Pronunciation in Use Elementary
July 13, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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Iag`remjf Vhevfrsety ^rfss 5:2-1-1>2-=>960-2 5:2-1-1>2-=>9602 ” Fhjdesb ^rohuhieateoh eh Vsf Fdfgfhtary @ooc wetb Ahswfrs ahm Mowhdoama`df Aumeo Kohatbah Garcs ]a`df ol Iohtfhts Gorf Ehlorgateoh
Iohtfhts ]o tbf stumfht ]o tbf tfaibfr Gap ol iohtfhts
6 : 5
Yfiteoh A Youhms ahm spfddehj
1 0 9 = 6 10 1= 1< 12 0> 00 0= 0<
1> 1 1> 11 1 10 10 19 19 1= 1= 16 16 1< 1 0> 01 01 00 00 09 09 0= 0=
/ɕʋ/ ahm /aʋ/ /`/ Odm towh ^aictowh your `ajs `ajs /p/ ahm ]wfhty mays mays /t/ ahm /m/ Iats ahm mojs mojs /c/ ahm /j/ Hovfg`fr tbf first /l/ ahm /v/ @otb tojftbfr tojftbfr /β/ ahm /þ/ Et―s tbf wrohj sezf, esh―t et? et? /s/ ahm /z/ Lrfsb fisb, usuaddy usuaddy /ʉ/ ahm /ʐ/ Ibeps ahm kueif kueif /tʉ/ ahm /mʐ/ Gy buhjry uhidf uhidf /g/, /h/ ahm /Ń/ Bow gahy bours? bours? /b/ ]bat―s delf! delf! /d/ Zbat tfrre`df wfatbfr! wfatbfr! /r/ Zbat―s tbf hfws? hfws? /w/ ahm /k/ Yuhjdassfs or ug`rfdda? ug`rfdda? Iohsohaht jroups eh tbf gemmdf ol worms worms ]raeh eh tbf raeh raeh Iohsohaht jroups at tbf `fjehhehj ol worms worms ^ehc ahm orahjf orahjf Iohsohaht jroups at tbf fhm ol worms worms Dast wffc wffc Iohsohaht jroups aiross worms worms
02 9> 90 9= 9< 92 => =0 == =< =2 6> 60 6= 6< 62 91 91 90 90
Ohf bousf, two bousfs bousfs Yydda`dfs Zaet a gehutf ’ wbfrf―s tbf waetfr? waetfr? Ytrohj ahm wfac vowfds vowfds Yehjdf or rfturh? rfturh? Ytrfss eh two-sydda`df worms worms @fjeh at tbf `fjehhehj Ytrfss eh dohjfr worms worms Zbfrf―s gy ibficdest? ibficdest? Ytrfss eh iogpouhm worms worms
20 2= 2= 2< 22
Fhjdesb ^rohuhieateoh eh Vsf (Fdfgfhtary)
© eh tbes wf` sfrveif Iag`remjf Vhevfrsety ^rfss
Iag`remjf Vhevfrsety ^rfss 5:2-1-1>2-=>960-2 5:2-1-1>2-=>9602 ” Fhjdesb ^rohuhieateoh eh Vsf Fdfgfhtary @ooc wetb Ahswfrs ahm Mowhdoama`df Aumeo Kohatbah Garcs ]a`df ol Iohtfhts Gorf Ehlorgateoh
=1 =1 =0 =0 =9 =9
]bfy―rf bfrf! bfrf! Iohtraiteohs Iohtraiteohs Et―s Jforjf―s `ertbmay `ertbmay ^rohouhiehj -s -s fhmehjs E doocfm fvfrywbfrf fvfrywbfrf ^rohouhiehj past tfhsfs tfhsfs
5> 50 5=
Yfiteoh M Iohvfrsateoh == == =6 =6 =< = 6>
Hot badl past two, badl past tbrff tbrff Ehtohateoh lor odm ahm hfw ehlorgateoh Ahm summfhdy … Ehtohateoh eh storytfddehj storytfddehj Pfaddy? ]bat―s agazehj! agazehj! @fehj a joom destfhfr E chow wbfh et es, `ut hot wbfrf wbfrf Egportaht worms eh iohvfrsateoh 1 Lehesbfm? E―vf kust startfm! startfm! Egportaht worms eh iohvfrsateoh 0 Ho, tbahcs, E―g kust doocehj Ehtohateoh eh pbrasfs ahm sfhtfhifs 1 Lehf, tbahcs tbahcs Ehtohateoh eh pbrasfs ahm sfhtfhifs 0
Yfiteoh F ol Pflfrfhif pbohfgei syg`ods syg`ods F1 F1 Ibart F0 F0 F9 F9 F= F= F6 F6 F< F> 1>0 1>= 1>< 1>2
11> 111 119 10: 19> 190 196 19:
Aichowdfmjfgfhts Aichowdfmjfgfhts
12-=>960-2 5:2-1-1>2-=>9602 ” Fhjdesb ^rohuhieateoh eh Vsf Fdfgfhtary @ooc wetb Ahswfrs ahm Mowhdoama`df Aumeo Kohatbah Garcs Fxifrpt Gorf Ehlorgateoh
1 A
Bow gahy dfttfrs, bow gahy souhms? Ypfddehj ahm prohuh prohuhieateoh ieateoh Add sfiteohs wetb tbes syg`od
arf oh tbf rfiormehj. Destfh to tbfg wbedf you rfam tbes pajf.
]bfrf arf 0< dfttfrs eh tbf Fhjdesb adpba`ft. A@IMFLJBEKCDGHO^QPY]V\ZRU[
A0` A0i A0m
]bfrf arf fivf vowfd dfttfrs. A F E O V Ahm tbfrf arf 01 iohsohaht dfttfrs. @ I M L J B K C D G H ^ Q P Y ] \ Z R U [ @ut tbfrf arf gorf tbah => vowfd ahm iohsohaht souhms eh Fhjdesb. Eh sogf worms, tbf hug`fr ol dfttfrs es tbf sagf as tbf hug`fr ol souhms. `fst = dfttfrs, = souhms ` f s t
: dfttfrs, : souhms
1 m
0 9 f h
= t
@ut sogftegfs tbf hug`fr ol souhms es mellfrfht lrog tbf hug`fr ol dfttfrs. A9a
Eh jrffh, ff es ohf souhm, ahm eh bappy, pp es ohf souhm. jrffh 6 dfttfrs, = souhms j r f f Eh `rfa `rfam m, fa es ohf souhm. `rfam `rfa m 6 dfttfrs, = souhms
9 f
a 9
p 9
y =
m =
Eh sogf worms tbfrf arf sedfht dfttfrs (dfttfrs wetb ho souhm). Eh destfh, t es sedfht. < dfttfrs, 6 souhms. destfh d e s t f h 1 0 9 - = 6
Eh sogf worms, ohf dfttfr es two souhms. ]bf x eh sex es two souhms decf c + s. 9 dfttfrs, = souhms sex s e x 1
Zf sogftegfs wretf tbf sagf souhm mellfrfhtdy eh mellfrfht worms. Lor fxagpdf, tbf f eh rfm
souhms decf tbf fa eh `rfa `rfam m. A=a Yogftegfs two worms bavf tbf sagf prohuhieateoh `ut mellfrfht spfddehjs. (Yff Yfiteoh F2
Bogopbohfs.) Bogopbohfs.) chow ’ ho A; Mo you chow? @; Ho, E moh―t.
sogftegfs two worms bavf tbf sagf spfddehj `ut Ahm mellfrfht prohuhieateohs. A=`
rfam (ehfihetevf ahm prfsfht tfhsf) ’ rfam (past tfhsf) A; Mo you waht to rfam tbf hfwspapfr? @; Ho, tbahcs, E rfam et tbes gorhehj. A=i @fiausf tbfrf arf gorf souhms tbah dfttfrs, wf usf syg`ods lor prohuhieateoh.
/ `fst `fst / / `fst / 'mfhtEst 'mfhtEst / / mfhtest mfhtest / jre;h jre;h / jrffh jrffh / 'b{pe 'b{pe / / bappy / 'cÆle 'cÆle / / iollff iollff / 'dEsNh 'dEsNh / destfh destfh / ]re; ]re; / / tbrff tbrff / sEcs sEcs / sex / sÆcs sÆcs / soics / `rfm `rfm / `rfam `rfam / hNV hNV / ho / hNV hNV / chow / rrfm fm / rfm /rfm// rfam (past tfhsf) / re;m /rfm re;m / rfam (ehfihetevf ahm prfsfht tfhsf) ]bf syg`od ' (dooc at tbf `fjehhehj ol tbf syg`ods lor mfhtest , bappy bappy,, iollff, destfh) destfh) iogfs worms). `florf strfssfm sydda`dfs (sff Yfiteoh @ Yydda`dfs ahm worms). 1>
Fhjdesb ^rohuhieateoh eh Vsf (Fdfgfhtary)
© eh tbes wf` sfrveif Iag`remjf Vhevfrsety ^rfss
Iag`remjf Vhevfrsety ^rfss 5:2-1-1>2-=>960-2 5:2-1-1>2-=>9602 ” Fhjdesb ^rohuhieateoh eh Vsf Fdfgfhtary @ooc wetb Ahswfrs ahm Mowhdoama`df Aumeo Kohatbah Garcs Fxifrpt Gorf Ehlorgateoh Yfiteoh A
Youhms ahm spfddehj
Fxfriesfs 1.1
Zretf tbf hug`fr ol dfttfrs ahm tbf hug`fr ol souhms eh tbfsf worms.
1 add 0 `aic 9 ioudm = 6 < : 2
chff sexty tbehj wbo ammrfss
Ibfic wetb tbf Cfy (oh pajf 192). ]bfh destfh ahm rfpfat.
Yogf prohuhieateoh syg`ods arf fasy. Zretf tbfsf worms eh tbfer horgad spfddehj.
/ FRAG^DF / `fst `fst / 1 / `Ej `Ej / 6 / bfdp bfdp / A<
`fst 0 / mrfs mrfs / / < / hfcst hfcst /
9 / lrfhm lrfhm / : / 'vfre/ 'vfre/
= / jEv jEv / / 2 / wfd wfd /
Ibfic wetb tbf Cfy. ]bfh destfh ahm rfpfat. Add fivf worms eh faib jroup bavf tbf sagf vowfd dfttfr ’ a, f, e, o or u ’ `ut ohf bas a mellfrfht
vowfd souhm. Ieridf tbf worm wetb tbf mellfrfht vowfd souhm eh faib jroup.
FRAG^DF oh 1 jevf 0 appdf 9 guib = gahy
top tegf `am `us gatbs
stop set wasb suh gah
ohf tbehc iatib pusb bat
johf reib `ahc up ffat
Ibfic wetb tbf Cfy. ]bfh destfh ahm rfpfat.
Zretf worms tbat rbygf (tbf fhm part ol tbf worm souhms tbf sagf).
FRAG^DF rfm 1 cfy 0 `duf 9 hot = ohf 6 matf < def : so 2 `ffr A2
`f_ _m tr_ _ sb_ _ w_ _ _ r_ _ w_ _ _ w_ _ sb_ _ h_ _ _
Ibfic wetb tbf Cfy. ]bfh destfh ahm rfpfat.
Fhjdesb ^rohuhieateoh eh Vsf (Fdfgfhtary)
© eh tbes wf` sfrveif Iag`remjf Vhevfrsety ^rfss
Iag`remjf Vhevfrsety ^rfss 5:2-1-1>2-=>960-2 5:2-1-1>2-=>9602 ” Fhjdesb ^rohuhieateoh eh Vsf Fdfgfhtary @ooc wetb Ahswfrs ahm Mowhdoama`df Aumeo Kohatbah Garcs Fxifrpt Gorf Ehlorgateoh
^ezza lor mehhfr /e/ ahm // Bow to gacf tbf souhm /e;/
A A5a
e; / / es a dohj dohj souhm. souhm. Dooc Dooc at tbf tbf meajrag. meajrag. Dest Destfh fh ahm tbfh tbfh • / e; say tbf souhm. Gacf your goutb wemf, decf a sgedf. Uour Uour tohjuf touibfs tbf semfs ol your tfftb. ]arjft souhm; / e; e; / /
lroht ol tohjuf up
wemf goutb
Youhm ahm spfddehj
e; / / es usuadd usuaddy y spfddfm spfddfm ff or fa. Destfh ahm say tbfsf worms. • / e; sff ajrff fat sfat tfag
e; /. /. • Destfh ahm say tbfsf otbfr worms wetb / e; ef l ef efdm pefif f tbfsf gftrf sfirft fvfhehj fquad ^ftfr gusfug Furopfah Ibehfsf Kapah Kapa hfsf iogpdftf fy cfy Iah you sff tbf sfa? e sce cedo detrf pezza podeif gaibehf gajazehf fo pfopdf
Uou wedd hffm to pausf • How destfh ahm say tbfsf sfhtfhifs. Uou tbf rfiormehj to jevf yoursfdl fhoujb tegf to rfpfat. 1 Iah you sff tbf sfa? 0 A pef pefif if ol pezza, pdfasf. 9 ^ftfr―s eh tbf tfag. = A cedo ol pfaibfs ahm a detrf ol irfag. 6 ^dfasf iah you tfaib gf to spfac ^ortujufsf?
Bow to gacf tbf souhm //
I A1>a
A1>i A1>m
/ es a sbort sbort souhm. souhm. Dooc Dooc at tbf tbf meajrag meajrag.. Destfh Destfh ahm ahm tbfh • / E / say tbf souhm. Gacf your goutb a `et dfss wemf tbah lor / e; e; /. /. Uour Uour tohjuf tohjuf es a `et lurtbfr lurtbfr `aic eh eh your goutb goutb tbah tbah lor / e; e; /. /. ]arjf ]arjftt souhm; souhm; / E / /
lroht ol tohjuf up
Youhm ahm spfddehj kaw mowh (a dettdf)
/ es usuadd usuaddy y spfddfm spfddfm e. Dest Destfh fh ahm say say tbfsf tbfsf worms. worms. • / E / el destfh gess mehhfr sweg /. • Destfh ahm say tbfsf otbfr worms wetb / E /. `usy `usehfss `uedm dmeehj systfg • How destfh ahm say tbfsf pbrasfs. 1 l elty-sex 0 mehhfr eh tbf cetibfh 9 a iehfga teicft = a peiturf ol a `uedm dmeehj 6 `ej `usehfss Hotf; Fejbt dfttfrs ol tbf adpba`ft bavf tbf souhm /e;/. Destfh ahm rfpfat. @IMFJ^]\
A1>l Hotf; Vhets 0 to 1> loius oh vowfd souhms eh strfssfm sydda`dfs (sff Yfiteoh @ Yydda`dfs ahm worms ). ). \owfd \ow fd souhms souhms eh uhstr uhstrfssf fssfm m sydda`df sydda`dfss oltfh oltfh bavf tbf tbf wfac wfac vowfd /N/. Destfh ahm rfpfat. ajrff fquad cetibfh gusfug ^ftfr peiturf pezza A1>j Hotf; ]bfrf es sogftegfs ah / e/ souhm at tbf fhm ol a worm eh ah uhstrfssfm sydda`df (sff Yfiteoh @
Yydda`dfs ahm worms ), ff, `usy. ]bes souhm es decf /e;/ `ut sbortfr. Destfh ahm rfpfat. ), f.j. bappy, ioll ff
bappy ioll ff ff `usy sexty 10
Fhjdesb ^rohuhieateoh eh Vsf (Fdfgfhtary)
© eh tbes wf` sfrveif Iag`remjf Vhevfrsety ^rfss
Iag`remjf Vhevfrsety ^rfss 5:2-1-1>2-=>960-2 5:2-1-1>2-=>9602 ” Fhjdesb ^rohuhieateoh eh Vsf Fdfgfhtary @ooc wetb Ahswfrs ahm Mowhdoama`df Aumeo Kohatbah Garcs Fxifrpt Gorf Ehlorgateoh Yfiteoh A
Fxfriesfs 0.1
^ut tbfsf /e;/ worms eh tbf meadojufs.
1 A; Zbat sbadd wf mo tbes @; Dft―s stay at bogf ahm watib 0 A; Dft gf rfam tbat sfirft ! @; Ho ’ et―s a
Ytfvf ? .
Youhms ahm spfddehj
? 9 A; Uou chow gy lrefhm @; Ufs. A; Zfdd, bf―s jot a hfw ko`. Bf―s koehfm tbf
Destfh to ibfic your ahswfrs. Ibfic wetb tbf Cfy. ]bfh destfh ahm rfpfat.
Lehm tbf /E/ worms lrog tbfsf idufs.
1,> ,>> >>,>>>
geddeoh FRAG^DF A tbousahm tbousahm es a . to jo up ahm mowh eh a `uedmehj. 1 Uou iah usf a 0 ]bfrf arf sexty sfiohms eh a . 9 A es a `ooc ol worms to bfdp you wetb your Fhjdesb. = Et―s too warg eh bfrf ’ opfh tbf . 6 Zoudm you decf a wetb your iollff? < @erms ahm pdahfs bavf . . : Uou iah sff yoursfdl eh a 2 Moh―t mrop ’ put et eh a `eh! A10
Destfh to ibfic your ahswfrs. Ibfic wetb tbf Cfy. ]bfh destfh ahm rfpfat.
Ieridf add tbf /e;/ souhms ahm uhmfrdehf add tbf / E/ souhms.
`ej `usy mehhfr pdfasf rfpfat sex
jevf tfa
jrffh tbrff
Destfh to ibfic your ahswfrs. Ibfic wetb tbf Cfy. ]bfh destfh ahm rfpfat.
Gatib tbf `fjehhehjs ahm fhmehjs ol tbf sfhtfhifs.
lor mehhfr
a ` i m f l j
rfpfat. pfopdf eh tbf gusfug. sex o―idoic. eh tbf olfiif. or iollff? jrffh `ooc, pdfasf. lor mehhfr.
Ibfic wetb tbf Cfy. ]bfh destfh ahm rfpfat.
Destfh ahm ieridf tbf worm you bfar. Ibfic wetb tbf Cfy. El ahy ol tbfsf arf melfiiudt lor you, jo to Yfiteoh F9 Youhm paers lor lurtbfr praiteif.
dfavf / devf 1 0 dfavf chff / chff / / hfar dettfr / 9 dettfr / dfttfr
((fi souhm souhm paer paer 1) 0) (fi souhm paer 9) Fhjdesb ^rohuhieateoh eh Vsf (Fdfgfhtary)
© eh tbes wf` sfrveif Iag`remjf Vhevfrsety ^rfss
Iag`remjf Vhevfrsety ^rfss 5:2-1-1>2-=>960-2 5:2-1-1>2-=>9602 ” Fhjdesb ^rohuhieateoh eh Vsf Fdfgfhtary @ooc wetb Ahswfrs ahm Mowhdoama`df Aumeo Kohatbah Garcs Fxifrpt Gorf Ehlorgateoh
1 0
FRAG^DF Dft―s bavf pezza 1 Zf―rf adways `usy 0 Zoudm you decf tfa 9 Jevf gf tbat `ej = ]bfrf wfrf ohdy tbrff 6 Destfh ahm < Dft―s gfft at
Zbat sbadd wf mo?
A spoohlud ol sujar /u/ ahm /φ/
Bow to gacf tbf souhm /u/
Destfh to ibfic your ahswfrs. Ibfic wetb tbf Cfy. ]bfh destfh ahm rfpfat.
^ut tbf /V/ worms lrog Fxfriesf 9.9 eh tbf sfhtfhifs.
? 1 Mo you tacf 0 you bfdp gf? E―g
lor a
Destfh to ibfic your ahswfrs. Ibfic wetb tbf Cfy. ]bfh destfh ahm rfpfat.
Ieridf tbf worms tbat bavf / u;/ or /V/, tbfh put tbfg eh tbf iorrfit iodugh.
Es et rfaddy truf? Uou―rf stahmehj oh gy loot! Arf you a joom iooc? Zbfrf―s gy tootb`rusb? Mo you pusb or pudd to opfh tbes moor? / u; u; / /
< : 2 5
1 0 9 = 6
Destfh to ibfic your ahswfrs. Ibfic wetb tbf Cfy. ]bfh destfh ahm rfpfat.
`ooc ioocfry ioujb tboujbt tbroujb
E―dd `f rfamy sooh. Bfrf―s your teicft ’ moh―t dosf et! Jo tbroujb tbat moor ovfr tbfrf. Gy cfys! Zbfrf mem E put tbfg?
/ V /
Destfh to ibfic your ahswfrs. Ibfic wetb tbf Cfy. ]bfh destfh ahm rfpfat.
Destfh ahm ieridf tbf worm you bfar. Ibfic wetb tbf Cfy. El ahy ol tbfsf arf melfiiudt lor you, jo to Yfiteoh F9 Youhm paers lor lurtbfr praiteif.
1 pood / pudd / pudd dooc / / duic 0 dooc 9 soup soup / / soap
(fi souhm paer =) (fi souhm paer 6) (fi souhm paer 2-=>960-2 5:2-1-1>2-=>9602 ” Fhjdesb ^rohuhieateoh eh Vsf Fdfgfhtary @ooc wetb Ahswfrs ahm Mowhdoama`df Aumeo Kohatbah Garcs Fxifrpt Gorf Ehlorgateoh
Latbfr ahm gotbfr /ɑ/ ahm // `aic ol tohjuf mowh
Bow to gacf tbf souhm /ɑ;/
A A0=a
A; / / es a dohj dohj souhm. souhm. Dooc Dooc at tbf tbf meajrag. meajrag. Dest Destfh fh ahm tbfh tbfh • / A; say tbf souhm. Opfh your goutb wemf. ]arjft souhm; / A; / A; /
kaw mowh (a dettdf)
Youhm ahm spfddehj
@ A0=`
A; / / es usuadd usuaddy y spfddfm spfddfm a or ar. Destfh ahm say tbfsf worms. • / A; altfr altfrhooh asc ahswfr `atb `atbroog iah―t idass mahif l atbfr jdass togato `ar iar iarm l ar ar parc star start
A; /. /. • Destfh ahm say tbfsf otbfr worms wetb / A; dfttfr d eh badl es sedfht.) auht daujb bfart badl (]bf df
• Destfh ahm say tbfsf sfhtfhifs. 1 Bow l ar ar―s tbf iar parc?
la st
0 Zf wfht to a darjf `ar ludd ol fidg stars. 9 Zf―rf startehj eh badl ah bour. A0=f
Egportaht lor destfhehj A0=l
• Eh worms wetb a dfttfr r altfr tbf /A;/ souhm, gost Agfreiahs ahm sogf @retesb pfopdf prohouhif tbf r. Destfh to tbf sagf sfhtfhifs, tbes tegf wetb tbf dfttfr rs prohouhifm. • Yogf pfopdf, fspfieaddy eh tbf hortb ol Fhjdahm, prohouhif tbf dfttfrs a or au as /{/ eh sogf ol tbfsf worms. Destfh. altfr altfrhooh asc ahswfr auht `atb `atbroog idass mahif la st jdass daujb Destfh to tbfsf sfhtfhifs, first wetb / A; A; /, /, tbfh tbfh wetb / { /. 1 Yff you togorrow altfrhooh. 9 Zf wfrf daujbehj ahm mahiehj eh tbf idassroog. 0 E―dd asc gy auht. = E dflt gy jdassfs eh tbf `atbroog. Hotf; ]bf hagf ol tbf dfttfr P es prohouhifm /A;/ or /A;r/.
Hotf; ]bf worm arf es oltfh prohouhifm /A;/ or /A;r/. (Yff Vhet =>.)
Bow to gacf tbf souhm //
I A06a
tohjuf mowh
sbort souhm. souhm. Dooc Dooc at tbf tbf meajrag. meajrag. Dest Destfh fh ahm tbfh tbfh • / ∛ / es a sbort say tbf souhm. Opfh your goutb wemf. ]arjft souhm; / ∛ /
rfdaxfm deps
Youhm ahm spfddehj
M A06`
usuaddy y spfddfm spfddfm u, `ut sogftegfs ou or o. Destfh ahm • / ∛ / es usuadd say tbfsf worms. `us iodour iogf iup lroht Dohmoh duic Gohmay guib hotbehj hug`fr ruh stumy suh uhidf uhmfr Hotf; ]bf worms soh ahm suh bavf tbf sagf prohuhieateoh.
Hotf; ]bf hug`fr ohf es prohouhifm /w∛h/. A06i
• Destfh ahm say tbfsf sfhtfhifs. 1 Joom duic wetb your fxag hfxt gohtb! 0 ]acf tbf hug`fr ohf `us. 9 E saem ‒Iogf oh Gohmay―, hot ‒Iogf oh Yuhmay―. = Gy `rotbfr―s stumyehj eh Dohmoh.
rfdaxfm kaw
Egportaht lor destfhehj 1<
Yogf pfopdf, fspfieaddy eh tbf hortb ol Fhjdahm, say / V/ ehstfam ol /∛/. Destfh to tbf sagf sfhtfhifs, tbes tegf wetb /V/.
Fhjdesb ^rohuhieateoh eh Vsf (Fdfgfhtary)
© eh tbes wf` sfrveif Iag`remjf Vhevfrsety ^rfss
Iag`remjf Vhevfrsety ^rfss 5:2-1-1>2-=>960-2 5:2-1-1>2-=>9602 ” Fhjdesb ^rohuhieateoh eh Vsf Fdfgfhtary @ooc wetb Ahswfrs ahm Mowhdoama`df Aumeo Kohatbah Garcs Fxifrpt Gorf Ehlorgateoh Yfiteoh A
Youhms ahm spfddehj
Fxfriesfs =.1
Destfh ahm wretf tbf worms eh tbf iorrfit iodugh.
worms wetb /A; / /
wormss wetb worm wetb otbfr otbfr vowfd vowfd souhm souhmss
Ibfic wetb tbf Cfy. ]bfh destfh ajaeh ahm rfpfat. =.0
Destfh ahm wretf tbf worms eh tbf iorrfit iodugh.
worms wetb /∛ /
wormss wetb worm wetb otbfr otbfr vowfd vowfd souhm souhmss
Ibfic wetb tbf Cfy. ]bfh destfh ajaeh ahm rfpfat. =.9
Iogpdftf tbf sfhtfhifs wetb ohf / A;/ worm ahm ohf /∛/ worm.
1 0 9 =
`uttfr―s too ]bf E―m to `uy tbat ]bfer ]bf er ―s jot E first gft gy eh
. ! baer. .
Destfh to ibfic your ahswfrs. Ibfic wetb tbf Cfy. ]bfh destfh ajaeh ahm rfpfat.
Destfh ahm ieridf tbf worm you bfar. Ibfic wetb tbf Cfy. El ahy ol tbfsf arf melfiiudt lor you, jo to Yfiteoh F9 Youhm paers lor gorf praiteif.
/ bat 1 bfart /
(fi souhm paer :)
lar / / lour 0 lar / iut iut 9 iat / = dooc dooc / / duic duic / / doic 6 duic < `uttfr `uttfr / / `fttfr
(fi souhm paer 2) (fi souhm paer 5) (fi souhm paer 6) (fi souhm paer 1>) (fi souhm paer 12)
Fhjdesb ^rohuhieateoh eh Vsf (Fdfgfhtary)
© eh tbes wf` sfrveif Iag`remjf Vhevfrsety ^rfss
Iag`remjf Vhevfrsety ^rfss 5:2-1-1>2-=>960-2 5:2-1-1>2-=>9602 ” Fhjdesb ^rohuhieateoh eh Vsf Fdfgfhtary @ooc wetb Ahswfrs ahm Mowhdoama`df Aumeo Kohatbah Garcs Fxifrpt Gorf Ehlorgateoh
A moj eh tbf iorhfr /ɐ/ ahm /ɝ/ Bow to gacf tbf souhm /ɐ/
A A9>a
sbort souhm. souhm. Dooc Dooc at tbf tbf meajrag. meajrag. Destf Destfh h ahm say say • / Æ / es a sbort tbf souhm. Pouhm your deps a dettdf. ]bf lroht ol your tohjuf es dow ahm towarms tbf `aic ol your goutb. ]arjft souhm; / Æ /
lroht ol tohjuf mowh
deps rouhmfm (a dettdf)
deps lorwarm
Youhm ahm spfddehj
@ A9>`
kaw mowh
usuaddy y spfddfm spfddfm o, ahm sogftegfs a. Destfh ahm rfpfat. • / Æ / es usuadd `ottdf `ox iboiodatf idoic iollff iopy iost jot bodemay bospetad bot ko` doic dohj dost posse`df sbop sohj sorry stop top wrohj quadety waht wasb wash―t watib wbat
iross dot
hot oll oltfh
Hotf; ]bf worm ioujb es prohouhifm /cÆl/. Hotf; ]bf worm was es sogftegfs prohouhifm wetb /Æ/. (Yff Vhet =>.)
A9>i • How destfh ahm say tbfsf sfhtfhifs. 1 Bavf you jot a dot ol sboppehj? 0 Kobh―s johf to tbf sbops. A9>m
Egportaht lor destfhehj
9 Bow guib mem your bodemay iost? = Ybf saem tbf iollff wash―t vfry joom, `ut E tboujbt et was.
Gost Agfreiahs prohouhif tbfsf worms mellfrfhtdy. Destfh.
1 Bavf you jot a dot ol sboppehj? 0 Kobh―s johf to tbf sbops.
9 Bow guib mem your bodemay iost? = Ybf saem tbf iollff wash―t vfry joom, `ut E tboujbt et was.
Bow to gacf tbf souhm /ɝ/
I A91a
/ es a dohj dohj souhm. souhm. Dooc Dooc at tbf tbf meajrag meajrag.. Destfh Destfh ahm say O; / • / O; tbf souhm. Pouhm your deps gorf tbah lor / Æ /. ]arjf ]arjftt souhm; / O; O; / /
lroht ol tohjuf mowh
deps vfry rouhmfm
deps lowarm
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