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Configuration and startup of the PSR-TRISAFE-M safety module  with  wi th the the PS PSRR-TS TS-S -SDI DI88-S SDI DIO4 O4 an and d PSR-TS-SDOR4 PSR-TS-SDOR 4 extension modules User manual UM EN PSR-TRISAFE-M


User manual Configuration and startup of the PSR-TRISAFE-M Configuration PSR-TRISAFE-M safety module with the PSR-TS-SDI8-SDIO4 and PSR-TS-SDOR4 extension modules






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Please observe the following notes User group of this manual The use of products described in this manual is oriented exclusively to: – Qualified Qualified e electr lectrician icians s or persons persons in instruc structed ted by tthem, hem, w who ho are familiar familiar wit with h applicab applicable le standards and other regulations regarding electrical engineering and, in particular, the –

relevant safety concepts. Qualified Qualified a applica pplication tion progr programme ammers rs and s softw oftware are eng engineers ineers,, who are fam familiar iliar with with th the e safety concepts of automation technolog technology y and applicable standards.

Explanation of symbols used and signal words This is the safety alert symbol. It is used to alert you to potential personal injury hazards. Obey all safety measures that follow this symbol to avoid possible injury or death. There are three different categories of personal injury that are indicated with a signal word. DANGER

This indicates a hazardous situation which, if not avoided, will result in death or serious injury.


This indicates a hazardous situation which, if not avoided, could result in death or serious injury.


This indicates a hazardous situation which, if not avoided, could result in minor or moderate injury.

This symbol together with the signal word NOTE NOTE and  and the accompanying text alert the reader to a situation which may cause damage or malfunction to the device, hardware/software, or surrounding property. This symbol and the accompanying text provide the reader with additional information or refer to detailed sources of information. How to contact us Internet

Up-to-date information on on Phoenix Contact products and our Terms and Condit Conditions ions can be found on the Internet at: Make sure you always use the latest documentation. It can be downloaded at:


If there are any problems that cannot be solved using the documentation, please contact your Phoenix Contact subsidiary. Subsidiary contact information is available at

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PHOENIX CONTACT GmbH & Co. KG Flachsmarktstraße 8 32825 Blomberg GERMANY Should you have any suggestions or recommendations for improvement of the contents and layout of our manuals, please send your comments to: [email protected]



Please observe the following notes General terms and conditions of use for technical documentation Phoenix Contact reserves the right to alte alter, r, correct, and/or improve the technical documentation and the products described in the technical documentation at its own discretion and without giving prior notice, insofar as this is reasonable for the user. The same applies to any technical changes that serve the purpose of technical progress. The receipt of technical documentation (in particular user documentation) does not constitute any further duty on the part of Phoenix Phoenix Contact to furnish informatio information n on modifications to products and/or technical documentation. You are responsible to verify the suitability and intended use of the products in your specific application, in particular with regard to observing the applicable standards and regulations. All information made available in the technical data is supplied without any accompanying guarantee, whether expressly mentioned, implied or tacitly assumed. In general, the provisions of the current standard standard Terms and Conditions of P Phoenix hoenix Contact apply exclusively, in particular as concerns any warranty liability. This manual, including all illustrations contained herein, is copyright protected. Any changes to the contents or the publication of extracts of this document is prohibited. Phoenix Contact reserves the right to reg register ister its own intellectual property rights for for the product identifications of Phoenix Phoenix Contact products that are used here. Registra Registration tion of such intellectual property rights by third parties is prohibited. Other product identifications may be afforded legal protection, even where they may not be indicated as such.



Table of contents 1



For your safety ............... ....................... ............... .............. .............. .............. .............. ............... ............... .............. ............... ............... .............. .............. ........... ............ .......... ..9 9 1.1

Purpo Purpose se of this user manual manual ...... ............ ........... ........... ........... ........... ............ ........... ........... ............ ........... ........... ............ ........... ........ ... 9


Genera Generall safet safety y note notes..... s........... ............ ............ ............ ........... ........... ............ ........... ........... ............ ........... ........... ............ ........... ........... ......... ... 9


Electr Electrical ical safet safety y ........... ................. ............ ........... ........... ............ ........... ........... ............ ............ ............ ........... ........... ............ ........... ........... ........ .. 10


Safet Safety y of the machi machine ne or system.. system........ ........... ........... ............ ........... ........... ........... ........... ........... ........... ........... ........... ........... .....11 11


Direct Directives ives and stand standards.......... ards................ ............ ........... ........... ............ ........... ........... ............ ........... ........... ........... ........... ............ ........ 13


Intended Intended use...... use............ ............ ........... ........... ............ ........... ........... ............ ........... ........... ............ ........... ........... ............ ........... ........... ............ ........ 15


Docu Documenta mentation tion ...... ............ ........... ........... ............ ........... ........... ............ ........... ........... ............ ........... ........... ............ ........... ........... ............ ......... ... 16

System description description ............. .................... ............... ............... .............. .............. .............. .............. ............... ............... .............. .............. .............. .............. ............ ........ ...19 19 2.1 2.1

Me Meth thod od of op oper erat atio ion na and nd st stru ruct ctur ure e of the the PSR-TRISAFE-M safety system ..........................................................................19


Using the system......... system............... ........... ........... ........... ........... ............ ........... ........... ........... ........... ............ ........... ........... ........... ........... .......... .... 23


System start startup up and restart restart beha behavior........... vior................ ........... ........... ........... ............ ........... ........... ........... ........... ............ ........ 24


Error dete detection ction in I/O devices devices ...... ............ ........... ........... ........... ........... ............ ........... ........... ........... ........... ............ ........... .......... ..... 26


Diagn Diagnostic ostic tool tools s ..... ........... ............ ........... ........... ............ ........... ........... ............ ........... ........... ............ ........... ........... ............ ........... ........... ......... ... 27


Passw Password ord prot protectio ection........... n................. ............ ........... ........... ............ ........... ........... ............ ........... ........... ............ ........... ........... ............ ........ 32


Ordering Ordering data ........... ................. ........... ........... ............ ........... ........... ............ ........... ........... ............ ........... ........... ............ ............ ............ ........... .....33 33


Sys System tem rrequ equire iremen ments ts fo forr the SAFE SAFECON CONF F config configura uratio tion n sof softwa tware re ... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ..... .. 33

PSR-TRISAF PSR-TRISAFE-M E-M safety module module ............. .................... ............... ............... ............. .............. ............... .............. .............. .............. .............. ............... .......... ..35 35 3.1

Devic Device e descri description....... ption............. ............ ........... ........... ........... ........... ............ ........... ........... ............ ........... ........... ............ ........... ........... ......... ... 35


Opera Operating ting modes modes (stat (status) us) of PSRPSR-TRIS TRISAFEAFE-M..... M.......... ........... ............ ........... ........... ............ ............ ........... ....... .. 37


Opera Operating ting and indic indication ation eleme elements nts ...... ............ ........... ........... ........... ........... ............ ........... ........... ............ ............ ............ ........ 38 3.3.1 Diag Diagnosti nostics cs and statu status s indica indicators tors ....... ............. ............ ........... ........... ............ ........... ........... ............ ......... ... 38 3.3.2 Con Confirm firm button button .. ........ ............ ............ ........... ........... ............ ........... ........... ............ ........... ........... ............ ........... ........... ......... ... 41


Signa Signall connection connections s ..... ........... ............ ........... ........... ........... ........... ............ ........... ........... ............ ........... ........... ........... ........... ............ .......... .... 42 3.4.1 Sign Signal al inputs inputs .......... ................ ............ ............ ............ ........... ........... ............ ........... ........... ............ ........... ........... ............ ......... ... 42 3.4.2 3.4.3 3.4.4

Safe outp outputs uts ..... ........... ............ ........... ........... ............ ........... ........... ............ ........... ........... ............ ........... ........... ............ .......... .... 43 Alarm outputs outputs M0 to M3 .... .......... ............ ........... ........... ............ ........... ........... ............ ........... ........... ............ .......... .... 44 Test clock outputs outputs T0 and T1 ..... ........... ........... ........... ............ ........... ........... ........... ........... ............ ........... ....... .. 44

3.4.5 3.4.5 3.4.6

24 V/0 V sup supply ply conn connect ection ion ..... ........ ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ..... 44 Supp Supply ly conn connectio ections ns A1 and A2 ....... ............. ........... ........... ............ ........... ........... ............ ............ ............ ........ 44


Grou Ground nd switc switching hing outp outputs uts O0- and O1- ...... ............ ............ ........... ........... ............ ........... ........... ........ .. 45


USB interf interface ace ........... ................. ............ ........... ........... ............ ........... ........... ............ ........... ........... ............ ............ ............ ........... ........... ........... .....46 46


IFS-C IFS-CONFS ONFSTICK........ TICK............. ........... ............ ........... ........... ............ ........... ........... ............ ........... ........... ............ ........... ........... ............ .......... .... 47


Insta Installing lling the safet safety y module module ............ ................. ........... ............ ........... ........... ............ ............ ........... ........... ............ ........... ........... ........ 48 3.7.1 3.7.2 3.7.3



Mou Mounting nting the safet safety y modu module le .......... ................ ........... ........... ............ ........... ........... ........... ........... ............ .......... .... 48 Con Connectin necting g the suppl supply y voltage voltage ... ........ ........... ............ ........... ........... ........... ........... ............ ........... ........... ........ .. 50 Con Connectin necting g the signa signall lines ..... ........... ........... ........... ............ ........... ........... ............ ........... ........... ........... .......... ..... 51

Firmwa Firmware re updat update e for PSR-TRISA PSR-TRISAFE-M....... FE-M............. ........... ........... ........... ........... ........... ........... ............ ........... ........... ........ 52







Safe Safety ty notes for the firmw firmware are update update ........... ................ ........... ............ ........... ........... ........... ........... ........ 53

3.8.2 3.8.3

Requ Requireme irements nts for firmw firmware are update update ........ .............. ............ ........... ........... ........... ........... ............ ........... ....... .. 53 Upda Updating ting the firmwa firmware re .. ........ ............ ........... ........... ............ ........... ........... ............ ........... ........... ............ ........... ......... .... 53

PSR-TS-SDI8 PSR-TS-SDI8-SDIO4 -SDIO4 extension extension module module .............. ..................... .............. .............. .............. ............... ............... .............. .............. .............. ........... ....55 55 4.1 4.2

Devic Device e descri description....... ption............. ............ ........... ........... ........... ........... ............ ........... ........... ............ ........... ........... ............ ........... ........... ......... ... 55 Diag Diagnosti nostics cs and statu status s indica indicators tors ...... ............ ........... ........... ........... ........... ............ ........... ........... ............ ........... ........... .......... .... 56


Signa Signall connectio connections ns ........... ................ ........... ........... ........... ............ ........... ........... ........... ........... ............ ........... ........... ........... ........... ........... .....58 58 4.3.1 Sign Signal al inputs inputs .......... ................ ............ ............ ........... ........... ............ ........... ........... ............ ........... ........... ............ ........... ......... .... 58 4.3.2 Safe outp outputs uts ..... ........... ............ ........... ........... ............ ........... ........... ............ ........... ........... ............ ........... ........... ............ .......... .... 59 4.3.3 Cloc Clock/ala k/alarm rm outputs outputs TM0 and TM1 .. ....... ........... ............ ........... ........... ............ ........... ........... ........... ....... .. 60 4.3.4 Supp Supply ly conn connectio ection n A1/A2 ............ ................. ........... ............ ........... ........... ............ ........... ........... ............ ........... ....... 61


Insta Installing lling the safe extens extension ion device ...... ........... ........... ............ ........... ........... ........... ........... ............ ........... ........... ............ ........ 61 4.4.1 4.4.2 4.4.3




Mou Mounting nting the safe exten extension sion device ........... ................. ............ ........... ........... ............ ............ ............ ........ 61 Con Connectin necting g the suppl supply y voltage voltage ... ......... ........... ........... ............ ........... ........... ........... ........... ............ ........... ....... .. 61 Con Connectin necting g the signa signall lines .... .......... ............ ............ ........... ........... ........... ........... ............ ........... ........... ........... .....62 62

PSR-TS-SDOR PSR-TS-SDOR4 4 extension extension module module ................. ......................... ............... .............. .............. .............. .............. ............... ................ ............... ............. ......63 63 5.1

Devic Device e descri description....... ption............. ............ ........... ........... ........... ........... ............ ........... ........... ............ ........... ........... ............ ........... ........... ......... ... 63


Diag Diagnosti nostics cs and statu status s indica indicators tors ...... ............ ........... ........... ........... ........... ............ ........... ........... ............ ........... ........... .......... .... 64


Signa Signall connectio connections ns ........... ................ ........... ........... ........... ............ ........... ........... ........... ........... ............ ........... ........... ........... ........... ........... .....66 66 5.3.1 Sign Signal al inputs inputs .......... ................ ............ ............ ........... ........... ............ ........... ........... ............ ........... ........... ............ ........... ......... .... 66 5.3.2 Safe outp outputs uts ..... ........... ............ ........... ........... ............ ........... ........... ............ ........... ........... ............ ........... ........... ............ .......... .... 66 5.3.3 Alarm outputs outputs M0 and M1 .......... ................ ........... ........... ............ ........... ........... ............ ........... ........... ............ ........ 67 5.3.4 Supp Supply ly conn connectio ection n A1/A2 ........... ................. ............ ........... ........... ........... ........... ............ ........... ........... ........... ....... .. 67


Insta Installing lling the safe extens extension ion device ...... ........... ........... ............ ........... ........... ........... ........... ............ ........... ........... ............ ........ 67 5.4.1 5.4.2

Mou Mounting nting the safe exten extension sion device ........... ................. ............ ........... ........... ............ ............ ............ ........ 67 Con Connectin necting g the suppl supply y voltage voltage ... ......... ........... ........... ............ ........... ........... ........... ........... ............ ........... ....... .. 67


Con Connectin necting g the signa signall lines .... .......... ............ ............ ........... ........... ........... ........... ............ ........... ........... ........... .....68 68

SAFECONF SAFECONF configuratio configuration n software software ..................... ............................ .............. .............. .............. ............... ............... .............. ............... ................ .......... ..69 69



Insta Installing lling SAFECONF....... SAFECONF............. ........... ........... ........... ........... ............ ........... ........... ........... ........... ............ ............ ............ ............ ......... ... 69


Overvi Overview ew of funct functions ions and features... features......... ............ ........... ........... ........... ........... ........... ........... ............ ........... ........... ........... .....69 69


Descri Description ption of the user interf interface ace ...... ........... ........... ............ ........... ........... ........... ........... ............ ........... ........... ........... ........... ........ 71


Safe funct function ion blocks blocks and funct functions ions ...... ............ ........... ........... ........... ........... ............ ........... ........... ............ ............ ............ ........ 73


Ope Operat rating ing the SAFECO SAFECONF NF confi configu gurat ration ion soft softwa ware re ... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ..... 77 6.5.1 Creat Creating ing the confi configurat guration ion proje project ct ............ .................. ........... ........... ............ ........... ........... ........... .......... ..... 78 6.5.2 Inser Inserting ting and remov removing ing extens extension ion devic devices es ............. .................. ........... ............ ........... ........... ........ .. 79 6.5.3 6.5 .3 Ins Insert erting ing a and nd co conne nnecti cting ng fu funct nction ions, s, fu funct nction ion b bloc locks, ks, a and nd sig signal nals s ... ...... ...... ...81 81 6.5.4 6.5 .4 De Devic vice e para paramet meteri erizat zation ion in th the e safe pa param ramete eteriz rizati ation on edi editor tor ... ...... ...... ...... ...... ..... 85 6.5.5 Chec Checking, king, downloadi downloading, ng, and start starting ing up the proje project ct ...... ........... ........... ............ ........... ....... 88 6.5.6 Doc Document umenting ing the signa signall assig assignmen nmentt and the projec projectt .... ......... ........... ........... ........... ........ .. 89



Table of contents 6.6


Simul Simulation ation mode in SAFE SAFECONF... CONF......... ............ ........... ........... ........... ........... ............ ........... ........... ............ ........... ........... ......... ... 91

Configuratio Configuration n and startup startup ........... .................. .............. .............. ............... ............... .............. .............. .............. .............. ............... ............... .............. ............ ........ ...95 95 7.1

Confi Configura guration tion overview overview from A to Z....... Z............ ........... ........... ........... ............ ........... ........... ........... ........... ............ ........... ....... .. 95


Down Download loading ing the conf configura iguration tion from SAFE SAFECONF...... CONF............ ............ ........... ........... ............ ............ ........... ....... .. 98

7.3 7.3

Do Down wnlo load adin ing g th the e conf config igur urat atio ion n us usin ing g the the IFS-CONFSTICK............................................................................................ IFS-CONFSTICK ............................................................................................... ... 101


Uploa Uploading ding the conf configura iguration tion from the safet safety y modu module......... le.............. ........... ........... ........... ........... ........... ......103 103


Functi Function on test......... test............... ........... ........... ............ ........... ........... ............ ........... ........... ............ ........... ........... ............ ........... ........... ............ ........ .. 104


Startup Startup mode...... mode............ ........... ........... ............ ........... ........... ............ ........... ........... ............ ........... ........... ............ ............ ........... ........... .......... .... 105


Examples Examples of use ............. ..................... ............... .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. ............... .............. ............. ............... ............. .......... .....109 109


Problems Problems and solutions solutions ............. ..................... ............... .............. .............. .............. .............. ............... ............... .............. .............. .............. .............. ............. ........ 111



General..... General.......... ........... ............ ........... ........... ............ ............ ............ ............ ........... ........... ............ ........... ........... ............ ........... ........... ............ ........ .. 111


Graph Graphical ical conn connectio ection n edito editor......... r.............. ........... ........... ........... ............ ........... ........... ........... ........... ............ ............ ............ ........ .. 112


Param Parameteriz eterizatio ation n edito editorr ...... ............ ........... ........... ............ ........... ........... ........... ........... ............ ........... ........... ............ ........... ........... ......112 112


Onl Online ine comm communi unicat cation ion betwee between n SAFEC SAFECONF ONF a and nd th the e safety safety m modu odule le ... ...... ...... ...... ...... ..... 113


Com Commun munica icatio tion n betwee between n the safe safety ty modul module e and tthe he ex exten tensio sion n dev device. ice.... ...... ...... ...... ..... 115


Safet Safety y modu module le messages messages ...... ............ ............ ............ ........... ........... ........... ........... ........... ........... ............ ........... ........... ........... ........ ... 115

Appendix Appendix for for document document lists............ lists................... .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. ............... .............. ............. ............... ............... .......... ...117 117



List of figures figures ........... ................. ........... ........... ............ ........... ........... ............ ........... ........... ............ ........... ........... ........... ........... ............ ........... .....117 117


List of tables tables ...... ............ ............ ........... ........... ........... ........... ............ ........... ........... ............ ........... ........... ............ ........... ........... ............ ........... .....121 121


Index. Index...... ........... ............ ............ ............ ............ ........... ........... ............ ........... ........... ............ ........... ........... ............ ........... ........... ............ ........... .......... ..... 123









For your safety


For your safety 1.1

Purpose of this user manual

This user manual should enable the user to set up, configure, and start up the PSR-TRISAFE-M PSR-TRISAF E-M safety module according to the safety requirements and the risk analysis performed. The user manual is therefore designed as a system description. It provides an introductory system overview, then describes the PSR-TRISAFE-M PSR-TRISAFE-M safety module, the PSR-TS-SDI8-SDIO4 PSR-TS-SD I8-SDIO4 safe extension device, the PSR-TS-SD PSR-TS-SDOR4 OR4 safe extension module, and the associated SAFECONF configuration software, and finally explains the necessary steps for configuration and startup. For additional information and detailed step-by-step instructions for SAFECONF, please refer to the online help for the configuration software. The PSR-TRISAFE-M configurable configurable safety module is referred to in this documentation as “safety module” for short.


General safety notes

WARNING: Personal injury and damage damage to equipmen equipmentt if these safety notes are not followed. When working with the PSR-TRISAFE-M safety module, please observe all the safety notes included in this section. Requirements

Knowledge of the following is required: – – –

The PSR-T PSR-TRISA RISAFE-M FE-M safety modu module le used used and the I/ I/O O dev devices ices ((exten extension sion d device evices, s, sensors, actuators) Th The e SAFE SAFECO CONF NF co conf nfig igur urat atio ion n sof softw twar are e Safet Safety y regu regulat latio ions ns in the fie field ld of of ap appli plicat cation ion

Qualified personnel WARNING: In the context of the use of the PSR-TRISAFE-M safety module with SAFECONF configuration configuration software and safe function blocks, the following operations may only be carried out by qualified personnel: – Planning, Planning, param parameteriz eterizatio ation, n, con configu figuratio ration n (de (develop velopment ment of th the e safe safety ty lo logic) gic) – Inst Instal alla lati tion on,, sta start rtup up,, ser servi vici cing ng – Main Mainte tena nanc nce, e, de deco comm mmis issi sion onin ing g This user manual is therefore aimed at: –


Qualified Qualified personnel personnel who p plan lan a and nd des design ign s safety afety equipment equipment for for ma machin chines es and system systems s and are familiar with regulations governing occupational occupational safety and accident prevention. Qualified Qualified perso personnel nnel w who ho install install and operat operate e safe safety ty eq equipme uipment nt in machi machines nes a and nd systems.




PSR-TRISAFE-M Qualified personnel are persons who, because of their education, experience and instruction, and their knowledge of relevant standards, regulations, accident prevention, and service conditions, have been authorized to carry out any required operations, and who are able to recognize and avoid any possible dangers. Safety of personnel and equipment

The safety of personnel personnel and equipment can on only ly be assured if the safe function blocks are used correctly (see “Intended use” on pag page e 15 15). ). NOTE: Please note that responsibility for fault avoidance lies with the user.

Error detection

Depending on the wiring and parameterization of the inputs i nputs and outputs, the PSRTRISAFE-M safety module and the PSR-TS-SDI8-SDIO4 and PSR-TS-SDOR4 extension devices can detect various errors within the safety equipment (e.g., cross circuits).

Observe startup behavior

Some of the safe function blocks in the SAFECONF configuration software have parameters for specifying a startup inhibit and/or a restart inhibit. An active startup inhibit/restart inhibit can be removed by pressing a reset button that is connected and appropriately wired to the safety module or the PSR-TS-SDI8-S PSR-TS-SDI8-SDIO4 DIO4 or PSR-TS-SDOR4 safe extension devices. Use these parameters in the SAFECONF configuration software to monitor the startup/restart of the safety module.

Do not carry out any repairs, do not open the housing

In the event that an error caused by reconfiguring or modifying the wiring, etc. cannot be removed, please contact contact Phoenix Contact immediately. immediately. WARNING: Repair work may not be carried out on the PSR-TRISAF PSR-TRISAFE-M E-M safety module or the extension modules. It is strictly prohibited to open the housing.


Electrical safety 

DANGER: Hazardous shock currents currents or loss of functional safety In order to ensure electrical safety, please observe the following points and the information in the user manuals for the devices used (e.g., sensors, actuators or extension devices). Direct/indirectt contact Direct/indirec

Ensure that all components connected to the PSR-TRISAFE-M safety module or extension devices are protected against direct and indirect indirect contact according to DIN DIN VDE 0100-410. In the event of an error, parasitic voltages must not occur (single-fault tolerance).

Safe isolation

Only use devices with safe isolation if dangerous contact voltages can occur at their connections.

Power supply unit

Only use power supply units with safe isolation isolation and PELV according to EN 50178/VDE 0160 (PELV). This prevents short circuiting between primary and secondary sides.





For your safety ESD NOTE: Electrostatic discharge The device contains components that can be damaged or destroyed by electrostatic discharge. When handling the device, observe the necessary safety precautions against electrostatic discharge (ESD) acco according rding to EN 61340-5-1 and EN 61340-5-2.


Safety o off th the m ma achine o orr s sy ystem 

WARNING: Ensure the safety of the mac machine hine or system. The operator bears sole responsibility for the safety of the machine or system. The Machinery Directive must be observed. Draw up and implement a safety concept

In order to use the system described in this document with the associated safe function blocks, you must have drawn up an appropriate safety concept for your machine or system. This includes a hazard and risk analysis, as well as a test report for validating the safety functions. The target safety integrity level (SIL a according ccording to IEC 61508, SIL CL according to EN 62061, and category o orr performan performance ce level according to EN ISO 13849-1) is ascertained on the basis of the risk analysis. The safety integrity level or category ascertained determines: – How safe safe s sensor ensors, s, co control ntrol devic devices, es, an and d actu actuators ators shou should ld be w wired ired w within ithin the o overal veralll safety function – How safe safe ffunc unctio tion n blocks blocks s shou hould ld be u used sed in in the s safe afety ty logic logic The safety logic is created using the SAFECONF configuration software. Within the safe control system used, the safe function blocks support the following safety integrity requirements: – Up to SIL SIL 3 a acc ccor ordi ding ng to st stan anda dard rd IEC IEC 61 6150 508 8 – Up to SI SIL L CL 3 a acc ccor ordi ding ng to st stan anda dard rd E EN N 62 6206 061 1 – Up to to ca cate tego gory ry 4 or P PL L e ac acco cord rdin ing g to stan standa dard rd EN EN ISO ISO 13 1384 8499-1 1 Please note that you are responsible for implementing all additional requirements resulting from applicable directives and legislation in order to meet the above safety integrity requirements (see also “Directives and sta standards” ndards” on page 13 13). ).

Check hardware and device parameterization

Please note that you must carry out a validation every time you make a safety-related modification to your overall system. Use the relevant checklists when carrying out the validation and also enter the details requested in the “Project Information” dialog box in the SAFECONF safe configuration software. Use your test report to ensure that: – The safe safe sens sensors ors and and actuators actuators are connect connected ed cor correctly rectly in the P PSR-T SR-TRISA RISAFE-M FE-M safet safety y application. To do this, use the “Wiring check” function in SAFECONF (see pa page ge 29 29). ). – The input inputs s and outp outputs uts o off the PSR PSR-TRIS -TRISAFEAFE-M M sa safety fety modu module le have have b been een parameterized correctly. – The signal signals s hav have e been conn connected ected to the the safe senso sensors rs and actua actuators tors c correct orrectly ly (single-channel or two-channel).








Cross-circ Cross-circuit uit detecti detection on is imple implemente mented d in yo your ur applica application, tion, if req required uired (see pa page ge 26 26). ).

All safe safe function function blocks blocks and functio functions ns in th the e SAF SAFECON ECONF F conf configur iguration ation softw software are ar are e connected correctly.



For your safety


Directives a an nd s sttandards

The manufacturers and operators of machines and systems, in which the PSR-TRISAFE-M safety module is used, are responsible for adhering to all applicable directives and legislation. Directives and standards considered in the development and implementation of the safety module: Directives

– – –

Mach Machin iner ery y Dire Direct ctiv ive e 20 2006 06/4 /42/ 2/EC EC Mach Machin iner ery y Dire Direct ctiv ive e 98/3 98/38/ 8/EC EC EMC EMC D Dir irec ecti tive ve 2004 2004/1 /108 08/E /EC C

– –

Lo Low w Vol Volta tage ge Di Dire rect ctiv ive e 2006 2006/9 /95/ 5/EC EC Guideline Guideline for te test st an and d cert certificat ification ion GS-ET GS-ET-26: -26: B Bus us systems systems ffor or the transm transmissio ission n of safety-related messages


Table 1 1--1




IEC 61508-1:11.2 61508-1:11.2002 002 IEC 61508-2:12.2 61508-2:12.2002 002

Functional safety of electrical/electronic/programmable electronic safety-related systems

IEC 61508002 IEC 61508-3:12.2 61508-4:11.2 61508-3:12.2002 4:11.2002 002 IEC 61508-5:11.2 61508-5:11.2002 002 IEC 61508-6:06.2 61508-6:06.2003 003 IEC 61508-7:06.2 61508-7:06.2003 003 EN ISO ISO 138 13849 49-1 -1

Sa Safe fety ty of ma mach chin iner ery y-S Saf afet etyy-re rela late ted dp par arts ts of of c con ontr trol ol sy syst stem ems; s; bes bestt sui suite ted d for for less less c com ompl plex ex systems. Part 1: General principles for design This standard was created on the basis of EN 954-1:1996, quality management and reliabilit reliability y aspects have been added.

EN ISO 13849-2: 12.2003 Safety o off machinery - Safety-related parts of control systems - Part 2: Validatio Validation n EN IS ISO O 12 12100100-2 2

Safe fetty of of m ma ach chiinery nery - Bas Basic ic conc concep epts ts,, g ge enera nerall p pri rin ncipl ciples es for for d de esig sign Part 2: Technical principles

IEC 6 62 2061

Safety of of m ma achinery - Functional s sa afety of of e ellectri ric cal, e ellectronic an and p prrogrammable co control rol systems for machinery. Sector standard for machinery, created on the basis of IEC 61508. Safety for complex programmable systems. Proof of safety of devices as well as evaluation of risk reduction of the entire safety function through calculation.

EN 60 6020 2044-1: 1:11 11.1 .199 998 8

Safe Safety ty of ma mach chin iner ery y - Ele Elect ctri rica call e equ quip ipme ment nt of ma mach chin ines es Part 1: General requirements

EN IS ISO 1 13 3850

Safety of of m ma achinery - Emergency s sttop - Principles fo for d de esign

EN 61131-2:02.04

Programmable controllers Part 2: Equipment requirements and tests

EN 61131-3:02.04

Programmable controllers Part 3: Programming languag languages es

EN 61 6149 4966-1: 1:06 06.9 .98 8

Sa Safe fety ty of ma mach chin iner ery y-E Ele lect ctro ro-s -sen ensi siti tive ve pr prot otec ecti tive ve eq equi uipm pmen entt Part 1: General requirements and tests





PSR-TRISAFE-M Table 1 1--1




EN 1088

Safety of machinery - Interlocking devices associated with guards - Principles for design and selection

EN 953

Safety of machinery - Guards - General requirements for the design and construction of fixed

EN 574

and movable guards Safety of machinery - Two-hand control devices - Functional aspects - Principles for design

EN 502 50254 54:0 :07. 7.19 1999 99

Hi High gh ef effi fici cien ency cy com commu muni nica cati tion on sub subsy syst stem em ffor or smal smalll da data ta p pac acka kage ges s

EN 50 5017 178: 8:04 04.1 .199 998 8

El Elec ectr tron onic ic eq equi uipm pmen entt for for us use e in powe powerr inst instal alla lati tion ons s

EC/ISO 7498

Information technology - Open Systems Interconnection





For your safety


Intended use 

WARNING: Only use the PSR-TRISAFE-M safety module in accordance with the information in this section. PSR-TRISAFE-M

The safety module and all extension modules may only be used in industrial applications in accordanc acco rdance e with s standa tandards rds IEC 61508 61508,, EN ISO 13849, and EN 62061. The safety module and all extension modules are designed for evaluating safety-related sensors on a machine or system, which are connected to the inputs of the safety module, and for controlling its outputs according to the configured safety logic. The safety module can only perform its safety-related tasks if it is integrated into the execution process correctly and in such a way as to avoid errors. You must observe all information in this user manual as well as the user manuals and online help listed in “Documentatio “Documentation” n” on page 16 16.. In particular, only use the safety module in accordance with the technical data listed in the package slip.


The PSR-TS-SDI8-SDIO4 PSR-TS-SDI8-SDIO4 safe extension module is an extension to the safety module. It provides additional configurable inputs and outputs.


The PSR-TS-SDOR4 PSR-TS-SDOR4 safe extension module is an extension to the safety module. It provides additional outputs.


The SAFECONF safe configuration software is designed for the configuration of the safety module and its connected extension devices.

Safe function blocks and functions in SAFECONF

The safe function blocks and functions available in the SAFECONF configura configuration tion software for creating the safety logic are designed solely for use within the safety module and support specific safety functions. The safe function blocks/functions can only perform their safety-related tasks within the safe control system if they have been integrated into the execution process correctly and in such a way as to avoid errors. You must observe all information in the online help for each function block. Theoretical examples of the use of the safe function blocks are described under “Examples of use”. The area of responsibility of the block manufacturer in terms of the function of a safe function block or a safe function ends at the user interface, which is generated by the inputs and outputs of the function blocks/functions. In order to fully execute a safety function, it is your responsibility to connect the inputs and outputs of the safe function blocks/functions in the SAFECONF configuratio configuration n software: – To yo your sa safe fety ty netw netwo ork – To the the sing single-cha le-channel nnel or or two-chan two-channel nel sen sensors sors a and nd actu actuators ators c conne onnected cted tto o the in inputs puts and outputs of the safety module





PSR-TRISAFE-M In defining the safety integrity level or category for the overall safety function, you must take into consideration all components involved in the execution of this safety function (sensors, actuators, wiring, etc.). WARNING: In order to use a safe function block or a safe function according to the required requi red safety safety integrity integrity as def defined ined by IEC 61508, 61508, EN ISO 13849 or EN 62061, 62061, you must take into consideration the entire path of the safety function (safety module, device parameterization, wiring, sensors, actuators, single-channel or two-channel operation, etc.) starting from the “block input/output” interface. Validate the entire path on completion.

1.7 Latest documentation


Make sure you always use the latest documentation. Find out from the manufacturer or their homepage on the Internet whether any changes or additions have been made to the documentation used. When working on and with the PSR-TRISA PSR-TRISAFE-M FE-M safety module, you must always keep this documentation and other items of product documentation to hand and observe the information therein. You must observe all information: – In tthe he tech technic nical al desc descrip riptio tion n of the safety safety m modu odule le – – –

– –



In the the technical technical description description of th the e PSR-TS PSR-TS-SDI -SDI8-SD 8-SDIO4 IO4 s safe afe ex extensi tension on de device vice In the the technica technicall descripti description on o off the PSR PSR-TS-TS-SDOR SDOR4 4 safe safe exte extension nsion device In the user user do documen cumentatio tation n for I/O I/O dev devices ices (e (e.g., .g., se sensors nsors/actu /actuators ators,, etc.) conn connected ected tto o the safety module and connected to safe function blocks in the safety logic (SAFECONF configuration software) In the the online online help help for for the the SA SAFECO FECONF NF sa safe fe co config nfigurati uration on so softwa ftware re (se (see e als also o Fig Figure ure 1-1) 1-1) and for each of the safe function blocks In the the document documentatio ation n for the supplem supplementar entary y stan standard dard ttechno echnology logy,, if ap applica plicable ble



For your safety Calling online help

The diagram below illustrates the various options for opening the online help and searching for information via context-sensitive help or via the contents or index.

or Start page for the help system

Help page for the dialog box or area

Help page for the object


Fi Figu gure re 11-1 1



Ca Call llin ing g th the e on onli line ne hel help p in th the e SAFE SAFECO CONF NF c con onfi figu gura rati tion on s sof oftw twar are e









System description


System description 2. 2.1 1

The overall system: hardware and software

Me Meth thod od of op oper erat atio ion na and nd struc tructu ture re of th the e PSR-TRISAFE-M safety system

The PSR-TRISAFE-M safety system consists of the following components: – Th The e PSR PSR-T -TRI RISA SAFE FE-M -M sa safe fety ty modu module le – Option Optional al PS PSR-T R-TS-S S-SDI DI8-S 8-SDIO DIO4 4 safe e exte xtensi nsion on mo modul dules es – –

Option Optional al P PSRSR-TS TS-SD -SDOR4 OR4 saf safe e exten extensio sion n mo modul dules es Th The e SAFE SAFECO CONF NF co conf nfig igur urat atio ion n sof softw twar are e

Suitable Suitable safe safe control control devic devices, es, sensors, sensors, a and nd actu actuator ators s (depending (depending on th the e appl applicati ication) on)

The PSR-TRISAFE-M safety module is designed for monitoring monitoring and evaluating safety-related control devices in machines and systems (see “Intended u use” se” on page 15 15). ). The safety module monitors safe control devices and safety sensors connected at its inputs and at the inputs of the safe extension modules (if present), evaluates the incoming signals according to its configuration, and controls the outputs accordingly. The SAFECONF configuration software is used to configure the PSR-TRISAFE PSR-TRISAFE-M -M safety module and the PSR-TS-SDI8-SD PSR-TS-SDI8-SDIO4 and PSR-TS-SD PSR-TS-SDOR4 OR4 safe extension modules,tools. and therefore provides the relevantIO4 editors as well as suitable startup and diagnostic





PSR-TRISAFE-M The diagram below illustrates the overall system in an example of use.


SAFECONF on configuration computer

Safe control devices or sensors

Download configuration and control parameters Upload online values during the function test

Indicator lamp


Single-channel or two-channel connection to safety module

Shut-off valve

Control signals for the contactors at the safety module outputs Reset button for removing active startup/restart inhibits

Contactor or relay


Readback signal from the monitoring contacts of the contactor 103503a004.eps

Fi Figu gure re 22-1 1 Hardware: PSR-TRISAFE-M

Ex Exam ampl ple e st stru ruct ctur ure e of a sa safe fety ty sy syst stem em

The PSR-TRISAFE-M safety module offers 20 digital safe inputs for connecting a maximum of 20 single-channel or 10 two-channel safety-related sensors and control devices. The PSR-TRISAFE-M has 4 digital safe outputs, all of which are semiconductor outputs (24 V DC/2 A (total current)). The outputs are designed to meet up to category 4 according to EN 954-1 954-1.. Depending on the configuration, configuration, stop category 0 according according to EN 60204-1 can be achieved for each output (see “Stop categ category ory 0” on page 23 23). ). In addition, four signaling current paths, two test clocks at two outputs each, and two ground switching outputs are available. For For more de detailed tailed information on the safety module, please refer to the device description in Secti Section on 3. The PSR-TRISAFE-M safety module can be used both with and without extension modules.

Hardware: PSR-TS-SDI8-SDIO4



The PSR-TS-SDI8-SDIO4 PSR-TS-SDI8-SDIO4 safe extension module has eight safe digital inputs and four signals, which can all be configured either as safe inputs or as outputs.



System description The two module outputs, TM0 and TM1, can be configured as alarm outputs or clock outputs. Alarm outputs can be used, for example, to control a standard PLC or a basic signaling module (e.g., a signal lamp). Test clock outputs can be used to implement cross-circuit detection for input signals. For more detailed information on the on the PSRPSR-TS-SDI8-SD TS-SDI8-SDIO4 IO4 safe extension module, please refer to the device description in Sec Sectio tion n 4. Hardware: PSR-TS-SDOR4

The PSR-TS-SDOR4 PSR-TS-SDOR4 safe extension module has four safe relay outputs that can be switched individually. In addition, there are four standard alarm outputs on the module that can be used, for example, to control a standard PLC or a basic signaling module (e.g., a signal lamp). For more detailed information information on the PSR-TS-SD PSR-TS-SDOR4 OR4 safe extension module, please refer to the device description in Sectio Section n 5.

Software: SAFECONF

The PSR-TRISAFE-M safety module and the PSR-TS-SDI8-SDIO4 and PSR-TS-SDOR4 safe extension modules can only be configured and parameterized using the SAFECONF configuration software, which is executed on a separate Windows® PC. The software offers a graphical connection editor for this purpose.The safety logic can be created here by graphically connecting prepared safe s afe functions and function blocks to the inputs and outputs of the safety module. The connections are made intuitively using the mouse, and the editor prevents impermissible connections (e.g., between certain outputs). In addition, the software provides a safe parameterization editor, which can be used to configure each input and output of the PSR-TRISAFE-M PSR-TRISAFE-M safety module and the PSR-TS-SDI8-SDIO4 PSR-TS-SD I8-SDIO4 and PSR-TS-SDOR4 safe extension modules. A special online mode supports a detailed function test of test of the safety logic executed in the PSR-TRISAFE-M PSR-TRISA FE-M safety module. Current signal values can be read from the PSRTRISAFE-M safety module, transmitted to the configuration software, and displayed there “live” in the connection editor. For more detailed detailed infor information mation on the configuration software, please refer to the software description in Sec Sectio tion n 6.

Safe communication

Communication between the PSR-TRISAFE-M safety module and the configuration software is via a USB interface. The two components communicate in both directions: – PC  safety module: the configuration data and device parameters are downloaded from the configuration PC to the safety module. Configuration data refers to the application logic which was created using SAFECONF. The configuration can also be downloaded using the plug-in IFS-CONFSTICK. Please refer to “Downloading the configuration configuration from SAFECONF” on page 98 an and d “Downloading the configuration configuration using the IFS-CONFST IFS-CONFSTICK” ICK” on page 101 101.. – Safety module  PC: for diagnostic purposes, online values can be read from the PSRTRISAFE-M safety module via the USB interface and displayed “live” in the software. For more detailed information, please refer to “Function test” test” on page 104 104..





PSR-TRISAFE-M Communication via the PSR-TBUS DIN rail connector

The PSR-TRISAFE-M safety module (master module) is equipped with an interface for the PSR-TBUS DIN rail connector. The Phoenix Phoenix Contact PSR DIN rail connector can be used to connect up to ten extension modules such as the PSR-TS-SDI8-SDIO PSR-TS-SDI8-SDIO4. 4. Communication with these modules is then established es tablished automatically via the connector connector of the PSR DIN rail connector. Safety-related cross-wiring is not required (see also “Mounting the safety module” modu le” on pag page e 48). 48).


R S P-





u T



u E T

T e





A -


R s

U o


A -


S n




ly E

















S ly





R s




DIN rail connector

PSR-TRISAFE-M on yellow yellow PSR  PSR DIN rail connector

Fi Figu gure re 22-2 2

Safe extension modules on yellow yellow PSR  PSR DIN rail connector

PS PSRR-TB TBUS US D DIN IN rrai aill conn connec ecto torr fr from om P Pho hoen enix ix Cont Contac actt

The maximum continuous current for extension modules supplied via the PSR-TBUS is 4 A.





System description


Using the system

The PSR-TRISAFE-M safety module configured with SAFECONF is designed for monitoring and evaluating safety control devices and safety sensors in machines. Optional safe extension modules (PSR-TS-SDI8-SDIO4 (PSR-TS-SDI8-SDIO4 and PSR-TS-SDOR4) provide additional safe inputs for the connection of safe control devices/sensors. The Machinery Directives and various standards and safety regulations r egulations require machine or system manufacturers to meet a high standard of safety. The term “machine” is used here to represent any technical system according to Machinery Directive 2006/42/EC. Safety circuits

Safety control devices and safety sensors differ as follows: Emergency stop control devices can only be detected in the event of dangerous operation and therefore operate in the background. Safety door switches or light grids, for example, are often required for operational reasons and therefore regularly control the connection/disconnection connection/disconnectio n of the safety-related part of the machine. The safety module can be configured flexibly. For the creation of the safety logic, it has safe function blocks which are part of the system. The PSR-TRISAFE PSR-TRISAFE-M -M can be used to implement various safety functions in different safety circuits. Some of the most important options are: – Emer Emerge genc ncy y st stop op moni monito tori ring ng – Safety Safety do door or mo monit nitori oring ng (with (with a and nd withou withoutt gua guard rd lo lockin cking) g) – Two-ha Two-hand nd c con ontro troll de devic vices es (typ (types es II and III) III) – Extern External al de devic vice e monit monitori oring ng (fee (feedba dback ck monit monitori oring ng)) – Monitorin Monitoring g and check checking ing electrosen electrosensitive sitive prot protectiv ective e equip equipment ment – Mode select selector or sw switch itch ((evalu evaluatio ation n of a mod mode e selec selector tor sw switch itch a and nd an enab enable le switch) switch) – Muting Muting appli applicatio cations ns ((ligh lightt grid grid m monito onitoring ring with paral parallel lel mutin muting) g)

Stop category 0

Depending on the safety logic configured for the actual application, outputs of the safety module and the safe extension devices can be used to stop machines/drives with stop category 0 according to EN 60204-1. EN 60204-1 defines stop category 0 as unco uncontrolled ntrolled stopping by immediate immediate removal of power to a machine. Whether a safe output meets stop category 0 depends on the safety blocks connected in the safety logic: It is only when the module output is connected directly directly to  to the enable output of a safe function block, which executes stop category 0 at its output, that the module output also meet this category.


The EmergencyStop function block executes stop category 0 at its enable output. If this block output is connected directly to a module output, the safety module also executes stop category 0 at this output. Figure Fig ure 2-3 o on n pag page e 25 shows 25 shows an example of this type of connection.

Equipment on the machine


The configuration and startup of the relevant safety circuit must be planned and verified precisely. Different machines are subject to different requirements regarding the implementation of a safety function.




PSR-TRISAFE-M Example: you are responsible for planning and implementing the startup behavior and the restart behavior according to your risk analysis. To prevent an unexpected startup, a reset button may be required to generate a manual reset signal at the machine. This will depend on the results of the risk analysis as well as the signal path. Additional safe control devices, such as three-position enable switches, may be required.

2.3 Startup

System s sttartup and rre estart b be ehavior

“Startup” refers to the behavior of the PSR-TRISAFE-M safety module (and therefore also “Startup”  that of the safe extension devices used) after switching on (or applying the supply voltage) and following configuration via USB interface or IFS-CONFST IFS-CONFSTICK. ICK. Unless a startup inhibit is configured, the safety module starts s tarts up immediately following successful configuration (i.e., after pressing the “Confirm” button). The signal inputs are then evaluated and the outputs are controlled accordingly.


“Restart” refers to the behavior of the safety module and the safe extension devices after the safety function is triggered and following a return to normal operation (e.g., after unlocking the emergency stop control device), which makes safe operation possible again. With an active startup/restart inhibit, the corresponding (inhibited) safe module output remains in the safe state. This prevents unintentional startup/restart of a machine controlled by the relevant output terminal block. The safe state of state of an output terminal block is power off mode (signal value: FALSE).

Reset button

To enable the function of the machine, which is controlled by the module output affected by the active startup inhibit/restart inhibit, the inhibit must be removed by a reset signal. As in the case of the stop category (see pa page ge 23 23), ), the startup and restart behavior of the safety module and the safe extension devices depends on a specific output, and how this output is connected in the configured safety logic. The reset signal is simultaneously used to exit the error state once the error cause has been removed.

Implementation using safe

To implement a startup inhibit/restart inhibit, safe function blocks which have the relevant

function blocks

parameters for activating the startup inhibit and/or restart inhibit must be used in the SAFECONF configuration software.





System description The table below lists the function blocks that offer these parameters. Tabl Table e 22-1 1

Func Functi tion on bl bloc ocks ks th that at su supp ppor ortt a st star artu tup p iinh nhib ibit it/r /res esta tart rt inhi inhibi bitt

Block name


Available inhibit


Emergency stop monitoring

Startup inhibit, restart inhibit

EDM EnableSwitch

External device monitoring Evaluation of a three-position enable switch

Startup inhibit Restart inhibit


Monitoring of electrosensitive protective equipment (e.g., light grid)

Startup inhibit, restart inhibit


Monitoring of of a safety do door w wiith ffo our-state in interlocking

Startup in inhibit, rre estar tart in inhibit

Gu Guar ardM dMo onit ito ori ring ng

Moni nito tori ring ng of a s sa afe fety ty doo door wit with h ttwo wo-s -sta tate te inte interl rlo ockin cking g

Start tartu up inh inhib ibit it,, rres esta tart rt inhi inhib bit


Monitoring of two muting sensors a an nd light grid

Startup inhibit


Monitoring of four muting sensors (two pairs of sensors in parallel) and light grid

Startup inhibit


Monitoring of four muting sensors (two pairs of sensors in sequence) and light grid

Startup inhibit

TestableS Testa bleSafety afetySenso Sensorr

Moni Monitorin toring g of a connecte connected d opto optoelect electronic ronic p protec rotective tive dev device ice (e.g., light curtain) with test function

Startup inhibit, restart inhibit

To configure a startup inhibit for a specific safe output, for example, this output must be directly linked directly  linked in the safety logic to the output of a safe function block, for which a startup inhibit is set via the parameters. Example

In the example below, EmergencyStop as well as a startup inhibit (S_RES parameter = FALSE) and a restart inhibit (A_RES = FALSE) are specified for the safe function block. The OUT enable output of the function block is connected directly to safe output O0, where O0 offers a restart inhibit and a startup st artup inhibit. (EmergencyStop executes stop category category 0 at its output, which is also transmitted to O0 by the direct connection.) EmergencyStop


S2 S1 E-Stop


12 Reset 13 11

Wiring the safety module with safe control devices, sensors, and actuators

13 23 K1 14 24

+24V 103503a005.eps

Figure Fig ure 2-3


Implem Implement enting ing a start startup up inhibi inhibit, t, rrest estart art inhibi inhibit, t, a and nd s stop top catego category ry 0 for safe safe output O0





2.4 Cross-circuit detection

Error d de etection iin n II//O d de evices

Cross circuits of the connected signal lines can be detected at the safe inputs. A cross circuit is an unintentional, incorrect connection between redundant circuits.

Clock outputs T0 and T1

The safety provides T0 and T1 as an aid for detecting such a cross cr oss circuit. Themodule test clocks outputclock hereoutputs are asynchronous. For example, if two differently clocked signals are routed back to two inputs of the safety module along two channels via an emergency stop control device, a cross circuit can be reliably detected in this emergency stop circuit. In the event of a cross circuit, the same clock signal would be present at both inputs, instead of two different ones. The SAFECONF configuration software specifies the clock signals to be used: for all “even” inputs (I0, I2, I4 ... I18), cross-circuit detection is implemented with test clock T0. For “odd” inputs (I1, I3, I5 ... I19), test clock T1 must be used for cross-circuit detection.

Other safe functions/  function blocks


S2   14 Reset 13



12 22

Emergency stop 11 21


Wiring the safety module with safe control devices, sensors, and actuators


Figure Fig ure 2-4

Parameterization editor in Parameterization SAFECONF



Imp Implem lement enting ing crosscross-cir circui cuitt de detec tectio tion n for for an eme emerge rgency ncy sto stop p cont control rol dev device ice at inputs I0 and I1 of the safety module

For this purpose, cross-circuit detection for the safety module inputs to be monitored must be activated in the SAFECONF configurat configuration ion software in the parameterization editor of the hardware editor.



System description Activating cross-circuit detection for the safety module inputs: 1. 2. 3.

Open th the e parameteriz parameterizatio ation n editor by do doubleuble-clicki clicking ng in the SAF SAFECON ECONF F hardware hardware editor. Select Select the corres correspo pondi nding ng inp input. ut. In the sele selection ction box box for this inp input, ut, set “cro “cross-circ ss-circuit uit dete detection ction”, ”, as shown in the the image below for inputs 0 and 1.

Doppelklick Double click

Fi Figu gure re 22-5 5

Pa Para rame mete teri rizi zing ng cro cross ss-c -circ ircui uitt de dete tect ctio ion n fo forr a m mod odul ule e in inpu putt

Cross-circuit detection is also supported at the inputs of the PSR-TS-S PSR-TS-SDI8-SDIO4 DI8-SDIO4 safe extension module. For this, module outputs TM0 and TM1 must be configured as clock outputs. For additional information on cross-circuit detection in the PSR-TS-SDI8-SD PSR-TS-SDI8-SDIO4 IO4 safe extension module, please refer to the device description in Sec Sectio tion n 4.


Diagnostic tools

For an overview of the diagnostics and status indicators, please refer to Table 3-1 on pa page ge 39. 39. The SAFECONF configuration software, the PSR-TRISAFE-M safety module, and the PSR-TS-SDI8-SDIO4 PSR-TS-SD I8-SDIO4 safe extension module provide various tools that can be used to diagnose the active configuration on the safety module: – Hardware Hardware diagnosti diagnostics cs iin n th the e ev event ent of a safe funct function ion bloc block k err error or – Wiring check – Diagno Diagnosti stics cs and and status status in indic dicato ators rs on the the sa safet fety y mod module ule – Online Online toolti tooltips ps in the con connec nectio tion n edit editor or Hardware diagnostics in the event of a safe function block error


When a safe function block detects an error, it sets its ERR error output to TRUE and the OUT enable output to the safe status FALSE.




PSR-TRISAFE-M For additional information, please refer to the descriptions of the safe function blocks in the SAFECONF online help, particularly in the corresponding “ERR output” help topic. If the ERR output of a safe function block is TRUE, all the inputs that are connected directly directly   to the inputs of this function block flash on the safety module or the corresponding safe extension device. This tells you which module input is affected by the problem. You can take measures to remove the fault (check the connecting cables to the sensors or the connected sensors themselves, etc.). This function enables hardware errors to be localized even without a PC. An error is indicated by flashing LED(s) at the inputs of the safety module. The project documentation enables conclusions to be drawn regarding the relevant safe function block based on which module input is flashing. The following example example shows  shows a simplified schematic view: An emergency stop control device with two N/C contacts is connected to inputs I0 and I1 of the safety module. The status of the N/C contacts is monitored by the Equivalent safe function block. In our example, the function block reports an error (ERR output = TRUE, the icon for the function block is surrounded by a red border when the configuration software is in online mode).





System description Therefore, the LEDs for inputs I0 and I1, which are both directly connected to this function block, flash on the safety module.

Safety logic in  SAFECONF, in online mode (error)

LEDs of inputs I0 and I1 on the safety module

Safe control device, at inputs I0 and I1 of the PSRTRISAFE-M safety module Emergency stop

Fi Figu gure re 22-6 6



Ha Hard rdwa ware re d dia iagn gnos osti tics cs in in th the e ev even entt of a sa safe fe fun funct ctio ion n bl bloc ock k er erro rorr

Hardware diagnostics are also possible for inputs and outputs of safe extension devices (e.g., PSR-TS-SDI8-SDIO4). Wiring check


If the connection editor is in startup mode, the wiring check can be used to check the terminal block position of the input used in the logic. This takes you to the correct position on the graphical display and enables you to gain a better overview of the control cabinet interior. 1. Requirement: Requirement: the  the PSR-TRISAFE-M safety module must be running. Switch the connection editor to online mode, then to startup mode. 2. In the co connect nnection ion edi editor, tor, po positio sition n the curs cursor or ove overr the icon for for the inp input ut or ou output tput yo you u want to check, without without clicking.  clicking. The icon starts to flash after around one second.




PSR-TRISAFE-M At the same time, the LED for the corresponding input/output flashes on the safety module or on the corresponding safe extension device.

Do not click!

LED for the wired input flashes on the safety module


Emergency stop

Fi Figu gure re 22-7 7


Simp Simpli lifi fied ed sc sche hema mati tic c vie view: w: wiri wiring ng chec check k

A wiring check is also possible for inputs and outputs of safe extension devices (e.g., PSR-TS-SDI8-SDIO4). Diagnostics indicators on the safety module

There are four diagnostics indicators on the PSR-TRISAFE-M safety module. – PWR (green): (green): indicator indicator for the powe powerr supply supply of of the the sa safety fety modu module le – DATA (gree (green): n): ind indicato icatorr for co communi mmunicatio cation n with extens extension ion mo modules dules ((with/ with/witho without ut TBUS) – ERR ERR ((re red) d):: err error or in indi dica cato torr – CONF (gre (green): en): iindica ndicator tor fo forr the configura configuration tion statu status s and commu communicat nication ion v via ia US USB B interface The LEDs indicate the status of the safety module. For a detailed list of possible indicator combinations combinations and their meanings, please refer to “Diagnostics and and status indicators” on page 38 38..





System description Diagnostics indicators on the PSR-TS-SDI8-SD PSR-TS-SDI8-SDIO4 IO4 safe extension device

There are two LEDs on the PSR-TS-SDI8-SDIO4 PSR-TS-SDI8-SDIO4 safe extension device. – PWR (green): (green): indicator indicator ffor or th the e po power wer su supply pply of the the e extensi xtension on m module odule – ERR ERR ((re red) d):: e err rror or in indi dica cato torr

Online tooltips in the connection editor

In online mode, when the SAFECONF configurati configuration on software reads signal values from the PSR-TRISAFE-M PSR-TRISA FE-M safety module and displays them “live” in the connection editor, the safe function blocks indicate their status and, in the event of an error, display a description of the error as a tooltip as soon as you position the cursor over the icon for a function block. In the event of an error, the tooltip contains not only a description of the error, but also information on how to remove it. In the event of an error, the function block icon is also outlined in red. This ensures that, in online mode, errors can be identified at a glance.

Fi Figu gure re 22-8 8 Offline tooltips

Tooltips are also available while editing the safety logic in the connection editor. For all function blocks, functions, and their I/Os, as well as for the buttons in the toolbar, descriptions are displayed as soon as the cursor is positioned over the item.

Figure Fig ure 2-9


Exam Exampl ple e of of a an n onl onlin ine e too toolt ltip ip in the the e eve vent nt of an er erro rorr

Exa Exampl mples es logic) o off toolt tooltips ips in the the c con onnec nectio tion n ed edito itorr in offlin offline e mo mode de ((whi while le e edit diting ing the safety






Password protection

With two passwords, PSR-TRISAFE-M and SAFECONF provide double protection against unauthorized changes to the configuration and the project in the configuration software.


Figure Fig ure 2-1 2-10 0 Controller password

Passw Password ord pro protec tectio tion n for for PS PSR-T R-TRIS RISAFE AFE-M -M and SAF SAFEC ECONF ONF

The controller password protects the configuration on the PSR-TRISA PSR-TRISAFE-M FE-M safety module against unauthorized access and the safety module itself against unauthorized changes of operating mode. Although online online values can be read from the safety module and displayed in SAFECONF without entering the controller password. However, a new configuration or new device parameters can only be downloaded to the safety module (and the safety module can only be launched accordingly) once the controller password has been entered. When an unconfigured PSR-TRISAFE-M safety module is connected to the configuration computer for the first time, SAFECONF automatically prompts the user to define a controller password. This password can be modified later if required.

Project password

The project password protects the configuration project in SAFECONF against unauthorized changes to the safety logic and the project information. You can still open and display projects without a password, but you can only change and save them once you have entered a project password. This ensures that only authorized persons in possession of the correct project password can change the safety logic. When creating a new project, you are automatically requested to define a password.

Automatic logoff after a long period of inactivity in SAFECONF

If no user activity is detected in SAFECONF for a certain period of time, you will be logged off from the project automatically. This prevents unauthorized persons from making changes to the project if you have not logged off from the project. For the PSR-TRISAFE-M safety module: after a long period of inactivity, you must enter the controller password again in order to communicate with the safety module in SAFECONF. During automatic logoff, for safety reasons the safety module remains in the mode that was running prior to automatic logoff. Example: automatic logoff does not cause startup mode to be exited, but you must log on again before you will be able to influence signals once more. For additional information on password protection, please refer to the online help for SAFECONF.





System description

2. 7

Ordering data

Products Description


Order No.

Pcs. / Pkt.

Module with screw connections




Module with spring-cage connections




Module with screw connections




Module with spring-cage connections




Module with screw connections




Module with spring-cage connections










Memory module for module for PSR-TRISAFE-M (supplied as standard with the safety module)




Connecting cable, cable, USB to mini-USB for PSR-TRISAFE-M




Configurable safety module  module 

Configurable safe extension module  module 

Configurable safe extension module  module 

PSR configuration package including package including SAFECONF configuration software, configuration cable (USB), and quick start guide

2. 2.8 8

Sy Syst stem em re requ quir irem emen ents ts fo forr th the e SA SAFE FECO CONF NF configuration software

Software requireme requirements nts S up upported oper a atting syste ms ms

Win d do ows 8 (32-bit or 64-bit) Windows 7 (32-bit or 64-bit) SP1 Windows XP SP3

Supported browsers

Internet Explorer Version 6 or later

Hardware requirements CPU


2 GHz (recommended)/1 GHz (minimum)


Windows 7/Windows 8 Windows XP

2 GB (recommended)/1 GB (minimum) 1 GB (recommended)/512 MB (minimum)

Hard disk

At least 250 MB available hard disk space



Operating devices

Keyboard, mouse

Monitor resolution

At least 800 x 600



Basic functions

Configuration of the PSR-TRISAFE safety module

Supported languages

German, English, Spanish, French, Italian









PSR-TRISAFE-M safety module


PSR-TRISAF SAFE-M s sa afety m mo odule 3.1

Device d de escription

The PSR-TRISAFE-M safety module is a configurable safety module with 20 digital safe inputs, which enable the connection of a maximum of 20 single-channel or 10 two-channel safe sensors or control devices. The four digital safe outputs, O0 to O3, are controlled after evaluating the incoming signals according to the configuration which was created with the SAFECONF configuration software and downloaded to the safety module via USB interface. The safety module also has two ground switching outputs, O0- and O1-, which can be used, for example, to switch off a contactor connected to the safety module either via the output or via ground. Use of the ground switching outputs increases the shutdown protection and cross-circuit protection of the safety circuit. In addition, the safety module has four non-safety-related digital alarm outputs (M0 to M3), which can be used, for example, to control a standard PLC or signaling units. The two asynchronous test clocks at T0 and T1 provide safe cross-circuit detection at the inputs of the safety module (see “Error detection in I/O I/O devices” on pa page ge 26 26). ). All connection terminal blocks can be plugged in. The individual terminal block bases are mechanically coded to prevent incorrect connection. con nection. The The safety module is available either with screw connections (shown on the left in Fig Figure ure 3-1) 3-1) or with spring-cage connections (shown on the right in Fig Figure ure 3-1 3-1). ). A    1    2     4     V      A    1    0     A   


I     0    



I     1    




I     3     I     1    

C     S     O    N     T      F     I     C     K      C     O     N     F      I     R     M    

I     4    


I     1    

I     5      I     6     I     1     I     4     7      I     1    



I     1    

I     8    


I     1    

I     9    




1     0     I     1     8     1     I     1     9    

I     1    


     R     W      P    A     T    A      D




I     1    




T      0    

M     T      0     0     M     T      1     1     M     T      2     1     M    

     R      R     F      E     N    O

I     0    



 A    1      A    1     0      A    V      O    2     A    0     2     -   0     1    


I     2    


Fi Figu gure re 33-1 1

2     4    

V      2     P     O     S     A    0     R     2     -   -  T      0     R     1    -     I     T      S          R 0     A    F      M         W T           P E     0        A 0     -  S         T    A M     T           D 1    1         R      R M     T           E     F 2     1        N    O M        C 3    


I     2    



I     3    


I     1    

C     S     O    N     T      C     F     I     C     O     K      N     F      I     R     M    

I     4    


I     5      I     3     6     I     1     I     4     7      I     1     5     

I     1    

I     1    

I     8    


I     1    

I     9    

I     1     7      0     I     1     I     1     8     1     I     1     9    

Sc Scre rew w conn connec ecti tion on (le (left ft)) an and d spr sprin ingg-ca cage ge tter ermi mina nall blo block cks s (ri (righ ght) t)








T0 T0 T1 T1


I0 I1

I19 M0 M1 M2 M3



      E       F

      S        A       U        S           B       T       N

      S        E       U        F       B       A       T       S 


      O        N



24V 0V

Fi Figu gure re 33-2 2




O0 O1 O2 O3 O0 O0- O1 O1--

Bl Bloc ock kd dia iagr gram am of th the e PS PSRR-TR TRIS ISAF AFEE-M M safe safety ty mo modu dule le

The safety module can be used both with and without extension modules.





PSR-TRISAFE-M safety module

3. 3.2 2

Op Oper erat atin ing gm mod odes es (stat status us)) o off P PSR SR--TR TRIS ISA AFE FE-M -M

The diagram below illustrates the possible operating modes (status) of the PSR-TRISAFEM safety module and the possible status transitions. When there is a USB connection to the PC, the module status is indicated on the far right of the status bar in the SAFECONF configuration software. Safety module and P C are connected via USB, safety module is switched on

Controll ontroller: er:


Timeout Time out

Temporary state during: - Communication establishment - Initialization - Safety module selftest

Initial startup?





o project Download project . Execution starts after  acknowledgment (“Confirm” button on device) device)

Controll ontroller: er:


editor  online or offline

Timeout Time out

Temporary state during: - Saving process (during download) - Initialization - Safety module selftest

E    r  r  o   r   d    u  r   i    n    g   e  x   e  c   u  t    i    o  n  

Controller: Connected

Change between safe online mode and standard startup mode






  n    i  o   u  t   c   e  e  x   g    n    i   u  r     r  d   o   r    E  r

USB connection (PC to safety module) must not be interrupted and project in SAFE CONF must not be changed. Otherwise safety module is stopped and changes to the safe state after 10 minutes

Fi Figu gure re 33-3 3


Poss Possib ible le o ope pera rati ting ng mode modes s (st (stat atus us)) of of the the sa safe fety ty m mod odul ule e






Ope perrating and iin ndic icat atiion e ele lem ments

All operating and indication elements for the PSR-TRISAFE-M safety module are located on the front of the device. The elements are described in the following sections.


“Confirm” button Diagnostics indicators Status indicators for safe inputs/outputs

Fi Figu gure re 33-4 4

3. 3.3. 3.1 1 Diagnostics indicators

Op Oper erat atin ing ga and nd in indi dica cati tion on elem elemen ents ts of the the saf safet ety ym mod odul ule e

Di Diag agno nos stics tics and and sta statu tus s iind ndic icat ator ors s

The four diagnostics indicators on the front of the device can be used to read the operating status of the safety module. The following LEDs are available (from left to right): – “PWR”: “PWR”: iindi ndicat cator or for for the p powe owerr sup supply ply of of the s safe afety ty modul module e – “DATA”: “DATA”: ind indicato icatorr for com communi municatio cation n with ex extensi tension on mo modules dules ((with/ with/with without out PS PSR-TB R-TBUS US DIN rail connector). This LED only lights up when a TBUS device is connected. – “ERR “ERR”: ”: er erro rorr indi indica cato torr – “CONF”: “CONF”: in indicato dicatorr for the confi configura guration tion status status a and nd com communic municatio ation n via US USB B interface interface The following table lists the possible indicator combinations for the diagnostics indicators and their meanings. A distinction is made between slow flashing and fast flashing LEDs.





PSR-TRISAFE-M safety module The LED symbols in the table mean: LED is off LED is on LED is flashing Slow Slo w = 1.7 Hz Fastt = 6.3 Fas 6.3 Hz Tabl Table e 33-1 1

Meani eaning ng of di dia agnost nostic ics s in indi dica cato tors rs

PWR (green)

DATA (green)

ERR (red)

CONF (green)

I0 .. .... I1 I19 9

O0 .. .... O3

Me Mean anin ing g Device is switched off, no power supply at A1/A2 Initialization phase after power up (maximum duration: 4 s)

1.7 Hz

Acknowledgment of new configuration required after download.  Press “Confirm” button on the device.

6.3 Hz

Acknowledgment of new configuration required after transfer via IFS-CONFSTICK.  For sequence, see 7.3 on page pag e 101 101..

1.7 Hz

Extension device replaced: acknowledgment required.  Press “Confirm” button on the device. Normal operation without connected extension devices (TBUS communication) Normal operation with connected extension devices (TBUS communication) Limited operation with error affecting at least one input/output.  Remove error, deactivate input/output. Press the “Confirm” button on the device for 10 s. This will induce a warm start of the device and reset the error message. Delivery state. No configuration data on the IFS-CONFST IFS-CONFSTICK. ICK.  Download project with SAFECONF.



No IFS-CONFSTICK. IFS-CONFSTICK.  Insert IFS-CONFSTICK and apply power supply.




PSR-TRISAFE-M Tabl Table e 33-1 1 PWR (green)

Meani eaning ng of di dia agnost nostic ics s in indi dica cato tors rs DATA (green)

ERR (red)

CONF (green)

I0 .. .... I1 I19 9

O0 .. .... O3

6.3 Hz

Me Mean anin ing g An error has occurred.  Read out the error code with

SAFECONF. A cross circuit has occurred.  Check wiring of I/O devices. 6.3 6.3 Hz

 Then press the “Confirm” button for for 3 s.

6. 6.3 3 Hz

Short circuit at the safe output (GND applied to a safe output).  Press the “Confirm” button for 15 s. Short circuit at the safe input (GND applied to a safe input).  Remove the short circuit at the safe input. The PSR-TRISAFE is then ready to operate again.

6.3 6.3 Hz

LEDs for signal inputs/outputs

Short circuit at clock output (GND applied to a clock output).  Remove the short circuit at the clock output.  Press the “Confirm” button for 15 s.

The state of each of the 20 safe inputs and 4 safe outputs is indicated by an LED on the front of the device. Ta Tabl ble e 33-2 2 LED

St Stat atus us in indi dica cato tors rs for for saf safe e inp input uts s and and ou outp tput uts s State


For each input (“I0” to “I19”)

No switching signal at the relevant input Switching signal active at the input Diagnostic error (see pa page ge 27 27))



Long on Short off

Wiring check at an active input or non-equivalence input.

Long off Short on

Wiring check at an inactive input or non-equivalence input.



PSR-TRISAFE-M safety module Ta Tabl ble e 33-2 2

St Stat atus us in indi dica cato tors rs for for saf safe e inp input uts s and and ou outp tput uts s




For each output (“O0” to “O3”)

Output is not active Output is active Diagnostic error (see pa page ge 27 27))

3.3.2 Confirming the new configuration

Long on Short off

Wiring check at an active output or non-equivalence input.

Long off Short on

Wiring check at an inactive output or non-equivalence input.

Confirm button

The “Confirm” button is located on the right-hand side of the front of the PSR-TRISAFE-M safety module, above the USB interface. Press this button using a pen to confirm a new configuration downloaded downloaded via the USB interface before it is accepted by the safety module. See also “Downloadin “Downloading g the configuration from SAFECONF” SAFECONF” on page 98 98..

Warm start of the device

To initiate a warm start of the device, press and hold down the “Confirm” button on the device for 10 seconds. During the warm start, all outputs are initially set to the safe state FALSE and error messages are reset provided the error cause has been removed. The device then enters the initialization phase.

Replacing the IFS-CONFSTICK

The “Confirm” button also has an important role to play when the IFS-CONFS IFS-CONFSTICK TICK is replaced. To load a new configuration by replacing the IFS-CONFSTICK rather than via the USB interface, press and hold down the “Confirm” button while removing and inserting the IFS-CONFSTICK IFS-CONFSTI CK using the specified procedure. For the precise procedure, please refer to “Downloading the configuration using the IFSCONFSTICK” on page 101 CONFSTICK” 101..







Signal c co onnections

All input and output connections, with the exception of the USB interface, are made via plug-in coded connection terminal blocks. Test clocks for Supply for logic and cross-circuit alarm outputs detection Supply for Standard alarm safe outputs outputs Ground switching outputs

Safe inputs Safe outputs Fi Figu gure re 33-5 5

PS PSRR-TR TRIS ISAF AFEE-M M sign signal al conn connec ecti tion ons s

The various signal connections are described in the following sections.


Signal inputs

The safety module ha has s 20 digital signal inpu inputs ts (24 V HTL/3 mA) for the direct co connection nnection of safe control devices and/or safety sensors for monitoring and evaluating processes. The safe inputs are linked to the safety the safety logic in the connection editor of the SAFECONF configuration software.See also “Inserting and connecting functions, function blocks, and signals” signa ls” on page page 81. 81. Signal redundancy due to dual signals

Every two adjacent signal inputs (i.e., I0 and I1, I2 and I3, etc.) are grouped together and interlocked by default to form a dual signal in the SAFECONF safe configuration software. This is indicated in the representation of the safety module in the hardware editor of the configuration software by a red padlock at the relevant inputs.The two signals are then always used as a pair, i.e., both signals are dragged, dropped, cut or deleted together in the connection editor. However, if required, this interlock can be removed and the dual signal split into two individual signals. Dual signals are not interconnected internally; they are simply grouped together.





PSR-TRISAFE-M safety module As input signals with even and odd IDs are processed in different ways in the safety module, using dual signals ensures that the safety module will perform redundant processing. Two-channell sensors Two-channe

To ensure signal redundancy, the prepared dual signal must be used to process twochannel signals (2-wire sensors and control devices). For example, in order to monitor or evaluate both signals of an emergency stop control device redundantly and to performance level PL e according to EN ISO 13849-1 or EN 954-1, category 4, these two adjacent signal inputs (e.g., I0 and I1) must be connected.

Cross-circuit detection

A cross circuit is an unintentional, incorrect connection between redundant circuits. The safety module provides clock outputs T0 and T1 as an aid for detecting such a cross circuit. For example, if two differently clocked signals are routed back to two inputs of the safety module along two channels via an emergency stop control device, a cross circuit can reliably be detected in this emergency stop circuit: in the event of a cross circuit, the same clock signal would be present at both inputs, instead of two different ones. The SAFECONF configuration software specifies the clock signals to be used: for “even” inputs (I0, I2, I4 I4 ... I18), cross-circuit detection is implemented with test clock T0. For “odd” inputs (I1, I3, I5 ... I19), test clock T1 must be used for cross-circuit detection. For an example of two-channel connection of an emergency stop control device with dual signal and cross-circuit detection, detection, please refer to Fig Figure ure 2-4 in 2-4 in “Error detection in I/O devices” device s” on pag page e 26. 26.


Safe outputs

Safety-related outputs O0 to O3 are designed as digital semiconductor outputs for 24 V DC/2 A (total current), up to catego category ry 4 according to EN 954-1. The outputs are controlled according to the configured safety logic. The safe outputs are linked to the safety logic that controls the outputs in the connection editor of the SAFECONF configuration software. See also “Inserting and connecting functions, function blocks, and signals” signa ls” on page page 81. 81. To increase cross-circuit protection, outputs O0 and O1 can also be used in conjunction with ground switching outputs O0- and O1-, see “Ground switching outputs O0- and O1” on page page 45. 45. An appropriate protective circuit (diode or varistor) for safe outputs O0 to O3 is strongly recommended. The safe output signals are clocked with a test pulse of 1 ms.







Alarm outputs M0 to M3

Non-safety-related alarm outputs M0, M1, M2, and M3 are designed as digital semiconductor outputs for 24 V DC/100 mA. These alarm outputs can be used, for example, to control a standard PLC or a signaling module (e.g., a signal lamp). As is the case for safe inputs inp uts and outputs, the alarm outputs are linked in the connection editor of SAFECONF (see “Inserting and connecting functions, function blocks, and signals” on pag page e 81). 81). NOTE: Alarm outputs must not be connected in parallel. Feedback to alarm outputs is not permitted.


Test clock outp utputs T0 and T1

The test clocks output at outputs T0 and T1 are used for cross-circuit detection at the inputs. Each output is available twice. The output test clocks T0 and T1 are asynchronous, i.e., T0 does not equal T1. To implement cross-circuit detection, the relevant safe inputs must be configured accordingly using the parameterization editor (part of the hardware editor in SAFECONF). The SAFECONF configuration software specifies the clock signals to be used: for “even” inputs (I0, I2, I4 I4 ... I18), cross-circuit detection is implemented implemented with test clock T T0. 0. For “odd” inputs (I1, I3, I5 ... I19), test clock T1 must be used for cross-circuit detection. Please also refer to “Signal inputs” inputs” on page 42 42 and  and “Error detection in I/O devices” on pa page ge 26 26..


24 V/0 V supply connection

The 24 V/0 V supply connection is used to supply the outputs outputs of the safety module module and the clock and ground switching outputs with power.


Supply connections A1 and A2

Supply connection A1/A2 is used to supply the logic of the safety module and the alarm outputs with power. At the double terminal block contacts, 2 and 3-wire sensors and control devices can be supplied directly by the safety module (Unom = 24 24 V DC DC). ). For 3-wire sensors, please note that the GND potential of the sensor/control device is the same as the GND potential of the safety module. The maximum continuous current for devices connected to terminal blocks A1 and A2 is 6 A (limiting continuous cu current rrent for looped through cu current rrent paths A1/A1 and A2/A2).





PSR-TRISAFE-M safety module

3. 3.4. 4.7 7

Grou Ground nd swit switch chiing outp output uts s O0O0- an and d O1O1-

Ground switching outputs O0- and O1- increase the shutdown protection and cross-circuit protection of the safety system. For example, these outputs can be used to switch off a contactor connected to the safety module via both the output and ground. Ground switching output only be used in conjunction withO1. output O0, ground switching output O1can O0onlycan be used in conjunction with output The diagram below shows an example application: the two contactors, K1 and K2, are switched between safe module output O0 and ground switching output O-.





41 S1   14 S1

12 22

Reset 13

11 21

Emergency stop




13 23 33


12 24 34






13 23 33

K2 A2

12 24 34



Fi Figu gure re 33-6 6

Ex Exam ampl ple e appl applic icat atio ion n for for gr grou ound nd swi switc tchi hing ng o out utpu puts ts O0O0- a and nd O1O1-

In order to use the ground switching outputs, the corresponding parameters must be s set et for outputs O0 and O1 in the SAFECONF configuration software. For more detailed information, please refer to the online help topic “Parameterizing the inputs/outputs of the safety module”.







USB interface

The USB interface (standard USB 2.0) is used for communication communication between the safety module and the SAFECONF configuratio configuration n software. This includes: – –

Download Downloading ing configura configuration tion data (i.e., (i.e., for for th the e SAFECO SAFECONF NF p projec roject) t) Optional Optional up upload load of of the configu configuratio ration n in or order der to o open pen it a as s a pro project ject and and edit it as required in SAFECONF

Reading Reading va values lues ffrom rom th the e safety safety mod module ule du during ring operat operation ion a and nd disp displayin laying g the rread ead va values lues “live” in the connection editor of SAFECONF (online mode)

Forcing Forcing signals signals o on n the ru running nning safet safety y modu module le for s startu tartup p purp purposes oses (stand (standard ard sta startup rtup mode mo de))

Before the safety module is connected to the configuration PC, the SAFECONF configuration software must be installed with the appropriate USB drivers for the module. NOTE: Electrostatic discharge The safety module contains components that can be damaged or destroyed by electrostatic discharge. When handling the USB interface, observe the necessary safety precautions against electrostatic electrostatic discharge (ESD) acco according rding to EN 61340-5-1 and EN 6134061340-5-2. 5-2. Once the USB connecting cable (mini-USB plug, 5-pos., maximum cable length of 3 m) has been connected, if appropriately configured, the PC detects the safety module automatically. If the SAFECONF configuration software has already been started, the software will detect the status of the safety module and display this in the status bar at the bottom right of the screen.

Figure Fig ure 3-7



Sta Status tus bar in the SAF SAFECO ECONF NF safe safe c conf onfigu igurat ration ion softwa software re (safet (safety ym modu odule le already contains a configuration project)



PSR-TRISAFE-M safety module



The safety module is equipped with a plug-in memory module (IFS-CONFSTICK).


A    1    2     4     V      A    1    0     A    V      2     P     O     S     A    0     R     2     -   -  T      0     R     1    -     I     T      S          R A        W F      M     0    T           P E     0        A 0     -  S         T    A M     T           D 1    1         R      R M     T           E     F 2     1        N    O M        C 3    

I     0    



I     1    


I     2     



I     3     



I     1    

C     O    S     N     T      F     I     C     K      C     O     N     F      I     R     M    

I     4    


I     1    

I     5     


I     6     

I     1     I     7      4     I     1     5     

I     1    

I     8     


I     1    

I     9    


I     1    

I     1    


I     1     1     I     1     9    


Fi Figu gure re 33-8 8 IFS-CONFSTICK as a hardkey


The IFS-CONFSTI IFS-CONFSTICK CK must must be  be inserted in the safety module both during normal operation and for downloading configuration data from SAFECONF via the USB interface. If no IFS-CONFSTICK is inserted in the safety module or if it is removed, the safety module behaves as follows: –

If no IFSIFS-CONF CONFSTIC STICK K is in inserte serted d when down download loading ing config configurati uration on da data, ta, th the e configuration cannot be downloaded and SAFECONF outputs an error message.

If no IFS-C IFS-CONFS ONFSTICK TICK is inse inserted rted w when hen th the e safet safety y mod module ule is s starte tarted, d, all o output utputs s remain remain deactivated and the safety module indicates an error. The safety module does not execute any functions.

If the IFS-CO IFS-CONFST NFSTICK ICK is re remove moved d during operation operation,, the safety safety mo module dule de deactiv activates ates al alll outputs and indicates an error. The safety module does not execute any more functions. If the IFS-C IFS-CONFS ONFSTICK TICK is remo removed ved from from the safety modu module le and reinse reinserted rted a as s descr described ibed in “Downloading “Downloading the configuration using the IFS-CONFSTICK” on page 101, 101, the safety module deactivates all outputs and does not execute any functions until the IFSCONFSTICK is inserted again correctly. The safety module does not indicate an error.. error

As an alternative to downloading the configuration via the USB interface, it can be downloaded to the safet safety module using theconfiguration IFS-CONFSTICK. onCK” howon to proceed, please refer to y“Download “Downloading ing the usingFor the instructions IFS-CONFSTI IFS-CONFSTICK” page pag e 101 101..







Installing tth he s sa afety m mo odule

WARNING: Serious personal injury or dama damage ge to equipment. Disregarding this warning may result in damage to equipment and/or serious personal injury. The electrical connection, startup, and operation of this device may only be performed by qualified personnel. With respect to the safety notes in this document, qualified personnel are persons who are authorized to start up, to ground, and to mark devices, systems, and equipment according to the standards of safety technology. In addition, these persons must be familiar with all warning instructions and maintenance measures in this document.


Moun ounting the safety modu odule

CAUTION: Risk of injury and dama damage ge to equipment. Only mount and remove the safety module when the power supply is disconnected. For standard extension modules, the safety module is equipped equipped with with an interface for the PSR-TBUS DIN rail connector on the mounting side (see pa page ge 22 22). ). The PSR-TBUS DIN rail connector can be used to connect the system power supply or to connect gateways (e.g., for PROFIBUS) for transmitting standard diagnostic data. The PSR-TBUS DIN rail connector eliminates the need for cross-wiring between the safety module and the gateway modules or system power supply. The voltage supply can be provided at provided  at any PSR device or using the system power pow er supply via the PSR DIN rail connector (see “Connecting th the e supply voltage” voltage” on page 50 50). ).


CAUTION: Risk of damage to equip equipment ment due to incorrect install installation. ation. Please observe the following notes for mounting: – Use only only the yello yellow w PSR-TB PSR-TBUS US DI DIN N rai raill conn connector ector (Orde (Orderr No. 2890425) 2890425) to connect connect the PSR-TRISAFE-M PSR-TRISAFE-M safety mo module. dule. Connection with another DIN rail co connector nnector is not permitted. – – – –

Use only only the yello yellow w PSR-TB PSR-TBUS US DI DIN N rai raill conn connector ector (Orde (Orderr No. 2890425) 2890425) to connect connect safe extension devices. Connection with another DIN rail co connector nnector is not permit permitted. ted. Safe exten extension sion devic devices es must must be mount mounted ed to the rright ight o off the maste masterr mod module. ule. Use only only the gree green n PS PSR-TBU R-TBUS S DIN DIN rail connecto connectorr (Or (Order der No No.. 2707437) 2707437) to to connect connect standard devices. Connection w with ith another D DIN IN rail conne connector ctor is not permitted. Standard Standard devic devices es must must be mounted mounted tto o th the e lef leftt of the m master aster modu module. le.

To mount the PSR-TRISA PSR-TRISAFE-M FE-M safety module, proceed as follows:





PSR-TRISAFE-M safety module Mounting a 35 mm DIN rail


The s safety afety module module sh should ould only be mo mounted unted on 35 mm DIN DIN rai rails ls ac accordi cording ng to EN 60715 60715.. To avoid contact resistance, only use clean, corrosion-free DIN rails.

Mounting PSR-TBUS DIN rail connectors (optional)


To use P PSR-T SR-TBUS BUS DI DIN N rail con connecto nectors rs to creat create e a conn connectio ection n stati station on wit with h a system power supply or with extension units, proceed as follows: –

Conn Connec ectt toge togeth ther er th the e re required quired num number ber of PSR DIN rail connectors for the

connection station (see Fig Figure ure 3-9, 3-9, A). Push the co connect nnected ed PS PSR R DIN rail c conne onnectors ctors onto the D DIN IN rai raill (B and and C) C)..




Fi Figu gure re 33-9 9 Mounting the PSRTRISAFE-M safety module




Mo Moun unti ting ng PS PSRR-TB TBUS US DIN DIN rrai aill co connec nnecto tors rs

Plac Place e the m modul odule e onto onto the DIN ra railil fro from m abo above ve as shown in Fig Figure ure 3-10 3-10 so that the upper holding keyway of the module hooks onto the top edge of the DIN rail. When using PSR DIN rail connectors, make sure that the contact opening in the base of the module is aligned correctly over the contact block of the PSR DIN rail connector.

Figure Fig ure 3-1 3-10 0 4.

PSR-TBUS DIN rail connector

Att Attach aching ing the PSR-T PSR-TRIS RISAFE AFE-M -M safety safety modul module e to the DIN rai raill

Push th the e lower pa part rt of the module module tha thatt is furthes furthestt from the D DIN IN rail tow towards ards the DI DIN N rail until it audibly snaps in. Check that tthe he module module iis s securely securely mount mounted ed on the DIN DIN rai rail. l.





When mo mountin unting g additional additional modules modules on on the DIN rail (e (e.g., .g., gat gateway eway extensi extension on modu modules les or power supply), place them on the DIN rail with no spacing, i.e., in direct contact with the sides of the housing. All standard extension devices must be mounted to the left of the safety module.


End bra brackets ckets ca can n be mounted mounted on b both oth sid sides es of the mo module dule (o (orr module module grou group) p) to sto stop p the module(s) from slipping on the DIN rail.


To remove the PSR-TRISAFE-M safety module, proceed as follows: 1. Pull th the e locking locking latc latch h on the b botto ottom m of the mo module dule do down wn usin using g a screw screwdrive driver, r, for example, to release the module from the DIN rail. 2. 3.

Lift tthe he bottom bottom o off the m modul odule e awa away y from the DI DIN N rail slightly. slightly. Pull the modul module e diagonal diagonally ly upwards upwards away from the D DIN IN rai rail. l.


Connectin ing g th the su supply vol voltage

The safety module has no main switch and is switched on simply by applying the supply voltage. The safety logic and the alarm outputs are supplied with power via connections A1/A2; the safe outputs, clock outputs, and ground switching outputs are supplied via connections 24V/0V. Once the “PWR” status indicator is permanently on, the safety module is ready to operate. Outputs “A1” and “A2” provide the supply voltage for supplying other modules, such as sensors (see “Supply conn connections ections A1 and A2” on page 44 44). ). 3.7.2. 3.7 .2.1 1

Dir Direc ectt conn connec ectio tion n of the sup supply ply voltag voltage eo on n th the eP PSRSR-TRI TRISAF SAFE-M E-M

Connect the supply voltage (as shown in the figure below): 1. Supp Supply ly volta voltage ge for the sa safe fe modu module le outpu outputs ts and the ground ground swit switching ching o outpu utputs ts at terminal block contacts “0V” and “24V”. 2. Supp Supply ly volta voltage ge for the safety safety mod module ule log logic, ic, the clock clock outp outputs, uts, and th the e alarm output outputs s at terminal block contacts “A1” (24 V) and “A2” (0 V).





PSR-TRISAFE-M safety module Once the supply voltage has been applied, the safety module executes an initialization routine (all LEDs on). Connections


A2 (2 terminal blocks each)

Connections 24 V DC/0 V

“PWR” diagnostics indicator

Fi Figu gure re 33-11 11 3.7. 3.7.2. 2.2 2

Co Conn nnec ecti ting ng tthe he s sup uppl ply y vo volt ltag age e at A1/ A1/A2 A2 and and 24V 24V/0 /0V V Supp Supply ly via via tthe he sy syst stem em po powe werr s sup uppl ply y

As an alternative, the devices can also be supplied with power using the MINI-SYS-PS-100-240AC/24DC MINI-SYSPS-100-240AC/24DC/1.5 /1.5 system power supply (Order No. 2866983). The devices are then connected via the PSR-TBUS DIN rail connector. Usually the system power supply is mounted as the first device in a topology. A second system power supply can be used to create a redundant supply concept.


Connecti tin ng the signal lin lines

CAUTION: Ensure signa signall redundanc redundancy. y. Ensure signal redundancy when connecting the signal lines of two-channel control devices and sensors to the inputs of the safety module. Please refer to “Signal inputs” on pa page ge 42. 42. CAUTION: Avoid cross circuits a and nd short circuits. Prevent cross circuits and circuits bydetect usingion” a suitable cable cross-circuit detection (seeshort “Cross-circuit detection” on page 43 43). ).installation. Implement Cable lengths


Many applications use large numbers of sensors or control devices. Depending on the size of the machine or system, a considerable amount of cabling may be required to wire the sensors. Make sure that the specified cable lengths are not exceeded, so as to ensure errorfree operation of the safety circuits and, therefore, a reliable safety demand.




PSR-TRISAFE-M For reliable and touch-proof contacts, strip the cable ends as follows: O   


7 mm

I     1    

I     4    


I     1    

I     1    


I     5     

8 mm

I     6      I     1     I     4     7      I     1    




I     1    


I     5      I     6      I     1     I     4     7      I     1    




I     1    

I     8     


I     1    

I     1    

I     1    

I     1    

I     9    


I     1    

I     1    


I     1    


I     1     1     I     1     9    


I     1     1     I     1     9    


Spring-cage terminal blocks

Screw terminal

Figure Fig ure 3-1 3-12 2


I     8     


I     9    


Co Conne nnecti ction on to screw screw te termi rminal nal bloc blocks ks (le (left) ft) a and nd spr spring ing-ca -cage ge termi terminal nal bloc blocks ks (right)

Fir irm mware upd upda ate ffor or PSR-TRISAFE-M

The firmware for the PSR-TRISAFE-M PSR-TRISAFE-M safety module module  can be updated using the SAFECONF safe configuration software. You can download the latest firmware version from the Phoenix Contact download page. Only the firmware for the safety module can be updated. The firmware for extension modules, e.g., PSR-TS-SDI8-SDIO4, PSR-TS-SDI8-SDIO4, cannot be updated using this method. Updating the firmware does not not delete  delete or change the current configuration project. This means that once the new firmware has been confirmed manually, the safety module immediately resumes execution of the currently loaded project.





PSR-TRISAFE-M safety module

3. 3.8. 8.1 1

Saf Safet ety y not note es for for the the fir firm mwar are e upd upda ate

The following safety notes must be observed during and after the firmware update: CAUTION: Once a firmware upd update ate is in progress, it must not be interrupted During the update process, you must not disconnect the USB cable or switch off the safety module. Interrupting the connection between the PC and safety module during firmware installation can damage the device. Under certain circumstances, faulty or incomplete firmware installation can render communication between the PC and safety module impossible. In this case, the faulty installation cannot be corrected with the assistance of SAFECONF. CAUTION: Standard opera operation tion during firmware upd update ate While the firmware update is in progress, the PSR-TRISAFE-M operates in standard mode.. There is no absolute guarantee that the safety demand will be detected in this mode phase. Therefore, make sure that running the firmware update will not lead to any hazardous situations. Take action to prevent the machine from being started up unintentionally (by disconnecting the terminal blocks on the output side from the PSR-TRISAFE-M, for example, and disconnecting the drives from the power supply). CAUTION: On completion of the update, validate/ve validate/verify rify the safety application Once the firmware update is complete, you must validate and verify the safety application again.

3. 3.8. 8.2 2

Requir quirem emen ents ts for for fir irm mwar are e up upda date te

A number of requirements must be met in order for a new firmware version to be installed on the safety module. Before running the update, make sure that: – – – – –

The PSR-T PSR-TRISA RISAFE-M FE-M is con connecte nected d to the PC PC via the US USB B cabl cable e and is switched switched on An IFSIFS-CON CONFST FSTICK ICK is is ins insert erted ed in the the PS PSR-T R-TRIS RISAFE AFE-M -M A project project for the PSR-T PSR-TRISA RISAFE-M FE-M safety modu module le is load loaded ed in SAFECONF SAFECONF Simula Simulatio tion n mode mode iis s deact deactiva ivated ted in SAFE SAFECO CONF NF “Controll “Controller: er: Co Connect nnected” ed” an and d “Co “Control ntroller: ler: Lo Logged gged off” a are re disp displayed layed in in the status status b bar ar of SAFECONF

“Project: “Project: Write Write-prot -protected ected”” is displayed displayed iin n the statu status s bar of S SAFEC AFECONF ONF


Updating the firmware

To start the firmware update in SAFECONF, select the “Safe controller > Firmware update” menu item. The wizard, which will guide you through the update, is displayed. Proceed as described in detail in the online help. help . You will find “Firmware update (safety module)” listed in the help contents (please also refer to “Online help help”” on page 70 70). ).










PSR-TS-SDI8-SDIO4 PSR-TS-SDI8-S DIO4 extension module


PS PSRR-TS TS-S -SDI DI88-SD SDIO IO4 4 ex exte tens nsio ion n mo modu dule le 4.1

Device d de escription

The PSR-TS-SDI8-SDIO4 PSR-TS-SDI8-SDIO4 safe extension module is an extension device for the PSR-TSSDI8-SDIO4 SDI8-SDIO 4 safety module. It provides the safety module with additional configurable inputs and outputs to which safe s afe control devices and sensors/actuators can be connected. Just like the inputs and outputs of the safety module, the inputs and outputs of the safe extension module are connected in the SAFECONF configu configuration ration software. During operation, the safe outputs of the extension module are controlled according to the safety logic executed in the safety module. The extension module has eight digital safe inputs (I4 - I11) and four signals (IO0 - IO3), which can be configured either as safe digital inputs or outputs. The signal direction (input or output) can only be switched over block by block, i.e., for all four signals (IO0 - IO3) at once. Two more signals (TM0 and TM1) are also available; these can be configured either as nonsafety-related digital alarm outputs or as clock outputs. If TM0 and TM1 are configured as clock outputs, they will support cross-circuit detection at the inputs of the safe extension module (see “Error detection in II/O /O devices” on pag page e 26 26). ). If the signals are configured as alarm outputs, a standard PLC or signaling units can be controlled, for example. All connection terminal blocks can be plugged in. The individual terminal block bases are mechanically coded to prevent incorrect connection. The extension module is available either with screw connections or spring-cage connections.

Fi Figu gure re 44-1 1


Ex Exte tens nsio ion nm mod odul ule ew wit ith h scr screw ew conn connec ecti tion ons s





Fi Figu gure re 44-2 2


Bl Bloc ock kd dia iagr gram am for for PSR PSR-T -TSS-SD SDI8 I8-S -SDI DIO4 O4

Diag agn nos osttic ics sa an nd s sttatu tus s in indicato torrs

The LEDs on the safe extension module are located on the front of the device.

Diagnostics indicators Status indicators for safe inputs and outputs

Fi Figu gure re 44-3 3 Diagnostics indicators

Di Diag agno nost stic ics s an and d stat status us iind ndic icat ator ors s on the the ex exte tens nsio ion n de devi vice ce

The two diagnostics indicators on the front of the device can be used to read the operating status of the extension module. The following LEDs are available: – “PWR”: “PWR”: iindi ndicat cator or for for the p powe owerr sup supply ply of of the s safe afety ty modul module e – “ERR “ERR”: ”: er erro rorr indi indica cato torr The following table lists the possible indicator combinations for the diagnostics indicators and their meanings. A distinction is made between slow flashing and fast flashing LEDs.





PSR-TS-SDI8-SDIO4 PSR-TS-SDI8-S DIO4 extension module The LED symbols in the table mean: LED is off LED is on LED is flashing Slow Slo w = 1.7 Hz Fastt = 6.6 Fas 6.6 Hz Tabl Table e 4-1 PWR (green)

Meanin aning g of of tthe he di diag agn nostic stics s iin ndi dica cattors ERR (red)

Meaning Device is switched off, no power supply at 24 V/0 V or TBUS Initialization phase after power up (maximum duration: 4 s) Normal operation. A flashing LED at an input or output signals an error affecting the corresponding signal (see Ta Table ble 4-2  4-2  below).

6.3 6.3 Hz An er erro rorr has has occu occurre rred. d.  Read out the error code with SAFECONF. LEDs for signal inputs/outputs

The state of each of the eight safe inputs and four configurable safe inputs/outputs is indicated by a separate LED on the front of the device. Ta Tabl ble e 44-2 2

St Stat atus us in indi dica cato tors rs for for saf safe e inp input uts s and and ou outp tput uts s




For each input (“I4” to “I11”) and for “IO0” to “IO3”, if these are configured as safe inputs

No switching signal at the relevant input Switching signal active at the input Diagnostic error (see pa page ge 27 27)) Long on Short off

For “IO0” to “IO3”, if these are configured as safe outputs

Wiring check at an input or non-equivalence non-equivalen ce input. Output is not active Output is active Diagnostic error (see pa page ge 27 27))

Long on Short off


Wiring check at an output






Signal c co onnections

All of the inputs and outputs are connected via plug-in coded connection terminal blocks. Outputs, can be configured Supply voltage for either as test clocks or as the module Signals, can be configured block by block either as safe digital inputs or as safe outputs (IO0 - IO3)

standard and TM1)alarm outputs (TM0

Safe inputs

Fi Figu gure re 44-4 4

PS PSRR-TS TS-S -SDI DI88-SD SDIO IO4 4 sig signa nall con conne nect ctio ions ns

The various signal connections are described in the following sections.


Signal inputs

The PSR-TS-SDI8-SDIO4 PSR-TS-SDI8-SDIO4 safe extension module has 12 digital signal inputs (24 V HTL/3 mA) for the direct connection of safe control devices or safety sensors for monitoring and evaluating processes. Four of the inputs (IO0 - IO3) can also be configured as safe digital outputs (see “Safe o outputs” utputs” o on n page 59 59). ). The parameterization editor (see “Device parameterization in the safe parameterization editor” on page editor” page 85) 85) is used to set the input and output parameters and therefore select the configuration. The safe inputs are linked to the safety logic in the connection editor of the SAFECONF configuration software.See also “Inserting and connecting functions, function blocks, and signals” signa ls” on page page 81. 81. Signal redundancy due to dual signals



Every two adjacent signal inputs (i.e., I0 and I1, I2 and I3, etc.) are grouped together and interlocked by default to form a dual signal in the SAFECONF configuration software. This is indicated in the representation of the safe extension module in the hardware editor of the configuration software by a red padlock at the relevant inputs.The two signals are then always used as a pair, i.e., both signals are dragged, dropped, cut or deleted together in the connection editor.



PSR-TS-SDI8-SDIO4 PSR-TS-SDI8-S DIO4 extension module If required, this interlock can be removed and the dual signal split into two individual signals. Dual signals are not interconnected internally; they are simply grouped together.

As input signals with even and odd IDs are processed in different ways in the safety module, using dual signals ensures that the safety module will perform redundant processing. Two-channell sensors Two-channe

To ensure signal redundancy, the prepared dual signal must be used to process twochannel signals (2-wire sensors and control devices). For example, in order to monitor or evaluate both signals of an emergency stop control device redundantly and to performance level PL e according to EN ISO 13849-1 or EN 954-1, category 4, these two adjacent signal inputs (e.g., I0 and I1) must be connected.

Cross-circuit detection

A cross circuit is an unintentional, incorrect connection between redundant circuits. The extension module provides signals TM0 and TM1, which can be configured as clock outputs, as an aid for detecting such a cross circuit. For example, if two differently clocked signals are routed back to two inputs of the safe extension module along two channels via an emergency stop control device, a cross circuit can be reliably detected in this emergency stop circuit. In the event of a cross circuit, the same clock signal would be present at both inputs, instead of two different ones. The SAFECONF configuration software specifies the clock signals to be used. For “even” inputs (IO0 and IO2 and I4 ... I10), cross-circuit detection is implemented with the test clock at TM0. For “odd” inputs ((IO1 IO1 and IO3 an and d I5 ... I11), the test test clock at TM1 must be used for cross-circuit detection. Configuring the IOs as inputs: if inputs: if the IOs (IO0 to IO3) are configured as inputs, the cross-circuit detection function supported by the extension module MUST be used, i.e, power must be supplied to the inputs concerned via clock outputs TM0 and TM1 of the extension module. See also “Clock/alarm outpu outputs ts TM0 and TM1” on pag page e 60 60.. For an example of two-channel connection of an emergency stop control device with dual signal and cross-circuit detection, detection, please refer to Fig Figure ure 2-4 in 2-4 in “Error detection in I/O devices” device s” on pag page e 26. 26.


Safe outputs

Signals IO0 to IO3 can be configured as safety-related outputs. They are designed as digital semiconduc semico nductor tor ou outputs tputs ffor or 24 V DC/0.5 DC/0.5 A (2 A total total curren current), t), up to c categ ategory ory 4 accor according ding to EN 954 954-1. -1.





PSR-TS-SDI8-SDIO4 The outputs are controlled according to the configured safety logic. The safe outputs are linked to the safety logic that controls the outputs in the connection editor of the SAFECONF configuration software. See also “Inserting and connecting functions, function blocks, and signals” signa ls” on page page 81. 81. An appropriate protective circuit (diode or varistor) for IO0 to IO3 signals configured as safe outputs is strongly recommended. The safe output signals are clocked with a test pulse of 1 ms.

4. 4.3. 3.3 3

Clo loc ck/al k/ala arm outp output uts s TM0 TM0 and TM1 TM1

Outputs TM0 and TM1 of the PSR-TS-SDI8-SDIO PSR-TS-SDI8-SDIO4 4 extension module can be configured as alarm outputs or clock outputs as required. The two options are described in the next two sections. The parameterization editor (see “Device parameterization in the safe parameterization editor” on page editor” page 85) 85) is used to set the input and output parameters and therefore to select the configuration. 4.3 .3.3 .3.1 .1

TM TM0 0a an nd T TM M1 a as sa ala larm rm outp utputs uts

Make the following settings in the safe parameterization editor (part of the hardware editor) to configure output TM0 or TM1 as an alarm output: – For TM0, TM0, se sett the ““Conf Configur iguration ation”” par paramete ameterr to th the e value value “Al “Alarm arm o outpu utputt (M0 (M0)” )” – For TM1, TM1, se sett the ““Conf Configur iguration ation”” par paramete ameterr to th the e value value “Al “Alarm arm o outpu utputt (M1 (M1)” )” Non-safety-related alarm outputs are designed as digital semiconductor outputs for 24 V DC/100 mA. These a alarm larm outputs ca can n be used, ffor or example, to control a standard PLC or a signaling module (e.g., a signal lamp). The alarm outputs are linked in the same sa me way as the safe inputs and outputs in the connection editor of SAFECONF (see “Inserting and connecting functions, function blocks, and signals” signals” on page 81 81). ). NOTE: Alarm outputs must not be connected in parallel. Feedback to alarm outputs is not permitted. 4.3 .3.3 .3.2 .2

TM0 and TM1 as clo cloc ck o out utp puts uts

Make the following settings in the safe parameterization editor to configure output TM0 or TM1 as a clock output: – For TM0, TM0, s set et th the e “Confi “Configura guration” tion” param parameter eter to th the e va value lue “Clock “Clock (T (T0)” 0)” –

For TM1, TM1, s set et th the e “Confi “Configura guration” tion” param parameter eter to th the e va value lue “Clock “Clock (T (T1)” 1)”

The test clocks output at outputs TM0 and TM1 (if configured accordingly) are used for cross-circuit detection at the inputs of the same extension module. The output test clocks T0 and T1 are asynchronous, i.e., T0 does not equal T1. To implement cross-circuit detection, the relevant safe inputs must be configured accordingly using the parameterization editor (part of the hardware editor in SAFECONF).





PSR-TS-SDI8-SDIO4 PSR-TS-SDI8-S DIO4 extension module The SAFECONF configuration software specifies the clock signals to be used: for “even” inputs (I0 and IO2 and I4 ... I10), cross-circuit detection is implemented with the test clock at TM0. For “odd” inputs ((IO1 IO1 and IO3 an and d I5 ... I11), the test test clock at TM1 must be used for cross-circuit detection. If the IOs (IO0 to IO3) are configured as inputs, the cross-circuit detection function supported by the extension module MUST be used, i.e, power must be supplied to the inputs concerned via clock outputs TM0 and TM1 of the extension module (see “Clock/alarm outputs outputs TM0 and TM1” on page 60 60). ). Please also refer to “Signal inputs” on page 58 58 and  and “Error detection in I/O devices” on pa page ge 26 26..


Supply connection A1 A1/A2

Voltage is supplied to the PSR-TS-SDI8 PSR-TS-SDI8-SDIO4 -SDIO4 safe extension module via supply connection A1 (24 V)/A2 (0 V) (see also “Connecting the supply voltage voltage”” on page 61 61). ).

4. 4.4 4

Inst In stal alli ling ng th the e sa safe fe exte extens nsio ion n de devi vice ce

WARNING: Serious personal injury or dama damage ge to equipment Disregarding this warning may result in damage to equipment and/or serious personal injury. The electrical connection, startup, and operation of this device may only be performed by qualified personnel. With respect to the safety notes in this document, qualified personnel are persons who are authorized to start up, to ground, and to mark devices, systems, and equipment according to the standards of safety technology. In addition, these persons must be familiar with all warning instructions and maintenance measures in this document.

4. 4.4. 4.1 1

Moun Mounti ting ng the the sa safe exte exten nsion ion dev devic ice e

The extension device is mounted in the same way as the safety module (see “Mounting the safety module” module” on page 48 48). ).


Connecti tin ng th the su supply vo voltage

The extension module has no main switch and is switched on simply by applying the supply voltage at connections A1 (24 V) and A2 (0 V). Once the “PWR” diagnostics indicator is permanently on, the extension module is ready to operate.





PSR-TS-SDI8-SDIO4 Once the supply voltage has been applied, the safe extension module executes an initialization routine (all LEDs on). Connections A1 (24 V DC DC)) a and nd A2 (0 V)

WR” diagnostics indicator Fi Fig gure 44-5 5


Con Connec necti ting ng the supp upply volt oltage age

Connecti tin ng the signal lin lines

CAUTION: Ensure signa signall redundanc redundancy. y. Ensure signal redundancy when connecting the signal lines of two-cha two-channel nnel control devices and sensors to the inputs of the safety module. Please refer to “Signal inputs” on pa page ge 58. 58. CAUTION: Avoid cross circuits a and nd short circuits. Prevent cross circuits and short circuits by using a suitable cable installation. Implement cross-circuit detection (see “Cross-circuit d detection” etection” on page 59 59). ). The signal lines are connected to the extension device in exactly the same way as on the safety module (see “Connecting the signal lines” on page 51 51). ).





PSR-TS-SDOR4 extension module


PS PSRR-TS TS-S -SDO DOR4 R4 ext xten ensi sion on mo modu dule le 5.1

Device d de escription

The PSR-TS-SDOR4 PSR-TS-SDOR4 safe extension module is an extension device for the PSR-TSSDOR4 safety module. It provides the safety module with additional configurable outputs to which safe control devices and sensors/actuators can be connected. Just like the inputs and outputs of the safety module, the outputs of the safe extension module are connected in the SAFECONF configuration software. During operation, the safe outputs of the extension module are controlled according to the safety logic executed in the safety module. The extension module module has four safe rela relay y outputs (O (O0 0 - O3) and four ala alarm rm outputs (M (M0 0 - M3). M3). All connection terminal blocks can be plugged in. The individual terminal block bases are mechanically coded to prevent incorrect connection. The extension module is available either with screw connections or spring-cage connections.

Fi Figu gure re 55-1 1


Ex Exte tens nsio ion nm mod odul ule ew wit ith h scr screw ew conn connec ecti tion ons s






  2 M3 M0 M1 M


24V DC Power



33   43

Monitoring Outputs

      S        E       U        F       B       A

      S        E       U        F       B       A       T       S 


      T       S 


K2 K3 K4





Block diagram for PSR-TS-SDOR4


Diag agn nos osttic ics sa an nd s sttatu tus s in indicato torrs

The LEDs on the safe extension module are located on the front of the device.

Diagnostics indicators Status indicators for safe outputs

Fi Figu gure re 55-2 2 Diagnostics indicators

Di Diag agno nost stic ics s an and d stat status us iind ndic icat ator ors s on the the ex exte tens nsio ion n de devi vice ce

The two diagnostics indicators on the front of the device can be used to read the operating status of the extension module. The following LEDs are available: – –

“PWR”: “PWR”: in indic dicato atorr for the the pow power er sup supply ply o off the ex exten tensio sion n mod module ule “ERR “ERR”: ”: er erro rorr indi indica cato torr

The following table lists the possible indicator combinations for the diagnostics indicators and their meanings. A distinction is made between slow flashing and fast flashing LEDs.





PSR-TS-SDOR4 extension module The LED symbols in the table mean: LED is off LED is on

LED Slo Slow wis = flashing 1.7 Hz Fastt = 6.6 Fas 6.6 Hz Tabl Table e 5-1 PWR (green)

Meanin aning g of of tthe he di diag agn nostic stics s iin ndi dica cattors ERR (red)

Meaning Device is switched off, no power supply at 24 V/0 V or TBUS Initialization phase after power up (maximum duration: 4 s) s) Normal operation. A flashing LED at an input or output signals an error affecting the corresponding signal (see Table Table 5-2  5-2  below).

6.3 6.3 Hz An er erro rorr has has occu occurr rred ed..  Read out the error code with SAFECONF. LEDs for signal outputs

The state of each of the four safe outputs is indicated by an LED on the front of the device. Tabl Table e 5-2

Sta tatu tus s in indi dica cato tors rs for for sa safe fe outp utputs




For “O0” to “O3”

Output is not active Output is active Diagnostic error (see pa page ge 27 27)) Long on Short off


Wiring check at an output






Signal c co onnections

All of the outputs are connected via plug-in coded connection terminal blocks. Supply voltage for the module Non-safety-related alarm outputs

Safe inputs

Fi Fig gure 55-3 3

PSRR-TS TS--SDOR4 sig sign nal c co onnec nnecti tio ons

The various signal connections are described in the following sections.


Signal inputs

The PSR-TS-SDOR4 PSR-TS-SDOR4 extension module does not have any signal inputs.


Safe outputs

Signals O0 to O3 can be configured as safety-related outputs. These can be used as follows: –

For For twotwo-ch chan anne nell as assig signm nmen ent: t: – Two two two-ch -chann annel el outpu outputs ts (de (deliv livery ery sta state) te)

For For sin singl glee-ch chan anne nell ass assig ignm nmen ent: t: – Four Four si sing ngle le-c -cha hann nnel el outp output uts s

The outputs are controlled according to the configured safety logic. The safe outputs are linked to the safety logic that controls the outputs in the connection editor of the SAFECONF configuration software. See also “Inserting and connecting functions, function blocks, and signals” signa ls” on page page 81. 81. NOTE: Mixing different voltages (e.g. SELV/PELV with mains voltage) or connecting multiple phases is not permitted on the relay contacts.





PSR-TS-SDOR4 extension module


Alarm outputs M0 and M1

Non-safety-related alarm outputs are designed as digital semiconductor outputs for 24 V DC/100 mA. These alarm outputs can be use used, d, for example, to control a standard P PLC LC or a signaling module (e.g., a signal lamp). The alarm outputs linked in the same way asand the connecting safe inputs functions, and outputs in the blocks, connection editor ofare SAFECONF (see “Inserting function and signals” signals” on page 81 81). ). NOTE: Alarm outputs must not be connected in parallel. Feedback to alarm outputs is not permitted.


Supply connection A1 A1/A2

Voltage is supplied to the PSR-TS-SDOR4 PSR-TS-SDOR4 safe extension module via supply connection A1 (24 V)/A2 (0 V) (see also “Connecting th the e supply voltage” voltage” on page 67 67). ).

5. 5.4 4

Inst In stal alli ling ng th the e sa safe fe exte extens nsio ion n de devi vice ce

WARNING: Serious personal injury or dama damage ge to equipment Disregarding this warning may result in damage to equipment and/or serious personal injury. The electrical connection, startup, and operation of this device may only be performed by qualified personnel. With respect to the safety notes in this document, qualified personnel are persons who are authorized to start up, to ground, and to mark devices, systems, and equipment according to the standards of safety technology. In addition, these persons must be familiar with all warning instructions and maintenance measures in this document.

5. 5.4. 4.1 1

Moun Mounti ting ng the the sa safe exte exten nsion ion dev devic ice e

The extension device is mounted in the same way as the safety module (see “Mounting the safety module” module” on page 48 48). ).


Connecti tin ng th the su supply vo voltage

The extension module has no main switch and is switched on simply by applying the supply voltage at connections A1 (24 V) and A2 (0 V). Once the “PWR” diagnostics indicator is permanently on, the extension module is ready to operate.





PSR-TS-SDOR4 Once the supply voltage has been applied, the safe extension module executes an initialization routine (all LEDs on). Connections A1 (24 V DC DC)) a and nd A2 (0 V)

“PWR” diagnostics indicator Fi Fig gure 55-4 4


Con Connec necti ting ng the supp upply volt oltage age

Connecti tin ng the signal lin lines

CAUTION: Avoid cross circuits a and nd short circuits. Prevent cross circuits and short circuits by using a suitable cable installation. The signal lines are connected are connected to the extension device in ex exactly actly the same way as on the safety module (see “Connecting the signal lines” on page 51 51). ).





SAFECONF configuration software


SA SAFE FECO CONF NF co conf nfiigu gura rati tion on sof oftw twar are e 6.1

Installing SAFECONF

The installation routine for the configuration software includes the installation of the driver for the USB interface. This driver is required for communication between the PC and the safety module. To ensure that the configuration software detects the safety module automatically and correctly, the software must be fully installed on the computer before the device is connected for the first time. Proceed as follows: 1. If you have downloaded downloaded the  the configuration software, extract the downloaded file and start the installation program (setup file). If you have purchased the PSRPSR-SAFECONF SAFECONF-BOX -BOX,, insert the supplied CD-ROM in the drive. A menu opens. Select “Install software” to start the installation program. (If you have deactivated the auto start option on your computer, open the “SAFECONF” folder on the CD-ROM and execute the setup file.) 2.

3. 4.


Selec Selectt the desired langua language ge for the installat installation ion rou routine. tine. (T (This his also sets the la langua nguage ge for the SAFECONF user interface, which is set when the software is started for the first time.) The inst installa allation tion program program no now w guide guides s you throu through gh the ins installa tallation tion ste step p by step. Follow the on-screen instructions. Once S SAFEC AFECONF ONF is ins installe talled, d, you will will be pro prompted mpted to to insta installll the dri drivers vers for tthe he safe safety ty module. Follow the on-screen instructions. In the Wi Window ndows s dialog dialog box for driver driver in installa stallation, tion, s select elect ““Insta Installll the so softwar ftware e automatically (recommended)”.

Finally, a message appears indicating that the configuration software and drivers for the safety module have been fully installed.


Ov Ove ervi vie ew o off fu functio ion ns a an nd ffe eatur ure es

The SAFECONF safe configuration software is used to configure the PSR-TRISAFE-M PSR-TRISAFE-M safety module and the extension modules used. The software supports the user in all operating phases, from planning the application and carrying out the configuration to starting up the PSR-TRISAF PSR-TRISAFE-M E-M safety module and compiling system documentation. The SAFECONF functions support: Adding/removing extension devices


Up to ten ex extensio tension n modules modules ca can n be added added from from tthe he “H “Hardwa ardware” re” compar compartment tment of th the e toolbox to the hardware editor using drag & drop. Previously added devices can be removed via the context menu in the hardware editor.




PSR-TRISAFE-M Creating the safety logic

Creation Creation o off the sa safety fety logic logic with th the e help o off a gra graphica phicall con connectio nection n edit editor. or. Th The e circu circuit it which the safety module runs on is created by graphically linking safe function blocks certified according to the PLCopen specification via connecting lines and safe functions. Safe functions range from logic operations such as AND, OR, etc., to timer and trigger functions.

Linking inputs/outputs to safety logic

The inputs inputs and and outputs outputs of th the e safety safety modu module le are llinked inked to to the safety logi logic c usin using g dra drag g& drop.

Parameterizing inputs/outputs

The inputs inputs and outpu outputs ts of the sa safety fety modul module e and of the the exte extension nsion devic devices es (e.g., (e.g., PSR-TS-SDI8-SDIO4) PSR-TS-S DI8-SDIO4) are parameterized using a safe parameterization editor.

Downloading/uploading the configuration

You can can dow downloa nload d the configu configuratio ration n proj project, ect, in includi cluding ng al alll devic device e para parameter meters, s, to th the e safety module in a few steps. It is also possible to upload the project saved on the safety module to the connected PC in order to display or edit it in the configuration software.

Online mode for function test

During During safe opera operation tion,, you ca can n read s signa ignall valu values es fro from m the sa safety fety mo module dule a and nd display display them in a special online mode. The connection editor indicates the current “live” status of each signal and the inputs and outputs of each function block in the safety logic. The hardware editor in online mode maps the LEDs on the safety module.

Startup mode (additional ( additional))

There is a man mandato datory ry fun function ction ttest est of tthe he act active ive sys system, tem, e. e.g., g., the the activ activatio ation n of th the e safe control devices. You can also use “standard” startup mode. For example, instead of pressing an actual switch, you can force the corresponding signal in the connection editor and test the safety logic in this way.

Documentation, checklist

The configu configuratio ration n soft software ware provide provides s you with with a p projec rojectt infor informatio mation n dial dialog og bo box, x, wher where e you can save information relating to the project and complete a safety-related checklist. This dialog box is supplemented by an assignment list, where comments can be added to the signals of the safe devices used in order to document the wiring. All documentation, including the graphical safety logic, the assignment list, and the device parameters, can be printed out.

EASYSIM simulation

Simulatio Simulation n of the the safety safety modu module, le, fo forr examp example, le, fo forr preli preliminar minary y testi testing ng of tthe he deve developed loped safety logic even if no safety module is available.

Online help

You will find a description of the comprehensive functions of SAFECONF in the online help for the software. There are various ways of calling the online help: • In the “?” menu, select “Help topics”. The table of contents for the online help appears. Search for a help topic as described below. • In an active dialog box or window, press . The context-sensitive online help for the active dialog box or window appears. • In the connection editor, select an object and press in order to view information relating to that object. For safe functions and function blocks, general information about the objects can be accessed in this way. •



There is also specific function block information which can be called via the “Help” context menu item for the relevant function block or function.



SAFECONF configuration software


Description ion of the u us ser inte terrfac ace e

This section provides an overview of the user interface for the SAFECONF configuration software. For more detailed information, please refer to the online help.

Figure 6-1

SAFECONF user interface

The windows may be arranged differently to the format shown here, either when the software is delivered or once you have adapted the program to your preferences. The user interface consists of the following components: 1. Menu The menus contain all commands for controlling the configuration software. 2.

Toolbar You can access frequently used functions quickly via the icons in the toolbar.


Connection editor The connection editor is used to develop the safety logic by dragging graphical function blocks from the toolbox and signals from the hardware window to the circuit (using drag & drop) and connecting them to one another. Toolbox The toolbox contains standard functions, safe function blocks, safe functions, and connectors in the corresponding compartments. These elements can easily be dragged from the toolbox to the connection editor. The “Hardware” compartment contains extension devices (if present) as soon as the PSR-TRISA PSR-TRISAFE-M FE-M master module has been added to the hardware editor. If a fieldbus gateway is available, the “External Signals” compartment will contain special exchange signals which have been designated specifically for data exchange between the safety module and a higher-level controller. This type of communication


must take place via the intermediary of a suitable fieldbus module. If a higher-level 104286_en_03




PSR-TRISAFE-M standard PLC is involved, from the perspective of the safe application, these are always standard signals which can be linked and processed accordingly in SAFECONF. The toolbox also contains a “Favorites” compartment. You can insert frequently used functions and function blocks here as required. 5.


Hardware editor The hardware editor contains a graphical representation of the PSR-TRISAFE-M safety module. It also shows all the extension modules that you have inserted from the “Hardware” compartment of the toolbox. When configuring the safety logic, input and output signals can be moved from here to the connection editor using drag & drop. Double-click on a module in the hardware editor to start the safe parameterization editor for the relevant module (not shown in Fig Figure ure 6-1). 6-1). Status bar When working with the configuration software, the status bar displays messages and information, as well as the current logon status, the status of the safety module, and transmission progress when downloading or uploading the configuration from or to the safety module.

The following windows and dialog boxes are not visible in the screenshot: – Message window The message window can be used to track the progress of the project checking function. Once you have started the check, the message window opens automatically. If the system detects an error when checking the project, you can jump directly to the relevant location of the error by double-clicking on the message in the message window. –



Assignment list for signals The assignment list contains the signal assignments for the individual inputs and outputs of the PSR-TRISAFE-M safety module and the safe extension devices you have added. It provides “wiring documentation” which makes the project easier to understand and helps to prevent incorrect connections being established in the connection editor. Project information dialog box This dialog box can be used to enter and display the most important information for the current configuration project (e.g., project-related data, manufacturer data, operator, installation location, data relating to safety inspections, revision history for the project).



SAFECONF configuration software


Safe function ion b bllocks a an nd ffu unctio ion ns

The PSR-TRISAFE-M safety module is configured in the SAFECONF configuratio configuration n software by graphically connecting prepared safe functions and safe function blocks.

Fi Figu gure re 66-2 2

Sa Safe fe ffun unct ctio ion n bloc blocks ks iin n th the e tool toolbo box x (e (exc xcer erpt pt))

The connections are made intuitively using the mouse, and the editor prevents impermissible connections (e.g., between certain outputs). The safe functions include simple Boolean operations and basic functions used in standard digital technology. Safe functions

Safe function blocks


The following safe functions are available in the SAFECONF toolbox and can be easily added to the safety logic using drag & drop (in alphabetical order): – AND (Boo Boole lea an A AND NDin ing g) – CTUD CTUD (u (up/ p/do down wn coun counte ter) r) – EQ (B (Boo oole lean an comp compar aris ison on)) – F_TR F_TRIG IG (de (dete tect ctio ion n of a fall fallin ing g edg edge) e) – NOT NOT (c (com ompl plem emen entt or ne nega gato tor) r) –

NOT_EQ NOT_EQ (co (compa mparis rison on for Bo Boole olean an iineq nequal uality ity))

– – –

OR ((B Boolean O OR Ring) PULS PULSE_ E_GE GEN N (s (saf afe e pu puls lse eg gen ener erat ator or)) R_ R_TR TRIG IG (de (dete tect ctio ion no off a ris risin ing g edg edge) e)

– –

RS (bi (bista stable ble fun functio ction: n: prio priorit rity y for for re reset settin ting) g) SR (bi (bista stable ble fun functi ction on:: prio priority rity for settin setting) g)

– –

TOF TOF ((ti time merr for for sw swit itch ch-o -off ff de dela lay) y) TON TON ((ti time merr ffor or swit switch ch-o -on nd del elay ay))

– –

TP (p (pulse e en ncoder) XOR (Bo (Boole lea an EX EXO ORin ing g)

The safe function blocks provide basic safety-related functions for implementing the required safety circuits. Table Table 6-1 6-1 lists  lists the available function blocks in alphabetical order.





Table 6-1

Safe ffu unction blocks

Name Icon in editor

Short description


The Antivalent safe function block monitors the signals of two safe input terminal blocks for different signal states. Typically, these signals come from two-channel sensors or switches, such as an emergency stop control device.


The EDM (external device monitoring) safe function block monitors the defined initial state and the switching behavior of contactors connected to the safety module.

Eme merg rgen ency cySt Sto op

The Emer Emerg genc encyS ySto top p sa safe fe fun functio ction n bl blo ock monito nitors rs the switching states of an emergency stop s top control device. When the control device is actuated, the enable signal at output OUT is set to FALSE.


The E En nableSwitch sa safe fu function b bllock e ev valuates th the si signals of of a manually activated three-position enable switch (in accordance with EN 60204) in order to iden identify tify its switching stage and switching direction. This means that an enable switch can be used to remove safeguarding, provided that the appropriate safe operating mode (e.g., limitation of the speed or range of motion) is selected and active.


The E Eq quivalent sa safe fu function b bllock m mo onitors th the s siignals of of tw two safe input terminal blocks for the same signal states. Typically, these signals come from two-channel sensors or switches, such as an emergency stop control device.





SAFECONF configuration software Table 6-1

Safe ffu unction bl blocks [. [...]

Name Icon in editor

Short description


The ESPE (electrosensitive protective equipment) safe function block monitors the switching states of electrosensitive protective equipment (e.g., light grids). When the protective equipment is triggered, i.e., the light grid beam is interrupted, the enable signal at output OUT is set to FALSE.


The G Gu uardLocking sa safe fu function b bllock su supports th the monitoring of a guard with guard locking (safety door monitoring with four-state four-state interlocking according to EN 1088).

Gu Guar ardM dMon onit itor orin ing g

Th The e Gu Guar ardM dMon onit itor orin ing g sa safe fe fu func ncti tion on bl bloc ock k mo moni nito tors rs a gu guar ard d (e.g., safety door) with two-state interlocking according to EN 1088 1088..


The M Mo odeSelector fu function block e ev valuates th the states of of a mode selector switch with up to five positions. A mechanical mode selector switch can be used, for example, to set a specific safety level (e.g., service mode, setup mode, cleaning mode, etc.) for operation of the safe application.






Safe ffu unction bl blocks [. [...]

Name Icon in editor

Short description

Muti Mu ting ngPa Par_ r_2S 2Sen enso sorr

The The Mu Muti ting ngPa Par_ r_2S 2Sen enso sorr sa safe fe fun funct ctio ion n bl bloc ock k ev eval alua uate tes s th the e signals of two muting sensors and one optoelectronic protective device (e.g., light grid) in an application for parallel muting using two sensors and sets the enable signal at output OUT. This function can be used to temporarily deactivate (or “mute”) safety equipment in the form of a light grid, for example, in order to allow an object which has been identified by the muting sensors as permissible (for the muting operation) to pass through on an assembly line. However, if the light grid is interrupted by a worker's hand, for example, output OUT is set to FALSE to disable the hazard, as the protective equipment had not been previously “muted”.


The MutingPar safe function block evaluates the signals of four muting sensors and one optoelectronic protective device (e.g., light grid) in an application for parallel muting using four sensors and sets the enable signal at output OUT. This function can be used to temporarily deactivate (or “mute”) safety equipment in the form of a light grid, for example, in order to allow an object which has been identified by the muting sensors as permissible (for the muting operation) to pass through on an assembly line. However, if the light grid is interrupted by a worker's hand, for example, output OUT is set to FALSE to disable the hazard, as the protective equipment had not been previously “muted”. The use of four muting sensors enables the maximum permissible muting duration to be monitored.


The MutingSeq safe function block evaluates the signals of four muting sensors and one optoelectronic protective device (e.g., light grid) in an application for sequential muting using four sensors and sets the enable signal at output OUT. This function can be used to temporarily deactivate (or “mute”) safety equipment in the form of a light grid, for example, in order to allow an object which has been identified by the muting sensors as permissible (for the muting operation) to pass through on an assembly line. However, if the light grid is interrupted by a worker's hand, for example, output OUT is set to FALSE to disable the hazard, as the protective equipment had not been previously “muted”. The use of four muting sensors enables the maximum permissible muting duration to be monitored.





SAFECONF configuration software Table 6-1

Safe ffu unction bl blocks [. [...]

Name Icon in editor

Short description

Testab Tes tableS leSafe afetyS tySens ensor or

The T Test establ ableSa eSafet fetyS ySens ensor or fu funct nction ion b bloc lock k eva evalua luates tes the the status of a connected optoelectronic protective device (e.g., light curtain). The function block also has a test function for checking the connected safety equipment.

TwoHandC TwoH andContro ontrolType lTypeII II

The TwoHandC TwoHandContr ontrolTyp olTypeII eII safe function function bloc block k eva evaluate luates s the switching behavior of a Type II two-hand control device connected to the safety module.

TwoHandC TwoH andContro ontrolType lTypeIII III

The Tw TwoHan oHandCon dControl trolType TypeIII III safe safe funct function ion blo block ck evalu evaluates ates the switching behavior of a Type III two-hand control device connected to the safety module.

Online help is available for every function block and every function. To open the help for a particular safe function block or safe function, right-click on the corresponding block in the SAFECONF connection editor and select “Help” from the context menu.

6.5 6.5

Op Oper erat atin ing g the the SA SAFE FECO CONF NF co conf nfig igur urat atio ion n so soft ftwa ware re

Intuitive operation

The SAFECONF configuration software follows follows the Windows standard for user activities. SAFECONF also offers additional functions. Examples include online diagnostic tools and simulation of the safety module.

Details in the online help

The following sections provide a brief introduction to the most important software functions. The online help contains a detailed description of each software function. For an overview of the steps required when configuring configuring a project, please refer to “Configuration “Configuratio n overview from A to Z” on pag page e 95 95..






6. 6.5. 5.1 1

Creat reatin ing g tthe he conf config igur ura ati tion on proje rojec ct

When creating a new project, either use a project template or create an empty project using the Project Wizard. “Empty” means that although the safety module is already available in the hardware editor for “wiring” the signals, the connection editor does not yet contain any safety logic. If a project template is used, a predefined circuit, which can be modified or extended as required, will be inserted in the connection editor. To create a new project, select “New Project...” in the “File” menu, use the keyboard shortcut + or click on the following icon:

In the “New Project” dialog box, select either the Project Wizard or a specific project template.

Fi Figu gure re 66-3 3



Proj Projec ectt Wiz Wizar ard d fo forr cre creat atin ing g a new new c con onfi figu gura rati tion on pr proj ojec ectt



SAFECONF configuration software

6. 6.5. 5.2 2

In Inse sert rtin ing g and and rrem emov ovin ing g exte extens nsio ion n devi device ces s

To change the bus configuration, drag & drop dr op extension devices from the “Hardware” compartment of the toolbox into the hardware editor. You can remove these again via the context menu in the hardware editor. The hardware editor shows a graphical representation of the bus configuration (i.e., the safety module used and available extension modules, as long as these are available for your safety module and are already in use in the project). Inserting new devices in the hardware editor

To insert new devices in the hardware editor, proceed as follows: 1. Show th the e hardwa hardware re editor (“View” (“View” me menu, nu, “Har “Hardwar dware e Editor” Editor” comma command) nd) and the to toolbo olbox x (“View” menu, “Toolbox” command). If the auto-hide auto-hide function function is enabled, position the cursor over the minimized window as shown in Figure Figure 6-7 for 6-7 for the hardware editor. 2. Click on tthe he correspon corresponding ding na naviga vigation tion ba barr to open th the e “Hardw “Hardware” are” compartm compartment ent in the toolbox. There will only be a hardware compartment if your safety module features extension devices. 3.

Drag th the e requir required ed exten extension sion mo module dule fro from m the toolb toolbox ox comp compartme artment nt to the connecti connection on editor as follows: a) b)

Left-click Left-click on on the re require quired d object object and hold hold do down wn the mouse butto button. n. Hold the the left mo mouse use but button ton do down wn and d drag rag the o object bject ffrom rom the to toolbo olbox x to any position in the hardware editor and then release the mouse button.

Fi Figu gure re 66-4 4 4.


Inse Insert rtin ing g an an ext exten ensi sion on de devi vice ce in the the har hardw dwar are ee edi dito torr

Next, a di dialog alog b box ox appears appears stating stating that that the list o off safe dev devices ices mu must st be sync synchroni hronized zed and, where applicable, that the user needs to provide confirmation. Confirm this dialog box with “OK”.





The “C “Confir onfirmatio mation n of mo modified dified SDIO devic devices” es” dialog dialog bo box x appe appears. ars. Use the module description (in the lower part of the dialog box) to check whether you are inserting the correct device. If the device is correct, confirm the dialog box by selecting the checkbox in the list of modified devices and then clicking “OK”. The extension device is then automatically inserted in the correct position and is automatically given the next unassigned ID.

Fi Figu gure re 66-5 5 6.

Ha Hard rdwa ware re edi edito torr wi with th mas maste terr mo modu dule le a and nd ext exten ensi sion on m mod odul ule e in inse sert rted ed

Drag Drag & dr drop op tthe he re requi quired red iinpu nputt or o outp utput ut signals signals of the the n newly ewly ins inserted erted module into the connection editor and connect them (see Figure Figure 6-8 on 6-8 on pa page ge 83 83). ).

If there are signals available for data exchange between the safety module and a higherlevel controller, these are not dragged from the hardware editor to the connection editor. You can, however, drag & drop them from the “External Signals” compartment of the toolbox into the safety logic. Removing devices from the hardware editor

To remove devices from the hardware editor, proceed as follows: 1. In the ha hardwar rdware e edito editor, r, right right-click -click o on n the devi device ce you w want ant to remove remove an and d select the the “Remove device” command in the context menu. Please note that you can only ever remove the device at the end of the row (on the far 2. 3.


right of the bus configuration). Conf Confirm irm tthe he next next dialog dialog box that that appe appears ars with with “Yes” “Yes”.. Next, a di dialog alog b box ox appears appears stating stating that that the list o off safe dev devices ices mu must st be sync synchroni hronized zed and, where applicable, that the user needs to provide confirmation. Confirm this dialog box with “OK”. The “C “Confir onfirmatio mation n of mo modified dified SDIO devic devices” es” dialog dialog bo box x appe appears. ars. If you want to delete the device in question, confirm the dialog box by selecting the checkbox in the list of deleted devices and then clicking “OK”. The device is removed from the hardware editor and the ID is made available again for any devices that are going to be inserted subsequently.

For additional information, please refer to the online help (see “Extension devices in the hardware editor (bus configuration)”). configuration)”).





SAFECONF configuration software

6. 6.5. 5.3 3

In Inse sert rtin ing g and and conn connec ecti ting ng func functi tion ons, s, func functi tion on bloc blocks ks,, a and nd signals

The safety logic is created in the connection editor as a network of safe functions and function blocks. These functions and function blocks are available in the various compartments of the toolbox and must be inserted in the connection editor from there. In order to process the various signals (inputs/outputs and alarm outputs of the safety module and inserted extension devices) in the connection editor, the signals must be inserted in the connection editor from the hardware editor and connected to other objects. Input and output signals can only be inserted in the connection editor from the hardware editor and linked to function blocks in the connection editor if you have logged on with the correct project password (“Project, Log On” menu). Function blocks and functions in the toolbox

Safe function blocks/functions and constants are always inserted in the connection editor from the toolbox using drag & drop. To do this, proceed as follows: 1. Show th the e toolbo toolbox x (“View (“View,, Toolbox” Toolbox” menu menu). ). If the autoauto-hide hide fun function ction is ena enabled, bled, po positio sition n the cursor over the minimized window as shown in Fig Figure ure 6-7 for 6-7 for the hardware editor. 2. In the to toolbo olbox, x, open the the requ required ired com compart partment ment by clicking clicking on the co corresp rrespondin onding g navigation bar (“Safe Functions”, “Safe Functional Blocks” or “Favorites”). 3.

Drag th the e requir required ed obje object ct from the to toolbo olbox x compa compartmen rtmentt to the conn connectio ection n editor editor:: – Left-click Left-click on the the required required obje object ct and and ho hold ld do down wn tthe he mo mouse use b butto utton. n. – Hold the le left ft mo mouse use button button down and d drag rag the the object object fro from m the tool toolbox box tto o a fr free ee position in the safety logic and then release the mouse button. – Signal Signal constant constants s can be be dragged dragged d direct irectly ly to funct function ion b block lock c conne onnectio ctions, ns, th thereby ereby establishing the connection immediately on insertion.

The object is dropped at the selected position (aligned with the grid of the connection editor).

Fi Figu gure re 66-6 6


In Inse sert rtin ing g sa safe fe ffun unct ctio ion n bloc blocks ks a and nd ffun unct ctio ions ns




PSR-TRISAFE-M Signal inputs and signal outputs in the hardware editor

Input and output signals of the safety module and any extension devices that are being used are always inserted in the connection editor from the hardware editor using drag & drop. If there are signals available for data exchange between the safety module and the higherlevel controller, these signals cannot be taken from the hardware editor, but must be taken from the “External Signals” compartment of the toolbox and inserted in the safety logic using drag & drop. To insert signals from the hardware editor, proceed as follows: 1. Show th the e hardw hardware are edito editorr (“View, (“View, Hardware Hardware Editor” Editor” menu) menu).. If the auto auto-hide -hide fu functio nction n is enabled, position the cursor over the minimized window as shown in the figure below.

Fi Figu gure re 66-7 7

Op Open enin ing g th the e ha hard rdwa ware re e edi dito torr wi with th the the a aut utoo-hi hide de ffun unct ctio ion n en enab able led d

Ensure signal redundancy (dual signals) When evaluating two-channel sensors or control devices, dual signals must be used to connect the two channels. Dual signals always consist of one “even” and one “odd” input signal, e.g., I0 and I1. In the case of dual signals, input signals with even and odd IDs are processed in different ways in the safety module. This ensures that the safety module will perform redundant r edundant processing. If required, dual signals can be split into two individual signals. Please note: dual note: dual signals are not interconnected internally; they are simply grouped together. 2.

Drag tthe he requ required ired (d (dual) ual) in input put or outpu outputt signal ffrom rom the h hardwa ardware re editor editor to the connection editor (see Fig Figure ure 6-8 6-8 on  on pa page ge 83 83). ). – Left-click Left-click on the the required required (dual (dual)) sig signal nal a and nd ho hold ld do down wn the the mo mouse use b button utton.. – Hold the le left ft mo mouse use button button down and d drag rag the the (dual) (dual) signal signal ffrom rom tthe he ha hardwar rdware e editor directly to a free connection (or two free connections, in the case of a dual signal) in the safety logic and then release the mouse button. –



Alternativ Alternatively, ely, yo you u can st store ore sig signals nals a att any fr free ee pos position ition in the c conne onnection ction edito editor. r. The free signals must then be linked to free function block connections manually manually (see “Connecting objects” on page 84 84). ).



SAFECONF configuration software The (dual) signal is dropped at the selected position (aligned with the grid) and, if applicable, directly connected to the corresponding connection.

Fi Figu gure re 66-8 8

In Inse sert rtin ing g a si sign gnal al in the the con conne nect ctio ion ne edi dito torr

Standard alarm signals M0 to M3: as M3: as well as 20 safe inputs and four safe outputs, the safety module also provides four non-safety-related alarm outputs. These alarm outputs can be used, for example, to control a standard PLC or a basic signaling module (e.g., a signal lamp). Since the alarm signals are not safe, they are shown in gray rather than yellow in the connection editor. Alarm outputs are edited in the same way as safe input/output signals. Clock outputs T0 and T1 of T1  of the safety module cannot be moved to the connection editor using drag & drop. To implement cross-circuit detection using these two test clocks, the relevant safety module inputs must instead be parameterized accordingly. Clock/alarm Clock/ala rm outputs TM0 and TM1 TM1 of  of the PSR-TS-SDI8PSR-TS-SDI8-SDIO4 SDIO4 safe extension device can be configured as either clock outputs or alarm signals. If the IOs (IO0 - IO3) are configured as inputs, test clocks TM0 and TM1 must be used to supply power to these inputs (see “Signal inputs” on page 58 58 and  and “Clock/alarm outputs TM0 and TM1” on page 60). 60). External signals Depending on the higher-level controller and the safety module used, signals are specifically available for data exchange and communication between the higher-level controller and safety module. These exchange signals cannot be dragged from the hardware editor to the circuit logic, but are available in the “External Signals” compartment of the toolbox. Drag & drop these external signals from the toolbox into the connection editor in the same way as signal constants or connectors, for example. If a higher-level standard PLC is involved, from the perspective of the safe application, these are standard signals which can be linked and processed accordingly in SAFECONF.





PSR-TRISAFE-M Connecting objects

Signal inputs and outputs as well as constants can be connected as soon as they are inserted in the connection editor (using drag & drop). Free terminal points are connected as described below. Connecting objects by drawing a connecting line 1. 2.


Posi Position tion theappears cu cursor rsor over ove conne connection ction ar area ea where e the conne connecting cting lline ine is to start start.. The cursor now asrathe cross (see (1) in thewher figure below). LeftLeft-click, click, hold hold down down the mou mouse se button, button, an and d drag the m mouse ouse di directl rectly y to the dest destinati ination on connection area. If the connection is permitted, the line is green. Now rel release ease th the e mous mouse e button button to creat create e the con connecti nection. on. Th The e conne connection ction e editor ditor automatically determines the path for the connecting line (automatic routing).

Fi Fig gure 66-9 9

Con Connec necti ting ng obje ject cts su usi sing ng a liline

Connecting objects using drag & drop This method is only suitable for connecting inputs, outputs, and signal constants. 1. Lef Leftt-cl clic ick k on the on the (dual) signal signal or the constant to be connected and hold down the mouse button (see Figure Figure 6-1 6-10 0). 2. Drag the object object to the the desir desired ed des destina tination tion ttermin erminal al po point. int. IIff the relevan relevantt signals and connection areas are displayed within a green border (see Fig Figure ure 6-10 6-10, (1)), release the mouse button. The dragged object is positioned automatically and the connecting line is drawn in (automatic routing). If required, the objects can then be moved, whereby the connection editor manages the connecting lines automatically.

Figure Fig ure 6-1 6-10 0



Co Conne nnecti cting ng unco unconne nnecte cted d sig signal nals s to fun functi ction on b blo locks cks o orr fu funct nction ions s



SAFECONF configuration software

6. 6.5. 5.4 4

Devi Device ce para parame mete teri riza zati tion on in th the e saf safe e par param amet eter eriza izati tion on editor

The inputs and outputs of the safety module and the extension module can be parameterized. Specific properties can be defined for each input and output in a special safe parameterization editor. When checking a project in the SAFECONF configuration software, this data is used to create a parameterization file which is subsequently automatically transmitted to the safety module as part of the configuration project. The parameters can only be edited if you have logged on with the correct project password (“Project, Log On” menu). Opening the parameterization editor

The parameterization editor is part of the hardware editor.To open this editor for all inputs/outputs (general view) of a specific device, double-click on the representation of the corresponding module in the hardware editor.

Doppelklick Double click

Figure Fig ure 6-1 6-11 1

Ope Openin ning g the para paramet meteri erizat zation ion e edit ditor or fo forr all iinpu nputs/ ts/out output puts s of the the PSR PSR-TRISAFE-M safety module

To open the parameterization editor for just one specific input/output, double-click on the relevant signal in the graphical representation of the device: Double click


Figure Fig ure 6-1 6-12 2


Ope Openin ning g the par parame ameter teriza izatio tion n edi editor tor ffor or o one ne speci specific fic iinpu nput/o t/outp utput ut




PSR-TRISAFE-M Instead of double-clicking, you can also open the parameterization editor via the context menu. Right-click either directly on a specific input/output to open the parameters for it, or on any empty position in the graphical representation of the device to open the general view. In both cases, select “Parameter” from the context menu.


Figure Fig ure 6-1 6-13 3 Structure of the parameterization editor

Ope Openin ning g tthe he parame parameter teriza izatio tion ne edit ditor or via the con contex textt me menu nu

The adjustable parameters are provided in table format. At the top left of the table is the device type or the device ID and the “location ID”, which is the unique security ID for the safe device. Every safe device can be clearly identified using  just this ID. Underneath Underneath you can see the name of the imp import ort file, provided that you have imported parameters (see “Exporting and importing param parameters” eters” on page 88 88). ). The available parameters are then listed row r ow by row. Each parameter (i.e., each row in the table) consists of a fixed parameter name and a value that can be modified.

Modifying parameters

In the interests of security, only predefined parameter values can be selected. Proceed as follows: 1. 2. 3.

Click in th the e white field field of the paramet parameter er you wish tto o chang change. e. The fie field ld displa displays ys an arro arrow w for opening a selection list. Cli Click ck on on th the e ar arrow row to o open pen up tthe he llist ist.. Click o on n the desi desired red val value. ue. Thi This s list is clo closed sed and th the e selected selected valu value e is visible visible in the parameter field.

Figure Fig ure 6-1 6-14 4

Mod Modify ifying ing parame parameter ters s in in the par parame ameter teriza izatio tion n edi editor tor

Unless the parameterization editor is closed or another device is selected, several editing steps can be undone (+) or redone (+).





SAFECONF configuration software If you have modified parameters and then close the editor with “OK”, you are prompted to save the changes that have been made. Certain parameters in the parameterization editor are dependent upon the configuration of the inputs and outputs. For example, clock/alarm outputs TM0 and TM1 must first be configured as clock outputs (test clock) if you wish to select cross-circuit detection for inputs of the safe extension module (see “TM0 and TM1 as as clock outputs” o on n page 60 60). ). Input parameters for the safety module: cross-circuit detection

A cross circuit is an unintentional, incorrect connection between redundant circuits. The safety module provides clock outputs T0 and T1 as an aid for detecting such a cross circuit. To activate cross-circuit detection for an input, set the corresponding “cross-circuit detection” parameter (“no”/“yes, with test pulse T...”) to “yes, with test pulse T...” (see Figure Fig ure 6-1 6-14 4 above). The SAFECONF configuration configuration software specifies the clock signals to be used: for “even” inputs (I0, I2, I4 ... I18), I18), cross-circuit detection is implemented with test clock clock T0. For “odd” inputs (I1, I3, I5 ... I19), test clock T1 must be used for cross-circuit detection. For more detailed detailed information on cross-circuit detection, please refer to “Signal inputs” on pa page ge 58 and 58 and “Error detection in I/O devices” on pag page e 26 26.. An example application is also provided there.

PSR-TS-SDI8-SDIO4: cross-circuit detection

For the PSR-TS-SDI8-SDIO4 safe extension module, clock/alarm outputs TM0 and TM1 must be configured as clock outputs (test clock) in order to enable parameterization for cross-circuit detection. If the IOs (IO0 - IO3) are configured as inputs, test clocks TM0 and TM1 must be used to supply power to these inputs (see also “Signal inputs” on page 58 58 and  and “Clock/alarm outputs TM0 and and TM1” on page 60 60). ).

Output parameters for the safety module: ground switching output

The “additionally ground switching contact” parameter (“no”/“yes, with O...-”) is only available for outputs O0 and O1 of the PSR-TRISAFE-M safety module. Output O0 is connected to ground switching output O0- and output O1 to ground switching output O1-. This parameter is used to specify whether the specified ground switching output, which can assist in shutting down a single-channel application safely, should be switched in addition to the relevant safe module output. Use of ground switching outputs O0- and O1- increases cross-circuit protection, for example. For more detailed information on the use of ground switching outputs O0- and O1- and a corresponding example application, please refer to “Ground switching outputs O0- and O1-” O1-” on p page age 45 45..

Figure Fig ure 6-1 6-15 5


Se Setti tting ng the the p para aramet meter er fo forr the use of grou ground nd s swit witchi ching ng o outp utput ut O0O0-




PSR-TRISAFE-M Exporting and importing parameters

Once the inputs and outputs of the safety module have been parameterized, the parameter list can be exported to a file so that it can be used again later. For instructions on how to export and import parameters, please refer to the online help (see “Parameterizing the inputs/outputs of the safety module”).

Printing parameters

The select print dialog box (“File, Print Project” menu) contains a “Safe parameters” If you this checkbox before printing out a project, all the parameters of thecheckbox. safe device will also be printed out.

6. 6.5.5 5.5

Chec Checki king ng,, down downloa loadi ding ng,, and and st star arti ting ng up th the e proj projec ectt

The project can only be checked if you have logged on with the correct project password (“Project, Log On” menu). If the current project status has not yet been saved, this will be done automatically prior to checking. Check values (CRC): to (CRC): to ensure that any distortions to the configuration data during transmission to the safety module can be reliably detected, a check value (CRC) is calculated in the configuration software when the project is checked. The safety module also determines the check value for the downloaded data. If the check values on the safety module and in the configuration software are identical, all data has been saved on the safety module undistorted. If the check values differ, a corresponding error message is output. The check value (CRC) will also differ if subsequent changes have changes have been made to the project in the configuration software, but have not yet been downloaded to the safety module. A change to the project documentation can also modify the check value, for example. Once the configuration project has been developed, i.e., the safety logic and the device parameterization have been completed, you must check the project. This involves checking the safety logic for errors, such as open function inputs. To check the project, proceed as follows: 1. Click on tthe he “C “Check heck Project” Project” iicon con in the tool toolbar: bar:

You can follow the progress of the checking function in the message window, which opens automatically: If the configuration software detects an error, you can jump directly to the relevant location of the error by double-clicking on the message in the message window.





SAFECONF configuration software In the example below, an input is not connected. Double-clicking on the error message highlights the affected object (green border) in the connection editor.

Figure Fig ure 6-1 6-16 6

2. 3.

Jum Jumpin ping g to a an n err error or lo locat cation ion in th the e saf safety ety llog ogic ic fr from om tthe he me messa ssage ge wind window ow when checking the configuration project

Co Correc rrectt the erro errorr and c chec heck k the p proj roject ect a aga gain. in. Once a che check ck has been complet completed ed witho without ut error errors, s, the project project can be tra transmi nsmitted tted to the safety module. For information on downloading a configuration project and the associated startup of the safety module, please refer to “Downloading to “Downloading the configuration from SAFECONF” on SAFECONF” on pa page ge 98 98..

6. 6.5. 5.6 6 Documenting signal assignment

The system offers the option of maintaining a signal assignment list. We strongly recommend that this “wiring documentation” is maintained on an ongoing basis, as it makes both the safety logic that has been created and the project as a whole easier to understand, and helps prevent incorrect connections being established in the connection editor. We recommend entering signal names before editing the safety logic because any text entered in the connection editor is visible as tooltips. 1.

Cli Click ck on the the follo followin wing g icon icon in th the e toolba toolbar: r:


The “Assignment List” dialog box opens. For each iinput nput used, used, enter a mea meaningf ningful ul shor shortt descrip description tion in the ri rightght-hand hand fie field ld of the list by double-clicking in the field and typing in the text.

Fi Figu gure re 66-17 17


Docu Docume ment ntin ing g the the sign signal al ass assig ignm nmen entt and and the the proj projec ectt

“A “Ass ssig ignm nmen entt L Lis ist” t” dial dialog og box box





Once a allll the req required uired texts texts hav have e been entered entered,, confi confirm rm the di dialog alog b box ox with ““OK” OK” to sa save ve the signal list.

For additional information on signal information, please refer to the online help, which is opened by pressing when the “Assignment List” dialog box is active. Entering project documentation

Open the “Project Info” dialog box by selecting the “Project, Project Information...” menu. This dialog box can be used to enter the most important information for the current project, from project-related data (description of the application, designatio designation, n, name of the creator/editor, etc.) and manufacturer data, the operator, and installation location to data relating to safety inspections and a revision history for the project. To ensure compliance with standards, the fields with yellow row headers must be completed each time a new project version is developed. Entries are not mandatory in fields with a gray background, although we do recommend completing all fields. Check values (CRC): if (CRC): if the project documentation is modified, the check value is recalculated, i.e., the system detects that the project on the safety module differs from the configuration project. If the check values on the safety module and in the configuration softwa software re are not identical, a corresponding message is output. For additional information on project documentation, please refer to the online help, which is opened by pressing when the “Project Information” dialog box is active.

Printing project documentation

The entire project can then be printed. 1. Select Select tthe he “File “File,, Print Print Proj Project ect”” menu. menu. 2.

A dialog box of the same name appears. Selec Selectt all check checkboxes boxes in the dialo dialog g bo box x and click “OK”.

For additional information on printing, page layouts, and print settings, please refer to the online help, which is opened by pressing when the “Print Project” dialog box is active.





SAFECONF configuration software


Simulation mode in SAFECONF

The SAFECONF configuration software includes the EASYSIM controller simulation, which can be used to simulate the execution of the safety logic: – If no safe safety ty mo modu dule le is av avai aila labl ble e –

If a simulat simulated ed fun function ction test is recom recommende mended d prio priorr to actual actual st startup artup of the “real “real”” safe safety ty module

Fi Fig gure 66-18 18

Sim Simul ulat atio ion n in S SAF AFEC ECO ONF

WARNING: Simulation is no substitute for a function test. Under no circumstances may circumstances may the simulation of the safety application be used as a substitute for the proper function test involving the safety module and safe control devices/sensors/actuators. The test using simulation may only be performed in addition to the standard function test, as a preliminary test, for example. When working with the EASYSIM simulation instead of the safety module: – If a safety safety m modul odule e or an extension extension d device evice is connecte connected, d, it wi willll no nott be a address ddressed, ed, i.e., i.e., its inputs will not be read and its outputs will not be written. – Execute Execute the same steps steps in in the SAFEC SAFECONF ONF co configu nfiguratio ration n sof software tware as you you wou would ld if y you ou were working with the real safety module, but ensure that the “Simulate Safety Controller” icon in the toolbar is activated (see Fig Figure ure 6-19 6-19 on pag page e 92 92). ). This means that you can force signals or display online values in the connection editor as usual. The simulation continues to run in the background, with the icon visible in the taskbar notification field (system tray, known as systray for short). – The simula simulation tion can can be config configured ured ffor or the c current urrent applicatio application, n, inp inputs uts ca can n be “a “activa ctivated” ted” in the simulation directly, and the effects on outputs can be monitored, thereby simulating the inputs and outputs of the actual hardware. –


The time seque sequences nces of the the machine machine/syste /system m can be s simula imulated ted in in exp expert ert m mode. ode.




PSR-TRISAFE-M Starting simulation mode

To start the simulation and download a project, proceed as follows: 1.

To star startt the simulation, simulation, click click on the “Simula “Simulate te Safety Safety Contro Controller” ller” ico icon n in the toolb toolbar. ar. If the icon is activated, the simulation is active and all commands executed, such as “Download” or “Online Values”, will relate to the simulation.


Fi Figu gure re 66-19 19 2.


Not activated = PSR-TRISAFE-M

Activated = Simulation

“Sim “Simul ulat ate e Sa Safe fety ty Co Cont ntro roll ller er”” icon icon

Once the ic icon on has been been selected, selected, a message message window a appear ppears s stating stating “Simulatio “Simulation n being activated”. The project is then saved and checked automatically. Any errors detected are output in the message window. Once a ch check eck has been been complete completed d witho without ut error errors, s, the project project ca can n be down download loaded ed as usual by clicking on the icon of the same name in the toolbar:

Unlike with the actual safety module, you do not have to log on with a controller password when using the simulation. 4.

Exiting SAFECONF simulation mode

Once th the e simula simulation tion has has been sta started, rted, th the e following following en entry try is disp displayed layed o on n the far right right in the status bar: The EASYSIM application appears minimized in the Windows taskbar.

To switch from the EASYSIM simulatio simulation n to the real safety module, in the SAFECONF configuration software, click on the simulation icon in the toolbar, which already appears “activated”:

The simulation is now deactivated (see information in the message window) and the project is saved automatically again and checked for use with the real safety module. WARNING: Risk of uninte unintentional ntional oper operations ations As soon as simulation mode is exited, all “online” operations, such as downloading or forcing signals, affect the real safety hardware again. Exiting simulation mode does not exit the EASYSIM simulation Once you have clicked on the “Simulate Safety Controller” icon again, the destination system is reset in the configuration software, from the EASYSIM simulation simulation to the real safety module. Essentially, this means that only the connection between the configuration software and the simulation software is interrupted. The EASYSIM simulation application is not exited automatically.





SAFECONF configuration software Exiting the EASYSIM simulation

Additional information on operating EASYSIM


To exit the EASYSIM simulation: If EASYSIM is exited while the “Simulate Safety Controller” button is activated in SAFECONF, EASYSIM restarts automatically after being exited. 1.

First exi exitt simula simulation tion mo mode de in the configura configuration tion softwa software re (desel (deselect ect the “Simula “Simulate te Safe Safety ty


Controller” button). Then sel select ect “Exi “Exit” t” in the EASYSIM EASYSIM c contex ontextt menu (in the W Windo indows ws taskb taskbar) ar) or clic click k “Exit” in the EASYSIM window.

For additional information on the EASYSIM controller simulation, please refer to the “EASYSIM controller simulation” topic in the online help for the SAFECONF configuration software: – –

Oper erat atin ing g EAS ASY YSIM Simula Simulatin ting g ti time me seque sequence nces s in E EASY ASYSIM SIM expert expert m mode ode

St Stat atus us of th the e EAS EASYS YSIM IM si simu mula lati tion on









Configuration and startup


Configuration and startup 7.1

Con onffig igur ura ation ov ove ervi vie ew ffrrom A to Z

The diagram below describes the simplified sequence, i.e., the general procedure, for developing a configuration project and for starting up the PSR-TRISAFE-M safety module. For detailed information, please refer to the sections specified and the SAFECONF online help. SAFECONF: Create project using the Project Wizard or a project template

SAFECONF: Define bus structure Use drag & drop to move extension modules from the toolbox (“Hardware” compartment) to the hardware editor

SAFECONF: Parameterize inputs/outputs of the safety module and the extension devices Double-click on the device representation in the hardware editor to open the safe parameterization editor parameterization  editor ffor or this device (see pag page e 85 85). ).

Develop safety logic in the connection editor - Insert input/output signals from the hardware editor - Enter signal information (“Project”, “Assignment List” menu) - Insert functions and function blocks from the toolbox - Connect the objects - Safety networks

SAFECONF: Check project


Errors in the project? >> Message window in SAFECONF No

... Continued (from B) B)

Fi Figu gure re 77-1 1 104286_en_03

Continued (A (A) ...

Fl Flo owc wcha hart rt:: c con onfi figu gura rati tion on fr from om A to to Z (1 of 3) 3) PHOENIX CONTACT




Continued (B (B) ...

... Continued (from (from A) A)

Optional: lock safety networks to prevent editing in the connection editor

Switch on the PSR-TRISAFE-M (apply supply voltage, see page page 50 50)) and connect to the USB interface of the PC (see pa page ge 46 46). ). Alternative: instead of using the safety module, check the function of the Alternative: safety logic using the EASYSIM simulation. To do this, use the SIM button in SAFECONF to switch to simulation mode. The project is checked automatically. EASYSIM is minimized in the taskbar.

Download configuration project to safety module and acknowledge with “Confirm” button (see page pag e 98 98). ).


PSR-TRISAFE-M starts in safe normal operation following acknowledgment. Is a startup inhibit active? inhibit active? If so, remove with the reset button. Display in the SAFECONF status bar: Are you using the EASYSIM simulation? If simulation? If you are using the EASYSIM simulation instead of the safety module, download the configuration in the same way with simulation active (see previous step). Acknowledgment is not required.

Display online values in the connection editor


Continued (C (C) ...

(from D) ...

Fi Figu gure re 77-2 2



Fl Flo owc wcha hart rt:: c con onfi figu gura rati tion on fr from om A to to Z (2 of 3) 3)



Configuration and startup

... Continued (from (from C) C)

Continued (D (D) ...

Carry out a function test  test  (see pag page e 104) 104) - Trigger safety demand   via control devices/sensors - Analyze system response - Check device parameters Are you using the EASYSIM simulation? Use simulation?  Use I/O view and view and expert mode  mode  to set the simulation inputs.

Switch connection editor offline,, unlock safety offline networks if required, make corrections to the project

Optional and only in addition to addition to function test: in SAFECONF, switch to standard startup mode Standard startup mode (see pag page e 105) 105) - Force signals - Analyze system response

Function test completed without errors? No Yes

Switch connection editor offline Startup completed

Optional: certify safety networks in the connection editor

Documentation in SAFECONF Complete the project information: “Project, Project Information” menu

Archive the project in SAFECONF (zip and save to backup medium)

Print the project in SAFECONF

Fi Figu gure re 77-3 3


Fl Flo owc wcha hart rt:: c con onfi figu gura rati tion on fr from om A to to Z (3 of 3) 3)





7. 7.2 2

Do Down wnlo load adin ing g th the e co conf nfig igur urat atio ion n fr from om S SAF AFEC ECON ONF F

WARNING: Risk of damage due to unintentional/inc unintentional/incorrect orrect operations Prior to startup, make sure that if the safety module functions in an unintended or incorrect way this will not cause damage. The configuration, including the device parameterization, is created in the SAFECONF configuration software as a project and must be downloaded to the safety module once complete. This data is usually transmitted via the USB interface of the safety module. Alternatively, the configuration can also be downloaded by inserting an IFS-CONFSTICK an IFS-CONFSTICK that contains the relevant data. For further information, please refer to “Downloading the configuration using the IFS-CONFSTI IFS-CONFSTICK” CK” on page 101 101.. 1.


Make sure sure th tha at: – Th The es saf afet ety y mod modul ule e is is swi switc tche hed do on n – The SAFEC SAFECONF ONF co config nfigurati uration on so softwar ftware e is ins installe talled d on th the e conf configura iguration tion compu computer ter (this installation also includes the required drivers) – The SAF SAFEC ECONF ONF con config figura uratio tion n so softw ftware are is star started ted – An IFS-CO IFS-CONFST NFSTICK ICK iis s inse inserted rted iin n the safet safety y mod module ule (other (otherwise wise tthe he co config nfigurati uration on cannot be downloaded) Conn Connect ect the USB cable cable to the saf safety ety mod module ule (min (mini-USB i-USB pl plug, ug, 5-p 5-pos., os., max maximum imum cab cable le length of 3 m) and to a USB port on the PC.

NOTE: Electrostatic discharge The module contains components that can be damaged or destroyed by electrostatic discharge. When handling the module, observe the necessary safety precautions against electrostatic discharge (ESD) according according to EN 61340-5-1 and IIEC EC 61340-5-1. Once the connecting cable has been connected, the appropriately configured PC detects the safety module automatically and indicates the safety module status at the bottom right in the status bar (see Fig Figure ure 6-1 on 6-1 on pa page ge 71 71). ). “CONF” LED flashes during data transmission

Fi Figu gure re 77-4 4



Status indicator for


US USB B con conne nect ctio ion n bet betwe ween en PC and and saf safet ety ym mod odul ule e



Configuration and startup 3.


The pro project ject ca can n only be downlo downloaded aded to tthe he safe safety ty mod module ule if yo you u have lo logged gged o on n in SAFECONF with the correct controller password. password. In the “Safe Controller” menu, select “Log On”, enter the controller password in the dialog box, and click “OK”. Prov Provided ided tthat hat the the curr current ent pr project oject has b been een checked checked and ha has s no errors (see errors (see pa page ge 88 or 88 or the SAFECONF online help), the project loaded in SAFECONF cantoolbar: be downloaded to the safety module by clicking on the following icon in the Is there already a project on the safety module? If the status bar has a yellow entry (“Controller: No project”) on the right, the project is sent to the safety module without any further prompts. If another project or another version of the same project already exists on the safety module and is being executed, a corresponding dialog box appears, indicating this fact. Click “Yes” in this dialog box to overwrite the current controller configuration on the safety module. During data transmission – A progre progress ss in indic dicato atorr is displa displayed yed in the the SA SAFEC FECONF ONF s stat tatus us ba bar. r. – The “CONF “CONF”” sta status tus indicat indicator or fla flashes shes q quickl uickly y on the sa safety fety m module odule (approxim (approximately ately 6 Hz).

If data transmission is interrupted during the download, “Problems and solutions” solutions” starting  starting on pag page e 111 111 describes  describes how to solve this problem. WARNING: Risk due to activated outputs Following acknowledgment, acknowledgment, the safety module starts running immediately. Provided that no startup inhibit, which must be canceled manually, is active, outputs may be activated immediately after startup. Make sure that the safety module startup will not lead to any hazardous situations. 5.

Once da data ta transmissio transmission n has been complet completed ed succe successfull ssfully, y, the “CO “CONF” NF” stat status us indica indicator tor flashes slowly (approximately 1.5 Hz) and a corresponding dialog box appears in the configuration software. Do not confirm not confirm this message yet, first complete the following step. Please note:

First acknowledge the configuration on the safety module (see step 6. 6.)) ...

... before clicking “OK”.

Fi Figu gure re 77-5 5


Di Dial alog og box box fol follo lowi wing ng succ succes essf sful ul da data ta tran transm smis issi sion on





Confirm the new configuration by pressing the “Confirm” button using a pen (see Figure Fig ure 7-6 7-6). ).

WARNING: Risk due to act activated ivated outputs Following acknowledgment, acknowledgment, the safety module starts running immediately. Provided that no startup inhibit, which must be canceled manually, is active, outputs may be activated immediately after startup. Make sure that the safety module startup will not lead to any hazardous situations.

A    1    2     4     V      A    1    0     A    V      2     P     O     S     A    0     R     2     -   -  T      0     R     1    -     I     T      S          R A    M     0    T      F          W      P E     0        A 0     -       T S        A M     T           D 1    1         R M          R T          F      E 2     1        N    O M        C 3    

I     0     O   

I     1    


I     2      O   



I     3     


I     1    

C     S     O    N     T      F     I     C     K      C     O     N     F      I     R     M    

I     4    


I     1    

I     5      I     6      I     1     I     7      4     I     1    



I     1    

Fi Figu gure re 77-6 6

I     8     

Co Conf nfirm irmin ing g the the co conf nfig igur urat atio ion nw wit ith h th the e ““Co Conf nfir irm” m” b but utto ton n

The safety module is then reinitialized (all diagnostics indicators are on briefly) and then switches to safe normal operation (only “PWR” LED on). Startup inhibit active? If a startup inhibit has been preset in the configuration, configuration, it will now be active following startup. An active startup inhibit must be canceled by pressing a reset button which is connected to the safety module according to the configuration. For additional information, please refer to “System startup and restart behavior” on pa page ge 24. 24. If the safety module is not initialized correctly, proceed as described in “Problems and solutions” on solutions”  on pag page e 111 111.. Next steps

Next, continue with the function test (see “Function test” on page 104). 104). Check values (CRC): to (CRC): to ensure that any distortions to the configuration data during transmission to the safety module can be reliably detected, a check value (CRC) is calculated in the configuration software when the project is checked. The safety module also determines the check value for the downloaded data. If the check values on the safety module and in the configuration software are identical, all data has been saved on the safety module undistorted. If the check values differ, a corresponding error message is output. The check value (CRC) will also differ if subsequent changes have changes have been made to the project in the configuration software, but have not yet been downloaded to the safety module. A change to the project documentation can also modify the check value, for example.





Configuration and startup

7. 7.3 3

Do Down wnlo load adin ing g tthe he co con nfi figu gura rati tion on us usin ing g tthe he IFS-CONFSTICK 

WARNING: Risk of damage due to unintentional/inc unintentional/incorrect orrect operations Prior to startup, make sure that if the safety module functions in an unintended or incorrect way this will not cause damage. As well as being downloaded via the USB interface, configuration configurations s can also be downloaded using the IFS-CONFSTICK. This means that the configuration of one device can be transferred to other safety modules. This is useful if no configuration computer is available at an installation location or if you wish to transfer the configuration to a new device on device replacement. To replace the IFS-CONFSTICK, proceed as follows. This sequence ensures that the active configuration is not overwritten by accidental insertion of an IFS-CONFSTICK. Removing the IFSCONFSTICK

Inserting the new IFSCONFSTICK


The IFS IFS-CON -CONFSTI FSTICK CK shou should ld not be rep replaced laced du during ring op operatio eration. n. If the saf safety ety mod module ule is already running, proceed as follows: c) Fi Firs rst, t, sh shut ut dow down n th the e ma mach chin ine. e. d) Sw Switc itch h off off the saf safety ety module module.. e) Remove Remove tthe he cu curre rrent nt IF IFS-C S-CONF ONFST STICK ICK..

WARNING: Risk due to activa activated ted outputs. When the IFS-CONFSTICK is replaced, outputs may be activated. Once the configuration has been downloaded in this way, the safety module starts program execution. Provided that no startup inhibit, which must be canceled manually, is active, outputs may be activated immediately. Make sure that the safety module startup will not lead to any hazardous situations. 2.



Inser Insertt the new IFS-CON IFS-CONFSTI FSTICK CK in the saf safety ety mod module ule (wh (which ich must st still ill be swit switched ched of off). f). The IFS-CONFSTICK IFS-CONFSTICK is mechanically coded and cannot be inserted in the device incorrectly. Swit Switch ch the safety safety module module o on n and wai waitt until it h has as initi initialize alized d (all four four diag diagnosti nostics cs indicators light up once during initialization). The safety module now detects the previously unknown IFS-CONFSTICK IFS-CONFSTICK and indicates this by making the “CONF” diagnostics indicator flash.

4. 5.

Remove Remove the IFS IFS-CO -CONFS NFSTIC TICK K ag again ain.. Press Press th the e “Co “Confi nfirm” rm” butt button on o on n the d devi evice ce and and hold hold it  it down.




PSR-TRISAFE-M Reinse Reinsert rt the IFS IFS-CO -CONFS NFSTIC TICK K while while holding  holding down the “Confirm” button.


Hold down the “Confirm” button while inserting the IFS-CONFSTICK

A    1    2     4     V      A    1    0     A    V      2     P     O     S     A    0     R     2     -   -  T      0     R     1    I     S     A    -     T      0     M     F           R     W     W T           P E     0        A 0     -  S         T    A M     T           D 1    1         R      R M     T          F      E 2     1        N    O M        C 3     I     2      I     3     

C     O    S     N     T      F     I     C     K      C     O     N     F      I     R     M    



I     1    

I     4       I     5      I     1     I     6      3      I     1     I     7      4     I     1    



Fi Fig gure 77-7 7 7.


Inse nsert rtin ing g th the e IFS IFS-CO -CONFS NFSTIC ICK K

Relea Release se the “Co “Confirm” nfirm” button button on once ce the IFSIFS-CONF CONFSTIC STICK K is inserte inserted d correct correctly. ly. The safety module now initializes with the new configuration.

Startup inhibit active? If a startup inhibit has been preset in the configuration, configuration, it will now be active following startup. You must remove an active startup inhibit by pressing a reset button connected to the safety module. For additional information, please refer to “System startup and restart behavior” on pa page ge 24. 24. If the safety module is not initialized correctly, proceed as described in “Problems and solutions solut ions”” on page 111 111.. When the IFS-CONFSTICK has been removed correctly, all of the safety module outputs are FALSE. During the time when the IFS-CONFSTICK is not inserted, the safety module has no function. If the IFS-CONFSTICK is not removed correctly, the safety module also displays an error message.





Configuration and startup

7. 7.4 4

Up Uplo load adin ing g tthe he c con onfi figu gura rati tion on ffro rom m tthe he s saf afet ety y module

Projects downloaded to the safety module are saved there and can be uploaded to the PC and the configuration software again if required. This may be required, for example, if a project has to be read from the safety module for diagnostic purposes. It is possible to upload a project from the safety module to the configuration software without the controller password. However, to edit the uploaded project you will need the correct project password. To upload the project, proceed as follows: 1. If a proje project ct is curren currently tly open open in the confi configura guration tion softwar software, e, save it befo before re uplo uploading ading the the required project from the safety module. 2. Exit s startup tartup mode and the online online mode mode of the confi configura guration tion softwa software. re. The “Online Values” icon must not be selected prior to starting st arting the upload and the status bar must show the controller status “Controller: Connected”. 3. Cli Click ck on on the ““Upl Uploa oad” d” ic icon on in in the too toolba lbar: r:


Click “Yes “Yes”” in the d dialo ialog g box box to confi confirm rm th the e upload. upload.


Trans Transmissio mission n from the the safety safety modu module le to the P PC C start starts s and a progress progress in indicat dicator or is displayed in the SAFECONF status bar. If a proj project ect wit with h the same n name ame already already e exists xists on the the PC, a pr prompt ompt w will ill app appear ear whe where re you must decide whether you want to overwrite the project which is already loaded or not. In this dialog box, click: – “Yes” to ov overwri erwrite te the d data ata o off the ex existin isting g proj project ect wi with th tha thatt of th the e proje project ct which which has  just been uploaded. uploaded. Overwriting means that the current data will be lost and it will not be possible to recover it. – “No” to sav save e the u uploa ploaded ded projec projectt unde underr a different different name or in a differ different ent di directo rectory. ry. The “Save Project As” dialog box appears. Here, select a directory, enter a file




name, and click “Save”. You are n now ow asked asked to enter enter tthe he p projec rojectt pas password sword.. Once you have entered the password you can edit and check the project, load it to the safety module, and start it up there as usual.





7. 5

Function test

WARNING: Risk of injury or damage to equip equipment ment due to unintentional system system states or incorrect responses. Make sure that triggering the safety demand does not endanger people or equipment. The safety module is in the startup phase, i.e., unintentional system states or incorrect responses cannot be ruled out. Do not enter any hazardous areas and make sure that no other persons can access the danger zone either. Validation

Once the project has been uploaded to the safety module, it is executed there following manual acknowledgment. You must perform a function test to ensure that the safety module and therefore the safety logic and all of the cabling are working correctly.

Online mode in SAFECONF

You can switch the SAFECONF configuration software to online mode so that online values can be read cyclically from the safety module and displayed in the connection editor and the hardware editor.

Safety demand/monitoring signals

Once a safety demand has been triggered by activating the safe control devices, e.g., by pressing the emergency stop control device or opening the safety door, the behavior of the safety logic can be analyzed precisely in the configuration software, as in online mode the connection editor displays the value of every signal “live”. To perform a function test, proceed as follows:

Connected/logged on


Conn Connect ect the safety safety mod module, ule, wh which ich is swit switched ched on on,, to the con configu figuratio ration n comp computer uter via th the e USB interface, start the SAFECONF configuration configuration software, and log onto the safety module. The status bar in SAFECONF displays the following entry on the right-hand r ight-hand side.

The system can only display online values if the project in the safety module and the project in the configuration system are identical. If you have made a change to a project after startup (even something as small as moving an object is classed as a change), you must check the project and download it to the safety module again before you can display online values. 2.




Switc Switch h SAF SAFECO ECONF NF to o online nline m mode ode by by clicking clicking o on n the “D “Displa isplay y online online values” icon in the toolbar: “Signal lines” and function block connections are now displayed in the connection editor in different colors according to their state (TRUE/FALSE) and together with the current values. The hardware editor also supports the function test by means of “lit” LEDs. Now tri trigger gger a saf safety ety demand demand via the sa safe fe contr control ol devic devices. es. Mon Monitor itor the re respon sponse se of the machine and the configuration in the connection editor, which has been switched to online mode.

104286 en 03


Configuration and startup Example: Emergency stop not pressed, no safety demand

Safety demand


Figure Fig ure 7-8

7. 6

Exa Exampl mple e of of a fun functi ction on test test for for the safety safety sys system tem usi using ng SAFEC SAFECONF ONF online online mode

Startup mode

In addition to addition to the mandatory function test using online mode (see “Function test” on page pag e 104 104), ), startup mode can also be used. For example, instead of pressing the emergency stop control device or opening the safety door, in startup editor. mode you can force the corresponding signal of the safe control device in the connection WARNING: Test in startup mode is no substitute for a proper function test Testing your safety application using startup mode must not be used as a substitute for the proper function test involving safe control devices. The test in startup mode may only be performed in addition to the standard function test, as a preliminary test, for example. By forcing signals in the connection editor's online display, you can directly influence the safety module. This type of influence is commonly known as “forcing”. WARNING: Eliminate hazards Before forcing any signals, make sure that doing so will not endanger people or equipment.






WARNING: Startup mode is a standa standard rd operating mode As in online mode, the connection editor displays online values which are read from the safety module. However, as signals can also be influenced in startup mode (which is not possible in online mode), startup mode is a standard operating mode. Once the supplementary function test has been performed in startup mode, exit startup mode again. This resets forced signals. Starting startup mode

1. 2.

In SAF SAFECO ECONF, NF, sele select ct “Startup “Startup Mode” Mode” fr from om the “S “Safe afe Co Control ntroller” ler” men menu. u. A messag message e appea appears, rs, alerti alerting ng you to possible possible ha hazards zards.. Click “Ye “Yes” s” in this dial dialog og box to exit safe mode and switch to standard startup mode.

Time limit: you limit: you have 30 seconds to switch the operating mode (i.e., to click “Yes”). After this time, a corresponding error message is displayed and “Startup Mode” must be selected again in the “Safe Controller” menu. The pink background of the status field in the configuration software status bar indicates that the safety module is running in standard mode:

The connection editor still displays online values, i.e., signals and connections, which are TRUE if green and FALSE if gray. The hardware editor is also visible in online mode. Forcing signals


To forc force e a signal in the co connect nnection ion edit editor, or, righ right-clic t-click k on the corre correspond sponding ing sign signal al and select the “Force” command from the signal context menu.

WARNING: Eliminate ha hazards zards due to forc forcing ing You must be extremely careful when forcing signals while the safety module is running. Forcing means that the safe configuration is executed with the values of the signals you have forced. Alternatively, you can double-click on the signal. The “Force” dialog box opens. 4. 5.

The sig signal nal designat designation ion ca can n be seen at th the e top of the di dialog alog b box. ox. The va value lue to be fo forced rced is determined automatically from the current signal value and preset in the dialog box. Click o on n the “Fo “Force” rce” bu button tton to force th the e correspondi corresponding ng sig signal nal to the s set et valu value. e.

WARNING: Eliminate ha hazards zards due to forc forcing ing Before forcing any signals, make sure that doing so will not endanger people or equipment. 6.

A dialo dialog g box appears appears,, where you you mus mustt expressly expressly con confirm firm the forcing forcing p proced rocedure ure once once more. Click “Yes” to continue. c ontinue.

The signal remains at the forced value until the forcing function is reset.





Configuration and startup Resetting forcing

Right-click on the signal you want to reset and select the “Force” command from the context menu. The “Force” dialog box opens. In this dialog box you can either reset just the forced signal that is currently selected or all forced signals. If startup mode is exited while signals are forced, they will be reset.

Exiting startup mode

To exit startup mode, switch back to “normal” online mode; this will cause the safety module to run in a safe operating mode again. 1. In the “Sa “Safe fe Cont Controlle roller” r” menu, menu, select the highlig highlighted hted “St “Startup artup M Mode” ode” menu menu item (wh (when en startup mode is active, the icon next to the menu command appears activated). 2. A confi confirmati rmation on dialog dialog box app appears, ears, wh where ere you sho should uld click “Y “Yes” es” to exit st startup artup mo mode. de. The yellow background of the status field on the right-hand side of the status bar indicates that the safety module is running in safe normal operation again.










Examples Example s of use


Examples of use

Block help: Application for each function block

Examples of use are available in the online help for the safe function blocks. The online help describes at least one typical application for each function block and shows the safety logic configured in SAFECONF as well as the wiring of the PSR-TRISAFE-M safety module and the extension devices in the form of schematic views. The online help also includes typical signal sequence diagrams which illustrate the behavior of each function block. The following examples of use are included in the online help for the function blocks: – Single Single-ch -chann annel el and and two two-ch -chann annel el emerge emergency ncy st stop op ci circu rcuits its – Single-ch Single-channel annel and two-ch two-channel annel safety safety door monitorin monitoring, g, wit with h and w witho ithout ut inte interlockin rlocking g – Mode select selector or swi switch tch selectio selection n with iinterl nterlockin ocking g of th the e set op operatin erating g mode mode and manual manual operating mode acknowledgment – Evaluatio Evaluation n of a th three-p ree-positi osition on ena enable ble swi switch tch wi with th con confirmat firmation ion o off the se selected lected safe operating mode – –

Para Parall llel el mu muti ting ng wi with th two two s sen enso sors rs Evaluatio Evaluation n of a lilight ght curta curtain in conne connected cted via a single single chann channel el

Type Type IIII and and Type Type IIII II twotwo-han hand d contr control ol dev device ices s










Problems and solutions


Problems and solutions This section contains a list of possible problems which may occur when working with the configuration software and the safety module. The following descriptions are divided into categories corresponding to the different sections of the configuration software.

9.1 Table 9-1


Solutions ffo or g ge eneral pr problems



When the SAFECONF safe configuration software was launched, the installation check identified a faulty system file.

Uninstall the safe configuration software, then reinstall it by running the setup program from the installation CD.

A corresponding message window appears. The operating system test routine has identified that you are trying to launch the SAFECONF configuration software on an operating system that is not supported.

Install an operating system supported by SAFECONF (see “System requirements for the SAFECONF configuration software” softw are” on pa page ge 33 33)) or consult the technical support team to find out whether a newer version of SAFECONF is available, which supports your current operating system.

An error has occurred (accompanied by a corresponding message) which cannot be removed using any of the measures described here.

Please contact our technical support team.

The SAFECONF safe configuration software or one of its functions is not behaving as described in the user documentation or the online help.

Please contact our technical support team.






9.2 Tabl Table e 99-2 2

Graphical c co onnection e ed ditor

So Solu luti tion ons s ffor or prob proble lems ms with with th the e gra graph phic ical al co conn nnec ecti tion on edit editor or



You have attempted to open a project, but the safety logic could not be loaded due to a checksum error.

The project concerned is corrupted and can no longer be used.

A corresponding message window appears.

Use the latest backup copy of the project (as described in the online help under “Zipping and extracting projects”). If the problem persists, please contact our technical support team.

During editing, a message window appears where the connection editor reports corrupted data, a sporadic error or a systematic error.

9.3 Tabl Table e 99-3 3

The project is closed automatically. You do not have the opportunity to save the most recently made changes. If the problem persists when the project is reopened, please contact our technical support team.

Parameterization e ed ditor

So Solu luti tion ons s for for p pro robl blem ems s wit with h th the e pa para rame mete teriz rizat atio ion n ed edit itor or



You have attempted to open the parameterization editor, but the data could not be loaded due to a checksum error.

The project can no longer be used, as the parameterization data cannot be deleted.

A corresponding message window appears.

Use the latest backup copy of the project (as described in the online help under “Zipping and extracting projects”).

The parameterization editor responds unexpectedly to an entry in the parameter table by displaying something other than what has been entered or selected, for example.

Undo the last entry (by pressing +), then repeat the entry.

This may be traced back to a sporadic error or a systematic error.

If the result is still incorrect, please contact our technical support team.

During editing, a message window appears where the parameterization editor reports corrupted data, a sporadic

The project is closed automatically. You do not have the opportunity to save the most recently made changes.

error or a systematic error.

If the problem persists when the project is reopened, please contact our technical support team.





Problems and solutions

9. 9.4 4 Table Tab le 9-4

On Onli line ne c com ommu muni nica cati tion on b bet etwe ween en S SA AFE FECO CONF NF an and d the safety module

Solut Solutio ions ns for commun communica icatio tion n proble problems ms betwee between n SAFEC SAFECONF ONF and PS PSR-T R-TRIS RISAFE AFE-M -M

Problem A connection cannot be established to the safety module. The status bar does not display a status for the safety module (“Timeout”, “No project” or “Connected”; see information under the diagram below). The status bar looks like this, for example:

Solution Proceed as follows: Remove the USB connecting cable from the PC and safety module, then reinsert it.

Is a module status displayed in the status bar * ?


Communication with

PSR-TRISAFE-S is possible. No further  action necessary.


Insert the USB cable in a different USB connection on your PC.

Is a module status displayed in the status bar *



The first USB connection you used on the PC might be faulty. Use this port instead of the one used initially initially..


Try to establish a USB connection to another  safety module that is not currently in use.

Is a module status displayed in the status bar *


Use this safety module instead of the one used initially.



Try to establish the connection using another  USB cable.

Is a module status displayed in the status bar *


Use the functioning cable.



Please contact our technical support team.

*  P ossible module status on

existing connection:

Controller: Timeout

Temporary during initialization

Controller: No

Download project


Controller: Connected

Start function test 104286a019.eps





PSR-TRISAFE-M Table Tab le 9-4

Solut Solutio ions ns for commun communica icatio tion n proble problems ms betwee between n SAFEC SAFECONF ONF and PS PSR-T R-TRIS RISAFE AFE-M -M



Transmission has been interrupted during the download procedure.

1. 2.

St Star artt trans transmi miss ssio ion n ag agai ain. n. If the the do downlo wnload ad fa fails ils once once more, remov remove e the USB


connecting cable from the interface on the configuration computer and reinsert it. Once the s safety afety modu module le has has bee been n det detected ected correc correctly tly (see display in the status bar), restart the download procedure.

Following successful project download, the SAFECONF safe configuration software identifies that the checksum of the project on the safety module does not match that of the project on the PC. A corresponding message window appears.

Proceed as follows: Download the project to the safety module again and acknowledge by pressing the " Confirm" button.


error  still being signaled?



further  action necessary. You can start the function test.

Yes Ye s Download the project to another safety module that is not currently in use.


error  still being signaled?


Use this safety module instead of the one used initially.

Yes Ye s

Please contact our technical support team.






Problems and solutions

9. 9.5 5 Table Tab le 9-5

Co Comm mmun unic icat atio ion nb bet etwe ween en th the es saf afet ety ym mod odul ule ea and nd the extension device

Solut Solutio ions ns ffor or comm communi unicat catio ion n pr probl oblems ems bet betwee ween n PS PSR-T R-TRIS RISAFE AFE-M -M and PS PSR-T R-TS-S S-SDI DI8-S 8-SDI DIO4 O4

Problem Communication between the safety module and the extension device via the DIN rail bus (TBUS) has been interrupted. The “Data” LED on the safety module is off.

Solution Check that all PSR-TS-SD PSR-TS-SDI8-SDIO4 I8-SDIO4 extension modules are correctly connected to the PSR-TRISAFE-M. A connection is correct if there is a PSR-TBUS plug under each extension module and the plug-in connection has been established properly (the module must snap into place). Check whether the power supply at each extension module has been connected and switched on correctly.

9.6 Tabl Table e 99-6 6

Safety module messages

So Solu luti tion ons s ffor or me messa ssage ges s ffro rom m tthe he PSRPSR-TR TRIS ISAF AFEE-M Ms saf afet ety ym mod odul ule e



Following acknowledgment of the newly loaded configuration, the safety module is not initialized correctly (“Controller: Error” in the status bar and flashing "ERR" status indicator on the safety module).

1. 2.

Switc Switch h the s safe afety ty modul module e off a and nd on a aga gain. in. Dow Downloa nload d the proj project ect to the s safety afety modu module le ag again ain a and nd acknowledge the new configuration by pressing the “Confirm” button on the device.


If th the e pr problem oblem persi persists, sts, p please lease cont contact act o our ur te technica chnicall support team.

The safety module reports an internal error.

Please contact our technical support team.









Appendix for document lists




List of figures

Section 1 Fi Figu gure re 11-1: 1:

Ca Call llin ing g tthe he onli online ne help help in the the S SAF AFEC ECON ONF F con confi figu gura rati tion on soft softwa ware re ... ..... .... .. 17

Figure Fig ure 2-1 2-1::

Exa Exampl mple e str struct ucture ure of a safety safety system system .... ....... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...20 20

Fi Figu gure re 22-2: 2:

PS PSRR-TB TBUS US DI DIN N rai raill con conne nect ctor or from from Ph Phoe oeni nix x Co Cont ntac actt .. .... .... ..... ..... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .. 22

Fi Figu gure re 22-3: 3:

Impl Implem emen enti ting ng a s sta tartu rtup p inh inhib ibit it,, rres esta tart rt iinh nhib ibit it,, a and nd stop stop ca cate tego gory ry 0 for safe output O0 O0 ............................................................................... ...............................................................................25 25

Fi Figu gure re 22-4: 4:

Impl Implem emen enti ting ng cros crosss-ci circ rcui uitt d det etec ecti tion on for for a an ne eme merg rgen ency cy stop stop co cont ntro roll device at inputs I0 and I1 of the safety mo module dule ................................... 26

Fi Figu gure re 22-5: 5:

Para Parame mete teriz rizin ing g cros crosss-ci circ rcui uitt det detec ecti tion on ffor or a m mod odul ule e inpu inputt ..... ....... .... .... .... .... .... .... .. 27

Fi Figu gure re 22-6: 6:

Ha Hard rdwa ware re di diag agno nost stic ics s in in the the even eventt of of a sa safe fe func functi tion on bl bloc ock k erro errorr .. .... .... .... .. 29

Figure Fig ure 2-7 2-7::

Sim Simpli plifie fied d schema schematic tic vie view: w: wir wiring ing che check ck ... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ... 30

Fi Figu gure re 22-8: 8:

Ex Exam ampl ple e of an an on onli line ne ttoo oolt ltip ip iin n th the e ev even entt of a an n er erro rorr ... ..... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... 31

Fi Figu gure re 22-9: 9:

Exam Exampl ples es of tool toolti tips ps in the the c con onne nect ctio ion n ed edit itor or in offl offlin ine e mode mode (while editing the safety logic) .............................................................31 ............................................................. 31

Figure Fig ure 2-1 2-10: 0:

Passw Password ord pro protec tectio tion n for PSR-T PSR-TRIS RISAFE AFE-M -M and SAFEC SAFECONF ONF ...... ......... ...... ..... .. 32

Fi Figu gure re 33-1: 1:

Sc Scre rew w co conn nnec ecti tion on (le (left ft)) an and d sp spri ring ng-c -cag age e te term rmin inal al b blo lock cks s (r (rig ight ht)) ... ..... .... .... .... 35

Fi Figu gure re 33-2: 2: Fi Figu gure re 33-3: 3:

Bl Bloc ock k dia diagr gram am of the the P PSR SR-T -TRI RISA SAFE FE-M -M safe safety ty mo modu dule le .. .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... 36 Po Possi ssibl ble e op oper erat atin ing g mo mode des s (s (sta tatu tus) s) o off the the sa safe fety ty m mod odul ule e .... ...... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... 37

Fi Figu gure re 33-4: 4:

Op Oper erat atin ing g an and d indi indica cati tion on e ele leme ment nts s of tthe he s saf afet ety y mo modu dule le .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .. 38

Figure Fig ure 3-5 3-5::

PSR-T PSR-TRIS RISAFE AFE-M -M sig signal nal con connec nectio tions ns .. ..... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ..... .. 42

Fi Figu gure re 33-6: 6:

Exam Exampl ple ea app ppli lica cati tion on for for gro groun und ds swi witc tchi hing ng ou outp tput uts sO O00- an and dO O11- .. .... .... .... .... 45

Fi Figu gure re 33-7: 7:

St Stat atus us b bar ar in in the the SAFE SAFECO CONF NF s saf afe e co conf nfig igur urat atio ion n so soft ftwa ware re (safety module already contains a configuration project) .................... 46

Figure Fig ure 3-8 3-8::

IFS IFS-CO -CONFS NFSTIC TICK K on PS PSR-T R-TRIS RISAFE AFE-M -M ... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ..... .. 47

Figure Fig ure 3-9 3-9::

Mo Mount unting ing PSR-T PSR-TBUS BUS DIN DIN rai raill conne connecto ctors rs ... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ..... 49

Figure Fig ure 3-1 3-10: 0:

Att Attach aching ing the PSR PSR-TR -TRIS ISAFE AFE-M -M safety safety modul module e tto o the DIN rai raill .. ..... ...... ...... ..... .. 49

Figure Fig ure 3-1 3-11: 1:

Co Conne nnecti cting ng the sup supply ply voltag voltage e at at A1/A A1/A2 2a and nd 24V/0V 24V/0V ..... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ..... 51

Figure Fig ure 3-1 3-12: 2:

Con Connec nectio tion n tto o scr screw ew ter termin minal al blocks blocks (le (left) ft) and spring spring-ca -cage ge ter termin minal al blocks (right) ............................................................................ ....................................................................................... ........... 52

Section 2

Section 3






Section 4 Fi Figu gure re 44-1: 1:

Ex Exte tens nsio ion n modu module le wit with h scr screw ew co conn nnec ecti tion ons s .. .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... ..... ..... .... .... .... ..... ..... .... .... 55

Figure Fig ure 4-2 4-2::

Blo Block ck dia diagra gram m for PSR-T PSR-TS-S S-SDI8 DI8-SD -SDIO IO4 4 ... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...56 56

Fi Figu gure re 44-3: 3:

Di Diag agno nost stic ics s and and stat status us iind ndic icat ator ors s on the the ex exte tens nsio ion n de devi vice ce .... ...... .... .... .... .... .... .... 56

Figure Fig ure 4-4 4-4::

PSR PSR-TS -TS-SD -SDI8I8-SD SDIO4 IO4 sig signal nal connec connectio tions ns ... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ..... 58

Figure Fig ure 4-5 4-5::

Co Conne nnecti cting ng the sup supply ply volta voltage ge ... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...62 62

Fi Figu gure re 55-1: 1:

Ex Exte tens nsio ion n modu module le wit with h scr screw ew co conn nnec ecti tion ons s .. .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... ..... ..... .... .... .... ..... ..... .... .... 63

Fi Figu gure re 55-2: 2:

Di Diag agno nost stic ics s and and stat status us iind ndic icat ator ors s on the the ex exte tens nsio ion n de devi vice ce .... ...... .... .... .... .... .... .... 64

Figure Fig ure 5-3 5-3::

PSR-T PSR-TS-S S-SDO DOR4 R4 signal signal con connec nectio tions ns ... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...66 66

Figure Fig ure 5-4 5-4::

Co Conne nnecti cting ng the sup supply ply volta voltage ge ... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...68 68

Figure Fig ure 6-1 6-1::

SAF SAFEC ECONF ONF use userr interf interface ace ... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...71 71

Figure Fig ure 6-2 6-2::

Sa Safe fe functi function on blocks blocks in the too toolbo lbox x (ex (excer cerpt) pt) ........ ........... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...73 73

Fi Figu gure re 66-3: 3:

Pr Proj ojec ectt Wi Wiza zard rd for for c cre reat atin ing gan new ew c con onfi figu gura rati tion on p pro roje ject ct .. .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .. 78

Fi Figu gure re 66-4: 4:

Inse Insert rtin ing ga an n exte extens nsio ion n de devi vice ce iin n th the e ha hard rdwa ware re edi edito torr .. .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .. 79

Fi Figu gure re 66-5: 5:

Ha Hard rdwa ware re ed edit itor or wi with th ma mast ster er mo modu dule le an and de ext xten ensi sion on mo modu dule le inse insert rted ed . 80

Figure Fig ure 6-6 6-6::

Ins Insert erting ing saf safe e functi function on blocks blocks and fun functi ction ons s ... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ... 81

Fi Figu gure re 66-7: 7:

Op Open enin ing g tthe he hard hardwa ware re ed edit itor or wi with th the the aut autoo-hi hide de func functi tion on en enab able led d .. .... .... .. 82

Figure Fig ure 6-8 6-8::

Ins Insert erting ing a sig signal nal in the con connec nectio tion n edi edito torr .... ....... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ... 83

Figure Fig ure 6-9 6-9::

Co Conne nnecti cting ng objec objects ts usi using ng a line line ..... ........ ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ..... .. 84

Figure Fig ure 6-1 6-10: 0:

Con Connec nectin ting g unconn unconnect ected ed sig signal nals s to to functi function on blocks blocks or functi functions ons .. ..... ...... ...84 84

Figure Fig ure 6-1 6-11: 1:

Ope Openin ning g the the parame parameter teriza izatio tion n edit editor or for all inp inputs uts/ou /outpu tputs ts of the PS PSRRTRISAFE-M safety safety module ................................................................. .................................................................85 85

Figure Fig ure 6-1 6-12: 2:

Ope Openin ning g the par parame ameter teriza izatio tion n edi edito torr for for on one es spec pecifi ific c inpu input/o t/outp utput ut ...... ...... 85

Figure Fig ure 6-1 6-13: 3:

Op Openi ening ng the par parame ameter teriza izatio tion n edi editor tor via the con contex textt m menu enu ... ...... ...... ...... ...... ..... .. 86

Figure Fig ure 6-1 6-14: 4:

Mo Modif difyin ying g parame parameter ters s iin n the par param amete eteriz rizati ation on editor editor .... ....... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ..... 86

Figure Fig ure 6-1 6-15: 5:

Set Settin ting g the par parame ameter ter for the use of gro ground und switch switching ing out output put O0- ... ...... ...87 87

Fi Figu gure re 66-16 16::

Ju Jump mpin ing g to an err error or lloc ocat atio ion n in tthe he s saf afet ety y lo logi gic c fr from om tthe he m mes essa sage ge window when checking the configuration project ................................ 89

Figure Fig ure 6-1 6-17: 7:

“As “Assig signme nment nt Lis List” t” dialo dialog g box ..... ........ ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ..... 89

Figure Fig ure 6-1 6-18: 8:

Sim Simula ulatio tion n in SAFECO SAFECONF NF ... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ..... 91

Figure Fig ure 6-1 6-19: 9:

“Simul “Simulate ate Saf Safety ety C Cont ontrol roller ler”” ico icon n ... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ..... .. 92

Section 5

Section 6





List of figures

Section 7 Fi Figu gure re 77-1: 1:

Fl Flow owch char art: t: co conf nfig igur urat atio ion n fr from om A tto o Z (1 o off 3) .. .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... ..... ..... .... .... .... ..... ..... .... .... 95

Fi Figu gure re 77-2: 2:

Fl Flow owch char art: t: co conf nfig igur urat atio ion n fr from om A tto o Z (2 o off 3) .. .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... ..... ..... .... .... .... ..... ..... .... .... 96

Fi Figu gure re 77-3: 3:

Fl Flow owch char art: t: co conf nfig igur urat atio ion n fr from om A tto o Z (3 o off 3) .. .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... ..... ..... .... .... .... ..... ..... .... .... 97

Fi Figu gure re 77-4: 4:

US USB B co conn nnec ectio tion n betw betwee een n PC an and d sa safe fety ty m mod odul ule e .. .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... ..... ..... .... .... 98

Fi Figu gure re 77-5: 5:

Di Dial alog og box box ffol ollo lowi wing ng s suc ucce cess ssfu full da data ta tra trans nsmi miss ssio ion n .. .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... 99

Fi Figu gure re 77-6: 6:

Co Conf nfirm irmin ing g the the co conf nfig igur urat atio ion n wi with th the the ““Co Conf nfir irm” m” b but utto ton n .. .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... 10 100 0

Figure Fig ure 7-7 7-7::

Ins Insert erting ing the IFS IFS-CO -CONFS NFSTIC TICK K ... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ..... 102

Fi Figu gure re 77-8: 8:

Exam Exampl ple eo off a func functi tion on test test for for the the sa safe fety ty sy syst stem em us usin ing g SA SAFE FECO CONF NF online mode ...................................................................................... 105











List of tables

Section 1 Table Tab le 1-1 1-1::

Standa Standards..... rds........ ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ... 13

Ta Tabl ble e 22-1: 1:

Fu Func ncti tion on bl bloc ocks ks that that supp suppor ortt a star startu tup p iinh nhib ibit it/r /res esta tart rt inhi inhibi bitt .. .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... 25

Ta Tabl ble e 33-1: 1:

Me Mean anin ing g of di diag agno nost stic ics s indi indica cato tors rs .. .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... ..... ..... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .. 39

Ta Tabl ble e 33-2: 2:

St Stat atus us ind indic icat ator ors s fo forr sa safe fe inp input uts s an and d outp output uts s .. .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... 40

Ta Tabl ble e 44-1: 1:

Me Mean anin ing g of th the e di diag agno nost stic ics s indi indica cato tors. rs... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... 57

Ta Tabl ble e 44-2: 2:

St Stat atus us ind indic icat ator ors s fo forr sa safe fe inp input uts s an and d outp output uts s .. .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... 57

Ta Tabl ble e 55-1: 1:

Me Mean anin ing g of th the e di diag agno nost stic ics s indi indica cato tors. rs... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... 65

Ta Tabl ble e 55-2: 2:

St Stat atus us in indi dica cato tors rs for for safe safe outp output uts.. s.... .... .... .... ..... ..... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .. 65

Ta Tabl ble e 66-1: 1:

Sa Safe fe func functi tion on bl bloc ocks ks .. .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... ..... ..... .... .... .... .... .... .... 74

Ta Tabl ble e 99-1: 1:

So Solu luti tion ons s for for gene genera rall pr prob oble lems.... ms...... .... .... ..... ..... .... .... .... .... .... .... ..... ..... .... .... .... .... .... .... ..... ..... .... .... .... .... .... 111

Ta Tabl ble e 99-2: 2:

So Solu luti tion ons s for for pro probl blem ems s with with the the gr grap aphi hica call con conne nect ctio ion n edit editor.... or...... .... .... .... .... .. 112

Ta Tabl ble e 99-3: 3:

So Solu luti tion ons s for for pro probl blem ems s wit with h the the pa para rame mete teriz rizat atio ion n ed edit itor or .. .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .. 112

Ta Tabl ble e 99-4: 4:

Solu Soluti tion ons s for for comm commun unic icat atio ion np pro robl blem ems sb bet etwe ween en SA SAFE FECO CONF NF and and PSR-TRISAFE-M...............................................................................113 PSR-TRISAFE-M............................................................................... 113

Ta Tabl ble e 99-5: 5:

Solu Soluti tion ons s fo forr comm commun unic icat atio ion n pr prob oble lems ms bet betwe ween en P PSR SR-T -TRI RISA SAFE FE-M -M and PSR-TS-SDI8-S PSR-TS-SDI8-SDIO4 DIO4 .................................................................115 ................................................................. 115

Ta Tabl ble e 99-6: 6:

Solu Soluti tion ons s fo forr mess messag ages es ffro rom m th the eP PSR SR-T -TRI RISA SAFE FE-M -M sa safe fety ty m mod odul ule.. e.... ..115 115

Section 2

Section 3

Section 4

Section 5

Section 6

Section 9












Numerics 35 mm DIN rail ............................................................ 49

Diagnostics Hardware diagnostics............................................ diagnostics............................................ 27


Online tooltips ....................................................... 31 Status indicators.............................................. 30 30,, 31 Wiring check.......................................................... 29 Diagnostics and status status indicators................................ 38 DIN rail connector, see PSR-TBUS DIN rail connector DIN rail, see 35 mm DIN rail Directives .................................................................... 13 Documentation............................................................ Documentation....................... ..................................... 16 Documentation, SAFECONF ...................................... 70 Dual signals .................................................... 42 42,, 58 58,, 82

Cable lengths to sensors/control devices.................... 51 Category 4 according to EN ISO 1 13849 3849 ...................... 11


A Alarm outputs outputs M0 - M3.................................... 35, 35, 44 44,, 83 Alarm outputs TM0, TM1............................................. 55 Antivalent (safe ffunction unction block) ................................... 74 Assignment list............................................................ 70 Assignment list (SAF (SAFECONF) ECONF) ..................................... 89

Check values (CRC) ..................................... 88 88,, 90 90,, 100 Checking and downloading the project ....................... 95 Checking the project ................................................... 96 Checklist, SAFECONF................................................ 70 Clock outputs outputs T0, T1 ................................................... 55 Clock/alarm outputs outputs TM TM0 0 and TM1 ....................... 60 60,, 67 Communication between PSR-TRISAFE-M and SAFECONF .......................................................... 21 21,, 46 Configurable inputs/outputs inputs/outputs IO0 - IO IO3 3 ................... 55 55,, 63 Configuration download ............................................ 101 Configuration project, see Project Configuration upload from PSR-TRISAFE PSR-TRISAFE-M -M ............ 103 Confirm button ..................... 24 24,, 38 38,, 41 41,, 96 96,, 99, 99, 100 100,, 101 Connecting objects in the connection editor................ 84 Connection editor..... 21 21,, 42 42,, 58 58,, 71 71,, 81 81,, 82 82,, 95, 95, 104 104,, 112 Connection terminal blo blocks, cks, PS PSR-TRISAFE-M R-TRISAFE-M ..... 35, 35, 51 Co Con nnection terminal blocks, PSR-TS-SDI8-SDIO PSR-TS-SDI8-SDIO4 4 55, 62, 63, 63, 68 Connections on PSR-TRISAFE-M PSR-TRISAFE-M .............................. 42 Connections on on PSR-TS-SDI8-SDIO PSR-TS-SDI8-SDIO4 4 .................. 58 58,, 66 Controller password, see Password protection Creating a project.................................................. 78 78,, 95

EDM (safe (safe function block) block)..................................... ..................................... 25 25,, 74 Electrical safety........................................................... 10 EMC Directive 2004/108/EC ....................................... 13 EmergencyStop (safe function block) ................... 25 25,, 74 EnableSwitch (safe functio function n block block)) ....................... 25 25,, 74 Equivalent (safe fu function nction block) .................................. 74 Error detection ............................................................ 10 ESPE (safe function block) ......................................... 25 Example of use Cross-circuit detection .......................................... 26 Examples of use for function blo blocks cks .................... 109 Ground switching outputs O0-, O1- ....................... 45 Restart inhibit ........................................................ 25 Startup inhibit ........................................................ 25 Stop category 0 ..................................................... 25 Exchange signals...................................... 72 72,, 80 80,, 82 82,, 83 Expert mode mode (EASYSIM simulation) ........................... 97 Extension device Insertion ................................................................ 79 Removal................................................................ Removal ................................................................ 80 External signals......................................... 72 72,, 80 80,, 82 82,, 83

Cross-circuit detection ............. 10 10,, 26 26,, 43 43,, 44 44,, 59, 59, 83, 83, 87 Cross-circuit protection ............................................... 45



Fieldbus module ......................................................... 72 Firmware update......................................................... update ......................................................... 52

Data exchange exchange with hig higher-l her-level evel PLC ..... ....... .. 72 72,, 80 80,, 82, 82, 83 Defining the bus configuration..................................... configuration..................................... 95 Device parameterization editor ..................... 26 26,, 85 85,, 112

Forcing......................................... 46 46,, 70 70,, 91 91,, 92 92,, 97 97,, 106 Forcing signals, see Forcing Function blocks blocks with startup or restart inhibit .............. 25 Function blocks/functions, safe..................... 15 15,, 73 73,, 109





PSR-TRISAFE-M Function test ............................................... 97, 97, 100 100,, 104 Functions/function blocks, safe ..................... 15 15,, 73 73,, 109

G Ground switching outputs O O0-, 0-, O1-................. 35, 35, 45, 45, 87 GuardLocking (safe function function block)....................... 25 25,, 75 GuardMonitoring (safe functio function n block) .................. 25 25,, 75 Guideline for test and certification certification GS-ET-26.............. 13

O Objects, connection connection in the connectio connection n editor .............. 84 Online help................................................................ 109 Calling ....................................................... 17 17,, 70 70,, 77 Online mode, SAFECONF .................... 70 70,, 96 96,, 103, 103, 104 Online tooltips tooltips in the connectio connection n editor ....................... 31 Operating and indication elements.............................. 38 Operating status, PSR-T PSR-TRISAFE-M............................ RISAFE-M............................ 37 Outputs O0 - O3............................. 35 35,, 42, 42, 43 43,, 58 58,, 59 59,, 66

H Hardware diagnostics ................................................. 27 Hardware editor 26, 26, 42 42,, 58 58,, 69 69,, 70, 70, 72 72,, 79 79,, 80, 80, 82, 82, 85 85,, 95 95,, 104

I IFS-CONFSTICK IFS-CONFS TICK ........... ................ .......... ........... ......... ... 21, 21, 41 41,, 47 47,, 98 98,, 101 Configuration download ...................................... 101 Indication elements, PSR-TS-SDI8 PSR-TS-SDI8-SDIO4 -SDIO4 ........... 56 56,, 64 Input/output parameterization ..................................... 85 Inputs, PSR-TRISAFE-M............................................. PSR-TRISAFE-M............................................. 42 Inputs, PSR-TS-SDI8-SDIO4 PSR-TS-SDI8-SDIO4 ................................ 58 58,, 66 Inserting function blocks in the connection editor........ 81 Inserting functions functions in the co connection nnection editor ................. 81 Installation of PSR-TRISAFE PSR-TRISAFE-M -M .................................. 48 Installation of of PSR-TS-S PSR-TS-SDI8-SDIO4...................... DI8-SDIO4...................... 61 61,, 67 Intended use ......................................................... 15 15,, 44

L LEDs PSR-TS-SDI8-SDIO4 ...................................... 57 PSR-TS-SDI8-SDIO4 57,, 65 LEDs for inputs/outputs PSR-TRISAFE-M .................................................. 40 PSR-TRISAFE-M Low Voltage Directive 2006/95/EC.............................. 13

M Machinery Directive 2006/42/EC........................... 13 13,, 23 Machinery Directive 98/38/EC..................................... 13 Method of operation of PSR-TRISAFE-M.................... PSR-TRISAFE-M.................... 19 MINI-SYS-PS,, system power supp MINI-SYS-PS supply ly ........................... 51 ModeSelector (safe function function block)............................. 75 Mounting PSR-TRISAFE............................................. 48 MutingPar (safe function block)............................. 25 25,, 76 MutingPar_2Sensor MutingPar_2Sen sor (safe (safe function function b block) lock) ............. 25, 25, 76 MutingSeq (safe function block)............................ 25 25,, 76

P Parameterization editor editor............................................... ............................................... 85 Parameterizing inputs/outputs..................................... inputs/outputs..................................... 95 Password protection ........................................... 32 32,, 103 Performance level PLe according to EN ISO 13849 43 43,, 59 Personnel, requirements requirements............................................... ............................................... 9 Power supply, sensors................................................ sensors ................................................ 44 Printing parameters..................................................... 88 Problems and and solutions............................................. 111 Project configuration and startup ................................ 95 Project documentation documentation.......................................... .......................................... 90 90,, 97 Project download ...................................................... 101 Project password, see Password protection Project startup............................................... 88 88,, 99 99,, 100 Project upload upload ffrom rom PS PSR-TRISAFE-M R-TRISAFE-M ...................... 103 Project Wizard............................................................. Wizard............................................................. 78 PSR-TBUS DIN rail connector ........................ 38 38,, 49 49,, 51 Communication between modules ........................ 22 PSR-TRISAFE-M .................................................. 47 Alarm outputs outputs M0 - M3 .......................................... 44 Behavior with no IFS-CONFSTIC IFS-CONFSTICK................ K................ 47 47,, 102 Clock outputs T0, T1 ....................................... 26 26,, 44 Configuration download ...................................... 101 Confirm button....................................................... 41 Connecting the signal signal lines.................................... 51 Connection terminal blocks ................................... 35 Cross-circuit detection .......................................... 26 Device description................................................. 35 Diagnostic tools..................................................... 27 Error detection in I/O devices ................................ 26 Ground switching outputs O0-, O1- ....................... 45 Hardware description ............................................ 35 Installation ............................................................. 48 LEDs for inputs/outputs......................................... 40





Index Operating and indication indication elements.............................. 38 Operating status .................................................... 37 Password protection.............................................. 32 Project upload ..................................................... 103 Safe outputs O0 - O3............................................. 43

SAFECONF ................................................................ 21 Assignment list ...................................................... 89 Checking and and down downloading loading the pro project ject ................. 99 Connection editor editor............................................ ............................................ 71 71,, 81 Creating a project .................................................. 78

Safety functions, possible...................................... 23 Signal inputs.......................................................... 42

Cross-circuit detection .......................................... 87 Device parameterization parameterization editor........................ 26 26,, 85

Startup/restart behavior......................................... 24 Status indicators.................................................... 30

Documenting signal assignment ........................... 89 Hardware editor, see Hardware editor

Supply outputs A1, A2........................................... 44 Supply voltage connection .................................... 50 Supply voltage via MINI-SYS-PSl.......................... 51 System overview ................................................... 19 USB interface ........................................................ 46 Using the system................................................... 23 PSR-TS-SDI8-SDIO4 Block diagram ................................................. 56 56,, 64 Clock/alarm outputs TM0 and TM1 ................. 60, 60, 67

Installing the software............................................ 69 Modifying device parameters ................................ 86 Online tooltips ....................................................... 31 Operation .............................................................. 77 Printing parameters ............................................... 88 Project Wizard....................................................... 78 Simulation mode ................................................... 91 Starting up a project ................................ 88 88,, 99 99,, 100 System requirements ............................................ 33

Connecting the signal lines.............................. 62 62,, 68 Connection terminal blocks ............................. 55, 55, 63 Device description................................................. 55 Hardware description ............................................ 55

Toolbox ................................................................. Use of ground ground switchin switching g output output ............................. User interface........................................................ Safety concept ............................................................

Indication elements ......................................... 56 56,, 64 Insertion in the hardware edito editorr ............................. 79 Installation ....................................................... 61 61,, 67 LEDs ............................................................... 57 57,, 65 Removal from the hardware editor ........................ 80 Safe outputs O0 O0 - O3....................................... 59 59,, 66 Signal inputs.................................................... 58 58,, 66 Status indicators........................................ 31 31,, 56 56,, 64 Supply voltage connection .............................. 61 61,, 67

Safety integrity ...................................................... 11 11,, 16 Safety notes Electrical ............................................................... 10 General ................................................................... 9 Safety of the machine/system ............................... 11 Safety of personnel and equipment............................. equipment............................. 10 Safety of of the machine/system ..................................... 11 Safety requirements.................................................... 11 Screw connections......................... 35 35,, 51 51,, 55 55,, 62 62,, 63 63,, 68 Signal assignment....................................................... 70 Signal assignment, documentation documentation............................. ............................. 89 Signal inputs and outputs in the connection edito editorr ...... 82 Signal inputs, PSR-TRISAFE-M.................................. PSR-TRISAFE-M.................................. 42 Signal inputs, PSR-TS-SD PSR-TS-SDI8-SDIO4 I8-SDIO4 ..................... 58 58,, 66 Signal sequence sequence diagrams for fun function ction blocks.......... blocks .......... 109 SIL 3 according to IE IEC C 61508 ..................................... 11 SILCL 3 according to to EN 62061.................................. 11 Simulation............................................................. Simulation ............................................................. 91 91,, 96 Software system requirements.................................... 33

Q Qualification of personnel.............................................. 9

R Removal of P PSR-TRISAFE-M SR-TRISAFE-M ..................................... 50 Repairs ....................................................................... 10 Requirements for personnel.......................................... 9 Restart inhibit .................................................. 10 10,, 24 24,, 25 Risk analysis ............................................................... 11

S Safe function blocks and functions.............................. 73 Safe outputs, see Outputs O0 - O3

71 87 71 11

Solutions to problems ............................................... 111 Spring-cage connections ............... 35 35,, 51 51,, 55 55,, 62 62,, 63 63,, 68





PSR-TRISAFE-M Standards EC/ISO 7498 ......................................................... 14 EN 1088 .......................................................... 14 14,, 75 EN 50178 .............................................................. 14 EN 50254 .............................................................. 14 EN 574 .................................................................. 14 EN 60204 ............................................ 13 13,, 20 20,, 23, 23, 74 EN 61131 .............................................................. 13 EN 61496 .............................................................. 13 EN 62061 ........................................................ 13, 13, 15 EN 953 .................................................................. 14 EN 954 ...................................................... 13, 13, 43 43,, 59 EN ISO 12100 ....................................................... 13 EN ISO 13849 ...... ............ ........... ........... ........... ........ ... 11 11,, 13 13,, 15 15,, 43, 43, 59 EN ISO 13850 ....................................................... 13 IEC 61508 ................................................. 11 11,, 13 13,, 15 IEC 62061 ....................................................... 11 11,, 13 Startup inhibit ............................. 10 10,, 24 24,, 25 25,, 96, 96, 100 100,, 102 Startup mode ........................... 29, 29, 70, 70, 97, 97, 103, 103, 105 105,, 106 Startup/restart behavior............................................... behavior............................................... 10 Status bar, SAFECONF ..... 46, 46, 72, 72, 96, 96, 98, 98, 103 103,, 104 104,, 106 Status indicators PSR-TS-SDI8-SDIO4 ...................................... 56 PSR-TS-SDI8-SDIO4 56,, 64 Status indicators for PSR-TRISAFE-M........................ PSR-TRISAFE-M........................ 30 Status indicators indicators for for PSR-T PSR-TS-SDI8-SDI S-SDI8-SDIO4 O4 ................. 31 Stop category 0 ............................................... 20, 20, 23 23,, 25 Supply outputs A1, A2................................................. 44 Supply voltage, PSR-TRISAFE-M............................... 50 Supply voltage, PSR-TS-SD PSR-TS-SDI8-SDIO4 I8-SDIO4 .................. 61 61,, 67 System description for PSR-TRISAFEPSR-TRISAFE-M M .................... 19 System power power supply, MINI-SYS-P MINI-SYS-PS S .......................... 51

T TBUS ............................................. 22 22,, 30 30,, 38 38,, 48, 48, 49 49,, 51 Test clocks T0, T1.................... 26 26,, 35 35,, 43 43,, 44, 44, 59, 59, 83 83,, 87 TestableSafetySensor TestableSafetySen sor (safe function block).......... block).......... 25 25,, 77 Time limit when changing changing operating mode ................ 106 Toolbox................................................................. Toolbox ................................................................. 71 71,, 81 TwoHandControlTypeII TwoHandContr olTypeII (safe function blo block) ck) .............. 77

U Updating the firmw firmware are ................................................. 52 USB interface.......................................... 21 21,, 46 46,, 98 98,, 101 Use, intended........................................................ 15 15,, 44

W Wiring check ............................................................... 29 Wiring documentation documentation................................................. ................................................. 89

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