Qasas Al-Nabiyeen Notes

September 8, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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 The Ship of Nooh `alayhis salaam   After Aadam `alayhis salaam 

 Allah subhaanahu wa ta`aala put barakah/blessings in children of Aadam `alayhis salaam so in it there  were many men and women. And the children of Aadam `alayhis salaam spread and they increased. So if Aadam `alayhis salaam would return/come back and he would see his children he would not recognize.  And if it were said to him, “This is your children, o Aadam Aadam `alayhis salaam”, he would surely be  very surprised/amazed.  And he would say, “Glory be to Allah subhaanahu wa ta`aala! These are all my children? These are all my children?”  children?”   And for the children of Aadam `alayhis salaam there are a lot of villages/cities and they made a lot of houses.  And they used to cultivate the land and they used to farm farm and they were living/residing.  And the people were on the deen of their father father Aadam `alayhis salaam; they used to worship/were  worshipping Allah subhaanahu wa ta`aala and they would not associate anything with Him.  And the people were one ummah/group; their father was was Aadam `alayhis salaam and their Lord  was Allah subhaanahu wa ta`aala.

Shaytaan’s Envy/Jealousy  Envy/Jealousy 

But/However, how would Iblees and his decedents be satisfied/content with this? Can the people continuously worship Allah subhaanahu wa ta`aala? Can the people continuously stay one nation/ummah they won‟t have any disputes? Indeed that will not/cannot happen! Indeed that will not/cannot happen!  Will the children of Aadam `alayhis salaam enter paradise and Iblees and his children enter Hellfire? Indeed that will not happen! Indeed that will not happen! Indeed he did not do sajdah/bow down to Aadam

`alayhis salaam

subhaanahu wa ta`aala

him/threw him away and He

cursed him.

so Allah subhaanahu wa ta`aala rejected


 Would he not take revenge from the children of Aadam Aadam `alayhis salaam so they enter Hellfire with him? For sure that will happen! For sure that will happen!

Shaytaan’s Idea/Thinking  Idea/Thinking   And Shaytaan saw/thought/looked that he should call/invite call/invite people towards worshipping the idols so they enter Hellfire/Jahannam and they don‟t enter the paradise forever/for forever/ for good ( or or they never enter paradise).

 And Shaytaan knew that indeed Allah subhaanahu wa ta`aala does not forgive polytheism and He forgives everything when He wishes. So Shaytaan decided/intended to call them towards polytheism so they don‟t enter paradise for good/forever ( o orr so they never enter paradise). 1

subhaanahu wa

But path would he take towards that when the people are worshipping Allah ? ta`aalawhat Indeed if he had gone to the people and he would tell them/say them/say to them, “Worship the idols and don‟t worship Allah”, indeed the people would curse him and they would hit/torture him. him.    They would would say, “Allah subhaanahu wa ta`aala forbid!2 Should we make partners with our Rab/Lord? Should we worship the idols? Indeed you are an evil Shaytaan!”  Shaytaan!”  

 The Trick of Shaytaan

But Shaytaan found a door from which he would enter to the brains/heads/minds of people.  There are people who would fear/who had the fear Allah subhaanahu wa ta`aala and who used to  worship/who were worshipping Him at night and at day and and they would remember Him in abundance.  And they used to love Allah subhaanahu wa ta`aala and Allah subhaanahu wa ta`aala used to love them and He would listen to/accept/answer their prayers3.  And the people used to love them and would respect them and Shaytaan knew that very well. 1 or

„but what would be the way to that‟ or more literally, „but how would the path be towards that‟ that‟   „Allah subhaanahu wa ta`aala‟s protection!‟  protection!‟  3 And they loved Allah subhaanahu wa ta`aala and Allah subhaanahu wa ta`aala loved them and He listened to their du`aas. du`aas . 2 or


 And indeed these people had died/passed away away and they had gone/returned to the rahmah of   Allah subhaanahu wa ta`aala. Shaytaan went to the people and he mentioned these men.  And  An d he said, “How was so and so and that certain person and that certain person amongst you?”  you?”  They said, “Glory be to Allah subhaanahu wa ta`aala! They were the people of Allah subhaanahu wa ta`aala  and they were the friends of Allah subhaanahu wa ta`aala. Those people, when they called/made du`aa to Allah subhaanahu wa ta`aala, He answered them and when they asked Him, He gave them.”  them.” 

 The Pictures of the Pious/Righteous People 

Shaytaan said, “So how is your grief upon them?”  them?”    They said, “Strong/Extreme.”  “Strong/Extreme.”  He said, “And how is your desire towards them?”  them?”    They said, “Strong.”  “Strong.”  He said, “So why don‟t you look towards them/at them every day?”  day?”    They said, “How is that possible4 when  when indeed they have passed away?”  away?”  He said, “Make pictures of them and look towards them every morning.”  morning.”    And the people liked the idea of Iblees and they made pictures pictures of the righteous men and they  used to look at these pictures every day.  And when they would look at those pictures, they would would remember those pious/righteous men.

From Pictures to Statues 

 And they transferred/moved from pictures to statues.  And they made many statues of the righteous men/pious men/pious people and they put them in their houses and in their mosques/places of worship. 4 or

„what is the path to that‟  that‟ 


   And they used to worship Allah subhaanahu wa ta`aala they were not making partners/associating  p artners/associating  anything with Him.  And indeed they knew that these are statues of the pious men.  And they knew that these they cannot/do cannot/ cannot/do not harm themare androcks/stones; they cannot provide not benefit them and they  But they used to take blessings/barakah from them and they used to respect them because they   were the statues of the pious people.  And these statues increased amongst them and their respect increased.  And when a pious man would die amongst them, they they would make a statue of/for him and they would name it with his name.

From the Statues to the Idols   And these people had gone and the children had seen their their fathers taking blessings from them and they saw their fathers showing respect to the, extreme respect.

 And they would see them kissing these statues and they they would touch them and they would pray  next to them.  And they would see them lowering their heads and they they would bow down next to them5. So the children did extra then their fathers and they started doing sajdah/prostrating to them.  And they were asking them and sacrificing for them.  And this way these idols became lords and the people people started worshipping/to worship them the way they used to worship/they way they had Allah subhaanahu wa ta`aala previously/in the past.  And these lords increase amongst them. This is Wad and and that is Suwa` and this is Yaghooth and that is Ya`ooq and this is Nasr.

 Allah subhaanahu wa ta`aala’s Anger 

 And Allah subhaanahu wa ta`aala became extremely angry with the people and he cursed them. 6  5 or

„bowing down near them‟  them‟  


   And why would7 Allah subhaanahu wa ta`aala not become angry with them and how can He not curse them8?  Was this the reason He created them?9 Was this the reason He was providing them? 10  11

subhaanahu wa ta`aala

subhaanahu wa ta`aala

 They would walk  on Allah ‟s earth but/while rejecting Allah !  And they would eat the provisions of Allah subhaanahu wa ta`aala but/and they would make partners  with Allah subhaanahu wa ta`aala! Indeed this is extreme oppression! Indeed this is extreme oppression!  Allah subhaanahu wa ta`aala became angry on the people and He held back the rain and made things difficult upon them and their growth decreased and their generation became slow/less. 12  But the people did not understand, however the people did not repent.

 The Messenger

 And Allah subhaanahu wa ta`aala wanted to send to them a man from amongst them who would speak to them and he would advise them. 13  Indeed Allah subhaanahu wa ta`aala does not talk to individual people. Indeed Allah subhaanahu wa ta`aala  does not address everyone that He would say to them/saying to them, “Do this, do that.”  that.”   Indeed the kings do not speak individually 14. Indeed the kings don‟t go to everyone saying to them, “Do this, do that.”  that.”   And the kings are human beings like any human beings; beings; every person has the power to see them and to listen to their speech and no one has the power to see Allah subhaanahu wa ta`aala and

6 or

„And Allah subhaanahu wa ta`aala became angry with them people, extremely angry and He cursed them‟.  them‟.   „how could‟ or „how can‟  can‟   8 or „become upset upon them and why wouldn‟t He curse them‟  them‟   9 or „Is this why He created them?‟ or „Is it for this He created them?‟ or „Did He create them for this?‟ this?‟   10 or „Is it for this He is providing them?‟  them?‟   11 or „they are walking‟ or „they were walking‟  walking‟  12 or „Allah subhaanahu wa ta`aala became angry on the people and He stopped the rain and made things tight/narrow upon them and their growth was short/became less and their children were less.‟ less.‟   13 or „And Allah subhaanahu wa ta`aala wanted to send towards them a person from within them who would talk to them and he  would consult them.‟  them.‟  14 or „talk one on one‟  one‟   7 or


to listen to His talks and to talk to Him and an d no one has the power over that except who Allah subhaanahu wa ta`aala wishes when Allah subhaanahu wa ta`aala wishes.15  So Allah subhaanahu wa ta`aala intended to send a messenger to the people who would talk to them and who would advise them/council them.

 A Human Being or An Angel?

 And Allah subhaanahu wa ta`aala intended that this messenger be a human being and that he be one o ne from amongst the people/one of the people and the people would recognize him and understand his talk.  And if the messenger was/would be an angel, the people would have said, “What is common  common   with us and him?16 He us an angel and we are human being!”  being!”   “We eat and we drink and we have family and children so how can we worship Allah subhaanahu ?”    wa ta`aala?”  And if the messenger was a human being, he would would say, “I eat and I drink and I have a fami family  ly  and children and I worship Allah subhaanahu wa ta`aala so why do you not worship Allah subhaanahu wa ta`aala?”  ?”   And if the messenger was an angel, they  would  would say/would have said, “Indeed you do not get thirsty and you do not get hungry and indeed you don‟t do n‟t get sick and you do not die so you can  worship Allah subhaanahu wa ta`aala and can remember Him forever!”  forever!”   “And we are human beings and we become thirsty and we become hungry and we become sick  and we die so how can we worship Allah subhaanahu wa ta`aala and remember Him always?”  always?”    And if and the messenger was a human being/person, hedie would “I amAllah just like you; Iwabecome thirsty I become hungry and I become sick andhe and Isay, worship subhaanahu ta`aala  and remember Him so why do you not worship Allah subhaanahu wa ta`aala and remember him?”  him?”  So the people‟s talk will talk will finish and they will not find an excuse. 17 

Nooh `alayhis salaam the Messenger

15 or

„And the kings are human beings like any human beings; everyone is able to look at them and to listen to their talk/saying/what they say and no one is able to see Allah subhaanahu   wa wa ta`aala and to listen to His talks and to talk to Him and no one has the power over that except who Allah subhaanahu wa ta`aala intends when Allah subhaanahu wa ta`aala intends.‟ intends.‟   16 „What does he have to do with us?‟ or „What is it with us and him?‟ or „What do we have to do with him?‟ him?‟   17 or „So the people‟s sayings/gossip/excuses would finish and they would not find an excuse.‟  excuse.‟  


 And Allah subhaanahu wa ta`aala intended to send Nooh `alayhis salaam to his people.  And in the people there were wealthy/rich people people and leaders; however, Allah subhaanahu wa ta`aala  chose Nooh `alayhis salaam for His message and did not choose anyone else amongst them.  Allah subhaanahu wa ta`aala knows who can carry His message and Allah

subhaanahu wa ta`aala

can carry His trust.  And Nooh `alayhis salaam was a pious and generous person and Nooh and forbearing man/person.

`alayhis salaam

 And Nooh `alayhis salaam was an advisor and was merciful and Nooh trustworthy.

`alayhis salaam

knows who

was an intelligent

was truthful and

 Allah subhaanahu wa ta`aala chose Nooh `alayhis salaam for His message and he sent a revelation/wahi to him that you scare/warn your people before severe punishment comes to them. So Nooh `alayhis salaam stood up in/amongst his people saying to the people, “Indeed I am a trustworthy messenger towards/for you.”  you.”   What Did the People Answer Him?/What Was the Answer of the People to Him?

 And when Nooh `alayhis salaam stood amongst his people saying, “Indeed I am a trustworthy  messenger to you.”  you.”  Some of the people stood up saying, “When did this person become a prophet?” prophet?”   “Yesterday/Until yesterday he was a man from amongst us and today he is saying , „I am Allah you.‟”  subhaanahu wa ta`aala‟s messenger towards you.‟”   And the friends of Nooh `alayhis salaam said, “This person used to play with us in the childhood c hildhood and he used to sit with us every day so when did prophet hood come to him? At night/nighttime or daytime?18”   And the the wealthy people and the arrogant people said, “Didn‟t Allah  Allah  subhaanahu wa ta`aala find anyone other than/except him.”  him.”  “Did all the people just die? die ? He He didn‟t find in the people/nation except a poor person?” person?”    And the ignorant people/ones said, “He is not but/except a human being like being  like you/just like you.”   you.” 18 or

„during the night or during the day‟  day‟  


   And they said, “If Allah  Allah subhaanahu wa ta`aala willed, indeed He would have sent an angel; we did not hear of this in our forefathers” 19   And some of the people said, “Indeed Nooh `alayhis salaam wishes to get the power/leadership and position/respect by this path.”  path.” 

Between Nooh `alayhis salaam and His People/Nation

 The people used to/would see that indeed worshipping of the idols is the right thing/truth.  And that the worshipping of the idols is the wise thing 20.  And they used to see that he who does not worship the idols idols he is in error21 and foolishness/stupidity.  And they would/used to say , “Indeed our forefathers used to worship the idols so why does this person not worship them?”  this them?”    And Nooh `alayhis salaam used to see that worshipping of the idols is an error/misguidance and  worshipping of the idols is stupidity.  And Nooh `alayhis salaam used to see that indeed the forefathers were in error and in stupidity and indeed Aadam `alayhis salaam while/and he was the father of the forefathers he would not worship the idols but he used to worship Allah subhaanahu wa ta`aala.  And indeed the people/nation were in error and in stupidity stupidity since they were worshipping the stones/rocks and they were not worshipping Allah subhaanahu wa ta`aala who had created them. `alayhis salaam stood amongst his people saying in his loudest voice, “O my people worship Noohsubhaanahu  Allah wa ta`aala; there is no lord other than Him for you. Indeed I fear upon you the punishment of the great day.”  day.”  

 There is no lord for you except for Him.  The leader from his nation said, said, “Indeed “Indeed we see you in open/clear error/misguidance.” error/misguidance.”  He said, “O my people there is no error/misguidance with me but I am a m a messenger from th thee lord of the universes/worlds.”  universes/worlds.”  19 or

„And they said, “If Allah subhaanahu wa ta`aala wished, indeed He would have sent angels; we have not heard of this in our forefathers”‟   forefathers”‟ 20 or „is wise‟ or „is intelligent‟ or „makes sense‟ or „that is the intellect‟  intellect‟   21 or „that that person who does not worship the idols he is misguided.‟  misguided.‟  


  “I bring /convey /convey to you the messages of my Lord and I give you advise/I advise all of you and I know from Allah subhaanahu wa ta`aala what/those things that you do not know.”  know.” 

 The Low/Lower Class People Follow/Followed You

 And Nooh `alayhis salaam tried very hard that his people accept eeman 22 and they worship Allah subhaanahu wa ta`aala and the leave the idols. However no one accepted eeman on Nooh `alayhis salaam except for some individuals from his nation.23  But only a few people accepted eeman on Nooh `alayhis salaam; those who used to worked with their hands and they used to eat halal/lawful food.  Whereas the rich people from his nation indeed their their arrogance/pride prevented/stopped them that they obey/listen to Nooh `alayhis salaam.  And their wealth and their children kept them busy busy that they remember/think about aakhirah and they used to say , “W e are the noble ones/respected ones and these are the low class people/dishonored people” people”.  And when Nooh `alayhis salaam called them towards Allah subhaanahu wa ta`aala they said, “Should we believe in you whereas the low class people have followed you.”  you.”    And they asked Nooh `alayhis salaam to get rid of/abandon these poor people. However Nooh `alayhis salaam refused and he said, “I will am not going to get rid of/throw  away/abandon the believers.” “Indeed my door is not the door of the king; I am only a clear/open warner 24.” .”    And Nooh `alayhis salaam knew that indeed these poor people are sincere believers.  And that Allah subhaanahu wa ta`aala will get angry if he abandons these poor people 25 then no one  will help him.

22 or

„Nooh `alayhis salaam struggled very much that his people become mu‟min/believers‟ mu‟min/believers‟   This can be translated in two ways: 1. But only some individuals from his nation believed in Nooh However no one accepted eemaan in Nooh `alayhis salaam except a few individuals from his nation. 24 or „I am not except an open/clear warner.‟  warner.‟  25 or „will get upset when w hen would reject/abandon these poor people‟  people‟  23

`alayhis salaam.



So Nooh `alayhis salaam said, “O my nation/people who will help me from Allah  Allah  subhaanahu wa ta`aala if  I abandon/reject them?” them?” 

 The Rich Peo ple’s Argument/The Argument of the Rich People People  

 The rich people one who truthful/true andsaid, he is“The not good.” good. ”  Nooh `alayhis salaam invites/calls towards he is not  Why? “We have all the good food and we have all the beautiful clothing and the people are our followers in everything.” everything.”26  “ And indeed we have seen that the good does not miss us and and does not overpass us in this/the city ..”  ”  “So if this deen/religion was good, indeed it would wo uld have came to us before these poor people.” people. ”  “If it was good they would not have gone/went ahead of us u s towards it. it.”” 

 The Call/Invitaion of Nooh `alayhis salaam 

 And Nooh `alayhis salaam called/invited his nation and he struggled/tried hard in advising. He said, “O my people indeed I am an open/clear warner to all of you that you worship Allah subhaanahu wa ta`aala and you fear Him and you obey/follow me He will forgive for give your sins for you and He He will postpone you to a specific time.”  time.”   “Indeed 27  time of Allah subhaanahu wa ta`aala, when it comes, it cannot be delayed; only if you knew it.”the  And Allah subhaanahu wa ta`aala stopped/held back the rain from them and he got upset/angry at them and the growth decreased and the children decreased. So Nooh `alayhis salaam said, “O my people/nation if you you believe/have eeman Allah subhaanahu wa 28 ta`aala will be satisfied  with  with you and this punishment will be removed.” removed.”  


or „“We have every sort of good food and we have all types of beautiful clothes and the people are our followers in everything.”‟  everything.”‟  27 or „“Indeed the turn of Allah subhaanahu wa ta`aala, when it comes, it cannot be be postponed; if you know this.”‟  this.”‟  28 or „happy‟ or „pleased‟  „pleased‟  


“And He He will send the rain upon you and He will bless you/he will put blessings for you in your sustenance and in your children.”  children.”   And Nooh `alayhis salaam invited his nation towards Allah subhaanahu wa ta`aala and he said to them, “Don‟t you recognize/know Allah  Allah subhaanahu wa ta`aala? These are the signs of Allah subhaanahu wa look towards the sky and the ta`aala around you. Don‟t you see/look towards them? Don‟t you look 29

earth?made Don‟t lookintowards sun andform moon? created thethe skies/heavens  who theyou moon them asthe a light/a fothe rm of a light Who and who made sun a light/aand form of a lamp?”  lamp?”  “And who created you and who made the earth e arth a form of carpet 30 for you.”  you.”  But the nation/people of Nooh `alayhis salaam did/would not understand. But the nation/people of Nooh `alayhis salaam did not believe/accept eeman. But when Nooh `alayhis salaam would invite them towards Allah subhaanahu wa ta`aala they would put their fingers in their ears.  And does how can person who does not listen/hear listen/hear understand? And how can that person hear  who not that intend to listen?

Nooh `alayhis salaam’s Prayer/Du`aa  Prayer/Du`aa 

 And Nooh `alayhis salaam struggled very hard/a lot and he stayed/remained calling his nation for a  very long time. Nooh `alayhis salaam stayed in his nation nine hundred and fifty years calling/inviting them towards Allah subhaanahu wa ta`aala. But the people of Nooh `alayhis salaam did not believe/accept eeman.  And they did not leave idols worshipping and they did not return towards Allah subhaanahu wa ta`aala. So until when would Nooh `alayhis salaam wait? Until when would he see the mischief of/in the earth? Until when would he see the rocks/stones being worshipped? Until when would he see the people eating the sustenance of Allah  worshipping other than Him/something else?

29 you 30 or

can also say „can‟t you‟ instead of „don‟t you‟  you‟   „bedding‟ or „spread‟ or „flooring‟ „ flooring‟  

subhaanahu wa ta`aala



 Why would Nooh `alayhis salaam not get upset/angry?  And indeed he had practice patience that no one had had practiced patience similar to his. Nine hundred and fifty years! Allahu akbar! Allahu akbar! subhaanahu wa ta`aala sent a revelation to Nooh `alayhis salaam, “Indeed  And indeed Allah “Indeed.” no believe/accept eeman from your nation except those who have already believed.” believed   one will

 And the nation/people of Nooh `alayhis salaam said when Nooh `alayhis salaam invited them for the second time, “O Nooh, indeed you have argued/disputed argued /disputed with us and you have increased the 31 argument so brings to us that which you have promised us if you are amongst the truthful ones.”   ones.”  And Nooh `alayhis salaam got upset/angry for the sake of Allah subhaanahu wa ta`aala and he lost hope from these people and he said, “O Allah  Allah  subhaanahu wa ta`aala do not leave anyone on the earth from the non believers.”  believers.” 

 The Boat/Ship/Ark 

 And Allah subhaanahu wa ta`aala accepted/listened to/answered the prayer/du`aa of Nooh `alayhis salaam and He intended to drown his nation. However Allah subhaanahu wa ta`aala intended/wanted the same way to save Nooh `alayhis salaam and the believers so he ordered Nooh `alayhis salaam to make a big ship.  And Nooh `alayhis salaam began/started to make a huge/large ship.  And his nation saw him in this task/work so they found a task/work.  And they started to mock/mocking/making fun of him. “What is this O Nooh? When did you become a carpenter? 32”  “We used to tell you, „Do not sit with these low class people but you did not listen to our saying 33 and you sat sat with these carpenters and blacksmith so you became a carpenter.”  carpenter.”   “Where will this ship run/move, run/move, O Nooh? Indeed all of your tasks are astonishing.”  astonishing.”   “Will it run in the sand or will it climb the mountain.” mountain.”   31 or

„you have often disputed us‟ or „you have often argued with us‟  us‟   „Since when did you become a carpenter?‟  carpenter?‟  33 or „speech‟ or „talks‟ „talk‟  „talk‟   32 or


  “The ocean is very far from here; will the jinn carry it or will the oxen/bull pull it?”  it?”    And Nooh `alayhis salaam was listening to all of that and he was practicing patience/being p atience/being patient.  And indeed he had heard severe34 than this and he was being patience/practiced patience. But he used to say to them/tell them once in a while while,, “If “If you make mock/fun of us then indeed we will also mock/make fun of you the way you are mocking/making fun.

 The Flood

 And Allah subhaanahu wa ta`aala‟s promise came so may Allah subhaanahu wa ta`aala protect us35.  And the clouds sent rain and they sent and they sent sent and they sent36. Until/To the extent as if the sky was a colander/strainer/sieve; it could not hold water.  And the water gushed and it flowed until it surrounded the the people from all/every sides.  And Allah subhaanahu wa ta`aala sent a revelation/revealed to Nooh `alayhis salaam, “Take “Take with you those who have believed in you 37 from your nation and from your family members.” members. ”   And Allah subhaanahu wa ta`aala sent a revelation to Nooh `alayhis salaam that he take with him a pair from every/all of the animal and every bird male/masculine and a female/feminine. For indeed the flood will be general; no person and no animal will be saved from it. 38   And Nooh `alayhis salaam did likewise/did it this way. So in the ship there were with him those  who believed in him from his nation and a pair from all of the animals and the birds.  And the nation/people climbed every high/elevated high/elevated place and every hill running away from the punishment of Allah subhaanahu wa ta`aala. But there is no refuge/protection from Allah subhaanahu wa ta`aala except towards him.

34 or

„worse‟ or „stronger‟ „more harsh words than these‟ these‟   „so may Allah subhaanahu wa ta`aala give us refuge‟ or „we seek refuge from Allah subhaanahu wa ta`aala‟ or „we seeks Allah subhaanahu wa ta`aala‟s refuge‟  refuge‟  36 or „they rained and rained and rained  rained and rained‟  rained‟  37 or „who believed in you‟ or „who accepted eeman upon you‟  you‟   38 or „Because the flood will be widespread; no human being or no animal will be saved from it.‟  it.‟  

35 or


 The son of Nooh `alayhis salaam 

 And Nooh `alayhis salaam had a son who was with the unbelievers.  And Nooh `alayhis salaam saw his son in the flood so he said, “O my son embark/ride/come with  with  us and don‟t be with the disbelievers.”  disbelievers.”    And the son of Nooh `alayhis salaam said said,, “I “I will soon seek refuge/protection on a mountain  which/that will protect me from the water. Nooh `alayhis salaam said, said, “There is no protector today 39 from Allah‟s Allah‟s command except upon those who40 He shows mercy to41.”  .”   And the waves came in between them so he was amongst amongst the drowned.  And Nooh `alayhis salaam was sad upon/about his son and how can he not be sad when/whereas he was his son.  And he wished/intended thatprotected/saved his son get the protection pfrom rotection fromyesterday. the Hellfire on the Day of   Judgement since he was not the water Indeed the fire is more stronger/severe than the water and indeed the punishment of the Hereafter is harsher/more harsh. Didn‟t Allah (swt) promise him that he would protect/save his family? Why not?! Indeed the promise of Allah subhaanahu wa ta`aala is true. So he wanted42 that he intercede43 for his son/on behalf of his son to Allah

subhaanahu wa ta`aala.

He is Not From Your Family `alayhis salaam called upon his Lord/called his Lord and he said,  And saidthose , “Indeed “Indeed son” is fromNooh my family and indeed your promise is true and you are most just who my judge. judge.”

But Allah subhaanahu wa ta`aala does not look at people‟s lineage but rather he looks at actions. actions.    And Allah subhaanahu wa ta`aala does not accept intercessions for/on behalf of the idol worshippers.  And the idol worshipper is not from the family family of the prophet even if he is his son.

39 or

„today there is no protector‟  protector‟  „for who‟  who‟  41 or „the one He was merciful to‟  to‟   42 or „wished‟ or „intended‟  „intended‟  43 or „he wanted/wished/intended to intercede‟  intercede‟   40 or


So Allah subhaanahu wa ta`aala informed Nooh `alayhis salaam of that44 and He He said, “O Nooh `alayhis salaam, indeed he is not from your family, indeed he is of evil actions/conduct. So do not ask me about that which you have no knowledge about 45. Indeed I warn/advise you that you be amongst/one of the ignorant ones.”  ones.”  “O my Lord, Lord, indeed I seek refuge in you from asking you 46 of that which I have no knowledge for.”   for.”  After the Flood

 And when that which Allah subhaanahu wa ta`aala had intended had happened47 and the unbelievers drowned, the rain stopped and the water sank/seeped away.  And the ship stopped48 upon the mountain of Joodi.  And it was said, “Away with  with the nation of the wrongdoers/oppressors.”49   And it was said, “O Nooh `alayhis salaam come/get down with peace.”  peace.”   And Nooh `alayhis salaam and the people of the ship came down walking w alking on the land with peace.  And the unbelievers from the nation of Nooh `alayhis salaam were destroyed so nor the sky nor the earth cried upon them.  And Allah subhaanahu wa ta`aala blessed/put barakah/blessings in the decedents of Nooh `alayhis salaam  so they spread in the earth/land and they filled the earth.  And in them there were nations and in them there were were prophets and kings. May peace be upon Nooh `alayhis salaam in all the worlds. May peace be upon Nooh `alayhis salaam in all the worlds.

44 or

„brought Nooh `alayhis salaam‟s attention to that;  that;  „about that which you do not know‟  know‟   46 or „from questioning you‟ or „that I ask you‟ or „that I question you‟  you‟   47 or „had planned/willed happened‟  48 or „became straight‟ or „became level‟  level‟   49 or „“May the fartherness/farness be for the nation of the oppressors/wrongdoers.”‟ oppressors/wrongdoers.”‟   45 or

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