Property Reviewer Paras
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Establishment of Agency based on book of Paras....
TITLE I. – CLASSIFICATION OF PROPERTY PRELIMINARY PROVISIONS Property – an object that which is, or may be, appropriated; o That branch of civil law which classies and denes the dierent kinds of appropriable objects, provides for their acquisition and loss, and in eneral, treats of the nature and consequences of real rihts! “Thing” diting!ihed "ro# “Property” "Thi "Thin n# # is broa broade derr in scop scope e for for it incl includ udes es both both appropriable and non$appropriable non$appropriable objects! %roperty %roperty involves both material and intanible thins! •
C$%i&'%tion o" Thing &a' Res Nullius &belonin to no one'( thins that have not yet been appropriated, or because they have been abando abandoned ned (res derelicta the owne ownerr with with the derelictae) e) by the intent intention ion of no loner loner ownin ownin them! them! )!! )!! *ish still still swimmin in the ocean, wild animals, birds, pebbles lyin on the seashore! seashore! &b' Res Communes &belonin to everyone'( thins really owned by everybody in that their use and enjoyment are iven to all of mankind! )!! +ir, wind, sunliht, starliht! &c' Res &belonin in to someo someone' ne'(( tani tanible ble or Res Alicujus Alicujus &belon intanible objects which are owned privately, either in a collective collective or individual individual capacity capacity! )!! ones book, book, shares of stock, parcel of land! C$%i&'%tion o" Property (a) Mobility and non-mobility 1! -ovable -ovable or or person personal al proper property ty .! /mmovable /mmovable or real real propert property y (b) Ownership Ownership 1! %ublic %ublic domini dominion on or ownership ownership .! %rivate %rivate dominion dominion or owner ownership ship (c) Alienability Alienability 1! 0ith 0ithin in the comm commer erce ce of man man &can &can be objec objects ts of contracts or juridical transactions'
.! uts utsid ide e the the comm commer erce ce of man man &e! &e!!! proh prohib ibit ited ed drus' (d) Existence Existence 1! %rese %resent nt prop propert erty y (rex existentes) .! *uture uture pro proper perty ty (res future) 2 3oth may be the subject of sale, but enerally not the subject of donation (e) Materiality or Immateriality Immateriality 1! Tanible or corporeal corporeal – that can be be seen or touched .! /ntanible /ntanible or or incorpore incorporeal al – rihts or credits credits (f) Dependenc Dependence e or Importan Importance ce 1! %rin %rinci cipa pall .! +cce +ccess ssor ory y (g) apability of !ubstitution 1! *unible *unible – capable capable of substitu substitution tion by other other thins thins of the same quantity and quality .! 4on$fu 4on$funi nible ble – incapa incapable ble of such such substi substitut tution ion;; the identical thin must be iven or returned (h) "ature or De#niteness De#niteness 1! 5eneric 5eneric – referr referrin in to a rou roup p or class class .! 6pecic 6pecic – refer referrin rin to to a sinle, sinle, uni$ue ob%ect (i) &hether &hether in the usto ustody dy of the ourt ourt or 'ree 'ree custodia legis &in the custody 1! /n custodia custody of the court' court' – when it has been sei7ed by an o8cer under a writ of attachment or under a writ of e9ecution .! *ree – not not in the the custody custody of the the court court
Ch%r%'teriti' o" Property &a' :tility for the satisfaction of moral or economic economic wants &b' 6usceptibility of appropriation appropriation &c' /ndividuality or substantivity substantivity &i!e!, it can can e9ist by itself, itself, and not merely as part of a whole' Art. ()(. A$$ thing *hi'h %re or #%y +e the o+,e't o" %ppropri%tion %ppropri%tion %re 'onidered either)/I##o0%+$e or re%$ property1 or 2/Mo0%+$e or peron%$ property. I#por I#port%n t%n'e 'e o" the C$% C$%i& i&'% '%tio tion n o" Proper Property ty Into Into I##o0%+$e %nd Mo0%+$e
ierent provisions of the law overn the acquisition, possession, disposition, loss, and reistration of immovable and movables!
In'o#p$etene o" the C$%i&'%tion Mi3ed or e#i4i##o0%+$e – movable properties which under certain conditions, may be considered immoable by virtue of their bein attached to an immovable for certain specied purposes! 2 -achines are immovable •
5itori'%$ Note udo ? >uym evelopment
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