Pure Gold Joe Karbo

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This is a derivative work based on “The Lazy Man’s Way to Riches”™ © 2009 F P Publishing Co., Inc.

Copyright © 1981 by Joe Karbo Copyright © 1995 by F P Publishing Co., Inc. Copyright © 2002-2008 by F P Publishing Co., Inc All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or used in any form or by any meansgraphic, electronic or mechanical; photocopying, recording, or information storage or retrieval system-without written permission of the publisher.

Printed in the United States of America To protect the desired anonymity of those who have contributed to this book, some of the names, places, and situations have been changed. The suggestions given in this book, however have worked as described. The book is entirely factual as far as the publisher is able to determine, but may nevertheless contain some flaws. It is recommended that the reader rely on his own judgment and experience as he utilizes the ideas contained in this volume.

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© 1993-2009 F P Publishing Co.,Inc


Pure Gold

PURE GOLD: A 30-Day Program That Will Change Your Life

An old proverb says that if you give a man a fish, his hunger will be satisfied for a day. But if you teach him how to fish, his hunger will be satisfied for a lifetime. In these pages I'm not going to give you a fish. I'm going to teach you how to get the fish for yourself. These pages will give you pure gold; not the metal kind, but the kind that you can multiply for yourself. If you follow the program I'll be giving you, you can end up with more real gold than you'll know what to do with. That's much more valuable than if I sent you a ton right now. Wherever you are in your life, you want to change. I know that for sure: otherwise you wouldn't have purchased this program. Something's not working in your life right now: you're not quite where you wish you were. But here's something exciting: no matter where you are now, you can get to where you want to be. And my program will take you there. Maybe that sounds like a pretty bold statement to make. But this program has worked for untold thousands of people. And you're no different from them. If you'll really give it a try, it will work for you too.

© 1993-2009 F P Publishing Co.,Inc


Pure Gold

Whenever you have something new in your life, it takes thirty days to adapt to it. If you buy a new car or a new house, it will take your mind and body thirty days to get used to it. If you find a new friend or start a new job, you'll take thirty days to really get into it. A success program is no different. If you want to change your circumstances and reach your goals, you've got to change your life...and that takes at least thirty days . After all, how long did it take you to get where you are now? Years! Is it worth it to you to take thirty days to change your life? Your potential is as big as your dreams...is it worth it to go after them? If your answer is no, close the book now, and forget it. Forget your dreams and resign yourself to stay forever in your present situation. Thoreau said “most of us are living lives of quiet desperation.” If you like that kind of living, you might as well stop reading now. But, if your answer is yes, if you're willing to spend a few minutes each day in building a new you, a you that can reach every goal you can honestly conceive, read on. Turn the page; follow the program. After thirty days you'll agree that you're already different, more vital, more effective. There are two ways to approach this program. The first is to scan through the entire program all at once, then to go back and take it a day at a time. The second is to just go a page at a time, a day at a time, taking it as it comes. It will work either way, if you do all I ask you to do.

© 1993-2009 F P Publishing Co.,Inc


Pure Gold

I know it will work. If I can turn my life around, moving from where it used to be to where it is now, then so can you! And if you do, after thirty days you’ll agree that what I've given you is pure gold ! So you decided to go for it, did you! Good for you! Now, Read on ...Best Riches to you!

Joe Karbo

© 1993-2002 F P Publishing Co.,Inc


Pure Gold

DAY 1 Your success in this program will depend on how much you put into it. Some people will pick up a book and just read it...and they somehow expect that that will make a difference in their lives! That's nonsense, of course. The only thing that will change you is if you do something to make the change. And if you treat this program like a book, you're sunk anyway. Sure, it's printed on pages and bound in a cover; that's how we've learned to communicate in our society, but what matters here is not the package the program's in, but what it can do for you. If you follow the program step-by-step, you'll agree that it's more valuable than any book could ever be. How do you get the most out of it? By following the famous RSVP formula. RSVP stands for Read, Study, Visualize, Perform. You have to start by Reading the words on the pages. Then you need to Study what they mean. Words all by themselves won't give understanding. The understanding has to come from you. And it will come only as you study those words, think about them, learn what meaning they have for you. © 1993-2002 F P Publishing Co.,Inc

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Pure Gold

The next step is to Visualize. This is an activity that takes place in your mind. It means that you imagine in your mind so vividly that the mind actually experiences what you're thinking about; what you're “seeing.” We’ll talk a lot more about visualizing in the following pages. The final step you take as you follow the program is to Perform. You have to do the assignments I give you. If you fail to do that, the program won't have any effect on you whatsoever. This program is a magical one...but only as you work it. What if you miss a day? Sorry you'll have to come back to Day 1 and start over again. Remember: your future begins now. The kind of future you will have begins now. The person you will be tomorrow depends on the choices you make today.

© 1993-2002 F P Publishing Co.,Inc

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Pure Gold

DAY 1 Assignment Commit yourself now by repeating aloud: I will carefully Read the information in the program. I will Study each page until I understand the principles of each step. I will Visualize my success as I am instructed to do. I will Perform the assignments. And in thirty days I’ll notice a change in myself. I’ll be more successful...yes, that fast. I'll possess a treasure more valuable than a ton of pure gold.

© 1993-2002 F P Publishing Co.,Inc

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Pure Gold

DAY 2 About Yesterday You made some important commitments yesterday, some that can mean real success to you. But commitments don't work much unless you keep them in mind, so I'm asking you to review those commitments every day of the program.

Reminders: Each day, first thing,be sure you mark the checklist in the Reminder Section. ‫ ٱ‬Review commitments

For Today It's taken years upon years to get where you are now. It's going to take some effort to change. But I'm going to give you some methods that will enable you to speed up the process. One way to really get going is to fool your own brain. Your mind doesn't know the difference between a real experience and an imagined one, if the imagined one is vivid enough. If you can get your mind to think that you are a more successful person, it will help you to be more successful. Don't be too skeptical about this. You're where you are now exactly because this principle is true.

© 1993-2002 F P Publishing Co.,Inc

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Pure Gold

Your brain works on the basis of self-fulfilling prophecy. All these years you've been feeding it visions of failure, or of only moderate success. And where are you now? Certainly not as successful as you'd like to be! But what if you fed your mind visions of success, day after day? Pretty soon it would begin to believe you, and it would then take steps to make it happen. What I'm saying is that your mind has power to give you what you need to bring things to pass. It's been doing it day after day for year upon year. What you need to do now is take better control of where it takes you...and the key is to vividly imagine experiences.

© 1993-2002 F P Publishing Co.,Inc

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Pure Gold

Day 2 Assignment Today, start to vividly imagine success by repeating the following affirmations, positive statements of what you can be. Of what you are, if you'll only let yourself be. Look in the mirror as you say them, and imagine in your mind that they're true. Vividly. Sure, you'll feel silly doing it. You'll wonder if it really works. Don't worry. Even if you don't have faith in it, it will work if you do it faithfully. Twice a day, morning and evening; throughout the program. Now take the book with you and go stand in front of the mirror. And say, out loud (but softly if you wish): I feel good. I feel great. It's a wonderful day. Today I am a new person. I have power to reach my goals...and I reach them! I am master of my destiny. Today I do only those things that promote my goals. I am a new person. It's a wonderful day. Now remember to experience these affirmations twice a day, every day. I’ll have a reminder on each page so you can check them off as you do them. © 1993-2002 F P Publishing Co.,Inc

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DAY 3 About Yesterday Did you do it? If you're not going to do it, you might as well send the commitments program back to where you got it. You'll never change and find the success you seek unless you do the things that bring change. I know...maybe it feels dumb to talk to yourself in the mirror. So close the door and make sure you're alone. Maybe you feel like a hypocrite, saying things you don't really feel. Don't worry. The affirmations aren't used to describe you. Instead they're a tool of change. As you say them, envisioning them in your mind at the same time, your mind will sense the power of the experience. And before you know it, the words will be completely sincere!

Reminders: ‫ ڤ‬Review Commitments ‫ ڤ‬Experience Program Affirmations

For Today Who are you? As long as you have difficulty with that question, you're going to have a hard time making much progress. You've got to know where you are now, who you are, before you can start to move ahead. © 1993-2002 F P Publishing Co.,Inc

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A youth once went to his Master. “ Master,” he said, “tell me what I can become.” The learned master looked deep into the youth's eyes. “You can become what you are,” he replied softly. There's great depth in that idea. Each of us has an infinite potential. That doesn't mean that well end up the same as we started. Instead it means that we each have the seed of greatness within us. If we nurture that seed, we can become all that we were created to be.

© 1993-2002 F P Publishing Co.,Inc

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Day 3 Assignment To learn how far you can grow, start by seeing where you are now. Evaluate yourself. Who are you, right now? Answer these questions, & rank yourself in each category on a scale of 1 to 5: 1. How smart am I? (Ranking:__________ ) 2. How skilled am I at work? (Ranking:_________) 3. How skilled am I at making money? (Ranking:________) 4. How well do I get along with others? (Ranking:________) 5. How persuasive am I? (Ranking:__________) 6. How willing am I to learn? (Ranking:__________) 7. How willing am I to try new things? (Ranking:________) 8. How open am I to new ideas? (Ranking:__________) Now total up all your scores, then divide them by eight. That will give you your composite score. Total____÷8 = Composite score______ If your composite score is a 5, you're outstanding, or incredibly egotistical! If it's a 3, you're about average. If it's a 1, you have a long way to go, my friend. But no matter where you fall, you can improve. And this little evaluation you just did, will help you see what you need to work on most. © 1993-2002 F P Publishing Co.,Inc

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Pure Gold

DAY 4 About Yesterday Well, you've evaluated yourself now. What did you learn? That you need to work on your relationships with others? That's critical: if you can't get along with others you're going to have a hard time finding success, because none of us can get there alone. Did you find that you need to improve at work? That alone could help you get a lot richer. Doing the right things at work, at the right time, might be your key to financial success. Or it might be more critical for you to learn to try new ideas. The evaluation will show you where you stand against a model of the ideal. It will show you the areas you ought to seek improvement in.

Reminders: ‫ ڤ‬Review Commitments ‫ ڤ‬Experience Program Affirmations

For Today You can know where you ought to go - but it won't do you any good unless you point yourself there. A wise man once said, “It's not velocity that matters, but direction.” You can be going full speed ahead in your life, but if you're not going in the right direction, it's not going to do you one speck of good. © 1993-2002 F P Publishing Co.,Inc

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How do you point yourself? Suppose you wanted to go hunting to get some meat for your table...what would you do once you got to the hunting site? Certainly you wouldn't point your gun into the brush and start off a continuous flow of bullets, just in case a deer walked by! Instead, you'd go out and find the deer, and then you'd point your gun. Once you had the sight leveled in, you'd squeeze the trigger ever so carefully, so your gun wouldn't jerk away from your objective. It's the same with your life. You don't say, “I want to be a success,” and then run around trying everything in the hopes of finding that success. Instead you set your sights on a particular objective and go after that.

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Day 4 Assignment Today you’ll begin to set your sights on the objective of success. You’ll begin to establish some goals. Goals are worthless unless they’re used right, and I’ll be showing you how to do that in the next few days. But first you have to set them. Don’t worry about how they’re worded. Just write them down any old way, and we’ll fix them later. Write down at least two things in each area: My Financial goals: (Example: $ 100,000.00 this year) ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ My Material Possession goals: (Example: A new home) ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ My Career goals: (Example: Own my own business) ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ © 1993-2002 F P Publishing Co.,Inc

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My Family goals: (Example: Spend more time with my kids) ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________

My Personal Development goals: (Example: Control my temper) ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ Sometimes we get scared by goals, partly because they seem so hard to do, and partly because we don't want to let our dreams out in the open. But don't hesitate. Just write down the things you want and need. That's enough to get you started. Now write down one more goal, or pick one from the list above. This is your thirty-day goal...one you think you could accomplish in thirty days, if you worked at it. My Thirty-day goal: ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ © 1993-2002 F P Publishing Co.,Inc

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DAY 5 About Yesterday If you didn’t do the last assignment, you have no business being on this page! We need to have those goals to be able to refine them, and that’s what we’re going to start doing today.

Reminders: ‫ ڤ‬Review Commitments ‫ ڤ‬Experience Program Affirmations

For Today I remember once reading the story of John D. Rockefeller. When he was a school lad, he and a friend used to lie on a grassy hill and look up at the soft clouds floating by and share their dreams. Rockefeller records some of the wild ideas they told each other about. We of course know that Rockefeller reached his goals, he eventually became a billionaire, and his descendants are still enjoying the fruits of his labors. John D. and his friend both had goals. But what became of the other guy? Did his dreams come true? Did he reach those goals? The answer, sadly, is no. The goals all by themselves didn't have the power to give the friend the things he desired. What made the difference then? Just this: John's goals were specific, and the other guy's weren't. © 1993-2002 F P Publishing Co.,Inc

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Day 5 Assignment Today you need to take the goals you wrote down yesterday and make them work more for you. Make them specific. Clarify exactly what you mean. You've heard the story of the man who was given three wishes. It turned to disaster for him, because he wasn't careful to be specific about his requests. That will happen to you, if you don't take that care. One thing that will help is if you pretend that a Higher Power is going to come down and grant you the fulfillment of all your goals as soon as you've got them formulated; with total specificity. Maybe one of your material possession goals is an “expensive, ritzy car.” So the Higher Power is going to give you just that, in the form of a Cadillac. But you hate Cadillac’s, you were thinking of something more like a Porsche. What you need to do, then, is write down all the details. Make, model, color, size, options, and so on. Now rewrite in specific terms all of the goals you wrote down yesterday. (Example: I want a mountain home twenty minutes from work with at least an acre of land. It needs to be new, brick, have at least five bedrooms, two baths, and a game room. It needs to be near the forest. Etc., etc.)

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DAY 6 About Yesterday You should now have a list of specific goals. If you were careful to be precise, they'll tell a lot about you. If your fairy godmother were to come down today to grant you all your wishes, you could almost just hand her your list and say, “Go to it, Grandma!” But there's another step here, something that will help you make your goals, and the overall picture, even more specific.

Reminders: ‫ ڤ‬Review Commitments ‫ ڤ‬Experience Program Affirmations

For Today A smart young guy once went in to the manager of the factory where he worked. “It's obvious that there's a production problem here, ”the young man said...“And I have a plan for how we can solve it.” “Yeah?” the manager said. “Let's hear it.” So the young man proceeded to explain, in great detail, how production could be improved. He covered all the bases. He didn't leave a stone unturned.

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He knew that his plan would work. Maybe it would mean a nice raise, a good promotion for him. When he was finished with his explanation, he waited for the manager's praise. but it didn't come. Instead, the manager said, “Your plan is going to cost us another $2 million annually. Now where are we going to get that extra revenue?” Oh-oh. There was one base the young man had failed to cover. You can have a wonderful set of goals, with a very specific description of each. And that's a crucial thing to have. But you need to take it a step farther: you need to consider the numbers.

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Day 6 Assignment Quantify everything on your list. Put numbers and figures on everything. Yes, everything. Suppose you had a goal under the “family goals” heading. You were very specific: “I am going to make time to read a story to my kids at least three nights a week: Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. We’ll read in their bedroom, starting at 7:30, and we’ll read a book they choose.” Sounds good, doesn't it. That's a goal we all should have. But there are two things missing. First, you need to include the figures: how much time will you spend...and second, you need to say where that time's going to come from. It's not enough to say you'll make it. In fact, you can't make time, you can only transfer it from somewhere else, so you have to say how you'll do that. Did you say you wanted a car? Better put down the price. Did you say you wanted to be the top salesman in your organization this year and that you're going to do it by focusing on referred clients in the greater city area? Better say how many hours a day you're going to spend, and how much money you'll have to make to be top man, and whether that's net or gross. Here's your assignment: Take your list of specific goals and put a number on every one of them.

© 1993-2002 F P Publishing Co.,Inc

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Pure Gold

DAY 7 About Yesterday Numbers are something even I can understand. I'm not real good at adding and subtracting in my head, my checkbook will bear that out, but I certainly know what the numbers mean. That's how all of us are. When we see a number, we know what it represents. So when we put a number on our goals, that gives them added power. It makes them even more specific, no matter how specific they were before. Look at the work you did yesterday. With the numbers, your goals became even more meaningful. It becomes easier to understand how they can be reached; you know more what it is you're going after.

Reminders: ‫ ڤ‬Review Commitments ‫ ڤ‬Experience Program Affirmations

For Today Now you've done all that work on your goals...great! But I'm sorry to say that you may have to throw some of them away, or at least totally overhaul them. Sometimes we set a goal that really isn't a goal at all. It's an ungoal. © 1993-2002 F P Publishing Co.,Inc

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It's probably obvious that an ungoal isn't a great deal of help. But the truth is worse than you may think. An ungoal is destructive, and it will hold you back every time. Let me give you a few examples of what I'm talking about. Here are a few ungoals you need to watch out for: Adopted goals These are ones you pick up from someone else, maybe the guy who made a million in real estate. You adopt his goals, after all, they made him successful, didn't they? But they won't work unless they're your own. (Of course, your goals can be the same as someone else's. But they'll work only if you picked them because you want them, not because the other guy was successful with them.) Unreal goals If someone in the world has reached that goal you probably Can, but I don't know of anyone who made a million dollars in just a month,starting from scratch. That's probably an unreal goal. There are thousands of others. Anti-goals These are goals that state what you don't want. “I'm going to overcome my habit of getting up late; I'm going to stop sleeping late in the mornings.” That tells what you don't want, not what you do want, and it will sap your energy. Instead: “I'm going to get up at 6:00 a.m. every morning.” That's more to the point.

© 1993-2002 F P Publishing Co.,Inc

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Flutters Sometimes we jump back and forth from goal to goal. We set two goals that conflict with each other. “I'm going to be a world champion weight lifter” doesn't go too well with “I'm going to be a world renowned ballet dancer.”

© 1993-2002 F P Publishing Co.,Inc

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Day 7 Assignment Take out your list of goals and analyze each one against the ungoals I've described. If any of your goals has an ungoal problem, fix it or throw it away.

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DAY 8 About Yesterday I recall a technique a friend of mine used in training his children. Every time they'd get out of line (and he drew the lines), he'd instantly yell at them,“Forbidden! That's something you're not to do.” As you might imagine, his kids didn't turn out too well. The problem was that their lives were filled with ungoals, just as ours sometimes are. The only affirmations reinforcement they got was negative; they never had a positive objective to point toward. Pretty soon their whole purpose in life was to walk the narrow line that would keep them from getting shouted at. That's what we end up doing too, if we don't take care to make positive,clear, specific, personal goals indicating where we want to go.

Reminders: ‫ ڤ‬Review Commitments ‫ ڤ‬Experience Program Affirmations

For Today You've got a dozen goals, two dozen, maybe more. They cover the whole of your desires. Maybe you've listed that you want to be a better father or mother, that you want to be a millionaire in three years, that you want to have a $500,000 house, that you want to be able to play tennis like a pro. © 1993-2002 F P Publishing Co.,Inc

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There are millions of good goals you can choose from out there, and I’m sure you’ve chosen some excellent ones. Now how do you attack them? Do you do them all at once? Or one at a time? Benjamin Franklin had a good approach. He did both. He had a list of a dozen or so attributes he wanted in his life. He created a chart with all the attributes indicated on it, and every day he'd mark how well he did with that characteristic. Each week he'd choose a specific attribute to particularly concentrate on. Thus he was able to work on all of them every week, while he was especially focusing on one. We can do the same, by prioritizing our goals. The priority list will show the ranking of importance we give to our different goals.

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Day 8 Assignment Take a copy of your goals list. Rank the goals in the order in which you’d like to concentrate on them. Mark the most important one with a number 1. Number two would be marked with a 2., and so on. It doesn’t matter how you rank your goals, just do it according to how you feel. Then you’ll know which ones to spend most of your energies with, even though you’ll be giving some attention to all of them. For this program, though, I make a recommendation: put your 30 day goal at the top of the list. By succeeding with it, you’ll know more that you can succeed with them all.

© 1993-2002 F P Publishing Co.,Inc

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DAY 9 About Yesterday Listen to what Franklin said about prioritizing his efforts to reach his goals: “Though I never arrived at the perfection I had been so ambitious of obtaining, but fell far short of it, yet I was, by the endeavor, a better and a happier man than I otherwise should have been if I had not attempted it.” You can say the same thing about setting and prioritizing your goals. You’ll be a better and happier man or woman just for having tried. But Franklin only had a day or two of my program. If he had had the whole thing, and if he had followed it consistently, he would not have fallen short of his goals at all!

Reminders: ‫ ڤ‬Review Commitments ‫ ڤ‬Experience Program Affirmations

For Today One problem with goals is that they're useless little things if they're not used right. Usually we write them and don't use them at all, as if they had some magical power that would suddenly make us successful! Of course that's nonsense. © 1993-2002 F P Publishing Co.,Inc

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But what if we could somehow make our goals into experiences in the mind? Remember that the mind follows where we lead, and that it can't tell the difference between a real experience and one that's vividly imagined. Think of this: what if you could take those goals and get them into your mind in such a way that your mind would think they were reality? Then it would start acting on the new set of facts you had given it. The result would be sure success.

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Day 9 Assignment If you've been doing your daily affirmations like you're supposed to, you'll know the power they have. You'll know that already, after only a week, they're making a difference in your life. Now you need to make your goals into daily affirmations as well. It has to be done carefully, or your effort will be wasted. Here are the rules: 1. Make each one personal by using only first person pronouns: I, me, my, mine. (I am ... I do ... ) 2. Be positive, not negative. Don't use words like no, not, never, don't,quit. Don't say, “I don't smoke anymore.” Instead: “My health practices help me breathe better and live longer.” 3. Use the present tense. Your mind can only act on the present. So state your affirmation as though it's an accomplished fact. (I am the owner of a new car.) 4. State it in terms of action, rather than possibility. Don't say, “I can sell three new clients a day.” Instead: “I sell three new clients a day.” 5. Use emotions. Tell what you feel about the goal. “I feel confident because I sell three new clients a day.” Using these rules, rewrite your goals into affirmations. © 1993-2002 F P Publishing Co.,Inc

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DAY 10 About Yesterday If you followed the rules I gave you, you'll be able to see that your affirmations describe conditions that represent the fulfillment of your goals.What if you were to use those affirmations every day? Would they have an effect on your life? Maxwell Maltz, in Psycho-Cybernetics, tells about people whose lives were totally changed by their mental attitudes. What made the difference for them? The answer is simple: self-image. The mind responds to what it thinks you are. If you can get the mind to see you with different eyes, if you can give it a new self-image to work with, you'll end up being a totally new person.

Reminders: ‫ ڤ‬Review Commitments ‫ ڤ‬Experience Program Affirmations

For Today That means that somehow you've got to get the mind to see a new you. That can be difficult; how do you fool the mind when it's the mind thatgives you the self-image in the first place? We've already seen the answer in the previous pages. © 1993-2002 F P Publishing Co.,Inc

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Use your conscious mind to manipulate the subconscious. And that's done by vivid visualization in the conscious mind. How do you do that kind of visualization? The daily affirmation is a tool that will help you. Here's how. Go to a quiet place twice a day, the same place every time. Morning and evening is best. Settle yourself, get relaxed, then say the affirmations, one at a time. As you say each one, pause and see it happen to you in your mind. Remember that the affirmation is stated in the present ...watch yourself, in your mind, as the thing described in the affirmation happens to you. Be sure to see the event or situation as detailed as if you were really there. Involve as many senses as you can: taste, smell, sight, touch, hearing. But don't just watch it happen. Feel it happen. Remember, it's happening to you. Feel the emotions of the situation.

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Day 10 Assignment Visualize every affirmation on the list you wrote yesterday. The keys are to make it a vivid experience, so the brain will actually feel it happen, and to feel the emotions of the experience as it occurs. Remember, the brain can’t tell the difference between vivid imagination and actual experience. As you experience your own affirmations, don't forget the ones you've been using since Day 2. (Click here to go back to Day 2) Pay particular attention to your 30 day goal. The entire process should take only ten or fifteen minutes. But if you do it faithfully, twice a day, you'll notice a real difference in your life. And you'll notice by the time you hit Day 30 in this program. Of course, that kind of change is worth its weight in Pure Gold.

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DAY 11 About Yesterday How do you feel about your affirmations? Maybe the first day with your own personal ones didn't do much for you, but how about the ones you've been saying every day for over a week now? I'm sure those are having an effect on you. Then what if you start visualizing and experiencing all those affirmations? I’ll make you a promise: you'll feel some real changes coming into your life. You've already felt it to a degree, but I'm talking significant. Make sure you say them twice a day, faithfully. If you miss a day you're going to throw the whole attempt out of schedule. Then you'll have to go back and start over. Your effort has to be consistent, faithful. Remember, you're trying to create a valid experience for your mind. If you fail in that at any one point, your mind will notice, and you'll be set back.

Reminders: ‫ ڤ‬Review Commitments ‫ ڤ‬Experience Program Affirmations ‫ ڤ‬Experience Personal Affirmations

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For Today Some people think that they can reach their goals by going after only their goals. That's faulty thinking. Each of us is a complex organism, and a change in one part of our being brings a change in another part. The body and soul of man are like a miniature ecology. Maybe you should think of yourself as a pond out in the woods. Someone comes along and says, “This would be a great pond if we could get rid of the mosquitoes.” So they exterminate the mosquitoes, reaching their goal. You'd think that would be nice, right? But it's not, because the fish lived off the mosquitoes, and now they all die off. The bears visited the pond to eat the fish and now they don't visit anymore. So much for the nice pond. If you want to reach your goals, you have to consider all the ramifications, and you might as well realize right now that you won't be able to reach a lot of those goals without making some personality changes at the same time.Only that will maintain the ecology of your system.

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Day 11 Assignment What kinds of personality changes will you need to make? It will depend on your goals. Say you set a goal to go into a new business, but you're not very aggressive...that means you'll need to make a personality change. For today, decide what personality changes you need to make. To get you started, here are some areas of personality you should consider: I have respect for myself and my goals. I face problems with courage. I take initiative to get things done, and I persevere until the task is accomplished. I am honest with myself and others. I am decisive when it's time to act. I maintain my composure even at the worst of times. I am interested in other people and work well with them. I am well organized and efficient. I solve problems and meet challenges creatively. I have the self discipline to accomplish all I set out to do. At the top of the list, put a goal you'd like to accomplish this month. That's your 20-day personality goal. You can reach it if you're really serious about it!

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DAY 12 About Yesterday Yesterday you made a list of personality changes you need to make in order to accomplish your goals. That’s a crucial step to your success. You should be proud that you've made the effort to take a good hard look at yourself. Too often we struggle and fight through life in an attempt to reach what we want to accomplish in spite of ourselves. It's like the man who was trying to pull the mule toward him, all the while whipping him away! If we go after changes in personality at the same time as we go after our goals, though, we eliminate that problem. Now we're no longer working at odds with ourselves, but in harmony.

Reminders: ‫ڤ‬Review Commitments ‫ڤ‬Experience Program Affirmations ‫ڤ‬Experience Personal Affirmations

For Today This harmony is essential if we ever hope to reach the goals we set. Without it, we succeed only by luck, and usually not even then. © 1993-2002 F P Publishing Co.,Inc

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But with it, we have three forces working for us: our conscious mind; our subconscious (if we're using our affirmations); and the force of habit, which we now get on our side. St. Paul knew what he was talking about when he complained about disharmony in his system. Here's what he said: “I do not understand what I do; for I don't do what I would like to do, but instead I do what I hate. . . . Even though the desire to do good is in me, I am not able to do it.... Instead, I do the evil that I do not want to do.” He then talks about a war going on inside of himself, one side pulling for his goals, the other pulling for the same old ways. You know what he's talking about, and so do I. We've been there. What's the answer? To get all aspects of our beings working in the same direction. Harmony is the name of the game when you're trying to reach goals. Here's something I want you to remember: People are happy only when they're harmonious within themselves. There's a consistency between their goals, their actions, and their results. Inconsistency is unhappiness and it will never get you anywhere! One thing that will help your harmony is to know the motivating direction of your mind. Deep within each of us is a voice. It either helps us or hinders us. The voice can be a judge or a defender. © 1993-2002 F P Publishing Co.,Inc

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Listen to yours. What does it say? If it says, “It will work; you can do it,” then your voice is a defender, and that's terrific. But if it says, “You're a failure. You can't succeed,” then your voice is a judge, and you've got to change it. Here's how; every time you hear the judge, mentally reinforce yourself with the defender's ideas. Try it. You'll see it makes a difference.

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Day 12 Assignment You’ve identified the personality changes you need to make if you want to reach your goals. Now you need to get those changes into your system. The answer is to make them into daily affirmations. Do that now: Write in daily affirmation form, the changes you need to make in your personality. Follow the rules I gave you on Day 9. (click here to go to Day 9) ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ © 1993-2002 F P Publishing Co.,Inc

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DAY 13 About Yesterday Just the process of writing daily affirmations about your personality does something for you, doesn't it. I know it does me. It gives you hope. It helps you see that maybe there is a chance after all. Yesterday I told you about the judging voice or the defending voice. They can make all kinds of difference to our success. There's another little voice you should be aware of, a voice that's always crying out the truth. I call that voice the moderator, it keeps us in line. The moderator will cooperate with you in your effort to change yourself, like when you visualize your daily affirmations. But if you try to change your circumstances without changing yourself, the moderator will whisper in high tones, insistently, “It's all a lie; it's all a lie.” But if you start pushing for personality changes as well as pushing for your goals, suddenly the moderator will be silent. It will acknowledge the truth behind your actions, and will let the effort of change work its work. Get the moderator helping you, get the defending voice inside you and you've made some real progress to success. What I'm telling you, is that by identifying necessary personality changes,and then by turning those into affirmations, you're establishing someharmony within yourself. Your physical and spiritual systems recognize that, and give you more power to accomplish your goals.

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Reminders: ‫ ڤ‬Review Commitments ‫ ڤ‬Experience Program Affirmations ‫ ڤ‬Experience Personal Affirmations

For Today But by now you recognize that simply writing affirmations isn't good enough, even though it does give you more ability to move ahead. You need to take it one step further. The way to do that, of course, is to start using those new affirmations to create the experience in your mind. Suppose, for example, that this was your affirmation: “I am completely dependable in what I say I will do. I feel worthwhile because when I make a commitment, I follow through on it faithfully.” You take all your affirmations, including the one I've just mentioned, and go to the place you selected for their visualization. Then you say them out loud, one by one, experiencing them in your mind, totally. When you get to the one about dependability, you see that trait in action in your life. You see yourself making a commitment and following through on it. Then you see yourself make another commitment, a much harder one. It's difficult to be true to it, but you do it anyway, because that's the kind of person you are. You experience all the details of those situations; you experience the feeling of worth, of satisfaction because you have this important personality trait. When you're finished, it's as though the experience really happened, and, as far as your mind is concerned, it really did! © 1993-2002 F P Publishing Co.,Inc

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Day 13 Assignment Add the list of personality changes, which you've written in daily affirmation form, to your other list of daily affirmations. Starting today, include those personality affirmations in your daily affirmation routine. Do it as I've described, making it an experience that involves the senses and emotions, and thereby help your mind to know that that's what you really are. Pay special attention to your 20-day personality goal.

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DAY 14 About Yesterday You've been following this program for only two weeks now, and already you notice a difference in your life! I can say this with confidence, because I know the program works...every time. If you don't feel a difference, then I want to know why you haven't been doing your assignments! Yesterday you started to deal with needed personality changes in your daily affirmations. You experienced the completed changes in your mind. Now what did that do to your mentality? What did that do to the way you felt about yourself, even after the first time? I’ll help you answer that question. As I've explained before, when you experience something in your mind, it's the same as if you experienced it in reality, at least as far as your brain is concerned. So when you went through your affirmations yesterday, you were giving your brain some valuable input. The result? After only one try, and maybe a rusty one at that, you now feel a little bit better about yourself. You've probably been trying for years to change some of your personality traits, and now you see a way that finally you can make some progress. (One of those traits you'll change this month...Your 20-day personality goal.)It feels pretty good, doesn't it! Just keep it up!

Reminders: ‫ ڤ‬Review Commitments ‫ ڤ‬Experience Program Affirmations ‫ ڤ‬Experience Personal Affirmations © 1993-2002 F P Publishing Co.,Inc

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For Today Today you need to do something a little bit different. Day by day we've been progressing through the program, each day introducing a new element that will help bring a new you. Each day you've moved a little closer to the pure gold we all seek; the gold that comes from within and lasts forever, rather than the consumable gold that fluctuates on the market. But today, instead of moving ahead a step, I want you to move back. Today is the anniversary of your second week on the program. Every week you need to give yourself new feedback, to keep yourself on the right track. It's like you're a missile, going after a target. If your operator just pushes the button and lets you go, chances are that you'll miss your goal. But if the operator, working from a central computer, makes the effort to correct your path periodically, you'll be successful for sure. Once a week you need to do the same thing with yourself. Correct things with the central computer. Give yourself some feedback, to make sure you're on the right course.

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Day 14 Assignment Here's how you do it. First step: Pick up the goals you wrote right at the first. Take a careful look at them; make sure they represent how you really feel, what you really want. If they don't, even if the problem is a small one, reword the offending goals! Next step: Compare your goals, both new and old, with your daily affirmations. Make sure the affirmations fairly represent the goals. If they do, great! If they don't, reword the affirmations. It's important that the affirmations are reworded correctly, because they are a tool to get your mind going with the proper experience. If that tool isn't well designed, it won't do the job it needs to do. Final step: Make sure your affirmations are vivid. Make sure they involve your senses and emotions. Stop reading right now, at the end of this page, and consider your affirmation experiences. Do they really work for you? Do they really cause your mind to have new experiences? If not, adjust. Then move ahead!

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DAY 15 About Yesterday Suppose you're a king and you're sending some of your trustiest servants on a vital mission. If they fail you will be dethroned. If they succeed, you will be the greatest king in the world. You call them in to give them their instructions. You make them as specific and understandable as possible. Off they go. What do you do next? Sit around and stew, hoping the servants won't fail you? If you do, you're a very foolish king. Instead, you monitor their progress. You keep tabs on how they're doing. You've given an assignment and now you require an accounting on how things are going. The same approach applies for reaching your personal goals. They're the things that have complete power over you; they'll determine how well you do in your life. You don't just set the program in motion and forget about it. You keep tabs. You require, and give feedback. Only then can you be assured that your goals are taking you where you want to go. Remember, your life and your kingdom depend upon it!

Reminders: ‫ ڤ‬Review Commitments ‫ ڤ‬Experience Program Affirmations ‫ ڤ‬Experience Personal Affirmations

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For Today When you use the daily affirmations you bring real power into your life. You give yourself the ability at last, to reach your every goal. That's something so valuable it will truly change your life. But there's more. With the aid of the Mental Power Booster you can speed up the process, give your affirmations even more clout. I know what you're thinking. What in the world is the Mental Power Booster? It's simply a way of turning your consciousness up to the point where it really gets the mind going. But here's a warning: use it only for intangibles. The Mental Power Booster totally convinces the mind that what you've told it is a reality; and if you use it with your material goals, your head's going to get very confused! Here are the steps to use the Mental Power Booster: Step 1: Select the intangible (in terms of personality or behavior) that you want to work on. Step 2: Review the affirmation for that intangible. Select a key word that “says it all for you.”

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Step 3: Find a darkened room where you can be alone and get relaxed.Relax yourself by tensing, then relaxing, each muscle in your body working from your toes to your head. Take at least four minutes to reach your relaxed state. Step 4: Carefully review your affirmation, keeping the key word or words in mind. Step 5: Slowly move yourself into a deeper level of consciousness by counting down from 20 to 1, letting yourself slip down as you do. Step 6: Once you reach the deeper level of consciousness, you're ready for the Mental Power Booster. Simply repeat your key words in your mind, experiencing all they mean to you. Step 7: Once the Booster has been given, count from 20 back to 1, telling yourself that when you reach number 1 you'll be refreshed and alert again.

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Day 15 Assignment Try the Mental Power Booster, even if it feels strange at first! Use it once a day, but only on one thing at a time. It works!

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DAY 16 About Yesterday Now you've tried the Mental Power Booster for the first time. Maybe all you felt when you did it was a big hunk of nothing. Don't worry. Remember the first time you tried to ride a bike? It wasn't a very successful experience, was it? You had to practice, then practice some more, and before you knew it, riding the bike was second nature to you. Learning to use your mind will progress in much the same way. At first you'll be awkward and maybe ineffective, but the more you practice the better you'll get. Pretty soon you'll be as good as anybody on the affirmations block, maybe better!

Reminders: ‫ ٱ‬Review Commitments ‫ ٱ‬Experience Program Affirmations ‫ ٱ‬Experience Personal Affirmations ‫ ٱ‬Use Mental Power Booster

For Today You need to use the Mental Power Booster every day, once a day, for one of your daily affirmations. That will speed your progress in that area. But there's another valuable use of the Mental Power Booster you should know about. It's to plant effective suggestions in your mind. © 1993-2002 F P Publishing Co.,Inc

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Those suggestions can change your life on a totally different level than your affirmations work on. For instance, you can use the Mental Power Booster to help you stay alert during a long drive in your car. Simply pull to the side of the road, go into your deeper level of consciousness, and give yourself the suggestion that you're going to be more alert. It will be good for a couple of hours or more. Or how about your fear of visiting the dentist or doctor? Just before you go, give yourself a Mental Power Booster to eliminate that fear. Does it work? You bet it does! Give it a try. How about when you need to go to sleep and can't? Give yourself a Mental Power Booster while you're lying in the bed. Before you know it, you'll be gone into dreamland. Pain, fear, sleepiness, jealousy, anger, frustration….you name it; if it's an intangible, you can affect it with the Mental Power Booster. And there's still another advantage: When you count yourself back out of the deeper level of consciousness, you can give yourself another suggestion, one of greater alertness, even greater consciousness of your environment.

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Day 16 Assignment Today, select some emotion or feeling or concern that's troubling you, one that you'd like to get rid of for the day. Your 20-day personality goal would be a good one to choose. Give yourself a Mental Power Booster for it; See Day 15’s (Click here to go back to Day 15) material for instructions on how to do it. Even though you'll need more practice to really get good at it, you'll be surprised at how well it works.

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DAY 17 About Yesterday You tried a special Power Booster yesterday. How did it feel? I’ll predict that you felt something, even if it was just a flicker. But what will happen if you get really adept at using special Power Boosters? Think of what that will do to your life! Your mind has incredible powers, and now you're learning to tap into them. Whenever you feel the pressures closing in on you, whenever you're confronted with an unpleasant problem, tap into the resources of your mind with the Mental Power Booster. All of a sudden you'll find yourself calmer than ever before, more capable, more able to cope.

Reminders: ‫ ٱ‬Review Commitments ‫ ٱ‬Experience Program Affirmations ‫ ٱ‬Experience Personal Affirmations ‫ ٱ‬Use Mental Power Booster

For Today I need to give you a warning about this whole program. You're learning some tremendous things you can do, things that will change your entire life. And you're anxious to make the changes, so you can reach your goals. That's admirable - you have excellent motives. © 1993-2002 F P Publishing Co.,Inc

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But I want to warn you not to rush things. Don't take the program any faster than it's designed for. Don't try to put two days together, and don't try to skip any days. If you do, you'll be missing a vital link in the program, and every link is essential for success. One thing you need to be careful of is not to force it. Let the process take you to your goals. If you try to force it, you'll lose. This applies to your daily affirmations, your feedback, your Mental Power Booster, as well as the other things I’ll be telling you about. Just follow the program, and let yourself flow into the future. Too often we try to get things to happen by will-power. Listen to this: Will-Power is one of the most powerless powers in the world! I have a good reason for saying that. Whenever you try to accomplish something that you really want to do, you just go do it...by hook or by crook. There's no will-power involved, is there? But when you lack harmony, that's when you have the struggle with will-power. So here's what you do. Forget the will-power hogwash, and get harmony. How do you get harmony? You know: Experience your daily affirmations twice a day! © 1993-2002 F P Publishing Co.,Inc

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Day 17 Assignment Today give yourself this special Mental Power Booster, experiencing it in your mind in the deeper consciousness: I have harmony in all I do. I feel at peace with myself. Every part of my being is flowing toward the same goal. (Suggested key words: harmony, peace, flowing.)

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DAY 18 About Yesterday When you stop to think about it, the weakness of will-power grows quite apparent. In fact, maybe we should call a spade a spade, and acknowledge it as will-weakness, and maybe then people like you and me would stop trying to enlist its help and would go instead to true sources of strength. The deeper consciousness is one of those sources, one of the very best. As you continue to tap into it, you'll find yourself growing toward your goals in ways that you previously weren't able to even conceive. Some people spend their whole lives struggling after goals that aren't in harmony with the rest of their being. But when you achieve that inner harmony, using the special Mental Power Booster and the deeper consciousness, you don't have to struggle throughout your life. Instead you flow naturally to your goals, and you do it rather quickly.

Reminders: ‫ ٱ‬Review Commitments ‫ ٱ‬Experience Program Affirmations ‫ ٱ‬Experience Personal Affirmations ‫ ٱ‬Use Mental Power Booster

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For Today But just because you don't have to struggle to reach your goals, just because I've told you not to force it, doesn't mean that you shouldn't act. Acting successful is essential to success. Act “As if” What if you were to tell your mind that you were a patient person, and then you never made any effort to be patient? What if you used your daily affirmations to have mental experiences of success with your clients, and then you never bothered to try to have success with them? The mind will give you great power to reach your goals, but only if you act on those goals. First comes visualization and mental experience; then comes performance. If you give your mind an experience with success, then you go out and act as if that experience is a reality, you're giving your mind double input. You're not at odds with yourself, because you are giving your brain only one kind of input. Visualize, get the experience in your head, and then go out and perform that experience in reality. Your success will jump right off the chart.

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Day 18 Assignment Select your most important performance goal - one that depends on your doing something - and act on it…Today. Your 30-day goal would be a good one to pick. If it's a big deal, you don't have to do it all today, but at least get going. For example, if you had a goal to be considerate of other people, at least once today do something nice, even if you don't want to. Or maybe your goal is to be the best salesman in your company. Today act just like you are the best! Whatever you do, today do something successful!

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DAY 19 About Yesterday When you start to act “as if”, you take your success out of your mind and bring it into reality. You are acting out your goals, and at the same time you're accomplishing them. To make things even better, you’re mental experiences make it quite easy to have the actual experiences. You've been over that ground before, and now you're just going through it again with your physical body. Remember the mind can't tell the difference between an actual experience and a vividly imagined one. And that's the very same mind that you take with you when you go out to have your experience in the real world. Imagine your success; then experience your success, and then your success will be a reality!

Reminders: ‫ ٱ‬Review Commitments ‫ ٱ‬Experience Program Affirmations ‫ ٱ‬Experience Personal Affirmations ‫ ٱ‬Use Mental Power Booster ‫ ڤ‬Act “As if”

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For Today The thing that holds us back the most from “acting as if” is fear. You've been having great experiences in your mind; you feel better about yourself than you have for a long time. What if you now go out and try the experience for real...and blow it? Fear has probably held you back for years now. You may not want to admit that, but it's probably true. It's all a matter of conditioning. You've had enough failure experiences in your past to convince you that failure is a very real part of your life. I'm not going to argue that you’ll never fail again, but I will tell you that failure in the past doesn't mean failure in the future... especially when you're no longer working at cross-purposes with yourself. So what do you do? I've already given you the answer: Use your daily affirmations and the Mental Power Booster, and keep at it, until you're a completely new person, one who may have setbacks but who never fails.

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Day 19 Assignment It's a vital realization that we fail because we expect to fail. I once knew a very successful man, president of a major corporation, who never failed. Why? Because that wasn't part of his outlook. He made his goals work for him, and he persevered until he succeeded. After all, you can't fail in a goal until you give up on it! And if you miss a goal deadline, there's usually only one reason: You failed to consider, and work on, all aspects of the problem. Today act again on the goal you selected yesterday, but first give yourself this special Mental Power Booster, using all the Booster techniques: My every act ends in success. Yes, setbacks are possible, but they inevitably open doors to more certain success. (Suggested key words: act, success, setbacks, and open doors.)

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DAY 20 About Yesterday You did your assignment. You gave yourself a Power Booster against fear of failure. Then you took another real world step toward your goal. Do you see how goals can quickly grow into reality? One day you have a foggy image in your brain, the next it's crystal clear. Then you have an experience with that goal in your mind, and suddenly you're having a success experience with that goal. Some of your goals you've had for a decade, or longer. You haven't made much progress on them at all, maybe none, and now you've taken a couple of steps toward their realization!

Reminders: ‫ ٱ‬Review Commitments ‫ ٱ‬Experience Program Affirmations ‫ ٱ‬Experience Personal Affirmations ‫ ٱ‬Use Mental Power Booster ‫ ڤ‬Act “As if”

For Today All of us have bad habits in our lives. You've heard the story about the man who could quit smoking at any time: “Yes,” he explained, “I know for a fact I can quit. Heck, I've done it a hundred times.” © 1993-2002 F P Publishing Co.,Inc

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The sad fact is that habits do cling to us like bad memories; and it's next to impossible to shake them off. An even sadder fact is that those habits often severely hinder us in our success, but we feel we're stuck with them. We've tried to shake them with all kinds of will - weakness, and it's tough to figure out why they are the masters. You've got some bad habits you ought to get rid of, and you know it. What I want to know is why some of them aren't on your goal list. You'd be a better person for it if you got rid of them.Right? So how do I propose you do it? It's not enough to “affirm” them away. You've got to replace them away. Take a moment and imagine in your mind a pink elephant. Now wipe your brain clean; don't think of that elephant. Couldn't do it, could you. Now imagine a huge semi-truck barreling down the road in front of your house - and you're standing in the street in front of it. Come on, put the truck in your mind. When you did, it shoved the elephant away. That's what happens with bad habits...you replace them with more desirable habits. Suddenly you're having success there, too, especially if you bring in the power of your daily affirmations and the Mental Power Booster.

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Day 20 Assignment Select one bad habit that's holding you back from success. ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ Define exactly what the habit is. (How about “thinking in terms of failure”?) ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ Select a good habit to replace it. (“Quickly replace failure thoughts with success thoughts.”) ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ Write an affirmation that describes the new you, the one with the good habit. (Remember, don't write an affirmation that tells what you're not. That is a negation, not an affirmation.) ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ Once you've written the affirmation, put it with your list. And, starting today, begin to experience it with your other daily affirmations. Before too long you'll have a power to “act as if” like you've never known before. © 1993-2002 F P Publishing Co.,Inc

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DAY 21 About Yesterday If I could make it possible for you to overcome your very worst habit, what would you give me in return? I'd wager you'd pay me very well for such a contribution to your life. Well, overcoming your worst habit is what I'm making possible for you, and you don't have to give me a thing in exchange for my service. You've now picked a habit that you need badly to overcome. You've started to work on it, by making it one of your daily affirmations, exchanging the bad habit for a good one. Use that affirmation every day, and soon you'll see a change in yourself. It will be a change that can make the vital difference between success and failure. But then failure isn't part of your outlook anymore, is it!

Reminders: ‫ ٱ‬Review Commitments ‫ ٱ‬Experience Program Affirmations ‫ ٱ‬Experience Personal Affirmations ‫ ٱ‬Use Mental Power Booster ‫ ڤ‬Use Mental Computer ‫ ڤ‬Act “As if”

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For Today You've been on the program for about three weeks now, and you've seen some real improvement in your attitude toward yourself, toward life, toward your future possibilities. But let me warn you...too many people reach this point in their progress and slack off on the program. They have the motivation to get started; they have enough to keep on it for a week or two, maybe three, but then they get tired. Sure, they see success; they see progress, but they want it faster. They want it to come overnight. They forget that it took a lifetime to get them where they are now. It takes a little while to make a change, to turn yourself in another direction. Don't try to run faster than your legs can take you. Don't think you can push your mind faster than it can go. The mind is a marvelous thing, but don't forget that it's working with an imperfect you, in an imperfect world.

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Day 21 Assignment You'll remember that a week ago I had you give your system some feedback. You reviewed your goals, made sure that they fit with the affirmations, made sure they were really pointing you where you wanted to go. Since then you've added a couple more goals to your list; make sure they're recorded with your other goals. Then go through the feedback process again. Sit for a few minutes and ask yourself, “Are these goals really going to bring me what I want in life?” If you hesitate in giving the answer, maybe you need to reconsider some of those goals. If the answer is an unqualified “yes,” move to the next step: be certain that the affirmations are worded in such a way that they'll trigger the correct experience in your head. Make any changes that are needed. Then move forward with new resolve.

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Day 22 Assignment To get a better understanding of your Mental Computer, sit for a moment with a pencil and paper and write the answers to these questions (even if you have a hard time, give it a try): What are all the details of how you're physically able to write? Note the nerves, muscles, and bones involved. ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ What are the mechanics of how you're able to memorize? Include every detail. ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ What, specifically, is the mental and emotional process that you use to select and reach your goals? ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ Now, I know those are trick questions. Even if you're a medical doctor or a psychologist you'd be totally unable to answer the questions in full, but your Mental Computer knows the complete answers to every question, and it knows how to make it all work...the body, the mind, and how you use both of them.

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DAY 23 About Yesterday I'm sure the idea of the Mental Computer is new to you, but it's really not a new idea at all. A great number of highly successful and highly creative men of the past have referred to their use of this computer, though they didn't use that term. Do you have any idea how Edison was able to come up with so many inventions? The answer is really quite simple, and it's easy to document. He used his Mental Computer. Mozart created a lot of his music with the help of his Mental Computer. Einstein made some of his greatest theoretical jumps after a push of “inspiration” from his Mental Computer. Ralph Waldo Emerson, Sir Isaac Newton., Leonardo da Vinci, J. Paul Getty; they all had something in common... They knew how to use the Mental Computer. You can learn the same thing.

Reminders: ‫ ٱ‬Review Commitments ‫ ٱ‬Experience Program Affirmations ‫ ٱ‬Experience Personal Affirmations ‫ ٱ‬Use Mental Power Booster ‫ ڤ‬Use Mental Computer ‫ ڤ‬Act “As if”

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For Today Picture yourself at the console of a computer. You have a problem, and you know that if you can give the computer the right information it will give you the right answer. It would be great to have access to a large computer, wouldn't it. But, of course, it costs hundreds of dollars per minute for use of a top of the line computer.You have something better, and problem solving is something the Mental Computer is superb at. You only have to take three steps to put it into motion: Step 1: Write the problem on a piece of paper. Be careful how you word the problem. Words can contribute both to the solution and to the problem itself. If you write the problem down, you may find that you don't need the computer at all. Simply isolating and defining the problem in that way may be enough to solve the problem for you. If not, move to step 2. Step 2: List the pros and cons. Select the most obvious solution and then evaluate it. If no solution is obvious, just pick any solution and evaluate it. If you can't even come up with a solution, you need more base information. Do more homework.

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After you've gone through this process, you might have come up with the answer you need. But if you positively can't, move on to the next step. Step 3: Ask your Mental Computer for help. Act like your Mental Computer is a real computer, separate from yourself. (In many ways it is.) So ask it the question, and then leave it alone. Forget it! (If you won't leave the computer alone, it won't be able to function.) .

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Day 23 Assignment Select a problem that you really need solved. Take it through the three-step process, and then let your Mental Computer start to work on it. When you need the answer, it will come. It won’t come to you in any mysterious manner; it will just be there when you need it. You may wonder where the thought came from, but you’ll know it’s a good idea. And, because you’re becoming more familiar with the functioning of the mind, when you think about it, you'll realize that the idea came from your Mental Computer.

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Day 24 About Yesterday When you learn how to run your computer, you get an infusion of power that you never had before. But to get your computer to run right, you have to let it do its job. Envision a computer operator who requests help from his computer, and then instead of letting the machine do its work, he continually interrupts it to see how it's doing. That's like pulling a tree up by its roots to see how it's growing. Get your Mental Computer going, like you did yesterday, then then let the darn thing alone!

Reminders: ‫ ٱ‬Review Commitments ‫ ٱ‬Experience Program Affirmations ‫ ٱ‬Experience Personal Affirmations ‫ ٱ‬Use Mental Power Booster ‫ ڤ‬Use Mental Computer ‫ ڤ‬Act “As if” ‫ ڤ‬Use Clearing Treatment

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For Today


Here's another valuable way you can use the Mental Computer Use the Mental Computer to clear your mental passages today. to the pretty efficiency ofcomputer your mental operations. Sometimes Youincrease might be feeling good, but the will help you feel even better. And if you're a little bit down and under, the com(far too often) our minds get all clogged up and we have a hard puter will work wonders. Here's how you do it: time thinking straight. Step 1: Consciously decide to give yourself the clearing treatment. Most people just suffer through this ailment,

but you don't have to, youor use thegetMental Computer to help Stepnot 2: Sitifdown lie down; comfortable; relax. Close your eyes you! and step outside of yourself. Turn your conscious mind off - not by tryingtimes to, but just by letting flowthe slowly through your system. The when wethings have biggest problem

with this is when we're you're pushing too Step 3: tired. When youMaybe get a strong feeling that you should stophard, the treat-maybe you didn't ment,enough do so. Yoursleep system last knowsnight, when themaybe rejuvenation is over. And things are get too many resist the urge to close your eyes again, or you'll undo all your good competing for your attention. work-and probably get a headache besides!

Whatever problem, you can be sure that That's all therethe is to it. The key is quieting the conscious mind so thewhen that kind of Mental Computer can do its clearing, cleaning work. And you'll to have a hard time mental constipation hits you, you're going come out of it more refreshed and more energetic than you'll expect. progressing toward your goals. So you use your computer to clear your passages. It's extremely effective. It works much like sleep does for you, rejuvenating and renewing you, but it's a hundred D times faster.

a y 2 5 About Yester

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Day 24 Assignment Use the Mental Computer to clear your mental passages today. You might be feeling pretty good, but the computer will help you feel even better. If you’re a little bit down and under, the computer will work wonders. Here’s how you do it: Step 1: Consciously decide to give yourself the clearing treatment. Step 2: Sit down or lie down; get comfortable; relax. Close your eyes and step outside of yourself. Turn your mind off—not by trying to, but just letting things flow through your system. Step 3: When you get a strong feeling that you should stop the treatment, do so. Your system knows when the rejuvenation is over. Resist the urge to close your eyes again, or you will undo all of your good work. That’s all there is to it. The key is quieting the conscious mind so the Mental Computer can do it’s clearing, and cleaning work. You will come out of it more refreshed and more energetic than you will expect.

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DAY 25 About Yesterday When you used your Mental Computer for the clearing treatment you felt rejuvenated. But if you start to use it regularly you'll find it even more effective. As you learn how to step outside yourself you'll gradually see the benefits increase, and eventually you'll be able to move into the clearing treatment state with less and less effort. I'd recommend that you give yourself the treatment once a day. You can do it in your office, in your home, in your car, it doesn't matter. Select the time of day when you are least effective and set aside fifteen minutes to give yourself the treatment. The effort will make you feel better - I promise you that. But there's an even more important benefit: you'll be more able to move toward your goals. Your daily affirmations will be of higher quality. You'll find yourself progressing faster and enjoying it more.

Reminders: ‫ ٱ‬Review Commitments ‫ ٱ‬Experience Program Affirmations ‫ ٱ‬Experience Personal Affirmations ‫ ٱ‬Use Mental Power Booster ‫ ڤ‬Use Mental Computer ‫ ڤ‬Act “As if” ‫ ڤ‬Use Clearing Treatment

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For Today I don't need to tell you that it's not enough just to get your brain working for you. We've already talked about how it's necessary to act, and I've told you how your mind can help you know what to do when you act. But there's more to it. You can use your Mental Computer to help you know the steps to your goal. That's a valuable aid. Because now, instead of relying solely on your conscious mind, you can tap into a computer that knows a lot more than your conscious mind will ever know. A young acolyte once stood before his Master. “Great One,” he said, “how do I become all that I may? I know the great reaches I can grow to, but how do I learn to grow?” The Master looked at him from under heavy eyebrows. “Young One, to reach high one must first reach low. The answer is to be found by looking down inside yourself.” Then he turned away and said no more. But no more need have been said. Your Mental Computer has all the answers you'll ever need about how you should reach your goals. All you need to do is listen. Hear what your inner mind is saying to you; listen to your hunches, your fleeting thoughts. They'll give you the ideas and approaches you'll need to turn your goals into realities.

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Day 25 Assignment Tonight when you experience your daily affirmations, wait afterwards for a few minutes and listen to your innermost thoughts. Listen to your Mental Computer. Quiet your mind and body and sit in total stillness while you hear: What you should do now; How you can reach your current goals; How to bridge the gap between the real you and the you you're becoming. Now write down what you learn. Nail it down with a pencil. Great thoughts have a habit of flowing away if you don't record them. ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ © 1993-2002 F P Publishing Co.,Inc

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DAY 26 About Yesterday Last night you had an experience with listening to the Mental Computer,setting the stage with total silence within and without. What did you feel? What did you hear? (If you heard an audible voice, you'd better be calling your shrink!) When I listen like that I don't really hear anything at all, but I sure do sense new thoughts and insights coming in to me. That's probably what you'll experience. When you get those kinds of new ideas, you need to act on them. If the Mental Computer notices that you're not paying any attention to it, pretty soon it will keep its thoughts to itself! Find someway to follow through on the ideas you get from the computer, and pretty soon you'll be getting more and more of those ideas.

Reminders: ‫ ٱ‬Review Commitments ‫ ٱ‬Experience Program Affirmations ‫ ٱ‬Experience Personal Affirmations ‫ ٱ‬Use Mental Power Booster ‫ ڤ‬Use Mental Computer ‫ ڤ‬Act “As if” ‫ ڤ‬Use Clearing Treatment

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For Today Here's something that will help you apply those ideas. It will do wonders for you as you move toward your goals, and as you act as if you had already reached them. Get into the environment that matches your goals. This is a more important step than you may think. You know all about the chameleon. He's so concerned about survival that he matches himself to whatever environment he finds himself in. Well, you may not know it, but your mind is a chameleon. It's pretty concerned with survival too, and it will make some real efforts to match itself to its environment. You've noticed how your mind works when you find yourself in a new situation. It clicks away at a million miles an hour, taking in all the data it can, learning all it can to help you do your best in that situation. If you want to reach your goals, you need to get into the environment that matches those goals. If you do, you'll be giving your brain all kinds of valuable stimuli. The brain will then take that information and turn it into working knowledge for you. As a result, you'll know more about what it takes to reach the goal, and the brain will know a heck of a lot more about how it can help you. Birds of a feather flock together is a tired old cliché, worn and often repeated, but true. People who have a low opinion of themselves,financial failures,flock around with similar people. Also people who have a strong opinion of themselves,financial successes flock around with similar kinds of successful people. Which flock are you in? Does your environment support your life's goals? © 1993-2002 F P Publishing Co.,Inc

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Day 26 Assignment Select one of your goals that involves an environment you're not that familiar with. Mentally visit the environment. Then go to it physically, just for a visit. Get into it as deeply as you can. Let your brain go, taking in all the information it needs to. You'll know when the brain is finished, either because it's gotten all that's there or because it's tired. You'll find that you need to return to that environment again and again, but start today by getting into it just once.

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Day 27 About Yesterday Yesterday's assignment was one of the most time consuming in the entire program, but if you skipped it, stop now. Don't read on until you've fulfilled the assignment. Do it right away, before you lose any momentum. I hope you can see how important this is. If you ever want to move your goals from dreams into realities, you've got to know all you can about them. And the only way your brain can pick up complete data is by actually witnessing personal those goals in action, right in their environment. Your next step, of course, is to work out a strategy of how to get into that environment permanently; then work your strategy.


D ‫ ٱ‬Review Commitments ay ‫ ٱ‬Experience Program Affirmations 28 ‫ ٱ‬Experience Personal Affirmations

‫ ٱ‬Use Mental Power Booster ‫ ڤ‬Use Mental Computer About Yesterday ‫ ڤ‬Act “As if” How's your self-image today? Do you feel wonderful? If you don't, it's your ‫ ڤ‬Use Clearing Treatment


Review own darned fault.

For Today


I predictbeen that you do feel throughout wonderful-no matter howprogram things went is working with ‫ٱ‬ WhatBut we've doing this Experience your yesterday, treatment self-image. I mentioned this many days ago. no matter what your night was like last night. Because you have a program strong and good self-image. You know that you have worth as a person. You © 1993-2002 F P Publishing Co.,Inc

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Most of us go through life with poor self-images: “I can succeed, but certainly not at the level of my high goals.” “I like the idea of goals and success and positive thinking, but I basically don't change much over the years.” “Your program sounds good, but I don’t think it could help the likes of me.” Poor self-image. We think we're going to fail and we fail, no matter what we tell ourselves out loud. But change the self-image and you change the man. There's a well known story about a man named Bunker Bean. He was the typical down and out failure until he “learned” he'd been great men in previous lives. He was an ancient Pharaoh; he was Napoleon; and suddenly he began to act great himself, and almost as suddenly, he was extremely successful. The whole difference lay in his new self-image. If you've been following this program from day to day you have a different self-image from when you started four weeks ago. You feel more capable. You feel a lot better about yourself, and yes, you really are more successful...in just four weeks. Our systems are such that our self-images will be affecting the way we are whether we like it or not, so we might as well make those images the kind that will work for us instead of against us. We do that, of course, by experiencing our daily affirmations. They have a tangible power to affect our lives. I’m convinced that the man who doesn’t take the trouble to use them, enjoys his failure image so much that he just doesn’t want to change. © 1993-2002 F P Publishing Co.,Inc

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Day 27 Assignment As you say your daily affirmations tonight, experiencing them in your mind, think about what they're doing to your self-image. If your experience is vivid, I'm sure you emerge from your visualizing with renewed confidence,every night. Watch yourself tonight and you'll see what I'm talking about.

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DAY 28 About Yesterday How’s your self-image today? Do you feel wonderful? If you don’t, it’s your own darned fault. But I predict that you do feel wonderful, no matter how things went yesterday, no matter what your night was like last night, because you have a strong and good self -image. You know that you’re capable, and worthy of success! How can I know all that about you even though we've never met? Simply because I know the power of daily affirmations. I know what they can do in our mind, and in your life. I know how they brought me from the point of “normal,” not so successful person to the point where I am now: the world is mine, just waiting for the asking. And since you've been saying your daily affirmations faithfully for four weeks now, I know that you are undergoing a similar transformation.That's a pretty wonderful way to be, isn't it!

Reminders: ‫ ٱ‬Review Commitments ‫ ٱ‬Experience Program Affirmations ‫ ٱ‬Experience Personal Affirmations ‫ ٱ‬Use Mental Power Booster ‫ ڤ‬Use Mental Computer ‫ ڤ‬Act “As if” ‫ ڤ‬Use Clearing Treatment

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For Today

D Every day you experience your daily a affirmations, but every week you need to review your goals, to make sure that they're pointing you to where you reallyywant to go. 3 The daily affirmations are so powerful they can take you where 0 at cross-purposes with you want to go. But when you work yourself, you end up getting nowhere.

That'sAb a real danger to watch out for. You've developed your ou goals and you work for them every day, diligently, with your dailytaffirmations. But if those goals don't really represent the Yestrivings of your soul, you could be on a treadmill going inward ste quickly to nowhere at all.

rd ay The answer is to have your weekly feedback session. By double

checking the information and requests you've given to your Read, Study, Visualize. Perform. It's such a simple thing, if you set your ‫ٱ‬ computer, you make sure it's working toward the right goals. Review mind to it. “With small bricks great pyramids are built.” You've been setting commitments the small bricks into your building - and the result can be a mansion, a Experience castle, a pyramid, a tower, an ultra-modern skyscraper, whatever you program choose. affirmations You are the only limit on what you can become. And you are the only person Experience in the universe who can remove all limits. personal



affirmations “Day by day, in every way. I'm getting better and better.” Use Mental Power Day by day, in every way (at least for the last 30 days), you've been getting Booster better and better and better and better. © 1993-2002 F P Publishing Co.,Inc

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Day 28 Assignment Take out your most recent list of goals (it should be the one you updated on Day 21-click here to go back to Day 21) and read each one, thoughtfully. Think carefully of what that goal tells you about the person you are becoming. If that person isn't the man or woman you really want to be, in every particular, revise the list. Next, check your daily affirmations against the goal list, whether you've had to revise it or not. Make certain that the daily affirmations really point you to where you want to go.

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Day 29 About Yesterday A periodic review of where you’re pointing yourself is crucial to your success. A story is told of the captain who was crossing the Atlantic. The science of navigation was well developed, and he knew exactly what coordinates he should point for. He knew there were no obstacles in the way of a straight course. So he simply set his direction to where he wanted to go. “I don't need to be in there piloting this ship all the time,” he told his first mate. “This personal baby will take herself there if I just point the way.” On his third day out, a large school of tuna met paths with the ship, and several of the huge fish brushed against it. They knocked it out of course ever so imperceptibly. On the tenth day out, a terrible storm arose. Wind blew against the ship with heavy gusts, and rain pelted down on the deck. On the eighteenth day out, the ship ran aground, just five miles from where it had embarked. As you captain the ship of your destiny, don’t be foolish like the captain of the ship in our story. Constantly check on where you’re going; constantly check on where you want to go.

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Reminders: ‫ ٱ‬Review Commitments ‫ ٱ‬Experience Program Affirmations ‫ ٱ‬Experience Personal Affirmations ‫ ٱ‬Use Mental Power Booster ‫ ڤ‬Use Mental Computer ‫ ڤ‬Act “As if” ‫ ڤ‬Use Clearing Treatment

For Today On the the first day of this program, I told you we'd be using the famous RSVP formula. You've reviewed that formula every day since: Read, Study, Visualize, and Perform. Those four steps are the keys to your success. If you've applied them throughout the program, you'll find that now you are indeed a new person, with newly found powers and capabilities. I promised you at the start a thirty day way to pure gold. But you'll remember I said I couldn't just give it to you: you had to give it to yourself. Now you have a much more successful you. Now you're on your way to the fulfillment of all the goals and dreams you’ve ever had. And that’s the purest gold there is on the entire planet. Just from four simple steps: Read, Study, Visualize and Perform.

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Day 29 Assignment Sit down with a pencil and paper and compare yourself now with how you were before you started the program. Consider the daily affirmations I gave you, the daily affirmations you created yourself, the personality changes you needed to make. And consider the basic goals you set, then periodically reviewed. Have you made progress? Has it been more than ever before in your life? I'm sure it has! Are you all the way to your goals? I'd be very surprised if you were, but that's why there's a thirtieth day to this program! ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ © 1993-2002 F P Publishing Co.,Inc

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DAY 30 About Yesterday Read, Study, Visualize, Perform. It’s such a simple thing, if you set your mind to it. “With small bricks, great building are built.” You’ve been setting the small bricks into your building, and the result can be a mansion, a castle, a pyramid, a tower, an ultra modern skyscraper, whatever you choose. You are the only limit on what you can become, and you are the only person in the universe who can remove all limits. “Day by day, in every way, I’m getting better and better” Day by day, in every way ( at least for 30 day’s) you’ve been getting better and better and better and better. It can continue that way forever.

Reminders: ‫ ٱ‬Review Commitments ‫ ٱ‬Experience Program Affirmations ‫ ٱ‬Experience Personal Affirmations ‫ ٱ‬Use Mental Power Booster ‫ ڤ‬Use Mental Computer ‫ ڤ‬Act “As if” ‫ ڤ‬Use Clearing Treatment © 1993-2002 F P Publishing Co.,Inc

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For Today In just thirty days you've found a secret that's hidden to most people: that you can make real changes in yourself, changes that can point directly to your success, and that you can make them quickly. In just thirty days you've made some significant changes in yourself. You've reached your 30-day goal, you've reached your 20-day personality goal, and you've grown incredibly in every other area you've been working on. The most significant thing you've done is to change directions. For a couple dozen years or more you've been threatening to change, threatening to get busy on your goals,and now, finally, you've done something about it. And in just thirty days you've turned yourself to point in the right direction and established some good momentum. You can't stop now! That would be like the railroad engineer and the switchman who worked all day to turn the train 180 degrees around on the track, using inadequate equipment. Finally they accomplished their task and the switchman cheered. “Now you can take off a hundred miles an hour in the right direction,” he shouted. “Yeah,” the engineer said. “But now I think I’ll just go home and go to bed.” You can quit, but now that you're pointed the right way and getting some momentum built up for you, that would be pretty foolish, wouldn't it. © 1993-2002 F P Publishing Co.,Inc

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But I won't just leave you with a challenge to keep after those goals, because the Pure Gold program is good for all seasons, and good for wherever you are in your progress. You're a new person. You have new capabilities, but how do you capitalize on them? The answer isn't difficult: Go back to Day 1(Click here to go back to Day 1) and start all over again. “But isn't that awfully repetitous?” you ask. And I answer: “Thank heavens, yes!” because only through the sheer repetition of the steps, time after time after time, will your mind be able to take you from where you are now to where you want to be. “But that sounds pretty discouraging,” you complain. “Not at all,” I answer, because each day you grow closer and closer to your goal, and each time you perform a task it grows easier. After thirty days, you've established a new direction. Your friends wonder what you've done to become the new person you are. After sixty days, your improvement and progress will be incredible. After one hundred and twenty days, you will have reached goals you earlier predicted would take years.

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Day 30 Assignment In just thirty days, this program can change your life, which is more valuable than pure gold. You know exactly what I'm talking about. But the benefits of the approach needn't be limited to just one month out of your entire life. Because the more you use it the better it gets for you, the more its powers multiply in your life. The nature of the universe is that nothing is static or stationary. We either move forward or backward, up or down. You've spent some good time moving forward this past month, and you've made real strides. Are you going to keep it up, and continue to progress? Or are you going to quit and move backward? The Choice is yours. Today make this resolve: “I will make the Pure Gold program a way of life. Through it I will reach my every dream, realize my every goal. I will use it every day of my life. And through it I will become all that I was meant to be.” Now go back to Day 1,( Click here to go back to Day 1) and starting tomorrow, take another giant step into the future. Best Riches To You!

Joe Karbo © 1993-2002 F P Publishing Co.,Inc

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Prologue Congratulations! You have just finished an intensive 30-day program that has set you on the road to Riches and success. This Pure Gold program was designed to help you change your habits. We know it takes about 30 days to build success habits, but you must keep at it, or it is all too easy to slip back into the old ways. This Pure Gold program is just a small part of “The Lazy Man’s Way to Riches - Revised” program that includes a complete workbook entitled “Roadmap to Riches”. Now that you know you can do it – it’s time to take the complete program for personal and business success. Repetition is one of the keys to learning, but don’t fall for the old saying “practice makes perfect” – it doesn’t. Only perfect practice makes perfect. That’s why it’s important to repeat the lessons you are learning using the proper tools that are designed for perfect practice. Now is the time to repeat this program using “The Lazy Man’s Way to Riches – Revised” and “The Roadmap to Riches”. Best Riches to You!

Richard G. Nixon P.S. The book titles above in blue, are links. Just click on the title to learn more!

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