Drive Test/RF Optimization/RF Planning By: -Faisal Khan (RF Engineer) ontents: !"# Drive Test (TE#" $%&%' !EE* PROBE + ,"""T,T .%' #,PFO$% #O# 0%1) .) nstallation o2 TE#" $%&%' 1) ntro345tion to Drive Test an3 Types o2 Drive Test ("FT l4ster et5) ') Drive Test Parameters an3 ,nalysis 0) 6eri2ying 5l4tter type (4r7an s474r7an r4ral et5%) ) omplete 8or9ing o2 TE#" $%&' ) Physi5al 6eri2i5ation + Pre an3 Post Drive ;) on2ig4ration o2 the Tems Kit 2or 2or . 1 ' 0 #o7ile + 3ata) =ith . 1 ' an3 0 mo7ile $) ?og File ,nalysis @) .6 which corresponds to /Dual of maD. . 12 MS Be&aior Modi" -" . Call can e originated on the 3CC7 or the TC7 fre!uencies. 7ence M%I8 values will e reFected only for calls on TC7 fre!uency and not on 3CC7 fre!uency . Step% ?or :T@6
Intra Site Handoer Intra 7andover is performed to chec) whether handover is ta)ing place oth ways on the Site. 7andover is performed among all the Sectors of the Site. Inter Site Handoer Inter 7andover is performed to chec) whether handover is ta)ing place oth ways on the Site with its adacent neighor. 7andover needs to chec)ed mandatorily for primary neighor.
7andover is performed with the entire dened neighorNs in the integration sheet.
Step% ?or :T@" Idle :rie i% per?ormed in t9o ?a%&ion%)@ !ormal :rie re,uen(' o( :rie !ormal :rie This is done to frame the potential area of the new site planned. It also helps us to get to )now the important neighoring sites for which the handover has to ta)e place.
re,uen(' o( :rie This is done y loc)ing the 3CC7 fre!uency of the serving cell and performing the drive for the same cell unless the moile enters into #o Service Mode. This is useful for ma)ing decision related to GSM antenna height" tilt" and orientation. :edi(ated :rie @edicated drive is an important part of @rive Test. 7ere call is made to a test numer and drive is done for the potential areas of the Site. @uring drive eing carried out one has constantly monitor parameters such as /A $evel" /A uality" SI" @TA" C4I /atio" 7opping Channel" #eighor list" T% Timing %dvance;. Constant changes in this parameter are helpful for post 8ptimi?ation of the site.
Drive Test Learning: 1)
What is the motivation behind GSM Air Interface drive testing?
Ans) GSM Drive testing is traditional and best way to verify networ !erformance for "ew Sites or #$isting sites. Drive testing can be ased for vario%s ob&ectives lie'
(overage verification "ew site erformance *erification and +ield o!timi,ation "etwor roblem tro%ble shooting lie Dro! calls- andover fail%re- oor (overage !atches- oor /0 %ality !atches- etc 2enchmaring Drive test to find o%t (overage and %ality com!arison against com!etitors networs.
3) ow to do (overage verification Drive test? Ans) 2est way to do it by !%tting 4#MS hone in Idle mode and drive across targeted ro%tes .
In Idle mode- MS will meas%re 2(( 4/08s 4ime slot 9 and 4S 9 transmit always f%ll !ower which is consider as real foot !rint of 2(( 5 which is call as (ell foot !rint ) and s%ch /0 :#*#: is /0 :#*#: +%ll beca%se 4IM#S4;: 9 doesn8t have D40 and ;W#/ (;"4/;: 2%t when yo% do Dedicate mode Drive testing then 4( 4/0 has most of the time D40 ;" and ;W#/ (ontrol too so that /0 :#*#: Meas%rement is /0 :#*#: S72 which is not gen%ine (ell foot !rint. ; W If the cell is really covering far away from the site" other options are reducing the coverage y down tilting the antennas" reducing antenna height" changing antenna or reducing output power W If it is a rural area and need to cover a larger area" EDtended /ange feature might e useful to e considered.
t&er Rea%on @rop due other reason e!ual to total numer of drops sutracts all drops with reason. If any of the aove drop reason didnLt meet the criteria" the reason for drop will e in the V8ther /easonL. roale /eason 74J fault
7ardware rolem Managed 8ect in 3TS;
$in)4 Transmission disturance prolem
arameter Setting
Jrongly dened setting for e.g. $%C ' $ocation %rea Code;
Moile Station
MS prolem
Interference prolem Oplin);
7ow to analy?e: W Chec) the 3TS error log for hardware faults. /un commands: /AE$ = /AM2 to loo) the hardware faults log; W Chec) if ICM is indicating uplin) interference in the cell. W Chec) with 8=M regarding transmission prolems" 7J prolems and service aHecting maintenance wor) during the time period. The average cell downtime and TC7 availaility should also e chec). It might e intermittent lin) connection. W Chec) oect type M8TS" which is ased on drop on Timeslot TS; in order to nd faulty devices.
TCH :rop Anal'%i% 1. Radio in Time@ut
Every time a S%CC7 message cannot e decoded the radio lin) time*out counter is decreased y 5. If the message can e decoded the counter is incremented y >. 7owever" the value cannot eDceed the initial value. The initial value is set y the parameter /$I#UT for radio lin) time*out in the moile station and y /$I#UO for timeout in the 3SC. If the moile moves out of coverage and no measurement reports are received in the 3SC" there will e a radio lin) time*out and the message Channel /elease cause: anormal release" unspecied; is sent to the
moile station and the S%CC7 is deactivated in the 3TS. % Clear /e!uest message is sent to the MSC. To e sure that the moile has stopped transmitting" the 3SC now waits /$I#UT S%CC7 periods efore the timeslot is released and a new call can e estalished on the channel. 2. a'er 2 Time@ut
If the 3TS never get an ac)nowledgement on a $ayer > message after the time T>&&A#>&&" the 3TS will send Error Indication cause: T>&& eDpired; to the 3SC" which will send Channel /elease cause: anormal release" timer eDpired; to the moile station and a Clear /e!uest to the MSC. The S%CC7 is deactivated and the 3SC waits /$I#UT S%CC7 periods efore the timeslot is released and a new call can use the channel. This is only valid if the call is in steady state" i.e. not during handover or assignment. 3. Relea%e Indi(ation
Jhen the 3TS received a layer > @ISC frame from the moile it replies with a $ayer > O% frame to the moile station and a /elease Indication to the 3SC. The system does only react on /elease Indication if it is received during a normal disconnection situation. If such a message is received uneDpectedly this will usually cause radio lin) time*out or timer T>&& eDpiration as the moile station stops the transmitting of measurement reports. It is also possile that the release will e normal depending on when the /elease Indication is received. 4. MSC Time@ut #ormal /elease:
If the MSC never received a response on a message e.g. Identity /e!uest; and there is no radio lin) time*out or layer > time*out" the MSC will send a Clear Command to the 3SC. The time*out is depending on the message. Jhen receiving Clear Command" the
3SC will send a Channel /elease cause: normal release; and then deactivates the S%CC7. /eect only S@CC7;: If the MSC never receives a response on the rst message after Estalish Indication" the MSC will send a reect message. If the connection was a $ocation Opdate it will e a $ocation Opdate /eect cause: networ) failure; and if the connection was a moile originating call CM Service /e!uest; a CM Service /eect cause: networ) failure; will e sent. The MSC will then send a Clear Command to the 3SC and the call is cleared y Channel /elease cause: normal release;. 5. A%%i*nment to TCH
3efore sending an %ssignment Command from the 3SC at TC7 assignment" the following two criterions have to e fullled: a. There must e a TC7 channel availale" i.e. no congestion . The locating algorithm must have received at least one valid measurement report. If either of the criterions is not fullled" %ssignment Command will not e sent and a Channel /elease cause: anormal release" unspecied; will e sent to the moile station and a Clear /e!uest to the MSC. TCH :rop rea%on 01 The classication of TC7 @rop /easons are arranged in the order of priority: 5.EDcessiveTiming %dvance >.$ow Signal Strength -.3ad uality .Sudden $oss of Connection ,.8ther /easons 7-(e%%ie Timin* Adan(e
The TC7 @rop counters due to EDcessive Timing %dvance will pegged when the during the time of disconnection" the last Timing %dvance value recorded was higher than the T%$IM arameter. This drop reason is commonly apparent to isolated or island sites with a wide coverage area. A(tion) Chec) if the cell parameter T%$IM is X Y+-Y Solution) Set T%$IM to a value close to +-. Tilt antenna4reduce antenna height4output power" etc. for co* channel cells.
TCH :rop Rea%on% 02 o9 Si*nal Stren*t& on :o9n or Dplin or Bot& in%
The drops counters due to $ow Signal Strength will e pegged when the Signal Strength during the last Measurement /eport efore the call dropped is elow the $8JSS@$ and4or $8JSSO$ Thresholds. $8JSS@$ and $8JSSO$ are 3SC EDchange roperty parameter which is used only for statistics purposes and does not aHect the ehavior of calls. If oth O$ and @$ Signal Strength are elow the thresholds" only @rop due to $ow SS 3$ will pegged. #ormally a call is dropped at the order of large rural cell with insu9cient coverage. 3ad tunnel coverage ecause many dropped calls as well as so called coverage holes. 3ad indoor coverage will result in dropped calls. 3uilding shadowing could e another reason. A(tion) Chec) coverage plots. Chec) output power. Chec) power alance and lin) udget. Chec) if 8mni site. Chec) antenna conguration = type.
Chec) antenna installation. erform drive tests = site survey. Chec) T/A4TS with high C8#E//C#T. Solution) %dd a repeater to increase coverage in for eDample a tunnel. Change to a etter antenna with higher gain; for the ase station. %dd a new ase station if there are large coverage holes. 3loc)4@eloc) T/A TCH :rop Rea%on% 03 Poor ualit' on :o9n or Dplin or Bot& in%
The drops counters due to 3ad uality will e pegged when the Signal Strength during the last Measurement /eport efore the call dropped is aove the 3%@@$ and4or 3%@O$ Thresholds. 3%@@$ and 3%@O$ eDpressed in @TO; are 3SC EDchange roperty parameter which is used only for statistics purposes and does not aHect the ehavior of calls. If oth O$ and @$ uality are aove the thresholds" only @rop due to 3%@ uality 3$ will pegged. rolem on 3ad uality is usually associated with Co*channel Interference on 3CC7 or TC7. 2aulty M%I8 assignment can cause fre!uency collisions on co*sited cells especially on 5D5 /euse. EDternal interference is also one possile cause of prolem on !uality. A(tion) Chec) C4I and C4% plots. Chec) 2re!uency lan Co*3CC7 or Co*3SIC rolem;. Chec) M%I8" 78" 7S# parameters. Chec) 278 if correctly congured 33 or S1;. Chec) for EDternal Interference.
erform drive tests. Solution) Change 3CC7 fre!uency. Change 3SIC. Change M%I8" 78" 7S#. Change 278. /ecord /I/ or on*site 2re!uency Scanning to identify source of interference. Ose availale radio features. TCH :rop Rea%on% 04 Sudden o%% o? Conne(tion
@rops due to Sudden $oss are drops that have not een registered as low signal strength" eDcessive timing advance" ad !uality or hardware other; reasons" and the locating procedure indicates missing measurement results from the MS. There are some common scenarios that could lead to Sudden $oss of connections such as very sudden and severe drops in signal strength" such as when suscriers enter into uildings" elevators" par)ing garages" etc." very sudden and severe occurrence of interference" MS runs out of attery during conversation" 7andover $ost" 3TS 7J faults" Synchroni?ation or %* is lin) fault transmission faults;" and MS 2aults. A(tion) Chec) 3TS Error $ogs" %larms and 2ault Codes. Chec) C8#E//C#T per T/A and TS. Chec) Transmission $in) %*is;. Chec) for @I Slips. Chec) $%@ Congestion. Correlate 7andover $ost to @rops due to Sudden $oss
Solution) 2iD 7ardware 2aults and %larms. /eset T/A with high C8#E//C#T. Ensure that Synchroni?ation and %*is $in) are stale. Change /3$T with high @I Slips. Change C8#2%CT or increase Transmission Capacity Investigate 78 $ost rolem TCH :rop Rea%on% 05 TCH :rop% due to t&er Rea%on% TC7 drops due to 8ther /easons are computed y sutracting the sum of drops due to EDcessive T%" $ow SS" 3ad uality and Sudden $oss from the Total TC7 @rop Counts. @rops due to 8ther /easons are generally associated with hardware prolems" transmission lin) prolems on %*is" %ter or %interfaces" and sometimes 7andover $ost. A(tion) Chec) 3TS Error $ogs. Chec) %larms and 2ault Codes. Chec) C8#E//C#T per T/A and TS. Chec) Transmission $in) %*is;. Chec) for @I Slips. Correlate 7andover $ost to @rops due to 8ther /easons Solution) 2iD 7ardware 2aults and %larms. /eset T/A with high C8#E//C#T. Ensure that Synchroni?ation and %*is $in) are stale. Change /3$T with high @I Slips. Investigate 78 $ost rolem
Pro+lem rea%on o? drop in S:CCH o9 Si*nal Stren*t& on :o9n or Dplin The reason for poor coverage could e too few sites" wrong output power" shadowing" no indoor coverage or networ) e!uipment failure. A(tion: Chec) coverage plots.Chec) output power. erform drive tests. Chec) 3TS error log Solution: %dd new sites. Increase output power. /epair faulty e!uipment. Poor ualit' on :o9n or Dplin A(tion: Chec) C4I and C4% plots. Chec) fre!uency plan. erform drive tests. Solution: Change fre!uency. Ose availale radio features. Too Hi*& Timin* Adan(e A(tion: Chec) if the cell parameter T%$IM is X styleRYfont* weight: oldQYSolution: Set T%$IM to a value close to +-. Tilt antenna4reduce antenna height4output power" etc. for cochannel cells. Mo+ile 7rror Some old moiles may cause dropped calls if certain radio networ) features are used. %nother reason is that the MS is damaged and not wor)ing properly. A(tion: Chec) MS Feet. Solution: Inform operator. Su+%(ri+er Be&aior oorly educated suscriers could use their handsets incorrectly y not raising antennas" choosing illadvised locations to attempt calls" etc. A(tion: Chec) customer complaints and their MS.
Batter' la9 Jhen a suscrier runs out of attery during a conversation" the call will e registered as dropped call due to low signal strength or others. A(tion: Chec) if MS power regulation is used. Chec) if @TA uplin) is used. Con*e%tion on TCH the S@CC7 is dropped when congestion on TC7. A(tion: Chec) TC7 congestion Solution: Increase capacity on TC7 or using features li)e %ssignment to another cell" Cell $oad Sharing" 7CS" @ynamic 7alf* /ate %llocation and 2/*7/ Mode %daptation etc
Summar') 1. S: :rop rea%on% and Solution%)@ 5.3ad uality @ownlin) >.$ow Signal strength
Interference i.e. fre!uency heating Site 8vershoot i.e. %dust Tilt
2. TCH :rop Rea%on% and %olution%)@ 5.$ow Signal strength @ownlin) >.$ow Signal strength Oplin)
Site 8vershoot i.e. Increase Tilt Site is not ServingMaDimum tilt; i.e. release tilt Tilt One!ual Connector loose 3TS Connection $oose
Tilt Con(ept) 0aMain always e (&& eDpansion can e (&& and 56&& " 0+In terms of coverage 56&&R(&&> i.e. (&& Mech. Tilt is then 56&& Mech. Tilt will e >" 0( Tilt for @ense areas ***-" Mechanical 0d Tilt for 8pen %reas****(&& has slight diHerence etween (&& = 56&& e.g. (&&Z. Chec) S@CC7 utili?ation and add S@CC7 if needed. -. Change T/ or change S@CC7 allocation on T/A with good !uality ased on #@ 5(+. . Chec) T/A alarm mostly
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