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First Edition Published 1993 By: The United Spiritual Temple Inc. Co. 2 Flushing Queens NY 11369 USA Copyright ©1993 United Mystical Studies All rights reserved. No parts of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopy. Without permission in writing from the United Mystical Studies Inc. Reviewers may quote brief passages.

International Standard Book Number: 0-935611-11-8 Cover Design By Magus Jewel Interior Illustrations from various sources. Other Books By Dr. T DePrince The Secrets of Attracting Good Luck The Book of Secret Wisdom Logo symbol is a registered trade Mark of the United Mystical Studies Publishing Inc. A division of The United Spiritual Temple International United States and Great Britain.

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The First Psalm For Female Problems, Problems With A Pregnancy, To Control a man With Your Sexual Magnetism. To Control An Abusive Mate For problems with a pregnancy: Write on a white piece of paper the name of the unborn child. Measure a blue ribbon the size of your stomach by wrapping it around your stomach and back Take this ribbon and fie it around the piece of paper and read the 1 Psalm over it three times. When done, light a seven-day white candle and place this ribbon charm next to the candle. When the candle has burned out, wear this charm next to your body until the child is born. While you are wearing this charm, always repeat the 1st Psalm over it each day. To control a man's sexual nature: Take a brown piece of paper and write the man's name on it thirteen times. Then write your name over his in the sign of a X. (Figure 1) Put three drops of Dr. DePrince "xxx Lovers Brand Oil" on it. Take a red ribbon the size of his left foot and wrap this up with his and your names on the paper. Light a seven-day red candle and place this ribbon charm next to it. Repeat the first Psalm over this charm each day until the candle is burned out. Once the candle is burned out, place this charm in a dark place in your bedroom. To control an abusive mate: Write his name nine times on a piece of brown paper and write your name over his in the sign of the cross. (Figure 1) Put this in a bottle that is mixed with brown sugar and one strand of his hair. Place this next to a seven-day brown candle. Light the candle and repeat the first Psalm over it three times. Do this each day until the candle has burned out. And when he becomes abusive, shake this charm up and repeat the first Psalm until he becomes calm.

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The 2th Psalm The Psalm To Be Use For Protection: Boat Owners, Fisherman, People Who Live Or Work Near The Sea. For protection: Write the name of this Psalm on a clean white plate and hide this plate on your ship or boat for protection against bad storms and accidents. For fisherman; Put one cat-fish bone in a bottle of rose oil and repeat the second Psalm over it each day for 45 days. When you are ready to go fishing, put a drop of this oil on your fish-line for good luck in an abundant catch. For workers near the sea: For protection against accidents, write this Psalm on a piece of white paper and wear it next to your body always.

The Third Psalm The Psalm to be use For Headache and Backache problems. Dr.DePrince Healing Oil and shake well we you are repeating the second Psalm over it. It is very important to keep shaking this mix until you have finish reading the second Psalm. When done, rub this oil mix on your forehead or back for pain.

The Forth Psalm The Psalm for General Good Luck. This Psalm can be use for general good luck and should only be used, if you are not under the spell of a curse or hex. Take a glass of fresh spring water (bottled is ok) and on any

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Sunday morning before sunrise, hold this glass of water facing the East. As the sun begins to rise, repeat the fourth Psalm and make your wish. Keep repeating this on and off until the sun reaches midday. ( Note It is ok to go about your personal business just as long as you can find the time to keep repeating this Psalm over the glass of water until the sun reaches midday.) When the sun does reach midday, drink some of this water and use the rest of it to take a bath in that night This will give you good luck for the rest of the month. To make your luck strong, light a yellow and green seven day candle and rub it on your body with a little of Dr.DePrince's Sun ® Moon Oil Each day. If you are using these special items, you can repeat the forth Psalm over these items for very powerful good luck in all things.

The Fifth Psalm The Psalm To Be Use For Court Cases To Be Use When Asking For Probation Or A Low Bail. Can Also Be Used By Anyone In Business That Has Been Served Unjustly With A Lawsuit.

For probation or low or no bail: Three days before your appearance before the judge, write his name and the name of the prosecutor on piece of brown paper that has been buried in the graveyard for three days. Put this in a glass of water and begin to stir the water counterclockwise. As you are stirring the water, repeat the fifth Psalm until the names on the piece of paper begin to melt. When you are done, put this glass in your freezer. On the day before your court date, take this glass out of your freezer and set it on your table. When you leave to go to court, turn your table chairs' upside down. Repeat the fifth Psalm. As the water begins to melt, so will the judge, s and prosecutor hearts in your Favour. For a business that is being sued unjustly: Write the name of the person who is suing you on a piece of brown paper that has been buried in a graveyard. Put this in a glass of water and stir it clockwise and keep repeating the fifth Psalm until the name begins to fade on the paper. Cover

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the glass with a black cloth and put this in your freezer. As long as this is in your freezer, the lawsuit wi11 come to a standstill and will be met with problems on their part.

The Sixth Psalm The Psalm To Be Used For Problems With The Eye. To Be Used To See Others In True Light Write this Psalm on a piece of white cloth that has been soaked in holy water stolen from the church. Wrap the herb Eye bright and Chamomile inside this and repeat the sixth Psalm over it seven times in a low voice. Soak the cloth with the holy water and put this over your eyes.

Repeat the soaks with the Psalm once in the morning and once at night. If you are under a doctor's care and you are taking medications for your eye problems, you should repeat this Psalm over your medications for spiritual help. To see others as they really are: Try to obtain a picture of this person and write the sixth Psalm on the back of the picture. Put this picture on your mirror with the back side of the picture facing you. Light a blue seven-day candle in front of your mirror. Repeat the sixth Psalm each day over the burning candle. When the candle burns out take the picture and call their name out loud seven times and repeat the sixth Psalm over their picture. Lay this picture face up on your table under a strong light. Everything that you want to know about this person will be exposed to you in your dreams or by other people telling you things.

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The Seventh Psalm To Be Used To Overcome EL Spells And To Protect You From Enemies Planning Your Downfall. Can Also be Used In An Unfair Court Case Against You. To overcome evil spells and cross conditions: Take a bottle Of Dr.DePrince's Rain Water and rub it on your body early in the morning. Make sure that you rub your body all over and very well with this water. If you cannot find a bottle of Dr.DePrince's Rain Water, used the water from the first rain in May from the sky, which you must collect in a blessed white bowl. As you are rubbing this water on your body, repeat the seventh Psalm and ask God for his power to help you overcome this problem.

When night comes, take a bath with one cup of vinegar and one teaspoon of salt and put one ball of magic bluing in your bath water. As you are bathing in this mix, read the seventh Psalm three times and step out of the tub backwards. Repeat this special ritual for nine days or until the evil condition is broken. For very bad evil conditions, burn a seven-day, gray candle and add one bottle of Dr. DePrince's Freedom From Evil Bath Wash. For a unfair court case: If you are being tried for a case that you feel is unfair. Take a bath that has been mixed with three drops of Master Of Court Oil. Burn a yellow seven-day candle and repeat the seventh Psalm over it each day until the candle burns out. On the day that you are to be tried, put one drop of Dr. DePrince's Master Of The Courts Oil in each shoe and put a silver dime in your left shoe. Repeat the eighth Psalm until you are in front of the judge.

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The Eighth Psalm To Be Used To Become Successful In Business, To Draw Customers. On the new moon, take dirt from the four corners of your place of business. Write the eighth Psalm on a piece of gold paper with your full name at birth. Fold the paper in fours toward you, and make your wish On both sides of the paper, write the name "Rechmial". Place this in a gold envelope with a complete fish bone. The fish bone must have the head and tail attached to it. Put three teaspoons of Dr. DePrince's Master Money Powder and one teaspoon of the graveyard dirt. Repeat the eight Psalm over these three times. Place this over your door hidden behind a picture of St. Peter. Each day you open your doors for business, repeat the eight Psalm for wealth

For A Stronger Spell: Take a brand new broom that you have purchased on the day of the new moon. Put three drops of Dr. DePrince Master Money Oil on it and let the broom set in the light of the new moon for 24 hours. The next day. sweep your store with this boom and at read this Psalms three times. Do this spell each month on the full moon and your business will prosper.

The Ninth Psalm To Be Used To Keep A Young Male Child Free From Unnatural Sickness. Write the full name of the child on a piece of brown paper along with the ninth Psalm. Put one teaspoon of asafetida on the paper and wrap it up with a red and blue ribbon. Put this in a red bag and sew it up. As you are sewing this up, repeat the ninth Psalm over it until you have finished sewing up this bag. You can pin this to the child or you can have them wear it around their neck. If you cannot do all of the above, place this under their bed near the head of the child.

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The Tenth Psalm To Be Used To Render The Home Free From Ghost, And Evil Spirits Write the tenth Psalm on a piece of brown paper that has been set in graveyard dust for nine days. Burn this paper and mix the ashes with one teaspoon of sulfur. Take a seven-day, gray pull out candle and rub the candle well with Dr. DePrince's Three Leg Dog Oil. Rub the paper mix on the candle and put the candle back into the far.

Take any remaining ashes and put some outside in front of your door. Put the rest on the inside next to your door. Light the candle and repeat the tenth Psalm over it each day until the candle burns out. To cure someone who is possessed with an evil spirit: Take the ashes that have been mixed with sulfur and rub the person body with the mixture all over. Have the person spit inside the jar that will hold the seven-day candle. Put the candle back inside the jar and light it. Have the person take a bath with one teaspoon of Dr. DePrince's Three Leg Dog Oil. Repeat the tenth Psalm over it each day until the candle burns out.

The Eleventh Psalm To Be Used To Overcome The Feeling Of Fear And Lack Of Confidence. Sit in front of a mirror with two gold candles on each side of you. In the centre of the setup, you will write on a piece of white paper 81/2 by 11 the holy name "Pele" in the enter of the paper. Bend your head down about 45 degrees. Repeat the eleventh Psalm until you begin to feel an inner peace. When you begin to feel the spirit of peace around you, look up into the mirror and repeat these words:

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Day by day in every way I am becoming more positive with myself. Each day my Confidence is growing stronger and stronger. At this moment I can begin to feel my inner strength becoming stronger and stronger. By the holy name of Pele I thank you for making me stronger and fearless in all things. So be it.

The Twelfth Psalm To Be Used To Stop Evil Vibrations And Bad Influence. Write the twelfth Psalm on a piece of brown paper with a black ink pen. Put this in a cup of turpentine on the floor and cover the cup with a black cloth. Lay a cross on top of the cup and repeat the twelfth Psalm over it. Go to the next room in your house and place the cup on the floor and repeat the twelfth Psalm over the cup. Do this for each room in your house. When done, put this on the floor in one of your closets. Each month changes this with new turpentine. Sometimes when you change the turpentine, you will see strange things that will be mixed up with the turpentine. Have no fear if they move or talk to you. These are only the evil spirits that you have trapped with this special mixture. Add one teaspoon of sea salt to kill any moving of evil spirits. If they talk to you, do not answer them and have no fear. As long as you have them inside this cup, they cannot hurt you.

The Thirteenth Psalm To Be Used To Invoke The High Powers Of Protection Against Bodily Harm, Suffering And Unnatural Death Take a jar of your first morning urine and add one teaspoon of red pepper, one teaspoon of Dr. DePrince's Monkey Oil, and one pure silver dime. Mix all this together and read the thirteen Psalm over it three times.

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This must be done when you wake up in the morning. Put a tight cap on this jar and cover the jar up with a purple cloth. Turn the jar upside down and place

this under your bed near the foot. When night comes, rub this mixture on you body and light a blue seven-day candle. Run your bath water and put the rest of the mixture in your bath water. You can use any bath mixture or soap with this bath. As you are taking this bath, repeat the thirteen Psalm. Stay in the bath for 13 minutes and then step out of the bath tub. As you begin to step out, say the holy name Essiel and ask for holy protection against all hurt, harm and unexpected danger. The next day put this dime in your right shoe. As long as you carry this dime with you, there is nothing that can hurt you for that month. Note: For stronger protection, you can add Dr. DePrince's Seven Cats Lucky Bath Wash to this if you want to. This will effect the mind and body .The smell will take the thought of the urine off your mind

The Fourteenth Psalm To Be Use To Stop Others From Spreading Lies And Gossip About You. Write the fourteenth Psalm on a piece of parchment paper with a blue ink pen. Take one handful of Five Finger Grass and put it up to your mouth. Close your mouth tight and read the fourteenth Psalm mentally to yourself. When done, put this in the centre of the paper and wrap it up and tie it up with a black ribbon. Bury this near the crossroads and put one penny in the ground with it. When you begin to cover this up with dirt, read the fourteenth Psalm and when you are done, you will see a small stone that will be on top of this small grave. Take this stone home with you. As long as you have this stone, the lies and gossip will stop. When this has been achieved, return to the spot that you have bury these items and place the stone back on this small grave. Leave, and do not look back.

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The 15t16 Psalm To Be Used For Overcoming Depression And Self Pity. Mix three teaspoons of equal parts of Skull Cap, Vervain and Passion Flower root in a half gallon of hot water. As the water is boiling, repeat the fifteenth Psalm over it. Let this mixture boil on a low fire for 20 minuets. When done, let this mixture cool for one day. The next day before you go to bed, tie a blue ribbon around your head and prepare your bath water. Let the water be as hot as you can stand it. Do not let it get too hot to burn you. Put one cup of this mixture in your bath water and drink one cup. Repeat the fifteenth Psalm while in the tub. Stay in the tub for 15 minutes. Repeat as often as needed for depression.

The 16th Psalm To Be Used To Find Out The Names Of Thieves And Secret Enemies And The Secret Making Of The Witches Tell Mirror. Buy a mirror size 4x4 and on the back of this mirror write the 16 Psalm. This must be done during the times and hours of Mercury on any Wednesday. When done, light one teaspoon of Dr. DePrince's Hermes incense and hold the mirror with the back facing up over the smoke. Repeat the 16 Psalm over this until the smoke has died out. When done, wrap this mirror up with a red silk cloth. Put this away in a special box. This can be any box that is only used for this secret work

To find out the name of thieves that have stolen from you, do this: Write the names of the people that you suspect may have done this to you on parchment paper size 3x3 .You must make sure that each name is written on a separate piece of paper. Take out your special mirror and place it face up on the table. Repeat the 16 Psalm over it and put the names on the mirror. Look into the mirror and relax. Soon you will see white clouds rolling toward and away from you. The paper with the names of

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the persons that did the stealing will move. If you wait and look long enough into the mirror, you will begirt to see their faces. When done, burn the papers and put your mirror away.

The 17th Psalm To Be Used To Be Safe Anywhere In The World. Take a strip of copper the size and length of your left forefinger. On one side of it write your full name at birth and on the other side write the holy name "Shoddin". Wrap this up in a purple cloth and repeat the 17 Psalm over it. When done, place this in your bible next to the 17 Psalm. Place a glass of water next to your bible. Repeat the 17 Psalm over this charm until the water in the glass begins to evaporate. When the water has evaporated from the glass, your charm is ready to be carried with you for strong holy protection against evil anywhere in the world.

The 18th Psalm To Be Said When About to Be Attacked Or Robbed. If you find yourself suddenly facing bodily harm from a mugger or people with the thoughts of hurting you ,fear not. Take a deep breath to compose yourself and hold up your right arm with your fist finger pointing toward the sky. Make a complete circle with your arm in the air counterclockwise. Suddenly drop your arm down and point at the person head between their eye, and call the name "Eel Jah" as loud as you can. This will fill their mind with fear and conf union and they will leave you alone fast. If your feel that you are facing We and death decision and that your life is really in danger point your finger at the person's heart and send all fear that you have inside you into this person's heart while calling on this holy name. Their heart will stop. Only use this last to defend yourself. There is no pleasure in taking the We of anyone.

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The 19th Psalm To Be Used For Protection Against Hurt And Harm For Soldiers, Inmates Or Any One In Dangerous Confinement. Buy a gold wedding band, and on the inside of this ring have the jeweler engrave the letters. "F.S.H." (see figure 2) Put this ring a jar of holy water that has been stolen from the church, Repeat the 19 Psalm over this jar each day for twenty-one days. After twenty-one days, take a bath with this water and put the ring under your pillow. The next day you can wear this as a ring, or hang it around your neck If you want to make this for someone to use, you must take their underclothing or shirt and put this in the jar of water with the ring. Let this soak for 23 days. You do not have to take a bath with this mixture. They must repeat the 19 Psalm over this once each day for lasting protection. If you are unable to find a gold ring. Have this person repeat this Psalms 100 times each day for each day you are confined.

The 20thPsalm To Be Used To Improve Your Living Conditions And Relieve Hardship. If you are tried of living a We of poverty and want to begin to improve your lot on this earth, use this powerful Psalm and special items always. Soon your We will begin to improve and you can start to live the type of We you always wanted to live. This powerful ritual will take time and much secret mystical work on your part. If you are lazy, then do not do this. This is for those folks who are tired of living with nothing and truly want to live a We of happiness and success. I have personally seen people who have done just what I told them to do. Things in their lives started to change from bad to good It fills me with joy, when I help others to get what they want.

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If you are going to use this spell to improve your We, let me know how you did. This spell takes twenty-one days before you will begin to see good things happen to you. With some people, things will begin to happen sooner With others, a little longer. Do not give up. You must remember that it took you many years to get into the mess that you are in. It will take you sometime to get out of it. The more you repeat this powerful spell, the more good luck you will build up in your life. First, write down on a piece of brown paper all the problems that you are having. Fold this up and put it in your bible. Get a piece of gold paper" 11 by 14"and write down all the things that you want to have out of We. Do not hold back Write down just what you really want to have and do. Buy some magazines that have pictures in them of the type of We you want to have. Cut these out and stick them on the gold sheet of paper. Write on the other side these holy words." Asnah' V' Sela", and "Korem" Write these words in this order on your paper. Place one seven-day gold, red and green candle on the positions of the numbers on the paper as in figure 3. In the centre of the paper, place an Aladdin incense burner that has been fill with one teaspoon of Dr. DePrince's Wealth Way Super Mixture incense. The incense burner must be pointed toward the East. Take a bath and add to it some Dr. DePrince's Attraction Bath mixture. Stay in the tub for 15 minutes and read the 20 Psalm out loud When done, dry yourself and rub a little of the Special 20 brand oil on your wrists, and at the centre of your forehead. Stand nude in front of the candles that you have set up. Light the three candles beginning, clockwise from the top. Light the candles and incense and read the 20 Psalm Hold your hands out front and draw the smoke towards your body. Draw the smoke all over your body and pretend that you are washing your body with the smoke. As you are doing this, mentally see in your mind's eye the type of life that you want to have. Keep doing this until the smoke dies out. Repeat this ritual each night for twenty-one days. At the end of twenty-one days, burn the brown paper that you have placed in your bible, the paper that has your problems on it Bury the ashes at any crossroad Start this on the new moon and do this at night before you go to bed. Tell no one what you are doing. Soon money will begin to flow into your We.

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The 21th Psalm To Be Used To Help You Influence Someone In High Position. If you want to make an appointment to see someone in a high position to influence them in helping you with your plans, take a brand new pen and write a letter asking for an appointment. Take a teaspoon of magnet dust and rub it on the paper lightly. Rub the magnet sand on the paper towards you and repeat the 21 Psalm three times. Make sure that you mail this letter off on any Wednesday before 12 noon.

The 22th Psalm To Walk In Safely With The Holy Angels Protection. To Be Used For Only 24 Hours. Write this Psalm on a piece of parchment paper and sign your full name at birth. Wrap this around a St, Michael pendant and soak all these items in a glass of holy water for one full day. As this is soaking, you must repeat the 22 Psalm over it three times in one day, once in the morning, noon, and the last one at night before you retire. The next day. early in the morning before you leave your house, rub this water all over your body and repeat the special Psalm. For 24 hours you will be protected against all hurt, harm and danger. Nothing can hurt you as long as you have the power of the holy angels on your side.

The 23 Psalm To Receive Secret Information From A Dream Or Spirit. Fast for one day, only drinking fresh water or fruit juices. Before you retire for the night, take a blue pen or chalk and draw the special sign in figure 4 in the centre of your forehead. Light one teaspoon of Dr. DePrince Master Of The

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Spiritualists Brand Blue Incense. Repeat the 23 Psalm over it until the incense has burned out Take one small glass of vodka and add one drop of your blood from your left middle finger. Repeat the 23 Psalm over this and drink this. Lie down and soon you will begin to feel the spirits coming around you. Show no fear, they are there to help you. Wait until they ask you what you want to know. They will show you this information in a vision, or put you in a magical sleep and tell you what you want to know. If you do not like to drink you can do this with a glass of warm water that has been buried for three days, next to a grave of a baby boy. If you do not like to go to the graveyard, you can write this Psalm on a piece of paper and place this under your mattress to receive an answer in your dreams only. The first method is highly recommended and should be used. Warnings: do not do this if you are having heart problems, nervous problems or are under the care of a psychologist or doctor. Do not take ANY drugs with this or have sexual intercourse 24 hours before doing this.

The 24th and 25th Psalm To Secure Magical Protection Against Tidal Waves And Floods. On the first Sunday after the new moon, walk up to a dogwood tree, cut a branch from the tree and repeat these two Psalms over it When you leave the tree, leave one pure silver coin next to the trunk of the tree. When you get home, take a red pen and write these two Psalms on a piece of brown paper and sign your full name at birth on it with the name of someone that has passed on. This person's must be someone that who would have known you in this life. Wrap this paper around the branch of the tree. Bury this branch in your front yard pointing towards the sea. If you live on a at hide this somewhere near the port side of the at near the gild arm. If you are ever in danger at sea or near your home, the person's spirit whose name you wrote on the branch will come into your dream or warn you in person. Obey that warning and make the needed steps for safely.

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The 26th Psalm To Be Used When Facing Severe Punishment From The Judge. If you have been fortunate to make bail, go to the store on an early Thursday morning before noon, one week before your court date. Buy one box of sugar and one jar of honey. Write the judge's name on the egg and place it in a white bowl that has been filled with the honey. Pour one cup of sugar over the honey and egg. Do not mix it up. Write the 26 Psalm on a piece of brown paper and place this in the honey and sugar mixture. On the night before your court date, put seven teaspoons of this mixture in your bath water and repeat the 26 Psalm when you are in the tub. Stay in the tub for ten minutes and ask God to give the judge mercy in your case. The day of the hearing, get to the court house before the sunrise and break the egg in front of the court house. Put the paper in your left shoe. With your faith in God, and this work you have done, all will go well for an early release from imprisonment. For a parole hearing: Contact someone close to you on the outside that has your true concern and love at heart. You must understand that you must have truly repented the crime that you have done and have made up your mind that you will not return to a life of crime. If you are released because of this magical spell and do not change your ways, the next time you are facing imprisonment, will be for life. It is fair to let the person's know the outcome of this if you fail. The person that has helped you with the spell will also suffer, and a curse will be with them for the rest of their life. With this understanding, and if you are still willing to do this, have the person on the outside buy three seven-day white candle and one box of Dr. DePrince Just Judge Incense.' Refuse food for that day, and at night write the 26 Psalm in a letter to the person, and send this letter to them. Have that person put this letter under the candles and light a teaspoon of incense. Have that person repeat the 26 Psalm until the smoke of the incense is burned out. That person must repeat this each day once, in the morning and before retiring for the night. This must be done 30 days before your parole hearing. Make sure that the person that is doing this work for you, does not miss a day. This is very important. At this time you must repeat this holy Psalm each day for 30 days before your hearing. You only have to fast once for this spell, and that is only when you write the letter.

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On the day of the hearing, fall on your knees and ask God for forgiveness and make the holy promise to God above. If you have faith and have done this work the jail doors will open for you.

The 27th Psalm To Be Greeted With Good Luck And Respect In A Strange City Write the 27 Psalm on a piece of parchment paper in the light of the full moon. Wrap this around a loadstone and put this in a glass of water with one teaspoon of sugar. Place all this in the light of the full moon. The next day put, this in a bottle and place this in a dark place in your home. When you are ready to take your trip to a strange city or land, repeat the 27 Psalm over the jar of water and pour this in your bath water. This is said to make others at you with dignity and respect in any city on earth.

The 28th Psalm To Make Your Enemy Become Your Friend Write the 28 Psalm on a piece of red paper and after each line of this Psalm write your enemy's name under each line of this Psalm. Wrap a red ribbon around the paper, making the ribbon into the sign of the cross. Put this in a jar of honey and place this in a bowl of water. Each day repeat the 28 Psalm over the bowl of water until the water has evaporated. When the water is gone, bury this jar near the person's home or work place. This will make your most hardened enemies want to become very friendly with you.

The 29th Psalm To Be Used To Cast Out Evil Spirits In The Home On any Saturday morning before sunrise go to the front of a graveyard and gather the dirt up in front of the gate. Take this dirt home and mix it up with one teaspoon of sulfur, salt and red pepper. Cover the mixture and light one teaspoon of Dr. DePrince's Bat Blood Incense. When Copyrighted © 2008 DePrince& Associates

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the incense is burning, make sure that you are barefoot and hold the dirt mixture over the burning incense and repeat the 29 Psalm over it until the smoke of the incense is out Make sure that you are facing the South when you are doing this. When done, put some of this dirt mixture in each corner of your house. Open the windows' a little and leave your house for one hour. When you leave your house, make sure that you do not turn around or look back If you hear someone calling your name, do not answer or look back When you are out of your house, repeat the 29 Psalm and ask God to remove all the evil spirits from your home. When the hour is over, make the sign of the cross in front of your door. All will be well with the help of God.

The 29rh Psalm For very bad evil spirits in the home If your home is overcome with evil spirits so bad that you are seeing them and they are opening the doors and moving things try this for stronger power Do everything thing that you have learned to do above, but buy a white live chicken and put it in a black bag. Place this chicken in the centre of your main room and leave the house as above. When you get home, the chicken will act like it is dead. DO NOT LOOK INSIDE THE BAG. DO NOT TARE THE CHICKEN OUT OF THE BAG. Repeat the 29 Psalm over it and leave the chicken tied up at any crossroad away from the public. If you arc driving to find a road or if you are on foot, do not pay any mind to what the chicken is doing or saying to you. Show no fear or give in to its threats.

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The 30thPsalm To Be Safe from Daily Evil Vibrations Repeat this Psalm over a cup of mint tea and drink it each morning to be safe from evil vibrations and evil thoughts of others.

The 31 Psalm To Stop Slander And Untrue Rumors. Write the 31 Psalm on a piece of brown paper size of 7 x 4.On the other side write down all the slanders and lies that have been said about you. Put some cut up sage root in the centre of this paper and also place a seven-day black candle in the centre of this paper, and light the candle. Each day repeat the 31 Psalm over this burning candle until the candle burns out. When the candle has burned out, fold this paper in fours away from you and put it in your left shoe and wear it. As long as you wear this in your left shoe, the person or persons who are spreading these lies, their personal guarded secrets that they do not want to be made public, will come out The lies that have been spread about you will be wiped away from the public mind.

The 32th Psalm To Be Forgiven By Your Lover Or Mate. If you have offended your lover or mate, and have caused him or her to become very angry and not speaking to you, do this. Write their name down on a brown piece of paper and put one teaspoon of cinnamon in it and wrap it up with a pink ribbon. At night before you go to bed Copyrighted © 2008 DePrince& Associates

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.repeat the 32 Psalm over it and hold it over the third eye. When you have made a mental image with your mate, ask them to forgive you for what you have done. Female Problems Pin this to your underwear and repeat the 32 Psalm each night until your mate asks you for forgiveness

The 33 Psalm To Keep Your Children Alive And Safe From Stray Bullets And Child Molesters. Trace seal Figure 4 on a piece of pure parchment paper and write the child's name on the inside of the circle. On the back of this blessed seal, write the 33 Psalm and wrap up this blessed charm with a blue ribbon. Pin this on the child clothing for protection

The 34th Psalm To Invoke The Magnetic Controlling Spirit Take a bottle of Dr. DePrince's Magnet Water and pour it in a white bowl Write the name of the person that you want to influence and have power over on a piece of brown paper. On the other side write the 34 Psalm. Place this in the bowl with the water and let this stay for twenty-four hours before you meet the person that you want to influence. One the day before you meet this person, wipe your hands and face with this water. Put one drop on your lips. When done, repeat the 34 Psalm and when you meet this person, make sure that you shake their hands or try to touch them in some way.

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The 35th Psalm To Overcome And Win An Unjust Lawsuit. Write the 35 Psalm on a piece of brown paper. On the other side, write the name of the person or persons that have present this unjust lawsuit against you. When done, fold this paper in fours and place it in the center of three coffin nails. Tie the nails up with black ribbon and bury all of this at a crossroad. On the days that you have to be in court, repeat the 35 Psalm, and with your faith in this work and God, you will be successful

The 36th Psalm For False Rumors. Repeat the 36 Psalm early in the morning before sunrise. When done, spit three times on a black seven-day candle. Light this candle and one teaspoon of controlling incense. Repeat this for seven-days or until the candle burns out.

The 37th Psalm To Bring Reason To Someone That Has Been Drinking Heavily. Take a piece of asafetida and add it to a cold jar of water. Repeat the 37 Psalm over the jar of water and pour this water over his complete body. Repeat until this person has come to their senses.

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The 38th and 39th Psalm To Receive Mercy From A Judge If you are about to face a judge and you want the court to have the following mercy on you. walk seven times in the cemetery. Repeat the 38 Psalm ,and pick up a handful of dirt from a fresh grave. Put this dirt in a bag that has three coins inside it. When done, repeat the 39 Psalm. When you get home, put this dirt under your bed. When your court case is over and you are pleased with the results, you must go back to the cemetery and leave this bag in the cemetery. When you leave, do not look back no matter what you hear or see.

The 40th Psalm To Stop Sexual Spirits from Tormenting And Harassing You. If you are being tormented beyond help from evil spirits that have sex with you in your dreams or in person do this. Write the 40 Psalm on a piece of paper and burn this' to ashes. Rub the ashes all over your body and repeat the entire 40 Psalm Keep these ashes on your body for twenty-four hours. Do not eat anything except you may drink fresh spring water or real fruit juices. The next day wash the ashes off with some holy water or Dr. DePrince's Special Water added to your bath water. Repeat once a week until you get results.

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The 41th and 42th Psalms To Overcome Back Stabbers And Secret Enemies On Your Job. Write the 41 Psalm on a piece of pure parchment paper and roil it up. Stick this on the inside of a lemon or lime and put this inside your desk in your office or inside your locker. Make sure that each day you open your desk drawer or locker to let the scent out and repeat the 41 Psalm. All your secret enemies will be exposed on your job, and any plots or traps that have been set for you will turned back on the plotters.

The 43th Psalm To Find Out Secret Information From Your Dreams. Fast for one day. and on each hour of the day, repeat the 43 Psalm and make your wish of what you want to learn from your dreams. Before you retire that night, repeat your wish again over a glass of fresh spring water. What you want to learn will be exposed to you in your dreams that night.

The 44th Psalm To Be Said Daily For Protection From Your Enemies. Each day when you awake, make the sign of the cross at the four corners of the earth when done, repeat the 44 Psalm with love and devotion. Do each day for power.

The 45th Psalm To Control Your Wife and Have Power Over Her. If you have a nagging wife and have no peace in the home, do this to gain for peace and controlling power On the full moon, cut some hair from the top of her head as she sleeps. Wrap this up with a piece of paper that has the 45 Psalm written on it. Place all of this in a jar of honey. Each day repeat the 45 Psalm over the jar of honey until you have achieved control and peace in the home. Copyrighted © 2008 DePrince& Associates

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The 46th Psalm To Have Power Over Your Husband And Peace In The Home. On the new moon, cut some hair from the back of his head as he sleeps. Wrap this up with a piece of paper that has the 46 Psalm written on it. Place all of this in a jar of honey. Each day repeat the 45 Psalm over the jar of honey until you have achieved control and peace in the home.

The 47th Psalm To Be Well Liked By All (for politicians, and show business people) Catch the first May rain water in a pail and place it in a white bowl. Repeat the 47 Psalm over the bowl of water seven times and repeat your full name at birth after each verse of the Psalm. Wash your hands and face with this water for seven-days. Soon, with your faith in this work people will begin to warm up to you and seek you out for your friendship.

The 48 Psalm To Put Fear Into Your Enemies Heart And Mind. On the night when the moon shows no light, sit in front of a mirror with only a black and red candle burning in the room. Write your enemy's name on a piece of brown paper with Dr.DePrince 's Bat's Blood Ink On the other side, write the 48 Psalm backward . Stick this to your mirror with the person's name facing the mirror. The next day before sunrise, take the candles and paper and place this in a bag in front of your enemy's house. Your enemy will be filled with fear and terror each time they see you.

The 49 & 50th Psalm To Protect Your House From Strange Sickness. Take some dirt from the four corners of your house, both inside and out. Place this in a white doth that has been soaked in holy water and has all your family names written on it. Tie this up with a blue ribbon each day for twenty-one days. and repeat the 49 and 50 Psalms over it. Hang Copyrighted © 2008 DePrince& Associates

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this secretly in a closet in your house. As long as you have this blessed charm in your house and with your faith in this work, no strange sickness will ever enter your home.

The 51 Psalm To Free Yourself From Guilt. If you have committed a heavy sin and want the forgiveness of God, write your sin down on a piece of pure parchment paper 100 times. This should be done in the light of a white candle. You must start this at 1 am on any Sunday Morning, and end this ritual before sunrise. As you write your sins, You must repeat the 51 Psalm with each sin. When finished, burn this paper and rub your body with the ashes. Keep the ashes on your body all day Sunday and wash it off early Monday morning. You must do this only if you are truly sorry for your sins and want God's forgiveness and you swear before God to never repeat your sinful acts.

The 52th Psalm To Become Free From Lies And Slander. Use this with the 14 Psalm and, repeat it each day to stay free from lies and slander.

The 53th. 54th and 55th Psalm To Expose All Of Your Seen And Unseen Enemies. If your enemies have made your life so bad that whatever you do to try to make peace has failed. Do this powerful ritual All the evil and secret plots that have been set for you will be turned back on your enemies tenfold. On any Saturday before sunrise, fill a bottle with your fast morning urine. Add three teaspoons of red pepper and one bottle of Dr. DePrince's Black Angel Oil. Write on a brown .piece of paper that has been buried in a graveyard for three days, the problems that you are having and the names of the people that you think have hurt you. On the other side of this paper write the 53.54 and 55 Psalms. Roll this paper up and tie it with a black ribbon. Place this in the jar with

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the special mixture. On Friday at lam in the morning, bury this jar upside down at a crossroad. Place three pennies in the ground with it. As you walk back home, read the three Psalms. That night a woman, dressed in black will come into your dreams and ask you what you want done. She will tell you what you have to do to take care of your problems. Obey this spirit and you will always be protected from open and secret enemies. Warning: whatever agreement you make with this spirit, you must keep.

The 56th Psalms To Control your Lust And Sexual Passions. If you feel that your lust has gone out of control and you feel overly sexed, repeat this Psalm over a bottle of fresh spring water that has one teaspoon of "Golden Seal" root in it. Drink this mixture cold. Do this until your passion has been brought under control

The 57Th Psalm To Become Lucky In All Things. Write the 57 Psalm on a piece of gold paper and under each line of the Psalm write your full name at birth. Female Problems When you have done this, add one teaspoon of ground up nutmeg and one teaspoon of loadstone dust. Roll this up and wrap a blue ribbon around it. Each day for twenty-one days you are going to rub this packet over your nude body and repeat the 57 Psalm. This must be done without fail. You must not miss one day. At the end of the twenty-one days, seal this charm in a bottle of honey that has seven silver coins in it, and place this secretly in a safe place. As long as you have faith in this type of magic making, you will become lucky in everything that you do.

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The 58th Psalm To Stop The Attack Of Vicious Dogs. If you are about to be attacked by a vicious dog, raise both hands in the air and repeat the six verses of the 58 Psalm. Bring your hands down quickly and dap them together once. This will make the dog or dogs stop in their tracks or go away. If you live in an area that is infested with packs of wild dogs and you want stronger protection, get the tongue of a dog and dry it in the sunlight. Write the 58 verse on the dog tongue and wear it in your left shoe. This will make dogs fear you and run from you.

The 59th Psalm To Make Your Mind More Positive And Free From Depression. Mix one part of "skullcap root" with two parts of vervain. Let this soak in cool water and repeat the 59 Psalm over it for seven-days. At the end of seven-days take one wine glass full at night and one before your days work. By repeating this each day, you will make your life more peaceful and positive.

The 60th Psalm To Be Used By Combat Soldiers, Policemen And Armed Guards. If you work in a dangerous place and want holy protection against armed enemies, write your full name and your parent's full names at birth on this special charm Figure 2.. Place this charm on a piece of brown paper that has the 60 Psalm written on it. Wrap this up and tie a blue ribbon around it Carry this with you always when you are in battle or in the streets, for holy protection against harm.

The 6lth Psalm To Bless A New Home Or Apartment. To make your new dwelling place lucky for you, take some dirt from the four corners of the house. Place this on a piece of gold paper that has the 61 Psalm written on it. Warp this up with Copyrighted © 2008 DePrince& Associates

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one red, gold and white ribbon. Put three drops of Dr. DePrince's Lucky Ant Oil on this charm and hide it secretly inside your new home. With your faith in God's and in this work, your new dwelling will become very lucky for you.

The 62th Psalm To Receive Holy Blessings. Place a silver cross in a glass of holy water. Read the 62 Psalm over it three times. Let this cross sit in the water for twenty-four hours. The next day, pour this water into your bath water and repeat the 62 Psalm over it. When you have done this, place this cross on your open bible. This will bring good and holy blessings into your We

The 63 Psalm To End A Bad Business Deal Without Loss. If you have entered a business deal and you feel that the parties involved are going to take unfair advantage over you, write their names on a piece of brown paper and on the other side write the 63 Psalm. Place this in a jar with one live frog and a garden snake. Wrap this jar with a black cloth and suspend it up- side down over a bowl of water. Each day disturb the water and repeat the 63 Psalm over it. The parties that want to take advantage of you will become restless and uneasy about you. They will make you an offer to be released from any binding contracts.

The 64th Psalm To Be Safe When Travelling At Sea Go to the beach and pick up the first sea shell that catches your eye. Take it home and soak it overnight in a jar of holy water. The next day, wrap it up in a piece of parchment paper that has the 64 Psalm written on it. Keep it wrapped until you are at sea and then throw this charm into the water. You will be safe from any danger at sea, with your faith in God and this wonderful holy work.

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The 65th Psalm To Become Lucky With People Of Influence. Write the person's name on a piece of brown paper. On the other side write the 65 Psalm. Place this under a seven-day pink candle. Each day as the flame of the candle is burning, look into the centre of the flames and make your wish. When the candle has burned out take the paper and place it in your right shoe before you meet the person that you want to help you in your projects.

The 66th Psalm To Exorcise And Evil Spirit From A Possessed Person. Notice! this should only be performed by a person who has strong faith in God and a good loving heart. This person should not fear evil spirits or devil demons. If you have these blessed qualities, then prepare your mind and body for three days by praying and fasting. You must fast on the fast day, and slowly break your fast for the next two days. Eat nuts and fresh light foods. Eat no pork or animal meals, and no drinking or sexual contact for these three days. Drink plenty of fresh spring water. Try to avoid small talk or unnecessary talking .and no heavy business work. On the day before you do work, take a bath that is mixed with one part of hyssop, sea salt and one part of holy water. These items must be put into your bath water. Dress in a white robe that has been blessed by the sun light. This exorcising must be performed one hour before midnight. It is best to have strong, caring friends around you if things should go wrong. Warn them that no matter what happens, they must keep a cool head. Have the person that has been possessed with an evil spirit brought before you. Tie them down with strong bonding to stop them from hurting you or themselves. Rub your hands and face with some olive oil and begin to repeat the lord's prayer and the 66 Psalm three times, facing the East. Ask God for holy protection for you and your friends. Then repeat the 66 Psalm, and hold the cross over them as you do. No mater what happens, do not retreat or show fear in the face of the evil demons. If any of your friends become fearful, have them removed to calm them down. Copyrighted © 2008 DePrince& Associates

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Keep up your prayers and you will begin to feel the holy power come around you. By keeping up your praying and repeating the 66 Psalm until midnight. The demons will leave. Ask God for thanks, and go in peace. All is well and over.

The 67th & 68 Psalm To Remove Evil Spirits For Someone Who is Confined. Do everything as in the above 66 Psalm ,and also repeat the 67 and 68 Psalms over the person that is confined to a bed or in a hospital.

The 69th Psalm To Overcome Bad Habits. Begin by repeating the 59 Psalm with the 69 Psalm over a glass of cool water, and asking God to help you overcome your bad habits. When this is done, drink this water and repeat these two holy Psalms again. By adding this blessed ritual with the 59 Psalm, this will give this spell more powers and help you overcome any bad habits that you wish nto overcome.

The 70`e Psalm To Overcome Your Enemies. Write the names of your enemies on a piece of brown paper. On the other side, write the 70 Psalm. Place some Devil Shoe String root in the centre of the paper .and wrap it up with a brown ribbon. Carry this with you and you will have the power to control and overcome your enemies.

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The 71se Psalm To Make The Parole Board Set You Free. If you are in prison, and you have to go to the parole board for a hearing about your release, twenty-one days before you meet the board you must ask God to forgive you for your sins. Each day for twenty-one days repeat the 71 Psalm before you go to bed, and when you arise in the morning. During the day you must pray and ask God to forgive you and blessed you with a good life. Promise to God that when you are released from prison, that you will live a life that is free from crime. During the day, you must not engage in wrong-doing or meet with others that have no desire of doing well in this life. During the day, thank God for his love and for helping you to be released from jail. Tell no other inmate what you are doing. When the day comes for you to meet the parole board, fast and wash your face with cold water. Repeat the 71 Psalm. With your faith in God's and if you are truly sorry for your wrong deeds, you will be released from jail.

The 72" Psalm To Always Meet Your Needs Be Safe From Poverty. Take a fish, sea bass and place it in a white new bowl. Pour one bottle of Dr. DePrince's Wealthy Way Oil on it and add a half of cup of brown sugar. Write on a piece of pure parchment paper the full name of your parents and your full name at birth. One the other side write the 72 Psalm over it. Prick your left forefinger to draw blood. Place this on the paper with three silver coins. Wrap this up and tie it with a gold ribbon. Place this inside the fisk mouth. Bury this fish pointing toward your house. As long you have this fish pointing towards your house, you will always have money to meet your needs. You will never see poverty in this life. Do this during the new moon.

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The 73 to The 116 Psalms These special Psalms require the burning of special blessed incense. This is a special blend of incense called. Seven-day All Purpose Incense. You can buy this at any good occult supplies store, or you can order from us at the United Mystical Studies. 2539 96 St Flushing Queens NY 11369 It is best to burn one teaspoon of very good All purpose incense that has been made in the secret Occult way. Ask your dealer for a good all purpose incense and a gold Aladdin incense burner. If your dealer cannot supply you with these items, write to The United Mystical Studies for the latest price list. Ask for Dr. DEPRINCE's Special All Purpose Hindu Seven-day Prayer Mixture. If you decide to use some other dealer's brand, make sure that it is well fixed and mixed according to secret Hindu system of magic.

The 73th Psalm To Be Safe In Any City In The World. Write the 73 Psalm on a piece of parchment paper and hold it over two teaspoons of burning incense. While this is burning, make your wish for good luck and protection in the city that you wi11 be visiting. Place this paper in your left shoe when you visit the city, for holy protection.

The 74t" Psalm To Make Your Enemies Plans Against You Fail. If you have powerful and strong enemies whose actions are always causing you problems, write their names on a piece of brown paper. Burn one teaspoon of incense. Then tear up the paper and mix it with the burning incense. As the incense is burning, read the 74 Psalm over it and make your wish. When this is done, take the ashes and place them near your enemies, homes. All of their actions will turn against them and cause them much trouble.

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The 75th Psalm To Receive A Pay Raise Or Promotion On Your Job. Write the name of your boss on a piece of brown paper. On the other side, write the 75 Psalm. Place this under the incense burner that has three teaspoons of burning incense in it. Do this during the early morning hours before sunrise. Place the incense burner near an open window. As the incense is burning, repeat the 75 Psalm and make your wish. Repeat this each day for seven-days and on the eighth day ask your boss for a raise.

The 76' Psalm To Protect Your House From Fire And Floods. Once every six months, take some dirt from the four corners of each room of your house. Place this inside your incense burner with three teaspoons of incense. As the incense is burning, walk into your house and repeat the 76 Psalm while standing in each room of your house. When this is done, place this incense burner on the out side of your house near the front door. Let it stay there until the next day. Do this every six months for holy blessing and protection in the home.

The 77th to the 79Psalm To Be Used Stop Evil Plots, And Bring Death To Your Enemies. Add one teaspoon of graveyard dust to three teaspoons of incense. Bum this during the early morning hours on any Tuesday. As the incense is burning, repeat the 77 Psalm with the 79 Psalm. This will make your enemies' plans turn against them in a fatal way.

The 80th Psalm To Create Self Confidence. If you lack confidence in yourself, stand in front of a mirror and light one teaspoon of incense. As the incense is burning, repeat the 80 and 81 Psalms over the burning incense. When the incense has burned out. take the ashes and rub them on the bottom of both your feet. Repeat each day until your self-confidence and faith grows. Copyrighted © 2008 DePrince& Associates

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The 81th and 82nd Psalm To Be Use For A Successful Outcome In Any Business. Burn one teaspoon of incense on any early Sunday morning. and hold your business contracts over the resulting burning smoke. Repeat the 82 Psalm until the incense has burned out. This will bring you success in any business venture that you engage in. The 83'6 Psalm To Become Invisible Prom Your Enemies. Write the 83 Psalm on a piece of parchment paper. Place a stone called heliotrope in the centre of the paper and wrap it up with a gold ribbon. Hold this charm over a teaspoon of burning incense. As the incense is burning, repeat the 83 Psalm until the incense has burned out. Repeat this ritual for twenty-one days. After twenty-one days, wear this charm around your neck. As long as you wear this charm with your faith in God and with your faith in this work, you will be able to walk unseen around your enemies. If you place this charm in a place where they are holding your friends in captivity, they will be able to overcome their captors and escape without hurt or harm.

The 81th Psalm For A Holy Healing. If you are suffering from a bad disease and you are under a doctor's care, this special Psalm will help you with holy healing powers. Light one teaspoon of incense and hold your hands over the resulting smoke. As it is burning, draw the smoke with your hands towards your body from head to foot. As you doing so. repeat the 84 Psalm and ask God to help your body become healed of any disease. Repeat this daily until your body is healed.

The 85th Psalm To Bring Peace Between Friends. If you have a falling-out with your friend, and have tried to make peace unsuccessfully, then do this: write your full name and their full names on a piece of parchment paper thirteen times. Make sure that you write your name first. Copyrighted © 2008 DePrince& Associates

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On the back of this paper, write the 85 Psalm. Place this on a white plate and put one teaspoon of honey over it. Place an incense burner over this with one teaspoon of burring incense in it. As the incense is burning& repeat the 85 Psalm and make your request. Soon, your friend will forgive you and will seek you out.

The 86th to the 88th Psalm To Be Used To Strengthen Your Aura. Mystics have used these powerful Psalms for many years to make their aura strong against bad luck sickness and evil conditions. This powerful spell can be used anytime you feel depressed and negative. Wash yourself thoroughly with one 1 / 2 p of sea salt or Dr. DePrince's Special Jinx Removing Bath Wash. Stand nude in the sun-light and burn one teaspoon of incense. Repeat these three special Psalms .and walk over the smoke each time you repeat these verse. When this is done, turn around three times and urinate.

The 89th Psalm For The Comfort of an Aids Victim. If your friend or love one has contracted the Aids disease and is quickly wasting away before your eyes, you can bring the spirit of peace into his or her life. Filling a bottle with pure olive oil and place a piece of pure virgin lame wool inside it. Rub his or her forehead with this oil pray, and repeat the 89 Psalm. This will give him or her a peace of mind acceptance what must be. Note The cure for Aids will be discover in August 2029 in a small village in Northern France.

The 90th Psalm To Rid Your Home Of Ghosts And Bad Spirits. If your home is plagued by evil spirits and ghosts and you are afraid to sleep in your own house, do this to bring you peace: wash your floors with one teaspoon of lemon oil, and light one teaspoon of incense in the rooms that the ghosts are M. Open the windows as the incense is burning. Repeat the 90 Psalm until the incense has stop burning. Take the ashes and place some in each corner of the room. This will stop the noises, and with each daily use, the ghosts will leave your home. Copyrighted © 2008 DePrince& Associates

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The 91 Psalm A Universal Psalm That Can Be Used To Keep Away Suffering, Sickness, And, Strange Diseases. And The Protection From Hurt, Harm And Danger. The 91 Psalm is one of the most powerful Psalm in the bible. It has many deep secret uses for skilled mystics. You can use the power of this Psalm to help you overcome any of the problems that you are having. Light one teaspoon of incense and read this Psalm. As you do so ask God to help you overcome the problems that you are having. The daily use of this powerful Psalm will help keep evil and bad luck out of your life. It will make your spiritual vibrations very strong for a long time. Repeat this blessing and holy Psalm each day and often.

The 92 Psalm To Achieve Fame And Fortune. If you want to achieve fame and fortune in your business. use this powerful Psalm to help you. Write your full name at birth on a piece of gold paper, and on the other side write the 92 Psalm. Place one Sunflower Plant and one Marigold Plant in the centre of the paper. Wrap this with a green ribbon and hold this over one teaspoon of burning incense. As the incense is burning, repeat the 92 Psalm over this three times. When this is done, place this on a clean white plate. For the next 91 days hold this plate over one teaspoon of burning incense and repeat the 92 Psalm. At the end of 91 days, wear this charm around your neck with a green ribbon. With your faith in God and in this blessed work, you will find that good luck will begin to come your way. Your name will be known to many who will seek you out for your goods or services:

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The 93th Psalm To Plea Your Case Successfully. Light three teaspoons of incense, and as it is burning, repeat the 93 Psalm. Look into the resulting smoke and call the name of the person that you must appeal your case to. Start to move the smoke of the incense to your mouth, and keep repeating the 93 Psalm until it has stop smoking. Do this the day before you go to plead your case.

The 94th Psalm To Control Your Enemies. Write your enemies' names on a piece of brown paper and tear it up into small pieces. Place the pieces in a brown bag that has three crosses drawn on it: one on the backbone on the front and one on the bottom of the bag. Take one handful of incense and repeat the 94 Psalm. Place this inside the bag along with the pieces of paper. Shake the bag and burn one teaspoon of this mixture. Hold the incense burner next to a window, and blow the smoke in the direction of you enemies. By repeating this each day. you will have total power over your enemies.

The 95th to the 98th Psalms To Bring Peace And Love And Strengthen Family Bonds. By repeating Al of these Psalms over one teaspoon of burning incense each day. You will bring great peace into the home and make families come strongly together.

The 99 Psalm To Remove Bad Vibrations From The Home Or Office. Burn one teaspoon of incense near an open door, and repeat this holy Psalm to rid the home or office of bad vibrations.

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The 100" Psalm To Prevail Over Your Enemies. Reading this Psalm with the 94 Psalm will make your work more powerful in overcoming your enemies.

The 101" Psalm To Stop Evil Spells And Return Them To The Sender. Place a sheet of pure parchment paper in your bible and let it stay there for three days. At the end of three days, write the 101 Psalm on one side, and on the other side write the 91 Psalm. Fold this paper in fours .and stick a silver pin though the centre of it. Light one teaspoon of incense and hold it over the smoke. As the incense is burning, repeat the two holy Psalms over it until the smoke of the incense stops. Carry this charm with you for twenty-one days. All evil spells that have been cast on you will leave you and cast on to the sender tenfold.

The 102 o 103 Psalm To Be Use By Women Who Want To Bear Children. This is for any woman who wishes to have children when there is no psychical or medical reason why they cannot. Take a white baby-diaper and write on one side of it the 102 Psalm. On the other side, write the 103 Psalm. Light one teaspoon of incense, hold the diaper over the burning incense and repeat the two Psalms until it has burned out. Wrap this up with a blue ribbon and place this under your mattress. Repeat this before you have sexual intercourse. With your faith in God and this work you will conceive.

The 101 Psalm To Be Safe From Unseen Danger. Repeating this Psalm daily over a teaspoon of burning incense and put a little of the ashes in your left shoe. This will give you holy protection against unseen danger and harm.

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The 105 to the 107 Psalms The Famous Fever Charm, To Help Cure Fever. Write on a piece of pure parchment paper size 11 by 7 the above three Psalms. Write on both sides of the paper. Place this charm (see figure 4) in the centre of the paper and add one slice of garlic. Wrap this in a white cloth that has been soaked in holy water for three days. Tie a red ribbon around this charm and hold it over one teaspoon of burning incense. As the incense is burning, repeat above three Psalms until the incense has burned out. Place this charm in a dark jar and keep it in a cool place. When someone has fever, take this charm out and blow on it three times, and wave your left hand over the charm three times. Rub the charm on the forehead of the person with the fever .and repeat the three holy Psalms over that person. With your faith in God and this work, the highest fever will be broken when Al other treatment has failed

The 108' Psalm To Become Successful In All Business Transactions. Write this holy powerful Psalm on letter size pure parchment paper. Place one teaspoon of antdust in the centre of the paper and fold it in thirds and place it inside a white envelope. Tie a gold ribbon around this envelope and hold it over one teaspoon of burning incense. Repeat this Psalm until the incense has burned out. Hide this near the front door of your business. As long you have this powerful charm near your door, your business will become very successful. All of your business transactions will become very lucky to you. Repeat this powerful ritual every six months to keep good luck in your business.

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The 109' Psalms to Destroy Your Enemy For Life. If you have a powerful enemy who has made your life unbearable and you want them to suffer as you have, take nine grains of mustard seeds and grind them up with one teaspoon of red pepper. Place this mixture in a small jar of brown vinegar. Write his or her name thirteen times on a piece of brown paper and place this in the jar with this special dark mixture. Light one teaspoon of Dr. DePrince's Special Black Magic No 9 Incense and hold this jar over the burning incense. Read this Psalm backwards, and for each verse that you read, call this person's name out. Then on any early Saturday morning before sunrise, place this uncovered mixture in front of the person's house or pour it on their car. Make sure that not one drop is spilled on you! This person's We will soon become a living nightmare. They will never know sleep or peace of mind. They will be tormented by demons of the night. at they own in this world will be lost. Make sure that this person is the one that has made your life unhappy, or you will suffer their fate.

The 110 Psalm To Remove The Evil Spell And Make Your Enemy Ask For Forgiveness. If you want to remove the above spell that you have cast with the 109 Psalm, and you feel that they have suffer enough, light one teaspoon of incense and repeat the 110 Psalm over the burning incense. Call this person's name out seven times. Repeat this for seven-days. Soon your enemy will contact you and ask for forgiveness.

The 111 Psalm To Draw And Attract Many Friends Around You. Take a fresh stone called Loadstone and hold it over one teaspoon of burning incense. Repeat this Psalm over the burning incense, and with each verse that you repeat rub the stone over your nude body. Repeat this each day until you soon begin to see many people coming into

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your life seeking your friendship. With each repeated use of this powerful spell, you will soon become very popular and your presence will always be welcome and in demand.

The 112 Psalm To Become A Very Powerful Man If you want to become a man that can command respect and power from others, take the Magus Stone and rub your penis with it until you began to get an erection. Take this stone and place it in a jar of pure spring waiter. (Bottled spring waiter is ok.) Write this Psalm on a piece of gold paper and tape it around the jar. Hold this jar over one teaspoon of burning incense. As the incense is burning, repeat this Psalm over it until the incense has burned out. Place this jar in sunlight until a white substance has formed on top of the water. Take one teaspoon of this substance each day until the water is all finish. You will begin to notice that your face will become more youthful. and your voice will begin to sound pleasing to others. You will become fuller of energy and your thoughts will become clear. Any business project that you engage in, you will have the advantage and become successful. You will have power over your fellow man. You will become victorious in any combat that you engage in. Your magnetic powers will bring anyone that you desire into your life. Any woman or man that you take to bed will be pleased beyond their expectation. When they think of you, they will be filled with the heat of passion for you. Your will experience no sickness and long life will be given to you. In the end when, death comes, you will vomit up the white secret juice.

The 113th Psalm To Stop Infidelity. To stop your loved one from committing acts of infidelity and to keep them faithful only to you.take a small piece of their underwear and wrap it up in a brown piece of paper. This brown paper should have written one side .and the name of the person on the other side. Tie this up with a purple ribbon and hold this over one teaspoon of burning incense. Repeat this Psalm until the incense has burned out. Place this under the mattress on the side that your

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loved one sleeps on. With your faith in God and in this work, your loved one will lose all desires to be unfaithful to you.

The 114th Psalm To Become And Stay Successful In Business. Use this Psalm with the 108 Psalm to stay successful in your business. This Psalm can also be used alone with the burning of one teaspoon of incense and the repeating of this wonderful Psalm. For stronger powers, write this Psalm on a piece of parchment paper and place it over the door of your business. Burn three teaspoons of this incense and repeat this blessed Psalm each day for 21 days.

The 115h Psalm To Be Safe From A Violent Death. Write this Psalm down on one side of a piece of pure parchment paper .and on the other side write your full name at birth and your date of birth. Hold this over one teaspoon of burning incense and repeat this Psalm until the incense has burned out. Fold this charm into fours and wrap it with a blue ribbon. Carry this with you and the holy spirits will watch over you and protect you from any danger.

The 119th Psalm and beyond …. These are some of the most powerful Psalms in the book of Psalms. The deep mystical secrets that are hidden in these Psalms are too powerful to be used by anyone not skilled in the mystical arts. I feel that what has been presented here to you is enough to help you achieve anything that you will ever need in this life. Other so called works that claim to reveal the secret of the Psalms have attempted to publish the secrets of the 119 Psalm. To this, I have many serious and magical questions as to the authenticity or possible "occult blinds" that may have been placed in order to keep such power out of non-mystical hands. In order to keep this work complete. I will only give you the healing magical secrets and a few practical magical uses of these powerful Psalms that must be used with pure Kabbalah Healing Oil.

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Only used these Psalms with full faith and a pure heart with, trust in God. and you must fast and pray when you used them. One. day if the spirit is willing. I will release the true practical magical secrets of the power and used of these Psalms that can fill many books and volumes.

Alpha To Be Used To Relieve Nervous Shakes. Rub three drops of oil in your hands and make healing passes over the person's body. Recite this Psalm to relieve nervous shakes of the body.

Beth To Improve Your Memory. The daily repeating of this Psalm and rubbing the back and centre of your head will in time give you a strong memory.

Gimel & Daleth To Heal And Improve Eye Problems. Rub three drops of this oil on the person's forehead that has eye problems, and repeat this Psalm when making healing passes over the eyes.

He To Help Someone Break A Bad Habit, (Drugs, Drinking, Smoking) Write this person's name on one side a piece of pure parchment paper and on the other side write this holy Psalm. Place this in a bottle of healing oil and repeat this holy Psalm seven times we asking God to help this person's stop their habit Each day, place one drop of this oil on the person's forehead and one drop on each of their feet. Have this person's recite this Psalm each day and used this oil until they have conquered their problem.

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Dau To Improve Your Mind And Become More Positive. Repeat this Psalm over a glass of spring water and drink one glass before retiring at night and one glass upon arising.

Zain To Remove Depression. Write your full name on one side of a piece of parchment paper and on the other side write this holy Psalm. Place three drops of healing oil on this paper and carry it next to your body until your depression has ceased.

Cheath To Remove Pain In The Upper Part Of The Body. Take a warm white cloth and place three drops of this special oil on it. Repeat this holy Psalm and place the cloth on the chest of the person that is having pain. With your faith in this work and in God all pain will be removed.

Certh To Remove Pain From The Hips And To Help Cure Bowels And Liver Problems. Place three drops of this oil on the part of your body that has pain. Repeat this holy Psalm for healing power.

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Job To Receive A Special Holy Blessing From God. Repeat this holy verse each morning upon arising next to an open window that faces the sun. If you have problems with your nose, place one drop of this oil on your nose and rub it while repeating this Psalm. With your faith in God and his holy work, any problems with your nose will be healed

Lamed To Bring Positive Vibrations Into Court. If you have to appear in front of a judge and you want your case to be decided positively in your Favour, write the name of the judge on one side of a piece of parchment paper and on the other side write this Psalm. Place one drop of this oil on the paper and wear it on your right side. With your faith all will go well for you.

Men For Pain In The Arms And Legs. Put three drops of this oil in running bath water. Once you are inside of the tub, repeat this Psalm seven times. Stay in the tub for 15 minutes. When you are done, rub three drops of this oil on your body and once you get out of the tub repeat this holy Psalm again.

Nun To Travel Safety Anywhere In The World. Before your start your trip, place one drop of this oil on each foot and repeat this holy Psalm. You will have the power to travel safety and be blessed wherever you go.

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Samcrch To Have A Favor Granted. Place one drop of this oil on your lips, and call out the person's name seven times. Repeat this Psalm and ask the person's the Favor that what you want. Do this one hour before visiting this person.

Ain To Heal Pains In The Arms. Rub one drop of this oil on the arm in which you are having pain, and repeat this holy Psalm.

Pc To Heal Nose Problems. Used this Psalm with the holy Psalm (Caph) above for more power in healing nose problems.

Tsaddi To Make A Wrong Decision Right If you have been wronged by a decision that you feel was unjust, write that decision on one side of a piece of brown paper, and on the other side write this holy Psalm. Place this in a bowl of water and place one drop of the oil in it. Set this next to an open window. Each day repeat this Psalm over the water until it has dried up. With your faith in this work, the decision will be made in your Favour and you will have justice.

Koph To Heal Painful Leg Problems. Rub three drops of this oil on the leg that you are having problem with and repeat this Psalm until the pain has stopped. Copyrighted © 2008 DePrince& Associates

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Resh To Heal Ear Problems. Place one drop of this oil on a cotton ball and repeat this Psalm over it three times. Place this in your ear and make the sign of the cross over your ear. With your faith in God and this work you, will soon have relief.

Srhin To Heal A Bad Headache. Place three drops of this oil on your hands and rub them while repeating this holy Psalm. When your hands are warm, place them on the person's head and repeat this holy Psalm. Repeat this holy Psalm again until the person's has relief.

Tau For Pains In The Body. Take a bath and add seven drops of this oil to your bath water. Repeat this holy Psalm seven times we you are in the tub. Stay in the tub for 15 minutes, when you are finished, light a white seven-day candle and rub your body with three drops of this holy oil. With your faith in this work and In Gods you will have relief.

The 120 Psalm To Become Safe From Dangerous Snakes And Scorpions. If you will be travelling in an area that is known to be infested with dangerous snakes and reptiles, write this Psalm on a piece of parchment paper and wrap it up with a snake skin. Repeat this Psalm over it three times and carry this charm with you. As long as you have this charm with you, neither snakes nor reptiles can harm you.

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The 121 Psalm To Travel Safely At Night Take a silver chain and place it in a glass of holy water. Repeat this Psalm over it three times and place this glass in the light of the full moon. The next day, repeat this Psalm three times over the glass of water and take a bath with the water. Wear this chain around your neck and you will be protected from all evil of the night.

The 122 Psalm To Receive A Holy Blessing Stand in front of a church during the light of a new moon and repeat this holy Psalm 13 times. When you are finished, leave three dimes near the front of the church for a holy blessing.

The 123 Psalm To Compel Your Help To Return To Work For You. If you are in business, or your personal help has left your business and you want them back Write their names nine times on a white plate and place a seven-day purple candle on it. Light the candle at the time and day that they left you. Repeat this Psalm over it. Do this for sevendays, starting on the day they left you, and they will be compel to return to you.

The 129th Psalm To Travel On Ship Or Boat Safely. Take a sea-shell and repeat this holy Psalm over it three times. When you are on water, throw this shell overboard and repeat this Psalm and make the sign of the cross.

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The 125th Psalm To Travel Safely In A Hostile And Troubled Country. If your travel plans take you to a hostile country, take seven teaspoons of sea-salt and wrap it in a blue cloth. Repeat this Psalm over it seven times. Carry this with you in your travel bags and you will have the holy forces of protection with you always.

The 126th Psalm To Gain Favor With The Family Services Courts. If you are called into family services court about your children's welfare and being write the names of the children involve on one side of a piece of parchment paper. On the other side write this Psalm and place one teaspoon of sugar on the paper. Place this on your bible one day before you are to appear before the courts. On the day of the court trail, rub your stomach with this paper and read this Psalm and ask God for his help. If you are truly serious about raising your children in the right way you will have success, and victory will be yours.

The 127 Psalm To Protect Your Child From Stay Bullets And Street Gangs. Cut a piece of hair from the back centre of your child's head. Place this on a piece of parchment paper that has your child's full name at birth on one side, and on the other side this Psalm with this sign on it. Add one teaspoon of Magnet Sand and wrap this up and place it inside a small red bag. Put three drops of Hoyt Cologne on it and repeat this Psalm as you sew-up this bag with blue thread. Have the child wear this or pin it next to their body under their garment for strong holy protection.

The 128" Psalm To Prevent Miscarriage. Repeat this special Psalm over a teaspoon of holy water and rub your stomach with it. Do this each morning for protection against unseen dangers and sudden miscarriage. Copyrighted © 2008 DePrince& Associates

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The 129" Psalm To Do Great And Wonderful Things. Each morning when you arise, give thanks to God for the many blessings that he has already bestowed upon you. Then repeat this Psalm and ask God to give you the power to help others. By repeating this holy ritual each day, God will give you the power to do great things to help many people.

The 130 Psalm To Leave A Guarded City Invisible. If you wish to leave a city unseen by guards or enemies, take a handful of sunflower seeds and repeat this Psalm over it three times. Throw the seeds to the four quarters of the earth and make a circle around you with your right forefinger pointing out. You will be able to pass unseen among your enemies.

The 131 and 132th Psalm To Develop A Pleasing And Magnetic Personality. Write your full name at birth on one side of a piece of parchment paper. On the other side, write these Psalms. Place one teaspoon of magnet sand on this paper and tie it with a blue ribbon Repeat these special Psalms over this charm each morning and night. By carrying this charm with you. you will cause people to want to be around you and to go out their way to please you.

The 133 Psalm To Draw And Hold Love Of Another. Take something that belongs to this person's and place it on a piece of paper that has been soaked in Rose Oil for one day. Wrap this in a red cloth and tie it with a red ribbon. On any early Friday morning, hold this charm in your left hand and repeat this Psalm over it nine times. Place this charm in a small bag of sugar and hide it in your home. Soon this person's will begin to think about you and love will grow.

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The 134Psalm To Excel In Studies And Pass Tests. Repeat this Psalm daily to help you excel in your studies and pass tests.

The 135 to the 136 Psalm To Bring Holy Spirits Around You. If you want to live a life of goodness and bring the holy spirits around you repent for all of your sins and read these Psalms three times daily. By praying and reading these holy Psalms, you will enter into a life of goodness and holy blessing.

The 137th Psalm To Draw Love And Friendship. By adding this Psalm to the 133 Psalm, you will make all love spells very powerful.

The 138th to 140th Psalm To Mend And Restore Love In A Marriage. If your marriage is becoming rocky and love is turning into hate, take your wedding picture and write on the other side these two powerful Psalms. Take some rose oil and make the sign of the cross on the front of the picture of your loved one. Hold this picture over one teaspoon of burning Lover Brand Incense and repeat these two Psalms until the incense has burned out. Repeat this each day until love has returned into your marriage.

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The 141th Psalm To Overcome Fear. If you are fearful and want to overcome your fears, repeat this Psalm over a cup of hot skullcap tea each morning upon arising, and before retiring at night. By repeating this special ritual each day, you will have inner peace and have the power to face and overcome your fears.

The 142th to the 144 Psalm To Remove Pain And Heal Problems With The Thighs And Arms. Add seven drops of Dr. DePrince's Hindu Healing Oil to your bath water and repeat these Psalms three times while you are in the bath waiter for 15 minutes. When you are finished, rub three drops of this oil on your thighs and arms ,and repeat these blessed holy Psalms another three times. With your faith in God and in this holy blessed work, all pain will be remove and you will be healed.

The 145th Psalm To Banish Ghost And Spirits From Your Home. If you are plague with ghosts and spirits in your home and you wish to banish them from your home, write this Psalm on a piece of pure parchment paper and wrap it around the handle of a brand new fork that has been soaked in holy water for twenty-four hours. Tie this fork with a white and blue ribbon and repeat this Psalm over it seven times. Place this fork behind your bed or it hang it, inside the closet of your room. This will make all ghosts and spirits leave your home or dwelling.

The 146th Psalm To Be Heal From A Knife Or Gun Wound. If you, or someone that you know .has been wounded by a deadly weapon. Light a blue candle before they go into surgery, and repeat this Psalm three times over this candle. Do this each day until they are released from the hospital. By having faith in God and in this holy work, their injures will be healed.

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The 147th Psalm To Be Healed From The Bite Of A Poisonous Animal. If you ,or someone that you know, has been bitten by a deadly animal. Before they go into surgery, light a green candle and repeat this Psalm three times over this candle. Do this each day until they are released from the hospital. By having faith in God and in this holy work their injures will be healed.

The 148th to the 149th Psalm To Make Your House Fire And Thief Proof With A Spirit Letter. Write these Psalms on one side of a 11 by 6 parchment paper. On the other side of the paper, write your home address. Under your address . write a letter to a person's that you know has passed away. Ask him or her in this letter to warn you if at any time your house will be in danger of fire. Place this letter inside a white envelope and address it to the nearest graveyard in your area. Bury this letter next to your house. If at any time your house is in danger of fire or theft, he or she will come to you in your dream, or it you in person, to tell you what you have to do to stop any danger that might happen to your home. Note: If your home has been set afire by an arsonist or robber. Do everything above, but ask the dead to expose the person's who did this evil deed. The person's who did this deed will not rest until they surrender to the police.

The 150th Psalm To Receive God's Holy Blessings Burn one teaspoon of Holy Brand Incense and read this Psalm each day for good luck and God's blessing to come into your life.

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Bibliographie Albano. Les Clavicules De Solomon: Paris Underground, 1881 Crowley. Seven,Seven,Seven:M&&cs\ Chi1d,1970 DePrince. Secrets of Attracting Good Luck: United Mystic, 1993 Prater Albertus. The Seven Rays of The Qbl: Samuel Weiser,1985 Godfrey Selig. Secret of the Psalms:Doren Publishing, 1942 Papus. Le Secret Science. Le Diffusion Scientifique,1954 Papus. Le Secret Herbs: Keang Paul, 1926 Paracelsus. Hermetic and Alchemical Writing: Eillott,1894 The Holy Bible. Kings James Version

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