April 10, 2017 | Author: Anupa Wijesinghe | Category: N/A
Download Proof of Delivery (POD) Process in SAP...
Contents Introduction .................................................................................................................................................. 2 Configuration ................................................................................................................................................ 2 Set POD relevance for delivery item category .......................................................................................... 2 Define Reasons for Quantity Differences ................................................................................................. 4 Activate POD for the ship to party ............................................................................................................ 5 System Demo ................................................................................................................................................ 5 Execute POD for a delivery note ............................................................................................................... 9 Additional Notes for POD process in SAP AFS ............................................................................................ 12
Introduction Proof of Delivery (POD) is a business process used by some businesses which a customer invoice is created only after the customer confirmation received on the delivery receipt at their warehouse. In addition to that; system allows recording the POD Date, time and the actual quantity of goods that has been arrived. If there is a difference between quantity of goods issued and quantity of goods arrived, then possible reason for that difference. Some practical world reasons for above mentioned stock shortage can be theft, stock shrinkage, transportation damage, etc. This is very useful when negotiating with the forwarding agent as all possible deviations is reflected within SAP. Based on the customer confirmed quantity (Received quantity at customers warehouse), now it is possible to create an accurate invoice in SAP.
Configuration You need to carry out below configuration steps to enable the POD process in SAP.
Set POD relevance for delivery item category IMG Path:
It is recommended to define all delivery relevant item categories as POD relevant as the POD process activation can be done at the ship to party master data level.
Mark "X" under "POD-relevant" column to activate POD for the delivery item category.
Mark "V" under "POD-relevant" column to copy the POD relevance from a preceding document (such as an SD scheduling agreement) into inbound deliveries. In this case, as the preceding document is being processed, the system already knows whether verification for an item should be expected.
Define Reasons for Quantity Differences
Under above IMG path you have to define possible reasons for quantity differences that can occur. Together with the reason, you need to define the "+" or "-" effect it has on the delivered quantity. Based on "+" or "-" sign, over delivery, under delivery quantities will be added or subtracted from the delivery quantity.
Activate POD for the ship to party Activation of POD process can be done at the ship to party level. In order to do that, go in to the customer master in the change mode. Transaction: XD02 / VD02
Go to Sales area data / Shipping tab Mark the field " Relevant for POD "
Once "Relevant for POD" field is marked, you need to execute POD step, before creating customer invoice. "POD timeframe" field is used to specify number of days which you expect to receive verification from the ship to party for POD. Once this time limit has passed, outbound deliveries can be confirmed using the Automatic Confirmation functionality. Now if I create a sales order with the ship to party "A300", it is mandatory to execute POD before invoice creation.
System Demo
Create a sales order with ship to party "A300". In the sales document / Item / Shipping tab, you should be able to see "POD relevant" field is flagged. This is coming from the ship to party.
But if you create the order with a ship to party which has no "Relevant for POD" flag, you do not get this in the sales order / item / shipping tab. See below;
Now you need to post goods issue the delivery document to represent actual goods issued from your warehouse. (I have issued quantity 10 in the delivery note) In the delivery note header "Processing" tab, you can see the "POD Status" is flagged as relevant.
When you look at the status of the delivery note (Delivery note / Item / Status Overview), you should be able to see the "POD status" is marked as "relevant"
Now let's try to create the invoice for this delivery without executing POD step
Transaction: VF01
You cannot create the billing document due to below error
Therefore you have to execute the step of POD.
Execute POD for a delivery note Under below transaction you can enter the POD. Transaction: VLPOD Easy Access Menu Path:
Execute the transaction with the delivery document number
You should be able to see "POD Status" field is marked as "A - Relevant"
Use button to view the batch level data and enter the customer confirmed difference with the relevant reason code For example let's say customer confirms only 8 out of my 10 delivered, and then I should enter 2 under the field "QtyDiffinSalesUn" with the relevant reason in the field "Reason"
Now you should be able to see the "POD quantity" field was automatically adjusted based on the "+" or "-" value in the reason code configuration (In this case it became 8)
In order to confirm the "POD" manually, you have to press the button
Once you press that button, system will automatically get the POD date as today's date. Else you can manually enter a date in that field as well. Now you should be able to see the "POD status" field was changed to "C - confirmed"
Save the transaction Now if you go to delivery document / Item / Status overview tab, you should be able to see that the "POD Status" has been changed to "C"
Now you can create the billing document for this delivery note without any issue. The billed quantity will be the POD quantity not the delivered quantity. (In this example it is 8 not 10)
Additional Notes for POD process in SAP AFS Symptom: When you try to create a billing document with POD processed delivery document, below error message appears in the billing log: Message No: 8W 451 Message Text: Inconsistencies found in billing quantity (Standard AFS)
Apply below OSS note;
1115536 - Error in billing if POD qty is different from Delivery qty
This should correct the above issue.
Author: Anupa Wijesinghe E-Mail:
[email protected] /
[email protected] Website: www.learnsaptips.com View my profile in LinkedIn Follow me on Twitter
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