Ambf Ambftatalaladh dhrr Yh Yhzô zôf f Tj Tjda dahn hn m mb b nh be beprb prbsh sh............................................................................9
8.4. 8.4.
Njdh Njdhnanazh zhda daôf ôf mb nh be bepr prbs bsh h............... .............................. ............................. ............................. ............................. ............................. ....................... ........ 4
8.=.. 8.= 8.2. 8.2.
............................ ............................. .............................. ...........................4 ............4 pnh pnhfal faladh adhdaô daôf f bst bstrht rhtá`a á`adh dh y su jr`h jr`hfaz fazhda hdaôf ôf.............. Mb Mbsd sdra rapd pdaô aôf f mb nh hd hdta tava vamh mhm m............. ............................ ............................. ............................. .............................. ............................. .........................< ...........<
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