this is the Summary of PSA 300 (Planning an Audit of FS)...
PSA 300 Planning an audit of F/S
1. The auditor should plan the audit so that the engagement will be performed in an eectie manner.
!in !inol ole es s esta establ blis ishi hing ng the the oer oeral alll audi auditt stra strate teg" g" for for the the enga engage geme ment nt and and deeloping an audit plan# in order to reduce audit ris$ to an acceptabl" low leel. !inoles !inoles the engagemen engagementt partner partner and other other $e" $e" members members of the engagement engagement team to bene%t from their e&perience and insight and to enhance the eectieness and e'cienc" of the planning process. !ensure that appropriate attention is deoted to important areas of the audit# that potential problems are identi%ed and resoled on a timel" basis and that the audit engagement is properl" organi(ed and managed !ass !assis ists ts in the the prop proper er assi assign gnme ment nt of wor$ wor$ to enga engage geme ment nt team team memb member ers# s# facilita facilitates tes the directi direction on and superis superision ion of engagemen engagementt team members and the reiew of their wor$# and assists# where applicable# in coordination of wor$ done b" auditors of components and e&perts.
). Preliminar" *ngagement Actiities
!Perform procedures regarding the continuance of the client relationship and the speci%c audit engagement !*aluate compliance with ethical re+uirements# including independence !*stablish an understanding understanding of the terms of the engagement !ensure that the auditor plans an audit engagement for which, -The auditor maintains the necessar" independence and abilit" to perform the engagement. -The -Therre are are no issu issues es with with mana manage geme ment nt inte integr grit it" " that that ma" ma" aec aectt the the auditors willingness willingness to continue the engagement.
-There is no misunderstanding with the client as to the terms of the engagement.
3. The auditor should establish the oerall audit strateg" for the audit.
-etermining the characteristics of the engagement that de%ne its scope# such -Ascertaining the reporting obecties of the engagement to plan the timing of the audit and the nature of the communications re+uired as the %nancial reporting framewor$ used -onsidering the important factors that will determine the focus of theengagement teams eorts
2. The auditor should deelop an audit plan for the audit in order to reduce audit ris$ to an acceptabl" low leel.
!includes, -the nature# timing and e&tent of planned ris$ assessment procedures su'cient to assess the ris$s of material misstatement -nature# timing and e&tent of planned further audit procedures at the assertion leel for each material class of transactions# account balance# and disclosure
. The oerall audit strateg" and the audit plan should be updated and changed as necessar" during the course of the audit.
!As a result of une&pected eents# changes in conditions# or the audit eidence obtained from the results of audit procedures# the auditor ma" need to modif" the oerall audit strateg" and audit plan# and thereb" the resulting planned nature# timing and e&tent of further audit procedures.
4. The auditor should plan the nature# timing and e&tent of direction and superision of engagement team members and reiew of their wor$.
!As the assessed ris$ of material misstatement increases# for the area of audit ris$# the auditor ordinaril" increases the e&tent and timeliness of direction and superision of engagement team members and performs a more detailed reiew of their wor$.
5. The auditor should document the oerall audit strateg" and the audit plan# including an" signi%cant changes made during the audit engagement.
!records the $e" decisions considered necessar" to properl" plan the audit and to communicate signi%cant matters to the engagement team. !su'cient to demonstrate the planned nature# timing and e&tent of ris$ assessment procedures# and further audit procedures !an" signi%cant changes to the originall" planned oerall audit strateg" and to the detailed audit plan includes the reasons for the signi%cant changes and the auditors response to the eents# conditions# or results of audit procedures that resulted in such changes. !Although discussions with those charge with goernance often occur# the oerall audit strateg" and the audit plan remain the auditors responsibilit".
6. Additional onsiderations in 7nitial Audit *ngagements --The auditor should perform the following actiities prior to starting an initial audit, 8a9 Perform procedures regarding the acceptance of the client relationship and the speci%c audit engagement 8b9 ommunicate with the preious auditor# where there has been a change of auditors# in compliance with releant ethical re+uirements.
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