Psychic Abilities Remote Viewing Remote Healing and Remote Influencing

April 3, 2017 | Author: Jim Knippenberg | Category: N/A
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This is a reformatted and paraphrased excerpt from a larger class that I taught on telepathic influence and “dream invaders” to do psychic influence communication to someone while they are asleep, and it will help give you some reference points and tips for being more psychic, remote viewing, remote influence, psychic abilities, psychic powers, using and getting more benefit and power from your psychic eye, and you won't need to hire a psychic medium or an online psychic or pay outrageous fees to some untrained phone psychic. You will gain insights in to the psychic world of remote influencing and how what you do in the physical world has an effect on what you are able to accomplish psychically with someone once you get in rapport with them. Those who want to become psychic healers will benefit from the suggestions in this short excerpt because it will give you some pointers as to how to get the person you want to do the psychic healing for to be more cooperative with you regarding the positive influence. You can become psychic, in fact, everyone can learn to develop psychic abilities. Psychic skills and the Law Of Attraction go hand in hand. There is no such thing in life as “something for nothing,” and while some people might think that psychic abilities is something you either have or don't have, the truth is everyone can learn psychic skills and become more psychic. And you can learn to use the psychic mind control techniques to learn to attract (and earn!) what it is you truly desire! Whether you want to do psychic healing or just do mental telepathy to improve your own quality of life and relationships, take notes on this paper and come up with a list of ideas on how you can incorporate these ideas in to what it is you are learning to do. And once you've gone through this short paper, and you'd like to have more, check out the course at Some additions have been made to this excerpt of the original manual in order to introduce ideas that are covered later in the course. The original version of this document in the course and this edited new edition for upload are both copyrighted materials. You may share this version of the document on your website or newsletter as long as you publish it in it's entirety and with all the links here as “clickable” links. (c) James R. Knippenberg All rights reserved PSYCHIC CLOSE ENCOUNTERS: Telepathic Dream Invaders Hi! And Welcome to this class, this seminar! I sure appreciate everyone who signed up, and we are going to have fun, Fun, FUN together learning. And on the final lesson, we'll cover an amazing way to do covert belief change in dreams and cause them to wake up with their entire body pulsing with pleasure so they have obsessive thoughts about you the ENTIRE day and can't wait to see you again!

Also, in some of the future lessons, we'll have downloadable mp3 audio files available [now CD's and DVD's in the current version of the psychic training course at ]. ... I know some of you signed up to learn to use these techniques to get a relationship; some of you want to learn the techniques to improve the relationship you are currently in, and some of you have a specific person in mind that you'd like to help, using these skills. So before we get started, to help yourself get the most out of this seminar, write down the top one or two things you would like to get from this seminar. It's best to focus in on one specific thing you'd like to do, and learn the skills with that segment intending. Then go back again with other projects and repeat the process. You can print this out as many times as you'd like to work multiple projects. 1) What‘s important to you about the use of these skills? How do you intend to use these dream skills? 2) What is important to you about your answer to the previous question? 3) And to focus in even more clearly on what it is you want, what's important to you about number 2 above? 4) And so I can help you get laser – like focus, what is ultimately important to you about the answer in number 3? Now as you focus on what it is you want, how will you know when you have your outcome? What will you be doing differently than what you've been doing? What will no longer be true about you once you have your outcome? What will be true about you that you don't currently believe is so? What are you willing to do to cause that to happen? Someone asked me if it's possible to get anyone to do whatever you want, using dream telepathy. Well, with enough skill and practice, almost anything that doesn't violate the laws of nature is possible. Learn to think strategically, though. I'm reminded of the guy who used Remote Influence to get what he thought was the woman of his dreams. He psychically reached out using telepathy and influenced her day and night. Then they got married, and he found out she was hell to live with. He kept trying to influence her so he could "get some" with the woman he thought he just had to have. One day, he knocked her up, they had a kid, and after the kid, even though they both love their kid,

things got more and more stressful. Finally, the guy ended up with a divorce and in a nasty custody battle. His Remote Influence did WORK. Was it worth it? Only he knows. Back in the late 60's, my dad had a draft exempt job. His friends were getting drafted and sent to war. But he HATED his job. So he quit. Not only did he get drafted (into the Army Reserves, which he ALSO HATED with a passion), he found out that no matter where he went to interview, they all told him the same thing when they found out he quit his other job before interviewing with them. They all told him if he didn't like it with the other company (that many people considered a good place to work), he wouldn't like it with them, either. They had no way of knowing that to be true or not. However, that was their perception. Keep in mind the other person's perceptions. If their perceptions and beliefs are contrary to what it is you want them to do, you have to ask yourself “what do I need to do to influence that person?” And keep in mind with some people it might be a better choice to find a different person to influence. However YOU should be the one who gets to make that choice! So as you go to influence someone, What energy attractor fields do you have activated when you do remote psychic influence? Are you motivated completely by how much you hate someone or are you motivated by something that angers or annoys you? If so, make sure you add in a POSITIVE towards attractor field, otherwise, your anger and bitchiness are what get telepathically communicated to the person you want to influence, whether you want that to happen or not. Another important point to remember is that trying to influence someone from a position of lack or need is like a guy who tries to get a girl to like him, and he's so wrapped up in his fantasies with her, that SHE is the one with all the power and choice. Why should she go out with him when he has no self-respect, no confidence, no groundedness, no power?

I remember going to Doc's (Dr. John M. La Tourrette, ) place, and inside one of the rooms I saw a couple of rifles. I said, "Oh man! COOL!" because I just happen to LOVE firearms. Doc said, "You like those, huh? Look at the one around the corner!" I looked, and there was a semi-automatic sniper rifle. Man, the "cheap" ones that are rebuilt from military surplus START around $1800 bucks, and the ones with matching parts or the custom jobs are really pricey. I said, "Oh My GOD! Do you know how much those COST?! Those are like $1800 AND UP!" Dr. LaTourrette just looked at me like "so what‘?" and said, "Yeah, but *I* don't care. I don't NEED it. You get it?" The point was that he ATTRACTED it because of an energy field of abundance instead of an energy field of "neediness". So anyways, back to the story with my dad... My dad is a deep kinesthetic and (at least used to) love working on cars. So he applied at a SEARS automotive for a job there in the shop. They asked him what he could do. He pointed at the guys in the shop and said, "I can do anything THEY can do!" He got the job. He got paid to go take more training. And he CONSISTENTLY did better than the people he trained with because he enjoyed his work, AND he had the attitude that he wanted to learn and better himself and that if it were possible for ANYONE ELSE to do something, he could learn to do it too. You do get a lot better results from your efforts when you “Joy Circuits” or “Radiant Energies” are activated! Now I know there are a lot of books out there on "proofs" of telepathy and dream communication. Those authors really have done a service to the world with their research. Including experiments on: • • •

putting people to sleep using psychic influenced using telepathy and mental commands to wake up someone who was sleeping. giving ideomotor commands to psychic influence subjects.

This is a practical course, not a "statistical proofs of ESP" course. So we don't need to waste our time trying to send dreams of circles or kites or diamonds to each other.

I took a really good seminar back a few years ago that included dream techniques and some of us decided to practice by sending each other dreams. We didn't know others had already made that mistake and learned from it. First of all, when someone knows another person is going to send them a dream, they not only hallucinate that whenever they had a dream it was from the other person, they also, due to selfsuggestion, CREATE dreams because they go to bed thinking about that person and wondering what they are going to have "sent" to them, to which the subconscious mind readily responds by making up an answer. It is also pretty damn boring to do that kind of dream experiment. Those who did those experiments did it to prove beyond "random chance" that there really is something to Telepathic communication. We're not here to try (against all hope) to satisfy a skeptic. We're here to get a practical result. What most people do not realize is that the psychic and the physical are intertwined with each other. The Psychic Sense by Phoebe D. Payne and Laurence J. Bendit gives good explanations of how they are intertwined and also how psychic perception is affected on the one hand, by psychic perception of one's own thoughts and the thoughts of others, and on the other hand by the world of symbols in dreams. Also, remember that the subtle energies in the aura have a "physical" property to them, although they are perhaps less dense than gases. Both Leadbeater and Swann both comment on the physical reality of the aura and human energies. Another very important thing to remember is that thoughts ARE things, and anything that triggers thought affects the psychic realm as well. Hudson did an AWESOME job of explaining the simple laws that govern psychic phenomena. Hear now, are some basic principles from Hudson's Law Of Psychic Phenomena that are particularly important, especially when installed at the deepest part of the mind where we have our strongest convictions about what is or is not true. "...hypnotic subjects are constantly amenable to the power of suggestions; that suggestion is the all – potent factor in the production of all hypnotic phenomena." (p. 25) And "When suggestion is actively and intelligently employed, it is always effective." (p. 30) We will have lots of fun with this one, learning to use INTELLIGENT and ACTIVE suggestions that GET RESULTS and are EFFECTIVE!

"The subjective mind accepts, without hesitation or doubt, every statement that is made to it, no matter how absurd or incongruous or contrary to the objective experience of the individual. If a subject is told that he is a dog, he will instantly accept the suggestion, and, to the limit of physical possibility, act the part suggested. If he is told that he is the President of the United States, he will act the part with wonderful fidelity to life. If he is told that he is in the presence of angels, he will be profoundly moved to acts of devotion. If the presence of devils is suggested, his terror will be instant, and painful to behold. He may be thrown into a state of intoxication by being caused to drink a glass of water under the impression that it is brandy; or he may be restored to sobriety by the administration of brandy, under the guise of an antidote to drunkenness. If told that he is in a high fever, his pulse will become rapid, his face flushed, and his temperature increased. In short, he may be made to see, hear, feel, smell, or taste anything, in obedience to suggestion. He may be raised to the highest degree of mental or physical exaltation by the same power, or be plunged by it into the lethargic or cataleptic condition, simulating death." (pp. 30-31) Many of you will recognize the demonstrations of stage hypnotists when you read the preceding paragraph. Yet it is completely true to normal, everyday life, also. If someone is told that they are no good, never was, and never will be, no matter how intelligent that individual, they will act on that suggestion, if it has been conditioned into their subconscious mind. Yet if they are of average intelligence or "dumb", and they are conditioned to believe they are intelligent, gifted, or "blessed by God," they will act out that suggestion with almost perfect congruence. I remember in the 4th grade, back when my dad still worked a job that required him to be at work 12 or more hours a day, often 6 days a week. My math classes started getting difficult enough for me that I was having trouble with them, and my mom just didn't know how to help me with my math homework. And my dad couldn't help me with it all the time, and even if I had help, I just didn't understand it. I got frustrated because my friends all either had HELP with their homework OR someone in their family actually DID their homework for them. I finally adopted the attitude of "Screw it! I'll get my OWN grades, good or bad! I'll EARN what I GET! At least it will be MINE and not somebody else's!" Well, it came time for report cards, and I came home with a "D" in math. My mom had a fit. Kept getting all over my case about how I was smarter than that and she thought I was being lazy with my homework and how I should try harder, blab, blab, blab... My dad came home, saw my report card, and neither my mom nor my dad did exceptionally well in school. They both had POSITIVE intent – they wanted me to do better than they did and have life easier than they had it. Well, my dad looked me and I thought I was a gonner. My dad was usually the one to get pissed off about stuff (or so it seemed to the way I understood things back then), and I thought for sure he was going to kill me, because he was working his ass off for me to go to a private school, and here I got a "D" in math.

He looked at me and said, "Well, if that's the BEST you can do, then I'm PROUD of you!" Next time I got a report card, there weren't any "D's" on it. I believed that suggestion he gave me – and the IMPLICATION of that suggestion – and I acted on it. … We know that imagery conditioning is a way that we can use telepathic images, during sleep time, to reprogram someone else's subconscious mind. We'll go more into detail on that later on in this course... (For the rest of this report / manual, please visit ) Thanks for reading! See you on the website! Sincerely, Jim Knippenberg ESP trainer, psychic influence, and telepathic “dream invaders” trainer.

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