Property Attack Sheet (Stanford Law)
Short Description
Attack Sheet for 1L property class...
Christin Hill
Bar Review
REAL PROPERTY I. FREEHOLD FREEH OLD ESTATES ESTATES A. Presen Presentt Posse Possesso ssory ry Esta Estates tes Estate Fee si!le absolute
Language to Create “To A and his heirs” “To A”
Fee tail
“To A and the heirs of his body.”
Fee si!le "eterinable
“To A so long as*” “To A until*” “To A while*” #rantor &ust use clear durational language. “To A, but if 2 eent happens, grantor reseres right to reenter and reta3e.” “To A, A, upon up on condition that” “To A, proided proide d that” “To A, but if” #rantor &ust e4pressly resere right or reentry. “To A, but if 2 eent occurs, then to 6.”
Fee si!le sub#e$t to $on"ition subse%uent
Fee si!le sub#e$t to e&e$utory liitation Life estate
“To A for life.” lif e.” “To A for the life of 6.”
Absolute ownership, of potentially infinite duration.
Devisable (transferable by will), descendibile (transferable by statutes of intestacy if its holder dies w/out a will), alienable (transferable during life). %asses auto&atically to grantee’s lineal descendants.
$asts only as long a there are lineal blood descendants of grantee. %otentially infinite, so long as eent does not occur.
Alienable, deisable, descendible, subject to condition.
%otentially infinite, so long as the condition is not breached, and thereafter, until the holder of the right of entry ti&ely e4ercises the power of ter&ination.
Alienable, deisable, descendible, subject to condition.
%otentially infinite, so long as stated contingency does not occur. 8easured by life of transferee or by so&e other life (pur autre ie).
Alienable, deisable, descendible, subject to condition. Alienable, deisable deisable and descendible if pur autre ie and &easuring life is still alie.
Future Interest
None. A’s A’s heirs get NT!"N#.
'eersion (if held by grantor) 'e&ainder (if held by third party). %ossibility of reerter (held by grantor). +..-.%..'. 'ight if entry/power of ter&ination (held by grantor). “"t’s &y prerogatie” 5 6obbie 6rown
74ecutory "nterest (held by third party) (shifting or springing) 'eersion (if held by grantor) 'e&ainder (if held by third party).
'ules re -efeasible +ees 0ords of &ere desire, hope, or intention are insufficient to create a defeasible fee. Absolute restraints on alienation are 1"-.
9an’t 0'"T7: on the walls.
No 'aste &ust &a3e reasonable r epairs epairs &ust pay interest charges on the &ortgage &ust pay property ta4es
Christin Hill
Bar Review
(. Future Interests a. In )rantor i. Reversion created when grantor grants estate of shorter ter& than his own :. to A for life ( has reersion) ii. Possibility of reverter future interest held by a transferor of a fee si&ple deter&inable :. to A so long as 2 ( has possibility of reerter) iii. Right of Entry/ power of termination created when grantor grants estate by a fee si&ple sub;ect to a condition subse
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