Proposal for GAD Seminar

May 1, 2018 | Author: Seluj Sejag | Category: Gender And Development, Gender, Ethnicity, Race & Gender, Government, Politics
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A proposal for the Gender and Development Seminar...


Republic of the Philippines Department of Education Region 02 Division of Nueva Vizcaya


PROGRAM PROPOSAL Title of Program: Proposed Date: Proposed Venue: Proposed Budget: Proponent:

Gender and Development (GAD) Seminar-workshop (Annual Planning, Programming and Budgeting Activity) First week of May (Tentative), 2017 Rock Garden Resort, Bolinao, Pangasinan Php 66,000.00 ALBINO D. TALLASE Secondary Principal II

Rationale One of the programs that the Government through the Department of Education is so passionate about is the structuring of development programs and projects based on analyses of gender relationships or gender and development. Gender and Development (GAD) is concerned with women and her specific roles, responsibilities and expectations in the society. It also analyzes the nature of women's contribution within the context of work done both inside and outside the household and reflects the public/private dichotomy that undervalues the work done by women in the home. GAD focuses on the principle that development is for all. Everyone in society, female or male, has the right to equal opportunities to achieve a full and satisfying life. Gender refers to the specific set of characteristics that identifies the social behavior of women and men and the relationship between them. Gender alludes not simply to women or men but the relationship between them and the way it is socially constructed. Since gender biases exist and these biases prevent people from attaining their full potentials, development is impeded.  Not a war of the sexes  Not anti-Male  Both women and men are victims although women more than men.  Both have a stake in the struggle for gender equality To ensure that explicit, implicit, actual and potential gender biases are removed, the government has embarked on gender and development (GAD) as one of its priority program. It is a development perspective that recognizes the unequal status and situation of women and men in society, and as an approach, GAD seeks to equalize the status and condition of and relations between them. Presidential Decree (PD) No. 633, dated January 7, 1975, established the National Commission on the Role of Filipino Women (NCRFW) now called the Philippine Commission on Women (PCW). The said PD serves as an advisory body to the President and his Cabinet on policies and programs for the advancement of women. It is mandated "to review, evaluate and recommend measures, including priorities to ensure the full integration of women for economic, social and cultural development at national, regional and international levels, and to ensure further equality between women and men." Executive Order (EO) 273, issued on September 9, 1995 and signed by President Fidel V. Ramos, adopted the Philippine Plan for Gender-Responsive Development (PPGD) 1995-2025. The PPGD 1995-2015 is a 30-year perspective plan that outlines the policies, strategies, programs and projects that the government must adopt to enable women to participate in and benefit from national development, while EO 273 directs all government agencies, departments,

bureaus, offices and instrumentalities, including government-owned and controlled corporations, at the national level, sub-national and local levels to: 1.1 To take appropriate steps to ensure the full implementation of the policies/strategies and programs/projects outlined in the Plan;  1.2 To institutionalize Gender and Development (GAD) efforts in government by incorporating GAD concerns, as spelled out in the Plan; in their planning, programming and budgeting processes, but specifically to: 1.2.1 Include/incorporate GAD concerns in the: a. formulation, assessment and updating of their annual agency plans; b. formulation, assessment and updating of their inputs to the medium/longterm, development plans; and c. preparation of their inputs to sectoral performance assessment reports, public investment plans and other similar documents. 1.2.2 Incorporate and reflect GAD concerns in their: d. agency performance commitments contracts indicating key results areas for GAD as well as in their annual performance report to the President; and e. annual agency budget proposals and work and financial plans. 

Bonfal National High School is a school that wants to take this program seriously and since the teachers and staff, who will be drawing up the plans, finds it hard to do so in a place full of distractions, the administration deemed it necessary to organize the seminar-workshop and planning, programming and budgeting process in a place conducive for the said activity. Hence, the proposal of a GAD seminar-workshop cum annual planning, programming and budgeting activity. In the proposed activity, the administration will contact a spokesperson from the Commission on Women or any able person who can talk about gender and development and how to make the necessary programs in implementing it. Proposed Venue Rock Garden is secluded along the shore of the South China Sea but conveniently close to Bolinao's town proper for shopping and sightseeing. This beautiful resort is on a private beach in a tiny town named Bolinao. 8kms from town proper Proposed Speaker The proposed speaker is a representative of the Philippine Commission on Women or anyone who is able to talk about gender and development and the different programs that the school can create and implement for the betterment of the studentry. Proposed Itinerary Day 1 4 AM Departure to Bolinao 2 PM Arrival at Bolinao & Check-in at Rock Garden Resort 4 PM Statement of Rationale and Expected output 6 PM Dinner and Socialization

Day 2 7 AM Breakfast 9 AM Session 1 Session 2 10 AM Health break Session 3 Session 4 11:45 AM Lunch 2 PM Formulation of GAD projects and programs 6 PM Dinner

Day 3 7 AM Breakfast 9 PM Presentation of Outputs and awarding of certificates of appreciation and participation 12 PM Lunch 2 PM Departure from Bolinao 12 AM Expected Arrival at Bayombong

Participants 30 Faculty and Staff of Bonfal National High School Proposed Budget Meals: Breakfast 50.00 Lunch 50.00 Dinner 50.00 Total 150.00 x 3 days x 30 pax Accommodations 10,000.00 x 2 days/nights Transportation 15,000.00 x 2 Vans Honorarium 3,000.00

13,500.00 20,000.00 30,000.00 3,000.00

Over-all total


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