PS Levenspiel
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ps levenspiel kinetics...
3.2. Liquid A decomposes by frst-order kinetics, and in a batch reactor 50% o A is conerted in a 5-minute run. !o" much #on$er "ou#d it take to reach 5% conersion& 3.3. 'epeat the preious prob#em or second-order kinetics. 3.(. A )0-minute e*perimenta# run sho"s that 5% o #iquid reactant is conerted to product by a +-order rate. hat "ou#d be the raction conerted in a ha#-hour run& 3.5. n a homo$eneous isotherma# isotherma# #iquid po#ymeriation, 20% o the monomer disappears in 3( minutes or initia# monomer concentration o 0.0( and a#so or 0./ mo###iter. hat rate equation represents the disappearance o the monomer& 3.. Ater / minutes in a batch reactor, reactant 1A 4 ) mo###iter is /0% conerted6 ater )/ minutes, conersion is 70%. 8ind a rate equation to represent this reaction. 3.)0. Aqueous A reacts to orm ' 1A -9 ' and in the frst minute in a batch reactor its concentration drops rom Ao 4 2.03 mo###iter to A 4 ).7 mo###iter. 8ind the rate equation or the reaction i the kinetics are second- order "ith respect to A. 3.)). Aqueous A at a concentration A04 ) mo###iter is introduced introduced into a batch reactor "here it reacts a"ay to orm product ' accordin$ to stoichiometry A :9 '. ;he concentration concentration o A in the the reactor reactor is monitored monitored at arious times, times, as sho"n sho"n be#o"< be#o"< t , min
A,m A,mo# o#=m =m3 3 )0 )000 00
)00 500 50 0
20 200 333 33 3
300 250 25 0
(00 200 20 0
8or Ao 4 500 mo#=m3 fnd the conersion o reactant ater 5 hours in the batch reactor.
3.)2. 8ind the rate or the reaction o >rob#em )). 3.). An ampou#e o radioactie ?r-/7 1ha# #ie 4 minutes is set aside or a day. hat does this do to the actiity o the ampou#e& @ote that radioactie decay is a frst-order process.
3.20. . !e##in and B. . Bun$ers, Cu##. soc. chim. 8rance, 3/ 1)75, present the data in ;ab#e >3.20 on the reaction o su#uric acid "ith diethy#su#ate in aqueous so#ution at 22.7 o<
nitia# concentrations o ! 2 D 0 ( and 12!52D( are each 5.5 mo###iter. 8ind a rate equation or this reaction.
3.2). A sma## reaction bomb ftted "ith a sensitie pressure-measurin$ deice is Eushed out and then f##ed "ith pure reactant A at )-atm pressure. ;he operation is carried out at 25, a temperature #o" enou$h that the reaction does not proceed to any appreciab#e e*tent. ;he temperature is then raised as rapid#y as possib#e to )00F by p#un$in$ the bomb into boi#in$ "ater, and the readin$s in ;ab#e >3.2) are obtained. ;he stoichiometry stoichiometry o the reaction reaction is 2A -G C, and ater #eain$ the bomb in the bath oer the "eekend the contents are ana#yed or A6 none can be ound. 8ind a rate equation in units o mo#es, #iters, and minutes "hich "i## satisactori#y satisactori#y ft the data. ;ab#e ;ab#e >3.2) ;, min
, atm
;, min
, atm
3.22. 8or the reaction A -9 ', second-order kinetics and Ao 4 ) mo#=#iter, "e $et 50% conersion ater ) hour in a batch reactor. hat "i## be the conersion and concentration concentration o A ater ) hour i Ao 4 )0 mo#=#iter& 3.23. 8or the decomposition decomposition A -9 - 9 ', Ao4 ) mo#=#iter, in a batch reactor conersion is 5% ater ) hour, and is Hust comp#ete ater 2 hours. 8ind a rate equation to represent these kinetics. 3.2(. n the presence presence o a homo$eneous cata#yst o $ien concentration, concentration, aqueous reactant A is conerted to product at the o##o"in$ rates, and a a#one determines this rate< a, mo#=#iter -ra, -ra,mo#=
e p#an to run this reaction in a batch reactor at the same cata#yst concentration as used in $ettin$ the aboe data. 8ind the time needed to #o"er the concentration concentration o A rom Ao 4 )0 mo#=#iter to A 4 2 mo#=#iter.
3.25. ;he o##o"in$ data are obtained at F in a constant-o#ume batch reactor usin$ pure $aseous A< ;ime,min
>artia# pressure o A , mm = )50
;he stoichiometry stoichiometry o the decomposition decomposition is A -9 2.5'. 2.5'. 8ind 8ind a rate equation equation "hich satisactori#y represents this decomposition.
3.27. 8ind the frst-order rate constant or the disappearance o A in the $as reaction 2A -9 ' i, on ho#din$ the pressure constant, the o#ume o the reaction mi*ture, startin$ "ith /0% A, decreases by 20% in 3 min. 3.30. 8ind the frst-order rate constant or the disappearance o A in the $as reaction A -9 ).' i the o#ume o the reaction mi*ture, startin$ "ith pure Aincreases by 50% in ( min. ;he tota# pressure "ithin the system stays constant at ).2 atm, and the temperature is 25F.
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