Psychic Seduction - Turn Others on With Your Mind

September 15, 2017 | Author: Octavia Johnson | Category: Seduction, Internet Forum, Mind, Sexual Arousal, Philosophical Science
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Psychic Seduction - Turn Others On with Your Mind


Psychic Seduction - Turn Others On with Your M

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OMG....I'm Speachless. Has anyone ever experienced have done this to someone? Does it really work? User ID: 387071 United States 03/06/2008 04:50 PM Report Abusive Post Report Copyright Violation

When you use psychic seduction on others, your thou originate within their mind. It is because your mind a mind are one Mind. They will be thinking the thought interest, desire and attraction that you project towar them, and they will think it was their idea. Therefore sometimes when you find yourself noticing someone thinking thoughts of interest or attraction for no appa reason, it may not actually be originally your idea bu thoughts directed from that person to you.

The alpha state is the key state for psychic seduction you are in this state, the effect will be the most pron on the mind of the person you are influencing. Your thoughts will be able to get to them with greater clar force. The alpha state is where your consciousness is vibrational resonance with the planet’s frequency, the your thoughts will have greater ability to materialize. Visualization works best in the dreamlike state becau the link between the physical and mental world.

Being in theta state is more powerful but most peopl unable to achieve a conscious theta state. The theta the point just before you fall asleep, the instant befor can remember starting to fall asleep as you are in ve alpha, just approaching theta. But the actual momen theta is the moment of amnesia. You almost never re exact point where you fell asleep. The conscious thet occurs also when you become conscious in a dream. influence in that state.

The difference between mind power in the two states if you were visualizing your fingers touching someone erotic way while you were in an alpha state, the pers would feel a slight tingling or warm erotic sensation f

by thoughts of you. It is subtle but it works. If you w conscious theta state, the person would actually feel touch as if your actual physical hand was actually tou them in person. That is how real it would feel for the is the power of altered mind states.

The most important aspect of psychic seduction is me touching. Use your mental sense of touch to eroticall them with your hand. Even if you loose the entire im the person, it is alright. Just concentrate on the area body that you are touching. It is this magic touch tha drive them into a frenzy and eventually draw them to You create in your mind what you are doing to them what they are experiencing. Let your fingers and han explore the different areas of their body.

No other mental ability can compare with touch and t no way the person can avoid it. If you only do it for f minutes, you can create effects that will last hours. T person will begin to feel warmth, tingling, hardness, and a turned on feeling. The longer you use this mag touch, the excitement that will build up in the person hard to resist and they will have a strong attraction t you, even if they don’t know who you are. They can’t the feelings as it is coming from within them.

The most important thing is the feeling of touch as if were really touching them. This is where 99.9% of yo focus should go. Feel it in the now! You can explore t person’s body in so many ways. If you’re a man, you feel your hand caressing a woman’s ears with one ha caressing her clitoris with the other. Woman can get man they are wanting into great passion by imaginin touch of their own hand stimulating his penis. You ca mentally caress the person for as long as you desire.

Visualizing reactions is the second part of the magic If you are mentally touching someone in the genital a visualize looking up and seeing their reaction. Of cou control what happens. Watch and make their body qu under your touch. Visualize them in the way you wan them reacting to your touch all the while still feeling caressing as if it was happening. Hear them moan to touch. They will be in a completely different mind set next them you see or talk to them.

Make sure that the person becomes very aroused by touch in your mind, and especially make sure that th crave you and want you to do more and more! Do yo visualizing and mental touching slowly instead of rap it will be more erotic for them. Remember that you a doing the stuff to them but they are getting horny by your mind. You’re not trying to get off on this, or you will start to beat faster and you will come out of alph Channel your sexual energy into your visualizing.

The effect of psychic seduction is instantaneous when

use it. First the physical sensation hits them without awareness. Then they become aware they are getting turned on. Then thoughts of you come into their min may be aware of these thoughts and will consciously attracted to you, or these thoughts are a little deepe their subconscious mind is making more of the conne The latter isn’t inferior because it is better to establis deep foundation within the person’s psyche.

Often you get a little turned on but don’t think about anybody specifically. You subconscious mind has sex connections with certain people and then when you s those people in daily life, you will become more awar your attraction towards them. As this increases, the t when you get a little aroused, the thoughts of the pe will come to you. The subconscious mind of the perso influence will seek you out only and will not think tha arousal feelings are coming from another.

When you do psychic seduction with the person in yo actual physical presence, you simply imagine the sen of touch. You do not even have to look directly at the you are influencing. If the person is near you, just fe hand go up their dress or down their pants in a gentl manner. In your mind, do the same finger caresses a erotic touching. You could be having a normal conver with a person and be mentally feeling with 100% tou whatever part of their body you desire.

As you mentally caress someone, especially in the ge area, you will some of the following signs such as the touching the area you are influencing, worried or puz expressions, shifting position, crossing or uncrossing legs, touching hair, arranging clothing, laughing and moment that seems to be a reaction or cover-up from influence. When you are doing this to a person on th phone, you might hear breathe changes, shifting nois change in voice, changing topics and flirting.

The less you do flirty type of actions or conversations you are using psychic seduction, the more they will fe drawn to you on their own, since they think you are n influencing or stimulating them with flirting. Make yo conversations fun and comfortable and take an intere them without an sign of direct flirting. They would fee no outside force is influencing them but it is their ow accord. Never ever let them in on your secret as thei would be too strong to break unless you’re a master.

The person would become more talkative as in more friendly. Rejection will also decrease after a couple of if they have ever considered you’re not their type. Ne end, the person will probably feel dreamy and affecti towards you. Their attitude towards you is always ch Just because you do not see a lot of noticeable differ doesn’t mean what you are doing is ineffective. Every person is different and has their own time. Just keep

it and you will get the person sooner or later!

Psychic seduction will influence others even though t not seem to act on it. You’ve been in a public place a the idea that someone was very attractive to you, yo drawn to them, but that didn’t make you go for them Maybe you had to go, maybe you weren’t ready to ap them, maybe they were passing by in a car. You still drawn to them and it was your own idea but you didn approach them. When you use psychic seduction, oth might feel attracted but yet don’t seem to respond.

If they are a stranger that you see often, you could b totally influencing them for weeks and they still migh have the guts to come and talk to you, even though feel extremely drawn to you. But there are some sign will notice to show that the influence is taking effect, you can initiate a connection with them. Don’t show a of attraction to them, let the feelings keep developing them and let them come to you. It will happen on its you continue the psychic influence.

People will always feel turned on by you or attracted with psychic seduction but they may resist it for man reasons. Perhaps they are married. Perhaps you were normally their type and are now confused as to why find you attractive. Perhaps they have religious condi and will probably suppress that they want to make lo you. If they are resisting, they may show fear, withd begin to reject you. All it means is that it will take lon your influence to work and succeed.

You can apply more intense and longer visualizing un person’s resistance breaks down. You can cease influ for a few days and then start again with more force. may feel the pressure is off and begin to let down the defenses, but then you catch them unaware and they overwhelmed with the effect. A person may go away will still affect them. If you keep up with it during the they are away, they will begin to miss you like crazy next time they see you, sparks will fly!

Don’t hope for your desire but live them and experien them as if they were happening. You obtain your des feeling as if you already have what you want. The fee that you are mentally influencing upon another will la forever. They will feel attracted to you in the same w can be attracted to someone for decades. People loos energy when they try to wrestle with your influence. or later, their subconscious mind will give up if you k the work, and they will become yours!

Anonymous Coward Re: Psychic Seduction - Turn Others On with Yo User ID: 385051 Mind United States 03/06/2008 04:54 PM Yes, but the flipside is a bitch. Report Abusive Post

Report Copyright Violation HardTruth

Re: Psychic Seduction - Turn Others On with Yo Mind

I'll have what you're having...Serve it up... User ID: 320362 United States 03/06/2008 05:03 PM ___________ Report Abusive Post Let the truth be told... though the heavens fall! Report Copyright Nothing is more dangerous, than trying to give truth Violation people, who are stuck in their ways... I am not bound by the laws of original sin..I am one other people.. [link to] Dovespirit (OP)

User ID: 387071 United States 03/06/2008 05:09 PM Report Abusive Post Report Copyright Violation

Re: Psychic Seduction - Turn Others On with Yo Mind

I was really reluctant to post this, but my curiosity go best of me.

Anonymous Coward Re: Psychic Seduction - Turn Others On with Yo User ID: 387072 Mind United States 03/06/2008 05:10 PM uh, it's just wrong Report Abusive Post Report Copyright Violation Dovespirit (OP)

User ID: 387071 United States 03/06/2008 05:20 PM Report Abusive Post Report Copyright Violation

Re: Psychic Seduction - Turn Others On with Yo Mind uh, it's just wrong Quoting: Anonymous Coward 387072

I agree (Keep those thoughts away from me

Samuel Re: Psychic Seduction - Turn Others On with Yo User ID: 290478 Mind United Kingdom 04/09/2008 09:47 PM uh, it's just wrong Report Abusive Post Quoting: Anonymous Coward 387072 Report Copyright Violation


User ID: 402631 Australia 04/09/2008 10:12 PM Report Abusive Post Report Copyright Violation

Re: Psychic Seduction - Turn Others On with Yo Mind

It just seems wrong that someone can influence anot that - it is almost like hypnosis - which means they c influence them physically mentally and sexually - wh someone was married and could not fight off the feel is a form of mind control and surely if people have th to do this there must also be a mechanism that allow receiver to protect themselves from being manipulate Where did you find this ????

What lies behind us, and what lies before us are tiny matters com what lies within us.


Re: Psychic Seduction - Turn Others On with Yo Mind

Wow, that's certainly.........interesting. User ID: 302574 Is it bad that I got turned on by reading that? LOL United States 04/09/2008 10:19 PM No one is perfect. A babe before walking will first stumble and fall times but NEVER gives up until he succeeds. Report Abusive Post Report Copyright Always remember, ultimately, to never follow any person's belief. relationship with God is between you and God. Violation

If nothing else, remember this: religion = subservience, control an conformity, the same template as EVERY government

"Most believers would kill truth if truth threatened their religion." L Washburn

"This crime called blasphemy was invented by priests for the purp defending doctrines not able to take care of themselves." Robert I

"If anyone wants to know how God feels, it's a warm light as if the poking through dark clouds and lifting your spirits with pure joy."

Anonymous Coward Re: Psychic Seduction - Turn Others On with Yo User ID: 303149 Mind United States 04/09/2008 10:29 PM merry meet... Report Abusive Post Report Copyright Violation Anonymous Coward User ID: 408743 United States 04/09/2008 10:33 PM Report Abusive Post Report Copyright Violation

Re: Psychic Seduction - Turn Others On with Yo Mind

It was said, in Atlantis, the people could give each ot orgasms with with thoughts. It was common to walk town, 'sending' orgasms to one another.

Anonymous Coward Re: Psychic Seduction - Turn Others On with Yo User ID: 412142 Mind United States 04/09/2008 10:54 PM Report Abusive Post Report Copyright


because this is true... Anonymous Coward User ID: 412203 Australia 04/09/2008 11:20 PM Report Abusive Post Report Copyright Violation

Re: Psychic Seduction - Turn Others On with Yo Mind Nice post Dove Spirit - and it is true. :hawkmoon:

Aumon Haht Fith Re: Psychic Seduction - Turn Others On with Yo Ashai Mind User ID: 409699 United States It just seems wrong that someone can influence 04/09/2008 11:25 PM another like that - it is almost like hypnosis - whic Report Abusive Post means they could influence them physically ment Report Copyright and sexually - what if someone was married and Violation not fight off the feelings. It is a form of mind cont and surely if people have the ability to do this the must also be a mechanism that allows the receive protect themselves from being manipulated. Whe did you find this ???? Quoting: Destiny-Fate

it may be wrong... but the effect is real.

tho i don't condone this use of such power, as you sh with one that loves you because they do, not becaus made them.

but using thought projection and hypnosis can be ver handy for many situations (confrontations with police

and actually, everybody uses hypnosis "against" othe the time. most do not realize that they are, but their movements, gestures, and eyes give it away. its an e day practice, and everyone projects affect on eachoth the difference is learning to do it consciously Anonymous Coward User ID: 350460 Australia 04/09/2008 11:26 PM Report Abusive Post Report Copyright Violation

Re: Psychic Seduction - Turn Others On with Yo Mind


Re: Psychic Seduction - Turn Others On with Yo Mind

NLP is old news.....its good for a one night stand but thats over...everyone reverts to old self and often tha great because after the chatup/hot lovin....people ca bloody boring.

User ID: 393480 United States 04/09/2008 11:35 PM Report Abusive Post Report Copyright Violation

kalamity kool

Bugid Y Aiba

Re: Psychic Seduction - Turn Others On with Yo Mind

I don't believe it would take away a person's free will So, maybe I'll practise a bit.. User ID: 412216 Australia 04/09/2008 11:45 PM Report Abusive Post Report Copyright Violation

Prof-Rabbit Re: Psychic Seduction - Turn Others On with Yo User ID: 148352 Mind Australia 04/09/2008 11:50 PM I was really reluctant to post this, but my curiosit Report Abusive Post the best of me. Report Copyright Quoting: Dovespirit Violation

What you speak of is a function of the "secret", visua has been a tool for medicine, sports and many other it's not so much about changing the other persons "m it's all about focusing yours.

Prof-Rabbit Re: Psychic Seduction - Turn Others On with Yo User ID: 148352 Mind Australia 04/09/2008 11:53 PM It was said, in Atlantis, the people could give each Report Abusive Post other orgasms with with thoughts. It was commo Report Copyright walk around town, 'sending' orgasms to one anot Violation Quoting: Anonymous Coward 408743

Funny how some people have noting else on their mi sex, you need to get out more...

Prof-Rabbit Re: Psychic Seduction - Turn Others On with Yo User ID: 148352 Mind Australia 04/09/2008 11:54 PM merry meet... Report Abusive Post Quoting: Anonymous Coward 303149 Report Copyright Violation And Merry Part. kalamity kool

Re: Psychic Seduction - Turn Others On with Yo

Mind User ID: 412422 LOL! Australia 04/10/2008 07:18 AM I think someone is doing it to me! Report Abusive Post Report Copyright Violation


Re: Psychic Seduction - Turn Others On with Yo Mind Ok, where to start. This is a complete crock of poo, first off.

User ID: 412359 Australia 04/10/2008 07:31 AM IF you were attracted to someone you would start pr pheromones, pheromones can cause arousal in other Report Abusive Post Report Copyright Secondly you would subconsciously start to flirt with Violation person in question to determine if they're interested

Thirdly NO ONE can make you do something you don to, unless they utilise a practical application of force.

If you think this might work, then chances are you W to... Holy cow! It's the woowoo patrol!

Anonymous Coward User ID: 241684 Netherlands 04/10/2008 07:32 AM Report Abusive Post Report Copyright Violation

Re: Psychic Seduction - Turn Others On with Yo Mind Yes you can OP and it works but...

are you prepared to take the consequence of your ac this regard?

Some play games with it but suddenly find themselve serious trouble. Anonymous Coward User ID: 406415 Australia 04/10/2008 07:47 AM Report Abusive Post Report Copyright Violation

Re: Psychic Seduction - Turn Others On with Yo Mind

It happens naturally anyway when you desire someb Or is it working on me? LOL

Anonymous Coward User ID: 547028 United States 11/09/2008 06:54 PM Report Abusive Post Report Copyright Violation

Re: Psychic Seduction - Turn Others On with Yo Mind


Re: Psychic Seduction - Turn Others On with Yo

sO i GUESS people were always dodging puddles of ~ back in ol' Atlantis.

Mind There are two chicks doing this to me. User ID: 366812 Canada 11/09/2008 07:18 PM Report Abusive Post Report Copyright Violation

I brought it on myself by flirting with them. One I wo with a year ago, the other I know purely online/webc They are both incredibly powerful seductresses.

Like someone else mentioned, people do it naturally they're attracted to someone, though some people ar better.

It is weird when you're on the opposite end though a person is not around, but the person still has YOU in thoughts.

You can tell when you're being seduced remotely. I t older women (30-40) are naturally gifted at Psychic Seduction because they are in their sexual prime/pea have stronger PSI ability and can effectively do the r Psychic Seduction thing more effectively.

Women who are around 27-30 can do the remote sed thing too, but not as effectively as women who are in prime.

Chicks 27 and under don't need to do the psychic shi can coast on their good looks & flirting to accomplish mating goals. Unless they're younger chicks heavily i Wicca and PSI stuff. Cool thread. See ya.


User ID: 366812 Canada 11/09/2008 07:27 PM Report Abusive Post Report Copyright Violation

Re: Psychic Seduction - Turn Others On with Yo Mind Ok, where to start. This is a complete crock of poo, first off.

IF you were attracted to someone you would star producing pheromones, pheromones can cause arousal in others.

Secondly you would subconsciously start to flirt w the person in question to determine if they're interested in you.

Thirdly NO ONE can make you do something you want to, unless they utilise a practical application force.

If you think this might work, then chances are yo WANT it to... Quoting: Irdooomed

Here is the problem with the pheromones thing. Pher are not a local thing, not an environmental/vicinity th do believe human pheromones can be triggered from the planet and with people you haven't met yet or on on PC/TV/PHONE (Ever see women producing pherom for movie stars or singers on TV?)

Pheromones don't just work from one person to anot I've worked in a hospital environment with tons of women/nurses/female doctors, and one thing I notice you subconsciously flirt with ONE woman, and her pheromones cause arousal in you, sometimes, those pheromones communicate with the OTHER women to is where I think the psychic seduction begins. Other w sense the pheromones and quarry of the pursuer and versa, so they decide to seduct and steal the mate. L for guys, but guys are more competitive.

When you say "no one can make you do something y don't want to" you're right, but you can arrange thing insert thoughts, market, and use PSI to coerce/seduc another to do something they didn't know they want

I agree with you when you say "you want it to" work

I think the information should be used for reflection, necessarily practical application. Look back and reflec times you were trying to seduce someone, and then remember the thoughtforms, visuals, and remote inf that was happening at the time. You will start to see PSI and remote thoughtforms influence humans in th thought plane of reality. Especially emotionally/sexua charged thoughts. See ya.

Anonymous Coward Re: Psychic Seduction - Turn Others On with Yo User ID: 548085 Mind United States 11/10/2008 09:42 PM cool, Tryptamind! Report Abusive Post Report Copyright Violation Tryptamind

Re: Psychic Seduction - Turn Others On with Yo Mind

cool, Tryptamind! User ID: 366812 Quoting: Anonymous Coward 548085 Canada 11/10/2008 09:55 PM Report Abusive Post Report Copyright No doubt. Violation :) See ya.


Re: Psychic Seduction - Turn Others On with Yo

User ID: 561470 Mind United States 11/29/2008 02:49 AM It just seems wrong that someone can influence Report Abusive Post another like that - it is almost like hypnosis - whic Report Copyright means they could influence them physically ment Violation and sexually - what if someone was married and not fight off the feelings. It is a form of mind cont and surely if people have the ability to do this the must also be a mechanism that allows the receive protect themselves from being manipulated. Whe did you find this ???? Quoting: Destiny-Fate

hey man naturally atractive people use their looks to samething some of use use physical looks and some use psichik was strippers can pretty much get anyguy want by flonting their bodies to arose why cant a psio thier mind for the same thing? acolyte

Re: Psychic Seduction - Turn Others On with Yo Mind

User ID: 308272 South Africa 11/29/2008 02:50 AM

I was really reluctant to post this, but my curiosit the best of me. Quoting: Dovespirit

LOL I will love the light for it shows me the way, yet I will endure the darkness for it shows me the stars. (Og Mandino) "Credo Quia Absurdum" (I believe it because it's absurd)

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