QADD Quick and Dirty Dungeons

March 18, 2017 | Author: A554551N | Category: N/A
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QADD is intended to be a very rules lite system for pick-up-and play gaming. The purpose is to have fun, and kick some dungeon ass.

QADD: Quick And Dirty Dungeons v1 Written by Charlie Fleming.

The Basics: In QADD, to determine the outcome of various situations will require generating a score by rolling a die or dice, maybe many dice. If more than one die is used then the score is the total of all dice rolled. It doesn’t matter what kind of dice you have, 4,6,8,12,20, 100 or a million sided, as long as you have a number of the exact same kind. The mechanics of the game should be able to handle any size, it all depends on how high of a number you want to get. In these rules dice are referred to as d+a number, the number being the number of sides on the die. A d10 has 10 sides. Most adventures will need a Game Master(GM), someone to run the adventure, one or more players playing as characters in the game, paper, and pencils. Creating Characters: Each character in QADD has 5 main attributes that they must divide 7 points between. No attribute can have a value lower than 1 or more than 3 to start out with. The number in each attribute is equal to how many dice they will have to roll is certain situations(will be explained later). The 4 attributes are: Build: The total of your physical self. How tough and resilient you are. Brains: How smart, good at noticing things, and how good at figuring this out you are. Deftness: How well you do things. Speed: How quickly or slowly you do things. Luck: Some of us are lucky and some of us aren’t, but it may affect some outcomes.

QADD is an experiment to create a very rules lite rpg that fits on one sheet of paper(front & back). Please send all comments, and constructive critisism to : [email protected]

Character Races: Players can be one of 4 races: Humans use their attributes as is. Elves get a +1 on Speed rolls and missile attacks, but -1 on Build rolls. Dwarves get + 1 on Build rolls and axe attacks, but - 1 or Speed rolls. Hobbits get +1 on Deftness and Luck rolls, but -1 on speed. Experience and Advancement: Experience: Your character gains Experience Points(EP) every time they do something significant during the game. Every time you do battle you get EP equal to the BS score times 10 of every opponent you defeat. Defeating an orc with a BS of 2 would get you 20 EP. If a saving roll is made you get 10 times the level of difficulty(A level 2 saving roll would get you 20 EP) if the roll is successful. If you fail the roll you get 10 times half the level rounded down(failing a level 4 saving roll would get you 20 points). Levels: All characters start at level 1. To advance to the next level, a character must have accumulated 100 EP time their current level. A 2nd level character who wants to get to 3rd needs 200 EP to do it. Advancement: Every time a character goes up a level, they get an equal number of points as the level they achieved. They can use these points to add to any attributes they want. If a point is added to your Battle Score it is considered a modifier to combat rolls. You have a BS of 2 and after leveling up you decide to spend a point on your BS, so now you have a BS of 2+1(2 dice +1 to the total). If no points are spent on Build, then add the new level to your HP. Say you have 8HP and were raised to level 2 but spent the points on Brains and Luck, so your new HP would be 10.

There are two additional attributes that are are generated by some of the above: Battle Score(or BS ha!) which is generated by adding your Brains, Deftness, Speed, and Luck and dividing by 4. If the Contests and Saving Rolls: Whenever your character wants to result has a decimal below .5 then round down. If it's .5 or above round up. Every time your character goes up a level and try something during the game, other than combat, a saving roll any of these attributes increase you must recalculate your BS. must be made. The GM will assign the task a difficulty level and what attribute of the player will be needed to overcome that Hit Points(HP) are generated by rolling the number of dice as challenge. The player rolls the number of dice of their attribute your Build score and using that result as it’s value. Say you’re and the GM rolls a number of dice equal to the level of the using d12 as your dice base and your Build score is 2. You roll saving roll. The higher number wins the contest and the GM 2 12-sided dice to get a 10 and a 6. Your Hit Points would be decides the appropriate consequences A player wants his/her 16. Every time your build score is increased, roll the number of character to pick the lock to open a chest. It’s an old lock but a fairly complicated one so the GM decides it a level 2 saving dice equal to points increased and add that total to your Hit roll and rolls 2 dice. The player has a Deftness of 3 and rolls 3 Points. dice. The player has the advantage of an attribute higher than QADD is copyright Charlie Fleming. All illustrations are assumed to be in the public domain. QADD is published by Rarr! I'm A Monster Publishing.

Justin Gordon (order #4166394)

the level of the task and rolls a bigger number than the GM, so rolling a 2 would equal a starting gold amount of success is had. 30+20=50gp. ½ of 6 is 3 for 30gp plus 20gp for the roll of 2 multiplied by 10. Luck: In certain circumstances as determined by the GM or requested by the player, a saving roll using a players Luck score Arms & Armor: can be made to change the outcome of a failed saving roll. The Melee Weapons: All pluses are added to Battle Scores. chance is given a level of difficulty by the GM, like a saving Small weapons(daggers, hatchets) add +1. roll and resolved the same way. Ex: A player failing to disarm Medium weapons(short swords, clubs, axes) are +2. a trap can make a saving roll against their luck to avoid Large Weapons(long swords, spears, halbreds) are +3. damage. Extra Large Weapons are anything two handed and +4. Combat: Basic combat is resolved by both sides rolling the number of dice per their Battle Score. Who(or what)-ever rolled the higher number scores the hit. The difference of the two rolls is the damage to the loser and subtracted from their HP. A player and an orc both have BS’ of 2. They are using a d6 base so both sides roll 2d6. The player rolls an 8 and the orc rolls a 3. The orc takes 5 points of damage.

Missle Weapons:All pluses are added to Battle Scores. Small(throwing starts, thrown daggers/hatchets) are +1. Medium(arrows, crossbow bolts) are +2. Large(thrown spears) are +3. Armor: All minuses are subtracted from damage. Light or quilted armor is -1. Leather is -2.

Chainmail is -3. Platemail is -4 Multiple opponents: If the party of players is taking on more than one opponent, then each player must declare which Shields: opponent they are attacking and combat is resolved Characters wielding a 2-handed weapon cannot carry a shield. individually. More than one player may target the same opponent during combat. Likewise the GM can have more than Wood shields come in small, medium, and large at -1, -2, & -3 damage respectively. Metal ones of the same size are -2,-3, and one beastie gang up on one player. -4 damage. Alternate rule: For quicker play, or if you are playing solo, you Cost: Small weapons/shields cost 1/4(round down) of the can total the BS of the entire party vs the BS’ of all their opponents. Two characters have BS’ of 2 and 3, for a total of maximum die roll for gold. If you are using a d10 then the 5, are fighting 3 death frogs, each with a BS of 2 for a total of maximum gold would be 100 gold, therefore a dagger or small 6. The players would roll 5 dice and the death frogs would roll shield costs 10 gold. Medium items are 1/3. Large items are 2/3. Extra large are 3/4 amount. Metal shields cost 10 gp more 6. Same goes with Hit Points. than wood. Armor goes light 1/4, leather 1/3, Chainmail 2/3, Damage & Healing: Damage is subtracted from a players HP. and Platemail is 3/4. Basic dungeon delving equipment(torches, rope, rations) is assumed. The GM can Armor and shields can absorb damage. Each has a value of how much can be absorbed and is subtracted from the damage modify or add equipment at prices based on the die base they are using. taken. If their HP goes to zero, they are considered unconscious. If their HP goes below zero, they are dead. HP can be regained or healed at the rate of 1 per hour if resting or 5 Dungeon Denziens: All creatures, big and small, have a BS and HP as determined per good nights sleep. by the GM. The BS and HP should be chosen based on the size Ranged Combat: Goes the same as regular combat except for a and strength of the party and level of dungeon they are in. A distance modifier. This number is added or subtracted from the giant rat might have a BS of 1 and HP equal to 1 die. A goblin on the first level of a dungeon might be a BS of 1 and HP of 2 BS roll. The GM can determine the actual distances these dice, but one on the second level could be BS2 and HP of 3 represent. dice. Extremely close: +3, really close: +2, close: +1 Far: -1, really far:-2, extremely far:-3 This edition of QADD is considered to be the “basic set”. The rules don’t cover everything and are meant to be modified to taste by Money: 10 coppers = 1 silvers. 10 silvers = 1 gold. those who play them. Magic exists in the world of QADD, but it is All characters start with 1/2 of the die used 's max value times not necessarily wielded by the adventurers at this time. Expansions 10 plus 1 die times 10 of gold pieces. Using a d6 as base and and adventures may be forthcoming. You have permission to copy, print, and share these rules as many times as you’d like, just don’t sell them(that’s a nono).

I’d like to thank Ken St. Andre, Jeff Freels, and Shane Garvey for their awesome games and inspiration. QADD is copyright Charlie Fleming. All illustrations are assumed to be in the public domain. QADD is published by Rarr! I'm A Monster Publishing.

Justin Gordon (order #4166394)

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