Pwht Procedure

June 23, 2018 | Author: Mahtemeselasie Tesfamariam Hailu | Category: Thermocouple, Heat Treating, Pipe (Fluid Conveyance), Cable, Welding
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Po st W We e ld He a t Tre a tm e n t Procedure DOC DO C REF: ISB/ PWHT/  WHT/ 

Issued on: …01 June 2010…

 __________________  Binu Jos Jo se p h General General Ma nag er

Th is d o c u m e n t is iss issu e d fo r use use d b y IBR IBRA HI HIM M BIN S. S. AL A L BRA HI HIM M EST. ( IS  ) ISB  Neither Neither the w hole hole no r a ny pa rt of this this d oc ument m a y be rep rod uc ed in a ny  form form w ithout p rior written written c onsent onsent of ISB 






SCOPE …………………………………………………………………….



REFERENC ES ……………………………………………………………..









SURFACE CONDITIONS ………………………………………………...



METHOD ………………………………………………………………….






PWHT (Post Weld Hea t Trea tm ent) …………………………………..



PRECAUTIONS …………………………………………………………...



DOCUMENTATIONS …………………………………………………….



REPORT & RECORDS ……………………………………………………






Scope 1.1

This p roc ed ure sta te s explic itly in d et a il the minimum req uirem ent for the exte rna l loa d , Po st Weld Hea t Trea tm en t (PWHT) sha ll b e c a rried o ut b y the ele c tric a l resista nc e m et ho d fo r ve ssels, nozzles, pip es & e xcha ng es.


This p roc ed ure c ove rs d esc rip tion o f the e q uip me nt, metho d of hea ting, loc ation a nd type o f hea ting e leme nts temp erature m ea sureme nt and thermo c oup le loc ation.


Po st We ld Hea t Trea tm en t (PWHT) sha ll b e in a c c o rd a nc e w ith ASME B31.3, ASME B31.4 and ASME B 31.8 latest edition.

References Unless stated otherwise all codes and standards referenced in this procedure shall be of the latest issue (including revisions – addenda and supplements) and the following d oc ume nts sha ll be referred to a long with this p roc ed ure. a ) ASME Sec tion VIII Division 1 - Boiler & Pressure Ve ssels c od e, b ) ASME B31.3 - Ch em ica l Plant a nd Pet roleum Ref inery Piping  c ) ASME B31.4 - Liqu id Pet roleu m Tran sp orta tio n Piping Syste ms  d ) ASME B31.8 - Ga s Transmission a nd Distribu tio n Piping Systems 


Person ha nd ling the PWHT a c tivitie s 3.1

Health & Safety All personals working in the heat treatment shall be trained and cautioned a b o ut the p ossible p lunge rs in PWHT w o rk. It sha ll b e the resp on sibility of t he em p loyed PWHT op erat or to ensure p erson a l safety & to ensure whether the facilities with respect to scaffolding, lighting are fully sufficient, before commencement of any job. All cables shall be tied up p rop erly & ne a tly to avo id d a ma ge s to c a b les & pe rsonne l injuries to op erators.


Qualification The b a sic req uirem ent for PWHT op erat or sha ll b e tha t he shou ld e ither be a science/technical graduate or an electrical apprentice high school graduate with ba sic electrica l knowledg e to undertake the he at trea tment at the site.


Desc ription of Req uired Equip me nt & Ma terials 4.1

Equip me nt The eq uip me nt sha ll b e o f a p rop er make & it should b e b ea ring p rop er electric al po wer input/ output.

Power distribution (supply) shall be of 380/440V Ph, with either single phase secondary output or step down transformer secondary output (heat treatment unit) sup p lying low volta g e c irc uits. The te mp eratu re c on trol eq uipm ent sha ll b e operated manually or through regulators or it shall be (made) operated


a utom a tica lly with the help o f mo d ula r c ontrols. The c ha rt type tem p erature rec order sha ll be used for rec ording te mp . The freq uenc y of ca libration of te mp rec order sha ll b e three m onths & a prop er va lid sticker sha ll be disp laye d on the tem p rec order.


Materials All the connection materials required for the heat treatment, shall be of sta nda rd q uality & it shall be selec ted free of d efec ts.


Surfac e Cond itions The w eld s to b e he a t trea te d sha ll b e p rep a red free of g rea ses, lubric a nts d ust a nd c oa tings to a void d am a ge & short circ uiting of a c c essories eq uip me nts. Prior to the sta rt o f the PWHT, co mp on ent sha ll b e c hec ked to ensure t ha t a ll restrains are removed and the component is free to expand and contract and suitable and suffic ient sup p orts a re u sed . During heat treatment it shall be necessary to protect from oxidation the mechanical surfac es line flang e fa c es, threa d ed holes, threa d s b y the a p p lic at ion o f c oa ting suc h a s de oxaluminite or any ot her suita b le c oa ting ma terial. PWHT sha ll follow a ll we lding a nd rep a irs b ut sha ll b e p erform ed p rior to a ny hyd ro te st or other loa d test. Where p ra ctica ble, open p ipe ends of c om po nent shall be closed off to p revent the c oo ling effec ts assoc ia ted with d ra ughts (chimney e ffec ts). Heating elements shall be securely fixed in contact with the work piece by stainless steel or mild steel banding to suit the application. Under no circumstances shall g a lvanized wire o r ot her fixings likely to b e d et riment a l to t he p ipe m a te rial be u tilized . Up on c om p letion o f the Post Weld Heat Trea tme nt, the the rmo c oup le sha ll be removed and the areas of attachment dressed by either grinding or filling before being non-destructively examined using either dye penetrate or magnetic particle inspection methods by Client (if required) Client’s representative will sign and date the c olumn insp ec tion a fter Hea t Trea tme nt.



Method The p roc ed ure for PWHT ha s to b e follow ed for the va rious ste el g ra d es a s m ent ioned below. Material Grade Alloy Steels ASTM A 335 P4

Tem p era ture Range 7050 - 7490

Hea ting/ Soa king Tim e 2 Hrs/ 25m m w a ll th ic kne ss so a king 2 hrs m inimu m

Ra te of Hea ting 1000 C /  Hrs/25mm wall thickness

Ra te of Cooling 1000 C / hrs /  25mm wa ll thickness

7050 - 7600

2 Hrs/ 25m m w a ll th ic kne ss so a king 2 hrs m inimu m 2 Hrs/ 25m m w a ll th ic kne ss so a king 2 hrs m inimu m 2 Hrs/ 25m m w a ll th ic kne ss so a king 2 hrs m inimu m 1 Hrs/ 25m m w a ll th ic kne ss so a king 1 hrs m inimum

1000 C / Hrs/  25mm wa ll thickness 1000 C / Hrs/  25mm wa ll thickness 1000 C / Hrs/  25mm wa ll thickness 2220 C / Hrs/  25mm wa ll thickness

1000 C / hrs /  25mm wa ll thickness 1000 C / hrs /  25mm wa ll thickness 1000 C / hrs /  25mm wa ll thickness 2220 C / hrs /  25mm wa ll thickness

7050 - 7490

7300 - 7900

5900 - 6500

7.0 7.1

Ba sic Req uirem ents to c a rryo ut PWHT a nd the m etho d olo g y Thermo c oup les a ) The th ermo c oup les sha ll b e o f the typ e ‘ K’ i.e. nickel-c hrom ium / nickel – a luminum typ e in a c c orda nc e with BS 1041. Pa rt – 4. The the rmo c ou p les shou ld ha ve initial c a lib ra tion check.  All the the rmo c oup le w ires should ha ve va lid c ertific a te o f co nforma nc e w ith a to leranc e of 305mm ≤610 – 3 T/ C. III. Fo r p ipe s ha ving d iam et er > 610; - 4 T/ C. If multiple he a ting zone s a re used b eing no t m onitored b y a prima ry T/ C, then a d d itiona l req uirem ent s of T/ C shou ld b e d one . d ) Fo r loc a lized PWHT of ve ssels it sho uld b e m o nito red using a m inim um of fo ur set s o f the rmo c oup les, with ea c h set ha ving o ne T/ C o n the inside & o utside surfa c es. The positioning of each set shall be done on the weld center line at 90 0 spa c ing a round the vessel c irc um ferenc e. We ma y req uire a d d itiona l T/ C if multiple hea ting zone s a re used & wh en it is not m onito red b y a p rim a ry set o f T/ C. As per client’s requirement or as per code additional thermocouples shall be fixed to c onfirm hot zone or grad ient limitation. •

e ) Thermoc oup le extension c a b le should b e nec essarily c omp ensa ting c ab le with connec tion through p lug & soc ket a s Cop pe r lea d (+ve) to nickel chromium (Non Ma gnetic) Co nsta nta n lea d (-ve) to nickel a luminum (Mag netic) f)


c op p er-c onsta nta n

The th ermo c oup les & p ositions sha ll b e ide ntified on th e p a rticula r te mp eratu re rec ording c hart by numb er of c olour / symb ol of sta mp

g ) After the c om p letion of PWHT rem ove the the rmo c oup les & g round smo othly the a rea , to clean & we thus achieve sound metal. As per the specification / instruction of the insp ec to r the a rea s a re t o b e e xa mined b y MT or PT a fter grind ing.


7.2 I.



IV. V.

7.3 I.



IV. V.

Elements The c irc um ferential ba nd w idth w hich ha s to b e he a te d sha ll b e m inimum Six (6) time s the thickness of the shell material being welded from each edge of the weld, but not less tha n25mm , wh iche ver is g rea ter. The ma terial temp erature shall exce ed half the hea t trea tme nt temp erature ove r a b a nd at least 2.5 □ Rt w here ‘ R’ is the b ore rad ius & ‘ t’ is the nom inal wa ll thickne ss on ea c h side of the we ld times. For welds on pipes diameter≥250mm, the elements shall be divided in to two or more c ontrol zone s, b eing to p & b otto m w ith p a ds a pp lied symm etric a lly. If the e lem ents a rrang em ents is not b eing c a p a b le o f d esired c onfigura tion the n. The c ente r time c irc umferential ga p b etw ee n two ba nd s sha ll not e xc ee d 30mm o r ‘ t’ w hic he ve r is lesse r. The long itudinal ga p s be twe en eleme nts sha ll not b e mo re tha n the wa ll thic kness or 50mm, whichever is less. We should be careful to ensure that there are no gaps in 6’O clock position. If the w elds a re o f two sep a ra te w a ll thickne ss the n the e leme nts sho uld b e so a rra ng ed to give sid e to sid e c ontrol in ad dition to top & b otto m c ontrol. In the c a se o f inc lined or vertic a l we ld s the p a d s sha ll b e a rrang ed ab out the we ld to g ive indep end ent co ntrol ab ove & b elow w eld ce nterline. Elem ents are a tta c hed by Bla c k a nnea led iron wire Mild stee l 12mm wide b a nd ing stra p . The rma l Insula tion Therma l insulation should b e a c hieved b y follow ing m ea ns. With c era m ic fib er, usua lly in sta inless ste el m esh a s fo rm of m a t, minimu m d en sity of Wool, mineral with m inimu m d ensity o f 80Kg / m3 96Kg / m 3 The insula tion d ista nc e shall be up to a minimum d ista nc e o f 305mm b eyond the e dg es of the hea ting b and s or up to a distanc e d etermined by the produc t of b ore rad ius times the m a xim um w a ll thic kness w hic he ve r is less. The num be r of layers & e xtent of insulat ed area shall be d ep end ent on * Wall thickness * Pip e o r fitting d iame ter * Gra d ient requirem ent * Site c on d ition s In a ll c a ses the m inim um req uirem en t sha ll b e t w o (2) laye rs for d en sities (80Kg / m3 & 96Kg / m 3) Insulation shall be fixed using black annealed iron wire taking care, not damaging or c utting into the insulation. By follow ing p rop er PWHT c yc les, the item or the p a rticular joint sha ll b e c om p leted & th e c oo ling rate should be c ontrolled unde r insula tion.


7.4. I. II. III.


8.0. I.




9.0. I. II.

Tem p era ture Rec ord ing Tem p erat ure rec orde rs sha ll be c a lib ra te d a fter eve ry three m on ths or afte r rep a ir. The c a lib ra tion c ertific a te should b e kep t & a sticker shou ld b e stuc k on th e instrum ent . The te mp eratu re rec orde r sha ll b e o f the p ot entiom et ric self-c om p ensa ting typ e. The c hart should a lso b e a tta c hed to rec ord a ll rea dings. The sp ee d of the c ha rt should b e a d justed a t 25mm / hr, rec ording a ll monitoring of thermocouples, it should also be giving information’s of the difference in temperatures a nd the d ifferent trend s d uring the he at ing & c oo ling c ycle. The time te mp erature c ha rt should b e reco rd ing the hea t trea tme nt of those w elds unde rg oing the sa me c ycle for any pa rticula r sec tion. PWHT (Post Weld ed Hea t Trea tm e nt) Applicable codes shall be adhered to while demy stress relieving reductions in soak te mp erature, whic h a re a llow ed b y ASME sec . vii (Dir 1), a re no t p ermitted if hea t treatment is required due to service condition (sour service) or in cases where hardness c ont rols a re sp ec ified . Stress relieving t ime te mp erat ure sha ll b e a p p lica b le ove r a n a rea of m in 6t inche s (t = wa ll thickne ss of p ipe ) on b ot h side s of t he w eld b ut it should not b e less tha n 1” on b ot h side s. Sta rt the hea t trea tme nt c ycle on a n auto prog ra m w here in hea ting ra te sha ll not m ore than 2220C per hour, divided by maximum material thickness in inches, but in no case ab ove 2220C o n rea c hing 3160C . The soa k temp erature is d ete rmined or ad justed a s a me a n d ifferenc e in the up p er & lowe r limits. The m a ximum va riation in tem p erature sho uld no t b e m ore tha n 400C . So a king time sta rts whe n a ll thermo c oup les ac hieve this tem p erature. The c oo ling ra tes shou ld no t b e m ore tha n 2220C / hr divided by maximum material thickne ss in inc hes b ut no c a se a b ove 2220C . After attaining 3160C p owe r c ould b e turned off & on co oling the we ld to b elow 1500C the insulation / eleme nts c ould b e rem ove d. The m inim um soa king time sha ll b e o ne ho ur. The PWHT soa k pe riod sha ll b e in a c c orda nc e with the 80% limita tions as a p p lica b le t o the PQR’ s used d uring fab ric a tion. The c ont ra c to r’ s PQR c ould b e refe rred wh ile d oing PWHT. Precautions Che c k all ca b le c onne c tions using p rop er plugs & soc kets. Protec t the pow er c ab les & thermo co uple ca ble from d am ag e.

10.0. Documentations I. Proc ure the ap p rova l of the PWHT c ycle & a ssignm ent for the we ld joint to b e he a t treat ed . The d et a ils to b e inc lude d in the w ork shee t a re a s follow s: Ma te rial, wa ll thickne ss of shell, hea ting & c oo ling rat es, soa king t em p erat ure & t ime. II. Inform the c lient if you notice any d eviation in the hea t trea tme nt c ycle. 11.0.

Rep o rt & Rec o rds


The he a t trea tme nt c ycle c ha rt shall b e treate d a s the p roo f & rec ord for any h.t completion. ISB te c hnician s will fill out t he rec ord shee ts of Hea t Trea tm ent (sa mp le a tta c hed ) p rior to sta rt o f a ny PWHT a nd c lient sha ll autho rize sp ec ifica tions c om p lying w ith g ove rning c od e. On c om p letion, the rec ord of the Heat Trea tme nt along with cha rt will b e subm itted to the c lient, as minimum the follow ing informa tion will be p rovide d : a . Client Id ent ity b . Contrac t/ Job Ide ntity c . Sp ec ifica tion Det a ils d . Spo ol numbe r, diamete r and weld numb ers e . Ma teria l sp ec ifica tion f. Thermoc oup le loca tions g . Hea ting a nd C oo ling Ra te h. Soa king (holding ) time i. Tec hnic ian na me  j. Location map of particular vessels k. Date a nd C hart spe ed Rec ords sha ll be ma intained for a m a ximum of three m onths with a ll cha rts & d oc ume nts.


TABLE 1 Typ ic a l Ap p lic a tion For Ce ra m ic Hea ting Elem ents Elem ent CP3

Dim ensions *WxL 75 x 670

Volts 60

KW 2.7


100 x 500



150 x 330




205 x 250




255 x 205



305 x 165




380 x 145




410 x 125




535 x 100



610 x 85



1200 x 45



255 x 85




500 X 45




635 X 330






Ide ntity

Hea vy wa ll hea ting elem ents

Stand ard hea ting elements

Long strip heating elements

CP48 CP10L

Sho rt strip he a ting e leme nts


* The w idt h W – d eno tes the d ista nc e a c ross the ta ils in mm L  – d eno tes the leng th in mm





Document# ……………………….


Approved by: General Manager

Issue date: ………………………………



DIA ≤ 305 MM

DIA > 305 MM ≤ 610 MM

DIA > 610 MM

NOTE: 1. "

" is Thermocouple Location

2. Additional Thermocouple wil l be used i f multipl e heat control zones are used, in which a controlzone is monitored by any of the Primary Thermocouple.



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