Prototype Lesson Plan Sample

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Lesson Plan in English VIII

June 13, 2016

I. OBJECTIVE Deterine the !ur!ose o" the author E#10LT$III%$2.2.3 II. &'BJECT ()TTE* ). TOPIC+ 

Purpose of the Author in Writing

)-areness to our Enironent B. *e"eren%es "n#.

 Y  Yu, u, Pilar R. R. (2015 ). Purpose of the author . Quezon City Re! Printing

C. Tie )llotent

1 hour

D. Instru%tional (aterials+ 

$aptop, Pro%e#tor, Po&erPoint Presentation, Chal'oar), Clips, $apel

III. P*OCED'*E ). *outine

1. Prayer 2. Che#'ing of Atten)an#e *. Che#'ing of Assign+ent B. *eie- o" the Past Lesson

ui)e Questions 1. What pronoun &hi#h points a noun2. What pronoun &hi#h is use) in a uestion*. What pronoun &hi#h refers to an in)e/nite, or general person or thingC. Vo%aular/

1. Author (thr3    a person &ho has &ritten so+ething 2. Purpose (prpz3    the reason reason &hy so+ething is )one *. Persua)e (prs&4)3

   to #ause to )o so+ething


D. (otiation (Pi#ture Analysis3

ho&ing pi#tures that infor+s, persua)es an) entertains. ui)e uestions 1. What #an you say aout the pi#tures2. 6o& #an you )i7erentiate the pi#tures fro+ the others*. What are the purposes of the pi#tures8. What )o you thin' is our lesson for to)ayE. Presentation

 9o)ay,  9o)ay, &e &e &ill learn learn aout the three three purpose purpose of the the author or or &riters in in &riting so+ething. . Lesson Le sson Pro!er Pro! er .1. )%tiit/ (6an) ignals3 

"nstru#tions 1. 9he stu)ents &ill as' to stan) for the a#ti:ity. 2. tu)ents +ust thin' aout the senten#e :ery &ell. *.After the I#O*(& tea#her &ill signal &herein they ha:eE#TE*T)I#& to put their han)s 'P)*D if, if the author . O*)*D  if the author  an) &IDE)*D the author PE*&')DE&. 1. A story aout a fa+ily trying to sti#' together an) sur:i:e through the reat ;epression in the >>> is infor+ing?persua)ing?entertaining2.2. What are your asis in your ans&ers.3. )stra%tion

*.1 $e#ture)is#ussion $e#ture)is#ussion &ill e #on)u#te) y the tea#her on the follo&ing 1. ;e/nitions of the three purposes of the authors. 2. i:ing of e!a+ples. e!a+ples.


*.2 "ntera#tion  

elfa&areness tate+ent @A&areness A&areness to your en:iron+ent.


ui)e uestions


1. Why )o &e nee) to e a&are of our en:iron+ent-

  2. 6o& #an you say that so+eo)y is infor+ing?persua)ing?entertaining.. )!!li%ation

"nstru#tions 1. 9he &ill e groupe) into three. 2. 9hey +ust apply the purpose of the author y perfor+ing in )i7erent a#ti:ities. *.

roup 1 &ill +a'e a short info+er#ial aout any topi#. roup 2 &ill ha:e a short roleplay &ith any topi#. roup * &ill present a short a):ertise+ent of any pro)u#t.

8. tu)ents +ust follo& the si+ple ruri#s in their perfor+an#e. perfor+an#e.







All stu)ents #ooperate)

1 stu)ent is not #ooperating

2 stu)ents are not #ooperating

* stu)ents are not #ooperating


Well presente)

Bery atisfa#tory Presentation

atisfa#tory Presentation

Poor presentation

8 or +ore stu)ents are not #ooperating o presentatio n

. eneralization   ;ire#tions Dinish the open+in)e) open+in) e) state+ents &ith &hat you ha:e learne) fro+ the lesson.  

1. " learne) thatE


2. " realize) thatE


;ire#tions ;eter+ine the purpose of the author in the follo&ing lines %ust &rite "nfor+, ;ire#tions Fntertain, Persua)e. Ans&er )ire#tly. 1. 9he )o#u+entation an) instru#tions for a ne& tou#hs#reen talet PC. 2. A spee#h &ritten &ritten y "siah 9ho+a 9ho+as s urging young people people to stay in s#hool. s#hool. *. 9he story of a tea#her &ho helps so+e of her troule) stu)ents get to #ollege. 8. ;ire#tions in using Da#eoo', Da#eoo', a so#ial net&or'ing site. 5. An a):ertise+ent a):ertise+ent that #on:in#es the people to use the the &hitening soap.


V. )&&I5#(E#T

 9opi#  9opi#

;i7erent types of spee#hes spee#hes

ui)e ui )e ues uestio tions ns

1. Can Can you you )e/n )e/ne e ea#h ea#h type type of spee spee#he #hess-


Fnglish B""", pp. *0** Re! "ntera#ti:e

Re+ar's o. of $earners &ithin +astery le:el o. of $earners nee)ing re+e)iation?reinfor#e+ent Class Pro/#ien#y $e:el Gther A#ti:ities

Prepare) y

P)'L J)(E& 5. L'O#


Che#'e) y

E&TEL) ). &')*E

;epart+ent 6ea)

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