tion inertial measurement unit (IMU) and avionics input/output (I/O) card designed to accommodate a wide variety of  research applications.   QUARC , Quanser’s real-time control software [2], allows researchers and developers to rapidly develop and test controllers on actual hardware through a Matlab a  Matlab Simulink interface.   QUARC ’s openblockset et provid provides es users with powerf powerful ul contro controls ls devel development opment tools. architecture hardware and extensive Simulink extensive  Simulink blocks  QUARC can target the Gumstix embedded computer, automatically generating code and executing controllers on-board on-boa rd the vehic vehicle. le. During flights flights,, while the controller is executing on the Gumstix, Gumstix, users can tune paramete parameters rs in real-time real-tim e and observe observe sensor measuremen measurements ts from a host ground station station compu computer ter (PC or laptop). 

The interface to the QBall 2 is Matlab is  Matlab Simulink with QUARC with . Theand controllers are developed in  Simulink with  QUARC on the host computer, and these models are QUARC downloaded compiled into executables on the target seamlessly seamle ssly.. A diagram of this configur configuration ation is shown in Figure 2.2. Section 2 outlines operator warnings found throughout this manual, Section 3 goes through the prerequisites, and Section 4 lists various documents Section documents that are referen referenced ced in this manual. The general system desc description ription,, compo component nent nomenc nom enclat lature ure,, specifi specificat cation ions, s, and model param paramete eters rs are all given in Sec Sectio tion n 5. Sec Sectio tion n 6 goe goes s into deta detailil on how to setup the QBall 2, and Section Section 7 describes describes the battery chargin charging g procedure procedure.. Lastly Lastly,, Sectio Section n 8 contai contains ns a troubleshooting guide.

QBALL 2 - User Manual


DRAFT - May 21, 2015



Ope pera rato tor r Wa Warn rnin ings gs


This symbol This symbol mar marks ks specifi specific c safety safety warnin warnings gs and ope operat rating ing pro proced cedure ures s tha thatt are important for the safety of the QBall 2 and users. Read these warnings carefully. The QBall 2 is a powerful and potentially potentially dangerou dangerous s vehicle if used improp improperly erly.. Always follow safe operating operating procedures procedures when using the QBall 2. Quans Quanser er is not responsi responsible ble for damages and injury resulting resulting from imprope improperr or unsafe use of the QBall 2. Before connecting batteries or attempting to run the QBall 2, be sure to read this document and become familiar with the safety features and operating procedures of the QBall 2.


When handling the QBall 2, always make sure there are no models running and the power is turned off. It is recommended that users wear safety goggles to protect the eyes.

Figure 2.1: Quanser QBall 2

QBALL 2 - User Manual




Figure 2.2: System diagra diagram m

QBALL 2 - User Manual


DRAFT - May 21, 2015



Pre rere requ quis isit ites es

To successfully operate the QBall 2, the prerequisites are: i) To be familiar with the wiring and component components s of the QBall 2. ii) To have QUARC have QUARC version 2.4 installed and properly licensed. iii) To be familiar wit with h using using QUARC  QUARC to control and monitor the vehicle in real-time, and in designing a controller  through Simulink through  Simulink . See Reference [2] for more details. http://gumstix.com/ x.com/ [1] Gumstix Gumstix::   http://gumsti  [2] QUARC [2]  QUARC User Manual (type Manual  (type   doc doc quar quarc c  in  Matlab to access) [3] Park 480 Brushless motor - 1020Kv: http://hobbyhobby.com/store /product/68211%22Park-480-Brushless-Outrunner-Motor%2C-1020Kv%22/ 1%22Park-480-Brushless-Outrunner-Motor%2C-1020Kv%22/ http://hobbyhobby.com/store/product/6821 [4] Propellers description and technical information: http://www.rctoys.com/rc-products/APC-10-047-SF-CR.html [5] Hobbywing Flyfun-30A electronic speed controller manual: http://www.hob http://www.hobbywing.com/up bywing.com/uploadfiles/sx/ loadfiles/sx/file/Manual/H file/Manual/HW-01-V4.pdf W-01-V4.pdf [6] STMicroelectronics L3G4200D 3-axis gyroscope: http://www.st.com/web/catal com/web/catalog/sense_powe og/sense_power/FM89/SC1288 r/FM89/SC1288/PF250373 /PF250373 http://www.st. [7] Freescale MMA8452Q 3-axis accelerometer: http://www.fre http://www.freescale.com/we escale.com/webapp/sps/site bapp/sps/site/prod_summary /prod_summary.jsp?code=MMA .jsp?code=MMA8452Q 8452Q

QBALL 2 - User Manual





System Ha Hardware

4.1 4. 1

Main Ma in Com Compo pone nent nts s

To setup this experiment, the following hardware and software are required: •  QBall 2: QBall 2:  QBall 2 as shown in Figure 2.1 •   Router   A A high-e high-end nd router pre-configur pre-configured ed to enable enable wireless wireless connectivity connectivity to QBall 2 •   Batteries: Two Batteries:  Two 3-cell,    mAh  Lithium-Polymer batteries   mAh •   Real-Time Control Software:   The QUARC The  QUARC Simulink configuration, as detailed in Reference [2]

4.2 2 4.

Diag Di agra ram m

Figure 4.1 Figure 4.1 be belo low w is a ba basi sic c di diag agram ram of the QBal QBalll 2, show showin ing g the ax axes es and and angl angle. e. No Note te th that at th the e axes axes fo follo llow w a ri righ ght-h t-han and d rule with the x axis aligned with the front of the vehicle.

The tail or back of the vehicle is marked with colored tape. When flying the vehicle it is common to orient the vehicle such that the tail is pointing towards the operator with Caution

the positive x axis (front) pointing away from the operator operator..

Figure 4.1: Quanser Quanser QBall 2axes and sign convention

4.3 4.3

QBal QB alll 2 Co Comp mpon onen ents ts

The The comp compon onen ents ts comp compris risin ing g th the e QBal QBalll 2 arelabled arelabled in Fi Figu gure re 4.2, 4.2, Fi Figu gure re 4.3 4.3 and and Fig Figure4.4 ure4.4 and and desc describ ribed ed in Table able 4.1. 4.1. The QBall 2 joystick is illustrated in Figure 4.5.

QBALL 2 - User Manual


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Figure 4.2: QBall 2 components: cage and propellers



(c) (d)

Figure 4.3: QBall 2 components: DAQ and power board

QBALL 2 - User Manual




(a) (b)

Figure 4.4: QBall 2 components: sonar and batteries

Figure 4.5: QBall 2 joystick

ID #


ID #



QBall 2 protective cage


USB input


QBall 2 frame


QBall 2 DAQ power cable


10x4.7 propeller


QBall 2 power distribution board


Brushless DC motor


QBall 2 power switch




QBall 2 power LED


QBall 2 DAQ


Battery velcro strap


Battery connector


Connected batteries


So n a r


QBall 2 LiPo batteries

Table 4.1: QBall 2 components

QBALL 2 - User Manual


DRAFT - May 21, 2015


4.3. 3.1 1 4.

QBal QB alll 2 fr fram ame e

The QBall 2 frame (#2 in Figure 4.2) is the crossbeam structure to which the QBall 2 components are mounted including includ ing the DAQ, power distribution board, board, motors and speed cont controllers rollers.. The frame rests inside the QBall 2 protective cage (#1 in Figure 4.2). The QBall 2’s protective cage is a carbon fiber structure designed to protect the frame, motors, propellers, and embedded control module (DAQ and Gumstix computer) during minor collisions. The cage is not intended to withstand large impacts or drops from heights greater than 2 meters.


4.3.2 4.3. 2

Donot pickup pickup th the e QBal QBalll 2 fr from om th the e ca cageas geas th this is may may stre stressthe ssthe ca cage ge and and caus cause e dama damage ge.. Instead, when transporting the QBall 2 lift it from the ends of the frame using both hands to lift the frame from both sides.

QBal QB alll 2 DAQ  DAQ 

The DAQ is the QBall 2’s data acquisition board. Together with the Gumstix embedded computer, the DAQ controls the vehicle by reading on-board sensors sensors and outputting motor commands commands.. The DAQ is locate located d inside a protec protective tive enclosure underneath the cross frame of the QBall 2. The enclosure lid is opened by gently rotating the lid clockwise when viewed from the top. Each motor speed controller (#5 in Figure 4.2) is connected to a PWM motor output on the DAQ (#6 in Figure 4.2). There are four motor output channels available on the DAQ and they are labeled F, B, L, and R to represent motor  commands to the front, back, left, and right motors, respectively. Each motor speed controller should be connected to its correspondin corresponding g PWM output with the ground (black wire) towards the inside of the DAQ board (see Section 6.2 for wiring details). details). The QBall 2 comes with the motors already conn connected ected to the DAQ, so no manua manuall assembly is necessary. If it is ev ever er req requi uire red d to rem remov ove e th the e DA DAQ Q for te test stin ing g or troub trouble lesh shoo ootin ting, g, th the e cabl cables es and and wir wires es mu must st fir first st be di disc scon onne necte cted d from the DAQ PCB and removed from the DAQ enclosure. Remove the DAQ cover by gently rotating it clockwise (when viewed from the top of the QBall 2). Disconnect Disconnect the power power,, sonar sonar,, motor, and any other I/O cables plugged into the DAQ and carefull carefully y extract them through the slots in the DAQ enclosure enclosure.. Reatta Reattach ch the DAQ cover cover.. Using an allen wrench, remove the four screws shown in Figure 4.6, being careful to support the DAQ enclosure so it does not fall. When reassembling the DAQ, first attach the DAQ enclosure to the frame, making sure to align the arrow on the DAQ enclosure with the front of the vehicle (positive X axis direction). Then, remove the lid and carefully feed the power, sonar, and motor cables through the enclosure slots. Reattach the cables to their corresponding headers and screw on the enclosure lid.

Figure 4.6: QBall 2 DAQ case mounting points

QBALL 2 - User Manual




4.3.3 .3 4.3

QBall QB all 2 po powe wer r di distr strib ibuti ution on board board

 mAh  LiPo batterie The QBall 2 uses two 3-cell     mAh batteries s (#1 (#16 6 in Figure Figure 4.2) to power the DAQ and moto motors. rs. The These se batteries are housed atop the QBall 2 power distribution board (#11 in Figure 4.2) above the QBall 2’s cross frame and held in place using the provided velcro strap (#14 in Figure 4.2). The power distribution distribution board conn connects ects both LiPo battery packs in parallel and routes power to the four motors as well as the DAQ.

Make Mak e sur sure e the batter batteries ies are connec connected ted and secured secured with the vel velcro cro strap before Caution

attempting to fly the QBall 2.

Secure the batteries to the power board before connecting the batteries to the QBall 2 battery connectors (#7 in Figure 4.2) and always turn off the power using the QBall 2 power switch (#12 in Figure 4.2) before changing batteries.


4.3.4 4.3.4

LiPo batteries can be dangerous dangerous if charged charged improperly improperly.. Review the battery charging procedures proce dures (see Sectio Section n 7) and monitor batter battery y levels frequently frequently during flight. The 3-cell LiPo batteries can become damaged and unusable if discharged below   V    V . It is recommended recommended that the batteries be fully charg charged ed once they reach   V  or less.   V

QBall QB all 2 motors motors and prope propelle llers rs

The QBall 2 uses four E-Flite Park    (  Kv) motors [3] (#4 in Figure 4.2) fitted with paired counter-rotating APC  × .  prop  propelle ellers rs [4] (#3 in Figure 4.2). 4.2). The moto motors rs are mounted mounted to the QBall 2 fram frame e along the X and Y axe axes s and connected connected to the four speed contro controllers llers [5], which are also mounted on the frame. The motors and propellers propellers are configured so that the front and back motors spin clockwise and the left and right motors spin counter-clockwise (when viewed from the top). The electronic electronic speed controllers controllers (ESCs) receive receive commands from the controller controller in the form of PWM outputs from   ms    ms  (minimum throttle) to   ms    ms  (maximum throttle). throttle). Minimum Minimum throttle throttle and maximu maximum m throttle thro ttle are map mapped ped to val values ues betw between een  and , re resp spec ectiv tivel ely y, us usin ing g th the e HI HIL L Wr Writebloc iteblock k to outp outputsthe utsthe mo moto torr comm comman ands ds (see Section 6.2 for details on the HIL blocks). The ESCs used in the QBall 2 are configured with the appropriate throttle range during during assembly assembly.. It is importa important nt that when the controller controller execute executes s it initial initializes izes the ESCs by settin setting g the motor outputs to the minimum throttle  , otherwise you can enter the program mode and alter the ESC settings. Review the ESC’s manual for instructions instructions on chang changing ing ESC settin settings gs [5].

4. 4.3. 3.5 5

QBal QB alll 2 Jo Joys ysti tick ck

The QBall 2 joystick is a critical critical component component in operating operating the QBall 2. The joystick joystick allows the operator to fly the QBall 2 using the controls for height (using the sonar to regulate the QBall 2 height), roll (rotating the QBall 2 about the x axis to fly left/rig left/right), ht), pitch (rotating the QBall 2 about the y axis to fly forward forward/back /backward), ward), and yaw (rotating the QBall 2 about the z axis to change its direction or heading). Even when flying the QBall 2 in autonomous modes with the provided controller the joystick is used to initialize and enable the QBall 2 and acts as a kill switch in the event the QBall 2 controller goes unstable and must be stopp stopped. ed. Section Section 6.5 descr describes ibes how to use the joystick to fly the QBall 2 using the provided Simulink models. models.

QBALL 2 - User Manual


DRAFT - May 21, 2015



QBall 2 Mo Model

This section describes describes the dynamic model of the QBall 2. The nonlinear nonlinear model models s are descr described ibed as well as linearize linearized d models for use in controller controller development. development. For the following discuss discussion, ion, the axes of the QBall 2 vehic vehicle le are denot denoted ed (x, y, z) and are defined with respect to the vehicle as shown in Figure 4.1. Roll, pitch, and yaw are defined as the angles of rotation about the x, y, and z axis, respectively respectively.. The global workspace workspace axes are denote denoted d (X, Y, Z) and are defined with the same orientation as the QBall 2 sitting upright on the ground.

5.1 1 5.

Actu Ac tuat ator or Dyna Dynami mics cs

The thrust generated by each propeller propeller is modele modeled d using the following first-order first-order system

F     K 

  ω u s  ω



where  u  is the PWM input to the actuator,  ω  is the actuator bandwidth and  K  is a positive gain. These parameters were calculated calculated and verifie verified d through experimental experimental studies and are stated in Table 5.1. A state variab variable, le,   v , will be used to represent represent the actua actuator tor dynamics, which is define defined d as follows, follows,

ν    

5.2 2 5.

  ω u. s  ω



Roll Ro ll/P /Pit itch ch Mod Model el

 Assuming that rotations r otations about the x and y axes are decoupled, the motion in i n roll/pitch axis can be modeled as shown in Figure 5.1. As illustrated illustrated in this figure, two propellers contribute contribute to the motion in each axis. The rotation arou around nd the center of gravity is produced produced by the difference difference in the generated generated thrust forces. From Equatio Equation n 5.2, let   u    u , where  u   is the control input for the pitch or roll dynamics that causes an increase or decrease in thrust force in the two pitch/roll motors shown in Figure 5.1 and such that the changes in force of each motor are opposite in direction so that the net result is a torque. torque. E.g., the control sign signal al is applied to increase the force in motor 1 and decreas decrease e the force in motor 2. This change in motor forces is what causes the resulting torque and roll or pitch dynamics, so we can ignore the net thrust force used to hover the QBall 2. The chang change e in thrust gener generated ated by each motor can be calculated calcul ated from Equation Equation 5.1. The roll/pitch angle, θ  , can be formulated using the following dynami dynamics cs J θ  ∆F L,



J     J rroll oll    J  pitch  pitch



are the rotational inertia of the device in roll and pitch axes and are given in Table 5.1.   L  is the distance between the propeller and the center of gravity, gravity, and

∆F    ∆F 1 − ∆F 2



represents the net chang represents change e in the forces generated generated by the motors. Note that the difference difference in the forces is generated by the difference in the inputs to the motors, i.e.

u.. ∆u  u



By co comb mbin inin ing g th the e dyna dynamic mics s of mo moti tion on fo forr th the e ro roll/ ll/pi pitch tch ax axis is an and d the the actua actuator tor dyna dynamic mics s fo forr each each prop propel elle lerr the fo foll llow owin ing g state space equations equations can be derived

QBALL 2 - User Manual




Figure 5.1: A model of the roll/pitch axis

  θ  θ  

 



    −ω

ν  

     θ     θ     u.u.





To facilitate the use of an integrator in the feedback structure a fourth state can be added to the state vector, which is defined as follows

s    θ  θ..



 After augmenting this state into the state vector, the system dynamics can be rewritten as

  θ  θ   ν      s

5.3 5.3

     θ        θ           u.u.    −ω    ν  ω     



 




Heig He ight ht Mod Model el

The motion of the QBall 2 in the vertical direction (along the Z axis) is affected by all the four propellers. The dynamic model of the QBall 2 height can be written as M   Z     Fcosrcos p − M g,



where  F   is the thrust generated by each propeller,   M  is the total mass of the device,   Z  is the height and   r   and   p represent represe nt the roll and pitch angles, respectively respectively.. The total mass,  M , is given in the Table 5.1. As expressed in this equation, if the roll and pitch angles are nonzero the overall thrust vector will not be perpendicular to the ground.  Assuming that these angles are close to zero, the dynamics equations can be linearized to the following state space form

   Z    Z     ν    s

QBALL 2 - User Manual

         Z              −g .     Z  u              −ω     ν  ω 

 







DRAFT - May 21, 2015


5. 5.4 4

X-Y XY Posit Positio ion n Mo Mode dell

The motion of the QBall 2 along the X and Y axes is caused by the total thrust and by changing roll/pitch angles.  Assuming that the yaw angle is zero the dynamics of motion in X and Y axes can be written as

   M  X    Fsin p, M   Y     − Fsinr.

 Assuming the roll and pitch angles are close to zero, the following liner state space equations can be derived for X and Y positions.

   X    X      ν      

       X          p    X           u,    −ω     ν   ω     

   Y     Y       ν      

      Y           r    Y           u. −ω     ν  ω     



 


5.5 5.5


 



 


K  M 



Yaw Mo Mode dell

The torque generated by each motor,  τ , is assumed to have the following relationship with respect to the PWM input, u:

τ     K y u,

where  K y  is a positive gain and its value is given in Table 5.1. The motion in the yaw axis is caused by the difference between betwee n the torques exerted exerted by the two clock clockwise wise and the two counter-clockwi counter-clockwise se rotating propelle propellers. rs. The model of  the yaw axis is shown in Figure 5.2. The motion in the yaw axis can be modeled using the following equation J y   θy   ∆τ.

In this equation,  θ y  is the yaw angle and  J y  is the rotation rotational al inertia about the z axis, which is given in T Table able 5.1. The resultant resulta nt torque of the motors, ∆τ , can be calculated from

∆τ     τ 1    τ 2 − τ 3 − τ 4

       θ     θ      ∆τ  y



 


K y J y

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Figure 5.2: A model of the yaw axis with propeller direction of rotation shown.





 N  N



 rad  radsec


J pitch

  N.m


K y




. kg  kg .m2 . kg  kg




. kg  kg .m2



. kg  kg .m2 .  m Table 5.1: System parameters

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System Se Setup

Section 6.1 describes Section describes setting up the vehicle hardware. Section 6.2 describ describes es the QBall 2 sensors and how they are  accessed in QUARC in QUARC . Section 6.3 and 6.4 describe the procedures for configuring the wireless connection in order  to communicate communicate with the QBall 2. Finally Finally, Section 6.6 and Section 6.7 list the the Matlab  Matlab Simulink files provided with the QBall 2 and describe in detail the QBall 2 controller.

6.1 1 6.

QBal QB alll 2 vehic vehicle le setu setup p

1. Fi Firs rst, t, make make su sure re th that at th the e rou router ter is setu setup p and and co conn nnec ecte ted d to your your PC PC.. See See Sect Sectio ion n 6.3 6.3 fo forr netw networ ork k an and d IP se sett tting ings. s. 2. Check that all motors are securely fast fastened ened to the vehicle frame. Check that the propelle propellers rs are firmly attached to the motors in the correc correctt order: clockwise clockwise propell propellers ers (viewed from the top) on the front and back motors, counter-clock counte r-clockwise wise propellers propellers on the left and right motors. Note that the back motor is indicated by a bright colored marking tape on the QBall 2 frame.


Check that the motors are firmly secured to the frame regularly (after every 2 hours of  flight). Over time, vibrations in the frame may loosen the motor mounts. If a motor or  mount feels loose, tighten it immediately.

If a propeller is loose, use an allen key to remove the cap holding the propeller to the motor and ensure the propeller propel ler mou mounti nting ng collar collar is pus pushed hed fully fully dow down n onto onto the motor motor sha shaft. ft. Replac Replace e the propel propeller ler on the mountin mounting g shaft shaft and replace the motor cap and tighten it with an allen key.  Never change propellers or other components of the QBall 2 with batteries connected. 3. Instal Installl the batteries as illustrat illustrated ed in Figure 6.1. With the power switch in the off position position,, insert the batteries into the battery compartment on top of the power distribution board, making sure the batteries rest against the far wall of the compartment. Secure the batteries in place using the velcro strap. Connect the batteries to the power board battery connectors. 4. Power on the QBall 2 using the power switch located located on the power distribution distribution board. After appro approximate ximately ly 1 minute the Gumstix wireless module should be active and connected to the WiFi (see Section 6.3 for network setup).

6.2 6.2

QBal QB alll 2 sens sensor ors s

This section describes the blocks that are used to read the QBall 2 sensors in  Simulink and write outputs to the motors. The QUARC The QUARC Hardware-In-the-Loop (HIL) blockset it used used to co communicate mmunicate with with Quanser   Quanser  data acquisition   QUARC HIL user guide in the  Matlab help under  cards. For detaile detailed d information information on the HIL blockset see the the QUARC QUARC Targets/User’s Guide/Accessing Hardware. The QBall 2 DAQ provides several high-resolution avionics sensors, which are used to measure and control the stability of aerial vehicles. The I/O of the QBall 2 DAQ includes: •     PWM motor outputs •     configurable PWM outputs •   -axis gyroscope,    degrees-per-second selectable range •   -axis accelerometer, ±gg g  selectable range • Sonar height height senso sensor, r,  . − . m  m  range,   cm    cm  resolution • Battery voltage voltage measurement measurement QBALL 2 - User Manual




Figure 6.1: Battery connection procedure

•     analog inputs,   -bit,   −   V •     SPI •     digital I/O •     UART •     I 2 C Figu Figure re 6. 6.2 2 sh show ows s th the e loca locati tion on of th the e I/O I/O li list sted ed ab abov ove e on th the e QBal QBalll 2 DAQ. DAQ. The The DA DAQ Q I/ I/O O li list sted ed ab abov ove e is ac acce cess ssed ed us usin ing g  the QUARC HIL blockset. blockset. The UART UART,, SPI, and I2C communication communication channels are accessed through through the  QUARC Stream blockset. blockset. For more information information on accessing accessing commun communication ication stream stream data see the   QUARC help under  QUARC Targets/User’s Guide/Communications. Table 6.1 lists the HIL blocks used to communicate with the QBall 2’s data acquisition hardware.

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Description The HIL Initiali Initialize ze block block select selects s the DAQ boa board rd and config configure ures s the board parameters. parame ters. The HIL Initialize block is named via the Board name parame parameter ter,, and all other HIL blocks reference the corresponding  HIL Initialize  through its name. The HIL blocks will interface interface to the DAQ specif specified ied in the  HIL Initialize Board  type parameter (qball2).

The HIL Read Write block is used to read sensor measurements from the DAQ and write motor commands commands to the four QBall 2 motors. motors. The inputs and outp outputs uts are specified with numeric channel numbers given in Table 6.2 and Table 6.3, respectively.

The HIL Watchdog block is used to set the timeout limit for the watchdog timer. For the QBall 2 DAQ board, if there is no motor output command received for  a consecutive period of time exceeding the watchdog timeout value then the watchdog will trigger, forcing the motor outputs to 0. The default timeout value for the watchdog is 50ms unless specified otherwise with this block. This block can be used to change the timeout value if 50ms is not suitable. Table 6.1: HIL blocks

Figure 6.2: QBall 2 DAQ board.

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To initi initial aliz ize e th the e QBal QBalll 2 DAQ DAQ boar board, d, a HIL In Initi itial aliz ize e bl bloc ock k mu must st be pl plac aced ed in th the e mo mode del. l. Th The e HIL In Initi itial aliz ize e bl bloc ock k is used used to initialize a data acquisition acquisition card and setup the I/O parameters. In the HIL Initiali Initialize ze block, select the board type ’qball2’ to configure the QBall 2 DAQ and, if desired, enter a name in the Board name field as shown in Figure 6.3. Next, to read and write from the QBall 2 DAQ, add a HIL Read Write block to the model (note that the QBall 2 DAQ is optimized optimiz ed for best performance performance when a single HIL Read Write block is used in a model, adding more HIL I/O blocks blocks may reduce the performance, performance, particularl particularly y the maximu maximum m sample rate). In the HIL Read Write block, select the board name correspondin corresponding g to the board name given in the HIL Initialize block. block. The channe channels ls available for reading and writing for the DAQ are listed in Table 6.2 and Table 6.3 below. Enter the channel numbers to be read/written or use the browse buttons to open a channel selection dialog as shown in Figure 6.4.

Figure 6.3: HIL Initialize block with the QBall 2 board selec selected. ted. Channel type



R ea ead channel numbers

D es escription


Analog inputs


 Encoder 








Reconfigurable digital I/O






Supply voltage (battery)





Sonar height sensor 




 − 


3-axis gyroscope (x, y, z)

 − 


3-axis accelerometer (x, y, z)   ms2



Temperature sensor 



rad rads


Table 6.2: QBall 2 input channels

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Channel type

Write channel numbers












PWM outputs





Reconfigurable digital I/O






ESC enable

% duty cycle from 0-1

 


Left motor

Throttle from 0-1


Right motor

Throttle from 0-1



Front motor

Throttle from 0-1



Back motor

Throttle from 0-1

Table 6.3: QBall 2 output channels

Figure 6.4: Channel Channel selection dialog for the HIL Read Write block For the QBall 2, the Other output channels    −    are used to command the front, back, left, and right motors, respectively respectively.. The range of the motor output values is    to    (minimum throttle to maximum throttle), which corresponds to a 1ms to    ms   PWM pulse, respectively respectively.. A command of      corresponds to zero throttle, which will cause the motors to stop. The  -axis gyroscope and accelerometer measurements are used to measure the QBall 2 dynamics and orientation (roll, pitch and yaw). These IMU inputs are crucial for controlling the flight of the QBall 2. The QBall 2 DAQ utilizes a STMicroelectronics   -axis gyroscope [6] and a Freescale   -axis acceleromet accelerometer er [7]. The QBall 2 sonar sensor is the Maxbotix XL-Maxsonar EZ3, which measures distances between 20cm and 765cm with 1cm resolution. Objects between betwee n 0-20cm are ranged as 20cm. The sonar senso sensorr is positioned positioned at the bottom of the QBall 2 and is used to measure measur e the QBall 2 height for closed-loop closed-loop height control. control.

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Note that the sonar works best over a hard surface which will reflect the ultrasonic signals. signa ls. The sonar may not work over carpet carpet or other surfa surfaces ces that will dispe disperse rse the ultrasonic signals. Always test the sonar first by disabling the QBall 2 motor outputs and lifting the QBall 2 to see if the sonar is functions as expected.


The battery voltage input measures the supply voltage connected to the QBall 2 DAQ. Since the LiPo batteries used to power the QBall 2 should be charged when they reach a voltag voltage e of no less than   V    V , the battery capacity should be monitored.

It is recommended that the QBall 2 batteries are always changed in pairs. Follow the directions direc tions of the charging system system that is supplied to ensur ensure e the batter batteries ies are charged properly and safely (see Section 7).


The QBall 2 DAQ provides seve several ral I/O channels channels for interfacing additional additional sensors sensors.. Figure 6.2 shows the QBall 2 DAQ and its interfaces. interfaces. Figure 6.5 shows the layout of the QBall 2 DAQ heade headerr pins and Table 6.4, T Table able 6.5 and Table 6.6 list the various I/O pins found on the QBall 2 DAQ.

Figure 6.5: Pin mapping for the DAQ headers




Power input



Sonar input

Motor outputs




V  in






sona sonarr he heig ight ht me meas asur urem emen entt




PWM motor output


Not connected



Table 6.4: QBall 2 DAQ pin list: J1, J2, ESC F/B/L/R

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Digital I/O



DIO channel 7


DIO channel 3


DIO channel 6


DIO channel 2


DIO channel 5

6 7

DIO channel 1 DIO channel 4


DIO channel 0


PW PWM M out utpu putt cha chann nnel el 5


PW PWM M ou outp tput ut chan channe nell 4










Analog input channel 6




An Anal alog og in inpu putt chan channe nell 2



 Analog inputs


Table 6.5: QBall 2 DAQ pin list: J7, J8

I O






Pi n


I 2C









































J 10

Table 6.6: QBall 2 DAQ pin list: J9, J10, J11

6.3 6.3

Establ Est ablish ishing ing Netwo Network rk Connect Connection ion

The QBall 2 package comes with a pre-configured wireless router and automatically connects to the wifi network Quanse Qua nser_U r_UVS. VS. It uses uses TCP/IP TCP/IP con connec nectio tion n for com commun munica icatin ting g wit with h the hos hostt com compute puterr and and/or /or oth other  er    Quanser  QBALL 2 - User Manual




unmanned unmann ed vehic vehicles les.. The Host PC and each of the vehicle vehicles s must must hav have e uni unique que IP add addres resses ses and the ran range ge of  these addresses are defined below (suggested): Host PC(s)


Quanser vehicles (Gumstix)

...  to  ...  

...  to  ...

These Steps outlined below for settin setting g up the host computer computer wireless connection connection only need to be performed once. 1. Power up and turn on the wireles wireless s router router.. 2. After turning on the router that is provide provided, d, wait for about 60 seconds for the wireless netw network ork to establish and then turn on the QBall 2 power and wait for it to boot up (approximately 60 seconds). 3. Connec Connectt your your PC netwo network rk card to any of the ports of the rout router er (e.g. por portt number number 1 to 4) usi using ng the network network cable provided (you can also connect to the Quanser_UVS or Quanser_UVS-5G wireless network if your  computer has wireless adapters, however, wired connection between your PC and the router is preferred for  better performance). performance). If you choos choose e wireless connectivity connectivity between your PC and the router router,, you shoul should d use the password passw ord UVS_wifi to conne connect ct to the wifi network. network. 4. Using Using the the Windows  Windows Network Connection utility Connection  utility in the Windows the  Windows Task Bar , open the  Network and Sharing Center.

Figure 6.6: Open network settin settings gs 5. Click Click on Change adapter settings. 6. Right-c Right-click lick on the Local Area Connection x, Unidentified network connection  and click  Properties. If you you cho chose se wireless connectivity between your PC and the router, choose the  Wireless Network Connection  instead, right click on it and click  Properties. 7. Under  Under   This connection uses the following items:, items: , select select   Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4)   and click Properties .

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Figure 6.7: Network proper properties ties 8. Ins Instea tead d of obt obtain aining ing an IP add addres ress s of the comput computer er automa automatica tically lly,, select select Use  Use th the e fo follo llowi wing ng IP addr addres ess s an  and d ent enter  er  the following: IP address:   ...  (For multiple host PCs, use different IP addresses within the valid range) Subnet mask:   ...

Figure 6.8: IP settings 9. Make sure yo you u can ping the route routerr by typing ping  in the  Run box in Windows (go to the Start  the  Start  menu   menu and search for  Run  Run and click Run, Figure 6.9). If the connection connection to the router is succes successful sful you will see the ping replies in the command window. If you cannot ping the router, check network connectivity and your IP address before going to the next steps. 10. If the QBall 2 is powe powered red on, the QBall 2 can be pinged pinged by typing ping   {IP of the QBall 2 }  in the  Run  box in Windows (go to the Start  the  Start  menu   menu and click  Run). If the connection is successful you will see the ping replies in the command window. Note:   You may need ti disable Windows firewall to establish a connection.

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Figure 6.9: Pinging the QBall 2

6.4 4 6.

Confi Co nfigu guri ring ng model models s fo for r th the e QB QBal alll 2 ta targ rget et

No Note: te: this this sect sectio ion n ap appl plie ies s on only ly to files files that are ru run n on the Gu Gums mstix tix tar targe gett (i. (i.e. e.,, on the QB QBal alll 2) su such ch as qball_2_control_v1.mdl (see Table 6.7 in Section 6.6).  Simulink should have a new menu item called  QUARC once QUARC once  QUARC has been installed. The following steps are required to setup a new  QUARC model for the QBall 2: 1. Create Create a new new  Simulink model, or open an existing model to be run on the Gumstix. 2. Click Click on the the QUARC   QUARC  menu,   menu, then select  Options. 3. The   System System tar target get file   under  Code under  Code Generation   should be   quarc_linux_ quarc_linux_duovero.tlc duovero.tlc. Brow Browse se throug through h the system target list to locate the proper file if necessary (Figure 6.10).

Figure 6.10:  6.10:   QUARC Option Menu 4. In order order to run th the e  QUARC model on the target vehicle, vehicle, the target’ target’s s IP addre address ss must be specified. To setup the default target address for  all   all linux-duovero targets, targets, go to the QUARC  the  QUARC  menu   menu and select  Preferences. The Target type parameter type  parameter should be set to  linux_duovero. Replac Replace e the the Default  Default Model URI  with   with the IP address of the desired desired target vehicl vehicle, e, e.g.,   tcpip://192.1 tcpip:// 68.2.20:17001.  Alternatively, to set the target address for the current the  current model only open only open the model options under the QUARC  the  QUARC  | | Options menu Options  menu and choose Code choose  Code Generation > Generation  >  Interface  on the left hand pane. Under the MEX-file argume arguments, nts, type   ''-w w -d /t /tmp mp -u -uri ri %u %u', ', 't 'tcp cpip ip:/ :// /{IP of Gu Gums msti tix x}:17001'. Includ Include e the sing single le quota quotatio tion n mar marks ks (Figure 6.11). Replace {IP of Gumstix} with the IP of your Gumstix, e.g.   'tcpip://192. 'tcpip:// 168.2.20:17001' 1'.

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Figure 6.11: 6.11: Model target IP settings settings 5. Select Select External for simulation mode, instead of  Normal   Normal, which indicates that the model is to be run on the target machine machin e (Gumstix) rather than simulating simulating the model on the host machine machine.. 6. The model is now ready to be compiled and downloaded downloaded to the target. If the wireless conne connection ction to the vehicle has been established, a QUARC a  QUARC console can be opened to show additional messages and progress during model compilation by going to the menu item  QUARC   |  Console  for all. Buildin Building g the model ((QUARC  QUARC  | |  Build)  QUARC will begin the code generation generation and compiling steps. steps. Output from the compilati compilation on is shown in the the QUARC console. This step may take a few minutes to complete.

6.5 6.5

Joys Jo ysti tick ck

The joystic joystick k is an inte integra grall part part of the QBall QBall 2 and must be used in every every test flight flight.. Even Even in close closed-l d-loop oop cont control rol modes, the joystick is still used as an enable/stop switch for safety reasons. The joystick has one control stick that operates operate s the pitch, roll, and yaw comma commands nds as well as an analo analog g slider to enable takeo takeoff ff and landing. The mapping of the control stick is shown below in Figure 6.12. 6.12. The stick controls the pitch and roll (down->up (down->up is pitch backw backwards ards -> forw forward ards, s, left-> left-> right is roll leftleft->ri >right) ght) and yaw rate by rotatin rotating g the stick abou aboutt the verti vertical cal axis. The joys joystick tick commands comman ds are alway always s given in the reference frame of the QBall 2, therefore it is recommend recommended ed to contro controll the QBall 2 with the QBall 2 facing away from the operator, so he/she is viewing the QBall 2 tail. Before running any QBall 2 controllers, controllers, calibrate calibrate your joystick joystick using the Windows game controlle controllerr calibra calibration. tion. Build host_joystick_logitech_extreme3d_pro.md reme3d_pro.mdl l   model and run the   host_joystick_logitech_ext model for your config configura uration tion.. Verify erify using using the hos hostt  joystick model that the joystick is responding and covering the correct range for each control stick.

6.6 6 6.

Simu Si muli link nk Fi File les s

To operate the QBall 2 there are several several files needed. Table 6.7 lists the variou various s files and their purpos purpose. e. The QBall 2 operat operates es using a host-target host-target structure. structure. The host machine (ground (ground station PC) runs one host model to stream joystick joystick (and possibly localiz localization) ation) data to the target QBall 2. The target compute computerr is the QBall 2 Gumstix DuoVero, which executes the QBall 2’s controller (qball_2_control_v1.mdl). Various scripts are run upon opening  Matlab workspace is cleared and these the QBall 2 controller model to initialize initialize the controller parame parameters. ters. If the the Matlab parameters are no longer stored, simply run the   setup_qball_2. setup_qball_2.m m  script to reinstate the configuration parameters.

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Figure 6.12: Joystick Joystick control mapping

File name setup_qball_2.m

Description A Matlab sc scrip riptt th that at is run wh when enev ever er th the e QB QBal alll 2 cont contro rolle llerr mode modell controller_design.m sign.m script and is opened. This script runs the   controller_de sets up any other model parame parameters. ters.




A scrip scriptt us used ed to comp comput ute e th the e LQ LQR R cont control rolle lerr gain gains s used used in stabili sta bilizin zing g the QBall QBall 2’s orienta orientatio tion n and con config figure ures s oth other er con control troller  ler  gains for controlling controlling the QBall 2 height and vehicle position. This file is run by the   setup_qball_ setup_qball_2.m 2.m  script.  


A Simulink Simulink model used on the host PC to stream joysti joystick ck data to the QBall 2 for joystick control.

host_joystick_logitech_op host_joystic k_logitech_optitrack.mdl titrack.mdl   A Simuli Simulink nk mode modell use used d on the host PC to str stream eam joystick joystick and OptiTrack data to the QBall 2 for joystick control and autonomous position control. plot_log_data.m


A script used to plot exper experiment iment data from a MA MAT T file saved by the   qball_2_cont qball_2_control_v1.mdl rol_v1.mdl controller.  


This This file file cont contai ains ns th the e ma main in fli fligh ghtt co cont ntro rolle llerr fo forr th the e QB QBal alll 2. This Thi s model model is downloade downloaded d and exec executed uted on the QBall 2 and controls the stability of the QBall 2 orientation and, if localization informa info rmation tion is availa available ble,, the QBall 2 pos positio ition. n. Ope Openin ning g this file automatically runs the setup scripts above.

Table 6.7:  6.7:   Simulink files used to operate the QBall 2

No Note te that that files files high highlig light hted ed in grey grey in Table able 6.7 6.7 in indi dica cate te th that at the mode modell mu must st be ta targ rgete eted d and and run run on th the e quarc_linux_duovero (Gumstix) target; all other files are run on the Windows target.

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6.7 7 6.

If you are using an older older Gumstix target target ( quarc_linux_verdex or   quarc_linux_arm quarc_linux_arm), you cannott run the QBall 2 controller canno controller files on these targets. targets. Please use the controller that was provided with your target.

The Th e QB QBal alll 2 Co Cont ntro roll ller er

The main QBall 2 controller file contai contains ns several operating operating modes and various various subsy subsystems stems respo responsibl nsible e for stabil stabilizing izing the vehicle. Figure 6.13 illustrates illustrates the QBall 2 controller’s controller’s top level and the various subsystems subsystems contai contained ned in the model. A detailled descriptions descriptions of the functio functionality nality of the subsystems subsystems used to command the QBall 2 and chang change e its operating modes can be found in the following subsections.

Figure 6.13: The main QBall 2 controller controller subsyste subsystems. ms. Note that even in closed-loop closed-loop operating modes, the host model must still be connected connected and streaming joystick data to the QBall 2 since the joystick acts as a safety switc switch. h. In closed-loop closed-loop mode the joystick throttle disab disables les the QBall 2 flight when it is below   % and enables takeoff and flight when the throttle is above   %. This is a safety feature so that users can quickly quickly disable the QBall 2 during an experiment experiment if desired. desired. When disabli disabling ng the QBall 2 using the  joystick, the QBall 2 will attempt to land safely using the sonar height controller; after 4 seconds the motors will be turned off. Stopping Stopping the QBall 2 controller directl directly y through Simulink will force the motors to the final motor output values set using the  HIL Initialize  block in the DAQ subsystem, which in this model is set to the minimum throttle value   ; this disables the motors immediately.

QBALL 2 - User Manual




6.7 6.7.1 .1

Mode Mo de Co Cont ntrol rol loop autono loop autonomou mous s con control trol.. There There are 2 swi switch tches es used to change modes for position and heading heading control. Operating modes should only be changed in between experiments when the model is not running or the system may go unstable unstable.. Note Note that the hei height ght mode is fixed to closed-loop, which forces the QBall 2 controller to control the height using the on-board sonar sensor. You may choose to override the height mode and use the joystick throttle input to manually control the QBall 2 throttle, but this is a more challenging mode of operation and should only be attempted if you have experience flying quadrotor helicop helicopters ters and wish wish to do so at you yourr own risk. The closed-loop position and heading modes require a localization system such as OptiTrack to control the position and heading of the QBall 2. Joystick modes allow control of the roll and pitch (position) and yaw (heading) from the  joystick.

This subsystem is used to change the operating mode of the QBall 2 from open-loop joystick control to closed-

6.7.2 6.7.2

Posit Po sitio ion n Comman Commands ds This subsystem contains the reference commands (set points poi nts)) for the QBall QBall 2 headin heading, g, hei height ght,, and hor horizo izonta ntall position. sition. These These com comman mands ds are the referen reference ce poi points nts use used d in closed-loop closed -loop operat operating ing modes. If the QBall 2 is operated in Joystick mode then these command commands s have no effect.

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6. 6.7. 7.3 3

Save Sa ve Data Data (blac (black k bo box) x) This subsystem collects data from the QBall 2 model to save to a MAT file on the host using the  QUARC To Host File block. The   plot_log_data. plot_log_data.m m  file can be used to extract and plot some of the data saved once the MAT file has been loaded in  Matlab . See the help in  QUARC for the  To Host File  block for more information. Note that additional data from the QBall 2 model can be added to the signals in order to save additional information as desired.

6.7. 4 6.7.4

DAQ  DA Q  The DAQ subsystem contains the Hardware-In-the-Loop (HIL) (HI L) block blocks s used used to conf config igur ure e the QBal QBalll 2 DAQ DAQ and and read read-/write values. The gain block is used to enable or disable the QBall 2 motors by multiplying the motor signals by   or  , res respec pective tively ly.. The The dig digital ital output output signal signal is also also use used d to enable the ESCs (1) or disable the ESCs (0). When testing the QBall 2 sensors or handling the QBall 2, disable the motors for safety by multiplying the motor signals by    using the gain block and disable the ESCs using the digital enable signal.

QBALL 2 - User Manual




6.7. 6.7.5 5

Pitch/Ro Pitc h/Roll ll Cont Controll roller er These subsystems contain the reference commands (either from joystick inputs or from the  Position Commands subsystem depending on the operating mode) and controller used to stabilize the roll and pitch of the QBall 2.

6.7.6 6.7.6

Joyst Jo ystick ick from from host host This subsystem receives streaming data from the host model.   Ens Ensure ure the IP addre address ss in the   Stream Stream Client Client URI  matches the IP addre address ss of the host computer so that the QBall 2 controller can connect to the host model. The model.  The data packet contains joystick data and OptiTrack localization data if available. If the operating mode is set to closed-loop position mode then this subsystem moni mo nitor tors s the status status of th the e lo loca cali liza zatio tion n track trackin ing g and and is issu sues es a land if the tracking is invalid for an extended period of  time. Also, a land is issue issued d if for any reason there is no communications from the host for      consecutive second.

6.8 8 6.

OptiT Op tiTrac rack k Lo Local calizt iztio ion n Sys System tem

When operating the QBall 2 in closed-loop position or heading control mode, a localization system is required to  Simulink models stream the localization provide provid e pose feedback. In the supplied supplied controlle controllers, rs, the host OptiTrack OptiTrack Simulink data from an OptiTrack system to the QBall 2. To use this feature, you must have an OptiTrack camera system and have the OptiTrack Motive software installed (see the OptiTrack Quick Start Guide).


Make sure to check the QUARC OptiTrack block help pages for the most up to date version versi on of Motive that is recommend recommended. ed. Using a different version version of Motive than what is recommended may not function or may cause the QBall 2 to become unstable due to diff differe erent nt axis axis conven convention tions sa acro cross ss Motive Motive versio versions. ns. At the the time of writ writing ing of this use user  r  manual, manua l, it is recommended recommended to use Motive version 1.7.5 Final.

The axes of the OptiTrack workspace are arranged in a specific specific orientation. With respect to the operator operator,, the positive X  axis points to the right, the positive  Z  axis points toward the operator and ground station, and the positive  Y  axis po poin ints ts up upwa ward rd wi with th th the e orig origin in loca locate ted d on th the e groun ground d in th the e cent center er of th the e wo works rkspa pace ce as show shown n in Fi Figu gure re 6.14 6.14.. This This is the workspace worksp ace frame expected expected by the QBall 2 controller controller.. Ty Typicall pically y, the workspace frame will under undergo go a transfo transformation rmation in the host model that interfaces with the localization system so that it conforms to this desired orientation. In order to configure the localization system axes for the OptiTrack localization system, you must set the ground plane after calibrating calibrating the cameras. The ground plane setup for OptiTrac OptiTrack k is shown in Figure 6.15. QUARC supp support orts s seve severa rall lo loca caliz lizat atio ion n an and d tr trac acki king ng sy syst stem ems s in incl clud udin ing: g: Op OptiT tiTra rack ck,, Vi Vico con, n, and and Phoe Phoeni niX X Technologies echnologies.. Make sure your chosen localization localization system is setup with the axes conve convention ntion describ described ed above if  you are using the provided closedclosed-loop loop position controllers. controllers. Tracking Tracking multiple vehicle vehicles s or objec objects ts requires more advanced configurations and is not covered in the supplied controllers but can be achieved by utilizing the tools

QBALL 2 - User Manual


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Figure 6.14: The localization system’s coordinate frame.

Figure 6.15: Ground plane setup for the OptiTrack localization system.

provided. The localiz localizatio ation n systems systems sup suppor ported ted in QUARC typ typica ically lly track track mar marker ker positio positions ns or rigi rigid d bod body y obj object ects s (rigid (rigid geometr geometric ic shapes made of     or more tracking markers, also refered to as trackables in this document). For operating the QBall 2 in closed-loop closed-loop modes modes,, the OptiTrack OptiTrack localization localization system is used to provide measurements measurements of the QBall 2 position and orientation. orientation. The closed-loop closed-loop position position controller assumes assumes there is a rigid body object place placed d on the top of the QBall QBa ll 2’s 2’s prot protec ectiv tive e cage cage an and d conf config igur ured ed such such th that at th the e pi pivo vott po poin intt (or cente center) r) co corr rres espo pond nds s to th the e posi positio tion n of the cent center  er  of rotation of the QBall 2 where crosse crossed d frame is located. located. The rigid body also provides measurement measurement of the rotatio rotation n about the vertical Y  axis to control the QBall 2 heading. To setup the rigid body on the QBall 2, the OptiTrack system must already be calibrated using the OptiTrack Motive software; if it is not calibrated refer to the OptiTrack Quick Start Guide. With the cameras calibrated, calibrated, follow these steps to create a QBall 2 rigid body object: 1. Add Add track trackingmark ingmarker ers s to th the e topof th the e QBal QBalll 2 pr prot otec ecti tive ve cage cage in a fi fixe xed, d, uniq unique ue patte pattern rn,, as show shown n in Fi Figu gure re 6.16 6.16..  At least  mar marker kers s mus mustt be use used d and additio additional nal markers markers provid provide e bet better ter red redund undanc ancy y and rob robust ustnes ness s to occ occlus lusion ion.. This procedure assumes there is a marker on the top-most node of the cage, which allows us to more easily translate transla te the pivot point (center) of the rigid body. body. Other configu configurations rations can be used as long as the pivot point is appropriately translated to the center of the QBall 2. 2. Load the OptiTrack software and open the calibration file (requires that the system has already been calibrated - if not, refer to the OptiTrack Quick Start Guide). 3. Place the QBall 2 in the workspace workspace so that its markers markers are clearly visible and so that the QBall 2 is oriented correctly with respect to the OptiTrack axes with its tail pointing in the  axis direction (see Figure 6.14).


4. Open Open the the  Rigid Bodies  view by clicking on View  on  View  | |  Rigid Body Properties.

5. Using the mouse, sele select ct the markers correspo corresponding nding to the QBall 2 as shown in Figure 6.17. QBALL 2 - User Manual




6. Click Click on th the e  Create From Selection  button shown in Figure 6.17. The previously highlighted markers now show up as   Rigid Rigid Bod Body y 1, as seen in Figure 6.18. 7. The pivot pivot poin pointt of the rigid rigid body must now be moved moved to the cen center ter of the QBall 2. Select Select the QBall QBall 2 rig rigid id body in the left side Project side  Project Explorer  pane. Explorer  pane. While the rigid body is selected, hold the  CTRL  key and select the top-most marker on the QBall 2 and set it as the pivot point by right-clicking it and select  Set Rigid Body Pivot Point, as shown in Figure 6.18. 8. Select Select the the  Orientation  tab in the Rigid the  Rigid Body  view Body  view pane as shown in Figure 6.19. Under  Translation,  Translation, set the  Y .  m translation transla tion to  −   m   (negative    centimeters from the top point is the center of the QBall 2), as shown in Figure 6.19. 6.19. Click Apply Translation. The pivot poin pointt will move from the top of the cage to the center center,, as shown in Figure 6.20. 9. Once Once the track trackabl ables es have been defin defined, ed, they must be sav saved ed to a trac trackab kables les file. This This is accom accompli plishe shed d by navigating to File to  File | |  Save Trackables.

Figure 6.16: Tracking Tracking markers markers placed for the rigid body

Figure 6.17: Select the markers to create a rigid body object

QBALL 2 - User Manual


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Figure 6.18: Set the new rigid body pivot point

Figure 6.19: Apply a vertical translation to the QBall 2 rigid body pivot point

QBALL 2 - User Manual




Figure 6.20: QBall 2 rigid body pivot point moved to the center 

QBALL 2 - User Manual


DRAFT - May 21, 2015



Cha harg rgiing Bat Batte ter rie ies s


Before using any batteries, chargers/balancers, or power supplies, users must first read the manuals manuals packaged packaged with their equipment. equipment. Quans Quanser er supplies these guidel guidelines ines for charging batteries but it is the users’ responsibility to ensure they are operating their equipment equipment safely and correctly correctly.. Quanse Quanserr is not respons responsible ible for any damag damages es resulting from use of batteries, power supplies, chargers, or balancers.

Before charging or using any batteries observe these safety guidelines: • Read all instruction instruction manuals for batteries, batteries, chargers chargers,, balancers, and power supplies. supplies. • Use and store system system in a dry environment environment.. • Do not charge under under direct sunlight. sunlight. • Do not charge battery battery when battery feels feels hot. • Charge battery battery away from flammable objec objects. ts. • Always be present present when charging batteries batteries and do not leave batteries batteries connecte connected d to the charger chargers s or the QBall 2 overnight. • Charge and store LiPo batteries batteries in a location location where a battery fire or explosion explosion (includ (including ing smoke hazard hazard)) will not endanger life or property. • Keep LiPo batteries batteries away from children and animals animals.. • Co Cons nsid ider er ho how w you you would would deal deal with with a Li LiPo Po ba batte ttery ry fire/ fire/ex expl plos osion ion as part part of your your norma normall fi fire re safe safety ty and and evac evacua uati tion on planning. • Ne Neve verr char charge ge a LiPo LiPo batte battery ry th that at ha has s ba ballo lloon oned ed or swel swelle led d du due e to overc overcha harg rgin ing, g, unde underc rcha harg rgin ing g or from from a cr cras ash. h. • Never charge charge a LiPo battery that has been punc punctured tured or damage damaged d in a crash crash.. After a crash, inspe inspect ct the battery pack for the signs of damage. • When discarding discarding a LiPo battery battery,, discard it in accordance accordance with your countr country’s y’s recycli recycling ng laws. • Never charge charge the LiPo battery in a moving vehi vehicle. cle. • Never overcharge overcharge the LiPo battery. battery. • Never leave the LiPo battery unattended unattended during rechargin recharging. g. • Do not charge LiPo batteries near near flammable materia materials ls or liquids. • Ensure that charging charging leads are connected connected correct correctly ly.. Revers Reverse e polarity charging can lead to battery damag damage, e, fire, or explosion. explosion. • Have a suitable fire extinguish extinguisher er (for electrical fires) fires) or a large bucket bucket of dry sand near the charging area. Do not try to extinguish electrical electrical battery fires with water water.. • Reduce Reduce risk risks s from fire fire/ex /explo plosio sion n by storing storing and chargin charging g LiPo LiPo bat batteri teries es ins inside ide a sui suitab table le con contai tainer ner:: a LiP LiPo o sack sack or metal/ceramic container is advised. • Monitor Monitor recharging LiPo batte batteries ries for signs of overheatin overheating. g. • Protect Protect your LiPo battery from accidenta accidentall damage during storage and trans transportati portation. on. Do not put battery packs in pockets or bags where they can short circuit or can come into contact with sharp or metallic objects. • If your LiPo battery battery is sub subjec jected ted to a shock shock (such as a cra crash) sh) you shou should ld place it in a meta metall contain container er and observe for signs of swelling or heating for at least 30 minutes. • Do not attempt to disassemble disassemble or modify or repair the LiPo battery battery..

QBALL 2 - User Manual




7. 7.1 1

Batter Bat tery y Chargin Charging g Compon Component ents s

Figure 7.1 illustrates the hardware components supplied with the battery chargers.

Figure 7.1: Battery charging charging compo components nents The battery charger/balancer is supplied with either an individual power supply that connects to one charger or a shared power supply supply that can be connected to multiple chargers. The battery charger charger supplied with the syste system m can typically charge various types of batteries. Ensure that the charger is set to LiPo type batteries since these are the batteries batteri es supplied with the QBall 2. The charger contains contains a balancer balancer that ensures even charging across cells within the battery. battery. Figure 7.2 shows the output terminals of the charger connecte connected d to the battery cable and the balancer  ports.

Figure 7.2: Battery charger charger output ports

7.2 7.2

Batter Bat tery y chargin charging g proced procedur ure e

Setup procedure: 1. Ensure all prer prerequisi equisites tes are met. 2. Conne Connect ct the power supply to the charger charger.. 3. Conne Connect ct the battery conn connectors ectors to the batter battery y charger output terminals terminals.. Charging procedure:

QBALL 2 User Manual


DRAFT May 21, 2015


1. The correct correct numb number er of cells cells and charge charge must be set. set. Set the charg charger er to 3-c 3-cell ell LiPo batte battery ry,,   .S , and a charge rate of   naviga igatio tion n keys to   . A  (since the supplied batteries have a rating of   mAh     mAh). Use the nav change chang e the settings settings as described described in the battery charger’s user manual. 2. Connec Connectt the battery battery with the appro appropri priate ate wires. wires. Als Also, o, connec connectt the bala balance ncerr cable to the bala balance ncerr. The connections conne ctions are labeled acc according ording to the number of cells in the battery. battery. Refer to your user manual for the battery details. 3. Start the charger acco according rding to the procedure described described in the charger user manual. Typically Typically this is done by holding the Start/Enter button until a beep is heard and if prompted to confirm press START again to begin charging. 4. Upon comple completing ting a full charg charge e the charger should beep and display display that the charg charge e is comple complete. te.

QBALL 2 - User Manual


QBALL 2 User Manual





Tro roub uble lesh shoo ooti ting ng

For any issue, the first and easiest troubleshooting solution on any electronic device is to reboot the device. Turn off  the QBall 2, then turn it back on again. again. For troubleshootin troubleshooting g any problem with the QBall 2, it is always a good idea to  open the QUARC the  QUARC console in case additional information is printed to the console by going to the  QUARC menu and clicking on  Console for all. . .. The console must be opened after the QBall 2 has booted and established a WiFi connection. conne ction. If the console console is opene opened d successfully successfully it estab establishes lishes a connectio connection n to the target and the conso console le window has the title   QUARC QUARC Cons Console ole for * at tcpi tcpip:// p://192. 192.168. 168.2.xxx 2.xxx:170 :17000 00, where xxx  where  xxx  correspon  corresponds ds to the IP addres address s of the QBall 2. If you are still unable to resolve the issue after reading through this section, contact [email protected] for further  assistance. Q1  The QBall 2 has crashed! What should I do? Firs First, t, mak make e sure that the mod model el is sto stoppe pped d and the power power is turned turned off. Do not approach approach the QBall 2 if the model is still running or the propel propellers lers are turning. Upon stopping stopping the QBall 2 model, a saved data MATMAT-file file is created on the host PC in the current directory directory.. Make a backup of this saved file for review. review. If support is needed from Quanser  , they will ask for this file so that the issue may be better diagnosed. Load the saved file and review the data in Matlab  . The rows in the saved data file always always begin with the time in row 1 and subsequent rows contain the data as ordered in the  SAVE DATA  subsystem in the QBall 2 model (see Section 6.7 Section 6.7). ). The M-file script script plot_log_data plot_log_data.m .m can be run to display several figures from the saved data log. Verif erify y that the joy joysti stick ck is pro proper perly ly con connec nected ted and cal calibra ibrated ted by usi using ng the hos hostt joy joystic stick k con contro troller llers. s. Fir First, st, cal calibr ibrate ate yourr joy you joystic stick k in Wind Windows ows usi using ng the USB gam game e con control troller ler cal calibra ibratio tion n pro proced cedure ure in Wind Windows ows.. Run the app approp ropriat riate e host joystick joystick model for your machine. machine. Ve Verify rify that the joystick follows the correct range of outputs (throttle between    and   , all other channels channels between −  and   ).

Q2  You cannot ping the QBall 2 Make sure the router is on and the WiFi light on the router is on. Check that the network adapter of the host PC is connected to the router (or the wireless network Quanser_UVS or Quanser_UVS-5G) and is configured according to the network configuration procedure outlined in this manual (Section   6.3 6.3). ). Veri erify fy that you can can successfully ping the QBall 2 by going to the Windows   Start   Start   |  Run  and typing   ping ping 192. 192.168. 168.2.xxx 2.xxx, where  xxx   corresponds corresponds to the IP address of your QBall 2. Turn off off the QBall 2 power and verify that that the Gumstix and antenna are properly connected. connected. Make sure the Gumstix and antenna are securely connected connected and retry the above above ste steps ps to est establ ablish ish a wire wireles less s con connec nection tion.. Rec Recycl ycle e the power power or turn on the rob robot ot and wait for  approximately 60 seconds. Q3   The model fails to build/connect build/connect or the the QUARC  QUARC console does not successfully open controller cover so that the Gumstix board is visible. Plug in the battery to Remove the QBall 2 embedded controller the battery battery connecto connector. r. Tu Turn rn on the power switch switch and loo look k at the Gums Gumstix tix for the green power power LED LED.. Afte After  r  approximately    seconds, a red LED will flash to indicate the WiFi module is powering on, and is attempting to connect connect to the wifi network. network. If the red LED flashes flashes and remains remains on, then the WiFi mod module ule is fun functio ctionin ning g and is able to find the wireless network. network. If the red LED flashes and then turn off, off, the Gumstix is not able to detect the wireless network. network. Check that the host PC and is config configured ured according according to the network configuration configuration procedure outlined in this manual (Section   6.3). 6.3). Veri erify fy that the host PC is connect connected ed to the router router (or the wireless network Quanser_UVS or Quanser_UVS-5G) and try to successfully ping the Gumstix by going to 192.168. 168.2.xx 2.xxx x, where xxx  the Window Windows s  Start   Start    |  Run  and typing  ping 192. where  xxx  corresponds  corresponds to the IP address of your  vehicle. vehic le. If the red LED never flashes, the wireless wireless antenna may be disconnecte disconnected. d. Turn off off the power and verify thatthe theabove Gumstix wireless antenna is properly connec connected. Make sure the wireless is and secured and retry steps to estab establish lish a wirele wireless ss connection. connectio n.ted. Recycle Recyc le the power or turn onantenna the robot wait for approximately 60 seconds.

QBALL 2 - User Manual


DRAFT - May 21, 2015


Q4   The QBall 2 sensors are not being read correctly or they are stuck at some constant value Using the  HIL Read  block, output all possib possible le channels. Check these outputs using scopes and displays, and determine if the problem lies with a particular sensor, or set of sensors, or if the issue is global across all sensors.

Q5   The   Simulink model appears to run slowly (i.e., the simulation time runs slower than actual time), or the console displays the message ”Sampling rate is too fast for base rate”. (a) The maximum maximum sam sample ple rate rec recomm ommend ended ed for the Gumstix Gumstix is   Howe weve verr, if there there are  Hz  s. Ho   Hz .  s complex calculations (such as image processing) performed within the model, then this could potentially limit the sample rate of the model. Try reducing the model sample rate in the menu  QUARC  | |  Options  Options | | Solver by increasing the Fixed-step the  Fixed-step size (fundamental sample time) parameter time)  parameter or change sample rates of  blocks that take longer to run. If you are using image processing blocks, ensure that signal duration is set to 1 by going to  Tools | External Mode Control Panel | Signal & Triggering | Duration  menu on the model (The default value is 10000 10000). ). (b) The   HIL Read Write   block block should should onl only y be used once in a dia diagra gram. m. The These se blocks blocks per perform form large large dat data a transfers transfe rs between the data acquisition acquisition board and the Gumstix, so placing more than one of these blocks blocks will cause multiple reads to be performed in the same sample instant, instant, which is unnecessary unnecessary.. To achieve the optimal performance, performance, use only one  HIL Read Write  block for the entire model. (c) To determine the execution time of blocks or subsy subsystems stems within the model, use the Comput Computation ation Time block found in the library under  QUARC   QUARC Targets  Targets   |  Sources  Sources   |  Time. This block block outputs the computation computation time of a function call subsystem, measured measured using an indep independen endentt high-r high-resolut esolution ion time sourc source. e. Block Blocks s can be pla placed ced inside inside a fun functi ction on cal calll sub subsys system tem and con connec nected ted to the Computatio Computation n Ti Time me blo block ck to determine determi ne their execution time during each sample instant. instant. This helps identify identify the bottle bottlenecks necks in the model (blocks/subsystems with the highest execution time) and can identify blocks/subsystems whose computation comput ation time is greater than the sample time of the model model.. Try increasing increasing the sample time of those blocks whose computation time is greater than the sample time of the model so that the blocks run in a slower rate thread thread..

Q6  Trying to start the QBall 2 model results in the error ”Unable to locate the dynamic link library or shared object” indicates ates that the QBall 2 driver is not found on the target. Make sure that the model target type This error indic quarc_linux_duovero.tlc duovero.tlc by navigating to the menu QUARC  is set to   quarc_linux_ menu  QUARC  | |  Options  Options | |  Code Generation  pane and quarc_linux_duovero.tlc uovero.tlc. Open a console changing the System target file to   quarc_linux_d console through through the menu QUARC  menu  QUARC  | | Console  for all, and verify that the console window displays the target IP of your vehicle in the window title.

Q7   Building Building a model fails with the error ”Not enough system resou resources rces are available to perform the operation” When several models are compiled, the disk space on the Gumstix may become full, and you will no longer  have hav e spa space ce to bui build ld models. models. Usi Using ng the clean option option in the QUARC QUARC menu under   under   QUARC   QUARC   |  Clean   all will remove all generated code and compiled code for the current model, but this will only free up the space used by the curren currentt model. To view all models currently downloaded downloaded on the target select Manage target under the  QUARC me menu nu.. Th The e cu curre rrent nt mo mode del’ l’s s ta targ rget et mu must st be po powe were red d on an and d re read ady y to ac acce cept pt a co conn nnec ectio tion. n. The tar targe gett information is displayed including all models that have been downloaded to the target. To clear all downloaded models select select all the models in the list and click Remove. Remove. Note: this will only remove generated generated code from the target and will not delete the source models on the host PC.

QBALL 2 User Manual




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With Quanser robotic systems, you can introduce control concepts related to stationary and mobile robotics, from vibration analysis, resonance and planar position control to sensors, computer, visionguided control to unmanned systems control. All of the experiments/platforms are compatible with MATLAB®/Simulink®. ©2014 Quanser Inc. All rights reserved.

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