Prometheus Rising exercises
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Prometheus Rising Exercises ●
Thinker and Prover Visualize a quarter vividly, and imagine vividly that that you are going to find the quarter quarter on the ○ street. Then, look for the quarter every time you take a walk, meanwhile continuing to visualize it. See how long it takes you to find find the quarter. Explain the above experiment experiment by the hypothesis of "selective "selective attention" -- that is, believe believe there ○ are lots of lost quarters everywhere everywhere and you were bound to find one by continually looking. Go looking for a second quarter. Explain the experiment by the alternative alternative "mystical" hypothesis that "mind controls everything." everything." ○ Believe that you made the quarter quarter manifest in this universe. Go looking for a second quarter. Compare the time it takes takes to find the second quarter using the the first hypothesis (attention) with with ○ the time it takes using the second hypothesis (mind-over-matter). With your own ingenuity, invent similar experiments and and each time compare compare the two theories -○ "selective attention" (coincidence) vs. "mind controls everything" (psychokinesis). Avoid coming to any strong strong conclusions prematurely. prematurely. At the end of a month, re-read this ○ chapter, think it over again, again, and still postpone coming to any dogmatic conclusion. Believe it possible that you do not know evetything yet, and that you might have something still to learn. Convince yourself (if you are not already) that you are ugly, unattractive and dull. Go to a ○ party in that frame of mind. Observe how people treat you. Convince yourself that you are handsome, irresistible and witty. Go to a party in that frame of ○ mind. Fake it until you make it. Observe how people treat you. Observe closely and and dispassionately two dear friends, and two relative strangers. Try to figure ○ out what their Thinks think, and how their Provers methodically set about proving it. Apply the previous exercise to yourself. If you think you have learned the the lessons of these ○ experiments in less than six months, you you haven't really been working at them. With real work, in six months you should be just beginning to realize how little you know about everything. Believe it possible that that you can float off the ground and fly by merely willing it. See what ○ happens. If it doesn't work (since your Thinker Thinker and Prover don't influence the the laws of nature/universe), try the next exercise: Believe that you can exceed all your previous ambitions and hopes in all area of your life. ○ Brain (Hardware) (Hardware) and its Programs Programs (Software) (Software) Pick any topic, and ask 50 questions about how/why it is. Example: ○ "Why am I sitting sitting here?" ■ "Why not the other room?" room?" ■ "Why am I wearing these clothes?" clothes?" ■ "Where did I get these clothes?" clothes?" ■ "Where did I buy them?" ■ "Why did I buy them them there?" there?" ■ etc... avoid metaphysics metaphysics (occult, karma, karma, reincarnation, reincarnation, destiny, etc). ■ Then quickly quickly answer answer question: Am I hardware, software, or both? ■ Oral Bio-Survival Circuit Determine to enjoy this primitive primitive circuit fully from now on. Play with yourself, others, and the ○ environment shamelessly, like like a newborn baby. "Unless ye become as a child, ye shall not enter the Kingdom of Heaven." Every week: week: Swim, massage, or sauna. Get high on Marijuana or Ginseng first. ○ Martial arts for 3 months, then re-read this chapter and revisit revisit your own 1st Circuit. ○ Try Trantric "breath of fire": fire": Lay on your back, and pant rapidly through your mouth mouth to count of ○ 20 (whole inhale-exhale cycle counts counts as one, not two.) Then, resume regular relaxed yoga yoga nose-breathing for 20. Rinse and repeat. (Opiate / Mothers Milk). Visit an aquarium aquarium and observe very closely. Try to see the bio-survival bio-survival circuit of the fish brain in ○ action. Recognize that part of your own own brain in your life and history. Play with a baby for for an hour, and then re-read this chapter. chapter. ○ Anal Emotional Territorial Circuit
Play with large group of children, referee mammalian territorial disputes. Exercise to keep muscles from feeling like you're trying to starve them. Try to "psych out" somebody else's emotional state, send body-language signals. ○ General tries to "psych out" what enemy general is planning. ■ Mother, on the other hand, tries to "psych in" to understand her baby. ■ Learn to do these if you haven't done them before: ○ Bully somebody ■ Submit docilely ■ Express anger appropriately and let go of it when it's no longer necessary ■ Whenever you meet a young male or female, as yourself consciously, "If it came to ○ hand-to-hand combat, could I beat him/her?" Then try to determine how much of your behavior is based on unconsciously ■ asking and answering that question via per-verbal "body language". Get roaring drunk and pound the table, telling everybody in a loud voice just what dumb ○ assholes they all are. Get a book on meditation, practice for two fifteen-minute sessions every day for a month, and ○ then go see somebody who always manages to upset you or make you defensive. See if they can still press your territorial retreat buttons. Spend a week-end at an Encounter Group. During the first half-day, try to intuit which quadrant ○ each participant is coming from. At the end, see if any of them have become less robotized. See if you have become less robotized. Go to the Lion House at the zoo. Study the lions until you feel you really understand their ○ tunnel-reality. Rent a video of comedy that children enjoy (3 Stooges, Abbott & Costello, etc). Observe ○ carefully, and think about what function this humor serves ; but don't neglect to laugh at it yourself. Spend all day Sunday looking at animal shows on TV (using Marijuana). Then go into the office ○ the next day and observe the primate pack hierarchy carefully, like a scientist. Two-Circuit Dialectic Using the four quadrants (1st + 2nd circuits), analyze the following people: ○ Scarlett O'Hara, King Kong, Odysseus, Hamlet, Bugs Bunny, Richard M. Nixon, ■ Thomas Jefferson, St. Paul, Donald Duck, Jane Eyre, Josef Stalin, Joan of Arc, Timothy Leary, Aleister Crowley, Robert Anton Wilson, Mao, Carl Jung, Hannibal Lecter, Myself Characters from: The Office, Community, Parks and Recreation, Fight Club, ■ etc. Time-Binding Semantic Circuit Learn to use both hands equally well, thus opening the opposite-side brain functions. ○ Play with Circuit 3: Write poems, jingles, fables, proverbs, jokes. ○ Subscribe to the official magazine of a political party. Each month try to enter their ○ reality-tunnel for a few hours while reading their articles. Or paranormal/skeptic, or rationalist/fate, etc. Buy a copy of Scientific American and read any article. Ask the following questions: ○ Why do they sound so sure? ■ Does the data support dogmatism at this point? Or, is dogma a primate habit ■ (defending head-space)? Will these theories still be believed in 2020? 2593? ■ Get into a discussion with an educated Marxist, an intelligent Moslem, and a ■ Japanese businessman at the first opportunity. Buy and drink a highly caffeinated drink (almost equivalent to illegal cocaine), ■ find a victim, and explain the universe to them until they can escape you. What you experience is what the head of a compulsive rationalist is always like. This is the verbal circuit gone wild, totally oblivious to information coming in on any other circuit. It explains why most people cannot stand rationalists. "Speed" drugs seem to trigger verbal centers of left-brain cortex. Time-Binding Dialectic: Acceleration & Deceleration ○ ○
Compare 4 BC Greece, 1 BC Rome, Renaissance Southern Europe, England 1600-1900, NYC
1900-1950, California 1960's onward, and China/Japan today. Note the accumulation of heresies, innovations, cults, kooks, pioneers, inventors, etc. Imagine you put a penny on the first square of a chessboard, two on the second, etc. How ○ many pennies on square 64? Read the denunciations of Galileo by the orthodox of his time. ○ Read the denunciations of Beethoven, Picasso, and Joyce by those who knew in advance what ○ music, painting, and novels should be. Are the most important scientific ideas of 2012 going to be published in Scientific American in ○ 2012 or 2022? Research how many years passed between the publication of Einstein's paper on Special ○ Relativity and the acceptance of the idea by majority of physicists. Moral Socio-Sexual Circuit ○
Recreate vividly in imagination your first orgasm. To what extent do you still use the same stimuli to turn you on?
Try to change your sexual imprint. See if you can reach orgasm by some method that has been taboo or unthinkable to you before. Imagine that you are Rev. Jerry Falwell. Explain to an imaginary homosexual why his sexual ○ imprint is "sinful" and should be changed at once. Include instructions on how to change it. Imagine that you are a Gay man or Lesbian. Explain to Rev. Falwell why you will not or can not ○ change your sexual imprint to please him. Read Margaret Mead's "Sex and Temperament in Three Primitive Societies." Write a five-page ○ proof that the taboos in our tribe make more sense objectively than the taboos of the tribes she studied. Be serious about it! Choose the viewpoints of the tribes in Dr. Mead's book above. Write a five-page proof that ○ their taboos make more sense than those of our society. Be serious about it. Think about the giraffe imprinting on the jeep, and gosling imprinting on the ping-pong ball. ○ What is your jeep or ping-pong ball? Mindwashing and Brain Programming Who told you that you had to die? Were they any more infallible than the people who ○ programmed you as a child (mother, mormons, usa, etc), or the people who programmed Patty Hearst? Imagine yourself in the reality tunnel of the far-right group known as the John Birch Society. ○ Believe for a while that the US Government is under 85% UN control, and that an open UN dictatorship will be declared soon. Tune into that frame of mind, watch TV, and find all the evidence and proof. Imagine yourself as a Rationalist. Analyze events of synchronicity as "mere coincedence". ○ Imagine yourself as an Occultist. Analyze events of synchronicity as an Omen. What does it ○ mean? Jungians say synchronicities contain "messages"from the deep structure of the collective mind. What is the message? Enter the immortalist head-space for a few minutes. Imagine you invest only $1000 in a bank ○ with normal interest compounded annually. What will you have in 100 years? 200 years? Why aren't you a nudist? Make up five good reasons, then go find a nudist an explain them to ○ him/her. Become a Nazi for thrity-three minutes. Believe that all politics is a matter of strength, stealth, ○ and treachery: that all liberalism is hypocrisy and folly. Plan a campaign to take over the world by force and fraud. Go to a fundamentalist revival meeting where faith healing is performed. (This is how Jim Jones ○ started out). See if you can get into the headspace of the believers, and decide whether or not they would drink cyanide if their holy man told them to. Brain-Wash friends and Robotize People Become a pious Roman Catholic - explain in three pages why the Church is still infallible and holy, ○ despite Popes Alexander VI, Pious XII, etc. Be Jerry Falwell. Say and believe: "Help us fight moral decay, send your checks in today. ○ Refute this whole book. Demonstrate that everybody else has been brainwashed but you, and ○ your mother and father had the one real objective view of the universe. Accept this book, and assume you have been brainwashed. Try to learn as much as you can ○ ○
from every human you meet about their separate reality tunnel. See how much of it you can use to make your reality-tunnel bigger and more inclusive. Learn to listen. James Joyce said he never met a boring human being. Try to explain this. Get into the ○ headspace that everyone is full of mystery and surprise. Learn to observe. Read Huxley's "The Genius and the Goddess". Note how Circuit #3 Scientist becomes Circuit #1 ○ Helpless when his wife leaves him. After experimenting with all these other reality tunnels, re-enter your own. Do you still feel ○ totally objective, or do you recognize how much is your own software, and how much is your own hardware? Read Christopher S. Hyatt's book "Undoing Yourself With Energized Meditation". What reality ○ tunnel is he selling? How sincere is he about his writing? Has he read Prometheus Rising? Has RAW read his book? Do they really like each others books, or are they cross-selling to make more money? Are the really just the same author? Holistic Neurosomatic Circuit Get the lesson book from the local Christian Science Reading Room and read the lessons for a ○ month. Attend a Sufi week-end seminar ○ Try Tantric exercises in RAW's book: Sex Drugs Journey Beyond Limits ○ Learn how to do pranayama properly from an expert - have a Hindu show you. ○ Ask yourself constantly (as per Da Free John): "Who is the One who is living me now? Who is it? ○ Where is it? How old is it? Conscious or unconscious?" Circuit 1 Consciousness? ■ Circuit 2 Ego? ■ Circuit 3 Mind? ■ Circuit 4 Sex-role? ■ Circuit 5 Gestalt field? ■ Collective Neurogenetic Circuit ○
List at least 15 similarities between New York City and an insect colony, like a bee-hive or termite hill. Read Edward Wilson's Sociobiology for help. Contemplate the information in the DNA loop, which created both of these enclaves of high coherence and organization, in primate and insect societies.
Read the Upanishads, and every time you see the word "Atman" or "World Soul", translate it as "DNA Blueprint". See if it makes any sense to you that way. Contemplating these issues usually triggers Jungian synchronicities. See how long after reading ○ this chapter you encounter an amazing coincidence - e.g. seeing "DNA" on a license plate, having a copy of the Upanishads given to you, seeing symbols of this circuit in popular art, etc. Explain such synchronicity, when it occurs, in Circuit 3 Rationalist terms - mere coincidence, etc. ○ Barbara Honnegger explains synchronicities as the right brain moving you in space-time to the ○ place where the synchronicity will occur, while the Rationalist left brain invents rationalizations to go there. Synchronicities are a language through which this circuit communicates with the left brain, in this theory. Explore this idea, and if it's true, what messages is the right brain trying to communicate? Meta-Programming Neuroelectric Circuit ○
Buy a copy of the Christian Science Sentinel, and read all the faith healings reported for the month. Note that each "miracle" is attributed to the correct teaching as transmitted by Jesus Christ to Mary Baker Eddy.
Buy a copy of the Peyote Cult by Weston LeBarre, which attributes the same effects to auto-suggestion. Read Brain/Mind Bulletin for any recent year, and observe similar healings which are attributed to endorphins. Jim Jones and other faith healers reportedly use shills (pretends to be ill, and then to be cured) some of the time, in order to get the audience into the right frame of mind. Re-read the miracles of Jesus in the New Testament, using each of these filters: Jesus had the correct teaching ■ Jesus was using auto-suggestion ■
Sufferers brains released endorphins Jesus was a con-man using shills Since you weren't there at the time, does your preference in these filters tell you more about ○ Jesus, or more about your own reality tunnel? Did you ever really give a good exercise to: "I can now exceed all of my previous hopes and ○ ambitions?" Try it. Also, try: "I can be healthier than I have ever been before." If all you can know is your own brain programs operating, the whole universe you experience is ○ inside your head. Try to hold onto that model for at least an hour. Note how often you relapse into the feeling that the universe is outside of you. Consider the belief system or reality-tunnel of an educated reader 1200 years ago - how much ○ of that tunnel still seems "real"? How much of our reality tunnel was unknown or invisible then? Same thing, but consider someone 1200 years into the future. How much of our reality tunnel is ○ "real"? How much of the future is invisible to us right now? Re-read Moses' encounter with I AM WHO I AM in Deut. Try the theory that Moses was talking ○ to his own meta-programming circuit. Different Models & Different Muddles ■ ■
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Using the 4-circuit model, try to guess which specific imprints created Mr. Saxon's reality-tunnel from this chapter. Same for Mr. White and Mr. Wilson. Same to Jesus, Hitler, Walt Whitman, your own Father, and Mother. Write a criticism of this chapter from the viewpoint of Christian Fundamentalism.
Snafu Principle Start collecting evidence that your phone is bugged. Everybody gets a letter occasionally that is slightly damaged. Assume that somebody is opening ○ your mail and clumsily resealing it. Look around for evidence that your neighbors or co-workers think you're a bit queer, and are ○ planning on having you committed to a mental hospital. Try living a whole week with the program, "Everybody likes me and tries to help me achieve all of ○ my goals." Try living a whole month with the program, "I have chosen to be aware of this particular ○ theory." Try living a day with the program, "I am God playing at being a human being. I created every ○ reality I notice." Assume that "God" is the answer to Da Free John's question, "Who is the one who is living you now?" Try living forever with the metaprogram, "Everything works out more perfectly than I plan it." ○ Quantum Evolution Make a list of ten areas in which your thinking-feeling is conservative. Guess how soon the ○ world will change so totally that those ideas will seem not merely conservative, but irrelevant (as the theological debates of 300 AD are no irrelevant). Make a list of ten areas in which your conceptualizing is radical. Guess how soon the world will ○ hange so totally that you will seem conservative in those areas. Accept the longevity hypothesis. Imagine you are going to live at least 300 years. How much ○ of that time do you want to spend loafing? How many different jobs do you want to work at? What sports, arts, sciences would like you to enjoy? ○
indwashinBraiProgramming i. Reduce subject to infantile helplessness. a. Other people are deciding what is to be done with his or her body. b. Pushed into the neonate position of being one foot high in a six foot tall world. c. Like a small child, one is learning that the first rule of survival is to obey. d. Stripped naked and made to march around and follow simple orders, "Stand up. Sit down. Come here." a. Being naked in public is most common nightmare. b. Stripping clothes = stripping previous social parameters.
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