Prometric 2015

July 16, 2019 | Author: dr prajwal | Category: Dentures, Human Tooth, Dental Implant, Dentistry Branches, Dentistry
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Pt presented to you having root ressession, he have pain when you ! put aprope aprope on root root , diagnoss diagnoss " a!dentine hypersensit hypersensitivity ivity#### #### $!api%a& periodontitis periodontitis %!irreversa$&e pu&pitis '! we %an usd to %reate %reate posterior posterior pa&ata&sea&in %ast " a! e %ro %ronn %arve %arverr $! (ing&y s%a&per### s%a&per### %! )*%a )*%ava vato torr +! Pt with deep deep %ariesin &ower &ower o&ar,no septos septos there there is radioopa-e at ape* , diagnoss" a!%ondansing ostitis#### ostitis#### $!%eenta& dysp&asia %!periapi%a& granu&oa .! /hi%h %hroosoe %hroosoe %ause %ause ongo&is" a!disoy $!trisoy### %!!!!!

d!!!!! 0! Pt%ae Pt%ae to %&ini% %&ini% a1ter you you %he2 you see see suppernuery teethand issing %a&vi%a& $on, diagnoss" a!down syndroe $!%&edio%&ania& dysp&asia### %!!!!!! d!!!!!! 3! ++ years o&d 1ea&e pt,%oes pt,%oes with s&owe&y growing growing swe&&ing in the ang&e o1 andi$u&e, radiograph show radiopa-ue with rado&u%ent $order , diagnoss" a!osteoa $!osteo sar%oa %!ossi4y 4$roa d!%eento$&astoa### 5! Pt a1ter ' days denta& treatent treatent %oe $a%2 %op&ain o1 $urning $urning and !!! there there is u&%ers o1 &ip u%osa u%osa and u%osa atta%hed to in%isor, diagnoss is " a!%onta%t stoatitis $!travati% u&%er %!aphtus u&%er d!re%%urrent herpati% gingivostoatitis 6! 7rava %aused 1ra%ture o1 the root a 8un%tion $etween $etween idd&e and api%a& portion o1 root, treatent" a!r%t 1or %orona& part on&y### $!4$er sp&int to ' part %!e*tra%tion d!!!!!!! 9! :uto%&ave re&ative re&ative to to &oo1 dry oven;; oven;; a! onsidera$&e &e high tie d! !!!! !!!!!! !!

?! @oung oung pt pt with with swee&i swee&ing ng a*i&& a*i&&ar ar pre preo& o&ar ar are areaa ,%oe to you r %&ini% ,on diagnosis and * ray dentist sas!!! so&itary $one %yst, what is proper angent" a!antiinAaatory and 1o&&ow up $!i&d %urrtage and %&ose#### %!arsipu&iBation and anti$ioti% e! Co a%tive a%tive aneg anegent ent ! Pu&p po&yp is " a!hypertrophi% pu&p $!hyperp&asti% pu&p### %!!!! '!! Dain ' Dain 1a% 1a%to torr whi% whi%hh aEe% aEe%tt the the %ho %hoi% i%ee o1 supp&eentary supp&eentary Aoride in addition to systei% water Aoride is ;; a! >&iat >&iatee terate teraterr $! :g :gee o1# o1### ## %! Fther d! !!! !!!! +!! :d + :dva vant ntag agee o1wr o1wrou ough ghtt wier wier ove overr %ast %asted ed %&a %&asp sp is is G a!&ess irritant to so1t tissue $!&ess irritant to a$utent tooth### %!strong d!!!!! .! Dost e%topi% tooth is is H a!upper 4rst preo&ar $!&ower &atera& %!upper %anine### d!!!!!!! 0! :%sess sess %avi avity 1or 1or r%tG %tG; a!o%%&usa& %onverage $!o%%&usa& diverge diverge### ### %!striaght d!!!!!!!! 3! Duta 3! Dutant nt str strep epto to%o %o%% %%ii in in hu huan an is G a!pandii% %!endei%

5!%o&oure saturation is reEered to;; a!hoe $!%hroe### %!va&ue 6!Dostre&a$&e test 1orhea&ing integrity o1 pu&p a!thera& pu&p test $!e&e%tri% pu&p test %!>avity pu&p test### 9!Pt with history o1 traua;r%t %oeto %&ini% a1ter  year with $rown dis%o&oration on %entra& insi%orits ost &i2e&y due to G a!der$ries in dentina& tu$ue&s $!$&eeding in dentina&2 tu$u&es### %!argina& &ea2age o1 %oposite d!!!!!! '?!a&ssiu hydro*ide %! Min% o*ide eugino### d! Jy%a&; '3!Oest eEe%t o1 Aoride it shou&d app&y a!every onth $!everythree onth %!every 3 onth### d!!!!! '5!Cerve whi%h supp&y t8 is a!1a%ia& nerve $!auri%u&otepora& nerve### %!!! d!!! '6!Periapi%a& view is to diagnosis a!pu&p ne%rosis"" $!%a&%i4%ation o1 %ana&"" %!!!! '9!>hi&d pt have esia& and dista& %aries in &ower d $est restored with a!%asted eta& %rown### $!aa&ga d! Por%a&in veneer +?!Pt under war1arin we do e*t when" a! Pt!',inr,';0 $! Pt!;inr;' %! !!!!!! +!Oest 4&&ing 1or %&ass v %avity is a! i%### $! :a&ga

%! >oposite d! !!!! +'!engive%toy is %ontrain%ated in a! ingiva& hyperp&asia $! Pseudosupra po%2et %! Perio donta& a$%ess### d! !!! ++!hei%a&s 1ro %eent; $; Sigh thera& %ondu%tivity o1 go&d; %; Ke&ated to periodonta& &igaent; d; >ra%2ed tooth or 1ra%tured sur1a%e; 9+! ho&d hoe sodiu %h&oriteZ a!;R $!0R %!?R d!'?R 90! 1or $est &oad distri$ution Z ! aa&ga on thi%2 $ase

'!aa&ag on thin $ase +! aa&ga on sound dentin 93! :s2ing a$out disin1e%tant o1 denta& %hair a1ter SO[Z !iodo1or ª hypo %h&oride '! 1ora&dehyde +! ethy&ene o*ide gas .! ??Y ethy& a&%oho&Ydeto& a! ª' $!'ª+   %!+ª. 95! 7he water rines devi%es 1or periodonta& therapy has a ain goa& whi%h isZ a! reove p&a-ue $! prevent p&a-ue atta%hent %! di&ute $a%teria& a%id d! reove $io4& 96! De&anoa ost 1ound inZ a!Da*i&&ary anterior $!Dandi$u&ar anterior %!Da*i&&ary &atera& in%isor d!Dandi$u&ar &atera& in%isor 1##- $etter amalam choose : a-%o mercur& b-'ih cupper  c-(n free )**- +ama ) phase ha"e cupper: a-1*, b-1,

c-*, )*1- .etect .etect to all teeth cracks: cracks: a-prop&lene l&col b-*/0, facial acid c-0, facial  acid )*)- ruption ruption processin processin occurrin occurrin until a-1!& b-11& c-1& d-)1&

)*- 2hen doin ca"it& preparation handle of sharp instrument don3t use a-4enrasp a/ b-5odif b-5odified ied pen rasp rasp c-Re"erse pen asp d-Thumb and hand )*- n deep cares cares dentine well well be a/ Scallo Scalloroti rotic c dentine dentine b/ .isc .iscole olere red d denti dentine ne c/ Repa Reparat rati" i"e e denti dentine ne )*0- '&per neclure in basal cell la&er in ini"al micosa attached attached to a/ 8ami 8amina na dure dure b/ 8amin 8amina a luce lucend nda a c/ 8ami 8amina na pro propr prea ea )*6- namel parl in an& area a/ 4erpend 4erpendicu icular lar to C. C. 9uncti 9unction on

b/ 4erpend 4erpendicu icular lar to 9unctio 9unction n c/ 4erpend 4erpendicu icular lar to out out surface surface of ename enamell d/ paralel paralelll to out surfa surface ce of ename enamell )*7- best material for take impression for onla& and inla& a/ pol& pol& "en&l "en&le e selic selicon on b/ addit additio ion n sili silico cone ne c/ pol& pol& sulf sulfid ide e d/ pol& pol& ethe ether  r 

'?6! Themostcommoni nj ur i esi nc hi l di s : 1/Av ul s edt oot h* * * * 2/i nt r us i on*

'?9 ?9!! «ueesti «u stion a$ou a$outt th the han handd oove verr ou outth te% te%hn hnii-uue Z :!Punishent O!positive rein1or%eent >!negative rein1or%eent J!shaping $ehavior )1*1*a/ b/ c/ d/ 11for troma a/ b/ c/

)/ Cari Caries es in chil child d in in all all teeth eeth pos posteri terio or and and ant anterio eriorr Caries s&ndrome ncipient caries Rampant caries )11-classification of of co colossal wh what cl classification pr predisposin fa factor class  class  di"  class  di" 

d class 

''! JiEeren%e JiEeren%e $tween $tween ra%y and and universa& %urtte; !se%tion o1 gra%ey is hei %ir%u&ar and inuniversa& triangu&ar;

'!ra%ey has one %utting edge whi&e universa& has two; +! ra%ey used 1or %utting inspe%i4% area whi&e universa& universa& is in any area; .! universa& 9? not oE set gra%ey 3?;oE set; 0!:andO; 3!:,O and > 5!O,> and d

2 13 -p -p at i e ntc h i l dwi t hama l g um a ndc omewi t hc ar i r su nd era ma ma l g um wi t hp ul pi n v o l v e me me nt a.e x t r ac t i on b.pul pot omywi t hs t ai nl es ss t eel c r o wn c .p ul po c t o my my d .n ot r e at me nt

21 4-ud ec i d et odoi mp r e ss i o nwi t hd i s pl a c et i s s uewh i c ht eq a.s el ec t i v epr es sur e es sur et eq. 215-ant .por c el l i nandpos t er i orac r y l i cwhi c ht y peofr i dge a .fl a pp y b.k ni f e 2 16 -h -h owma nyc u s pi nc l a s s1p ar t i a ld en t u r e a.1 b.2 ? >? >>D >>DBB E EGH GHI?  I?  217 -pat -p i e ntc omet ourc l i ni cwantdent ur eol d65y ear; O>PQ PQMMII  UK UKH H V WM WMXI  XI 

21 8-s ut u r eu set oc l o t : gur eei ght. . . . 2 19 -t -t h e r mo me me c a ni c a lg u t ap e r c a a.ul t r a fi l l b. MSCSpa. . .

22 0-c en t r i cho l d i n gc u spi nmi l l e me t e rwh enr es t o r ewi t hama l g um a. 1 b.2. 5 c . 1 0 221-c ut eapi c al per i odont i t s a .p mn lwi t ho de ma b .p ai nl e ng er i n go ns we et

'''! Qn %onstr%ting the 1raewor2 o1 TPJ Wwa*ingX, a 1u&& %ontour wa*ing is done then the wa* is %ut $a%2 in order toZ a! )nsure a %orre%t ratio o1 %ore thi%2ness to &ayered ateria&; $!)nsure a %ontinuous sooth 8un%tion $etween the &ingua& and pro*ia& eta& sur1a%es and por%e&ain; %!>ontro& the proper position o1 %erai%!eta& 8un%tion; ''+! /hi%h ateria& is i*ed very s&ow&y to ensure &ong wor2ing tieZ  Mn ph %eent ' Q> %eent + Kesin %eet . Po&y%a$ %eent ''.! /hi%h anti$ioti% is given to a rheuati% pt as a pro4&a*ing $e1ore pro%edureZ  Pen%i&&in v ' :o*i&in + 7etra%y%&in . :rthroy%in ''0! /hi%h is the %orre%t powder water ratio 1or denta& p&aster i*ingZ

 ' + .

??g powder to 0?g water ??g powder to .?g water ??g powder to +?g water ??g powder to 6g water

''3! /hi%h o1 the 1o&&owing de%rease the wor2ing tie o1 po&ysu&4deZ  Sigh huidity and in%rease in teperature ' =ow huidity and in%rease in tep + Sigh huidity and de%rease in tep . =ow huidity and de%rease in tep ''5! /hi%h o1 the 1o&&owing uses an open %y%&e rea%tion to redu%e setting %ontra%tionZ  :ddition si&i%one ' Po&y ether + Sydro%o&&oid . Po&y su&4de ''6!  ' + . ''9!  ' + .

Po&yether is used 1or the 1o&&owing advantges )¬>)P7 Z )*%e&&ent detai&s ood wetta$i&ity Ised with teeth with under%uts Con o1 the a$ove /hi%h o1 the 1o&&owing is a hydro%o&&oidZ :&&genate :ddition si&i%one Po&yether Po&ysu&4de

'+?!  ' + .

/hi%h is the %orre%t stateent a$out Q>Z Jo not %ontain Auoride Ceed a dry 4e&d to set

'+! Qn whi%h way er%ury 1ro aa&ga is %onsidered haBardous to hea&thZ  Qnha&ation o1 er%ury vapors

' + .

Qngestion o1 aa&ga parti%&es $y the pt during drii&ing

'+'! /ithout treatent, whi%h o1 the 1o&&owing has the poorest prognosis Z  ingivitis ' F%%&usa& traua + Doderate gingivitis . uveni&e periodontits '++! 7he $ond$etween a%ry&i% denture teeth and the denture $ase is %hei%a&, and is e%hani%a& 1or por%e&ain denture teethZ  Ooth stateent are true; '+.!  ' + .

Prosthodonti%s in de4nition is a$outZ %o1ort Tun%tion )stheti%s :&&

'+0! :&& %orre%t a$out prosthodonti%s e*%eptZ  Jenta& ip&ants are the 4rst treatent option to rep&a%e issing teeth ' /ear teeth ust a&ways $e treated + Patient assessed needs . Patient adaptive %apa%ity '+3! /hat is the ter used 1or a $ase p&ate and a wa* riZ  F%%&usa& ris ' '+5! 7he 1o&&owing &andar2s needs re&ie1 when %onstru%ting %op&ete dentureZ  Qn%isive papi&&a ' Kesidua& ridge + 7u$rusoty . Ketroo&ar pad '+6!

Qn &ingua& o%%&usion, whi%h stateent is %orre%tZ

Ou%%a& a*; %usps do not tou%h the &ingua& an; >usps in %entri% re&ation ' Ou%%a& a*; %usps do not tou%h the &ingua& an; >usps in e%%entri% re&ation + =ingua& a*; %uspstou%h the an; 7eeth in %entra& 1ossae . :&& o1 a$ove '+9!

:&& are %orre%t a$out the post da )¬>)P7 oneZ ! redu%e the $othering sensation o1 tongue when oving 1ro pa&ate rouge to denture posterior $order; + 2eep the denture in %&ose re&ation to tissues during spee%h and swa&&ow; . >opensate 1or a%ry&i% %ontra%tion during pro%essing 0 Qprove retention and sta$i&ity

'.?!  ' + .

: sip&e hinge arti%u&ator Z Sas a sa&& s%rew $ehind it to ad8ust the verti%a& diension; :%%ept 1a%e$ow trans1er >an a2e e%%entri% oveents :&&

'.!  ' + .

=a$oratory reounting o1 dentures is 1orZ >orre%ting o1 pro%essing errors >orre%ting an; Da*; re&ation >orre%ting teeth positioning :&&

 ' + .

'.'! :n anterior 4*ed partia& denture is %ontraindi%ated whenZ :$utent teeth are not %arious; :n a$utent tooth is in%&ined 0 degrees $ut otherwise sound; 7here is %onsidera$&e resorption o1 the residua& ridges; >rown o1 the a$utent teeth are e*tree&y &ong owing to gingiva& re%ession;

'.+! : partia& veneer is not as retentive as a 1u&& veneer, that®s whyZ  : partia& veneer %an not $e used as a retainer in &ong span $ridge

' +

: partia& veneer %an $e used as a retainer in &ong span $ridge

'..!  ' + .

/hi%h is %orre%t a$out peaso reaersZ Ised to %ut gutta$er%ha to prepare 1or a post and %ore Ised 1or dri&&ing ho&es in dentin 1or pins Sas a sharp tip there1ore it is sa1e to use it in %ana& >oes in 0 siBes

'.0! Fvere*tension in disto$u%%a& $order o1 an; denture %auses dis&odgent as a resu&t o1 the a%tivity o1Z  Dasseter us%&e '.3!  ' + .

Dandi$u&ar oveents are &iited $yZ Dus%&es =igaents 7eeth :&&

'.5!  ' + .

>entri% re&ation isZ Dan, a* re&ation Dan; ondy&es re&ation Da*; s%u&& re&ation

'.6!  ' + .

Codu&es on %ast is a resu&t o1Z :ir intrapent during investing )*%essive %asting 1or%e QnsuU%ient use o1 va%uu Con

'.9! 7he e&eent that is added to a&&oy to %ontro& thera& %ontra%tionZ  Pa&&adiu ' Ci%2e& + Min%


hroiu >ho$a&t ir%u1erentia& %&asp in a esio$u%%a& under%ut '05! 

7he eEe%t o1 indire%t retention is ani1ested inZ Kesenten%e o1 dista& e*tension oveent away 1ro tissues

'06! Ketra%tion %ords, whi%h is %orre%tZ  7he instruent used to pa%2 the %ord ust $e he&d para&&e& to tooth a*is ' >ord pa%2ing starts 1ro $u%%a& sur1a%e + >ord over&aps in pro*ia& areas . >ord over&aps in $uu%%a& sur1a%e '09!  ' +

/hi%h is the edi%ation used 1or >andida a&$i%aZ Cystaten Pen%e&&ine

'3?! Pt &ost %ons%ious and stopped $reathing whi&e you were doing s%a&ing; /hat is the 4rst thing to doZ  =oo2 1or o$8e%t o$stru%ting air way ' 7a2e the pt shirt oE   + asted $!Pre1a$ri%ated %!Deta& d!Ti$er

+5+! Qnterna& resorption o1 root a!Put si&ver point and sea&er to %&ose $!Tu&& aa&ga inside the %ana& %!>&eaning the who&e %ana& +5.! I nt er nal r es or pt i onofr oot a!Put si&ver point and sea&er to %&ose $!Tu&& aa&ga inside the %ana&##### %!>&eaning the who&e %ana& ### +50! 7he istruent used to tri $eve& gingiva& &ine in %erai eta& %rown a!)nae& hat%h

$!)nae& hoe %!ingiva& trier +53! Whatbact er i ai sf oundi nt heapi c al por t i oni fal es i onex i s t s a! $! %! +55! Ji%&o%eph&i%" a!=ong 1a%e### $!; e*trusion with orthodonti%s ;

.5!;>hi&d has red vesti$u&e and drain sinus in andi$u&ar %arries o&arZ :; pu&p po&yp O; pu&p pathosis

>; pu&p stone J; pu&p %a&%i4ed .6! : %&ass Q[ %oposite resin resin restoration shou&d $e $est 4nished with a;Co; ++? 7ungsten %ar$ide $ur $ur;; $;Dounted stone; %;'! Auted %ar$ide $ur; d;>oarse diaond point; e;Jaiond $ur .9!Dain use o1 denta& AossZ a; Keove %a&%u&us; $; Keove over hang; %;distur$ denta& p&a-ue; .'?!7reatent o1 interna& resorption invo&vesZ a;>op&ete e*tirpation o1 the pu&p to arrest the resorption pro%ess; $;)n&arging the %ana& api%a& to the resor$ed area 1or $etter a%%ess; %;Iti&iBing a si&ver %one and sea&er to 4&& the irregu&arities in the resor$ed area; d;Ti&&ing the %ana& and de1e%t with aa&ga; e;aoh; %; 1oro%reso&; .06!7he inera& trio*ide aggregate is $est ateria& 1orZ a;Qndire%t pu&p %apping; Z $;:pe*ogenesis; %;:pe*o4%ation; d;Koot %ana& o$turation; .09!Tea&e pt; %oes with endo treated upper %entra& with D ª J %aries and have in%isa& a$rasion; Por%e&ain veneer is p&anned with odi4%ation to %over in%isa& edge; [eneer shou&d endZ

a;one 1ourth o1 the &ingua& sur1a%e and %over   away 1ro %entri% %onnta%ts $; one third o1 the &ingua& sur1a%e and %over ;0  away 1ro %entri% %onta%ts %; one 41th o1 the &ingua& sur1a%e and %over   away 1ro %entri% %onta%ts d;one 1orth o1 the &ingua& sur1a%e and %over ?;0  away 1ro %entri% %onta%ts .3?!:t the $egining o1 the operation day in the %&ini%, you shou&d start the waterYair spray 1or three inutes in order to get rid o1 whi%h type o1 i%roorganissZ :X X a%tinoy%es .3!he 1o&&owing drug 1or angina pt; e*%eptZ ; Proprano&o& '; C&ass + a&o%%&osion =ast re&ia$&e 1or pu&p vita&ty !.99 ept   ]`   f “` `

Desia& step tena& p&ane wi&& $e in perenant !0?? a!%&assQQ $!%&assQQ od  %!%&assQ + –‘ ]`    f “` ` /hen we treat patent with %he%2n $o* !0? « a$out epeniphrin in anaphy&a%ti% sho%2 !0?'

Y???  ]`   f “` ` periodonta& state !0?+   ‡ `   f ¶ƒ›„  

      _

K% prip used 1or !0?. """""

Denta&&y %ha&&enge %hi&d %oe to out%&ini% with oro1a%ia& !0?0 traua and an*iety and 1ear1u&& what 2ind o1 anesthesia or sedation genera& anesthesia ! intervenous sedation !' &o%a& anesthesia !+ n'o o*ide sedation !. ortho age s%reening !0?3 a!3 $!5 %!9 d!? hannd instruent used in preparing %&ass ' what !0?5 una%%epta$&e pin grasp! inverted pin grasp !'

odi4ed pin grasp!+ pa& and thi$ grasp !. adu&t patient have severe %arious &esionat '3 and he !0?6 ta2e aspirin severa& doses aday severa& days to re&ie1  painWone wea2X /hat the test suita$&e $&eeding tie ! ptt!' %&otting tie !+ %ant ree$er sorry L. ai o1 seria& e*tra%tion 1or e*tra%t !0?9 4rst &ower preo&ar ! se%ond &ower preo&ar !' 4rst upper preo&ar !+ se%ond upper preo&ar !. idea& taper 1or prepared tooth 1or wa&&s is a!+ $!3 %!0 d!'? idea& tapered to in%rease retention is !0 a!+

$!3 %!' d!'? %%spaden this is easy ! 0' %ontinous %ondensation what type o1 treatent !0+ Q 1orget the %hoses $ut its easy u&so patient have endo ttt 1or tooth what the true !0. a!do ortho with short Hter prognosis $!do ortho with &ong!ter prognosis %! %ant do ortho %us e*terna& resorption """""!!!d!don®t do patient so2ing 0 !'? %igarets aday 1or 6 years he %o !00 with %op&ain o1 pain in gingiva& Jiagnosed as %hroni% gingivitis a!gu shows inAaation as 1orer so2er $!&ess intensity thanun so2er %!ore intensity than non so2er d!sae as non so2er priary se%ond &ower o&ar !03  ]”x   —  b£   ‡  `³ ‡  f^£³ `  fo&ar   `  f ‡  `³ ²]^z À   trans&u%ent /hi&e reova& o1 %aries the pu&p e*posed  µ   f ƒ     Á  ¸ ƒ 


aLdire%t pu&p %apping $Lpu&potoy %Lpu&pe%toy d!treating $y 1or %rown &engthening o1 teeth a1ter the %op&ete !05 epithe&iBation what we we&& wait 0 to 3 onths 1or regeneration pd& !! aturationL' new atta%hent L+ """"""""""!!.

"origina& %op&ete denture orientiation how to reserve !06 grinding o%%&usa& p&ane L hinde& arti%u&ar not sure 1ro the na $ut its arti%u&ar L' indi%es o%%&usa& ar2e L+ ateria& used 1or Aas2ing %d !09 p&asterL die stoneL' investent ateria& L+ """""!!. a1 aster api%a& 4&e!0'? 4&e $id in the api%a& third %ana& L

1or easure the &ingth o1 the %ana& !!!' 4&e used in %apitu&ation whi&e preparation o1 the %ana& !!!+ %riti%a& width 1or s%a&ing !0' ;9L ';9L' +;9L+ .;9L. """"dis advantage o1 1u&& perio stea& Aap!0'' inter papi&&ary integrity L """"""""!!!!' """""""""!!!+ no %aries on&y %ra%2ed esia& sur1a%e and severe +3 !0'+ pain in %o&dLdisappear a1ter reove the reason  7tt %rownL aa&ga odL' aa&ga $onded odL+ r%t and %rown L. pro*y $rush is used with !0'. %&as L %&as 'L' %&as +L+ %&as .L.

patient u de%ide to reove a&& his reaning teeth 1or %d !0'0 a1ter u do e*rea%tion what u ust do e*tensive a&veop&asty L priary %&osure i1 there is no dependant tissue !!!' i1 there is granua& tissue &eave it we&& hea& a&one !!!+ Torget """""!!!. dete%t osteo de1e%t !0'3 :nswer !!*ray

preventive progra due to !0'5 good Aossing!!! preventive treatent !!!' stratiges progra and purpose !!!+ %hanging $ehaviora& progra !!!. e&e%etri% %autery patient have .3 &ost and he want 1$d !0'6 teeth hea&thy no %aries $ut u 4nd in the ponti% region %uE u de%ide to use %autery a!%onne%t %hair o1 patient in ground 1or sa1ety $!2eep gu dry 1or ore eEe%tive %!2eep a sa&& distan%e $etween %auteru and gu and ove s&ow 0  per se%ond d!not to press ore in the e&e%tri%ity

529 Lefotr   in8ury :Ygreater p&atine artery OYin1ra or$ita& artery >Ya*i&&ary artery ### JYandi$u2ar vein

HI$ use irrigation when %utting $one due to

:Yprevent ris2 o1 in1e%tion OYreove $ad se&& o1 $one >Yheat generation during %utting $one aEe%t on $one vita&ity ### JYƒ     ¡c j‡ }^¡c “`¡ `j  Œœ   `Ž  `f q

HIJ K 7he &o%a& anesthesia depend on

:Xstrength $ond $etween drug and nerve ########### OX strength $ond $etween drug and its intensity ### >X $ond $etween drug and tie o1 reova& 1ro $ody

HI# K Paranasa& Auid o%%ure in the 1ra%ture o1 the 1a%e :; =i1ort Q O; =i1ort QQ >; =i1ort QQQ ### J; Mygoati% 1ra%ture ); :&& a$ove

HII K ;vesti$u&ar &aina # root 1oration, and on%e %op&ete, it degenerates, &eaving epithe&ia& rests o1 Da&asseB Kesidua& denta& &aina, 1ro $ud!&i2e invagination pro%ess o1 tooth 1oration, is sour%e o1 epithe&ia& rests o1 Y$a%teri%ide JY1au&is

H"HK Oa%teria in peri%oronitis"




039! >hi&d %ae to %&ini% with history o1 in8ury traua 1ro one year and r%t;;then %entra& in%isor dar2 %o&our;;the %ause is :X not %op&ete reove o1 pu&p ### OX $&eeding 1ro pu&p >X %ontaination gutta per%h

05?! >a%iu hydro*ide provide :X %an enhan%e 1or hard tissue in root ### OX sea& %ana&

05! :S'3 is a root %ana& sea&erZ :! %ontains Bin% o*ide; O! %ontains steroids; >! is an epo*y resin; ### J! a&& o1 the a$ove

05'! Tor the prevention o1 er%ury to*i%ity in the %&ini% put it inZ ; /ater; '; ;ne%rosis

063 ! Qn root o1 e*terna& resorption the pu&p isZ :;Keversi$&e pu&pitis O;Qrreversi$&e pu&pitis >;ne%rosis

065 ! /hi%h pathogenWsX in priary api%a& periodontitis" :! pneonas 1ast &ies O! any i%ro$ia& spa ### >! aero$i%

069 ! Sow any 1ro in%h the under%ut o1 a$utent o1 reova$&e denture supposed to $e

:;?6? O;?69 “`   § ½   šc`   Â`‰]¿  ‰`  ‚  `f q

09?! teeth whi%h responsi$&e 1or %rowding teeth :Yry &ower 4rst o&ar OYry &ower se%ond o&ar ### >Yperenant 4rst o&ar JYry a* se%on o&ar 09 ! :1ter do ortho 1or rotated tooth we shou&d doZ ! %ir%u1ren%ia& 1ren%toy '! %ir%u1ran%ia& 4$rotoy #### +!  |`   1rene%toy ‚ƒb    ƒ    .! `Ž  `f q    ] `|  09' ! ? years %hi&d presented with spa%e $etween a*i&&ary in%isors and have pro$&e in over8et ;treatent"""" ;4*ed app&ian%e ';reova$&e app&ian%e +;nora& no ttt ### Wug&y du%2&ing stage X 09+!what is the %ase the genera& dentist %an treat a;e*1o&iation o1 ry %anine ### $;1un%tiona& %ross $ite  Ž  ”b q  j]`  b  “`   f 09. ! Path4nder survey :!:t 0yr in priary teeth ,0N'0N'0N3?;in peranent teeth O!0!? in priary

>!0 yr in priary J!0!?in priary +?,.0,00,30 in peranent 0,',0,+0,..,30,. ###

090! /hat is %hara%ter s o1 priary teeth" m`£z    b   ‡j  k m`|`   šc` %ana&s o1 priary teeth 3?? ! 6years %hi&d had traua in upper %entra& in%isor whi%h revea& pu&p e*posure and the pt under go with %aoh pu&potoy the way to distingush su%ess o1 ttt is a ; :syptoati% tooth $ ; Kespond to e&e%tri% pu&p test % ; >ontinue dentin 1oration and api%a& %&osure ### 3? ! Pt have %ross $ite when ove his andi$&e &atera&&y"why ;uni&atera& %ostri%tion o1 a*i&&ary ';uni&atera& %onstri%tion o1 andi$&e +; :syetri%a& growth o1 andi$&e .;$i&atera& %onstri%tion o1 a*i&&a 3?' ! Sand outh te%hni-ue ;use  ! punishent '! !ve rein1or%eent### +!#ve rein1or%eent 3?+ ! /hat is the ost iportant teeth to prevent the severity o1 %rowdingZ a; Ipper ) $; Ipper J &ower ) ### %; =ower d 3?. ! age o1 ost trauati% in8ury to priary teeth; 'Z+ ### =ess ' 0ZZ3 5Z6 ### 3?0! raua to priary teeth ost&y %ause  H intrusion ###

'!root 1ra%ture +! tooth 1ra%ture .!$one 1ra%ture 3?3!Coa& range in gingiva& depth W epithe&ia& attat%hed X in hea&th outh :  to ' O ' to + > ? to + ###""" J ? to 0 : hea&thy su&%u&ar depth is + i&&ieters or &ess;Sowever, in %ertain situations, a gingive%toy is ne%essary to redu%e the gingiva& po%2et depths to a hea&thy H+ ;

3?5! )pidei% disease spread in one vi&&age, there are 9?? Person the in1e%ted person in '??5Å+??, in '??6Å0?, the growth o1 diseaseZ ; 3??Æ0?!9??Æ.0? ### '; 9??Æ+??!3??Æ0? +; 3??Æ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; how its %a&%u&ate """""" ‡„_ ½ f `ˆ   ¶ƒ ^„    ™œ ‡j  Œ `  Ç`·³  ¶ƒ   xb   ‹c  ƒj `    ‡„_ c`œ `ˆ   ¶ƒ     Œœ `ˆ   º^  x     Œœ ^Ž` ¢Á ‡j  Œ `  Ç`ˆ·³  ¶ƒ   xb   jƒ   b„  ` 

3?6 ! )ar&y e*tra%tion aEe%t Z :;spee%h and F%%&usion### O;spee%h >;appearan%e J;appearan%e and spee%h

3?9 ! =ost andi$&e 3 and the 5 is ti&ted $est treatent

: H ortho O H pro*ia& ha&1 %rone > H i%ros%ope %rown J H non reged %onne%tor

3?žžž j

`Ž º^c qj  ¾`Ž] ‚ƒ„  §¸`  ^x j  ! m ]`  ·   ‰`  }    `  f^   f 3 ! ' year patent &ost 3+ and 3. what the treatent Qntrea =eave 3' ! Posterior $it p&ate is used to Z >rowing posterior :nterior deep $ite and dista& ovent o1 ant ; teeth ###

3+ ! 7here±s pain in ..,+. whih it apartent o1 KPJ what±s the reason :;there±s no stress $&ea2er O;pro$&e in a8or %onne%tor >;pro$&e in supporting stru%ture J;;;;; 3.! Oest ateria& 1or ipression o1 Aa$$y tissueZ ! p&aster o1 paris ### '! agar agar +! si&i%ate .! Bin% o*ide 30 ! dentist at the end o1 the day want to pour a&ginate ip -ui2&y how %an he do that a;in%rease powderYwater ratio $;hot water ### %;s&urry water d;in%rease thi%2ness ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;

33 ! >o %r KPJ; F%%u&osa& rest here to ! retention '! sta$i&ity +! re%ipro%ation . ! strength o1 design 0! support ###


! `Ž`„   ‡ ` 

Qpression that %an pour two tie is :gar agar po&yveny&e additiona& si&i%on

36 ! :pi%ture o1 %ase =ower >&ass Q PJ with . anterior teeth with re%ession grade °°,what±s the ttt :;e*tra%tion o1 a&& teeth and a2e sing&e denture O;over denture a1ter teeth preparation## >;u stripper

39! Sow %an Q a2e appearan%e o1 a$utent sa&&er without %hange in diensions :;a2e esia& and dista& &ine ang&es near tea%h other O;a2e %ervi%a& hight o1 %ontour ore in%isa&&y ### ‰`   ‚  `f q  Œ™„  „œ  b  ¶ `j  Œœ

3'? ! >hi&d re-uires gra1t in his a&veo&us what is the $est gra1t a; :utogenous %an%e&&ous $; TreeBe dried %; :utogenous %orti%o%an%e&&ous 3' ! :1ter perio surgery we wait 0 ZZ3 onth in order to  %op&ete re epithe&ia& '! %op&ete aturation###

3'' ! « a$out reove o1 ae&op&astoa ‡   | º ^c  `   m ]`  ·   ƒ„   †c   ¡c  ^     È     x     ¡c 3'+ ! Sow %an in%rease Ae*pi&ty o1 the %&asp Qn%rease &ength ##"" Qn%rease diaeter Da2e it gingiva& approa%h

3'. ! Patent with stone in su$adi$&ar g&and and have a&&ergy to iodine what type o1 s%anning


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