Marriage P T Akash KP & Vedic Astrologer, Nakshatra Jyotish Sansthan, LG-64 Minal Mall, JK Road, BHOPAL Mobile: 9827374626 / 9329265779 E-mail:
[email protected] /
[email protected]
Om Gan Ganapataye Namah Krishnamurti Paddhati astrology has proved itself to be a scientific and logical astrology . Marriages are made in heavens , So as an astrologer I have to deal with many cases regarding marriage. This case was recent one but here the client did not disclose anything about his affair and just asked me about his marriage. Let us have a look at how Krishnamurti Paddhati Astrology helped me in getting the correct prediction . Query Horary Date Time Place
: Marriage ? : 50 : 25-10-2009 : 19:00 hrs : Bhopal - Latitude
23 N 16 - Longitude 77 N 27
ANALYSIS Moon’s Placement & Significations As the client was quite apprehensive , I looked at the position and significations of Moon. Moon is placed in the 7th house . Moon is placed in the star of Sun which is placed in the 5th house. Fifth house is the house of affairs . So Moon is the very strong significator of the 5th house. So I concluded that the client must be interested in the Love Marriage. Later on the client confessed having affair and also being interested in marrying his loved one. Hence the Moon really showed the way . Rules applied 1. For Marriage 7th Cuspal Sublord must signify 2,7 & 11th house. 2. For Love Marriage 7th Cuspal Sublord must be connected to 5th house or 5th Cusp sublord must signify the houses 2, 7 & 11. 3. Ruling Planets could considered to rule out unnecessary significators and also to time the event. Cuspal Analysis According to Krishnamurti Paddhati , when the query is regarding marriage one must consider the houses 2,7 and 11 but when the 7th cuspal sublord is related to fifth house by placement or by signification then there is Love Marriage. Here we will consider the possibility of Love Marriage as we had seen earlier the Moon signifying 5th house also. 2nd Cusp ( Cancer 6:18:50 – Mo Sa Me ) Mercury is the sublord of the 2nd house , it is placed in the 4th house , it is placed in the star of Mars which is placed in the 2nd house , hence Mercury is the strong significator of 2nd house . 2nd house signifies Family ,hence growth in Kutumb is indicated here. 7th Cusp ( Sagitarius 12:33:20 –Ju Ke Me ) 7th Cuspal Sublord is Mercury , which is, as discussed above, the strong significator of 2nd house . 11th Cusp ( Aries 06:14:21 – Ma Ke Ra ) 11th Cuspal Sublord is Rahu which is placed in 7th house , it is placed in the star of Sun which is placed in the 5th house, Hence Rahu is the strong significator of 5th house which is house of love affairs.So Rahu being 11th cuspal sublord is likely to give marriage with the desired girl. Involvement of Rahu also indicates that the girl belongs to the different caste. As it is now established that the client is interested in love marriage with a desired girl, which is very much likely to happen as 11th house is the house of fulfillment of desires. 11th house never acts independently. It always acts by linking itself to the desired houses. So now we will look at the 5th cusp also. 5th Cusp ( Libra 06:14:21 – Ve Ma Mo ) 5th Cuspal Sublord is Moon in 7th house and placed in the star of Sun in 7. As we have discussed earlier, Moon is the significator of 5th and 7th houses. Therefore the client will marry with a desired girl.
Horary No. 50/249 Sun Rise: 06:21:53 AMSun Set: 05:46:26 PMDasa Days: 365.25 D Nithya Yoga: Dhrti Hora: Jupiter Karana: Badreva Horary No.: 50 Question : Marrige?
XI 06:14:21
XII 10:47:04
I 12:33:20
X 02:08:30 Name: Male Ke 01:18:07 II 06:18:50 Gender: Male Ma 10:24:39 Date: Sunday, 25/Oct/2009 Time: 07:00:00 PM SID: 20:56:05 Lat: 23:16:00 N Lon: 77:27:00 E Place: BHOPAL, MADHYA PRADESH, Ur[R] 29:21:33 India IX 02:05:42 Ayanamsa: 23° 54' 14" III 02:05:42 [KP Ayanamsa] Star: U.Ashada, Pada 2 Ne[R] 29:48:59 Star Lord: Sun Ju 23:31:06 Rasi: CapricornRasi Lord: Saturn Fo 20:31:41 Lagna: Gemini Lagna Lord: Mercury VIII 06:18:50 Tithi: Shukla Paksha, Ashtami Mo 03:19:49 Ra 01:18:07 Bal. Dasa: Sun 3 Y, 0 M, 0 D IV 02:08:30 Sa 05:38:21 Ve 19:17:31
VII 12:33:20 Pl 07:15:05
VI 10:47:04
Su 08:22:13 V 06:14:21 Me 01:16:31
Cusp 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Cuspal Positions Star(Pada) Sgl Stl Sbl Ssl Sssl Aridra(2) Me Ra Me Me Me Pushyami(1) Mo Sa Me Mo Sa Magha(1) Su Ke Ve Ju Ve U.Phalguni(2) Me Su Ju Ve Ve Chitra(4) Ve Ma Mo Me Ve Anuradha(3) Ma Sa Su Me Ve Moola(4) Ju Ke Me Ra Ju U.Ashada(3) Sa Su Me Ra Me Dhanishta(3) Sa Ma Ke Su Ke P.Bhadra(4) Ju Ju Ra Sa Ra Aswini(2) Ma Ke Ra Sa Ve Rohini(1) Ve Mo Mo Me Sa
Planetary Positions Star(Pada) Sgl Stl Sbl Ssl Sssl Su Swati(1) Ve Ra Ra Su Ve Mo U.Ashada(2) Sa Su Sa Sa Ju Ma Pushyami(3) Mo Sa Su Mo Ve Me Chitra(3) Ve Ma Me Ra Ve Ju Dhanishta(1) Sa Ma Ma Ju Sa Ve Hasta(3) Me Mo Me Ju Su Sa U.Phalguni(3) Me Su Me Ve Ra Ra U.Ashada(2) Sa Su Ju Ju Me Ke Punarvasu(4) Mo Ju Ma Mo Sa Ur[R] P.Bhadra(3) Sa Ju Su Ve Mo Ne[R] Dhanishta(2) Sa Ma Sa Ju Me Pl Moola(3) Ju Ke Ra Su Ke Fo Sravana(4) Sa Mo Ve Ve Mo
Dasa Summary Bhukti From Sun Dasa 26-Oct-2006 - 26-Oct-2012
Sun 26-Oct-2006 Moon 14-Feb-2007 Mars 14-Aug-2007 Rahu 20-Dec-2007 Jupiter 14-Nov-2008 Saturn 01-Sep-2009 Mercury 14-Aug-2010 Ketu 20-Jun-2011 Venus 26-Oct-2011 Rahu Dasa
26-Oct-2029 - 26-Oct-2047
Rahu 26-Oct-2029 Jupiter 08-Jul-2032 Saturn 03-Dec-2034 Mercury 08-Oct-2037 Ketu 26-Apr-2040 Venus 15-May-2041 Sun 14-May-2044 Moon 08-Apr-2045 Mars 08-Oct-2046 Mercury Dasa
Bhukti From Moon Dasa 26-Oct-2012 - 26-Oct-2022
Moon 26-Oct-2012 Mars 26-Aug-2013 Rahu 26-Mar-2014 Jupiter 26-Sep-2015 Saturn 25-Jan-2017 Mercury 25-Aug-2018 Ketu 25-Jan-2020 Venus 25-Aug-2020 Sun 26-Apr-2022 Jupiter Dasa
26-Oct-2047 - 26-Oct-2063
Jupiter 26-Oct-2047 Saturn 14-Dec-2049 Mercury 26-Jun-2052 Ketu 03-Oct-2054 Venus 09-Sep-2055 Sun 09-May-2058 Moon 26-Feb-2059 Mars 26-Jun-2060 Rahu 01-Jun-2061 Ketu Dasa
Bhukti From Mars Dasa 26-Oct-2022 - 26-Oct-2029
Mars 26-Oct-2022 Rahu 23-Mar-2023 Jupiter 10-Apr-2024 Saturn 16-Mar-2025 Mercury 25-Apr-2026 Ketu 22-Apr-2027 Venus 19-Sep-2027 Sun 18-Nov-2028 Moon 24-Mar-2029 Saturn Dasa
26-Oct-2063 - 26-Oct-2082
Saturn 26-Oct-2063 Mercury 29-Oct-2066 Ketu 07-Jul-2069 Venus 16-Aug-2070 Sun 16-Oct-2073 Moon 28-Sep-2074 Mars 28-Apr-2076 Rahu 08-Jun-2077 Jupiter 14-Apr-2080 Venus Dasa
26-Oct-2082 - 26-Oct-2099
26-Oct-2099 - 26-Oct-2106
26-Oct-2106 - 26-Oct-2126
26-Oct-2082 22-Mar-2085 19-Mar-2086 18-Jan-2089 24-Nov-2089 24-Apr-2091 21-Apr-2092 10-Nov-2094 15-Feb-2097
26-Oct-2099 23-Mar-2100 23-May-2101 29-Sep-2101 29-Apr-2102 26-Sep-2102 14-Oct-2103 20-Sep-2104 30-Oct-2105
26-Oct-2106 26-Feb-2110 26-Feb-2111 26-Oct-2112 27-Dec-2113 26-Dec-2116 27-Aug-2119 27-Oct-2122 26-Aug-2125
Mercury Ketu Venus Sun Moon Mars Rahu Jupiter Saturn
Ketu Venus Sun Moon Mars Rahu Jupiter Saturn Mercury
Venus Sun Moon Mars Rahu Jupiter Saturn Mercury Ketu
Significators - Planets View (B) (C) (D) 7 5 3 5 7 3 2 4 2 8, 9 6, 11 2 4 6, 11 1, 4 2 8 6, 11 7, 10 7 4 2 5, 12 5 4 3 8, 9 5 7 3 8 1 7, 10 8 9 7, 10 2 8 6, 11 1 6 7 8 2
Planet (A)
Su Mo Ma Me+ Ju Ve+ Sa Ra Ke+ Ur Ne Pl Fo
Rahu acts as agent for: Mo, Ma, Ju, Sa. Ketu acts as agent for: Mo, Ma, Ju. (A) - Planets in Occupant's stars (B) - Occupant of house (C) - Planets in Owner's stars (D) - House Owner
+ These planets do not have any planets in their stars.
Child Birth P T Akash
Ruling Planets At Time of Judgement Name Lagna Moon Day Lord
SgL Ve Sa Sun
StL Su Su
SL Ra Sa
Looking at the Ruling Planets, Sun which is very strong significator of 5th house.With the Sun being quite prominent it is likely that the marriage will take place soon. Dasha Bhukti Antara Analysis Running Maha Dasha is of Sun which as we have seen is the strong significator for love marriage as it signifies both 5th and 7th house strongly. So the Mmaha Dasha supports the marriage. Running Bhukti is of Saturn which is till Aug 2010. Saturn is in the star of Sun, hence it strongly signifies 7th house also it is in the sub of Mercury which is strong significator of 2nd house, hence it also lends support for marriage. Running Antara is of Mercury which will be till Dec 2009 but it is not amongst the Ruling Planets. So we don’t consider this Antara. Next Antara is of Ketu which is also not amongst the RPs. It also acts as agent of Moon but Moon is also not the Ruling Planet, so we neglect this Antara. Next Antara is of Venus which is strong significator of 7th house, also it is in the sub of Mercury which signifies 2, So we will consider this Antara is fruitful for marriage. This Antara will run till 1-3-2010. So I predicted that the client will get married between 1-1-2010 to 1-3-2010. Later on the client informed that he has planned his Marriage on 12-02-2010. My Pranamms to Guruji and Lord Ganesha.
November 2009
Promotion P T Akash KP & Vedic Astrologer, Nakshatra Jyotish Sansthan, LG-64 Minal Mall, JK Road, BHOPAL Mobile: 9827374626 / 9329265779 E-mail:
[email protected] /
[email protected]
Om Gan Ganapataye Namah Krishnamurti Padhdhati has proved itself to be a scientific and logical astrology . As an astrologer, I have found its utility in each and every field that one can ever imagine. June is the month of promotions in BHEL and so most of my clients asked me to predict their fate. I basically use Horary method for such queries and have been quite successful. Here I would like to present two examples with totally opposite results. Query : Promotion ? Horary : 73 [ 1 – 249 ] Date : 21-03-2009 Time : 19:53 Place : Nakshatra Jyotish Sansthan, Bhopal 77 E 27 Ayanamsa : KPNA 23:53:44
23 N 16
Rules : 1. 2. 3.
Cuspal Sublord of 10th must signify 2,6,10 and 11th house. Cuspal Sublord of 11th house i.e house of fulfillment of desire must also signify 2,6,10 and 11th house. Ruling Planets are also to be considered to check the strength of significators.
Analysis : First of all one needs to look at the Moon and its signications to know about the genuinity of the querist. In this case Moon itself is placed in the 6th house (competition, success) . Hence the query was genuine. Now we can analyse the chart. 2nd Cusp : Leo 8:6:12 ( Su Ke Ju) – Sublord of 2nd cusp is Jupiter which is in the star of Moon in 6th house . Hence Jupiter is a strong significator of 6th house. Jupiter’s sublord Sun is placed in 9th house. But it is in the star of Saturn which is placed in 2nd (finance). 6th Cusp : Sag 13:24:59 ( Ju Ve Ve ) –Ve is the sublord of 6th house and placed in 9th house as lord of 11th house. Venus is in the star of Mercury which is placed in 8th house. Hence Venus is signifying 11th house related to promotion. 10th Cusp : Aries 09:11:20 ( Ma Ke Ju ) – Jupiter, as discussed in 2nd cusp analysis, is a strong significator of 6th house . Hence 10th cusp sublord indicates success. 11th Cusp :Taurus 12:4:42 ( Ve Mo Ra ) – Rahu is placed in 6th house with Moon. It is in the star of Moon which is placed in 6th house. Rahu is in the sign of Saturn which is placed in 2nd house. Hence Rahu is a strong indicator of success. Ruling Planets at the time of judgement Lagna Moon Day
- Me Ma Ju - Sa Su Ve - Saturn
Prediction Looking at the strength of the cuspal sublords of 2,6,10 and 11th houses which indicates success and fulfillment of desire i.e promotion, I predicted success and promotion for the querist. Result The querist was promoted on 24th June 2009 to the rank of DGM.
August 2009
Horary No. 73/249 Sun Rise: 06:23:35 AMSun Set: 06:31:33 PMDasa Days: 365.25 D Nithya Yoga: Shiva Hora: Moon Karana: Bav Horary No.: 73 Question : Promotion?
X 09:11:20
XI 12:04:42
Ju 23:10:39 VII 12:53:20 Ra 12:51:08 Mo 08:14:05
Fo 24:28:48 VI 13:24:59 Pl 09:21:06
Name: Promotion Chart 1 Ke 12:51:08 I 12:53:20 Gender: Male Date: Saturday, 21/Mar/2009 Time: 07:53:00 PM SID: 07:29:45 Lat: 23:16:00 N Lon: 77:27:00 E Place: BHOPAL, MADHYA PRADESH, India Ayanamsa: 23° 53' 44" II 08:06:12 [KP Ayanamsa] Sa[R] 23:28:56 Star: U.Ashada, Pada 4 Star Lord: Sun Rasi: CapricornRasi Lord: Saturn Lagna: Cancer Lagna Lord: Moon Tithi: Krishna Paksha, Ekadasi Bal. Dasa: Sun 0 Y, 9 M, 16 D III 06:59:45
V 12:04:42
BHOPAL, MADHYA PRADESH, India Planet Sgl Stl Sbl Ssl Sssl Lagna Me Ma Ju Me Me Moon Sa Su Ve Su Ke Day Lord: Saturn
XII 13:24:59
Ve[R] 17:07:06 Su 07:12:28 IX 06:59:45
Ur 29:11:52 Me 28:06:04 Ma 11:09:51 VIII 08:06:12 Ne 01:22:45
Ruling Planets - 21/Mar/2009 07:53:00 PM
Cusp 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Cuspal Positions Star(Pada) Sgl Stl Sbl Ssl Sssl Pushyami(3) Mo Sa Ra Ra Ra Magha(3) Su Ke Ju Me Me U.Phalguni(4) Me Su Me Sa Ju Swati(1) Ve Ra Ju Me Me Anuradha(3) Ma Sa Mo Su Ju P.Ashada(1) Ju Ve Ve Ve Mo Sravana(1) Sa Mo Ra Me Su Satabhisha(1) Sa Ra Ra Ve Ra U.Bhadra(2) Ju Sa Me Ju Ma Aswini(3) Ma Ke Ju Ra Me Rohini(1) Ve Mo Ra Ra Ke Aridra(3) Me Ra Me Mo Sa
Planetary Positions Star(Pada) Sgl Stl Sbl Ssl Sssl Su U.Bhadra(2) Ju Sa Me Sa Mo Mo U.Ashada(4) Sa Su Ve Su Ke Ma Satabhisha(2) Sa Ra Sa Ke Sa Me P.Bhadra(3) Sa Ju Ve Sa Ke Ju Sravana(4) Sa Mo Su Me Sa Ve[R] Revati(1) Ju Me Me Ve Mo Sa[R] P.Phalguni(4) Su Ve Sa Ra Ju Ra Sravana(1) Sa Mo Ra Me Ve Ke Pushyami(3) Mo Sa Ma Mo Sa Ur P.Bhadra(3) Sa Ju Su Sa Ju Ne Dhanishta(3) Sa Ma Me Ju Sa Pl Moola(3) Ju Ke Sa Sa Sa Fo P.Ashada(4) Ju Ve Me Ve Ma
IV 09:11:20
Dasa Summary Bhukti From Sun Dasa
Bhukti From Moon Dasa
Sun 06-Jan-2004 Moon 24-Apr-2004 Mars 24-Oct-2004 Rahu 02-Mar-2005 Jupiter 26-Jan-2006 Saturn 14-Nov-2006 Mercury 26-Oct-2007 Ketu 02-Sep-2008 Venus 08-Jan-2009 Rahu Dasa
Moon 06-Jan-2010 Mars 06-Nov-2010 Rahu 06-Jun-2011 Jupiter 05-Dec-2012 Saturn 06-Apr-2014 Mercury 06-Nov-2015 Ketu 05-Apr-2017 Venus 05-Nov-2017 Sun 05-Jul-2019 Jupiter Dasa
Rahu 06-Jan-2027 Jupiter 18-Sep-2029 Saturn 12-Feb-2032 Mercury 18-Dec-2034 Ketu 05-Jul-2037 Venus 24-Jul-2038 Sun 24-Jul-2041 Moon 18-Jun-2042 Mars 18-Dec-2043 Mercury Dasa
Jupiter 06-Jan-2045 Saturn 23-Feb-2047 Mercury 04-Sep-2049 Ketu 10-Dec-2051 Venus 16-Nov-2052 Sun 17-Jul-2055 Moon 05-May-2056 Mars 06-Sep-2057 Rahu 13-Aug-2058 Ketu Dasa
Mercury Ketu Venus Sun Moon Mars Rahu Jupiter Saturn
Ketu Venus Sun Moon Mars Rahu Jupiter Saturn Mercury
06-Jan-2004 - 06-Jan-2010 06-Jan-2010 - 06-Jan-2020
06-Jan-2027 - 06-Jan-2045 06-Jan-2045 - 06-Jan-2061
06-Jan-2080 - 06-Jan-2097 06-Jan-2097 - 06-Jan-2104
06-Jan-2080 03-Jun-2082 31-May-2083 31-Mar-2086 06-Feb-2087 06-Jul-2088 03-Jul-2089 22-Jan-2092 28-Apr-2094
06-Jan-2097 03-Jun-2097 03-Aug-2098 09-Dec-2098 09-Jul-2099 06-Dec-2099 25-Dec-2100 01-Dec-2101 10-Jan-2103
Bhukti From Mars Dasa
06-Jan-2020 - 06-Jan-2027
Mars 06-Jan-2020 Rahu 03-Jun-2020 Jupiter 22-Jun-2021 Saturn 28-May-2022 Mercury 07-Jul-2023 Ketu 04-Jul-2024 Venus 01-Dec-2024 Sun 02-Feb-2026 Moon 08-Jun-2026 Saturn Dasa
06-Jan-2061 - 06-Jan-2080
Saturn 06-Jan-2061 Mercury 09-Jan-2064 Ketu 18-Sep-2066 Venus 27-Oct-2067 Sun 27-Dec-2070 Moon 09-Dec-2071 Mars 08-Jul-2073 Rahu 18-Aug-2074 Jupiter 23-Jun-2077 Venus Dasa
06-Jan-2104 - 06-Jan-2124
Venus Sun Moon Mars Rahu Jupiter Saturn Mercury Ketu
06-Jan-2104 06-May-2107 05-May-2108 06-Jan-2110 06-Mar-2111 06-Mar-2114 05-Nov-2116 06-Jan-2120 06-Nov-2122
Su Mo Ma+ Me Ju Ve Sa Ra Ke+ Ur Ne Pl Fo
Significators - Planets View (A) (B) (C) (D) 2 9 7, 8 2 9 6 2 1 6 8 5, 10 7 8 6, 9 3, 12 6 7 1 6, 9 8 9 3, 12 4, 11 9 2 4, 11 7, 8 6 6 1 2 12 7, 8 7 8 6, 9 8 7 5, 10 12 5 9 6 4, 11
Rahu acts as agent for: Mo, Ju, Sa. Ketu acts as agent for: Mo, Ju. (A) - Planets in Occupant's stars (B) - Occupant of house (C) - Planets in Owner's stars (D) - House Owner
+ These planets do not have any planets in their stars.
Promotion P T Akash
Now looking at another example, Query Horary Date Time Place Ayanamsha
: Promotion : 160 [ 1-249 ] : 19-06-2009 : 18:29:17 : Nakshatra Jyotish Sansthan, Bhopal 77E27 : KPNA 23:53:56
23N 16
Rules : Same as discussed in the above example. Analysis : To go ahead with the analysis one must look at the strength of Moon and Ascendant sublord. Moon is in the star of Venus and in the sub of Rahu. Moon is placed in 5th house in conjunction with Mars and Venus. Mars is lord of 1st and 6th house. Hence the query is genuine. Now let us analyse the chart. 2nd Cusp Sag 20:00:44 ( Ju Ve Ra ) – Cuspal Sublord Rahu is placed in 2nd house . It is is the star of Sun which is placed in 7th house. Hence Rahu is strong significator of 7th, 2nd houses. It is in the sub of Venus which is placed in 5th house. It is also in its own star. Hence it strongly signifies 5th house which is negative house for success and promotion. 6th Cusp Aries 25:21:55 ( Ma Ve Me ) – Cuspal sublord Mercury is placed in 6th house. It is in the star of Moon which is placed in 5th and also in the star of Venus which signifies 5th house strongly. Hence it does not indicate success. 10th Cusp Leo 27:24:48 ( Su Su Mo ) – Cuspal Sublord Moon is placed in 5th house and also is in the star of Venus, hence signifies 5th house strongly. So Moon is not good for success and promotion. 11th Cusp Virgo 28:32:46 ( Me Ma Sa ) – Cuspal sublord Saturn is placed in 9th house i.e 12th from 10th and it is in the star of Venus which is placed in 5th house. Hence Saturn also signifies 5th and 9th houses which are not good for promotion. Ruling Planets at the time of judgement Lagna Moon Daylord
- Ma Me Ju - Ma Ve Ra - Venus
Prediction : Looking at the analysis of cuspal sublords of the related houses, it was predicted that he would not be promoted. Also look at ruling planets, all the ruling planets were signifying 5th house. Result : The querist name was not among the list of promoted official of BHEL on 24th June 2009 Pranams to Guruji and Ganesha
Longevity P T Akash KP & Vedic Astrologer, Nakshatra Jyotish Sansthan, LG-64 Minal Mall, JK Road, BHOPAL Mobile: 9827374626 / 9329265779 E-mail:
[email protected] /
[email protected]
Om Gan Ganapataye Namah Krishnamurti Padhdhati (KP) has time and again proved to be accurate when the rules are applied and used logically. It can be used to solve any sort of query and at anywhere you want. is a new revelation for astrology enthusiasts. I have applied it on many occasions and found it very accurate. One of my friends approached me to know about the condition of his friend who had an accident the day before and was in coma at the time of query. Let us see how I approached in solving the query. First of all I didn't take any horary number from him; I just prepared the time chart at the time of query and applied the KP rules. Query Date Time Place Ayanamsha
: Friend survival? : 07-08-2009 : 13:50:58 : BHOPAL, MP - Longitude : KPNA 23:54:03
77 E 24 - Latitude
23 N 16
First of all let us look at the Moon and its significations at the time of judgment. The ascendant is Scorpio; Moon is in Dhanishta star whose lord is Mars. Mars is lord of first and sixth house and is placed in seventh house which is Maraka house. Similarly Moon is lord of Badhaka ninth house and is placed in third house. Moon is also a strong significator of Maraka seventh house by occupation of its star lord Mars; hence query is justified as most houses signify the concerned houses for longevity. Also the ascendant sub lord Ketu is placed in 8th house, which is considered for accident, longevity etc. Now looking at the RULES for longevity: 1. For a native’s longevity we consider 1, 3 and 8th house, and twelfth house to these 12, 2 and 7 are Maraka sthana. 2. Consider the houses 8th and 12th for accident; Mars, Saturn, Rahu and Ketu may cause accident. 3. For chara sign ascendants 11th house is Badhaka sthana, for fixed sign 9th house is Badhaka sthana and for common sign 7th house is Badhaka. In this case under consideration, the ascendant is in fixed sign, and so 9th house is Badhaka. 4 If the sub lord of the ascendant be the significator of the Badhaka and Maraka houses, then it is not considered good for longevity of the native. Analysis 1st Cusp :Ma Sa Ke (Sgl, Stl, Sbl)-- Ascendant sub lord Ketu itself is placed in 8th house, which is house of accident and danger. Ketu is conjoined wih Sun in Badhaka 9th house. Ketu is aspected by Jupiter, lord of Maraka 2nd and 5th houses. Ketu’s star lord Saturn is in 10th house (retirement from this world) and lord of houses 3rd and 4th (end of everything including life especially in accident). Ketu’s sign lord Moon is placed in third house and lord of Badhaka 9th house. Ketu’s sub lord Mercury is in 10th house (retirement from this world) and lord of 8th and 11th house. Hence 1st cusp sub lord Ketu is a significator of houses for Badhaka, Maraka, accident, retirement from this world houses and end of everything, to be not good for longevity of the native. 2nd Cusp :Ju Ke Ra -- Sub lord Rahu itself placed in Maraka 2nd house. Rahu is conjoined with Jupiter, lord of Maraka 2nd and 5th houses. It is in the star of Sun which is placed in Badhaka 9th house and lord of 10th house (retirement from this world). Rahu’s sign lord Saturn is in 10th house (retirement from this world) and lord of houses 3rd and 4th (end of everything including life especially in accident). Rahu’s Sub lord Mercury is in 10th house (retirement from this world) and lord of 8th and 11th house. It is also not good for longevity of the native. 7th Cusp :Ve Su Ke -- As discussed above, Ketu is not good for longevity of the native. 8th Cusp : Me Ra Ra -- Sub lord Rahu as discussed above is not good for longevity of the native.
Sun Rise: 05:53:23 AMSun Set: 06:58:41 PMDasa Days: 365.25 D Nithya Yoga: Shobhan Hora: Venus Karana: Taitil
VI 13:01:29
VII 07:37:02 Fo 22:01:50 Ma 24:06:19
VIII 07:27:12 Ve 13:21:56
V 14:57:07 Ur[R] 02:11:55
IV 13:00:29 Mo 05:29:09 Ne[R] 01:27:33
Name: Ke 05:30:01 IX 09:31:45 Gender: Male Su 21:04:21 Date: Friday, 07/Aug/2009 Time: 01:50:58 PM SID: 10:34:33 Lat: 23:16:00 N Lon: 77:24:00 E Place: BHOPAL, MADHYA PRADESH, India
Ayanamsa: 23° 54' 3" X 13:00:29 [KP Ayanamsa] Me 13:04:30 Star: Dhanishta, Pada 4 Sa 26:08:04 Star Lord: Mars Rasi: Aquarius Rasi Lord: Saturn Ju[R] 29:07:47 Lagna: ScorpioLagna Lord: Mars Tithi: Krishna Paksha, Dvitiya III 09:31:45 Bal. Dasa: Mars 0 Y, 7 M, 13 D Ra 05:30:01 XI 14:57:07
II 07:27:12 Pl[R] 07:03:59 I 07:37:02
Cusp 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Cuspal Positions Star(Pada) Sgl Stl Anuradha(2) Ma Sa Moola(3) Ju Ke U.Ashada(4) Sa Su Satabhisha(2) Sa Ra U.Bhadra(4) Ju Sa Aswini(4) Ma Ke Krittika(4) Ve Su Aridra(1) Me Ra Pushyami(2) Mo Sa Magha(4) Su Ke Hasta(2) Me Mo Swati(2) Ve Ra
Sbl Ssl Sssl Ke Ma Ra Ra Ma Ra Ve Sa Ju Me Ve Mo Ju Ju Sa Me Ju Ra Ke Sa Mo Ra Sa Ma Ve Ju Ra Me Ju Ra Ju Ve Ju Me Ve Mo
Planetary Positions Sgl Stl Sbl Ssl Sssl Ashlesha(2) Mo Me Ve Sa Ju Dhanishta(4) Sa Ma Su Ve Ra Mrigasira(1) Ve Ma Ma Mo Ve Magha(4) Su Ke Me Sa Sa Dhanishta(2) Sa Ma Sa Mo Ra Aridra(3) Me Ra Me Mo Ra P.Phalguni(4) Su Ve Ke Mo Sa U.Ashada(3) Sa Su Me Ve Ve Pushyami(1) Mo Sa Me Me Ve P.Bhadra(4) Ju Ju Ra Sa Ju Dhanishta(3) Sa Ma Me Ju Ke Moola(3) Ju Ke Ra Ve Sa Rohini(4) Ve Mo Ve Sa Ve
Planet Star(Pada)
Su Mo Ma Me Ju[R] Ve Sa Ra Ke Ur[R] Ne[R] Pl[R] Fo
XII 13:01:29
Dasa Summary Bhukti From Mars Dasa
Bhukti From Rahu Dasa
Bhukti From Jupiter Dasa
21-Mar-2003 - 21-Mar-2010 21-Mar-2010 - 21-Mar-2028 21-Mar-2028 - 21-Mar-2044
Mars 21-Mar-2003 Rahu 18-Aug-2003 Jupiter 04-Sep-2004 Saturn 11-Aug-2005 Mercury 20-Sep-2006 Ketu 17-Sep-2007 Venus 13-Feb-2008 Sun 13-Apr-2009 Moon 20-Aug-2009 Saturn Dasa
Rahu 21-Mar-2010 Jupiter 02-Dec-2012 Saturn 27-Apr-2015 Mercury 05-Mar-2018 Ketu 22-Sep-2020 Venus 11-Oct-2021 Sun 10-Oct-2024 Moon 03-Sep-2025 Mars 03-Mar-2027 Mercury Dasa
Jupiter 21-Mar-2028 Saturn 10-May-2030 Mercury 21-Nov-2032 Ketu 28-Feb-2035 Venus 03-Feb-2036 Sun 03-Oct-2038 Moon 21-Jul-2039 Mars 20-Nov-2040 Rahu 27-Oct-2041 Ketu Dasa
21-Mar-2044 - 21-Mar-2063 21-Mar-2063 - 21-Mar-2080 21-Mar-2080 - 21-Mar-2087
Saturn 21-Mar-2044 Mercury 25-Mar-2047 Ketu 04-Dec-2049 Venus 13-Jan-2051 Sun 13-Mar-2054 Moon 25-Feb-2055 Mars 25-Sep-2056 Rahu 04-Nov-2057 Jupiter 10-Sep-2060 Venus Dasa
Mercury 21-Mar-2063 Ketu 18-Aug-2065 Venus 15-Aug-2066 Sun 14-Jun-2069 Moon 20-Apr-2070 Mars 20-Sep-2071 Rahu 17-Sep-2072 Jupiter 05-Apr-2075 Saturn 12-Jul-2077 Sun Dasa
Ketu 21-Mar-2080 Venus 18-Aug-2080 Sun 19-Oct-2081 Moon 24-Feb-2082 Mars 24-Sep-2082 Rahu 21-Feb-2083 Jupiter 10-Mar-2084 Saturn 15-Feb-2085 Mercury 25-Mar-2086 Moon Dasa
21-Mar-2087 - 21-Mar-2107 21-Mar-2107 - 21-Mar-2113 21-Mar-2113 - 21-Mar-2123
Venus Sun Moon Mars Rahu Jupiter Saturn Mercury Ketu
21-Mar-2087 21-Jul-2090 21-Jul-2091 20-Mar-2093 20-May-2094 20-May-2097 20-Jan-2100 20-Mar-2103 20-Jan-2106
Sun Moon Mars Rahu Jupiter Saturn Mercury Ketu Venus
21-Mar-2107 09-Jul-2107 09-Jan-2108 15-May-2108 09-Apr-2109 28-Jan-2110 09-Jan-2111 15-Nov-2111 21-Mar-2112
Moon Mars Rahu Jupiter Saturn Mercury Ketu Venus Sun
21-Mar-2113 21-Jan-2114 21-Aug-2114 21-Feb-2116 21-Jun-2117 21-Jan-2119 21-Jun-2120 21-Jan-2121 21-Sep-2122
Significators - Planets View (B) (C) (D) Su 10 9 8, 11 10 Mo+ 7 3 1, 6 9 Ma 7 7 1, 6 1, 6 Me 8 10 8, 11 Ju+ 7 3 1, 6 2, 5 Ve 2 8 7, 12 Sa 8 10 7, 12 3, 4 Ra 9 2 10 Ke 10 8 3, 4 Ur 3 4 2, 5 Ne 7 3 1, 6 Pl 8 2 Fo 3 7 9
Planet (A)
Rahu acts as agent for: Su, Ju, Sa. Ketu acts as agent for: Su, Mo, Ju. (A) - Planets in Occupant's stars (B) - Occupant of house (C) - Planets in Owner's stars (D) - House Owner + These planets do not have any planets in their stars.
Longevity P T Akash Running Dasa-Bhukti: Mars-Sun up to 20 Aug 2009 Dasa lord Mars (7,1-6) is in own star and sub Mars (7,1-6), to be a very strong significator of 7th Maraka and 6th injury. Bhukti lord Sun (9,10) in the star of Mercury (10,8-11) and sub of Venus (8,7-12), and it indicates 7th Maraka, 9th Badhaka, 12th Moksha, 10th retirement from this world, and 8th danger, accident. Prediction On the basis of above analysis, I predicted that the native would not survive the accident. Moon next day transits in Rahu's star which is a strong significator of Marakasthana and Badhakasthana.The native died the next day i.e. 8-8-2009 around 13:30.
Child Birth P T Akash KP & Vedic Astrologer, Nakshatra Jyotish Sansthan, LG-64 Minal Mall, JK Road, BHOPAL Mobile: 9827374626 / 9329265779 E-mail:
[email protected] /
[email protected]
Om Gan Ganapataye Namah Miracles don’t take place that often. But for those who use Krishnamurti Paddhati astrology miracles are part of their life. This case I had also put up in the KP astrology yahoo group with the file name child birth. Last year a couple in distress came to me and asked me about when they would get first issue. Doctors had given them negative answer. I don’t know any medical reason but as an astrologer I thought to solve it. The client came with her husband who doesn’t seem to believe in astrology much. Child birth is something which even science using the best of equipments and pathology tests is unable to predict accurately. I have come across such cases where the native or the client was going to adopt a child and somehow as last resort they came up to me. Now they have a baby girl. I haven’t prescribed any Shanti or Upayas. I just told them to wait for three months and they would get the result.The lady conceived. I was unable to keep any record of that case. But I kept the record of this case as I had posted it in KP Astrology yahoo group. Last month ie.August 2009 the client’s husband came to me and told me about my successful prediction regarding child birth. I became very happy as all the predictions I had given her came true. Now let us see how I had analyzed the case. Query Horary Date Time Place Ayanamsa
: : : : : :
Child Birth? 117 [1 – 249 ] 15-06-2008 19:54:21 Bhopal, 77 N 27, 23 E 16 NKPA
First of all let us find out whether the client’s query is justified or not? If Ascendant sublord and Moon signify the relevant houses for child birth, then the query is justified. Ascendant sublord is Mecury. Mercury is retrograde and in the star of Moon which is placed in the 2nd house and owns 11th house. Moon is in the star of Jupiter which is natural Karaka for child birth although Jupiter is retrograde. Moon’s sublord is Venus which signifies 11th and 9th house strongly. Hence the query is justified. Hints or Rules for Analysis 1. Fifth cuspal sublord must not be retro nor in the star of any retro planet. 2. Fifth cuspal sublord must signify the relevant houses i.e 2nd, 5th and 11th and also not to be placed in any barren sign. 3. Dasha, Bhukti and Antara of the significators of 2nd, 5th and 11th are to be favourable for child birth 4. Ruling Planets are to be considered to check the fruitful significators. Analysis as per KP 2nd cusp ( Libra -16:49:30, Ve –Ra – Ve ) Venus is lord of 2nd and 9th house and placed in 9th house .Venus is placed in the star of Mars which is owner of 3rd and 8th , placed in 11th house . Hence Venus is a strong significator of 11th house which is house of fulfillment of desire. Venus itself is in the sub of Venus. Thus it gives support in child birth i.e. addition in Kutumba. 5th Cusp ( Capricorn -18:52:32 , Sa- Mo- Me ) Mercury is lord of 1st and 10th house; it is also retrograde and placed in Taurus which is a semi fruitful sign. Mercury is in the star of Moon which is placed in 2nd house. Hence
Horary No. 117/249 Sun Rise: 05:34:16 AMSun Set: 07:07:37 PMDasa Days: 365.25 D Nithya Yoga: Siddha Hora: Sun Karana: Kaulav Horary No.: 117 Question : Any child?
VIII 16:49:30
IX 17:03:08 Su 00:57:46 Me[R] 19:40:35 Ve 02:42:59 X 17:48:26
VII 17:46:40
Ur 28:43:08 VI 19:24:24 Ne[R] 00:15:51
Ra 27:38:09 V 18:52:33
Name: XI 18:52:33 Ma 26:40:09 Gender: Male Ke 27:38:09 Date: Sunday, 15/Jun/2008 Time: 07:54:21 PM SID: 13:10:55 Lat: 23:16:00 N Lon: 77:24:00 E Place: BHOPAL, MADHYA PRADESH, India Ayanamsa: 23° 53' 6" Sa 09:23:36 [KP Ayanamsa] XII 19:24:24 Star: Visakha, Pada 3 Star Lord: Jupiter Rasi: Libra Rasi Lord: Venus Lagna: Virgo Lagna Lord: Mercury Tithi: Shukla Paksha, Trayodasi Bal. Dasa: Jupiter 7 Y, 10 M, 21 D Fo 17:39:31 I 17:46:40
Ju[R] 26:25:59 IV 17:48:26 Pl[R] 06:04:46 III 17:03:08
Mo 26:45:27 II 16:49:30
Ruling Planets - 15/Jun/2008 07:54:21 PM
BHOPAL, MADHYA PRADESH, India Planet Sgl Stl Sbl Ssl Sssl Lagna Ju Ke Me Ra Sa Moon Ve Ju Ve Ve Ju Day Lord: Sun Cusp 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Cuspal Positions Star(Pada) Sgl Stl Sbl Ssl Sssl Hasta(3) Me Mo Me Me Me Swati(4) Ve Ra Ve Sa Ve Jyeshta(1) Ma Me Me Ve Ve P.Ashada(2) Ju Ve Ma Me Ju Sravana(3) Sa Mo Me Ra Ju Satabhisha(4) Sa Ra Ma Ju Sa Revati(1) Ju Me Me Ra Ju Bharani(2) Ma Ve Mo Sa Ra Rohini(3) Ve Mo Sa Mo Su Aridra(4) Me Ra Su Sa Ve Ashlesha(1) Mo Me Ke Ma Su P.Phalguni(2) Su Ve Ra Ve Ve
Planetary Positions Star(Pada) Sgl Stl Sbl Ssl Sssl Su Mrigasira(3) Me Ma Me Ma Ra Mo Visakha(3) Ve Ju Ve Ve Ju Ma Ashlesha(4) Mo Me Ju Me Ke Me[R] Rohini(3) Ve Mo Ke Ke Ve Ju[R] P.Ashada(4) Ju Ve Ke Ju Ra Ve Mrigasira(3) Me Ma Ve Ve Ve Sa Magha(3) Su Ke Sa Sa Me Ra Dhanishta(2) Sa Ma Ju Ra Ra Ke Ashlesha(4) Mo Me Ju Ra Ra Ur P.Bhadra(3) Sa Ju Ve Ke Ra Ne[R] Dhanishta(3) Sa Ma Me Me Sa Pl[R] Moola(2) Ju Ke Ra Ju Ma Fo Hasta(3) Me Mo Sa Ju Ve
Dasa Summary Bhukti From Jupiter Dasa
Bhukti From Saturn Dasa
Bhukti From Mercury Dasa
07-May-2000 - 07-May-2016 07-May-2016 - 07-May-2035 07-May-2035 - 07-May-2052
Jupiter 07-May-2000 Saturn 26-Jun-2002 Mercury 06-Jan-2005 Ketu 12-Apr-2007 Venus 19-Mar-2008 Sun 20-Nov-2010 Moon 07-Sep-2011 Mars 06-Jan-2013 Rahu 12-Dec-2013 Ketu Dasa
Saturn 07-May-2016 Mercury 11-May-2019 Ketu 20-Jan-2022 Venus 01-Mar-2023 Sun 01-May-2026 Moon 13-Apr-2027 Mars 12-Nov-2028 Rahu 22-Dec-2029 Jupiter 28-Oct-2032 Venus Dasa
Mercury 07-May-2035 Ketu 04-Oct-2037 Venus 01-Oct-2038 Sun 31-Jul-2041 Moon 06-Jun-2042 Mars 06-Nov-2043 Rahu 03-Nov-2044 Jupiter 23-May-2047 Saturn 29-Aug-2049 Sun Dasa
07-May-2052 - 07-May-2059 07-May-2059 - 07-May-2079 07-May-2079 - 07-May-2085
Ketu 07-May-2052 Venus 04-Oct-2052 Sun 05-Dec-2053 Moon 11-Apr-2054 Mars 11-Nov-2054 Rahu 08-Apr-2055 Jupiter 25-Apr-2056 Saturn 31-Mar-2057 Mercury 10-May-2058 Moon Dasa
Venus 07-May-2059 Sun 07-Sep-2062 Moon 07-Sep-2063 Mars 06-May-2065 Rahu 06-Jul-2066 Jupiter 06-Jul-2069 Saturn 06-Mar-2072 Mercury 07-May-2075 Ketu 07-Mar-2078 Mars Dasa
Sun 07-May-2079 Moon 25-Aug-2079 Mars 26-Feb-2080 Rahu 02-Jul-2080 Jupiter 26-May-2081 Saturn 15-Mar-2082 Mercury 26-Feb-2083 Ketu 02-Jan-2084 Venus 08-May-2084 Rahu Dasa
07-May-2085 - 07-May-2095 07-May-2095 - 07-May-2102 07-May-2102 - 07-May-2120
Moon Mars Rahu Jupiter Saturn Mercury Ketu Venus Sun
07-May-2085 07-Mar-2086 07-Oct-2086 07-Apr-2088 08-Aug-2089 08-Mar-2091 07-Aug-2092 07-Mar-2093 07-Nov-2094
Mars Rahu Jupiter Saturn Mercury Ketu Venus Sun Moon
07-May-2095 04-Oct-2095 22-Oct-2096 28-Sep-2097 06-Nov-2098 03-Nov-2099 31-Mar-2100 31-May-2101 07-Oct-2101
Rahu Jupiter Saturn Mercury Ketu Venus Sun Moon Mars
07-May-2102 18-Jan-2105 12-Jun-2107 18-Apr-2110 05-Nov-2112 24-Nov-2113 23-Nov-2116 17-Oct-2117 17-Apr-2119
Significators - Planets View (B) (C) (D) 11 9 3, 8 12 4 2 4, 7 11 9 11 1, 10 3, 8 2 9 11 1, 10 9 4 2, 9 4, 7 11 9 3, 8 2, 9 11 11 5, 6 11 5 3, 8 9 11 1, 10 4 6 4, 7 11 5 3, 8 11 3 2 1 11
Planet (A)
Su+ Mo Ma Me Ju Ve Sa+ Ra+ Ke Ur Ne Pl Fo
Rahu acts as agent for: Ma, Sa. Ketu acts as agent for: Mo, Ma. (A) - Planets in Occupant's stars (B) - Occupant of house (C) - Planets in Owner's stars (D) - House Owner + These planets do not have any planets in their stars.
Child Birth P T Akash Mercury is a strong significator of 2nd house i.e. house of kutumba, family. Mercury even though being retrograde is in the sub of Ketu which is placed in the 11th house . Hence retrograde motion does not affect the chances of child birth. 11th Cusp ( Cancer – 18:52:32, Mo – Me – Ke ) Ketu is placed in 11th house in conjunction with Mars which itself is a very strong significator of 11th house by placement. Ketu is in the star of Mercury which is retrograde but signifies 2nd house strongly. 11th house is occupied by Mars, Saturn and Ketu. Sun Venus and Rahu are in the star of Mars. Saturn is in the star of Ketu. Hence Sun,Venus, Rahu and Saturn are the strong significators of 11th house with Mars, Saturn and Ketu. Hence looking at the significators for 2,5 and 11 houses, we get almost all the planets with the exception of Jupiter but Jupiter is also signifying 9th house strongly which is 5th from 5th house although we will not consider 9th house here in this analysis. But we must consider Jupiter as it is the natural putrakaraka planet and is placed in the star of Venus which as we know is a significator of 11th house, and also Jupiter is in the sub of Ketu which also is a strong significator of 11th house. Ruling Planets: Ascendant Sublord Ascendant Starlord Ascendant Signlord Moon Sublord Moon Starlod Moon Signlord Daylord
– Mercury -- Ketu – Jupiter -- Venus -- Jupiter -- Venus -- Sun
DBA Analysis Running Mahadasha is of Jupiter which is in the star of Venus and sub of Ketu , both strongly signifying child birth as discussed above. As Jupiter is retrograde at that time and would turn direct on 08-09-2008, I told them that the native would conceive only after that period. Bhukti was of Venus which as we know is favourable for progeny in this case. Venus appears twice in the Ruling Planets as Moon’s sublord and signlord . Hence this Bhukti which is till November 2010 is fruitful for child birth. Then it was to find out which Antara would be fruitful. There also Jupiter was found twice in the Ruling Planets. It is much stronger than Venus as it is Ascendant signlord and Moon’s starlord. Jupiter itself is not a strong significator for childbirth. However, as Jupiter is in the star of Venus and in the sub of Ketu which are significators of childbirth.That Antara therefore would be fruitful for childbirth. 5th cuspal sublord Mercury is placed in Taurus which is female sign. So I predicted that girl will be born next year i.e. between July to September 2009 . Result On 12th Aug 2009 the client gave birth to a baby girl at 01:30 AM in Bhopal. The girl was born in Ashwini star whose lord is Ketu. Ascendant is Taurus rising whose lord is Venus. Moon sign is Aries whose lord is Mars and day lord according to Hindu Day is also Mars. Look how beautifully every significator is combined here in this case. My pranams to Lord Ganesha and Guruji.
Ruling Planets PT Akash PT Akash, KP & Vedic Astrologer, Nakshatra Jyotish Sansthan, LG-64 Minal Mall, JK Road, BHOPAL Mobile: 9827374626 / 9329265779 E-mail:
[email protected] /
[email protected]
As I am practicing astrology since six years, most of my friends take my advice and ask me to predict .This case was solved using Krishnamurti Paddhati method and using only Ruling Planets at the time of judgement. My friend who works as a sales executive in a reputed surgical company was having problems with his executive.As is the case in most marketing companies his executive was not sending him his promotion letter to extract more sales. So my friend , who knew that he is being promoted asked me the question about him receiving that letter. Rules: 1. Ruling Planets at the time of judgement match at the time of event under consideration. 2. If the event is to take place within a few days, take the position of moon forward so as to match with the ruling planets at TOJ. I solved this query on 5th dec 2008 at 17:39:34 at my office nakshatra jyotish sansthan Lat: 23 N 16 , Long : 77 E 27 taking KP Ayanamsha Value 23:53:30 Ruling Planets Lagna – taurus Shukra – rohini star ie Chandra – Shukra sub Chandra-aquarius Shani – shatbisha star ie Rahu Shukra sub Day lord – Shukra As Shukra is very powerful among the RPs and the event was expected within a few days.Moon was in kumbha at that time . moon next transits in guru sign meena , guru was not among the RPs so I thought to leave this sign. Next was mesha which has the star of shukra which was very strong in ruling planets. Now question rise here why I do not select star in Meena lagna, as I take in Mesha lagna. Jup and Mar both are not in RP, but in Meena lagna we have three star Jup-Mer- Sat, and in Mesha lagna we have three star Ketu-Ven-Sun.Ven is very strong in RP so I select Mesha lagna and Ven Star. Also taurus lagna was about 22:11’ at the TOJ and three planets Surya Mangal and Budh were exactly opposite to it in the seventh house i.e in scorpio. Looking at that mangal was at 19:57’ which is very near to the seventh cusp, so I fixed that when moon transits mesha rashi and shukra star my friend will receive that letter i.e on 10th dec 2008.Now to decide moon sub I took rahu sub as at TOJ moon was in Rahu Star So I fixed it at Mesha Sign Shukra Star & Rahu sub which started from 08:11 IST bhopal but during this time transiting lagna was of guru i.e sagitarius as guru was not amongst the RPs , dhanu ascendent will not work so I fixed the ascendant to be makar as Shani was amongst the RPs. This ascendant started from 09:25 AM so I fixed the time of my friend receiving letter near this time around 09:30. Actually what happened in course of time was very surprising.On 10 th dec 2008 at 09:30 am when my friend actually went in the verandah his neighbour came upto him and gave him letter. Neighbour told him that yesterday postman arrived at about 1500 hrs and seeing nobody at my friend’s house gave this letter to him. My prayers to KSK and thanks to KP otherwise it would not be possible at least for me to predict with that accuracy.
When Will Marriage Take Place? P T Akash KP & Vedic Astrologer, Nakshatra Jyotish Sansthan, LG-64 Minal Mall, JK Road, BHOPAL Mobile: 9827374626 / 9329265779 E-mail:
[email protected] /
[email protected]
Om Gan Ganapataye Namah In last seven years of my experience as an astrologer , this case shows that we cannot change what’s written in our destiny. This case was solved during the time when I was learning Krishnamurti Padhdhati Astrology. One of my friends asked me about his marriage. During that time he was having an affair and it was not clear whether it would turn into marriage. Moreover they belong to a totally different background , my friend is a South Indian , native place in Kerala and his girl friend was a local resident of Bhopal. Query : When will marriage take place ? Horary : 208 Date : 28-08-2006 Time : 21:25 IST Place : Bhopal Latitude 23 N 16 Longitude 77 E 26 Rules: 1. For marriage, the 7th cuspal sublord should signify 2,7 or 11th house. 2. Marriage will take place during the Mahadasha, Bhukti and Antara of the strong significators of 2,7 or 11th house. 3. Ruling Planets are also be considered to time the marriage . 4. Transits of significators must also be considered. Analysis: For horary queries the planet Moon must signify the houses under consideration. Let us look at Moon. Moon is placed in 8th house, it is in the star of Mars which is placed in 7th ; hence Moon signifies 7th house. So now we can proceed with our analysis. 7th Cusp (Marriage ) Leo 0:0:0 :- Sun Ketu Ketu - The sublord of the 7th cusp is Ketu. Ketu itself is placed in the 7th house; it is in the star of Sun owning 7 and occupying 7. Hence it is a strong significator of marriage. It is in the sub of Jupiter which is placed in 9th house and owns 2,11 & 12th houses. Hence the sublord Ketu promises marriage and as 9th and 12th houses are also involved , it shows a long journey and change of place for marriage. 5th Cusp ( Affair ) Gemini 04:48:46 – Mer Ma Ve – The Sublord of the 5th cusp is Venus , it is in the star of Mercury which is placed in 7th house and owns 5, 6 & 8th houses. 6th house signification indicate problems related to marriage and 8th house is considered for disappointment, obstacles , disputes etc. 11th Cusp (Fulfillment of Desire, Permanent Relationship ) Sag 04:48:46 :- Jup Ket Mar – The sublord of the 11th cusp is Mars which is placed in 7th house and is in the star of Sun which is also placed in 7th house, hence it is a very strong significator for marriage. 2nd Cusp (Family ) Pisces 08:47:44 :- Ju Sa Ve - the sublord of the 2nd cusp is Venus which is also the sublord of 5th cusp indicating marriage with obsticles . Dasha , Bhukti, Antara At the time of judgement Mars Dasha was running up to 25-12-2007. Dasa lord Mars is placed in 7th house and is in the star of Sun which is also placed in 7th house. Hence Mars is a strong significator of 7th house and thus
Horary No. 208/249 Sun Rise: 06:01:17 AMSun Set: 06:41:51 PMDasa Days: 365.25 D Nithya Yoga: Shukla Hora: Saturn Karana: Bav Horary No.: 208 When will marriage take place ? Question :
III 12:32:33
IV 10:13:24
V 04:47:49 VI 29:57:08
II 08:44:28 Ra 02:26:45 Name: Sa 23:40:46 Ve 25:32:08 Gender: Male Date: Monday, 28/Aug/2006 Time: 09:25:00 PM SID: 19:31:31 Lat: 23:16:00 N[G] Lon: 77:24:00 E Place: BHOPAL, MADHYA PRADESH, Ur[R] 19:11:52 India I 00:00:00 Ayanamsa: 23° 51' 35" VII 00:00:00 [KP Ayanamsa] Me 07:49:44 Star: Chitra, Pada 4 Su 11:20:57 Ma 29:23:09 Star Lord: Mars Rasi: Libra Rasi Lord: Venus Lagna: Aquarius Lagna Lord: Saturn Tithi: Shukla Paksha, Panchami Ne[R] 24:05:24 Bal. Dasa: Mars 1 Y, 3 M, 27 D Ke 02:26:45 VIII 08:44:28 Fo 27:03:42
XII 29:57:08 XI 04:47:49 Pl[R] 00:13:55 X 10:13:24
Ju 19:04:08 IX 12:32:33 Mo 04:08:37
Ruling Planets - 28/Aug/2006 09:25:00 PM
BHOPAL, MADHYA PRADESH, India Planet Sgl Stl Sbl Ssl Sssl Lagna Ma Ke Ra Ju Ma Moon Ve Ma Ve Sa Sa Day Lord: Moon Cusp 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Cuspal Positions Star(Pada) Sgl Stl Sbl Ssl Sssl Dhanishta(3) Sa Ma Me Me Me U.Bhadra(2) Ju Sa Ve Mo Ve Aswini(4) Ma Ke Me Ra Ju Rohini(1) Ve Mo Mo Ra Sa Mrigasira(4) Me Ma Ve Ke Mo Punarvasu(3) Me Ju Mo Sa Me Magha(1) Su Ke Ke Ke Ke U.Phalguni(4) Me Su Ve Ra Me Swati(2) Ve Ra Sa Ju Ra Anuradha(3) Ma Sa Ve Ke Ve Moola(2) Ju Ke Ma Ma Sa U.Ashada(1) Ju Su Ra Sa Ve
Planetary Positions Sgl Stl Sbl Ssl Sssl Su Magha(4) Su Ke Sa Ju Su Mo Chitra(4) Ve Ma Ve Sa Sa Ma U.Phalguni(1) Su Su Ra Ra Me Me Magha(3) Su Ke Ju Sa Sa Ju Swati(4) Ve Ra Mo Ve Ra Ve Ashlesha(3) Mo Me Ra Ve Ra Sa Ashlesha(3) Mo Me Ma Sa Mo Ra P.Bhadra(4) Ju Ju Ra Me Ju Ke U.Phalguni(2) Me Su Ju Su Sa Ur[R] Satabhisha(4) Sa Ra Mo Su Sa Ne[R] Dhanishta(1) Sa Ma Ma Mo Me Pl[R] Moola(1) Ju Ke Ke Mo Ra Fo Chitra(2) Me Ma Ju Ve Mo Planet Star(Pada)
Dasa Summary Bhukti From Mars Dasa
Bhukti From Rahu Dasa
Bhukti From Jupiter Dasa
25-Dec-2000 - 25-Dec-2007 25-Dec-2007 - 25-Dec-2025 25-Dec-2025 - 25-Dec-2041
Mars 25-Dec-2000 Rahu 22-May-2001 Jupiter 10-Jun-2002 Saturn 16-May-2003 Mercury 24-Jun-2004 Ketu 21-Jun-2005 Venus 18-Nov-2005 Sun 18-Jan-2007 Moon 24-May-2007 Saturn Dasa
Rahu 25-Dec-2007 Jupiter 07-Sep-2010 Saturn 31-Jan-2013 Mercury 07-Dec-2015 Ketu 25-Jun-2018 Venus 13-Jul-2019 Sun 13-Jul-2022 Moon 06-Jun-2023 Mars 05-Dec-2024 Mercury Dasa
Jupiter 25-Dec-2025 Saturn 13-Feb-2028 Mercury 25-Aug-2030 Ketu 30-Nov-2032 Venus 06-Nov-2033 Sun 06-Jul-2036 Moon 24-Apr-2037 Mars 24-Aug-2038 Rahu 30-Jul-2039 Ketu Dasa
25-Dec-2041 - 25-Dec-2060 25-Dec-2060 - 25-Dec-2077 25-Dec-2077 - 25-Dec-2084
Saturn 25-Dec-2041 Mercury 27-Dec-2044 Ketu 07-Sep-2047 Venus 15-Oct-2048 Sun 16-Dec-2051 Moon 28-Nov-2052 Mars 29-Jun-2054 Rahu 07-Aug-2055 Jupiter 13-Jun-2058 Venus Dasa
Mercury 25-Dec-2060 Ketu 23-May-2063 Venus 20-May-2064 Sun 21-Mar-2067 Moon 28-Jan-2068 Mars 28-Jun-2069 Rahu 24-Jun-2070 Jupiter 11-Jan-2073 Saturn 17-Apr-2075 Sun Dasa
Ketu 25-Dec-2077 Venus 22-May-2078 Sun 22-Jul-2079 Moon 28-Nov-2079 Mars 28-Jun-2080 Rahu 25-Nov-2080 Jupiter 14-Dec-2081 Saturn 20-Nov-2082 Mercury 30-Dec-2083 Moon Dasa
25-Dec-2084 - 25-Dec-2104 25-Dec-2104 - 25-Dec-2110 25-Dec-2110 - 25-Dec-2120
Venus Sun Moon Mars Rahu Jupiter Saturn Mercury Ketu
25-Dec-2084 26-Apr-2088 27-Apr-2089 27-Dec-2090 27-Feb-2092 27-Feb-2095 27-Oct-2097 27-Dec-2100 27-Oct-2103
Sun Moon Mars Rahu Jupiter Saturn Mercury Ketu Venus
25-Dec-2104 13-Apr-2105 13-Oct-2105 19-Feb-2106 12-Jan-2107 31-Oct-2107 13-Oct-2108 19-Aug-2109 25-Dec-2109
Moon Mars Rahu Jupiter Saturn Mercury Ketu Venus Sun
25-Dec-2110 25-Oct-2111 25-May-2112 26-Nov-2113 26-Mar-2115 25-Oct-2116 26-Mar-2118 26-Oct-2118 26-Jun-2120
Significators - Planets View (B) (C) (D) 7 7 7 7 8 3, 10 7 7 7 3, 10 7 7 5, 6, 8 1 9 2, 11, 12 7 6 5, 6, 8 4, 9 7 6 5, 6, 8 1 9 1 2, 11, 12 7 7 7 1 1 7 12 3, 10 7 10 7 8 3, 10
Planet (A)
Su Mo+ Ma Me Ju Ve+ Sa+ Ra Ke Ur Ne Pl Fo
Rahu acts as agent for: Ma, Ju. Ketu acts as agent for: Me, Sa. (A) - Planets in Occupant's stars (B) - Occupant of house (C) - Planets in Owner's stars (D) - House Owner + These planets do not have any planets in their stars. (G) Denotes geocentric correction applied to latitude.
When Will Marriage Take Place? P T Akash
marriage is expected in this mahadasha of Mars. Running Bhukti was Venus which as discussed above is also a strong significator of marriage.Venus Bhukti was from 18-11-2005 to 18-01-2007. As we see this Bhukti indicates marriage during this period i.e. before Jan 2007. Saturn Antara was running from 18-08-2006 to 25-10-2006. Saturn is in the star of Mercury which is placed in 7th. Saturn is in the sub of Mars which strongly supports marriage. Hence Antara lord Saturn also supports marriage. Prediction So I predicted that marriage would take place before 25th Oct 2006 after checking the Ruling Planets and transit as shown under. Ruling Planets at the Time of Judgement: Lagna Moon Daylord
Mars Ketu Rahu Ven Mars Venus Moon
Most of the Ruling Planets are fast moving planets, So the event is likely to happen soon. Actually nobody was expecting that this can happen. Even my friend who asked me this question was unsure, but as this was his destiny, his girlfriend left her home on 10th Oct 2006. He was left with nothing to choose but only to marry her after they both left Bhopal as 9th and 12th houses were involved. They married on 18-10-2006, Wednesday, in court at Mahu near Jhabua in MP . Transits of Dasha Bhukti & Antara Lords First of all Mars the mahadasha lord was in Libra in its own star Chitra. Bhukti lord Venus is also in the star of Mars but it was in Virgo. Antara lord Saturn was placed in Cancer sign in the star of Mercury in the sub of Saturn itself. Looking at the transit of luminaries which is very essential to time the event, Sun was placed in Libra whose sign lord is Venus, in the star of Mars, in the sub of Mercury. Moon is in Leo in the star of Venus. All are strong significators of 7th house. Thus one can identify how the destiny unfolds clearly only through Krishnamurti Padhdhati. My pranams to Guruji and Lord Ganesha.
Success in Examination P T Akash, B.E.(Electronics) KP & Vedic Astrologer, Nakshatra Jyotish Sansthan, LG-64 Minal Mall, JK Road, BHOPAL Mobile: 9827374626 / 9329265779 E-mail:
[email protected] /
[email protected]
Om Gan Ganapataye Namah Krishnamurti Paddhati astrology has proved itself to be a scientific and logical astrology. So as an astrologer I have to deal with variety of cases e.g. reunion with wife, divorce, recovery from disease etc. This case was a recent one. A Person who appeared in 3rd sem exam of MBA asked me to tell the result using astrology. He was expecting result within few days. Look at how Krishnamurti Paddhati Astrology helped me in getting correct prediction. Query: Horary: Date: Time: Place: Latitude Longitude Ayanamsha :
Success in Examination 64 09-11-2009 15:23 hrs BHOPAL 23 N 16 77 N 27 KPNA 23:54:16
ANALYSIS Moon First of all Moon and Ascendant Sublords must be checked to see whether the query is genuine or not. Moon is placed in the star of Mercury which is lord of the Fourth house i.e house of education, Mercury is placed in 4th house and Moon is in Mercury’s star so Moon is strong significator of 4th house. Ascendant Sublord is Mars which is also placed in the star of Mercury. Hence both Moon and Ascendant Sublord signifies 4th house. So the query is genuine. Hints and Rules 1. If the sublord of the 4th cusp is the significator of 4,9 and 11th house , the success in examination is promised. 2. Sublord of the 11th cusp when connected to the houses under consideration will give positive result; here in this case it needs to be connected to 4th & 9th house. Cuspal Analysis 4th cusp ( Virgo : 24:15:58 -- Me Ma Ra ) Rahu is 4th cusp Sublord which is placed in 6th house. It is in the star of Sun which is placed in the 4th house. Hence Rahu is strong significator of 4th house. 9th cusp ( Aquarius : 22:32:29 -- Sa Ju Sa ) Saturn is the cuspal sublord of 9th house .It is lord 7th 8th and 9th house signifying that he had some apprehensions about his result and also his lack of confidence. It is in the star of Sun which is placed in 4th house. So it is strongly signifying 4th house. In addition it is also a strong signficator of 9th house by being its cuspal sublord without having any planet in its stars. 11th cusp ( Aries 27:59:15 – Ma Su Mo ) Moon is cuspal sublord of 11th house , the house of fulfillment of desires. Moon as discussed earlier is placed in the star of Mercury which is placed in 4th house. So Moon signifies 4th house strongly. Moreover it is also a strong signficator of 11th house by being its cuspal sublord without having any planet in its stars. Dasha Bhukti Antara Analysis According to horary calculations as the star on that day is Ashlesha whose lord is Mercury which is placed in 4th house and signifying success. So Mahadasha is favorable. Bhukti is of Venus which is placed in 4th house so it also signifies success. Antara is of Mars lord of 11 which is also placed in the star of Mercury signifying 4th house strongly. So Dasha Bhukti and Antara all were signifying the required house for success in examination.
Horary No. 64/249 Sun Rise: 06:30:27 AMSun Set: 05:37:44 PMDasa Days: 365.25 D Nithya Yoga: Shukla Hora: Saturn Karana: Balav Horary No.: 64 Question : SUCCESS IN EXAMINATION
XI 27:59:15
BHOPAL, MADHYA PRADESH, India Planet Sgl Stl Sbl Ssl Sssl Lagna Ju Sa Mo Ve Ma Moon Mo Me Ve Mo Me Day Lord: Moon
XII 00:28:37
X 24:15:58 Name: Exam Ke 00:30:55 I 00:33:20 Gender: Male Ma 16:46:16 Date: Monday, 09/Nov/2009 Mo 19:55:56 Time: 03:23:00 PM SID: 18:17:26 II 24:53:41 Lat: 23:16:00 N Lon: 77:24:00 E Place: BHOPAL, MADHYA PRADESH, Ur[R] 29:00:37 India IX 22:32:29 Ayanamsa: 23° 54' 16" III 22:32:29 [KP Ayanamsa] Star: Ashlesha, Pada 1 Star Lord: Mercury Ne 29:47:33 Rasi: Cancer Rasi Lord: Moon VIII 24:53:41 Lagna: Cancer Lagna Lord: Moon Ju 24:28:40 Tithi: Krishna Paksha, Ashtami VII 00:33:20 Bal. Dasa: Mercury 12 Y, 10 M, 1 D Ra 00:30:55 Sa 07:12:26 IV 24:15:58 V 27:59:15 Me 25:41:03 Su 23:13:36 Fo 19:15:28 Ve 07:50:35
Pl 07:37:23 VI 00:28:37
Ruling Planets - 09/Nov/2009 03:23:00 PM
Cusp 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Cuspal Positions Star(Pada) Sgl Stl Sbl Ssl Sssl Punarvasu(4) Mo Ju Ma Ma Ma Ashlesha(3) Mo Me Ra Sa Ma P.Phalguni(3) Su Ve Sa Ke Ve Chitra(1) Me Ma Ra Ra Me Visakha(3) Ve Ju Ve Sa Sa Moola(1) Ju Ke Ke Ju Me U.Ashada(2) Sa Su Ra Ve Ve Dhanishta(1) Sa Ma Ra Sa Ma P.Bhadra(1) Sa Ju Sa Ve Ve Revati(3) Ju Me Ra Ra Me Krittika(1) Ma Su Mo Me Me Mrigasira(3) Me Ma Me Ve Ma
Planetary Positions Star(Pada) Sgl Stl Sbl Ssl Sssl Su Visakha(1) Ve Ju Sa Ma Sa Mo Ashlesha(1) Mo Me Ve Mo Me Ma Ashlesha(1) Mo Me Me Me Su Me Visakha(2) Ve Ju Me Sa Ma Ju Dhanishta(1) Sa Ma Ra Ju Sa Ve Swati(1) Ve Ra Ra Ke Ve Sa U.Phalguni(4) Me Su Ke Su Ke Ra U.Ashada(2) Sa Su Ra Ve Ve Ke Punarvasu(4) Mo Ju Mo Su Ra Ur[R] P.Bhadra(3) Sa Ju Su Ju Ju Ne Dhanishta(2) Sa Ma Sa Ju Sa Pl Moola(3) Ju Ke Ju Ju Sa Fo Swati(4) Ve Ra Ma Ma Ve
Dasa Summary Bhukti From Mercury Dasa
Bhukti From Ketu Dasa
Bhukti From Venus Dasa
10-Sep-2005 - 10-Sep-2022 10-Sep-2022 - 10-Sep-2029 10-Sep-2029 - 10-Sep-2049
Mercury 10-Sep-2005 Ketu 07-Feb-2008 Venus 04-Feb-2009 Sun 04-Dec-2011 Moon 10-Oct-2012 Mars 11-Mar-2014 Rahu 09-Mar-2015 Jupiter 27-Sep-2017 Saturn 02-Jan-2020 Sun Dasa
Ketu 10-Sep-2022 Venus 07-Feb-2023 Sun 07-Apr-2024 Moon 14-Aug-2024 Mars 14-Mar-2025 Rahu 10-Aug-2025 Jupiter 29-Aug-2026 Saturn 04-Aug-2027 Mercury 12-Sep-2028 Moon Dasa
Venus 10-Sep-2029 Sun 09-Jan-2033 Moon 09-Jan-2034 Mars 09-Sep-2035 Rahu 08-Nov-2036 Jupiter 10-Nov-2039 Saturn 10-Jul-2042 Mercury 10-Sep-2045 Ketu 10-Jul-2048 Mars Dasa
10-Sep-2049 - 10-Sep-2055 10-Sep-2055 - 10-Sep-2065 10-Sep-2065 - 10-Sep-2072
Sun 10-Sep-2049 Moon 29-Dec-2049 Mars 29-Jun-2050 Rahu 04-Nov-2050 Jupiter 28-Sep-2051 Saturn 16-Jul-2052 Mercury 28-Jun-2053 Ketu 04-May-2054 Venus 10-Sep-2054 Rahu Dasa
Moon 10-Sep-2055 Mars 10-Jul-2056 Rahu 10-Feb-2057 Jupiter 10-Aug-2058 Saturn 10-Dec-2059 Mercury 09-Jul-2061 Ketu 09-Dec-2062 Venus 09-Jul-2063 Sun 09-Mar-2065 Jupiter Dasa
Mars 10-Sep-2065 Rahu 07-Feb-2066 Jupiter 24-Feb-2067 Saturn 30-Jan-2068 Mercury 11-Mar-2069 Ketu 08-Mar-2070 Venus 05-Aug-2070 Sun 05-Oct-2071 Moon 11-Feb-2072 Saturn Dasa
10-Sep-2072 - 10-Sep-2090 10-Sep-2090 - 10-Sep-2106 10-Sep-2106 - 10-Sep-2125
Rahu Jupiter Saturn Mercury Ketu Venus Sun Moon Mars
10-Sep-2072 24-May-2075 18-Oct-2077 24-Aug-2080 14-Mar-2083 01-Apr-2084 02-Apr-2087 25-Feb-2088 25-Aug-2089
Jupiter Saturn Mercury Ketu Venus Sun Moon Mars Rahu
10-Sep-2090 28-Oct-2092 11-May-2095 17-Aug-2097 23-Jul-2098 24-Mar-2101 11-Jan-2102 11-May-2103 17-Apr-2104
Saturn Mercury Ketu Venus Sun Moon Mars Rahu Jupiter
10-Sep-2106 13-Sep-2109 23-May-2112 03-Jul-2113 02-Sep-2116 14-Aug-2117 14-Mar-2119 22-Apr-2120 01-Mar-2123
Significators - Planets View (B) (C) (D) 7 4 6, 10 3 4 1 4, 12 1, 2 4 1 4, 12 11 7 4 6, 10 4, 12 1 7 11 6, 10 6 4 5 4 3 3 7, 8, 9 4 6 3 7 12 6, 10 7 9 6, 10 1 8 11 12 6 6 4
Planet (A)
Su Mo+ Ma Me Ju Ve+ Sa+ Ra Ke+ Ur Ne Pl Fo
Rahu acts as agent for: Mo, Ma, Ju, Sa. Ketu acts as agent for: Mo, Ma, Ju. (A) - Planets in Occupant's stars (B) - Occupant of house (C) - Planets in Owner's stars (D) - House Owner + These planets do not have any planets in their stars.
Success in Examination P T Akash Prediction Using the Krishnamurti Paddhati mode of analysis and calculation I predicted that the he would come out successful in the examination.After a week he came to me with sweets and congratulated me on my successful prediction. I too congratulated him on his success. My pranams to Guruji and Ganesha.
***** .
Success in Examination Pt Akash ( BE Electronics ) Nakshatra Jyotish Ratna Kendra, Vedic and Krishnamurti Paddhati Astrologer Mob: 9827374626 , 9329265779
[email protected] ,
[email protected]
Om Gan Ganapataye Namah This is my second article on this subject. It thus proves that if anybody applies the Krishnamurti Padhdhati principles in solving the query , then one will get correct prediction all the time. A 2nd yr student of MBBS came to me with this query. Let us see how I solved it. Query : Result in MBBS 2nd Yr Exam Horary no. : 136/249 Date : 03-02-2009 Time : 19:57 PM Place : Bhopal, Longitude 77E26 Latitude 23N16 Ayanamsa : KPNA 23:53:38 Hints and Rules 1. If the sublord of the 4th cusp is the significator of 4,9 and 11th house, the success in examination is promised. 2. Sublord of the 11th cusp when connected to the houses under consideration will give positive result; here in this case it needs to be connected to 4th & 9th house. 3. Mars , Mercury and Jupiter promise success when they are connected to 4,9 and 11th house . 4. For Failure the houses which are 12th from 4th and 9th house i.e 3rd and 8th must be considered . Analysis First of all one must check the position of Moon and Ascendant Sublord.The query is genuine if the Moon or Ascendant Sublord is connected to the houses under consideration. Moon is placed in 7th house, it is in the star of Sun which is placed in 4th house . So the Moon is connected to 4th house. Now let us see the Ascendant Sublord which is Sun and it is placed in the 4th house . Hence the query is genuine and now we must proceed to solve the query. Cuspal Analysis 4th Cusp : ( Capricorn :19:16:14 --- Sa Mo Me ) Mercury the 4th cuspal sublord is in the star of Sun, which is placed in 4th house, and no planet is in the stars of Mercury, so Mercury is a strong significator of 4th house. Mercury’s sublord is Moon which is also placed in the star of Sun hence signifying 4th house strongly. So it indicates success. 9th Cusp : ( Gemini : 17:15:41 – Me Ra Ve ) Venus is the cuspal sublord of 9th house , it is placed in 5th house and it is in the star of Saturn which is placed in 11th house which is house of fulfillment of desires. So Venus is a strong significator of 11th house.Venus’ Sublord is Mercury which as already stated above is strongly signifying 4th house. So success is indicated here also. 11th Cusp : ( Leo ; 21:24:13 – Su Ve Ju ) Jupiter is the cuspal sublord of 11th house and placed in 3rd house. It is in the star of Moon, which is placed in 7th house and sub of Rahu, which is conjunct with Sun, as stated above strongly signifying 4th house. Hence Jupiter although is strongly signifying 3rd and 7th house but is also connected to Sun of 4th house significator. Hence it indicates success. Dasa Bhukti Antara Analysis Running Mahadasha is of Sun which as calculated is strong significator of 4th house. Bhukti is of Mars which is placed in the 3rd house and is placed in the star of Sun thus connected to 4th house strongly, also Mars sublord is Mercury which is cuspal sublord of 4th house and also signifying 4th house strongly. Antara is of Moon, which is placed in the star Sun signifying 4th house. So Mahadasha, Bhukti and Antara lords indicate success. Conclusion As per the above analysis, I told him not to worry about the result and surely it would be in his favour . The Student called me three days later and told me that he passed the examination. My pranam to Guruji and Lord Ganesha.
***** March 2010
Horary No. 136/249 Sun Rise: 06:59:51 AMSun Set: 06:08:51 PMDasa Days: 365.25 D Nithya Yoga:Brahma Hora: Saturn Karana: Balav Horary No.: 136 Question : Success in Examination
VII 17:26:40 Mo 29:11:18
VIII 16:39:31
Ne 29:42:18 Fo 27:15:05 Su 21:00:20 IV 19:16:15 Ra 15:17:23 Ju 12:55:35 Ma 05:17:08
Me 28:10:29 III 17:15:41 Pl 08:28:53
Name: Ke 15:17:23 X 19:16:15 Gender: Male Date: Tuesday, 03/Feb/2009 Time: 07:57:00 PM SID: 04:32:12 Lat: 23:16:00 N Lon: 77:24:00 E Place: BHOPAL, MADHYA PRADESH, India Ayanamsa: 23° 53' 38" XI 21:24:13 [KP Ayanamsa] Sa[R] 26:52:14 Star: Krittika, Pada 1 Star Lord: Sun Rasi: Aries Rasi Lord: Mars Lagna: Libra Lagna Lord: Venus Tithi: Shukla Paksha, Navami Bal. Dasa: Sun 4 Y, 10 M, 11 D XII 21:13:13
II 16:39:31
BHOPAL, MADHYA PRADESH, India Planet Sgl Stl Sbl Ssl Sssl Lagna Su Ve Su Me Su Moon Ma Su Ma Mo Sa Day Lord: Mars
IX 17:15:41
VI 21:13:13 Ve 06:28:38
Ur 26:40:21 V 21:24:13
Ruling Planets - 03/Feb/2009 07:57:00 PM
Cusp 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Cuspal Positions Star(Pada) Sgl Stl Sbl Ssl Sssl Swati(4) Ve Ra Su Su Su Anuradha(4) Ma Sa Ju Ra Ma P.Ashada(2) Ju Ve Mo Ve Me Sravana(3) Sa Mo Me Ju Ve P.Bhadra(1) Sa Ju Ju Mo Su Revati(2) Ju Me Ve Me Ve Bharani(2) Ma Ve Ma Ra Me Rohini(2) Ve Mo Sa Ve Sa Aridra(4) Me Ra Ve Me Ju Ashlesha(1) Mo Me Ke Me Mo P.Phalguni(3) Su Ve Ju Mo Ra Hasta(4) Me Mo Ve Ma Ve
Planetary Positions Star(Pada) Sgl Stl Sbl Ssl Sssl Su Sravana(4) Sa Mo Ve Mo Sa Mo Krittika(1) Ma Su Ma Mo Sa Ma U.Ashada(3) Sa Su Me Me Ra Me U.Ashada(1) Ju Su Mo Ke Ra Ju Sravana(1) Sa Mo Ra Me Ma Ve U.Bhadra(1) Ju Sa Me Ma Ve Sa[R] U.Phalguni(1) Su Su Su Ra Ve Ra Sravana(2) Sa Mo Ju Mo Su Ke Pushyami(4) Mo Sa Ju Sa Mo Ur P.Bhadra(3) Sa Ju Ve Ve Ma Ne Dhanishta(2) Sa Ma Sa Ra Ma Pl Moola(3) Ju Ke Ju Ve Su Fo Dhanishta(2) Sa Ma Ju Ve Me
I 17:26:40
Dasa Summary Bhukti From Sun Dasa
Bhukti From Moon Dasa
Bhukti From Mars Dasa
17-Dec-2007 - 17-Dec-2013 17-Dec-2013 - 17-Dec-2023 17-Dec-2023 - 17-Dec-2030
Sun 17-Dec-2007 Moon 05-Apr-2008 Mars 05-Oct-2008 Rahu 11-Feb-2009 Jupiter 04-Jan-2010 Saturn 23-Oct-2010 Mercury 05-Oct-2011 Ketu 11-Aug-2012 Venus 17-Dec-2012 Rahu Dasa
Moon 17-Dec-2013 Mars 17-Oct-2014 Rahu 17-May-2015 Jupiter 16-Nov-2016 Saturn 17-Mar-2018 Mercury 17-Oct-2019 Ketu 16-Mar-2021 Venus 16-Oct-2021 Sun 17-Jun-2023 Jupiter Dasa
Mars 17-Dec-2023 Rahu 14-May-2024 Jupiter 03-Jun-2025 Saturn 09-May-2026 Mercury 18-Jun-2027 Ketu 15-Jun-2028 Venus 12-Nov-2028 Sun 13-Jan-2030 Moon 19-May-2030 Saturn Dasa
17-Dec-2030 - 17-Dec-2048 17-Dec-2048 - 17-Dec-2064 17-Dec-2064 - 17-Dec-2083
Rahu 17-Dec-2030 Jupiter 29-Aug-2033 Saturn 23-Jan-2036 Mercury 29-Nov-2038 Ketu 15-Jun-2041 Venus 03-Jul-2042 Sun 03-Jul-2045 Moon 28-May-2046 Mars 28-Nov-2047 Mercury Dasa
Jupiter 17-Dec-2048 Saturn 06-Feb-2051 Mercury 18-Aug-2053 Ketu 24-Nov-2055 Venus 31-Oct-2056 Sun 02-Jul-2059 Moon 20-Apr-2060 Mars 21-Aug-2061 Rahu 27-Jul-2062 Ketu Dasa
Saturn 17-Dec-2064 Mercury 22-Dec-2067 Ketu 31-Aug-2070 Venus 10-Oct-2071 Sun 10-Dec-2074 Moon 22-Nov-2075 Mars 21-Jun-2077 Rahu 30-Jul-2078 Jupiter 04-Jun-2081 Venus Dasa
17-Dec-2083 - 17-Dec-2100 17-Dec-2100 - 17-Dec-2107 17-Dec-2107 - 17-Dec-2127
Mercury Ketu Venus Sun Moon Mars Rahu Jupiter Saturn
17-Dec-2083 14-May-2086 11-May-2087 11-Mar-2090 18-Jan-2091 18-Jun-2092 15-Jun-2093 02-Jan-2096 08-Apr-2098
Ketu Venus Sun Moon Mars Rahu Jupiter Saturn Mercury
17-Dec-2100 14-May-2101 14-Jul-2102 20-Nov-2102 20-Jun-2103 17-Nov-2103 04-Dec-2104 10-Nov-2105 20-Dec-2106
Venus Sun Moon Mars Rahu Jupiter Saturn Mercury Ketu
17-Dec-2107 17-Apr-2111 16-Apr-2112 17-Dec-2113 17-Feb-2115 18-Feb-2118 18-Oct-2120 19-Dec-2123 19-Oct-2126
Significators - Planets View (B) (C) (D) Su 7 4 10 11 Mo 4 7 11 10 Ma+ 4 3 11 2, 7 Me+ 4 3 11 9, 12 3 Ju+ 7 10 3, 6 Ve+ 11 5 4, 5 1, 8 Sa 4 11 11 4, 5 Ra+ 7 3 10 Ke+ 11 9 4, 5 Ur 3 5 3, 6 Ne 3 4 2, 7 Pl 9 2 Fo 3 4 2, 7
Planet (A)
Rahu acts as agent for: Su, Ma, Ju, Sa. Ketu acts as agent for: Su, Mo, Ma, Ju. (A) - Planets in Occupant's stars (B) - Occupant of house (C) - Planets in Owner's stars (D) - House Owner + These planets do not have any planets in their stars.
Longevity Pt Akash ( BE Electronics ) Nakshatra Jyotish Ratna Kendra, Vedic and Krishnamurti Paddhati Astrologer Mob: 9827374626 , 9329265779
[email protected] ,
[email protected]
Om Gan Ganapataye Namah Longevity is a matter which according to me cannot be calculated easily. What I can analyse from birth chart is whether there is any threat or danger to life although Krishnamurti Padhdhati stalwarts can do that. Here is one such case in which I knew that something bad was going to happen to the jataka. So I told him about the possible accident many months before it actually happened. Krishnamurti Padhdhati’s application to natal chart also justifies that it is a scientific and logical astrology. Client Date of Birth : 09-12-1975 Retified Time : 04:53 AM Place : Nagpur (Maharashtra); Longitude 79 E 06; Latitude Ayanamsha : KP New 23:25:51
21 N 09
Dasa Analysis The jataka met me in the month of March 2008, I told him that danger to life is indicated till Jupiter Dasa Mars Bhukti which was to end on 5-07- 2008. In this natal chart my analysis of his longevity and why his Jupiter Dasa and Mars Bhukti posed danger to his life and longevity is as follows. Dasa lord Jupiter itself is in 5th house as lord of 3rd and 5th house. But it is in the star of Mercury in 2nd (Maraka) house and lord of 11th (Badhaka) house, and in the sub of Venus in 12th house and lord of 1st, 8th and 12th houses. In addition there is no planet in the stars of Venus which is the sub lord of 1st, 6th, 10th and 12th houses. Thus Jupiter indicates accident by signification of 6th, 8th and 12th houses, and also denotes danger to life by Maraka and Badhaka signification. Bhukti lord Mars is in 8th house as lord of 2nd, 6th and 7th (Maraka) houses, and posited in own star Mars and sub Ketu, which is in 6th. Ketu is aspected by Ve and Saturn as lord of 4th house, and Ketu’s sign lord is Mars. So Mars signifies accident causing houses of 4th, 8th and 12th, and Maraka houses 2nd and 7th of danger to life. Mars is also karaka for accident. Longevity and Accident Analysis 1st Cusp ( Libra 28:35:14 – VE JU VE ) sub lord (CSL) Venus is placed in 12th house as lord of 1st, 8th and 12th houses, in the star of Rahu which is also placed in 12th house and conjunct with Venus. No planet in the stars of Venus which is the sub lord of 1st, 6th, 10th and 12th houses. 1st CSL Venus is in the sub of Jupiter which aspects Mercury in 2nd (Maraka) house as lord of 11th (Badhaka) house and Saturn as lord of 4th house. Thus 1st CSL Venus indicates accident and short life upto 33 years by signification of 4th, 6th, 8th, 12th and Maraka and Badhaka houses. 8th CSL (Taurus 27:55:27 VE MA SA) Saturn is lord of 4, in own star Saturn, and sub of Venus in 12th house as lord of 1st, 8th and 12th houses. No planet in the stars of Venus which is the sub lord of 1st, 6th, 10th and 12th houses. It also denotes accident (trigonal 4th, 8th and 12th) with injury (6th). DBAS at Time of Death The jataka expired on 17-06-2008 at 10:00 am Nagpur due to injury in head as he fell down from 1st floor of his rented home.The Jataka was under the influence of Jupiter Dasa, Mars Bhukti, Moon Antara and Jupiter Sookshma at that time. Dasa lord Jupiter and Bhukti lord Mars, as discussed above, strongly signified 4th, 6th, 8th and 12th houses of accident with injury and Badhaka and Maraka houses of danger to life and fatality. Antara lord Moon is in 4th house (end of everything), in star of Mars and sub Venus, which are strongly indicating serious accident and danger to the jataka. Jupiter as death inflicting planet through star and sub appeared again as Sookshma lord. As it was his destiny at the end of short longevity of 33 years, he was unable to survive the Jupiter Dasa and Mars
Sun Rise: 06:39:06 AMSun Set: 05:32:07 PMDasa Days: 365.25 D Nithya Yoga: Harshana Hora: Sun Karana: Taitil
VI 02:46:29 Ke 27:03:21 VII 28:35:14
VIII 27:55:27
Ma[R] 02:06:49 IX 28:47:28
Ju[R] 21:19:12 V 03:24:43 Name: Sa[R] 09:00:29 Gender: Male Date: Tuesday, 09/Dec/1975 Time: 04:53:00 AM SID: 09:47:46 Lat: 21:09:00 N Lon: 79:06:00 E Place: NAGPUR, MAHARASHTRA, India Mo 04:48:23 IV 01:13:00
Fo 10:34:16
III 28:47:28
Ayanamsa: 23° 25' 51" X 01:13:00 [KP Ayanamsa] Star: Dhanishta, Pada 4 Star Lord: Mars Rasi: Aquarius Rasi Lord: Saturn Lagna: Libra Lagna Lord: Venus Tithi: Shukla Paksha, Sashti Bal. Dasa: Mars 0 Y, 11 M, 21 D XI 03:24:43 Pl 17:53:33
Me 28:24:35 II 27:55:27 Su 22:49:21 Ne 18:15:28
I 28:35:14 Ra 27:03:21 Ur 11:56:03 Ve 08:49:02 XII 02:46:29
Cusp 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Cuspal Positions Star(Pada) Sgl Stl Sbl Ssl Sssl Visakha(3) Ve Ju Ve Me Ju Jyeshta(4) Ma Me Sa Sa Sa U.Ashada(1) Ju Su Ma Sa Mo Dhanishta(3) Sa Ma Me Ra Me U.Bhadra(1) Ju Sa Sa Sa Me Aswini(1) Ma Ke Ve Me Ra Krittika(1) Ma Su Ma Ra Su Mrigasira(2) Ve Ma Sa Sa Sa Punarvasu(3) Me Ju Su Su Ju Magha(1) Su Ke Ve Su Sa U.Phalguni(3) Me Su Sa Me Ve Chitra(3) Ve Ma Ve Ve Mo
Planetary Positions Star(Pada) Sgl Stl Sbl Ssl Sssl Su Jyeshta(2) Ma Me Mo Sa Ra Mo Dhanishta(4) Sa Ma Ve Ke Ma Ma[R] Mrigasira(3) Me Ma Ke Mo Ra Me Jyeshta(4) Ma Me Sa Me Ra Ju[R] Revati(2) Ju Me Ve Me Ra Ve Swati(1) Ve Ra Ju Ju Ve Sa[R] Pushyami(2) Mo Sa Ve Ra Sa Ra Visakha(3) Ve Ju Ve Mo Ma Ke Krittika(1) Ma Su Su Sa Ma Ur Swati(2) Ve Ra Sa Ma Ve Ne Jyeshta(1) Ma Me Me Sa Sa Pl Hasta(3) Me Mo Me Me Mo Fo Sravana(1) Sa Mo Mo Sa Su
Dasa Summary Bhukti From Mars Dasa
Bhukti From Rahu Dasa
Bhukti From Jupiter Dasa
30-Nov-1969 - 30-Nov-1976 30-Nov-1976 - 30-Nov-1994 30-Nov-1994 - 30-Nov-2010
Mars 30-Nov-1969 Rahu 27-Apr-1970 Jupiter 15-May-1971 Saturn 21-Apr-1972 Mercury 01-Jun-1973 Ketu 29-May-1974 Venus 26-Oct-1974 Sun 26-Dec-1975 Moon 02-May-1976 Saturn Dasa
Rahu 30-Nov-1976 Jupiter 13-Aug-1979 Saturn 07-Jan-1982 Mercury 13-Nov-1984 Ketu 01-Jun-1987 Venus 18-Jun-1988 Sun 19-Jun-1991 Moon 13-May-1992 Mars 14-Nov-1993 Mercury Dasa
Jupiter 30-Nov-1994 Saturn 17-Jan-1997 Mercury 30-Jul-1999 Ketu 05-Nov-2001 Venus 11-Oct-2002 Sun 10-Jun-2005 Moon 29-Mar-2006 Mars 29-Jul-2007 Rahu 05-Jul-2008 Ketu Dasa
30-Nov-2010 - 30-Nov-2029 30-Nov-2029 - 30-Nov-2046 30-Nov-2046 - 30-Nov-2053
Saturn 30-Nov-2010 Mercury 03-Dec-2013 Ketu 13-Aug-2016 Venus 23-Sep-2017 Sun 22-Nov-2020 Moon 03-Nov-2021 Mars 03-Jun-2023 Rahu 12-Jul-2024 Jupiter 19-May-2027 Venus Dasa
Mercury 30-Nov-2029 Ketu 27-Apr-2032 Venus 24-Apr-2033 Sun 24-Feb-2036 Moon 31-Dec-2036 Mars 01-Jun-2038 Rahu 29-May-2039 Jupiter 17-Dec-2041 Saturn 23-Mar-2044 Sun Dasa
Ketu 30-Nov-2046 Venus 27-Apr-2047 Sun 26-Jun-2048 Moon 02-Nov-2048 Mars 02-Jun-2049 Rahu 29-Oct-2049 Jupiter 17-Nov-2050 Saturn 23-Oct-2051 Mercury 01-Dec-2052 Moon Dasa
30-Nov-2053 - 30-Nov-2073 30-Nov-2073 - 30-Nov-2079 30-Nov-2079 - 30-Nov-2089
Venus Sun Moon Mars Rahu Jupiter Saturn Mercury Ketu
30-Nov-2053 29-Mar-2057 29-Mar-2058 30-Nov-2059 29-Jan-2061 29-Jan-2064 29-Sep-2066 29-Nov-2069 29-Sep-2072
Sun Moon Mars Rahu Jupiter Saturn Mercury Ketu Venus
30-Nov-2073 19-Mar-2074 19-Sep-2074 25-Jan-2075 19-Dec-2075 07-Oct-2076 19-Sep-2077 26-Jul-2078 02-Dec-2078
Moon Mars Rahu Jupiter Saturn Mercury Ketu Venus Sun
30-Nov-2079 30-Sep-2080 30-Apr-2081 30-Oct-2082 01-Mar-2084 03-Oct-2085 03-Mar-2087 03-Oct-2087 02-Jun-2089
Significators - Planets View (B) (C) (D) 2 1 9, 11 10 8 4 2, 6, 7 8 8 2, 6, 7 2, 6, 7 2 2 9, 11 9, 11 2 5 9, 11 3, 5 12 12 1, 8, 12 9 9 4 4 5 12 3, 5 1 6 10 12 12 2 1 9, 11 4 11 4 3
Planet (A)
Su Mo+ Ma Me Ju Ve+ Sa Ra Ke+ Ur Ne Pl Fo
Rahu acts as agent for: Ve. Ketu acts as agent for: Ma, Ve, Sa. (A) - Planets in Occupant's stars (B) - Occupant of house (C) - Planets in Owner's stars (D) - House Owner + These planets do not have any planets in their stars.
Longevity Pt Akash ( BE Electronics ) Nakshatra Jyotish Ratna Kendra, Vedic and Krishnamurti Paddhati Astrologer Mob: 9827374626 , 9329265779
[email protected] ,
[email protected]
Bhukti. (KP Reader VI page 159) It was Moon Antara running Moon also signified 8th house strongly. Jataka fell on Monday night and was admitted to hospital and he breathed his last on Tuesday ruled by Mars. May his soul rest in peace. Pranams to Guruji and Ganesha.
Om Gan Ganapat aye Namah Time and again Kr ishnamur t i Paddhat i has pr oved t hat it is scient if ic and logical. I n many case st udies t hat I did using KP met hod, I wonder t he gr eat ef f or t t hat Gur uj i Shr i KS Kr ishnamur t ij i had put in innovat ing a new appr oach t o ast r ology. Her e I pr esent a r ecent case; a per son came t o me and t old me t hat his wif e had lef t him. So he want ed t o know about when his wif e would come back. Let us look at how I had applied KP ast r ology in solving t he quer y. Q uer y Hor ar y No Dat e Time Place Ayanamsa
: Reunion wit h Wif e : 93 (1 - 249) : 04-01-2010 : 20:05 pm : Bhopal 77E26 , 23N07 ( Geocent r ic ) : KPNA 23:54:35
HI NTS 1 2 3
For r eunion 7 t h Cuspal Sublor d must signif y 2 , 7 and 11t h houses . 7 t h cuspal sublor d must not signif y t he 12 t h f r om t hese houses i.e. 1 ,6 and 10 t h house. 7 t h house indicat es wif e , husband and mar it al happiness , 2 nd house indicat es Kut umba ( domest ic f amily ) and 11t h house indicat es f ulf illment of desir e, r eunion .
MOON Moon always gives t he indicat ion of st at e of mind and quer ies. So one should only pr oceed when t he Moon and Ascendant sublor ds signif y t he houses under consider at ion. Her e Moon is placed in 12 t h house, it is in t he st ar Magha of Ket u which is in 11t h house , hence t he Moon is connect ed t o t he r elevant houses. Ascendant sublor d is Venus which is placed in 5 t h house and placed in it s own st ar Pur vashada. I t is in conj unct ion wit h Sun , Mer cur y which is lor d of 2 nd and 11t h houses . So Venus t oo is connect ed t o t he r elevant houses. ANALYSI S 2 nd Cusp -- Vir go –11:04:19 ( Me –Mo- Mo ) Moon is t he cuspal sublor d of t he 2 nd house ; it is placed in t he 12 t h house , which indicat es t hat his wif e has lef t him and he is concer ned about t hat . I t is in t he st ar of Ket u which is placed in t he 11t h house . So it st r ongly signif ies 11t h house i.e f ulf illment of desir e, r eunion. 7 t h Cusp – Aquar ius –13:20:00 ( Sa – Ra – Me ) Mer cur y is t he cuspal sublor d of t he 7 t h house; it is placed in 5 t h house and is in t he st ar pur vashada whose lor d Venus is also placed in 5 t h , so t he Mer cur y is a st r ong signif icat or of 5 t h house. Mer cur y is a weak signif icat or of 2 nd and 11t h houses by lor dship. Hence it indicat ion is f avour able f or t he client ’s quer y of r eunion. Ther e ar e no planet s placed in 7 t h house; Sat ur n is t he lor d of 7 t h cusp , so it becomes a lone signif icat or of 7 t h house. 11t h Cusp – Gemini – 14:02:18 ( Me – Ra – Me ) As discussed above t he 11t h cuspal sublor d Mer cur y is f avour able f or r eunion.
Horary No. 93/249 Sun Rise: 07:02:49 AMSun Set: 05:47:43 PMDasa Days: 365.25 D Nithya Yoga: AyushmanHora: Mercury Karana: Kaulav Horary No.: 93 Question : Reunion with Wife
IX 11:32:49
X 13:01:57
XI 14:02:13 Ke 27:32:16
VIII 11:02:37
Ur VII Ju Ne Fo
29:16:46 13:20:00 03:11:27 00:47:01 00:41:08
VI 14:12:46
Name: Reunion with Wife XII 14:12:46 Ma[R] 24:15:57 Gender: Male Date: Monday, 04/Jan/2010 Time: 08:05:00 PM SID: 02:40:59 Lat: 23:16:00 N Lon: 77:24:00 E Place: BHOPAL, MADHYA PRADESH, India Ayanamsa: 23° 54' 24" Mo 13:14:26 [KP Ayanamsa] I 13:20:00 Star: Magha, Pada 4 Star Lord: Ketu Rasi: Leo Rasi Lord: Sun Lagna: Leo Lagna Lord: Sun Tithi: Krishna Paksha, Panchami Bal. Dasa: Ketu 0 Y, 0 M, 17 D Sa 10:40:16 II 11:02:37
Ra 27:32:16 Me[R] 20:40:00 Su 20:13:13 Ve 18:28:57 V 14:02:13 Pl 09:31:56 IV 13:01:57
Ruling Planets - 04/Jan/2010 08:05:00 PM
BHOPAL, MADHYA PRADESH, India Planet Sgl Stl Sbl Ssl Sssl Lagna Mo Me Ve Me Me Moon Su Ke Me Sa Ma Day Lord: Moon Cusp 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Cuspal Positions Star(Pada) Sgl Stl P.Phalguni(1) Su Ve Hasta(1) Me Mo Swati(2) Ve Ra Anuradha(3) Ma Sa P.Ashada(1) Ju Ve Sravana(2) Sa Mo Satabhisha(3) Sa Ra U.Bhadra(3) Ju Sa Aswini(4) Ma Ke Rohini(1) Ve Mo Aridra(3) Me Ra Pushyami(4) Mo Sa
Sbl Ssl Sssl Ve Ve Ve Mo Ve Me Sa Ve Ke Ra Ra Me Ve Ma Ju Ju Sa Ke Me Su Ve Mo Mo Sa Me Me Su Ra Me Sa Me Ju Ve Ra Ve Ve
Planetary Positions Star(Pada) Sgl Stl Sbl Ssl Sssl Su P.Ashada(3) Ju Ve Ju Ju Ke Mo Magha(4) Su Ke Me Sa Ma Ma[R] Ashlesha(3) Mo Me Ra Ra Me Me[R]P.Ashada(3) Ju Ve Ju Me Ke Ju Dhanishta(3) Sa Ma Ve Mo Ra Ve P.Ashada(2) Ju Ve Ra Ju Sa Sa Hasta(1) Me Mo Mo Me Ke Ra U.Ashada(1) Ju Su Mo Ra Ju Ke Punarvasu(3) Me Ju Ve Ra Me Ur P.Bhadra(3) Sa Ju Su Me Sa Ne Dhanishta(3) Sa Ma Me Su Ve Pl Moola(3) Ju Ke Sa Sa Mo Fo Dhanishta(3) Sa Ma Me Ve Ke
III 11:32:49
Dasa Summary Bhukti From Ketu Dasa
Bhukti From Venus Dasa
Bhukti From Sun Dasa
21-Jan-2003 - 21-Jan-2010 21-Jan-2010 - 21-Jan-2030 21-Jan-2030 - 21-Jan-2036
Ketu 21-Jan-2003 Venus 18-Jun-2003 Sun 17-Aug-2004 Moon 23-Dec-2004 Mars 23-Jul-2005 Rahu 20-Dec-2005 Jupiter 08-Jan-2007 Saturn 14-Dec-2007 Mercury 22-Jan-2009 Moon Dasa
Venus 21-Jan-2010 Sun 21-May-2013 Moon 21-May-2014 Mars 21-Jan-2016 Rahu 21-Mar-2017 Jupiter 20-Mar-2020 Saturn 21-Nov-2022 Mercury 21-Jan-2026 Ketu 21-Nov-2028 Mars Dasa
Sun 21-Jan-2030 Moon 09-May-2030 Mars 09-Nov-2030 Rahu 15-Mar-2031 Jupiter 09-Feb-2032 Saturn 27-Nov-2032 Mercury 08-Nov-2033 Ketu 14-Sep-2034 Venus 21-Jan-2035 Rahu Dasa
21-Jan-2036 - 21-Jan-2046 21-Jan-2046 - 21-Jan-2053 21-Jan-2053 - 21-Jan-2071
Moon 21-Jan-2036 Mars 21-Nov-2036 Rahu 21-Jun-2037 Jupiter 21-Dec-2038 Saturn 21-Apr-2040 Mercury 22-Nov-2041 Ketu 22-Apr-2043 Venus 22-Nov-2043 Sun 21-Jul-2045 Jupiter Dasa
Mars 21-Jan-2046 Rahu 18-Jun-2046 Jupiter 06-Jul-2047 Saturn 12-Jun-2048 Mercury 22-Jul-2049 Ketu 19-Jul-2050 Venus 16-Dec-2050 Sun 16-Feb-2052 Moon 22-Jun-2052 Saturn Dasa
Rahu 21-Jan-2053 Jupiter 03-Oct-2055 Saturn 25-Feb-2058 Mercury 01-Jan-2061 Ketu 21-Jul-2063 Venus 07-Aug-2064 Sun 08-Aug-2067 Moon 02-Jul-2068 Mars 03-Jan-2070 Mercury Dasa
21-Jan-2071 - 21-Jan-2087 21-Jan-2087 - 21-Jan-2106 21-Jan-2106 - 21-Jan-2123
Jupiter Saturn Mercury Ketu Venus Sun Moon Mars Rahu
21-Jan-2071 10-Mar-2073 22-Sep-2075 28-Dec-2077 04-Dec-2078 03-Aug-2081 22-May-2082 22-Sep-2083 28-Aug-2084
Saturn Mercury Ketu Venus Sun Moon Mars Rahu Jupiter
21-Jan-2087 24-Jan-2090 03-Oct-2092 13-Nov-2093 12-Jan-2097 24-Dec-2097 24-Jul-2099 03-Sep-2100 09-Jul-2103
Mercury Ketu Venus Sun Moon Mars Rahu Jupiter Saturn
21-Jan-2106 18-Jun-2108 15-Jun-2109 15-Apr-2112 20-Feb-2113 20-Jul-2114 17-Jul-2115 05-Feb-2118 11-May-2120
Significators - Planets View (B) (C) (D) 5 5 3, 10 1 11 12 12 5 12 2, 11 4, 9 5 5 3, 10 2, 11 12 6 4, 9 5, 8 5 5 3, 10 3, 10 12 1 12 6, 7 5 5 1 6 11 5, 8 6 7 5, 8 12 6 4, 9 11 4 12 6 4, 9
Planet (A)
Su Mo Ma Me Ju Ve Sa+ Ra+ Ke Ur Ne Pl Fo
Rahu acts as agent for: Su, Me, Ju, Ve. Ketu acts as agent for: Su, Me, Ju, Ve, Sa. (A) - Planets in Occupant's stars (B) - Occupant of house (C) - Planets in Owner's stars (D) - House Owner + These planets do not have any planets in their stars.
RULI NG PLANETS As we cannot neglect t he r uling planet s at t he t ime of j udgement , Lagna Signlor d Moon Lagna St ar lor d Sat ur n Lagna Sublor d Venus Moon Signlor d Sun Moon St ar lor d Ket u Moon Sublor d Mer cur y Daylor d Moon As most of t he planet s which signif y 2,7 and 11 ar e also amongst t he Ruling Planet s t he indicat ion of union is f avour able. Ket u alt hough signif ying 6 t h house st r ongly but as it is placed in t he house of Mer cur y, it will give t he r esult s of Mer cur y which is signif ying t he houses of r eunion. DASHA , BHUKTI ANALYSI S Running Mahadasha is of Ket u , which signif ies 6 t h and 11t h house; 6 t h house signif icat ion gave his wif e t he mindset t o leave him , 11t h house signif icat ion st ands f or r eunion. Bhukt i is of Mer cur y t ill May 2010. Mer cur y is also f avour able; so I pr edict ed t hat his wif e would r et ur n bef or e t his dasha per iod ends. Running Ant ar a at t he t ime of j udgment was of Rahu which signif ies 5 t h house but not f avour able f or r eunion. Next Ant ar a is of J upit er which is also not amongst t he signif cat or s. ,The f ollowing Ant ar a is of Sat ur n which being a lone signif icat or and also being in t he Ruling Planet s is st r ong f or r eunion. I t st ar t ed f r om 16 t h Mar ch 2010. So I pr edict ed t hat dur ing t he per iod when Sun would also t r ansit in Sat ur n st ar i.e 18 t h Mar ch t o 2 nd Apr il 2010, t her e sur ely would be r eunion. The client came t o me on 28 t h Mar ch and congr at ulat ed me, t elling t hat his wif e r et ur ned on 22 nd Mar ch 2010 . I t was Monday and t he Moon st ar is Rohini. My pr anams t o gur uj i and lor d ganesha.
Success in Examination By: Pt Akash ( BE Electronics )( Jyotish Shiromani ) Nakshatra Jyotish Ratna Kendra Vedic and Krishnamurti Paddhati Astrologer Mob: 9827374626 , 9329265779 e-mail:
[email protected] Om Gan Ganapataye Namah Time and again Krishnamurti Paddhati has proved that it is scientific and logical. When one applies it correctly one will surely get the accurate result. Although timing the events is very difficult even in KP Astrology but getting an answer without opting for Mantra Jaap , Grah Shanti and Remedies , is indeed great . Sometimes things
don’t go according to the wish of the person even then performing any remedies won’t change the equation.
Hence KP Astrology is great. One MBA student came to me on 16-03-2010 . He had appeared in exam and was skeptical about his result in one paper . Let us find out how I applied KP Astrology to get the right answer without opting for any shanti and jaap. Query Horary No Date Time Place Ayanamsa
: Result in examination paper 1 : 27 (1 –249) : 16-03-2010 : 12: 04:00 : Bhopal 77E27 , 23N07 ( Geocentric ) : KP Original 23: 54:34
HINTS According to Nakshatra Chintamani, if the sublord of the 4 th cusp be the significator of 4 th ( Education , preparation for examinations , academic qualifications , regular attendance in school or college ) , 9 th ( Deep Study and higher education ) and 11 th house , the house of success and fulfillment of desires , one will surely succeed in examination . It shouldn’t be connected to 3rd house as this house is negation to 4 th house.
MOON & ASCENDANT SUBLORD Before proceeding to solve the query one must check out the position of Moon and Ascendant Sublord , so that the cusp under consideration must be signifying the relevant houses related to the query. Moon is placed in the 11th house with Venus Mercury and Sun being placed in same house. Sun is the lord of 5 th house , Moon itself is lord of 4th house . Moon is the sole significator of 4 th house . So Moon strongly signifies 4 th and 11th house. Let us take a look at ascendant sublord which is Ketu , it is placed in the sign of Mercury which is conjoined with Moon in the 11th house. Hence Ketu also signifies the houses under consideration. So now we can proceed further.
CUSPAL ANALYSIS 4th Cusp : Cancer 23:17: 51 – ( Moon – Mercury – Moon ) Moon which is lord of 4th house is placed in 11 th house , being lord of 4 th house and Sublord of 4 th house . I t is placed with Mercury , Sun and Venus . Moon is in the star of Saturn which is aspected by Ve, lord of 6 th house , the house of success in competition. Moon is in the sub of Mercury which is conjoined with Venus, , lord of 6 th house . So Moon is strongly signifying 6 th house and 11 th house.
9th Cusp : Sagittarius 27:18:17 – ( Jupiter – Sun- Sun ) Sun which is placed in the 11 th house , it is in the star of Jupiter which is placed in 10 th house . Hence Sun strongly signifies 10 th house and 11th house . So it has connection to 11 th house , the house of fulfillment of desires.
11th Cusp : Aquarius 24:06:23 – ( Saturn – Jupiter – Mercury ) Mercury is placed in the 11 th house, and it is in the star of Jupiter which is placed in 10 th house. So Mercury is strongly signifying 10th and 11th house. So it is connected to 11 th house.
JOINT PERIOD As Moon is in the star of Saturn at the time of judgment , running Mahadasha was of Saturn and Running
Horary No. 27/249 Sun Rise: 06:28:53 AMSun Set: 06:29:41 PMDasa Days: 365.25 D Nithya Yoga: Shukla Hora: Saturn Karana: Kintughna Horary No.: 27 Question : Result in examination paper 1
XII 00:13:33
I 07:00:00
II 03:06:56 Ke 23:47:35 III 27:18:07
Ve 16:58:03 Mo 06:06:33 Me 03:18:53 Ur 02:36:17 Su 01:39:20
XI 24:06:23 Ju 19:38:09 Ne 03:19:43
X 23:17:51
IX 27:18:07 Ra 23:47:35 Pl 11:23:07 VIII 03:06:56
Name: Success in Examination Ma 06:34:17 IV 23:17:51 Gender: Male Date: Tuesday, 16/Mar/2010 Time: 12:04:00 PM SID: 23:18:36 Lat: 23:16:00 N[G] Lon: 77:24:00 E Place: BHOPAL, MADHYA PRADESH, India Ayanamsa: 23° 54' 34" V 24:06:23 [KP Ayanamsa] Star: U.Bhadra, Pada 1 Star Lord: Saturn Rasi: Pisces Rasi Lord: Jupiter Lagna: Taurus Lagna Lord: Venus Tithi: Shukla Paksha, Pratipad Bal. Dasa: Saturn 15 Y, 0 M, 16 D Sa[R] 07:49:45
VII 07:00:00 Fo 00:42:25
Ruling Planets - 16/Mar/2010 12:04:00 PM
Lagna Moon
Me Ma Mo Ke Ju Sa Me Ve Day Lord: Mars
Ma Me
Cuspal Positions Cusp
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Krittika(4) Mrigasira(3) Punarvasu(3) Ashlesha(2) P.Phalguni(4) Chitra(3) Anuradha(2) Moola(1) U.Ashada(1) Sravana(4) P.Bhadra(2) Aswini(1)
Ve Me Me Mo Su Ve Ma Ju Ju Sa Sa Ma
Su Ma Ju Me Ve Ma Sa Ke Su Mo Ju Ke
Ke Ve Ve Mo Me Me Me Su Su Su Me Ke
Ke Su Ma Su Me Me Ju Ma Ve Ve Me Mo
Ke Me Me Ju Su Sa Ra Ke Sa Sa Ju Ra
Planetary Positions Su Mo Ma Me Ju Ve Sa[R] Ra Ke Ur Ne Pl Fo
Ju Ju Mo Ju Sa Ju Me Ju Me Ju Sa Ju Ma
Ju Sa Sa Ju Ra Me Su Ve Ju Ju Ma Ke Ju
Ra Me Me Ra Ma Me Ve Sa Sa Ra Ve Sa Ma
Ju Ve Ra Ma Me Ke Ve Ju Ju Ke Mo Ju Ra
Ju Me Ju Ve Ve Mo Ve Sa Su Me Su Mo Mo
P.Bhadra(4) U.Bhadra(1) Pushyami(1) P.Bhadra(4) Satabhisha(4) Revati(1) U.Phalguni(4) P.Ashada(4) Punarvasu(2) P.Bhadra(4) Dhanishta(3) Moola(4) Visakha(4)
VI 00:13:33
Dasa Summary Bhukti From Saturn Dasa
Bhukti From Mercury Dasa
Bhukti From Ketu Dasa
Saturn 01-Apr-2006 Mercury 04-Apr-2009 Ketu 14-Dec-2011 Venus 22-Jan-2013 Sun 22-Mar-2016 Moon 05-Mar-2017 Mars 05-Oct-2018 Rahu 14-Nov-2019 Jupiter 20-Sep-2022 Venus Dasa
01-Apr-2049 - 01-Apr-2069
Mercury 01-Apr-2025 Ketu 29-Aug-2027 Venus 26-Aug-2028 Sun 27-Jun-2031 Moon 03-May-2032 Mars 04-Oct-2033 Rahu 01-Oct-2034 Jupiter 18-Apr-2037 Saturn 24-Jul-2039 Sun Dasa
01-Apr-2069 - 01-Apr-2075
Ketu 01-Apr-2042 Venus 29-Aug-2042 Sun 29-Oct-2043 Moon 06-Mar-2044 Mars 06-Oct-2044 Rahu 03-Mar-2045 Jupiter 22-Mar-2046 Saturn 27-Feb-2047 Mercury 06-Apr-2048 Moon Dasa
Venus 01-Apr-2049 Sun 31-Jul-2052 Moon 01-Aug-2053 Mars 01-Apr-2055 Rahu 31-May-2056 Jupiter 01-Jun-2059 Saturn 01-Feb-2062 Mercury 01-Apr-2065 Ketu 01-Feb-2068 Mars Dasa
Sun 01-Apr-2069 Moon 20-Jul-2069 Mars 20-Jan-2070 Rahu 26-May-2070 Jupiter 20-Apr-2071 Saturn 07-Feb-2072 Mercury 20-Jan-2073 Ketu 26-Nov-2073 Venus 01-Apr-2074 Rahu Dasa
Moon 01-Apr-2075 Mars 01-Feb-2076 Rahu 01-Sep-2076 Jupiter 02-Mar-2078 Saturn 02-Jul-2079 Mercury 01-Feb-2081 Ketu 01-Jul-2082 Venus 01-Feb-2083 Sun 01-Oct-2084 Jupiter Dasa
01-Apr-2006 - 01-Apr-2025
01-Apr-2025 - 01-Apr-2042
01-Apr-2085 - 01-Apr-2092
01-Apr-2092 - 01-Apr-2110
Mars Rahu Jupiter Saturn Mercury Ketu Venus Sun Moon
Rahu Jupiter Saturn Mercury Ketu Venus Sun Moon Mars
01-Apr-2085 29-Aug-2085 17-Sep-2086 23-Aug-2087 01-Oct-2088 28-Sep-2089 25-Feb-2090 25-Apr-2091 31-Aug-2091
01-Apr-2092 15-Dec-2094 08-May-2097 14-Mar-2100 02-Oct-2102 20-Oct-2103 20-Oct-2106 14-Sep-2107 13-Mar-2109
01-Apr-2042 - 01-Apr-2049
01-Apr-2075 - 01-Apr-2085
01-Apr-2110 - 01-Apr-2126
Jupiter Saturn Mercury Ketu Venus Sun Moon Mars Rahu
01-Apr-2110 19-May-2112 02-Dec-2114 07-Mar-2117 13-Feb-2118 13-Oct-2120 31-Jul-2121 01-Dec-2122 07-Nov-2123
Significators - Planets View Planet
Su Mo+ Ma+ Me Ju Ve Sa Ra Ke+ Ur Ne Pl Fo
10 5 5 10 8 11 11 11 10 10 3 2 10
11 11 3 11 10 11 5 8 2 11 10 8 6
8, 9 10, 11 10, 11 8, 9 2, 3 5 1, 6 8, 9 8, 9 7, 12
5 4 7, 12 2, 3 8, 9 1, 6 10, 11
8, 9
Rahu acts as agent for: Ju. Ketu acts as agent for: Me, Ju, Sa. (A) - Planets in Occupant's stars (B) - Occupant of house (C) - Planets in Owner's stars (D) - House Owner
+ These planets do not have any planets in their stars. (G) Denotes geocentric correction applied to latitude.
Success in Examination By: Pt Akash ( BE Electronics )( Jyotish Shiromani ) Nakshatra Jyotish Ratna Kendra Vedic and Krishnamurti Paddhati Astrologer Mob: 9827374626 , 9329265779 e-mail:
[email protected] Bhukti was of Mercury which as analyzed before is signifying 11 th house . Saturn being lord of 10 th house and 11th house is in the star of Sun which is placed in the 11 th house . Hence Saturn is also signifying 11 th house strongly . So both Mahadasha and Bhukti Lords are signifying 11 th house.
PREDICTION As per the analyses shown above, I told the Student that he would surely get the desired result i.e pass the examination. By the grace of Guruji and Lord Ganesha , the Student called me in last week of April and told me about his success in examination.
Promotion in job By: Pt Aka s h ( BE Ele ctro n ics ) ( J yo tis h Sh iro m a n i ) Nakshatra Jyotish Ratna Kendra Vedic and Krishnamurti Paddhati Astrologer Mob: 9827374626 , 9329265779 e-mail:
[email protected] Om Gan Ganapataye Namah As an astrologer I have come across many cases where the outcome looks completely clear and no doubts arise in mind. KP astrology is one such tool that Shri KS Krishnamurtiji has given to us to look at the future without any doubt and be prepared for it. I have earlier written two articles on promotion in job. Here again I present a new case. Query Horary No Date Time Place Ayanamsa
: Promotion in job : 146 ( 1 –249) : 21-03-2010 : 18: 42: 00 : Bhopal 77E27, 23N07 (Geocentric) : KP Original 23: 54: 34
HI NTS 1 Cuspal sublord of 11 th house must signify the houses 2, 6, 10 and 11 for promotion in job . 2 Ruling Planets must also be considered to check the strength of significators.
MOON & ASCENDANT SUBLORD Before proceeding to solve the query one must check out the position of Moon and Ascendant sublord, so that the houses under consideration must be signifying the relevant houses related to the query. Moon is the cuspal sublord of the 10th house; it is placed in the 7th house, the house of opponents and competitors. I t seems that the client is a bit more concerned about his opponents. Moon is in the star of Moon itself. So the query is justified as Moon is cuspal sublord of 10th house. Moon is also the Ascendant sublord .
CUSPAL ANALYSI S 2 nd Cusp: Scorpio 29: 29:48 – (Mars – Mercury – Saturn) Saturn is the cuspal sublord of the 2nd house, it is placed in the 11th house which is house of fulfillment of desires . Saturn is in the star of Sun which is lord of the 10th house. Thus Saturn signifies both 10 and 11th houses very strongly and so it is favourable for promotion and increments.
6 th Cusp : Aries 04: 50: 30 – ( Mars – Ketu - Mars ) Mars is placed in the 9th house , it is in the star of Saturn , which is placed in 11th house. So Mars is signifying 11th house strongly. Hence the cuspal sublord Mars is connected to the 11th house.
10 th Cusp : Leo 03: 49:52 – ( Sun – Ketu – Moon ) As discussed above Moon is placed in 7th house and is in the star of Moon itself. I t is a weak significator of 9th house. So it is not signifying any houses related to query.
11 th Cusp : Virgo 06: 0:48 – ( Mercury – Sun – Mercury ) Mercury is the cuspal Sublord of the 11th house; it is placed in 5th house. I t is in the star of Saturn which is placed in the 11th house. So Mercury is strongly signifying the 11th house which is house of fulfillment of desires. Hence it is favouring the concerned query.
Ruling Planets Lagna Lord -- Mercury Lagna Star Lord – Moon Moon Sign Lord – Venus Moon Star -- Moon DayLord -- Sun As per the Ruling planets we see the strong significators Mercury and Sun among them.
Se p te m be r 2 0 10
KPEzin e
Horary No. 146/249 Sun Rise: 06:23:52 AM Nithya Yoga: Priti
Sun Set: Hora:
06:31:25 PM Jupiter
Dasa Days: 365.25 D Karana: Taitil
Horary No.: 146 Question : Promotion in job
Ruling Planets - 21/Mar/2010 06:42:00 PM BHOPAL, MADHYA PRADESH, India Planet
Day Lord: Sun VI 04:48:23
VII 00:00:00 Mo 13:04:29 VIII 29:29:20
Ke 23:30:48
Ve 23:30:33 Me 13:50:45 Su 06:54:16 V 05:57:04 Ur 02:54:21
Ju 20:53:30 IV 03:46:05 Ne 03:30:22
III 00:51:13
Name: Promotion Gender: Male Date: Sunday, 21/Mar/2010 Time: 06:42:00 PM SID: 06:17:36 Lat: 23:07:00 N Lon: 77:27:00 E Place: BHOPAL, MADHYA PRADESH, India
IX 00:51:13 Ma 07:04:28
Ayanamsa: 23° 54' 34" [KP Ayanamsa] Star: Rohini, Pada 1 Star Lord: Moon Rasi: Taurus Rasi Lord: Venus Lagna: Scorpio Lagna Lord: Mars Tithi: Shukla Paksha, Sashti Bal. Dasa: Moon 7 Y, 8 M, 10 D
X 03:46:05
XI 05:57:04 Sa[R] 07:24:52
Ra 23:30:48 Pl 11:26:18
II 29:29:20 I 00:00:00
Fo 06:39:18 XII 04:48:23
Cuspal Positions Cusp Star(Pada) 1 Visakha(4) 2 Jyeshta(4) 3 U.Ashada(2) 4 Dhanishta(4) 5 U.Bhadra(1) 6 Aswini(2) 7 Krittika(2) 8 Mrigasira(2) 9 Punarvasu(4) 10 Magha(2) 11 U.Phalguni(3) 12 Chitra(4)
Sgl Ma Ma Sa Sa Ju Ma Ve Ve Mo Su Me Ve
Stl Ju Me Su Ma Sa Ke Su Ma Ju Ke Su Ma
Sbl Mo Sa Ra Ve Me Ma Ra Sa Ma Mo Me Ve
Ssl Sa Ra Su Ra Ve Ma Sa Ra Sa Ma Mo Ke
Sssl Ve Ju Ma Mo Ra Me Ma Ju Me Ra Ju Ma
Planetary Positions Planet Star(Pada) Su U.Bhadra(2) Mo Rohini(1) Ma Pushyami(2) Me U.Bhadra(4) Ju P.Bhadra(1) Ve Revati(3) Sa[R] U.Phalguni(4) Ra P.Ashada(4) Ke Punarvasu(2) Ur P.Bhadra(4) Ne Dhanishta(4) Pl Moola(4) Fo Chitra(4)
Sgl Ju Ve Mo Ju Sa Ju Me Ju Me Ju Sa Ju Ve
Stl Sa Mo Sa Sa Ju Me Su Ve Ju Ju Ma Ke Ma
Sbl Me Ra Me Ra Ju Ma Ke Sa Sa Ra Ve Sa Mo
Ssl Ju Ke Sa Me Ve Ju Ra Ra Ra Ve Ra Ju Su
Sssl Ke Ve Sa Ve Ve Sa Ve Sa Ve Me Ra Ra Ke
Dasa Summary Bhukti
Moon Dasa 30-Nov-2007 - 30-Nov-2017 Moon 30-Nov-2007 Mars 30-Sep-2008 Rahu 30-Apr-2009 Jupiter 30-Oct-2010 Saturn 01-Mar-2012 Mercury 30-Sep-2013 Ketu 02-Mar-2015 Venus 02-Oct-2015 Sun 01-Jun-2017
Mars Dasa 30-Nov-2017 - 30-Nov-2024 Mars 30-Nov-2017 Rahu 27-Apr-2018 Jupiter 15-May-2019 Saturn 21-Apr-2020 Mercury 31-May-2021 Ketu 28-May-2022 Venus 25-Oct-2022 Sun 25-Dec-2023 Moon 01-May-2024
Rahu Dasa 30-Nov-2024 - 30-Nov-2042 Rahu 30-Nov-2024 Jupiter 12-Aug-2027 Saturn 06-Jan-2030 Mercury 12-Nov-2032 Ketu 01-Jun-2035 Venus 18-Jun-2036 Sun 19-Jun-2039 Moon 13-May-2040 Mars 14-Nov-2041
Jupiter Dasa 30-Nov-2042 - 30-Nov-2058 Jupiter 30-Nov-2042 Saturn 16-Jan-2045 Mercury 29-Jul-2047 Ketu 04-Nov-2049 Venus 10-Oct-2050 Sun 09-Jun-2053 Moon 28-Mar-2054 Mars 28-Jul-2055 Rahu 04-Jul-2056
Saturn Dasa 30-Nov-2058 - 30-Nov-2077 Saturn 30-Nov-2058 Mercury 03-Dec-2061 Ketu 12-Aug-2064 Venus 22-Sep-2065 Sun 21-Nov-2068 Moon 02-Nov-2069 Mars 02-Jun-2071 Rahu 11-Jul-2072 Jupiter 18-May-2075
Mercury Dasa 30-Nov-2077 - 30-Nov-2094 Mercury 30-Nov-2077 Ketu 27-Apr-2080 Venus 23-Apr-2081 Sun 23-Feb-2084 Moon 30-Dec-2084 Mars 31-May-2086 Rahu 28-May-2087 Jupiter 16-Dec-2089 Saturn 22-Mar-2092
Ketu Dasa 30-Nov-2094 - 30-Nov-2101 Ketu 30-Nov-2094 Venus 27-Apr-2095 Sun 26-Jun-2096 Moon 01-Nov-2096 Mars 01-Jun-2097 Rahu 29-Oct-2097 Jupiter 16-Nov-2098 Saturn 22-Oct-2099 Mercury 01-Dec-2100
Venus Dasa 30-Nov-2101 - 30-Nov-2121 Venus 30-Nov-2101 Sun 29-Mar-2105 Moon 29-Mar-2106 Mars 29-Nov-2107 Rahu 28-Jan-2109 Jupiter 28-Jan-2112 Saturn 28-Sep-2114 Mercury 28-Nov-2117 Ketu 28-Sep-2120
Sun Dasa 30-Nov-2121 - 30-Nov-2127 Sun 30-Nov-2121 Moon 18-Mar-2122 Mars 18-Sep-2122 Rahu 25-Jan-2123 Jupiter 19-Dec-2123 Saturn 07-Oct-2124 Mercury 19-Sep-2125 Ketu 25-Jul-2126 Venus 01-Dec-2126
Significators - Planets View Planet (A) (B) (C) Su 11 5 3, 4 Mo 7 7 9 Ma+ 11 9 3, 4 Me 11 5 3, 4 Ju 4 4 5 Ve 5 5 11 Sa 5 11 10 Ra+ 5 2 7, 8, 12 Ke+ 4 8 5 Ur 4 4 5 Ne 9 3 1, 2, 6 Pl 8 2 Fo 9 12 1, 2, 6 Rahu acts as agent for: Ju. Ketu acts as agent for: Me, Ju, Sa.
(D) 10 9 1, 2, 6 11 5 7, 8, 12 3, 4
(A) - Planets in Occupant's stars (B) - Occupant of house (C) - Planets in Owner's stars (D) - House Owner
+ These planets do not have any planets in their stars.
Promotion in job By: Pt Aka s h ( BE Ele ctro n ics ) ( J yo tis h Sh iro m a n i ) Nakshatra Jyotish Ratna Kendra Vedic and Krishnamurti Paddhati Astrologer Mob: 9827374626 , 9329265779 e-mail:
[email protected] CONCLUSI ON Looking at the strength of cuspal sublords of the concerned houses which mostly signify the houses 2,6,10 and 11 and the significators for the querist’s success being strong and also being in RPs, I concluded that the client would surely get the promotion . After about two months the he informed me about his promotion. I pray to Lord Ganesha and Guruji .
Se p te m be r 2 0 10
KPEzin e
Denial Of Marriage By: Pt Aka s h ( BE Ele ctro n ics ) ( J yo tis h Sh iro m a n i ) Nakshatra Jyotish Ratna Kendra Vedic and Krishnamurti Paddhati Astrologer Mob: 9827374626 , 9329265779 e-mail:
[email protected] Om Gan Ganapataye Namah The principles and logic that led to the innovation of Krishnamurti Paddhati has many a times proved its worth. There are many cases where I find the logics of KP Astrology very accurate and reliable which the Kaalchakra i.e Wheel of Time proves. Here I present one case of lady. She is already involved in Spiritual activities and had initiation in Kriya Yoga from Prajnan Mission in Puri. Her father who himself is renowned astrologer asked me to predict using the Horary Method about her prospects of Marriage. She is fourth child of the querist.
Query Horary No Date Time Place Ayanamsa
: Marriage of Daughter : 206 ( 1 –249) : 06-02-2008 : 16: 02: 00 : Kolar-Bhopal (MP) 77E25 , 23N01 ( Geocentric ) : KP Original 23: 52:48
HI NTS querist is asking about his 4th son , chart will be rotated to the 11th cusp as 5th is for 1st child , so 7 for 2 , 9 for 3rd and 11th for the 4th child. Being an astrologer him self , the querist himself asked me to rotate the chart to 11th cusp. 2. For marriage, one needs to judge the 7th cuspal sub lord. I f the 7th cuspal sublord signifies 2nd , 7th and th 11 house , then the marriage is possible. I f it is signifying 1st , 6th and 10th house , then there is denial of marriage as these house are 12th from 2nd , 7th and 11th house. I f the fruitful significators of the 7th house are connected to 6th house then these significators also obstruct marriage.
1.As the
MOON & ASCENDANT SUBLORD Before proceeding to solve the query one must check out the position of Moon and Ascendant Sub lord, So that the houses under consideration must be signifying the relevant houses related to the query. Chart is rotated to the 11th House .2nd, 7th and 11th house are considered for any query related to marriage, as 2nd house indicates addition in family, 7th house is the house of marriage and 11th house is fulfillment of desires. Here Moon is placed in the 2nd house, it is placed in its own star in Capricorn with Mercury and Sun being placed in same house. Mercury is the lord of 7th house; hence Moon is reflecting the query. Now we can proceed to solve the query. Ascendant Sub lord is Venus which is placed in Ascendant i.e 1st house. I t is lord of the 11th house and placed in its own star. So it is a significator of 11th house and hence signifying the houses under consideration for marriage.
CUSPAL ANALYSI S 2nd Cusp : Sagitarius 26:45: 07 – ( Jupiter – Sun – Sun ) Sun is the Cuspal Sublord of the 2nd house , it is placed in its own star and also it is placed in the 2nd house alongwith Moon and Mercury. So Sun is signifying 2nd house strongly and is fruitful for marriage. 7 th Cusp : Gemini 01: 49: 57 – ( Mercury – Mars - Mercury ) Mercury which is the Cuspal Sub lord of the 7th house , it is placed in the 2nd house and it is placed in the star of Mars and also in the Sub of Mars , Mars is placed in the 6th house which is 12th from the 7th house and so denying marriage . Mars is placed in 6th house and in its own star, so Mars is signifying 6th house strongly. So as Mercury is placed in the star and sub of Mars , hence it is strongly denying marriage.
11 th Cusp : Libra 08: 58: 53 – ( Venus – Rahu – Jupiter ) Jupiter is the Cuspal Sublord of the 11th house which is considered as house of fulfillment of desires. Jupiter is placed in the 1st house and it is in the star of Venus which itself is placed in the 1st house. 1st house is negation to 2nd house. Jupiter being in the star of Venus is weak significator of 11th house. So not of any use as Jupiter is signifying 1st house strongly than 11th house. Thus cuspal sublord Jupiter is not supporting Marriage.
RULI NG PLANETS At the time of judgment the ruling planets are as follows :
J a n u ary 2 0 11
KPEzin e
Horary No. 206/249 Sun Rise: 06:58:37 AM Nithya Yoga: Vyatipata
Sun Set: Hora:
06:10:31 PM Saturn
Dasa Days: 365.25 D Karana: Chatushpad
Horary No.: 206 Question : Marriage denial?
Ruling Planets - 06/Feb/2008 04:02:00 PM BHOPAL, MADHYA PRADESH, India Planet
Day Lord: Mercury V 09:01:03
VI 07:08:25
Ma 00:27:29 VII 01:50:34 VIII 26:45:04
IV 04:43:49
Ur 23:01:31 Ra 04:32:01
Ne 27:39:37 III 26:06:40 Me[R] 23:50:49 Su 23:07:44 Mo 14:25:32
Name: Marriage Denial Jan 2010 Gender: Male Date: Wednesday, 06/Feb/2008 Time: 04:02:00 PM SID: 00:45:24 Lat: 23:15:00 N[G] Lon: 77:24:00 E Place: BHOPAL, MADHYA PRADESH, India
IX 26:06:40 Fo 27:52:25
Ayanamsa: 23° 52' 48" [KP Ayanamsa] Star: Sravana, Pada 2 Star Lord: Moon Rasi: Capricorn Rasi Lord: Saturn Lagna: Sagittarius Lagna Lord: Jupiter Tithi: Amavasya Bal. Dasa: Moon 6 Y, 8 M, 5 D
Ke 04:32:01 Sa[R] 12:41:08
X 04:43:49
II 26:45:04 Ve 22:14:43 Ju 17:10:34 Pl 06:27:19 I 01:50:34
XII 07:08:25
Cuspal Positions Cusp Star(Pada) 1 Moola(1) 2 U.Ashada(1) 3 Dhanishta(1) 4 U.Bhadra(1) 5 Aswini(3) 6 Krittika(4) 7 Mrigasira(3) 8 Punarvasu(3) 9 Ashlesha(3) 10 U.Phalguni(3) 11 Swati(1) 12 Anuradha(2)
Sgl Ju Ju Sa Ju Ma Ve Me Me Mo Me Ve Ma
Stl Ke Su Ma Sa Ke Su Ma Ju Me Su Ra Sa
Sbl Ve Su Ju Sa Ju Ke Me Ve Ju Sa Ju Me
Ssl Ra Mo Ju Ma Ma Ve Sa Ve Ju Ra Sa Sa
Sssl Ve Ve Ju Ma Me Sa Ra Ju Ju Ve Ve Ke
Planetary Positions Planet Star(Pada) Su Sravana(4) Mo Sravana(2) Ma Mrigasira(3) Me[R] Dhanishta(1) Ju P.Ashada(2) Ve P.Ashada(3) Sa[R] Magha(4) Ra Dhanishta(4) Ke Magha(2) Ur P.Bhadra(1) Ne Dhanishta(2) Pl Moola(2) Fo Ashlesha(4)
Sgl Sa Sa Me Sa Ju Ju Su Sa Su Sa Sa Ju Mo
Stl Mo Mo Ma Ma Ve Ve Ke Ma Ke Ju Ma Ke Me
Sbl Su Ju Me Ma Mo Sa Me Ve Mo Sa Ju Ra Ju
Ssl Me Me Ve Ke Ve Me Ra Me Ke Mo Ra Me Ra
Sssl Mo Me Mo Mo Ra Me Ve Ve Me Ra Ra Me Ma
XI 09:01:03
Dasa Summary Bhukti
Moon Dasa 14-Oct-2004 - 14-Oct-2014 Moon 14-Oct-2004 Mars 14-Aug-2005 Rahu 14-Mar-2006 Jupiter 14-Sep-2007 Saturn 13-Jan-2009 Mercury 13-Aug-2010 Ketu 13-Jan-2012 Venus 14-Aug-2012 Sun 15-Apr-2014 Jupiter Dasa 14-Oct-2039 - 14-Oct-2055 Jupiter 14-Oct-2039 Saturn 02-Dec-2041 Mercury 14-Jun-2044 Ketu 21-Sep-2046 Venus 28-Aug-2047 Sun 28-Apr-2050 Moon 15-Feb-2051 Mars 15-Jun-2052 Rahu 22-May-2053 Ketu Dasa 14-Oct-2091 - 14-Oct-2098 Ketu 14-Oct-2091 Venus 12-Mar-2092 Sun 13-May-2093 Moon 19-Sep-2093 Mars 19-Apr-2094 Rahu 15-Sep-2094 Jupiter 03-Oct-2095 Saturn 09-Sep-2096 Mercury 20-Oct-2097
Mars Dasa 14-Oct-2014 - 14-Oct-2021 Mars 14-Oct-2014 Rahu 12-Mar-2015 Jupiter 29-Mar-2016 Saturn 07-Mar-2017 Mercury 16-Apr-2018 Ketu 13-Apr-2019 Venus 10-Sep-2019 Sun 09-Nov-2020 Moon 15-Mar-2021 Saturn Dasa 14-Oct-2055 - 14-Oct-2074 Saturn 14-Oct-2055 Mercury 18-Oct-2058 Ketu 26-Jun-2061 Venus 04-Aug-2062 Sun 04-Oct-2065 Moon 16-Sep-2066 Mars 16-Apr-2068 Rahu 26-May-2069 Jupiter 01-Apr-2072 Venus Dasa 14-Oct-2098 - 14-Oct-2118 Venus 14-Oct-2098 Sun 14-Feb-2102 Moon 14-Feb-2103 Mars 14-Oct-2104 Rahu 15-Dec-2105 Jupiter 15-Dec-2108 Saturn 16-Aug-2111 Mercury 16-Oct-2114 Ketu 15-Aug-2117
Rahu Dasa 14-Oct-2021 - 14-Oct-2039 Rahu 14-Oct-2021 Jupiter 26-Jun-2024 Saturn 21-Nov-2026 Mercury 26-Sep-2029 Ketu 14-Apr-2032 Venus 03-May-2033 Sun 02-May-2036 Moon 27-Mar-2037 Mars 27-Sep-2038 Mercury Dasa 14-Oct-2074 - 14-Oct-2091 Mercury 14-Oct-2074 Ketu 11-Mar-2077 Venus 08-Mar-2078 Sun 07-Jan-2081 Moon 13-Nov-2081 Mars 13-Apr-2083 Rahu 10-Apr-2084 Jupiter 29-Oct-2086 Saturn 04-Feb-2089 Sun Dasa 14-Oct-2118 - 14-Oct-2124 Sun 14-Oct-2118 Moon 02-Feb-2119 Mars 02-Aug-2119 Rahu 08-Dec-2119 Jupiter 02-Nov-2120 Saturn 21-Aug-2121 Mercury 02-Aug-2122 Ketu 08-Jun-2123 Venus 14-Oct-2123
Significators - Planets View Planet (A) (B) (C) Su+ 2 3 9 Mo 2 2 9 Ma 7 7 5, 12 Me+ 7 3 5, 12 Ju+ 1 1 6, 11 Ve 1 1 6, 11 Sa+ 9 9 Ra+ 7 3 5, 12 Ke 9 9 Ur 1 3 1, 2, 4 Ne 7 3 5, 12 Pl 9 1 Fo 3 9 7, 8, 10 Rahu acts as agent for: Sa. Ketu acts as agent for: Su, Ju, Sa.
(D) 9 5, 12 7, 8, 10 1, 2, 4 6, 11 3
(A) - Planets in Occupant's stars (B) - Occupant of house (C) - Planets in Owner's stars (D) - House Owner
+ These planets do not have any planets in their stars. (G) Denotes geocentric correction applied to latitude.
Denial Of Marriage By: Pt Aka s h ( BE Ele ctro n ics ) ( J yo tis h Sh iro m a n i ) Nakshatra Jyotish Ratna Kendra Vedic and Krishnamurti Paddhati Astrologer Mob: 9827374626 , 9329265779 e-mail:
[email protected] Lagna Sign lord Lagna Star lord Moon Sign lord Moon Star lord Day lord
: Mercury : Jupiter : Saturn : Moon : Mercury
Looking at the Ruling Planets one clearly sees that most of the RPs signifies negative houses for marriage other than Moon.
DASHA , BHUKTI , ANTARA ANALYSI S As the Moon is in Shravan star whose lord is Moon , the running mahadasha is of Moon and the bhukti is of Jupiter. As Moon though is signifying 2nd house but it is in the sub of Jupiter which itself is signifying 1st house strongly , so the mahadasha is not supporting marriage. Similarly when one looks at the bhukti which is of Jupiter, it also denies marriage. Hence the Mahadasha and Bhukti both not supporting marriage.
PREDI CTI ON As per the analyses shown above I told the him that his daughter is unlikely to marry. Since then it’s been two years and recently the querist himself told me that his daughter had taken Sanyas and is staying at Ashram in Puri Orissa. My Prayers to Guruji and Lord Ganesha .
J a n u ary 2 0 11
KPEzin e
Reunion with Husband By: Pt Aka s h ( BE Ele ctro n ics ) ( J yo tis h Sh iro m a n i ) Nakshatra Jyotish Ratna Kendra Vedic and Krishnamurti Paddhati Astrologer Mob: 9827374626 , 9329265779 e-mail:
[email protected] Om Ga n Ga na pa t a ye N a m a h Tim e and again Krishnam urt i Paddhat i has proved t hat it is scient ific and logical . Marriages are m ade in heaven. But if som eone’s fat e indicat es second m arriage in her birt h chart , t hen what ? Of course for second m arriage t o t ake place, first m arriage m ust break, t hen only one can m arry second t im e legally. This is a very recent case of one lady who had a successful m arriage of t en years, having t wo daught ers. She cam e t o m e and t old m e t hat everyt hing was fine t ill last year, but t hen she fell in love wit h a guy who is younger t han her and t hen t he problem s st art ed. Now bot h husband and wife live separat ely, t hough divorce case has not yet been filed by any of t hem . she asked m e whet her t here is any chance of reunion. Let us look at how I applied KP Ast rology in solving t his query. Qu er y : Reunion wit h Husband H or a r y N o : 89 ( 1 –249) D a t e : 22- 01- 2011 Tim e : 20: 23: 42 Pla ce : Bhopla, 77E26, 23N15 ( Geocent ric used ) H I N TS 1. For reunion 7 t h Cuspal Sublord m ust signify 2 , 7 and 11 t h house . 2. 7 t h cuspal sublord m ust not signify t he 12 t h from t hese houses i.e. 1 ,6 and 10 t h house. 3. 7 t h house indicat es wife/ husband and m arit al happiness, 2 nd house indicat es Kut um ba ( Dom est ic Fam ily) and 11 t h house indicat es fulfillm ent of desire, reunion. M OON & ASCEN D AN T SUBLORD Moon always gives t he indicat ion of t he st at e of m ind and queries. So one should only proceed when t he Moon and Ascendant sublord signify t he houses under considerat ion. Here in t his case Moon is t he cuspal sublord of t he 7 t h house which indicat es life part ner. Hence Moon is connect ed t o t he houses under considerat ion. Now we look at t he ascendant sublord which is Rahu. Rahu is in t he st ar of Ket u which is placed in t he 11 t h house. Rahu it self is placed in t he 5 t h house. So it signifies 5 t h and 11 t h houses. Rahu is placed in Sagit t arius sign whose lord is Jupit er. So it act s as agent of Jupit er. Jupit er is lord of 5 t h and 8 t h houses and is placed in 8 t h house which is house of disput es and obst acles. Also t he client has t wo daught ers and t heir m at t er will arise for cust ody, when separat ion is t here. So t he Rahu as ascendant sublord shows t he st at us of t he client and her problem s. She is involved wit h a person of ot her religion also and Rahu being cuspal sublord of 5 t h shows t he sam e. But as t he client had asked for reunion wit h husband, we will proceed wit h t hat only. CUSPAL AN ALYSI S 2 nd Cusp - - Virgo –02: 43: 19 ( Me –Su - Ju ) Jupit er is t he cuspal sublord of t he 2 nd house and it is placed in t he 8 t h house. I t is in t he st ar of Sat urn which is placed in t he 2 nd house . So it st rongly signifies 2 nd house and 8 t h house . So being significat or of 2 nd and 8 t h , we can int erpret it t o be good for reunion but it is not connect ed t o 7 t h cuspal sublord Moon in anyway , hence cannot be good for reunion wit h husband . I t m ay show t hat she will get t he cust ody of children in fut ure. 7 t h Cusp – Aquarius –05: 33: 20 ( Sa – Ma – Mo ) Moon is t he cuspal sublord of t he 7 t h house , it is placed in 1 st house and is in t he st ar Purvaphalguni whose lord Venus is placed in 4 t h house. So t he Moon is a st rong significat or of 1st house which is 12 t h from 2 nd and 4 t h house which is 10 t h from t he 7 t h house. Also look at t he sublord of Moon which is Sun, which is placed in t he 6 t h house. So it st rongly signifies 6 t h house which is 12 t h from 7 t h house. Hence t he overall indicat ion is unfavourable for t he client ’s query of reunion.
Fe bru ary 2 0 11
KPEzin e
Horary No. 89/249 Sun Rise: 07:03:13 AM Nithya Yoga: Shobhan
Sun Set: Hora:
06:00:23 PM Moon
Dasa Days: 365.25 D Karana: Bav
Horary No.: 89 Question : whether there is any chance of reunion
Ruling Planets - 22/Jan/2011 08:23:42 PM BHOPAL, MADHYA PRADESH, India Planet
Day Lord: Saturn
Nirayana Bhava Chalit Sa 23:17:36 II 02:43:19
XII 06:24:26
Mo 15:47:25 I 05:33:20
III 03:03:55 6
Ke 07:14:30 XI 06:09:53
4 3
X 04:50:52
Ve 22:00:16 IV 04:50:52 5 11
VII 05:33:20 Me 17:55:30 Ra 07:14:30 V 06:09:53
IX 03:03:55 9
1 12
10 Su 08:18:28 Ma 11:18:22 VI 06:24:26
IX 03:03:55
Ju 06:03:41 VIII 02:43:19
X 04:50:52
XI 06:09:53 Ke 07:14:30
Ju 06:03:41 VIII 02:43:19 Name: Reunion with Husband Gender: Male Date: Saturday, 22/Jan/2011 Time: 08:23:42 PM SID: 04:09:53 Lat: 23:15:00 N[G] Lon: 77:26:00 E Place: BHOPAL, MADHYA PRADESH, India
XII 06:24:26
Ayanamsa: 23° 55' 17" [KP Ayanamsa] - Placidus Star: P.Phalguni, Pada 1 Star Lord: Venus Rasi: Leo Rasi Lord: Sun Lagna: Leo Lagna Lord: Sun Tithi: Krishna Paksha, Chaturti Bal. Dasa: Venus 16 Y, 3 M, 23 D
I 05:33:20 Mo 15:47:25
VII 05:33:20
Ma 11:18:22 Su 08:18:28 VI 06:24:26
II 02:43:19 Sa 23:17:36
Me 17:55:30 Ra 07:14:30 V 06:09:53
Ve 22:00:16 IV 04:50:52
+ These planets do not have any planets in their stars.
III 03:03:55
Sgl Su Me Ve Ma Ju Sa Sa Ju Ma Ve Me Mo
Stl Ke Su Ma Sa Ke Su Ma Ju Ke Su Ma Sa
Sbl Ra Ju Ve Sa Ra Me Mo Ra Su Sa Mo Me
Ssl Ra Ma Su Ra Sa Ra Mo Ve Mo Ju Sa Ma
Sssl Ra Su Ra Ra Sa Su Mo Ma Sa Ju Ra Ra
Planetary Positions Planet Star(Pada) Su U.Ashada(4) Mo P.Phalguni(1) Ma Sravana(1) Me P.Ashada(2) Ju U.Bhadra(1) Ve Jyeshta(2) Sa Hasta(4) Ra Moola(3) Ke Aridra(1)
Sgl Sa Su Sa Ju Ju Ma Me Ju Me
Stl Su Ve Mo Ve Sa Me Mo Ke Ra
Sbl Ve Su Ma Ma Me Su Su Ra Ra
Ssl Mo Ju Ju Ve Ve Me Ve Su Sa
Sssl Ra Ju Me Ra Sa Ve Ju Me Sa
Significators - Planets View Planet (A) (B) (C) (D) Su 6 6 1 1 Mo 4 1 3, 10 12 Ma+ 1 6 12 4, 9 Me 4 5 3, 10 2, 11 Ju+ 2 8 6, 7 5, 8 Ve 5 4 2, 11 3, 10 Sa 1 2 12 6, 7 Ra 11 5 Ke 5 11 Rahu acts as agent for: Me, Ju. (A) - Planets in Occupant's stars Ketu acts as agent for: Me, Sa. (B) - Occupant of house (C) - Planets in Owner's stars (D) - House Owner
Cuspal Positions Cusp Star(Pada) 1 Magha(2) 2 U.Phalguni(2) 3 Chitra(3) 4 Anuradha(1) 5 Moola(2) 6 U.Ashada(3) 7 Dhanishta(4) 8 P.Bhadra(4) 9 Aswini(1) 10 Krittika(3) 11 Mrigasira(4) 12 Pushyami(1)
Dasa Summary Bhukti
Venus Dasa 16-May-2007 - 16-May-2027 Venus 16-May-2007 Sun 14-Sep-2010 Moon 14-Sep-2011 Mars 16-May-2013 Rahu 16-Jul-2014 Jupiter 16-Jul-2017 Saturn 15-Mar-2020 Mercury 15-May-2023 Ketu 16-Mar-2026
Sun Dasa 16-May-2027 - 16-May-2033 Sun 16-May-2027 Moon 02-Sep-2027 Mars 03-Mar-2028 Rahu 09-Jul-2028 Jupiter 02-Jun-2029 Saturn 22-Mar-2030 Mercury 04-Mar-2031 Ketu 08-Jan-2032 Venus 15-May-2032
Moon Dasa 16-May-2033 - 16-May-2043 Moon 16-May-2033 Mars 16-Mar-2034 Rahu 15-Oct-2034 Jupiter 15-Apr-2036 Saturn 14-Aug-2037 Mercury 15-Mar-2039 Ketu 15-Aug-2040 Venus 16-Mar-2041 Sun 14-Nov-2042
Mars Dasa 16-May-2043 - 16-May-2050 Mars 16-May-2043 Rahu 12-Oct-2043 Jupiter 30-Oct-2044 Saturn 06-Oct-2045 Mercury 14-Nov-2046 Ketu 12-Nov-2047 Venus 09-Apr-2048 Sun 09-Jun-2049 Moon 15-Oct-2049
Rahu Dasa 16-May-2050 - 16-May-2068 Rahu 16-May-2050 Jupiter 26-Jan-2053 Saturn 21-Jun-2055 Mercury 28-Apr-2058 Ketu 15-Nov-2060 Venus 03-Dec-2061 Sun 03-Dec-2064 Moon 28-Oct-2065 Mars 28-Apr-2067
Jupiter Dasa 16-May-2068 - 16-May-2084 Jupiter 16-May-2068 Saturn 03-Jul-2070 Mercury 14-Jan-2073 Ketu 22-Apr-2075 Venus 27-Mar-2076 Sun 26-Nov-2078 Moon 14-Sep-2079 Mars 14-Jan-2081 Rahu 21-Dec-2081
Saturn Dasa 16-May-2084 - 16-May-2103 Saturn 16-May-2084 Mercury 19-May-2087 Ketu 26-Jan-2090 Venus 07-Mar-2091 Sun 07-May-2094 Moon 19-Apr-2095 Mars 18-Nov-2096 Rahu 27-Dec-2097 Jupiter 03-Nov-2100
Mercury Dasa 16-May-2103 - 16-May-2120 Mercury 16-May-2103 Ketu 12-Oct-2105 Venus 09-Oct-2106 Sun 09-Aug-2109 Moon 16-Jun-2110 Mars 15-Nov-2111 Rahu 11-Nov-2112 Jupiter 31-May-2115 Saturn 06-Sep-2117
Ketu Dasa 16-May-2120 - 16-May-2127 Ketu 16-May-2120 Venus 12-Oct-2120 Sun 12-Dec-2121 Moon 18-Apr-2122 Mars 17-Nov-2122 Rahu 16-Apr-2123 Jupiter 04-May-2124 Saturn 10-Apr-2125 Mercury 19-May-2126
(G) Denotes geocentric correction applied to latitude.
Reunion with Husband By: Pt Aka s h ( BE Ele ctro n ics ) ( J yo tis h Sh iro m a n i ) Nakshatra Jyotish Ratna Kendra Vedic and Krishnamurti Paddhati Astrologer Mob: 9827374626 , 9329265779 e-mail:
[email protected] 11 t h Cusp – Gem ini – 06: 09: 53 ( Me – Ra – Mo ) As discussed above, t he 11 t h cuspal sublord Moon is favourable for reunion. RULI N G PLAN ETS We cannot neglect t he ruling planet s at t he t im e of j udgm ent , as given under: Lagna Signlord Lagna St arlord Lagna Sublord Moon Signlord Moon St arlord Moon Sublord Daylord
Sun Ket u Sat urn Sun Venus Sun Sat urn
Sun is very st rong am ong t he ruling planet s. I t is placed in 6 t h house and is in it s own st ar. Sat urn is placed in 2 nd house but is deposit ed in t he st ar of Moon which is placed in 1 st house, and so Sat urn signifies 1 st house st rongly t han 2 nd house. As m ost of t he planet s which signify 1,6 and 10 are also am ongst t he ruling planet s, t he indicat ion is unfavourable for reunion. D ASH A , BH UKTI AN ALYSI S Running Mahadasha is of Venus, which is placed in 4 t h house, it is in t he st ar of Mercury which is placed in 5 t h house, so it signifies 5 t h , 4 t h house st rongly. I t is lord of 3 rd and 10 t h house. Looking at t he sublord of Venus which is Sun, st rongly signifying 6 t h house as also lord of 1 st house. Hence bot h t he house 1 st and 6 t h negat e 2 nd and 7 t h house m at t ers. Running Bhukt i is of Sun which it self is very bad for reunion. So bot h Mahadasha and Bhukt i signify houses which are not support ing reunion wit h husband. I t herefore predict ed her t hat reunion wit h husband is not possible, according t o m y ast rological analusis. On 24 t h January, she t old m e t hat her husband had filed for divorce, as I had predict ed. My Pranam s t o Lord Ganesha and Beloved Guruji.
Fe bru ary 2 0 11
KPEzin e
Marriage Research with on Earthquakes a Desired Person Applying KP AsPt Akash ( BE Electronics ) trology Nakshatra Jyotish Kendra Vedic and Krishnamurti Paddhati Astrologer Mob: 9827374626 , 9329265779 Basilioli Sandro (Vediko)
[email protected] Nicolo’33 Isola del Gransasso (Te), ITALY ,
[email protected]
Om Gan Ganapataye Namah With the passage of time and the need to unlock the mysteries of the heavenly bodies, more and more researches have been done by the capable astrologer. KP Astrology proves that it is scientific and logical and it does not misguide anybody by telling about the doshas such as Kaal Sarpa and Kuja doshas, Vish Yog etc. In our day to day life one comes across many queries by natives. Horary astrology is the best method to find out the outcome and the answers. Nowadays having a love affair is not a big deal and also the society is accepting it as part of modernisation and changing mindset of our society. One person based in US asked me a query regarding marriage with a desired person. Let us look at how I had used KP Astrology in solving the query. Query Horary No Date Time Place Ayanamsa
: Marriage with a Desired Person : 63 ( 1 –249) : 13-05-2011 : 12:02:52 pm : Bhopal, 77E26 , 23N07 ( Geocentric ) : KP New Ayanamsa 23:55:32
HINTS 1 2 3 4
Ascendant is the querist and the 7th house represents the person she desires to marry. 7th cuspal sublord must signify 2 ,7 and 11th house for marriage with the desired person. 7th house indicates wife, husband, legal binding and marital happiness , 2nd house indicates Kutumba ( domestic family ) and 11th house indicates fulfillment of desire. 7th cuspal sublord should not signify 6 and 12th house as these house are 12th from 1st and 7th house which indicates any of them take a back step.
MOON & ASCENDANT SUBLORD Moon always gives the indication of state of mind and queries. So one should only proceed when the Moon and Ascendant sublord signify the houses under consideration. Here in this case Moon is the cuspal sublord of the 1st house which indicates the querist herself and also 11th house of fulfillment of desire, which indicates her desire to marry the person under consideration . Hence Moon is connected to the houses under consideration. Now we look at the Ascendant sublord which is Moon. Moon is in the star of Sun which is placed in the 11th house. Moon itself is placed in the 3rd house. As it signifies 3rd and 11th house, we will do the analysis of the cuspal sub lords of 2nd , 7th and 11th houses. CUSPAL SUB LORD ANALYSIS 2nd Cusp : Cancer 24:20:31 ( Mo –Me - Ra ) Rahu is the cuspal sublord of the 2nd house, it is placed in the star of Ketu , Ketu itself is placed in the 12th house which is not good for the related query. Rahu is placed in 6th house so it signifies both the houses 6th and 12th which are negating the query. Rahu’s sublord is Venus, Venus is placed in 10th house and it is in the star of Ketu which is placed in 12th house. So Venus signifies 10th and 12th house strongly, both the houses are negative for the query.
JULY 2011
KP-Ezine KP-Ezine
51 21
Horary No. 63/249 Sun Rise: 05:40:35 AM Nithya Yoga: Harshana
Sun Set: Hora:
06:52:56 PM Sun
Dasa Days: 365.25 D Karana: Vanij
Horary No.: 63 Question : Marriage with a Desired Person
Ruling Planets - 13/May/2011 12:02:52 PM BHOPAL, MADHYA PRADESH, India Planet
Day Lord: Venus
Nirayana Bhava Chalit Ke 01:22:39 XII 29:54:04
II 24:20:31
I 00:00:00
Mo 00:20:44 Sa[R] 17:17:46 III 21:57:43
Su 28:15:15 XI 27:23:21
2 1
IV 23:39:44 4 12
Ma 07:33:46 Me 02:36:53 Ju 01:13:16 Ve 02:51:22 X 23:39:44
VII 00:00:00 IX 21:57:43 7
11 10
VIII 24:20:31
Ra 01:22:39 VI 29:54:04
Ju 01:13:16 Me 02:36:53 Ve 02:51:22 Ma 07:33:46 XI 27:23:21 Su 28:15:15
XII 29:54:04
Ke 01:22:39
Name: Marriage with a Desired P Gender: Male Date: Friday, 13/May/2011 Time: 12:02:52 PM SID: 03:05:19 Lat: 23:07:00 N Lon: 77:26:00 E Place: BHOPAL, MADHYA PRADESH, India
I 00:00:00 II 24:20:31
Ayanamsa: 23° 55' 32" [KP Ayanamsa] - Placidus Star: U.Phalguni, Pada 2 Star Lord: Sun Rasi: Virgo Rasi Lord: Mercury Lagna: Cancer Lagna Lord: Moon Tithi: Shukla Paksha, Ekadasi Bal. Dasa: Sun 4 Y, 4 M, 4 D
III 21:57:43
IX 21:57:43
VIII 24:20:31 VII 00:00:00
Mo 00:20:44 Sa[R] 17:17:46 IV 23:39:44
Ra 01:22:39
VI 29:54:04
+ These planets do not have any planets in their stars.
V 27:23:21
Stl Ju Me Ve Ma Ju Me Su Ma Ju Me Su Ma
Sbl Mo Ra Sa Ma Ve Sa Ra Ra Sa Ma Mo Sa
Ssl Sa Ra Sa Sa Ra Ju Sa Ra Sa Sa Mo Ju
Sssl Ve Ve Me Ve Ra Ve Ma Ve Su Ve Me Ve
Planetary Positions Planet Star(Pada) Su Krittika(1) Mo U.Phalguni(2) Ma Aswini(3) Me Aswini(1) Ju Aswini(1) Ve Aswini(1) Sa[R] Hasta(3) Ra Moola(1) Ke Mrigasira(3)
Sgl Ma Me Ma Ma Ma Ma Me Ju Me
Stl Su Su Ke Ke Ke Ke Mo Ke Ma
Sbl Mo Ra Ju Ve Ve Ve Sa Ve Me
Ssl Ve Me Ju Me Su Me Ra Mo Ju
Sssl Mo Sa Ju Ke Me Sa Sa Me Sa
Dasa Summary Bhukti
X 23:39:44
Sgl Mo Mo Su Me Ve Ma Sa Sa Sa Ju Ma Ve
Significators - Planets View Planet (A) (B) (C) (D) Su 11 11 3 3 Mo 11 3 3 1, 2 Ma 12 10 6, 11 Me+ 12 10 4 Ju+ 12 10 10 Ve+ 12 10 5, 12 Sa+ 3 3 1, 2 7, 8, 9 Ra+ 12 6 Ke 10 12 6, 11 (A) - Planets in Occupant's stars Rahu acts as agent for: Ju. Ketu acts as agent for: Me, Sa. (B) - Occupant of house (C) - Planets in Owner's stars (D) - House Owner
V 27:23:21
Cuspal Positions Cusp Star(Pada) 1 Punarvasu(4) 2 Ashlesha(3) 3 P.Phalguni(3) 4 Chitra(1) 5 Visakha(3) 6 Jyeshta(4) 7 U.Ashada(2) 8 Dhanishta(1) 9 P.Bhadra(1) 10 Revati(3) 11 Krittika(1) 12 Mrigasira(2)
Sun Dasa 16-Sep-2009 - 16-Sep-2015 Sun 16-Sep-2009 Moon 04-Jan-2010 Mars 06-Jul-2010 Rahu 10-Nov-2010 Jupiter 05-Oct-2011 Saturn 23-Jul-2012 Mercury 05-Jul-2013 Ketu 12-May-2014 Venus 17-Sep-2014
Moon Dasa 16-Sep-2015 - 16-Sep-2025 Moon 16-Sep-2015 Mars 17-Jul-2016 Rahu 15-Feb-2017 Jupiter 16-Aug-2018 Saturn 16-Dec-2019 Mercury 17-Jul-2021 Ketu 16-Dec-2022 Venus 18-Jul-2023 Sun 18-Mar-2025
Mars Dasa 16-Sep-2025 - 16-Sep-2032 Mars 16-Sep-2025 Rahu 13-Feb-2026 Jupiter 03-Mar-2027 Saturn 07-Feb-2028 Mercury 18-Mar-2029 Ketu 15-Mar-2030 Venus 12-Aug-2030 Sun 12-Oct-2031 Moon 16-Feb-2032
Rahu Dasa 16-Sep-2032 - 16-Sep-2050 Rahu 16-Sep-2032 Jupiter 30-May-2035 Saturn 23-Oct-2037 Mercury 29-Aug-2040 Ketu 18-Mar-2043 Venus 05-Apr-2044 Sun 05-Apr-2047 Moon 28-Feb-2048 Mars 29-Aug-2049
Jupiter Dasa 16-Sep-2050 - 16-Sep-2066 Jupiter 16-Sep-2050 Saturn 04-Nov-2052 Mercury 18-May-2055 Ketu 23-Aug-2057 Venus 30-Jul-2058 Sun 31-Mar-2061 Moon 17-Jan-2062 Mars 19-May-2063 Rahu 24-Apr-2064
Saturn Dasa 16-Sep-2066 - 16-Sep-2085 Saturn 16-Sep-2066 Mercury 19-Sep-2069 Ketu 29-May-2072 Venus 08-Jul-2073 Sun 07-Sep-2076 Moon 20-Aug-2077 Mars 21-Mar-2079 Rahu 29-Apr-2080 Jupiter 06-Mar-2083
Mercury Dasa 16-Sep-2085 - 16-Sep-2102 Mercury 16-Sep-2085 Ketu 13-Feb-2088 Venus 09-Feb-2089 Sun 10-Dec-2091 Moon 16-Oct-2092 Mars 17-Mar-2094 Rahu 14-Mar-2095 Jupiter 01-Oct-2097 Saturn 06-Jan-2100
Ketu Dasa 16-Sep-2102 - 16-Sep-2109 Ketu 16-Sep-2102 Venus 13-Feb-2103 Sun 13-Apr-2104 Moon 19-Aug-2104 Mars 20-Mar-2105 Rahu 16-Aug-2105 Jupiter 04-Sep-2106 Saturn 11-Aug-2107 Mercury 19-Sep-2108
Venus Dasa 16-Sep-2109 - 16-Sep-2129 Venus 16-Sep-2109 Sun 16-Jan-2113 Moon 16-Jan-2114 Mars 17-Sep-2115 Rahu 17-Nov-2116 Jupiter 17-Nov-2119 Saturn 18-Jul-2122 Mercury 17-Sep-2125 Ketu 17-Jul-2128
Marriage with a Desired Person Pt Akash ( BE Electronics ) Nakshatra Jyotish Kendra Vedic and Krishnamurti Paddhati Astrologer Mob: 9827374626 , 9329265779
[email protected] ,
[email protected]
7th Cusp: Capricorn 00:00:00 ( Sa – Su – Ra ) Rahu is the cuspal sub lord of the 7th house. As discussed above, its signification negates the query. 11th Cusp: Aries 27:23:21 ( Ma – Su – Mo ) Moon is the cuspal sub lord of the 11st house, it is placed in the 3rd house.It is in the star of Sun which is placed in the 11th house . So it strongly signifies 3rd house and 11th house . So being significator of 3rd and 11th, we can interpret it to be good for the querist. However the final decider is the sub lord of Moon which is Rahu. Rahu is also the cuspal sub lord of the 7th house which indicates that the desired person belongs to different caste or religion than that of the querist. Rahu itself is negating the query by being the significator of 6th and 12th house , which clearly states that both the querist and the person she wants to marry will back off . RULING PLANETS As we cannot neglect the ruling planets at the time of judgment: Lagna Signlord Lagna Starlord Lagna Sublord Moon Signlord Moon Starlord Moon Sublord Daylord
Moon Mercury Jupiter Mercury Sun Rahu Venus
As most of the planets which signify 6 and 12 are also amongst the Ruling Planets, the overall indication is unfavorable for marriage with the desired person. PREDICTION As per the analysis shown above, it is predicted that the querist cannot marry the person she desires. On 19th June the querist had informed me that she had separated from him and there stands no chance for marriage. My prayers to Lord Ganesha and beloved Guruji K.S.K.
JULY 2011
Promotion Pt Akash (B.E.Electronics) Nakshatra Jyotish Kendra Vedic and Krishnamurti Padhdhati Astrologer Mobile: 9827374626, 9329265779 E-mail:
[email protected],
[email protected]
Om Gan Ganapataye Namah Time and again , I have found the principles of KP astrology simple and straight forward without any ifs and buts. Everyone in this world is doing one's job in order to establish one's place in society and to earn a livelihood. Most of these professionals always ask about their promotion and prosperity in their life. Here I've discussed a similar case regarding promotion. The 10th house in any horoscope indicates one’s own livelihood and profession. While considering about promotion in job we need to analyze 6th and 10th cusps and also 2nd for increase in income and 11th for fulfillment of desire. However 6th and 10th are the primary cusps to be checked for promotion. A native is working in a big private firm. Query Horary No Date Time Place Ayanamsa
: Promotion : 219 (1 –249) : 24-04-2011 : 13:55:30 pm : Bhopal-MP 77E26 , 23N07 ( Geocentric ) : KPNA 23:55:29
Hints 1. Promotion is the realisation of ambition of fame , name , prosperity and popularity. Hence 11th and 10th bhavas are considered. 2. As promotion usually gives increase in income, 2nd and 6th houses are also to be considered. 3. Cuspal sub lords of 6th and 10th houses must signify 2nd , 6th , 10th and 11th houses. 4. 1st house is generally considered as negative or detrimental for 2nd house. But Lagna is the individual self or self effort, so I believe it needs to be reconsidered as an indicator of self effort for better finance and higher status . 6th house is for winning in competition; promotion is also a sort of competition. Moon and Ascendant Sub Lord Moon gives the indication of state of mind and query, so one should proceed analysis only when the Moon and Ascendant sub lords signify the relevant houses of the matter under consideration. Here in this case Moon is the cuspal sub lord of the 10th house. Moon is placed in the 11th house and lord of 6th. So Moon is connected to the relevant houses 6,10 and 11 of promotion. Let us now look at the Ascendant sub lord which is Sun. Sun is placed in 2nd house and so it is also connected to the relevant house 2 of promotion. Thus Moon and Asc. sub lords indicate that the querist is thinking about his professional status or promotion. Now we can analyse further. Cuspal Analysis 2nd Cusp -- Pisces –25:44:21 ( Ju –Me - Ra ) Rahu is the cuspal sub lord of the 2nd house; it is placed in the star of Ketu; Ketu itself is placed in the 4th and Rahu is placed in the 10th house and having no planet in it's stars Rahu is the cuspal sub lord of 2,6 and 8 houses. Rahu is neither conjoined with any planet nor aspected by any planet considering Vedic aspects. Rahu being in the sign of Jupiter will act as agent of Jupiter. Jupiter is placed in 2nd house and lord of 2nd, 11th. So Rahu is favourable for promotion by signifying and also connecting to the required houses 2,6,10 & 11 for promotion. 6th Cusp – Cancer –14:13:03 ( Mo – Sa – Ra ) Rahu is the cuspal sub lord of the 6th house. As discussed above, it favours the query about promotion. 10th Cusp – Scorpio – 23:08:33 ( Ma – Me -- Mo )
Aug 2011
Horary No. 219/249 Sun Rise: 05:52:56 AM Nithya Yoga: Sadhya
Sun Set: Hora:
06:44:24 PM Venus
Dasa Days: 365.25 D Karana: Bav
Horary No.: 219 Question : Promotion
Ruling Planets - 24/Apr/2011 01:55:30 PM BHOPAL, MADHYA PRADESH, India Planet
Day Lord: Sun
Nirayana Bhava Chalit Su 09:54:03 Ju 26:48:01 II 25:44:21 III 27:06:55 12 1
XII 14:13:03
Ma 23:12:02 Me 18:59:53 Ve 09:55:22 I 17:26:40
Mo 01:03:54 XI 17:33:10
10 9
Ra 02:22:49 X 23:08:33
Ke 02:22:49 IV 23:08:33 11 5
Sa[R] 18:25:48 VII 17:26:40
V 17:33:10
IX 27:06:55
7 6
VIII 25:44:21
VI 14:13:03
Su 09:54:03 III 27:06:55
IV 23:08:33
Ke 02:22:49 V 17:33:10
Ju 26:48:01 II 25:44:21 Ma 23:12:02 Me 18:59:53 Ve 09:55:22 Name: Promotion Gender: Male Date: Sunday, 24/Apr/2011 Time: 01:55:30 PM SID: 03:43:21 Lat: 23:07:00 N Lon: 77:26:00 E Place: BHOPAL, MADHYA PRADESH, India
VI 14:13:03
Ayanamsa: 23° 55' 29" [KP Ayanamsa] - Placidus Star: U.Ashada, Pada 2 Star Lord: Sun Rasi: Capricorn Rasi Lord: Saturn Lagna: Aquarius Lagna Lord: Saturn Tithi: Krishna Paksha, Saptami Bal. Dasa: Sun 4 Y, 0 M, 7 D
VII 17:26:40
I 17:26:40
XII 14:13:03 Mo 01:03:54
Sa[R] 18:25:48 VIII 25:44:21
XI 17:33:10 Ra 02:22:49
X 23:08:33
+ These planets do not have any planets in their stars.
IX 27:06:55
Sgl Sa Ju Ma Ve Me Mo Su Me Ve Ma Ju Sa
Stl Ra Me Su Mo Ra Sa Ve Ma Ju Me Ve Mo
Sbl Su Ra Su Su Su Ra Ma Ra Ve Mo Ma Ju
Ssl Su Su Me Me Ma Ve Ra Su Mo Ve Ju Sa
Sssl Su Mo Ve Ra Me Ve Me Mo Ju Mo Ve Ke
Planetary Positions Planet Star(Pada) Su Aswini(3) Mo U.Ashada(2) Ma Revati(2) Me Revati(1) Ju Revati(4) Ve U.Bhadra(2) Sa[R] Hasta(3) Ra Moola(1) Ke Mrigasira(3)
Sgl Ma Sa Ju Ju Ju Ju Me Ju Me
Stl Ke Su Me Me Me Sa Mo Ke Ma
Sbl Sa Ra Mo Ke Ju Ve Me Ve Ke
Ssl Me Mo Ve Ju Me Me Ve Sa Ju
Sssl Ju Ke Ju Ju Ra Me Me Ve Ke
Significators - Planets View Planet (A) (B) (C) (D) Su 4 2 7 Mo 2 11 7 6 Ma 1 1 5, 8 3, 10 Me 1 1 5, 8 5, 8 Ju+ 1 2 5, 8 2, 11 Ve+ 7 1 1, 12 4, 9 Sa 11 7 6 1, 12 Ra+ 4 10 Ke 1 4 3, 10 (A) - Planets in Occupant's stars Rahu acts as agent for: Ju. Ketu acts as agent for: Ma, Me, Sa. (B) - Occupant of house (C) - Planets in Owner's stars (D) - House Owner
Cuspal Positions Cusp Star(Pada) 1 Satabhisha(4) 2 Revati(3) 3 Krittika(1) 4 Rohini(4) 5 Aridra(4) 6 Pushyami(4) 7 P.Phalguni(2) 8 Chitra(1) 9 Visakha(3) 10 Jyeshta(2) 11 P.Ashada(2) 12 Sravana(2)
Dasa Summary Bhukti
Sun Dasa 02-May-2009 - 02-May-2015 Sun 02-May-2009 Moon 20-Aug-2009 Mars 18-Feb-2010 Rahu 26-Jun-2010 Jupiter 21-May-2011 Saturn 08-Mar-2012 Mercury 18-Feb-2013 Ketu 25-Dec-2013 Venus 02-May-2014
Moon Dasa 02-May-2015 - 02-May-2025 Moon 02-May-2015 Mars 01-Mar-2016 Rahu 30-Sep-2016 Jupiter 01-Apr-2018 Saturn 01-Aug-2019 Mercury 02-Mar-2021 Ketu 01-Aug-2022 Venus 02-Mar-2023 Sun 01-Nov-2024
Mars Dasa 02-May-2025 - 02-May-2032 Mars 02-May-2025 Rahu 28-Sep-2025 Jupiter 16-Oct-2026 Saturn 22-Sep-2027 Mercury 01-Nov-2028 Ketu 29-Oct-2029 Venus 27-Mar-2030 Sun 27-May-2031 Moon 02-Oct-2031
Rahu Dasa 02-May-2032 - 02-May-2050 Rahu 02-May-2032 Jupiter 13-Jan-2035 Saturn 08-Jun-2037 Mercury 13-Apr-2040 Ketu 31-Oct-2042 Venus 18-Nov-2043 Sun 19-Nov-2046 Moon 13-Oct-2047 Mars 14-Apr-2049
Jupiter Dasa 02-May-2050 - 02-May-2066 Jupiter 02-May-2050 Saturn 20-Jun-2052 Mercury 01-Jan-2055 Ketu 08-Apr-2057 Venus 15-Mar-2058 Sun 13-Nov-2060 Moon 02-Sep-2061 Mars 01-Jan-2063 Rahu 08-Dec-2063
Saturn Dasa 02-May-2066 - 02-May-2085 Saturn 02-May-2066 Mercury 05-May-2069 Ketu 13-Jan-2072 Venus 21-Feb-2073 Sun 22-Apr-2076 Moon 04-Apr-2077 Mars 03-Nov-2078 Rahu 13-Dec-2079 Jupiter 19-Oct-2082
Mercury Dasa 02-May-2085 - 02-May-2102 Mercury 02-May-2085 Ketu 28-Sep-2087 Venus 24-Sep-2088 Sun 26-Jul-2091 Moon 31-May-2092 Mars 30-Oct-2093 Rahu 28-Oct-2094 Jupiter 17-May-2097 Saturn 22-Aug-2099
Ketu Dasa 02-May-2102 - 02-May-2109 Ketu 02-May-2102 Venus 28-Sep-2102 Sun 28-Nov-2103 Moon 04-Apr-2104 Mars 03-Nov-2104 Rahu 01-Apr-2105 Jupiter 19-Apr-2106 Saturn 26-Mar-2107 Mercury 05-May-2108
Venus Dasa 02-May-2109 - 02-May-2129 Venus 02-May-2109 Sun 01-Sep-2112 Moon 01-Sep-2113 Mars 02-May-2115 Rahu 02-Jul-2116 Jupiter 02-Jul-2119 Saturn 03-Mar-2122 Mercury 03-May-2125 Ketu 02-Mar-2128
Promotion Pt Akash (B.E.Electronics) th
Moon is the cuspal sublord of the 10 house; it is placed in the 11 house. It is in the star of Sun which is placed in the 2nd house . So it strongly signifies 2nd house and 11th house . So being significator of 2nd and 11th , we can interpret it to be good for the querist. However the final decider is the sub lord of Moon which is Rahu . Having no planet in it's stars, Rahu is the cuspal sub lord of the 6 th house and 2nd house signifying 10th house by occupation. So Rahu indicates favour to the querist to get promotion. 11th Cusp – Sagitarius – 17:33:10 ( Ju-- Ve – Ma ) Mars being the cuspal sub lord of the 11th house is placed in the 1st but very close to 2nd cusp within 2deg:32 sec to give the 2nd house result. Mars is in the star of Mercury which is placed in the 1st house (self effort); hence Mars strongly signifies 1st house. 11th cuspal sub lord's signification of 1st house and connection to 2nd house indicate fulfillment of desire of the querist to get promotion. Ruling Planets As we cannot neglect the ruling planets at the time of judgement, they are as given under: Lagna Signlord Sun Lagna Starlord Ketu Lagna Sublord Mars Moon Signlord Saturn Moon Starlord Sun Moon Sublord Rahu Daylord Sun As Sun signifies 2nd and 4th houses strongly, Ketu signifies 1st and 4th house strongly; Ketu is in the sign of Mercury, so it acts as agent of Mercury which strongly signifies 1st house. Mars is also signifying 1st house; Saturn is in the star of Moon which is placed in the 11th house , so Saturn signifies 11th house . As discussed above, Rahu is favourable. So all the ruling planets are generally favourable to get promotion. Prediction As per the analysis shown above, it was predicted that the querist would get promotion. As the result will be declared in a month's time , there was no need to fix the timing of event. On 25th May 2011 around 13:00hrs , the querist informed me that he got promoted as per the analysis . Moon is in the star of Rahu; Sun in the star of Sun itself and the rising lagna was Simha whose lord is Sun. So the ruling planets played their part here also. My prayers to Lord Ganesha and beloved Guruji KSK.
Aug 2011
Promotion Pt Akash (B.E.Electronics) Nakshatra Jyotish Kendra Vedic and Krishnamurti Padhdhati Astrologer Mobile: 9827374626, 9329265779 E-mail:
[email protected],
[email protected] Om Gan Ganapataye Namah
Everybody strives for excellence in his work. So everybody wants to know whether he or she will be rewarded for their work and efforts. Hence many people query about their promotion. A native came to me in November 2010; he works in Indian Army and he was expecting promotion and asked me when it would happen. Using Krishnamurti Paddhati analysis let us look at how I solved the query. Query Horary No Date Time Place Ayanamsa
: Promotion : 46 (1 –249) : 18-11-2010 : 18:35:31 : Bhopal 77E26 , 23N07 : KPNA 23:55:8
HINTS 1. Promotion is the realisation of ambition of fame, name, prosperity and popularity. Hence 11th and 10th houses are considered. 2. As promotion results in increase in income 2nd and 6th houses are also to be considered. 3. Thus cuspal sub lords of 6th and 10th houses must signify 2nd, 6th, 10th and 11th houses. MOON & ASCENDANT SUB LORDS Moon always gives the indication of state of mind and queries. So one should proceed only when the Moon and Ascendant sub lords signify the houses under consideration. Here in this case Moon is the cuspal sub lord of the 1st house which indicates the querist is thinking about his professional status, Also Moon is placed in the 10th house which indicates about his query related to promotion. So Moon is connected to the houses under consideration. Let us now look at the Ascendant sub lord which is Moon. Moon is placed in the star of Mercury which is placed in 6th house and so it is also connected. Now we will analyze further. CUSPAL ANALYSIS 2nd Cusp -- Gemini –29:25:21 ( Me –Ju - Su ) Sun is the cuspal sub lord of the 2nd house; it is placed in the star of Jupiter; Jupiter itself is placed in the 10th house and Sun is placed in 5th house. But as Sun is placed in the star of Jupiter, it becomes a strong significator of the 10th house. So Sun is favourable for the considered cusp and also connecting to the primary house for promotion. 6th Cusp – Scorpio – 02:55:10 ( Ma – Ju – Ra ) Rahu is the cuspal sub lord of the 6th house. Rahu is placed in 7th house. Rahu is in Sagittarius, hence represent Jupiter. Jupiter is place in 10th and it is in the star of Ketu which is placed in the 1st house. Ketu is aspected by Mars, Jupiter and Saturn. Mars is placed in 6th; Jupiter is placed in 10th ; Saturn is lord of 10th So Rahu is favourable for promotion. 10th Cusp – Aquarius – 23:51:42 ( Sa – Ju -- Sa ) Saturn is the cuspal sub lord of the 10th house; it is placed in the 4th house. As Saturn is there, the promotion which was due in Dec 2009 is being delayed and so the querist was worried. Saturn is in the star of Moon which is placed in 10th house . Saturn is in the sub of Mercury which is placed in the 6th house. So Saturn is also connected to the 6th house. So it becomes favourable in spite of delays in realization of the matter.
Sep 2011
Horary No. 46/249 Sun Rise: 06:35:43 AM Nithya Yoga: Siddhi
Sun Set: Hora:
05:34:50 PM Mercury
Dasa Days: 365.25 D Karana: Balav
Horary No.: 46 Question : Promotion
Ruling Planets - 18/Nov/2010 06:35:31 PM BHOPAL, MADHYA PRADESH, India Planet
Day Lord: Jupiter
Nirayana Bhava Chalit XII 02:55:10
II 29:25:21
Ke 10:41:22 I 05:33:20
III 24:38:27
XI 27:41:14
2 12
Sa 19:27:36 IV 23:51:42
Mo 25:18:00 Ju[R] 29:34:33 X 23:51:42
3 9
Su 02:09:54 Ve[R] 03:44:27 V 27:41:14
Ra 10:41:22 VII 05:33:20
IX 24:38:27
10 9
8 Ma 21:32:58 Me 20:03:41 VI 02:55:10
VIII 29:25:21
XII 02:55:10
I 05:33:20 Ke 10:41:22 II 29:25:21
XI 27:41:14 Mo 25:18:00
Ju[R] 29:34:33 X 23:51:42
IX 24:38:27
Name: Promotion Gender: Male Date: Thursday, 18/Nov/2010 Time: 06:35:31 PM SID: 22:05:08 Lat: 23:07:00 N Lon: 77:26:00 E Place: BHOPAL, MADHYA PRADESH, India
III 24:38:27
Ayanamsa: 23° 55' 8" [KP Ayanamsa] - Placidus Star: Revati, Pada 3 Star Lord: Mercury Rasi: Pisces Rasi Lord: Jupiter Lagna: Gemini Lagna Lord: Mercury Tithi: Shukla Paksha, Dvadasi Bal. Dasa: Mercury 5 Y, 11 M, 27 D
IV 23:51:42
Sa 19:27:36 V 27:41:14
VIII 29:25:21 Ra 10:41:22 VII 05:33:20
Ma 21:32:58 Me 20:03:41 VI 02:55:10 Su 02:09:54
+ These planets do not have any planets in their stars.
Ve[R] 03:44:27
Sgl Me Me Mo Su Me Ma Ju Ju Sa Sa Ju Ve
Stl Ma Ju Me Ve Ma Ju Ke Su Ma Ju Me Su
Sbl Mo Su Ra Sa Ju Ra Ra Ra Ra Sa Ju Ju
Ssl Mo Ve Ju Ju Ra Ve Ra Ra Ju Ju Ra Ra
Sssl Mo Me Ra Ve Ju Me Ra Ve Ra Ra Ju Ve
Planetary Positions Planet Star(Pada) Su Visakha(4) Mo Revati(3) Ma Jyeshta(2) Me Jyeshta(2) Ju[R] P.Bhadra(3) Ve[R] Chitra(4) Sa Hasta(3) Ra Moola(4) Ke Aridra(2)
Sgl Ma Ju Ma Ma Sa Ve Me Ju Me
Stl Ju Me Me Me Ju Ma Mo Ke Ra
Sbl Ra Ra Ve Ve Mo Ve Me Sa Sa
Ssl Sa Ke Ke Ma Ma Ra Sa Mo Sa
Sssl Ra Ve Me Sa Me Su Ke Ve Ra
Significators - Planets View Planet (A) (B) (C) (D) Su+ 10 5 7, 8, 11 4 Mo 6 10 1, 2, 5 3 Ma 6 6 1, 2, 5 6 Me 6 6 1, 2, 5 1, 2, 5 Ju 10 10 7, 8, 11 7, 8, 11 Ve+ 6 5 6 12 Sa+ 10 4 3 9, 10 Ra 1 7 Ke 7 1 (A) - Planets in Occupant's stars Rahu acts as agent for: Ju. (B) - Occupant of house Ketu acts as agent for: Ma, Me, Ju, Sa. (C) - Planets in Owner's stars (D) - House Owner
Cuspal Positions Cusp Star(Pada) 1 Mrigasira(4) 2 Punarvasu(3) 3 Ashlesha(3) 4 P.Phalguni(4) 5 Chitra(2) 6 Visakha(4) 7 Moola(2) 8 U.Ashada(1) 9 Dhanishta(1) 10 P.Bhadra(2) 11 Revati(4) 12 Krittika(2)
Dasa Summary Bhukti
Mercury Dasa 16-Nov-1999 - 16-Nov-2016 Mercury 16-Nov-1999 Ketu 14-Apr-2002 Venus 11-Apr-2003 Sun 09-Feb-2006 Moon 17-Dec-2006 Mars 17-May-2008 Rahu 14-May-2009 Jupiter 01-Dec-2011 Saturn 09-Mar-2014
Ketu Dasa 16-Nov-2016 - 16-Nov-2023 Ketu 16-Nov-2016 Venus 14-Apr-2017 Sun 14-Jun-2018 Moon 20-Oct-2018 Mars 21-May-2019 Rahu 17-Oct-2019 Jupiter 04-Nov-2020 Saturn 11-Oct-2021 Mercury 20-Nov-2022
Venus Dasa 16-Nov-2023 - 16-Nov-2043 Venus 16-Nov-2023 Sun 18-Mar-2027 Moon 18-Mar-2028 Mars 16-Nov-2029 Rahu 16-Jan-2031 Jupiter 16-Jan-2034 Saturn 15-Sep-2036 Mercury 15-Nov-2039 Ketu 16-Sep-2042
Sun Dasa 16-Nov-2043 - 16-Nov-2049 Sun 16-Nov-2043 Moon 04-Mar-2044 Mars 03-Sep-2044 Rahu 09-Jan-2045 Jupiter 04-Dec-2045 Saturn 22-Sep-2046 Mercury 04-Sep-2047 Ketu 10-Jul-2048 Venus 15-Nov-2048
Moon Dasa 16-Nov-2049 - 16-Nov-2059 Moon 16-Nov-2049 Mars 16-Sep-2050 Rahu 17-Apr-2051 Jupiter 17-Oct-2052 Saturn 16-Feb-2054 Mercury 17-Sep-2055 Ketu 16-Feb-2057 Venus 17-Sep-2057 Sun 18-May-2059
Mars Dasa 16-Nov-2059 - 16-Nov-2066 Mars 16-Nov-2059 Rahu 13-Apr-2060 Jupiter 01-May-2061 Saturn 07-Apr-2062 Mercury 17-May-2063 Ketu 13-May-2064 Venus 09-Oct-2064 Sun 09-Dec-2065 Moon 16-Apr-2066
Rahu Dasa 16-Nov-2066 - 16-Nov-2084 Rahu 16-Nov-2066 Jupiter 29-Jul-2069 Saturn 23-Dec-2071 Mercury 29-Oct-2074 Ketu 18-May-2077 Venus 05-Jun-2078 Sun 05-Jun-2081 Moon 30-Apr-2082 Mars 30-Oct-2083
Jupiter Dasa 16-Nov-2084 - 16-Nov-2100 Jupiter 16-Nov-2084 Saturn 03-Jan-2087 Mercury 17-Jul-2089 Ketu 23-Oct-2091 Venus 28-Sep-2092 Sun 29-May-2095 Moon 16-Mar-2096 Mars 16-Jul-2097 Rahu 22-Jun-2098
Saturn Dasa 16-Nov-2100 - 16-Nov-2119 Saturn 16-Nov-2100 Mercury 19-Nov-2103 Ketu 29-Jul-2106 Venus 07-Sep-2107 Sun 07-Nov-2110 Moon 20-Oct-2111 Mars 21-May-2113 Rahu 30-Jun-2114 Jupiter 06-May-2117
Promotion Pt Akash (B.E.Electronics)
11th Cusp – Pisces – 27:41:14 ( Ju – Me - Ju ) Jupiter being the cuspal sub lord of the 11th house is placed in the 10th house and in the own star of Jupiter. But the matter of consideration here is that Jupiter is retrograde. According to many astrologers if the cuspal sub lord of the 11th house is retrograde and is in the star of retrograde planet then, fulfillment of query is questionable. However in this case Jupiter is strongly signifying 10th house which is house of status and achievements and it is not signifying any houses of 5 and 9. So it will favour the query. RULING PLANETS As we cannot neglect the ruling planets at the time of judgment, they are given under: Lagna Sign lord Lagna Star lord Lagna Sub lord Moon Sign lord Moon Star lord Moon Sub lord Day lord
Venus Moon Mercury Jupiter Mercury Rahu Jupiter
As we must look at the ruling planets to get any idea of timing the event, Venus is placed in 5th house with Sun but is in the star of Mars which is placed in 6th house with Mercury. Moon is in the star of Mercury; Mercury itself is in 6th house and in its own star. Jupiter is placed in 10th and is in his own star. Rahu is in the sign of Jupiter; so it acts as agent of Jupiter and hence connected to 10th house . So all the ruling planets indicate promotion and are related to 2,6,10 and 11 houses. DASA , BHUKTI , ANTRA ANALYSIS Running Dasa is Mercury which is strongly signifying 6th house, and the horary number Lagna sign lord is Mercury. So Dasa lord seems strongly supporting the matter and it will happen in a time space of few months. Running Bhukti is Rahu which is also favourable as discussed above. Running Antra is Ketu which is not strongly signifying any related house and it is not the cuspal sub lord of any related houses. Next Antara is Venus which is strongly signifying the 6th house. So this Antra will work in favour of promotion. It will start from Jan 2011 to June 2011, and so promotion is likely to materialize during this period as when Sun enters the sensitive zone. This zone is calculated by tallying the significators of 2,6,10 and 11 houses with the Ruling Planets at the time of judgment. In both RPs and significators, Mercury is strong; so I move the Sun to Mercury star. Sun enters Mercury star on 1st April and will remain there till 14th. So I predicted that his promotion is likely to happen during this period. Just recently the native had informed me that he got promoted on 11th April 2011. The day lord is Moon; Moon is in the star of Jupiter. Sun is in the star of Mercury and in the sub of Jupiter. Look at the role of RPs here and one will be amazed to see the relation between them. My prayers to Guruji and Lord Ganesha.
Promotion Pt Akash (B.E.Electronics) Nakshatra Jyotish Kendra Vedic and Krishnamurti Padhdhati Astrologer Mobile: 9827374626, 9329265779 E-mail:
[email protected],
[email protected]
Om Gan Ganapataye Namah This is another article related to promotion in job. I have already written many articles on this subject earlier. This article again confirms the accuracy of KP Astrology. No pariharams, no tantra and no mantra is required in this case. I am not against all these upayas but here in the given case no upaya would have changed anything. The querist works in Air Force and was anticipating promotion during that period. Let us clear our mind with the following example. Query: Horary No: Date: Time: Place: Ayanamsa:
Promotion 166 (1 –249) 18-11-2010 19:45:00 BHOPAL 77E26, 23N07 ( Geocentric ) KPNA Original 23:55:08
HINTS 1. Promotion is the realisation of ambition of fame, name, prosperity and popularity. Hence 11th and 10th bhavas are considered. 2. As promotion results in increase in income 2nd and 6th houses also be considered. 3. Cuspal sub lords of 6th and 10th house must signify 2nd, 6th, 10th and 11th houses. MOON & ASCENDANT SUBLORD Moon always gives the indication of state of mind and queries. So one should only proceed when the Moon and Ascendant sub lords signify the houses under consideration. Here in this case Moon is placed in the star of Mercury which is lord of 10th house, indicating that the client is thinking about his professional status. So Moon is connected to the houses under consideration. Let us now look at the Ascendant sub lord which is Saturn, placed in 10th house. So both the Moon and Ascendant sub lords are connected to 10th house. Now we will analyse the chart further. CUSPAL ANALYSIS 2nd Cusp: Sagittarius 29:25:27 ( Ju – Su -- Ra ) Rahu is the cuspal sub lord of the 2nd house; it is placed in the star of Ketu; Ketu itself is placed in the 7th house and Rahu is placed in the 1st house. Rahu is not conjoined with or aspected by any planet. Rahu being in the sign of Jupiter will act as agent of Jupiter. Jupiter is placed in 3rd house and is in the star Jupiter itself which is placed in the 3rd house. So Rahu is strongly signifying 1st, 7th and 3rd houses. So Rahu is unfavorable for the considered cusp and also not connected to the relevant houses for promotion. 6th Cusp: Taurus 04:05:23 ( Ve – Su – Sa ) Saturn is the cuspal sub lord of the 6th house and it is placed in 10th house. It is in the star of Moon which is placed in the 4th house. Saturn’s sub lord is Mercury which is placed in 12th house and lord of 8th and 10th houses. Saturn is signifying 12th house strongly. So Saturn also becomes unfavorable. 10th Cusp: Virgo 07:50:30 ( Me – Su -- Ve ) Venus is the cuspal sub lord of the 10th house: it is placed in the 10th house. It is in the star of Mars which is placed in the 12th house. So it strongly signifies 10th and 12th house. But as a strong significator of 12th house, we can interpret it to be unfavorable for the querist’s promotion. However
Oct 2011
Horary No. 166/249 Sun Rise: 06:35:43 AM Nithya Yoga: Siddhi
Sun Set: Hora:
05:34:50 PM Saturn
Dasa Days: 365.25 D Karana: Balav
Horary No.: 166 Question : Promotion
Ruling Planets - 18/Nov/2010 07:45:00 PM BHOPAL, MADHYA PRADESH, India Planet
Day Lord: Jupiter
Nirayana Bhava Chalit II 29:25:27
Ma 21:35:06 Me 20:07:47 XII 04:05:23 Ra 10:41:13 I 27:53:20
Ju[R] 29:34:33 III 03:43:58
Su 02:12:49 XI 08:06:43
8 7
Mo 25:53:28 IV 07:50:39
Ve[R] 03:44:25 Sa 19:27:53 X 07:50:39
8 2
Ke 10:41:13 VII 27:53:20
V 08:06:43
IX 03:43:58
5 3
2 VI 04:05:23
V 08:06:43
VIII 29:25:27
VI 04:05:23 VII 27:53:20
Ke 10:41:13 VIII 29:25:27
Mo 25:53:28 IV 07:50:39
Ju[R] 29:34:33 III 03:43:58
Name: Promotion Gender: Male Date: Thursday, 18/Nov/2010 Time: 07:45:00 PM SID: 23:14:49 Lat: 23:07:00 N Lon: 77:26:00 E Place: BHOPAL, MADHYA PRADESH, India Ayanamsa: 23° 55' 8" [KP Ayanamsa] - Placidus Star: Revati, Pada 3 Star Lord: Mercury Rasi: Pisces Rasi Lord: Jupiter Lagna: Scorpio Lagna Lord: Mars Tithi: Shukla Paksha, Dvadasi Bal. Dasa: Mercury 5 Y, 2 M, 26 D
IX 03:43:58
X 07:50:39 Sa 19:27:53
II 29:25:27 Ra 10:41:13
I 27:53:20 Ma 21:35:06 Me 20:07:47 XII 04:05:23 Su 02:12:49
+ These planets do not have any planets in their stars.
XI 08:06:43 Ve[R] 03:44:25
Sgl Ma Ju Sa Ju Ma Ve Ve Me Su Me Ve Ma
Stl Me Su Ma Sa Ke Su Ma Ju Ke Su Ra Sa
Sbl Sa Ra Ve Ke Ju Sa Sa Su Mo Ve Ra Sa
Ssl Sa Ra Ra Ju Me Ve Sa Ve Mo Ve Ve Ke
Sssl Sa Ve Su Su Ke Ke Sa Me Me Su Ra Me
Planetary Positions Planet Star(Pada) Su Visakha(4) Mo Revati(3) Ma Jyeshta(2) Me Jyeshta(2) Ju[R] P.Bhadra(3) Ve[R] Chitra(4) Sa Hasta(3) Ra Moola(4) Ke Aridra(2)
Sgl Ma Ju Ma Ma Sa Ve Me Ju Me
Stl Ju Me Me Me Ju Ma Mo Ke Ra
Sbl Ra Ra Su Ve Mo Ve Me Sa Sa
Ssl Sa Mo Su Ra Ma Ra Sa Mo Sa
Sssl Ju Ju Ve Ra Me Su Ke Ve Ra
Significators - Planets View Planet (A) (B) (C) (D) Su+ 3 12 2, 4 9 Mo 12 4 8, 10 Ma 12 12 8, 10 1, 5, 12 Me 12 12 8, 10 8, 10 Ju 3 3 2, 4 2, 4 Ve+ 12 10 1, 5, 12 6, 7, 11 Sa+ 4 10 3 Ra 7 1 Ke 1 7 (A) - Planets in Occupant's stars Rahu acts as agent for: Ju. (B) - Occupant of house Ketu acts as agent for: Ma, Me, Ju, Sa. (C) - Planets in Owner's stars (D) - House Owner
Cuspal Positions Cusp Star(Pada) 1 Jyeshta(4) 2 U.Ashada(1) 3 Dhanishta(4) 4 U.Bhadra(2) 5 Aswini(3) 6 Krittika(3) 7 Mrigasira(2) 8 Punarvasu(3) 9 Magha(2) 10 U.Phalguni(4) 11 Swati(1) 12 Anuradha(1)
Dasa Summary Bhukti
Mercury Dasa 13-Feb-1999 - 13-Feb-2016 Mercury 13-Feb-1999 Ketu 12-Jul-2001 Venus 09-Jul-2002 Sun 10-May-2005 Moon 16-Mar-2006 Mars 15-Aug-2007 Rahu 11-Aug-2008 Jupiter 28-Feb-2011 Saturn 06-Jun-2013
Ketu Dasa 13-Feb-2016 - 13-Feb-2023 Ketu 13-Feb-2016 Venus 11-Jul-2016 Sun 10-Sep-2017 Moon 16-Jan-2018 Mars 17-Aug-2018 Rahu 13-Jan-2019 Jupiter 31-Jan-2020 Saturn 06-Jan-2021 Mercury 15-Feb-2022
Venus Dasa 13-Feb-2023 - 13-Feb-2043 Venus 13-Feb-2023 Sun 15-Jun-2026 Moon 15-Jun-2027 Mars 13-Feb-2029 Rahu 15-Apr-2030 Jupiter 15-Apr-2033 Saturn 14-Dec-2035 Mercury 13-Feb-2039 Ketu 15-Dec-2041
Sun Dasa 13-Feb-2043 - 13-Feb-2049 Sun 13-Feb-2043 Moon 02-Jun-2043 Mars 02-Dec-2043 Rahu 08-Apr-2044 Jupiter 03-Mar-2045 Saturn 20-Dec-2045 Mercury 02-Dec-2046 Ketu 08-Oct-2047 Venus 13-Feb-2048
Moon Dasa 13-Feb-2049 - 13-Feb-2059 Moon 13-Feb-2049 Mars 14-Dec-2049 Rahu 15-Jul-2050 Jupiter 14-Jan-2052 Saturn 16-May-2053 Mercury 15-Dec-2054 Ketu 15-May-2056 Venus 14-Dec-2056 Sun 14-Aug-2058
Mars Dasa 13-Feb-2059 - 13-Feb-2066 Mars 13-Feb-2059 Rahu 12-Jul-2059 Jupiter 30-Jul-2060 Saturn 06-Jul-2061 Mercury 15-Aug-2062 Ketu 12-Aug-2063 Venus 08-Jan-2064 Sun 10-Mar-2065 Moon 16-Jul-2065
Rahu Dasa 13-Feb-2066 - 13-Feb-2084 Rahu 13-Feb-2066 Jupiter 25-Oct-2068 Saturn 21-Mar-2071 Mercury 25-Jan-2074 Ketu 13-Aug-2076 Venus 31-Aug-2077 Sun 31-Aug-2080 Moon 26-Jul-2081 Mars 25-Jan-2083
Jupiter Dasa 13-Feb-2084 - 13-Feb-2100 Jupiter 13-Feb-2084 Saturn 02-Apr-2086 Mercury 14-Oct-2088 Ketu 20-Jan-2091 Venus 27-Dec-2091 Sun 27-Aug-2094 Moon 15-Jun-2095 Mars 15-Oct-2096 Rahu 21-Sep-2097
Saturn Dasa 13-Feb-2100 - 13-Feb-2119 Saturn 13-Feb-2100 Mercury 16-Feb-2103 Ketu 26-Oct-2105 Venus 05-Dec-2106 Sun 04-Feb-2110 Moon 17-Jan-2111 Mars 17-Aug-2112 Rahu 26-Sep-2113 Jupiter 01-Aug-2116
Promotion Pt Akash (B.E.Electronics)
the final decider is the sub lord of Venus which is Venus. Venus is also retrograde. Hence the cuspal sub lord Venus is not favorable. 11th Cusp: Libra 08:06:43 ( Ve-- Ra – Ra ) Rahu being the cuspal sub lord of the 11th house is placed in the 1st house and is in the star of Ketu which is placed in the 7th house. Hence Rahu strongly signifies 1st house and 7th house. Rahu, as has been discussed above while analysing 2nd cusp, is not favorable. RULING PLANETS As we cannot neglect the ruling planets at the time of judgment, they are given under: Lagna Signlord Mercury Lagna Starlord Mars Lagna Sublord Sun Moon Signlord Jupiter Moon Starlord Mercury Moon Sublord Rahu Daylord Jupiter As one can judge by looking at the Ruling Planets, Mercury is strongly signifying 12th house. Jupiter is not the cuspal sub lord of any relevant houses. Mars is also the strong significator of 12th house. Sun which is signifying 11th and 3rd house is not the cuspal sub lord of any relevant houses and so is Rahu as discussed above. So even RPs give a negative answer of the query. PREDICTION As per the analysis shown above it is predicted that the querist will not get promotion. As the result will be declared in a month’s time, there was no need to time the event. In the month of July 2011 the wife of the querist had informed me that her husband wasn’t promoted. My prayers to Lord Ganesha and beloved Guruji KSK.
Success in Examination Pt Akash (B.E.Electronics) Nakshatra Jyotish Kendra Vedic and Krishnamurti Padhdhati Astrologer Mobile: 9827374626, 9329265779 E-mail:
[email protected],
[email protected] Om Gan Ganapataye Namah Nowadays everybody who wants any employment in the Government sector needs to go through competitive exams. So many people are asking about their success in exam. I tell them to appear in exam first and then ask me the query so that any negative answer should not affect their performance in exam but even then some ask me to predict it before their exam. This is a similar case where a person who is LLB was appearing in the exam for Additional District Judge. He asked me whether he will succeed this time? Let us see how the Krishnamurti Padhdhati reveals the truth.
Query Horary No Date Place Ayanamsa
: : : : :
Success in examination? 26 (1 –249) 31-12-2007, Time : 13: 44:00 Bhopal-MP 77E26, 23N07 (Geocentric) KPNA 23:52: 43
HI NTS 1. As 1st house is for the querist himself and 7th house is for opponents, the ascendant house for success in any competitive examination.
must signify 1st , 6th and 11th
2. I t must not signify 7th, 12th and 5th house, which denotes success to the opponent and hence failure for the querist. 3 As this was examination for employment and was not meant for education purpose here 4th cusp is not considered as primary cusp and rather 6th cusp will be the primary cusp for success and 1st and 11th cusp as supporting cusps.
MOON & ASCENDANT SUBLORD Moon always gives the indication of state of mind and queries , So one should only proceed when the Moon and Ascendant sub lord signify the houses under consideration. Here in this case Moon is placed in the star of Moon which is lord of 4th house and it is in the sign Virgo whose lord Mercury is the lord of the 6th house. Ascendant sub lord is Mercury which is lord of 6th house. So both the Moon and the ascendant sub lord are connected to the 6th house and 1st house. Now we will analyze it further.
CUSPAL ANALYSI S 1 st Cusp -- Taurus –05:06:40 (Ve – Su – Me) Mercury is the cuspal sub lord of the 1st house, it is placed in the star of Venus , Venus itself is placed in the 7th house, so the Mercury becomes a strong significator of the 7th house. Mercury itself is placed in the 8th house which is house of obstacles and disappointments. However Mercury is the lord of 6th house and there are no planets in the star of Mercury. Mercury becomes the lone significator of 6th house. The querist is expecting a good result this time and he has appeared in this exam previously. So the signification of Mercury of the 6th house indicates the same. Anyway let us see the other houses. 6 th Cusp – Virgo – 28:05: 57 (Me – Ma – Sa) & 11 th Cusp – Aquarius – 22: 04:23 (Sa – Ju – Sa) Saturn is the lord of the 10th and 11th house and it is placed in 4th house. I t is in the star of Venus which is placed in the 7th house, so it becomes strong significator of 7th house which is, as given in hints, not good for the querist. Saturn is also retrograde but it will not affect much as it is in the star of Venus which is direct. RULI NG PLANETS As we cannot neglect the ruling planets at the time of judgment, Lagna Sign lord Lagna Star lord Lagna Sub lord Moon Sign lord Moon Star lord Moon Sub lord Day lord
Mars Venus Venus Mercury Moon Jupiter Moon
Horary No. 26/249 Sun Rise: 07:01:05 AM Nithya Yoga: Shobhan
Sun Set: Hora:
05:44:59 PM Mercury
Dasa Days: 365.25 D Karana: Kaulav
Horary No.: 26 Question : Success in examination?
Ruling Planets - 31/Dec/2007 01:44:00 PM BHOPAL, MADHYA PRADESH, India Planet
Day Lord: Moon
Nirayana Bhava Chalit Ma[R] 06:14:24 II 01:28:52
XII 28:05:57
I 05:06:40
III 25:41:11 3
XI 22:04:23 12 11
Sa[R] 14:33:44 Ke 06:29:56 IV 21:31:13
Ra 06:29:56 X 21:31:13 2 8
Ve 06:50:15 VII 05:06:40
Mo 15:33:27 V 22:04:23
IX 25:41:11
9 9
6 VI 28:05:57
Su 15:22:44 Me 23:19:46 Ju 08:59:13 VIII 01:28:52
I 05:06:40
II 01:28:52 Ma[R] 06:14:24 III 25:41:11
XII 28:05:57
XI 22:04:23 Ra 06:29:56
X 21:31:13
Name: Success in examination Gender: Male Date: Monday, 31/Dec/2007 Time: 01:44:00 PM SID: 20:01:16 Lat: 23:07:00 N Lon: 77:26:00 E Place: BHOPAL, MADHYA PRADESH, India
IV 21:31:13
Ayanamsa: 23° 52' 43" [KP Ayanamsa] - Placidus Star: Hasta, Pada 2 Star Lord: Moon Rasi: Virgo Rasi Lord: Mercury Lagna: Taurus Lagna Lord: Venus Tithi: Krishna Paksha, Ashtami Bal. Dasa: Moon 5 Y, 9 M, 29 D
Ke 06:29:56 Sa[R] 14:33:44 V 22:04:23
Mo 15:33:27 VI 28:05:57
IX 25:41:11 Me 23:19:46 Su 15:22:44 Ju 08:59:13 VIII 01:28:52
Ve 06:50:15 VII 05:06:40
+ These planets do not have any planets in their stars.
Sgl Ve Me Me Mo Su Me Ma Ju Ju Sa Sa Ju
Stl Su Ma Ju Me Ve Ma Sa Ke Ve Mo Ju Me
Sbl Me Me Me Ve Sa Sa Sa Ve Me Ve Sa Sa
Ssl Me Ju Sa Ke Sa Sa Ra Ma Sa Ra Sa Sa
Sssl Me Ve Ma Sa Su Mo Su Ju Ke Su Ju Mo
Planetary Positions Planet Star(Pada) Su P.Ashada(1) Mo Hasta(2) Ma[R] Mrigasira(4) Me P.Ashada(3) Ju Moola(3) Ve Anuradha(2) Sa[R] P.Phalguni(1) Ra Dhanishta(4) Ke Magha(2)
Sgl Ju Me Me Ju Ju Ma Su Sa Su
Stl Ve Mo Ma Ve Ke Sa Ve Ma Ke
Sbl Ve Ju Mo Sa Ju Me Ve Mo Ra
Ssl Me Ra Me Ma Ma Ju Ju Ve Me
Sssl Sa Ke Ve Sa Ju Sa Me Ra Ve
Significators - Planets View Planet (A) (B) (C) (D) Su+ 7 8 1 5 Mo 5 5 4 4 Ma 2 2 7 7 Me+ 7 8 1 2, 3, 6 Ju+ 4 8 8, 9, 12 Ve 4 7 10, 11 1 Sa 7 4 1 10, 11 Ra+ 2 10 7 Ke 4 4 (A) - Planets in Occupant's stars Rahu acts as agent for: Sa. Ketu acts as agent for: Su, Ju, Sa. (B) - Occupant of house (C) - Planets in Owner's stars (D) - House Owner
Cuspal Positions Cusp Star(Pada) 1 Krittika(3) 2 Mrigasira(3) 3 Punarvasu(2) 4 Ashlesha(2) 5 P.Phalguni(3) 6 Chitra(2) 7 Anuradha(1) 8 Moola(1) 9 P.Ashada(4) 10 Sravana(4) 11 P.Bhadra(1) 12 Revati(4)
Dasa Summary Bhukti
Moon Dasa 31-Oct-2003 - 31-Oct-2013 Moon 31-Oct-2003 Mars 30-Aug-2004 Rahu 31-Mar-2005 Jupiter 30-Sep-2006 Saturn 30-Jan-2008 Mercury 31-Aug-2009 Ketu 30-Jan-2011 Venus 31-Aug-2011 Sun 01-May-2013
Mars Dasa 31-Oct-2013 - 31-Oct-2020 Mars 31-Oct-2013 Rahu 29-Mar-2014 Jupiter 16-Apr-2015 Saturn 22-Mar-2016 Mercury 01-May-2017 Ketu 28-Apr-2018 Venus 24-Sep-2018 Sun 24-Nov-2019 Moon 31-Mar-2020
Rahu Dasa 31-Oct-2020 - 31-Oct-2038 Rahu 31-Oct-2020 Jupiter 13-Jul-2023 Saturn 07-Dec-2025 Mercury 12-Oct-2028 Ketu 01-May-2031 Venus 19-May-2032 Sun 19-May-2035 Moon 12-Apr-2036 Mars 12-Oct-2037
Jupiter Dasa 31-Oct-2038 - 31-Oct-2054 Jupiter 31-Oct-2038 Saturn 18-Dec-2040 Mercury 01-Jul-2043 Ketu 07-Oct-2045 Venus 13-Sep-2046 Sun 14-May-2049 Moon 02-Mar-2050 Mars 02-Jul-2051 Rahu 07-Jun-2052
Saturn Dasa 31-Oct-2054 - 31-Oct-2073 Saturn 31-Oct-2054 Mercury 03-Nov-2057 Ketu 12-Jul-2060 Venus 21-Aug-2061 Sun 21-Oct-2064 Moon 03-Oct-2065 Mars 04-May-2067 Rahu 13-Jun-2068 Jupiter 19-Apr-2071
Mercury Dasa 31-Oct-2073 - 31-Oct-2090 Mercury 31-Oct-2073 Ketu 28-Mar-2076 Venus 25-Mar-2077 Sun 24-Jan-2080 Moon 29-Nov-2080 Mars 30-Apr-2082 Rahu 27-Apr-2083 Jupiter 14-Nov-2085 Saturn 20-Feb-2088
Ketu Dasa 31-Oct-2090 - 31-Oct-2097 Ketu 31-Oct-2090 Venus 29-Mar-2091 Sun 29-May-2092 Moon 04-Oct-2092 Mars 05-May-2093 Rahu 01-Oct-2093 Jupiter 19-Oct-2094 Saturn 25-Sep-2095 Mercury 04-Nov-2096
Venus Dasa 31-Oct-2097 - 31-Oct-2117 Venus 31-Oct-2097 Sun 02-Mar-2101 Moon 02-Mar-2102 Mars 31-Oct-2103 Rahu 31-Dec-2104 Jupiter 31-Dec-2107 Saturn 31-Aug-2110 Mercury 31-Oct-2113 Ketu 31-Aug-2116
Sun Dasa 31-Oct-2117 - 31-Oct-2123 Sun 31-Oct-2117 Moon 17-Feb-2118 Mars 19-Aug-2118 Rahu 25-Dec-2118 Jupiter 19-Nov-2119 Saturn 06-Sep-2120 Mercury 19-Aug-2121 Ketu 25-Jun-2122 Venus 31-Oct-2122
Success in Examination Pt Akash (B.E.Electronics) As one can judge by looking at the Ruling Planets, Lagna sign lord Mars is in no way connected to the considered cusps 1st , 6th and 11th house. Venus is strongly signifying 4th and 7th house. Moon is signifying 5th house strongly. Jupiter is not amongst the significators. So the Ruling Planets except Mercury also do not indicate positively for the querist.
PREDI CTI ON As per the analysis shown above it is predicted that the querist will not succeed in the exam for the additional district judge. Three months later the querist informed that he did not pass the exam. My prayers to Lord Ganesha and beloved Guruji.
* * * * *
Longevity of Mother Pt Akash (B.E.Electronics) Nakshatra Jyotish Kendra Vedic and Krishnamurti Padhdhati Astrologer Mobile: 9827374626, 9329265779 E-mail:
[email protected],
[email protected] Om Gan Ganapataye Namah Longevity is the matter which according to me cannot be calculated easily. What I can analyse from a chart is whether there is any threat or danger to life. For calculating the longevity of any person, I use and apply only the KP Astrology principles. Astrologers are not God. Astrologers answer the queries on the basis of their knowledge and the applicability of the rules they know. Here is a query regarding his mother’s deteriorating health from a New York (US) based native. As his mother’s birth details were not available I asked her horary number. To calculate the longevity of mother we need to rotate the Ascendant to the 4th cusp.
Query: Mother’s Longevity Horary (1 -249 ) : 127, Date : 15 – 06- 2010, Time : 20:38 pm Place : Bhopal, Latitude: 23N07 ( G ), Longitude : 77E27, Ayanamsha: KP 23:54: 46 HI NTS: I f the A) B) C)
Sub Lord of the Ascendant be the significator of 6 , 8 and 12 house, a Short Life up to 33 years 1,5,9 or 10, a Long Life beyond 66 years both A and B, then the Middle Life up to 66 years is indicated.
Consider the houses 8 and 12 for accidents. Mars, Saturn , Rahu and Ketu cause accidents. Besides, if the cusp sub lord be the significator of Maraka ( 2,7 ) and Badhaka ( 11th for Movable , 9th for Fixed and 7th for Common signs), then it is also bad for longevity. The houses 1st, 3rd and 8th are to judge for longevity. The 12th to any particular house denotes non existence of the matter signified by that particular house. So 12th house, 12th to 1st (self) house, is also harmful for longevity. Saturn is the chief governor of longevity. Here we will have to analyse all the 1st, 3rd and 8th to judge the query and also the Mahadasha , Bhukti , Antara and Sookshma as well as the transit of Sun and Moon. Lagna is moved to the 4th cusp for mother.
MOON AND ASCENDANT SUBLORD Before solving any query one must look at the position of Moon and the Ascendant sub lord. Let us analyse the chart whether the query is indicated by either Moon or the Ascendant sub lord. Moon is placed in the 7th house which is a Maraka Sthan and it is in the star of Saturn which is placed in 8th house i.e. house of longevity, serious illness, death, so the Moon clearly shows the state of mind of the querist. Now look at the cuspal sub lord of the Ascendant which is Saturn which is lord of 1st and 2nd house and placed in the 8th house. So we proceed to analyse the cusps to validate the query.
CUSPAL ANALYSI S 1st Cusp ( Capricorn 03:07:30 – Sa Su Sa ) & 3rd Cusp ( Pisces 05:11:58 - - Ju Sa Sa ) The lord of the Ascendant, 3rd and also sub lord is Saturn. I t is placed in 8th house, lord of 1st and 2nd houses, in the star of Sun which is also placed in 5th house, lord of 8th house, and in own sub of Saturn. So Saturn is strongly signifying 5th and 8th houses, along with 1st and 2nd houses, hence it is mediocre for the longevity .
8th Cusp ( Leo 04:45:05 – Su Ke Mo ) Moon is the cuspal sub lord of the 8th house, the house of longevity; it is placed in the 7th house as house owner. Moon is in the star of Saturn which is placed in the 8th house, lord of 1st and 2nd houses, and in the sub of Mars in the 8th house, lord of 4th house and 11th house (Badhaka). Hence Moon becomes the strong significator of 8th, 7th and 2nd houses, so it is not favorable for the longevity.
RULI NG PLANETS Lagna Sign Lord : Lagna Star Lord : Moon Sign Lord : Moon Star Lord : Daylord :
Jupiter Venus Moon Saturn Mars
As discussed above, most of the Ruling Planets signify the negative houses for longevity. Jupiter is the lord of the 12th house and 3rd house and placed in the 3rd house. Jupiter is in the star of Saturn which is placed in the 8th house. Mars is the lord of the 4th house and 11th house. I t is placed in 8th house. So all the RPs are generally indicating the longevity negatively.
Horary No. 127/249 Sun Rise: 05:34:22 AM Nithya Yoga: Vyaghata
Sun Set: Hora:
07:06:55 PM Sun
Dasa Days: 365.25 D Karana: Badreva
Horary No.: 127 Question : Mother's Longevity
Ruling Planets - 15/Jun/2010 08:38:00 PM BHOPAL, MADHYA PRADESH, India Planet
Day Lord: Mars
Nirayana Bhava Chalit Ra 18:57:07 XII 01:59:41
II 04:45:05
I 03:07:30
Ju 07:15:19 III 05:11:58
XI 01:48:26
9 8
X 02:40:00
IV 02:40:00 10 4
Su 00:30:16 Me 15:46:33 V 01:48:26
Mo 12:52:06 Ve 07:33:49 VII 03:07:30
IX 05:11:58
6 5
Ma 10:31:31 Sa 04:08:00 VIII 04:45:05
Ke 18:57:07 VI 01:59:41
IV 02:40:00
V 01:48:26 Me 15:46:33
Su 00:30:16 VI 01:59:41 Ke 18:57:07
Ju 07:15:19 III 05:11:58 Name: Mother's Longevity Gender: Male Date: Tuesday, 15/Jun/2010 Time: 08:38:00 PM SID: 13:52:59 Lat: 23:07:00 N Lon: 77:27:00 E Place: BHOPAL, MADHYA PRADESH, India
VII 03:07:30 Ve 07:33:49 Mo 12:52:06
Ayanamsa: 23° 54' 46" [KP Ayanamsa] - Placidus Star: Pushyami, Pada 3 Star Lord: Saturn Rasi: Cancer Rasi Lord: Moon Lagna: Capricorn Lagna Lord: Saturn Tithi: Shukla Paksha, Chaturti Bal. Dasa: Saturn 5 Y, 4 M, 28 D
VIII 04:45:05 Ma 10:31:31
II 04:45:05
I 03:07:30
Sa 04:08:00 IX 05:11:58
Ra 18:57:07 XII 01:59:41
XI 01:48:26
X 02:40:00
+ These planets do not have any planets in their stars.
Man Machine Systems, Mobile: +91-8939361507 URL:
Sgl Sa Sa Ju Ma Ve Me Mo Su Me Ve Ma Ju
Stl Su Ma Sa Ke Su Ma Ju Ke Su Ma Ju Ke
Sbl Sa Ve Sa Ve Ju Ke Ra Mo Me Ve Ra Ve
Ssl Sa Me Ju Me Me Ve Mo Su Me Ve Ju Ju
Sssl Ve Sa Ju Ve Ve Ra Sa Sa Ve Ve Ve Me
Planetary Positions Planet Star(Pada) Su Mrigasira(3) Mo Pushyami(3) Ma Magha(4) Me Rohini(2) Ju U.Bhadra(2) Ve Pushyami(2) Sa U.Phalguni(3) Ra P.Ashada(2) Ke Aridra(4)
Sgl Me Mo Su Ve Ju Mo Me Ju Me
Stl Ma Sa Ke Mo Sa Sa Su Ve Ra
Sbl Me Ma Sa Sa Me Ke Sa Ra Mo
Ssl Ve Mo Su Sa Sa Mo Su Sa Ke
Sssl Ra Me Ke Ke Ra Ra Ra Ra Ra
Significators - Planets View Planet (A) (B) (C) (D) Su 8 5 4, 11 8 Mo 8 7 1, 2 7 Ma 6 8 4, 11 Me+ 7 5 7 6, 9 Ju+ 8 3 1, 2 3, 12 Ve 8 7 1, 2 5, 10 Sa 5 8 8 1, 2 Ra 7 12 5, 10 Ke 12 6 Rahu acts as agent for: Su, Ju. (A) - Planets in Occupant's stars Ketu acts as agent for: Su, Me, Sa. (B) - Occupant of house (C) - Planets in Owner's stars (D) - House Owner
Cuspal Positions Cusp Star(Pada) 1 U.Ashada(2) 2 Dhanishta(4) 3 U.Bhadra(1) 4 Aswini(1) 5 Krittika(2) 6 Mrigasira(3) 7 Punarvasu(4) 8 Magha(2) 9 U.Phalguni(3) 10 Chitra(3) 11 Visakha(4) 12 Moola(1)
Dasa Summary Bhukti
Saturn Dasa 14-Nov-1996 - 14-Nov-2015 Saturn 14-Nov-1996 Mercury 17-Nov-1999 Ketu 28-Jul-2002 Venus 05-Sep-2003 Sun 05-Nov-2006 Moon 18-Oct-2007 Mars 19-May-2009 Rahu 28-Jun-2010 Jupiter 04-May-2013
Mercury Dasa 14-Nov-2015 - 14-Nov-2032 Mercury 14-Nov-2015 Ketu 12-Apr-2018 Venus 09-Apr-2019 Sun 08-Feb-2022 Moon 15-Dec-2022 Mars 15-May-2024 Rahu 13-May-2025 Jupiter 30-Nov-2027 Saturn 07-Mar-2030
Ketu Dasa 14-Nov-2032 - 14-Nov-2039 Ketu 14-Nov-2032 Venus 12-Apr-2033 Sun 12-Jun-2034 Moon 18-Oct-2034 Mars 19-May-2035 Rahu 15-Oct-2035 Jupiter 02-Nov-2036 Saturn 09-Oct-2037 Mercury 18-Nov-2038
Venus Dasa 14-Nov-2039 - 14-Nov-2059 Venus 14-Nov-2039 Sun 16-Mar-2043 Moon 16-Mar-2044 Mars 14-Nov-2045 Rahu 14-Jan-2047 Jupiter 14-Jan-2050 Saturn 14-Sep-2052 Mercury 14-Nov-2055 Ketu 14-Sep-2058
Sun Dasa 14-Nov-2059 - 14-Nov-2065 Sun 14-Nov-2059 Moon 03-Mar-2060 Mars 01-Sep-2060 Rahu 07-Jan-2061 Jupiter 02-Dec-2061 Saturn 20-Sep-2062 Mercury 02-Sep-2063 Ketu 08-Jul-2064 Venus 13-Nov-2064
Moon Dasa 14-Nov-2065 - 14-Nov-2075 Moon 14-Nov-2065 Mars 14-Sep-2066 Rahu 15-Apr-2067 Jupiter 15-Oct-2068 Saturn 14-Feb-2070 Mercury 15-Sep-2071 Ketu 14-Feb-2073 Venus 15-Sep-2073 Sun 17-May-2075
Mars Dasa 14-Nov-2075 - 14-Nov-2082 Mars 14-Nov-2075 Rahu 11-Apr-2076 Jupiter 29-Apr-2077 Saturn 05-Apr-2078 Mercury 15-May-2079 Ketu 11-May-2080 Venus 07-Oct-2080 Sun 07-Dec-2081 Moon 14-Apr-2082
Rahu Dasa 14-Nov-2082 - 14-Nov-2100 Rahu 14-Nov-2082 Jupiter 28-Jul-2085 Saturn 21-Dec-2087 Mercury 27-Oct-2090 Ketu 16-May-2093 Venus 04-Jun-2094 Sun 04-Jun-2097 Moon 28-Apr-2098 Mars 28-Oct-2099
Jupiter Dasa 14-Nov-2100 - 14-Nov-2116 Jupiter 14-Nov-2100 Saturn 02-Jan-2103 Mercury 16-Jul-2105 Ketu 21-Oct-2107 Venus 26-Sep-2108 Sun 27-May-2111 Moon 15-Mar-2112 Mars 14-Jul-2113 Rahu 20-Jun-2114
Longevity of Mother Pt Akash (B.E.Electronics) DASHA , BHUKTI , ANTARA ANALYSI S As Moon is in the Saturn star and Mars sub, the running Mahadasha is of Saturn and the Bhukti is of Mars. As Mars is not the sub lord of any related houses and signifying 6th and 8th house strongly, I told him that she would remain hospitalized during that period and her condition would be stable but not recover. From 28th June Rahu Bhukti, Rahu Antara and Rahu Sookshma will follow and it is not favorable for longevity since Rahu is in 12th house, conjoined by 2nd lord Jupiter, in the star of Venus in 7th house and in own sub Rahu. Sun, which was transiting in the Mars star, will also transit in the Rahu star on 28th June and will remain in that star till 6 July 2010. I predicted that that period would be very critical for her and according to my knowledge she would not survive. As predicted she breathed her last breath on 3rd July 2010 evening. The day was Saturday and Moon was also transiting in the Saturn star. May her soul rest in peace. Pranams to Guruji KSK and Ganesha.
* * * * *
Dec 2011
Success in Examination
Pt Akash ( B.E.Electronics) Nakshatra Jyotish Kendra Vedic and Krishnamurti Padhdhati Astrologer Mobile: 9827374626, 9329265779 E-mail:
[email protected],
[email protected] Om Gan Ganapataye Namah Nowadays everybody who wants any employment in the Government sector needs to go through competitive exams. I tell them to appear in exam first and then ask me the query so that any negative answer should not affect their performance in exam but even then some ask me to predict it before their exam. This is a case where MBBS 2nd year student who was in doubt regarding her result after having appeared in the exam and was expecting result in a month time. Let us see how the Krishnamurti Padhdhati reveals the truth. Query Horary No Date Time Place Ayanamsa
: Success in examination ? : 227 (1 –249) : 11 Nov 2011 : 19: 35:00 : BHOPAL 77E24 , 23N16 (Geocentric) : NKPA 23:55:57
HI NTS AND RULES 1. I f the sub lord of the 4th cusp is the significator of 4,9 and 11th house , the success in examination is promised. 2. Sub lord of the 11th cusp, when connected to the houses under consideration, will give the positive result; here in this case it needs to be connected to 4th, 9th house. 3. Mars, Mercury and Jupiter promise success when they are connected to 4,9 and 11th house . 4. For failure the houses which are 12th from 4th and 9th house i.e. 3rd and 8th must be considered.
MOON & ASCENDANT SUBLORD Moon always gives the indication of state of mind and queries. So one should only proceed when the Moon and Ascendant sub lords signify the houses under consideration. Here in this case Moon is placed in 2nd house and it is posited in the star of Sun which is located in 8th house. So Moon becomes the strong significator of 8th house which clearly shows that the querist had doubts regarding her success in examination. Let us now see the ascendant sub lord which is Sun. Sun itself is placed in 8th house and it is in the star of Jupiter which is lord of 2nd and 11th house. Hence both the Moon and Ascendant sub lords show that the querist is expecting a drawback and her state of mind is doubtful regarding the examination. Let us proceed to analyze whether she will clear her exam or not.
Cusp - - Gemini – 01:03:26 ( Me – Ma – Me)
Mercury is the cuspal sub lord of the 4th house, it is placed in its own star Jyestha and it is placed in the 9th house. So it becomes the strong significator of 9th house which is considered good house for success in examination. Also Mercury is in its own sub and so it becomes the strong significator of 9th house. Hence this cusp gives favorable result for the query.
9 th Cusp – Scorpio – 05:47:50 ( Ma – Sa – Me) Mercury as discussed above is favorable.
11 th Cusp – Sagittarius – 25:41:03 ( Ju – Ve – Me) Mercury as discussed above is favorable.
RULI NG PLANETS As we cannot neglect the ruling planets at the time of judgment, which are:
Lagna Sign lord Lagna Star lord Lagna Sub lord Moon Sign lord Moon Starlord Moon Sub lord Day lord
Jan 2012
Venus Mars Jupiter Venus Sun Saturn Venus
Horary No. 227/249 Sun Rise: 06:31:11 AM Nithya Yoga: Variyan
Sun Set: Hora:
05:37:18 PM Sun
Dasa Days: 365.25 D Karana: Kaulav
Horary No.: 227 Question : Sucess in Examination
Ruling Planets - 11/Nov/2011 07:35:00 PM BHOPAL, MADHYA PRADESH, India Planet
Day Lord: Venus
Nirayana Bhava Chalit Mo 03:01:36 Ju[R] 09:33:49 II 06:00:13
XII 23:36:23
I 28:46:40
Ke 21:42:57 III 05:47:50
XI 25:41:03
10 9
IV 01:03:26
X 01:03:26 11 5
Sa 29:41:07 VII 28:46:40
V 25:41:03 3
8 7
II 06:00:13 Ju[R] 09:33:49
Mo 03:01:36 III 05:47:50 Ke 21:42:57
IV 01:03:26 V 25:41:03
Name: Sucess in Examination Gender: Male Date: Friday, 11/Nov/2011 Time: 07:35:00 PM SID: 22:36:06 Lat: 23:16:00 N[G] Lon: 77:24:00 E Place: BHOPAL, MADHYA PRADESH, India
VI 23:36:23
Ayanamsa: 23° 55' 57" [KP Ayanamsa] - Placidus Star: Krittika, Pada 2 Star Lord: Sun Rasi: Taurus Rasi Lord: Venus Lagna: Aquarius Lagna Lord: Saturn Tithi: Krishna Paksha, Pratipad Bal. Dasa: Sun 3 Y, 1 M, 19 D
Ma 06:16:26 VII 28:46:40
I 28:46:40
XII 23:36:23
Sa 29:41:07
XI 25:41:03 X 01:03:26
Ra 21:42:57 Ve 17:31:18 Me 17:17:57 IX 05:47:50
+ These planets do not have any planets in their stars.
Me 17:17:57 Ve 17:31:18 Ra 21:42:57 IX 05:47:50
Su 24:53:45 VIII 06:00:13
Ma 06:16:26 VI 23:36:23
Su 24:53:45 VIII 06:00:13
Stl Ju Ke Su Ma Ju Me Su Ma Sa Ke Ve Ma
Sbl Su Ra Me Me Me Ma Ma Mo Me Ve Me Ma
Ssl Su Ju Ve Ra Sa Sa Sa Ju Ke Ve Sa Sa
Sssl Su Ve Ke Ra Ma Sa Su Ma Sa Sa Ke Sa
Planetary Positions Planet Star(Pada) Su Visakha(2) Mo Krittika(2) Ma Magha(2) Me Jyeshta(1) Ju[R] Aswini(3) Ve Jyeshta(1) Sa Chitra(2) Ra Jyeshta(2) Ke Rohini(4)
Sgl Ve Ve Su Ma Ma Ma Me Ma Ve
Stl Ju Su Ke Me Ke Me Ma Me Mo
Sbl Me Sa Ra Me Sa Me Sa Su Ve
Ssl Ma Sa Sa Ve Sa Mo Ra Ra Ju
Sssl Me Sa Ve Me Ma Sa Mo Sa Ke
Dasa Summary Bhukti
Sun Dasa 02-Jan-2009 - 02-Jan-2015 Sun 02-Jan-2009 Moon 21-Apr-2009 Mars 21-Oct-2009 Rahu 26-Feb-2010 Jupiter 21-Jan-2011 Saturn 09-Nov-2011 Mercury 21-Oct-2012 Ketu 27-Aug-2013 Venus 02-Jan-2014
Moon Dasa 02-Jan-2015 - 02-Jan-2025 Moon 02-Jan-2015 Mars 02-Nov-2015 Rahu 02-Jun-2016 Jupiter 02-Dec-2017 Saturn 03-Apr-2019 Mercury 02-Nov-2020 Ketu 03-Apr-2022 Venus 02-Nov-2022 Sun 03-Jul-2024
Mars Dasa 02-Jan-2025 - 02-Jan-2032 Mars 02-Jan-2025 Rahu 31-May-2025 Jupiter 18-Jun-2026 Saturn 25-May-2027 Mercury 04-Jul-2028 Ketu 01-Jul-2029 Venus 27-Nov-2029 Sun 27-Jan-2031 Moon 04-Jun-2031
Rahu Dasa 02-Jan-2032 - 02-Jan-2050 Rahu 02-Jan-2032 Jupiter 15-Sep-2034 Saturn 08-Feb-2037 Mercury 15-Dec-2039 Ketu 04-Jul-2042 Venus 22-Jul-2043 Sun 22-Jul-2046 Moon 16-Jun-2047 Mars 16-Dec-2048
Jupiter Dasa 02-Jan-2050 - 02-Jan-2066 Jupiter 02-Jan-2050 Saturn 20-Feb-2052 Mercury 02-Sep-2054 Ketu 09-Dec-2056 Venus 15-Nov-2057 Sun 15-Jul-2060 Moon 03-May-2061 Mars 02-Sep-2062 Rahu 09-Aug-2063
Saturn Dasa 02-Jan-2066 - 02-Jan-2085 Saturn 02-Jan-2066 Mercury 05-Jan-2069 Ketu 15-Sep-2071 Venus 24-Oct-2072 Sun 24-Dec-2075 Moon 05-Dec-2076 Mars 06-Jul-2078 Rahu 15-Aug-2079 Jupiter 21-Jun-2082
Mercury Dasa 02-Jan-2085 - 02-Jan-2102 Mercury 02-Jan-2085 Ketu 31-May-2087 Venus 27-May-2088 Sun 28-Mar-2091 Moon 01-Feb-2092 Mars 03-Jul-2093 Rahu 01-Jul-2094 Jupiter 17-Jan-2097 Saturn 25-Apr-2099
Ketu Dasa 02-Jan-2102 - 02-Jan-2109 Ketu 02-Jan-2102 Venus 31-May-2102 Sun 31-Jul-2103 Moon 06-Dec-2103 Mars 06-Jul-2104 Rahu 02-Dec-2104 Jupiter 20-Dec-2105 Saturn 26-Nov-2106 Mercury 05-Jan-2108
Venus Dasa 02-Jan-2109 - 02-Jan-2129 Venus 02-Jan-2109 Sun 03-May-2112 Moon 03-May-2113 Mars 01-Jan-2115 Rahu 02-Mar-2116 Jupiter 02-Mar-2119 Saturn 01-Nov-2121 Mercury 31-Dec-2124 Ketu 01-Nov-2127
(G) Denotes geocentric correction applied to latitude.
Man Machine Systems, Mobile: +91-8939361507 URL:
Sgl Sa Ma Ve Me Me Mo Su Ve Ma Ju Ju Sa
Significators - Planets View Planet (A) (B) (C) (D) Su 2 8 10, 11 7 Mo 8 2 7 6 Ma 3 6 2, 9 Me 9 9 4, 5 4, 5 Ju 3 2 10, 11 Ve+ 9 9 4, 5 3, 8 Sa+ 6 7 2, 9 1, 12 Ra+ 9 9 4, 5 Ke 2 3 6 in Occupant's stars Rahu acts as agent for: Mo, Ma, Me,(A) Ve,- Planets Sa. Ketu acts as agent for: Mo, Me, Ve. (B) - Occupant of house (C) - Planets in Owner's stars (D) - House Owner
Cuspal Positions Cusp Star(Pada) 1 P.Bhadra(3) 2 Aswini(2) 3 Krittika(3) 4 Mrigasira(3) 5 Punarvasu(2) 6 Ashlesha(3) 7 U.Phalguni(1) 8 Chitra(4) 9 Anuradha(1) 10 Moola(1) 11 P.Ashada(4) 12 Dhanishta(1)
Success in Examination Pt Akash
As one can judge by looking at the Ruling Planets, Lagna sign lord, Moon sign lord and Day lord is Venus which itself is strongly signifying 9th house and hence is favorable.
PREDI CTI ON As per the analysis shown above, it is predicted that the querist will succeed in the exam.
ACTUAL OUTCOME On 23rd December 2011 the querist informed that she cleared the exam. The day lord is Venus and the Moon star is of Mercury. Both are the strong significators in the cuspal analysis and in the ruling planets at the time of judgment. My prayers to Lord Ganesha and beloved Guruji KSK.
* * * * *
Jan 2012
When will I get desired job?
Pt Akash ( B.E.Electronics) Nakshatra Jyotish Kendra Vedic and Krishnamurti Padhdhati Astrologer Mobile: 9827374626, 9329265779 E-mail:
[email protected],
[email protected] Om Gan Ganapat ay e Nam ah By t he grace of Lor d Ganesh and Gur uj i KSK‘s blessing m y j ourney in Ast rology has been quit e successful. This case h as pr ov ed again t hat one can ev en give t he cor r ect t im ing of an ev ent by applying t he KP principles. A lady w ho had appear ed in m any bank ing ex am s cam e t o m e on e day . She had been prepar ing for bank ing r ecr uit m ent ex am s and w as expect ing t o get a good j ob but w asn’t successful. So she put a query t hat w hen will she get t he desired j ob. She w as already w orking at a j ob in a priv at e bank . Let u s see how KP Ast r ology unfolds t he t rut h and h ow one can predict accu rat ely by applying it s logic. Qu e r y : H or a r y N o: Date: Tim e : Pla ce : Ay a n a m sa :
Desired Job, When ? 236 ( 1 –249) 27- 11- 2009 19: 51: 00 BHOPAL 77 E26, 23N07 ( Geocent ric) KP Original 23: 54: 19
H I N TS I f t he cuspal sub lor d of t he 6 t h and 10 t h house be t he significat or ( in t he st ar of t h e occupan t or t he ow ner ) of 2 ,6 and 10 , service or earning is prom ised during t he j oint period of t he significat ors of 2 ,6 and 10 houses. M OON & ASCEN D AN T SUB LORD Moon alw ays giv es t he indicat ion of st at e of m ind and queries, so on e should only pr oceed w hen t he Moon and Ascendant sub lord signify t he houses under considerat ion. Here in t his case Moon is placed in 1 st house w hich indicat es t he querist is concern ed about herself and as Moon is in t he st ar of Sat urn w hich is placed in 6 t h house ( j ob and serv ice) and hence becom e a st r ong significat or of 6 t h hou se indicat es t he quer y. The client is confident about her success but w as unable t o clear int erview . Anyw ay sh e qu er ied about her j ob and Moon signifies t he concern ed h ouse. Ascendant sub lor d is Sun w hich is in t he st ar of Sat urn w hich is placed in 6 t h house, so t he ascen dant sub lor d also validat es t he query . Let us n ow proceed t o solv e t he qu ery . CUSPAL AN ALYSI S 2 n d Cu sp - - Ar ie s – 1 5 :5 3 :5 0 ( M a – V e - Su ) 6 t h Cu sp – Le o – 0 3 :2 8 :5 2 ( Su – Ke – Su ) Sun is t he cuspal sub lor d of t h e 2 nd and 6 t h houses; Sun is in t he st ar of Sat urn, w hich it self is placed in t he 6 t h h ouse. So Sun is t he st r ong significat or of t he 6 t h h ouse. So Sun is favourable for t h e j ob. 1 0 t h Cu sp – Sa g it t a r iu s – 0 9 :0 0 :0 9 ( Ju – Ke – Ju ) Jupit er is t he cuspal sub lord of t he 10 t h house; Jupit er is in t he st ar of Mars w hich is placed in t he 5 t h house, h ence Jupit er is st rongly signifying 5 t h house. How ever Jupit er is placed in 11 t h house and ow ner of 10 and h ence t he 10 t h cuspal sub lor d Jupit er is consider ed favour able for j ob. 1 1 t h Cu sp – Ca p r icor n – 0 4 :0 5 :5 4 ( Sa – Su – Sa ) Sat urn is t he cuspal sub lord of t he 11 t h house; it is placed in t he 6 t h house, h ence fav oring t he query . I t is in t he st ar of Sun w hich is placed in t he 8 t h house, t he h ouse of obst acles and disappoint m ent s. So it seem s t hat she w ill get a j ob but it m ay not be up t o her sat isfact ion and she m ay do t h e j ob only for a short period. RULI N G PLAN ETS As w e cannot neglect t he ruling planet s at t he t im e of j udgm ent , La gn a Sign lor d La gn a St a r lor d La gn a Su b lor d M oon Sig n lor d M oon St a r lor d M oon Su b lor d D a y lor d
March 2012
Mer cury Rahu Ket u Jupit er Sat urn Moon Venus
Horary No. 236/249 Sun Rise: 06:41:59 AM Nithya Yoga: Siddhi
Sun Set: Hora:
05:33:37 PM Sun
Dasa Days: 365.25 D Karana: Vanij
Horary No.: 236 Question : Desired Job When?
Ruling Planets - 27/Nov/2009 07:51:00 PM BHOPAL, MADHYA PRADESH, India Planet
Day Lord: Venus
Nirayana Bhava Chalit II 15:58:50
XII 03:28:52
Mo 11:58:44 I 10:20:00
III 14:16:28 1
Ju 26:31:35 XI 04:05:54
11 10
Ke 29:33:05 IV 09:00:09
Ra 29:33:05 X 09:00:09 12 6
VII 10:20:00 Ma 22:40:44 V 04:05:54
Me 23:54:49 IX 14:16:28 4
8 7
5 Sa 08:49:23 VI 03:28:52
II 15:58:50
Su 11:34:16 Ve 00:39:50 VIII 15:58:50
III 14:16:28
IV 09:00:09 Ke 29:33:05
Mo 11:58:44 I 10:20:00 Name: Desired Job When? Gender: Female Date: Friday, 27/Nov/2009 Time: 07:51:00 PM SID: 23:57:16 Lat: 23:07:00 N Lon: 77:26:00 E Place: BHOPAL, MADHYA PRADESH, India
V 04:05:54 Ma 22:40:44
Ayanamsa: 23° 54' 19" [KP Ayanamsa] - Placidus Star: U.Bhadra, Pada 3 Star Lord: Saturn Rasi: Pisces Rasi Lord: Jupiter Lagna: Pisces Lagna Lord: Jupiter Tithi: Shukla Paksha, Ekadasi Bal. Dasa: Saturn 6 Y, 8 M, 4 D
VI 03:28:52
XII 03:28:52
Ju 26:31:35 XI 04:05:54
Sa 08:49:23 VII 10:20:00
Ra 29:33:05 X 09:00:09
Me 23:54:49 IX 14:16:28 Su 11:34:16 Ve 00:39:50
VIII 15:58:50
Sgl Ju Ma Ve Me Mo Su Me Ve Ma Ju Sa Sa
Stl Sa Ve Mo Ra Sa Ke Mo Ra Sa Ke Su Ma
Sbl Su Su Ju Ju Sa Su Mo Ve Ra Ju Sa Ve
Ssl Su Me Sa Sa Ve Me Ju Ma Ve Ma Ve Ra
Sssl Su Me Su Ke Ve Ra Ju Ve Ma Sa Ke Ra
Planetary Positions Planet Star(Pada) Su Anuradha(3) Mo U.Bhadra(3) Ma Ashlesha(2) Me Jyeshta(3) Ju Dhanishta(1) Ve Visakha(4) Sa U.Phalguni(4) Ra U.Ashada(1) Ke Punarvasu(3)
Sgl Ma Ju Mo Ma Sa Ma Me Ju Me
Stl Sa Sa Me Me Ma Ju Su Su Ju
Sbl Mo Mo Mo Ma Ju Ma Ve Ra Mo
Ssl Sa Ve Ju Ve Sa Ra Ra Ju Ma
Sssl Su Ju Ra Mo Mo Me Ve Ju Ju
Significators - Planets View Planet (A) (B) (C) (D) Su 6 8 11, 12 6 Mo+ 6 1 11, 12 5 Ma 9 5 4, 7 2, 9 Me 9 9 4, 7 4, 7 Ju 5 11 2, 9 1, 10 Ve+ 11 8 1, 10 3, 8 Sa 8 6 6 11, 12 Ra+ 8 10 6 Ke+ 11 4 1, 10 (A) - Planets in Occupant's stars Rahu acts as agent for: Ju. Ketu acts as agent for: Me, Sa. (B) - Occupant of house (C) - Planets in Owner's stars (D) - House Owner
Cuspal Positions Cusp Star(Pada) 1 U.Bhadra(3) 2 Bharani(1) 3 Rohini(2) 4 Aridra(1) 5 Pushyami(1) 6 Magha(2) 7 Hasta(1) 8 Swati(3) 9 Anuradha(4) 10 Moola(3) 11 U.Ashada(3) 12 Dhanishta(4)
Dasa Summary Bhukti
Saturn Dasa 02-Aug-1997 - 02-Aug-2016 Saturn 02-Aug-1997 Mercury 06-Aug-2000 Ketu 15-Apr-2003 Venus 25-May-2004 Sun 25-Jul-2007 Moon 06-Jul-2008 Mars 04-Feb-2010 Rahu 15-Mar-2011 Jupiter 20-Jan-2014
Mercury Dasa 02-Aug-2016 - 02-Aug-2033 Mercury 02-Aug-2016 Ketu 30-Dec-2018 Venus 27-Dec-2019 Sun 27-Oct-2022 Moon 03-Sep-2023 Mars 02-Feb-2025 Rahu 30-Jan-2026 Jupiter 18-Aug-2028 Saturn 23-Nov-2030
Ketu Dasa 02-Aug-2033 - 02-Aug-2040 Ketu 02-Aug-2033 Venus 30-Dec-2033 Sun 01-Mar-2035 Moon 06-Jul-2035 Mars 04-Feb-2036 Rahu 03-Jul-2036 Jupiter 21-Jul-2037 Saturn 27-Jun-2038 Mercury 05-Aug-2039
Venus Dasa 02-Aug-2040 - 02-Aug-2060 Venus 02-Aug-2040 Sun 02-Dec-2043 Moon 02-Dec-2044 Mars 03-Aug-2046 Rahu 03-Oct-2047 Jupiter 03-Oct-2050 Saturn 03-Jun-2053 Mercury 03-Aug-2056 Ketu 04-Jun-2059
Sun Dasa 02-Aug-2060 - 02-Aug-2066 Sun 02-Aug-2060 Moon 20-Nov-2060 Mars 22-May-2061 Rahu 27-Sep-2061 Jupiter 21-Aug-2062 Saturn 09-Jun-2063 Mercury 21-May-2064 Ketu 28-Mar-2065 Venus 03-Aug-2065
Moon Dasa 02-Aug-2066 - 02-Aug-2076 Moon 02-Aug-2066 Mars 03-Jun-2067 Rahu 02-Jan-2068 Jupiter 04-Jul-2069 Saturn 02-Nov-2070 Mercury 02-Jun-2072 Ketu 02-Nov-2073 Venus 03-Jun-2074 Sun 01-Feb-2076
Mars Dasa 02-Aug-2076 - 02-Aug-2083 Mars 02-Aug-2076 Rahu 30-Dec-2076 Jupiter 17-Jan-2078 Saturn 24-Dec-2078 Mercury 01-Feb-2080 Ketu 29-Jan-2081 Venus 27-Jun-2081 Sun 27-Aug-2082 Moon 01-Jan-2083
Rahu Dasa 02-Aug-2083 - 02-Aug-2101 Rahu 02-Aug-2083 Jupiter 15-Apr-2086 Saturn 08-Sep-2088 Mercury 16-Jul-2091 Ketu 02-Feb-2094 Venus 20-Feb-2095 Sun 20-Feb-2098 Moon 15-Jan-2099 Mars 16-Jul-2100
Jupiter Dasa 02-Aug-2101 - 02-Aug-2117 Jupiter 02-Aug-2101 Saturn 20-Sep-2103 Mercury 03-Apr-2106 Ketu 09-Jul-2108 Venus 15-Jun-2109 Sun 14-Feb-2112 Moon 02-Dec-2112 Mars 03-Apr-2114 Rahu 10-Mar-2115
+ These planets do not have any planets in their stars.
Man Machine Systems, Mobile: +91-8939361507 URL:
When will I get desired job? Pt Akash
As Jupit er, Sat urn, Moon and Venus st rongly signifies t he concerned houses for j ob. Rahu act s as agent of Jupit er which is also favourable for j ob, hence alm ost all t he RPs signify 2, 6, 10 and 11 houses. D BA An a ly sis As Sat urn signifies t he favourable houses 6, 11 for j ob, t he running Mahadasha lord Sat urn is going t o give her a j ob. Running Bhukt i Moon also signifies 6, 1 and 11 houses, indicat ing fro her t o get a good j ob. But as t he 11 t h cuspal sub lord signifies 8 t h house, she could be disappoint ed wit h t he j ob. Any way t his Bhukt i is likely t o give her a j ob. PRED I CTI ON The Sat urn Dasa/ Mer cury Bhukt i will run t ill Feb 2010 and as Sun will ent er Sat urn sign Makara from 14 t h Jan 2010 and also it will ent er Moon st ar on 24 t h January 2010 m orning, I t old t he lady t hat she w ill get t he desired j ob aft er 24 t h January 2010. ACTUAL OUTCOM E I n t he 1 st w eek of Feb 2010, she inform ed m e t hat she got t he appoint m ent let t er and w ould j oin t he j ob soon. However she t old m e t hat she was expect ing a good j ob but it is j ust sat isfact or y and will w ork here t ill she get s bet t er opport unit y. My prayers t o Lord Ganesha and beloved Guruj i KSK.
* * * * *
March 2012
Marriage with a desired person Pt Akash ( BE Electronics ) ( Jyotish Shiromani ) Nakshatra Jyotish Kendra Vedic and Krishnamurti Paddhati Astrologer Mob: 9827374626 , 9329265779, E-mail:
[email protected] Om Gan Ganapataye Namah Nowadays affair has been a part of the new young generation . Many youngsters are involved in it and hence it is usual to ask the question: will I marry the desired person? The girl who had asked this question was involved with a boy of other caste. Her family is orthodox and she knows that her family will not support her in this matter. Let us see how to solve the query using the Krishnamurti Paddhati principles.
Query Horary No Date Time Place Ayanamsa
: Marriage with a desired person : 4 ( 1 –249) : 06-08-2012 : 16: 10: 00 : Bhopal, 77E26 , 23N07 ( Geocentric ) : KPNA 23: 56: 21
HI NTS 1. As 1st house is for the querist himself and 5th house is for the love affair , the 5th cusp sublord should signify 2nd , 7th and 11t h house for success of the query . 2. I t should not signify 6t h , 10t h indicating failure.
and 12th
house , which is 12t h from the 7th , 11th
house and 1st house, hence
MOON & ASCENDANT SUBLORD Moon always gives the indication of state of mind and queries, so one should only proceed when the Moon and Ascendant sublords signify the houses under consideration. Here in this case Moon is the sub lord of the 1st house and 5th house and is placed in the star of Shani which is placed in 6th house .We can judge that the query is genuine as Moon is being the ascendant sub lord and being 5th cusp sub lord. Moon’s star lord Saturn is lord of 11 but Moon’s placement in 12th house indicates that the person is worried about the matter.
CUSPAL ANALYSI S 5th Cusp --Cancer –22: 21: 08 ( Mo – Me – Mo ) Moon is the cuspal sublord of the 5t h house; it is placed in the star of Saturn ,Saturn itself is placed in the 6th house , so the Moon becomes strong significator of the 6t h house. Moon itself is placed in the 12t h house which is 8th from 5th house , hence obstacles and disappointment are indicated as Moon signifies both 6th and 12th houses strongly. Let us judge other houses. 2nd Cusp – Taurus – 05: 15: 08 ( Ve – Su – Me ) Mercury is the cuspal sub lord of the 2nd house and it is placed in 4t h house . I t is in the star of Saturn which is placed in the 6th house so it becomes a strong significator of 6th house which is not good for the querist, as mentioned in the hints above. 7
Cusp – Libra – 03: 40: 00 ( Ve – Ma – Ve ) & 11th Cusp – Capricorn – 22: 18: 02 ( Sa – Mo – Ve )
Venus is the cuspal sub lord of the 7th and 11th houses; it is in the star of Mars which being placed in the 6th house is not good . So this is unfavourable for the querist.
RULI NG PLANETS As we cannot neglect the ruling planets at the time of judgment: Lagna Signlord Jupiter Lagna Starlord Ketu Moon Signlord Jupiter Moon Starlord Saturn Daylord Moon As one can judge by looking at the ruling planets, Lagna sign lord and Moon sign lord is Jupiter which is placed in the star of Moon and Moon is in 12th house , so it becomes a strong significator of the 12t h house. Lagna star lord Ketu is placed in 2nd house but it is in the star of Sun which is lord of 6th house and hence all the ruling planets are signifying negative houses.
Horary No. 4/249 Sun Rise: 05:53:24 AM Nithya Yoga: Dhrti
Sun Set: Hora:
06:58:33 PM Mars
Dasa Days: 365.25 D Karana: Kaulav
Horary No.: 4 Question : Marriage with a desired person
Ruling Planets - 06/Aug/2012 04:10:00 PM BHOPAL, MADHYA PRADESH, India Planet
Day Lord: Moon
Nirayana Bhava Chalit XII 10:24:59:47 Mo 11:13:14:09
II 01:05:15:08 Ke 01:07:28:09 Ju 01:17:13:51 I 00:03:40:00
III 02:01:05:16 Ve 02:05:03:32
XI 09:22:21:08
11 10
X 08:25:31:35
Me[R] 03:07:39:28 Su 03:20:25:30 IV 02:25:31:35
1 7
VII 06:03:40:00 IX 08:01:05:16
V 03:22:21:08 4
9 8
Ra 07:07:28:09 VIII 07:05:15:08
Sa 06:00:14:29 VI 04:24:59:47 Ma 05:25:20:44
I 03:40:00
II 05:15:08 Ke 07:28:09 Ju 17:13:51
III 01:05:16 Ve 05:03:32 IV 25:31:35
Mo 13:14:09 Name: Marriage Gender: Female Date: Monday, 06/Aug/2012 Time: 04:10:00 PM SID: 12:51:14 Lat: 23:07:00 N[G] Lon: 77:26:00 E Place: BHOPAL, MADHYA PRADESH, India
Me[R] 07:39:28 Su 20:25:30 V 22:21:08
Ayanamsa: 23° 56' 34" [KP Ayanamsa] - Placidus Star: U.Bhadra, Pada 3 Star Lord: Saturn Rasi: Pisces Rasi Lord: Jupiter Lagna: Aries Lagna Lord: Mars Tithi: Krishna Paksha, Panchami Bal. Dasa: Saturn 4 Y, 10 M, 20 D
VI 24:59:47
XII 24:59:47
XI 22:21:08
Ma 25:20:44
X 25:31:35 IX 01:05:16
Ra 07:28:09 VIII 05:15:08
+ These planets do not have any planets in their stars.
VII 03:40:00 Sa 00:14:29
Stl Ke Su Ma Ju Me Ve Ma Sa Ke Ve Mo Ju
Sbl Mo Me Me Me Mo Me Ve Sa Ve Me Ve Me
Ssl Mo Me Ra Sa Ma Ma Ra Ju Ve Ju Me Ra
Sssl Mo Ma Ra Me Me Sa Ke Me Me Mo Su Ju
Planetary Positions Planet Star(Pada) Su Ashlesha(2) Mo U.Bhadra(3) Ma Chitra(1) Me[R] Pushyami(2) Ju Rohini(3) Ve Mrigasira(4) Sa Chitra(3) Ra Anuradha(2) Ke Krittika(4)
Sgl Mo Ju Me Mo Ve Me Ve Ma Ve
Stl Me Sa Ma Sa Mo Ma Ma Sa Su
Sbl Ve Ra Ra Ke Sa Su Me Ke Ke
Ssl Ra Ju Ke Ra Ra Ra Me Ve Ju
Sssl Mo Sa Ju Ra Ju Sa Sa Sa Sa
Dasa Summary Bhukti
Saturn Dasa 27-Jun-1998 - 27-Jun-2017 Saturn 27-Jun-1998 Mercury 30-Jun-2001 Ketu 09-Mar-2004 Venus 17-Apr-2005 Sun 17-Jun-2008 Moon 30-May-2009 Mars 29-Dec-2010 Rahu 07-Feb-2012 Jupiter 14-Dec-2014
Mercury Dasa 27-Jun-2017 - 27-Jun-2034 Mercury 27-Jun-2017 Ketu 23-Nov-2019 Venus 19-Nov-2020 Sun 20-Sep-2023 Moon 26-Jul-2024 Mars 25-Dec-2025 Rahu 23-Dec-2026 Jupiter 12-Jul-2029 Saturn 17-Oct-2031
Ketu Dasa 27-Jun-2034 - 27-Jun-2041 Ketu 27-Jun-2034 Venus 23-Nov-2034 Sun 23-Jan-2036 Moon 30-May-2036 Mars 29-Dec-2036 Rahu 27-May-2037 Jupiter 14-Jun-2038 Saturn 21-May-2039 Mercury 30-Jun-2040
Venus Dasa 27-Jun-2041 - 27-Jun-2061 Venus 27-Jun-2041 Sun 27-Oct-2044 Moon 27-Oct-2045 Mars 27-Jun-2047 Rahu 27-Aug-2048 Jupiter 27-Aug-2051 Saturn 28-Apr-2054 Mercury 28-Jun-2057 Ketu 27-Apr-2060
Sun Dasa 27-Jun-2061 - 27-Jun-2067 Sun 27-Jun-2061 Moon 15-Oct-2061 Mars 15-Apr-2062 Rahu 21-Aug-2062 Jupiter 16-Jul-2063 Saturn 03-May-2064 Mercury 15-Apr-2065 Ketu 19-Feb-2066 Venus 27-Jun-2066
Moon Dasa 27-Jun-2067 - 27-Jun-2077 Moon 27-Jun-2067 Mars 26-Apr-2068 Rahu 25-Nov-2068 Jupiter 27-May-2070 Saturn 26-Sep-2071 Mercury 27-Apr-2073 Ketu 26-Sep-2074 Venus 27-Apr-2075 Sun 27-Dec-2076
Mars Dasa 27-Jun-2077 - 27-Jun-2084 Mars 27-Jun-2077 Rahu 23-Nov-2077 Jupiter 11-Dec-2078 Saturn 17-Nov-2079 Mercury 27-Dec-2080 Ketu 24-Dec-2081 Venus 22-May-2082 Sun 22-Jul-2083 Moon 27-Nov-2083
Rahu Dasa 27-Jun-2084 - 27-Jun-2102 Rahu 27-Jun-2084 Jupiter 10-Mar-2087 Saturn 03-Aug-2089 Mercury 08-Jun-2092 Ketu 26-Dec-2094 Venus 13-Jan-2096 Sun 13-Jan-2099 Moon 08-Dec-2099 Mars 09-Jun-2101
Jupiter Dasa 27-Jun-2102 - 27-Jun-2118 Jupiter 27-Jun-2102 Saturn 15-Aug-2104 Mercury 25-Feb-2107 Ketu 03-Jun-2109 Venus 10-May-2110 Sun 08-Jan-2113 Moon 28-Oct-2113 Mars 26-Feb-2115 Rahu 02-Feb-2116
(G) Denotes geocentric correction applied to latitude.
Man Machine Systems, Mobile: +91-8939361507 URL:
Sgl Ma Ve Me Me Mo Su Ve Ma Ju Ju Sa Sa
Significators - Planets View Planet (A) (B) (C) (D) Su 4 5 3, 4 6 Mo 6 12 11, 12 5 Ma 6 6 1, 8 1, 8 Me 6 4 11, 12 3, 4 Ju+ 12 2 5 9, 10 Ve+ 6 3 1, 8 2, 7 Sa 6 6 1, 8 11, 12 Ra+ 6 8 11, 12 Ke+ 5 2 6 Rahu acts as agent for: Ma, Ju. (A) - Planets in Occupant's stars Ketu acts as agent for: Ju, Ve. (B) - Occupant of house (C) - Planets in Owner's stars (D) - House Owner
Cuspal Positions Cusp Star(Pada) 1 Aswini(2) 2 Krittika(3) 3 Mrigasira(3) 4 Punarvasu(2) 5 Ashlesha(2) 6 P.Phalguni(4) 7 Chitra(4) 8 Anuradha(1) 9 Moola(1) 10 P.Ashada(4) 11 Sravana(4) 12 P.Bhadra(2)
Marriage with a desired person Pt Akash PREDI CTI ON As per the analysis shown above, it is predicted that the querist will not succeed and her love affair may not materialize into marriage. As the final outcome is not yet known, this article is for the practical observation and to understand the logic of KP principles. Even the querist herself knows, as she told me after hearing the prediction, that her affair will end with separation from each other as her marriage has already been fixed with another person. My prayers to Lord Ganesha and beloved Guruji KSK.
* * * * *
Marriage of Elder Brother Pt Akash ( BE Electronics ) ( Jyotish Shiromani ) Nakshatra Jyotish Kendra Vedic and Krishnamurti Paddhati Astrologer Mob: 9827374626 , 9329265779, E-mail:
[email protected] Om Gan Ganapataye Namah Marriages are made in heavens but what happens to a person who is fed up of doing remedies such as upayas, totke, havan and grah shanty and still marriage looks beyond his thinking. Here is a case where the person concerned has done everything but nothing happened. The person lost his faith in astrology. However his sister asked me to predict about the marriage of her elder brother. I told her clearly that astrologers are not God and are human beings; they can err but not the astrology. I t depends upon astrologers’ own proficiency of the subject and God’s grace. Let us see how to solve the query using Krishnamurti Paddhati principles.
Query Horary No Date Time Place Ayanamsa
: : : : : :
Marriage of Elder Brother 178 ( 1 –249) 27-07-2012 21:00: 00 BHOPAL 77E26 , 23N07 ( Geocentric ) KP New 23: 56:32
HI NTS 1] As the query is being put up by the younger sister, the chart is rotated to 11th house. 2] For marriage , one needs to judge the 7th cuspal sub lord. I f the 7th cuspal sub lord signifies 2nd, 7 th or 11th house, then the marriage is possible. I f it is signifying 1st , 6th and 10th house, then there is denial of marriage as these house are 12th from 2 nd, 7th and 11th house.
MOON & ASCENDANT SUBLORD Moon always gives the indication of state of mind and queries, so one should only proceed when the Moon and Ascendant sub lords signify the houses under consideration. Here in this case Moon is placed in the star of Jupiter which is located in 7th house .We can judge that the query is genuine as Moon is being the 7th house significator. Ascendant sub lord is Venus which is placed in 8th house and is in the star of Mars which is positioned in 11th house. Hence Venus is a strong significator of 11th house. So the query is justified by connection to the required houses. Moon is in Libra and Ascendant is also Libra, both are in the movable sign. So the event is likely to happen quite early.
CUSPAL ANALYSI S 2nd Cusp --Scorpio –21:56: 18 (Ma – Me – Su) The 2nd cuspal sub lord Sun is lord of 11. Sun is placed in the star of Saturn, which is lord of 5. So it is favourable for marriage. 7th Cusp – Aries – 27: 20:13 (Ma – Su – Mo) The 7th cuspal sub lord Moon is, as discussed above, placed in the star of Jupiter which is located in 7th house. Moon is strongly signifying 7th house and favourable for marriage. 11th Cusp – Leo – 26: 13:40 (Su – Ve – Ke) The 11th cuspal sub lord Ketu is placed in the 7th house. No planet is in the stars of Ketu and Ketu is the CSL of 4, 5, 11. I t is in the star of Sun which is placed in 9th house and owns 11th house. 9th house is for communication through advertisements, through internet matrimonial websites. So it is also favouring marriage by connection to the 9th and 11th houses.
RULI NG PLANETS As we cannot neglect the ruling planets at the time of judgment, they are as given under: Lagna Sign lord Saturn Lagna Star lord Rahu Moon Sign lord Venus Moon Star lord Jupiter Day lord Venus As one can judge by looking at the ruling planets, Lagna sign lord Saturn and Moon sign lord Venus and also other ruling planets except Rahu are favourable for marriage.
Horary No. 178/249 Sun Rise: 05:48:59 AM Nithya Yoga: Shukla
Sun Set: Hora:
07:04:21 PM Mercury
Dasa Days: 365.25 D Karana: Kaulav
Horary No.: 178 Question : Marriage of Elder Brother
Ruling Planets - 27/Jul/2012 09:00:00 PM BHOPAL, MADHYA PRADESH, India Planet
Day Lord: Venus
Nirayana Bhava Chalit Sa 05:29:40:11 XII 05:29:18:59
II 07:21:56:18
III 08:16:13:20 8
Ra 07:07:59:18 I 06:27:20:13 Mo 06:27:51:45
XI 04:26:13:40 Ma 05:19:30:07
6 5
X 03:20:14:58
IV 09:20:14:58 7 1
VII 00:27:20:13 Ju 01:15:34:03 Ke 01:07:59:18
V 10:26:13:40 11
3 2
12 VI 11:29:18:59
VII 27:20:13
IX 02:16:13:20 Me[R] 03:13:02:58 Su 03:11:03:10
Ve 01:26:58:24 VIII 01:21:56:18
Ke 07:59:18 Ju 15:34:03 VIII 21:56:18 Ve 26:58:24
IX 16:13:20
Name: Marriage of Elder Brother Gender: Male Date: Friday, 27/Jul/2012 Time: 09:00:00 PM SID: 17:02:36 Lat: 23:07:00 N Lon: 77:26:00 E Place: BHOPAL, MADHYA PRADESH, India
Su 11:03:10 Me[R] 13:02:58 X 20:14:58
Ayanamsa: 23° 56' 32" [KP Ayanamsa] - Placidus Star: Visakha, Pada 3 Star Lord: Jupiter Rasi: Libra Rasi Lord: Venus Lagna: Libra Lagna Lord: Venus Tithi: Shukla Paksha, Navami Bal. Dasa: Jupiter 6 Y, 6 M, 23 D
XI 26:13:40
V 26:13:40
IV 20:14:58
Ma 19:30:07 XII 29:18:59 Sa 29:40:11
III 16:13:20
II 21:56:18 Ra 07:59:18
Mo 27:51:45 I 27:20:13
+ These planets do not have any planets in their stars.
Man Machine Systems, Mobile: +91-8939361507 URL:
Stl Ju Me Ve Mo Ju Me Su Mo Ra Me Ve Ma
Sbl Ve Su Mo Ke Ke Sa Mo Ve Ve Ve Ke Sa
Ssl Ma Sa Mo Sa Ju Ma Mo Sa Ra Ra Ra Ma
Sssl Su Mo Mo Ke Ju Ju Mo Me Ke Sa Ra Ju
Planetary Positions Planet Star(Pada) Su Pushyami(3) Mo Visakha(3) Ma Hasta(3) Me[R] Pushyami(3) Ju Rohini(2) Ve Mrigasira(2) Sa Chitra(2) Ra Anuradha(2) Ke Krittika(4)
Sgl Mo Ve Me Mo Ve Ve Me Ma Ve
Stl Sa Ju Mo Sa Mo Ma Ma Sa Su
Sbl Mo Ve Me Ra Ju Ju Sa Ke Ve
Ssl Mo Ju Sa Ra Ra Ke Ra Sa Ve
Sssl Sa Ve Ve Me Ke Me Su Ju Ju
Dasa Summary Bhukti
VI 29:18:59
Sgl Ve Ma Ju Sa Sa Ju Ma Ve Me Mo Su Me
Significators - Planets View Planet (A) (B) (C) (D) Su 12 9 4, 5 11 Mo 7 1 3, 6 10 Ma 1 11 10 2, 7 Me+ 12 9 4, 5 9, 12 Ju 1 7 10 3, 6 Ve+ 11 8 2, 7 1, 8 Sa 11 12 2, 7 4, 5 Ra+ 12 1 4, 5 Ke+ 9 7 11 (A) - Planets in Occupant's stars Rahu acts as agent for: Ma, Ju, Ve, Sa. Ketu acts as agent for: Ju, Ve. (B) - Occupant of house (C) - Planets in Owner's stars (D) - House Owner
Cuspal Positions Cusp Star(Pada) 1 Visakha(3) 2 Jyeshta(2) 3 P.Ashada(1) 4 Sravana(4) 5 P.Bhadra(2) 6 Revati(4) 7 Krittika(1) 8 Rohini(4) 9 Aridra(3) 10 Ashlesha(2) 11 P.Phalguni(4) 12 Chitra(2)
Jupiter Dasa 19-Feb-2003 - 19-Feb-2019 Jupiter 19-Feb-2003 Saturn 09-Apr-2005 Mercury 21-Oct-2007 Ketu 26-Jan-2010 Venus 02-Jan-2011 Sun 03-Sep-2013 Moon 22-Jun-2014 Mars 22-Oct-2015 Rahu 27-Sep-2016
Saturn Dasa 19-Feb-2019 - 19-Feb-2038 Saturn 19-Feb-2019 Mercury 22-Feb-2022 Ketu 01-Nov-2024 Venus 11-Dec-2025 Sun 10-Feb-2029 Moon 23-Jan-2030 Mars 24-Aug-2031 Rahu 02-Oct-2032 Jupiter 09-Aug-2035
Mercury Dasa 19-Feb-2038 - 19-Feb-2055 Mercury 19-Feb-2038 Ketu 18-Jul-2040 Venus 15-Jul-2041 Sun 14-May-2044 Moon 21-Mar-2045 Mars 20-Aug-2046 Rahu 17-Aug-2047 Jupiter 06-Mar-2050 Saturn 11-Jun-2052
Ketu Dasa 19-Feb-2055 - 19-Feb-2062 Ketu 19-Feb-2055 Venus 19-Jul-2055 Sun 17-Sep-2056 Moon 23-Jan-2057 Mars 24-Aug-2057 Rahu 20-Jan-2058 Jupiter 08-Feb-2059 Saturn 15-Jan-2060 Mercury 23-Feb-2061
Venus Dasa 19-Feb-2062 - 19-Feb-2082 Venus 19-Feb-2062 Sun 21-Jun-2065 Moon 21-Jun-2066 Mars 20-Feb-2068 Rahu 22-Apr-2069 Jupiter 22-Apr-2072 Saturn 21-Dec-2074 Mercury 20-Feb-2078 Ketu 20-Dec-2080
Sun Dasa 19-Feb-2082 - 19-Feb-2088 Sun 19-Feb-2082 Moon 09-Jun-2082 Mars 09-Dec-2082 Rahu 15-Apr-2083 Jupiter 09-Mar-2084 Saturn 26-Dec-2084 Mercury 08-Dec-2085 Ketu 15-Oct-2086 Venus 20-Feb-2087
Moon Dasa 19-Feb-2088 - 19-Feb-2098 Moon 19-Feb-2088 Mars 20-Dec-2088 Rahu 21-Jul-2089 Jupiter 19-Jan-2091 Saturn 20-May-2092 Mercury 19-Dec-2093 Ketu 20-May-2095 Venus 20-Dec-2095 Sun 20-Aug-2097
Mars Dasa 19-Feb-2098 - 19-Feb-2105 Mars 19-Feb-2098 Rahu 19-Jul-2098 Jupiter 06-Aug-2099 Saturn 13-Jul-2100 Mercury 21-Aug-2101 Ketu 18-Aug-2102 Venus 15-Jan-2103 Sun 16-Mar-2104 Moon 21-Jul-2104
Rahu Dasa 19-Feb-2105 - 19-Feb-2123 Rahu 19-Feb-2105 Jupiter 02-Nov-2107 Saturn 28-Mar-2110 Mercury 02-Feb-2113 Ketu 22-Aug-2115 Venus 09-Sep-2116 Sun 09-Sep-2119 Moon 03-Aug-2120 Mars 01-Feb-2122
Marriage of Elder Brother Pt Akash DASHA BHUKTI ANALYSI S The DBA of Jupiter-Venus-Jupiter is running. Dasa lord Jupiter is placed in 7th house and in own sub to be a strong significator of 7th house. Jupiter is also in the ruling planets. Bhukti lord Venus is in the star of Mars which is placed in 11th house and owns 2nd and 7th houses. Venus is in the sub of Jupiter in 7th house. Thus Venus signifies 2nd, 7th and 11th houses and is also in the RPs. Running Antra Jupiter is favourable for marriage but the transit Sun is in Cancer and there were no marriage proposals then. Also when you see that the hindu marriage dates are not there, so marriage is denied till the dates are available. The marriage dates starts from November 27, 2012 and when you check the Antra, it is of Saturn which is among the ruling planets and also signifying 2nd, 7th and 11th houses. Also Sun will transit in the Mars sign Scorpio and Saturn star Anuradha.
PREDI CTI ON As per the analysis shown above it is predicted that the marriage will happen during Jupiter-Venus-Saturn DBA (18-92012 to 19-2-2013). I t was also predicted that marriage will happen through advertisement in websites. As predicted above, the native informed me that her brother’s marriage is fixed for 28- 11 2012. The girl’s father looked at the profile of the native’s brother at matrimonial website and approached them. I am going to attend that marriage at Nagpur. My prayers to Lord Ganesha and beloved Guruji KSK.
* * * * *
Child Birth Pt Akash ( BE Electronics ) ( Jyotish Shiromani ) Nakshatra Jyotish Kendra Vedic and Krishnamurti Paddhati Astrologer Mob: 9827374626 , 9329265779, E-mail:
[email protected] Om Gan Ganapataye Namah After marriage everybody is primarily concerned about child birth. Even after a year if there is no good news, then the relatives and the person himself is concerned and worried. A person who works as a medical representative asked the query about child birth as after 10 months of marriage there wasn’t any good news. Let us see how to solve the query using Krishnamurti Padhdhati principles.
Query: Child Birth Horary No: 30 (out of 249); Date : 20-03-2010; Time : 18: 53:00 Place : BHOPAL, 77E26 , 23N07 (Geocentric); Ayanamsa : KPNA 23:54: 21 HI NTS 1. 2.
The cuspal sub lord of the 5th house for female and 11th house for male must signify the houses 2, 5 and 11 for child birth. The cuspal sub lord must not signify the house 4 and 10 being 12th from the primary house.
MOON & ASCENDANT SUB LORD Before proceeding to analyse any horary chart one must check whether the Moon supports the query being put up by anybody. Also the ascendant sub lord must be considered for further confirmation. Here the querist is male and so the 11th house will be the primary cusp. Let us check Moon first. Moon itself is placed in 12th house, 12th house stands for worries, obstacles. Moon is in the star of Sun which is placed in 11th house. So Moon becomes strong significator of 11th house. Ascendant sub lord is Mars which is placed in 3rd house and is in the star of Saturn which is placed in 5th house. So the connectivity of both the Moon and Ascendant sub lord is with the primary and secondary house for child birth query. Hence a go ahead for cuspal analysis is given.
CUSPAL ANALYSI S 2nd Cusp --Gemini –06: 43:28 (Me – Ra – Ra) Rahu is the cuspal sub lord of the 2nd cusp. I t is placed in 8th house. I t is in the star of Venus which is placed in 11th house. Hence it becomes a strong significator of 11th house. Rahu is in the sub of Saturn which is placed in 5th house. So it becomes favourable for the 5th house matter. 5th Cusp–Leo – 28:38: 32 (Su – Su – Ma) Mars is the cuspal sub lord of the 5th house. Mars is placed in the 3rd house. I t is in the star of Saturn which is placed in 5th house. So Mars is strongly signifying 5th house. I t is in the sub of Mercury which is placed in the 11th house. So the connectivity of Mars with 5th and 11th house is there. 11th Cusp–Aquarius – 28:38:32 (Sa – Ju – Ve) Venus is the cuspal sub lord of the 11th house; it is placed in the 11th house. I t is in the star of Mercury which is placed in 11th house. I ts subl ord is Moon which as discussed previously is also 11th house. So Venus is strongly signifying the 11th house and its matters.
RULI NG PLANETS As we cannot neglect the ruling planets at the time of judgement, Lagna Signlord Lagna Starlord Moon Signlord Moon Starlord Daylord
Mercury Moon Venus Sun Saturn
As one can judge by looking at the ruling planets, all the RPs are strong significators of 5th and 11th houses.
Horary No. 30/249 Sun Rise: 06:24:54 AM Nithya Yoga: Vishkumbha
Sun Set: Hora:
06:31:06 PM Mercury
Dasa Days: 365.25 D Karana: Balav
Horary No.: 30 Question : child birth as after 10 months of marriage
Ruling Planets - 20/Mar/2010 06:53:00 PM BHOPAL, MADHYA PRADESH, India Planet
Day Lord: Saturn
Nirayana Bhava Chalit II 02:06:43:28 Ke 02:23:33:58
XII 00:04:53:36 Mo 01:00:03:38 I 01:11:06:40
III 03:00:54:38 Ma 03:06:57:25
1 11
IV 03:27:17:13
XI 10:28:38:32 Ve 11:22:16:48 Me 11:11:51:18 Su 11:05:55:07
X 09:27:17:13 Ju 10:20:39:23 2 8
VII 07:11:06:40 Sa[R] 05:07:29:34 V 04:28:38:32
IX 09:00:54:38 5
10 9
7 VI 06:04:53:36
XII 04:53:36
Ra 08:23:33:58 VIII 08:06:43:28
Mo 00:03:38 I 11:06:40
II 06:43:28 Ke 23:33:58
Ve 22:16:48 Me 11:51:18 Su 05:55:07
XI 28:38:32 Ju 20:39:23
X 27:17:13 IX 00:54:38
Name: Child Birth Gender: Male Date: Saturday, 20/Mar/2010 Time: 06:53:00 PM SID: 06:24:37 Lat: 23:07:00 N Lon: 77:26:00 E Place: BHOPAL, MADHYA PRADESH, India
III 00:54:38 Ma 06:57:25 IV 27:17:13
Ayanamsa: 23° 54' 34" [KP Ayanamsa] - Placidus Star: Krittika, Pada 2 Star Lord: Sun Rasi: Taurus Rasi Lord: Venus Lagna: Taurus Lagna Lord: Venus Tithi: Shukla Paksha, Panchami Bal. Dasa: Sun 4 Y, 5 M, 20 D
V 28:38:32
Sa[R] 07:29:34
Ra 23:33:58 VIII 06:43:28
VII 11:06:40
VI 04:53:36
+ These planets do not have any planets in their stars.
Man Machine Systems, Mobile: +91-8939361507 URL:
Sgl Ve Me Mo Mo Su Ve Ma Ju Sa Sa Sa Ma
Stl Mo Ra Ju Me Su Ma Sa Ke Su Ma Ju Ke
Sbl Ma Ra Ma Ju Ma Su Mo Ra Ra Ju Ve Ma
Ssl Ma Ra Sa Su Ju Su Ma Ke Su Su Me Ra
Sssl Ma Ju Ra Mo Me Ma Ju Ke Me Mo Sa Ke
Planetary Positions Planet Star(Pada) Su U.Bhadra(1) Mo Krittika(2) Ma Pushyami(2) Me U.Bhadra(3) Ju P.Bhadra(1) Ve Revati(2) Sa[R] U.Phalguni(4) Ra P.Ashada(4) Ke Punarvasu(2)
Sgl Ju Ve Mo Ju Sa Ju Me Ju Me
Stl Sa Su Sa Sa Ju Me Su Ve Ju
Sbl Me Ra Me Mo Ju Mo Ke Sa Sa
Ssl Ve Sa Ju Ke Me Mo Ju Ra Ra
Sssl Ma Ra Su Sa Ma Me Ve Me Mo
Significators - Planets View Planet (A) (B) (C) (D) Su 5 11 9, 10, 11 5 Mo+ 11 12 5 3, 4 Ma+ 5 3 9, 10, 11 7, 12 Me 5 11 9, 10, 11 2 Ju 10 10 8 8 Ve 11 11 2 1, 6 Sa 11 5 5 9, 10, 11 Ra+ 11 8 1, 6 Ke+ 10 2 8 (A) - Planets in Occupant's stars Rahu acts as agent for: Ju. Ketu acts as agent for: Me, Ju, Sa. (B) - Occupant of house (C) - Planets in Owner's stars (D) - House Owner
Cuspal Positions Cusp Star(Pada) 1 Rohini(1) 2 Aridra(1) 3 Punarvasu(4) 4 Ashlesha(4) 5 U.Phalguni(1) 6 Chitra(4) 7 Anuradha(3) 8 Moola(3) 9 U.Ashada(2) 10 Dhanishta(2) 11 P.Bhadra(3) 12 Aswini(2)
Dasa Summary Bhukti
Sun Dasa 10-Sep-2008 - 10-Sep-2014 Sun 10-Sep-2008 Moon 28-Dec-2008 Mars 29-Jun-2009 Rahu 04-Nov-2009 Jupiter 28-Sep-2010 Saturn 18-Jul-2011 Mercury 29-Jun-2012 Ketu 05-May-2013 Venus 10-Sep-2013
Moon Dasa 10-Sep-2014 - 10-Sep-2024 Moon 10-Sep-2014 Mars 11-Jul-2015 Rahu 09-Feb-2016 Jupiter 11-Aug-2017 Saturn 11-Dec-2018 Mercury 11-Jul-2020 Ketu 10-Dec-2021 Venus 11-Jul-2022 Sun 10-Mar-2024
Mars Dasa 10-Sep-2024 - 10-Sep-2031 Mars 10-Sep-2024 Rahu 06-Feb-2025 Jupiter 24-Feb-2026 Saturn 31-Jan-2027 Mercury 11-Mar-2028 Ketu 08-Mar-2029 Venus 04-Aug-2029 Sun 04-Oct-2030 Moon 09-Feb-2031
Rahu Dasa 10-Sep-2031 - 10-Sep-2049 Rahu 10-Sep-2031 Jupiter 23-May-2034 Saturn 17-Oct-2036 Mercury 23-Aug-2039 Ketu 12-Mar-2042 Venus 30-Mar-2043 Sun 30-Mar-2046 Moon 22-Feb-2047 Mars 23-Aug-2048
Jupiter Dasa 10-Sep-2049 - 10-Sep-2065 Jupiter 10-Sep-2049 Saturn 28-Oct-2051 Mercury 11-May-2054 Ketu 17-Aug-2056 Venus 24-Jul-2057 Sun 23-Mar-2060 Moon 09-Jan-2061 Mars 11-May-2062 Rahu 17-Apr-2063
Saturn Dasa 10-Sep-2065 - 10-Sep-2084 Saturn 10-Sep-2065 Mercury 13-Sep-2068 Ketu 23-May-2071 Venus 02-Jul-2072 Sun 01-Sep-2075 Moon 13-Aug-2076 Mars 14-Mar-2078 Rahu 23-Apr-2079 Jupiter 27-Feb-2082
Mercury Dasa 10-Sep-2084 - 10-Sep-2101 Mercury 10-Sep-2084 Ketu 06-Feb-2087 Venus 03-Feb-2088 Sun 04-Dec-2090 Moon 11-Oct-2091 Mars 12-Mar-2093 Rahu 09-Mar-2094 Jupiter 26-Sep-2096 Saturn 02-Jan-2099
Ketu Dasa 10-Sep-2101 - 10-Sep-2108 Ketu 10-Sep-2101 Venus 06-Feb-2102 Sun 08-Apr-2103 Moon 14-Aug-2103 Mars 14-Mar-2104 Rahu 10-Aug-2104 Jupiter 28-Aug-2105 Saturn 04-Aug-2106 Mercury 13-Sep-2107
Venus Dasa 10-Sep-2108 - 10-Sep-2128 Venus 10-Sep-2108 Sun 09-Jan-2112 Moon 09-Jan-2113 Mars 10-Sep-2114 Rahu 10-Nov-2115 Jupiter 10-Nov-2118 Saturn 11-Jul-2121 Mercury 10-Sep-2124 Ketu 12-Jul-2127
Child Birth Pt Akash DASHA BHUKTI ANALYSI S The running Mahadasha is of Sun which is placed in 11th house and in the star of Saturn which is placed in the 5th house and hence signifying 5th and 11th house strongly. Sun is in the sub of Mercury which is also 11th house. So Sun Mahadasha is favourable for child birth. Running Bhukti is of Rahu which is also signifying 11th house by being in the star of Venus. Rahu Bhukti will run till September 2010 which is favourable for child birth. After Rahu Jupiter Bhukti will run till July 2011. Jupiter is not amongst the ruling planets but it is a kararka for child birth, in the same star and sub own and in the sub sub of Mercury. I n such a case, a view is to take the signification of sub sub Mercury, which is placed in 11th house, favourable for child birth and fulfillment of the querist’s desire. So I predicted a child birth for the querist in the near future.
PREDI CTI ON As per the analysis shown above it is predicted that very soon you will get a good news and a child birth is promised. Almost a year later the querist came to me with sweets and told me that his wife has given birth to a son on 4th April 2011. Check out the day; it’s Monday, daylord Moon, Childs birth Moon sign is Pisces , lord Jupiter and child birth star (nakshatra) is Revati whose lord is Mercury . WI SH YOU ALL A VERY HAPPY NEW YEAR My pranams to Lord Ganesha and Guruji KSK.
* * * * *
Success in Examination By
Pt Akash ( BE Electronics )( Jyotish Shiromani ) Nakshatra Jyotish Kendra, Vedic and Krishnamurti Paddhati Astrologer; Mob: 9827374626 , 9329265779
[email protected] ; serious about his/her career works hard to succeed in Final Examination. One of the student who has appeared in MBBS final exam came to me and asked a query, whether he will succeed in examination or not. As students are quite anxious about their result, it’s obvious that they would like to know the outcome before the result is declared. Let us see how KP Astrology helped their cause. I told them that they should pray to Lord Ganesh and then give me the number between 1 to 249.
Query: Will I succeed in the Final Exam? Horary No: 69 (1 –249) Date: 04-12-2012; Time: 12:37:00 Place: Bhopal; Long/Lat: 77 E 26 , 23 N 07 (Geocentric ) Ayanamsa: KP ayanamsa 23:56:50 Mean Nodes taken Hints and rules 1. If the sub lord of the 4th cusp is the significator of 4, 9 and 11th house, the success in examination is promised. 2. Sub lord of the 11th cusp, when connected to the houses under consideration, will give the positive result; here in this case it needs to be connected to 4th, 9th house. 3. Mars, Mercury and Jupiter promise success when they are connected to 4, 9 and 11th house . 4. For failure the houses which are 12th from 4th and 9th house i.e. 3rd and 8th must be considered. Moon & Ascendant sublord Moon always gives the indication of state of mind and queries, so one should only proceed when the Moon and Ascendant sublord signify the houses under consideration. Here in this case Moon is placed in the 1st house, it is in the star of Mercury which is placed in 4th house. So it signifies the houses under consideration and the query is genuine. The ascendant sublord is Venus which is placed in 4th house and it is in the star of Jupiter which is placed in 11th house. So it is clear that the primary houses for success in examination are signified by the Moon and Ascendant sublord. Cuspal Analysis 4 th Cusp -- Libra –03:32:50 (Ve – Ma – Ve) Venus is the cuspal sublord of the 4th house, it is placed in 4th house, it is in the star of Jupiter which is placed in the 11th house. Hence it becomes the strong significator of the 11th house. Venus is in the sub of Jupiter which is placed in 11th house. So the Venus is favourable for the query. 9 th Cusp – Pisces – 01:27:36 (Ju – Ju – Ra) Rahu is the cuspal sublord of the 9th house. Rahu itself is placed in 4th house; it is in the star of Jupiter which is placed in 11th house. So Rahu signifies 4th and 11th houses strongly. Rahu is in the sub of Mars which is placed in 6th house. Hence Rahu is also favourable for the query. 11 th Cusp – Taurus – 06:45:23 (Ve – Su – Me) Mercury is the cuspal sublord of the 11th house; it is placed in the 4th house. It is in the star of Jupiter which is placed in 11th house. So it strongly signifies both 4th and 11th houses. Mercury is in the sub of Venus. As discussed previously Venus is strongly signifying 4th and 11th house.
Horary No. 69/249 Sun Rise: 06:46:54 AM Nithya Yoga: Indra
Sun Set: Hora:
05:34:05 PM Saturn
Dasa Days: 365.25 D Karana: Gar
Horary No.: 69 Question : Will I succeed in the Final Exam?
Ruling Planets - 04/Dec/2012 12:37:00 PM BHOPAL, MADHYA PRADESH, India Planet
Day Lord: Mars
Nirayana Bhava Chalit XII 02:08:27:47
II 04:02:59:35
I 03:08:06:40 Mo 03:20:59:13
III 05:01:27:36 5
3 2
Ra 07:01:07:02 IV 06:03:32:50 Sa 06:13:01:26 Ve 06:21:13:37 Me 06:28:11:31
Ju[R] 01:17:11:02 XI 01:06:45:23
X 00:03:32:50 Ke 01:01:07:02 4 10
VII 09:08:06:40 IX 11:01:27:36
V 07:06:45:23 Su 07:18:35:30 8
12 11
VIII 10:02:59:35
VI 08:08:27:47 Ma 08:19:09:39
X 03:32:50
Ke 01:07:02 XI 06:45:23 Ju[R] 17:11:02
XII 08:27:47
Name: Success in Examination Gender: Male Date: Tuesday, 04/Dec/2012 Time: 12:37:00 PM SID: 17:10:45 Lat: 23:07:00 N Lon: 77:26:00 E Place: BHOPAL, MADHYA PRADESH, India
I 08:06:40 Mo 20:59:13
Ayanamsa: 23° 56' 50" [KP Ayanamsa] - Placidus Star: Ashlesha, Pada 2 Star Lord: Mercury Rasi: Cancer Rasi Lord: Moon Lagna: Cancer Lagna Lord: Moon Tithi: Krishna Paksha, Sashti Bal. Dasa: Mercury 11 Y, 5 M, 27 D
II 02:59:35
VIII 02:59:35
VII 08:06:40
III 01:27:36
Ma 19:09:39 VI 08:27:47
Su 18:35:30 V 06:45:23 Ra 01:07:02
Me 28:11:31 Ve 21:13:37 Sa 13:01:26 IV 03:32:50
+ These planets do not have any planets in their stars.
Man Machine Systems, Mobile: +91-8939361507 URL:
Stl Sa Ke Su Ma Sa Ke Su Ma Ju Ke Su Ra
Sbl Ve Ve Ju Ve Me Ju Ve Ve Ra Su Me Ra
Ssl Ve Ke Sa Ra Ra Ve Ve Ve Ra Ke Sa Mo
Sssl Ve Me Sa Ju Mo Ve Me Me Sa Sa Me Sa
Planetary Positions Planet Star(Pada) Su Jyeshta(1) Mo Ashlesha(2) Ma P.Ashada(2) Me Visakha(3) Ju[R] Rohini(3) Ve Visakha(1) Sa Swati(2) Ra Visakha(4) Ke Krittika(2)
Sgl Ma Mo Ju Ve Ve Ve Ve Ma Ve
Stl Me Me Ve Ju Mo Ju Ra Ju Su
Sbl Ke Ve Ra Ve Sa Ju Me Ma Ra
Ssl Ke Sa Me Sa Ra Su Ve Ve Ma
Sssl Sa Mo Ra Mo Ra Me Mo Ve Ra
Dasa Summary Bhukti
IX 01:27:36
Sgl Mo Su Me Ve Ma Ju Sa Sa Ju Ma Ve Me
Significators - Planets View Planet (A) (B) (C) (D) Su 4 5 3, 12 2 Mo 4 1 3, 12 1 Ma+ 4 6 4, 11 5, 10 Me 11 4 6, 9 3, 12 Ju 1 11 1 6, 9 Ve 11 4 6, 9 4, 11 Sa+ 4 4 7, 8 Ra 11 4 6, 9 Ke+ 5 10 2 Rahu acts as agent for: Su, Ma, Ju. (A) - Planets in Occupant's stars Ketu acts as agent for: Su, Ju, Ve. (B) - Occupant of house (C) - Planets in Owner's stars (D) - House Owner
Cuspal Positions Cusp Star(Pada) 1 Pushyami(2) 2 Magha(1) 3 U.Phalguni(2) 4 Chitra(4) 5 Anuradha(2) 6 Moola(3) 7 U.Ashada(4) 8 Dhanishta(3) 9 P.Bhadra(4) 10 Aswini(2) 11 Krittika(4) 12 Aridra(1)
Mercury Dasa 01-Jun-2007 - 01-Jun-2024 Mercury 01-Jun-2007 Ketu 28-Oct-2009 Venus 26-Oct-2010 Sun 26-Aug-2013 Moon 02-Jul-2014 Mars 02-Dec-2015 Rahu 28-Nov-2016 Jupiter 17-Jun-2019 Saturn 22-Sep-2021
Ketu Dasa 01-Jun-2024 - 01-Jun-2031 Ketu 01-Jun-2024 Venus 28-Oct-2024 Sun 28-Dec-2025 Moon 05-May-2026 Mars 04-Dec-2026 Rahu 02-May-2027 Jupiter 21-May-2028 Saturn 26-Apr-2029 Mercury 05-Jun-2030
Venus Dasa 01-Jun-2031 - 01-Jun-2051 Venus 01-Jun-2031 Sun 01-Oct-2034 Moon 01-Oct-2035 Mars 02-Jun-2037 Rahu 01-Aug-2038 Jupiter 01-Aug-2041 Saturn 01-Apr-2044 Mercury 01-Jun-2047 Ketu 01-Apr-2050
Sun Dasa 01-Jun-2051 - 01-Jun-2057 Sun 01-Jun-2051 Moon 19-Sep-2051 Mars 19-Mar-2052 Rahu 25-Jul-2052 Jupiter 19-Jun-2053 Saturn 07-Apr-2054 Mercury 20-Mar-2055 Ketu 25-Jan-2056 Venus 01-Jun-2056
Moon Dasa 01-Jun-2057 - 01-Jun-2067 Moon 01-Jun-2057 Mars 02-Apr-2058 Rahu 01-Nov-2058 Jupiter 01-May-2060 Saturn 31-Aug-2061 Mercury 01-Apr-2063 Ketu 31-Aug-2064 Venus 01-Apr-2065 Sun 01-Dec-2066
Mars Dasa 01-Jun-2067 - 01-Jun-2074 Mars 01-Jun-2067 Rahu 28-Oct-2067 Jupiter 16-Nov-2068 Saturn 23-Oct-2069 Mercury 01-Dec-2070 Ketu 28-Nov-2071 Venus 25-Apr-2072 Sun 25-Jun-2073 Moon 31-Oct-2073
Rahu Dasa 01-Jun-2074 - 01-Jun-2092 Rahu 01-Jun-2074 Jupiter 12-Feb-2077 Saturn 08-Jul-2079 Mercury 15-May-2082 Ketu 01-Dec-2084 Venus 20-Dec-2085 Sun 20-Dec-2088 Moon 13-Nov-2089 Mars 15-May-2091
Jupiter Dasa 01-Jun-2092 - 01-Jun-2108 Jupiter 01-Jun-2092 Saturn 20-Jul-2094 Mercury 31-Jan-2097 Ketu 08-May-2099 Venus 14-Apr-2100 Sun 14-Dec-2102 Moon 02-Oct-2103 Mars 01-Feb-2105 Rahu 07-Jan-2106
Saturn Dasa 01-Jun-2108 - 01-Jun-2127 Saturn 01-Jun-2108 Mercury 04-Jun-2111 Ketu 12-Feb-2114 Venus 24-Mar-2115 Sun 23-May-2118 Moon 05-May-2119 Mars 04-Dec-2120 Rahu 13-Jan-2122 Jupiter 19-Nov-2124
Ruling Planets As we cannot neglect the ruling planets at the time of judgment: Lagna Signlord Lagna Starlord Moon Signlord Moon Starlord Daylord
Saturn Rahu Moon Mercury Mars
As one can judge by looking at the Ruling Planets, Lagna signlord Saturn signifies 4 th house strongly; Rahu signifies 4 and 11 houses; Moon signlord Moon signifies 1 st and 4th houses; Moon Starlord Mercury signifies 4 and 11 houses and Daylord Mars is signifying 4th and 6th houses. Look how clearly the Ruling Planets show the result.
Dasha Bhukti Analysis As Moon is in the star of Mercury and in the sub of Venus, the running Mahadasha is of Mercury and Bhukti is of Venus. Both Mercury and Venus are strongly signifying 4th and 11th house. So the outcome is very clear. Prediction As per the analysis shown above, it is predicted that the querist will have success and he will pass the exam with good grade. Actual outcome The querist passed the examination. Finally a few words for those who read my article. Look at the sublord of the number given i.e. 69 (Mo – Sa – Ve ) and the coordinates of Moon ( Mo – Me – Ve ) . The Gulbarga Theory of KP Analysis is satisfied and so one can declare the outcome without use of so much of calculation but still one should do the complete analysis before predicting anything.
Prayers to Lord Ganesh and Guruji.
Marriage with a girl having affair? By: Pt Akash ( BE Electronics )( Jyotish Shiromani )
Nakshatra Jyotish Kendra, Vedic and Krishnamurti Paddhati Astrologer; Mob: 9827374626 , 9329265779
[email protected] ; Teenage romance is a very common thing now. Most of the teens consider their infatuation as love and think about marriage even when they have not yet settled. And to be successful in affair these teenage persons often fall prey in the hands of so called astrologers and tantriks giving solution in three hours . Newspapers are filled with that kind of advertisements. Anyhow I am not here to criticize but to share my knowledge with the readers. One such teenager who is hardly 20 years old has approached me. He was deeply in love and asked whether he will marry the girl having affair with him. The parents of the girl came to know about the affair and have left their home. The querist is worried about the future state of his affair and also asked whether the girl will come back or not. Let us see how to solve the query using Krishnamurti Padhdhati principles.
Query : Marriage with a girl having affair? Horary No: 179 (1 –249) ; Date : 15-02-2013 ; Time : 14:18:44 Place : BHOPAL 77E26 , 23N07 (Geocentric ); Ayanamsa : KPNA 23:56:48 HINTS 1. The 5th cusp is for love affairs and romance, so the 5th cuspal sublord must signify 2nd, 7th and 11th house for affair to materialize in marriage. 2. The 5th cuspal sublord must not signify the house 4 and 10 being 12th from the primary house.
Moon & Ascendant sublord Before proceeding to analyse any horary chart one must check whether the Moon supports the query being put up by anybody. Also the ascendant sublord should be considered for further confirmation. Let us check Moon first. Moon is placed in 4th house, 12th from the primary 5th house but Moon is in the sub of Mars in 2 and lord of 5, so Moon clearly states the query is genuine. Let us see the ascendant sublord which is Mars, Mars is placed in 2nd house and hence is connected to a supporting house, i.e. 2. Cuspal analysis Primary Cusp : 5th Cusp --Aries –28:25:44 ( Ma – Su – Mo ) Moon is the cuspal sulord of the 5th cusp. It is placed in 4th house. It is in the star of Ketu which is placed in 4th house. Hence it becomes a strong significator of 4th house. So Moon is negating the matter through its star. Supporting Cusps 2nd Cusp – Capricorn – 21:31:36 (Sa – Mo – Ve) Venus is the cuspal sublord of the 2nd house. Venus is placed in the 2nd house. It is in the star of Moon which is placed in 4th house. So Venus is strongly signifying 4 th house. It is in its own sub. So the connectivity of Venus with 5th house is not there. 7th Cusp -- Gemini – 17:20:00 ( Me- Ra—Ve ) As discussed above Venus is not favourable through its star and sub level signification. 11th Cusp – Libra – 28:25:44 ( Ve – Ju – Ve ) As discussed above Venus is not favourable through its star and sub level signification. As cuspal sublord is not signifying the primary and supporting houses, there is no need to analyse the dasha and bhukti and the ruling planets.
Horary No. 179/249 Sun Rise: 06:52:51 AM Nithya Yoga: Shukla
Sun Set: Hora:
06:16:13 PM Venus
Dasa Days: 365.25 D Karana: Kaulav
Horary No.: 179 Question : Marriage with a girl having affair?
Ruling Planets - 15/Feb/2013 02:18:44 PM BHOPAL, MADHYA PRADESH, India Planet
Day Lord: Venus
Nirayana Bhava Chalit
III 10:27:33:55
Su 10:02:53:12 Ma 10:16:32:28 Me 10:20:52:17 II 09:21:31:36 Ve 09:22:38:45
XII 07:22:58:33
I 08:17:20:00 XI 06:28:25:44
8 7
IV 00:00:32:38 Mo 00:05:22:18 Ke 00:27:14:43
Ra 06:27:14:43 Sa 06:17:34:00 X 06:00:32:38
9 3
VII 02:17:20:00 Ju 01:12:48:07 V 00:28:25:44
IX 04:27:33:55 1
5 4
2 VI 01:22:58:33
IV 00:32:38 Mo 05:22:18 Ke 27:14:43 V 28:25:44
III 27:33:55 Me 20:52:17 Ma 16:32:28 Su 02:53:12
Ve 22:38:45 II 21:31:36
I 17:20:00
VIII 03:21:31:36
Ju 12:48:07 VI 22:58:33
VII 17:20:00
VIII 21:31:36
Ayanamsa: 23° 57' [KP Ayanamsa] - Placidus Star: Aswini, Pada 2 Star Lord: Ketu Rasi: Aries Rasi Lord: Mars Lagna: Sagittarius Lagna Lord: Jupiter Tithi: Shukla Paksha, Sashti Bal. Dasa: Ketu 4 Y, 2 M, 4 D
IX 27:33:55
XII 22:58:33
XI 28:25:44 Ra 27:14:43 Sa 17:34:00 X 00:32:38
+ These planets do not have any planets in their stars.
Man Machine Systems, Mobile: +91-8939361507 URL:
Stl Ve Mo Ju Ke Su Mo Ra Me Su Ma Ju Me
Sbl Ma Ve Ve Ke Mo Su Ve Ve Mo Me Ve Mo
Ssl Ma Ra Ra Ju Su Ju Ke Ke Ra Ve Me Me
Sssl Ma Su Ke Ra Me Ra Ve Sa Me Ju Ve Ra
Planetary Positions Planet Star(Pada) Su Dhanishta(3) Mo Aswini(2) Ma Satabhisha(3) Me P.Bhadra(1) Ju Rohini(1) Ve Sravana(4) Sa Swati(4) Ra Visakha(3) Ke Krittika(1)
Sgl Sa Ma Sa Sa Ve Sa Ve Ve Ma
Stl Ma Ke Ra Ju Mo Mo Ra Ju Su
Sbl Ve Ma Ve Ju Ra Ve Su Ve Su
Ssl Ve Ve Ju Ke Me Ke Ma Ma Ve
Sssl Ju Ra Ve Me Me Sa Ve Ra Su
Dasa Summary Bhukti
Name: Love Affair Gender: Male Date: Friday, 15/Feb/2013 Time: 02:18:44 PM SID: 23:40:34 Lat: 23:07:00 N Lon: 77:26:00 E Place: BHOPAL, MADHYA PRADESH, India
Sgl Ju Sa Sa Ma Ma Ve Me Mo Su Ve Ve Ma
Significators - Planets View Planet (A) (B) (C) (D) Su 2 2 4, 5, 12 9 Mo 4 4 8 Ma 10 2 4, 5, 12 Me+ 5 2 1 7 Ju 4 5 8 1 Ve+ 4 2 8 6, 10, 11 Sa+ 10 10 2, 3 Ra 5 10 1 Ke 2 4 9 Rahu acts as agent for: Mo, Ve, Sa. (A) - Planets in Occupant's stars Ketu acts as agent for: Mo, Ma, Sa. (B) - Occupant of house (C) - Planets in Owner's stars (D) - House Owner
Cuspal Positions Cusp Star(Pada) 1 P.Ashada(2) 2 Sravana(4) 3 P.Bhadra(3) 4 Aswini(1) 5 Krittika(1) 6 Rohini(4) 7 Aridra(4) 8 Ashlesha(2) 9 U.Phalguni(1) 10 Chitra(3) 11 Visakha(3) 12 Jyeshta(2)
Ketu Dasa 22-Apr-2010 - 22-Apr-2017 Ketu 22-Apr-2010 Venus 18-Sep-2010 Sun 18-Nov-2011 Moon 25-Mar-2012 Mars 24-Oct-2012 Rahu 22-Mar-2013 Jupiter 10-Apr-2014 Saturn 17-Mar-2015 Mercury 25-Apr-2016
Venus Dasa 22-Apr-2017 - 22-Apr-2037 Venus 22-Apr-2017 Sun 22-Aug-2020 Moon 22-Aug-2021 Mars 23-Apr-2023 Rahu 22-Jun-2024 Jupiter 22-Jun-2027 Saturn 21-Feb-2030 Mercury 23-Apr-2033 Ketu 21-Feb-2036
Sun Dasa 22-Apr-2037 - 22-Apr-2043 Sun 22-Apr-2037 Moon 10-Aug-2037 Mars 08-Feb-2038 Rahu 16-Jun-2038 Jupiter 11-May-2039 Saturn 27-Feb-2040 Mercury 08-Feb-2041 Ketu 16-Dec-2041 Venus 23-Apr-2042
Moon Dasa 22-Apr-2043 - 22-Apr-2053 Moon 22-Apr-2043 Mars 21-Feb-2044 Rahu 21-Sep-2044 Jupiter 22-Mar-2046 Saturn 22-Jul-2047 Mercury 20-Feb-2049 Ketu 22-Jul-2050 Venus 20-Feb-2051 Sun 21-Oct-2052
Mars Dasa 22-Apr-2053 - 22-Apr-2060 Mars 22-Apr-2053 Rahu 18-Sep-2053 Jupiter 07-Oct-2054 Saturn 13-Sep-2055 Mercury 22-Oct-2056 Ketu 19-Oct-2057 Venus 18-Mar-2058 Sun 17-May-2059 Moon 22-Sep-2059
Rahu Dasa 22-Apr-2060 - 22-Apr-2078 Rahu 22-Apr-2060 Jupiter 03-Jan-2063 Saturn 29-May-2065 Mercury 04-Apr-2068 Ketu 21-Oct-2070 Venus 09-Nov-2071 Sun 09-Nov-2074 Moon 03-Oct-2075 Mars 04-Apr-2077
Jupiter Dasa 22-Apr-2078 - 22-Apr-2094 Jupiter 22-Apr-2078 Saturn 10-Jun-2080 Mercury 22-Dec-2082 Ketu 29-Mar-2085 Venus 05-Mar-2086 Sun 04-Nov-2088 Moon 23-Aug-2089 Mars 23-Dec-2090 Rahu 28-Nov-2091
Saturn Dasa 22-Apr-2094 - 22-Apr-2113 Saturn 22-Apr-2094 Mercury 25-Apr-2097 Ketu 03-Jan-2100 Venus 12-Feb-2101 Sun 12-Apr-2104 Moon 25-Mar-2105 Mars 25-Oct-2106 Rahu 03-Dec-2107 Jupiter 10-Oct-2110
Mercury Dasa 22-Apr-2113 - 22-Apr-2130 Mercury 22-Apr-2113 Ketu 18-Sep-2115 Venus 15-Sep-2116 Sun 16-Jul-2119 Moon 21-May-2120 Mars 21-Oct-2121 Rahu 18-Oct-2122 Jupiter 07-May-2125 Saturn 12-Aug-2127
Prediction As per the analysis shown above it is predicted that marriage with the desired girl is not possible. He will meet the girl in near future as the 5th cusp sublord Moon is in the sub of Mars which is signifying 2nd house but marriage is not possible. My pranams to Lord Ganesha and Guru ji.
Marriage when? By: Pt Akash ( BE Electronics )( Jyotish Shiromani )
Nakshatra Jyotish Kendra, Vedic and Krishnamurti Paddhati Astrologer; Mob: 9827374626 , 9329265779
[email protected] ; Om Gan Ganapataye Namah Marriages are made in heavens and any youth who is of marriage age asks this question. One person who is in construction business asked me the same query. Let us see what the future beholds for him following the KP system according to my knowledge of astrology. Query Horary No Date Time Place Ayanamsa
: Marriage when? : 77 (1 –249) : 8-2-2010 : 13:11:00 : Bhopal 77 E 26 (Geocentric ) : KP Straight Line (Adjusted) 23:59:12
HINTS For marriage, one needs to judge the 7th cuspal sublord. If the 7th cuspal sublord signifies 2nd, 7th and 11th house, then the marriage is possible. If it is signifying 1 st, 6th and 10th house, then there is denial of marriage as these house are 12th from 2nd, 7th and 11th house. ASCENDANT SUBLORD The ascendant sublord Venus is placed in 7th house and owns 11th house, hence is connected to the query, and now we proceed to analyses the chart. CUSPAL ANALYSIS Primary Cusp: 7th Cusp --Capricorn –19:20:00 (Sa – Mo-- Me) Mercury is the cuspal sublord of the 7th house. It is in the star of Sun which is placed in 7th house. So Mercury is strongly signifying 7th house. Mercury is also signifying 6th house as it is placed in 6th house. Mercury‘s sublord is Saturn which is placed in 2 nd house. So Mercury is signifying houses 7 at star level and 2 at sub level, so being connected to both primary and supporting houses. Supporting Cusp: 2nd Cusp – Leo – 15:07:19 (Su – Ve – Ve) Venus is the cuspal sublord of the 2nd house. Venus is placed in the 7th house. It is in the star of Mars which is placed in 12th house. So Venus is strongly signifying 12th house and 7th house.Venus is in the sub of Ketu which is placed in 12 th house and aspected by Jupiter which is placed in 7th house. So the connectivity of Venus with 12th and 7th at star level and 12 th and 7th at the sub level. 11th Cusp -- Taurus – 19:10:05 (Ve- Mo—Me) As discussed above Mercury is favourable through its star and sub level signification. DASHA BHUKTI ANALYSIS Current Mahadasha is of Mercury which is cuspal sublord of the 7th and 11th houses and signifying 7th and 6th house. Current Bhukti is of Moon which is strongly signifying 6 th house and is in own sub. Thus current Bhukti denies marriage. The next Bhukti is of Mars which is strongly signifying 2 nd and 12th house, although it is signifying 2nd house but being nowhere connected to 7th and 11th house and it is also in its own sub thus denying marriage during its bhukti till March 2012. The next Bhukti is of Rahu which is placed in 6th house, Rahu is in the star of Venus which is
Horary No. 77/249 Sun Rise: 06:57:11 AM Nithya Yoga: Vyaghata
Sun Set: Hora:
06:11:54 PM Mercury
Dasa Days: 365.25 D Karana: Badreva
Horary No.: 77 Question : Marriage when?
Ruling Planets - 08/Feb/2010 01:11:00 PM BHOPAL, MADHYA PRADESH, India Planet
Day Lord: Moon
Nirayana Bhava Chalit Ke 02:25:37:12 XII 02:20:02:16 Ma[R] 03:12:08:19
Sa[R] 05:10:05:04 II 04:15:07:52 I 03:19:20:00
III 05:14:35:57
XI 01:19:10:37
3 2
X 00:16:48:27
IV 06:16:48:27 4 10
Su 09:25:26:34 VII 09:19:20:00 Ju 10:10:54:46 Ve 10:02:01:10
V 07:19:10:37 Mo 07:22:22:06 8
IX 11:14:35:57 12 11
9 Me 09:03:09:12 VI 08:20:02:16 Ra 08:25:37:12
X 16:48:27
VIII 10:15:07:52
XI 19:10:37
XII 20:02:16 Ke 25:37:12
IX 14:35:57
VIII 15:07:52 Ju 10:54:46 Ve 02:01:10
Su 25:26:34 VII 19:20:00 Me 03:09:12
Name: Marriage when? Gender: Male Date: Monday, 08/Feb/2010 Time: 01:11:00 PM SID: 22:03:59 Lat: 23:07:00 N Lon: 77:26:00 E Place: BHOPAL, MADHYA PRADESH, India
Ma[R] 12:08:19 I 19:20:00
Ayanamsa: 23° 59' 12" [KP Straight Line (Adjusted)] - Placidus Star: Jyeshta, Pada 2 Star Lord: Mercury Rasi: Scorpio Rasi Lord: Mars Lagna: Cancer Lagna Lord: Moon Tithi: Krishna Paksha, Dasami Bal. Dasa: Mercury 9 Y, 8 M, 23 D
II 15:07:52
Sa[R] 10:05:04 III 14:35:57
Ra 25:37:12 VI 20:02:16
Mo 22:22:06 V 19:10:37
IV 16:48:27
+ These planets do not have any planets in their stars.
Man Machine Systems, Mobile: +91-8939361507 URL:
Sgl Mo Su Me Ve Ma Ju Sa Sa Ju Ma Ve Me
Stl Me Ve Mo Ra Me Ve Mo Ra Sa Ve Mo Ju
Sbl Ve Ve Ju Ve Ke Ra Me Ke Ra Mo Me Ju
Ssl Ve Me Me Sa Sa Ma Ju Me Su Sa Ju Ju
Sssl Ve Me Ju Ve Mo Sa Ra Ke Ve Mo Sa Sa
Planetary Positions Planet Star(Pada) Su Dhanishta(1) Mo Jyeshta(2) Ma[R] Pushyami(3) Me U.Ashada(2) Ju Satabhisha(2) Ve Dhanishta(3) Sa[R] Hasta(1) Ra P.Ashada(4) Ke Punarvasu(2)
Sgl Sa Ma Mo Sa Sa Sa Me Ju Me
Stl Ma Me Sa Su Ra Ma Mo Ve Ju
Sbl Ra Mo Ma Sa Sa Ke Mo Me Me
Ssl Ve Ma Ma Sa Me Ve Mo Sa Sa
Sssl Ve Ve Me Ve Mo Sa Ve Sa Ve
Significators - Planets View Planet (A) (B) (C) (D) Su 12 7 5, 10 2 Mo 6 5 3, 12 1 Ma 2 12 7, 8 5, 10 Me 7 6 2 3, 12 Ju 6 7 6, 9 Ve 12 7 5, 10 4, 11 Sa 5 2 1 7, 8 Ra 7 6 4, 11 Ke+ 7 12 6, 9 (A) - Planets in Occupant's stars Rahu acts as agent for: Ju. Ketu acts as agent for: Me, Ju, Sa. (B) - Occupant of house (C) - Planets in Owner's stars (D) - House Owner
Cuspal Positions Cusp Star(Pada) 1 Ashlesha(1) 2 P.Phalguni(1) 3 Hasta(2) 4 Swati(4) 5 Jyeshta(1) 6 P.Ashada(3) 7 Sravana(3) 8 Satabhisha(3) 9 U.Bhadra(4) 10 Bharani(2) 11 Rohini(3) 12 Punarvasu(1)
Dasa Summary Bhukti
Mercury Dasa 03-Nov-2002 - 03-Nov-2019 Mercury 03-Nov-2002 Ketu 01-Apr-2005 Venus 30-Mar-2006 Sun 28-Jan-2009 Moon 04-Dec-2009 Mars 06-May-2011 Rahu 02-May-2012 Jupiter 19-Nov-2014 Saturn 24-Feb-2017
Ketu Dasa 03-Nov-2019 - 03-Nov-2026 Ketu 03-Nov-2019 Venus 31-Mar-2020 Sun 31-May-2021 Moon 06-Oct-2021 Mars 07-May-2022 Rahu 03-Oct-2022 Jupiter 22-Oct-2023 Saturn 26-Sep-2024 Mercury 05-Nov-2025
Venus Dasa 03-Nov-2026 - 03-Nov-2046 Venus 03-Nov-2026 Sun 05-Mar-2030 Moon 05-Mar-2031 Mars 03-Nov-2032 Rahu 03-Jan-2034 Jupiter 03-Jan-2037 Saturn 04-Sep-2039 Mercury 04-Nov-2042 Ketu 04-Sep-2045
Sun Dasa 03-Nov-2046 - 03-Nov-2052 Sun 03-Nov-2046 Moon 21-Feb-2047 Mars 22-Aug-2047 Rahu 28-Dec-2047 Jupiter 21-Nov-2048 Saturn 09-Sep-2049 Mercury 22-Aug-2050 Ketu 29-Jun-2051 Venus 03-Nov-2051
Moon Dasa 03-Nov-2052 - 03-Nov-2062 Moon 03-Nov-2052 Mars 04-Sep-2053 Rahu 05-Apr-2054 Jupiter 04-Oct-2055 Saturn 03-Feb-2057 Mercury 04-Sep-2058 Ketu 03-Feb-2060 Venus 03-Sep-2060 Sun 05-May-2062
Mars Dasa 03-Nov-2062 - 03-Nov-2069 Mars 03-Nov-2062 Rahu 01-Apr-2063 Jupiter 20-Apr-2064 Saturn 27-Mar-2065 Mercury 05-May-2066 Ketu 02-May-2067 Venus 28-Sep-2067 Sun 28-Nov-2068 Moon 05-Apr-2069
Rahu Dasa 03-Nov-2069 - 03-Nov-2087 Rahu 03-Nov-2069 Jupiter 16-Jul-2072 Saturn 09-Dec-2074 Mercury 15-Oct-2077 Ketu 03-May-2080 Venus 22-May-2081 Sun 22-May-2084 Moon 15-Apr-2085 Mars 15-Oct-2086
Jupiter Dasa 03-Nov-2087 - 03-Nov-2103 Jupiter 03-Nov-2087 Saturn 22-Dec-2089 Mercury 04-Jul-2092 Ketu 09-Oct-2094 Venus 15-Sep-2095 Sun 17-May-2098 Moon 05-Mar-2099 Mars 05-Jul-2100 Rahu 10-Jun-2101
Saturn Dasa 03-Nov-2103 - 03-Nov-2122 Saturn 03-Nov-2103 Mercury 06-Nov-2106 Ketu 17-Jul-2109 Venus 25-Aug-2110 Sun 25-Oct-2113 Moon 07-Oct-2114 Mars 07-May-2116 Rahu 16-Jun-2117 Jupiter 22-Apr-2120
placed in 7th house and hence it is favourable for marriage. This Bhukti will run till Oct 2014. Rahu is in the sub of Mercury which is cuspal sublord of 7 th and 11th. So I fixed the Rahu Bhukti for marriage. During this time Rahu was transiting in Saturn star, Saturn is signifying 2nd and 5th house and is in the sub of Moon which is signifying 6th and 5th house. Rahu will transit in Saturn star till 23 Oct 2012, after that it will transit Jupiter star which is signifying 6th and 7th house strongly and is in the sub of Saturn which is connected to 2 nd and 5th. So this transit is favourable for marriage. Also the Antara during this period is of Jupiter which will run till 14 Dec 2012. So I fixed this period i.e from 24 Oct 2012 to 14 Dec 2012 for his marriage. PREDICTION As per the analysis shown above it is predicted that marriage is likely during 24 Oct to 14 Dec 2012. Actually the marriage took place on 8th Dec 2012. My pranams to Lord Ganesha and Guruji.
When will I get a tenant ? By: Pt Akash ( BE Electronics )( Jyotish Shiromani )
Nakshatra Jyotish Kendra, Vedic and Krishnamurti Paddhati Astrologer; Mob: 9827374626 , 9329265779
[email protected] ;
Application of astrology is increasing day by day. With prashna jyotish especially KP Astrology a person can find answer to most of the queries that come in one’s mind. A person who built a complex which has been vacant for more than a year asked me when he will get a tenant. Let us see how I solved the query using the KP Astrology principles.
Query Horary No Date Time Place Ayanamsa
: When will I get a tenant ? : 159 (1 –249) : 29-01-2013 : 14:21:00 : BHOPAL 77E26 , 23N07 : KPNA 23:56:58
HINTS For tenant 6th house is considered, 4th house is for own property or house or building, 11th house is for fulfillment of desires. So the 4th , 6th and 11th houses must be considered with 4th cuspal sublord being the primary sub and 6th and 11th being the supporting cusps. Moon & Ascendant sublord Moon is placed in 9th house; Moon is in the star of Ketu, which is placed in 6th house, so the Moon is strongly signifying the 6 th house. Looking at the ascendant cuspal sublord, which is Ketu, Ketu is placed in the 6th house, so it also signifies 6th house. Now we can proceed further to analyse the other cusps to get the answer of the query. Cuspal analysis Primary Cusp: 4th Cusp --Aquarius –26:23:06 (Sa – Ju-- Ke) Ketu is the cuspal sublord of the 4th house. It is placed in 6th house. Ketu is in the star of Sun which is placed in the 2nd house. So Ketu is strongly signifying 2nd and 6th house. Ketu is in the sub of Moon which is placed in the 9th house. Hence Ketu is strongly signifying the concerned houses at the star level. Supporting Cusp 6th Cusp – Aries – 24:31:34 (Ma–Ve–Me) Mercury is the cuspal sublord of the 6th house. Mercury is placed in the 3rd house. No planet in the star of Mercury, and Mecury is the CSl of 6, 7, 12. It is in the star of Mars, which is placed in 3rd house. So Mercury is strongly signifying 3 rd house. Mercury is in the sub of Mars, which is placed in 3rd house. So it signifies the concerned house 6. 11th Cusp -- Virgo – 27:35:49 (Me – Ma--Ju) Jupiter is the cuspal sublord of the 11th house. It is placed in the 6th house, it is in the star of Moon which is placed in the 9th house, so Jupiter is strongly signifying 9th and 6th house. Jupiter is in the sub of Rahu which is conjoined with Saturn owner of 3-4 and occupant of 11. Hence Jupiter is signifying 4,6 and 11 houses both at the star and sub level, and so favourable for the concerned query.
Casting time Ruling planets Lagna Lord : Venus Lagna Star : Mars Moon Lord : Sun Moon Star : Ketu Day Lord : Mars
Horary No. 159/249 Sun Rise: 07:01:24 AM Nithya Yoga: Shobhan
Sun Set: Hora:
06:05:36 PM Mars
Dasa Days: 365.25 D Karana: Vanij
Horary No.: 159 Question : When will I be get a tenant?
Ruling Planets - 29/Jan/2013 02:21:00 PM BHOPAL, MADHYA PRADESH, India Planet
Day Lord: Mars
Nirayana Bhava Chalit Ve 09:01:21:23 Su 09:15:39:54 II 08:19:08:55
Ra 06:28:08:46 XII 06:24:31:34 I 07:18:33:20
Ma 10:03:07:05 III 09:22:22:43 Me 09:23:20:36
XI 05:27:35:49 Sa 06:17:13:02
7 6
X 04:26:23:06
IV 10:26:23:06 8 2
VII 01:18:33:20 V 11:27:35:49
IX 03:22:22:43 Mo 04:11:05:40 12
4 3
1 Ju[R] 01:12:22:48 VI 00:24:31:34 Ke 00:28:08:46
VI 24:31:34 Ke 28:08:46
VIII 02:19:08:55
Ju[R] 12:22:48 VII 18:33:20
VIII 19:08:55
IV 26:23:06 Ma 03:07:05
Me 23:20:36 III 22:22:43 Su 15:39:54 Ve 01:21:23
Name: Geting a tenant Gender: Male Date: Tuesday, 29/Jan/2013 Time: 02:21:00 PM SID: 22:35:49 Lat: 23:07:00 N Lon: 77:26:00 E Place: BHOPAL, MADHYA PRADESH, India
IX 22:22:43
Ayanamsa: 23° 56' 58" [KP Ayanamsa] - Placidus Star: Magha, Pada 4 Star Lord: Ketu Rasi: Leo Rasi Lord: Sun Lagna: Scorpio Lagna Lord: Mars Tithi: Krishna Paksha, Tritiya Bal. Dasa: Ketu 1 Y, 2 M, 3 D
Mo 11:05:40 X 26:23:06
XI 27:35:49
II 19:08:55
I 18:33:20
Ra 28:08:46 XII 24:31:34 Sa 17:13:02
+ These planets do not have any planets in their stars.
Man Machine Systems, Mobile: +91-8939361507 URL:
Stl Me Ve Mo Ju Me Ve Mo Ra Me Ve Ma Ju
Sbl Ke Ra Ve Ke Ju Me Me Mo Mo Ke Ju Me
Ssl Ke Me Me Sa Ma Ve Su Ve Ma Ju Ma Ve
Sssl Ke Ma Mo Ve Ve Ra Ve Me Mo Ve Ve Me
Planetary Positions Planet Star(Pada) Su Sravana(2) Mo Magha(4) Ma Dhanishta(3) Me Dhanishta(1) Ju[R] Rohini(1) Ve U.Ashada(2) Sa Swati(4) Ra Visakha(3) Ke Krittika(1)
Sgl Sa Su Sa Sa Ve Sa Ve Ve Ma
Stl Mo Ke Ma Ma Mo Su Ra Ju Su
Sbl Ju Sa Ve Ma Ra Ju Ve Ve Mo
Ssl Ra Ra Su Ma Ju Ju Me Sa Ke
Sssl Ma Ve Me Ju Mo Ve Ra Ve Ve
Dasa Summary Bhukti
V 27:35:49
Sgl Ma Ju Sa Sa Ju Ma Ve Me Mo Su Me Ve
Significators - Planets View Planet (A) (B) (C) (D) Su 9 2 9 10 Mo 6 9 9 Ma 3 3 1, 6 1, 6 Me+ 3 3 1, 6 8, 11 Ju 9 6 9 2, 5 Ve+ 2 2 10 7, 12 Sa+ 12 11 3, 4 Ra 6 12 2, 5 Ke 2 6 10 Rahu acts as agent for: Ve, Sa. (A) - Planets in Occupant's stars Ketu acts as agent for: Ma, Sa. (B) - Occupant of house (C) - Planets in Owner's stars (D) - House Owner
Cuspal Positions Cusp Star(Pada) 1 Jyeshta(1) 2 P.Ashada(2) 3 Sravana(4) 4 P.Bhadra(2) 5 Revati(4) 6 Bharani(4) 7 Rohini(3) 8 Aridra(4) 9 Ashlesha(2) 10 P.Phalguni(4) 11 Chitra(2) 12 Visakha(2)
Ketu Dasa 01-Apr-2007 - 01-Apr-2014 Ketu 01-Apr-2007 Venus 29-Aug-2007 Sun 28-Oct-2008 Moon 05-Mar-2009 Mars 04-Oct-2009 Rahu 03-Mar-2010 Jupiter 21-Mar-2011 Saturn 25-Feb-2012 Mercury 05-Apr-2013
Venus Dasa 01-Apr-2014 - 01-Apr-2034 Venus 01-Apr-2014 Sun 01-Aug-2017 Moon 01-Aug-2018 Mars 01-Apr-2020 Rahu 01-Jun-2021 Jupiter 01-Jun-2024 Saturn 30-Jan-2027 Mercury 01-Apr-2030 Ketu 30-Jan-2033
Sun Dasa 01-Apr-2034 - 01-Apr-2040 Sun 01-Apr-2034 Moon 20-Jul-2034 Mars 19-Jan-2035 Rahu 26-May-2035 Jupiter 19-Apr-2036 Saturn 05-Feb-2037 Mercury 18-Jan-2038 Ketu 25-Nov-2038 Venus 02-Apr-2039
Moon Dasa 01-Apr-2040 - 01-Apr-2050 Moon 01-Apr-2040 Mars 31-Jan-2041 Rahu 01-Sep-2041 Jupiter 03-Mar-2043 Saturn 02-Jul-2044 Mercury 31-Jan-2046 Ketu 03-Jul-2047 Venus 01-Feb-2048 Sun 02-Oct-2049
Mars Dasa 01-Apr-2050 - 01-Apr-2057 Mars 01-Apr-2050 Rahu 29-Aug-2050 Jupiter 16-Sep-2051 Saturn 22-Aug-2052 Mercury 30-Sep-2053 Ketu 28-Sep-2054 Venus 24-Feb-2055 Sun 25-Apr-2056 Moon 30-Aug-2056
Rahu Dasa 01-Apr-2057 - 01-Apr-2075 Rahu 01-Apr-2057 Jupiter 13-Dec-2059 Saturn 08-May-2062 Mercury 15-Mar-2065 Ketu 02-Oct-2067 Venus 20-Oct-2068 Sun 20-Oct-2071 Moon 13-Sep-2072 Mars 14-Mar-2074
Jupiter Dasa 01-Apr-2075 - 01-Apr-2091 Jupiter 01-Apr-2075 Saturn 20-May-2077 Mercury 01-Dec-2079 Ketu 08-Mar-2082 Venus 12-Feb-2083 Sun 14-Oct-2085 Moon 02-Aug-2086 Mars 02-Dec-2087 Rahu 07-Nov-2088
Saturn Dasa 01-Apr-2091 - 01-Apr-2110 Saturn 01-Apr-2091 Mercury 05-Apr-2094 Ketu 13-Dec-2096 Venus 22-Jan-2098 Sun 24-Mar-2101 Moon 06-Mar-2102 Mars 05-Oct-2103 Rahu 13-Nov-2104 Jupiter 20-Sep-2107
Mercury Dasa 01-Apr-2110 - 01-Apr-2127 Mercury 01-Apr-2110 Ketu 29-Aug-2112 Venus 26-Aug-2113 Sun 25-Jun-2116 Moon 02-May-2117 Mars 01-Oct-2118 Rahu 28-Sep-2119 Jupiter 17-Apr-2122 Saturn 23-Jul-2124
Dasha bhukti analysis Current Mahadasha is of Ketu, which is cuspal sublord of the 4th house and also signifying the 6th house strongly, as discuss above. Running Bhukti is of Saturn which is strong significator of 12th and 11th houses. Running Antara is of Rahu, which will run till 10th February 2013. Rahu is strongly signifying the 6th house at the star level, so I fixed this antra as favourable. Prediction As per the analysis shown above, it is predicted that the he will get a tenant before 10th Fenruary 2013. Actually, the querist informed me that he got the tenant on 4th Feb 2013. My pranams to Lord Ganesha and Guruji.
Any job change ? By: Pt Akash ( BE Electronics )( Jyotish Shiromani )
Nakshatra Jyotish Kendra, Vedic and Krishnamurti Paddhati Astrologer; Mob: 9827374626 , 9329265779
[email protected] ; Om Gan Ganapataye Namah A person who is in construction business asked me whether there is any change in present job. Let us see what the future beholds for him following the KP Astrology system according to my knowledge of astrology.
Query Horary No Date Time Place Ayanamsa
: Is there any change in present job? : 175 ( 1 –249) : 20-12-2011 : 20:20:00 : Bhopal 77E26 , 23N07 (Geocentric ) : KPNA 23:56:02
HINTS 1. Sub lord of the 10th cusp should be signifying 3, 5 and 9th house. Sub lord of the 10th cusp should not be deposited in the star and sub of the retrograde planet. MOON & ASCENDANT SUBLORD Moon is placed in 10th house. Moon is in the star of Rahu which is placed in 12th house (Change of place or new environment), so Moon clearly states the query is genuine. Let us see the ascendant sublord which is Mercury, Mercury is placed in 11th house. It is in the star of Saturn which is placed in 10th house. So both Moon and Ascendant sublord are connected to 10th house. Hence the query is confirmed about the querist concern of job.
CUSPAL ANALYSIS Primary Cusp : 10th Cusp --Virgo –23:55:22 (Me – Ma-- Ma): Mars is the cuspal sublord of the 10th house. It is placed in 9th house. Mars is lord of 5th and 12th house. It is in the star of Venus, which is place in 1st house. Mars is in the sub of Saturn, which is placed in the 10th house. Saturn is lord of 2nd and 3rd houses. So Saturn is signifying 9th house. So Mars is signifying 1st and 9th houses at star level. Hence change of job is indicated. RULING PLANETS Lagna Star Lord : SATURN Lagna Sign Lord : MOON Moon Star Lord : RAHU Moon Sign Lord : VENUS Day lord : MARS Looking at the Ruling Planets, most of them are signifying 12th and 9th houses.
PREDICTION As per the analysis shown above, it is predicted that change of job is there. After two weeks i.e. around 1st week of Jan 2012 , the querist informed that he had got a new job and would join soon. My pranams to Lord Ganesha and Guruji KSK.
Horary No. 175/249 Sun Rise: 06:56:13 AM Nithya Yoga: Atiganda
Sun Set: Hora:
05:38:54 PM Jupiter
Dasa Days: 365.25 D Karana: Bav
Horary No.: 175 Question : Is there any change in present job?
Ruling Planets - 20/Dec/2011 08:20:00 PM BHOPAL, MADHYA PRADESH, India Planet
Day Lord: Mars
Nirayana Bhava Chalit II 09:14:45:48
Ra 07:19:38:53 XII 07:17:24:42 Su 08:04:25:30 Ve 09:05:52:52 I 08:11:26:40
III 10:20:25:03 10
XI 06:22:32:11 Me 07:12:55:38
8 7
Ju[R] 00:06:28:48 IV 11:23:55:22
X 05:23:55:22 Mo 06:08:39:04 Sa 06:03:32:51
9 3
VII 02:11:26:40 Ma 04:22:55:24 IX 04:20:25:03
V 00:22:32:11 1
5 4
VIII 03:14:45:48
VI 01:17:24:42 Ke 01:19:38:53
Ju[R] 06:28:48 V 22:32:11
VI 17:24:42 Ke 19:38:53
VII 11:26:40
Name: Change in job Gender: Male Date: Tuesday, 20/Dec/2011 Time: 08:20:00 PM SID: 01:55:07 Lat: 23:07:00 N Lon: 77:26:00 E Place: BHOPAL, MADHYA PRADESH, India
VIII 14:45:48
Ayanamsa: 23° 56' 2" [KP Ayanamsa] - Placidus Star: Swati, Pada 1 Star Lord: Rahu Rasi: Libra Rasi Lord: Venus Lagna: Sagittarius Lagna Lord: Jupiter Tithi: Krishna Paksha, Ekadasi Bal. Dasa: Rahu 15 Y, 3 M, 26 D
IX 20:25:03 Ma 22:55:24
III 20:25:03
II 14:45:48 Ve 05:52:52
X 23:55:22
I 11:26:40 Su 04:25:30
Ra 19:38:53 XII 17:24:42 Me 12:55:38
XI 22:32:11 Mo 08:39:04 Sa 03:32:51
+ These planets do not have any planets in their stars.
Man Machine Systems, Mobile: +91-8939361507 URL:
Stl Ke Mo Ju Me Ve Mo Ra Sa Ve Ma Ju Me
Sbl Me Ju Ju Ma Sa Sa Sa Ra Ju Ma Sa Me
Ssl Me Ve Sa Ve Ke Ra Ve Mo Sa Ve Ve Su
Sssl Me Ve Mo Ma Ve Ve Sa Ve Me Ma Ve Sa
Planetary Positions Planet Star(Pada) Su Moola(2) Mo Swati(1) Ma P.Phalguni(3) Me Anuradha(3) Ju[R] Aswini(2) Ve U.Ashada(3) Sa Chitra(4) Ra Jyeshta(1) Ke Rohini(3)
Sgl Ju Ve Su Ma Ma Sa Ve Ma Ve
Stl Ke Ra Ve Sa Ke Su Ma Me Mo
Sbl Mo Ra Sa Ra Ra Me Ve Ve Me
Ssl Me Ma Ve Ra Me Su Ra Ve Sa
Sssl Ra Ve Sa Ra Ke Ke Ju Me Ju
Dasa Summary Bhukti
IV 23:55:22
Sgl Ju Sa Sa Ju Ma Ve Me Mo Su Me Ve Ma
Significators - Planets View Planet (A) (B) (C) (D) Su 6 12 9 Mo 12 10 8 Ma 1 9 6, 11 5, 12 Me 10 11 2, 3 7, 10 Ju+ 6 4 1, 4 Ve 12 1 9 6, 11 Sa 9 10 5, 12 2, 3 Ra 11 12 7, 10 Ke 10 6 8 Rahu acts as agent for: Ma, Me. (A) - Planets in Occupant's stars Ketu acts as agent for: Me, Ve. (B) - Occupant of house (C) - Planets in Owner's stars (D) - House Owner
Cuspal Positions Cusp Star(Pada) 1 Moola(4) 2 Sravana(2) 3 P.Bhadra(1) 4 Revati(3) 5 Bharani(3) 6 Rohini(3) 7 Aridra(2) 8 Pushyami(4) 9 P.Phalguni(3) 10 Chitra(1) 11 Visakha(1) 12 Jyeshta(1)
Rahu Dasa 15-Apr-2009 - 15-Apr-2027 Rahu 15-Apr-2009 Jupiter 27-Dec-2011 Saturn 22-May-2014 Mercury 28-Mar-2017 Ketu 15-Oct-2019 Venus 03-Nov-2020 Sun 03-Nov-2023 Moon 26-Sep-2024 Mars 28-Mar-2026
Jupiter Dasa 15-Apr-2027 - 15-Apr-2043 Jupiter 15-Apr-2027 Saturn 03-Jun-2029 Mercury 15-Dec-2031 Ketu 22-Mar-2034 Venus 26-Feb-2035 Sun 28-Oct-2037 Moon 16-Aug-2038 Mars 16-Dec-2039 Rahu 20-Nov-2040
Saturn Dasa 15-Apr-2043 - 15-Apr-2062 Saturn 15-Apr-2043 Mercury 18-Apr-2046 Ketu 27-Dec-2048 Venus 04-Feb-2050 Sun 06-Apr-2053 Moon 19-Mar-2054 Mars 18-Oct-2055 Rahu 27-Nov-2056 Jupiter 03-Oct-2059
Mercury Dasa 15-Apr-2062 - 15-Apr-2079 Mercury 15-Apr-2062 Ketu 11-Sep-2064 Venus 09-Sep-2065 Sun 09-Jul-2068 Moon 15-May-2069 Mars 15-Oct-2070 Rahu 12-Oct-2071 Jupiter 01-May-2074 Saturn 06-Aug-2076
Ketu Dasa 15-Apr-2079 - 15-Apr-2086 Ketu 15-Apr-2079 Venus 11-Sep-2079 Sun 11-Nov-2080 Moon 19-Mar-2081 Mars 18-Oct-2081 Rahu 16-Mar-2082 Jupiter 04-Apr-2083 Saturn 09-Mar-2084 Mercury 18-Apr-2085
Venus Dasa 15-Apr-2086 - 15-Apr-2106 Venus 15-Apr-2086 Sun 15-Aug-2089 Moon 15-Aug-2090 Mars 14-Apr-2092 Rahu 14-Jun-2093 Jupiter 14-Jun-2096 Saturn 13-Feb-2099 Mercury 15-Apr-2102 Ketu 13-Feb-2105
Sun Dasa 15-Apr-2106 - 15-Apr-2112 Sun 15-Apr-2106 Moon 03-Aug-2106 Mars 01-Feb-2107 Rahu 09-Jun-2107 Jupiter 03-May-2108 Saturn 19-Feb-2109 Mercury 01-Feb-2110 Ketu 09-Dec-2110 Venus 15-Apr-2111
Moon Dasa 15-Apr-2112 - 15-Apr-2122 Moon 15-Apr-2112 Mars 14-Feb-2113 Rahu 15-Sep-2113 Jupiter 16-Mar-2115 Saturn 16-Jul-2116 Mercury 14-Feb-2118 Ketu 16-Jul-2119 Venus 14-Feb-2120 Sun 16-Oct-2121
Mars Dasa 15-Apr-2122 - 15-Apr-2129 Mars 15-Apr-2122 Rahu 11-Sep-2122 Jupiter 30-Sep-2123 Saturn 04-Sep-2124 Mercury 14-Oct-2125 Ketu 11-Oct-2126 Venus 09-Mar-2127 Sun 09-May-2128 Moon 14-Sep-2128
W inning in elec on By: Pt Akash ( BE Electronics )( Jyo sh Shiromani ) Nakshatra Jyotish Kendra, Vedic and Krishnamurti Paddhati Astrologer; Mob: 9827374626 , 9329265779
[email protected] ;
Election is an integral and most essential part of democracy. In our country there are so many organizations and members cast their vote to decide the winning candidature. One of my friends who himself is an astrologer had some doubts regarding his election, so he asked me whether filing a nomination for election will give him success or not? Let us see what the future beholds for him following the KP Astrology system according to my knowledge of astrology.
Query : Should I file nomination for election of Secretary post? Horary No : 91 ( 1 –249) Date : 15-03-2013 Time : 17:36 Place : Bhopal 77E26 , 23N07 (Geocentric) Ayanamsa : KPNA : 23:57:04 Hints As for filing of nomination is required, 10th cusp is the primary house, for power and status, and 11th for fulfillment of desires. So the 10th cuspal sublord must signify 3rd, 10th and 11th house for winning in an election.
Moon & Ascendant sublord Let us check the Moon whether it supports the query being put up by the querent.. Let us check Moon first. Moon is placed in 9th house, in the star of Venus which is placed in 7th house (house of opponents), so Moon does not clearly indicates the query. The Ascendant sublord is considered for further confirmation. Saturn is the sublord of the ascendant, and is itself placed in the 3rd house and it is in the star of Rahu which is placed in 3rd house. So Ascendant sublord Saturn is connected to the 3rd house. Now we can proceed to solve the query.
Cuspal analysis Primary Cusp : 10th Cusp -- Taurus – 08:52:09 ( Ve – Su – Ve ) Venus is the cuspal sublord of the 10th house. It is placed in 7th house, owner of house 3, 10 and it is in the star of Jupiter which is placed in 10th house. So Venus is signifying 7th ,10th, and 3rd house strongly. It is in his own sub, So it becomes a strong significator both at the star and sub level.
Supporting Cusp : 3rd Cusp -- Libra –07:14:15 ( Ve – Ra-- Ra ) Rahu is the cuspal sublord of the 3rd house. It is placed in 3rd house. It is in the star of Jupiter, which is placed in 10th house. So Rahu signifies 10th house and 3rd house strongly. Rahu’s sublord is Mercury which is placed in 7th house, owner of 11. So Rahu is signifying 3rd 10th and 11th house at the star level and 3rd house at the sub level also. So it is indicating favourable for the querist. 11th Cusp – Gemini – (Me –Ra—Ju ) Jupiter is the cuspal sublord of the 10th house. It is placed in 10th house. It is in the star of
Horary No. 91/249 Sun Rise: 06:29:26 AM Nithya Yoga: Indra
Sun Set: Hora:
06:29:16 PM Jupiter
Dasa Days: 365.25 D Karana: Badreva
Horary No.: 91 Question : Should I file nomination for election of Secretary post?
Ruling Planets - 15/Mar/2013 05:36:00 PM BHOPAL, MADHYA PRADESH, India Planet
Day Lord: Venus
Nirayana Bhava Chalit II 05:06:47:33
III 06:07:14:15 Sa[R] 06:17:03:27 Ra 06:25:45:14
XII 03:10:11:40
I 04:09:20:00 XI 02:10:00:19
4 3
IV 07:08:52:09
Ju 01:15:26:36 X 01:08:52:09 5 11
Ve 10:27:47:26 Me[R] 10:11:57:41 VII 10:09:20:00 Su 11:01:07:06
V 08:10:00:19 9
VI 09:10:11:40
IX 07:14:15 Mo 14:49:31 Ke 25:45:14
Ke 00:25:45:14 Mo 00:14:49:31 IX 00:07:14:15
Ma 11:08:33:48 VIII 11:06:47:33
X 08:52:09 Ju 15:26:36
XI 10:00:19
Ve 27:47:26 Me[R] 11:57:41 VII 09:20:00
VI 10:11:40
Name: Election Gender: Male Date: Friday, 15/Mar/2013 Time: 05:36:00 PM SID: 04:48:46 Lat: 23:07:00 N Lon: 77:26:00 E Place: BHOPAL, MADHYA PRADESH, India
XII 10:11:40
Ayanamsa: 23° 57' 4" [KP Ayanamsa] - Placidus Star: Bharani, Pada 1 Star Lord: Venus Rasi: Aries Rasi Lord: Mars Lagna: Leo Lagna Lord: Sun Tithi: Shukla Paksha, Chaturti Bal. Dasa: Venus 17 Y, 9 M, 4 D
I 09:20:00
II 06:47:33
V 10:00:19
IV 08:52:09
Ra 25:45:14 Sa[R] 17:03:27 III 07:14:15
+ These planets do not have any planets in their stars.
Man Machine Systems, Mobile: +91-8939361507 URL:
Stl Ke Su Ra Sa Ke Mo Ra Sa Ke Su Ra Sa
Sbl Sa Me Ra Ve Sa Mo Ju Me Ra Ve Ju Ve
Ssl Sa Sa Sa Ma Ke Ra Me Ju Su Ra Mo Me
Sssl Sa Ke Sa Ve Mo Ju Ra Ju Me Mo Sa Sa
Planetary Positions Planet Star(Pada) Su P.Bhadra(4) Mo Bharani(1) Ma U.Bhadra(2) Me[R] Satabhisha(2) Ju Rohini(2) Ve P.Bhadra(3) Sa[R] Swati(4) Ra Visakha(2) Ke Bharani(4)
Sgl Ju Ma Ju Sa Ve Sa Ve Ve Ma
Stl Ju Ve Sa Ra Mo Ju Ra Ju Ve
Sbl Ma Ve Ve Sa Ju Ve Ve Me Me
Ssl Ve Sa Su Ra Ra Ju Me Sa Sa
Sssl Ve Me Me Ra Ju Me Ke Ju Su
Dasa Summary Bhukti
Ma 08:33:48 VIII 06:47:33 Su 01:07:06
Sgl Su Me Ve Ma Ju Sa Sa Ju Ma Ve Me Mo
Significators - Planets View Planet (A) (B) (C) (D) Su+ 10 7 5, 8 1 Mo 7 9 3, 10 12 Ma+ 3 8 6, 7 4, 9 Me+ 3 7 2, 11 Ju 9 10 12 5, 8 Ve 10 7 5, 8 3, 10 Sa 3 3 6, 7 Ra 10 3 5, 8 Ke+ 7 9 3, 10 Rahu acts as agent for: Mo, Ma, Ve,(A) Sa.- Planets in Occupant's stars Ketu acts as agent for: Mo, Ma, Sa. (B) - Occupant of house (C) - Planets in Owner's stars (D) - House Owner
Cuspal Positions Cusp Star(Pada) 1 Magha(3) 2 U.Phalguni(4) 3 Swati(1) 4 Anuradha(2) 5 Moola(4) 6 Sravana(1) 7 Satabhisha(1) 8 U.Bhadra(2) 9 Aswini(3) 10 Krittika(4) 11 Aridra(2) 12 Pushyami(3)
Venus Dasa 20-Dec-2010 - 20-Dec-2030 Venus 20-Dec-2010 Sun 21-Apr-2014 Moon 21-Apr-2015 Mars 20-Dec-2016 Rahu 19-Feb-2018 Jupiter 19-Feb-2021 Saturn 21-Oct-2023 Mercury 21-Dec-2026 Ketu 21-Oct-2029
Sun Dasa 20-Dec-2030 - 20-Dec-2036 Sun 20-Dec-2030 Moon 08-Apr-2031 Mars 08-Oct-2031 Rahu 13-Feb-2032 Jupiter 07-Jan-2033 Saturn 26-Oct-2033 Mercury 08-Oct-2034 Ketu 14-Aug-2035 Venus 20-Dec-2035
Moon Dasa 20-Dec-2036 - 20-Dec-2046 Moon 20-Dec-2036 Mars 20-Oct-2037 Rahu 21-May-2038 Jupiter 20-Nov-2039 Saturn 22-Mar-2041 Mercury 21-Oct-2042 Ketu 21-Mar-2044 Venus 20-Oct-2044 Sun 21-Jun-2046
Mars Dasa 20-Dec-2046 - 20-Dec-2053 Mars 20-Dec-2046 Rahu 18-May-2047 Jupiter 05-Jun-2048 Saturn 12-May-2049 Mercury 21-Jun-2050 Ketu 18-Jun-2051 Venus 14-Nov-2051 Sun 14-Jan-2053 Moon 22-May-2053
Rahu Dasa 20-Dec-2053 - 20-Dec-2071 Rahu 20-Dec-2053 Jupiter 01-Sep-2056 Saturn 25-Jan-2059 Mercury 01-Dec-2061 Ketu 19-Jun-2064 Venus 07-Jul-2065 Sun 07-Jul-2068 Moon 01-Jun-2069 Mars 01-Dec-2070
Jupiter Dasa 20-Dec-2071 - 20-Dec-2087 Jupiter 20-Dec-2071 Saturn 07-Feb-2074 Mercury 19-Aug-2076 Ketu 25-Nov-2078 Venus 01-Nov-2079 Sun 02-Jul-2082 Moon 20-Apr-2083 Mars 20-Aug-2084 Rahu 27-Jul-2085
Saturn Dasa 20-Dec-2087 - 20-Dec-2106 Saturn 20-Dec-2087 Mercury 23-Dec-2090 Ketu 02-Sep-2093 Venus 11-Oct-2094 Sun 11-Dec-2097 Moon 23-Nov-2098 Mars 24-Jun-2100 Rahu 03-Aug-2101 Jupiter 08-Jun-2104
Mercury Dasa 20-Dec-2106 - 20-Dec-2123 Mercury 20-Dec-2106 Ketu 18-May-2109 Venus 15-May-2110 Sun 16-Mar-2113 Moon 20-Jan-2114 Mars 21-Jun-2115 Rahu 18-Jun-2116 Jupiter 04-Jan-2119 Saturn 12-Apr-2121
Ketu Dasa 20-Dec-2123 - 20-Dec-2130 Ketu 20-Dec-2123 Venus 17-May-2124 Sun 17-Jul-2125 Moon 22-Nov-2125 Mars 23-Jun-2126 Rahu 19-Nov-2126 Jupiter 07-Dec-2127 Saturn 12-Nov-2128 Mercury 22-Dec-2129
Moon which is placed in 9th house. So Jupiter is signifying 9th and 10th house strongly. It is in its own sub. So it is signifying 10th house strongly both at the star and sub level.
Ruling planets Lagna Star Lord Lagna Sign Lord Moon Star Lord Moon Sign Lord Day lord
: Venus : Sun : Mars : Venus : Venus
Looking at the ruling planets, most RPs are signifying 10th and 3rd house.
Prediction As per the analysis shown above, it is predicted that the querist will win the election. In april 2013 the client informed me that he had won the election. My pranams to Lord Ganesha and Guruji KSK.
M iracle of Ruling Planets By: Pt Akash ( BE Electronics )( Jyo sh Shiromani ) Nakshatra Jyotish Kendra, Vedic and Krishnamurti Paddhati Astrologer; Mob: 9827374626 , 9329265779
[email protected] ;
Child Birth is a pleasurable event in everybody’s life. A gentleman who is settled in Indore was expecting his wife to deliver in 10 days as the lady doctor gave 10th July as expected date of delivery. He arrived in Bhopal on 29th June as he used to live here earlier and asked me, when is the expected child birth according to astrology. He wants the answer of this query because he had prepared to go back to Indore for few days and then to come back after 7th July. Let us see how the event unfolded and the principles of Krishnamurti Padhdhati has been vindicated. I had taken a time chart at that moment.
Query : When is the expected child birth? Date : 30-06-2013; Time : 20:37:00 Place : Bhopal 77E26 , 23N07 ( Geocentric ); Ayanamsa : KPNA 23:57:19 I looked at the time chart, Moon is placed in 2nd house (Niryana Kundali ) and it is the lord of the 7th house . Running Ascendant is of Capricorn which is a movable sign, so the expected event will not be delayed. Also the lord of the ascendant Saturn is in Libra which is also movable sign. So I concluded that the expected event will take place much before the 10th July as was told by the lady doctor. Now I looked at the Ruling Planets: Lagna Star Lord : Sun Lagna Sign Lord : Saturn Moon Star Lord : Jupiter Moon Star Lord : Mercury Day Lord : Sun Lagna is aspected by Venus from the 7th house. I added it in the ruling planets. Now in the above ruling planets, Mercury and Saturn are retrograde, Saturn is in the star of Rahu and in own sub , so I eliminated Saturn. Moon is transiting in Pisces and will transit next in Aries whose lord is Mars. Mars is not in the RPs, so it was not considered , then the Moon will transit in Taurus sign whose lord is Venus. Venus is aspecting the Ascendant and hence is considered as one of the ruling planets. Moon will transit in Taurus on 4th July and will be in Sun star. Sun is a strong ruling planet, and hence I fixed the expected date as 4th July and asked the gentleman to stay here at Bhopal and expect the delivery of a male child soon. On 4th of July the gentleman called and told me that his wife had given birth to a male child, his time of birth is 11:17. Checkout the precision of RPs and you will be amazed. The child is of Virgo Ascedant (lord Mercury ) Ascendant star lord is Sun , sublord is Jupiter, his Moon sign lord is Venus and sign star is Sun and day lord is Jupiter. As one can see and analyse that the RPs had played a great role in the event. The next day the gentleman brought sweets and admired my logics of astrology. My prayers to Lord Ganesh and Guruji KSK.
RP for Child Birth Sun Rise: 05:37:55 AM Nithya Yoga: Shobhan
Sun Set: Hora:
07:09:49 PM Sun
Dasa Days: 365.25 D Karana: Kaulav
Ruling Planets - 24/Jul/2013 10:22:18 AM KANKARIYA, AHMEDABAD, GUJARAT, India Planet
Day Lord: Mercury
Nirayana Bhava Chalit XII 08:11:31:01
II 10:15:08:45 Mo 11:20:04:55 I 09:08:01:11
Ke 00:20:04:36 III 11:21:07:01
XI 07:17:17:50
9 8
IV 00:21:32:26
X 06:21:32:26 10 4
Ve 03:09:35:14 VII 03:08:01:11
Ju 02:07:05:13 V 01:17:17:50 Ma 01:27:12:59 2
6 5
3 VI 02:11:31:01 Su 02:15:01:35 Me[R] 02:28:32:11
Ke 20:04:36 IV 21:32:26
IX 05:21:07:01 Ra 06:20:04:36 Sa[R] 06:10:54:37
VIII 04:15:08:45
V 17:17:50 Ma 27:12:59
Ju 07:05:13 VI 11:31:01 Su 15:01:35 Me[R] 28:32:11
III 21:07:01 Mo 20:04:55 Name: RP for Child Birth Gender: Male Date: Sunday, 30/Jun/2013 Time: 08:37:00 PM SID: 14:52:07 Lat: 23:07:00 N Lon: 77:26:00 E Place: BHOPAL, MADHYA PRADESH, India
VII 08:01:11 Ve 09:35:14
Ayanamsa: 23° 57' 19" [KP Ayanamsa] - Placidus Star: Revati, Pada 2 Star Lord: Mercury Rasi: Pisces Rasi Lord: Jupiter Lagna: Capricorn Lagna Lord: Saturn Tithi: Krishna Paksha, Ashtami Bal. Dasa: Mercury 12 Y, 7 M, 22 D
VIII 15:08:45
II 15:08:45
I 08:01:11
IX 21:07:01
XII 11:31:01
XI 17:17:50
X 21:32:26 Ra 20:04:36 Sa[R] 10:54:37
+ These planets do not have any planets in their stars.
Man Machine Systems, Mobile: +91-8939361507 URL:
Sgl Sa Sa Ju Ma Ve Me Mo Su Me Ve Ma Ju
Stl Su Ra Me Ve Mo Ra Sa Ve Mo Ju Me Ke
Sbl Ve Ke Ve Ju Sa Sa Ke Ve Ve Ju Me Me
Ssl Ve Me Me Ma Ra Ve Me Me Ma Ra Ve Me
Sssl Sa Ve Me Ju Sa Me Ke Me Ma Ra Me Ve
Planetary Positions Planet Star(Pada) Su Aridra(3) Mo Revati(2) Ma Mrigasira(2) Me[R] Punarvasu(3) Ju Aridra(1) Ve Pushyami(2) Sa[R] Swati(2) Ra Visakha(1) Ke Bharani(3)
Sgl Me Ju Ve Me Me Mo Ve Ve Ma
Stl Ra Me Ma Ju Ra Sa Ra Ju Ve
Sbl Ke Ve Ju Ve Ra Ve Sa Ju Ra
Ssl Sa Ma Ve Me Ju Sa Me Ju Ma
Sssl Ke Me Sa Ra Ke Sa Mo Me Ve
Significators - Planets View Planet (A) (B) (C) (D) Su+ 10 6 8 Mo+ 6 3 6, 9 7 Ma 5 5 4, 11 4, 11 Me 5 6 3, 12 6, 9 Ju 10 5 3, 12 Ve 9 7 1, 2 5, 10 Sa 10 9 1, 2 Ra 5 10 3, 12 Ke+ 7 4 5, 10 Rahu acts as agent for: Ju, Ve, Sa. (A) - Planets in Occupant's stars Ketu acts as agent for: Ma, Sa. (B) - Occupant of house (C) - Planets in Owner's stars (D) - House Owner
Cuspal Positions Cusp Star(Pada) 1 U.Ashada(4) 2 Satabhisha(3) 3 Revati(2) 4 Bharani(3) 5 Rohini(3) 6 Aridra(2) 7 Pushyami(2) 8 P.Phalguni(1) 9 Hasta(4) 10 Visakha(1) 11 Jyeshta(1) 12 Moola(4)
Dasa Summary Bhukti
Mercury Dasa 23-Feb-2009 - 23-Feb-2026 Mercury 23-Feb-2009 Ketu 22-Jul-2011 Venus 18-Jul-2012 Sun 19-May-2015 Moon 24-Mar-2016 Mars 23-Aug-2017 Rahu 21-Aug-2018 Jupiter 10-Mar-2021 Saturn 15-Jun-2023
Ketu Dasa 23-Feb-2026 - 23-Feb-2033 Ketu 23-Feb-2026 Venus 22-Jul-2026 Sun 21-Sep-2027 Moon 27-Jan-2028 Mars 27-Aug-2028 Rahu 23-Jan-2029 Jupiter 10-Feb-2030 Saturn 17-Jan-2031 Mercury 26-Feb-2032
Venus Dasa 23-Feb-2033 - 23-Feb-2053 Venus 23-Feb-2033 Sun 24-Jun-2036 Moon 24-Jun-2037 Mars 22-Feb-2039 Rahu 23-Apr-2040 Jupiter 23-Apr-2043 Saturn 23-Dec-2045 Mercury 22-Feb-2049 Ketu 23-Dec-2051
Sun Dasa 23-Feb-2053 - 23-Feb-2059 Sun 23-Feb-2053 Moon 13-Jun-2053 Mars 12-Dec-2053 Rahu 19-Apr-2054 Jupiter 14-Mar-2055 Saturn 31-Dec-2055 Mercury 12-Dec-2056 Ketu 18-Oct-2057 Venus 23-Feb-2058
Moon Dasa 23-Feb-2059 - 23-Feb-2069 Moon 23-Feb-2059 Mars 24-Dec-2059 Rahu 24-Jul-2060 Jupiter 23-Jan-2062 Saturn 25-May-2063 Mercury 24-Dec-2064 Ketu 25-May-2066 Venus 24-Dec-2066 Sun 24-Aug-2068
Mars Dasa 23-Feb-2069 - 23-Feb-2076 Mars 23-Feb-2069 Rahu 22-Jul-2069 Jupiter 09-Aug-2070 Saturn 16-Jul-2071 Mercury 25-Aug-2072 Ketu 22-Aug-2073 Venus 18-Jan-2074 Sun 20-Mar-2075 Moon 26-Jul-2075
Rahu Dasa 23-Feb-2076 - 23-Feb-2094 Rahu 23-Feb-2076 Jupiter 06-Nov-2078 Saturn 01-Apr-2081 Mercury 05-Feb-2084 Ketu 25-Aug-2086 Venus 12-Sep-2087 Sun 12-Sep-2090 Moon 07-Aug-2091 Mars 06-Feb-2093
Jupiter Dasa 23-Feb-2094 - 23-Feb-2110 Jupiter 23-Feb-2094 Saturn 12-Apr-2096 Mercury 24-Oct-2098 Ketu 29-Jan-2101 Venus 05-Jan-2102 Sun 04-Sep-2104 Moon 24-Jun-2105 Mars 23-Oct-2106 Rahu 29-Sep-2107
Saturn Dasa 23-Feb-2110 - 23-Feb-2129 Saturn 23-Feb-2110 Mercury 26-Feb-2113 Ketu 06-Nov-2115 Venus 15-Dec-2116 Sun 14-Feb-2120 Moon 26-Jan-2121 Mars 27-Aug-2122 Rahu 06-Oct-2123 Jupiter 12-Aug-2126