Pump old

July 19, 2019 | Author: umair | Category: Pump, Engines, Dynamics (Mechanics), Nature, Mechanics
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Short Description



PUMP Pump is a mechanical device that converts mechanical power into hydraulic energy. Function of Pump:

Pump enables a liquid to: . Flow from a region region or low pressure pressure to to one of high pressure . Flow from a low level to a higher level . Flow at a faster rate Applications: •

Drainage System

Agriculture and Irrigation system

ube wells

!il pumps

Types of Pump here are two main categories of pump •

Dynamic Pressure Pumps.

Positive Displacement Pumps.

Difference between dynamic pressure and positive displacement pump: •

 Dynamic pump imparts velocity energy to the fluid" which is converted to  pressure energy upon e#iting the pump pump casing

Positive displacement pump moves a fi#ed volume of fluid within the  pump casing by applying a force to moveable boundaries containing the fluid volume.

Positive Displacement

Dynamic Pressure

Classification of Pumps P$MP Dynamic Pressure Pump

Positi#e Displacement

entri!ug al Reciprocatin g

Rotary Axial fow Mixed fow





Diaphrag m

Sliding Vane



Parameters for the Selection of Pump Some of the parameters that decide the selection of pump are: •

Pressure and capacity of liquid being handled

Speed of rotation and power requirement

Properties such as viscosity" corrosiveness etc of fluid

Availability of space for positioning of pump

Initial and maintenance cost

Parameters for the Selection of Pump Parameter

Centrifugal Pumps

Reciprocating Pumps

Rotary Pumps

Optimum Flow and Pressure Applications

Medium/High Capacity, Low/Medium Pressure

Low Capacity, High Pressure

Low/Medium Capacity, Low/Medium Pressure

Maimum Flow Rate

!"","""# $PM

!","""# $PM

!","""# $PM

%,"""# P&'

!"","""# P&'

(,"""# P&'

&pace Considerations

Re)uires Less &pace

Re)uires More &pace

Re)uires Less &pace


Lower 'nitial Lower Maintenance Higher Power 

Higher 'nitial Higher Maintenance Lower Power 

Lower 'nitial Lower Maintenance Lower Power 

Maimum Pressure

Centrifugal Pumps Centrifugal Pump can be defined as a mechanical device used to transfer liquid •

 $onverts the energy provided by a prime mover" such as an electric motor" steam turbine or gasoline engine to energy within the liquid being pumped

Working of Centrifugal Pump $entrifugal pumps wor%s on principle of centrifugal force. •

 It has a rotating impeller also %nown as a blade that is immersed in the liquid.

&iquid enters the pump near the a#is of the impeller and the rotating impeller sweeps the liquid out toward the ends of the impeller blades at high pressure%

Components of Centrifugal Pump '.





Drive *echanism


Pump Shaft

Components of Centrifugal Pump 1. mpeller is a rotating component of a centrifugal pump which transfers energy from the motor that drives the pump to the fluid being pumped. •.

Thicker the impeller , *ore fluid


!arger the "iameter   , *ore pressure


ncrease the spee"

, *ore water and pressure

&'ye o! the (mpeller) *ater 'ntrance

Thickness of the impeller 

Diameter o!

Components of Pump Impeller is classified into three types depending upon impeller vanes • For#ar" $anes: -anes are in the direction of motion of impeller  • %ack#ar" $anes: -anes are opposite to the direction of motion of impeller  • &a"ial $anes: -anes are straight

Radial vanes

Backward vanes

Forward vanes

Components of Centrifugal Pump '. Casing is a stationary part of the pump that receives the fluid being  pump by the impeller  $asing generally are two types: •. $olute Casing: It is used for a higher head. A volute is a curved funnel increasing in area to the discharge port. •. Circular Casing: It is used for low head and high capacity. It has stationary diffusion vanes surrounding the impeller periphery that convert velocity energy to  pressure energy.  Volute



Components of Centrifugal Pump (.

)ri*e Mechanism  provides energy to the impeller. It can be electric motor "steam engine or gasoline engine.


Pump Shaft transmits power from prime mover to the pump impeller.

Pump Configuration Pump may be connected in series or parallel.

1. Series Pump  Pump is said to be connected in series if the discharge of one pump is connected to the suction side of a second pump. It produces same flow rate but higher head .

Pump Configuration '. Parallel Pump wo or more pumps are connected to a common discharge line" and share the same suction conditions It produces same head but high flow rate.

Affinity !a# Affinity !a# of centrifugal pump indicates the influence on flow rate"

head and power consumption of a pump due to:  change in impeller spee"  change in impeller "iameter •

Flow changes directly as a change in speed or diameter 

Q α N •

ead changes as the square of a change in speed or diameter 

H α N2 •

orsepower changes as the cube of a change in speed or diameter 

W α N3

Performance Characteristic Cur*e •

Predict the performance of pump when the pump is wor%ing under different flow rate.

Terminologies Use" in Pump ,ea"  is defined as height of water column. • -& 

,ea" is the height at which a pump can raise water up

Terminologies Use" in Pump •

Static Suction ,ea" is head on the suction side" with pump off.

Static )ischarge ,ea" is head on discharge side of pump" with the pump off.

)ynamic Suction ,ea" is head on suction side of pump with pump on.

)ynamic )ischarge ,ea" is head on discharge side of pump with pump on.

Terminologies Use" in Pump •

Pressure ,ea" is measure of fluid/s potential energy .

$elocity ,ea" is measure of fluid/s %inetic energy .

Friction ,ea" is measure of energy loss that heats fluid .

et Positi*e Suction ,ea" /PS,0 defines the pressure required at the

suction of a pump to prevent cavitation •

Manometric ,ea" is defined as the change in total energy head produced


 by the pump when fluid moves through it

!osses an" fficiencies 1. • ,y"raulic fficiency are the losses the occur between the suction and the delivery ends of a pump .

 Pump2 s Total   Head  / H 0 h

 Euler   Head  / H e 0

ydraulic efficiency varies from 0.1 to 0.2.

'. $olumetric efficiency is the ratio of the actual discharge to the total  


Q v



3 4 Amount of discharge

53 4 Amount of lea%age. It/s value lies between 0.26 and 0.27

(. Mechanical efficiency is the ratio of the actual power input to the impeller and the power given to the shaft . ζm P 4 otal power input to the shaft 5 P 4 *echanical losses It/s value lies between 289 , 279.

!osses an" fficiencies +. -*erall fficiency is the ratio of the total head developed by a pump to the total power input to the shaft . ζ m


 Power  in to the impeller   Power  at  the  shaft 

ange of overall efficiency is between 0.6' to 0.71.





Si3ing of Pump o si;e a pump" you must define : •

Flow rate of liquid the pump is required to deliver 

 otal differential head the pump must generate to deliver the required flow rate

Flo# &ate

Determined by the process in which the pump is installed. Defined by the mass and energy balance of the process. •

Total )ifferential ,ea"

he total differential head is made up of ( components. Total "ifferential hea" 4 static hea" "ifference 5 frictional hea" losses

Si3ing of Pump •

Static ,ea" )ifference

Difference in head between the discharge static head and the suction static head. Static hea" "ifference 4 "ischarge static hea" 6 suction static hea"

Si3ing of Pump •

Suction Static ,ea"

he suction static head is sum of the gas pressure at the surface of the liquid in the suction vessel and the difference in elevation between the surface of the liquid in the suction vessel and the center line of the pump. Suction static hea" 4 Suction *essel gas pressure hea" 5 ele*ation of suction *essel li7ui" surface 6 ele*ation of pump center line

Si3ing of Pump •

)ischarge Static ,ea" )ischarge static hea" 4 )ischarge *essel gas pressure hea" 5 ele*ation of "ischarge pipe outlet 6 ele*ation of pump center line

he discharge pipe outlet may be above the surface of the liquid in the discharge vessel or it may be submerged as shown in these two diagrams.

Si3ing of Pump •

Frictional ,ea" !osses

he frictional head losses are usually calculated from the Darcy,
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