Proposal Program TV show

March 22, 2017 | Author: GraceLea | Category: N/A
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Proposal Program TV show “EPISODE”

Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Komunikasi The London School of Public Relations - Jakarta


Group Member : Santi Marissa Laura (MC 11-1B/2007110236) Rama Wisnu Mahendra (MC 10-7B/2006100813) Annissa Gabriela (MC 11-8B/2007110368) Grace Lea Cahyadi (MC 11-1B/2007110161) Sulaksono Yunianto (MC 11-8B/2007110550) 1

Yosepha Bunga Adherence


Type of Program

: Feature


: 14 minutes 26 seconds

Production situation

: Two cameras



I. Background: In this program we want to show audience what exactly happen in the Indonesia with touching audience feeling. We called our program as EPISODE because in every edition of this program we would like to give episodes of Indonesian’s people life nowadays. Objectives / the reason we choose education theme: 3

a. To create awareness about phenomena that lies in the life of Indonesian people b. To inform audiences about children rights in Indonesia, especially in our pilot episode about children rights in Indonesia c. To create understanding and solidarity to take a look around their surrounding, and give positive respond. d.

To educate Indonesian people to have a better understanding about human rights especially children rights.

II. Title of the Program: EPISODE We called our program as EPISODE because in every edition of this program we would like to give the audience what exactly happen in the Indonesian people episodes of life. This title also can reflect about what the program really is.

III. Target Audiences : a. Gender

: Female / Male

b. Age

: 23-45

c. Social status

: B-C

d. Occupation

: Employee, housewife

e. Lifestyle

: active, need entertainment, always watching television. 4

IV. Messages: By watching the program, audiences will get so much information about Indonesian phenomena and its life. The audiences are targeted for married women and men especially those who have children, because in this episode we will inform about children rights.

V. Tone and Style Episode is an edutainment program that will shoot informal way as a documentary movie. The concept is that the program will entertain audiences in Sunday noon, while they enjoy the last weekend.

VI. Structure Episode will have three segments in each episode. Two segments contain introduce about children rights and the applications of children rights in Indonesia. The last segment will be interview and also there will be one host.

VII. Script 5

The story outline about this program is: Opening -



Introduce the host


Introduce the program


Introduce the program rundown for today episode


Durations : 57”

Segment 1 -

Introduce about children rights






Durations : 3’17”

Bumper in Commercial Break Bumper out


Segment 2 -

VT : The children who work in the street in their community at Pedongkelan.


VT : Testimonial




Durations : 4’56”

Bumper in Commercial break Bumper out Segment 3 -



VT : a street musician life


Durations : 3’55”

Ending -

Closing the program


An argument from Sekertaris Jendral Komnas Anak Indonesia



Credit title


Durations : 1’16”

VIII. Program Treatment This program is about smart educations. We will have three segment which will be delivered by one host (they will wear semiformal dresses with natural makeup). Two segments will be exposed children rights or disobeying the children rights. The program is mainly for married woman and man, especially who has already children so they can understand about children rights and respecting their rights. In this program we will cover the story about children who life in the street.We also will also have an interview with KOMNAS HAM (Komisi Nasional Hak Asasi Manusia) (* National Commission of Human Rights).


IX. Production Schedule Activity





Proposal Outdoor Shooting 1 Outdoor Shooting 2 Outdoor Shooting 3 Edit VT



Checking Rehearsal

TV studio Shooting

Create Evaluation Documents 9



IX. Program Rundown


Script Dialogue



Script Opening

Opening Billboard

Duration : 57”

Presenter Presenter :

director chair

“ hello..everybody! Good afternoon..i’m santi marissa laura..we are in EPISODE!.. This the first time for Episode came in to your house..this program presenting the reality& phenomenon about Indonesian’s people.. every week we will give you a different topic about someone/group real life’s, that we called EPISODE. Because every episodes in this life is like a movie, and GOD as a director. we're hoped with this program we can see the real life’s around us that we're never know or realize before. Well..Just don’t go anywhere..Because in next 30 minutes, there'll be a great episode about children's rights for today.. 11



X. Risk Assessment a. There is possibility switcher makes mistake in switching the channels contingency plan : camera persons must be ready to change the camera to make the shot looks as expected b. There is possibility the movement of camera is not smooth Contingency plan practice first before takes the shots or because we have three cameras, the movement can be taken while the scene takes other shot from other camera. c. Nervousness of the hosts d. Contingency plan : practice first before take the shots or do re-take.

XI. Edit Decision List We always use dip to black and cross addictive effects because it is the proper transition for this program.

XII. Equipments requirements: a. 3 cameras PANASONIC MD 10000(studio), 3 handycams, 3mini dv, tripod, and battery 12

We will have shooting in different places for every episode. 3 cameras camera will be used during outdoor shooting and three cameras will be used during indoor shooting (inside TV Studio). It is more interesting to use three cameras inside TV studio so the audiences do not get bored. When outdoor shooting we use 3 handycams, so we can get more angle for or VT. b. DVD player to play VT c. Switcher and audio mixer d. Costumes

Camera will be the only property used during the outdoor shooting, but for the indoor shooting we will need properties such as two cameras, lights, backdrop, 1 chair, table, a laptop.

XII. Crew position The Department Heads a. Producer


Santi Marissa Laura

Responsible in making production schedule, format and treatment Defines what positions of department needed Checks team’s availability during production 13

b. Director


Anissa Gabriela

Responsible in making program rundown and directing team c. Editor


Rama Wisnu Maahendra

Responsible in directing team as guided by the director in operator room Support Team a. Camera Persons

: Sulaksono, Bunga

Responsible in handling camera as guided by Director b. Script writer

: Santi , Grace, Annisa

Responsible in making script c. Host

: Santi Marissa Laura

Responsible to be the “image” of the program Follow all the instructions by Director

XIII. Budgeting 1. Mini dv

(2 buah)


Rp. 100.000

2. Sumbangan uang untuk guru dan anak-anak pedongkelan


Rp. 300.000

3. Tip untuk wahyu




4. Tip untuk ibunya wahyu



5. milk+biscuit untuk anak-anak pedongkelan (20 anak)


Rp. 150.000

6. Convert mini dv ke dvd




Rp. 650.000


Job descriptions 15

Santi Marissa Laura (Producer, host)

Dalam program acara EPISODE ini peranan Saya adalah sebagai produser dimana sekaligus juga menjadi script writer. Tugas-tugas yang telah saya selesaikan selama masa pre production- post production ini adalah sebagai berikut : 1. Mencetuskan Ide/konsep dari program acara TV ini yang dimana topim kami yang membahas tentang children’s rights. Saya terpikir untuk membuat suatu program tv yang dapat menghibur dan juga sekaligus memberikan informasi dan edukasi bagi penontonnya. Benang merah dari program ini adalah pengalaman hidup/realita kehidupan seseorang atau group realifes of Indonesian people. Mengibaratkan bagian-bagian kehidupan seperti episode-episode dalam sebuah film yang dimana yang menjadi director sesungguhnya adlah TUhan sendiri. Tanpa rekayasa atau set up yg berlebihan (documentary) 2. Mencetuskan nama program EPISODE dan meaning dari nama EPISODE sendiri, dimana menggambarkan tujuan dari program acara ini yaitu memperlihat episode/suatu bagian kehidupan nyata yang terjadi did lm masyarakat yang belum diketahui/tdidak disadari oleh kebanyakan orang. 3. Membuat sebagian besar script baik script vt dan script host saat shooting on studio. 4. Menyusun proposal bersama dengan teman-teman satu team

5. Menentukan lokasi2 shooting dan schedule shooting serta briefing dg team


6. Selalu ikut saat shooting dan mengarahkan pengambilan gambar dilapangan 7. Menentukan narasumber dan mencari alamat dan no telepon, antaralain : KOMNAS ANAK dan yayasan 5 roti dan 2 ikan yang dimana salah satu guru dari yayasan tersebut yang membantu saya mendekati anak-anak jalanan di daerah pedongkelan 8. Memantau proses editing yang dilakukan editor, via telpon atau sms.

Disamping sebagai produser saya juga berperan sebagai host dari programa acara tv ini. Dalam proses pre production – post production memiliki banyak hambatan dan tantangan, antara lain : 1. Susah menetukan schedule yang tepat agar semua anggota team dapt ikut dalam shooting atau pun briefing 2. Tidak semua anggota kelompok dapat bekerjasama dengan efektif dan aktif

Rama Wisnu Mahendra (Cameraman, Editor and Operator) 17

I have been following all the producer has order to and giving some ideas what we would have to do and some improvement in the proposal of Episode’s program. Since the start I am trying to give all my skills and knowledge into the project. The producer would like to have this program as a slice of life. And focus on poverty in a big town. Hence I give them an idea to take picture of buildings, white shirt, malls, big roads, cars, motorcycle, people who sells food on the street, kids on the street, etc as a stock picture to make OBB and bumper.

And so I became a cameraman since I know what to do. We are taking the picture around Bundaran Hotel Indonesia. We decided to take the picture there because it represents the big city’s image and has everything we need for the picture, also for the cinematic consideration to make this program good looking.

A couple day after that we took a picture of elementary school near my place at SDN 05 pagi, petukangan selatan. Our first episode of Episode’s program is about children’s rights. Also a snapshot of how children’s get education in school by their teacher. How they have fun together and so on. Here I am still a cameraman. Our episode is about children’s rights thus, we went to Komisi Nasional Anak or KOMNAS ANAK (National Commission of Children’s Rights) to have a statement and or


few question about children’s rights from Aris Merdeka Sirait, secretary of KOMNAS ANAK.

Pedongkelan is a place where we could find a lot of children are working on the street. And so our producer set course to take main picture over there. But here, I am only accompanying the team. After we took the entire picture we needed, I have the tape and will be edited by me at home. Now I took a task as an editor.

D day of City and Guilds Exam, luckily, we have time to rehears. We set out the stage properties and have the camera fix and have Grace and I as operator.

The Obstacles I had a difficulty of managing my time to gather with the team since I was still doing my thesis proposal and others. But thankfully, I have finished all my work in time. Another obstacle is that few of the team cannot do the basic technique as a cameraman and the picture was rather unpleasant to look at, it makes the eyes dizzy. Finally, not that I want to be outstanding among everyone in the team but nevertheless, I have been doing most of the task in Episode’s production Grace Lea Cahyadi (Script writer, Operator-Switcher)


Pada saat pembuatan tugas VT di kelompok ini,

saat syuting di beberapa

daerah seperti sarinah, bundaran HI, Sekolah dasar di ciledug, Komisi Nasional Perlindungan anak, dan tempat yang lainnya saya selalu ikut serta di setiap sesi pembuatan video karena saya bertugas untuk menyediakan handycam dan transportasi untuk keperluan syuting yang memakan waktu selama 2 bulan. Saya juga ikut serta dalam pembuatan script, alur cerita, menyediakan keperluan stage pada saat live di studio dan camera movementnya. Dan ketika live saya bertugas sebagai switcher.

Annissa Gabriela (Director, Floor Director)


Dalam project ini saya pada saat taping saya bertugas sebagai floor director.Pada saat pembuatan proposal saya juga turut dalam pembuatan proposal mentranslate proposal dan ikut dalam menyusun kosep acara. Saya juga bertugas menyiapkan property untuk shooting di studio.Ikut dalam shooting dan wawancara pada saat bertemu dengan KOMNAS Perlindungan anak dan bertindak sebagai camera person.






mendukungproject ini. Menulis script dan mentranslate.

Sulaksono Yunianto(Cameraman)





Di kelompok ini saya mengemban tugas sebagai cameraman. Banyak pengalaman-pengalaman baru yang saya dapat bersama dengan kelompok ini, terutama dalam tekhnik-tekhnik pengambilan gambar yang tepat. Disini saya dapat mengeksplorasi semua kemampuan saya berdasarkan dengan apa yang saya dapat pada sesi perkuliahan.



Saya mendapatkan beberapa kesulitan dalam pengambilan gambar di daerah cempaka putih dan pedongkelan. Medan disana membuat saya harus lebih sabar, disamping itu saya harus dapat menjaga kestabilan dari kamera agar tidak terlihat shaking. Disitu berbagai macam trik kamera harus dikeluarkan, terlebih camera movement.







pengalaman yang sangat berharga.

Not include the proposal (separate)

RODUCER REPORT Production Shooting 22

3 x shooting :

1. November



Bundaran HI, Grand Indonesia, dan Pasar Baru.

2. November

3. Desember

Attendance :

Santi, Rama, Grace, Sulaksono


SDN 05 Pagi, petukangan selatan


Attendance :

Santi, Rama, Grace, Sulaksono, Bunga


Pemukiman kumuh Pedongkelan,


Cempaka Putih Attendance :

Santi, Rama, Sulaksono

Post production Editing -

Convert mini dv ke dvd




Editing vt + after live on studio




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