Psychic Influence

May 3, 2017 | Author: moke smoke | Category: N/A
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hard to find book by Bryan d'Gwent...


W h a t Thi s Book C a n Do for Y o u

This book reveals at last the mystery of the phenomenal secret power which certain shrewd men and women, all through the Ages, have used with the utmost profit to themselves—but which they carefully concealed and guarded from others. W ith this wellguarded secret power, some of its possessors, the most ordinary people, have literally ruled kings and queens and other heads of empires . . . thrilled, at any a g e, the most sought-after men or women . . . swept others everywhere off their feet . . . amassed fabulous wealth . . . healed the sick . . . snatched others or themselves out of grave danger in seemingly supernatural fashion! W ith this well-guarded secret power, this select group eclipsed the gains of others who outclassed them in all types of attractive­ ness, learning, or kindness from the heart. And yet they resorted to nothing more than the obvious anatomical parts of their bodies, plus their ow n minds. But they used them in a highly secretive and psychic manner—and by thinking th ree little m agic words. No other gifts nor accomplishments of others, no matter how extraordinary, achieved even a modicum of what these otherwise commonplace or average men and women did, and with so little effort.

The blinding power that awaits your command As these otherwise commonplace people proved, what you actually are or look like counts for only so much. W hat you 9



induce others to accept you as being counts up to one thousand tim es m ore. That is the real secret of the miraculous power which you can acquire. With it, by projecting an appropriate psychic image power, you can induce others to see anything about you, either mental or physical, exactly as YOU want them to see it. If you are neither a mental giant, nor a supernatural Hercules, nor a physical beauty, with psychic power you can nevertheless easily induce others to see you and accept you as being one yourself, just as Black Magic can induce others to see them selves as getting sick and dying by concentrating on a clay figure of them. No matter how keenly other people analyze or observe you, with the power of White Sorcery you can blind their minds and their eyes to what they actually discern about you, and replace it with the majestic vision of yourself which you want them to accept. You just have to create that majestic vision of yourself in your psychic power center, reinforce it with the secret psychic power posture or gesture which makes it stunningly clear, project it with Multi­ p lied N erve G ap pow er, and you will instantly superimpose that majestic vision of yourself upon the minds and eyes of others, and they will perceive you as if you w ere that vision. T hat is the phenomenal secret power which certain people, all through the Ages, have used with the utmost profit to themselves, but which they shrewdly concealed from others. With the Fascitarr you cement into you permanently the secret of how to produce it and are transformed into the new, psychic-pow ered you. You can, thereafter, at any tim e alter instantly any inferior impression anybody has of you. Even if you never improved yourself in any manner thereafter, you could still, whenever you wished to, con­ vince anybody you wanted to in a flash that you were the most stupendous person on earth. You are about to enter the inner sanctum of this well-guarded secret power and make it your own. Your dreams will at last come true speedily and w ith astonishingly sim plicity. This secret power is a well-concealed discovery which five men, during more than a century and a quarter, tracked down and found after searching for it halfway around the world. Between the covers of this book it is finally revealed to you in full scope and power for your own use, and for limitless profit, with an ybody in any situation. With this secret power you may, at any time:



1. Have people see you instantly as bursting with a fascina­ tion which you actually don’t possess. 2. See you instantly as being far more handsome or beauti­ ful than you could ever hope to be. 3. Accept you instantly as being far more intelligent than you could ever dream to be. 4. Be advanced by your superior in business with a speed out of all proportion to your actual abilities. 5. Handle difficult subordinates, or youngsters, instantly like a magician performing magic. 6. Win the most sought-after man or woman to you instantly, with utmost facility. 7. Draw powerful, desirable, financial backers or allies to you instantly with little effort on your part. 8. Keep your wife or husband always deeply in love with you, no matter how far away from you he or she may be, with little effort. 9. Turn the minds of your customers or clients instantly in your favor, and by hardly doing a thing, so that they flock to you thereafter. 10. Sweep people anywhere and everywhere off their feet instantly for service to you, and by your hardly making a move. 11. Enthrall groups or masses of people instantly, even if I you are just an ordinary, unprepossessing average talker. 12. Be accepted instantly as the greatest person alive by prac­ tically anybody anyw here, even though you may be far from being that great person yourself, and achieve it by hardly exerting a thing, as so many shrewd mystics before you have done. 13. Relieve your husband, wife, relative or friend from nerv­ ous tension instantly. 14. Relieve a dear one or yourself quickly of the torture of backache^ "’W w **15. Scare off instantly, without a weapon, the charge of a ferocious beast or other attacker. 16. Find out quickly where someone you love has secretly fled and is hiding, no matter where or how far away. 17. Summon a ghost for financial help and get it. 18. Psychically call a close friend or relative 1,000 miles or more away, for financial help, and get it.



19. Convert people instantly to be under your control re­ gardless of time or space. 20. Snatch others or yourself out of grave danger instantly in seemingly supernatural fashion. 21. Save the life of a dying dear one with your psychic powered thought. T h e world-wide search fo r the m agic secrets o f W hite Sorcery Frank Rudolph Young and his two great-granduncles, his grandfather and his father, spent a total of 131 years searching the continents of the world for the well-guarded magic secrets of psychic power. They sought them from the greatest variety of people imaginable—from mystics to maharajas, from medicine men to patrones, from workers, professional people, Presidents and billionaires. During 35 of those years Frank R. Young him­ self m et, stu died w ider, knew , or associated with ex-President Herbert Hoover; billionaire Bernard Baruch; immortal authors and artists, like Ernest Hemingway, Sinclair Lewis, Thomas Wolfe; exciting religious leaders, like Aimee Semple McPherson, and Krishna Venta; Dr. Eisenschim; Dr. Sadler, the noted psy­ chiatrist and textbook author; many renowned university pro­ fessors; a galaxy of Hollywood stars; and many other kinds of successful people in the different professions. To complete his dedicated search for the great psychically powered secrets in this book, the author enrolled and attended classes in several spe­ cialized schools for years, or privately studied and researched in the archives of the libraries and museums of scores of leading colleges and universities in many countries, combing the histories, biographies and rare literature down through the ages. This book is the distilled wisdom of effective action that you can take to quickly materialize all your desires, everyone of them, in a far simpler manner than you ever dreamed possible—through your personal psychic power.


1 How White Sorcery Works for You • 19 How black magic is produced • 19 The big test of your temptation to use White Sorcery and the power of your psychic image for un-worthy purposes • 20 The secret power of White Sorcery • 22 How everybody presents a certain image of himself to every­ body else • 23 How all matter produces a psychic image to control other mat­ ter • 25 The five channels through which you control others instantly with White Sorcery • 26 How psychic image power controls others instantly • 27 How White Sorcery changes your own character and makes you the master of your own self • 28 How to multiply your nerve gap power and produce psychic image power • 28 Exercise 1. How to reduce the resistance at your Nerve Gaps Exercise 2. How to create instant Multiplied Nerve Gap power The three omnipotent little words you must know • 30 How to develop your secret power of White Sorcery * 30 2 Psychic Secret 1: How to Produce the “Magic” of Your Psychic Powered Thought • 33 The easy way to enslave the attitudes of others invisibly with your psychic powered thought • 34 Exercise 1. How to seize the attention instantly o f a powerful, desirable backer or ally, with your psychic pow ered thought Exercise 2. How to stimulate instantly the deep interest o f a su­ perior who can help you rise fast with your psychic pcnvered thought Conclusion • 43 13




Psychic Secret 2: How to Produce the “Magic” of Your Psychic Powered Glance • 45

The easy way to hold others spellbound invisibly with your psy­ chic powered glance • 46 Exercise 1. How to pave the way instantly for a self-introduction to an important person, with your psychic powered glance Exercise 2. How to convince a difficult subordinate instantly that you are interested in him as a person and want to help him, with your psychic powered glance Exercise 3. How a woman can entice a most attractive man to meet her, instantly, with her psychic powered glance The psychic powered glance put to evil uses • 56 Conclusion • 57 4

Psychic Secret 3: How to Produce the “Magic” of Your Psychic Powered Physical Presence • 59

Exercise 1. How to thrill the woman you like instantly with your psychic powered physical presence Exercise 2. How to petrify a towering bully instantly in a fight without striking a blow Exercise 3. How to make others see you instantly as being far more dazzling than you are Conclusion • 69 5

Psychic Secret 4: How to Produce the “Magic” of Your Psychic Powered Speech • 71

The easy way to put people under your active influence invisibly with your psychic powered speech • 72 Exercise 1. How to fill a person you are standing behind, with invincible confidence in himself instantly before he competes in anything Exercise 2. How to sway a group or mass o f people to your sup­ port instantly Exercise 3. How to gain the confidence o f a confused new em­ ployee instantly Conclusion • 78 6

Psychic Secret 5: How to Produce the "Magic” of Your Psychic Powered Manners • 81

The easy way to sweep others off their feet invisibly with your psychic powered manners • 82




Psychic Secret 5: How to Produce the “Magic” of your Psychic Powered Manners (cont.)

Exercise 1. How to win over to you the domineering mother of a desirable bachelor and get him as a husband, with tjour psychic powered manners Exercise 2. How to make a prospective client feel important in­ stantly Exercise 3. How to maintain permanent leadership over a group or mass o f people instantly Conclusion • 93 7

Psychic Secret 6: How to Produce the “Magic” of Your Psychic Powered Body Movements • 95 The easy way to fascinate others invisibly with your psychic pow­ ered body movements • 96

Exercise 1. How to excite the woman you want, instantly, with your psychic powered body movements Exercise 2. How to give your old maid daughter, instantly, con­ fidence to go out, meet, and win an eligible man Exercise 3. How to prevent your over-suspicious husband or wife instantly from ruining the fun whenever you are the life of the party Conclusion • 106 8

Psychic Secret 7: How to Produce the “Magic” of Your Psychic Powered Behavior • 107 The easy way to mold the characters invisibly with your psychic powered behavior • 108

Exercise 1. How to convert a domineering mate into a coopera­ tive mate instantly, with your psychic powered behavior Exercise 2. How to get rid o f a determined suitor you don’t love, instantly, with your psychic powered behavior Conclusion • 117 9

Psychic Secret 8: How to Produce the “Magic” of Your Psychic Energized Instinctive Power • 119

Exercise 1. How to calm the suspicions of a jealous husband or wife and convince him that he can always trust you, with your psychic energized instinctive power Exercise 2. How to rout and outlast a strong rival in any sport, with your psychic energized instinctive power




Psychic Secret 8: How to Produce the “Magic” of Your Psychic Energized Instinctive Power ( cont.)

Exercise 3. How to enslave the man you like, instantly, with your psychic energized instinctive power Conclusion • 129 10

Psychic Secret 9; How to Produce the “Magic” of Your Psychic Powered Companionship • 131

The easy way to extract what you want out of people invisibly with the secret of your psychic powered companionship • 132 Exercise 1. How to tame down a desirable but over-aggressive male companion instantly without insulting him, with yo-ur psychic powered companionship Exercise 2. How to convert a dreaded enemy into a loyal friend instantly, with your psychic powered companionship Conclusion • 140 11 Psychic Secret 10: How to Produce the “Magic” of Your Psychic Powered Wit • 143 The 11 rules you must follow for cultivating your successful wit • 144 The easy way to acquire total leadership over others invisibly with your psychic powered wit • 145 Exercise 1. How to discourage a flirting married woman in­ stantly without insulting her or getting into trouble with her influential husband, with your psychic powered wit Exercise 2. How to confuse and overwhelm a tiresome person, instantly, in a heated argument, with your psychic powered wit Exercise 3. How to bring a despairingly stubborn husband or wife under your easy control instantly, with your psychic powered wit Conclusion • 154 12 Psychic Secret 11: How to Produce the "Magic” of Your Psychic Powered Ideas * 155 The easy way to reap the biggest profits invisibly from your con­ trolling others with your psychic powered ideas • 156 Exercise 1. How to stimulate ambition instantly in a youngster who refuses to apply himself, with your psychic powered ideas




Psychic Secret 11: How to Produce the “Magic” of Your Psychic Powered Ideas (cont.)

Exercise 2. How to lecture to groups and build up a following instantly, with your psychic powered ideas Conclusion • 165 13

Psychic Secret 12: How to Produce the “Magic” of the MindImage of Your Psychic Power • 167

The easy way to control others from any distance with the pro­ jection of the mind-image of your psychic power • 168 Exercise 1. How to persuade a penny-watching husband to give you an exciting, but quite expensive, vacation, car, jewelry, or anything you crave madly, instantly, with the mind-image o f your psychic power Exercise 2. How to snatch a dying dear one from the jaws of death instantly, with the mind-image of your psychic power Conclusion • 181 14

Psychic Secret 13: How to Produce the “Magic” of Your Psychic Powered Aura • 185

The easy way to convert others invisibly like living “zombies” helplessly under your control • 186 Exercise 1. How to induce a negligent debtor to pay your bill instantly, with your psychic pow ered aura Exercise 2. How to capture and hold the sympathy o f the judge (and jury) instantly when you are up for trial, with your psychic powered aura Exercise 3. How to subdue the wrath and control the attitude o f an over-exacting policeman instantly, with your psychic powered aura Conclusion • 200 15

Psychic Secret 14: How to Produce the “Magic” of Your Psychic Powered Astral Body • 203

The easy way to perform almost miracles in communicating with, or saving the lives of others or your own from grave danger, with your psychic powered astral body • 204 Exercise 1. How to make a powerful, desirable backer or ally do your bidding instantly, with your psychic powered astral body Exercise 2. Hpw to make a superior who can help you rise fast,



15 Psychic Secret 14: How to Produce the "Magic” of Your Psychic Powered Astral Body ( cont.) do your bidding instantly, with your psychic powered astral body Exercise 3. How to make a difficult subordinate, or youngster, do your bidding instantly, with your psychic powered astral body Conclusion • 218 The psychic power blotch (the secret of producing the giant astral body) • 220 16 The Fascitarr: How to Retain Your Personal Psychic Power Per­ manently • 223 How to create the Fascitarr for yourself • 223 How to project the Fascitarr • 224


How W h i t e Sor cery W o r k s for Y o u

How b lack m agic is produ ced L e t us briefly discuss Black Magic enough to know how it is generally produced for unworthy purposes. An evil-doer molds a small, clay figure of the person he wants to harm. He visualizes it as being that person and concentrates his satanic thoughts on it. His concentration is dynamically intense, for it is produced in the psychic power center in his forehead. He projects it to the psychic power center of his intended victim, where he implants the hellish psychic power image he visualizes on the clay figure. Against his better judgment, the intended victim starts seeing himself not as he actually is, but as the demoniac psychic power image of himself which the evil-doer visualizes in the clay figure. Even if he is the most honest of men, if this horrible psychic power image depicts him as a thief and scoundrel, he will start feeling like a thief and scoundrel instantly and soon act as such. If the intended victim happens to be a stunningly beautiful woman and the psychic power image implanted into her depicts her as being repulsively ugly, she will start seeing herself as being repulsively ugly and go berserk. 19



If the intended victim happens to be a healthy person, but the inimical psychic power image implanted into him depicts him as dying from a scourging disease, he will soon turn ill—and even start dying. Try as he might, he is unable to tear himself free from the mental shackling which suddenly imprisons him, and is converted into the living, helpless zombie of the evil-doer. And all, just because the evil-doer projected into his psychic power center, via a clay figure of him, a devastating psychic power image which depicted him as being exactly the opposite of what he really was, and which shattered his ego and self-respect. The clay figure itself had nothing to do with the spell; it just helped the evil-doer to visualize his intended victim more easily and, thereby, to project his ghoulish psychic power image to him all the more crushingly. The ghoulish psychic power image was what created the heinous magic spell, and it could have been projected just as readily and effectively without the aid of the clay figure. But, Black Magic, as you have just read, is used for unworthy purposes. The big test of your temptation to use White Sorcery and the power of your psychic image for un-worthy purposes Before reading any further, take this test to determine whether you will be sure to master and use the power this book gives you for worthy purposes only. If you cannot pass it success­ fully, be most careful of its mysterious and dangerous effects. On page 22 are two sketches. The one on the left is of the person you hate, envy, or dread. You long to injure him, to retard him in life, to prevent him from getting what you want. The easy way to attain your base ends is by undermining him mentally and physically, so that he loses confidence in himself and turns des­ perate and looks like a ghost of his former self. T hat will finish him fast. To do so, stare at ths sketch. Visualize that person as that healthy sketch. Now, visualize that healthy, contented pic­ ture of him, flashing from your eyes through the air and landing softly inside his forehead. (His forehead is his psychic power center.) Fill yourself, at the same time, with a jubilant, worship­ ing feeling for him, so that his psychic power center receives



this psychic power projection of yours eagerly. You will at once establish a rapturous psychic contact w ith him. Stare now at the other sketch. Visualize it as that same person being gripped with terror and disillusion—see him as hav­ ing lost his hold on himself and as being on the verge of a nervous breakdown. Although still physically unchanged, he feels like 40 pounds under par and as if he has shrunken to a shadow. Now, visualize that tortured, emaciated picture of him also flashing from your eyes through the air and landing softly inside his forehead. Fill yourself, at the same time, with a bitter, despising feel­ ing for him. Since you have already established a rapturous psychic contact with him, his psychic power center eagerly re­ ceives this second psychic power projection of yours. That per­ son will be hit as if by a truck. His breath will seemingly be knocked out of him and he will be subconsciously panic-stricken, as if hopelessly trapped by a baffling, inescapable doom. You can easily demolish him after that. But you will not b e taught how l Are you eager to use the power in this book in that negative m anner? If you are, this secret p ow er m ay not b e m ad e available to you. If you are NOT eager to use it in that base manner, but solely to master and use a technique on e thousand tim es m ore pow erfu l still for worthy and beneficial purposes, you will be able to achieve your miraculous aims almost automatically. The secret power of White Sorcery W ith White Magic you project a psychic power image of yourself to Jack (or Jane) in the same way as in Black Magic, but for the purpose of implanting a new picture of yourself in his psychic power center which will elevate you in his mind to his highest level of respect. If Jack or Jane is not too certain of your honesty, for instance, you will implant a psychic power image of yourself depicting you as the most honest person on earth. If you are just an average-looking woman, you can implant a psychic power image of yourself in the man you want, depicting you as being stunningly beautiful. If you are rather nervous and phys-



h im to be

ically weak, you can implant into a threatening assailant a psychic power image of yourself depicting you as bursting with confidence and exploding with herculean power. You still seek personal gain with psychic image power, but you secure it not by destroying Jack or Jane, but by making yourself instantly look and act, in their eyes, exactly as you want them to see you look and act. Now, don’t mistake White Sorcery for White Magic. White Magic is used exclusively to help or benefit others. White Sorcery is also used to benefit others; how ever, it is practiced primarily by the few shrewd men and women who seek to better their own lives instantly with its different magic secrets, and yet not neces­ sarily ruin the life prospects of others while doing so. These few shrewd men and women therefore try to d eceiv e others about their true selves and never to reveal their drawbacks to them. The one using White Sorcery is consequently not an evil-doer, but neither is he primarily a self-sacrificer, except in special instances. He uses White Sorcery power to achieve his ends because it is



frequently the only practical and instant solution to an otherwise insurmountable problem and because it can enable him to achieve his goals in life with a minimum expenditure of time and energy by encouraging others to do the “dirty work” for him against their wills. In a sense, this art may almost be called a lazy per­ son’s magic ladder to success in anything w hatever. For that same reason, on the other hand, it serves the ambitious person just as miraculously, multiplying the success of his efforts with his doing practically nothing more. Your projected psychic power image, then, is the magic but tremendously powerful influence with which either black magic or witchcraft is applied. How everybody presents a certain image of himself to everybody else Nobody is strictly “just himself” with other people. He pre­ sents or tries to present to others only certain aspects of his true character. The rest he conceals. Nobody, therefore, knows any­ body else through and through. Identical and Siamese twins ap­ proximate that state with each other the closest. Other people are constantly being surprised by the unexpected behavior of those whom they assumed they understood “perfectly well.” The unscrupulous tries to present to others an image of impeccable honesty, while the gullible tries to present one of worldly shrewd­ ness. Even those individuals who are convinced that they under­ stand certain others “exactly as they are,” usually “understand” them only to a limited degree. The lover will see his loved one as being incomparably beau­ tiful and kindhearted, and yet, she might be far from being either. “Love is blind.” So is fanaticism, prejudice, wish thinking, envy, stubbornness, sentimentality, terror, arrogance, ignorance, bru­ tality, sex compulsions, paranoia, obsession, greed and countless other traits that beset mankind. The one possessed by any of them “sees” only the side of reality which conforms with what he wants or expects to see in it. He creates his ow n conception of reality. He refuses to perceive or to listen to reason, no matter how logically it may be demonstrated or explained to him. Indeed, he turns only defiant and pugnacious then, for he “cannot” free himself from the image of reality which his enslav­



ing trait has superimposed upon his “eyes” and his mind. Two such individuals with opposite philosophies may witness exactly the same event in the same place at the same time, and yet each will depart with an absolutely different picture of it in his mind, as well as with an absolutely different conception of what he saw. Each one of them, besides, will be just as positive as the other that what h e saw was what actually took place. In fact, even two highly respected experts in the same field, like two Supreme Court Justices, may analyze the very same legal question thoroughly and unbiasedly and yet deliver absolutely differing opinions on it. Age, too, alters the images of life which we carry with us. The young man tends to be radical, but when he is much older he tends to be conservative. He examines the same life questions at each of those age periods, with his own eyes and his own mind, and yet he sees entirely different images of them in each period and reacts to them absolutely different. Even the activities in which he reveled as a boy, he laughs at when middle-aged. As a boy, on the other hand, he laughed at the activities of the middle-aged. Young Ignatius Loyola of antiquity was a warrior and a libertine and proud of it. Following his war injury and the vision that came to him immediately after it, he changed into a re­ ligious ascetic and was eventually sainted by the Church. In an instant he saw the same world he had seen before, with entirely different “eyes” and acquired a different “mind.” The hysteric behaves normally in situations which do not excite his psycho­ logical aberrations or shortcomings, but goes berserk in situa­ tions which do. His mind then flees instantly into delusions, hal­ lucinations or flights of fancy. He “hears” his “enemies” pursuing him; “sees” them hiding behind street corners; “beholds” them as being far more gigantic and herculean than they are, even when they are present right before his eyes. He “detects” mean­ ness in the kindest face and even develops instant muscular paralyses and other hysterical fugues in his desperate attempt to escape the “evils” and “dangers” of reality. Since none of us is one hundred per cent sane, all of us are subject to the influence of what we assum e we see. NONE of us sees always the exact reality in anything. Even when the reality is so simple that two of us see practically the same thing, our



opinions or explanations of it differ always in varying degrees. Expert beauty contest judges regularly analyze the final five contestants in keen detail, from head to foot, applying all the knowledge of anatomy and art they possess. And yet, they rarely agree unanimously on the winner. Even when they do, the total points from each judge differs from that of the other judges as a rule, and sometimes considerably so. As a youth, Jack may be infatuated with Jane’s type of woman, but as a matured man he may be infatuated more with Marie’s type. There is nothing abso­ lutely stable or absolutely logical about what anybody “sees," and therefore nothing absolutely stable or logical about what he surmises about it. flow all matter produce* a psychic image to control other matter This universal instability of the images of others which peo­ ple harbor of each other, is true of all forms of matter. Its great advantage is that it enables other creatures or other matter to create and project images of themselves which bring about their aims in life with the least expenditure of time and energy. People, for instance, who would otherwise make mild impressions upon others, regularly make staggering impressions by producing im­ ages of themselves for others to behold which falsely display them as being far greater or far more attractive persons than they actually are. All matter does likewise. From the very begin­ ning of time, all “dead” matter and all living creatures, from the most rudimentary to the most complex, have striven to control other forms of matter or other creatures, either for survival or propagation. Nothing—neither the atoms, nor the molecules, nor the protoplasm, nor the living cell—seems to desire to exist, or is able to exist, in a totally isolated state. It consequently strives to attract to itself that which will enable it to exist at its best easiest. To do so it has to develop qualities which will draw that desirable other thing to it with the least expenditure of energy on its part, and which will keep that desirable other thing ‘‘bound” to it for the longest period necessary. The different atoms and molecules, therefore, have acquired different electrical charges and valences (or proportions of these



electrical charges) which attract and bind to them certain specific other atoms or molecules. All living creatures likewise have ac­ quired qualities (like the secondary sex characteristics) which draw and keep other living creatures attached to them. Different styles, beauty aids, luxurious possessions, and prestige through titles or respectable occupations are external additions to the image of attracting other humans. “Competing with the Joneses” even includes one’s family in the image. Public relations tries to control the public with the “public” image of the individual or association it publicizes. All government is founded upon a con­ trolling image. When that image fails, the government becomes unpopular and falls. THAT is how certain otherwise ordinary persons, all down the Ages, have ruled kings and queens, thrilled the most soughtafter men or women and swept them and others everywhere off their feet, amassed fabulous wealth, healed the sick and dying, snatched others or themselves out of grave danger in seemingly supernatural fashion. They took advantage of the instability of the images which other people had of them and produced ex­ traordinary images of themselves with such explosive psychic power blasts that they superimposed them not only upon the “eyes” of those other people immediately, but upon their con­ scious m inds as well. Those other people immediately no longer envisioned the old images of them, but their new, unsurpassable psychic power images. Rivals of theirs, meanwhile, who eclipsed them in attractiveness, learning, or kindness of heart were still seen by those other people as they were before and were, there­ fore, promptly by-passed.

The five channels through which you control others instantly with While Sorcery You can control others instantly with any of the magic secrets of psychic image power because you can reach them decisively through five important mental and sensory channels. 1. Through their eyes (their sense of vision) 2. Through their ears (their sense of hearing) 3. Through their sense of pressure (by touching them)



4. Through their sense of smell (by keeping your body and

breath hygienic) 5. Through their psychic power center (by means of your psychic power projections, your aura and your astral body) Through these five channels you can bring anybody under the instant control of any one of the magic secrets of psychic image power because: 1. Through their eyes you can reach them with the visual physical images of your body movements, glance, physical presence, manners and behavior. 2. Through their ears you can reach them with the auditory images of your speech, companionship, wit and ideas. 3. Through their sense of pressure you can reach them with the tactile (contact) images of your behavior, manners, physical presence and companionship. 4. Through their sense of smell you can reach them with the olfactory sense image of your clean body and breath. If you are a woman, you can even add an effective cosmetic to help you. 5. Through their psychic power center you can reach them with your psychic power projections, your aura and your astral body. How psychic image power controls others instantly You control anyone through his conscious and subconscious minds, as well as through his psychic power center in his fore­ head. When you move your arms in a certain manner, for instance, you invade his conscious mind with that picture visually, and the picture either intrigues or alerts it. His conscious mind subsequently flashes to his subconscious mind a specific mental impression of you. It might be an impres­ sion of admiration for the masterful or graceful way you moved your arm, or it might be one of caution against being struck by it. If, at the same time you move your arms, you reinforce that visual picture with Multiplied Nerve Gap power, you stun him beyond reason, and he wiH “see” in your arm movement some­



thing that his physical eyes never saw. He will then react to that simple movement of your arms exactly as you want him to and will, therefore, be under your instant control. It is as simple, but as astounding, as that. How White Sorcery changes your own character and makes you the master of your own self Not only does your psychic image power control someone instantly, but it also endows your own character with invincible qualities. Your self-confidence, self-assurance and poise expand limitlessly. You stop being uncertain of yourself when dealing with others, and wondering whether you will master them. You know you will m aster them . You establish a victorious circle of conquest in place of your vicious circle of defeat. Anything about your physical appearance which does not enhance it, vanishes swiftly from your mind because then it no longer attracts the attention of others. Your triumphant, irresistible Psychic Image Power is what they “see” of you now, and it converts you in­ stantly into their master. T hat is what the otherwise ordinary people did with their Psychic Image Powers all through the annals of history. How to multiply your nerve gap power and produce psychic image power For a thought command to pass from your highest Visual Center (near the back of your brain) through your eyes to the outside of your body before you telepathize it to a person, it has to flash its way through the four chain-like segments of that nerve pathway. This means that it has to leap across the three Nerve Gaps (synapses) which lie between those four chain-like segments.1 ( -------1--------2— —3------- ) The resistance which each of these three Nerve Gaps offers your thought command, however, is 12 times greater than that which the four chain-like segments of the nerve pathway to­ gether offer it. Your thought command is thereby reduced 12 times in power at each of these three Nerve Gaps—or a total of 1 Frank R. Young, Cyclomancy: The Secret of Psychic Power Control (West Nyack, N.Y.: Parker Publishing Company, Inc., 1966).



12 x 12 x 12, or thousands of times by the time it reaches the outside of your body. It stands to reason, then, that if you could diminish to any d eg ree the unavoidable Nerve Gap resistance which weakens the transmission of your thought command to the outside world, you would automatically project a correspond­ ingly stronger thought command to anyone. You can diminish that unavoidable Nerve Gap resistance to your thought command with Multiplied Nerve Gap power. To achieve Multiplied Nerve Gap power, deliver your thought command to a person in a frame of mind which in­ creases the secretion which your Nerve Gaps automatically pro­ duce between their spaces when any stimulation flows across them. A happy frame of mind happens to be the frame of mind which increases that very secretion because it activates your parasympathetic nervous system and suppresses your “sympathetics.” So, practice the exercises as stated and produce Multi­ plied Nerve Gap power instantly every time you are instructed to use it in this book: Exercise 7.

How to reduce the resistance at your N erve C a p s.

Sit calmly wherever you are, and reflect about something delightful which you like to do or to eat. Shut your eyes, at first, and visualize this activity or rare treat so vividly that it fills your whole body with a blissful joy. After a few seconds, think of something still m ore enjoyable and saturate your body with it until it is bursting with bliss. Practice and master this exercise. Exercise 2.

How to create instant M ultiplied N erve G a p pow er.

For about half a minute now, think of your daily affairs instead. Then suddenly throw yourself into the same enraptured frame of mind with which you completed Exercise 1. Don’t build up to that frame of mind gradually, as you did before, but plunge into it at once with full ecstasy. Your whole body should feel practically levitated with this surge of unsurpassable joy. Master these two exercises, and you will be able to produce M ultiplied N erve G ap pow er at will and project the magic secrets of the psychic powered image with miraculous results any time,



just as the otherwise ordinary men and women did all through the Ages. To help you remember easier how to produce Multiplied Nerve Gap power, whenever it is mentioned in this book, it will always be followed by the parenthesized phrase (feel divinely blissful). The more exhilarated you can make yourself feel when you project Multiplied Nerve Gap power, the more powerfully your psychic power command affects a person, and the more overwhelmingly you will control him. These exercises alone constitute one of the greatest discoveries which I have published and shared with my readers. The three omnipotent little words you must know Those three little magic words, “feel divinely blissful,” are just as omnipotent as “love God” or any other unchallengeable combinations of words are to the believer. They mean literally the same thing, for when you love God, you feel divinely blissful. Your whole body physiology, including your nerve physiology, then changes. So do your thoughts, facial expressions, behavior, manners, attitudes, health, PSYCHIC POW ER—indeed, every­ thing about you. You don’t merely feel satisfied or contented then, but absolutely painless, tensionless, worryless, as if floating in the clouds or in heaven itself. You are in the very frame of mind which the mystic achieves when he contacts the Absolute. When you persist and fall into it as intensely as he, you can then per­ form miracles with it, just as he does. You will then be in perfect communion with the Universe (or with God Himself, as the re­ ligious would express it) and thereby be Its (or His) instrument. Earthly accomplishments which seem impossible to perform, be­ come so simple that they perform themselves at your mere com­ mand. All because you are thinking, and believing with all your soul, three little magic words. Your body reactions will respond to them as miraculously as the mystic’s does when he thinks them; and the psychic power you project will be just as magical as his. How to develop your secret power of White Sorcery You will now learn the 14 different secrets of White Sorcery. Each one is separate and does not depend upon



mastering the others; but you can achieve miracles with one that you cannot achieve with another. So, leam them all, because the explosive power behind all of them is still Multiplied Nerve Gap power ( feel divinely blissful). Practice the exercises in doing the programs in each of them and apply their dynamics immediately on other people in your everyday life. Everybody who knows you will at once “see” a different and incredibly more attractive and persuasive you than they ever dreamed of before! You will detect their changed attitude towards you in a flash, and you will feel like a different person. In the true life cases that follow the exer­ cises and programs for each of the 14 secrets, you will leam how certain otherwise average persons have achieved veritable miracles with each psychic secret. You will now have all the secrets at your command to power your immediate success to obtain all you want out of life.

2 P s y c h i c S e c r e t I: H o w to P r o d u c e t he " M a g i c " of Y o u r P s y c h i c P o w e r e d T h o u g h t

I he Psychic Powered Thought is the magic secret for enslaving the attitudes of other people towards you instantly. With it you can at once capture the interest of someone, overcome his hesi­ tancy to knowing you, or implant the psychic command that will alter in him all his feelings towards you, exactly as you want them changed. When you enter a room feeling either cheerful or dejected, even if you remain silent, practically everyone pres­ ent, both friend and stranger, senses your mood instantly. You can conceal it only by “putting on an act.” But even that doesn’t always conceal it. Something about you—perhaps, your manner, the look in your eyes, the way you move, or som ething else which baffles the observers—exposes it. Without even trying then, you d o affect people, even total strangers, daily with your thoughts, even unconscious ones. The kin d of thoughts you harbor, in fact, significantly affect your daily relationships with others. If you step into a social gathering, fuming with hate or bitter with cynicism, you drive others away from you. If you step into it bursting with affection 33



for all and bubbling with optimism, you draw others to you. If you notice someone of the opposite sex with disinterest, that person will withdraw his own interest in you, if he has any. In fact, he ( or she) might even turn disdainful of you. If you show keen interest, however, the person will be flattered and rendered vulnerable to your advances. Everybody enjoys being admired, regardless of whom the admirer is. If you face a person in busi­ ness and harbor a sympathetic frame of mind towards him, he will instantly “feel” that there is a common bond, and this will hasten and multiply your success with him. If you face a sub­ ordinate and think kindly of him, he will instantly feel that he should strain to please you or show off his ability to you. But now, if you multiply the power of these thoughts or “feelings” by blasting them out of your mind instead o f m erely thinking them, you will stun those w'ho receive them, and they will be controlled by them many tim es m ore com pletely. It will be like a vigorous blow compared to a gentle pat. You will be producing a Psychic Powered Thought that will eclipse the effects of your normal thought. That’s the “magic” of your Psychic Pow­ ered Thought. The psychic master can multiply his by overcom­ ing the resistance at his Nerve Gaps by 109 tim es or more. With a little practice, you can so multiply yours considerably. Then you can even project it into the spirit world! You need only to double or triple it, however, in order to achieve incredible re­ sults in the physical world. The easy way to enslave the attitudes of others invisibly with your psychic powered thought If you want someone to feel that you like him, you cannot harbor the thought that you despise him and expect him to feel otherwise. Your thought has to fit your wish. If you want to persuade him to do something which he might refuse to do, on the other hand, you cannot harbor the thought that you want him to do it against his will or he will sense that you are against him. Think, rather, that you want him to do something which he likes to do, and then inveigle him, through your Psychic Powered Thought, into doing the thing he dislikes to do. That is why this secret power is so important. Practically every noted advance­


ment in life is based upon Joe persuading Jack to do what Jack d o es not want to do. A salesman, a politician, an army officer, a husband, a wife, a lover, a businessman, a clergyman, a parent, a pupil—each has to persuade other people regularly to do what they don’t want to do, even when it is for those people’s own good. A word o f caution. If you are normally a solemn-looking person, you are not likely to exhibit to anyone the rig;ht facial expression when you project your Psychic Powered Thought. No matter how admi­ rably you reflect about him, if you accompany your Psychic Pow­ ered Thought with a displeased expression when he is looking your way, you will lessen considerably the secret power of this magic secret. And yet, your displeased expression might be due mainly to your habit of drawing the corners of your lips down rather than up, when you smile, so that you seem to sneer rather than smile. Train your facial expression, in that case, to reinforce the impression which your thought is intended to convey. You certainly know many a person whose infectious smile smooths his life’s path. By adding the right facial expression to your Psychic Powered Thought you will add incredible force to the potential of this secret. And now, if you go still further and multiply the power of your thought by blasting it out of your mind with Multiplied Nerve Gap power, as the psychic master does, you will stun those who receive it until you enslave their attitudes to you. Practice the Exercises as described and master producing the magic secret of your psychic powered thought. Exercise 1.

How to seize the attention instantly o f a pow erful,

desirable hacker or a lly, with your psychic p o w ered thought.

Lawrence is a person of wealth and strong connections who could serve you as a powerful backer or ally in the enterprise you want to launch. You suddenly spy him at a social gathering. Seize his attention at once, in order to impress him overwhelm­ ingly when you meet him. Your psychic powered thought is the ideal means for that. Practice how to create it before your mirror



and watch your facial expression closely. Then, project it to him, Stand across your room and stare at your image in the mirror. Transform that image of yourself into that of Lawrence. At once pick out something about him that you admire at sight. He might possess a quiet reserve, an imposing stance, a confident eye, or even a hasty, but fair-dealing, manner. Intoxicate yourself with admiration for it, as if it belonged to the leader of an em­ pire and was enrapturing to behold. Banish from your mind any quality of his which counteracts it. D on’t let bashfulness, embarrassment or fear of failure to enthrall him discourage you, or it will sabotage your right facial expression. Saturate yourself with that on e tlvm ght picture, so that your whole body trembles with an eagerness to dash over to Lawrence and introduce your­ self. With Multiplied Nerve Gap power (feel divinely blissful), project that on e thought picture out of your eyes with shattering psychic power and nail it right into him through his eyes. It will leap across his own Nerve Gaps to the psychic power center in his forehead, faster and stronger than any other competing impres­ sion he receives at the time . . . competing impressions like, whether you are indeed so interesting as you seem, or whether you are just seeking him out for some private gain. With your psychic powered aiought you have seized instantly the attention of a powerful, desirable backer and enslaved his attitude towards you. Exercise 2.

How to stimulate instantly the d eep interest o f a

superior who can help you rise fa st with your psychic p ow ered thought.

Arthur is your superior in your occupation. Through him you could rise much faster and easier in your career. Stimulate his deep interest in you as soon as possible, so that you can profit through him to the utmost. Your psychic powered thought is the ideal means for that. Practice how to create it before your mirror watching your facial expression closely. Then, project it to him. Stand across your room and stare at your image in the mirror. Transform that image of yourself into that of Arthur. He has just appeared wherever you are performing your duties. At once pick out something about his apparent character that you admire and which makes, or could make, others like him at sight.



Even if his attitude is sullen, try to see it as the outer shell of a good-hearted person. If he is a well-balanced individual, of course, it will be easy to pick out something about him which you genuinely admire. Think of him as being fair and just, if you can think of nothing else. Concentrate on that on e quality as if he were the only person on earth who possessed it. D on’t let nervousness, embarrassment, or a feeling of inferiority or de­ fiance grip you, or it will sabotage your right facial expression. Saturate yourself with that on e thought picture, so that your whole body trembles with eager anticipation to carry out his instructions to the letter and satisfy him. W ith Multiplied Nerve Gap power (feel divinely blissful), project that on e thought pic­ ture out of your eyes with shattering psychic power, and nail it right into Arthur through his eyes. It will leap across his own Nerve Gaps to the psychic power center in his forehead, faster and stronger than any other competing impression he receives at the time . . . competing impressions like, whether you are in­ deed as satisfying a worker as you seem to be, and whether he should advance somebody else he has in mind instead of you. W ith your psychic powered thought you have stimulated in­ stantly the deep interest of a superior who can help you rise fast and enslaved his attitude towards you. Now that you have practiced these exercises, apply the same technique in any situation in life in which you can use your thought to enslave the other person to you instantly. In the true life cases described in the following paragraphs, you will learn how certain people in different parts of the world have used staggeringly the magic of the psychic powered thought. The names of the individuals involved have been changed. How Alfonso, the destitute worker, subdued the savage fury o f his merciless boss, and also got the promotion he wanted. Alfonso, a young cane-field m ozo in a less developed Latin American country, dreaded that he had ruined his opportunity of promotion to sirviente (house servant) by his patron, Don Emiliano. The day had been scorching hot, and Alfonso had nearly collapsed repeatedly while bent over chopping down the c a m (sugar cane) for Don Emiliano’s mill. He had, as a con­



sequence, chopped down with the m achete, considerable less caha than usual in his 12 hour day. As a house servant he would be paid less ($9 a month instead of $15), but he would no longer labor in the broiling sun, his food would be gratis, he would wear Don Emiliano’s castoff garments and look like somebody, and sleep in the p atron s kitchen rather than in his malarial hut. He would wear Don Emiliano’s castoff som brero, too, and arouse the envy of the other m ozos! But he had just ruined the opportunity of his lifetime and was doomed to slaving in the cane-fields like the other m ozos until he was old and feeble at forty-five or dropped dead. Not only that, but Don Emiliano might even re­ ward him now with a sound horsewhipping for working like a laggard. An afternoon thunderstorm prevented Don Emiliano from checking up on his m ozos that day. So, after sundown, Alfonso drifted desperately to the brujo (witch doctor) and offered him all the pitiable cash he had, for help. After listening to him, the brujo taught him what amounted to his psychic powered thought. He sent Alfonso back to his hut to practice it and use it next day. Early next morning, just as the penetrating mist was clear­ ing, Don Emiliano descended on Alfonso. There was a volcanic fire in his eye, and he carried the horsewhip threateningly. Alfonso shuddered as he envisioned himself prostrated on the ground with the skin on his back ripped to bloody shreds. But, as the witch doctor had counseled him, he banished all fear of failure at once from his mind and did exactly what he had practiced. He looked at Don Emiliano intently and picked out something about him that he admired to the skies. It happened to be the Senor’s bushy, pepper-and-salt beard. Alfonso intoxicated him­ self with admiration for it, as if it belonged to a Greek god. He banished from his mind all memory of Don Emiliano’s round shoulders and bursting pouch. He saturated himself with that on e thought picture, so that his whole body trembled with an eagerness to throw himself at the Senor’s feet and worship him for his startling beard. With Multiplied Nerve Gap power (feel divinely blissful), Alfonso projected that one thought picture out of his eyes with shattering psychic power and nailed it right into his patron, through his eyes. Don Emiliano stood still at once, as if suddenly rendered



helpless. The upright whip lowered slowly to the grass. After a second or two, he grunted and marched off. What had taken place? That on e thought picture which Alfonso had projected to him, had leaped across Don Emiliano’s own Nerve Gaps to the psychic power center in his forehead, faster and stronger than any other competing impression he had received at the time . . . competing impressions like his deter­ mination to give Alfonso a whipping he would never forget, or to banish him forever from becoming his sirviente. Before the week was out, Alfonso was promoted to the job he wanted. Don Emiliano, too, even advised him to work easily the first day or two. With his psychic powered thought Alfonso, the poor worker, had subdued the savage fury of his merciless, all powerful boss and enslaved his attitude towards him instantly and favorably. How failing Jerry persuaded his strict chemistry teacher instantly to pass him, with his psychic powered thought. Jerry was failing in high school chemistry. Unless he passed it, it would squash all his prospects of going to college and seri­ ously handicap his aspirations in life. Jerry disliked chemistry: he deplored having to memorize the long list of formulas and to perform the laboratory experiments. Whenever he stepped into the class or the “lab,” he shuddered. He even cracked more test tubes negligently than he should have, half-dozed during the lectures and seldom handed in his weekly assignments complete. But now he faced his doom, for Mr. Engwall, his chemistry teacher, was bound to fail him. When Jerry looked at his report card he was gripped with a mounting dread of the appalling reality ahead of him, and the devastating realization that he had exiled himself permanently from the envious career he had out­ lined for himself after college. If he had to do it all over again, he would study chemistry intently from the very first day in class, skip no classes and do all his homework regularly. He would also apply himself in the lab. He was studying feverishly now for the final examination, hoping to save himself by a miracle. He discussed his frantic problem with his mother. She, with her feminine intuition, urged him to practice and apply on Mr. Engwall what amounted to the magic of his psychic powered



thought. Jerry doubted that it would work for him, but what else could he do to save himself? In class next day, when Mr. Engwall looked hard at him and prepared to knock him dizzy with a textbook question, Jerry at once picked out something about his teacher that he admired at sight. It happened to be Mr. Engwalls brooding expression. Jerry intoxicated himself with admiration for it, as if it belonged to the most brilliant scientist of the era. He banished from his mind any quality of Mr. Engwalls which counteracted it such as, his cold, clipped words and occasional caustic manner. He did not let bashfulness, embarrassment or terror of failure discourage him and sabotage his right facial expression. Jerry at once sat­ urated himself with that thought picture, so that his whole body trembled with an eagerness to study chemistry day and night and capture the highest class honors in it. W ith Multiplied Nerve Gap power (feel divinely blissful), he projected that thought picture out of his eyes with shattering psychic power, and nailed it right into Mr. Engwall, through his eyes. Mr. Engwall fired his crip­ pling question at Jerry, but its fury decreased as he neared the end of it. Jerry knew the answer that day, but Mr. Engwall did not even wait. Instead he immediately gave Jerry hints as to how to answer it, and then practically answered it himself. Then he praised Jerry for giving him the right answer! Jerry’s thought picture had leaped across his teacher’s Nerve Gaps to the psychic power center in his forehead, faster and stronger than any other competing impression he had received at the time . . . competing impressions like, his affixed dislike of Jerry’s attitude towards the subject, and his instinctive de­ termination to teach him a lesson he would never forget by hand­ ing him the grade he deserved. Jerry, thereafter, studied his chemistry hard and could have passed on his own, but Mr. Engwall quizzed him no more in class and passed him. W ith his psychic powered thought, failing Jerry had persuaded his strict teacher to pass him by enslaving his attitude towards him instantly. How Nels left the “girl" he adored breathless instantly with his psychic powered thought. Nels had met his dream girl, Esther, and had made a date



with her. In the past he had met women he liked and had dated them, but somehow he had failed to intrigue them enough dur­ ing the date and, then, had ended up becoming just “friends.” Fortunately, none of them had been his dream girl. But he had met her now, and he dreaded losing her, too. He consulted Grover, his long time friend and a “devil” with the women. Grover told him what he lacked “for the women,” and revealed to him the magic secret which he himself used re­ peatedly and successfully with them. It amounted to the magic of the psychic powered thought. He advised Nels to practice it first before his mirror, and then to apply it on Esther the mo­ ment he laid eyes on her on the date. Nels did exactly as he was told. The moment he caught sight of Esther he picked out something about her that he ad­ mired to the skies—the very something about her that had be­ witched him when he first laid eyes on her. It was the intriguing tilt of her nose. Nels filled himself with rapture at being so lucky as to have found just the girl with that unusual beauty trait. He did not let bashfulness, embarrassment, or fear of failure to enthrall her discourage him, or it would have sabotaged his right facial expression. He saturated himself with that on e thought picture, so that his whole body trembled with an eagerness to dash over to Esther. W ith Multiplied Nerve Gap power (feel divinely blissful), Nels projected that on e thought picture out of his eyes with shattering psychic power and nailed it right into Esther through her eyes. Esther’s eyes brightened like two stars on a clear night and her lips parted helplessly. When Nels reached her, her eyes were peering into his with close intimacy. Nels’ on e thought picture had leaped across Esther’s own Nerve Gaps to the psychic power center in her forehead, faster and stronger than any other competing impression she had received at the time . . . competing impressions like, her possibly analyzing him too keenly and comparing him unfavorably with another pressing suitor, or her natural cautiousness against liking him too much at first, until she knew him better. Nels took Esther by the arm, and she went with him as if fully accepting him as a master. W ith his psychic powered thought, Nels had left the “girl” he adored breathless instantly and captured her interest in him.



How Mario got a ghost to help him financially, with his psychic powered thought. Mario was being sued for a large sum by a laborer em­ ployed by him who had tumbled off the roof of his apartment house and suffered multiple fractures. The laborer’s negligence was to blame, but it was difficult to prove, Mario could not afford the best legal aid, for it was costly and even then, a judgment in his favor could not be assured. Mario was practically out of his wits, “The best thing you can do,” his friends advised, “is to settle out of court,” But the laborer’s lawyer would settle for no less than a tremendous amount. If he lost the suit (as seemed certain), he would lose the whole house to the laborer, his lawyer and the mortgage holder, and his life of leisure would be over! He had never expected to be rich, but he took in enough rent from this house to keep him a little comfortable. He came from an old family and could never go out and “work” for somebody. That would totally de­ mean him. If he could only cling to that piece of property for a few more years, too, it would be worth several times as much, for the section was growing fast and industrializing. Only through a miracle could Mario expect to raise such a comparatively large sum of money. His friends, certainly, could not provide it. If he could only win the Sweepstakes. But he had been buying tickets for years and had won nothing. His late father had tried desperately for 20 years and had just about impoverished the family with his endless gambling, Mario suddenly wondered whether his father, gone five years now, could prophesy a winning lottery number from the other world? That was Mario’s only remaining chance to save himself from the impending disaster. Like a drowning man clutch­ ing at a straw, night after night he thought of his father. But instead of berating him in his mind for squandering the family fortune, as he had done in the past, or for throwing away his best years figuring out numbers from dream books while allowing his small lumber business to become bankrupt, Mario now thought of his father with rapturous admiration for making such a heroic attempt to regain the fast-shrinking family fortune with his efforts at winning a lottery. He saturated himself with that



on e thought picture, so that his whole body trembled with eager­ ness to meet his father again and receive the winning number of the coming lottery. With Multiplied Nerve Gap power (feel divinely blissful), Mario projected that one thought picture out of his eyes into the space around him at bedtime, with stagger­ ing psychic power, and visualized himself nailing it right into his father’s ghost. His father had been seriously ill in that very room for a month before being rushed to the hospital. There, he passed away a week later. Mario kept up these projections to the other world for several days without results. Then, one morning at daybreak while med­ itating in bed, Mario suddenly became aware of his father’s voice commanding: “Mario, buy number 13!” Mario felt an icy chill grip him and was vaguely aware of something slipping past. He was fully awake at once, but saw nothing strange in the bedroom. Yet, he was convinced that he had not been dreaming. What had really happened? Had he actually brought his father’s ghost to him with his psychic powered thought? Mario convinced himself that he had. Since the lottery ticket consisted of four numbers, Mario pondered the remainder of the week as to the other two. A great many combinations were possible. He w'aited for his father’s ghost to return, but heard nothing more. Mario concentrated more in­ tently and his intuition, sharpened by his psychic image, then told him that the first two numbers were 00. The winning lottery ticket was 0013. Thus, with his psychic powered thought,' Mario got a ghost to help him for financial betterment. Conclusion See how extensively you can use your psychic powered thought to enslave the attitudes of other people to you instantly! It is indeed the magic secret for capturing the interest of someone at once, for overcoming his hesitancy to know you, or for implant­ ing the psychic command that will alter in him all his feelings towards you exactly as you want them to. You can use it to work wonders in the spirit world. And, you can achieve all that by following simple steps:



Step 1. Use your thought alone in a specific manner by picking out just one quality about someone that you admire at sight and by creating a vivid thought p ic­ ture of it. Step 2. Saturate yourself with that thought picture and project it to that someone with Multiplied Nerve Gap power (feel divinely blissful). Step 3. Nail that thought picture firmly into the psychic power center of the object of your attention, in his forehead. Step 4. Maintain that projection for one and one-half sec­ onds. You will enslave the attitude of your subjected person to­ wards you instantly.

3 Psychic Secret 2: H o w to P r o d u c e t he " M a g i c " of Y o u r P s y c h i c P o w e r e d G l a n c e

I h e Psychic Powered Glance is the psychic secret for holding people spellbound instantly. Your glance exerts a quick and de­ cisive effect upon other people. Anyone, at once, forms an image of your character and personality and of your attitude towards him, according to your glance. The immortal stars of stage and screen, as well as the great enchanters and the unforgettable vil­ lains of history, are remembered mainly by what they poured out in their glances. Even Satan and the witches are distinguished from the angels by their glances ( “the evil eye”). Novelists and portrait painters make limitiess uses of the glances of their char­ acters. “The eyes are the mirrors of the soul,” said an immortal prophet. Both the flirt and the respectable lady make stupendous use of the glance in romance. Already, as young maidens, they in­ stinctively realize how a glance can electrify men, and many women resort to penciled brows and false eyelashes to intensify the effect. The honest person is known by his straightforward glance, the shy person by his withdrawn glance, the guilty per45



son by his evasive glance, the thinker by his concentrating glance, the nervous person by his hesitant glance, and the frightened person by his tense glance. From their very infancy people judge others by their glances. Even animals do, for you can frighten your pet with a fierce glance or enchant it with a sweet one. The liar and cheat, the “confidence” man, readily adopts the appro­ priate glance to deceive others. Already as a youngster he knows how to look honest, kind-hearted, and disinterested in the pos­ sessions of others. The child applies the right glance on his parents to gain his wishes, even adorning it with tears when suitable. The emotions, indeed, are displayed so automatically in the glance that the eyes flash, shed tears, or dance in response to them. The magic of the psychic powered glance can hardly be equalled in its effects on your everyday life with all living crea­ tures. The easy way to hold others spellbound invisibly with your psychic powered glance Use the psychic powered glance to electrify the opposite sex, to bring you the right introductions in business, to please your customers or clients, to gain wanted promotion, to control unruly subordinates or youngsters, to grip the attention of groups or masses of people. With it, you say more than with words. Your glance is feared when you look cross or impatient; so, never, socially or in business, look hard and long or studiously at people. Don’t, on the other hand, gaze at them with a blank, disinterested eye, or gaze past them as if they don’t exist. Your glance can easily give a sadly mistaken interpretation of your character be­ cause it is studied closely by everybody with whom you come into contact. If you possess a natural bland eye, you are fortunate in many ways because people expect your inner nature also to be bland. If you possess a natural hard stare or a disinterested gaze, though, you are unfortunate in many ways because people will, for the most part, resent you at sight. To develop the most effec­ tive glance, then, is most important for you. The person who controls others fastest is the one who conveys to them the very im pression he wants to, from the very first. Practice the Exercises as explained and master the produc­ ing of your psychic powered glance.


Exercise 1.


How to p ave the w ay instantly fo r a self-introduc­

tion to an important p erson , with your psychic p ow ered glan ce.

Randolph is a person of importance whom you are deter­ mined to meet. But you know of no one who can or will intro­ duce you to him. So, you have to pave the way for a self-introduction. Do it with your psychic powered glance. Practice how to create it before your mirror, and then project it to him. Stand across your room and stare at your image in the mirror. Transform that image of yourself into that of Randolph. You are standing in a social gathering, not far from him. Turn your head slowly and casually towards him. Tow ards him, remem­ ber, not directly at him. Don’t let him assume that you are seeking to meet him, as so many others are, to pester him with a selfish request. Give yourself a casual air, but don’t exaggerate it and appear disinterested in him instead. To do so, maintain a goodnatured, benign look in your eyes. A purposeful look would only put him on guard. Induce him, in other words, to assume that your only aim is to be kind, pleasant, and sociable. Saturate your­ self with that one thought picture. With Multiplied Nerve Gap power (feel divinely blissful), project that one thought picture out of your eyes with shattering psychic power. Visualize it being nailed right into Randolph through his eyes. It will leap across his own Nerve Gaps to the psychic power center in his forehead, faster and stronger than any other competing impression he re­ ceives at the time . . . competing impressions like, whether you are subtly trying to meet him for some selfish gain, or whether you have no interest whatsoever in knowing him for any reason. Move your eyes a little further now and meet his. Fill your­ self, at the same time, with the friendliest feeling in the world for him. D o not op en your eyes wide, nor narrow them either. D o not change their gazing size purposely. Just think out to Randolph instead, “Hi, there! I know we can be the best of friends!” His eyes will turn warm in response. You are ready to step closer and open a conversation. You have overcome the greatest obstacle in getting to know him right, by creating the most de­ sirable impression of yourself from the start. With your psychic powered glance you paved the way instantly for a self-introduc­ tion to an important person and will hold him spellbound.



Exercise 2 .

How to convince a difficult subordinate instantly

that you are interested in him as a person a n d want to help him, with your psychic p ow ere d glan ce.

You want to convince Elford, a difficult subordinate, that you are interested in him as a person and are anxious to help him. You cannot manage him otherwise, Do it with your psychic powered glance. Practice how to create it before your mirror, and then project it to him. Stand across your room and stare at your image in the mirror. Transform that image of yourself into that of Elford. The next time you speak to Elford at work, assume the attitude that you are not after him to question about his behavior problem, but to discuss with him something totally unrelated to it. H e him self, however, will be expecting you to question him about it and will be on the defensive. So, turn to him and ignore the defiant eyes and pugnacious chin with which he meets you. Gaze into his eyes instead, as if you were watching two puppies romp­ ing together. Saturate yourself with that on e thought picture. W ith Multiplied Nerve Gap power (feel divinely blissful), pro­ ject that on e thought picture out of your eyes with shattering psychic power, and nail it right into Elford, through his eyes. It will leap across his own Nerve Gaps to the psychic power center in his forehead, faster and stronger than any other competing impression he receives at the time . . . competing impressions, like whether you are just “playing possum” to catch him off-guard and do him an injustice, or whether you are just pretending to like him, so that he won’t bother you. A half-second later, talk to him. Don’t open your eyes wide, narrow them, or frown. But, stare here and there at times, as if concentrating on your next word. Refuse to let your glance sug­ gest to him any past unpleasant experiences he may have had with you. W ith your psychic powered glance you will have con­ vinced a difficult subordinate instantly that you are interested in him as a person and are dying to help him, and you will hold him spellbound. Exercise 3.

How a woman can entice a most attractive man to

meet h er, instantly, with her psychic p o w ered glan ce.

Wilbur is an interesting, attractive man you desire to meet.



You think he might even be a fine marital prospect for you. Entice him to you with your Psychic Powered Glance, so that he will open a conversation with you. Practice how to create it before your mirror, and then project it to him. Stand across your room and stare at your image in the mirror. Transform that image of yourself into that of Wilbur. Throw a most pleasant smile tow ards Wilbur as you draw near him in the social gathering. Glance at him at the same time as if you were stroking and whispering to a purring kitten. Saturate yourself with that on e thought picture. W ith Multiplied Nerve Gap power (feel divinely blissful), project that on e thought pic­ ture out of your eyes and waft it into him, right through his eyes. It will leap across Wilbur’s own Nerve Gaps to the psychic power center in his forehead, faster and more penetrating than any other competing impression he receives at the time . . . competing impressions like, whether you are equally friendly to all men, and not especially to him, or whether you are just out to amuse yourself with him and have a lot of money spent on you. This particular psychic powered glance of yours conveys much sex appeal, but it is primarily the glance of a sympathetic sister. Remember, though, that no man desires to feel that he possesses little or no sexual attraction. Your psychic powered glance must therefore carry enough sex appeal to flatter Wilbur, but not to alarm him. So, continue smiling pleasantly as you move still nearer to him to afford him the chance of talking to you without embarrassing himself. Continue, also, imagining your­ self stroking and whispering to a purring kitten. Glance for two or three seconds at a time, too, at Wilbur, or even up to four seconds. Don’t look away from him hastily, either, or you will crush his courage to address you first. Continue moving slowly. As you move even closer to him, smile still more widely and glance at him even longer and more admiringly. By now Wilbur will be edging closer and closer to you. W ith your psychic pow­ ered glance you will have enticed a most attractive man to meet you instantly and will hold him spellbound. Now that you have practiced these exercises, apply the same technique in any situation in life in which you can use your glance to hold people spellbound instantly. In the true life cases described in this chapter, you will learn how certain other



people in different places have used amazingly the magic of the psychic powered glance. The names of the individuals involved have been changed. How shy Gary conquered a very popular glamor girl in­ stantly with his psychic powered glance. Gary was a shy employee who was secretly in love with Norma, the stunning new girl in the office. Since all the other “fellows” were pursuing her, Gary had little chance to make an impression on her. But Norma was the girl he wanted—the one he felt suited him best. She was lively, outgoing and captivating. She could be a tremendous asset to him in his career. His big problem was how to make a telling impression on her. How could he make her single him out? Weeks passed and the bolder fellows in the office claimed her attention. Gary felt sick, convinced that he had no chance with Norma. His buddy finally advised him to try on her what amounted to the psychic powered glance. On the verge of de­ spair, Gary practiced it in the privacy of his room and was ready to project it the next day. The next time he was close enough to Norma to be seen by her distinctly, he seized the opportunity. First, he had to make her feel that she was the most desirable creature on earth. So, he pretended to get a perfect look at her now, as if for the first time, even though he had associated with her briefly in the office several times before. This time, though, he opened his eyes wider, as if astounded at her incomparable attraction. He satu­ rated himself with that one thought picture. With Multiplied Nerve Gap power (feel divinely blissful), he projected that one thought picture out of his eyes with shattering psychic power, and nailed it right into Norma, through her eyes. Then, he subtly looked her over from head to foot for onehalf a second. Norma gaped at him as if unable to remove her eyes from him. Gary’s one thought picture had leaped across her own Nerve Gaps to the psychic power center in her forehead, faster and stronger than any other competing impression she had received at the time . . . competing impressions, like her won­



dering whether he was interesting enough to know, or whether he was not smitten with her like the other men in the office. Norma took the aggressive with Gary with surprising speed. By the end of the week she invited him to her home for dinner. To the amazement of all of Gary’s rivals, they were married a year later. With his psychic powered glance, shy Gary had con­ quered a very popular glamor girl instantly and held her spell­ bound. How a foreman won a difficult worker to his side instantly with his psychic powered glance. Charles was a foreman plagued with Alfred, a difficult worker under him. Alfred had been hired because he was the nephew of the firm’s vice-president; so, Charles realized that it was up to him to get along with Alfred if he hoped to rise on that job. Charles could not figure out why he made so little impression on Alfred. Indeed, he sensed a deep hostility towards him in Alfred, which the latter carried out by doing the least work he could get away with and even by encouraging other workers under Charles, to follow suit. The only solution, Charles decided in despair, was to win Alfred to his side as soon as possible. He confided his problem to a retired salesman friend of his, and the latter taught him what amounted to the psychic powered glance. Charles practiced it in his room and prepared to use it on difficult Alfred. When he drew near Alfred the next day, Charles assumed the attitude that he had not approached to question him about his work. He realized that Alfred w ould be expecting such ques­ tioning and would be on his guard. Instead, when he turned to Alfred, Charles ignored his defiant eyes and pugnacious chin and gazed into his eyes rather as if watching two puppies romp­ ing together. He saturated himself with that on e thought picture. With Multiplied Nerve Gap power (feel divinely blissful), he projected that one thought picture out of his eyes with shatter­ ing psychic power, and nailed it right into Alfred, through his eyes. A half second later, Charles talked to him. But he didn’t open his eyes wide, nor narrow them, nor frown; he just stared



here and there at times, as if concentrating on his next word. He refused to let the expressions of his eyes suggest to Alfred any memory of the past experiences they had had together. Alfred seemed nonplussed. Then the pugnacity gradually left his face and his voice turned softer. Charles’ on e thought pic­ ture had leaped across Alfred’s own Nerve Gaps to the psychic power center in his forehead, faster and stronger than any other competing impression he had received at the time . . . compet­ ing impressions like, his downright distrust of Charles, or his re­ sentment at the authority which Charles wielded over him. Charles had no more trouble with Alfred after that. Alfred, indeed, became an excellent worker under him, and the vicepresident was most grateful to Charles for that, for Alfred (it turned out) was a school dropout and had given his family con­ siderable trouble. Charles’ own advancement in the firm was com­ paratively rapid after that. W ith his psychic powered glance he had won a difficult worker to his side instantly and held him spellbound. How plain Marie made the distant, breathtakingly handsome man she secretly adored, turn into putty in her hands, with her psychic poivered glance. Marie was a plain-looking schoolteacher of 35. But she was secretly in love with Bert, a distant, breathtakingly hand­ some teacher of her own age in the same school. Bert, though, was ridiculously pursuing office clerk Candy, a dazzling flirt of eighteen. Marie realized that Candy outclassed her in youth and beauty. Otherwise, she felt that she and Bert had far more in common because she herself was in love with him, while Candy was in love only with herself. It made her bitter that Bert was so blind to Candy’s superficial glitter. Candy’s fickle immaturity would bring him only an avalanche of grief and hold him back seriously in his career. She, herself, though, would urge him to continue going to school part-time and getting a doctor’s degree and eventually climbing into an administration post on the Board of Education. She confided her dilemma to a happily married woman friend, who still left men gasping everywhere with her natural charm. Her friend revealed to her what amounted to the



psychic powered glance. Marie practiced it in her room and got ready to apply it on Bert. Next day at lunch time, she waited tensely for Bert to take his place at his usual table, not far'from hers. When he hap­ pened to look her way this time, she looked him fully in the face and gazed at him for about one-quarter of a second. Then she drew in her breath slightly “through her eyes” for a full 1X A sec­ onds, no m ore and no less. The corners of her lips parted out­ wards automatically, and her whole face and eyelids were drawn slightly downwards. (Remember, she just drew in her breath slightly “through her eyes” for a full 1% seconds, and those changes took place autom atically on her face.) Marie saturated herself with that one thought picture. W ith Multiplied Nerve Gap power ( feel divinely blissful), she projected that on e thought pic­ ture out of her eyes and wafted it into Bert, right through his eyes. Bert stared back at Marie as if he was seeing her for the first time, and as if what he saw held him, despite himself. Marie continued with her lunch, glanced at Bert again for a fleeting second immediately after, and then went on with her meal still feelin g divinely blissful. Before the day was over, Bert sought Marie out and practically begged her for a date. He seemed like a man in an excited trance. His resistance to Marie had melted away and left him overly eager to know her. Marie’s on e thought picture had leaped across his own Nerve Gaps to the psychic power center in his forehead, faster and stronger than any other competing impression he had received at the time . . . compet­ ing impressions, like his settled conviction that she was no beauty, or that she was not young like Candy. Marie could hardly believe her senses. With her psychic powered glance she had made the distant, breathtakingly hand­ some man she secretly adored, turn into putty in her hands and held him spellbound. How unprepossessing Floyd excited the Board of Directors, instantly, with his psychic powered glance. Floyd was an unprepossessing looking researcher with a painful inferiority complex. But he had to address the Board of



Directors of his firm in person in order to convince them of the unique value of his research, It was his only hope to secure the funds or grant for which he had aspired from as far back as his college days, and try to make the earth-shaking discovery in plastics which he felt certain he could. If he failed to convince the Board, he would have to continue with the uninteresting, futureless research into which he had been wedged. If he could only excite the interest of the Board of Directors at once, he could proceed confidently and explain the important features of his project effectively. But how could he excite the interest of such coldly staring, detached men instantly, if at all? Floyd’s public speaking brother advised him to use what amounted to the psychic powered glance. Floyd practiced it in his room until he was satisfied that he had mastered it and was ready to use it. Next day, when introduced to the Board, Floyd was seized by a feverish terror as he prepared to speak. He saw failure crushing his hopes mercilessly. At once, though, he remembered what he had practiced, and gazed into the midst of his audience as if bursting with delight that it was honoring him with its presence and its attention. He saturated himself with that one thought picture. With Multiplied Nerve Gap power (feel di­ vinely blissful), Floyd projected that one thought picture out of his eyes with shattering psychic power and nailed it right into the midst o f the Board o f D irectors. Floyd immediately felt its wall of economic resistance give before him and his body warmed with confidence. His one thought picture had leaped across the Nerve Gaps of the different di­ rectors to the psychic power centers in their foreheads, faster and stronger than any other competing impression they had received at the time . . . competing impressions, like their natural doubts and suspicious of whatever arguments Floyd would propose, and the considerable expenditure his project entailed with little as­ surance of its success. Starting calmly, Floyd presented his proposition clearly and convincingly from the very outset. Before his speech was half over, every eye present was glued on him solidly. At the ballot­ ing, he was unanimously voted every penny he had requested.



With his psychic powered glance, unprepossessing Floyd had ex­ cited the detached Board of Directors in him instantly, held the members spellbound, and secured full support for his project. How poor, uneducated Letta made a fortune from the pub­ lic with her psychic powered glance. Letta was practically without parents as a young girl and grew up in an orphanage. She already worked at age 16. Be­ cause she possessed a good, but by no means perfect figure, she took up modelling. But her progress was mediocre, even though she bleached her hair and posed frequently in the nude. One day she happened to pose for a magazine cover. It was a nude but tastefully posed picture. But she projected off the page some­ thing which she had practiced privately to satisfy the demanding commercial photographers for whom she had posed b efo re something that amounted to the psychic powered glance. Just before the camera clicked for that magazine cover, she visualized herself as being the most desirable, most wanted, most eager to be possessed female on earth. She saturated herself with that on e thought picture. The moment the camera snapped, with Multiplied Nerve Gap power (feel divinely blissful), she wafted that one thought picture out of her into the camera (just as if she were staring at a man) right through its lens, as if its lens were eyes. When the magazine hit the stands, the picture swept the country. Everyone who saw it felt as if Letta was projecting that on e thought picture of herself directly to him, right through his eyes. It therefore leaped across his own Nerve Gaps to the psychic power center in his forehead, faster and more penetrating than any other competing impression he received at the time . . . competing impressions, like any other thought he had on his mind at the time, or any memory of any other attractive female. Letta became fam ous in a flash. She was soon in motion pictures and used the same magic secret before the movie camera. She became a world-wide screen sensation. With her psychic powered glance, poor, uneducated Letta had opened up the tightly shut motion picture studios swiftly and made a fortune by holding the public spellbound.



The psychic powered glance put to evil uses How a designing young woman ensnared a fast-rising ath­ lete instantly, with her psychic powered glance. Twenty-one year old Clara was a clothing store clerk, but she hated to work at all. She yearned to marry a rich man, and live the life of ease. Love, romance, children, and the like, were, to her, “a pain in the neck.” But, how could she meet a rich man? That was the question! The world of sports was raving then about John, the most sensational boxer of the era. He was skyrocketing to the top of the light heavyweight class and was drawing gross gates of hundreds of thousands of dollars per year. He was fighting that month, too, in the city and was training in the downtown gym. That was all Clara needed to know. She skipped work one day on the pretext of being ill, and paid her way into the stuffy gym that afternoon to watch the most talked about John train. An idle housewife was her companion. The place was packed with men who yelled and applauded as John sparred with his partner, time and again landing stiff blows. Clara knew nothing about the rugged sport and just waited patiently for her chance to use her well-practiced psychic powered glance on John. Between rounds she concentrated so hard on him as he drifted around the ring to catch his breath, that his head turned suddenly and met her full face. Clara instantly filled herself with a wild desire to be John’s completely, body and soul. She saturated herself with that on e thought picture, for she knew that John would look at her again very soon. John did. Clara was waiting for him, saturated with the on e thought picture of a wild desire to be his completely, body and soul. W ith Multiplied Nerve Gap power (feel divinely blissful— or, perhaps, Satanically blissful), she wafted that o n e thought picture out of her eyes into John, right through his eyes. He colored deeply, but looked away swiftly and resumed sparring with the bell. At the end of the workout the crowd applauded excitedly and dispersed slowly, uttering such meaningless expressions, as far as Clara was concerned as, “He never missed the button!”



“What a hook he throws!” “And, didya notice, he never jumped on his bicycle?” Clara subtly edged towards the front row, close to where John was being wrapped thickly in towels and two bathrobes by his “attendants,” as Clara considered them. “What a beautiful boxer you are!” she exclaimed directly to John when she was close enough. “It was like watching a ballet dancer.” John’s attendants gave her a strange look, then exchanged a still stranger look among themselves. John mumbled a reply, hardly able to keep his gaze off Clara, to the evident anxiety of his “attendants,” as Clara considered them. John’s own Nerve Gaps responded to the psychic power center in his forehead, faster and more penetrating than any other competing impression he had received at the time . . . competing impressions like, whether he was being inveigled by a designing woman, or whether it was detrimental to his training to pay serious attention to a woman. Six weeks later, Clara and John eloped. But the marriage ended five years later, after John had made considerable money. Clara received an enormous settlement. With her psychic powered glance, designing Clara had en­ snared instantly an illustrious athlete, fast becoming wealthy, and held him spellbound. Conclusion See how you can bring about miracles in your relationships with people instantly with your psychic powered glance! It is indeed the psychic secret for breaking down seemingly unsurmountable obstacles when dealing with them and can be accom­ plished in one-half of a second. Once you pierce that obstacle, it is a simple matter to hold them spellbound. And, you can achieve all that with the following simple steps: Step 1. Use your eyes alone in a specific manner by creat­ ing a vivid thought picture of exactly what you want your glance to suggest. Step 2. Saturate yourself with that thought picture and pro­ ject it to the one you have in mind with Multiplied Nerve Gap power (feel divinely blissful).


Step 3. Nail that thought picture (or waft it when used romantically, if you are a woman) firmly into the psychic power center of that certain somebody in his forehead. Step 4. Maintain that projection from between one-half to one and one-half seconds, depending on the in­ timacy of the life situation. You will hold anyone spellbound instantly and constantly.

4 Psychic Secret 3: H o w to P r o d u c e t he " M a g i c " of Y o u r P s y c h i c P o w e r e d Ph y s i c a l P r e s e n c e

I h e Psychic Powered Physical Presence is the secret for draw­ ing people to you instantly, even against their wills. Your phys­ ical presence exerts a compelling effect upon other people. It stands to reason that the mere presence of something alive next to you—even if it is only a bird, dog, cat, and significantly more so, if it is another human being—will affect you noticeably. The character or attitude of that something alive, as felt through its physical presence, will affect you even more still. If it seems friendly, it will affect you differently than if it seems unfriendly. If it moves quickly, it will affect you differently than if it moves slowly. If it notices you, it will affect you differently than if it ignores you. Whatever it does affects you decisively. If it seems inviting, it will affect you differently than if it seems uninviting. Its effect upon you can pervade your whole system and alter the character of your thoughts, the movements of your 59



arms and legs, change your manner and behavior, and even your speech. W ithin you, it can change your physiology, heart beat, re­ spiratory rate, digestion, and your strength. You, in turn, can— and do—affect others with your physical presence. The effects of your physical presence upon others is based not so much upon your physical aspect either, except at the very first. The effects of another’s physical presence upon you, then, are swiftly altered or reformed after you are aware of it, by how you think, move, stand, glance, behave, or use your limbs. From the very first, though, you can alter decisively the impression which your physical presence makes upon a person by creating and projecting your Psychic Powered Physical Presence. W ith it you can induce him to “see” you as being fa r m ore attractive physically than you are; far more powerful muscularly than you are; far more romantic than you are; far more of anything that you wish him (or her) to think that you are, by just implanting the thought picture of that majestic vision of yourself in his con­ scious mind, with Multiplied Nerve Gap power. Screen immortals, like Rudolph Valentino, Charlie Chaplin, John Barrymore, Clark Gable, Gary Cooper, John Wayne, Jean Harlow, Marilyn Monroe, Humphrey Bogart, and scores of others, made unforgettable impressions on the public and audiences hungered for their next appearance. Other people have done likewise all through history, sometimes attired in nothing more than rags or sackcloths. Others, like Cleopatra and Madame Du Barry, added the luxury of dazzling costumes and overwhelming environment to their appeal, but they cou ld have don e as w ell in rags! With the psychic powered physical presence, holy men, mystics and other religious leaders drew followers to themselves and led multitudes. Daniel, of Biblical history, drifted among the hungry lions in the dungeon where he had been cast to be de­ voured, and petted them. Don Juan, the Prince of Spain in the 16th century, instantly tamed and made a pet of a strange lion that had suddenly wandered into his chamber. Even in sackcloth, Peter the Hermit drifted across Europe and aroused masses of people in country after country to embark on the deathly and dangerous Crusades for centuries. So, also, can you perform



miracles of drawing people to you with this magic secret. There­ fore, practice the routines explained and you can master produc­ ing the magic of your psychic powered physical presence. Exercise 7.

How to thrill the woman you like instantly with

your psychic p ow ered p hysical p resence.

You want to thrill Luci, the woman you are attracted to and make her feel the same attraction for you. Do it with your psychic powered physical presence. Practice how to create it before your mirror, and then project it to her. Stand across your room and stare at your image in the mir­ ror. Transform that image of yourself into Luci’s. As you near her during the next date, let your whole body burst with the joy of meeting her again. Feel as if you are suddenly picked up in a hurricane of ecstasy and are being hurled over to her. Saturate yourself with that on e thought picture. W ith Multiplied Nerve Gap power (feel divinely blissful), project that on e thought pic­ ture out of your eyes with shattering psychic power, and transmit it right into Luci through h er eyes. It will leap across her own Nerve Gaps to the psychic power center in her forehead, faster and stronger than any other competing impression she receives at the time . . . competing impressions like, whether you are really capable of drawing her to you so compellingly, or whether she ought to resist you to the last. Keep looking at her and take a slow, but not a truly deep breath, lasting two seconds. Feel it, partially, filling your cheeks, lungs, and setting your whole body alive with such a rabid hunger for her that it feels as if reaching out through the air for her. Your lips will widen at the corners reflexly; your shoulders will broaden, and your chest will deepen, and an inner stirring will explode within you and drive you inexorably to Luci. A sensa­ tion of the most intense delight will tingle her. W ith your psychic powered physical presence you will have thrilled the woman you like instantly and drawn her to you. E xercise 2 .

How to p etrify a tow ering bully instantly in a fight

without striking a blow .

A towering bully assails you and forces you to defend your­ self. He outclasses you physically; so, your only alternative is to



petrify him and, thereby, avoid an exchange of blows. Do it with your psychic powered physical presence. Practice how to create it before your mirror, and be ready to apply it should such an occasion arise. Stand across your room and stare at your image in the mirror. Transform that image of yourself into that of the huge, dangerous bully who has cornered you and provoked a fight with you. Your heart races like mad and your brow perspires profusely. Your first impulse is to shut your eyes tight and lash out wildly at him. But, don’t do that! Your blows might miss their marks or land ineffectively on his arms and shoulders and exhaust you quickly. Square off against him instead. Strike a fighting pose and stare him squarely in the eye. Hardly breathe for a moment, as you hurl him the command thought, “In for the licking of your life, Bud! Better not fight! Better not fight!” Feel, meanwhile, as if your whole body is coiled like a snake’s, ready to lash out straight and deadly at its enemy. L et not the least dou bt o f total success on your part flash into your mind. Should such a doubt come to mind, banish it at once and, literally, seethe from head to foot, with savage fury, so that your whole body is converted into a cauldron. Feel this volcanic flame bursting through your face, torso, arms and legs, and driving you forward to the bully with a conviction of magical invincibility that chills him to the bone. With Multiplied Nerve Gap power (feel divinely blissful), pro­ ject that thought picture out of your eyes with shattering psychic power, and nail it right into the bully, through his eyes. It will leap across his own Nerve Gaps to the psychic power center in his forehead, faster and stronger than any other competing im­ pression he receives at the time . . . competing impressions like, his superb confidence of beating you because he is so much bigger and presumably much more stronger, and his jubilant assumption that you are completely helpless before him because you have no one to help you. At on ce you will loom to him as bein g far m ore m enacing than you are. Remain outside his reach, meanwhile, but still edge slightly more towards him, your fists confusingly low on your thighs. Keep staring straight into his eyes. He will feel as if you are drill­ ing holes through his head.



“You’re through! Give in!” think out to him again. Edge towards him slightly again, with your eyes still drill­ ing holes through his head, and your lungs breathing just enough. If your heart races, slow it down with a few deep, but imper­ ceptible breaths. D on’t fly off the handle! The ruffian’s heart, in contrast, will turn to ice from the suspense and race like mad. His energy will scatter and his arms, legs, forehead and stomach will flutter. You have the bully on the run, for he does not dare to swing a blow at you while your eyes are drilling holes through his head. He is totally paralyzed with confusion and fright, and besides that, he could not level a blow at you if he tried. He will call off the fight soon after that. W ith your psychic powered physical presence you will have petrified a towering bully instantly in a fight and drawn him to you to surrender. Exercise 3.

How to make others see you instantly as being far

more dazzling than you a re.

You are weary of being habitually underrated socially by others. You always hear about the social appeal of so-and-so, but never anything similar about yourself. You are accepted like an old shoe, always out of the running. If you could only make your­ self instantly far more dazzling than you are! W ell, you can. Do it with your psychic powered physical presence. Practice how to create it before your mirror, and then project it to the people you want to when you encounter them. Stand across your room and stare at your image in the mirror. Transform that image of yourself into that of the dazzling person you would like to look like. Stare at your image in the mirror until you see it actually change into that majestic vision of yourself. Look elsewhere in the room now, and still see that majestic vision of yourself, just as if it were inside there with you. Again look at your mirror, but this time see your image as if it were somebody else or someone of importance whom you will soon meet and want to draw to you instantly. Pretend now that you are actually about to meet him. At once feel as if your whole body has turned warm and is relaxed all over. Feel, too, as if a galvanic friendship is about to be sparked between you both



and that no obstacle can stand between. L et not the least doubt of total success on your part flash into your mind. Should such a doubt flash into it, banish it at once and glow from head to foot with amicability, so that your whole body is converted into a flame of irresistible persuasion. Feel this flame pulsing through your face, your torso, your arms and your legs, and driving you onward to this person with a magical invincibility that will sweep him off his feet. Saturate yourself with that on e thought picture. With Multiplied Nerve Gap power (feel divinely blissful), pro­ ject that on e thought picture out of your eyes with shattering psychic power, and nail it right into this person, through his eyes. It will leap across his own Nerve Gaps to the psychic power center in his forehead, faster and stronger than any other com­ peting impression he receives at the time . . . competing im­ pressions like, whether you are really as impressive as you seem, or whether he should study you more thoroughly before letting himself admire you so completely. With your psychic powered physical presence you will have made him (or her) see you in­ stantly as being far more dazzling than you are and to be drawn to you, even against his will. Now that you have practiced these exercises, apply the same technique in any situation in life in which you can use your physical presence to draw others to you instantly, even against their wills. In the true life cases about to be described, you will learn how various people in different places have used with startling results the magic of the psychic powered physical pres­ ence. The names of the individuals involved have been changed. How a hard-working middle-aged bachelor converted a set platonic friendship with a beautiful and fascinating girl o f twenty-one into an exciting romance instantly. Ames, a hard-working executive, was growing desperate in his courtship of Sheila, a beautiful and fascinating blonde art student of twenty-one. Perhaps, because he was nearly as old as her father, she persisted in seeing him strictly platonically. She enjoyed his company very much, but it was a stagnant rela­ tionship from a romantic point of view. Sheila’s parents looked with favor on Ames and continually urged her to marry him. But, she smiled back and told him in private that her parents forgot



that she was no longer a child. She was not ready for marriage yet, anyway, she added. Ames analyzed his dilemma with a close friend and agreed that his whole association with Sheila was romantically feeble. His friend advised him to change it altogether if he hoped to lead her to the altar. He taught him what amounted to the psychic powered physical presence and told him to practice it first, and then apply it on Sheila. Ames practiced it before his mirror and was ready to try it on Sheila on their next date. The moment he approached Sheila this time, Ames let his whole body burst with the joy of meeting her again. He felt as if suddenly picked up in a hurricane of ecstasy and being hurled over to her. He saturated himself with that one thought picture. With Multiplied Nerve Gap power ( feel divinely blissful), Ames projected that on e thought out of his eyes with shattering psychic power, and nailed it right into Sheila, through her eyes. Ames kept looking at her, meanwhile, and took a slow, but not truly deep breath, lasting two seconds. He felt it particularly filling his lungs and his cheeks, and setting his whole body alive with such a rabid hunger for her that it felt as if reaching out through the air for her. His lips automatically smiled and widened at the corners; his shoulders broadened, and an inner stirring exploded within him and drove him inexorably to her. Sheila stared back at him with disbelief, as if wondering whether he was a different man entirely. Ames sensed that he had suddenly broken the ice of her frigidity to him, that she was now wide open to his ardent approach. His on e thought picture had leaped across her own Nerve Gaps to the psychic power center in her forehead, faster and stronger than any other com­ peting impression she had received at the time . . . competing impressions like, her old, set, unromantic picture of him, or her secret preference for another suitor. Ames shook off his platonic self instantly and burst forth with romantic wit and thrilling flattery of her comely physical assets. Sheila found herself smiling with amazed, but excited, eyes and romantic atmosphere remained all through the date. Every time Ames met her thereafter, he hastened towards her, projecting his psychic powered physical presence. He and Sheila were engaged within th ree months. W ith his psychic powered



physical presence, hard-working middle-aged Ames had con­ verted his set pi atonic friendship with a beautiful and fascinat­ ing girl of twenty-one into an exciting romance instantly and drawn her to him, even against her will.

How stuck-in-the-mud Roger instilled confidence in his talents instantly in the superior who could help him rise fast, with his psychic powered physical presence. At 34, Roger was thoroughly dissatisfied because he was rising too slowly in the firm. For some reason or other, Arthur, his superior, did not see him as the right man for the best promo­ tions. Roger was sick and tired of being by-passed regularly for newer employees. He felt that Arthur, somehow, lacked enough confidence in him. Perhaps he had started with him on the wrong foot by acting too independent. W hatever the reason, it was time for him to be rising fast if he ever expected to rise in the firm at all. Roger discussed the situation with his wife. She encouraged him to try on Arthur what amounted to the psychic powered physical presence. Roger practiced it in his room, and was ready to try it, W hen Roger did any work in Arthur’s presence the next day, he no longer conducted himself like an efficient, obedient employee and no more. He filled himself instead also with a greater feeling of confident capability to convince Arthur that, should he need someone for a good promotion, Roger should be the one selected. To experience that feeling strongest, Roger flooded himself with an overwhelming yearning to please Arthur, and reinforced it with the confidence that he could please him. H e was attentive, meanwhile, and carried out his own duties to the best of his ability. Bu t he made himself feel too, all the time, as if he, him self, was his own superior; that no one was over him, and that he did his job so perfectly because he ow n ed the firm. Roger saturated himself with that one thought picture. W ith Multiplied Nerve Gap power (feel divinely blissful), he projected that one thought picture out of his eyes with shattering psychic power, and nailed it right into Arthur, through his eyes. At once Arthur took active notice of Roger. Before long, he assigned him a special task to do. Roger’s one thought picture had leaped across Arthur’s own Nerve Gaps to the psychic power



center in his forehead, faster and stronger than any other com­ peting impression he had received at the time . . . competing impressions, like his wondering whether Roger possessed enough confidence in himself to be successful in a position of more au­ thority, or whether he lacked enough courage to stand up behind his own ideas. Roger went on projecting his psychic powered physical presence to Arthur every time he was within view of him there­ after. A few weeks later there was a vacancy for an excellent promotion. Arthur recommended Roger for it in preference to all the others who aspired for it, even though practically all of them had been with the establishment longer than Roger. With his psychic powered physical presence, stuck-in-the-mud Roger had instilled confidence in his talents instantly in the superior who could help him rise fast and had drawn his help to him, even if possibly against his will. How otherwise average Henry projected a stunning image o f himself to others and instantly turned a life o f miserable failure into a crowning success. Henry was a poor salesman. He knew his product well and mastered every technique he was to use on his prospects. Yet, he failed miserably in his sales efforts, although he tried again and again. At first, he thought he needed more nerve. Then more confidence. Then more warmth. Then more aggressiveness. Then more determination. Then more persistence. Then better lan­ guage. Then a better route. Then less haste. Then more highpressure salesmanship. Then less high-pressure salesmanship. And so on, and so on. Any improvement he showed in his sales efforts was moderate and short-lived. In utter despair he decided that selling was not for him and that he was cut out to be a warehouse clerk or something else which kept him far from the general public. He then learned from another and successful salesman, Bob, what amounted to the psychic powered physical presence. Bob convinced Henry that he was approaching people like a begging leper instead of like a person who enchanted others at sight. “Stop seeing yourself like an unprepossessing nobody,” Bob told him, “and visualize yourself as being irresistible to everybody



everywhere. Assume this picture of yourself like you’d don an eyecatching coat, and sally forth into the world to win everybody to you at sight. Create in your mind a perfect picture of yourself looking like such a person and stop magnifying every obstacle that crosses your path. T hen you will start selling!” Inspired, Henry practiced the psychic powered physical presence in his room at once. The next day he faced his very first prospect, ready to try it on him. He absolutely ignored the guarded attitude of the prospect and saturated himself with the on e thou ght picture of his new, irresistible self. He introduced himself and, with Multiplied Nerve Gap power (feel divinely blissful), he projected that o n e thought picture of himself out of his eyes with shattering psychic power, and nailed it right into his prospect, through his eyes. Henry then maintained that on e thought picture of himself in his own mind and started talking just as such a person would, for he was now no lon ger failing Henry, but irresistible Henry. He, therefore, automatically spoke, acted, and reacted differently, and in every way was a different salesman than he was before. The sales resistance of the prospect melted away. Henry’s o n e thought picture had leaped across the Nerve Gaps of the prospect to the psychic power center in his forehead, faster and stronger than any other competing impression he had received at the time . . . competing impressions like, whether he should wait and think it over before purchasing the product, or immedi­ ately put through a big wholesale order, or whether he should demand still more proof of its value before doing business with Henry. Henry effected an excellent sale with him. Bursting with confidence now, Henry used the psychic secret on his next prospect. By sundown he had failed with only on e prospect, and then, only because he wanted more credit than Henry’s firm allowed. By the end of the month Henry had tripled his sales record. He started off the next month well on the way to becoming the firm’s best salesman. W ith his psychic powered physical presence, aghast, average Henry had projected a stun­ ning image of himself to others and instantly turned a life of miserable failure into a crowning success by drawing people to him, even against their wills.



Conclusion See how completely you can alter your life’s prospects with the magic of your psychic powered image! It is indeed the secret of your personal psychic power for reaching your goals in life with astonishing speed and ease. And, you can achieve those miracles with the following simple steps: Step 1. Depend on your physical presence alone by creat­ ing a vivid thought picture of exactly how you would like to look and act to some person in order to draw him to you, even against his will. Step 2. Saturate yourself with that thought picture and pro­ ject it to this person with Multiplied Nerve Gap power (feel divinely blissful). Step 3. Nail that thought picture firmly into the psychic power center of this person, in his forehead. Then, look and act as if you actually are that thought p ic ­ ture of yourself. Step 4. Project it to this person repeatedly while you asso­ ciate with him, for one-half second at a time. You will draw any person to you instantly, even against his will, as certain shrewd men and women have drawn others to them effortlessly all through the Ages. How to blot out instantly the commonplace image o f you existing in the other person’s mind, and replace it perma­ nently with the new majestic vision o f yourself. Merely to visualize the new, majestic vision of yourself and flash it into another person’s mind is not enough to blot out p er­ m anently his already existing commonplace image of you. In­ deed, you might only confuse him and impel him to analyze you all the more keenly—and, then, to probably see you again just as he did before! You, therefore, have to blot out this persons previously settled vision of you so completely from his mind that he is convinced instantly that the new, majestic-you which you project to him, is the real you, and that his old, settled vision of



you was absolutely false. You can achieve that ability with the special exercise described in the following paragraphs. S p e cia l Exercise.

Look at the evenly lined circle as illustrated. Stare at the point in the center of it, but at the same time, perceive the w hole circu m ference of the circle. Now, without shifting your eyes, visualize that circumference as growing thicker and thicker until it is five or six times as thick as it actually is. Your psychic power center will automatically make the circumference grow that much thicker in your mind’s eyes (that is, in your higher and lower visual centers), even if it does remain the same size on your retina. Now, ‘lift” that greatly “thickened” circle off the page with your psychic power and superimpose it over the serrated or un­ evenly lined circle sketched beside it. Stare also at the point in the center of the second circle, but let your “thickened” circle cover and blot out the irregularity of the circumference of the serrated circle and convert it also into a “thickened,” but smooth, round circle. N ote: You will not master this exercise at once and possibly never completely. But you need only to master it a little, and you will develop staggering power to blot out permanently the commonplace image of you existing in the mind’s eyes of others and replace it instantly with the new, majestic vision of yourself. Should you master it completely, of course, you will acquire an inducing vision psychic power, equalling that of the great psychic practitioners. Striving for perfection with this exercise will yield many unexpected psychic benefits for you!

Even-line circle

Serrated-line circle

5 Psychic Secret 4: H o w to P r o d u c e t he " M a g i c " of Y o u r P s y c h i c P o w e r e d S p e e c h

1 he Psychic Powered Speech is the secret for putting people under your active control instantly. Everybody knows how im­ portant speech is in his daily life. “The pen is mightier than the sword,” it is said, but the spoken w ord is m ightier than th e pen. Not only can you communicate with others more directly with the spoken word than with any other means (with the possible, but limited, exception of gestures), but also the spoken word allows an infinite variety of communication because at different times you can use it differently through pronunciation and emphasis. You are familiar with such phrases as, “the silvertongued orator,” “he has the gift of gab,” “he is a hypnotic speaker.” The immortal Ben Jonson wrote, “Language most shows a man; sp eak that 1 m ay see thee." Massinger wrote, “How sweetly sounds the voice of a good woman.” Longfellow referred to the voice as “the organ of the soul,” and “thy voice is a celestial melody.” The history of every age and every land abounds with tales of men and women who changed the fates of their coun­ tries with the power of fascination of their speech. The holy Crusades were whipped into action by the unprepossessing foot-




traveller, the sackclothed Peter the Hermit, in the latter part of the 11th century with his fiery oratory in the marketplaces of country after country in Europe. The incomparable advantage of your speech is that it springs directly from the inner depths of your body, as if you were giv­ ing a person or persons something of yourself. Even though it consists only of air vibration, it is a vibration which you alone can create exactly as you like it. You alone possess that exact com­ bination of pitch, resonance, vocabulary, emotion, rhythm, speed, reasoning, pronunciation, and timbre. No other creature possesses it. And that is no fiction, for the blind can hear someone speak but once and never forget his voice. You can, therefore, produce your psychic powered speech in endlessly effective ways. Rostand immortalized the secret power of speech roman­ tically in Cyrano d e B ergerac. Roxane’s impatience with the tongued-tied Christian changed to delight in “his” ardor when the tenderly witty Cyrano spoke for him in the dark under her balcony. There are birds and animals that woo their mates with calls and songs. When you speak to someone, you communicate directly with his conscious mind and with his aw areness that you are doing so. He will respond to you with a direct verbal reply, with thinking or emotion, or with both. By using the right words in the right manner you can contact him for action with amazing accuracy. Even the sound of your voice and the speed of your words exert a distinct effect on him. With your psychic powered speech you can put someone into a hypnotic trance, sing him to sleep, drive him frantic, fill him with self-confidence, convert him into your willing slave and follower, or alter his judgment altogether about something. There is hardly anything you cannot do with psychic powered speech. Mystics and psychic masters heal, com­ mand supernatural phenomena, invoke spirits, even communi­ cate with God with it. Yes, you can master this magic secret as revealed in this chapter! T h e easy way to put p e o p le under your active influence invisibly with your psychic pow ered speech Your speech is not the first quality about you which a person



notices, as a rule. Once you speak, though, you can make him forget practically everything else about you. Correct diction and other attributes of elocution are fascinating, of course, but more gripping still is the sincerity, credibility, or poignancy with which you express yourself. Many an exciting speaker was plagued with poor grammar, stuttering, stammering, and other ungainly vocal defects, and, yet, he fascinated and led throngs of followers in­ cluding the highly educated. The conviction, the logic, and the unforgettable pictures which you produce in people’s minds with your speech, as well as the emotional reactions which these trigger in them, are the predominant factors for acquiring psychic powered speech. Excellent diction and other technical aspects of oratory are not the predom inant factors. Your speech will be most gripping, too, if it is not bombastic, self-laudatory, nor sharply critical of anything. Aim to please the majority of your listeners in a general way, although it should emphasize your own conclusions and should be expressed in your own individual manner. Avoid poly­ syllables and shameful four-letter words, even in private con­ versation with an understanding buddy. Train yourself instead to find the right word to express what you have to say. Consult your dictionary regularly to make certain that your words are used accurately. Don’t adopt new expressions, especially slang, too fast. They rob your speech of dignity. But don’t limit yourself to outdated words or pronunciations either. Practice the Exercises as explained in the following para­ graphs and master the secret of your psychic powered speech. Exercise 1.

How to fill a person you a re standing behind, with

invincible confidence in himself instantly b efore he com petes in anything.

You are a lawyer defending Jay, the accused in a murder trial. Tomorrow, he is expected to be called by the prosecution to the witness-stand and is on the verge of panic. He stands little chance of acquittal unless he answers the piercing questions of the prosecutor exactly as you coached him to. To make sure he does, you have to fill Jay with invincible confidence in himself



instantly b efo r e he is on the stand. Do it with your psychic powered speech. Practice how to create it before your mirror, and then project it to Jay next day before he is even brought to the courtroom. Stand across your room and stare at your image in the mirror. Transform that image of yourself into Jay’s. You don’t want him to feel that he is about to face the most horrifying experience in his life. You want him to feel, instead, that the prosecution is just as unsure about him as he, himself, is about it and that if he exhibits nothing but calm and confidence before it, he will befuddle and force the prosecution to show its hand. So, talk to Jay naturally, as if to a long time friend, and keep all sign of alarm out of your voice. Repeat to Jay the questions which you think will be asked him and have Jay answer them just as you wish. Coach him to do everything on the witness-stand, in fact, calmly and with confidence. Saturate yourself with that thought picture. W ith Multiplied Nerve Gap power (feel di­ vinely blissful), project that thought picture out of your eyes with shattering psychic power, and nail it right into Jay through his eyes. And, at once say to him, “The best thing for you to reply to that question, Jay, is. . . And say the statement to your image in the mirror in a smoothly flowing tone. “If this next ques­ tion confuses you,” add to him, “pause momentarily to think out your answer. If it is put to you confusingly, I will raise an objec­ tion and allow you more time to think about it. Be rushed into nothing while up there!” To repeat, speak very naturally to Jay. The slightest show of affectation on your part will defeat your aims with him. N at­ uralness is your most potent characteristic with him because it suggests impeccable honesty. When Jay is positive that you are honest with him, he will trust you impliciHy. Jay will breathe easier and feel more secure. Your thought picture will have leaped across his own Nerve Gaps to the psychic power center in his forehead, faster and stronger than any other competing impression he received at the time . . . competing impressions, like his terror that he will give the wrong reply and be doomed, or that he will be paralyzed with fear and turn hysterical. With your psychic powered speech you have filled him instantly with invincible confidence in himself before he is



called to the witness stand (or is to compete for something) and have put him under your active influence. Exercise 2.

How to sw ay a group or mass o f p e o p le to your

support instantly.

You are lecturing either before your club or association where you work, or are on the lecture platform. Before you can bring your audience under your active influence, you have to sway it to your support. Do it with your psychic powered speech. Practice how to create it before your mirror, and then project it to your audience. Stand across your room and stare at your image in the mirror. Transform that image of yourself into that of a group or mass of people before whom you are about to speak. Address it now as if you are speaking before a true audience. The opening sentence of every original speech is different, but the following is a good enough one for many occasions. “Thank you sincerely for being here.” Speak naturally, but with courtesy. Maintain a friendly, respectful tone. Don’t shout, over­ emphasize or overenunciate. But, mumble nothing. Be heard clearly instead. Most important of all, though, make certain that you sound very intimate, as if you are confiding a well-kept secret to a trusted confidante. In other words, encourage your listeners to feel, as promptly as possible, that they and you are one. En­ courage ea ch one of them, in fact, to feel as if you were talking to him open-heartedly in the privacy of his home. Saturate your­ self with that one thought picture. With Multiplied Nerve Gap power (feel divinely blissful), project that one thought picture out of your eyes with shattering psychic power, and nail it right into th e m idst o f your audien ce. It will leap across the Nerve Gaps of its different members faster and stronger than any other competing impression they receive at the time . . . competing impressions like, wondering whether you have anything worthy of being heard, or whether you qualify to speak at all. Retain that intimate footing all through your speech-all through the logical and emotional phases, particularly. With your psychic powered speech you will sway the group or mass of people to your support instantly and bring it under your active influence.



Exercise 3. How to gain the confidence o f a confused new em­ p lo yee instantly.

Alfred is your new employee, and he seems all confused about the work. In order to put him under your active influence instantly, you have to gain his confidence. Do it with your psychic powered speech. Practice how to create it before your mirror, and then project it to him. Stand across your room and stare at your image in your mirror. Transform that image of yourself into that of Alfred. Visualize dealing with him. When you give Alfred your instruc­ tions, don’t do it dictatorially. Don’t even be distant or abrupt. Instruct him instead as if you know nothing about his being con­ fused, no matter how desperate he looks. Communicate as if you are eager to keep him working there. Saturate yourself with that one thought picture. With Multi­ plied Nerve Gap power (feel divinely blissful), project that one thought picture out of your eyes with shattering psychic power, and visualize it being nailed right into Alfred through his eyes. It will leap across his own Nerve Gaps to the psychic power center in his forehead, faster and stronger than any other com­ peting impression he receives at the time . . . competing im­ pressions like, whether you have it in for him because he pre­ tended to be more skillful or experienced than he was to get the job, or whether you are only pretending to like him, but secretly want to fire him. For instance, say to him, “Alfred, the best thing for us to do here, seems to be to . . . ( Practice by repeating that state­ ment to your image in the mirror in a calm, smoothly flowing voice.) D on’t look at Alfred when you say it, but at what you are talking about. Don’t use a hesitant, apologetic tone, however, or he will take advantage of you. Immediately add, “When that’s finished, please let me know, and we'll start on . . . Con­ stantly say “we” instead of “you” to reassure him that you do not consider yourself above performing his duties. Culminate your instructions with “All right, Alfred, I ’ll leave you now. I have to go to (name the place). If you have any questions, let me know, will you?” Look kindly in his eyes and nail that on e thought picture into him with Multiplied Nerve Gap power. Then



drift away as you would normally. W ith your psychic powered speech you will gain the confidence of Alfred instantly and put him under your active influence as a boss or in any activity re­ quiring your leadership. Now that you have practiced these exercises, apply the same technique in any situation in life in which you can use your speech to put people under your active influence instantly. In the true life cases described in the ensuing section, you will learn how certain other people in different parts of the world have used stupendously the magic of the psychic powered speech. The names of the individuals involved have been changed. How John lowered the defenses o f the woman he wanted, instantly, with his psychic powered speech. John was keeping steady company with Charlene, but was getting nowhere romantically. Yet, he wanted Charlene more than any other woman and prayed that she’d marry him. He expected her to start refusing him dates any time now because she was also pursued by other suitors whose company she probably en­ joyed more. His own main drawback with her was that he was too uncertain of himself when in her company, and he tried to make up for it by being tiresomely overaggressive. Charlene seemed to be growing increasingly disillusioned with him. John was advised to practice and apply on Charlene two magic secrets—the psychic powered glance, followed immediately by psychic powered speech. These were taught to John and he was advised to practice them before his mirror before applying them on Charlene. Anxiety-ridden John did exactly as he was told. The next time he had a date with Charlene, he greeted her admiringly with his psychic powered glance. In the past he had greeted her shyly, as if he had just happened to encounter her. He followed the greeting immediately with a flattering remark and then, he picked out one particular something about her that intoxicated him. It happened to be her dazzling eyes which he praised with the utmost adoration. At once he saturated himself with that on e thought picture of her eyes. W ith Multiplied Nerve Gap power (feel divinely blissful), he projected that on e thought



picture out of his own eyes with shattering psychic power, and nailed it right into Charlene, through her eyes. John then referred to them no more. He knew now that Charlene would promptly overlook any less attractive part she possessed and be completely enthralled with him. Charlene blushed and scoffed, but John merely insisted that he had a keen eye for beauty. He did not argue back with her when she continued protesting for he had been advised to always maintain a harmonious atmosphere with her, It was also sug­ gested to John to thrill her with words like “luscious, dazzling, stunning, breath-taking, delicious, staggering” rather than with the overused words “beautiful, pretty, attractive.” Charlene’s attitude towards John altered swiftly. An invit­ ing smile replaced her m atter-of-fact expression which she usually bore when with him. W henever she turned to him thereafter, her eyes contained a teasing yearning for more of his new self. W hen John kissed her that night, she clung to him. His one thought picture had leaped across her own Nerve Gaps to the psychic power center in her forehead, faster and stronger than any other competing impression she had received at the time . . . competing impressions, like her doubting whether John was in­ deed the right man for her, and whether a perm anent union with him would satisfy her, W ith his psychic powered glance and speech John had instantly lowered the guard of the woman he loved and had put her under his active influence.

Conclusion See what miracles you can achieve with your psychic pow­ ered speech! It is indeed the magic secret for putting others under your active influence instantly because you can communicate with them directly. The echo of your speech which you set up in their psychic power centers will reverberate in their heads for years, both consciously and subconsciously, and keep them under your instant control for a long time. And, you can achieve those miracles with the following simple steps:

Step 1. Make use only of your voice by saying something compelling.

Step 2, At the same time, create a vivid thought picture



of what you say. Saturate yourself with that thought picture and project it to the person with Multiplied Nerve Gap power (feel divinely blissful). Step 3. Nail that thought picture firmly into the psychic power center in the person’s forehead. Step 4. Maintain that projection for one full second. You will put anyone under your active influence instantly and profit from it as you like without limit,

6 Psychic Se cret 5: H o w to P r o d u c e t h e " M a g i c " of Your Psychic Powered M ann ers

P sychic Powered Manners are a psychic secret for sweeping people off their feet instantly. Your manners affect others sub­ stantially because they color your every relationship. There are people who possess a stunning appearance, remarkable knowl­ edge, extraordinary wit, striking voice and diction, and even with wealth and recognition added, these people make enemies wher­ ever they go simply because their manners are faulty. There are other people, in contrast, who possess unattractive faces and bodies, who are limited educationally, who are too uncompre­ hending to be witty, who are uncouth both in voice and diction, who hold an insignificant position with hardly a penny to their names, but these people sweep others in authority off their feet and make friends everywhere, because their manners are ex­ hilarating. Without psychic powered manners you cannot sweep people off their feet and with it, you can do so instantly. The secret power of manners is not universally understood. It does not consist of your merely saying or doing the accepted, or expected. It consists, rather, of your being able to anticipate a person s subconscious wishes and knowing what to do to please 81



him best, without you, yourself, losing out in the process. You must be able to perceive psychically. It also consists of your tim­ ing-pleasing a person to coincide with his inner wishes. The secret power of manners is by no means based solidly upon logic, but also upon psychic intuition. As a crude example, it is hardly manners for a man to offer a lady a seat in the subway when it is half empty; but it is manners for him to offer it to her when all the other seats are occupied. Manners, in brief, suggest that he who offers is sacrificing willingly or is showing unusual respect for another person. Even if Bill, or Lena, is too ill-bred to appreciate them, don’t be stung and stop exhibiting them to all other people. You would lose more than you gain, for you would drive away those deserving others, from whom you might have profited much by knowing. So, don’t expect to have your best manners always appreciated. If they are appreciated but a few times by the right peop le, however, you will make thrilling friendships and acquire incredibly good contacts quickly. Good manners, too, add markedly to your own personality because their rewards tower over the minor efforts they require. Without your psychic powered manners you could waste your whole life combatting adverse currents of your own creation. While, with them, you bring yourself at once into smooth waters and make headway in life with very little effort. Therefore, why make life difficult? Unforgettable manners, besides, are recalled longer than beauty or other achievements. So, study this psychic secret thoroughly. T he easy way to sweep others o ff their fee t invisibly with your psychic pow ered m anners Your manners may not be the first quality about you which a person notices, particularly if you look friendly, don’t swagger, and don’t stonily ignore the person. You can display bad man­ ners, however, in less obvious ways, such as if when asked a civil question, you shrug your shoulders, don’t reply, or give a sar­ castic answer; if you evasively pass by people you know because you are shy, but as a result, mislead them into considering you misanthropic; if you ask someone for something and then fail to thank him for it. Any of these seemingly minor slights can stamp you as a person with deplorable manners.



Diplomats and others high in government are experts iu manners and owe much of their success to them, Wars have been triggered due to the lack of manners of a diplomat and also have been ended through the irresistible manners of another. The guilty have had, in some instances, maximum sentences passed to punish them for their rudeness and, in other cases, have re­ ceived incredible clemency for showing respect. There are many ways for you to control others with your psychic powered manners, and they vary with the person and the occasion. Good manners, indeed, at times even consist of resorting to what ordinarily passes for bad manners. Bartley, for instance, has to show undue respect for Leonora if he loves her, but on their honeymoon she would deem this excessive respect and consideration as being the height of bad manners. Then, she wishes to be pursued. Manners, therefore, vary with the person and the occasion in which you use them. They control only when the right ones are used at the right time. Practice the Exercises as stated and master producing your psychic powered manners. Exercise 1,

How to win over to you the dom ineering mother o f

a desirable bachelor and get him as a husband, with your psychic p ow ered manners.

You are in love with Curtis, a bachelor of about 42 years and strongly under the domination of his mother. Your only chance of sweeping him off his feet, so that he won’t postpone marrying you until after his healthy mother of 65 passes away, is to win his mother over to you. Do it with your psychic powered manners. Practice how to create it before your mirror, and then project it to her. Stand across your room and stare at your image in the mirror. Transform that image of yourself into that of Curtis’ mother. She is particularly aware of your manners because she suspects all the women he associates with. Too many designing ones, she believes, are trying to “take him away” from her. And so, she will study you keenly. With her, in particular, your man­ ners must back up your words and actions and one tiny error will shatter all hope of winning her over. Your most effective quality with her will be your naturalness



—or more important, your seem ing to be natural—for she is quick to detect the false and spurious. Don’t actually be your natural self with her, though, for it might not attract her. But, act as if you w ere bein g your natural self. When you converse with her, for instance, lend her your full but relaxed attention. Don’t bubble with enthusiasm, nor show boredom, but look straight at the inner whites of her eyes. Nod when you agree with her if she is still speaking or shake your head to mean no. Don’t stare back disinterestedly at her or seldom reply. On the other hand, don’t faw n on her like a lady of honor on her queen. Act like the type of person who likes others for themselves, not for what they can do for her. Respond to her, however, as if her conversation is exceedingly interesting, even when it is not. Achieve that effect easiest by staring into her eyes pleasantly every now and then when she talks, and slightly past her at other times with a thoughtful gaze in your eyes, as well as by nodding or shaking your head on other occasions. Saturate yourself with that thought picture as you do so. W ith Multiplied Nerve Gap power (feel divinely blissful), project that thought picture out of your eyes with shattering psychic power, and nail it right into Curtis’ mother, through h er eyes. It will leap across her own Nerve Gaps to the psychic power center in her fore­ head, faster and stronger than any other competing impression she receives at the time . . . competing impressions like, whether she could really manage you, should you marry Curtis, or whether you would just ruin his life. At no tim e show impatience with her. Deport yourself with her, instead, as if you are the most patient woman in the world. You will win Curtis’ mother over to you instantly and sweep her off her feet. To lead Curtis to the altar soon after that will be comparatively easy. W ith your psychic powered manners, you will have swept the domineering mother of a desirable bachelor off her feet and got him as a husband. Exercise 2 . instantly,

How to make a prospective client fe e l important

John is a prospective client and you are eager to satisfy and convert him into a permanent client. To do so, make him feel important instantly. That will sweep him off his feet, and he will



be satisfied far more readily with your services. Do it with your psychic powered manners. Practice how to create it before your mirror, and then project it to him. Stand across your room and stare at your image in the mirror. Transform that image of yourself into that of John, the prospective client whom you want to convert into a permanent client. Your manners exert a decisive influence because if you offend him, he can easily transfer his patronage elsewhere. Your manners, as a consequence, have to convince him that you aren’t just after his money, but that you want to serve him for his own benefit. W ords are not enough to convince him o f that! So, fill yourself now with a genuine desire to help him, and act the part. Analyze every question he asks you, as if it were asked by your son or closest friend. Banish from your m ind all aw areness that h e is just a stranger doing business w ith you. Saturate yourself with that thought picture. W ith Multiplied Nerve Gap power (feel divinely blissful), project that thought picture out of your eyes with shattering psychic power, and nail it right into John, through his eyes. It will leap across his own Nerve Gaps to the psychic power center in his forehead, faster and stronger than any other competing impression he receives at the time . . . competing impressions like, whether you want from him only his money, or whether he can get better service elsewhere. That is the surest way to induce John to feel important be­ cause no one feels more important than when a close relative or dear friend extends himself for him. Practice assuming that atti­ tude before your mirror until you master it. Should John show you no m anners in return, ignore it. Still project your psychic powered manners on him regardless, and you will make him feel important instantly and sweep him off his feet. Exercise 3.

How to maintain perm anent leadership o ver a

group or mass o f p e o p le instantly.

You are giving a lecture before a group or mass of people. Your efforts will be wasted unless you can sweep it off its feet and maintain indefinite control even a fter it departs. Do it with your psychic powered manners. Practice how to create it before your mirror, and then project it to your audience.



Stand across your room and stare at your image in the mirror. Transform that image of yourself into that of a group or mass of people before whom you are lecturing. Face it now, as you address it, as if you were speaking before a real audience. Your speech has to be effective, but it has to be backed by your manners also. The manners that captivate any assemblage of peo­ ple are those which give it no impression that you feel superior. Your psychic powered, manners have to convince, in fact, that you feel humble towards the audience and that you are deeply grateful that it is generous enough to lend you an ear. People detest the superior approach, and the least show of overbearing, haughtiness, contempt, or sovereignty will rip down the most majestic vision of yourself which you project towards your lis­ teners. That explains why politicians, even the heads or riders of state, call themselves pu blic servants or servants of the people. To perfect the “public servant” manner, gaze at your audi­ ence as if you are deeply grateful that it has gathered there to hear you. To achieve that look easily, spread your lips slightly, like a shy person, and gaze with a bland look. Practice and mas­ ter it. Next, read, recite, or create a speech and do it in an apolo­ getic tone of voice. Avoid all bragging, shouting, snarling, and pomposity. Retain the public servant look always in your eyes. Whenever you pause momentarily, return that look at once to your lips. If you are reading your speech, glance repeatedly at your listeners with the public servant look on your face. Saturate yourself with that public servant look picture. With Multiplied Nerve Gap power (feel divinely blissful), project that one thought picture out of your eyes with shattering psychic power, and nail it right into the m idst o f your audience. It will leap across the Nerve Gaps of its different members to the psychic power centers in their foreheads, faster and stronger than any other competing impression they receive at the time . . . competing impressions, like whether you are indeed as logical as you sound, or whether they have heard better lecturers than you. The group or mass of people will be deeply flattered by your attitude and will feel that it owes you its support because you look genuinely honest and suggest the underdog. With your psychic powered manners you will maintain permanent leader­



ship over a group or mass of people instantly and sweep it off its feet. Now that you have practiced these exercises, apply the same technique in any situation in life in which you can use your man­ ners to sweep people off their feet instantly. In the true life cases described to illustrate these points, you will leam how certain other people in different parts of the world have used amazingly the magic of psychic powered manners. The names of the indi­ viduals involved have been changed. How L ee discouraged and pacified a threatening assailant instantly. One evening after many hours of hard work Lee, an en­ gineer, had dropped into a neighborhood tavern in one of our larger cities for a cocktail and then started for home. He had not gone far when accosted by a burly man just looking for somebody to beat up. Lee was below medium height, of slender build, and had always been too deeply engrossed in studies and in his pro­ fession to learn the art of self-defense. Now, he was suddenly confronted with a situation for which he sadly needed such knowledge. Fortunately, he had practiced with me and used success­ fully the secret of his psychic powered manners on superiors and had enjoyed immense success with it. He at once conceived the idea of using it now! Lee immediately adopted an unhurried attitude w ithout searching around with his eye. He let his accoster feel that he was not under microscopic scrutiny, but that he was being ex­ pected, instead, to behave like a gentleman. Lee saturated him­ self with that one thought picture and stared just past his wouldbe assailant. With Multipled Nerve Gap power (feel divinely blissful), he projected that one thought picture out of his eyes with shattering psychic power and visualized it being nailed right into the tough, through his eyes. Lee walked on, still with­ out hurry, but turned his head slowly to keep the side of his eye vaguely on the bully. The latter made a slight, menacing move, but Lee ambled past him at the same leisurely pace, deep breath­ ing meanwhile to maintain his courage. The ruffian let loose a curse, but Lee continued on his way



unhurriedly, his expression still unchanged, but with his head still turning, as if by chance, to keep the sid e of his eye on the assailant. When Lee could no longer discern him clearly by turn­ ing his head, he turned sideways to him, as if pausing to decide where to go to. But he still continued drifting away from him, keeping the side of his eye still on him. The bully let loose more oaths, but now they sounded more like scoffs than threats. With the utmost appearing calm, Lee drifted onwards as if he lived right around the comer and was thoroughly acquainted with the area and the type of people in it. The ruffians hands slowly re­ turned to his sides and then he trudged away. L ees on e thought picture had leaped across his would-be assailants Nerve Gaps to the psychic power center in his forehead, faster and stronger than any other competing impression he had received at the time . . . competing impressions, like his eagerness to batter Lee down for the sheer fun of it and rob him, Lee’s unhurried walk and his utterly ignoring the insults, besides, had bewildered the hoodlum and intensified Lee’s projected one thought picture in him. Lee reached the comer, crossed it, also without hurry, and soon disappeared from the area. He then took a cab and left the neighborhood fast. He had had a close call, but his psychic powered manners had discouraged and pacified the threatening assailant instantly and literally swept him off his feet. How a stmll-town young woman in a big city, met and made a handsome, successful stock broker long to know her better and marry her. Twenty-seven year old Linda was in the city five years now, and had a fine job and a nice studio apartment. She had done as well as any girl from a small town could do in a big city without a college education. But, she experienced much difficulty meeting eligible men, much less getting them to know her better. She went to dances, ballets, concerts, lectures, and even joined out­ door biking and hiking clubs. But her luck did not change. Most of the men she met were either much older than she, were mar­ ried and looking for extramarital adventure, or they were con­ firmed bachelors seeking unattached fun. The rest were college students or younger men with girl-friends several years younger than she. The years were passing, though, and Linda was getting



no younger. She was envying the girls who had stayed back home and married the local boy. She had hoped to better herself tremendously by coming to the big city and marrying a man with an extraordinary future and helping him achieve it. As it was, she would probably end up an old maid. From her little studio apartment near the park, Linda regu­ larly noticed a rather handsome and interesting looking man near forty going in and out a nearby high-rise apartment building in the morning and at night. Once or twice she had passed him on the sidewalk and he had glanced at her seemingly with interest. She had replied with a pleasant indirect smile. Now, at last, he had said “good morning” to her, and she had replied. He looked like a well-educated, accomplished man, besides being obviously affluent. She had never seen him with a woman, and so, she pre­ sumed that he was single. Linda wondered feverishly how to get to know him better. She felt that they would get along well together. When she went home to spend part of her summer vacation, she confided her problem to her happily married sister. Her sister’s advice was to exert on him what amounted to the secret of the psychic powered manners. Throbbing with hope, Linda practiced it in her room before her mirror. Back again in city, the next time she perceived her “dream man” coming down the sidewalk, she lingered longer by the doorway of her building to afford him the chance of talking to her longer. Following her sister s advice, she subtly let him realize that he would enjoy her company immensely by staring at him repeatedly with the eyes of an adoring sister. The first objective was to set him at ease at once, not to frighten him with the prob­ ability that he was leaping into something from which he might not be able to extricate himself easily. Linda saturated herself with that on e thought picture. W ith Multiplied Nerve Gap power (feel divinely blissful), she projected that one thought picture out of her eyes and wafted it into him, right through his eyes. Her “dream man” promptly introduced himself as Ernest. He had been divorced ten years ago. He asked Linda to go bicycle riding with him in the park on Sunday. He was an account execu­ tive with a leading downtown stockbroker. In every possible way Ernest showed genuine interest in her. Lindas on e thought pic­



ture had leaped across his own Nerve Gaps to the psychic power center in his forehead, faster and more penetrating than any other competing impression he had received at the time , . . compet­ ing impressions, like any apprehensions that she might be too readily altar-bound, or whether she was just out for a good time. Linda got along exceptionally well with Ernest on their bicycle ride and found that they enjoyed many other activities in common, She met his nine-year-old daughter before the latter returned to private school and treated her so kindly and under­ standing^ that Ernest proposed to her that very evening. Linda and Ernest were married seven months later. She had used the secret of her psychic powered manners to solve instantly one of the most frustrating problems facing girls who migrate to big cities, and had swept her dream man off his feet. How a bankrupt-bound storekeeper turned certain disaster into overwhelming success, Hampton owned a small furniture store and was being driven out of business by the bigger stores which were opening all over the fast-growing area. Hampton frantically reduced his prices again and again, but the other stores did likewise. He moved across the street where far more people used the sidewalk and his gross receipts increased, but much higher rent reduced his earnings to the profitless column again. Crowding 50, Hampton was in a desperate position, particularly with his two boys now around college age. Hampton happened to be a voracious reader, as well as an amateur student of psychic matters. Before accepting disaster as his lot, he made up his mind to try on his customers the technique of psychic powered manners. He practiced it in his store when alone, and got ready to use it. As soon as a customer entered his shop next day, Hampton filled himself with a genuine desire to help him, and acted the part. He analyzed every question the customer asked him, as if a dear one was asking it. H e ban ished from his m ind all aw areness that h e was just doing business w ith a stranger. He saturated himself with that on e thought picture. W ith Multiplied Nerve



Gap power ( feel divinely blissful), Hampton projected that one thought picture out of his eyes with shattering psychic power, and nailed it right into the customer, through his eyes. The customer immediately unburdened his soul to Hampton and confessed to him far more about what he wanted than any other customer had confessed to him before. Hampton, as a re­ sult, was able to advise him to buy exactly what he needed, and the pleased customer ended up buying considerably more furni­ ture than he had planned. He also took his departure bursting with eagerness to praise Hampton to his family and friends and to patronize him regularly himself in the future. Hampton’s one thought picture had leaped across the Nerve Gaps of the cus­ tomer to the psychic power center in his forehead, faster and stronger than any other competing impression which the customer received at the time . . . competing impressions like, whether he would get better bargains in a bigger store, or whether he should shop around first before parting with his money. Before long, customers were flocking into Hampton’s store as if they were going to see a much-enjoyed friend or relative. In the big stores they felt too anonymous, and Hampton’s busi­ ness grew so fast that he rented more space in that building and greatly increased his line of merchandise. Several years later he owned three stores and when planning on opening another loca­ tion, backers were eager to invest in him. With his psychic pow­ ered manners Hampton had successfully met the threat of the “big money” himself. He instructed his store managers to con­ tinue using that same customer-attitude which had snatched him at the last moment from the jaws of bankruptcy and turned cer­ tain disaster into overwhelming success instantly by sweeping people off their feet. How a poor, daydreaming 14-year-old boy, with little proof of his future prospects, persuaded a rich, practical-minded businessman to finance his possible boxing career. “Kid” Fuentes, a 14-year-old shoeshine boy in a typical Latin American country, was enchanted by the staggering sums being paid champion boxers. He made up his mind to become a cham­ pion boxer himself. He was already 5' 8", but weighed only 105



pounds. He wished to grow as big and heavy as possible and fight for the heavyweight title. He prayed to grow up to be a light heavyweight at least, anyhow, and compete in the heavyweight division too. But there was little prospect of him attaining such a size while he spent eight hours or more a day shining shoes and living on the cheap, fried food which his poor family of 12 could afford. He also needed time to train several hours a day, in order to develop lightning speed with his blows, to become as elusive as a shadow and as tireless as a dynamo. Right now, he was rather tall for his age (by tropical standards, at least), but he was thin and flat chested. He was strong, though, even though he did not look it, and naturally fast. W ith full time to build up his body and train, he was sure he’d become a champion! He had sparred for years with open hands, and sometimes with a pair of worn gloves on the sidewalks of the backstreets with other teen-agers, and had slapped or cuffed them around like a master. Also, in the same town, an immigrant displaced person had settled and opened a cabaret, Senor Demek became quite wealthy as during World War I I the cabaret was filled with throngs of money-spending servicemen stationed in the forts around the town or who scrambled ashore from the battleships. Since that time he had branched into real estate and construction and had grown into a millionaire. But, he was notorious for weighing every penny again and again before investing it. Although Fuentes possessed only a fourth grade education, he practiced in a corner of his crowded two-room apartment, what amounted to his psychic powered manners and gathered enough courage to call on Senor Demek. When the boy invaded the empty cabaret one day, with its chairs resting upside down on the tables, he was detained by the suspicious help, who de­ manded to know what he was about, and the manager stopped him altogether. But, the boy stubbornly refused to divulge the purpose of his call to anyone but Senor Demek. Fuentes realized that he could not pretend to be a rich aristocrat when he wasn’t; so, he decided to be his natural self, or at least to act like his natural self—an ambitious boxer. “I want to be a boxing champion of the world! I know I can,



but I need to develop and train myself first. You, Senor Demek, can help me!” exclaimed Fuentes. W ith a look of astonishment the rich Senor scrutinized his callers spindly figure and flat chest. “I may be thin now,” the boy went on, “but I am strong like a lion and fast like a tiger!” He sprang into a fighting pose and glided around the office, peppering the air with swift blows and ducking imaginary ones. The moment he stopped he saturated himself with that thought picture of himself being strong as a lion and fast as a tiger. W ith Multiplied Nerve Gap power (feel divinely blissful), he projected that thought picture out of his eyes with staggering psychic power, and nailed it right into the wealthy Senor, through his eyes. Senor Demek stared at the boy’s cane-stalk figure for a mo­ ment. Then he chuckled and said, “I know nothing at all about boxing; but, I don’t need the money. I might—or might not.” But, he did finance the boy’s boxing career because he was over­ whelmed by the psychic power of the boy’s manners. W ith his psychic powered manners, although without any positive proof of a successful future at that difficult sport, he had persuaded a rich, practical-minded business man instantly to finance his possible boxing career for seven years and had swept him off his feet and secured the backing he desperately needed. Lastly, but not the least, he became the champion he wanted to be.

Conclusion See how profitably you can sweep people off their feet in­ stantly with the magic of your psychic powered manners! See how easily and completely you can affect them with this magic secret! And, you can achieve it all with the following easy steps: Step 1. Use your manners alone by acting very natural, very confident, and create a on e thought picture of your­ self acting that way. Step 2. Saturate yourself with that on e thought picture and project it to whom you want to impress with Multi­ plied Nerve Gap power (feel divinely blissful).



Step 3. Nail that one thought picture firmly into the psychic power center of that person, in his forehead. Step 4. Maintain that projection for one second. You will sweep anyone off his feet instantly. You will get exactly what you want from him with your psychic powered man­ ners, as certain shrewd men and women have done with people under their spell all through the Ages.

7 Psychic Secret 6: Ho w to P r o d u c e t he " M a g i c " of Y o u r P s y c h i c P o w e r e d Bo d y M o v e m e n t s

l h e Psychic Powered Body Movements is a psychic secret for fascinating people instantly. No matter what you think or say to anyone, if the image of your body movements suggests the oppo­ site, he will not believe what you think or say. Actors and actresses make unusual use of their body movements to create different characters or to improve the essence of their dialogue. Movie idols and glamor queens capitalize on them to produce explosive ro­ mantic sequences. Everybody is familiar with the flirt’s walk in which the female hips seem to be swung or jerked from side to side. Less obvious, but equally entrancing, is the alternating movement of Jane’s shoulders when she acts the coquette with the man who fascinates her. She then instinctively accentuates their alternating to-and-fro movements by pointing her toes still more outwards as she minces along within his view. Fashion models are past masters of body movements. Even when they turn, they are bewitching, for they turn their heads much slower




than their bodies, in order to fascinate the onlooker with the drooping linger of their eyes. In burlesque, of course, the female performers go to extremes with their body movements; but, all dancing, from the finest ballet-dancing, down to the crudest folk or tribal dancing, makes unforgettable use of body movements. In sports, like fencing, boxing, judo, wrestling, baseball, football, tennis, volley ball, soccer and the like, body movements are of paramount importance for fooling the opponent (feinting him) into expecting one move and, then, surprising him with a differ­ ent one. In diving, gymnastics, ice-skating, skiing, surfing, waterskiing, golfing, and practically all other remaining sports, the correct body movements mark the champion. In another vein, there are other body movements, as the Moslem at prayer or a clergyman during the holy service. There is that of the all-powerful monarch and of the abject slave. The bow and curtsy to greet royalty, and the tense salute to a superior military officer, are sharp examples of the use of body movements to acknowledge rank. Men’s bowing when meeting ladies in more gracious times, and removing their hats and sweeping them down to one side of them before even breathing a word, are further examples. The lady, in tarn, extended her hand elegantly, for the gentleman to hold and kiss. There is the swagger of the bully, the crouch of the beggar, the bounce of the energetic, the jarring drag of the arthritic, and the staggering limp of the apoplectic. There is the haughty bearing of the proud, and the droop-shoul­ dered plodding of the downtrodden. Every rank and emotion, indeed, can be, and is, expressed instantly in the body movements of the participants. The psychic powered body movement is of primary value for fascinating people favorably for you instantly. The easy way to fascinate others invisibly with your psychic powered body movements There is little doubt that your body movements usually make the first and most lasting impressions upon others. Immortal screen stars like Charlie Chaplin, Boris Karloff, Rudolph Val­ entino, Clark Gable, John Barrymore, Douglas Fairbanks, Sr., Marilyn Monroe, Charles Laughton, and hundreds of others, im­ planted themselves permanently in the public eye with psychic



powered body movements when they played their leading parts in never to be forgotten motion pictures. Indeed, even less re­ vered actors implanted their memories importantly in lesser roles, such as Watson, Tarzan, Hercules, alcoholics, officials of enemy nations, pirates and swashbucklers. And, of course, there are the actors who played Shakespeare. Disney immortalized his movie cartoons with unforgettable body movements, starting from his very first most popular one, T h e T hree L ittle Pigs and T h e Big B a d W olf. You, too, can implant stunning impressions on the minds of others with your psychic powered body movements. Practice the routines as explained in the following para­ graphs to master the calculated production of your psychic pow­ ered body movements. Exercise 1.

How to excite the woman you w ant, instantly, with

your psychic p o w ere d b o d y movements.

Kay is the woman you want. Before you can fascinate her instantly, you have to excite her. Do it with your psychic powered body movements. Practice how to create it before your mirror, and then project it to her. Stand across your room and stare at your image in the mirror. Transform that image of yourself into that of Kay. Kay expects you, as a man, to be a sort of predatory animal—a sort of leonine character who perpetually watches for the opportunity to pounce on her and consume her. It excites her to assume that her charms fascinate you to such an incandescent degree that she would not be safe with you if she did not protect herself with the proper restraint. Some women, it is true, are magnetized by distant-acting men, but the vast majority of them are con­ quered easiest by the aggressive man because, basically they long to be pursued and overcome. Kay is most certain, therefore, to be thrilled to the bone by your flattering pursuit of her. The next time you meet Kay then, don’t just step up to her as if you are encountering a long-time male friend. Straighten your back and shoulders instead, and hasten towards her more as if you were cornering her to prevent her from escaping your insidious trap. Saturate yourself with that one thought picture. W ith Multi­ plied Nerve Gap power (feel divinely blissful), project that one thought picture out of your eyes with shattering psychic power,



and nail it right into her through h er eyes. It will leap across her own Nerve Gaps to the psychic power center in her forehead, faster and stronger than any other competing impression she re­ ceives at the time . . , competing impressions, like her confusion over whether you are indeed as compelling as you suddenly seem now, or whether she probably likes another suitor better than she likes you. This approach to her will lend enough tiger-on-the-prowl atmosphere to your psychic powered body movements to electrify Kay. It also removes from you every pompous, narcissistic air (love of self) which females detest in a man, and supplants them with one of “dangerous” male virility. If you walk with Kay for a while after meeting her, don’t just stroll beside her either. De­ port yourself like her protector; steady her by the arm when she reaches a sidewalk, or enters or leaves a vehicle. Act likewise when you dance with her. Even if she is bigger than you, she craves to feel that you are the m an and she the woman. Tall girls, as a matter of fact, feel extraordinarily feminine. You will excite Kay instantly with your psychic powered body movements and fascinate her. Exercise 2.

How to give your o ld maid daughter, instantly, con­

fidence to go out, m eet, and win an eligible man.

Angela, your old maid daughter of 31, is passing up her best chances for marriage by being too backward or suspicious of men, or for lack of enough confidence in herself, or for some other reason. You realize that you better act quickly, or she will remain an old maid. Many women may accept that role in life objectively, but Angela is quite disoriented by the prospect of it. Give her that necessary confidence with your psychic powered body move­ ments. Practice how to create it before your mirror, and then project it to her. Stand across your room and stare at your image in the mirror. Transform that image of yourself into that of Angela. As you move within her view, perform everything about 10 per cent slow er than normal. Saturate yourself with that one thought pic­ ture. With Multiplied Nerve Gap power (feel divinely blissful), project that on e thought picture out of your eyes with shattering psychic power, and nail it right into Angela, through her eyes.



It will leap across her own Nerve Gaps to the psychic power center in her forehead, faster and stronger than any other com­ peting impression she receives at the time . . , competing im­ pressions like, whether you want to argue with her again about going out and meeting eligible men, or whether you have found for her another man whom she is certain not to like. The least haste you show her will lower you in her estimation, for she will presume either that you are too impatient to be concerned seri­ ously with her, that you are much too busy for her, or that you just don’t understand her preferences at all. So, no matter what movement you make in her presence now, do it about 10 per cent slow er than normal. Such retarded speed also endows you with an aspect of utter calm, as if nothing can frustrate, much less hoodwink you, because you would quietly take your time and root it up. If Angela addresses you, turn to her with normal speed, though, in order to imply to her no reluctance to talk to her. And. also reply or talk to her (but don’t gesture) at normal speed. When you finally get to the subject of her finding a husband, return to the unhurried, 10 per cent slower than normal, never too busy to talk manner. Particularly, see her side of the question and sympathize with her. That will lead to more admissions on her part as to the true reason for her lack of confidence in finding the right man, and will provide you with the ideal solution for the problem. With your psychic powered body movements you will give Angela confidence to go out and meet and win her eligible man, instantly, and she will be fascinated by you as a parent. Exercise 3.

How to prevent your over-suspicious husband or

w ife instantly from ruining the fun w henever you are the life o f the p arty,

Marcus or Margaret (your husband or wife) habitually turns surly whenever you are having a good time at a party. He ends your joy, as well as leaves the host and the other guests uncom­ fortable, He is a perfect mate for you otherwise, and loves you dearly. You will have little social life, though, unless he acts dif­ ferently at parties. You will have to prevent him in the future from ruining the fun. Do it with your psychic powered body



movements. Practice how to create it before your mirror, and then project it to him at the next party if he acts uncivil. Stand across your room and stare at your image in the mirror. Transform that image of yourself into that of Marcus or Margaret when you two attend the next party. You are soon having a grand time again, when you suddenly perceive the anti­ social expression on his face. Remain right where you are and act as normally as if you were alone in your room. Naturalness, not acting, is what will control him. In other words, don’t overgesticulate, shake your finger, or hammer down with your fist during the fun. If you are speaking too fast, speak more slowly to conceal your over­ excitement. B e, or ap p ear to b e, yourself, regardless of what you say or do. Saturate yourself with that on e thought picture. With Multiplied Nerve Gap power (feel divinely blissful), project that one thought picture out of your eyes with shattering psychic power. Visualize it being nailed right into Marcus, through his eyes. It will leap across his own Nerve Gaps to the psychic power center in his forehead, faster and stronger than any other com­ peting impression he receives at the time . . . competing im­ pressions, like his wondering whether you are secretly trying to commence an affair with someone else at the party, or whether you are bored with just being his mate. Marcus or Margaret will suddenly feel sure of you and stop fearing losing you. W ith your psychic powered body movements you will prevent him instantly from ruining the fun, and he will be fascinated by you. Now that you have practiced these exercises, apply the same technique in any situation in life in which you can use your body movements to fascinate people instantly. In the true life cases that will be described, you will learn how certain other people in different places have used unbelievably the magic of the psychic powered body movements. The names of the individuals involved have been changed. How an unknown actor swept the feminine world off its feet instantly and becam e the idol o f the cinema. Gino was a graceful nightclub ballroom dancer of 24. He was strikingly handsome and gracefully formed. But, that was not enough to make him an enrapturing dancer. Gino, however, had



added to it that “extra something” that captivated the onlookers and was well-received at the night-clubs. While filling an engage­ ment in a night-club, he was sent by his agent to a movie studio which sought a dancer for an exotic picture. Gino tried out for the role and was picked. Both for the tryout and for the picture, when it was conse­ quently filmed, Gino practiced and projected something that amounted to the secret of his psychic powered body movements for the acting parts, just as he had done in the night-clubs for his dancing. He stood straight and imposing when he was to stand still, with one foot slightly ahead of the other, toes slightly pointed out, and with his head back on his neck but inclined romantically slightly downwards. He moved with equally exciting dignity 10 per cent slower than normal. Whenever he struck a new pose he saturated himself instantly with a on e thought picture of it. With Multiplied Nerve Gap power (feel divinely blissful), he projected it through his eyes with shattering psychic power, and nailed it right into the cam era lens as if it were the movie audience. That motion picture skyrocketed Gino overnight into the world’s most lionized romantic star. As the women watched it, his projected one thought picture leaped across their Nerve Gaps to the psychic power centers in their foreheads, faster and stronger than any other competing impression they received at the time . . . competing impressions, like that of any other romantic actor they adored, or that of the envious husbands or boy-friends. Gino’s supremely graceful body movements did entrance his female ad­ mirers beyond measure, but the Multiplied Nerve Gap power with which he reenforced them added an overwhelming extra something to them which no other well-known graceful dancer equalled. Millions of women flooded him with fan letters and marriage proposals, and offers flooded him for one big picture after another. Unknown Gino had climbed the pinnacle of suc­ cess with one leap. With his psychic powered body movements he had swept the feminine world off its feet instantly and fasci­ nated it. How Jam es was favored instantly over all other applicants for the unique promotion he eagerly sought. James at last had the chance to get the big opportunity he



wanted. He had met every requirement for it with his record and with his score in the written examinations. But the final decisionrested upon how he scored in the coming interview before the Board of Examiners. James realized that many of his competitors for the unique promotion were fine talkers and knew the subject as well as he. To outscore them he would have to outclass them with some different quality to add immeasurably to the effects of his vocal answers. He discussed the m atter at length with his father and me. Together we developed the psychic powered body movements. James practiced it alone in his room before his mirror. Next day he presented himself before the Board of E x­ aminers with straight (bu t not stiff) back and shoulders and moved about 10 per cent slower than normal. He avoided all sudden moves, but he did not exaggerate his deliberation. He just conducted himself naturally and at home, but with quiet dignity. He saturated himself with that thought picture. W ith Multiplied Nerve Gap power (feel divinely blissful), he projected that thought picture out of his eyes with shattering psychic power and nailed it right into the m idst o f the examiners. James felt them halt their analyzing him and stare at him keenly. At the end of the oral examination, before leaving, James projected the same thought picture to them again. The Board of Examiners selected James for the unique pro­ motion. His thought picture had leaped across the Nerve Gaps of the different examiners to the psychic power centers in their fore­ heads, faster and stronger than any other competing impression they had received at the time such as. any doubt which they might have had about him at sight, or any recollection of the unusual merits of another candidate. W ith his psychic powered body movements James had been favored over all the other can­ didates instantly (even over those who equalled or surpassed him in most of the other scores) by fascinating the Board of Examiners.

How Jack instantly frightened off a large and fierce dog which threatened him and his girl friend. Jack was strolling with his fiancee, Nola, through a budding hillside one cool summer evening. They were admiring the newlybuilt subtropical homes, delightfully fram ed by fruit-filled citrus



and avocado trees. The two were planning sweetly together to purchase one of those homes themselves after they married and saved a little, and raise their children in it. It was like going to heaven to climb the rather steep, quaintly twisted little gravel roads between the homes. Only the warning barking of the dogs in each occupied home disturbed the peace. Suddenly, an enormous white and black dog bolted out of a doorway and raced across the lawn at them, snarling ferociously. Nola clung to Jack. Jack envisioned them being ripped apart by the beast. Jack had gone through a similar experience as a boy, fortu­ nately, and knew how to meet it. He kept cool, thrust Nola be­ hind him and faced the animal, his left foot a step ahead of his right. Keeping his eyes glued on that of the attacking dog, Jack dipped to the ground swiftly, as if to seize hold of a stone. Then he drew his arm back, as if to aim the weapon. He saturated him­ self, meanwhile, with a one thought picture of a real stone in his hand. With Multiplied Nerve Gap power (feel divinely blissful), Jack projected that one thought picture out of his eyes with shat­ tering psychic power, and visualized it being nailed right into the onrushing animal. With a high-pitched yelp, the big dog braked its rush with its front paws, wheeled itself around with a terrified yapping and fled back into the doorway. Jack’s one thought picture had leaped across the canine’s Nerve Gaps to its psychic power center in its forebrain, faster and stronger than any other competing impres­ sion it had received at the time . . . competing impressions like, whether Jack was just pretending to pick up something off the ground that was not there, or whether Jack was indeed as fear­ less as he pretended to be. With his psychic powered body move­ ments Jack had frightened off a large and fierce creature which had threatened him and his girl-friend and saved them both from a horrifying predicament involving personal danger. How Peter made a fortune very quickly by lecturing and selling products from the lecture platform, with his psychic powered body movements. Peter was 35. He was absolutely convinced of the value of natural diet for lasting health and longevity. Peter was more or



less a confirmed vegetarian and owned a faltering health food store in the downtown section of the city. He preached his dietary philosophy to audiences and pushed his own products, but con­ verted too small a number of his listeners to his beliefs. Yet, he firmly believed that he could help millions of people lessen their probabilities of heart attacks and high blood pressure and enjoy healthier lives with his natural products. One day Peter an­ nounced to his audience that that would be his last lecture, to the disappointment of many retired idlers who enjoyed listening to his caustic language for sheer entertainment. At the end of the lecture Peter was approached by an ad­ mirer who soon wormed his way into his confidence. The admirer assured Peter that he could become a tremendous lecturer over­ night if he would only use what amounted to the secret of the psychic powered body movements. Peter was deeply interested in the suggestion and decided to practice it and try it in one more lecture. He tried it. As Peter spoke from the platform in that one more lecture, he felt and acted as normally as if he were alone in his room. Naturalness, his admirer had advised him, not acting, was what captured and held the crowd. Peter therefore forgot that he was standing and facing his listeners, and engrossed him­ self completely in his own ideas and words. He addressed his listeners, though, as if he were confiding to a friend or long time associate in the privacy of his room. He gazed directly into the bulk of his audience as he talked, and moved neither too quickly nor too slowly, but just normally. Whenever a snicker followed one of his normal movements, he overlooked it. He realized now that the snicker stemmed from something unique about him which would make him easily re­ membered. But he overdid nothing: he did not over-articulate, overshake his finger, overhammer down with his fist—indeed, he did nothing which he would not do in the privacy of his room with a long time friend who knew him well. He did nothing with his hands, besides, which he would normally not do in public such as to distractingly rearrange his clothes. He did not overemphasize his statements with his head either. If his delivery became too fast, so that his words ran together and were difficult to understand readily, he slowed it down. He assumed no poses



and imitated n obod y e ls e s movements, unless he had practiced them beforehand and made them a natural part of him. P eter was, or a p p eared to b e, him self, in other words, re­ gardless of what he orated. He saturated himself with that thought picture. W ith Multiplied Nerve Gap power (feel divinely bliss­ fu l), he projected that thought picture out of his eyes with shat­ tering psychic power, and nailed it right into the m idst o f his audience. Peter immediately sensed that he had a grip over his listeners which he had never sensed before. He felt like the mounted cow­ boy who had lassoed the wild horse and could lead it hither and yon by merely tugging the rope this way or that. His thought picture had leaped across the Nerve Gaps of the different mem­ bers of his audience to the psychic power centers in their fore­ heads, faster and stronger than any competing impression they had received at the time . . . competing impressions, like what he said about food being just a fad, or whether a person would collapse from weakness if he ever pursued that diet. Bursting with self-assurance now, Peter talked on like a being reborn. Every word he said, though, he made sound as if coming from the genuine Peter. He stood straight most of the time, but not stiff like the chocolate soldier. Nor did he try to act like a king. Neither did he talk at length at any time when facing one side of the assemblage and ignore the other. Whenever he said a few sentences while staring to the left of him, he immediately said a few more while staring to the right of him. Peter received a thundering ovation at the end of his speech and sold five tim es as many of his products, as he did after any previous speech. He also received considerable mail order sales, as well as repeat sales. Before another two years had elapsed, Peter was selling a long list of products to the excited “throngs” who attended his lectures. These ranged from numerous health foods to many kinds of household appliances for mixing, blend­ ing, chopping and doing other things to different natural foods. His income multiplied beyond belief. Before another several years had gone by, Peter formed a real estate company and sold hun­ dreds of lots in unpopulated areas of the Southwest and the West Indies, built houses for the purchasers with his own construction company and formed health villages. On the outlying lands sur­



rounding these villages, which it still owned, his company raised organic foods and marketed them to the residents. And, that was only the beginning, for Peter told me he had many more invest­ ment plans ahead. A financial genius was brought to life when Peter’s psychic awakening rescued him from the economic bot­ tom, where his store staggered near bankruptcy, by teaching him the magic secret of the psychic powered body movements. With it he was able to make a fortune by lecturing and selling prod­ ucts from the lecture platform very quickly by fascinating people instantly, but only through the secret of using his personal psychic power over body movements. Conclusion See what astounding changes you can make in your life with your psychic powered body movements! It is indeed a psychic secret for fascinating and controlling people instantly. You can incite reactions to you in them at once and convert your impending failures into explosive successes with the snap of a “psychic finger.” And, you can achieve it all with the following easy steps: Step 1. Use your body movements primarily, in a specific manner, by assuming a quality about them which will create a vivid and unforgettable picture of your most effective self in the mind of your listener. Step 2. Throw your eyes, features, and voice into that same mood to emphasize the picture. Step 3. Saturate yourself with that thought picture and pro­ ject it to your listener or audience with Multiplied Nerve Gap power (feel divinely blissful). Step 4. Nail that thought picture firmly into the psychic power center of your beholder, in his forehead. You will fascinate people instantly. They will find you in­ triguing beyond belief and accept you as being what you appear to be to them with your body movements, instead of being noth­ ing more than you actually are. That is how certain shrewd men and women, all through the Ages, have fascinated kings and queens, swept the most sought-after men and women off their feet instantly, and amassed fabulous wealth in an infinite number of ways through the secrets of their personal psychic powers.

8 P s y c h i c S e c r e t 7: Ho w to P r o d u c e t he " M a g i c " of Y o u r P s y c h i c P o w e r e d B e h a v i o r

T h e Psychic Powered Behavior is a secret of psychic power for remolding the characters or attitudes of other people towards you instantly, exactly as you wish to. Your behavior is of paramount importance in your life. Regularly, you are aware of ordinary persons being outlandishly favored over others who outclass them, just because they know how to behave with those who can pull them up the ladder. With his psychic powered behavior the un­ worthy kin can inherit the estate of an older relative by duping him, while the far more worthy kin, who sacrificed time and money for the testator, is practically ignored in the will. With the psychic powered behavior, undeserving men and women may be favored romantically over others who eclipse them in char­ acter and appearance, and marry, and even enslave (even ruin) the most sought-after partners. Far better qualified political can­ didates are defeated regularly by opponents who lack their sense of honor or skill at elocution, all because the winners knew how to “appeal” to the public with their platform behavior. Rational people are confounded by such occurrences, but that does not put an end to them. It just happens that there are individuals who master the magic of their psychic powered behavior and use 107



it to deceive the keenest minds. And the latter, even after the deceit is exposed to them, cannot resist its spell! Indeed, it seems to convert them into conscious puppets from then on, for they will even break off relations with their families and friends in order to carry out the diabolical plots of their mesmerizers. The Bible, the pages of history and Shakespeare’s tragedies abound with such victims, dating from as far back as Adam, down to Brutus, Othello, M acbeth and Hamlet. Some of the most crafty prostitutes have possessed it and have bew itched nobles and other men of distinction into giving up everything and marrying them despite the most unyielding opposition against them. F ar more persons than you suspect, attain enviable positions with this secret power. They becom e the men or women behind the throne or are appointed to posts from which they move the hand of the ruler as they wish. Success­ ful diplom ats are m asters o f the Psychic P ow ered Behavior. Space alone forbids a thorough elaboration of the limitless control which it can effortlessly exert in any circle.

The easy way to mold the characters invisibly with your psychic powered behavior From morning to night, your behavior is most essential to your relationship with others, be it with your family, with your business or social life. W ith your fam ily you seek its confidence and respect. Outside the home you seek respect for your ability and status. To achieve both you need the proper behavior. Even when you feel anxious or frightened, you have to hide it, and you can do that best with your psychic powered behavior. You also have to hide your true feelings in business or professional life. Your subordinates have to consider you the Rock of Gibraltar, while your superiors have to feel that they can rely on you. Practice the routines as given and master the secret of your Psychic Powered Behavior: Exercise 1.

How to convert a dom ineering mate into a coo p era ­

tive mate instantly, with your psychic p o w ered behavior.

Iris, your wife, is the ideal mate for you. To the whole world, you two look extraordinarily happy with each other. “A perfect marriage!” people regularly exclaim about you two. “Couldn’t be



a better match!” You agree with them, too, except that you have allowed yourself gradually to become Iris’ prisoner. She is the hap­ piest woman in the world so long as you- do exactly as she wants you to, even when you don’t want to. People think you obey her wishes readily because you are so madly in love with her. They don’t realize that you have seldom asserted yourself affirma­ tively enough to Iris to make her understand that you do have some preferences of your own. Rather than continue with her as you have, until you can stand it no longer, and then explode and imperil your union, it is possible to convert her into a cooperative mate right away, instead of a domineering one. Do it with your psychic powered behavior. Practice how to create it before your mirror, and then project it to her. Stand across your room and stare at your image in the mirror. Transform that image of yourself into that of Iris. She makes, now, still another demand on you which you consider an imposition, or stubbornly opposes another urgent desire of yours, without considering it from your angle. Don’t bristle up and chal­ lenge her. That would lead to a scene and, as usually happens, you will end up making even more concessions to her. Seem sur­ prised by her request or by her stubborn opposition instead, as if you did not quite understand her. If she ignores that, ask her to repeat it to you. She will repeat it quickly, albeit self-con­ sciously, for she does realize that she is taking undue advantage of you. Immediately fill yourself with a feeling of shocked disil­ lusion in her. Saturate yourself with that one thought picture. With Multiplied Nerve Gap power (feel divinely blissful), pro­ ject that on e thought picture out of your eyes with shattering psychic power, and nail it right into Iris through h er eyes. It will leap across her own Nerve Gaps to the psychic power center in her forehead, faster and stronger than any other competing im­ pression she receives at the time . . . competing impressions, like whether you are just a bit tardy in obeying her, or whether she ought to make a still greater demand on you for not obeying her at once and “punish” you. Iris will be taken aback and left unsure about her continuing dominance over you. To avoid a scene (which she will win if you let her draw you into one and put on her semi-hysterical a ct), agree unenthusiastically, and mechanically carry out her request.



But glance at her occasionally as you do so, as if crushed with disappointment. Iris will increasingly be more careful with you. Project your psychic powered behavior to her, thereafter, every time she tries to domineer you, though, and you will soon dis­ courage her completely from doing so. With your psychic powered behavior you will have converted a domineering mate into a co­ operative mate instantly and remolded her character exactly as you want to. Exercise 2.

How to get rid o f a determ ined suitor you don't

lo ve, instantly, with your psychic p ow ered behavior.

You are being tiresomely pursued by Martin, whom you don’t love. You tolerated him at first, and mistook it for love, since he himself was apparently in love with you. Now, you can’t get rid of him. He watches you like a hawk and follows you just about everywhere you go during your leisure. He has become the pro­ verbial albatross hanging around your neck. He ruins your chances of meeting the man you want to because he scares men away from you with his presence and jealous look. You have to get rid of him. Do it with your psychic powered behavior. Practice how to create it before your mirror, and then project it to him. Stand across your room and stare at your image in the mirror. Transform that image of yourself into that of Martin. The next time he approaches without invitation, pretend not to know him. Reply to nothing he says, and look about you as if waiting for somebody else. Saturate yourself with that thought picture. With Multiplied Nerve Gap power (feel divinely bliss­ ful ), project that thought picture out of your eyes with shattering psychic power. Do not look him in the face, but visualize that thought picture as being nailed right into him through his eyes. It will leap across Martin’s own Nerve Gaps to the psychic power center in his forehead, faster and stronger than any other compet­ ing impressions he receives at the time . . . competing impres­ sions, like his self-assurance that he is gradually wearing you down until you will give in and accept him, or his conviction that by being always near you he can drive away from you every other man you might like and isolate you for himself. Martin will, therefore, be thrown into panic with the dawn­ ing conviction that he has failed to gain any power over you,



and that he is fust wasting his time because you are strongminded and will desert him at the drop of a hat. He will still linger around you on this occasion, but the backbone of his con­ fidence will be broken. Every time he pursues you thereafter, treat him likewise. Do not reply a single w ord to him, g o o d or bad, and not even a look, g o o d or bad. Gradually, he will pursue you less and less. Before long, he will give up altogether, having decided that you are not the woman for him after all. With your psychic powered behavior you will have rid yourself of a deter­ mined suitor you don’t love by remolding his character instantly, exactly as you wished to. Now that you have practiced these exercises, apply the same technique in any situation in life in which you can use your be­ havior to remold the characters of other people towards you instantly, as you wish to. In the true life cases described in this chapter, you will learn how certain other people in different places, have used incredibly the magic secret of the psychic pow­ ered behavior. The names of the individuals involved have been changed. How Elsa instantly persuaded her rich, but eccentric, old aunt to will her a big share o f her wealth, with her psychic powered behavior. Elsa cut her vacation short and rushed back home to her arthritic, 87-year-old Aunt Bessie. Aunt Bessie had suffered, and was recovering from, a mild heart attack. “One more, though,” her doctor told Elsa, “could be her last.” Elsa’s prodigal, but superficially fascinating, cousin Edmond had arrived there shortly before she did and had hastened to his aunt’s bedside. When Elsa learned about that, her own heart missed a beat. She had devoted considerable of her 45 years to taking care of Aunt Bessie like a practical nurse, after working full time at her job in an office. Edmond, who was a bachelor and a ladies’ man, had called on Aunt Bessie only at rare intervals and had pretended to be “ex­ tremely busy.” But he was busy just gambling and chasing women with every penny he made or wrung out of his aunt by flattering her, tucking her under the chin or thrilling her in different ways. Aunt Bessie possessed about $250,000 in real estate and in stocks and bonds, and Elsa and Edmond were her closest heirs.



Of all the relatives, Elsa had sacrificed the best years of her adult life for the comfort of her aunt and deserved, by right, most of her estate. Aunt Bessie knew Edmond for what he was, but he always swept her off her feet with his “personality,” and Elsa feared that h e would unfairly inherit the major part of the estate and squander it. And, Elsa would be left a paltry sum and frus­ trating memories of her foolish aunt. Edmond, indeed, deserved less than a paltry sum himself, for he had repeatedly vanished from the scene whenever Aunt Bessie was thrown ill and needed his daily nursing help or attention. Aunt Bessie realized all that and scolded him fiercely for it when he returned after she was well. But Edmond cleverly gave her the romantic treatment while she scolded him, kissing her cheek and teasing her entrancingly as she called him unflattering names, as if she were a ravishing young maiden he was in love with. “You’re my best and only girl,” he’d tease her, flinging his arms around her neck and kiss­ ing her again and again, completely blinding her to the pains which Elsa had taken for her, such as staying up late night-afternight after working all day, withstanding her cruel sarcasm and the rest. Elsa was filled with misgivings that Aunt Bessie might, in a fit of emotion, bequeath to Edmond three-fourths of her estate, or some such equally outrageous portion, leave Elsa a measly part, and parcel out the rest of it to the lesser relatives. Since one more heart attack could prove to be Aunt Bessie’s last, Elsa had to act at once. She had to persuade her aunt to do the right thing by her before it was too late. I advised her to practice behavior psychically powered and use it on her aunt. Elsa had practiced it during her abbreviated vacation. Now she had to use it without delay. Elsa stepped into Aunt Bessie’s chamber, hastened to her side and kissed her cheek. The temporarily hired practical nurse withdrew, and Elsa resumed taking care of her beloved aunt with her usual thoroughness by anticipating her wishes and doing things for her before Aunt Bessie demanded them. She moved her aunt’s legs this way and that to their favorite position for less pain; she made her pillow just the height which Aunt Bessie liked best; she told her how much better she looked now and assured her (over her aunt’s protests) that she still had many, many more years to live. She sat beside her aunt, held her hand,



and told her how much she had missed her. She pampered all of Aunt Bessie’s complaints, meanwhile, and treated her as if she were a cute child of four. Elsa brought her food and served her. She had done all these things for Aunt Bessie before, but now she a d d e d som ething extra to them . She saturated herself with the thought picture of herself doing all those things for her aunt, until it filled every part of her body. W ith Multiplied Nerve Gap power (feel divinely blissful), she projected that thought picture out of her eyes with shattering psychic power. She vis­ ualized it wafting into Aunt Bessie, right through her eyes. Aunt Bessie grew surprisingly silent and, then, thoughtful. As Elsa continued doing things for her, Aunt Bessie watched her more and more closely. Elsa projected that thought picture to her aunt again, even with her back turned to her, and at the same time thought out to her the words, “I am the one you like the best, after all. You may not like to admit it to yourself, but I am the one. Aunt Bessie remained unusually silent for the rest of the day. Next morning she felt weaker, and the doctor showed con­ siderable alarm. She called for her lawyer and drew up a new will. She passed away in her sleep five days later. When the new will was read, Elsa had been bequeathed three-fourths of the estate. Her thought picture and its follow-ups had leaped across Aunt Bessie’s Nerve Gaps to the psychic power center in her fore­ head, faster and stronger and more penetrating than any other com petin g im pression her aunt h a d receiv ed at the time . . . competing impressions, like her blind favoring of Edmond over Elsa in the old will, and her blunt refusal to give Elsa full credit for all she had given up for her. With her psychic powered be­ havior Elsa had remolded the character of her eccentric old aunt instantly, exactly as she wished to, and inherited a large share of her sizeable fortune. 99

How a detective subtly, but instantly, persuaded a reluctant possible witness to confide to him information which led to the apprehension of a well-hidden criminal, with his psychic powered behavior. Kurt was a hotel detective. One night there was a robbery of valuable jewels and furs from suite 806, but the neighbors



swore that they had heard nothing extraordinary. Kurt felt, though, that Lew, in suite 808, to judge by the way he reacted to the news, might have heard something which would give Kurt a valuable clue to work on. Lew, however, was a dentist with a family and undoubtedly wanted nothing to do with the crime. With no positive clue Kurt was helpless in the situation and the hotel owner would be highly displeased. Kurt had demanded a stiff raise in salary lately from him, too. To make sure of it, he must show his value now. Kurt decided to work on Lew with his psychic power behavior, which he had created and mastered be­ fore for his job. He edged closer to Lew, but held in mind the axiom that familiarity bred contempt. Although he and Lew were equal under the law, in their present relationship Kurt realized that he was not Lew’s equal, because he needed Lew more than Lew needed him. So, he dropped a fleeting remark to the dentist about the crime. Lew turned to him with obvious suspicion and said bluntly that he knew nothing about it. Kurt overlooked his atti­ tude and let Lew view himself as being superior to him. He saturated himself with that one thought picture. With Multiplied Nerve Gap power (feel divinely blissful), he projected that one thought picture out of his eyes with shattering psychic power, and visualized it being nailed right into Lew, through his eyes. Lew seemed momentarily relieved. It was long enough for Kurt to lower his voice still further and put a suggestion in Lew’s mind concerning the crime, as if he were seeking Lew’s opinion of it. Lew ventured one, Kurt added to it. Before long he wound up inside Lew’s suite, and there he managed to extract from him ( confidentially, he reassured him) of a peculiar noise he had heard at a certain time that night. It helped Kurt fix the exact hour when a certain visitor to another suite had left. With that clue and without identifying Lew at all, Kurt tracked down the criminal and ordered his arrest. All because Kurt’s on e thought picture had leaped across Lew’s own Nerve Gaps to the psychic power center in his forehead, faster and stronger than any other competing impressions he had received at the time . . . com­ peting impressions, like his fears that he would find himself involved thickly in the crime as an innocent witness and suffer in his practice as a result, or that he would expose himself and



his family to bodily harm from the robbers, should they belong to a crime ring. Kurt received the stiff raise he had sought. His psychic powered behavior had remolded the character of the helpful wit­ ness instantly, exactly as he wished to, and brought him the suc­ cess he sought. How Harry skyrocketed his social status and popularity in­ stantly by making people of culture consider him as being far more intelligent and informed than he was, with his psychic powered behavior. Harry was a tradesman with average intelligence, but was one-track-minded and lazy intellectually. He did good work, but outside of it, he was boring and superficial. His knowledge of most everything else was limited to opinionated newspapers and to reading the sports page. His wife accepted him for the bore he was because he was a faithful and good provider. When associ­ ating with people of breeding, culture or education, though, Harry felt like a bull in a china shop. Without his even suspecting it, he dropped “four-letter” words, proclaimed the obvious as if it had never been uttered before and passed biased opinions about prac­ tically everything outside his trade. In every social gathering, the cultured and educated, whom he longed to impress, soon left him alone. Harry felt increasingly desperate. He yearned to be ad­ mired like all those who knew about Plato and “them guys,” and about the paintings of “Mike Angel.” He contemplated attending night school, but had to work overtime too frequently, even “moonlighting” sometimes, and also worked regularly on his home repairing and improving. His wife and children had to have a nice place to live. He would be exhausted next day for his trade if he attended night school. One day, Harry confided his problem to me. I replied that his brother-in-law had had the same problem and had solved it with his psychic powered behavior. “What counts is what people think you know, not what you really know,” I told him. Fran­ tically in search of any kind of help, Harry decided to practice the psychic secret and apply it Saturday night when he would be attending another cultural social gathering with his wife. That Saturday night Harry entered the social gathering fully



prepared. First of all, he acted natural and intrigued. He dis­ played due courtesy when introduced and looked attentively at the other person, Mr. Rockwell, when spoken to. Harry nodded in agreement to him repeatedly as he spoke, as well as asked him interested questions every time he was puzzled. He criticized Mr. Rockwell for nothing w hatever, not even when Mr. Rockwell contradicted himself. Yet, Harry showed him no undue familiar­ ity: he did not slap Mr. Rockwell on the back, address him by his first name, nudge him with his elbow, mimick, laugh at him, stare angrily ( not even in jest), defy his judgment, joke about it, or in any manner act over-intimate. He looked thoughtfully slightly past Mr. Rockwell’s face at times, and at other times straight between his eyes. Harry then saturated himself with that general thought picture. W ith Multiplied Nerve Gap power (feel divinely blissful), he projected that thought picture repeatedly out of his eyes with shattering psychic power and nailed it right into Mr. Rockwell through his eyes. Harry himself could see Mr. Rockwell’s eyes brighten with the joy of finding an attentive listener who even asked him in­ terested questions and agreed with him again and again. Harry’s thought picture had leaped across Mr. Rockwell’s own Nerve Gaps to the psychic power center in his forehead, faster and stronger than any other competing impression he had received at the time . . . competing impressions, like his doubts whether Harry was truly as intelligent as he appeared to him by listening attentively, or whether Harry was only half as intelligent as a friend of his who interrupted him repeatedly and infuriatingly whenever he talked to him. Harry repeated his psychic powered behavior to person after person in that gathering all evening. At the close, his pockets bulged with calling cards and pressing invitations from the “in­ tellectual crowd” begging him to come to their homes for dinner or to their summer homes and spend his vacation with them. Harry learned later, too, from his wife, that th e one universal im pression he had created with everybody that evening was that he was extrem ely intelligent. Harry remembered well the old say­ ing, “Even a fool, when he holdeth his peace, is considered wise.” By using his psychic powered behavior Harry had skyrocketed his social status and popularity instantly by making people of culture



consider him as being far more intelligent and informed than he was. W ith that psychic secret he had remolded their character impression of him exactly as he wished to. Conclusion See how remarkably you can remold the characters of other people towards you instantly with the magic of your psychic powered behavior! See how you affect people with it, noticeably at first and, then, so tremendously with it later that you can turn their best laid plans around into your favor at the snap of a finger! See how you can extract closely guarded information out of them in a moment with it, and compel them to see astounding qualities in you which you don’t even possess! You can achieve all those seeming miracles of your personal psychic power with the following easy steps: Step 1. Depend upon your behavior alone and create a thou ght picture of yourself in your daily association with a person which confirms the effect you want to create on him. Step 2. Saturate yourself with that thought picture and pro­ ject it with Multiplied Nerve Gap power (feel di­ vinely blissful). Step 3. Nail that thought picture firmly into the psychic power center of the person, in his forehead. Step 4. Maintain that projection for one second. But pro­ ject it again and again, every two minutes or so, for a few seconds. You will remodel the character impression of other people towards you just as you wish to, instantly. Their conceptions of you will be converted into the very ones that you want them to have of you. So, master the secret of psychic powered behavior, as certain shrewd men and women have done all through the Ages to dominate others to further their own desires—which seems to mystify all who observe the process. But you now know the whole basis as to how this secret works without apparent logic.

9 P s y c h i c S e c r e t 8: Ho w to P r o d u c e t he " M a g i c " of Y o u r P s y c h i c E n e r g i z e d I ns t i nc t i ve P o w e r

T h e Psychic Energized Instinctive Power is the secret for ruling others unsuspectedly, instantly. Your instinctive power is the po­ tential power which your body harbors within it every moment you are alive. It increases when you are healthy and your emo­ tions are positive, such as when you are happy or excited, and it decreases when you are ill and your emotions are negative, such as when you are sad or depressed. Physiologically, it may be ex­ plained as the increase or decrease of your body electrons. When you are “bursting” with electrons, the mere touch of your hand or the mere presence of your body near another person, is enough to stimulate him like a mild, but delicious, electric charge. How­ ever, since your instinctive power varies naturally from day to day, and even from morning to night, its spontaneous effects upon others are not dependable. At one time it draws people to you; at another time it drives them from you. In order to use it 119



advantageously at will, you have to put it under your absolute control. Then you can gain stupendously from it all the time. Great healers and world leaders are the better known individuals who have applied their controlled instinctive powers to stagger­ ing advantage, either for their personal or public gain, or both. Countless lesser known individuals have applied theirs in their daily lives to overcome the resistance of others in order to exploit them far more. The sports’ coach applies his regularly on his team and intensifies it by means of lively cheer-leaders. Salesmen, teachers and parents apply their powers every day. You commonly hear the expression, “Sure hope I run into her. She’s always so cheerful,” “I avoid him every time I can. He is so depressing.” “She’s so full of pep that, she always makes me feel good.” “His presence stimulates me.” “I envy her, for she’s happy as the day is long.” To a melancholy person you, your­ self, are inclined to say, “Perk up!” Every language is loaded with similar expressions. People resort to them daily to indicate the effects of the instinctive powers of others on them. When you, yourself, are “bursting” with instinctive power, you radiate cheer, optimism, and good will towards all. To profit widely from it, though, you have to be able to radiate those qualities not only to the people you like, but also to those whom you don’t like, or with whom you don’t feel sure, or to people you hardly know. You succeed otherwise in drawing still closer to you, only those who already favor you. Individuals, who have used instinctive power to rule kings and queens from behind the throne, could apply it irresistibly on the monarch even when the latter was out of sorts or when his mind was poisoned against them by the opposing counselling of their envious rivals. Produce your psychic energized instinc­ tive power by acquiring full control over it, so that you can pro­ ject it at any time and to anybody. You will, then, have at your command one of the most mysterious, but compelling, natural powers given to man for controlling others in an instant. It is also the fastest of the psychic secrets for you to use because you can produce it even faster than thought. And, its effects are instan­ taneous. There is no limit to the instant gains awaiting you from mastering your psychic energized instinctive power. Practice the Exercises as explained in the following section



and master producing the secret of your psychic energized in­ stinctive power. Exercise 1.

How to calm the suspicions o f a jealous husband

or w ife and convince him that he can alw ays trust yo u , with your psychic en ergized instinctive p ow er.

Chris, your husband, is desperately in love with you. But he is alarmingly jealous. Even if you just glance at another man, no matter how innocently, he colors deeply and turns bitter. To please him, every time you step out of the house you would have to wear blinders like a horse. You can truly enjoy yourself when around other people, only when he is not present. And yet, Chris is your husband and you are proud of him. You want to show him off to others. You also enjoy going out with him because you have such good times together, until another man shows up. Yes, his suspicions have to be calmed at once! You have to convince him that he can always trust you. Do it with psychic energized in­ stinctive power. Practice how to create it before your mirror, and then project it to him. Stand across your room and stare at your image in the mirror. Transform that image of yourself into that of Chris. The next time you are out with him and another man notices you, feel as if you have been transformed suddenly into a throbbing mag­ net fo r Chris, and that you adore him as the most fascinating man in the world. Saturate yourself with that on e thought pic­ ture. W ith Multiplied Nerve Gap power (feel divinely blissful), project that one thought picture out of your eyes with shattering psychic power. Visualize it being wafted right into Chris, through his eyes. I t will leap across his own Nerve Gaps to the psychic power center in his forehead, faster and more penetrating than any other competing impression he receives at the time . . . competing impressions like, whether you are about to throw yourself at that next man coming up and embarrass him no end, or whether you might fall in love with that man and desert him altogether. If you don’t know that man, glance at him subtly if you have to, and in a manner that neither he nor Chris will notice it. Re­ spectable women do that all the time when in the company of their man. And, as soon as that man passes by, project the o n e



thought picture again to Chris, with Multiplied Nerve Gap power that he, Chris, is the most fascinating man in the world. You will calm his suspicions and convince him instantly that he can al­ ways trust you. Project it to Chris with every man you come upon when with him, whether you know that man or not. With your psychic energized instinctive power you calm the suspicions of your jealous husband instantly and convince him that he can always trust you, and you will rule him unsuspectedly. Exercise 2.

How to rout and outlast a strong rival in any sport,

with your psychic energized instinctive p ow er.

You are engaged in a hard-fought athletic contest. Pete is your most dangerous rival, and he is neck to neck with you. The pace has been gruelling and you feel as if ready to collapse. But Pete remains your equal at every step or move, and the contest is not yet over. Your only sure chance of victory is to rout and outlast him. Do it with psychic energized instinctive power. Prac­ tice how to create it before your mirror, and then project it to Pete. Stand sidew ays to your mirror, and transform the image of yourself in the mirror into that of Pete, since he is competing with you side by side. Fill yourself with a feeling of absolute invinci­ bility. Saturate yourself with that one thought picture, so that it fills your body from head to foot, rushes more air to your lungs, new power to your muscles, and unconquerable confidence to your brain. With Multiplied Nerve Gap power (feel divinely blissful), project that on e thought picture out of your eyes with shattering psychic power. Visualize it being nailed right into Pete, through his eyes. It will leap across his own Nerve Gaps to the psychic power center in his forehead, faster and more penetrat­ ing than any other competing impression he receives at the time . . . competing impressions like, whether you are ready to col­ lapse at the next step like himself, or whether he should fight it out with you and let you collapse first, and he win. Pete will “get” your psychic message and, despite his better judgment, sense that you are filled with renewed energy and are invincible. That realization will rout him and his remaining energy will wane rapidly. You will start gaining on him. Overwhelmed with defeatism, Pete will let you march on to victory. With your



psychic energized instinctive power you will rout and outlast your rival in a tough athletic contest instantly and rule him unsuspectedly. Exercise 3.

How to enslave the man you like, instantly, with

your psychic energized instinctive p ow er.

Elliott is the man you like, He has courted you for some time, but has not yet proposed. Enslave him to you, so that he can’t help himself and will propose instantly or very soon. Do it with psychic energized instinctive power. Practice how to create it before your mirror, and then project it to him. Stand across your room and stare at your image in the mirror. Transform that image of yourself into that of Elliott. The sure way to enslave Elliott, when he is with you, is by drawing him so compellingly to you that he cannot think clearly. The mo­ ment he is in your presence now, feel as if you have been trans­ formed suddenly into a throbbing magnet and that you are draw­ ing him helplessly to you. Fill yourself with this throbbing magnet feeling in your arms, in your legs, in your torso, and in your face. Saturate yourself with that one thought picture. With Multiplied Nerve Gap power (feel divinely blissful), project that one thought picture out of your eyes and waft it right into him, right through his eyes. It will leap across his own Nerve Gaps to the psychic power center in his forehead, faster and more penetrating than any other competing impression he receives at the time . . . competing impressions like, whether he ought not to marry at all, or whether he should inspect the field longer first. Repeatedly during the evening, draw Elliott to you again with that throbbing magnet one thought picture. If you are rush­ ing him into proposing, draw him to you with it, too, when you sit beside him silently. Don’t project it to him when you talk to him, unless you are engaged in romantic conversation, or wish to give your conversation a romantic flavor. Don’t project it to him all evening either, or he will be wildly possessed and difficult to restrain. Just project it to him at intervals until he is driven to propose. Whether or not Elliott proposes to you that evening with your psychic energized instinctive power, you nevertheless en­ slave him to you instantly and rule him unsuspectedly, so that he will propose to you very soon.



Now that you have practiced these exercises, apply the same technique in any situation in life in which you can use your instinctive power to rule other people unsuspectedly, instantly. In the true life cases about to be described, you will learn how certain other people in different places, have used incredibly the secret of the psychic energized instinctive power. The names of the individuals involved have been changed. How Clyde enslaved the woman he loved, instantly, so that she stopped considering other men seriously, with his psy­ chic energized intuition, Clyde was engaged to Marlene and their wedding was but three months away. Clyde loved Marlene madly, but he was not sure that Marlene loved him as much. She behaved like a lady wherever they went, but Clyde had a feeling that she admired some men they passed by, more than she admired him. The long silences that ensued regularly during their dates, also, left him uneasy, as if Marlene was secretly considering changing her mind about him. Clyde strained himself to please her: he deluged her with presents and with love poems that he composed to her, all in a tremulous effort to persuade her to do nothing impulsive before their marriage. Once they were married, besides, could he hang on to her if she was not sure that she loved him? He explained the impasse to a glamorous young aunt of his who had married, divorced, and remarried. She was still pursued by armies of suitors and knew what a charming woman expected of a man. He had always suspected what he lacked romantically, but she told him that it could be remedied easily with his psychic energized instinctive power. She revealed it and advised him to practice it alone in his room, and then apply it on Marlene. Clyde was ready to try it on Marlene on their next date. He did not drift towards her this time, as if towards a lamppost. Instead, he filled his whole body first with a feeling of explosive delight. Even though he was weary from his day’s work, he cast it out of his mind and let that feeling of explosive delight spread over his whole body. He let it fill his torso and spread into his face, so that his eyes brightened and his cheeks glowed. As he neared Marlene, he saturated himself with that thought picture. W ith Multiplied Nerve Gap power (feel divinely blissful), he



projected that thought picture out of his eyes with shattering psychic power, and nailed it right into Marlene through her eyes. Marlene’s eyes widened. Clyde’s thought picture had leaped across her own Nerve Gaps to the psychic power center in her forehead, faster and stronger than any other competing impres­ sion she had received at the time . . . competing impressions, like her expecting him to drift towards her again as if to a lamp­ post, as well as his showing little or no bold enthusiasm for her all evening. Clyde greeted Marlene with that thought picture in his voice, too. As he took her hand or led her by the arm, he poured more of that thought picture through his fingers into her whole body. (He filled her with electrons, in other words.) He acted masterful and irresistible, and desensitized himself to any hesi­ tancy on her part. He retained that thought picture in him all the way to the car. He retained it in his eyes when he looked at her. Its effects compounded themselves further by his steadily in­ creasing confidence in himself and by the psychological effect it was having on Marlene. When he drove the car, however, he stopped altogether pro­ ducing his psychic energized instinctive power. It gave his psy­ chic power center a rest, as well as prevented Marlene from getting use to his projections. But the moment he stopped the car, he projected it to her again. The continuing projections kept leaping across Marlene’s Nerve Gaps to the psychic power center in her forehead, faster and stronger than any other competing impressions she received at the time and stamped permanently in her mind an irresistible picture of Clyde which she had never dreamed of before. She grew helpless romantically before him and put an end to noticing seriously other men they passed by. The marriage came off as scheduled. With psychic energized instinctive power Clyde had enslaved the woman he loved, in­ stantly, so that she stopped considering other men seriously and, thereby, ruled her unsuspectedly. How Dr. Mansfield filled his patients instantly with a rabid desire to help him cure them fast, with psychic energized instinctive power. Dr. Mansfield, a budding young physician, was experiencing



the usual physician difficulty of compelling his patients to follow his directions to the letter, once they stepped out of his office. Not enough of them obeyed his dietary restraints or performed the exercise he prescribed for them. Instead, they continued with their bad habits and excused themselves with the “old corn” that they just didn’t have time, Dr. Mansfield did not expect 100 per cent cooperation, but his practice would not grow as expected if his patients remained sick. He wished desperately for a way to create a more irresistible impression on them, so that they would follow his directions with more determination. The psychic realm of power was a hobby of Dr. Mansfield’s. He exposed his pressing problem to it and decided to try on one of his most stubborn patients psychic energized instinctive power. The patient was a printer named Dan. The next time Dr. Mansfield received him in his office, he did not receive him like one outraged that his patient had returned so soon for more treat­ ment and, most likely, from not following his directions. He filled his body, instead, with a joyful attitude, as if Dan was the most cooperative of patients. Dr. Mansfield relaxed the muscles of his face and body, and visualized Dan as a patient who would leap at the chance to do everything his doctor ordered. He saturated himself with that thought picture, so that his very face filled with enthusiasm, his eyes turned bright and the corners of his lips turned up in a smile. W ith Multiplied Nerve Gap power (feel divinely blissful), he projected that thought picture out of his eyes with shattering psychic power and nailed it right into Dan, through his eyes. Dan looked much better at once, but immediately thereafter he looked apologetic and ill-at-ease. Dr. Mansfield’s thought p ic­ ture had leaped across Dan’s Nerve Gaps to the psychic power center in his forehead, faster and stronger than any other compet­ ing impression he had received at the time . . . competing im­ pressions, like his readiness to lie to Dr. Mansfield as to why he had not carried out his directions more completely, or to suggest to him that his case was probably an unusually difficult one to treat. Dr. Mansfield now greeted Dan with a stimulating exclama­ tion likes “Good day, Dan! You look wonderful today! You musf



have done everything I told you to! That’s the kind of patient I like. Persistent and reliable!” Dan at once pretended that he h a d followed the directions, and that he felt a lot better. After diagnosing him again, though, and finding little improvement, Dr, Mansfield said to him gravely, “Better follow those directions exactly again, Dan, or you’ll soon be in serious trouble! If this condition does not improve mighty soon I will have to operate, and that’s the most dangerous thing I can do for this condition!” Dan’s eyes filled with terror. “But I know that you are one patient who will do exactly as I tell you to, for you did so this time. So, I know that you’ll soon be much better. Next time I expect to see a 100 per cent improvement, and I don’t mean maybe!” Dr. Mansfield, at the same time, again projected to Dan with Multiplied Nerve Gap power (feel divinely blissful), the same thought picture of him as being the most cooperative of patients. Again it leaped across Dan’s own Nerve Gaps to the psychic power center in his forehead, faster and stronger than any other competing impression he received at the time. When Dan returned for his next treatment, he showed stupendous improvement for the first time. Dr. Mansfield had filled him with a rabid desire to help him cure himself fast, and was ruling him unsuspectedly. Dr. Mansfield, thereafter, used psychic energized instinc­ tive power with one stubborn patient after another, physically penetrating each one with the possible threat of whatever desper­ ate measure suited his particular disease, and enjoyed remarkable results. His reputation spread fast, and his practice multiplied to such a degree that he contemplated opening a clinic before he was 30. How Thelma made a hostile fellow worker respect her in­ stantly and stop trying to lower her efficiency, with her psychic energized instinctive power. Thelma was plagued with an abominable situation where she worked. A fellow worker, Sibyl, who was there longer than she, detested her for some secret reason and constantly annoyed her bv disputing with her over trifles, by slyly depriving her of mate­



rials temporarily when she needed them, by throwing the burden of the work on Thelma, and by victimizing her with other hardto-pin down tricks. To complain to their immediate superior, Thelma realized, would result only in annoying him or in bring­ ing down unusual supervision over b oth of them, so that she her­ self would gain little more than she lost. Thelma repeatedly tried to be civil to Sibyl, but without success. Politeness seemed to be wasted on her. Indeed, it made Sybil only worse. For weeks Thelma fretted secretly over her problem. Frantic, she called on me for a possible solution which of course was the psychic energized instinctive power. She practiced before her mirror, and was ready to use it on Sybil next day. The moment she met Sybil next day, Thelma visualized her­ self as being converted suddenly into a pillar of steel which noth­ ing could hurt. She filled herself with that feeling in her arms, in her legs, in her torso and in her face. She saturated herself with that one thought picture. With Multiplied Nerve Gap power (feel divinely blissful), Thelma projected that one thought pic­ ture out of her eyes with shattering psychic power and nailed it right into Sybil, through h er eyes. Sybil’s eyes sprang wide open and her tongue, which seemed on the verge of dripping something sarcastic, as usual, came to an instant halt. Thelma’s one thought picture had leaped across Sybil’s Nerve Gaps to the psychic power center in her forehead, faster and stronger than any other competing impression Sybil had received at the time . . . competing impressions, like how much nastier still could she be to Thelma that day, or how much more could she sabotage her best work efforts and lower her efficiency. To maintain that attitude on Sybil, Thelma moved more slowly than usual ( about 10 per cent slower), to impress her with a cool, calm, steel-hardness. Thelma rid her movements of all tension, in other words, and deported herself as if the establish­ ment belonged to her. She moved her eyes only when she had to. She changed back instantly to her natural self when dealing with any other worker or with her superior. But the moment she was left alone with Sybil, she projected that pillar of steel thought picture to Sybil again for one full second full strength, then for another second, half strength, and then for less strength for the



next two seconds. Every time she had anything to do with Sybil, Thelma projected that one thought picture at least once. Right in step with it, too, her voice was sharper and more incisive and ready to meet her tormentor blow for blow, as if she enjoyed being militant. But she did so in a divinely blissful manner. Sybil cowered before the new Thelma and changed her atti­ tude towards her at once. Not once that day did she try to impede Thelma’s efficiency. She also kept out of Thelma’s way as much as possible. Later that week Thelma once more returned to her true self with Sybil, but immediately Sybil changed back to her repre­ hensible self with her. Realizing her error, Thelma immediately projected psychic energized instinctive power to Sybil again and flattened her right back down. Instead of being victimized indefinitely by Sybil then, and probably forced to find another job in order to escape her (and pray not to meet up with another Sybil in it), Thelma used psychic energized instinctive power to make her respect her instantly and, thereafter, ruled her unsuspectedly. Conclusion See how you can rule other people unsuspectedly instantly with this magic secret power! They don’t even know why, or how, you are suddenly ruling them, but they are unable to resist it! And, try as they might, they cannot free themselves of it, for they don’t even suspect it. And, you can achieve such instant, mirac­ ulous power over them with the following easy steps: Step 1. Create a new conception of yourself which could completely alter the effects of anyone’s attitude to­ ward you. Step 2. Create a vivid thought picture of yourself becoming this new person, or of yourself acquiring some salient quality which this new person would possess (like the pillar of steel quality). A quality which would nullify the effects of anyone’s attitude on you. Step 3. Saturate yourself with that thought picture and pro­ ject it with Multiplied Nerve Gap power (feel di­ vinely blissful). Step 4. Nail that thought picture firmly into the psychic



power center of the person you confront, in his fore­ head. Step 5. Maintain that projection for one second. In diffi­ cult instances, maintain it for one full second full strength; then project it for another second half strength; then for less strength for the next two seconds. You can rule anyone unsuspectedly and instantly. If he is your enemy, you will meet his psychic attack against you with an invisible obstacle which will block him altogether when he charges you. Master this psychic secret of psychically powering your instinct and intuition, as certain men and women have done all through the Ages to attain results in a way not understood by others, and with so little effort on their part.

10 Psychic S e c r e t 9: H o w to P r o d u c e t h e " M a g i c " of Y o u r P s y c h i c P o w e r e d Companionship

T h e Psychic Powered Companionship is one of the very personal secrets of psychic power for extracting what you want out of other people. With this little-known secret you give and exchange with others and, therefore, collect your gains in great measure and fast. Those shrewd people who ruled kings and queens from behind the throne, as well as industrial empires, used primarily their psychic powered companionship. So did those who thrilled, at any age, the most sought-after men or women. Those who swept others everywhere off their feet or who amassed fabulous wealth, did so by understanding how to make others feel that they w ere their especially beneficial companions, even if they aroused that feeling in them by means of speeches, writings, propaganda, with a much desired piece of merchandise, or by establishing a quickly accepted fad. Your companionship with anyone marks your crucial test with him. Many a person has fallen in love or has been swept off his 131



feet by another person at sight; but once he met or associated with that other person, even for a short period of time, he lost his admiration for him or her. With your psychic powered com­ panionship you can even undo the handicapping effects of a nega­ tive first impression and still extract what you want out of a person. That’s what the unprepossessing person who has mastered this magic secret does with those he meets. Your companionship daily affects others by attracting or repelling them. “He is a handsome fellow,” a young woman will admit about a gentleman she knows, “but what a bore!” “He is interesting to talk to,” another young woman will declare about another man, “but he soon gets fresh and familiar.” “He bores me to distraction with his eternal griping about everything.” “He is so pleasant that I could sit up all night talking to him.” “She is the life of the party.” “He is a good mixer.” As George Eliot wrote, “ ’Tis grievous parting with good company.” So, master this psychic secret. None surpass it in effectiveness. With it alone you can change your whole social and business life! The easy way to extract ivhat you want out o f people invisibly with the secret, of your psychic powered companionship As the admirable person you want to be, you are ex p ected to be magnanimous, open-hearted, fearlessly just, and devoid of pettiness or sarcasm. You are expected to overlook drawbacks in others socially and not make too much of them in business, unless they are of serious import. You are expected to forgive quickly, and to hold no grudges. You are expected to take a joke and be insensitive to criticism. You are expected to admire and praise others when praise is due, and not condemn people behind their backs. You are expected not to pursue an argument down to the last word and hammer out a devastating victory. You are expected to be gentlemanly or ladylike, courteous and never insult others. You are expected never to lose your temper, no matter what is said against you. You are expected to be no prude, but neither are you expected to use profanity. You are expected never to be narcissistic ( love yourself too much). You are ex­ pected never to show fear no matter how afraid you might be,



but to be, or appear to be, absolutely calm and cool when con­ fronted with a discouraging prospect. You are expected to engage in little if any griping, but to be philosophical and make the best of adverse situations. You are expected never to show anxiety or uncertainty, but to handle yourself with poise and ease and fit easily into people’s company. You are expected to appear always pleasant and easy to talk to, but not pusillanimous nor psycho­ pathic. You are expected to be a strong, clear, amiable conversa­ tionalist, but also an attentive listener. You are expected to be easily able to lead those present, should an emergency arise. But you are also expected not to try to steal the show, but to lean backwards and let the lesser lights wallow in their ephemeral glory. You are expected, in summary, to act thoroughly mature, and to let others act immature, like a parent efficiently managing his numerous children. If you conduct yourself like that at all times, you will wind people round your finger and extract what you want out of them instantly. You will be king or queen ro­ mantically, promoted fast in. your career, lionized in the profes­ sions, drafted into social or political office. Indeed, you will achieve practically any goal you wish, because you will be produc­ ing the ideal im age of the companionship which people expect of the all-around person. So, practice the Exercises described in the following para­ graphs and master producing your psychic powered companion­ ship. Exercise 1.

How to tame down a desirable but over-aggressive

male companion instantly without insulting him, with your psychic p ow ered companionship.

Stanley is a charming man whom you would like to know much better, and perhaps marry. He is very interesting, witty, presentable and has a fine position. But he is over-aggressive with you, as if he expects to seduce you fast. Such conduct does not become him, for he is refined and very decent otherwise. You would not be interested in him unless he were. But he seems to have a “wolf complex” or to be obsessed to prove to himself that he does possess the know-how or the appeal for seducing you. Whatever his reason, it displeases you, for it is impossible for you to treat him with due respect or to feel that he treats you with



any. And yet, you are strongly attracted to him, and you would like him to give you serious attention, Your only recourse is to tame him down without insulting him, for you don’t want to lose him. Do it with your psychic powered companionship. Practice how to create it before your mirror, and then project it to him. Sit sideways to your image in the mirror, and imagine that it is Stanley. You are sitting beside him again on your sofa, and again he is turning over-aggressive. Fill yourself with a sad disil­ lusionment in him. Saturate yourself with that one thought pic­ ture. With Multiplied Nerve Gap power (feel divinely blissful), project that on e thought picture out of your eyes with shattering psychic power. (N ote: You still have to feel divinely blissful when you project it, or you will drive him away from you altogether.) Visualize that one thought being wafted into him, right through his eyes. It will leap across his own Nerve Gaps to the psychic power center in his forehead, faster and stronger than any other competing impression he receives at the time . . . competing impressions like, whether you are holding him off a little longer before falling under his spell, or whether he is not pursuing you fast enough. Stanley will feel ashamed of himself, but he will also feel that you forgive him. He will withdraw his aggressive attitudes and treat you entirely like a glamorous lady. At once resume your former attitude with him, for you have achieved your purpose. Stanley will be more careful about his aggression in the future, for he will be tamed down but not insulted, in­ stantly. With your psychic powered companionship, you will have completely influenced him. Exercise 2.

How fo convert a d rea d e d enemy into a loyal

frien d instantly, with your psychic p ow ered companionship.

Benson envies you bitterly and tries to undermine you with everybody. He possesses a certain amount of influence upon your career, too, for he is well acquainted with people who could help advance or hold you back socially or in your career. If you could, you would banish him from your life altogether; but you cannot. And yet, you cannot continue with him as you are. Your best bet is to try to achieve the most seemingly impossible thing—that is, to convert him into a loyal friend. In other words, turn him into



a booster of yours. Do it with your psychic powered companion­ ship. Practice how to create it before your mirror, and then pro­ ject it to him. Stand across your room and stare at your image in the mirror. Transform that image of yourself into that of Benson. The next time you associate with him, fill yourself with a burst­ ing enthusiasm to be with him. Act as if he is the most brilliant, witty, gifted person you know, even if h e isn’t. Saturate yourself with that one thought picture. With Multiplied Nerve Gap power (feel divinely blissful), project that one thought picture out of your eyes with shattering psychic power. Visualize it being nailed right into Benson through his eyes. It will leap across his own Nerve Gaps to the psychic power center in his forehead, faster and stronger than any other competing impression he receives at the time . . . competing impressions, like whether you, your­ self, hate him as much as he hates you, or whether you are again attaining something that he doesn’t want you to attain. Listen closely when he speaks. Never scoff at anything he says, nor answer him sarcastically. If you don’t agree with his conclusion, subtly shift to another subject. Don’t try to show him how intel­ ligent you are, nor how he can gain through associating with you. If he contradicts himself, never call it to his attention. D on’t even show it in your face. D on’t try to inform him about something that he doesn’t know either, unless he requests it of you. Then, tell it as if h e him self knew it all along. Pretend that all knowledge, wisdom and attractions are overwhelmingly his, and that you are very fortunate to be his Good Man Friday. When people feel above you, they are eager to befriend you. When they consider you as a rival of theirs, they are dying to keep you down. Don’t forg et that, for it is one of the simplest but most phenomenal secrets of psychic powered companionship with which the most ordinary people, all down the Ages, have ruled royalty in power, or have been solidly backed by people of influence and power in the industrial and political world. Display absolutely no envy of any special qualities or pos­ sessions of Benson’s. Praise them to the skies instead. Reassure him, in other words, that you do not aspire to compete with him; that you revel, in fact, at the possibility of gaining from him in



any manner that he chooses to help you, and that you long to be tolerated by him as his Good Man Friday for the rest of your life. N ever, besides, criticize anything Benson does. Ignore his defects altogether, rather, so that he is convinced that you are the one person who considers him the greatest. Benson will be converted into your loyal friend instantly with your psychic pow­ ered companionship, and you will extract out of him exactly what you want. Now that you have practiced these exercises, apply the same technique in any situation in life in which you can use your com­ panionship to extract what you want out of other people instantly. In the true life cases described herein, you will learn how certain other people in different places have used most profitably the magic secret of the psychic powered companionship. The names of the individuals involved have been changed. How Mrs. Linter greatly reduced her husband’s smoking and drinking instantly with her psychic powered com­ panionship, and soon stopped it altogether. Mrs. Linter s constant worry was her husband’s frightening excessive beer drinking and smoking. They were in their late fifties, and Mrs. Linter loved her Bill dearly. He was kindhearted, enjoyable and reliable. And yet, the way he habitually drank and smoked, and then boasted that he “held” his liquor, filled her with dread that she would be left a widow in the not too distant future. In fact, Bill developed high blood pressure, and his doctor ordered him to follow his instructions carefully and lower it as quickly as possible. He also warned Bill of the dangers of nicotine and alcohol to the heart. But Bill scoffed after leaving the doctor’s office and said to his wife, “When I have to live on bread-andbutter alone, I ’ll join my Maker. Why live at all, if I can’t have a little fun?” He was also advised to exercise, but the only daily exercise he engaged in was golfing, and the doctor had told him that that wasn’t enough. Mrs. Linter had argued with Bill time and again against his suicidal bad habits, and Bill had usually agreed with her and sworn, “This is my last smoke.” Or, “This is my last drink.” But he would smoke and drink again that same day or the next. And,



he blamed “the boys at work” for his bad habits. “They make me smoke and drink with them,” he complained to his wife. “If I don’t, I ’d be an outcast! A fellow has to have some friends! He can’t live like a hermit!” Mrs. Linter was on the verge of despair. What could she do to help Bill? Another housewife who had faced a similar problem, confided to Mrs. Linter how she, herself, had solved it. She had tried every other way, too, on her own husband, and had finally worked with the psychic powered companionship under my coun­ sel. She revealed it to Mrs. Linter. Mrs. Linter practiced it desper­ ately before her mirror, and then was ready to try it on her Bill. When Mrs. Linter associated with Bill the next day, she criticized nothing he did. And she ignored his bad habits alto­ gether. She acted, instead, as if she was bursting with enthusiasm to be with him. She acted as if he were the most brilliant, witty, gifted person she knew, even if he wasn’t all those things. She saturated herself with that thought picture. With Multiplied Nerve Gap power (feel divinely blissful), she projected that thought picture out of her eyes with shattering psychic power. She visualized it being nailed right into Bill through his eyes. Bill, as a result, began to enjoy his bad habits now as he never had before, and to feel fortunate to have found the right wife for him—the one who adored him to the skies. His wife’s thought picture had leaped across his own Nerve Gaps to the psychic power center in his forehead, faster and stronger than any other competing impression he had received at the time . . . compet­ ing impressions, like his firmly set antagonism to her repeatedly warning him of the possible tragic consequences of his bad habits to his health, and her gruff attitude when he defied her with sharp replies and continued with his habits anyway. Mrs. Linter listened closely now when he spoke, and scoffed at nothing he said. When she didn’t agree with his opinion, she subtly shifted the subject. She d id not try to show him how intel­ ligent she was, nor how h e could profit by pursuing her advice. When he contradicted himself, she did not call it to his attention. She did not even show it in her face. She pretended that all knowl­ edge, wisdom and attractions were overwhelmingly his and that she was born indeed under a lucky star to be his wife. Then, suddenly, she pretended to be shocked and terrified.



But she looked down quickly and said nothing. Bill’s cigarette nearly dropped out of his mouth, as he asked her what was amiss. She looked at him more closely and longer the second time, and then she dropped her head into her hands and forced all the tears she could into her eyes. “What’s the matter?” Bill cried, tossing his cigarette in the ashtray and helping her to a chair, “Feel faint? Heart bothering you?” “My heart!” Mrs. Linter exclaimed, covering her mouth. “It’s your heart! Oh, my Bill, my Bill!” “What do you mean?” Bill yelped, drawing away and trem­ bling. “I feel all right!” “Makes no difference, Dr. Evans told me,” Mrs, Linter whim­ pered, “He told me to watch for a certain sign on your face. I won't tell you where. If you keep smoking and drinking, he said, and I see that sign, it means that you will soon have a serious heart attack! Oh, my darling, my darling,” she moaned and clasped her husband frantically, “What sign?” Bill demanded. “I can’t tell you! I am supposed to tell you only to stop all drinking and ^rooking right away, and to let you start back with only a little of it later, if ever. Oh, my Bill, my Bill!” Bill w'as shaking violently now, “S-Sign?” he stammered, holding his wife's arms desperately. “I-I’ll never smoke or drink again! Never, never again!” Bill seized the remainder of his pack of cigarettes lying on the table and threw them out, and ordered his wife to empty all the bottles of liquor in the house. After he left for work, Mrs. Linter called Dr. Evans and told him all. He assured her that he would back her up if Bill called. When Bill returned from work that night, Mrs. Linter greeted him again in the same worshiping, effusive manner that she had at first that morning and projected to him, with Multi­ plied Nerve Gap power (feel divinely blissful) a one thought picture of himself disdaining all tobacco and alcoholic drinks. Repeatedly, at night, she projected that one thought picture to him. She may have used the device of a trick, but it would have been useless without her psychic powered companionship.



For the next few weeks Mrs, Linter was able to keep Bill’s drinking and smoking down to practically nil and, finally, to persuade him to abandon them altogether. With her psychic powered companionship she had greatly reduced her husband’s bad habits instantly, and then had abolished them permanently by ordering what she wanted out of him with her personal psychic power. How Bartley “rejuvenated’ himself instantly with others, with his psychic powered companionship. Bartley was near 60 years of age and was getting tired of being called “old” by younger people from 45 down. He was not ashamed of his years, but he resented the implication that he was near the end of his mortal rope. He did not feel “old” and why should he repeatedly be relegated to the bone-yard by others? Had he only five more years to live, in fact, Bartley wanted to enjoy them like a “capable” human being, not be shunted aside ahead of his time and looked upon as a curiosity. He was secretly growing resentful, too, at such a label, and it was spoil­ ing his pleasure of associating with others. Bartley sought a way out of the impasse. He had read con­ siderable about ESP and “the psychic” and wondered if it could help him. He talked with me and we programmed his psychic powered companionship. He practiced it thoroughly in his room and was ready to apply it next day. When Bartley encountered 31-year-old Luther the next day, he at once filled himself with a joyous, effervescent attitude. “Why, Luther!” he exclaimed, seizing and shaking his hand. He poured his energy through his hand into Luther’s by visualizing it doing so. At the same time, too, he visualized himself as look­ ing 20 years younger. He saturated himself with that thought picture. With Multiplied Nerve Gap power (feel divinely bliss­ fu l), he projected that thought picture out of his eyes with shat­ tering psychic power and nailed it right into Luther, through his eyes. Luther’s expression brightened noticeably, although he seemed a bit confused. He stared at Bartley again. This time his eyes glowed amicably and invitingly. Bartiey’s thought picture



had leaped across Luther’s Nerve Gaps to the psychic power cen­ ter in his forehead, faster and stronger than any other competing impression he had received at the time . . . competing impres­ sions, like his set conception of “old” Bartley, as well as his settled conviction that a man near 60 had a foot-and-a-half in the grave. To create a lasting intimacy between them, Bartley now spoke to him as if confiding to a bosom pal and omitted all im­ pression of any age difference. He saturated himself with that on e thought picture. With Multiplied Nerve Gap power (feel divinely blissful), he projected that on e thought picture out of his eyes with shattering psychic power, and nailed it right into Luther through his eyes. As they conversed, Bartley now avoided being long-winded or referring to the distant past. He in­ dulged instead only in contemporary subjects which interested the younger person, even if they bored Bartley himself. Luther’s enthusiasm for him grew fast, as a result, and he agreed to meet Bartley for lunch. Bartley projected that on e thought picture all morning to everybody he met. Soon, all who knew him felt that they had badly overestimated his age. Without further questioning, Bart­ ley was readily accepted for being about 20 years younger than he was, even if mainly subconsciously so. His whole social life was changed, and he escaped the frightful prospect of being prac­ tically “pushed into the grave.” W ith his psychic powered com­ panionship he had “rejuvenated” himself with others instantly and was extracting what he wanted out of them. Conclusion See how you can extract what you want out of people in­ stantly with this secret power of psychic powered companionship, just like those shrewd people who ruled kings and queens from behind the throne, thrilled at any ag e the most sought-after men or women, swept others everywhere off their feet, or amassed fabulous wealth. W ith your psychic powered companionship you can reach people surely and intimately with thoughts, actions and words and change altogether their set impressions of you. And you can achieve such instant miraculous power over them with the following easy steps:



Step 1. Use your companionship, or combine your thoughts, actions, and words in a specific manner by creating an image of yourself with which to replace in any­ one’s mind the image of yourself which he already has. Step 2. Create a vivid thought picture of it. Step 3. Saturate yourself with that thought picture and pro­ ject it to him with Multiplied Nerve Gap power (feel divinely blissful). Step 4. Nail that thought picture firmly in the psychic power center of the person you confront, in his forehead. Step 5. Maintain that projection for about two seconds. Project it repeatedly every few minutes, for a short while. You will extract what you want out of other people instantly because they will instantly “see” a thought picture in an over­ coming psychic way of you which they never saw before. They will react to it at once, too, just as you want them to, because it will catch them by surprise and they won’t have time to re­ analyze it, instinctively knowing they can’t resist its mysterious power.

11 P s y c h i c S e c r e t 10: H o w to P r o d u c e t he " M a g i c " of Y o u r P s y c h i c P o w e r e d W i t

I he Psychic Powered W it is a psychic secret for acquiring total leadership over others instantly. The otherwise ordinary people who ruled kings and queens, thrilled, at any age, the most soughtafter men or women, swept others everywhere off their feet, amassed fabulous wealth, excelled in the magical use of the psychic powered wit. If your ambitions are limited, you don’t have to excel in it to the degree of control that these other people did; but if your ambitions are big, you should use this power boldly. This psychic secret requires careful study because, if ex­ erted incorrectly, you can lose all instead of gaining tremendously more from it. W it is entertaining, but when it remains on the level of sarcasm, lampooning, or other caustic attitudes, it brings you enemies instead of friends. Wit, too, can be intended as wit, but it can also fail and be interpreted as slander. This m agical secret is not so swiftly m astered as th e previous on es because you alone can surmise the effects of your spon­ taneous wit upon others beforeh an d . A professional actor is in an




ideal position in that respect because he is able to rehearse his humorous lines b efo reh a n d in front of a director and perfect them with his help. You cannot do so. Your own daily wit, besides, has to synchronize with the time and the occasion it is delivered, as well. Should you deliver it a trifle too soon, too late, or in the wrong situation, it runs the risk of being taken literally. When delivered skillfully, however, no other magical psychic secret can equal it in effectiveness for acquiring total leadership over others instantly in your daily life. At once, you stand out from the crowd when you are a wit— a true example of wit. Poor wit, in contrast, can bring you more enemies than any other evil, for its victims do not forget its sting. Even your best wit, in fact, can bring you some borderline enemies. Some because they are jealous of the incomparable interest you arouse, others because they disagree with your humor, and still others because they fear the possible lash of your tongue. Your psychic powered wit, in other words, is a magical secret which has to be used with delicacy and finesse. The very best wit, besides, will be considered “funny” by the many who are amused by it, but also “serious and philosophical” by others who con­ template its “wisdom.” Those who fail to grasp it will be bored by it. Despite those dangers and drawbacks, the psychic powered wit is an unparalleled “magic” secret for you to acquire the utmost in leadership over people instantly. The 11 rules you must follow for cultivating your successful wit There are 11 rules to follow closely for successful wit. They guide you past the pitfalls of the amateur and enable you to de­ velop swiftly your psychic powered wit. 1. Don’t try to be witty in order simply to be a wit. 2. Don’t be witty at someone else’s expense, even if you are campaigning for office and view your opponent as contemptible. 3. Never laugh nor scoff when you are being witty. Be intensely serious, so that you look natural and as if not trying to be “funny.” 4. For the best reaction to your wit, direct it mainly against


5. 6.



9. 10. 11.


yourself. That’s why the overweight and the under­ weight, the long nosed, the downtrodden and the vic­ timized make the best wits. Never repeat your wit. If it fails the first time you say it, keep right on talking as if you had not said it. English wit may be effective when confined to polysyl­ lables with a minimum amount of action, as in Dickens’ P ickw ick Papers. American wit, however, should be con­ fined to situations and commonplace words. Americans are less used to the subtlety of polysyllables and are prone to take them literally. Mimic no one right in his presence, even if you are gifted with such a talent, unless you are teaching some­ one a skill and are seriously demonstrating his faults to him. If you are a gifted wit, don’t overdo it nor try to be witty at every opportunity. You will fail frequently if you do. Never use wit against the moral character of anyone in particular, regardless of how he may have fallen. You wax wittiest when you are most serious in word and action and talk ill of no one. Never poke fun about anybody’s name, nationality, reli­ gion, race or appearance.

Study thoroughly these 11 rules of wit and use them wisely. The easy way to acquire total leadership over others invisibly with your psychic powered wit N EV ER be negatively witty against a woman, no matter how degraded she might be. Not only is it unchivalrous, but it also draws against you the animosity of both sexes. And, of course, flash no wit against a partly or wholly handicapped person— either against his poor sight, hearing, speech, limp or anything else which he obviously prefers not to be afflicted with. If you flash your wit against someone who is not blessed with good looks or popularity, too, don’t aim it at those lacks. It would be wiser to suggest instead that, secretly he is a devil with women. Let your wit, in other words, portray the person against whom you



direct it as being what he would like to be and not expose him for what he actually is. Don’t poke fun at the individual of limited means and call him poor. Announce, instead, that he could probably buy everybody there ten times over. You might even add, “The truly rich don’t show off their wealth, you know. Only paupers like me carry all they own on their backs.” Not only are you not humbling that individual then, but you are also ridiculing yourself. Never engage in bullying wit, such as that in which you call a less strong man weak, and mock him about it before others. Remark instead, “Joe’s arms might not look like Hercules’, but don’t you underrate his power. A bullet hits harder than a club.” Save his face, rather than make fun of him. Need­ less to state, never mimic a cross-eyed person, or one with a speech impediment. Allow no vulgar expressions to creep into your wit, unless you are a man and are exchanging jokes privately with other men and the expression fits in naturally. Never let yourself feel that you are under obligation to be witty, just because it would enter­ tain. The great wits of literature, like Voltaire and George Bernard Shaw, wrote in dead earnest and were astounded when their literature was called the acme of wit. When you, yourself, are the object of another’s wit, do not resent nor defy it. Bravely accept your own turn at being the object of another’s wit when it comes and let others enjoy laughing at you for a change. If they laugh at your answers or reactions, it is because you entertain them and they will relish your company all the more. Don’t feel that be­ cause others laugh at you then, that you are disgraced. Let them, instead, see you as a good sport. So, practice the Exercises as discussed herein and master producing the projection of your psychic powered wit. All names, of course, have been changed. Exercise 1.

How to discourage a flirting m arried woman in­

stantly without insulting her or getting info trouble with her in­ fluential husband, with your psychic p ow ered wit.

Sue is the flirting wife of Chester, She is very attractive; but she is also an incorrigible flirt, and her husband, Chester, is very jealous. On the other hand, he would not tolerate anyone insult­



ing Sue either. Chester can do much for you, but he can also help to hold you down. You don’t want to get on his bad side through the superficial behavior of his wife. You want to discourage Sue’s dangerous attentions from you instantly without insulting her or getting into trouble with Chester. You can do it with your psychic powered wit! Practice how to create it before your mirror, and then project it to her. Stand across your room and stare at your image in the mirror. Transform that image of yourself into that of Sue. The next time you associate with Sue and she flashes her charms at you, fill yourself with a profound respect for her intelligence— even if she has, or exhibits, little of it. Saturate yourself with that on e thought picture of her, and listen and react to her as if she were indeed the m ost intelligent person you know. W ith Multi­ plied Nerve Gap power (feel divinely blissful), project that one thought picture out of your eyes with shattering psychic power, and nail it right into Sue through her eyes. It will leap across her own Nerve Gaps to the psychic power center in her forehead, faster and stronger than any other competing impression she re­ ceives at the time . . . competing impressions like, whether you are truly sincere in treating her as if she were that intelligent, or whether you don’t care for her type and she is a woman scorned. Sue will feel deeply flattered to realize that she is considered so unusually intelligent. Chester, her husband, will feel flattered and relieved, too. In order not to lower herself in your estimation, Sue will automatically change her flirting manner with you and try to impress you still more with her fancied intelligence. With your psychic powered wit and without insulting her, you will have discouraged Sue instantly from flirting with you and getting you into trouble with Chester, and will have acquired total leadership over her. Exercise 2 .

How to confuse and overwhelm a firesome person,

insfanily, in a heated argum ent, with your psychic p o w ered wit.

Al is rather tiresome to you because he tries to embarrass you repeatedly by picking arguments with you. He also does so with others. You don’t want to quarrel with him, but neither do you care to waste time engaging in unproductive strife. Your solu­



tion is to confuse and overwhelm him in the heated argument. Do it with your psychic powered wit. Practice how to create it before your mirror, and then project it to him. Sit across your room and stare at your image in the mirror. Transform that image of yourself into that of Al. Imagine the two of you in the midst of another heated argument. Fill yourself suddenly with a feeling of the greatest calm and pleasure. Listen to everything Al says, with keen delight, no matter how scathing or insulting it may be to you, and answer it in total agreement with him. Saturate yourself with that thought picture. With Multi­ plied Nerve Gap power (feel divinely blissful), project that thought picture out of your eyes with shattering psychic power and nail it right into Al, through his eyes. It will leap across his Nerve Gaps t the psychic power center in his forehead, faster and stronger than any other competing impression he receives at the time . . . competing impressions, like the exact words of the next sentence which he is preparing to fire at you, and his con­ viction that he has crushed and embarrassed you this time in the argument. He will gape at you in confusion, entirely at a loss as to what to say next. He will be crushed with embarrassment when he realizes that you are not the least bit discomfited by his verbal attacks. W ith your psychic powered wit you will have confused and overwhelmed instantly a tiresome pest in a heated argument and acquired total leadership over him. Exercise 3.

How to bring a despairingly stubborn husband or

w ife under your e a sy control instantly, with your psychic p ow ­ e re d wit.

Lena is your fiancee or your wife. You worship the ground she walks on, but she drives you to despair with her unyielding stubbornness over so many things, large and small. Your relation­ ship, as a result, frequently degenerates into one argument after another. You feel that it cannot continue that way indefinitely without leading to one big, final break up. And yet, Lena suits you in practically every way, except for her despairing stubborn­ ness. You will just have to bring her under easy control and stop her from trying to resist you at every step. Do it with your psychic powered wit. Practice how to create it before your mirror, and then project it to her.



Stand or sit across your room and stare at your image in the mirror. Transform that image of yourself into that of Lena. The next time you talk to her and she proves stubborn, fill yourself with an attitude of intense delight. Act as if you are enjoying tremendously talking to her, and as if everything she says to you is most entertaining. Even touch noses or do anything that sug­ gests that you are not taking her seriously, although you delight in listening to her talk. If she becomes nettled, chuckle and con­ tinue in the same vein. Saturate yourself with that thought p ic­ ture, With Multiplied Nerve Gap power (feel divinely blissful), project that thought picture out of your eyes with shattering psychic power and nail it right into Lena, through her eyes. It will leap across her own Nerve Gaps to the psychic power center in her forehead, faster and stronger than any other competing impression she receives at the time . . . competing impressions, like determination to continue resisting your demands or ideas, or her conviction that you will give in to her. Despite herself, Lena will start enjoying your new attitude towards her and will compromise with you without even realizing it. W ith your psychic powered wit you will have brought a despairingly stubborn mate (or friend) under your easy control instantly and acquired total leadership over her. Now that you have practiced these exercises, apply the same technique in any situation in life in which you can use your wit to acquire total leadership over others instantly. In the true life cases described, you will learn how certain people in different places have used most effectively the magic secret of the psychic powered wit. The names of the individuals involved have been changed. How Lee instantly stopped his otherwise properly behaving wife from repeatedly embarrassing him at social gatherings with the men present, with his psychic powered wit. Lee was happily married to Josephine. He loved her deeply, and she loved him, too. But, there was a serious threat to the peace of their marriage. It was Josephine’s sudden, unexplainable change of personality from that of a dutiful but sometimes morose housewife to that of a boisterous, over-aggressive, intimate act­ ing female with the men at every party they attended, or every



group they joined. Actually, she did nothing immoral then or afterwards, but she put on such an embarrassing over-display of her charms that she gave the very opposite impression. It an­ tagonized the other women present, as well as raised sky high the wrong hopes of the men on whom she bestowed them. As Lee watched her helplessly from the sidelines, he wished that the floor would cave in and swallow him whole. After every party they attended together, he flew at her at home, and she replied in kind. Either she relished exhibiting herself in that unbecoming fashion, Lee concluded, or she yearned to shine in the center of attraction of men. Meanwhile, she hardly noticed the other women there and that inflamed them still more, as well as heightened their suspicions about her. Josephine’s outlandish be­ havior had to be repressed immediately, Lee realized, for it was holding him back both socially and in his career. He hated to think what his business associates thought of him after witness­ ing such a scene. He was certainly not rising as fast in the firm as other employees who were there no longer than he, but whose wives behaved approvingly at the get-togethers. Lee was in a frenzy over what to do, being divided between his adoration for his wife and his social life and career. A close friend in the office who was a client of mine told him to try his psychic powered wit. Lee listened to him carefully. He practiced the magic secret in the privacy of his room and was ready for Josephine. At the next party, just as he had expected, Josephine fell into her act again as soon as she found herself in the vicinity of several men. She fluttered among them like a butterfly in a garden of fragrant roses, first to one man, then to another. All the while her eyes and her hands danced like those of the wildest flirt, and her laughs were so loud and sexy sounding that they attracted every eye. With a cheerful smile, Lee moved up to the group of men and said, with a twinkle in his eye, “My wife once took ballet lessons. But she has forgotten they are over.” Taking her by the arm, he added to her, “Shall we have some refresh­ ment, dear?” Josephine was thrown into confusion. With his eyes glued on hers, Lee filled himself with a feeling of understanding her thoroughly and of considering her as an overgrown child. He



saturated himself with that one thought picture. With Multiplied Nerve Gap power (feel divinely blissful), he projected that one thought picture out of his eyes with shattering psychic power, and nailed it right into her through her eyes, Josephine tried to resist him and return to her circle of male admirers, but Lee chuckled and peered at her in a deeply under­ standing manner, as if amused by her attempted display of her charms again. Josephine looked at him again, this time more studiously. Lee chuckled again, and again projected his one thought picture into her with Multiplied Nerve Gap power (feel divinely blissful). Josephine seemed absolutely at a loss as to what to do. Lee’s on e thought picture had leaped across her own Nerve Gaps to the psychic power center in her forehead, faster and stronger than any other competing impression she had received at the time . . . competing impressions, like her great urge to “let herself go” when in the company of admiring men and to enchant them all with what she considered the most fascinating behavior of an alluring woman. She recovered shortly after the refreshments and found an­ other group of men and tried the same thing. Lee approached her again as soon as she threw herself into the obnoxious stride of her party behavior, and as the eyes of her surprised admirers were brightening disrespectfully. With a cheerful smile he said again, upon invading the group, “My wife, I see, still thinks she is taking a screen test. Come on, sweetheart! You are indeed very beautiful and an accomplished actress. But people are waiting to meet you. Come now, dear.” When Josephine turned spitefully on him, Lee still met her with his cheerful smile and again projected to her the one thought picture of himself being filled with a feeling of understanding her thoroughly and of considering her as an overgrown child. Josephine opened her mouth to snap back something at him, but Lee again projected his one thought picture into her and led her away. At subsequent parties, Josephine was increasingly careful be­ cause she feared that Lee would step in at any time and halt her exhibitionism. She accepted her more normal place in the gather­ ing reluctantly and did not seem too happy about it. But, she was



no longer putting on the old display of herself and embarrassing Lee no end. Lee knew that he could not alter her basic per­ sonality, but he had put her disgusting social traits under re­ straint. W ith his psychic powered wit he had stopped his other­ wise properly behaving wife from embarrassing him repeatedly at social gatherings with men present, and he had acquired total leadership over her. How Nick brought an unmanageable youngster instantly under his control, with his psychic powered wit. Nick was a high school industrial arts teacher. Juveniles were difficult to control in most schools, but Joe was an exceptionally difficult teen-ager. Indeed, he seemed to enjoy being a problem, as if he thought that his classmates enjoyed it or admired him for his antics. Joe’s conduct, too, encouraged others in the class to imitate him and threatened to convert Nick’s class into a laugh riot which would result in Nick being called in by the principal to explain his lack of discipline over his pupils. Since Nick could not discipline Joe as he would have liked to (indeed, another teacher who slapped such a boy was dismissed), he was in a serious predicament. Because of Joe, he was faced with a dilemma. Nick aspired to become principal, too, some day. W ith a record of failing to keep discipline in his class, however, he might find that dream impossible to realize. Nick made a close study of the situation, nervously seeking a prompt solution. After considering all the possible solutions, he decided that the best and safest one was to use his psychic powered wit as I had instructed him to. Nick practiced it in the privacy of his room, and the next day was ready to use it on the incorrigible Joe. During class that day, Nick pretended not to be unusually aware of Joe. But later, when he drifted around the room and neared Joe, he suddenly stopped beside his bench, looked over his work (which was no better than before and no more inspiringly done), and exclaimed, “You have a lot of natural talent, Joe! I can see it in everything you do. The least effort you make, shows up remarkably. You are particularly good at lettering. Apply your­ self a little harder, and you will be up there with the best!” Nick instantly saturated himself with that thought picture of



Joe up there with the best, although up to then Joe had given no indication of such ability or ambition. W ith Multiplied Nerve Gap power (feel divinely blissful), Nick projected that thought p ic­ ture out of his eyes with shattering psychic power. While Joe stared at him in astonishment, Nick nailed that thought picture right into him through his eyes. That thought picture leaped across Joe’s own Nerve Gaps to the psychic power center in his forehead, faster and stronger than any other competing impres­ sion he received at the time . . . competing impressions, like his expecting to be amused by Nick’s frustrated scolding for his neg­ ligent work, or for continuing to give Nick unnecessary trouble in the class. Joe himself peered at his own work to find out where his talents appeared, and he seemed secretly proud. W ith his psychic powered wit, Nick had aggrandized or psychically stimulated Joe’s confidence in himself. Joe turned to him now with a look of confusion and respect. He saw Nick as his booster and was inwardly hungering to im­ prove his work all the faster to please him. Nick had singled out one particular quality about Joe, or one particular side of his skill, w hich d id show som e prom ise or which Joe might have happened to improve naturally, and had pointed it out to him and assured him that before long he would be “up there with the best” because of it. He didn’t merely indicate to Joe that he had mastered something commonplace and still needed a world of improvement in it. T hat w ould not have constituted wit. W it has to exaggerate what it points out, but in a laudable and believeable manner. Joe at once set to work with an enthusiasm which he had never demonstrated to Nick before. He really improved, as a result, and that afforded Nick still more opportunities (genuine ones, now) to praise him. Joe moved up to a place among the better students of the class. Hard at work, he had no time for thinking up or engaging in class nonsense. The discipline of the whole class improved almost miraculously. W ith his psychic pow­ ered wit, Nick had brought an unmanageable youngster instantly under his control and saved his own future prospects in the edu­ cation field. He had also acquired total control over Joe, instantly, through his secret psychic power.



Conclusion See how you can acquire total leadership over others in­ stantly with this “magic” secret power! See how swiftly it can dismantle the threatening personality bomb of the other person, and save you from a hazardous situation either socially, in your occupation or in your career! And, you can achieve all that with the following easy steps: Step 1. Use your wit alone in a specific manner. Draw the person you are working with completely away from his own exaggerated feeling of importance by de­ scribing him entirely different than he actually is, preferably in a non-sarcastic light and best in a laudable light. You are about to cast a psychic mantle on this person. Step 2. Saturate yourself with that new thought picture of him and project it to him with Multiplied Nerve Gap power ( feel divinely blissful). Step 3. Nail that thought picture firmly into his psychic power center in his forehead. Step 4. Maintain that projection for two or three seconds. You will acquire total leadership over that person (either socially or otherwise) instantly. His whole psychological attitude towards the problem you are tackling in him will change, and he will feel as if you alone see him as he really is and are, there­ fore, the only one equipped in life to lead him, He or she will then follow your psychic leadership through your secret, psy­ chically powered wit, without undue questioning.

12 P s y c h i c S e c r e t If: H o w to P r o d u c e t he " M a g i c " of Y o u r P s y c h i c P o w e r e d Id eas

Projecting Psychic Powered Ideas is a powerful secret for reap­ ing the biggest profits possible from controlling others swiftly. W hen you put your ideas into action, you finally reap the full profits from controlling others. The otherwise ordinarily endowed people who ruled kings and queens from behind the throne, profited from doing so only when they induced the monarchs to execute their projected ideas. They would have profited little from their efforts otherwise. If you are a woman, you might be­ witch a much sought-after man, but unless you inculcate him with the idea of marrying you, if you want him as your husband, you will have profited little from your conquest. You might interest your superior so profoundly in you that he secures you a raise or a promotion; but unless his mind is seized by your ideas, he will not elevate you to the highest position you seek. You might cap­ ture the loyalty of a difficult subordinate or youngster, but unless he carries out your ideas, you have accomplished little with him. The same applies to everything you do. Nothing can bring you the profits you expect from it, unless you can make it respond to 155



your ideas. That is why your psychic powered ideas are a crown­ ing secret of your personal psychic power. Each of the otherwise ordinary people who ruled royalty and also business leaders, and became the power “behind the throne,” had to impel the sov­ ereign to do what the latter might not have wanted to do—in fact, to im pel him not to d o w hat others w an ted him to do. With the force of psychic powered ideas, that otherwise ordinary per­ son controlled the king or queen and ruled from the throne, even though he did not sit on it. Lady Macbeth, Marc Anthony, Iago, Rasputin, Delilah, Peter the Hermit, Savonarola, and hundreds of others in history and literature have been depicted using such powered ideas to make puppets of others. In the very Garden of Eden, Satan (the Snake) used it on Eve, and she, in turn, used it on Adam. W ith the force of psychic powered ideas, men and women have changed the face of history, altered the fates of nations, built or ruined empires. Others, lesser known, have done likewise to lesser nations, to sciences, arts, cultures, fashions, religions, philosophies—in fact, to everything you can think of. The deeply psychic idea was the moving secret, and the originator executed it with the backing or support of another person or of a multitude of persons. Merely to harbor the idea in your mind alone is not enough. And, since you usually require the help of someone else or of many others to carry it out, you have no alternative but to depend upon your psychic powered ideas to enable you to reap the biggest profits from your controlling them. The easy way to reap the biggest profits invisibly from your controlling others with your psychic powered ideas Practically all day long, if you are in the swim of life, your ideas influence 6thers in varying degrees. At home, they influence your family from the moment you arise. Outside, they influence those you meet, both at work and at leisure. You cannot live hap­ pily or satisfactorily unless you can influence others with your ideas, because you are then little more than an ignored robot. Many problems beset you, though, when you try to apply your ideas in everyday life. Your m ost a cc ep ta b le ideas, you will dis­ cover, are those which are but slightly a h ea d of the times. When they are too unique and far in advance of the times, they are



doomed to failure as certainly as if they were far behind the times. Not only will they fail to bring you loyal backers or allies, but they will also fail to bring you enough public support. If it is possible to measure the best “degree of advancedness” over the current times for an idea of yours, then it should soar no more than 10 per cent ahead of such times. When it soars beyond the current times more than 10 per cent, conventionalize it immediately to divest it of some of its too advanced uniqueness. File away the original idea, though, until the times advance enough to be only 10 per cent behind it. To state it simply, let people consider you “original,” but not “revolutionary.” It ex­ plains why so many men of genius get nowhere fast, while others with far less gifts of talent are universally acclaimed. The genius has to be dead and buried for decades before the world catches up to the extraordinary high “degree of advancedness” which his ideas ( and resulting creations) had over it. Your best ideas will reward you little if you cannot put them into execution and get them to reflect actual form. In order to get them to work for you you have to interest enough people in them. The otherwise ordinary mortals who ruled kings and queens from behind the throne, had to fashion ideas which were not so far in advance of the tenets of the monarch that he would hesi­ tate to act on them without delay, for delay can always lead to a change of mind. Even in romance and social life, a ccep ta b le originality, as it appears to others, is thrilling and exciting. The moment you step outside the bounds of the acceptable, the “long shot,” you are viewed with understandable suspicion and will be­ come a most frustrated person. So, practice the Exercises and master producing the results of your secret psychic powered ideas. Exercise 1.

How to stimulate ambition instantly in a youngster

who refuses to a pp ly himself, with your psychic p ow ere d ideas.

Randy is a teenager who refuses to apply himself. He could be your own child, a relative, or someone under your direction. In this keenly competitive age you realize that he is unwittingly making his future most difficult. You have to stimulate him with ambition without delay, so that he can do something for himself before it is too late. Do it with your psychic powered ideas. Prac­



tice how to create it before your mirror, and then project it to him. Stand across your room and stare at your image in the mirror. Transform that image of yourself into that of Randy. Randy resents most being told outright what to do with his life. He does not even tolerate being questioned too pointedly about it. He prefers to keep those plans to himself. The best way to stir him with noble ambition is by praising him and, then, suggesting to him how his talents could lead him to live a satisfactory life, not only in his career, but socially, as well. So, the next time you see him, saturate yourself with the one thought picture of a kind, helpful, generous feeling. With Multiplied Nerve Gap power (feel divinely blissful), project that one thought picture out of your eyes with shattering psychic power, and nail it right into Randy, through his eyes. It will leap across his own Nerve Gaps to the psychic power center in his forehead, faster and stronger than any other competing impression he receives at the time . . . competing impressions like, whether you will ever truly under­ stand what he wants out of life, or whether you are going simply to try to impose your will on him again. To find out what he ac­ tually has in mind, you could ask him, “Have you ever thought of using your talents (this w ay)?” He will answer yes or no, and most likely tell you how he had thought of using them. N ever laugh nor show amusement over anything Randy confesses he had planned for himself. Ponder over it in dead earnest instead. If his plan is absurd, nod in reply but then sug­ gest that he might fare better if he used his talents in some other manner. Point out that manner to him and explain to him how his talents suit it. If he is your subordinate and you want him to stay with your firm, explain to him how his talents fit in and how they can help him to rise. Even acquaint him more thoroughly with the prospects of your establishment and with the openings that could eventually await him. Urge him, besides, to bring more of his work problems to you, so that you can help him rise still faster. If he is a youngster in your house, treat him likewise and refer him to a career that fits him, listing its rewards from his angle. With your psychic powered ideas you will stimulate ambi­ tion instantly in possibly amazingly different ways in a youngster



who refuses to apply himself and reap your biggest profits from controlling him. Exercise 2.

How to lecture to groups and build up a follow ing

instantly, with your psychic p ow ered ideas.

You are going to lecture to a group of people to build up a following, either to get yourself started as a professional man, as a salesman of a big line of products, or for any other reason. If you fail to build up a following from your lecture, you will waste your time, for you will not reap the biggest profits from your con­ trolling your audience. Build up a following with your psychic powered ideas. Practice how to create it before your mirror, and then project it to your audience. Stand across your room and stare at your image in the mirror. Transform that image of yourself into that of your audi­ ence. When you present your ideas to it, be positive that they range within the bounds that the majority will accept. Your ideas will never be equally acceptable to all your listeners, as every astute politician realizes about his own platform. Before you can present any new idea to them, therefore, analyze it from several different points of view. Keep your own goal uppermost, but modify it enough to evoke a universal response. When most of the gathering accepts your new idea, it will lend the support you need. Reveal your ideas in a quiet but emphatic manner, and look as earnest as if you had neither analyzed nor modified your plat­ form beforehand. Such a demeanor will capture the majority of your listeners at once, particularly if your idea approximates closely enough to what it wishes to hear. Saturate yourself with the one thought picture of that demeanor. With Multiplied Nerve Gap power (feel divinely blissful), project that one thought picture out of your eyes with shattering psychic power, and nail it right into the m idst o f your audience. It will leap across the Nerve Gaps of its different members to the psychic power centers in their foreheads, faster and stronger than any other competing impression they receive at the time . . . competing impressions, like whether your ideas are as unchallengeable as they sound, or whether you are truly so well informed as vou seem, since you are an unknown.



Enumerate, too, only the advantages of your idea. Skip past its derogatory or weak sides. Your audience is bursting with enthusiasm now and can be directed only with positive leader­ ship. Your least show of hesitancy will dampen its ardor and loosen your grip on it. Speak slowly and clearly too, so that your idea is grasped swiftly without the need of repetition, unless you repeat it purposely for emphasis. And, avoid meticulous detail, for it leads to confusion. Pause momentarily for applause, for it will come now, and then proceed to your next new idea or to another aspect of the first. Don’t provide your listeners with time to reflect and possibly change their minds. M ove on to your climax and to the end of your speech. With your psychic powered ideas you will build up a following from your audience instantly and reap the biggest profits from controlling it. In turn, its now inspired attitudes might flash a brand now idea to you, without its knowing it! Now that you have practiced these exercises, apply the same technique in any situation in life in which you can use your ideas to reap the biggest profits from controlling others, swiftly. From the true life cases described herein, you will learn how certain people in different continents have used most effectively the magic secret of the psychic powered ideas. The names of the indi­ viduals involved have been changed. How Gerald stimulated ambition instantly in his chron­ ically lazy son, with his psychic pow ered ideas. Gerald, like many an indulgent parent, was plagued by the constant laziness and lack of ambition in his son, Chuck. Gerald himself had worked hard, saved, bought a home, and had some cash in the bank. But his son, although intelligent and presentable, was shiftless and unconcerned about his future. Although he held a college degree, Chuck was satisfied to lounge around day after day, amusing himself doing absolutely nothing. If Chuck would only acquire interest in something with a future, Gerald thought, his potentials would be really marked. But Chuck reminded Gerald of an alligator lounging in the sun, with its herculean power and incredible speed lying inert. Gerald was not that wealthy, besides. Sooner or later Chuck would have to make his own way. It would be folly for him to wait until a fter Gerald



retired or died before shifting for himself. Gerald was anxious about the whole situation, and his wife made things worse by pampering Chuck about it. For his son’s sake, Gerald determined to make a desperate attempt to solve it. Idleness, too, led to mis­ chief or bad habits, and Chuck was smoking, drinking, gambling, and chasing loose women more heavily than ever. After analyzing my book Gerald finally devised what amounted to the rudiments of psychic powered ideas. He concentrated on the approach, and then was ready to apply it on Chuck. Gerald walked in on his son one Saturday in the basement of his home. Chuck was idling his time away, as usual, carving a figure of wood. Gerald knew that Chuck resented most being told outright what to do with his life. He did not even tolerate being questioned about it too pointedly. He preferred to keep his plans to himself. The best way to stir him with productive am­ bition, Gerald decided, was by praising him. So, Gerald stopped near him and pretended to study what he was doing. “Chuck,” he exclaimed, “you’re chock full of artistic talent!” He saturated himself at once with that on e thought picture. W ith Multiplied Nerve Gap power (feel divinely blissful), he projected it to Chuck with shattering psychic power. He visualized it being nailed right into him, through his eyes. Chuck scoffed, but a flow of delight crept across his face. Gerald’s on e thought picture had leaped across Chuck’s own Nerve Gaps to the psychic power center in his forehead, faster and stronger than any other competing impression he had re­ ceived at the time . . . competing impressions, like any doubts that he had unusual artistic talents, and his embarrassment over being surprised wasting his time as he was. “In fact,” Gerald continued, “one with artistic talents has talent for a great many things, for practically everything one does is tightly linked with art. Architecture, dentistry, advertis­ ing, selling, factory work—indeed, everything you can think of, has lots of art in it. He who adds art to his occupation will make far greater progress in it than he who doesn’t.” In order to find out exactly what Chuck had secretly in mind, Gerald asked him, “Have you ever considered using your talents in such ways?” Chuck seemed confused. “Most occupa­ tions,” Gerald continued, “aren’t merely a matter of performing



dull, routine work. The basic fundamentals may seem like dull routine because they have been worked out to a ‘T ,’ but when you put them into action you have to be original, and that means adding art to it in one way or another. All artists are by no means just either painters, sculptors, or musicians. The greatest successes in any field have to be artists, too!” Chuck was all atten­ tion now. Gerald got to talking with him very confidentially and extracted from him, at long last, his secret, hitherto unrevealed, hopes and ambitions. Gerald had finally broken into the inner sanctum of his puzzling son. He dug still deeper into it next day. Before long, Chuck went out and landed an important position as science editor of a well-known magazine. With his psychic powered ideas Gerald had stimulated ambition in his chronically lazy son and had reaped the biggest profits from controlling him. How four young musicians made a multimillion dollar for­ tune swiftly, obviously with their psychic powered ideas. Four young musicians in their late teens were enjoying only average success in foreign night-clubs. They were full of ambition, but musicians came a dime a dozen. The four got together regularly and thought deeply. After several months, they concocted something radically different for the world of popular music. They would play their guitars and the drum, in a more arousing manner. To add to the excitement, they would even wear outdated costumes such as, tight pants and short, narrow-chested jackets, high-heeled boots, and let their hair grow neck long and even form bangs across their foreheads. The whole idea seemed different at first, but they hoped that its very difference would make it unique and catching. Up to then, they had been too much like the other ballad groups and, therefore, came a dime a dozen. The four went ahead with their plans. They called them­ selves the Lampreys and opened in one of the small places where they had performed before. As the curtain went up, they saturated themselves with the one thought picture of themselves of being naturally dressed just as they were, and threw themselves into the mood of such. With Multiplied Nerve Gap power (feel di­ vinely blissful), they automatically projected that one thought picture out of their eyes with shattering psychic power, and auto­



matically nailed it right into the m idst o f their audience. The audience stared in confusion, but applauded courteously. The Lampreys immediately started to strum their instruments in a tune they had composed. They kept time, meanwhile, with a magic new beat of their own by stamping their feet and shaking their bodies as they played. Their long hair swayed about their necks and foreheads and added a still more astounding quality to them. They continued filling themselves, meanwhile, with that on e thought picture of themselves playing that new role, and it was automatically projected repeatedly to their audience. That on e thought picture obviously leaped across the Nerve Gaps of the different members of the audience, to the psychic power centers in their foreheads, faster and stronger than any other competing impression they must have received at the time . . . competing impressions, like their conditioned acceptance of more conventional types of music as better music, and their conditioned expectations of more conventional attire for musicians. The crowd was thrown into raptures and burst into wild applause. By the time the Lampreys had finished with their nu­ merous demanded encores, pandemonium reigned. Overnight, the Lampreys had leaped out of the mass of average popular musi­ cians and had become sought-after. Fantastic offers poured in before long from leading night-clubs. The Lampreys were soon being lionized everywhere. Shrieking crowds of young people mobbed them wherever they appeared and many had let their hair grow long copying the Lampreys. Clothes and shoes for young people were also modeled along the Lamprey costumes. More and more selling items allied themselves to them, and popular music all over the world changed to the Lampreys’ style. With what obviously amounted to the psychic powered ideas, the four Lampreys were swiftly reaping their biggest profits from controlling others. They composed their own numbers, converted them into sensations, and published recordings of them that sold into the millions each. The movies flooded them with big offers. Even royalty honored them. They became multimillionaires so fast that they had to take six month vacations each year in order to hold down their income taxes. And, all because four young, apparently average, musicians had created and used what actually amounted to their psychic powered ideas.



How a young, inexperienced Latin American revolutionary set a crowd o f strange people into action instantly with his psychic powered ideas. Belisario, a young native in the budding, conservative Latin American country of Bratana, concluded that law and order under the old order was not enough to free the oppressed lower classes from the heartless exploitation of the born rich who controlled his government like a magician with his wand. Only the wealthy rose into office, besides, and the poor and downtrodden just con­ tinued slaving away. One night in the city square Belisario stood upon a bench, called people together, and started to speak. He had practiced his speech beforehand in the privacy of his tiny, suffocating room and was ready. As he talked, he presented ideas to his audience which were positive and plausible enough for most of it to accept. Belisario, realizing that his ideas would not be equally acceptable to all his listeners, had, therefore, analyzed each main idea from different points of view beforehand. He still kept his own goals uppermost, but he modified them as he went along to harmonize with the majority reaction to them. He revealed them in a quiet but emphatic manner, besides, and acted as earnest as if he had neither analyzed nor modified them ahead of time. As a result, he captured the support of most of his listeners at once. Belisario saturated himself with that one thought picture of himself. W ith Multiplied Nerve Gap power (feel divinely blissful), he projected that on e thought picture out of his eyes with shattering psychic power, and nailed it right into the m idst o f his audien ce. His listeners stood momentarily still, then roared their ap­ proval. Belisario’s o n e thought picture had leaped across the Nerve Gaps of the great majority of them to the psychic power centers in their foreheads, faster and stronger than any other competing impression they had received at the time. Belisario enumerated, next, only the advantages of his ideas. He skipped past their derogatory sides. The ever-growing crowd was bursting with enthusiasm now, he realized, and could be directed only with positive leadership. His least show of hesitancy would dampen its ardor and weaken his grip on it. Belisario spoke slowly and clearly too, so that his ideas were grasped swiftly



without the need of repetition, unless he repeated them for em­ phasis. And, he avoided meticulous detail to avoid confusion. He paused briefly for applause at the end of every idea he pre­ sented, then proceeded to another idea or to another aspect of the first. He never provided his listeners with time to reflect and possibly change their minds, but kept moving ahead to the climax of his speech. His audience responded with a roar of approval and was ready to vote him into office instantly. With those same tactics, Belisario rose quickly to assembly­ man for his district. He had launched himself into an exciting political career. W ith his psychic p o w ered ideas he had set a crowd of strange people into action instantly and reaped the big­ gest profits from controlling it.

Conclusion See how swiftly you can reap the biggest profits from con­ trolling others with this psychic secret. W ith it, see how easily you can show others a plan of your own creation for them to follow, and ensnare them into following it without resistance. See how easily you can prevent them from thinking straight or logi­ cally and propel them into pursuing your directions, like tamed animals. With such control leverage you swiftly multiply your gains in anything you undertake. And, you can achieve all that with the easy steps as follows: Step 1. Devise ideas that are not too far advanced of your time, so that they will be readily accepted. Step 2. Create a vivid thought picture of those ideas as hav­ ing come true. Step 3. Saturate yourself with that thought picture and pro­ ject it with Multiplied Nerve Gap power (feel di­ vinely blissful). Step 4. Nail that thought picture firmly into the psychic power center of the one confronting you, in his forehead. Step 5. Maintain that projection for one full second. When you advance another idea, or an entirely new aspect of the first project it, too, for one full second.



You can draw anyone right into the psychically dug groove you wanted for him, and he will leap into it gladly as if he, him­ self, had dug it! You will reap, therefore, the biggest profits from controlling others, instantly. So, master the secret of your psychic powered ideas, as certain shrewd men and women have done all through the Ages to get stunningly rich fast, to attain unbelievable power, and to benefit most astonishingly from those they be­ friended.

13 P s y c h i c S e c r e t 12: H o w to P r o d u c e t he " M a g i c " of t he M i n d - i m a g e of Y o u r Psychic Power

T h e Mind-image of Your Psychic Power is a magic secret of your personal psychic power for putting others under your control from any distance instantly. And, the reason is simple. Every time you think about someone or about some activity involving both of you, you automatically project some psychic power to him. Your thinking, in other words, is then telepathized to him to a varying degree and he is, consequently, affected by it to a varying degree. If you are closely bound to each other mentally, the de­ gree is overwhelming. If you are only distantly bound to each other, the degree may be overwhelming only at times. You can alw ays m ake it overw helm ing, though, with explosive psychic power projections. The shrewd men and women of history performed miracles of psychic power “magic” through their knowledge of personal psychic power. They implanted the majestic visions of themselves along with their commanding ideas, so firmly in the eyes and minds of others with the unsuspected, undetected dominance of




the mind-image of their psychic power, that these visions and ideas overflowed from the conscious and subconscious minds of the other persons and saturated their w h ole beings. The other persons, as a consequence, became like the helpless victims of witchcraft. The control you exert with the mind-image of your psychic power is a difficult one for anyone to free himself from because you can project it to him repeatedly, unexpectedly, un­ relentingly and unsuspectedly. You don’t have to be in his pres­ ence to do it, since psychic power is transmitted by mysterious electromagnetic waves which are not seriously affected by space or media. His unprepared conscious and subconscious minds, as a consequence, offer little resistance to the mind-image of your psychic power which you project to him. The smitten lover can­ not put his beloved out of his mind, no matter how far away he travels, and his beloved, therefore, needs to project only occa­ sionally the mind-image of her psychic power in order to keep him enthralled with her. Neither could the controlled royal king tear himself free from the grip of his behind-the-tlirone controller when the latter was not present in person. In that instance, though, the controller was forced to project repeatedly or more intensely the mind-image of his psychic power to the sovereign in order to keep him under his control. His controller, neverthe­ less, achieved remarkable results. When the one you love cannot make up her or his mind about you, for instance, you then have to project repeatedly or more intensely tire mind-image of your psychic power to her or him. The same is true when you are dealing with your backer or ally, your superior who can help you rise fast, or with a difficult subordinate or youngster. Such individuals are not linked unin­ terruptedly with you psychically, for they regularly associate with others who also have the opportunity to influence them strongly. To keep them under your control from any distance, you have to project to them repeatedly or more intensely the mind-image of your psychic power than to the one who loves you. The easy way to control others from any distance with the projection o f the mind-image of your psychic power In order to exert the swiftest and easiest effect, the mindimage of your psychic power should transmit the kind of images



which one normally expects to receive from you in accordance with, your sex, personality, and relationship with him. His con­ scious and subconscious minds then accept those images readily, and enable you to control him far more decisively and with far less effort from any distance. If you project to him instead the mind-image of your psychic power which he d o es not expect to receive from you, his conscious and subconscious minds will be startled and rebel against it. So, project to him the mind-image of your psychic power which his conscious and subconscious minds most likely expect to receive from you, but alter it enough to achieve your aims with him. Practice the Exercises as enumerated in this secret and master producing the projection of the mind-image of your psychic power. Exercise 1.

How to persuade a penny-watching husband to

give you an exciting, but quite expen sive, vacation, ca r, je w elry, o r anything you crave m adly, instantly, with the mind-image o f your psychic p ow er.

You and Philip are a long time married. He is a fine man, but he is shockingly tight-fisted, except with everyday necessities. When he takes you on a vacation, buys a new car, or pays for your new dresses, you have a stiff battle on your hands, for he wants to spend the least possible for such “unnecessary luxuries,” as he calls them. When you ask him what will the neighbors think if you wear obviously cheap things, he scoffs and tells you to ignore them. If you took his advice, of course, you would be the talk of the neighborhood and have no respectable friends. You have to persuade Philip to open his tight-fist at such times and let you spend according to your economic class. Do i t with the mind-image of your psychic power. Practice how to create i t before your mirror, and then project it to him. Sit across your room and stare at your image in the mirror. Transform that image of yourself into that of Philip. You are con­ fronting him again on a spending quiz. Put him in a paternal mood quickly by visualizing yourself as being changed into a cute little girl. You will immediately look and act startlingly younger, regardless of your age. That will automatically make Philip feel protectively older. To intensify that feeling in him, gather that



cute little girl one thought picture of yourself into your forehead. Hurl that one thought picture, like a soft cannon ball, and land it inside the psychic power center in Philip’s forehead. Implant it into his conscious and subconscious minds with Multiplied Nerve Gap power (feel divinely blissful), for one and one-half seconds, so that it becomes an integral part of him. Act the part at the same time: Act the cute, appealing, flirting girl of six, seven or eight, whose eyes and trusting behavior entice with their animated innocence. Project that one thought picture to Philip every ten seconds or so, for about a minute, as you con­ tinue acting the part. It will leap across his own Nerve Gaps to the psychic power center in his forehead, faster and stronger than any other competing impression he receives at the time . . . competing impressions like, whether you are really as girlish as you seem now, or whether you are trickily trying to get something out of him. Even if you are not the young-girl type, Philip will accept you as if you w ere, and will feel that you need his protec­ tion for life. After he leaves, lie quietly in bed at bedtime and waft that same warm, floating cloud one thought picture to him again, with Multiplied Nerve Gap power (feel divinely blissful). Do so even if he is away some distance that night. You will persuade Philip to give you what you want, instantly, because he will feel towards you like an indulgent father satisfying the whims of his entrancing daughter. With the mind-image of your psychic power you will have put your penny-watching husband under your con­ trol from any distance. Exercise 2.

How to snatch a dying d ea r one from the jaw s o f

death instantly, with the mind-image o f your psychic pow er.

Someone dear to you, let us call him Tim, is gravely ill, either at home or in the hospital. He is under excellent care, but he keeps getting worse. You want desperately to save him, from wherever you are. You may do it with the mind-image of your psychic power. Practice how to create it alone in your room, and then project it to him. After leaving Tim s home or the hospital, don’t absorb your­ self at once strongly in other thoughts, unless they are more pressing than his illness. In particular, though, absorb yourself deeply in him when you go to bed. Lie quietly on your back then,



and picture clearly his diseased organ or condition, to the best of your knowledge. You will establish psychic contact with his diseased organ. It will respond now to any follow up one thought picture you send it. Visualize, next, that same fatally diseased organ in the healthy state. Lie perfectly still now and hurl that on e thought picture of the healthy organ at him, like a soft cannon ball, and land it inside the psychic power center in his forehead. Clench your fists immediately and implant that one thought picture into Tim’s conscious and subconscious minds with Multiplied Nerve Gap power (feel divinely blissful) for two seconds, so that it be­ comes an integral part of him. Climax it by visualizing in your forehead a one thought m ov­ ing picture of that healthy organ descending from Tim’s con­ scious and subconscious minds to the diseased organ and chang­ ing it completely into its healthy state. Then hurl that one thought m oving picture so forcibly out of you to him that it feels as if it is pulling your whole body off the bed with it. That one thought m oving picture will leap across Tim’s own Nerve Gaps to the psychic power center in his forehead, faster and stronger than any other competing impression he receives at the time. Strain out competing impressions like his conscious-mind’s conviction that there is little hope left for him, and his stubborn subconscious-mind s picture of the diseased organ which his pain-carry­ ing nerves have been implanting into it from the time he grew ill. Project that one thought m oving picture to Tim every half hour, for one and a half hours. Whenever you happen to awake during the night, project it again. Sometime before morning you will suddenly experience a deep sensation of relief. It will indicate that Tim’s condition has taken a decided change for the better. If necessary, project your on e thought m oving picture to him every few minutes, thereafter, for an hour to reinforce his improvement. With the mind-image of your psychic power, you will have helped Tim over the crisis of his disease by putting him under your control from any dis­ tance. Now that you have practiced these exercises, apply the same technique in any situation in life in which you can use the mindimage of your psychic power to put others under your control



from any distance. From the true life cases described in the fol­ lowing paragraphs, you will learn how certain people in different places have used miraculously the magic of the mind-image of the psychic power, The names of the individuals involved have been changed for obvious reasons. How Dick relieved his suffering wife instantly o f the an­ guish o f her backache, with the mind-image o f his psychic power. Dick listened again to his wife Clara complain of the anguish of her backache. He had taken her to several different doctors. Her spine showed no significant pathological changes, but there was the possibility of a fibrocytis ( inflammation of certain muscles’ fibers), or even of a resulting fibrocytic nodule. A small congested area like that could radiate severe, incapacitating pain. Clara’s back, in other words, the doctors told Dick, did cause her deepseated misery, although no sign of it showed on the X-ray film. Clara struggled about like a cripple, meanwhile, practically dragging her leg when she walked. Heat treatments helped her when applied, but the excruciating pain and incapacitation re­ turned full force when her back cooled again. The doctors did not favor her wearing a truss to ease the pain by immobilizing the affected muscles, fearing that it would weaken them, cause atrophy and, thereby, complicate her condition. Massage, too, only helped her momentarily. Exercise, at first passive, and then active, was the ideal treatment, but Clara could not bear the pain. She opposed anesthesia shots in the affected area to relieve the pain temporarily and allow bearable passive exercise, and the doctor did not press the suggestion, except as a last resort. Clara’s agony grew worse and worse. Dick relieved her of one household task after another when he was home, but even that did not help enough. Her misery was devastating whenever she made the least move. Dick had been interested in psychic subjects for some time, particularly, psychic healing. He gave it agonizing and serious thought in regard to Clara’s affliction, and decided to try to help heal her with what amounted to the mind-image of his psychic power. He practiced it first alone, in much the same manner as you read in the preceding paragraphs.



At bedtime that night, he lay perfectly still on his back and visualized the area of Clara’s back as being composed of a stag­ nant soaked-up blood mass, shaped like an avocado seed, and exploding with merciless torture. He hurled that on e thought picture of her diseased part at Clara like a soft cannon ball, and landed it softly inside Clara’s forehead. He clenched his fists immediately and, with Multiplied Nerve Gap power (feel di­ vinely blissful), implanted that soft cannon ball into Clara’s con­ scious and subconscious minds for two seconds, so that it became an integral part of her. He, thereby, established psychic contact with her back pain, so that it would respond more quickly to his forthcoming healing psychic power projections. Next, Dick visualized the avocado seed shaped, blood mass gradually disintegrating, losing its capacity to cause further pain, and Clara’s back muscles again normal. He hurled that on e thought picture at Clara like a soft cannon ball, and landed it inside the psychic power center within her forehead. Again he clenched his fists immediately and implanted that soft cannon ball into her conscious and subconscious minds with Multiplied Nerve Gap power (feel divinely blissful), for two seconds, so that it became an integral part of her. Finally, he climaxed it by visualizing in his forehead a one thought m oving picture of the normal muscles, descending, from Clara’s conscious and subconscious minds, to the avocado seed shaped, soaked-up blood mass and changing it completely back to normal muscles, leaving Clara’s back flexible and painless again. Dick hurled that on e thought m oving picture so forcibly out of him to Clara that it felt as if it pulled his whole body off the bed. Dick projected that on e thought m oving picture to Clara again every half hour, for one and a half hours. Twice that night, when he awakened, he projected it to her again. In the morning Clara arose with a great sigh of relief. Her back pain, she breathed with disbelief, was reduced by half. Or even m ore than half, she added with amazement, showing Dick what movements she could perform now, which she had been unable to perform for months. Dick was dumbstruck. His one thought and one thought m oving picture had leaped across Clara’s own Nerve Gaps to the psychic power center in her forehead, faster and stronger than any other competing impression she had



received at the time . . . competing impressions, like her conscious-m ind’s conviction that nothing could help her except the wheel chair for she had become a cripple, and her stubborn subconscious-m ind’s picture of her painful, crucifying back. Several times that day, whenever he had the opportunity, Dick projected again the mind-image of his psychic power to Clara. She met him at the door that night, walking with unbe­ lievably easy steps and smiling fully for the first time in a long time. “I feel three-fourths cured right now!” she cried, flinging her arms around him and acting more like herself. At bedtime Dick once more projected his one thought pic­ tures to her. Next morning Clara told him that she was so much better now that she could do practically everything she did before, though still with a little pain. That night, though, she joyously revealed to him that the pain had disappeared altogether and that her back was again as flexible as ever! Once she had been able to move around so much better in the morning, she explained, she had used her back more freely in her housework and had apparently restored the circulation to normal. That seemed to have cured her fast, since she had at last exercised her back, as the doctors wanted her to. “I am cured!” she shrieked, flinging herself again into his arms. Dick could hardly believe that the excruciating pain in her back, which threatened to put an end to her future happiness, was actually relieved. Since he realized that such ailments were recurrent, though, he was ready to use that magic secret power on her again the very moment she showed the least symptoms of its return. With the mind-image of his psychic power, Dick had been able to make his wife’s back “normal” again by putting her under his control from a distance. How Cora stilled the worries and anxieties of her tense hus­ band quickly with the mind-image o f her psychic power. Cora’s husband, Paul, was a worrying type of person. But it did not affect him seriously. Suddenly, though, there arose a threat to his security which he augmented considerably with his vivid imagination. Neither Cora nor his partner in the business could convince him otherwise. He worried equally about the



stock market. Once lie bought a stock and it fell a little, he grew panic-stricken and could hardly sleep. Since he usually bought only the soundest stock, it usually regained its loss in a few days, weeks or months. But by then, Paul was a nervous wreck and, over Cora’s protests, sold the shares the moment they were close to the price he had paid for them and bought another stock which would “really rise big.” Then, the stock he sold, usually rose to new highs instead—sometimes even doubling its market price within a few months and splitting—while the new stock he bought went down at first. This threw Paul into panic. Now he was ready to do likewise with a sound auto parts business that he had built up. A faint ill-wind was blowing as there was a Congressional investi­ gation of defective cars, a large slump in car sales, tight money, and other reasons. Paul envisioned the ruin of the auto-parts business and was ready to sell his half of his business for a small price and buy into another business. Cora saw themselves prob­ ably falling from the frying pan into the fire, now that everything was going nicely for them otherwise. Paul’s partner begged her to control him, or he’d ruin them both. He assured her, in fact, that once that feeble ill-wind stopped blowing, car sales would resume their steady annual growth and Paul would reap the harvest. It was a pity, he told her, that Paul made such a moun­ tain of a mole hill. “People aren’t going to stop buying cars for­ ever!” he said. “Car sales will be back to normal in another year!” In her spare time Cora had developed a deep interest in matters psychic with my course. She determined to try it on Paul, since he would not listen to reason or logic. She would use the mind-image of her psychic power. Making her decision, she prac­ ticed it that whole day and was ready to project it to him that night. At bedtime Cora lay perfectly still on her back and visualized as deeply as Paul did, the business threat that obsessed him. She hurled that one thought picture at Paul like a soft cannon ball, and landed it softly inside the psychic power center in his fore­ head, She clenched her fists immediately and, with Multiplied Nerve Gap power (feel divinely blissful), she implanted that soft cannon ball into Paul’s conscious and subconscious minds for two seconds, so that it became an integral part of them. She made



psychic contact with Paul’s business terror, in other words, so that it would respond at once to any follow-up on e thought pic­ ture she sent it. Next, she visualized that business terror as gradually dis­ appearing and losing its power to affect Paul’s business in any way. She hurled that on e thought picture at Paul like a soft can­ non ball, and landed it inside the psychic power center in his forehead. Again, she clenched her fists immediately and implanted that soft cannon ball into his conscious and subconscious minds with Multiplied Nerve Gap power (feel divinely blissful), for a few seconds, so that it became an integral part of him. Finally, she climaxed it by visualizing in her forehead a on e thought m oving picture of that business terror as dissipating com­ pletely and losing all its influence on Paul’s business. She hurled that o n e thought m oving picture so forcibly out of her to Paul that it felt as if it pulled her whole body off the bed with it. She projected that on e thought m oving picture to Paul every half hour, for one and a half hours. Several times that night, when she awakened, she projected it again. Next morning Paul arose with a calmness and certainty of decision which Cora had not witnessed in him for months. He even joked and punned at breakfast. He confided to her that he felt more optimistic about his business than he had felt for months. “Of course,” he added quickly, “the danger is far from over. But it would pay me to wait and watch before doing anything rash.” N ot fo r m onths h a d C ora h eard him talk w ith such self-assurance. That day she received a surprised call from his partner relating the same story about Paul’s sudden amazing change and praying that Paul would not change his mind by afternoon. To make sure that Paul would not, Cora projected again to him the on e thought m oving picture of his business terror as dissipating completely and losing all its influence on his business. Still, she could hardly believe it. Look what her psychic power projections had already done to her anxiety-ridden husband! Her on e thought, and on e thought m oving, pictures had leaped across Paul’s Nerve Gaps to the psychic power center in his forehead, faster and stronger than any other competing impression he had received at the time, such as that his business was doomed and should be sold immediately, that he should buy the other busi­



ness quickly at any p rice and start on something entirely new in which his money would be absolutely safe. When Cora opened the door for Paul that night he bounced inside with a spryness that he had not displayed for a long time. He pinched her on the cheek, kissed her, and was even m ore optimistic than he had been in the morning. At bedtime Cora again projected her on e thought m oving picture to him. Next morning Paul told her that his confidence in his business had returned tremendously and that he was think­ ing now possibly of holding on to it for a year or more before even considering selling it. Perhaps, in fact, of not selling it at all! That day after work he rushed in and told Cora that he had made up his mind to keep the business after all, and to forget all about selling it. “You know,” he announced to her, “this business has unbelievable possibilities! And, I got in on the ground floor! I ’d be crazy to let every little thing drive me into doing something I ’d be sorry for all my life! Sell my business for a song? Then watch somebody else make a fortune out of it, as happened so many times with my stocks? No, sir! People aren’t going to stop buying cars forever! Sure glad I have a cool head! That’s why I think so clearly all the time!" Cora shook her head incredulously. With the mind-image of her psychic power she had saved the future of her whole family. And Cora had saved it, too. Within a few months, car sales were climbing again, and Paul’s profits were climbing too. With the mind-image of her psychic power Cora had stilled the wor­ ries and anxieties of her tense husband quickly and controlled him from a distance. How a frantic husband saved the life o f his hospitalized, dangerously hemorrhaging wife, without the necessity of an emergency operation, from a distance, quickly, with the mind-image o f his psychic power. It happened one night just recently. Upon going to bed, Ronald’s wife, Florence, was suddenly stricken with a severe nose bleed. It even poured out of her mouth in big gulping clots. Flor­ ence was rushed to the hospital. When the blood flow could not be stopped by a resident physician, a renowned specialist, Dr. Rhodes, was called in.



As he packed her nose, as well as the back of it (the phar­ ynx), the blood spurted all over him, as if issuing from a pump. He admitted to terrified Ronald, outside the operating room, that he knew no reason for such an explosive and profuse outpouring of blood, unless it was caused by hardening of the arteries and their consequent bursting on the sides and the back of her nose. Ronald assured him that Florence, age 50, lived sensibly and had always had low blood pressure. Her last annual medical examina­ tion recorded it as normal. Dr. Rhodes shrugged and insisted that although there were more than a score of causes of nose bleeds, he suspected no other reason for Florence’s, except that one. He felt confident, though, that now that her nasal cavity was packed, the hemorrhage would be controlled by next day, and that she would be out of the hospital in a few days, Ronald went back home trying to feel relieved. He phoned the hospital next morning. Florence was still bleeding in big gulping clots and was being administered blood transfusions! Confidence still prevailed, however, that the bleeding would cease that day. Ronald called to see her, and she was a pitiable sight with her nostrils plugged out of shape, and her head reeling from the sedatives. The hemorrhage did not lessen that day. Ronald was told not to worry, nevertheless, that it would undoubtedly stop. By the third day, though, the bleeding still continued and Florence was being fed intravenously to help replace some of her steady loss of blood electrolytes. Dr. Rhodes admitted to Ronald that the case had grown serious. He had added more packing to Florence’s nose and pharynx, but the blood flood continued with­ out relief. If it did not halt by next morning, or lessen mirac­ ulously, he would be compelled to operate and ligate the external maxillary artery on the right side of her neck, in order to reduce the bleeding considerably, or risk dangerous consequences. The external maxillary artery was the more superficial artery to the face and also supplied the nose and throat. “I never handled a worse case of nose bleed!” he admitted. Ronald begged the doctor to wait until the fifth day. Dr. Rhodes refused to make such a promise, insisting that the loss of blood would be too grave by then. Ronald opposed the contemplated surgery because it would



deprive Florence of blood for one half her face until new arteries formed and replaced it, which would take some time. Meanwhile, that side of her face would atrophy, sink in, and change in appear­ ance frighteningly and perhaps never regain its natural contours. Ronald staggered home. His close neighbors, friends, and family pleaded with him to give the doctor a free hand. Ronald phoned the hospital at 9 p .m . The blood still “gushed” out of Florence, and Dr. Rhodes and the nurses were standing by, gripped with alarm. The doctor might have to operate sometime that very night, unless a miracle took place! By 10 p .m . Florence’s condition was growing steadily worse, and her loss of blood was so great that Dr. Rhodes feared she might collapse from heart failure any time. Frantic, Ronald decided to try psychic healing that he learned from me. He sat in the dark in his bedroom that night and created a picture in his mind of Florence lying in the hospital, bleeding like a fountain through her nose and throat. He hurled that one thought picture to her like a soft cannon ball, and landed it softly inside the psychic power center in her forehead. He clenched his fists immediately and, with Multiplied Nerve Gap power (feel divinely blissful), implanted that soft cannon ball in Florence’s conscious and subconscious minds for a few seconds, so that it became an integral part of her. In other words, Ronald made psychic contact with her uncontrollable hemorrhaging con­ dition, so that it would respond to his following psychic power projections. Next, he visualized that profuse bleeding clotting at the sur­ face of the mucous membrane of her nose and halting the tiny vein and artery leaks. He hurled that one thought picture to her, also like a soft cannon ball, and landed it softly inside the psychic power center in Florence’s forehead. Again, he clenched his fists immediately and, with Multiplied Nerve Gap power (feel di­ vinely blissful), implanted that soft cannon ball in Florence’s conscious and subconscious minds for a few seconds, so that it also became an integral part of her. Finally, he climaxed his projections by visualizing in his own forehead the hemorrhage as halting completely by the sudden sealing of the ruptures in the small veins and arteries on the sides



and back of Florence’s nose. He buried that on e thought m oving picture so forcibly out of him to Florence that it felt as if it pulled his whole body off the bed with it. Ronald lay in bed and rested for a few minutes. Then he projected that one thought m oving picture to Florence every half hour, for the next one and a half hours. That was about midnight. All at once he felt a mysterious overwhelming feeling of relief about something or other. Since he could find no explanation for it, he attributed it to the wanderings of his imagination. Several times during that difficult night, when­ ever he awoke, he projected that one thought m oving picture to Florence again. In the morning, with his dripping brow feeling like a boiling cauldron, Ronald phoned the hospital. “It was like a miracle!” the head nurse exclaimed. “A bout m idnight the hemorrhage sud­ denly, and unexplainably, just about stopped! There is still a trickle of blood, of course, but it is of little concern. In the last hour or two, in fact, your wife has not bled at all!” Halfway out of his wits with joy Ronald rushed to inform his closest neighbors, friends, and family of the staggering, but glad, news. To his consternation, before he even opened his mouth, ea ch and every on e o f them confessed that at around m idnight each had been seized with the sudden, unexplainable sensation that Florence h ad stopped bleeding, and that the sensa­ tion had been so persistent that they had almost called him up to tell him. But, they had not wished to disturb any possibilities of his sleeping. When Ronald confirmed the news to them, they were left aghast, but joyfully so. When he called on Dr. Rhodes that day, Ronald found him absolutely puzzled. “It’s just one of those things!” he admitted to Ronald, shaking his head incredulously. “One of the b est things, certainly, but one of the most perplexing I ’ve known. Your wife had probably the worst nasal hemorrhage I ever treated, and cer­ tainly the only on e that stopped so amazingly!” Ronald’s one thought, and on e thought m oving, pictures had leaped across Florence’s Nerve Gaps to the psychic power center in her fore­ head, faster and stronger than any other competing impression of fear of loss of life ( conscious or subconscious, for she had been under sedation all night).



Florence made a surprisingly rapid recovery after that, even though she had required several blood transfusions to save her. She was discharged from the hospital ten days later. Dr. Rhodes, though, feared still that she probably suffered from hardening of the arteries of the nose (an atheroma) and warned Ronald that she could suffer another severe nasal hemorrhage at any time. Dr. Rhodes was so thoroughly convinced of that, indeed, that he refused to approve Florence’s application for life insurance when the company contacted him before approving it. Five years had to pass without a serious recurrence before Florence could be de­ clared safe from such a peril, and Dr. Rhodes had little confidence that she could. He even advised her to watch herself carefully, to exercise prudently and take no chances, in order to avoid an­ other possible hemorrhage soon. The five years have passed, and Florence’s blood pressure is still normal and tending to the low side. She has been exercis­ ing vigorously as a hobby in swimming, running, and energetic calisthenics, and light weight-lifting for the last four and a half years. As before, she is employed full time. Yet, she has had no recurrence whatsoever. The insurance company reexamined her, declared her in normal health and granted her a policy without any reservations. The mind-image of his psychic power which Ronald projected to her had stopped the hemorrhaging and healed its mysterious cause so completely that Florence is as healthy again as she ever was. She expects to live a long, vigorous, and exciting life. W ith the mind-image of his psychic power, Ronald had saved the life of his hospitalized, dangerously hemorrhaging wife without the necessity of an emergency operation, by putting her instantly under his control from a distance. Conclusion See what unquestionable “miracles” you may perform from any distance with this secret of personal psychic power! See how completely it can put anyone under your control, so you can do practically anything you want for him, including saving his life. See how you can even command him with it to do with his body tissues what medical science considers virtually impossible. See,



in fact, why this secret is the power which creates seeming mir­ acles. And yet, you can achieve these miracle workings with easy steps described as follows: Step 1. Use your psychic power alone. Lie flat on your back, preferably at bedtime, and visualize a one thought picture of exactly the perilous condition which is practically driving the person of your attention out of his mind. Step 2. Hurl that on e thought picture to him like a soft cannon ball, and land it softly inside the psychic power center inside his forehead, in order to estab­ lish psychic contact with his perilous condition, either real or imaginary. Step 3. Clench your fists immediately and, with Multiplied Nerve Gap power (feel divinely blissful), implant that soft cannon ball into his conscious or subconcious minds for two seconds or so, so that it becomes an integral par* of him. Step 4. Next, visualize the perilous condition of that person as being overcome, and losing its effects on him. Hurl that on e thought picture to him, also like a soft cannon ball, and land it inside his psychic power center in his forehead. Clench your fists again and implant it into his conscious and subconscious minds with Multiplied Nerve Gap power (feel divinely blissful), for one and one half seconds, so that it becomes an integral part of him. Step 5. Finally, climax your projections by visualizing the perilous condition of the person under your control as vanishing completely and leaving him absolutely free of its influence. Hurl that one thought m oving picture to him so forcibly out of you that it feels as if it is pulling your whole body off the bed with it. Step 6. Project that one thought m oving picture to him whenever you awake that night. When the person under your psychic communication awak­ ens next morning he will feel at least 50 per cent relieved from his perilous condition. (H e might even feel up to 95 per cent



relieved of it.) Project the mind-image of your psychic power to him again several times next day. Do not fail to seize any oppor­ tunity to do so. By the morning of the second day his perilous condition (conscious or otherwise) should have practically van­ ished, if it has not already. One more day of projections ( as in a desperate case of life or death hemorrhage), and he should be thoroughly under your control, and his perilous condition should no longer constitute a serious problem in his life. With the mind-image of your personal psychic power you will put others under your control from any distance, instantly. Their most terrifying prospects of bad health or even death will vanish from their minds and bodies and leave them completely at your command, so that you can guide them into the healthy, productive, optimistic, and sensible channels in which they ought to be sailing through life. Master this secret of personal psychic power as certain shrewd men and women have done all through the Ages and performed widely acclaimed miracles with it that baffled the keenest scientific intellects.

14 Psychic Secret


How to P r o d u c e t he " M a g i c " ©f Y o u r P s y c h i c P o w e r e d A u r a

Ih e Psychic Powered Aura is a magic secret of your personal psychic power for converting a person almost instantly into a living “zombie,” helplessly under your control. Your aura is that more or less invisible mist-like emanation from you which sur­ rounds your whole body. It changes shape and color with your health and emotions. Another person might not be aware that he perceives it, but it is clearly visible to his psychic power center. His psychic power center, in turn, transmits the effects which your aura has on him to his conscious and subconscious minds. Your aura, as a consequence, does affect him whether he is con­ sciously aware of it or not. If the aura which his psychic power center perceives around you is a stimulating one, his conscious and subconscious minds will be stimulated by you. If the aura which his psychic power center perceives around you is a de­ pressing one, his conscious and subconscious minds will be de­ pressed by you. Your aura, therefore, daily affects others, and since it changes so readily and constantly, it affects different people differently. The different thoughts you think, in fact, change your aura continually. 185



The secret power of your psychic powered aura lies in your acquiring the ability to produce the very kin d of aura which you need to influence each different person in a specific manner at th e right time. Then, you can control a person at any tim e, fust as you wish. Your aura then becomes an irresistible secret power for everyday use! Since you will discern neither your own aura nor that of others readily, if at all, with your naked eye without some prac­ tice, you, yourself, will not be so swiftly convinced of its effects upon others as you were with the previous psychic secrets set out for your use in this book. But don’t underrate what seems invisible to you, for the powers of the psychic powered aura are unsurpass­ able if shrewdly controlled. The easy way to convert others invisibly into living “zombies,” helplessly under your control For best results, your psychic powered aura should instantly create the impression of you which your subject person expects to receive from you in accordance with your sex, personality, and relationship with him. His conscious and subconscious minds then accept it readily and enable you to control him far more over­ whelmingly and with far less effort. With your psychic powered aura you can infiltrate your own personality invisibly into the mind and body of someone else, and drag his own power of personality out of him. Then, with Multiplied Nerve Gap power (feel divinely blissful), you can easily convert the remaining shell previously containing his personality into a “zombie” type of creature, helplessly under your control. With your psychic pow­ ered aura, for example, you can infiltrate your own personality into the mind and body of the woman (or man, depending on your sex) who does not love you thoroughly enough, drag her own personality out of her, and banish it from her. Then, with Multiplied Nerve Gap power (feel divinely blissful), you can convert the remaining shell of that person’s personality into your living “zombie-like” creation, helplessly under your control by psychic powering your own personality into it, so that it thinks about you (loves you, in other words), just as totally as you love



yourself. You can do likewise with her fo r any other purpose, and do it without making a physical move nor uttering a word. That is why this particular psychic secret power is so “magical.” Every­ one and anyone is absolutely baffled by its stupendous ( actually, supernatural) grip it has on him, and is left in a quandary as to what could have possessed him so suddenly regarding his attitude to you. He waxes so enthusiastically about you, thereafter, that he acts as if hypnotized by you, or like a slavish being helplessly under your control. That is the secret power wielded by otherwise ordinary men or women with little physical or mental appeal, who control others so completely and with so little effort. Practice the Exercises discussed in the following section and master producing the techniques of your personal psychic pow­ ered aura. All names are of course fictional. Exercise I .

How to induce a negligent debtor to p ay your bill

instantly, with your psychic pow ered aura.

Vincent is notoriously negligent about paying his bills. He owes you a fairly large sum for some time now, and he has appar­ ently forgotten all about it or does not intend to pay it. You need the money, though. The sum is not large enough to call for a law­ suit, but you have to find an effective way to induce Vincent to pay without making an issue of it. Do it with your psychic pow­ ered aura. Practice how to create it before your mirror, and then project it to Vincent. Stand across your room and stare at your image in the mirror. Transform that image of yourself into that of Vincent. When you approach him now, add something new and stagger­ ingly powerful to your personality. Fill yourself, first of all, with an absolute purity of mind and manner. Visualize yourself, at the same time, turning a blue-like color all over. Let this blue color evaporate through your pores and surround you like a pleas­ antly lukewarm mist. Project this blue mist to Vincent with Multiplied Nerve Gap power (feel divinely blissful), so that it envelopes him as you draw near. Practice doing this before your mirror until you actually perceive the blue mist emanating through your skin and your clothes and surrounding you. Then project it towards your image until it engulfs it.



Draw the blue mist back to you now by tightening your hold on it, so that it drags Vincent’s resisting, non-bill paying per­ sonality right out of him and banishes it from him. Then project your aural mist right back to him, but with your ow n personality in it now, and command him to Pay—Pay—Pay your bill. Project it back into him so forcibly that it permeates every cell of his body and converts him into your own personality as it feels towards yourself. The blue aura is the aura of purity of mind, honesty and trustworthiness. Vincent himself will become “pure of mind, honest and trustworthy,” and will pay you the bill instantly or quickly. With your psychic powered aura you will have induced a negligent debtor to pay your bill instantly and converted him to do your command after becoming helpless under your control. Exercise 2.

How to capture and hold the sym pathy o f the ju d g e

(a n d ju ry) instantly when you are up fo r tria l, with your psychic p o w ered aura.

You are up for trial proceedings before a judge, or before a judge and jury. Since the verdicts of trials are subject sometimes both to chance as well as law, you better make certain that you put yourself into the good graces of the judge as soon as possible, and maintain it to the end. What impresses the judge, further­ more, practically always impresses the jury. If it does not impress the jury also, the judge will make certain that it does when he gives the jury instructions. Do it all with your psychic powered aura. Practice how to create it before your mirror, and then project it to the judge. Stand across your room and stare at your image in the mirror. Transform that image of yourself into that of the judge up on the bench. When you are before him, add something new and staggeringly powerful to your personality. Fill yourself, first of all, with a feeling of total dedication to law and order. Visualize yourself, at the same time, turning light b lu e all over. L et this light blue color evaporate through your pores and surround you like a blissful mist. Project this light blue mist to the judge with Multiplied Nerve Gap power (feel divinely blissful), so that it envelops him. Practice doing this before your mirror until you actually perceive, psychically the light blue mist, or one as close to light blue as possible, emanating through your skin and your



clothes and surrounding you. Then project it towards your image in the mirror until it engulfs it. Draw the light blue mist back to you now by tightening your bold on it, so that it drags all of the judge’s resisting, doubting personality right out of him and banishes it from him. Then project your aural mist right back to him, but with your ow n personality in it, and command him to be Absolutely fair to you— A bsolutely fair. Project it back into him so forcibly and thoroughly that it permeates every cell of his body and converts him into your own personality as you feel towards yourself. The light blue aura is the aura of religious purity. Unless you feel truly dedicated to law and order when you project it, you won’t produce it exactly light blue. Approximate it to that color as much as possible, though, by wholeheartedly dedicating yourself to law and order at the very tim e that you project it. The judge himself will be­ come saturated with purity of justice and will be enslaved to give you the fairest of trials. With your psychic powered aura you will have captured and held the inner sympathy of the judge ( and jury) when you are up for trial, instantly, and converted him ( and the jury) into a human medium, helplessly under your con­ trol, to give you the fairest of trials. Exercise 3.

How to subdue the wrath and control the attitude

o f an over-exacting policem an instantly, with your psychic p ow ­ e red aura.

An over-exacting policeman has approached you on a minor, “universally ignored” law violation. The regular policemen in the area openly ignore it, but this officer is new or is substituting for the regular patrolman, and stiffly leans too far backward. To argue with him would invite disaster. The best way out is to subdue his wrath and control his attitude towards you. Do it with your psychic powered aura. Stare at your image in your mind’s mirror, or even in the car’s mirror. Transform that image of yourself into that of the policeman. The moment he addresses you, add something new and staggeringly powerful to your personality. Fill yourself, first of all, with a feeling of total dedication to the benefit of others. Visualize yourself, at the same time, turning ultraviolet in color



all over. Let this ultraviolet color evaporate through your pores and surround you like an invigorating mist. Project this ultraviolet colored mist to the policeman with Multiplied Nerve Gap power (feel divinely blissful), so that it envelops him. Keep on doing this before your mind’s or car’s mirror until you actually perceive the ultraviolet colored mist, or one as close to it as possible, emanating through your skin and your clothes and surrounding you. Then project it towards your image in the mirror until it engulfs it. Draw the ultraviolet colored mist back to you now by tight­ ening it close to you, so that it drags all of the officer’s resisting, over-exacting personality right out of him and banishes it from him. Then project your aural mist right back to him, but with your own personality in it, and command him to be B ig -h ea rted B ig-hearted and overlook the universally winked at violation. Pro­ ject it back to him so forcibly that it permeates every cell of his body and converts him into your ow n personality as it feels towards yourself. The ultraviolet colored aura is the aura of mysticism. Unless you are a dedicated mystic when you project it (and, of course, you aren’t) , you will not achieve that exact color with it. Approximate it to that color as much as possible, however, by totally dedicating yourself to the benefit of others at the very tim e that you project it. The policeman will become mystically affected and will be enslaved beyond his control to treat you big-heartedly. With your psychic powered aura you will have subdued the wrath and controlled the attitude of an over-exacting policeman instantly and converted him into just another human, helplessly under your control to treat you like the other regular policemen of the area would do. Now that you have practiced these exercises, apply the same technique in any situation in life in which you can use your aura to convert anybody into a living zombie helplessly under your control. In the true life cases described herein, you will learn how different people in different Continents, have amazingly used the psychic secret of the psychic powered aura. The names of the individuals involved and of one of the countries have been changed.



How Walter enslaved his wife, Jennie, whom he loved madly, instantly and permanently, with his psychic pow­ ered aura. Walter was returning home from a five-week business trip. He was never very certain about Jennie, his wife, when he was away. She was no “playgirl,” but she was unusually attractive. During his frequent absences on business trips he dreaded that another man might pursue her and snatch her away from him. Jennie had begged him to ask the company to change him to a position requiring the same knowledge, but which would keep him at home because she felt desperately lonesome without him. His whole life would be shattered, Walter felt, if he had to live without his Jennie. Everything about her threw him into rap­ tures. When he was away he daydreamed of her and could hardly wait to be reunited with her. The very thought that all that could vanish if Jennie. . . . Recently, his business travels carried him to India to sell his company’s industrial products. While there Walter investigated psychic science in extension of his courses with me, a subject that had intrigued him for years. On the way home he gave serious thought to applying it to enslave Jennie so completely to him that she would never dream of leaving him. He conceived a special use that concerned his psychic powered aura and prac­ ticed the development of it, so as to be ready for her. Jennie was waiting for him at the airport with the car, as usual. As Walter made his way towards her, he added something new and staggeringly powerful to his personality. He filled him­ self, first of all, with rapturous craving to meet and caress her. He visualized himself, at the same time, turning crimson all over. He let this crimson color evaporate through his pores and sur­ round him like a hot red mist. He projected this crimson mist to Jennie with Multiplied Nerve Power (feel divinely blissful), so that it enveloped her as he drew near. He had practiced it pre­ viously until he had actually perceived the hot red mist emanat­ ing through his skin and his clothes and surrounding him. Then he had projected it towards his image in the mirror until it had engulfed it.



Walter drew the hot red mist back to him now by tighten­ ing it, so that it dragged all of Jennie’s potentially roaming per­ sonality out of her and banished it from her. Then he projected his aural mist right back to her, but with his ow n personality in it, and commanded her to L o v e H im A lone—L o v e H im Alone, no matter how long he may have to be away from her! He pro­ jected it back to her so forcibly that it permeated every cell of her body and converted her into his ow n personality as it felt towards himself. The crimson aura was the aura of true love. Jennie at once became truly amorous for him alone, like a woman be­ witched. She was so excited when Walter kissed her that he had to take the wheel himself. That night she proved to him that she had indeed become his slave. With his psychic powered aura Walter had enslaved his wife, whom he loved madly, instantly and permanently, and had converted her into a person helplessly under his control. How Juanita affixed permanent control over her difficult subordinate instantly, with her psychic powered aura, Juanita was a factory supervisor. Her relations with her subordinates were good enough, allowing for the usual conten­ tions which every superior experiences with one worker or an­ other. One of them, though, Agnes, belonged to a different race than most of the others, and she was usually hostile, as if suspect­ ing discrimination and non-appreciation of her best efforts. Since Juanita was her immediate superior, she felt the brunt of Agnes’ displeasure. And yet, she liked Agnes and wanted her to stay. Besides, she did not want Agnes to convince herself that she was being discriminated against and complain against her to the fore­ man and hurt her ow n rise in the plant. Juanita was in a sad predicament and was at a loss as to what to do. She had read some of my writings, though, about how psy­ chic power was being used to control others. The more she thought of it, the more eager she became to try it on Agnes. She finally created and practiced what amounted to her psychic powered aura. When Juanita appeared near enough to Agnes next day,



she added something new and irresistibly alluring to her per­ sonality. She filled herself, first of all, with an all-loving feeling for Agnes. She felt, in other words, as if she would forgive Agnes for anything she did. She felt, too, that Agnes loved her in return and would do nothing to displease her. Juanita visualized her­ self, at the same time, turning an ultraviolet color all over. She let this ultraviolet color evaporate through her pores and sur­ round her like an invigorating mist. She projected this ultraviolet colored mist to Agnes with Multiplied Nerve Gap power (feel divinely blissful), so that it enveloped her. She had practiced it before her mirror until she had actually perceived the ultra­ violet colored mist, or one as close to that color as possible, emanating through her skin and her dress and surrounding her. Then, she had projected it towards Agnes’ image in the mirror until it had engulfed it. Juanita drew the invigorating mist back to her by tightening her hold on it, so that it dragged all of Agnes’ resisting, hostile personality right out of her and banished it from her. Then she projected her aural mist right back to Agnes with h er ow n personality in it, and commanded her to L ik e M e Very M u c h L ik e M e Very M uch! Juanita projected it back into Agnes so forcibly that it permeated every cell of her body and converted her into Ju an itas ow n personality as it felt towards Juanita her­ self. The ultraviolet colored aura was the aura of mysticism. Al­ though Juanita was not an accomplished mystic, she did not achieve that exact color for her aura. But she a ch iev ed it as closely as p ossible by totally dedicating herself to the benefit of Agnes at the very tim e that she projected that aura. Agnes became strangely but mystically affected in her thinking about Juanita and stared back at her like a repentant sinner. When Juanita spoke to her compassionately soon thereafter, Agnes stammered at her as if begging her forgiveness. She tried hard to please Juanita after that. By the end of the day she was even looking at Juanita when she reappeared before her, as if delighted to see her again. W ith her psychic powered aura Juanita had affixed permanent control over her difficult sub­ ordinate instantly and had converted her to do her psychic bid­ ding whenever she wanted to.



How foreign-born, racially different Eusebio rose fast so­ cially and maritally instantly in a hostile country, with his psychic powered aura. Eusebio was a West Indian whose family had immigrated into Paranga. Paranga at that time boiled with indignation at the mass of West Indians who were migrating into it to work on a large, American construction project, for they competed with native labor. In the public schools the West Indian children were subjected to name calling by the native children. Being greatly outnumbered, they were compelled to swallow the insults. They were seen and treated like pariahs. Eusebio, though, was a metal of a different temper. Already as a teen-ager he decided that he had nothing to gain by return­ ing the hostility and separating himself from the native people. His parents never intended to return to the West Indies, for his father was doing modestly well with a carpenter shop in Paranga City, the capital, making and selling furniture. So, Eusebio made up his mind to integrate himself with the people of the country. To do so he would have to make the natives accept him as one of them. Among his schoolmates were the sons of the wealthiest and most influential old families of the country. His farsighted father advised him to cultivate them thoroughly. Being conversant as he was with West Indian folklore (actually African) and its psychic knowledge, Eusebio’s father taught him what amounted to his psychic powered aura. He ordered Eusebio to practice and use it on the sons of the influential families and, thereby, obtain a social niche in that country. “You are a Parangan now,” he re­ minded Eusebio repeatedly. “You’ve been here since the age of SIX.


Eusebio obeyed his father implicitly and mastered the secret of his psychic powered aura. When he encountered a small group of the sons of the most influential families next day in school, Eusebio added something new and irresistibly alluring to his personality. He filled himself, first of all, with a feeling of total dedication to their welfare. He visualized himself, at the same time, turning light blue all over. He let that light blue color evaporate through his pores and sur­ round him like a blissful mist. He projected that light blue mist



to them with Multiplied Nerve Gap power (feel divinely bliss­ ful), so that it enveloped them. He had practiced it before his mirror until he had actually perceived the light blue mist, or one as close to that color as possible, emanating through his skin and his clothes and surrounding him. Then, be had projected it to­ wards “their” image in the mirror until it had engulfed it. Eusebio drew the light blue mist back to himself, so that it dragged all the hostile personalities out of the influential sons and banished them from them. Then he projected his aural mist right back to them, but with his ow n personality in it, command­ ing them to A ccept Him as One o f T hem —A ccept Him as One o f Them ! Eusebio projected it back into them so forcibly that it permeated every cell of their bodies and converted them into E u sebio’s ow n personality as it felt towards himself. The light blue aura was the aura of religious purity. Since Eusebio did not feel truly dedicated to the welfare of the sons of the influential families, he could not produce the color exactly light blue. But he approximated it to that color as much as possible by whole­ heartedly dedicating himself to their welfare at the very tim e that he projected that aura. The sons of the influential families at once became “religiously pure” and gazed at him as if they were seeing him for the first time. Eusebio repeated his projection to them every time he came near them that day, such as during recess, lunch time, and after school. By the end of the week he was conversing with them as “one of them.” Before the end of the month, the son of one of the officials gave him a ride home in his car, after school. On Sundays Eusebio promenaded in the midst of those influential sons in the Plaza Central where the city gathered to listen to la ban da Nacional. There he was introduced to their sisters, who walked with their friends. By the end of the year Eusebio was invited by them to the exclusive Club Castillo, to which only the socialites and the accepted rich belonged. Eusebio’s father bought him a modest car, and Eusebio drove it everywhere with sons of the rich and influential Paragans crowded into it. During the cam avales he was a member of their float. After graduation from the C olegio N acional he married the comely daughter of one of the wealthiest families in the country. They had three children. When Eusebio was 40, one of the sons of the



influential families whom he accompanied most was made Chief of Police and later took over the Presidency. Eusebio was to be seen regularly at his side at the frequent parades and at the horse races. He had become an integral part of Paragra and was universally accepted as a full-fledged Paragran, not as a hostile, scorned, foreign immigrant, like the others of his stock. With his psychic powered aura, foreign-born, racially different Eusebio had risen fast socially as well as maritally, in a hostile Latin American country and had converted the sons of the wealthy and influential families of the nation into doing his bidding whole­ heartedly, but nevertheless under his control, practically as psy­ chic slaves. How Frederick, the President of a financially shaky, com­ paratively young professional college, raised $400,000 to save and expand his institution and make it a leader, with his psychic powered aura. Frederick was the conscientious President of a financially shaky, comparatively young professional college. The institution was lodged in a decrepit old building in the midst, of expanding slums, but near a big Educational Center. It lacked funds to build itself modem quarters, adequate laboratories, hire qualified enough instructors, or establish a large and adequately supplied library to satisfy the State College Accrediting Board. The col­ lege’s standing was not yet universally recognized, and so the college’s enrollment consisted mainly of sons of alumni, of drop­ outs from older and recognized colleges, of a few older men who had not fared too well in other occupations or who were chang­ ing careers for one reason or another, and of individuals who hoped “to make a fast dollar” with a degree. Most of the students worked full time after school and paid their tuition by the week or month, and many of them were several months in arrears. Half of them bought no text books, took down no notes, did not attend classes regularly, and slept through them for the most part when they did appear, despite the constant threats of the instructors to fail them for doing so. "They can’t flunk us,” the scoffing stu­ dents confided to each other during the repeated long “breaks” between classes which they took of their own accord all day. “Why, they need every darn penny we have! If they flunk us,



they’ll be out of jobs, for the school would be empty!” They divided up into fraternities which mimeographed the copies of past class tests with the answers, and distributed them to their members only. The latter “boned up” on these for days before the tests, staying up all night, night after night. That was the only studying they did all year round. During the examinations, too, the members of each fraternity watched every move of their valedictorian class member for the prearranged signals for the answers to the true or false questions. When he gazed slightly to the left the answer was no; when he gazed slightly to the right, the answer was yes. Others filled their socks or their cuffs with “keys” and salient notes of answers to the questions expected to be asked. The instructors themselves warned the students sharply and repeatedly before each test against any cheating whatsoever, and threatened them with an automatic “flunk.” Once the time for holding the test was half over, though, the instructor himself absented himself from the test room for minutes at a time, and walked back loudly before reentering. T hen he looked around closely to see if anybody was cheating. Frederick prayed for the day when he could afford to raise sharply the academic standards of his college to a respectable level and limit its enrollment only to students truly qualified to uplift the profession. To retain the college’s accreditation now year-after-year whenever the Board came around to inspect it, Frederick had to hike from class-to-class for days before the Board arrived and beg the students to at least be presen t on “in­ spection day” and fill the seats. And, on inspection day, he had to scurry from class-to-class before the Board arrived and implore the listless, lounging, astonishingly filled classes to display excep­ tional academic industry on that one day; and the laboratory assistants to subtly put on display all the equipment the school had, and to just as subtly conceal all it didn’t have; and for everybody in the institution to act, on that one day at least, as if totally dedicated to the nobility of the profession, both in their language and demeanor. During the last three years the college had barely made the grade. If suitable sums could not be raised soon to enable the school to erect a new modern building and improve its facilities considerably, as well as hire instructors with the expected quali­



fications, the school would be denied accreditation. That would ring its death knell for student enrollment would fall off over­ night, and the college would have to close its doors. Frederick was the successor of the founder of the college and was very proud of it. His lifetime dreams were ready to collapse around him. Frederick needed $400,000 to save the day. The federal government would provide the rest (another $350,000) accord­ ing to the Aid to Education law, and the college would be saved. But, for the last two years, Frederick had tried desperately to raise even a meager portion of the $400,000, and all he had amassed was a paltry $8,000. Much of that was only pledged and was, therefore, not cash. The students of his little college were by no means affluent, and the number of practicing grad­ uates was not staggering. Frederick believed wholeheartedly in the profession, though, and was ready to be martyred for it. When flying back home from one of his numerous speaking engage­ ments in support of that comparatively new profession, which took him as far away as South Africa, he was seated beside a Nigerian. The latter informed him considerably about the psychic powers of the medicine men. When Frederick discussed his own problem with him (for the Nigerian had studied that very pro­ fession in Switzerland), the Nigerian suggested that Frederick use his personal psychic powered aura to meet the emergency. Like the proverbial drowning man clutching at a straw, Fred­ erick was ready to try anything legal and acceptable to achieve his ends. The two discussed the different kinds of aura to use for that purpose, and they agreed that the yellow aura of intel­ lectual pride would suit best. The auras of religious piety or mysticism would throw upon Frederick too much of a humble light and undermine his efforts. Frederick decided to practice and perfect such a psychic powered aura and apply it on his non­ affluent students. If it brought in significantly more contributions to the building fund, he would travel and contact more practicing graduates, as well as more disinterested rich. Back in the college, Frederick held a school assembly. He joyously announced the steady progress of the profession in gain­ ing license to operate in one more of the country’s states after a 20-year fight, raising the total number of state licenses to 44. He



described his trip to South Africa and the enthusiastic reception he had received. Eventually, he came to the most important mat­ ter he had in mind—the nervous and frustrating matter of rais­ ing money for the building fund. Before he said a word about it, though, Frederick added something new and staggeringly powerful to his personality. He filled himself, first of all, with a fierce pride in his devotion to the college and the profession, as if he wished for nothing better than to remain in that strug­ gling institution for the rest of his life and do his best fo r the students and graduates. He visualized himself, at the same time, turning yellow all over. He let that yellow color evaporate through his pores and surround him like a bright, lively light. The mo­ ment he opened the touchy subject of building fund contribu­ tions, he projected that yellow light to his audience with Multi­ plied Nerve Gap power (feel divinely blissful), so that it en­ veloped everybody. Frederick had practiced it before his mirror until he had actually perceived the yellow light emanating through his skin and his clothes and surrounding him. Then, he had projected it towards his image in the mirror until it had engulfed it. Frederick drew the yellow light back to him by tightening it, so that it dragged all the resisting, hostile personalities of his listeners out of them and banished them from them. Then he projected his aural light right back to them, but with his own personality in it, commanding them to H elp Your Alma M ater— H elp Your Alma Mater. Frederick projected it back into them so forcibly that it permeated every cell in their bodies and converted them into Frederick’s own personality as it felt towards the col­ lege. The students at once b eca m e like F red erick or filled with intellectual pride, in their thinking about the college and stared directly at him now with a look of admiration and awe, as if they were witnessing their champion gladiator entering the arena to risk his life for them against overwhelming odds. That day the students contributed about five times what they had contributed on any similar occasion before. An even much bigger proportion signed pledges, bringing that day’s con­ tribution to about eight times what Frederick had collected after any such session before. Frederick was overwhelmed with relief. That very next week he contacted different alumni and projected



the yellow aura to them. He also tried it on some previously disinterested businessmen. Within two years Frederick had raised enough to buy the land and commence construction on the new college building. The new building was completed two years later. Frederick had done the seemingly impossible, and against the greatest odds. His college not only received unflinching accreditation, but hired highly qualified men to teach in it. Frederick raised its standards for admission to a high level to keep out undesirable and disinterested students. His college soon became a leader in its profession. With his psychic powered aura, Frederick, the Presi­ dent of a financially shaky, comparatively young professional college, raised nearly a half million dollars in the nick of time to save it from certain extinction by converting those who could save it, into living zombies helplessly under his control. Conclusion See how unbelievably you can influence anyone into prac­ tically an obedient zombie, helplessly under your complete con­ trol with this secret of personal psychic power! See how you can drag his own personality out of him and banish it from him! And, then project your ow n right back into him and command him to act as if he were you. Indeed, have him b ec o m e like you in his thinking, and therefore act like a “psychic slave” helplessly under your control. And, you can achieve all that with the easy steps described as follows: Step 1. Use your aura alone by picking out the right color aura which you need to convert Jack or Jane in­ stantly into a living zombie. (Note the colors I have covered in this chapter.) Step 2. Fill yourself with the quality which that aural color represents. Step 3. Visualize yourself turning that particular aural color, and let it evaporate through your pores and sur­ round you like a mist that typifies it. Step 4. Project that aural color mist to the person under your power with Multiplied Nerve Gap power (feel divinely blissful), so that it envelops him.




Step 5. Climax it by drawing that person’s resisting per­ sonality out of him by tightening that aural mist away from him, and banish it from him. Step 6. Project your aural mist right back to him, but with your ow n personality in it, and command him (the new him, in other words) to do exactly what you want him to do. Step 7, Project it back into him so forcibly, in fact, that it permeates every cell in his body and converts him into your ow n personality as it feels completely obedient towards your command. Master the secret of your psychic powered aura. I t is the one potent secret of your personal psychic power which leaves anyone a practically breathing robot in your hands. I t is the one which the fabled shrewd men and women with the greatest ambitions, all down the Ages, have never failed to master. Never­ theless, mastering the secret will serve all ambitions, big or litde. It is for you to decidel

15 P s y c h i c S e c r e t 14: H o w to P r o d u c e t he " M a g i c " of Y o u r P s y c h i c P o w e r e d As t r al Bo dy

T h e Psychic-Powered Astral Body is a secret of personal psychic power with which the few shrewd men or women from time immemorial have ruled kings and queens from behind the throne. Further, these shrewd operators snatched others or themselves out of grave danger instantly in seemingly supernatural fashion, have performed almost miracles in making man or beast do their bidding instantly, regardless of time or space. A dictionary de­ fines the astral body as “a supposed spirit or ghosdike double of the human body, able to leave it at will.” E verybody possesses an astral body. Your own fits exactly the contours of your own physical body, and it will not separate from it permanently until you breathe your last breath of life. It does leave it at times, though, when you are asleep or uncon­ scious, and it can travel anywhere on earth and back, in the wink of an eye. A noted psychologist affirms that it may travel from a few seconds to a few hours; that the phenomenon is far more frequent than generally suspected; and that he estimates that one out of every 100 persons have actually experienced it, partic­ ularly during their periods of stress. When you are conscious, 203



your astral body can be trained to travel for you at will and per­ form specific deeds for you when you are asleep. Your psychic powered astral body affords you an incom­ parable method or medium for producing your almost miraculous secret of personal psychic power. W ith it you can appear before anyone “in person” when he is asleep or awake, and maintain an unbreakable bond with him. You don’t even have to know beforehand where he is located, because your astral body intel­ ligence will find him on its own guidance system, like the radar missile finds the target. Should your wife or husband desert you, or your grown-up child is away at college or working in a dif­ ferent locality and is likely to forget you or forget to write you, or a cherished friend is to be absent for some time traveling and meeting new faces and possibly forgetting yours, you can project your psychic powered astral body to him to remind him of you. You can project it to stimulate interest in you in someone whom you yearn to meet but can’t do so easily; or with whom you asso­ ciate so seldom that you can’t easily win romantically, or in busi­ ness, or as a financial backer, or ally. W ith it you can fill that person with such an insatiable hunger to meet you that he (or she) will seek you out, or facilitate your meeting with him. With yo’ir psychic powered astral body you can produce the exact physical image of yourself which you wish to implant in anyone’s consciousness. You can produce yourself as being far more handsome than you are, astonishingly more slender than you are (if you are overweight), and an incomparably more powerful individual than you are in any respect. You can perform with it, right before anyone, feats of strength and a defiance of the laws of gravity that makes him disbelieve. You can use the secret workings of your psychic powered astral body for no end of purposes, achieving what you want in a seemingly superhuman manner through your personal psychic power. T he easy way to perform almost miracles in communicating with;, or saving the lives of others or your own from grave danger, with your psychic powered astral body The easy way to communicate, control invisibly, or save the lives of anyone or your own from grave danger, by means of your



psychic powered astral body, is by projecting to him an astral body of yours which looks as he normally expects you to look. But build up on this astral body, as fabulously as you wish, the majestic vision of yourself which you like him to see you as being when he is awake, or fully conscious. Your astral body can repro­ duce anything and everything in your daily life, for it can as­ sume your exact form, as well as the super-imposed form which you can create out of it, based on your exact form. And it can speak and act like you, or in any other way you wish. When you project this phantasm or psychic image before anyone, regardless of whether he is asleep or awake, his subconscious mind will be immediately overwhelmed by it. He will see you with his inner mind’s eyes (his highest and lower visual centers) as being th e majestic vision of yourself which you have projected to him. This majestic vision of yourself will possess all the superhuman or desired qualities you have projected into it. It will possess not only its physical appearance, but its unlimited power, supernat­ ural agility and indestructibility. All this because it is based on the very image of yourself which anyone normally expects to receive from you, and which, therefore, catches him off-guard and at once achieves full psychic contact with him. Practice the exercises as described in the following section and master producing the power of your psychic powered astral body. Exercise 1.

How to make a pow erfu l, d esirable backer o r ally

do your bidding instantly, with your psychic p ow ere d astral bod y.

You want to make Lawrence, your powerful, desirable backer or ally, do your bidding instantly, so that he will back you to limits unheard of. Do it with your psychic powered astral body. Practice how to create it alone in your room, and then project it to him. Lie quietly on your back at bedtime and close your eyes. Be alone if possible. Visualize yourself looking and acting like the most ideal person whom Lawrence would like to back or ally himself with. To do so successfully, pretend that you yourself are Lawrence and analyze thoroughly and exactly what he would expect from a person he is to back.



Once that picture is clearly in your mind, visualize yourself as becoming like that very person. Lie motionless now and vis­ ualize your astral body emerging from your physical body in an exact reproduction of yourself after becoming such a person, but still looking enough like yourself to assure Lawrence that it is you. Drive this majestic vision of yourself forcibly out of you with Multiplied Nerve Gap power (feel divinely blissful). Prac­ tice that until you feel your astral body oozing out of you from head to foot. The skin on the front of your body should heat up from the energy generated by the physico-astral separation you have caused. It might take you days or weeks to feel this heat and definitely achieve the separation. Then, visualize your astral body appearing instantly before Lawrence in his sleep that night. W ith it looking and acting exactly like the majestic vision, of yourself, have it enact before his sleeping eyes his future contact with you exactly as you want it to take place. Create this scene to be most satisfactory to him, but also overwhelmingly satisfac­ tory to you. Practice the whole projection ten times. Then command your astral body to project itself to Lawrence at the hour you want it to. To insure your astral body understanding you without a doubt, repeat your command to it six times. Then, forget about your astral body and go to sleep. Lawrence will “dream” that he lived that scene with you—and will see you looking and acting exactly as you want him to. Next morning, thanks to your psychic pow­ ered astral body, your powerful, desirable backer or ally will arise ready to do your bidding instantly upon your requesting him. Exercise 2,

How to make a superior who can help you rise fast,

d o your kidding instantly, with your psychic p ow ered astral b od y.

You want Arthur, your superior who can help you rise fast, to do your bidding instantly. Accomplish that with your psychic powered astral body. Practice how to create it, alone in your room, and then project it to him. Lie quietly on your back at bedtime and close your eyes. Be alone if possible. Visualize yourself looking and acting like the most ideal employee whom Arthur would like to push up the career ladder in that establishment. To do so successfully, pre­



tend that you yourself are Arthur and analyze thoroughly exactly what he would expect from an employee whom he wants to push up the ladder. Once that picture is clearly in your mind, visualize yourself as becoming that very person immediately. Lie motionless now and visualize your astral body emerging from your physical body in an exact reproduction of yourself after becoming such a per­ son, but still looking enough like yourself to assure Arthur that it is you. Drive this majestic vision forcibly out of you with Multi­ plied Nerve Gap power (feel divinely blissful). Practice that until you feel your astral body oozing out of you from head to foot. The skin on the front of your body will heat up from the energy generated by the physico-astral separation. Then vis­ ualize your astral body appearing instantly before Arthur in his sleep that night. With it looking and acting exactly like the majestic vision of yourself, have it enact before his sleeping eyes his future association with you exactly as you want it to take place. Create this scene to be most satisfactory to him, but also overwhelmingly satisfactory to you. Practice the whole projection ten times. Then command your astral body to project itself to Arthur at the hour you want it to. To insure your astral body understanding you without a doubt, repeat your command to it six times. Then, consciously forget your astral body, and go to sleep. Your boss, Arthur, will “dream” that he lived that scene with you—and will see you look­ ing and acting exactly as you want him to. Next morning, thanks to your psychic powered astral body, your superior who can help you rise fast, will arise ready to follow your bidding whenever you suggest it.' Exercise 3.

How to make a difficult subordinate, or youngster,

do your bidding instantly, with your psychic p o w ered astral b o d y.

You want Alfred or Alice, the difficult subordinate, or young­ ster, to do you bidding instantly. Accomplish just that with the power of your psychic powered astral body. Practice how to cre­ ate it, alone in your room, and then project it to him. Lie quietly on your back at bedtime and close your eyes.



Be alone if possible. Visualize yourself looking and acting like the ideal superior whom Alfred or Alice would like to have. To do so successfully, pretend that you yourself are Alfred or Ahce and analyze thoroughly exactly what he would expect from an ideal superior. Once that picture is clearly in your mind, visualize yourself as becoming that very person. Lie motionless now and visualize your astral body emerging from your physical body in an exact reproduction of yourself after becoming such a person, but still looking enough like yourself to assure Alfred or Alice that it is you. Drive this majestic vision forcibly out of you with Multi­ plied Nerve Gap power (feel divinely blissful). Practice that until you feel your astral body oozing out of you from head to foot. The skin on the front of your body will heat up from the energy generated by the physico-astral separation. Then visualize your astral body appearing instantly before Alfred or Alice in his sleep that night. W ith it looking and acting exactly like the majestic vision of yourself, have it enact before his sleeping eyes his future relationship with you exactly as you want it to take place. Create this scene to be most satisfactory to him, but also definitely satisfactory to you. Practice the whole projection ten times. Then command your astral body to project itself to Alfred or Alice at the hour you want it to. To insure your astral body understanding you without a doubt, repeat your command to it six times. Then, con­ sciously forget about your astral body. Alfred or Alice will “dream” that he lived that scene with you—and will see you looking and acting exactly as you want him to. Next morning, thanks to your psychic powered astral body, your difficult subordinate or young­ ster will arise ready and obedient to do your bidding instantly without reservation. Now that you have practiced these exercises, apply the same technique in any situation in life in which you can use your astral body to perform miracles in making man or beast do your bidding instantly, regardless of time or space. In the true life cases described in the following paragraphs, you will learn how different people in different areas of the world have used the superhuman magic secret of the psychic powered astral body. The names of the individuals involved have been changed.



How penniless, gravely ill Tom, 1,000 miles away in Nica­ ragua, appeared instantly before his affluent brother in Panama, who did not know where he was, and called for financial help, with his psychic powered astral body. Fifty-year-old Tom was not doing well in business in Pan­ ama. His younger brother Earl, though, was getting rich as a professional man. Tom was also having domestic trouble, for he suspected his wife had affairs with other men. Tom left her and immigrated to Nicaragua, 1,000 miles away, to make a new start. Ashamed of himself, he did not even inform his brother about it, for Earl had repeatedly called his attention to the worthlessness of his wife, and Tom had furiously defended her. Now Tom was absolutely convinced that Earl was right. But he loved his wife still and would admit to nobody that she was faithless to him. Tom found life no easier in Nicaragua. The country was in poor shape and was in the grip of a revolution. Tom went from bad to worse, hardly earning enough to eat. His health broke down; he was stricken with peptic ulcers and other malnutrition dis­ eases and was gravely ill. A poverty-stricken old native couple took him into their bleak hut and were helping him to breathe his last as comfortably as they could. In utter despair Tom decided to swallow his pride and seek help from Earl. He and his brother had been close all their lives, had lived in Trinidad in the West Indies until Tom was 30 and Earl 23, and then had immigrated to Panama. Years later, Tom helped Earl go through college in the United States and become a professional man and return to Panama and get rich. Their marriages had torn them somewhat apart, but they still remained close enough. Tom’s West Indian wife, though, had not loved him and had dishonored his name. Earl had warned him repeatedly to beware of her, for she had been detected patronizing the witch-doctor, unquestionably to procure subtle poisons to use on him. To dispatch a letter to his brother, even by air mail, seemed too slow in his emergency. During his long stay in the West Indies, Tom had picked up considerable lore about psychic phe­ nomena. While strolling through the woods with Earl, they had seen certain natives seeming to fly by means of their arms and legs alone, emitting strange cries as they blazed corkscrew-shaped



trails through the air, and performing other unbelievable feats. In his desperate condition Tom selected one such means with which he hoped to contact Earl as swiftly as possible. He would use his psychic powered astral body. Tom remembered what a mystic had taught him about it. Late that night Tom practiced how to create and project it. He lay motionless on his back in the dark and shut his eyes. He visualized his astral body emerging from his physical body in an exact reproduction of himself as he looked now, in his dangerous illness. He drove that realistic vision forcibly out of his body with Multiplied Nerve Gap power (feel divinely blissful). In other words, have absolute faith in God or in the supernatural. Tom practiced that until he felt his astral body oozing out of him from head to foot. The feverish skin on the front of his body heated up from the energy generated by the physico-astral separation. It would have required several weeks of practice before he felt that heat and achieved separation, but in his terror-stricken state and with his full conviction that psychic phenomena was true, he achieved that separation fast. Then he visualized his astral body appearing instantly before Earl in his sleep that night. W ith it looking exactly as he looked in his present state, Tom had it beg his brother to help save his life. Tom practiced the whole projection ten times. Then he com­ manded his astral body to project itself to Earl at the hour he wanted it to. To insure his astral body understanding him with­ out a doubt, Tom repeated his command to it six times. Then he forgot his astral body and sank into a troubled sleep. Two hours later that night, over 1,000 miles away in Panama, Earl was abruptly awakened by a pleading shouting near his window. “Earl! Earl!” the voice cried. “Help me! Help mel I’m dying!” In his palatial home in the suburban section of Panama City, Earl sat up immediately. He put on the lights, but found no one else in the bedroom. He was dimly aware, though, of something misty vanishing out of his barred window. “Did you hear Tom cry for help in here?” he asked his wife frantically, as he looked out the window and perceived only the weird tropical darkness. “Tom?” his wife exclaimed. “In here? . . . Why, of course I heard nobody! How could he or anybody eke climb inside those



iron bars, anyway? And, how could he get in from downstairs through those bolted doors, with the dog barking so loudly? You must have had a bad dream.” “I don’t believe in ghostly nonsense either,” Earl agreed. “Still, I know I heard Tom right in here. I don’t know how he got in, though! I even saw som ething strange vanishing through those bars!” “Please, Earl,” his wife snapped impatiently. “You’re an educated man! You’re highly respected! If people hear you talk­ ing like that, they will think that you are an ignorant believer in voodoo! Pull yourself together and go back to sleep!” Earl lay in bed again, but could not sleep a wink till morn­ ing. Next day he made ceaseless attempts to find out about Tom, but learned nothing whatsoever about him. He had a strong feel­ ing, though, that his brother desperately needed help, but he did not know where to locate Tom. A thorough check at the foreign office for the last two years revealed no such name on any pass­ port. Unknown to Earl was that his brother had left Panama for Nicaragua under an assumed name. All day long, Earl’s head went round in circles. The next day, an urgent air mail letter arrived from Tom in Nicaragua. Earl burst into perspiration from head to foot. Upon learning of his brother’s dire need, Earl rushed $600 for medical aid and passage back to Panama as soon as Tom could travel. He saved his brother’s life. Tom was able to return to Panama two weeks later after having a proper diet and medical help. Earl took him into his house to stay until he recovered. Then he learned that Tom h ad projected his astral body to him that un­ forgettable night, pleading for help. With his psychic powered astral body, penniless, gravely ill Tom, 1,000 miles away, had appeared instantly before his affluent brother, who did not know where he was, and called for financial help. And, his brother, thereby, had been ready to do his bidding. How desperate Louis in Chicago, unexpectedly deserted by the wife he loved, was able to locate her quickly in the small town to which she had fled, living under an assumed name, with his psychic powered astral body. Louis, a conscientious person, was deeply in love with his



wife Esther, and drove her to hysteria with his unreasonable jealousy. Every man she passed by or glanced at, threw him into fury. Esther told him that she might as well walk down the street wearing blinders like a horse. They crossed words repeatedly over that issue, until Esther even had to watch how she talked to the janitor or the butcher. Matters reached the point where Esther could bear it no longer. She loved Louis dearly; he was the soul of kindness, refused her nothing, worshiped the ground she walked on, begged her to live like a lady of leisure and let him do everything for her, even though his earnings were not that startling. To desert him was the last thing she could think of, but how could she continue living with him as they were? She feared, besides, that one day, in a fit of jealousy, he might grow violent and dangerous! One night they engaged in one of their most savage quar­ rels. And, it had resulted from something so insignificant as Esther opening the window with a smile. A young man had looked up from the sidewalk and smiled back. Louis happened to be near enough to witness the innocent exchange. Close to a fit, Esther dropped on the bed and wept for hours. She was a total wreck next morning. Her head felt as big as the moon, and was ready to split. Louis kissed her hands and feet and implored with her to forgive him. But Esther realized that the next terrible quarrel was just around the corner, and she could not go through another such ordeal. She had some money put away. She was tempted to flee to another Chicago neighbor­ hood, but she feared that Louis would seek her out relentlessly and might, even if only by accident, run into her sometime if she worked downtown, as he did. People who had a strong bond between them seemed to be always being drawn together some­ how when they remained in the same general area. Her only solution, Esther concluded, was to flee from Chicago altogether. She had just enough money for that, too. She would go just far enough away from it to work and live without Louis and, eventually, he could seek an uncontested divorce on the grounds of desertion. That very afternoon she left Louis a short note advising him to waste no time trying to find her because she was going away to where he would least



expect her to go. She loved him still, she admitted, but to con­ tinue as they were, was impossible. She wished him all the good in the world and urged him to forget her, get himself an easy divorce and find the woman who suited him. The truth at last dawned on Louis as it never had before. But, how could he find Esther now and get her back? His friends did not know how, either. “She could go to so many places right around Chicago!” one of them said with a sigh. “It would take a psychic to find out where.” Psychic! The word seized hold of Louis’ mind. He had read considerably about that in some of my writings—particularly about astral body projection. Louis investigated astral body projection and determined to practice and try it. He lay motionless on his back at bedtime and shut his eyes. He visualized himself looking and acting ex­ actly as he should have when Esther was with him—that is, as the trusting, level-headed, non-spying husband which she had undoubtedly expected him to be; as the husband who wasted no time disputing over mere coincidences. After all, he had never even heard the slightest rumor against her morality. His jealousy of her was based upon his own imaginings of what she cou ld do in her leisure time if she wanted to. Louis visualized his astral body emerging from his physical body in an exact reproduction of himself looking and acting just as he would look and act with Esther in the future in order to make her happy and keep her. He drove that majestic vision of himself forcibly out of him with Multiplied Nerve Gap power (feel divinely blissful). In other words, have absolute faith in God or in the supernatural. Louis practiced the whole projection repeatedly for a week. Finally, he felt his astral body oozing out of him from head to foot. The skin on the front of his body heated up from the energy generated by the physico-astral separation. Then he visualized his astral body appearing instantly that night by the corner of whatever street, and then in whatever house Esther lived now, and then before Esther herself and begged her to come back to him. He practiced the whole projection ten times. Then he com­ manded his astral body to project itself to Esther three hours



p s y c h ic p o w e r e d

a st r a l bo d y

after he fell asleep. To insure his astral body understanding him without a doubt, Louis repeated his command to it six times. Then, he rested his thoughts about his astral body and sank into sleep. Much later that night, Louis awoke with a start. He had a vague feeling that he had been dreaming and seeing different things. In particular, though, he vividly recalled staring at a street sign with the words “Rose Street,” and then at a house with a three digit number which was difficult to decipher in the dark. But, it had started with a six. Louis also dimly recollected entering a railroad station with a name beginning with L a. Shaking and dripping with perspiration, Louis sprang to his feet and jotted it all down. At once he searched through a map of the Chicago area. Many towns, suburbs or subdivisions had names beginning with La. During the next few weeks Louis drove to one of them after another, but either he found no Rose Street or no other quick evidence of Esther in any of them. Only one such town remained, about 90 miles away in In­ diana. Louis drove there promptly. He found there a street by that name! It extended only a few blocks, and there were several old residences on the 600 block. Louis parked his own car several blocks away and rented another to prevent Esther from recog­ nizing his as he parked on the next block and watched. Near sunset he spied Esther walking up on that street! She entered one of the homes and closed the door! Louis nearly collapsed. Late that night he hurried by on foot and read the number over the entrance. He saw a six, but the shadow of a tree covered the rest. He drew nearer and read 611. Louis could hardly believe his eyes. A family name appeared on the name plate on the door, but not Esther’s name. Louis checked in at a hotel and wrote Esther a letter. He informed her that he was in town and staying at that hotel, and that by chan ce he had seen her and followed her. He assured her that he was a changed man and that, if she gave him another chance, he would now be to her the husband she deserved. Would she please come back to him? On the other hand, he would not frighten nor plague her if she no longer wanted him. Therefore, she should not flee town from him again. Next day, at noon, he



was driving back to Chicago. His heart would be broken beyond repair if he had to leave without her. If she did not contact him by then at the hotel, he would realize that he had lost forever the greatest blessing he ever had. Once more, then, and for the last time, he desperately begged her to return to him. Louis waited hopefully until 11:50 next morning. But there was no sign of Esther. He had lost her forever. He drew on his hat and coat and plodded to the door as if made of soft clay. Just then his room telephone buzzed. The clerk, however, did not answer him when he responded. Moments later, there was a hard rapping on his door. He threw it open. Drenched with tears and carrying her suitcase, was Esther. Louis and Esther went on a second, but shorter honeymoon, before returning to Chicago. During it Louis learned that Esther had actually “seen” him appear before her bed that projecting night and beseech her to come back to him. He had looked so terrifyingly distressed, too, that she had felt crushing]y ill for de­ serting him. When she had put on the light, though, she had found no evidence that anybody else had been in the room. She inquired at the railroad and bus stations next day and had been assured that nobody fitting his description had been seen using them. Yet, Esther had remained positive that she had both seen and h eard him that night. There is no doubt, as you know now, that she really had. Louis and Esther went back to Chicago. They had one child a year later and moved to San Francisco soon after that, a per­ fectly contented married couple. With his psychic powered astral body Louis had located the wife he loved, after she had fled from him, and had brought her back to him by making hex do his bidding. He found her only through his astral body’s intelligence in knowing where to locate her. How the horrified Mela instantly lifted her much bigger, heavier, unconscious husband bodily and leaped across a 10-foot chasm to save him from certain death from an ava­ lanche, with her psychic powered astral body. Mela was just an average woman. She and her husband Cyril had immigrated to a foreign country to work on a construction



project. Mela and Cyril were from Montserrat, one of the Lee­ ward Islands, not far from Trinidad, West Indies, and they were poor and uneducated. Cyril, her husband, was working one day on the crest of a hill which was being cut in half to make way for the works plant below. Mela happened by that day and stopped briefly to observe her husband working. Suddenly, the edge of the sliced hill gave way, and Cyril went tumbling headlong towards the graveyard of a chasm below. Mela shrieked, but in that tumultuous roar, hers was a cry in the wilderness. The moment Cyril landed flat on a mound of dislodged clay below, another piece of the edge of the hill broke off from where he fell, directly above him. In a few seconds Cyril would be buried in the avalanche, from where he could never be rescued. Instinctively remembering her psychic power instruc­ tion as her mother taught her, Mela at once visualized herself as being converted suddenly into a giant of a man with stagger­ ingly long and powerful legs. She immediately visualized this giant, building up within her, from head to foot. She drove its development within her with Super Multiplied Nerve Gap power (feel divinely blissful). In other words, have absolute faith in God, or, in the psychic supernatural. The skin on the front of her body heated up from the energy generated by the physicoastral energy so fiercely that she felt as if being scorched. By now the loosened rocks and clay above were crashing down towards Cyril, who lay undetected by anyone but Mela. The huge giant she had projected of herself darted across the chasm, springing from boulder to boulder like lightning. As if in a trance, Mela felt herself, through her astral body, p ick up her 190 pound spouse as if he weighed ten pounds, and set him across her shoulders. Then she made on e desp erate leap across the ten-foot chasm. Right behind them the avalanche thundered, filling the air with a cloud of yellow dust and flying particles. With her psychic powered astral body, Mela had produced a giant, astrally powered force that transformed her to have amaz­ ing strength in a flash to do the “impossible,” building a body within her with such supernatural power and agility that it had lifted her much bigger, heavier, unconscious husband bodily and leaped across a ten-foot chasm to save him from certain death from an avalanche.



How hopelessly doomed Boyne saved his life on kind from an attacking 20-foot crocodile with his psychic powered astral body. Boyne, a 23-year-old West Indian youth, was swimming one lazy sunny day in a natural pool at the foot of a waterfall. The spot was infested with crocodiles, but the natives swam in the natural pool nevertheless, for it was far more delightful than bathing in their laundry tubs. After stepping out of the water, cleansed of perspiration and refreshed, he was startled by what resembled a huge tree trunk floating in, not far behind him. Suddenly it rose higher out of the churning river, like the nightmare of a dragon. It was a colossal 20-foot crocodile. It climbed the stony bank now, elevat­ ing itself on its four crooked limbs like a gargantuan lizard, until its body was higher off the ground than Boyne’s knees. W ith its side-placed eyes pinned forward on Boyne, it snapped its armlength jaws about three feet apart, revealing its long, spike teeth. Swishing its seven-foot trunk-like coned tail which stirred up the water behind it like a propeller, it bounded forward after Boyne. Chilled to the bone, despite the insufferable heat, Boyne broke into flight. When he looked back, though, he beheld the horrifying monster gaining ground on him fast, for he himself ran with two feet, while the monster ran with four. Petrified through and through, Boyne started running in a curve, as he had been told, to compel the speeding terror to retard its pace in order to keep turning to remain on his trail. Boyne’s heart battered his chest so tempestuously that he thought it would leap out of his throat. All the time, too, he heard the mammoth tearing through the bushes behind him and felt its hot, blood-thirsty breath drawing closer and closer to his naked body. On the verge of exhaustion, Boyne halted abruptly against a tree trunk and turned and faced the advancing monstrosity. He had no chance of resisting it with his hands. He would just be seized by the ghastly jaws, dragged across the bushes into the water, hauled below and mangled to death. Frantic, Boyne himself practically turned into a savage animal. Panting and gasp­ ing for breath, he stared just past the eyes of the heinous creature and psychically visualized himself being converted into a colossal



fiend to defend himself. He visualized this colossal fiend oozing out of him, from head to foot. He drove it forcibly out of him with Super Multiplied Nerve Gap power. The skin of Boyne’s body heated up from the energy generated by the physico-astral separation, so fiercely that he felt as if being scorched by this supernatural kind of transformation. All at once—and Boyne could hardly believe his eyes—this gigantic astral body of his own creation leaped up and down like an ogre, waving its arms high in the air like an ape and roaring with a deafening thunder. The crocodile drew itself to an immediate halt and looked up, its jaws half closed. Boyne’s astral body then sprang at it and rained blows upon its snout and kicked it in the eyes. The man-eater beat a hasty retreat, fran­ tically snapping at the windmill arms and legs of its unexpected assailant. But its jaws closed only on the empty air, while the arms and legs of the phantasm continued to batter it without let­ up. The crocodile drew back farther and farther, until it turned in rout and plunged back to the bottom of the pool. And just as suddenly, Boyne’s towering rescuer seemed to vanish from sight. At once, though, Boyne felt sharp pains on his fists and feet and saw bleeding from many places. Boyne staggered back to his house. Of one thing he was positive, he, him self, had psychically created and projected that enormous “demon” which had soared to four or five times his own size and rescued him so mysteriously. He himself had materialized it and he himself was amazingly transformed. With his psychic powered astral body, and no other weapon, hopelessly doomed Boyne had saved his own life from an attacking 20-foot crocodile by defeating it entirely through the power of his limidess astral body powers. Conclusion See how fantastically you can use this almost unknown secret of your personal psychic power to perform “miracles” in com­ municating with others or in making them do your bidding in­ stantly, regardless of time or space! See how you can convert yourself into a herculean superhuman instantly and snatch others



or yourself out of grave danger in seemingly supernatural fash­ ion! And, you can perform all those miracles simply by following the rales below: Step 1. Use your astral body alone by visualizing it doing exactly what you want it to do for you. Step 2. As you he motionless in bed, visualize your astral body emerging from your physical body in an exact reproduction of yourself, looking and acting as you would expect to look and act in order to achieve your seemingly unattainable goal. Step 3. Drive this majestic vision of yourself forcibly out of you with Multiplied Nerve Gap power (feel di­ vinely blissful). If you are in grave danger, drive it with a superhuman Multiplied Nerve Gap power (feel divinely blissful). In other words, have abso­ lute faith in God or in the controlled supernatural to get you what you must have. Step 4. Practice projecting that majestic vision, that astral body of yours, until you feel it oozing out of you from head to foot, and the skin on your body heat­ ing up from the energy generated by the physicoastral separation you have caused. Step 5. Then visualize your astral body appearing instantly that night before the person you want it to appear, Step 6. Practice ten times Steps 1 to 5. Then command your astral body to appear at a certain time somewhere after you go to bed. To insure its understanding you without a doubt, repeat your command to it six times. Step 7. At the time you directed it to, your astral body will do exactly as you commanded it. It will secure for you the information you wish, or it will contact Jack or Jane either by making an apparition before him, or by communicating to him with your voice. Master the workings of your psychic powered aura. It is the most wonder-working psychic secret of your personal psychic power. With it, a limited number of very shrewd men and women,



all through the Ages, have performed true m iracles in demon­ strating the domination they held over people, animals, or any circumstances. N ote: In the psychic power blotch, which follows, you will be shown exactly how Mela and Boyne created their giant astral bodies to effect their seemingly supernatural rescues. T he psychic pow er blotch (th e secret o f producing the giant astral b od y ) It is well-known that the mystic yogis stare at their own navels in order to achieve absolute concentration to develop their power to perform their “miracles.” It enables them to blot out all awareness of the outside world and attain “one-pointedness.” This is known as the practice of omphaloskepsis, and widely used by mystics. The Psychic Power Blotch, however, is used for the iden­ tical purpose by the “medicine men” of the Leeward Islands of the West Indies, and it is equally effective and far less of a strain on the muscles of the back and neck as in navel viewing. These medicine men chop a pineapple in half, insert the thin end of a twig in the center of the core, set the cut half of the fruit about half a stone’s-throw away from them, and then sit and concen­ trate on the speck-like end of the twig in the middle of the pine­ apple. For Mela and Boyne to produce their giant astral bodies to perform their incredible rescues, they had to throw themselves into a state of concentration actually supernatural, so that they turned absolutely oblivious to themselves and their perils. In no other way could they have controlled their terror so thoroughly that they could harness all their astral body forces together and project practically supernatural Multiplied Nerve Gap powered (feel divinely blissful) giant astral bodies so vast and omnipotent that they ranged from four to ten times their own sizes, and from ten to 20 times as strong. And, how did they perform that miracle? Take Boyne’s case alone, to make it easier to explain. Boyne did not perform his “miracle” by staring at the immense monster plunging at him with its spike teeth jaws stretched open three feet wide. To stare at that creature straight would have rendered Boyne all but lifeless. He performed his miracle instead by staring only at a little blotch or speck fust b ey o n d the advancing croco­



dile. Boyne concentrated on that little blotch alone—a little psychic blotch like the one illustrated in this section. Then he ejected his normal astral body out of himself with something like a supernatural Multiplied Nerve Gap power (feel divinely bliss­ ful) and blasted it at that blotch with an irresistible inner force that shook his body like a reed and squeezed his life-size astral body down to the size of a small seed, or small enough to fit into that speck-sized blotch. Boyne’s astral body was now similar to an atom bomb, with its astral molecules pressed so tightly together that, when det­ onated, the molecules would bombard each other with such tre­ mendous power that it would gush out to a fantastic size. That was precisely what Boyne did next. He stared at the blotch and fired an astral arrow at it, straight from his own psychic power center, through his eyes. It ripped into the blotch and caused in­ furiating discomfort to his astronomically compressed astral body, inciting it to burst free from its "imprisonment.” The force of its rebound back to normal size was so phenomenal that his astral body, as a result, was enlarged to m any tim es its normal size be­ fore the force of the rebound expended itself. And, before his exploded astral body could shrink back to its normal size, Boyne sent it a psychic power command to attack that m onster an d chase it away! His still infuriated astral body at once turned on the reptile with supernatural savagery and drove it back into the pool. Boyne’s raging astral body was capable at that moment of moving a mountain. That is how he and Mela performed their miracles with the giant astral body as really their own body! Exercise

Practice, now, how to create your own giant astral body. Look at the psychic power blotch as illustrated in this section. Stare at it with such intensity that you see nothing else, hear nothing else, smell nothing else, taste nothing else. Just lose your­ self in that blotch, as if hypnotized by it. But, do not engage in self-hypnosis with it. Use your personal psychic power with your conscious mind fully aw ake, in order to be alw ays the conscious master of the situation You won’t achieve such a total concentra


r o v n p s t c sac p o w e r e d a s t r a l b o d y

The Psychic Power Blotch.



tion at first, but that is w hat you have to attain to produce your giant astral body. Mela and Boyne were in desperate straits which instantly increased their power of concentration at least 109 times stronger than yours, or like the psychic master’s. In­ tensify your concentration to that degree by steadily intensifying your Multiplied Nerve Gap power (feel divinely blissful), and you, too, can do w hat they did. So, practice concentrating on the psychic power blotch until you blot out everything else from your awareness except that blotch. Then eject your astral body out of you with a super­ intensified Multiplied Nerve Gap power (feel as divinely bliss­ ful as possible), so that your whole body feels as if suddenly on fire. You will shake from head to foot with the fury of your drive. Immediately squeeze in on your ejected astral body from all directions, like pressing upon a piece of cotton in your hands, until it is small and hard, like a red pepper seed. F it your hard, red pepper seed sized astral body into that blotch like an egg in­ side the shell. Then at once visualize a sharp-pointed arrow, deep in your forehead, and fire it out, through your eyes, at the pulp of the blotch. Your tightly impacted astral body will explode to set itself free: it will rip through the air in all directions to a signifi­ cantly larger size than it was before, until the energy of the ex­ plosion expends itself. Repeat the exercise and fire a larger and still faster astral arrow (greater speed carries greater power) at the pulp of the blotch. Your tightly impacted astral body will explode still more violently and rip through the air to a still larger size than it did before. W ith practice, not in one day, certainly, you will produce your own giant astral body, just as Mela and Boyne did. You will do it when you concentrate for it with the desperate power which they did.

16 T h e F a s c i t a r r : H o w to Retain Yo ur Personal Psychic Power Permanently

Y o u have now seen produced all the secrets and workings of your psychic powers. Make permanent in you now this secret power with which some of the most ordinary people, since time immemorial, have invisibly ruled kings and queens . . . thrilled, at any age, the most sought-after men or women . . . swept others everywhere off their feet . , . amassed fabulous wealth . . . healed the dying . . . snatched others or themselves out of grave danger in seemingly supernatural fashion. T he Fascitarr m akes that secret p ow er perm anent in you. Practice it, alone, in your room, and then use it regularly, thereafter, to keep the “magic” of your personal psychic power permanently in you and always immediately available. How to create th e Fascitarr fo r you rself Exercise 1. Stand alone m your room, with your b a c k to the mirror. Visualize yourself as having mastered the secrets of your per225



sonal psychic power and as consequently possessing a secret power over others which no one can resist. Visualize yourself, next, as being transformed, from head to foot, into such a person. Visualize yourself, in other words, as looking like such a person, m oving like him, talking like him, thinking like him—doing every­ thing, in fact, like him. Drift around your room and talk to an imaginary person as if you really are this irresistible new, psychic p o w ered you. Repeat this exercise until you absolutely stam p out your undesirable O LD S E L F from the mirror o f your mind. N ote: The new, psychic p ow ered you automatically pos­ sesses all the secret power of psychic energy because it is just like the selves of the otherwise ordinary people who ruled. These otherwise ordinary people did not present themselves to others and, therefore, did not see themselves as the inconsequential be­ ings that they actually were. On the contrary, they visualized themselves as being the most irresistible mortals on earth. Then they acted as if they w ere those very mortals, by producing the well-guarded secrets of their personal psychic power. They did not harbor the least doubt of their irresistibility to anybody and everybody they encountered, no matter how powerful, influential or attractive that person was. With that invincible majestic vision of themselves, they were bursting with confidence in their abili­ ties to control instantly any human being, beast or ghost, and make them do their bidding. As a result, they autom atically pro­ duced correctly all the working secrets of psychic power and acquired swiftiy all they wanted from other people—effortlessly. How

to project the Fascitarr

E xercise 2 .

Turn about-face now, stare into your mirror and let your cast-off self return to it as your image. But instead of perceiving it as being your image, perceive it as being the image of som ebody else whom you wish to control instantly. Practice and perfect this “substitute perceiving.” Gather, now, the on e thought picture of the new, psychic p o w ered you in the psychic power center in your forehead. Then hurl it, like a soft cannon ball, into the forehead of the “somebody



else” in the mirror. With Multiplied Nerve Gap power (feel divinely blissful), implant that soft cannon ball of energy hard into that person’s conscious and subconscious minds for two sec­ onds, so that it becomes an integral part of his “two” minds. T hat is the well-guarded secret power which certain other­ wise ordinary people have used all down the Ages. Everyone will at once accept this projected vision of the new, psychic p ow ered you as the real you and will forget the old you altogether! Exercise 3 .

Master these two exercises through practice. Then do them once a day, preferably in the morning immediately upon arising, if you have time. Do them, otherwise, whenever you find it con­ venient during the day, or at night before bedtime. Do them rapidly, too, so that they occupy only two minutes altogether to complete. Then do them faster and faster, until you do them in ten seconds altogether. Do them regularly, though, so as to keep your cast-off self from returning to you. Your cast-off self was always just a figment of imagination in your mind, anyhow. In that way, too, you keep the new, psychic p ow ered you perma­ nently in the mirror of your mind. So, do these three exercises and perfect the Fascitarr. The new, psychic p ow ered you will then automatically produce the secret workings of your full knowledge of your personal psychic power.

E pi l og ue

T he new, psychic pow ered you You have completed this book and absorbed its unfailing guidance. You have transformed yourself away from a fumbling, uncertain individual who has been trying to find th e way to get the most out of life quickly and easily. Practically all your life you had accepted the seemingly miraculous gains of certain other­ wise average individuals whom you knew or learned about, as the direct product of “luck,” “connections,” “the right contacts,” “fate,” “pull,” “opportunism,” etc. All such reasons may be true in countless cases—but not the way you thought. Such otherwise average individuals have “luck” because they know how to get it with personal psychic power. They get “the right contacts” with it. They alter their “fates” with it. They change their whole lives with it. W ithout it you yourself only change your own life to the worse. You strew unnecessary obstacles in your path and lose unrecoverable ground fast when you should be gaining it by leaps and bounds. Hereafter, though, with the secrets of per­ sonal psychic power, you too will have “luck,” “connections,” “the right contacts,” “fate,” “pull,” “opportunity.” You too will zoom upwards in anything you wish—and do so effortlessly, just as others before you did since time immemorial. W ith the new, psychic p o w ered you, your fondest dreams will come true effort­ lessly. T he other person can make them come true for you, for h e will become the unsuspecting tool of your use of psychic power.


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