Proton Holdings Berhad Swot Analysis
February 18, 2017 | Author: Yeow Ai Li | Category: N/A
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Proton Holdings Berhad - SWOT Analysis Description:
The Proton Holdings Berhad - SWOT Analysis company profile is the essential source for top-level company data and information. Proton Holdings Berhad - SWOT Analysis examines the company’s key business structure and operations, history and products, and provides summary analysis of its key revenue lines and strategy. Proton Holdings (Proton) operates in the automobile industry. The company is engaged in manufacturing, assembling, trading and the provision of engineering, and other services in respect of motor vehicles and related products. Proton operates in the UK, the Middle East, South-East Asia and Australasia. It is headquartered in Shah Alam, Malaysia, and employs about 11,500 people. The company recorded revenues of MYR6,486.6 million ($1,901 million) during the financial year ended March 2009 (FY2009), an increase of 15.4% over FY2008. The net loss was MYR301.8 million ($88.4 million) in FY2009, as compared to net profit of MYR184.6 million ($54.1 million) in FY2008. Scope of the Report - Provides all the crucial information on Proton Holdings Berhad required for business and competitor intelligence needs - Contains a study of the major internal and external factors affecting Proton Holdings Berhad in the form of a SWOT analysis as well as a breakdown and examination of leading product revenue streams of Proton Holdings Berhad -Data is supplemented with details on Proton Holdings Berhad history, key executives, business description, locations and subsidiaries as well as a list of products and services and the latest available statement from Proton Holdings Berhad Reasons to Purchase -
Support sales activities by understanding your customers’ businesses better Qualify prospective partners and suppliers Keep fully up to date on your competitors’ business structure, strategy and prospects Obtain the most up to date company information available
Contents: This product typically includes the following sections: SWOT COMPANY PROFILE: Proton Holdings Berhad Key Facts: Proton Holdings Berhad Company Overview: Proton Holdings Berhad Business Description: Proton Holdings Berhad Company History: Proton Holdings Berhad Key Employees: Proton Holdings Berhad Key Employee Biographies: Proton Holdings Berhad Products & Services Listing: Proton Holdings Berhad Products & Services Analysis: Proton Holdings Berhad SWOT analysis: Proton Holdings Berhad -Strengths: Proton Holdings Berhad -Weaknesses: Proton Holdings Berhad -Opportunities: Proton Holdings Berhad -Threats: Proton Holdings Berhad Company View: Proton Holdings Berhad Top Competitors: Proton Holdings Berhad Location and Subsidiary: Proton Holdings Berhad -Head Office: Proton Holdings Berhad -Other Locations and Subsidiaries: Proton Holdings Berhad
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