December 20, 2017 | Author: getnarayanaprakash | Category: Ships, Quality Assurance, Specification (Technical Standard), Sodium Chloride, Scientific Method
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The IMO PSPC raises considerable challenges to the industry as the regulation identifies the need for prescriptive proce...



Narayana Prakash Project Manager [New Builds] G.T.R.C.Marine Consultants, Nassau, Bahamas ABSTRACT: Corrosion protection of ships in the marine environment has challenged for years in the areas of their hulls and internal tanks. The coating process has long been receiving less attention compared to other engineering activities that go into the construction and maintenance of ships. This is RIWHQUHÀHFWHGE\WKHUHODWLYHO\VORZGHYHORSPHQWLQFRDWLQJ and surface preparation technology in comparison to other shipyard engineering processes, and the lack of hard data on installation and subsequent maintenance of the coating system. In 2006, as a means to minimize early corrosion failure of ships and further to enhance Maritime safety, IMO proposed a mandatory resolution commonly referred to as the Performance Standard for Protective Coatings (PSPC) for Ballast tanks of Newly built ships to satisfy target useful life of 15 years. The PSPC rules are new and unproven concepts which call for rigorous incorporation of reality based evidences currently available since there is limited practical experience in terms of the validity of the PSPC. 7KHOLIHWLPHRIDVKLSLVJUHDWO\LQÀXHQFHGE\WKHFRUURVLRQ FRQGLWLRQV SDUWLFXODUO\ LQ WKH EDOODVW WDQNV 7R IXO¿OO WKH demand for a long service life, the water ballast tanks should ideally be protected with a high-quality coating system correctly applied at the new building stage. After delivery of the vessel a regular inspection and maintenance plan should be followed where any damage, ZKHQREVHUYHGLVUHPHGLHGXSZLWKDVSHFL¿HGFRDWLQJ,Q


Kamala Krishnan .P.G. Coating Surveyor [New Builds], G.T.R.C.Marine Consultants, Nassau, Bahamas this way it could be possible to extend the safe life of the vessel. Remember a Deck Cadet or Seaman chipping on the deck for rust. Introduction of PSPC regulates the activities by procedural methods for which systematic training and process for coating application are becoming mandatory. This paper discusses the coating standards including surface preparation and coating application for the purpose of enhancing the safety, performance and life of the ships. INTRODUCTION The requirement of the IMO PSPC regulations for ballast tank coatings includes the creation and maintenance of a FRDWLQJVWHFKQLFDO¿OH &7) FRQWDLQLQJLQVSHFWLRQUHFRUGV IRUWKHEDOODVWWDQNVFRDWLQJKLVWRU\IURPVWDUWWR¿QLVK To organize it in a timely, cost effective manner, digital inspection data can be stored and retrieved during the coating process so that it eases the building of the ship without extra work on the inspectors. The regulation is intended to ensure that the coatings on ballast tank to achieve a target life of 15 years and coating inspection processes are fully documented in CTF- kept on board of the ship at the completion of the building. In addition the performance of the coating system is a condition of class under the Enhanced Survey Program (ESP). With the PSPC is incorporated in the SOLAS regulations the issues becomes even more important, indicating the performance the ballast tank coating as critical to the safety of life at sea, DVLPSRUWDQWDV¿UH¿JKWLQJHTXLSPHQWVRQERDUG2QHNH\ aspect of the PSPC requirement is the need for the shipyard

to deliver the vessel complete with a CTF. This SOLAS document is aimed at providing a record of the coating history for the ballast tanks from the application of shop primer, through to the delivery of the vessel. The IMO resolution MSC.215(82) or PSPC in sea water ballast tanks KDVUDLVHGFRQVLGHUDEO\WKHSUR¿OHRI coating activities in yards, owners and regulatory authorities. The prospect of additional IMO resolutions on coatings to deal with other critical areas in vessel are attracting the attention of many people. THE NEED: AIMS OF PSPC This mandatory standard applies to coating of ballast tanks in all ships above 500 GT as well as doubleside skin spaces on bulk carriers, and is an effort to protect the marine environment and seafarers. The aim is to ensure the structural integrity of the vessel as a whole by avoiding the catastrophic effects of corrosion, thereby improving marine safety in general.IMO PSPC needs following: 1. Coating system must be type DSSURYHG E\  FODVVL¿FDWLRQ society . 2. The coating inspectors are IRUPDOO\ FHUWL¿HG )526,2 NACE or similar) 3. Documentation for all work related to the coating of the ballast tanks is compiled in a CTF (Coating Technical File), which

From a situation like this to-----

is to follow the vessel through its service life. 4. To provide a 15 year or more life IRU EDOODVW WDQN FRDWLQJV GH¿QHG as being in ‘good’ condition (resolution A.744(18)).  *RRG¶ FRQGLWLRQ LV GH¿QHG LQ resolution A.744(18) and is “ minor rust spotting affecting < 3% and < 20% of welds and edges” 6. Better coating systems with less maintenance 7. Improved safety at sea. WHY BALLAST TANKS: Ballast water tanks are a very MHRSDUGL]HG DUHDV RQ VKLSV (I¿FLHQW coating in these tanks can improve VKLSV VDIHW\ DQG SUR¿WDELOLW\ %DOODVW tanks are very susceptible to corrosion due to their constant wet and dry conditions when the ship is ballasted or carrying a full cargo. Apparently FRDWLQJVSHFL¿FDWLRQVRIWKHVKLSVIRU Water Ballast Tanks at New Building don’t satisfy 15 years of coating life. Shipyard Problems ? Today the surface preparation and coating process is considered by most shipyards as a ‘bottleneck’ in the process of Blasting and Coating. The application process must be controlled with respect to the antiFRUURVLRQ FRDWLQJ WKDW LV ¿W IRU purpose. 1. The substrate must be correctly prepared to standard cleanliness DQGSUR¿OH

To Like this –under construction and to last for at least 15 years


 6SHFL¿HG WKLFNQHVV WR EH FRDWHG in acceptable atmospheric conditions. Quality Assurance in Today’s Shipyards: ‡ 6FLHQWL¿F DSSURDFK LQDGHTXDWH WR SURFHVV DQG  IDFLOLWLHV  WUDLQHG personnel ‡ &DOFXODWLRQHUURUV ‡ 2XWRIVSHFUHDGLQJDFFHSWDQFH ‡ 2YHUZULWHVRIGDWD ‡ 8QUHDGDEOHGDWD ‡ 6LJQDWXUHV E\ XQTXDOL¿HG inspectors ‡ 7UDQVFULSWLRQHUURUV ‡ (QYLURQPHQWDO FOHDQOLQHVV conditions are not available/ ignored due to pressure on delivery schedules. Coating manufactures recommend QRPLQDOGU\¿OPWKLFNQHVVYDOXHVIRU which the properties of their coating apply, such as adhesion and other performance properties. In some cases maximum thickness values should not be exceeded to prevent cracking and other failure phenomena. Owners SUHSDUH VSHFL¿FDWLRQV RQ WKHVH guides. This means that a record of WKH VSHFL¿HG FRDWLQJ DQG WKH FRDWLQJ process is essential when preparing and carrying out inspections. WHAT DOES IMO PSPC CONSISTS OF? 1. Type approval of the coating system. 2. Technical Requirements (Coating data sheets, detailed application process).  9HUL¿FDWLRQ DQG ,QVSHFWLRQ DQG documentation of coating process. 4. Documentation Coating Technical File (coating history)-to be maintained onboard. THE PARTIES INVOLVED: In all new building contracts today for building and painting a ship the parties involved are: – Ship-owner – Shipyard – Maker [Coating ] 29

WHAT THEY NEED: Ship-owner : ± $YHVVHOEXLOWWRVSHFL¿FDWLRQDWDQ agreed price and delivered at the agreed time –

IMO PSPC complied coatings in ballast tanks to give trouble free good performance for 15 years or more. Consequences for the Ship Owner: ‡ ([SHFWHGWKDWQHZEXLOGLQJSULFHV may increase by about 3-5%. ‡ +DYH WR PRQLWRU DQG PDLQWDLQ ballast tank spaces. ‡ +DYH WR UHZULWH WKHLU VWDQGDUG SDLQW VSHFL¿FDWLRQV WR UHÀHFW WKH regulations. ‡ 0DLQWDLQFRDWLQJWHFKQLFDO¿OHRQ board the ship. ‡ %HQH¿WV ± ORQJHU VHUYLFH OLIH RI vessel. Consequences for the Shipyard: ‡ 7R KDYH DQG LPSOHPHQW VFLHQWL¿F approach for coating activities. ‡ 7R EXLOG DQG GHOLYHU YHVVHOV ZLWK IMO compliance. ‡ 7R PDNH D SUR¿W LQ GRLQJ VR LQ most cases!) ‡ 6KLS\DUGV REOLJDWLRQ LQ SUHSDULQJ tripartite agreement between ‡ 7KUHHSDUWLHV RZQHUVKLS\DUGDQG coating manufacturer) ‡ &RDWLQJ LQVSHFWLRQ E\ FHUWL¿HG coating inspector. ‡ 3UHSDUDWLRQRI&7) /RJERRN ‡ ,QFUHDVHLQFRQVWUXFWLRQWLPHWREH managed. ‡ 6HWWKHFRUUHFWFRDWLQJSURFHVVDQG procedures to meet the standard. ‡ 7UDLQWKHFRQWDFWRUVPDQSRZHU ‡ 0RGLI\  DXJPHQW XSJUDGH required new facilities. ‡ 4XDOLI\VWDIIWR1$&()526,2 or equivalent. ‡ ,QVSHFWLRQ UHFRUGV HOHFWURQLF  WR be auditable. ‡ 6HOHFW RQO\ 7\SH ±DSSURYHG coating systems ‡ 3UHSDUH D &7) &RDWLQJ Technical File) and Records to be retrievable.

Coating Manufacturer : ‡ (QVXUH W\SH DSSURYHG FRDWLQJV WR the shipyard. ‡ 6XSSO\ QHFHVVDU\ 7HFKQLFDO support data sheets(application and process parameters, maintenance procedure after delivery etc,) ‡ &RQWLQXRXV 5 ' IRU EHWWHU coatings. ‡ &RQWLQXDOO\ XSGDWH UHJDUGLQJ coating Technology to Shipyards. 5ROHRI&ODVVL¿FDWLRQ ‡ $SSURYLQJ RI SUHTXDOL¿FDWLRQ tests and issuance of a Statement of Compliance or Type Approval &HUWL¿FDWHIRUFRDWLQJV\VWHPV ‡ &KHFN 7HFKQLFDO 'DWD 6KHHW DQG the Statement of Compliance or 7\SH$SSURYDO&HUWL¿FDWHFRPSO\ with this Standard, In short

,Coating Application. ‡ &KHFN  FRDWLQJ LQVSHFWRU LV TXDOL¿HG LQ DFFRUGDQFH ZLWK WKH TXDOL¿FDWLRQVWDQGDUGVLQWKH,02 PSPC,-Inspection of Coating. ‡ 5HYLHZ RI WKH &RDWLQJ 7HFKQLFDO File (CTF). Where do we stand now: We can see that only the Builder and Owner were interested in the coating program in any New Buildings as on now for Pre-PSPC vessels. The Role of Class was missing in many cases but with the PSPC implementation, Inspection, Witness and Review will FRPHLQWRSLFWXUH6RPHFODVVL¿FDWLRQV societies have already incorporated in their Quality policies, regarding Inspection in their Quality Assurance Programme.




1st July 2006

SOLAS XII/6.3 comes into force

8th Dec 2006

Draft resolution adopted

1st July 2008

Applied to all ships of not less than 500GT.

1st Jan 2009

Will apply to all Keels laid after this date

1st July 2012

Will apply to all vessels delivered after this date

IMPLEMENTATION DATES In adopting resolution MSC.215(82), the Performance Standard for Protective Coatings (PSPC), on December 8, 2006, the International Maritime Organization (IMO) mandated the coating of dedicated seawater ballast tanks for all new ships of 500 gt or more and the coating of double-sided skin spaces of bulk carriers of length equal to or greater than 150 meters. The PSPC will come into effect for ships which are contracted on or after July 1, 2008; or, in the absence of a building contract, the keels of which are laid on or after January 1, 2009; or for vessels to be delivered on or after July 1, 2012. (although it was introduced under the International $VVRFLDWLRQRI&ODVVL¿FDWLRQ6RFLHWLHV (IACS) Common Structural Rules in January 2008). Usually shipyards, owners and operators have a long lead time to fully grasp the technical and cost implications of new legislation; in the case of the PSPC they did not have this advantage.. WHAT IF THE DEADLINE IS CROSSED? IMO has published a circular- MSC.1/ Circ.1247 dated 6th November 2007 UHJDUGLQJ 8QL¿HG LQWHUSUHWDWLRQ RI “Unforeseen Delay in Delivery of Ships” adding specially to application scheme in SOLAS regulation II-1/3-2. The Delay in delivery is due to unforeseen circumstances beyond the control of the builder and the

owner , may be accepted by the Administration stating that the unforeseen circumstances beyond the control of the builder and owner .In such a situation the delivery date annotated on the passenger ship VDIHW\ FHUWL¿FDWH FDUJR ship safety construction FHUWL¿FDWH RU FDUJR VKLS VDIHW\FHUWL¿FDWHVKRXOGEH foot noted to indicate that the ship is accepted by the administration under the unforeseen delay. Courtesy: Masanori Yoshida, Japan Ship Technology Research &ODVVL¿FDWLRQ VRFLHWLHV Association like DNV recommend ‡ 3UHSDUH&7) planning for compliance with PSPC Minimum requirements of CTF: if delivery date is close to the cut off date delay might push the delivery past ‡ 7\SHDSSURYDOGRFXPHQWV the cut- off date. Yards and owners ‡ 7HFKQLFDOGDWDVKHHWVRIFRDWLQJV should include a clause in the contract ‡ 3URFHGXUH IRU UHSDLU GXULQJ QHZ long series of sister ships for how to building deal with possible requirements not ‡ /RJVKRZLQJFRDWLQJGRQHDVSHU in force or not known at the date of VSHFL¿FDWLRQ signing the contract. Including inspection report, Instruments to meet Target of IMO completion dates, inspection PSPC: remarks, results with relevant signatures. The PSPC sets out requirements for ‡ 'HWDLOVRIPDLQWHQDQFHDQGUHSDLU improved procedures of coating water of coating during service ballast tanks and better quality control by increased inspection requirements PSPC requirements at all stages within surface preparation, Primary Surface Preparation: coating application and coating ‡ 7\SHDSSURYHGVKRSSULPHU quality. ‡ 6WHHO WR EH EODVWHG WR QHDU ZKLWH ‡ 8VHRIW\SHDSSURYHGFRDWLQJV PHWDO 6Dò ZLWKDSUR¿OHWR ‡ :ULWWHQ WULSDUWLWH DJUHHPHQW 75 microns. (builder owner, maker) ‡ $WDQ5+OHVVWKDQDQGVWHHO ‡ 6XSHUYLVLRQE\TXDOL¿HGLQVSHFWRU temperature 3 degree above dew ‡ 0RQLWRULQJ E\ FODVVL¿FDWLRQ point. society. ‡ :DWHU VROXEOH VDOWV PHDVXUHG DV ‡ 3UHSDUH&7) sodium chloride
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