Purposive Quiz 1 Prelims Kuya Meccs

October 12, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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CREATED BY KUYA MECCS Purposive Communicato Communicaton n Quiz 1


This communicaton principle says concenraton on he message being conveyed should be he focus o undersand he message of he sender Answer: Principle of Aenton This communicaton principle says messages should be complee so as no o creae confusion o he receiver Answer: Principle of Adequacy Which of he following saemen is NOT N OT rue abou communicaton? Answer: I is an ac of conveying meaning o a person or group using muually undersood symbols This communicaton principle is an imporan gauge o deermine ha communicaton is eectve Answer: Principle of Feedback The process of developing a message is called


Answer: Encoding Which of he following is NOT involved in he communicaton communicato n process? Answer: Judgmen This communicaton principle focuses on enunciaton, words arrangemen o send a message properly Answer: Principle of Clariy Communicaton comes from he Latn word 'commūnicāre' 'commūnicār e' which means Answer: To Share The process of developing a message is called Answer: Encoding This communicaton principle says messages should be uniform, mixed message should be avoided. Once his is achieved, his srenghens he relatonship of he sender and receiver. Answer: Principle of Consisency Purposive Communicato Communicaton n Quiz 2



Identfy he Communicaton Issues in Inerculural Sengs: Answer: Direc and Indirec Communicato Communicaton n Which of he following saemens is rue abou communicaton? Answer: There is a consisen need o adjus, adap and innovae he communicat communicaton on process. Identfy he Communicaton Issues in Inerculural Sengs: Answer: Dieren Syles and Procedures in Making Decisions Which of he following aecs he success or failure of an organizaton in erms of communicaton? Answer: Aude on Rank and Auhoriy Identfy he Communicaton Issues in Inerculural Sengs: Answer: Audes on Rank and Auhoriy


Wha are he 3 facors ha aec confusion in communicaton? Answer: Accen, Pronunciaton, Fluency We have seen he emergence of powerful people in dieren elds and professions because of he worhy causes or advocacies hey believe in. Some of hem are Martn Luher King, John F. Kenedy and Maya Angelou. This describes communicaton's way of: Answer: Evoking Inspiraton Identfy he Communicaton Issues in Inerculural Sengs: Answer: Confusion wih Accen, Pronunciaton and Fluency Which of he following is a form of communicaton? Answer: All of he above Weserners in general use ___________________ form of communicaton Answer:  Direc


Purposive Communicato Communicaton n PRELIMS


I is imporan o adap he accen of a foreign person o have successful communicaton Answer: True Which of he following is an universal language? Answer: English The process of developing a message is called Answer: Encoding Technologies paved a way o fas rack communicaton and achieve globalizaton Answer: True This communicaton principle is an imporan gauge o deermine ha communicaton is eectve Answer: Principle of Feedback Wha are he 3 facors ha aecs confusion in communicaton? Answer: Accen, Pronunciaton, Fluency


The process of developing a message is called Answer: Encoding Which of he following saemens is rue abou communicaton? Answer: There is a consisen need o adjus, adap and innovae he communicat communicaton on process. Ehical consideratons should be considered in communicaton Answer: True This communicaton principle says messages should be complee so as no o creae confusion o he receiver Answer: Principle of Adequacy Sending messages and conveying informaton should be done immediaely Answer: True Mue and deaf people canno express heir houghs Answer: False


Lisening is an imporan aspec of communicaton in order o provide feedback Answer: True Formal communicaton communicaton is he mos eectve way o send messages Answer: False Which of he following saemen is NOT N OT rue abou communicaton? Answer: I is an ac of conveying meaning o a person or group using muually undersood symbols Communicaton wihou feedback is unsuccessful Answer: True This refers o manners, values, conduc and behaviour wih respec o human actons or behavior Answer: Ehics Which of he following aecs he success or failure of an organizaton in erms of communicaton? Answer: Aude on Rank and Auhoriy


This communicaton principle focuses on enunciaton, words arrangemen o send a message properly Answer: Principle of Clariy Which of he following is rue abou he principle of Timeliness? Answer: Messages should be conveyed a he wih he proper tming and proper place This refers o he uniy ha is achieved because people ac as one sociey Answer: Globalizaton Globalizaton has impaced he ypes of communicaton skills needed by individuals o be successful Answer: True People using he same language will always undersand each oher Answer: False Which of he following is NOT involved in he communicaton communicato n process?


Answer: Judgmen Which saemen is NOT rue abou communicaton? communicaton? Answer: Successful Communicaton is achieved across culure We have seen he emergence of powerful people in dieren elds and professions because of he worhy causes or advocacies hey believe in. Some of hem are Martn Luher King, John F. Kenedy and Maya Angelou. This describes communicaton's way of: Answer: Evoking Inspiraton This communicaton principle says messages should be uniform, mixed message should be avoided. Once his is achieved, his srenghens he relatonship of he sender and receiver. Answer: Principle of Consisency Weserners in general use ___________________ form of communicaton Answer: Direc


Communicaton follows undersood symbols, gesures, behavior and semiotc rules. Answer: True Hearing is an imporan skill o have for successful communicaton Answer: True

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