Maintain a variety of interpersonal relationships in our daily lives
Some relationships are fleeting others are more substantial but casual and then we can have substantial but close relationships
Consider the nature of interpersonal relationships in 4 contexts :
a) casu casual al int inter erac acti tion on b) frie riendship c) family d) love
Casual re relationships Based on contracted interactions = people involved interact with a purpose follow socio!cultural protocol
"urpose can vary form friendly e#change $greeting the person cleaning your office everyday) to substantial and important outcome $finalising contract with builder of your house)
%elationship characterised by principles of e&uity
Means that one individuals input into and benefits form the relationship e&ual to the other
Can come to an end if one or both individuals have nothing to bring to the relationship
'#ample of newspaper p. 1(
+riendship rel relationships Based on communality = relationship is characterised by individuals responsiveness and sensitivity to one another,s needs with no calculation or cost
-ifference between a causal relationship is that gifts/ are e#changed without wanting something in return
0n a friendship relationship the end result is more important than each person,s contributions '#amples p. 1(
+amily re relationships
+amily is a comple# system
Members represent a t least * generations
0n some societies the family is an e#tended group including aunts3 uncles etc.
4B structure = lays the foundation for a child,s development prepares a child to ac&uire s5ills in interpersonal processes communication
%elationship between parent and child depends on the nature of attraction between them and the personal characteristics of the child
%esearch revealed 5 elements of the parent child relationship : 1) Admiration = degree of respect and admiration a child shows a parent *) Comradeship = degree of en6oyment of parental company 2) Trust = degree the child relies on parental integrity () Intimacy = degree to which are shared with the parent 7) Emotional closeness = degree the child identifies with parents 6oy sorrow
8he degree to which the elements are present in interaction is an i ndication of the &uality fo the relationship
Children,s personality characteristics will determine to what degree they are able to display these &ualities with their parents
8hey should be able to demonstrate goodwill3 common sense3 fairness3 resolution and moderation $e#amples p. 1(9)
+amily is the secure base the children build bu ild confidence to relate to others beyond the family
Children learn how to function outside the family by learning how to achieve their social needs
Include needs such as
1) need for inclusion = how to become part of the group *) need for control = when to lead when to follow 2) need for affection = how to handle emotions in interpersonal relationships
See e#amples of characteristics if a child has achieved above in a family p. 1(9
%omantic relatio tionships Most researchers distinguishes ! "inds of lo#e
1) romantic lo#e = has strong components of se#uality and infatuation predominates the early part of a relationship *) companionate lo#e = when we desire to have another person near have deep caring affection for the person
Most comprehensive description of love comes from %obert Sternberg $p. 17;)
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