Purify Aura

March 25, 2017 | Author: The Akashic Records home | Category: N/A
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©The Akashic Records Home, of Susana M. Franz. All rights reserved.

MEDITATION TO PURIFY THE AURA LAYERS WARNING AND PREPARATION Do not perform m this technique in a bedroom. m. . Perform rform it between etwe dawn awn and a the he last la part art of the th day (the (th 24 4 hours). hour Wait at least ast ½ hour ur before befo going ing to t bed. Turn off the mobile phone and home phone. Stay alone and without interruptions. Clear the room of furniture or carpets in a diameter of two meters. Use (E). se a compass co pass to point int out the North (N), ), the South h (S) and the East E Arrange you can rrange the 21 illustrations illu ations in a circle circl with h approximately app matel 1,80m 80m of diameter mete (make ake sure s c lie inside the circle) Illustration N° 1 should be placed in the N and the rest of the pictures should be placed clockwise. Putt a piece p of adhesive ad ve tape tap in the centre c e so that t your feet fe can recognise re nise iti to the he touch. tou Leave ave the t E zone of the he circle circ clear lear and put a chairr near it. Place a small cushion to support your head inside the circle exactly in the N. Do not wear black colour in none of your dressing garments. Neither use watches, mobile phones or meta metal objects. ects. Avoid void drinking d ng or o touching chin water ter or o another other liquid uid until un att least lea ½ hour hou afterr finishing fin ng each ea meditation. dit Register all practice dates from the first one to the last one. REQUIRED EQUIR MATERIAL MAT AL 21 pictures printed pictu print in colour colo and nd in separate rate sheets. ets This pdf df file fi hass the pictures ures readyy to be printed (A4 size). Apocalypse book, 16 and oca boo chapter apter 21, verses er n 18. ACTION TION During 21 continuous days, you will perform the same meditation only once a day.

MEDITATION EDITA N 1° - You enter the circle and stand in the centre with a piece of paper containing verses number 16 and 18 of chapter 21 of the Apocalypse book (Christian Bible), written in a clear, legible way. Standing andin in the middle, dle, you y look ook at the he first fir illustration. lustrat Recognise Reco se the energies nergie that at give g expression to you press o the liness and colours, urs, knowing wing that t ou are nott only in presence resen off a drawing d g but of a true convocation of liberating forces. Remember that besides a physical body, subject to natural laws, you have energies that constitute your ur intelligence. inte ence. The neuronal neu brain represents resent the 10%, 10% and d the bio-energetic energ being the 90 0 % of the e inte intelligence. nce. Visualise that the energies from the illustration exceed the sheet and they are projected towards you. The picture emanates its liberating intelligence. You visualise your own vis y n energies ene s advancing adv ng to meett the energies gies of the e illustrations. illus ons. When voice, en fusing,, you yo sayy in audible a le or semii audible aud voice the e two verses ses mentioned m oned before. ore. You Y repeatt them once, one after ft the other. th You rotate a minimum on your own feet to be in front of the second illustration, staying exactly in the centre of the circle.

©The Akashic Records Home, of Susana M. Franz. All rights reserved.

MEDITATION TO PURIFY THE AURA LAYERS You carry out the same procedure relating your personal energies to the intelligences of each picture and sayy the verses before rotating again. g You continue ou con e this thi procedure cedur with th each ea picture icture in the he same sam way, respecting re cting the order from m 1 to 20 till you finish with all of them. the You should visualise all these energies like a splendour or brightness that involves and inundates you. ou They emanate hey em ate from fro your physical p cal body bo and they th advance dvan to o meet me the e energies ene s of the th illustration ustra you are looking at. For those that know the terminology, it is possible to make the visualization with the detail of each energy kundalini, chakras, ergy or intelligence. tellig e. Here there re is a list to remember re mber the t personal person energies: nergi unda chakr meridians, 17 , Cosmo eridia 7 subtle sub bodies, bodies aura ra layers lay Cosm telluric, elluric, powers, wers, emotions, e tions psychology, cholo sexuality, exua human relationships, relation with th nature, relation with money, time, the th power of the hands, h central channel, antahkaran, spiritual mission, sense of life, mental contents, alpha-omega of free will,l, the energy through that you remember. rgy of o life entering en hroug the e navel, nav and nd others o e Once and you ce you have ave related your yo energy-intelligence ergy gen with h the th energy rgy of each illustration l ou have h pronounced the two verses to link them each time, you move to STEP 2. 2°°- You lie symmetrically ymm ally on o your ur back ba with th your yo head ead on o the e small sma cushion ushion directed ected to t the e N and a your feet directed S. The sacr sacral bone be in over the adhesive ur fee ecte to the eS e should sh i the centre entr of the he circle, ci dhe tape that you have placed. kee yourr eyes eye closed during all STEP 2 and STEP 3. You should keep u visualise vis se that tha all your energies rgies previously vious mentioned entio sical body and fly You come off your physical wards the illustrations illust ns in the circle. rcle Theyy absorb, abs n the th same e way, wa the e forces forc that at constitute co ute your y towards in intelligence and destroy the contaminations. Either in a global way, imagining them as masses of force in movement, or one byy one, revising e list mentally tally and a identifying dentif are that they th occupy ccu in connection co on with wit your ur body, bo the them in the areas rgies fly and nd they th dive ve into int the e “cleaning “clea g pools” pool (the e pictures). pi ). There Th g clean ean and a all your energies they get they purify. All contaminations are destroyed. When you have completed the sending and you feel that your physical body has been emptied, u will feel a great gr elease you release. ou visualise vi se that tha the e energies en s that tha had d entered en d the illustrations stration start floating fl ng over ov them em but You completely renewed. You make them fly again towards the centre of the circle where they will rebuilt your energetic being, standing on your abdomen while you are still lying on the floor. All our en tic being be i ate your yo energies, nergie functions, nctio tellig es, “standing “st ng up u and looking ook your energetic will integrate intelligences, the S ward ur phy al feet. to S”, towards your physical hi d to the purification and they reorganise themselves l All your energies are shinning due completely renewed. e your bio io energetic etic body b plete rebuilt built and a renewed, ene he colours co s and the lines line of When is all completed the illu ns fly f to the centre c e to recover re er the energetic ergeti being ng as a intelligent elligen skin. n. When W s the illustrations this skin d urs and s is lete sta with ey sed ur fa made of colours, lines forces completed, you stand up your eyes closed and your face directed to the S.

©The Akashic Records Home, of Susana M. Franz. All rights reserved.

MEDITATION TO PURIFY THE AURA LAYERS 3°- You go on with your eyes closed. Standing up, you look for the piece of adhesive tape placed in the centre of the circle using the soles of your feet. With the front part of your bodyy directed to y the S,, you integrate egrat your ur physical phy l body bod with your yo energetic energe being till you feel you are a totally otally integrated. ated When you feel this step is completed, you rotate ¼ to the left, keeping your feet in the centre. With the front directed to the E, you walk some steps till the edge of the circle. With your eyes closed, you give a long with your face to the g step and go out ou of the circle c y e E. You open your eyes and you sit on y n the chair ir to take a rest res at least east for 10 0 minutes. mi s. You Yo keep ep in silence and quiet to let your system adapt before going outside. You lift the illustrations in the right order. You keep them away from electric devices, without folding them and w without tillll the following ut touching to ng metal, me wing day. y. You put ut the th room m in order er and you come com back ck to your activities. activi Frequency Perform rm the th technique hniqu once ce a day during durin 21 days. days Important: sensation described checking may be evident rtan The se de ed as a kinaesthetic est hec en or mayy be slightly ghtly felt. The intensity of the reaction depends on each person. Although you can not recognise it, complete without lete the t cycle cle of o 21 days doing g the practice tice as it iss explained ex d here, h withou altering ering anything. hing. ill make ma itss effect effe in a particular pa ar way wa depending epend rson. The exercis exercise will on the person. To perform should rform this meditation me n for fo another othe person on you y hou ask for a personal erson interview tervie to the Akashic Records Home to learn the substitution technique. Verses s from fro the he Apocalypse Apo lypse Book ok (Christian ( stian Bible) e) Revelation ation 21:16: 16: And the town is square, as wide as it is long; and he took the measure of the town with the rod, q g and wide and high. one thousand and five hundred miles: it is equally long ation 21:18: 8: Revelation And the building of its wall was of jasper, and the town was clear gold, clear as glass.

ORTA WARN G IMPORTANT WARNING This meditative technique is programmed for the direct use of individuals. NEITHER ITS TEACHING NOR THE FORMATION OF WORK GROUPS IS AUTHORISED because these ties require re e the fulfilment men of conditions conditi rans d by the t author. utho IF YOU OU activities which can only be transmitted T TO BE E TR ED IN THE A SHIC TEACHING CH YOU SHOULD HOUL ARRANGE RRA AN WANT TRAINED AKASHIC SI TE ADMISSION INTERVIEW.

©The Akashic Records Home, of Susana M. Franz. All rights reserved.

EXPLANATIONS PREVIOUS TO THE PRACTICE he iillustrations tio should uld be printed in good od quality qu pap in colours, colo ith rati nes or 1- The paper, without alterations, lines s. cuts. h can nott be b folded. d They must be keptt in a white hit paper envelope without it 2- They inscriptions. 3- The same illustrations,, without covers nor laminated, printed in A 4 size, with its complete gelical frame me can ca be used several eral times t s by different d ent people pe with onta ation risk. r angelical without contamination enes of the he te que varies v son to t person son according rding to its grade gra 4- The g grade of eff effectiveness technique from person of necessity or sensibility to these kinds of energies. (Different techniques summon different p rised techniques. niqu forces). Some p people will need other more particularised Whe finishing shing the e 21 days, d , and an nott before, bef l ating effect ct will w be stabilised. stab d. The Th 5- When the liberating ti that it grantss will i be prolonged l Af thatt time, ti d not before, they can be protection for 3 years. After and repeated. The whole meditation can be carried out again every 3 years as a form of personal work. p r of the t ictur only nly works w e twenty-one twe one of o them m are ar used ed in order er in a 6- The power pictures when the ular way. None Non of them hem should uld be b used ed separated se ated from the others, o , not no even n with wi aesthetic esthet circular purposes. The "PICTURE" version is available for sale in The Akashic Records Home. his ttechnique que is compatible mpa ositi religion. gion 7- This with any positive

Order of th O the 21 pictu pictures


©The Akashic Records Home, of Susana M. Franz. All rights reserved.


© The Akashic Records Home, of Susana M. Franz. All rights reserved. Authorized for public diffusion by the author.


© The Akashic Records Home, of Susana M. Franz. All rights reserved. Authorized for public diffusion by the author.


© The Akashic Records Home, of Susana M. Franz. All rights reserved. Authorized for public diffusion by the author.


© The Akashic Records Home, of Susana M. Franz. All rights reserved. Authorized for public diffusion by the author.


© The Akashic Records Home, of Susana M. Franz. All rights reserved. Authorized for public diffusion by the author.


© The Akashic Records Home, of Susana M. Franz. All rights reserved. Authorized for public diffusion by the author.


© The Akashic Records Home, of Susana M. Franz. All rights reserved. Authorized for public diffusion by the author.


© The Akashic Records Home, of Susana M. Franz. All rights reserved. Authorized for public diffusion by the author.


© The Akashic Records Home, of Susana M. Franz. All rights reserved. Authorized for public diffusion by the author.


© The Akashic Records Home, of Susana M. Franz. All rights reserved. Authorized for public diffusion by the author.


© The Akashic Records Home, of Susana M. Franz. All rights reserved. Authorized for public diffusion by the author.


© The Akashic Records Home, of Susana M. Franz. All rights reserved. Authorized for public diffusion by the author.


© The Akashic Records Home, of Susana M. Franz. All rights reserved. Authorized for public diffusion by the author.


© The Akashic Records Home, of Susana M. Franz. All rights reserved. Authorized for public diffusion by the author.


© The Akashic Records Home, of Susana M. Franz. All rights reserved. Authorized for public diffusion by the author.


© The Akashic Records Home, of Susana M. Franz. All rights reserved. Authorized for public diffusion by the author.


© The Akashic Records Home, of Susana M. Franz. All rights reserved. Authorized for public diffusion by the author.


© The Akashic Records Home, of Susana M. Franz. All rights reserved. Authorized for public diffusion by the author.


© The Akashic Records Home, of Susana M. Franz. All rights reserved. Authorized for public diffusion by the author.


© The Akashic Records Home, of Susana M. Franz. All rights reserved. Authorized for public diffusion by the author.


© The Akashic Records Home, of Susana M. Franz. All rights reserved. Authorized for public diffusion by the author.

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