Propulsores Azimutales Aquamaster

April 3, 2023 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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Pro ropu puls lsores ores Az Azim imut uta ales Aquamaste Aquamaster  r  Urbano Ardila Plata

© Rolls-Royce plc 2009 The information in this document is the property of Rolls-Royce plc and may not be copied or communicated to a third party, or used for any purpose other than that for which it i s supplied without the express written consent of Rolls-Royce plc. This information is given in good faith based upon the latest information available to Rolls-Royce plc, no warranty or representation is given concerning such information, which must not be taken as establishing any contractual or other comm itment binding binding upon Rolls-Royce plc or any of its subsidiary or associated companies.


Propulsor A zimuta imutall Idea Ide a básica : El prop propul ulso sorr pu pued ede e gira girarr 36 360 0 gra grado dos s alre alrede dedo dorr de su eje ver vertic tical al prove proveye yendo ndo un empu empuje je omn omni-d i-dire irecci cciona onal. l. 

Construcción Construcci ón Simple y Robus Robusta ta para una oper operación ación confiable

Fácil manten Fácil mantenimien imiento to Bajo Ba jo Ru Ruid ido o y ba baja ja vibr vibrac ació ión n

 

 Aplicables con fuerza diesel o electrical

 Aplicación FPP y CPP

Sistemas Siste mas de contr control ol rremoto emoto avanz avanzados ados  Aplili cac  Ap cacio io nes ti pi cas : -Remolcadores -Buques “Offshore” -Buques de carga -Embarcaciones “Workboat” -Buques rompedores de hielo

Rolls-Royce data-strictly data-strictly p rivate

Mejora – Upgra pgrade de 1. CP sensor sensor b ox m odification (CP): (CP): New feedback spring assembly


Nuevas Nueva s part es mejoradas mejor adas

2. Clutch modif ication (FP,CP,C (FP,CP,CRP RP): ): -Softening of clut ch engegement -New cones -New springs for cone clutch -Multiplate clutch

10. Head box (CONTAZ)

3. Input flange modif ication (US 601) New input flange with bearing lubrication

4. Steering Steering t ube bearing modification (FP,CP,CRP): Installation of bearing has been changed

11. Backstop modification (3001 MCD)

5. Steering Steering t ube sealing modification (FP,CP,CRP): New X-type seal

6. O.D. O.D. Box modif ication (CP) (CP):: -New construction of O.D. Box

7. Propeller shaft seal modif ication (FP (FP,CP ,CP): ): -Liner of new material -New lip seals -New assembly of lip seals -New ring zinc anode

Rolls-Royce data data-strictly -strictly p rivate

8. New hub zinc anode (CONTAZ)

9. Propeller shaft seal modification (CRP, CONTAZ): -Liner of new material -New lip seals -Sealing housing of new material


Parte rt e de reca recamb mbio io (Exc xchang hange e Poo Pool) l) 

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Rolls-Royce Rolls-R oyce Ma Marin rine e continua continua conf conforma ormando ndo sus pro propues puestas tas en par partes tes de recambio: 

Rauma Aquama Aquamaster  ster 

data-strictly p rivate Rolls-Royce data-strictly


Graci racia as !

Rolls-Royce data-strictly data-strictly p rivate

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