PV776 89172266 PDF

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Mack Mac k Trucks, rucks, Inc. Greensboro, Greensbo ro, NC USA

Servic Serv ice e Bu Bull llet etin in Trucks

This service service bulle bulletin tin replaces replaces SB 431-03, “Transm “Transmissio ission, n, Design Design and Function” dated 12.2013. Function”












Design and Function mDRIVE Transmiss Transmission ion

Trans ransmiss mission ion,, Design Design and Function Function


The mDRIVE mDRIVE transm transmissio ission n is a techn technologi ologicall cally y advan advanced ced automated mechanical transmission, designed specifically to work in conjunction conjunction with MAC MACK's K's new famil family y of heavyduty diesel diesel engin engines. es. In order to work as a total package, package, the mDRIVE is programmed with each engine's efficiency map and is offered offered with dif different ferent software software optio options ns to fulfill each operators operators needs needs.. Note: This bulletin bulletin also applies applies to Mack Trucks Austra Australia. lia.

•   “Transm “Transmissio ission, n, Mechanica Mechanical”, l”, page 2



USA67 9


Mack Trucks, Mack rucks, Inc. Inc. Service Bulletin














Transmission, Mechanical General  All variants of the MACK mDRIVE have 12 forward speeds and up to 4 reverse speeds speeds depend depending ing on progra programmi mming. ng. It is a single single count countershaf ershaftt transm transmissi ission on buil builtt up wi with th a splitter splitter section, a main section section with thr three ee forwar forward d and one revers reverse e gear gear,, and a range gear se section ction.. It is an autom automated ated mechanica mechanicall transmissi transm ission on and uses sync synchroni hronizers zers in its splitte splitterr and range gears but not in the main section. The main section utilizes a countershaft counte rshaft brake to mesh gears and equaliz equalize e shaft speed speeds s as needed. A single disc autom automated ated clutch clutch system is utilize utilized d in place of a torque conve converter rter.. The mDRIVE is a "two pedal" transmissi transm ission on and does not require a clutch pedal.

these component components. s. The air is plumbed plumbed to the transmissi transmission on via a supply line line and is distribu distributed ted to the other components components internally inter nally. The air control solenoids solenoids are housed in the transmission miss ion contro controll housi housing ng and in the clutch control valve assembly. Multiple Multip le mD mDRIV RIVE E mod models els wil willl be offered offered to suppo support rt the powerr range powe ranges s of the engines engines as well as offering offering diff different erent gear arran arrangemen gements. ts.

The mDRIVE mDRIVE uses compresse compressed d air and elec electrical trical solenoids solenoids to perform shift func functions tions,, clutch co control ntrol and countershaf countershaftt brake functions functions.. All of these fu functio nctions ns are time timed d and controlled trolle d by the transm transmissi ission on contro controll modu module le (TCM (TCM). ). A dedi dedi-cated air tank is needed on the vehicle to supply air for 



Forward Forwa rd Spee Speeds ds


Engines Engin es Ava Available ilable


Overall Overa ll Ratio Top Ratio Weigh Wei ghtt lbs (kg) (kg)





Two Pedal

Two Pedal

Two Pedal










Direct 1. 1 .00:1

Overdrive 0. 0.78:1

Overdrive 0. 0.78:1

614 (279)

614 (279)

627 (285)


Mack Trucks, Mack rucks, Inc. Service Bulletin


Date 11.2014











Transmission Tran smission Identification Each transmissio transmission n has two identif identificati ication on tags. One is found on the top of the clutch hous housing ing and the other is found on the back of the range range housi housing. ng. The tran transmiss smission ion version version can be readily readily ident identified ified by the fol followin lowing g nome nomenclatu nclature re table. table.




TmD12AD, Tm T mD12AO a an nd TmD12AO23

Transmission Nomenclature


TmD — Transmissi Transmission on mDRIVE 12 — Numbe Numberr of for forward ward gears  A — Automatic D — Direct drive O — Overdrive 23 — Torq orque ue Cap Capaci acity ty 2300 2300 ft-lb (31 (3100 00 Nm) Nm)

Gear Ratio Gear ratio ratios s for TmD12AD TmD12AD,, TmD1 TmD12AO, 2AO, and TmD12AO TmD12AO23 23 are as sh shown own iin n the table: table:


Gear select selection ion

12 gea geared red TmD TmD12A 12AD D

12 geared geared TmD TmD12A 12AO O and TmD12AO23











































Reverse Reve rse gear R1




Reverse Reve rse gear R2




Reverse Reve rse gear R3




Reverse Reve rse gear R4





Mack Trucks, Mack rucks, Inc. Inc. Service Bulletin


Date 11.2014











Transm Tr ansmissio ission n Construct Construction ion The transmiss transmission ion has three main p parts: arts: a clutch housing, housing, main housing housing a and nd range housi housing. ng. The clu clutch tch hou housin sing g (1) also forms forms the front front wall of the transm transmissio ission n housing. housing. The main hou housin sing g (2) contai contains ns the main, main, count counter er and rever reverse se

shafts along along with the selector selector assembly assembly which which is integrated integrated into the transmi transmission ssion contro controll housing. housing. The range housing housing (3) contai contains ns the range planetary planetary gear assem assembly bly and output shaft.


1 Clutc Clutch h housi housing ng 2 Mai Main n hou housin sing g 3 Range housi housing ng


Mack Trucks, Mack rucks, Inc. Service Bulletin


The main main intern internal al parts in the transmissi transmission on are the inp input ut shaft (1), main shaft (2), range gear with s selec elector tor unit (3), countershaft counte rshaft (4), oil p pump ump with reverse reverse shaft (5), contro controll housing housi ng with selec selector tor unit (6) and if equipped equipped,, a power takeoff (PTO) (PTO) drive shaft (7).

Date 11.2014









2 Mai Main n sha shaft ft 3 Range gear with selector selector unit 4 Count Countershaf ershaftt 5 Oil pump with revers reverse e shaft 6 Contro Controll housi housing ng with selector selector unit 7 Drive shaft for PTO

Page 5(44)

The trailing trailing wheel for the reverse reverse gear, gear, the main gears and the range sections sections sun gear are loc located ated on the main shaft. shaft. The range range section section also inco incorporat rporates es plane planetary tary gears tha thatt are integrated integ rated with the output output shaft. The counter countershaft shaft has fix fixed ed gears.


1 In Inpu putt shaf shaftt



Mack Trucks, Mack rucks, Inc. Inc. Service Bulletin















Synchronization (A) is synchronized. •   The spl split it gear  gear (A) •   The main transmission housing gears (B) are non— synchronized, synchroniz ed, but instea instead d utilize utilize a countershaft countershaft brake to equalize equal ize sha shaft ft speed speeds s and mes mesh h the gea gears. rs. For more more information forma tion see, page 12 . gear (C) is synchronized. •   The range gear (C)


Range Gear  The range gears synchroni synchronization zation lies outsi outside de the ring gear gear,, reduci red ucing ng the uni unit's t's len length gth.. The lar large ge syn synchr chroni onizat zation ion area area results in short selec selection tion time; time; the wide pla planetary netary gears offer  offer  strength streng th and the hel helical ical ge gears ars resul resultt in a quiet planetary planetary gear  operation.


Range gear assembly assembly with sele selector ctor unit


Mack Trucks, Mack rucks, Inc. Service Bulletin


Date 11.2014











Control Cont rol Housing Housing Assembly Assembly The control housi housing ng assembly contai contains ns the transm transmissi ission on controll modu contro module le (TCM (TCM), ), shift solen solenoids, oids, countershaft countershaft brake solenoid, solen oid, gear position position senso sensors, rs, oil temp temperatur erature e senso sensorr, shaft speed sensors, the shift forks and their shift cylinders. When a gear is selected using the gear selector, these components ponen ts work in conjunct conjunction ion with the en engine gine control control modu module le (ECM)) to reduce the (ECM the engin engine e torque to a suitable level, level, before the control control housi housing ng shifts the tra transmi nsmission ssion to neutral and then to the selected gear. gear. The solenoids are used to control pressurized pressu rized air to c cylind ylinders, ers, that perfor perform m the actio action n of changchanging the gears. The control housi housing ng also contai contains ns and controls the counte countershaft rshaft brake soleno solenoid. id. This solenoid solenoid controls air pressure pressure to the brake assembl assembly y whic which h aids in synchronizsynchronizing the shaft shaft speed speeds s to mesh th the e main g gears. ears. After the transtransmission has been put into neutral, the ECM begins to adjust engine engin e speed (RPM) to accommo accommodate date the selected selected gear  after the shift take takes s place.



The con contro troll hou housin sing g cov cover er has two ele electr ctrica icall socket sockets s and and al also so cont contai ains ns th the e TCM. TCM. 1 Vehicle communication 2 Clutch cylinder 



Mack Trucks, Mack rucks, Inc. Inc. Service Bulletin



Date 11.2014










The contro controll housin housing g cov cover er con contain tains s nin nine e sol soleno enoid id va valv lves es that that co cont ntro roll the the pa path th of pres pressu suri rize zed d ai air: r: 2.


Sole Solenoid noid valve 2nd gear 

LR.   Solenoid Solenoid valve valve,, low range 3.


Sole Solenoid noid valve 3rd gear 

HR.   Sole Solenoid noid valve valve,, high range B.


Solenoid Solenoid valve valve,, brake

LS.   Sole Solenoid noid valve valve,, low split R.


Solenoid Solenoid valve valve,, revers reverse e

HS.   Sole Solenoid noid valve valve,, high spli splitt 1.


Sole Solenoid noid valve 1st gear  W4002918

Overdrive Transmiss Transmissions ions



Solenoid valve 2nd gear 

LR.   Solenoid valve, low range 3.   Solenoid valve 3rd gear  HR.   Solenoid valve, high range B.


Solenoid valve, brake

HS.   Solenoid valve, high split R.


Solenoid valve, reverse

LS.   Solenoid valve, low split 1.


Solenoid valve 1st gear 


Mack Trucks, Mack rucks, Inc. Service Bulletin






Direct Drive Transmiss Transmission ion












Mack Trucks, Mack rucks, Inc. Inc. Service Bulletin


Date 11.2014











Th The e follo followi wing ng show shows s th the e loca locati tion ons s of th the e four four para paralle llell cylind cyl inders ers and one of the cyl cylind inder er pos positio ition n sensor sensors. s. A. Split cylinder  B. 1/R cylinder  C. 2/3 cylinder  D. Range cylinder  E. Spli Splitt cylinder cylinder position position senso sensor  r 


Th The e foll follow owin ing g show shows s th the e loca locatio tions ns of th the e ot othe herr th thre ree e cy cyllinder ind er positio position n sensor sensors s and the spe speed ed sensor sensors. s. A. Rang Range e cylin cylinder der position position sensor  sensor  B. Coun Countersha tershaft ft speed sensor  C. Main shaft speed sensor  D. 2nd/3 2nd/3rd rd gear cylinder cylinder positi position on senso sensor  r  E. 1st/rev 1st/reverse erse cylinder cylinder position position sensor  sensor 



Mack Trucks, Mack rucks, Inc. Service Bulletin





The follo The followi wing ng show shows s the the lo loca cati tion ons s of the the othe otherr th thre ree e shift shi ft forks. forks. 1. 1st-Re 1st-Reverse verse gear shift fork 2. 2nd-3 2nd-3rd rd gear shi shift ft fork 3. Spl Splitt itter er gea gearr shift shift fork fork













Mack Trucks, Mack rucks, Inc. Inc. Service Bulletin


Date 11.2014











Countershaft Brake The countersh countershaft aft brake is is located located at the fron frontt of the countercountershaft within within the clutch housin housing. g. It is used to stop the rotating parts in the transm transmissi ission on when a start starting ing gear is selected, selected, which eliminate eliminates s transm transmissio ission n wear and noise. The brake is also used when changing changing gears, gears, to aid in synch synchroniz ronizing ing the shaft speeds speeds for quicke quickerr gear ch changes anges.. It is activated activated by a solenoid solen oid conta contained ined in the control housi housing. ng. The solen solenoid oid controls pressuriz pressurized ed air flow to the brake brakes s integr integrated ated pneumatic pneumatic cylinder cylin der which applies applies pressu pressure re to friction friction and steel steel d disc isc plates.


Countersha Coun tershaft ft brake location location


Countersha Coun tershaft ft brake discs


Mack Trucks, Mack rucks, Inc. Service Bulletin





Clutch  All mDRIVE equipped vehicles have a single disc, dry type clutch. The pressure plate used in the vehicles will vary depending on the engine that the vehicle is built with. V Vehicles ehicles equipped equip ped with the MP7 or MP8 eng engines, ines, will use a non ad justable pressure plate while the MP10 equipped vehicles will use use a self adjustin adjusting g press pressure ure plate. plate. Due to the self self ad justing nature of the MP10's pressure plate, it's necessary to to cage the adjusting adjusting syste system m prior to pressu pressure re plate re remova moval. l. The adjuster adjuster can not be reset if not caged properl properly y. All clutch and pressure pressure plates are repl replaced aced in matc matched hed sets. The mDRIVE mDRIVE clutch iis s fully au automate tomated d and is actu actuated ated by a clutch cyli cylinder nder moun mounted ted behin behind d the pressur pressure e plate plate.. This auautomation tomati on incl includes udes clutch protection protection that is programmed programmed into the transm transmissi ission on contro controll modul module e (TCM (TCM)) softwa software. re. If a vehic vehicle le is held station stationary ary on a grade using tthe he acce accelerato leratorr or too high gear is selected which allows excessive clutch slippage or load, a “clut “clutch ch protecti protection on active”war active”warning ning or “high clutch load” warni warning ng will appea appearr in the C Co-Pil o-Pilot® ot® displ display ay and a an n audible audib le warning. warning. If these warnings warnings are ignored ignored the clu clutch tch will will slowly slowl y engage to protec protectt the clut clutch. ch. If the accel accelerator erator pedal (AP) is relea released sed the clutch will immediately immediately disengage. disengage.













Mack Trucks, Mack rucks, Inc. Inc. Service Bulletin


Date 11.2014










Page 14(44)

Clutch Cylinder  The clutch clutch cylind cylinder er is locate located d insi inside de the clutch housing. housing. This fully automat automated ed cylin cylinder der encircles encircles the input input shaft and is responsible spons ible for the actua actuation tion of the clutch. clutch. Compressed Compressed air is used to move move the cy cylinde linderr as needed needed to actua actuate te the clutch. clutch. The pressurized pressurized air air,, is regulated by the clutch cont control rol valve located locate d on the outside of the clutch housing. housing. The clutch cyli cylinder nder also house houses s the relea release se bearing. bearing. In s situaituations where the mDRIVE is unintentionally unintentionally left in gear and the parking parking brake has bee been n applie applied, d, the transm transmissio ission n control control module mod ule (TC (TCM) M) wil willl aut automa omatic ticall ally y go into neu neutral tral aft after er a per period iod of four four min minutes. utes. This p provide rovides s protection protection against against release release bearing beari ng damag damage e as wel welll as crank crank s shaft haft tthrust hrust bearing bearing wear  and damage.  A clutch cylinder position sensor is mounted to the outside of the cylinder. cylinder. It is used to monitor clutch pos position ition and clutch engagement engag ement point. point. As a seconda secondary ry responsibi responsibility lity it is used used to calculate calculate clutc clutch h wear wear.. There are two clutc clutch h position position reference values that are necessary necessary in monitoring the clutch. 1 X1 V Value alue — Thi This s is the base line line val value ue set whe whenever never a new clutch is installed. installed. This is done using the scan tool by performing performing the “Clutch Engag Engagement ement Poin Pointt Calibration”. Calibration”. 2 X2 V Value alue — Thi This s is the value value that rep represent resents s the pres present ent position posi tion of the clutch.



Mack Trucks, Mack rucks, Inc. Service Bulletin


Date 11.2014


Clutch Clutc h Control Valve The clutch clutch control valve is loca located ted on the outside of the clutch housing housing.. It control controls s the supp supply ly of compressed compressed air to the clutch cylinder cylinder to control clutc clutch h engage engagement ment and disen disen-gagement. gagem ent. The control valve conta contains ins four solenoid valv valves. es. There are two engag engagemen ementt valves, valves, one slow and one fast. There are also two diseng disengagem agement ent valve valves, s, one slow and one fast. These valves valves can be used alone or together as needed to achiev needed achieve e the desir desired ed engag engagemen ementt or disengagedisengagement speed speed.. The valve al also so contai contains ns a serviceable serviceable filte filterr to preventt contam preven contaminant inants s from enteri entering ng the cl clutch utch cylinder  cylinder  through the air supply supply..











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Mack Trucks, Mack rucks, Inc. Inc. Service Bulletin


Date 11.2014











Page 16(44)

Lubricati Lubr ication on System System CAUTION Never reuse drained mDRIVE oil. The oil must must be replaced along with the oil filter. filter. Reusing drained oil can result in damage to transmiss transmission ion comp components onents.. The transmis transmission sion is lub lubricat ricated ed throug through h a combinat combination ion of  pressure from an oil pump a pressure and nd splashing. splashing. The oil is led in into to

the main main shaft to llubric ubricate ate and coo cooll the rang range e gears, the input shaft and mai main n shaft bea bearings rings.. The countersha countershaft ft brake and output output shaft bearings, bearings, are also lubricate lubricated. d. The lubri lubricacation system has two overflow valves. One valve ensures ensures that the transmissio transmission n is lubricated lubricated if the filter gets blocked blocked while while the other other preven prevents ts excessive excessive pressure pressure in the the system, system, e.g. during durin g cold star start. t. The valves valves are made up of a compressi compression on spring sprin g and a valve peg. peg.


T4021730 T4021729

Overflow valve to ensure that the transmission transmission is lubricated. lubricated. Overflow Overflo w valve to prevent excessiv excessive e oil pressure.


Mack Trucks, Mack rucks, Inc. Service Bulletin


Date 11.2014


Oill Pu Oi Pump mp The oil pump pump is an eccentr eccentric ic pump. pump. It is driven of offf of the reverse gear gear. The oil is filtered filtered by a cartridge cartridge style fi filter lter on the pressure pressu re side of the pump.

Oill Filt Oi Filter  er  The transmiss transmission ion oil filter filter is locate located d in a filter housi housing ng that is bolted bolte d to the outside outside of the main ho housing using.. It is a cartridge style filter filter.. A filter suppo support rt tube is inte integrated grated in the cover to preven pre ventt the fil filter ter fro from m col collap lapsin sing. g. The top por portio tion n of the housing contains the inlet and outlet ports for the oil cooler  lines.











Page 17(44)


Mack Trucks, Mack rucks, Inc. Inc. Service Bulletin


Date 11.2014

Oill Co Oi Cool oler  er  The transmissio transmission n oil coole coolerr is mounte mounted d to the transmission transmission.. It uses an engin engine e thermosta thermostatt contro controlled lled coola coolant nt circuit. circuit. Coolant is pulled from from the engin engine e block to supply coo coolant lant to the oil plate heat exchanger exchanger.. Oil is exchange exchanged d betwe between en the plate cooler and oil filter.













Mack Trucks, Mack rucks, Inc. Service Bulletin


Date 11.2014











Oill Le Oi Leve vell The oil is is draine drained d via a plug a att the botto bottom m (1A) and and/or /or a plug on the right side (1B) of the transmiss transmission. ion. Note: There are tw two o oil drain plugs. plugs. The oil fill plug (3), is on the right side side.. Check the oil level through throug h the sight glass glass (2).


1A. Drain plug at the bott bottom om of the transmission transmission,, 1B. Drain plug on the right side of the transmission, transmission, 2. Sight glass, 3. Fill plug and level.


Sight glass for checking checking the oil level.


Mack Trucks, Mack rucks, Inc. Inc. Service Bulletin


Date 11.2014











Ventilation Case ventilati ventilation on is enhanc enhanced ed to add intern internal al case vent venting. ing. This extends oil life life and maintenance intervals.


1. Plugged vent.


1. Vent holes.


Mack Trucks, Mack rucks, Inc. Service Bulletin


Date 11.2014











Electrical Elect rical System System Sensor Sen sors s and Ele Electri ctrical cal Con Connec nectio tions ns

W4002911 W4002910

Wiring Wirin g harness harness c connec onnector tor (2) to the clutch control control valve valve.. 1. Vehicl Vehicle e communication 2. Clutch control control valve 3. Speed sensor 


General Gener al wiring wiring harness harness routing. routing.


Mack Trucks, Mack rucks, Inc. Inc. Service Bulletin















Pneumatic Pneu matic System System Compre Com presse ssed d Air Con Connec nectio tions ns Compressed Comp ressed air is used to perform the shifting, shifting, clutc clutch h disengagement and counte gagement countershaft rshaft brake enga engagemen gement. t. The compressed presse d air is controlled controlled by soleno solenoid id valve valves. s. A dedicated air  tank mounted mounted under the cab cab is needed to suppl supply y the air for  the transmission transmission.. Air is supplied supplied to the transmissio transmission n via a supply suppl y line to the left side of control housi housing. ng. The tank is pressurized pressu rized by the engine mo mounted unted air comp compressor ressor and contains a check check valve to preve prevent nt air press pressure ure loss if a leak is presentt in the main air system. presen


 Air connection between control housing and countershaf countershaftt brake (hard line). Air connection connection from the clutch control control valve to the c clutch lutch cylinder  (hose).


Compress Comp ressed ed air conne connectionbetween ctionbetween the control housing housing and the clutch clutch control cont rol valv valve. e.


Compressed Compresse d air connection connection between the tank and the c control ontrol housing.


Mack Trucks, Mack rucks, Inc. Service Bulletin















Power Path The following following illustrati illustrations ons show the power path for  TmD12AD.



3rd gear (plan (planetar etary y sect section ion engag engaged ed,, low range)

1st gear (plan (planetar etary y sect section ion engag engaged ed,, low range)



2nd gear (planetary (planetary sect section ion engag engaged, ed, low range)

4th gear (planetary (planetary sect section ion engag engaged, ed, low range)


Mack Trucks, Mack rucks, Inc. Inc. Service Bulletin
















8th gear (direct (direct drive thr through ough rang range e section, section, high range) range)

5th gear (planetar (planetary y section section engag engaged, ed, low range range))



9th gear (direct (direct drive thr through ough rang range e section, section, high range) range)

6th gear (planetar (planetary y section section engag engaged, ed, low range range))



7th gear gear (direct (direct drive tthroug hrough h range range section, section, high range) range)


10th gear (direct (direct drive thro through ugh range section, section, high range range))


Mack Trucks, Mack rucks, Inc. Service Bulletin















11th gear (directdrive through range range section, section, high range)


Neutral Neut ral N2



Reverse Revers e gear R1 (planet (planetary ary section engaged, low range range))

12th gear (direct (direct drive drive through rang range e section, section, high range) range)



Neutral Neut ral N1


Reverse Revers e gear R2 (planet (planetary ary section engaged, low range range))


Mack Trucks, Mack rucks, Inc. Inc. Service Bulletin






Reverse Reve rse gear R3 (direct (direct driv drive e through through range section, section, high range range))


Reverse Reve rse gear R4 (direct (direct driv drive e through through range section, section, high range range))












Mack Trucks, Mack rucks, Inc. Service Bulletin


Date 11.2014











Page 27(44)

The following following illustrati illustrations ons show the power path for  TmD12AO and TmD12AO23.


3rd gear (plan (planetar etary y sect section ion engag engaged ed,, low range) T4021711

1st gear (plan (planetar etary y sect section ion engag engaged ed,, low range)


4th gear (planetary (planetary sect section ion engag engaged, ed, low range) T4021712

2nd gear (planetary (planetary sect section ion engag engaged, ed, low range)


5th gear (planetary (planetary sect section ion engag engaged, ed, low range)


Mack Trucks, Mack rucks, Inc. Inc. Service Bulletin


Date 11.2014












6th gear (planetar (planetary y section section engag engaged, ed, low range range))


9th gear (direct (direct drive thr through ough rang range e section, section, high range) range)


7th gear gear (direct (direct drive tthroug hrough h range range section, section, high range) range)


10th gear (direct (direct drive thro through ugh range section, section, high range range))


8th gear gear (direct (direct drive tthroug hrough h range range section, section, high range) range)

Page 28(44)


11th gear (dire (direct ct drive thr through ough range section, section, high range) range)


Mack Trucks, Mack rucks, Inc. Service Bulletin


Date 11.2014













Reverse Revers e gear R1 (planet (planetary ary section engaged, low range range))

12th gear (direct (direct drive drive through rang range e section, section, high range) range)



Reverse Revers e gear R2 (planet (planetary ary section engaged, low range range))

Neutral Neut ral N1


Neutral Neut ral N2

Page 29(44)


Revers Reve rse e gear R3 (direct drive thro through ugh rang range e section, section, high range)


Mack Trucks, Mack rucks, Inc. Inc. Service Bulletin


Date 11.2014



Reverse Reve rse gear R4 (direct (direct driv drive e through through range section, section, high range range))










Page 30(44)


Mack Trucks, Mack rucks, Inc. Service Bulletin


MackCellerator  There are tw two o vers versions ions of acc accelera elerator tor pedal pedals, s, with and withwithout the Mack MackCell Cellerator™ erator™ switc switch. h. The MackCellerator MackCellerator™ ™ function functi on is standa standard rd with a Premiu Premium m shifte shifterr and option optional al with a Fleet shifte shifterr. The gear selector selector must be in the D mode to allow MackCellerator™. MackCeller MackC ellerator™ ator™ is requeste requested d by pressin pressing g the accele accelerator  rator  pedal all the way down to the floor. floor. MackCellerator™ is cancelled when the accelera celled accelerator tor pedal is lifted lifted.. When the MackCellerator™ Cell erator™ is requested requested,, the transmission transmission will optim optimize ize vehicle vehic le acceleratio acceleration, n, which ma may y result in a downshift. downshift. However, if the transmission determines the vehicle will accelerate faster by remain remaining ing in the current gear gear,, the transmiss transmission ion will not not downsh downshift. ift. This insures insures maximum maximum accel acceleratio eration n without downshifting. Note: Opera Operating ting the vehic vehicle le with MackCel MackCellerato lerator™ r™ engag engaged ed for extended extended perio periods ds will res result ult in a loss of fuel economy economy..


MackCellera MackC ellerator™ tor™ Switc Switch h  A. 100% Throttle B. MackCellerator™

Date 11.2014










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Mack Trucks, Mack rucks, Inc. Inc. Service Bulletin


Date 11.2014











Page 32(44)

PowerLeash+ PowerLeas h+ Engine Brake Note: For basic operator operator inform information ation about the MACK PowerLeash Power Leash+ + Engin Engine e Brake, refe referr to the Operato Operator's r's Manua Manual. l. Note: When the MACK® PowerLeash+™ Engine Brake is active and the transm transmissio ission n is shif shifting ting gears, there will be a momentary mome ntary inter interruptio ruption n of the br braking aking torque. torque. This m may ay result in a temporary temporary incre increase ase of vehicle speed speed if travelling travelling downhill. The operat downhill. operator or will experienc experience e the same mome momentary ntary loss of engine braking as is experi experienced enced when downshiftin downshifting g a conventional manual transmission. MACK's MACK 's PowerLea PowerLeash+™ sh+™ engin engine e brake is stand standard ard with mDRIVE transmis mDRIVE transmissions sions.. It is possi possible ble to activate the engine brake after after the engine engine has re reached ached norma normall worki working ng temperature.

Latch Mod Mode e: Pressi Pressing ng LATCH activates the LA LATCH TCH •   Latch mode. In this mo mode de the engine engine brake activat activates es whenever  whenever  zero (0) pedal is applied. applied. The LA LATCH TCH mode will will only function with the cruise cruise control disabled. disabled. Typica ypically lly this mode is used to activate the brake every every time the throttle throttle pedal is released. The PowerLe PowerLeash+ ash+ settin setting g is automatica automatically lly set at 100% in LATCH mode. Auto Mod Auto Mode e: This is the the normal normal and recommen recommended ded •   mDRIV mDRIVE E driving mode for PowerLeash+ PowerLeash+.. The Auto mode can be used whether whether the vehic vehicle le is equipped equipped with or without cruise cruise control. control. If the cruise control control is engaged, engaged, Mack’ Mack’s s Cruise Cruis e ’n Brake feature will activate. activate. If the cruise control is not engaged, the engine brake brake activation activation will depend depend on the switch’s SET switch’s  SET - setting.  Anytime the Mode switch is in the center position, PowerLeash+ Leash + is in Auto mode. Auto mode mode allows the driver driver to control the vehicle vehicle’s ’s downhill downhill speed. speed. The vehicle speed is controlled contro lled witho without ut the need to manually manually adjust adjust the braking effort effo rt or apply the service brakes.


Control Sw S witch W4060025

PowerLeash Power Leash Active Co-P Co-Pilot® ilot® Displa Display y Scree Screen n To activat activate e the Powe PowerLeas rLeash+ h+ ™ Engine B Brake, rake, utili utilize ze the following dash switches: Control Contr ol Switch Switch:: The left most switc switch h is the Power PowerLeash Leash+ + ON-OFF or control switch. Depress the engine brake icon to illuminate illum inate the switch and acti activate vate the Power PowerLeash Leash+ + engin engine e brake functions functions.. Once the Po PowerLe werLeash+ ash+ activ activates ates the PowerL Pow erLeas eash h Speed Speed +... screen displays in the Co-Pilot®. Note: The PowerLeash PowerLeash+ + will no nott operate if the contro controll switch switch is in the OFF position. Note: An exception exists if the vehicle is equipped with a Note: An Bendix Bendi x Active Cruis Cruise e Control & Collisi Collision on Warning Warning system. system. If  the vehicle vehicle is equipped with these featu features, res, the Bendi Bendix x system assumes assumes all fu fueling eling and braking braking contro controll when in act active ive cruise control control mode mode.. Mode Sw Mode Switch itch:: The Po PowerLe werLeash+ ash+ Mode switc switch h is used used to seselect the type of e engine ngine brake opera operation tion needed. needed. The indiv individuidual switch functions functions are as follows:


Mode Sw S witch


Mack Trucks, Mack rucks, Inc. Service Bulletin


Date 11.2014


Gear Selector  Note: For basic basic ope operator rator inform information ation about the gea gearr selec selector tor,, refer to the O Operato perator's r's Manu Manual. al. Two Two gear selector selectors s are availa available ble with the mDRIVE mDRIVE transm transmisission: Premiu Premium m and Fl Fleet. eet. The gea gearr selector selector is avai available lable on the front front instru instrument ment panel panel.. There There are fou fourr gear s selec elector tor positions: R, N, D and M. When the gear lever lever is in the R position, the reverse reverse gears are are engaged. engaged. The N posi position tion places places the transmissi transmission on in neutra neutral. l. The D position position is the automatic automatic drive mode. mode. With the Premium gear selec selector tor,, the M posi position tion allows allow s the operat operator or to manua manually lly selec selectt the operating operating and starting gear. With the Fleet gear selector selector,, the M positi position on holds the current current operat operating ing gear and puts the transmission transmission in first first gea gearr when starti starting ng from a stop. In situations situations where the mD mDRIVE RIVE is unin unintenti tentionall onally y left in gear  with the parking parking brake app applied, lied, the transm transmissi ission on control control module modul e (TCM) will a automa utomatical tically ly go to neutral neutral when th the e ignition key is turned turned to OFF pos position ition.. This is done to avoid avoid the transmissio transm ission n getti getting ng stuck in gear due to drive line “torque up”. There The re is a gear sele selector ctor con control trol mod module ule (GS (GSCM) CM) tha thatt is located in the dashboard. The GSCM receives receives signals from the selector and interprets these signal signals s into communicati communication on information that is transmit information transmitted ted to the TCM.


1 Fle Fleet et Gear Gear Select Selector or Key Keypad pad 2 Pre Premiu mium m Gear Gear Sele Selecto ctorr Key Keypad pad










Page 33(44)


Mack Trucks, Mack rucks, Inc. Inc. Service Bulletin


Date 11.2014

Limp Limp Mo Mode de Note: Limp Mode should only be used to get a vehicle to a safe location. location. Only use the Limp Limp Mode when no othe otherr way to move the vehicle is available. If the mDRIVE mDRIVE transm transmissio ission n (with Fleet Fleet gear sele selector) ctor) has a mechanical mecha nical probl problem, em, to activ activate ate Limp M Mode: ode: Fleet Gea Gearr Sel Select ector  or : Depre Depress ss the brake pedal and hold •   Fleet the Neutral Neutral (N) and a asteri sterik k (*) buttons buttons at the sam same e time. time. Then press press Manual Manual (M) or Reverse Reverse (R) buttons to change gears.

•   Pre Premiu mium m Gea Gearr Sel Select ector  or : Depre Depress ss the brake pedal and hold the Neutral Neutral (N) and Plu Plus s (+) buttons at the same time.. To move th time the e vehi vehicle, cle, press M Manual anual (M) or Reve Reverse rse (R) buttons buttons to change mo modes des or gears. By using the Plus (+) button button you ca can n sel select ect ge gears ars (D (D1), 1), (D3) and (D5). (D5). However,, once a gear is selected in Limp Mode, ever Mode, the gear cannot be adjusted unless the vehicle is stopped. Release the brake pedal pedal to move the vehicle. vehicle. The Limp Mode is is deactivated deactivated when the the ignition ignition is turned off.


1. Lim Limp p Mod Mode e But Button tons s (Fl (Fleet eet Gear Gear Sel Select ector) or)

1. Lim Limp p Mode Mode Button Buttons s (Premium Gear Selec (Premium Selector) tor)













Mack Trucks, Mack rucks, Inc. Service Bulletin


Date 11.2014











Co-Pilot® Co-Pi lot® Display Display The Co-Pilot® Co-Pilot® Displ Display ay in the instr instrument ument cluster cluster provi provides des current current opera operating ting informatio information n about th the e mDRIVE mDRIVE transmissio transmission. n. The mDRIVE mDRI VE infor informatio mation n is alway always s displ displayed ayed in a portion of the Co-Pilot®. Co-Pilot®.


Co-Pilot® Co-Pi lot® Display Display with mDRIV mDRIVE E Transmission ransmission 1 Time ime 2 Mileag Mileage e [Mi [Miles les (Km (Km)] )] 3 Ambi Ambient ent Air Temp (AAT) (AAT) 4 Ava Availa ilable ble Gea Gears rs Dow Down n 5 Curre Current nt Gear  Gear  6 Ava Availa ilable ble Gea Gears rs Up 7 Drivi Driving ng Mode (indi (indicates cates if th the e tra transmi nsmission ssion is o operati perating ng in P Perform erformance ance (P) mode). mode).


Mack Trucks, Mack rucks, Inc. Inc. Service Bulletin


Date 11.2014











Programming and Features mDri mD rive ve Gr Grad ade e Gr Grip ippe per  r  DANGER Grade Gripp Gripper er is only inten intended ded to temp temporaril orarily y hold th the e vehicle on on a grade durin during g a vehicl vehicle e laun launch. ch. The vehicle vehicle brake must must be applied applied,, indep independen endentt of Grade Gripper Gripper,, to hold the the vehicle vehicle on a grade grade for an exte extended nded perio period d of time time.. Failure Failu re to follow this this inst instructio ruction n can resul resultt in loss of vehicle control control and seriou serious s personal injur injury y or death. Note: For basic basic operato operatorr inform information ation about the Grade Grade Gripper feature, feature, refer to the Opera Operator's tor's Manua Manual. l. The MACK MACK mDR mDRIVE IVE G Grade rade Grip Gripper per feature (option), (option), provides the operator operator with anti anti-roll -rollback back assistance assistance during during vehicle launch launch on a hill. hill. Grade Gripp Gripper er works by applyi applying ng the vehicles vehic les brakes brakes when in a forward gear and start starting ing on an incline, incli ne, or in a rever reverse se gear wh when en start starting ing on a decline. decline. When enabled, enabled, it automati automatically cally activ activates ates when all of the following lowi ng conditio conditions ns are met:

•   Ignit Ignition ion key in the RUN RUN posit position ion and the e engine ngine s speed peed (RPM)) is pres (RPM present ent

•   and the vehicle speed is equal to 0 km/h (0 mph) •   and vehic vehicle le is in a forward gear on an incline equa equall to or  greater then 2 greater 2%, %, or in a re reverse verse gear on a decli decline ne equal to or greater greater then 2%

•   and the service brake applied •   and the Grade Gripp Gripper er disab disable le switch is not selecte selected d •   and no failures with expected SA SAE E J1939 data link com com-municatio muni cations ns are present present

•   and the function function is not in a dow downgrad ngraded ed mode. Functio Fun ction n in a dow downgr ngrade aded d mod mode: e: existing sting fault or los loss s of in informa formation tion from other  •   When an exi necessary control necessary control modul modules es such as the transmi transmission ssion control modu module le (TCM (TCM)) and th the e anti anti-lock -lock brake system control control module modu le (ABS (ABS). ).

•   Anoth Another er down downgraded graded mode woul would d be iiff braki braking ng with active ABS, automatic automatic tracti traction on contro controll (ATC) (ATC) or electron electronic ic stability stabi lity progra program m (ESP) is detected. detected.  Activation of the system is tr triggered iggered by the release of the service servic e brake pedal. Once activated activated,, brake chamb chamber er pressure is maintained maintained for up to three secon seconds ds or until positive positive torque is identifi identified ed in the drive line (whic (which h ever occurs first). When active, active, the Co-Pi Co-Pilot® lot® display display will read “G “Grade rade Gripp Gripper  er   Active” to alert the operator of the function. Grade Grip Gripper per always always def defaults aults to the on pos position ition upon v veehicle start up. A momentary momentary switch is located on on the dash for 

temporary deactivati temporary deactivation on of the feature feature but, will will re-e re-enable nable if the vehicle vehic le begins another drive cycle, cycle, the momentary momentary switch switch is depressed again or the vehicle exceeds 20 km/h (12 mph). mph). When tempo temporaril rarily y disabled, disabled, the Grade Gripp Gripper er telltale telltale in the instrument instr ument cluster cluster will blink. This tellt telltale ale is also used to alert the driver driver of a permanent permanently ly disabled disabled syste system, m, but the telltale telltale will be solidly solidly illuminated in this instance. The followi following ng compo components nents are responsib responsible le for oper operating ating this feature:

•   Grade Grip Gripper per momentary momentary switch switch •   Vehicle Electronic Control Unit (Ve (Vehicle hicle ECU) •   Solen Solenoids oids to th the e ABS ABS The followin following g components components are used to support support the opera operation tion of this feature with input to the Vehicle Vehicle ECU:

•   TCM •   ABS Control Control Module Module


Mack Trucks, Mack rucks, Inc. Service Bulletin


Date 11.2014











TOWING Vehi cl es no t eq ui p pe d w i t h A MT-D (m D R I V E ) a nd Vehi cl es eq ui p pe d w i t h A MT-D (mD R I V E ) wi t hou t t owi ng al t ern a t i v e prrro oc ed urrre e: The following following towing towing procedure procedure will have to be followe followed d if vehicle is not equipp equipped ed with the AMT-D AMT-D (mDRIVE) (mDRIVE) or if the vehicle vehicle is equipped equip ped with AMT AMT-D -D (mDRI (mDRIVE) VE) without without towing towing alternative alternative proced procedure. ure. Such vehi vehicles cles will will require removal removal of the drive shaft. shaft. Note: Refer to label on Sun Visor Visor or on the drive driverr door to check if vehic vehicle le is equipp equipped ed with towing towing alternative alternative procedure. procedure.

Tow pins, hooks, eyes, etc., are located in or behin behind d the front bumpe bumperr. These devices devices meet the recommendat recommendations ions for towing set forth by the Techno Technology logy and Mai Maintenan ntenance ce Counc Councilil (TM (TMC) C) of the Amer American ican Tru Trucking cking Assoc Associatio iation n and can be used used for towin towing g a disabled disabled vehicle vehicle from the imm immediat ediate e location. location.

CAUTION Do NOT lift and tow any vehicle by tow pins, hooks, eyes, etc. If the vehicle is mired in heavy mud, snow, etc., use a suitable sling-type towing arrangement. Note: Tow pins, hooks, eyes, etc., are NOT intend intended ed for use as longlong-term term towin towing g devices.

CAUTION Failure to disconnect the drive shaft, remove the drive axle shaft(s) or lift the drive wheels off the ground before towing or   pushing the vehicle, can cause serious transmission damage.

DANGER If the drive drive shaft shaft has been been remove removed d for tow towing ing,, DO NO NOT T reu reuse se bea bearin ring g ret retain ainer er bolts bolts or stamped stamped str strap ap bolts, bolts, or  stamped stamp ed straps straps.. Reuse of beari bearing ng retain retainer er bolts or stamp stamped ed strap bolts, bolts, or stamped stamped straps straps can cause driveline driveline fail fail-  -  ure, which which can res result ult in separatio separation n of the dr driveli iveline ne from th the e vehi vehicle. cle. A separ separated ated driveline driveline can res result ult in property  property  damage, dama ge, serious serious perso personal nal inju injury ry or death death..



1. Towhook Access


Mack Trucks, Mack rucks, Inc. Inc. Service Bulletin


Date 11.2014











Vehi ehicle cles s equipp equipped ed wit with h AMT AMT-D -D (mD (mDRIV RIVE) E) wit with h tow towing ing altern alternativ ative e pro proced cedure ure.. If the the ve vehi hicl cle e Ca Cann nnot ot ha have ve the the driv drive e sh shaf aftt re remo move ved d and and the the vehi vehicl cle e is equi equipp pped ed wi with th AM AMT T-D (m (mDR DRIV IVE) E) wi with th to towi wing ng al al-ternat ter native ive pro proced cedure ure,, ple please ase fol follow low the pro proced cedure ure bel below ow.. Note: Refer to label on Sun Visor Visor or on the driver door to check if vehic vehicle le is equipped equipped with towing towing alternative alternative procedure. procedure. This will will allow the vehicl vehicle e to be towed without without the removal removal of the drive shaft for whateve whateverr dista distance nce the vehicle vehicle need to be towed.. The fol towed followi lowing ng condi conditions tions must be be met. Towing gear 3 HR will be engaged if following points are fulfilled:

•   Transmission Transmission neutra neutrall position position •   Vehicl Vehicle e moves forward forward faster than a set lilimit mit for a nu number mber of seconds seconds •   Engine is not running •   There is enou enough gh pres pressure sure to the transmis transmission sion transmission ssion contro controll modul module e (TCM) •   The key is on and power to the transmi CAUTION Reverse Rever se towin towing g is not allowed allowed when su such ch towi towing ng alternati alternative ve proce procedure dure is appl applied. ied. Reverse Reverse towing towing can damage damage the transmission.


Mack Trucks, Mack rucks, Inc. Service Bulletin


Date 11.2014











Featur Fea ture e Pac Packag kages es Note: For basic basic operato operatorr infor informatio mation n about th the e feature packa packages ges and their their functi functions, ons, refer to the Operator's Operator's Manual. Manual.  Aside from the mDRIVE being programmed to compliment the engines characteristics, it is available with different optional program progra m packa packages. ges. These pac packages kages off offer er flexibi flexibility lity to tailor the truck to specific applicat applications ions or operato operatorr needs. needs. The transmis transmis-sion has different different chara characteris cteristics tics or features, features, depending depending on which program program package package software software is installed installed in the transmission transmission controll modul contro module e (TCM) (TCM).. It is also dependa dependant nt on whic which h featur features es are acti active ve with within in the package package.. Some fe features atures within within a given package packa ge can be deactivated deactivated to further tailo tailorr the system if des desired. ired. The following following tables lilist st all the avail available able hardware hardware and softwa software re packages packages for the m the mDRIVE DRIVE Transmission. Transmission. Note: See the following following page for packagin packaging g inform information ation..


Mack Trucks, Mack rucks, Inc. Inc. Service Bulletin

    s     e     g     a      k     a     c      P     e     r     a     w      t      f     o      S     n     o      i     s     s      i     m     s     n     a     r      T      E      V      I      R      D     m

    r     o     )      t     y     c     l     n     e      l      O     e     a      S     i      l     m    a     r     u     t      i     s     m    u     e     r     A      (      P

    r     a     e    r      G    o      t     m    c     e     u     l      i     e     m      S     e     r      P

    r     o      t     c     e      l     e      S     a     r     e      G      t     e     e      l      F

    e     r     u      t     a     e      F

     l     e      d     o      M     n     o      i     s     s      i     m     s     n     a     r      T

    m      d     r     u     a      i      d     m     n     e     a     r      t      P      S

    m      d     r     u     a      i      d     m     n     e     a     r      t      P      S

     t     e      l     e      F

     l     a     n     o      t      i     p      O

    r     o      t     c     e      l     e      S      l     r     a     a      d     e     e      G      P     r      d     o      t     e      t     a     n     r     e     u      l      l     o     e      M      C      h      k     s     c     a     a      D      M




     d     r     a      d     n     a      t      S

     d     r     a      d     n     a      t      S

     d     r     a      d     n     a      t      S

    +      h     s     a     e      L     r     e     w     o      P


    e      l      b     a      l      i     a     v      A      t     o      N

      e      S     r     a     d     e     a      G    p      d     y     e     e     K      t     n     r     u     t     o     o     c      M     l     e      h     s     a      D

     d     e      d     u      l     c     n      I

     d     e      d     u      l     c     n      I

     d     e      d     u      l     c     n      I

     d     e      d     u      l     c     n      I

     d     e      d     u      l     c     n      I

     d     r     a      d     n     a      t      S

     l     a     n     o      i      t     p      O

    e      l      b     a      l      i     a     v      A      t     o      N

     l     a     n     o      i      t     p      O

     d     r     a      d     n     a      t      S

      e      S     r     a     d     e     a      G    p      d     y     e     e     K      t     n     r     u     t     o     o     c      M     l     e      h     s     a      D

     d     e      d     u      l     c     n      I

     d     e      d     u      l     c     n      I

     d     e      d     u      l     c     n      I

     d     e      d     u      l     c     n      I

     d     e      d     u      l     c     n      I

     d     r     a      d     n     a      t      S

    e      l      b     a      l      i     a     v      A      t     o      N

     l     a     n     o      i      t     p      O

    e      l      b     a      l      i     a     v      A      t     o      N

     l     a     n     o      t      i     p      O

      e      S     r     a     d     e     a      G    p      d     y     e     e      t     n     K     r     u     t     o     o     c      M     l     e      h     s     a      D

    e      l      b     a      l      i     a     v      A      t     o      N

    e      l      b     a      l      i     a     v      A      t     o      N

     d     e      d      l     u     c     n      I

     d     e      d      l     u     c     n      I

     d     e      d      l     u     c     n      I

     d     r     a      d     n     a      t      S

    e      l      b     a      l      i     a     v      A      t     o      N

     l     a     n     o      t      i     p      O

    e      l      b     a      l      i     a     v      A      t     o      N

     l     o     r      t     n     o      C      l     a     r      t     u

    s      l     o     r      t     n

     N     e       o      t     u      A     c      i     s     a      B

    o      C      t      O      f      i      T      h      P      S     c      i     c      i     s     s     a     a      B      B

    r     e     p     p      i     r      G     e      d     a     r      G

    s     e     r     u      t     e     a      F     e     r     a     w      d     r     a      H

    e     p     y      T      d     n     a      t     n     u     o      M     r     e      t      f      i      h      S

    e      d     o      M     n     y     o     m      i      t     o     c     n     e     o      l     e     c      S      E       r     a     e     c     e     n      G     a      l     m     a     r     u      f     o     n     r     a     e      M      P

     l     o     r      t     n     o      C     n     o      i      t     a      l     u      d     o      M      d     e     e     p      S     w     o      L

    s     e     r     u      t     a     e      F     e     r     a     w      t      f     o      S

     t      f      i      h      S        i     x     a      M

     t      f      i      h      S      Z      E

    e     r     a     w      t      f     o      S      t      f      i      h      S

     t      f      i      h      S     y      t     u      D     y     v     a     e      H












Mack Trucks, Mack rucks, Inc. Service Bulletin


Date 11.2014











Shifter Software Software There are a total of four (4) (4) transm transmissi ission on shift s softwar oftware e optio options ns available available fo forr the m the mDRIVE DRIVE transmission. Software


Basic Bas ic Shi Shift ft EZ-Shift Maxi-Shift Heavy Dut Heavy Duty y Shift



Stan Standa dard rd

This This is th the e MA MACK CK® ® In Inte tell llig igen entt Sh Shif ifte terr Pack Packag age. e.

Option Optional al (1)

This This pac packag kage e pro provid vides es a slower slower,, smooth smoother er shi shift ft betwee between n gears. gears. This This option option is used used

Option Optional al (2)

mainly for cattle mainly cattle haul or or other appli applicatio cations ns where s smooth mooth shift shifting ing are required required.. This This pac packag kage e of offers fers mor more e agg aggres ressiv sive e shi shifti fting ng for hig higher her Gross Gross Combin Combinati ation on Weight Weights s (GCWs), (GCWs ), frequent frequent grade grades s or heavy duty or off road operations. operations.

Option Opt ional al (2)

This This pac packag kage e of offers fers the most most agg aggres ressiv sive e shi shifti fting ng betwee between n gears. gears. Thi This s option option is used used mainly main ly for extremely extremely high Com Combined bined Gross Vehicl Vehicle e Weigh Weightt (CGVW) operations operations (great (great-er than 68000 Kg [150,000 [150,000 lbs])

1 Not available available on M MT TA ve vehicle hicles s 2 Not av availab ailable le on US US10 10 and MTI v vehic ehicles les

Replacin Repl acing g the Program Program Packag Package e When a program program packa package ge is replaced, replaced, an update update of the “V “Vehicl ehicle e Data Adm Adminis inistration tration (VDA)”, (VDA)”, must be performe performed d before it can be downloaded downloaded into the vehicle. vehicle. This is done done by entering entering the appro appropriate priate “Conv “Conversio ersion n Kit Number” Number” into the dealer dealer servi service ce tool. For more more information information refer to, “VCAD “VCADS S PRO Con Conversi version on Kit and Accessor Accessory y Kit Numbers” Numbers” in function function group 0. After completion completion of the conversion conversion,, reprogramm reprogramming ing of the TCM (MID (MID 130) must must be carrie carried d out.


Mack Trucks, Mack rucks, Inc. Inc. Service Bulletin


Date 11.2014











Featur Fea ture e Desc Descrip riptio tion n and Fun Functi ction on

  Aut Automa omatic tic Gear Gear Shi Shiftin fting g in Dri Drive ve Mod Mode e This mode is the default mode and should be used in most driving drivi ng situations. situations. When neces necessary sary or able, this automated mode will will take take full ad advantag vantage e of other mDRI mDRIVE VE features featur es wheth whether er its Engine Engine Braki Braking, ng, Econo EconoRoll Roll,, Macce Maccelleratorr, Perfor erato Performance mance Mode or Economy Mode. The starting gear will be selected based on the engine power  rating, ratin g, load and and slope of the road road.. Typical Typically ly the start gear  is 1 or 2 with a trailer conne connected cted and 4 when bob bob-taili -tailing. ng. The transmissio transmission n will perfor perform m all gear change changes s to optimize fuel fuel econo economy my or perform performance, ance, depending depending on the mode selected.

•   Ma Manu nual al Sh Shif iftin ting g in Dr Driv ive e an and d Manu Manual al Mo Mode de The driver driver can manu manually ally selec selectt gears using using the up/d up/down own arrows located located on the prem premium ium gear selecto selectorr key pad. The The Co-Pilot® Co-P ilot® displ display ay will indi indicate cate how many up/do up/down wn gears are available available by the means of up/down up/down arrow arrows. s.

•   Manual Manual Select Selection ion of Sta Startin rting g Gea Gear  r  In "Manual "Manual mode" mode" the driver driver can select select starting starting gears w within ithin the range range from 1- 6 wi without thout trail trailer er and 1 1–3 –3 wi with th a trailer  trailer  connected. conne cted. In “Dri “Drive ve Mode” the sta starting rting gear will be selected based on the engine power rating and slope of the road. However However,, the driver driver can adjust the sele selected cted gear by up to two gears above the calculate calculated d as long as it does not exceed exceed "Hig "Highest hest avail available able st start art gear". gear". The high highest est available avai lable start gear is a customer programmab programmable le param parameeter in the the rang range e from 1-6 wi with th a default default value of 6.

•   Idle Gov Govern ernor or Drivin Driving g Mod Mode e The idle drive mode allows allows driving in congested traffic without the need to constantly constantly depres depress s or release the accele accelerrator pedal (AP). The transmis transmission sion contro controll modul module e (TCM) fully engages the clutch and utilizes the engine control module modu le (ECM (ECM)) to co control ntrol engine engine speed speed (RPM (RPM)) by me means ans of the engine idle governor. governor. Although the engine load may vary, vary, the idle governor governor will adjust adjust the torque to maintain idle speed and constant vehicle speed. Si Since nce the clutch clutc h remains fully enga engaged ged it elimina eliminates tes wear and over  heating heati ng of the clutch. In orde orderr to enable the idle-dr idle-drive ive mode, mode , thethe vehicle vehi cle speed spe ed isreleased. increase increased d to a desired desire d gear  and then pedal is fully Typical Typically ly there are two methods methods of selecti selecting ng a lower idle idle-driv -driver er speed speed.. This can be accompli accomplished shed by depres depressing sing the down down-arrow -arrow on the gear lever or by slightly applying the service brake. Both will cause the transmission to down shift to a lower  gear. Economy Mode •   Economy When the key switch switch is turned on, the transm transmissio ission n is in Economy Econ omy mod mode. e. An E is displ displayed ayed as the driving m mode ode in the Co-Pi Co-Pilot® lot® display display.. The transmissio transmission n automatica automatically lly selects shift points points and engine paramet parameters ers to optimize fuel economy. Economy mode should be used as the primary driving drivi ng mode under norma normall conditions. conditions.

•   Extended Eco-R Eco-Roll oll Extended Eco-R Extended Eco-Roll oll is a fuel savi saving ng feature that keeps the vehicle hicl e in Eco-Roll, Eco-Roll, below the crui cruise se control set speed. When the vehi vehicle cle has the cruise contro controll and Eco-R Eco-Roll oll activated the the mDr mDrive ive transmissio transmission n stays iin n neutral neutral until decel decel-erated erate d to the cruise cont control rol set speed mi minus nus the exten extended ded

Eco-Roll delta. Once the vehicle reaches reaches the cruise control set speed fueling restarts. restarts.

•   Performance Performance Mode In Performa Performance nce mode, mode, a P is d displa isplayed yed as the drivin driving g mode in the Co-Pilot® display display.. The transmission strategy changes to optimize gradeability. gradeability. The TCM is able (based on customer customer param parameters) eters) to revert revert back to Econom Economy y Mode if it determines determines that Perfor Performanc mance e Mode is no longer  necessary.

•   MackCelerator  This feature feature is activated activated by depressing depressing the AP all th the e way to the floor, floor, thus depressing depressing the MackCelerator MackCelerator switch switch located on the AP assembly. The system changes the gear  selection selec tion strategy to maximize maximize vehicle vehicle acceleration. acceleration. TypiTypically this this results in an immediate immediate gear downshif downshift. t. In some situations situat ions depen depending ding on the available available engine engine power power,, the TCM will not downshift. The MackCelerator MackCelerator is deactivated deactivated once the AP is lifted, lifted, thus releasing releasing the MackC MackCelera elerator  tor  switch.

  Dynamometer Dynamometer Mode  A Dynamometer mode is part of all vehicles software for  times when the vehicle is run on a dynamometer. The mDRIVE mDRIV E transmi transmission ssion,, will not up shift if the front wheels wheels are not moving moving at or near the same speed speed as the rear  wheels. Due to this, when on a dynamometer, place the gear selector selector in the D position position and depress depress the AP all the way to the floor. The vehicle will will hold its present gear for  10 second at which time, the dynamometer dynamometer mode will will engage and the transmission transmission will begin to shift. To disengage dynamome dynamometer ter mode, relea release se the AP AP.. When the transmissi transm ission on is op operated erated in Dy Dynamo namometer meter Mode, E^ is displayed as the driving mode in the Co-Pilot® display display..

•   Stand Standard ard Powe Powerr Takeoff (PTO (PTO)) Featu Features res The Basic Basic PTO Fun Function ction is standard standard with the mDRIVE mDRIVE transmission missi on and is always available. available. Predefined Predefined split splitter ter positions are included in the Basic function. It is possible to set software software param parameters eters that define define which sp splitter litter gear to engage engag e when transmission transmission PTO 1 and/or 2 are engaged. Torque ue Lim Limitin iting g for the Com Comfor fortt Shift Shift Packag Package e •   Torq This feature feature works in conjunc conjunction tion with the Comfort Comfort Shift package. packag e. For the firs firstt five gears, gears, the vehicle vehicle torque torque is limited to 1627 Nm (1200 ft-lb). ft-lb). Having Having the vehicle vehicle torque set to this range lessens lessens tire wear and ensures ensures a smooth smooth-er ride while the vehicle travels in lower gears. Enhanced ced PTO Featu Features res •   Enhan The Enhanced PTO PTO Functions option for mDRIVE make make it possible possi ble to activate activate PTO features features by setting softwa software re parameters. ramete rs. The following following list show the features features and require require that a bodybuild bodybuilders ers modul module e (BBM) is install installed ed in the vehicle. 1   Gea Gearr Sel Select ection ion adapta adaptatio tion n to RPM limi limits ts It is possible to set software parameters parameters that will limit limit the RPMs when engine or transmission PTOs are used. This feature will will adapt the gear selectio selection n strateg strategy y to these speed limitations. 2   Au Auto to Neutr Neutral al The “Auto Neutral” Neutral” function function provi provides des the transmissi transm ission on the abili ability ty to go to neutral neutral and back into


Mack Trucks, Mack rucks, Inc. Service Bulletin














gear based on an an ex external ternal input (e.g. parki parking ng brake status), status ), regard regardless less of the gear lever position. position. 3   Reverse Reverse Inhibi Inhibitt The “Reve “Reverse rse Inhibi Inhibit” t” functi function on provides necessary applications applications the ability to block the reverse gear gear even though the operat operator or has moved the gear lever to reverse. 4   Spl Split it Box Engage Engagemen mentt The use of a chassis mounted splitter spli tter box for running high capa capacity city PTOs, PTOs, is supported by the so software ftware.. The di direct rect gear iis s engag engaged ed when the Body Builder Builder Module Module engag engages es the split box.

Communicat Commu nication ion With With Other Other Electronic Electronic Control Control Unit Units s (ECUs (ECUs)) Summary Summ ary,, Compo Components nents (signa (signall summa summary) ry) Compon Com ponent ent list list MID




ECM (engine c co ontrol m mo odule)


Sensor Sensor,, cranks crankshaf haftt pos positi ition on (CKP) (CKP)


Solenoid Solenoid valve valve,, EB (engi (engine ne brake)


MID144/Vehicle ECU

MID140/Central Instrument Cluster 

A13 A109

TCM (transmission c co ontrol mo m odule) GSCM (gear s e ellector c on ontrol mo m odule)

S171 S17 1

Gea Gearr sel select ector  or 


Vehicle ECU (vehicle electronic control unit)


Position Position switc switch, h, brake pedal


Sensor Sensor, accelerator accelerator pedal (with Maccelerat Maccelerator) or)


Sensor Sensor,, outpu outputt sha shaft ft s spee peed d (road (road spe speed) ed)


Pressu Pressure re switch switch,, parkin parking g bra brake ke


Switch, Switch, power power tak takeof eoff  f 


Switch, Switch, cruise cruise control control


Switch, Switch, engine engine bra brake ke

 A3 S08/S09 S08/S 09



A12 B13-20 B13-2 0

Instrument cluster  Switch, Switch, diff differenti erential al lock / wheel wheel lock ABS control unit (anti-lock brake system control module) Senso Sensorr, wheel speed



Mack Trucks, Mack rucks, Inc. Inc. Service Bulletin














Comm Co mmun unic icati ation on wi with th En Engi gine ne Co Cont ntro roll Mo Modu dule le (E (ECM CM), ), SA 0/MI 0/MID D 128 Signals / information:

•   Engine signa signals ls such as; engine speed (RPM) and torque monitoring

Comm Co mmun unic icati ation on wi with th Ge Gear ar Se Sele lect ctor or Co Cont ntro roll Mo Modu dule le (G (GSC SCM) M),, MI MID D 22 223 3 Signals / information:

•   Gear sel select ector or inp input ut Comm Co mmun unic icati ation on wi with th Veh ehic icle le EC ECU, U, MI MID D 14 144 4 Signals / information:

•   Accelerator pedal (AP) position, including “Maccelerator”. •   Cruise control. •   Power takeof takeofff (PTO) control control

•   Brake pedal status •   Parking brake status •   Engine brake switch Grade Grip Gripper  per  •   Grade

Comm Co mmun unic icati ation on wi with th In Inst stru rume ment nt Clus Cluster ter MI MID D 140 Signals / information:

•   Gear selec selector tor display display infor informatio mation n •   Co-Pilot® display warnings •   On board diagnostics diagnostics troubl trouble e codes (DTCs (DTCs)) for the TCM and GSCM

Comm Co mmun unic icati ation on wi with th An Anti ti-L -Loc ock k Br Brak ake e Sy Syst stem em (A (ABS BS)) Co Cont ntro roll Mo Modu dule le,, MI MID D 13 136 6 Signals / information:

•   Wheel speed ssensor ensor inform information ation •   ABS status information •   Traction Traction contro controll status inform information ation enhanced stability stability techn technology ology (VEST) (VEST) infor informatio mation n •   MACK enhanced •   Grade Grade Gripp Gripper  er 

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