Fmilmflrêe al Qremspbrtl; Ep`foeofÿm al `bs prf rfmo mofp fpfb fbss tl tlom omb b`ÿ `ÿi ifo fob bs y of oflm lmtê têhf hfob obss e `e p `em eml eofÿ fÿm tbfmfshu hum bp lrl eeo ofÿ fÿm mm,y ee` p`erbyelaoj trm eo offb ÿmme`,ale `e`es afvlrses pertls al oue`quflr jbab al tremspbrtl, obm l` hfm al prbvllr `e jbvf`fzeofÿm al plrsbmes y jlroemoêes al ume jemlre; ※ _liure, råpfae, obmhbrten`l, lobmÿjfoe, obmvlmflmtl y objpetfn`l obm l` jlafb ejnflmtl.
Fmilmflrêe al Qremsftb; Equl``e hesl al `e fmilmflrêe al tremspbrtl qul tflml qul vlr obm `e p`emleofÿm, l` prbylotb ilbjætrfob y `e bplreofÿm al` tremsftb pbr oe``ls y oerr oe rrlt ltl lre ress, su suss rla lal ls, tl tlrj rjfm fme e`l `lss, tf tfl lrr rre es eayeolmtls y su rl`eofÿm obm btrbs jbabs al tremspbrtl. Ssfo Ssfob`biê b`biêe e al` Qremsp Qremspbrtl; brtl; Ls ume sun.-rej ume sun.-reje e al `e psfob`biêe fmaustrfe` y briemfzeofbme` qul sl boupe al tbabs `bs objpbmlmtls al` tremspbrtl qul tflmlm qul vlr obm `e obmauote gujeme.
Jbabs al Qremspbrtl Jlafbs al Qremspbrtl L`lj ljlm lmtb tbss nå nåsf sfob obss al `e fm fmil ilmf mflr lrêe êe al L` Qråmsftb
Xlgêou`b ※ Xêe ※
_liûm _liû m J. @. Je Jemg mgl lfj fj,, `e jey eyb brê rêe e al `e `ess eot otfv fvffae aea als i`bne`ls al tremspbrtl sl ``lvem e oenb lm ofmob iremals jbae`faeals; pbr oerrltlre, hlrrbvferfb, eærlb, eouåtfob y auotbs. Oeae umb al l``bs sl afvfal lm abs b jås jlafbs lspl ls ploê oêhf hfob obs, s, y sl lve lve`û `ûem em lm tæ tærj rjfm fmbs bs al `bs sf sfiu iufl flmt mtls ls etrfnutbs;
\nfoeofÿm; Ireab al al eoolsfnf`faea e` sfstlje, heof`faea heof`faea al rutes afrlotes lmtrl pumtbs lxtrljbs y heof`faea pere eobjbaer tremsftb verfeab.
Jbvf`f Jbvf`faea; aea; Oemtfaea Oemtfae a al trems tremsftb qul pulal eobjb aer l` sfstlje (oepeofaea) y `e ftb repfalz obm `eeobjbaer qul lstl pulal tremspbrter. Lh Lhfo foflm flmof ofe; e; ^l` ^l`eo eofÿm fÿm lmt lmtrl rl `b `bss ob obstb stbss tb tbte te`l `lss (a (afrl frlot otbs bs jes fmafrlotbs) al` tremspbrtl y su prbauotfvfaea.
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