Samiya Zafar Assistant Professor, EED NEDUET M.Engg Fall Semester 2017
Application of Inverse Definite Minimum Time Relay on a Distribution Feeder Consider
the same feeder with two buses A and B
where IDMT OC relays are to be used. The
purpose of R B is to provide primary protection to
line BC and The purpose of R A is to provide primary protection to line AB and bac!up to line BC. "e
start settin# process from tail end of the system.
$a% Decidin# the CT ratios and plu# settin#s for Relay A and Relay B&
$i% At relay B' the ma(imum load current' assumin# )*+ overload is&
,- A $-.)* ( ,- A% / 0-- A
Assumin# 0 A relay to be used' the CT ratio can be selected to be 0-- & 0. The plu# settin# 12 can be done at 0oo+' i.e. 12 / 0.- A. $ii% At relay A the ma(imum load current' assumin# )*+ overload is& $03-,-% -.)* $03-,-% / 4-- A Assumin# 0 A relay to be used' the CT ratio can be selected to be 4-- & 0. The plu# settin# can be done at 0oo+' i.e. 12 / 0.- A.
$b% Decidin# the time!multiplier settin#s& 2tartin# from the most remote relay RB $i% 2ince RB does not have to maintain selectivity with any other relay' it can be made to operate the fastest. Thus the TM2 of RB can be selected as -.0. $ii% 5ow' to maintain selectivity between R A and RB' the followin# constraint must be met&
The operatin# time of RB for ma(imum fault 6ust beyond bus B can be found from
7or ma(imum fault at B' fault current / 4--- A on primary
secondary. 2ince plu# settin# is done at 0.- A' The TM2 of RB has already been set at -.0. 2ubstitutin# these values' we #et& 9et TCB'B/ -.* 2. Then' TR'B TCB'B / -.: s This value of -.: s is the desired operatin# time of RA. Assumin# overshoot time of RA to be 0-+ of -.: s' i.e. TO2'A / -.-: s.
Thus' we #et the reeren*al protec*on. It provies efnite/*me an inverse/ *me over current protec*on. T"e nominal ,T currents applie to t"e IROTE, ?@+(1 can 9e 1 A or ' A.
T"e microprocessor controlle! mul*#unc*onal over current/ *me protec*on evice AE PS 8(1 is suita9le #or efnite *me or inverse/*me over current protec*on o# V motors! trans#ormers! an po0er lines. arameters may 9e set eit"er #rom t"e local control panel or t"rou&" t"e , inter#ace! as esire.
P+A$EMENT AND SETT%N F 9E" $ U " " E N T " E + A# S N ETAP
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