PWD Form 203A (Rev. 10/83) Contract THIS FORM IS TO BE USED WHERE BILLS OF QUANTITIES FORM PART OF THE CONTRACT CONTRACT No………………. OF 20… Expenditure to be met from:
Head………………………… Sub- Head…………………… Year of ……………………… ARTICLES OF AGREEMENT
A contract made the ………… day of ………………, 20….. between the Government of ………………, hereinafter called “the Government” of the one part and ……………………………………………………………………………………………… Of (or whose registered office situated at)………………………………………………… at)………………………………………………… hereinafter called “the Contractor”, of the other part. Whereas the Government is desirous of ……………………………………………………………………………………………… at …………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………… …………… (hereinafter called “the Works”) and has caused Drawings, Bills of Quantities and Specification describing the work to be done to be prepared. And whereas the said Drawings numbered …………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………… ……………… (hereinafter referred to as the “Contract Drawings”), and the Bills of Quantities, Qu antities, Specification, Form of Tender and Letter of Acceptance of Tender have been signed by or on behalf of the parties hereto: Now it is hereby agreed as follows: 1. In this Contract Contract words words and expressio expressions ns shall have have the same meanings meanings as are respecti respectively vely assigned assigned to them in the Conditions of Contract hereinafter referred to. 2. The following following documents documents shall shall be deemed deemed to form form and be read read and construed construed as part part of this this contract, contract, viz: (a) Articl Articles es of Agreemen Agreementt (b) Form Form of Tender Tender (c) Letter Letter of Accepta Acceptance nce of Tender (d) Conditions Conditions of Contract Contract and the Appendix annexed annexed thereto, thereto, (e) Special Special Provisions Provisions to Conditions Conditions of Contract Contract for: (i) (ii) (iii)
………………………… .………………………… …………………………
(f) Contra Contract ct Drawin Drawings gs (g) Bills Bills of Quantities Quantities (h) Specif Specificat ication ion (i) Treasury’ Treasury’ss Instruction Instruction as are set out in Appendix Appendix to the Conditions Conditions of Contract. Contract.
3. In considerat consideration ion of the payments payments to be made by the Governme Government nt to the Contractor Contractor as hereinaf hereinafter ter mentioned, the contractor hereby covenants with the Government to construct and complete the Works and make good any defects whatsoever to the works in conformity in all respects with the provisions of this Contract. 4. The Government Government hereby hereby covenants covenants to pay the Contract Contractor or in considerati considerations ons of the construct construction ion and completion of the Works and making good any defects whatsoever to the Works the sum of Malaysian Ringgit: …………………………… ……………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………… …………………………… (M$ ……………………) or such other sum as shall become payable under and at the times and in the manner specified in the Conditions of Contract. In witness whereof the parties hereto have hereunto set their respective hands the day and year first above written. Signed by the said
……………………………………. Contractor’s Signature (Name in full…………………… full……………………….) ….) In the capacity of ………………….. ………………………………………… In the presence of Name…………………………………… Address………………………………… Description…………………………….. Signed by the
………………………………………… For and on behalf of the Government ……………………………………. Contractor’s Signature (Name in full…………………… full……………………….) ….) In presence of Name…………………………………… Address………………………………… Designation……………………………..
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