Prueba Practica Ingles Oposiciones Secundaria

April 19, 2017 | Author: Eli Ely | Category: N/A
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ECLIPSE by Stephenie Meyer


ECLIPSE Twilight Book 3 Stephenie Meyer

Charlie shrugged. “There’s no law that says I can’t cook in my own house.” “You would know,” I replied, grinning as I eyed the badge pinned to his leather jacket. “Ha. Good one.” He shrugged out of the jacket as if my glance had reminded him he still had it on, and hung it on the peg reserved for his gear. His gun belt was already slung in place — he hadn’t felt the need to wear that to the station for a few weeks. There had been no more disturbing disappearances to trouble the small town of Forks, Washington, no more sightings of the giant, mysterious wolves in the ever-rainy woods. . . . I prodded the noodles in silence, guessing that Charlie would get around to talking about whatever was bothering him in his own time. My dad was not a man of many words, and the effort he had put into trying to orchestrate a sitdown dinner with me made it clear there were an uncharacteristic number of words on his mind. I glanced at the clock routinely — something I did every few minutes around this time. Less than a half hour to go now. Afternoons were the hardest part of my day. Ever since my former best friend (and werewolf ), Jacob Black, had informed on me about the motorcycle I’d been riding on the sly — a betrayal he had devised in order to get me grounded so that I couldn’t spend time with my boyfriend (and vampire), Edward Cullen — Edward had been allowed to see me only from seven till ninethirty p.m., always inside the confines of my home and under the supervision of my dad’s unfailingly crabby glare. This was an escalation from the previous, slightly less stringent grounding that I’d earned for an unexplained three-day disappearance and one episode of cliff diving. Of course, I still saw Edward at school, because there wasn’t anything Charlie could do about that. And then, Edward spent almost every night in my room, too, but Charlie wasn’t precisely aware of that. Edward’s ability to climb easily and silently through my secondstory window was almost as useful as his ability to read Charlie’s mind.



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Though the afternoon was the only time I spent away from Edward, it was enough to make me restless, and the hours always dragged. Still, I endured my punishment without complaining because — for one thing — I knew I’d earned it, and — for another — because I couldn’t bear to hurt my dad by moving out now, when a much more permanent separation hovered, invisible to Charlie, so close on my horizon.

Analysis TYPE OF TEXT AND TEXTUAL GENRE This text is from the novel Eclipse by Stephenie Meyer. Eclipse was published in 2007 and it is the third book of the saga Twilight. This saga includes: Twilight (2005), New Moon (2006), Eclipse (2007), Breaking down (2008). Stephenie Meyer (1973) is an American author, famous for the four vampire fantasy romanced novels. This saga is a mixture of fantasy and romanced genres, not to mention the new treatment the writer gives to vampire stories, this time addressed to teenagers. Fantasy genre used magic and other supernatural phenomena to develop its stories, and it may take place in imaginary worlds where magic and magical creatures are common. On the other hand, romanced is a type of genre that focuses on romantic love between two people, most of the times. Vampires, wolf men and other kind of fantastic creatures became famous thanks to movies. Vampires were first horror figures to become in 1992 a romantic figure as well with the film Bram Stoker’s Dracula by Francis Ford Coppola. Stephenie Meyer makes use of this germ to create a successful saga, using the tragic and tortured undead satanic kind of character who desperately looks and fights for pure everlasting love.

COMMUNICATIVE FUNCTIONS (PRIMARY AND SECONDARY) Communication Functions have been mainly theorised by the linguist-literary theorists Karl Bühler (1879-1963), Roman Jakobson (1896-1982) and Michael Halliday (1925). To develop our analysis we will focus on the functions given by Jakobson, a pioneer of the structural analysis of language. Roman Jakobson, influenced by Bükler previous studies known as “Organon‑model”, developed the “Communication Functions”. We use language with a given intention: giving orders, convincing, transmitting feelings, sending information… According to these intentions, Jakobson developed some theories, primary and secondary. Primary theories are referential, emotive and conative because they are more instinctive and frequent. Secondary Theories are metalingual, phatic and poetic/aesthetic because greater elaboration is needed. In every text there is a sender; in this text it is Stephenie Meyer, who is telling the story of several characters, mythological and human, who are fighting for love in their everyday lives at high school; her intention is to catch reader’s attention by means of love and the delirium, and to write about dark extreme topics without such as death, love, and everlasting romance. Of course, the story is told through the eyes of different characters: a girl, not a common

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point of view in this kind of literature, a genre that has most of the times being told from a masculine point of view. The emotive function is centred upon the sender who shows his/her emotions throughout the text. Here we are sharing Bella Swan experience with some friends of hers as well as her boyfriend (a vampire), and her father (a human being). The receiver is all those people who, in this case, will read this novel. They are influenced by the message and supposed to have a good time while reading, sharing the character’s experiences. The success of the books has increased thanks to the film adaptations of the books. The function that describes this process and focuses on the receiver is known as conative function. In this text emotions and facts are expressed focusing Swan’s experiences on the passing of time (time without her boyfriend). Afternoons (were the hardest part of my day); I glanced at the clock routinely — something I did every few minutes around this time. Less than a half hour to go now; so close to my horizon are examples of the expressions that are read in this short extract. There are not many links, so the use of commas and full stops evokes in the reader subsequent sensations of sudden and frequent stops, creating a pattern of interruptions in the train of thoughts of the character. The use of past perfect and past simple, as a means to bring memories back to the present moment supports this tendency to create a given pattern of time. A message is what is being transmitted. Its corresponding function is aesthetic/poetic, the linguistic construction that has been chosen to produce an effect on the reader. This message is full of allusions to myths and famous literary works seem to have been taken as a source: apart from wolf men, vampires and other kind of creatures, we may think that the name of the main female character, Bella Swan, has not been chosen by chance, since Bella is also the name of the female character in the tale Beauty and the Best. To do so we need a code, which is the organized set of units and grammar rules that, being properly combined, produce understandable messages. As we can read in this short extract here proposed, Meyer plays with words more than expected. Metalingual Function is the checking of the code working. It is essential in our everyday use of language because it is the function where language explains itself. Language speaks about language. There must be a channel that allows communication between sender and receiver. Phatic Function is about all those resources that help keep an interaction; it is the medium to transmit a message. In this case a poem-book was the channel (phatic function) chosen. Communication is developed within a context. Referential Function is about external issues or contextual information. The main resources of this function are the deictic elements and we will speak about them under the title of Stilistic Resources.

STYLISTIC RESOURCES The narrator is Bella. She is telling her problems with her dad, with Charlie and with Edward. We share her point of view and emotions. The first five paragraphs tell some incidents that have taken place with Charlie and the scene is focused on the present moment of Bella, the narrator. The next four paragraphs pay special attention to her life and feelings during afternoons, when she is not allowed to see Edward.



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We find several figures of speech in this text. There are a lot of cacophonies, use of words and phrases that imply strong, harsh sounds within the phrase; such is the case of hung, peg, gear, gun. In this very same example we find consonance, repetition of sounds in quick succession produced by consonants. Alliteration is given in had, him, hung, because these words are used in quick succession and begin with letters that belong to the same sound group. Parallel structures are used in There had been no more disturbing disappearances to trouble the small town of Forks, Washington, no more sightings of the giant, mysterious wolves in the ever‑rainy woods, creating a short of melancholia. There is also a caesura in His gun belt was already slung in place — he hadn’t felt the need to wear that to the station for a few weeks, thus creating a fracture within the sentence, where the two parts are distinguishable from one another yet intrinsically linked to one another. Not to mention the deictic references that cross the text: anaphora (a forward expression refers to an earlier expression) in my glance had reminded him he still had it on. Hadn’t feel the need to wear that to the station. According to the mentions the author makes in the text, the reader may guess that the novel, as this short extract, is full of anthopormorphism (act of lending a human quaity, emotion or ambition to a non-human object or being), archetypes (which is the reference to a concept, a person or an object that has served as a prototype of its kynd and is the original idea that has come to be used over and over again) and even bibliomany (finds its roots in biblical origins). Due to the topic the novel and this extract develop, references to the interpretations given to the figure of vampire should be applied to this particular case, such as that of the fallen angel, a must in all religions throughout the world. This non-human being creatures are given human qualities, specially during recent times and in western culture.

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