Public Speaking Script Edited
July 7, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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Public Speaking script Topic: Topic: The government government should should pay for post-secondary post-secondary education education A very good morning I bid to the esteemed panel of judges, the ever punctual time keepers,, fello contestants and last but not least, members of the !oor, please take keepers your seat and enjoy a trip to brainashing speech"
#adies and gentlemen, members of the !oor $efore I present my points, let me de%ne the title of my choice for today" According to the #ongman &ictionary, '(overnment) means an administrative system of a country that controls or rule a country based on the la" la" The ord 'post) is a pre%* that is used to indicate +after or +later" Therefore, 'post - secondary education) is the education that is pursued after completing secondary education" Post-secondary or tertia tertiary ry educat education ion usuall usually y takes takes place place in instit institute utes s that that featur features es advanc advanced ed knoledg kno ledge e and skills skills such as olleges olleges and universi universities ties that aards aards certi%cat certi%cates, es, diplomas and degrees" It is a knon fact that .alaysia is a country that emphasi/es on 0uality education" urrently, the government is giving out loans for students ho ish to continue their the ir studie studies s and th they ey have have to pay their their loans loans back back af after ter the post-s post-seco econda ndary ry education apparently this is not enough" The government should pay for the postsecondary education and there are reasons to do so" I ill provide the reasons in to di1erent to di1erent perspectives" #adies and gentlemen, members of the !oor
2rom rom the econom economic ic persp perspect ective ive,, spons sponsor oring ing studen students ts to contin continue ue studyi studying ng is bene%cial for our country" The government should take the chance by sponsoring students stud ents for their post-secon post-secondary dary education education because it is a kind of investmen investment" t" $elieve it or not, 345 of .alaysians ork in their on country" Therefore, if the government takes the e1ort to sponsor students, the students ill not be orried about abo ut %nanci %nancial al means means of paying paying back the loans" loans" 6ducat 6ducation ion is the only ay ay to produce a society that thinks critically, orks hard and able to contribute positively back bac k to the countr countrys ys econom economy y" 7itho 7ithout ut sponso sponsorsh rship ip from from the gover governme nment, nt, a majority of students ho a1ord to study overseas ill choose to do so" " 7e ill also be a global player that could compete ith other giants like 8apan, The 9nited States of America and Australia ot only that, sponsoring students education ill reduce the unemployment rate in our country" This is because all the students ill have 0uali%cations and they ould obtain good jobs in the orking orld" Students, ho have completed SP., ill not be able to give any e*cuse to continue studying"
It can also help our economy to gro orldide if e have educated masterminds and .alaysia ill be an active trader in the orld economy" In anothe anotherr perspe perspecti ctive ve hich hich is the social social persp perspect ective ive,, our our gover governme nment nt ill ill be knon as a caring government if they sponsor students post-secondary education" This is because students ho cannot a1ord to pay are separated in the orld hen money is a need" $y sponsoring the students, the government at least shoed the country that they care care about its people" People il illl surely respect respect and cooperate ith the government after shoing such caring e1ort" ;ther than that, students ho paid to study overseas ill come back ith a ne high culture" This ill enrich the e*isting culture in our country" This ill open our eyes and refresh our brain ith ne and unseen culture from the other side of the orld" #adies and gentlemen, members of the !oor Albert 6instein once mentioned that genius means
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