Properties of 72 Demons From Ars Goetia

December 13, 2021 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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Djinn Addresses King = "Their/Your Majesty" Marquis = "Their/Your Lordship" President = "Their/Your Presidency" Duke = "Their/Your Grace" Prince (Prelate) = "Their/Your Highness" Earl (Count) = "Their/Your Lordship" Knight = "Sir" Addiction Demonolatry Properties • 10 (rectifies addiction) • 61 (curbs addictions & bad habits) Alchemy Original Ars Goetia Properties • 28 (turns all metals to gold) • 48 (transmutes & changes metals into gold, wine into water, & water into wine) • 61 (turns wine into water, water into wine, blood into wine, & turns all metals into the coin of the Country they came from) Demonolatry Properties • 9 (teaches alchemy) • 28 (Djinn of alchemy) • 48 (Djinn of alchemical transformation; takes something ordinary or negative & changes it into something extraordinary) • 61 (turns things into their opposites) Animals Original Ars Goetia Properties • 8 (gives understanding of birds & other animals) • 53 (gives men understanding of animals) • 62 (tells where serpents may be seen & delivers serpents without force or strength) • 65 (transforms men into birds) • 69 (discovers virtues of birds & makes illusions of birds) Arithmetic (Mathematics) Original Ars Goetia Properties • 32 (teaches arithmetic & especially geometry) • 46 (makes one wonderfully knowing in geometry) • 49 (teaches art of geometry) • 65 (teaches geometry & all things belonging to measure perfectly)

Astrology & Astronomy Original Ars Goetia Properties • 21 (makes men knowledgeable in astronomy) • 32 (teaches astronomy) • 36 (teaches art of astronomy) • 46 (makes one wonderfully knowing in astrology) • 50 (teaches art of astrology) • 52 (teaches art of astronomy) • 58 (makes one wondrously knowledgeable in astrology) • 59 (teaches virtue of stars & knowledge of mansions of the planets and how to understand their magickal virtues) • 65 (teaches astronomy) Bravery Original Ars Goetia Properties • 22 (makes men bold) Demonolatry Properties • 22 (invoked for courage) • 24 (infuses magickian with great courage & confidence) • 35 (gives confidence & courage) Binding Original Ars Goetia Properties • 9 (binds & makes any man subject if desired) Demonolatry Properties • 55 (invoked for bindings) Chiromancy (Palmistry) Original Ars Goetia Properties • 50 (teaches art of chiromancy) Clairvoyance & Divination (Things Past, Present, & to Come) Original Ars Goetia Properties • 3 (declares things past & to come) • 7 (tells all things past, present, & to come) • 8 (knows all things past, present, & to come) • 9 (reveals anything you desire to know) • 11 (tells all things past, present, & to come) • 15 (knows things to come) • 17 (tells all things past, present, & to come) • 20 (tells all things past, present, & to come) • 22 (knows all things past & to come) • 25 (tells all things past, present, & to come) • 28 (gives true answers for things past, present, & to come) • 29 (gives true answers of things past, present, & to come) • 33 (answers truthfully & perfectly things past, present, & to

come) • 40 (tells all things past, present, & to come; tells what is & what will be) • 45 (discovers things past, present, & to come) • 47 (tells things past, present, & to come) • 51 (gives true answers of things past, present, & to come) • 53 (gives true answers of things to come) • 55 (discovers all things past, present, & to come) • 56 (tells all things past, present, & to come) • 64 (gives true answers to all things past, present, & to come) • 71 (shows vision of any image of anyone in any part of the world) Demonolatry Properties • 5 (invoked to cause you to see the truth in any situation) • 17 (divination regarding friends) • 25 (invoked to make you wise to what is really going on) • 29 (Djinness of Divination) • 34 (ask right question & he will tell you whatever you want to know) • 50 (teaches reading of natal charts, palm reading, clairvoyant skills, & includes all types of scrying; takes his arte very seriously) • 53 (invoked for divination of any type; sigil worn to see into any situation you encounter) • 58 (Seer's Djinn; spark of divinatory fire) • 70 (gives clear perception of any situation) Conflicts (Initiation & Resolution) Original Ars Goetia Properties • 7 (reconciles controversies between friends and foes) • 8 (reconciles friends & those in power) • 11 (reconciles friendships) • 14 (causes all great battles & contests) • 15 (advises well during a feud) • 17 (reconciles friends & foes) • 63 (sows discord) Implied Ars Goetia Properties) • 70 (brings situations to pass) Demonolatry Properties • 8 (stops magickians' feuds) • 14 (resolves conflicts) • 41 (resolves situations quickly in your favor) • 63 (resolves ongoing situations between people by bringing them to confrontation) • 65 (brings situation to a close)

Cursing Demonolatry Properties • 5 (invoked for cursing) • 41 (invoked for cursing) • 67 (invoked for aggressive pursuits or cursing) • 68 (invoked for cursings) Demotion (Destruction of Honors/Dignities) Original Ars Goetia Properties • 2 (destroys dignities both natural & supernatural) • 40 (destroys dignities) Destruction (Barriers or Protections) Original Ars Goetia Properties • 23 (burns cities & fortifications) • 40 (destroys cities) • 45 (throws down great strong walls) Demonolatry Properties • 69 (frees you of obstacles of situations holding you back) Earthquakes Original Ars Goetia Properties • 2 (causes earthquakes) Emotions (Matters of the Heart, Behaviors) Demonolatry Properties • 1 (instructs in matters of the heart) • 7 (brings emotions to head to release them as usable energy) • 9 (promotes emotional understanding) • 13 (gives counsel in matters of the heart & brings rational thought to emotional matters involving loved ones; brings stability & comfort after death of loved one) • 22 (brings emotions under control) • 35 (teaches coping skills & how to control temper & wield it like a warrior's sword) • 42 (excellently explores emotions or behaviors prior to changing & curses toxic emotions) • 49 (softens aggressive or sharp emotions & warms the coldhearted) • 61 (makes delusional people see the truth) • 70 (makes person unfettered by emotional upset or preconceived notions) • 71 (helps person relate with others on emotion level, teaches emotional intelligence, & heightens empathy with others)

Enemies or Foes Original Ars Goetia Properties • 39 (destroys enemies' desires, thoughts, or what they have done) • 64 (destroys & burns enemies) Implied Ars Goetia Properties • 7 (reconciles controverises between friends & foes) • 17 (reconciles friends & foes) • 25 (causes love of friends & foes) • 27 (gives favor with foes) • 30 (makes one beloved of his foes) • 40 (causes love between friends & foes) • 47 (procures friendship between friends & foes) • 55 (gives favor of foes) • 59 (gives favor of foes) • 68 (causes favor of foes) • • +++++ • + (discovers all wickedness & underhanded dealings; punishes thieves & other wicked people) Demonolatry Properties • 3 (tells if enemy has cursed you or is doing something behind your back) • 15 (tells you if someone is causing you harm using magick) • 25 (makes enemies nonsuspicious) • 41 (dreaming of him or his seal is sign someone wishes you ill or for your downfall) Energy Demonolatry Properties • 7 (brings emotions to head to release them as usable energy) • 12 (boosts energy raised during sex magick) • 34 (raises energy during ritual or before) Ethics Original Ars Goetia Properties • 10 (teaches moral philosophy) Demonolatry Properties • 24 (invoked for guidance to do what is right) Familiar Spirits Original Ars Goetia Properties • 6 (good familiar that tempts magickians to steal; seal should be worn constantly) • 9 (gives good familiars)

• 10 (gives good familiars) • 20 (brings forth good familiars) • 21 (gives good familiars that know virtues of herbs & stones) • 33 (steals other men's familiars) • 43 (gives good familiars) • 44 (governs good familiars) • 52 (brings good familiars) • 58 (gives good familiars) • 67 (gives excellent familiars) • 68 (gives excellent familiars) Demonolatry Properties • 8 (invoked to communicate with familiar if needed) Focus (Clarity & Concentration) Demonolatry Properties • 22 (invoked to be more decisive & sorts out confusion) • 31 (gives stability & a clear head) • 32 (makes mentally sharper) • 35 (teaches discipline) • 52 (helps a person focus and establishes clear thinking & boundaries) • 55 (Djinn of wisdom with calming energy) • 61 (makes delusional people see the truth) Friendship Original Ars Goetia Properties • 47 (procures friendship between friends & foes) Implied Ars Goetia Properties • 7 (reconciles controversies between friends & foes) • 8 (reconciles friends & those in power) • 11 (reconciles friendships) • 17 (reconciles friends & foes) • 25 (causes love of friends & foes) • 27 (gives favor with friends) • 30 (makes one beloved of his friends) • 40 (causes love between friends & foes) • 55 (gives favor of friends) • 59 (gives favor of friends) • 68 (causes favor of friends) Demonolatry Properties • 1 (brings together friends) • 2 (advises on friendship) • 3 (advises on friendship) • 6 (teaches loyalty) • 7 (finds friends) • 17 (draws new friends & divination regarding friends)

• 25 (makes friends nonsuspicious) • 29 (Djinness of Friendship; finds & manages friendship) • 38 (gathers allies & draws friends) Gifts Original Ars Goetia Properties • 32 (gives the ring of Virtues) Demonolatry Properties • 44 (after working with him, magickian may find way to obtain something they want or someone beneficial will come into their life) Good-natured Original Ars Goetia Properties • 3 (of a good nature) • 70 (indifferent & good-natured; will fulfill anything desired) Grammar Original Ars Goetia Properties • 66 (teaches grammar perfectly) Handicrafts Original Ars Goetia Properties • 5 (promotes knowledge of handicrafts) • 32 (teaches all handicrafts) • 39 (brings craftsmen together quickly from all around the world) • 60 (makes men knowledgeable in all handicrafts) Hatred Original Ars Goetia Properties • 33 (causes hatred) Health & Healing Original Ars Goetia Properties • 5 (curses diseases) • 10 (heals all diseases in man) Demonolatry Properties • 5 (causes healing) • 59 (helps you get physically fit & healthy) Herbs (Virtues), Plants & Gardens Original Ars Goetia Properties • 10 (teaches virtue of herbs) • 18 (knows virtues of herbs) • 21 (gives good familiars that know virtues of herbs)

• 31 (gives understanding to men of virtues of herbs) • 36 (teaches virtues of herbs) • 46 (teaches virtues of woods) Implied Ars Goetia Properties • 67 (bends trees) Demonolatry Properties • 2 (makes gardens grow) Hiding Works (Concealment & Non-suspicion) Demonolatry Properties • 25 (keeps you activities secret) • 51 (leave piece of gold in offering to him & leave his seal on altar to keep magickal works secret until they manifest) • 63 (conceals truth from others) • 69 (helps conceal deceptions) Honors (Promotions, Popularity) Original Ars Goetia Properties • 11 (gives honors & dignities) • 24 (restores lost dignities & honors) • 28 (gives & confirms dignities to men) • 30 (causes men to have a good name) • 55 (gives dignities & high ranks or offices) • 59 (gives dignities, high positions, & confirmations of either) • 68 (distributes preferments of senatorship) Illness & Suffering Original Ars Goetia Properties • 5 (causes diseases) • 14 (causes wounds to putrefy) • 42 (causes men to die in three days with putrefying sores or wounds & causing worms in them to breed) • 43 (afflicts men in several days with wounds & rotten sores full of worms) Implied Ars Goetia Properties • 33 (makes men insensible) • 44 (takes away sight, hearing, & understanding of any man or woman) Immobility Original Ars Goetia Properties • 2 (makes runaways stand still) Infertility & Fertility Original Ars Goetia Properties • 16 (makes men & women barren)

Demonolatry Properties • 16 (invoked as fertility Djinn) Inspiration (Creativity, Projects) Demonolatry Properties • 1 (sparks creativity) • 4 (invoked for inspiration & help in creative endeavours; Artist's Djinn) • 9 (assists in creative pursuits) • 12 (infuses any creative project with passion) • 23 (invoked for creative inspiration or solutions; artist's muse; sigil worn to prevent creative blocks) • 37 (Djinn muse for the creative) • 60 (invoked for creative business endeavours & creative inspiration) • 64 (helps start new projects) Invisibility Original Ars Goetia Properties • 1 (makes men invisible) • 25 (makes men go invisible) • 31 (makes men invisible) • 32 (makes man invisible) • 51 (makes men invisible) Demonolatry Properties • 25 (makes you invisible) Job Help (Business) Original Ars Goetia Properties • 60 (makes men knowledgeable in all professions) Implied Ars Goetia Properties • 8 (reconciles friends & those in power) Demonolatry Properties • 31 (solves business problems) • 38 (Good Djinn for supervisors & managers needing leadership guidance) • 57 (teaches computer or workplace skills) • 60 (invoked for creative business endeavours) • 66 (helps job seekers network) • 68 (invoked for aggressive business endeavours) Languages Original Ars Goetia Properties • 2 (teaches all languages or tongues) • 27 (gives good knowledge of tongues) • 30 (causes men to be knowledgeable & understanding of

tongues) Demonolatry Properties • 57 (teaches foreign languages) Legal Dealings (Court) Demonolatry Properties • 30 (invoked before legal battles to get favorable results) • 40 (helps in legal battles against large conglomerates) Liberal Arts & Sciences Original Ars Goetia Properties • 4 (teaches all liberal sciences) • 21 (makes men knowledgeable in all liberal sciences) • 29 (makes men wonderfully knowledgeable of all liberal sciences) • 33 (makes men knowledgeable in all liberal sciences) • 49 (teaches liberal sciences) • 52 (teaches all liberal sciences) • 57 (makes men clever in liberal sciences) • 58 (makes one wondrously knowledgeable in all liberal sciences) Logic Original Ars Goetia Properties • 10 (teaches art of logic) • 31 (teaches all parts of art of logic) • 50 (teaches art of logic) • 66 (teaches logic perfectly) Longevity Original Ars Goetia Properties • 31 (makes men live long) Love Original Ars Goetia Properties • 7 (procures love) • 12 (enflames men with women's love) • 13 (causes all love possibly had of both men & women until satisfied) • 15 (causes love of powerful people) • 16 (causes women to love men) • 19 (causes love of women & men to love women) • 25 (causes love of friends & foes) • 33 (causes love) • 40 (causes love between friends & foes) • 47 (procures love of women)

• 56 (procures love of women both young & old) • 71 (causes love) Demonolatry Properties • 13 (helps in seeking significant other or long-term relationship) • 16 (finds marriage partner) • 19 (invoked during marriage ceremonies) • 29 (finds & manages love) • 64 (helps start new relationships) Lust (Sex & Seduction) Original Ars Goetia Properties • 12 (enflames men with women's love & causes men or women to strip naked) • 16 (brings women & men together in love) Demonolatry Properties • 12 (invoked for seduction rituals & transforms you into succubi/incubi) • 13 (invoked as lust Djinn) Magick & Sorcery (Occult Sciences) Implied Ars Goetia Properties • 33 (teaches you how to consecrate things of Amaymon) • 45 (discovers witches) • 53 (gives men understanding of undines) • 55 (faithful to magickian & prevents him from deception of any spirit) • 59 (gives knowledge of mansion of the planets & how to understand their magickal virtues) • 64 (will not allow magickian to be tempted or deceived) Demonolatry Properties • 8 (stops magickians' feuds) • 10 (invoked for wisdom on when magick is needed & when it is not) • 12 (boosts energy raised during sex magick) • 15 (advises on when to use magick) • 28 (teaches magickian to help themselves by imparting mistruths to teach lessons) • 33 (renders others' magick inert while enchancing your own) • 36 (teaches witchcraft) • 45 (Magickian's Djinn; teaches more about magick & gives better understanding of something your studying of magickal nature) • 56 (teaches magick) • 58 (teaches on creation of magickal amulets, satisfies need of sigils or enns, & makes it easier to get info from Djinn;

working with him increases chances of this knowledge) • 62 (ultimate pathworking Djinn) • 65 (dissolves magick and seals spells or portals) Manslaughter Original Ars Goetia Properties • 25 (causes bloodshed & manslaughter) • 41 (kills & drowns men) • 42 (causes men to die in three days with putrefying wounds or sores & causing worms in them to breed) Mechanical Arts Original Ars Goetia Properties • 5 (promotes knowledge of mechanical arts) Music Original Ars Goetia Properties • 67 (causes all sorts of musical instruments to be heard but not seen) Natural Sciences Demonolatry Properties • 5 (invoked when studying mechanics of human body to retain & learn more) • 20 (gives explanations of scientific experimentations) • 36 (teaches natural sciences & seal is worn to attune with natural world & retain more info) Necromancy Original Ars Goetia Properties • 4 (gives accounts of dead souls of sinners & allows speaking to drowned souls) • 26 (rearranges graveyards & causes governed spirits to gather on your grave) • 46 (changes dead bodies, puts them in another place, & lights upon graves of the dead) • 52 (makes deceased souls answer questions) • 54 (makes deceased souls answer questions) Demonolatry Properties • 4 (Necromancy Djinn that allows for dialogues with any dead spirits) • 26 (Necromancy Djinn that keeps order & peace during seance and gives understanding & wisdom about the nature of death) • 46 (Necromancy Djinn; worked with to communicate with the dead & invoked for funeral ceremonies, during ritual to honor

ancestors, or learning to accept death) • 54 (keeps the dead from harming the living or overstaying their welcome in possessing a medium during channeling sessions; more aggressive & intimidating Necromancy Djinns) • 68 (invoked for necromancy) Negotiation Demonolatry Properties • 3 (advises on negotiations) Persuasion & Charisma (Communication, Interaction, Manipulation, Favor) Original Ars Goetia Properties • 27 (gives favor with friends or foes) • 30 (makes one beloved of his foes & friends) • 55 (gives favor of friends & foes) • 59 (gives favor of friends & foes) • 68 (causes favor of friends & foes) Demonolatry Properties • 3 (advises on interactions with people) • 6 (teaches arts of manipulation & shows you how to charm others to get what you want) • 14 (advises on relationships with difficult people) • 27 (causes people to see your way of thinking or feel need to help you; using him to control others will often turn into lesson for your benefit) • 30 (influences others to favor you) • 38 (advises on social situations, group mechanics & seal is worn to be well-received & command respect) • 47 (Sigil worn when going to social gathering or party will draw people to you) • 49 (helps others see your side of argument & others to not be so quick to judge) • 51 (invoked to get over social awkwardness & finds inner reasons for shyness or discomfort) • 55 (changes people's opinion) • 66 (encourages communication & opens up communication with others) Philosophy Original Ars Goetia Properties • 10 (teaches moral & natural philosophy) • 11 (shows meaning of all questions you can ask) • 33 (makes men knowledgeable in philosophy) • 50 (teaches art of philosophy)

• 52 (teaches philosophy perfectly) • 54 (teaches philosophy perfectly) • 60 (makes men knowledgeable in philosophy) Poetry Original Ars Goetia Properties • 37 (good & excellent poet) Protection (Builds Towers) Original Ars Goetia Properties • 38 (builds up towers) • 39 (builds houses & high towers) • 43 (builds high towers, castles, & cities) • 45 (builds towers) Demonolatry Properties • 8 (protects your home from hidden attacks) • 39 (builds foundation of safety at home & in astral temple; wards against psychic & physical assaults) • 43 (invoked as protection ward in your home or astral temple; anyone who attacks your spaces protected by him will become immediately ill & once they call off their attack their illness will cease) • 52 (builds foundations) • 72 (protects from curses & protects against theft or harm against you or others; sigil worn when going out alone or to dangerous places) Pyromancy Original Ars Goetia Properties • 50 (teaches art of pyromancy) • 53 (divination with ashes of fire) Demonolatry Properties • 34 (Djinn of fire skrying) Questions Answered Truthfully Original Ars Goetia Properties • 5 (answers fully to anything hidden or secret) • 20 (answers truthfully all things either secret or divine) • 23 (gives true answers to private matters) • 26 (gives true answers to your demands) • 28 (gives true answers for things past, present, & to come) • 29 (gives true answers of things past, present, & to come) • 32 (gives full & true answers) • 33 (answers truthfully & perfectly things past, present, & to come) • 34 (gives true answers of secret & divine things)

• 51 (gives true answers of things past, present, & to come) • 53 (gives true answers of things to come) • 55 (gives true answers of divinity & of the world's creation) • 57 (gives true answers of divinity & secret things) • 62 (gives true answers of hidden treasures) • 64 (gives true answers to all things past, present, & to come) Implied Ars Goetia Properties • 70 (gives true news of all theft, hidden treasures, etc.) Retrieving Lost & Stolen Things (Runaways, Thieves) Original Ars Goetia Properties • 2 (brings back runaways) • 31 (recovers things lost) • 66 (discovers things lost) • 72 (brings thief & stolen goods back to the house) Implied Ars Goetia Properties • 3 (discovers all things hid or lost) Rhetoric & Eloquence (Wit & Humor) Original Ars Goetia Properties • 22 (makes men witty) • 23 (makes one witty in all manner of ways) • 24 (makes men especially cunning in rhetoric) • 26 (makes man eloquent) • 27 (teaches art of rhetoric well) • 30 (teaches & makes men wonderfully knowledgeable in art of rhetoric) • 31 (teaches all parts of art of rhetoric & makes men witty & eloquent) • 50 (teaches art of rhetoric) • 51 (makes men witty) • 61 (makes men witty) • 66 (teaches rhetoric perfectly) Implied Ars Goetia Properties • 53 (good debater) Secrets & Hidden Items Revealed Original Ars Goetia Properties • 3 (discovers all things hid or lost) • 5 (answers fully to anything hidden or secret) • 8 (breaks open hidden treasures laid by magickian's enchantments) • 9 (teaches occult things; reveals what earth is, what holds earth up in waters, what wind is and where it is) • 15 (discovers hidden things) • 20 (answers truthfully all things secret & knows hidden

things) • 23 (gives true answers to private matters) • 29 (discovers all secrets) • 31 (discovers hidden treasures) • 34 (gives true answers of secret things) • 44 (discovers all things that are hidden & not kept by wicked spirits) • 45 (discovers things hidden) • 49 (speaks mystically of hidden things) • 56 (tells where treasures are hidden & place they lie in) • 57 (gives true answers of secret things) • 62 (gives true answers of hidden treasures) • 66 (discovers things hidden) • 70 (gives true news of hidden treasures) • 72 (discovers hidden treasures) Demonolatry Properties • 5 (invoked to cause you to see the truth in any situation) • 69 (uncovers deceptions) Self-Work (Behaviors) Demonolatry Properties • 10 (transforms self through thought & rectifies bad behaviors) • 11 (helps with finding faults or deep self-work & causes you to see your true self) • 59 (makes transformations to the self) • 62 (remedies spiritual stagnance or sloth in spiritual growth; points you in right direction to find wisdom & knowledge you seek) • 64 (helps start new phase in life) • 69 (raises magickian above petty & ego for short time) Shipping Original Ars Goetia Properties • 41 (overthrows ships of war) • 42 (guides armored ships) Implied Ars Goetia Properties • 70 (transports anything & everything to desired location and passes over the earth in twinkling of an eye) Stones (Virtues) Original Ars Goetia Properties • 18 (knows virtues of precious stones) • 21 (gives good familiars that know virtues of stones) • 31 (gives understanding to men of virtues of stones) • 36 (teaches virtues of stones)

• 46 (teaches virtues of stones) • 69 (discovers virtues of precious stones) Strength Original Ars Goetia Properties • 35 (a strong warrior) Demonolatry Properties • 24 (invoked for strength) • 32 (makes physically stronger) • 35 (gives strength) • 40 (gives wisdom for finding personal strength when odds are against you) • 63 (invoked with any djinn of strength or influence to give you an edge) Teleportation & Transportation Original Ars Goetia Properties • 18 (transports men suddenly from one country to another) • 33 (carries & recarries men speedily from one kingdom to another) • 39 (brings craftsmen together quickly from all around the world) • 70 (transports anything & everything to desired location; passes over the earth in twinkling of an eye) Demonolatry Properties • 18 (invoked before travel for smooth trip, brings you opportunity for travel, & sigil kept for safe travel) Theology & Divinity Original Ars Goetia Properties • 20 (answers truthfully all things divine) • 29 (tells of fall mythology) • 34 (gives true answers of divine things) • 55 (gives true answers of divinity & of the world's creation) • 57 (gives true answers of divinity) • 64 (talks of divinity & creation of the world, including fall mythology) Demonolatry Properties • 20 (answers questions about divine intelligences) Transformation & Shape-shifting Original Ars Goetia Properties • 5 (changes men into other shapes) • 57 (excellently changes a man into any shape desired) • 59 (transforms men) • 65 (transforms men into birds)

• 66 (makes a man seem like a soldier in his likeness) Demonolatry Properties • 10 (transforms the self through thought) • 59 (makes transformations to the Self; esp. the physical body & helps you to get physically fit & healthy) • 61 (turns things into their opposities) Treasure Finding Original Ars Goetia Properties • 8 (breaks open hidden treasures laid by magickian's enchantments) • 20 (discovers treasure) • 31 (discovers hidden treasures) • 32 (shows location of treasure & guards treasure) • 40 (steals treasure from kings) • 56 (tells where treasures are hidden & place they lie in) • 58 (gives treasure kept by spirits) • 62 (gives true answers of hidden treasures) • 66 (discovers treasure) • 70 (gives true news of all hidden treasures) • 72 (discovers hidden treasures) War & Military (Warriors, Soldiers, Fighters, Weapons) Original Ars Goetia Properties • 14 (causes all great battles & contests) • 15 (knows of war & how soldiers will meet) • 35 (a strong fighter) • 38 (furnishes with ammunition, weapons, & sends men of war to appointed places) • 41 (overthrows ships of war) • 42 (guides armored ships) • 66 (makes a man seem like a soldier in his likeness) Water Control Original Ars Goetia Properties • 41 (has power over seas & winds but will not hurt any man or thing if commanded) • 42 (guides waters, causes seas to be rough, stormy, & appear full of ships) • 49 (makes great noises of running water, warms waters, disturbs baths, etc.) Demonolatry Properties • 49 (Water Djinn) Wealth (Money) Original Ars Goetia Properties

• 26 (gives riches to men) • 44 (steals money out of kings' houses) Demonolatry Properties • 1 (manifests wealth for creative projects) • 2 (advises on finanical matters regarding projects) Weather (Thunder, Lightning, Winds) Original Ars Goetia Properties • 34 (raises thunder, lightning, & great storms) • 41 (has power over seas & winds but will not hurt any man or thing if commanded) • 42 (causes seas to be rough & stormy) • 45 (makes waters rough with storms) Wisdom Original Ars Goetia Properties • 5 (promotes wisdom) • 26 (makes man wise) • 48 (makes men wise) • 61 (makes fools wise) • 65 (makes men very cunning & subtle) Demonolatry Properties • 21 (invoked before exams or studying to retain more info) • 55 (Djinn of wisdom with calming energy) Writing Demonolatry Properties • 66 (gives writing success) Various Sciences & Arts Original Ars Goetia Properties • 9 (teaches all arts & sciences) • 24 (makes men cunning in all arts & sciences) • 25 (teaches all arts & sciences in an instant) • 46 (makes one wonderfully knowledgeable in other sciences) • 48 (instructs men in diverse things) • 60 (makes men knowledgeable in other sciences) • 71 (teaches all arts & sciences to anyone) Implied Ars Goetia Properties • 37 (discusses all sciences)

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