Proposal Frozen Food Industry
Short Description
Food is one of the basic requirements needed in daily human life. Food supply everything needed substance to form a spiritual and physical as well as provide energy to enable the individual to perform daily activities. Nowadays, one of the famous foods is frozen food. During World War II a few companies had already produce frozen food, and largely because food rationing and a shortage of canned goods tempted consumers to try whatever was available. nd at the end of the war there were !" companies in the field, and as price controls were gradually removed by the #ffice of $rice dministration %#$& beginning in 'ay ()!*, the number of frozen food producers almost double. Frozen foods have been providing merican merican consumers consumers with convenient, convenient, affordable and healthy food and meal options since ()+ when, -larence irdseye/s first line of foods first hit grocery stores. ccording ccording to merica merica Frozen Food Institute %FFI&, the frozen Food and beverage business plays a significant role in 01 economy. Information %FFI& shows the frozen food products in this classification classification had a mar2et value %sales& of over than 3+4 billion in 4(4 %'ar2etline, 4(+&. nd nd on 4(", for the "4 wee2s ending (! 5une frozen food sales were 3"+ billion. %Frozen 6 7efrigerated uyer ugust 4("&. 'alaysia has the food industry, which consists of a variety of foods. 'alaysian Investment Development uthority was stated 'alaysia remains a net importer of food in 4(( %7'+!." billion&. 'alaysia remains a net importer of food. In 4(, 'alaysia8s e9ports of food food produc products ts amoun amounted ted to 7'(:. 7'(:.4 4 billi billion, on, while while impor imports ts total total 7'+. 7'+.+ + billio billion. n. In 'alaysia, the development of the food industry is one of the contributors to economic growth. mong the foods that are gaining traction in the country is frozen food. -old or chilled food means food that is stored at a temperature of ;( degrees - up to ective of this study is to e9amine the performance of the mar2eting and production of frozen food. In this study also, e9amines trends and use of frozen food. In addition, this study also aims to assess the services and industrial innovations to freeze and review the level of security and hygiene products mar2eted to consumers. We hope that from this study we can help frozen food industry especially for small and medium enterprises %1'?s& to gain their profit and become successful in this industry.
BJTP 3093 : FINAL PROJECT Frozen Food was not something new in 'alaysia. In business scope, to become success in for sustainable frozen food is not something easy. ccording $rendergast and $itt %())*& from a managerial point of view pac2aging needs to fulfil several functions and previous research emphases the logistic function, the mar2eting function and that the pac2age provides convenience in handling and storing the product. In the mar2eting literature it is also obvious that pac2aging is playing an important role as a mar2eting tool in many mar2et areas by protection, promotion and user convenience. In innovation of entrepreneurship, this research will test the connection between frozen food mar2et orientation and innovativeness. ccording @ansen %4*& define innovation adoption of a new ideas, processes product, or service that are intended to increase value to the customer and contribute to the performance and effectiveness of the company. Demand from retailer or customer can be effect to ma2e business become sustainable. 1ervices that company provide must can satisfied customer demand to ma2e company become sustainable. esides focus on demand food security also can be one of the factor critical successes for sustainable in frozen food. Food security is a challenge confronting all nations around the globe. Declaration of human rights which recognized that A?veryone has the right to a standard living adequate for their health and well;being of the 0nited Nations Food and griculture #rganization showed that globally there were roughly ) million people undernourished %0NF#, 4(4& and food security wan an issue that was here to stay.
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ased on a framewor2 designed is to identify the critical success factors for sustainable frozen food in a mar2eting performance, customer demand, service innovation and food security as independent variables and frozen foods as dependent variables.
=he design of the study is to help researchers to achieve certain ob>ectives. =his research uses both quantitative and qualitative approaches. =herefore, the survey method with a questionnaire to be used for collecting user information is variable as the variables used.
$opulation refers to entire groups of people, events or things that could be the focus of research to investigate. For this study, the population only includes customers in Cedah.
Frozen food is no longer foreign to the local community would not constitute a single product for most users/ needs. Frozen products constitute an alternative product saves time because users also have been e9posed to the advantages of frozen food products, especially with regard to the quality of this product in levelling. In the meantime, consumer awareness and promotion of frozen products have been intensified by government and private agencies in support of industrial development. Findings of this study are important information that can be used by operators of frozen products designed strategy for product development in the improvement of e9isting products and set mar2eting strategy.
Frozen food is no longer foreign to the local community would not constitute a single products for most user/s needs. Frozen products constitute an alternative product saves time because users also have been e9posed to the advantages of frozen food products, especially with regard to the quality of this product in the mar2et. In the meantime, consumer awareness and promotion of frozen products have been intensified by government and private agencies in support of industrial development. Findings of this study are important information that can be used by operators of frozen products designed strategy for product development in the improvement of e9isting products and set mar2eting strategy. 'ost of people concern about safety and food hygiene. =his is because for 'uslim customer, halal logo is an important determinant of which can affect the purchase of frozen products, particularly for beef and chic2en product.
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